Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 11, Image 11

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    tite omatta patlt r.nn: FATrnPAY. October s. iwn.
On Haskins Ridge
By Csirraej Rkhatri Greenlcr.
CCoprrlKht. 3T. by r urran TV Oneee,le,-.
The. Jocr lareee cf th westering arm
found their ear Vn the jatH ersra In
the face e.f th r:jT of pink Ilnwttnnf.
tauhln a like rl'sm "f pink that
arpear-e and o''peared. flnaily emerg
ing lnt the Hry-a flip of a girl on an
c'.d whire mule. trat imbinl along at
snail" in rr"ra to the cluck, cluck
f the rider. "Turner a Beaa" shaded ber
brows with her little ajnburned bands,
while her blue e-e ranged nim th valley
to )irfl the. gray roof of the roue try at ore
(in white beneath tlx oak. On her
arm hung a splint banket of eggs and the
family nrl sack u thrown acmes Uw
mule's withers.
Of the four mn that were grouped at
th dmr of the 'store' not one offered her
atfustanee aa she slipped cautiously to the
frr.oM. Anna- the bridle orer the hltrhtng
pot ar.d enured. The losfrs droned oo
In the tun. ther talked of the crops, of th
new tHephine ine that waa to link them
wlihly with the outside world, of the last
storm and It effort on th peach crop.
CMd Jim Williams nodded hla head toward
the, open door, through which ahrill sounds
ef bargaining in the high-keyed mire ef
the error er e wife were ieaulng. broken by
a softer yore, tweet with the. huah of th.
ntoitntainf; OlTrtn ter be a likely ral;
en ther do M aa how old maa Turner ajr
a makm a Right of money oaten that new
earap of engineer." and oid Jimmie winked
at hla andlence. The travdln" " had pro-g-reeaod
to a point of nertUetnent. for ""Tur
ner Bean" flashed out and bark with th
tneaJ Back, and presently cam dragging
It out. aw If ted by Mother Mr'.ga, who.
with tbe ascietanoe of old Jlmmle, Beetled It
acmes the patient mute, and Bee cMrtckod
.a handle of pink calico under on arm.
The men watched the girl aa ahe opran: on
the white mule's back, and clocking: to
"Nance" wu aoon lost tmott the poplar
and oak of the mountain aide.
tp and up. aa the afternoon maa gleamed
arrows the Devil Backbone, lower antfl
Ita atrajorlir g yang-jard touched tbo tip ef
Haakina Ridge, where tbe outcrop ef pink
limestone reared Ita cruet against taw aky.
and the masses ef laurel and purple rbe
4m)endrB rioted agalnat the rim ef the
world. T'p and up. to a Bhdtnred refine,
where the w&lte tnrfe enort?d aad atood
atTX tter forefeet planted otiSy and ear
pointed forward, aa a atalwart figure rone
up to the path before them.
Turocr'a Beaa" ahled. too. The rink
eunbonnet dropped off ib red curia and
Jay back Ilka a halo, and the roll ef ealiee
tumbled to the ground; then aba found her
tor rue.
-What yer doin." Jack Eaakma. a frtght
nln of ray mule? Ha!n"t you got authln
better er do than a layin" In wait fer a
The yourg fellcw made no anawrer for a
irnroent only came a atrp or two Bearer,
and. ahlftir-g lila Winchester to tbe other
hand, laid IJa right on the bridle of the
row cuiet rnnle--and the brown eyea met
tbe blue, that faltered an& fell.
T Turner. Oawd kno'a I laln't a
meauln trouble. Tour pap'd ahoot me like
er : xn- f be caught me thia aide of ther
rlige. but ifa mor'n half your fault, for.
Rera. from thrr very ay yer came ter
thr ochoolhouae orr yander, with yer
purty curia a tarUn. yer blue eyea. en
a knowln' to dlffuna atween me en tber
ther bora, en g1 me them eweetenine
of yourn. till right now. I hain't never
Klre up a wiehin" that you wa'nt Silas
Tumera gal or me Jack Haakina" boy.
Thet hain t no mite of reaaon why we
two can t be frtenda" She ehook her
head gently, and he wen on. coming etfll
cloeer. Bee, there'a aumthln mighty
wrong about thia heab busineaa of your
pap en mine grtn- roun filed ter kin on
' another on eight when there hain't a
Gawd'a thing atween 'em but a little
meaaly chote what didn't know the dlffuna
er one cawn flel en anuther. en died forty
year en more pant For Gawd. gal. ther
hain't no aenae to it. en Beaa." his roice
dropped to a lower note, there a never
been a day eence that one, when we waa
Ire tie chape, en you turned away from
me en the apples I brung yer. en tola me
'pap ys he'll whale tbe life outen ma
rf I o murh'a look at ye. that I hain't
been a wantin' to be friends." He had
reeted his arm on tbe mule a nhoulder and
lils face was rery near the girl a. so near
that the flaeh of color went up the sun
burned cheek to where the brow lay mar
Me white beneath Ita thatrh of red curls
as "Turner's Bess" shrank away. )uat a
i:ul. then, speech failing, the honest
brown eye fiaahed their story across the
chasm of blood feud from Jack Haskins,
eon of the Old Jack ot tbe Devil's Back
bone, to Besa Turner, tbe daughter of his
bitterest enemy.
The br.f ahadows ram marching up from
the alley, changing the sunset glory" to
grsy. the phip-por-wUl flooded the silences
with Its pleading cry aa the whit mule
turned dom n the slanting road that led to
the Turner cabin.
The sprieg was deepening into summer
n Haskins Ridge, uneventful days that
swung by on a golden cable, but "Turner's
,Kess" developed a new restlessness In the
blue eyea that watched the crest of the
ridge half fear, half brooding joy. But
only the mother noted and half divined the
change that had come to the glrk
The ruddy l.ght from tbe huge fireplace
framed Mary Turn-r e gaunt figure agalnat
the dusk as she stood In the doorway of the
log cabin and called to the girl, who came
slowly down the winding path. The alienee
ef tbe mountains is bred Into ihe bone of
thetr people, and there was nothing said aa
the girl took her place at tbe supper table.
Once or twice the mother opened ber lips as
nek Beaeacbe sM rehe a'l tbe traeMes led.
( to a li tuu 01 tea resum. aer sa timv
iwa Kun, UnsmMM. bistros eriw nag. Vaiie iae SMsaraBacae
aaj success hoa eras akowa la canag
Bcaaaeae.yn i arm LifJLKj fiiie see
Vftiaaive is Ceuwrsause, eenag eed aim iiag
aa aaaeT'g cm.tijai vfcjt lacy ae aarvw
a 1 eaapixre of sioawrk. sinau'iaie tse iner
end scgiuii ins eewe. Sta a loey ea.'y caiwt
Ache tkey we&ie fee a. 'wet pi to these wee
StaBT rr 11 u eiir ing capw . mm. r
mi in mi auoaiis mew eoi aaS awe. and t
ko3M l j laeau will 1 tkea ua p.iu
fee u ee uiiuii that Ikev wiilaot W
-t t-i i i akUafusraJaira aod
la the baa f & li taa here when we
suae sor gnet Suaat. uet pule can u wavat
eu-ara Sa-
ttmt i Lotle Ltear FUls see eery will s4
ny aa; u ui. M er let siia saaaaa Sim
Iwrj are llnuif ereuSe Sb ee ao 1 laa er
pun, eul T taw ikk em yiaa au en
baa latam. la viajaal Sacaaua; tae SarBJ
ty r4gm eearye Sera, er eaaa ey aa I
Mpwy YaraCltjs
i j IVER aaj! I
if to fpeak. then c!ed tf-em mutely. Imt
old 9Ue Turner ve It ot !:' fr-:n
under his bv.hy b r. mti'!r toe droop cf
the blue ee snd the t-'.!tle I"'jf!i tht
dyed rheek snd ornw thri.a .:-r tan He
turned to his wife; " TTit !'.- V-en
firn'. mother. Phe I.ks "m
Town ter ther settlement a lf:n" a J'M'e
tradln ." the 1 1 m'' rr lr e rjv Vd, but
hT keen, dark eyes dwelt ernously on the
faoe of the girl, who avoided her glance.
Filas Turner stepped to the rark above th
door and lifted down his Winchester Tap-
ping the lock signintantly he aaJd: 'Bes, I
-k . . L . . rj-ia-- SVW- .saw " -a, . -ataaw f? f? w It afO
. V
there's talk en the mountain aa how you
haa been a s parkin' along with Haskins'
Jack ever yander on ther ridge. That ther
ridge hain't so mighty wide, en ther smoke
from Haskins' cabin comes over when ther
wind la a blow In' this er way. but hit'a
about a hundred miles for my gal ter travel
en right heah. en now, I'm savin' to you. ef
you strike that trail heahs sumpin' that
can travel faster than any gal aaeckin' a
man. en Ita hunted Haakina' blood fore you
eras thought about Tou got your warnin'.
en you knows ther meanln' of them gravea
en who made 'em. en what we Turners owes
ter the Haskins, en. by the eternal Gawd,
I'll see yer don't forglt."
The girl began to cry. softly at first, then
broke into wild sobbing. Old Silas hesi
tated, then put tbe rifle back on Its rack,
slowly crossed the room and laid his hands
on the red curls. "There, little gal. pap didn't
mean to skeer tou. Gawd knows this
thing hain't none of my making. There
hain't no man's blood on my hands yet.
but there's no telling bow soon 'taiil be."
be added gloomily. "Ole man Haskins' daddy
shot mine, en my Uncle At? killed Jim
J Hsskina. en then
j eight fer a spell.
both famille shot cn
Ther e a graveyard on
' Haskins aide of ther ridge en
j ther's one on mine, en ther good Gawd
'only knows who'll be ther next." He fell
to brooding, with eyes f zed on the flames,
I and Bees nestled down, tbe red curls
! against hla knee.
Over the ridge the full moon swung up
! the aky above a world of silent anund.
of wild fragrance that poured from secret
nook in the cliffs and the ripple of springs
that sprang from their base to trickle away
to the river far down in the valley. Tre
Peter bird sent a aleepy call
til aaken
th owl. who bugled the night alarm to
the frogs in the still pond cn the crest cf
tbe ridge. Bilenf, yet awake In the might
leet of all sens, the mountains brooded
above their children. Little white clouds
drifted' over the face of the moon, shad
ows that ouivered through glades of laurel
and rhododendron, peopled with the white
trunks cf desd poplars and a silver with
a rustle of falling leaves that the early
frost bad doomed.
Turner s Bee crept along In the shadow
of the fence, with swift bare feet that
made no sound, to the turn of the road
where the old white mule stood so long
la the sunset glow. There was no more
doubt of tbe force that was drawing her
on. old Silas had ae'tled that, fine had
alwaya known of the blood feud that stood
liks a wall on the crest of the riice, bit
she could see yet the grim face bent ever
the rifle aee. too. as she had once, when
a little child, shuddered away from the
bleeding body of yeung Hank Riddle. Ja k
Haskins. her man. his fare white in the
sunlight and the pleading eyea rlooed
forever. Some Instinct, like that of a hurt
animal, had driven her through the r ight
to this one spot to brood over the future
that loomed dark with trouble.
A new sound In the whiepeneg of the
woods Br crouched Into the aiLa.jr w an1
listened-vokes aad the stealthy feed of
two men. Her ear to!l her they mere not
mountaineers then what else bjt "Per.
none." Ther came cloeer. and tre girl
dropped to tbe ground and nJ'ed behtnj
a log, eiytng herself flat along the under
alda Ths busbe parted and they sat doa-n
oa the selfsame log; mtth their barks
turned, but not four feet from her. Thea
they beg a a to talk. "It can't be far Inn
here. There s Turner's cabin, see the roof,
aad here as tbe trail that leads to the ef
tiement Pb aa'.d It waa ust a few hun
dred yard below th ridge ea the Haskins
"Ae you acre ef your guide V asked one.
'Damned sure." laughed the ether.
'There's not hi' la this world as depend
able tor dirty work aa a iealoua moenaa
It aeema that thia IktoUte Millie, whatever
tec si sis as Ess heaa acyta round and
eern jour Jf-k a rr.atrlng love to Tu-r s ta n. Trr" w rcjrh talk cf the r
r'''. eo wien he tried le cut In he wouldn t er.ue bit and the etcy of Molly Jame
It -n t trm. Po there s the secret ' "n s tremhery to her people had been
of l r l!'!i'rr to aid the cauee of the hlepcred erd was Imid'y dicueed. when
tovrnireit. Fhe rid she would be here Vv. unaUe to front thtr scorn, fled to
ah" t m'ur.iaht. and It's only abn:t 1" tie city, llsjllrn' Jek toiled on with h!
o'rVvk wt." d'rallnry farmlrg Thev fad rot dared
" T ;., , lave'' i to rr'ime the sf'l. but nevertheless. In
-i ih. he"U be alone directly. Too ndni ' a b-lte-ed nK.k below the old cabin, a
t: Irk tl:t I am airg to tackle trat btin'-h new ore war roir.g jp bteen the lr.ter
or mfideain without dome barking up " ' va's ff -crop gathering snd the fall hunt
Then hth men lit tbelr ripe and Be!" held ! ir-g.
her breath. Fhe iu;d not stir, and the j ricla-e reared ; line arslr.ft the sky
n-i-tn a ratine hlaher. anl pTrt:y the as unroTnprcmlit:g1y s er. hut the whis
h1r.w wou'.d rhlft erouh to epoee her j perlng pines fovild hse to'd cf a stalwart I'lace. The men chatted away while j f-rure that Wd'r troneed It In the sjnset
the keen ears gathered their plane. Res? ' glow, end ai othr. w ho red curis came
knew. a every mountsln girl, what would j f ah!ng up to meet It. Ah! the woods sre
haypen in that cave below the rlcge. where J full cf whispering voire-It may be that
fieuttless Jack wis hard at work that very
moxent. If they were surprised it meant I
long months In the untold horror ef a I
prison. Jack In prison, or worse, dead in
tbe struggle that was Inevitable.
"Jim. I'm gettin' aleepy." No answer.
"Jim, I say. Here, man, you mustn't g
to sleep like this." i id be shook his partner
with no gentle hand. Tbe two arose and
stretched themselves. "Guess we'd better
take a turn"
"Tea and run up en some of them
'shiners' acting picket- Tou're bright!"
But they moved away a little. Just then a
rabbit scudded across the road and tbe two
pursued the fleeting shadow, not more than
ten yards, but it gave Bess her chance, and
with a swift movement she rolled into the
tangle of laurel a and maa up and away as
the two men. attracted by the rustle, came
beck to the log. "The woods are aDve with
rabbits. There'll be fine hunting later
along "
Past jungles of the blackberry, between
the network of grapevines, up slanting cliffs
snd ever the crest of the ridge Into an un
known world went "Turner's Besa." ber
red curia afloat in the moonlight She had
heard of Haakina cave all the other moun
tain children had been there, but ahe had
never dared to cross this line. Still, where
knowledge failed Instinct guided, and ahe
went unhesitatingly down the aigxag path
carved In the cliff that led to Haakina'
house, whose gray roof she could see
fcgleam In the shifting light: then turned
sharply to the right, and lifting a swinging
curtain of vines sped up the face of the
cliff along a path that only the blind could
have trodden fearlessly. Far beneath tbe
blue river ran. and she beard the birds
uttering their night calls In the tree tope
below as she stooped beneath Ue arch of
' tn cave mouth. All maa dark along the
w inding labyrinth and the girl felt her way
her hands touching the stone walls on
either side; then a sudden turn and the red
light flamed from an open fire, around
which were gathered two men and a
woman. Hack in the ahadows stood a mass
of pipes, and tbe faintlah odor of new
whirky filled the cave. Ths woman screamed
hrilly and young Jack sprang for his rifle,
but stood paralsed as be saw who It mas
that stood before him. her red curls tossed
bark, her brave blue eyea aeeing none but
him as ahe gasped out: "Molly Jameson a
Vrirging tbe Rerr.oaa. They're coming' at
midnight.. en Ita meat that now; but I Jrt
cotiliiB't get htre no sooner."
"Scatter the firebrands:" Old Jark Has
kins commenced to trample them as he
spoke, but hiasm-lfe crept forward and
peered trto the girl's faca "Who be you?
he said snd then her voice roe to a
shriek. "Tamer's Be: My Gawd gall en
my boy!" Tfe mo her looked from one to
another, the present danger forgotten In
the h-irror of the truth she Instinctively
grsaped The eld man stood stock at tit
Bras broke the alienee. "Ther's no time
ter loae. I tell yer they're comln'," and
With a movement thet carried conviction
!e half lifted, half d-arred the o'd
ronua out of the cave. Twenty minutes
laler a!' traces of the still were out of
r tt and they were making their way to
the Hasl'lT cabin.
The old people had creased the threshold
when Bess stopped and laid her hand on
young Jack a arm. "Here s where I got
to turn bark. Pap would kill me ef be
kno'd whar I be tonight."
I'ntil then yo,ng Jack had not questioned
her. but be suddenly realised that the girl
had ventured Into forbidden territory, had
risked l:fe itself to save him. He thought
of the prieun walia with never a waft of
laurel, the l.ght of the star on the Irvine
hlili. or a sight of Beaa He thought of hla
eld father aud mother, who must have suf
fered tee; and then as the scnon went be
hind a cloud In ueu of the unready
worua be gathered tbe Utb flgur against
bt rret. smothering his kisses bit the
red curls, sought and found with hi ewa
the eulvering hi ef Tumer e Besa
Thar wa a leatleas Usae ea tb auava -
. KW
H-m WX "
the red equtrrel chsttered too loudly to the
bluejay; but one evening, as "Turner s
Beaa" cam up the trail, and the Winches
ter lay on the ground while the red curia
were pillowed on the homespun Jacket, two
other figures stepped from the covert of
laurela. Old man Turner and old man
Haskins stood face to face, rifle In hand,
and between them young Jack, with his
arm thrown around the waist of "Turner's
No sound, save the lark that greeted the
sunset and the whirr of tbe falling leaves,
then old man Haskins spoke to old man
"Silas Turner, your pap en mine wus
debtors all their lives for tbe blood shed by
their daddies oer a measly thirty poun'
shote; ea you en me has been a totin our
guns fer each other ever since we wui knee
high ter katydids, en neither dasn't climb
thrr ridge 'thout rlekin' a bullet at ther top.
Ther's graves down yander by th old
cabin, graves of your people's makin. en
over thar. where the cedars is the tallest, is
folks cf yourn what my kin planted; en
now there's no your.g Haaklns but him. en
there hain't no young Turners but her en
look at 'em." He paused a long moment
"Silas Turner, there s an end ter all things,
en when your gal saved my ole woman
from that ther prison down at Louisville I
uncocked my gun." aud be threw down tbe
old flintlock and stood, bead bared and
shoulders bark, a fair target.
Crash! Silas Turner's rifle lay beside 1L
and the old men turned to the two who
waited there In the gathering shadows, and
the horny hands met for the first time In
two long live ss old Silas laid the other
hand on the red curia: "Besa my gal, you
w-u ther first ter cross tbe ridge, en 1
reckon you'll hsve ter stay there"
the Greatly Overtased
The fool-killer ha been so thoroughly
oerworaed during th summer Just end
ing that he haa been unable, apparently,
to pay any attention to hla legitimate vic
tim mho swarm in charivari partie
throughout the country, and the courts
have been compelled to step in and come
to the aid of the agent who has been
overtaxed in his efforts to relieve the
world ot current forms of idiory. Sev
eral prominent society men cf Denver
hae been mied for damages for mutilat
ing a hantisomely decorated Pullman car
by nailing old f-hoes to it aa a genially
Idiotic method cf s;eeding a wedding
party on their honeymoon Journey. In
Duluth several exuberant youths have
been arrestei for Indulging In the rice
throwiig idiocy and causing a runaway
which resulted in considerable damage to
property and very nearly caused the death
of the bride sr.d groom, who mere the
subject of the sill'- uut good-natured as
sault. 0er in P ria one of the partici
pants in a charivari party they call It a
feu de Joie ;ooV a pot shot into the
neighborhood and rame near wir.ging an
American vice consul, and the sultan is
new trying, as a result of tbe epiaode. to
square himself witi tr.e oncer of an
American hattieship.
The most Interesting development In
connection with one of three demonstra
tions by rough-and-ready humorists come
from Vtira, N. V, mhere a bride. re
sented the Insult of a charivari party, has
been held te th grand Jury oa a charge of
aaaault Tbe accused woman and her
husband fiad returned from their honey
moon te be welcomed, after they had re
tired, by a gang which proceeded to make
night hideous b th tor ef the horn, the
groan of the horse fldl. th beating ef
tie pans, and by alleged funny sorge Just
when thia brand ef alleged mirth was at
Its heiarht th trlde opened a wlrdew ar
1 del',grd th crowd with a eneroua appll-
cation et brllirg water. One bride hadf
been ?ourd with courage sufnclent te re
sent the tlme-honor-d style of funroakirg
The charivari party mas broken cp and
rext dsy the bride wee arrested on a
rharae cf swwult. The charge was rre
ferred by a yourg man In tbe party who
was so badiy scalded that be wi:l be
marked lor life. It is unfortunate for
him. or rout-; but Intelligent persons
everywhere will hardly be, restrained from
re)"loing that an Indecent and outrageous
viol it Ion of personal privacy and a shame
ee a-ault upon the sanctity cf the horns
ha once been Signally rebuked. It is
highly Improbable that the woman In ques
tion wfl be convicted cf the charge mads
against her. While the results were cer
tainly unfortunate, tbe spirit that prompted
her to resent the Insult Is commendable
and worthy ef encouragement and emula
tion by other bride and grooma Washing
ton Post.
They are Kara Caesed by m reetlfer
ae Cera.
Ring worm and dandruff are somewhat
slrrllar In their origin: each 1 caued by a
parasite. The germ that causes dandruff
digs to tbe root of the hair and eapa Its
vltsHry. causing falling hair and. finally,
baldness Without dandruff there would
never be baldness, and to cure dandruff It
is receesary to kill the grm. There has
been no hair preparation that would do this
until the dleooTery ot New-bro's Herplcld.
which poeltirely kills the dandruff germ,
allays Itching Instantly and make hair
glowey and soft as Bilk. Take no aubrtl
tutea. There la nothing "Just as good."
Bold by leading druggleta. Send IT In
stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co.,
Detroit. Mich. Sherman at McConnell Xrug
Co.. special agenta.
easatleaa ef the Maw Fell SIS
Feet freaa Bridge t
Falling US feet, a distance higher than
the roof cf th Park Row bunding or the
flame of tbe torch on the Statue of Liberty,
and living to tell tbe tale, la the wonderful
experience that has befallen Edward Sls-r.
. Although be haa broken a leg. an ankle,
both wrists, two rib and had hla lungs
ruptured, ther la not even an outward
bruise on hla body.
Fifty fellow-workmen, shocked and hor
rified, who aaw him topple from tbe Wil
liamsburg bridge the other day declare
that he must have a charmed life." He
la 30 years old. of medium stature, weighs
10 pounds and la well built, but there la
nothing about him to Indicate that be la a
man of more than ordinary powers of en
durance. Slser haa been an Ironworker all hla life
and haa received all hla falls within tbe
last two years.
1 leaned over the edge of the span." he
aald. "to get at my coat. I had been
riveting very fast and I became auddenly
diaay. Feeling myself reel and going, I
reached for the keg In which my coat lay
to save myself. It was like a dying man's
grab. The keg was loose and It toppled
with me. Instantly tbe thought of drop
ping st-aight into the water struck me,
and I reached for tbe girder to atraightea
myself. The enda of my fingera touched
It. and It waa enough to allow me to make
my body rigid.
"Jfo thought of death entered my mind.
My thoughts were at first on saving my
self. It waa the Instinct of oelf-preserra-tlon.
I saw nothing everything waa black
before my eyea My breath left me and I
became numb. Then two thoughts flashed
through my mind 'What will my pals cn
the bridge think of my carelessness?" and
"I wonder if the water is cold."
-Like a flash I struck the water with
J terrific force, landing
on my feet. In
stantly I threw my arms out, and when
I stopped going downward I struck out for
the surface. I waa weak and had no
breath In my body and it was a hard fight
When I felt my head in the air I almost
collapsed, but I took several fast breaths
snd then reached out to swim to the shore.
I had only gone a short distance when a
rope from the ferryboat waa thrown to me.
I grabbed It and was soon hauled aboard.
My strength then gave out I remember
being placed on a truck and driven to the
"In my falls X hare learned one thing
If the water is beneath one the first thing
to do is to straighten the body.
"How do I feel now?
"Oh. I'm all right, but I shall not go bark
on ths bridge before neit week.' New
York World.
Your Nerves
Fnmitb tie re o tire power ef the entire
body. Dr. Miles' Nervine will keep the
nerves strong' n-3 healthy or restore
their strength If weakened. Sold on guar
antee. Write for free book on aer-vojs
Tm MILES MEDICAL CO . Elkhart. Ind.
M Tears Eip irliara
! Years IsOwiil
Near M we Cass . car 4
eeiaea. etnetara.
laa ef taat aaS Vtla
cau er rue. he Ma. Oaaa
ra w ier aaaaiaa.
Smx a f aaia
ftrntaueea a. afccialMMS
rataieaa. aa sat sama
ra gaol mt
a-ao ,eairierva-a (
P-TifJV ar. . ia. ti
rHUkUHhB OtaLAaaf
SIS aa 4rW a...
aiia t-mm nn lakaaaa
hajaaa aa 1 1 '
I ai
iiiH. fee
For Menstrual Suppression...
t. a ei : koaaa Sals ta ( aiu f Snerataa A
alcl. a iiatl btm i. aVaU Siaiis Sj. ' ff qft
Taimala, Brerarato.
laa. Nioia bafekur.
fcr aa4 all toraa ml chr
Tualaiail tr aaUL
saw at a. lata a.. O
g a eeeaUrt. aald P
ItcaiugaadMiag' y
fa J lag. laea fia sata. swwaaas aad L
T a baaa&ag. 1 ttaafi loraa, selaiaai ?
aj nosrad. sad II aaa.ara.ll nfearaaa, I r i ai- -
y lag vary serums sad palatal. I oai n f
a Qaaaaij asd salaisaay ase a.
S i:iJECTi::i IJALYC33. S
L lastea ssMsf. Omasa re several day i
V beat with ayrtnge. lor al.OO V
Sfceraftu 4 .HtCoeadL Omaiu. Neb.
C atalrSar Ml Ca . I aaraaai o. 7
J anel7
llTK tlaatCet cat
t -
at kg BW aaawaaa
I er aaa la ataia araaaar,
J r ? m. eraaai. let
kl S as ar 1 huea S3 TV
a Cwaaa aaai ea aaaaash
r v
TD WW I aiaai iaa ll'ii aal laM
I y SJ p e cjaa,a m mm 4. at
-V i' laaai, IIW1.I...II miml
yj ' A t UKlWfl ft 4fc
.sLL W. cnllfxre
are looking for the different and
better sort of clothes. Exclusive
patterns in new Scotches, Tweeds
and English Worsteds.
Ask for Kirschbaum guaranteed
clothes. At the best stores every
where. $10 to $25.
Identify by linen label inside breast pocket o coat
For Sale in Omaha by
Berg, Swanson and Co
pvZaS'a It is not so much of a calamity that a
II man contracts disease or wcaknet s
ll-iT es, but that he neglects them or fail s
to secure the proper treatment for their cure.
Why wait until your whole system be
comes polluted with disease, or until your
nervous system is tottering under the
strain, and you are a physical and mental
wreck, unfit for work, bustnesa. study or
marriage? fncertaln or Improper treat
ment caa only do harm. There Is only one
perfect, safe and lasting cure for you.
which you will find st the Stste Electro
Medicaf Institute. Start right, and start at
once. Delays sre always dangerous.
OIGHI.T. E1ERT M AK i.frrlag wltk any prt
rale diseases.
Varicocele, Stricture, Kidney or
Blatlder Diseases, Poisonous
Discharges, Blood Poisoning, (Sypiiilis), Weakening
Drains, impotency, Nervo-Sezaal Debility.
with ar.T of ita numerous distressing symptoms, owes it to himself, hie family and
especially to the future generation to get cured promptly, safely and thoroughly.
C9ISU LTtTIOil FREE. '.ynAS- S SiJ"-"
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnam St,. Bet. 13th and 14th Sts-, Omaha, Neb.
f 1 J
2g5 231323 WAJiT ADS
V Jr.
Vw Taw
" . ' e-
EADY! Kirschbaum
.a..l f- 1 :
men and all who
If you have a
dirty, shabby office
people think it is
your fault; it docs not
occur to them that the
janitor is careless, neglect
ful or has more to do than
can be done welL
In reality, it is your own
fault; because you can
move to the Bee Building,
where the janitor will keep
your office as clean and
neat as a Dutch kitchen.
nandsoan aatta tssa
sorting oraota rooas K. sis
feet, prtoe OS sr mouth, aad
at, sea bn ft., price fca par a
Including light, heat, water
anaaa, light, wall aoeataal aOraa,
Bents! Afrit. CrocBd Fioor. Bee Kit-