Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Volume of Trading- h Wheat Larger, with
Better Priest Than Beoent Days.
Oatalde of the Wheat Pit Grain Prices
Were Hot Sustained, bat Pro-
Istoaa Were lllsber oa
Chicago nnard.
CHICAGO, Oct. 1. With Increased trade
rally occurred In wheat prices today and
Incumber closed C higher. Ijecember
corn wag off ic. onin were down Sc. while
January provisions were from 2c higher
to Hjo lower.
The volume of trading- In wheat wns
larger than for aome time past, with the
le ember option leading In the demand.
Opening prices were weak, in sympathy
with the lower prlcea In corn, I)ecemt)er
being V'4c to s i Sc. at "c to 77',ic, and
during the first hour of the session there
waa little change In vnluea. l.ocul tradera
ald freely early In the day and there waa
Some selling by commission housea, but
the lnouiry and strength In cash wheat
Boon became evident, and this helped the
future deliveries. Klevator Interests were
good buyers of December Inter In the day,
and with only light offerings the market
became stronger. Aa the aewslon advanced
firlcee continued to ascend, December sell
rig up to 78'4c, the close being at "N'WTbV.c.
a gain of Tc. Clearances of wheat and
flour ' were equal to 4M.SH0 bushels. Pri
mary receipt were 1,018.100 bushels, against
l,t"6.1iV( bushels a year ago. Minneapolis
and Duluth reported receipts of 640 cars,
hlch with local receipts of 47 cors 1 of
contract grade mnde total receipts for the
three points of 9'.9 cars, agaiiiRt 715 oara
last week and 923 cars a year ago.
The early corn market showed aigna of
severe demoralization and for a time there
appeared to be no bottom to prices. Hear
ts!) crop reports were responsible for the
opening weakness. Iater a firmer tone de
veloped on buying by prominent commis
sion houses, which brought out considera
ble covering by shorts, and much of the
early loss was regained. A steadier tone
prevailed toward the close, and after Bell
ing between 44N,c and 45'ic December
cloaed at 45'445'c, a loss of only Ho Tor
the day. Iocal receipts were 375 cars, with
68 of contract grade.
Oats, like com, opened wenk under gen
eral commission house selling, but there
Has enough covering by shorts on the
break to bring about a moderate recovery
toward the noon hour. Receipts continued
light, hut country offerings were more lib
eral. The close was steady, with December
off yr at 30c, after ranging between X0
and 3fc. Local recclpta were 127 cars.
Provisions held up comparatively well In
lew of the weakness In corn and a decline
of 10c In the price of hogs. There was no
special pressure to eell and there waa f:ilr
buying of October lard and a good de
mand for ribs from brokers. The close
was steadv, with January pork up 2Hc at
I12.47V4; January lard down 7Vic. at $6.85;
ribs off ZtynGc. at ii.bW .
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
45 oars; corn, 430 cars; oats, 146 cars; hogs,
14,0oo head.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcles.l Open, t HIgh. Dow. Cloae. YWy.
Wheat I
a Dec. 7FV7H 784 7l78ttfi U, 77
Mty 77TiT8 . 78 779.1 7S 77WS
Oct. 44H44W4 434l44,ffM4 44H
Dec. 4514 -V45HSPU
May 44'Vtf'U 45 V447&4 4iVi
Oats -
Oct. X 35 3514 35 3.-i
Dec, ' S6 3;' S6 S6'4
' May ZWail 37 36. 37&Vi 37
Oct. 11 25 11 40 11 20 11 20 11 60
Jan. 12 50 12 55 12 47H 12 4714 12 45
May 12 50 12 5714 12 50 12 5214 12 5714
L OctT 7 68 7 70 7 50 7 70 11 00
Dec. , 6 rvfc 87V4 " 9 90 7 6714
May ( 8714 6 90 6 85 6 85 6 9214
Oct. 15 50 9 25 9 60 9 25
Jan. 660 60 t ii 6 60 6 fci'4
No. J. a New.
Caah ouotatlona were aa follows:
FLOCK Steadv; winter patents, $3.90
4.10; atraighta. t3.60ii3.00; spring patents,
$4.20(34.30; straights, $3.8034.00; bakers',
'"'WHEAT No. , 7380c; No. ! red, 769
nCORN-No. I, 5V4.C; No.-J yeHowT-47ff470.
OATS No. a, 8ccj No. t white,. 3g 38c.
RYE No. S. 6c. - '
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 48(9
87e. . . .
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 9414eT No. 1 north
Western, $1. Clover, contract Rrade, $10.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.26
tfi'll.M. Lard per 100 lbs.. s.0(vf8.12V4.. Short
ribs aides (loose), $8 87149.25; dry salted
shoulders (boxed). W.2Wf.75; short clear
Idea (boxed), $8.76(9.00.
The following were the receipts and ship
menta of flour and grab':
Ricelpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 29.600 29,1'W
Wheat, bu 4H.6"0 2M.300
Corn, bu ; 322,100 373,500
Oats, bu . 1HS.800 S6,7iO
Rve, bu..... 10,500 $.300
Bary, bu 1X2,400 9,100
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was easy; creameries, leg-lc;
dairies, Halite. KgF. steady at mark, cases
Included, 18019c. Cheese firm, ll1114o.
. I
(lactations of the Day oa Varlooa
NEW YORK. Oct. 1 FLOUR Receipts,
14.241 bbls.; exports. 2.031 bbls.; sales, 10,000
pkgs. The market was steady, with a mod
erate demand; winter extras, $2.9O(3.20;
Minnesota bakers, $3.85ft4.10; winter low
grades, $2. 703.60. Rye Hour, firm; fair to
good. $3,164(3.40; choice to fancy. $3.45(U3.60.
CORN MEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.10;
city, Sl.l; kiln dried, ft.2f.fn3.30.
RYE Easy; No. 2 western, 6014c, f. o. b.,
afloat, to arrive; state and Jersey, 57(&57Vc.
BARLEY Dull; feeding, 12c c. I. f. Buf
falo; malting, W(i63o c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 607.250 bu.; exports,
41.564 bu.; sales, 2.V'.000 bu. The market for
spot waa firm; No. $ red, 8414c, elevator, and
kio, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,, f, o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba,
tle, t. o. b., afloat. A break In corn, easier
cables and southwest heaviness caused mod
erate Belling In wheat this morning and a
lower price. Eventually, however, on big
seaboard clearances and prominent support
of December In Chicago. It rallied, closing
very Arm at (aic net advance. May. 8i!V
8314c., cloaed at 83c; December, 831(U&4 5-16c,
closed at 8414c.
CORN Receipt a, 83,000 bu.: exporta, 98,397
bu. The market for spot waa easy; No. 2
nominal, elevator, and Ho, f o. b., afloat;
No. 3 yellow, 66c; No. 2 white, 5314c. Options
sustained a material decline under bearish
crop and weather newa, lower cables and
further liquidation. From this rallied from
wheat and cloaed steady at VoVc net loaa.
May. 5oMi60 l-16c. closed at 60 3-ltie; De
cember, M16j52e. closed at 62c.
OATS Receipts, ltk.50 bu.; exports. 3,795
bu. The market for spot was quiet; No. 2,
4114c; standard white, 42c; No. 3, c: No. I
white, 42c; No. $ white, 4114c: track white, 42
4nc; track white state, Kj4c. Options
FEED Firm: spring bran, $109frSM.OO;
middlings. l-U.OO'rU'li.u); city, J).0CKu JU.oO.
HAY Eaay; shipping, 6uiutioc; good to
choice, k?iguc.
HOPSFlrm: medium to choice, 1WS
erop, 2a3!c; olds, -il3c; Puclflc cuavt,
crop, medium to choice, rT&SIc; common to
choice, 13 crop, Il2liVC; olds, 9&13c.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 2 to 26 lbs.,
18c; California. 21 to 2a lbs., ISc; Tsxas dry,
24 to 30 lbs., 13c.
LEATHER Steady; acid, 232514c.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to choice,
tVnHu.c: Jupnn. 64'jnc.
PROVISIONS Beef firm; family, $10.60
ill do; mrss, $K.Oofi!.60; beef haute, $21. hY(f
23.t: Karket, $..; city extra mesn.
$14 5ifi 16.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled
. Ix-I'ics. 9 iMcklel snoulderd, in;
pickled hams. $12 5013.00. Lard, eaay;
wevtern steHined. $8.25: refined, eusy; con
tinent, $8 50; South America, $ 25; com
pound, ll.uuC .26. Pork, steady: family, $19;
short clear. $14 tXWt 17.00; mess, S14.mri4.7S.
BUTTER Receipts. 7.377 pkgs. ; dairy,
steady; state dairy, lu'.Oo; creamery,' 16
21 ';,
t'l'EEPE Receipts, 6.011 l ks : steady;
state, ft 1 11 en-urn, fancy, small, co'ored and
wl ite, 12'tc; l irge, cob red and white, 12c.
LUi.S -Receipts, pkgs.; tlrm; west
ern, Pmi-'Rc.
POULTRY Alive, nominal; dressed.
Steady; unchanged.
TALLOW Eusy; city. 4c: country, 44
- 4To.
Eialath Grata Market.
DULUTH. Oct. l.-WHEAT-On track.
No. 1 northern, 7814c; No. 2 northern, 7iVsc;
DecemWr. 7fc?c.
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. Oct. 1. CORN-I-ower; No. 3,
44Vtc: No. 4. 43c.
OATS-' ower; No. I white. 81c; No. t
White. 354J20C.
Llrersaol Grata aa4 Provisions.
LIVERPOOL. Ort. l.-WHEAT-r?pot. No
I red. western winter, Uuil. V4i No. 1
northern spring, no rtock; futures quiet;
October, Ss 21 . Iecember, fis 3d.
CORN Spot, American mixed, oulet, 4
4d; futures weak: October. 4s Sd; No
vember, 4s 2Hd; lecember. 4a 2141-
('dltloa nf Trade Bad Qaotattoas
staple and Faery Prod are.
EOf;8-Fresh stock, loss off. 19c
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8-40; spring
chickens, 9; roosters, according to age,
4v; turkeys, ll'ill2c; old aucks, be; young
duck" 8'fi9c.
BL TTER Packing stock, 131314c: choice
to fancy dairy. In tubs, 16-allc; separator,
FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, lie;
pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, Sc; buffalo,
ityu", bhieflsli, 16c; whltetlsh, 10c- salmon.
He; haddock, Wei codfish, 12c; redsnapper,,
He; lobsters, boiled, per lb., ro: lobsters,
green, per lb., 28c: bullhesdc, 11c; catfish,
14c; black bass. 2(Kn2:c; halibut 9c; Clippies,
12c; herslng. 6c: wlilte bass, 10c; blueflns, 8c.
OY8Tr;K3 New York counts, per can.
45c; per gal., $2 15; extra aelecta, per can.
37c; per gal., $1.90; standard, per can, 3oo;
per gal.. $i.50
BRANT Pet- ton, $14 00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Dcslera" assoelptlon: Choice No. 1 up
land, $!)'; No. 2. $8 50; med'um. $8 00;
coarae, $7.51. Rye straw, $7.00. Theae prices
are for hay of koI color and quality. De
mand fair and recclpta light.
CORN 48c.
OATS 38c.
RYE No. 2. 60c.
POTATOES Utah and Dakota, per bu..
SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per
basket, 60c: Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl.. $360.
BEANS Home grown, wax, per market
basket. 40ft60c; string, per market basket,
TOMATOES-Home grown, per basket.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.65.
CELERY Michigan, per dot., 80035c;
larce weslern, 45c
ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb.,
l'4c; Spanish, per crate, $1.73.
EGO. PLANT Per dor. $1.00.
PLUMS Utah and Colorado, 85c.
PRUNES Italian, per box, 4100; Silver,
PEACHES California Salawaya, $1.00;
Utah freestones, $1.00; Colorado Albertas,
FEARf?Colerr.dr. and Utah Sheldon,
Dutches and Flemish Beauties, per box,
$2.00; Washington and Idaho Bartletta, 2.60.
CRABAPPLES Per bbl. $4.00.
APPLES Weltheva and other varieties,
per 3-bu. bbl.. $2.503.00: Snows $3.25: Mich
igan stock. $3.50; California Bellflowers, per
box, $1.501.60; New York stock, $3.60; Ore
gon Spltx, Greenings and Urlmos Oolden,
per box, $1.15.
GRAPES California Tokays, $1.60; Corin
choln, $1.50; Black Ferars, 1.5o; Muscats.
fl.L'R; home grown, per 8-lb. basket, 23&24c;
Michigan. 2-!'u24e.
CRANBERK1ES Per bbl., $7.257.60; per
box, $2.50S2.75.
ORANGES Valenciaa, all alses. $4.00(34.25.
BANANAS Per bunch, $Z.OO2.50; Jum
bos, t: 00.
LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 360
sizes, $4.26; choice, 240 to 270 sires. $4.0u4.25.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
l"1t!c; Wisconsin Yeung Americas, 1314c;
black Swiss, 15c; Wisconsin brick. 121c;
Wisconsin llmbergcr, 12c.
HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3.50;
Utah and Colorado, per 24 framea. $3.50.
POPCORN Per lb., 214c; ahellea, 8fc314c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 614c; No. 2 green,
5c; No. 1 salted, 714c: -No. 2 salted. 14c;
No. 1 veal calf. 3 to 12 lbs., 8He; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 14c; dry salted hides, 8
12c; sheep pelts, 23475c; horse hidea, $1,504
NUTS Walnuta, No. 1 aoft-shell, per lb.,
l.c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell,
per lb., 13c; No. t hard-shell, per lb., 12c;
Brazils, per lb.. 12c; filberts, per lb.. 12c;
almonds, aoft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12Hc;
small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, por lbr 6Vic;
rousted peanuts, per lb., 7o.
St. I.oaU Grata and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 1. WHEAT Market
higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 86le;
December, 83;4o; May, 854c; No. 2 hard,
7. 79c.
CORN Market firmer; No. 2 cash, 4414
45c; December, 4214c; May, 4214 CR
OATS Market lower; No. 2 caah, 38T8lte;
December, 36Hc; May, 37c; No. 2 white,
RYE Market steady; No. 2. 55c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $3.90
St'Sl $,2X32.43nCy "nd BtralKht
SEED Timothy, steady at $2.753.15.
CORN MEAL Steady at $2.60.
P?.AN lju" and elu,y: sacked, east track,
7Gii 82e.
$6"AjToooteady: t,mot.h5r' prairie,
i RON COTTON TIES-11.06. "
PROVISIONS-Pork. market lower; Job
bing, $11.80. Lard, market easy at $7 65
Bacon, quiet; boxed extra shorts, $10 00'
clear ribs, $10.00; short clear, $10.60.
POULTHY-Market steady; chickens, 9Mo;
springs, 10c; turkeys, old, 15c; young, lie
ducks. 9M.c; gees, 714c. '
BUTTEH-Market steady; creamery, 17fii
21Hc; dairy, 14ffil7c.
EaGS-19c, loss oft.
.,, Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls lo.ono 14.000
Wheat, bu 108.000 92.000
C"fn. bu 54.OOO 32.000
Oats, bu .. 32. QUO 28.000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
cember V: n Mav BX7L O.-K. T- -
hard. 71i'72c; No. 3. '686"e; No. 4. na4eie:
ir-i, i-yuw ; nn. 2 rea. Boo; wo. 3 72c
CORN October, 39c; December. 8i14c-
May, 3814c Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4014c: No
2 white, 41c; No. 3. 40V.W tic. '
OATS-No. 2 whlto, 3940c; No. I mixed.
RYE No. . 63o.
BUTTER Creamerir IBUtMOU..
dslry, 17 c. " "
EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas atock.
cases returned. 1714c doa. : new No. 2, whlte-
wwv. VHBrs Iliciuueu, 1C.
. . y Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 23,400 i2 410
OT,n- J1" ; i3.:v)
OaU, bu 11.000 10.000
Philadelphia Produce Market.'
- - ' - uriiinim, rAira western cream-
S"a aemsnd: rresh
nearby. 25c. loss off; western. 23ff2V; south
western. 2114i22c; southern. 8fxg21e.
CHEESE (juiet. firm; New York full
lTXn,lnn,r'ti 12: cnolc. 214c; fair to
good, Ilc4l2c. v
Minneapolis Wheat, Ploar and Braa.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. l.-WHEAT-De-cernber
,fr,i.761c: Mav. 77V,r77tc: on trsck,
Ko ha.r.di 7!Wi:i,eNo- 1 northern. 7814c
No. J northern. 74tfr76c. '
.FIi7K rJ nBtSnt"- W46ff4.6B: second
patents. $4.35'g4 46: first clears, $3.66(&3.75;
second clears. $2.76i2 85.,
t , BRAN In bulk. $li75I14.(.
Mllwankeo Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Oct. l.-WHEAT-trong:
Dcemb"' 84Ci N- 1 r ;
RYE-Easy: No. 1. 5CW5714C.
Mc Dull; No. 2. 6414c; sample, 45
CORN December. 4645146.
Toledo Seed Market
TOLEDO Oct. l.-SEED8-Clover, Octo
ber, $rt.4l; December. $6.3S: January. $6 S7U
Timothy, $1.50. AlaikeV tZ.Ui ! '7
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 1-TIN-MarVet lower
In tendon, decllninr l?s 6d An 114 5a for
spot and 114 17s 6.1 for futures. Locallv
$W vSAs ".WB" du" but tteaiy closing at
COPPEll-Market declined 6s In Tndon
closlr-g at H 15s for stmt and 54 17a d
for funrs. l ocally copner was oulet: lake
and electrolytic are looted at $l.floil3 s
and casting at $13.00ri3.i?tt. Einorta of
copper for September were 11.839 tone mak
ing the total for nine months 94,719 ton
arnlnit l 45ft tone last snrlng.
1 Kn-Mirtfi unchanged here at $4 60
ar 411 In Ixndon. . '
8FT.TFoioslng at $. waa unchanged
' N"w York, as It waa a'so In London at
a,o ISs.
IRON Market ricked at-49e M In Gls
pow and 4: V) In M'dd'e-mugh. Icallv
Iron Is nu'et; No. 1 northern foundry Is
'i ro. m ntrTnrn lonndry. No
1 potithem 'oundry and No. 1 soft southern
foii-drv. $'.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 1-I.EAD Steady at
$4 .
8PELTER-Steady at $5.60.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frstta.
"'W YORK. Oct . - 1. -EVAPORATED
PP1.FS Market continues nulet and un
changed: common are "'"ited at 4Kc
"rim, SfVSc; chnlce, Cji'ic; fancy, 6ijJ
are In lobblnir demarn end rule firm
a from 84c to To for al" grades. Anrleots,
aUrartlnk a fair reoue. alao rule firm:
choice nre minted at 9l-WI1ic: extra choice
9V4?ia4c: fancy. 10M-12c P-ai-hea are
steady: choice ii nuoied at T1tf7o and
exira rnoice at 7t7!iKiC.
Co See Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 1 COFFEE The mar
ket for futures C4Xne1 firm at an advance
of lCKiS polnui on higher cables from all
quarters, continued reports of crop dm
Hge and small Interior Santos receipts.
For a time It ruled unusually active and
very firm In spite of free selling by shorts
and Importers, but later eaaed off slightly.
The close was steady at unchanged prices
to an advance of 10 polnta. Sales were 67, OW
bags. Including October at 4 8oc; November,
4 7.vft4 Kf.c; lecember. 6.0"!iS ii&c; January,
Mii6.20c; March, 5.30c; May. 54Mi55c;
July, 6 flo8'-5.6oc; August, 5.6Jc; September,
Storks Recovered Vigorously and
Sentiment Was More Cheerfel.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Stocks recovered
vigorously again today, the last price
showing advances of 21i3 points for the
principal active stocks. The dealings were
highly professional and the movement was
noi free from suspicion of manipulation.
But the effect seemed to be. for aome
reason, more cheering upon sentiment than
the rather forcible lifting of prices on
Tuesday. There may have been some buy
ing for support In today's market also,
but the great banking Interests were not
so conspicuous In the dealings. On the
other hand, an over-extended snort Interest
was a very Important factor in lifting
prices. The opening dip In Pennsylvania
and New York Central was attributed to
bearish manipulation. Louisville seemed to
suffer from a liquidation of the account
and pressure upon that stock reappeared
from time to time during the day. While
the demand for stock seemed to come opt
at different intervals, ns seemed to be
ahown by the demand last night In the
rise In level of prices, it broiiRht no Fign
of liquidation, which has been so urgent
for a long time past. It was this fact that
had the most decisive Influence upon busi
ness. These reached about the same Ag
gregate as those of yesterday. London
helped somewhat towards the advance, the
turn of the month there having retarded
the money market considerably and led to
some investment buying of consola, which
had a vood recovery.
The Bank of England statement did n..l j
maKe a strong showing, nut me tact insi
the hank rate was not advanced and the
absence of failures which w.ere feared
caused a cheerful sentiment. A notable
feature of the duv wns the violent hrenk
of about SO points In demand sterling here,
under pressure of very Inrge offerings of
commercial bills and dearth of demnnrl.
Large wheat clearances were, reported
for the day and the completion of the
cotton corner led to considerable commis
sion house buying In that market. The
establishment of normal conditions In the
cotton market la expected to have very
Important results In the outward movement
of the staple, and thla led -to very free
offerlnga tf cotton bills in the exchange
market. The early demand for stocks
was especially notable among the coalers,
which were helped by the strong state
ment of net earnings for August bv the
Lehigh Valley and the admission of E. H.
Harrlman to the Erie directory.
The expiration of th oriKtnal period for
the United States Steel conversion syndi
cate and Intimations that the bondholder
had accepted the action of the syndicate
aroused hope that the recent severe pres
sure on steel bonds bv" those desirous of
retiring from the syndicate would now be
relaxed. The offering of aneclflcatlona bv
the Pennsylvania company for work on Its
terminal project had an erreot on tne
United States Steel stocks, na this work
Involves a large requirement for atcel pro
ducta. Natural rel ef waa felt that tn prepara
tion for the October dividend and Interest
disbursements have been completed, while
he e-nvernment bond redemntlons and gov
ernment hond operntlona are yielding hand-
aome returns to tne money mnraei. promis
ing continued exemption from stringency.
Even time money was called slightly enslr,
although not quotably changed, and the
western demand for currency eeema to bo
still deferred.
Fnlted States bonds were nougnt on tin
enormous scale up to 71c. Tottl sales, par
vslue $4870000. United Stites 3s. regis
tered, and the old 4s declined 14 per cent,
the 2s 14 per cent and the 3s, coupon, 1 per
Following are the cloalng quotations on
the New York Stock exchange:'
Atrhlaon 43 Bt. Pul pfo 178
i9 ptd annuo, facinc n-
Bal. Ohio la So. Hallway ID1
do ntd M do ptd T71
Canadlaa Pacllte 12iH4'T-xai Pacific M14
Central of N. J li .Toledo, at. u. a w. 111,
Ihrm Si Ohio V do ptd 26
Chicago tt AUod list Union Paclno 7u
ds pfd.
. till do pfd 044,
Chicago A O. W...
do lit pfi ,
Chicago A N. W..
Chicago Tar. A Tr,
do pfd
C. C. C. A St. L..
Colorado Bo
do lat pfo ,
do Sd pfd
. 16
Waoaan IS
do pfd SOli
Wheeling a L. B.... lSi
Wla. Central 1
do pfd 3..V4
Adama Ex ?2J
American Rx 175
. 48
4mk United Statee Ex 100
... 19Vwelle-Fargo Ex 2ti."
...1(4 Amal. topper 414
...UK lAmar. Cac.A F Wrk
u ao ptd,
... tl Amer. L,lu. Oil ij
... t I do pfd it
... Amer. .ocoinotlve.... 15a
... 46 do pid Slit,
...140 American 8. A R 41
... M do pfd SS
... 7 Amer. ! gar Ref 11144
...ISO lAnac. Vnnlng Co
Del. A Hudson.
Del., h. A W...
Denyer A R- O.
do pfd
do lat pfd
do Id ptd
Great Nor. pfd . .
Hocking Valley
do pld
Illlnolk Ontral .
Iewa Central ...
do pfd
K. C. Southern.
do pfd
Manhattan L. ...
Met. St. Ry
Minn. A Bt. L...
Mo. Pacific
M . K. A T
do pfd
18'BrookJyn K. T S3'4
Colo. Fuel A Iron 414k
. 1
. 97 Id
- 47
. lHVt
'oiunwii a h. u,.,. ii
l'on. Oaa 171
Oes. Eloctrlo 144
li ter. Paper 11
do pfd
Inter. Pump !',
do pfd 70
National Blacult .... it
National Dead 13V.
No. American 7S
Nat. R. R. of M. pfd. S7
a I. central
Norfolk A W.
do pfd....
Ontario A W.
iku Peonle'e Oaa siu
.... th't Preaard 8. ear 3
"! do pfd 75
.... M7 Pullman P. Car J07
...lla'a.Hepubllc 8teel S
P.. C. C. A St. L
Reading ,
do let pfd ,
do Id pfd
Rock Ieland Co...,
do pfd ,
Bt. L. A B. r....
do lat pfd
do td pfd ,
Bt. L. 8. W
do pfd
BU Paul ,
... 6Si 40 P'd
. .. Rubber Goods 16
... 74Si: do pfd 67V4
... 1 iTenn. Coal A Iron... 13
... !Sy 8. Leather 7V4
... 6914 do pfd 77
... 65 it". 8. Rubber 10
... (0- do pfd s
... 4t4i'U. 8. Bieel 16
... 13. -do ptd
... SOwWeatarn Unloa 1
Kevr York Money Market
NEW YORK, Oct. L MONEY On call:
Steady; lowest, 2V4 per cent; highest, S per
cent; ruling rate, S per cent; last loan. 3
per cent; closing bid, 2H per cent, offered
at I per cent. Time: Slightly easier; sixty
days, 64 per cent; ninety days, 64 per cent;
alx months, I per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, &Jj64 per cent.
decline with actual business In b inkers'
bills at 148546 and $4 8570 for demand and
at 14.81934.82 for sixty days' bills; posted
rates, 4 24c4.83 and 4.8CHtj4.87; com
mercial bills. t4.81.
SILVER Bar, 4itc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, weak; railroad;
The closing quotations on bonds are as
V. S. ref. la. reg
do coupon
do So. reg
do coupon
do new 4a, reg..
do coupon ,
do old 4a, reg.,
do coupon, ....
do la, reg
do coupon
Atchtnoa gen. 4i
do adl. 4a
D. A N. anl. 4a...
Man. con. g. 4a..
Mex. Central 4a...
do lo Ino
.. 77
.. 14
Minn. A Bt. L. 4a Mil
..136 M.. K. A T. 4a..
. 17
. 74
..Ill do Sa
..Ill IN. R. R. of M. e. 4a. 7:
. .1o:h N. y. c. gen. I'4a... M
lo.'s N. j. c. gen. it i7
.. 97V
No. Pacific 4a 101114
do lo 70
N. A W. con. 4a fl
Ore. B. L. 4a A P... H
Atlantic Coast U 4a.. t
11. 1. A Ohio 4a n
do lsa Kleirenn. conv. Ss 95
Central of Oa. la.... MttiKeadlng gen. 4a
do la lac 71 st t. A I M c. ( limv,
Chea. A Ohio 44e...l Rt. L. A B. F. fg. 4a. 79
Chicago A A. SSa.. 73 lBt. L. 8. W. la 93
B. A Q
C, at A Bt P g. 4a. ..104
80. Paclllc 4a X'4
C. A N. W. e. 7e.,..13l
C , R. I. A P. 4a.... 71
do col. 5a 7414
Ho. Railway 6a 112
Texaa A Pacific la llli
T., S. L. A W. 4a.... 7)
t o Ion Pacific 4a 99
C C C A Bt L g 4a.. fW
"I'hitno Ter. 4a 7IS
do cony. 4a a;iu
Coaa. Tobacco 4a Il'i l'. S. Bteel td 5a 71
Colorado So. 4e s3iVabaah la 113
Denyer A R. O. 4s. .S.H'-. do deb. B 64V4
Erie prior lies 4a.... M Whrel. A L. E. 4a. M
do gereerl 4a a?1 Wla. Central 4a (W
F W. A D. C. la. ...iiis Colo. F. A I. eon. 6a. 7vi
Hocking Val. 4Wa..lo4i4
Ex-Interest, HJffered.
Foreiara Financial. 1
LONDON, Oct. 1. With the month turn
the money market was easy, notwithstand
ing that much cash changed hands in con
nection with various disbursement.!, such
as the maturing of the Canadian govern
ment obligations and the repayment of
Transvaal railroad bonds. IHscounts were
eaider. Business on the Slock exchanao
opened hesitating. Though serious trouble
was believed to have bceu averted. It
was doubted whether the botttim was
reached. Consols were easier at lira. but
subsequently rallied and closed firm. Home
rail were ateady. Americana open-d weak,
reviving the norvouaneas tegHrdlng the
poeltliui In America. Utile support of
these stocks was apparent and the move
ments were Irregular. They recovered later
pronouncedly so In the last hour and closed
firm. A rumor on the Stork exchange that
Lord Cromer, the British agent In Egypt,
had been offered the colonial secretaryship
and that High Commissioner Milner would
return to South Africa hniped to strengthen
the market.
The weekly statement of the Bank of
England shows the following changes: To
tal reserve decraiaed, 1 UMOoO; circulation
increased. l,u44.0u0 bullion. decreased,
tt&.bifi; other securities Increased 70l,
0X1; other deposits Increased. ,4o6.0Oi; pub
lic deposits Increased. 147. uai; notes re
serve increased. 5 44? 00(1; government reu
rltlee Increased. 2:i0uii. The proportion
of the Hank of England's reserve to lia
bilities this week Is 41 M per rent, ss coin
pared with 63 83 ir rent last week.
BfcRLiN, OvU L Prices ou the bourse
today were firmer. Exchange- on Indon,
2m XSVipfgs for checks. Discount rate for
short hills, for settlement. 6 pet" cent and
for three montha" bills 3 per cent.
PARIS. Oct. 1. Prices on the bourse to
day opened steady. Rentes and inter
national were In good demand and In
dustrials were Inactive and somewhat
heavy. At the close stocks were Arm. The
private rate of discount was 2 11-16 per
cent. The weekly statement of the Bank
of France shows the following changes
from last account: Notes In circulation
Increased 140.82.i.vf. treasury accounts cur
rent decreased SI. 475.001 f, gold In hand de.
created S5,72S.eoof. bills discounted Increased
140.675.ivmf and silver In kund decreased
2.f jo.Oi f. Three per cent rentes, 96f 82Hc for
the account.
Iloaton Stock ((notations.
cent: .time lnat.s,
rinsing prices on
Atchison 4a
Men. ontral 4
Atrhlaon ,
do pfd
Boston A Albany....
Ponton Elrvated ....
N Y.. N. H. A H...
Fltrhhurf pfd
t'nlon Po'-lftc
Mea. Central
1 Call loans, 4HW5 pT
54ffi per cent. Otfla al
stocks and Donas:
. PtS Amalgamated 4H4
, 71 fair weat
, SJ'4 hliithum
. i"alumrt A Kecla
24 iT'entnnlal
.131 Copper Range ...
1M 'Dominion Coal ...
Hl'i t-'rinlilln
70 !lc Royal
10', Mohawk
Ill fold Dominion
, ja
, ii
. 114
, 6
, I
Amerlran Sugar
do pfd....,
Aniprlp?n T. ft T...
Iomlntnn I. a 8....
ien. Eleetrlo
Man. Rlectrlo
do pfd
t'nfted rrult
V. 8. Rteel..
do pfd
Weatlnith. Common.
t .-Mure
11TV4 Oweola
I244 Parrot
lot Quincy
14S Santa Fa Copper..
19 Tamarack
77U Trinity
tM4il'nlted Blatei ...
Vlitorla ..
W'lnona ..
London Strarsi Market.
LONDON, Oct. 1. los!ng quotations:
Consols tor money.-.. ""4 N York Central. ...1J0
do account..
.. a-"' Norfolk A Writern...
.. I do pfd J,
.. S Ontario A Weatorn... K
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Pacific...
0 ' Pennsylvania
.. eeu
. 7H
Rand Mlnea.
.. ii
.. ,
.. S2
.. 1914
.. 90
.. 41
.. 72
.. 17
.. 16
.. :
.. l'v
.. 90
do 1 pfd.:
Chesapeake A Ohio... 20
Chicago fl. W
C.. M. A Bt. P....
pc Rere
Denver A R. Q...
do pfd
do Irt r'n
do !d pfd
(Illnole Central
loiilavtlle A Nash
Missouri, K. A T.
lS'i do td pfd
1S7M, Southern Ratlway.
19-M do pfd
21:snuthern Pacific...
7(ifnlos Pacific
26 I do pfd
s,Vnlted States Steel
47 I do pfd
1.1!Wahash ,
99 do pfd ,
BAR SILVER Steady; 274(1 per ounce.
MONEY 8f(i34 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills H
3 15-lWil per cent and for three months'
blll Is 4 per cent.
New Yori; lHlnlna; annotations.
NEW YORK, Oct. l.-The following are
the quotations on mining iitocks:
Adams Con 10 Little Chief t
Alice li Ontario 450
Breere 10 Ophlr lio
llrur.awlck Con 4 Phoenix 1
Comsuvk Tunnel 64 Potosl ;a
Cun. Cal. A V ISO Savage S3
Horn Silver 100 jBlerrm Nevada (3
Iron Silver 165 Small Hoses 10
Uadviiie Con I (kkandard 17
. Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. l.-COTTON-The mar
ket opened very firm at an advance of l
11 points on the higher cables and a bullish
Crop report. Hhowino- a iloroHnmHnn f ....
the month of 1.8 In the condition of the I
crop, t or a time the market, influenced
uy the fears that the government report
on Saturday would show even a worse fall
ins off, ruled very active and firm, with
October shorts particularly free buyers.
European houses and the south also bought
liberally and the buyers representing the
Nc-w Orleans bul! crowd seemed to have
orders for January. There was not a little
realising on the advance, however, and
shortly after the opening this proved suffi
cient to ease the prices off slightly from
the top estimates for tomorrow's receipts
at leading points were disappointing, and
w-hll the weather had a favorable average
the market did not lose its firmness of un
dertone, being rallied again before midday
and selling to a level net 104?17 points
higher on a further outburst of covering
and buying; for long account, which waa
encouraged as it became evident that the
exports for the day would reaoh a much
larger level than the recelpta at the porta.
Later In the afternoon, however, there was
n renewal of liquidation and with aome
bear pressure the market sold well down
from tHe top. The close, waa ateady net
H!?t7 points higher. Sales were 600.000 bales.
The spot market was marked down 2.75
points to 10.25 In accordance with the cur
rent auotatlon for the spot month.
tures, steady; October 9.44ffr9 45e; Novem
ber. 9.4iVfj9.4lc; December, 9.40fr9.41c; Janu
ary, 9.4V,i9.47c; February. 9.48Ui9.60c; Maroh,
579.58c. Spot. Arm; sales. 4.950 bales; or
dinary. 7c; good ordinary. 8 5-16c; low mid
dling, 9 5-16c; middling. Sll-lfic; good mid
dling. 97,c; middling fair, lOc; receipts,
1,246 bales; stock 40,407 bales.
moderate business done, prlcea unchanged
to 8 points higher; 'American middling fair,
6.70d; good middling, 6-48d; middling, .fx;d;
!ow middling. 6"0d; good ordinary, 6.,18d;
ordinary, 5.18d.' The sales of the day were
5.000 bales, of which 5o0 were for specula
tion and export an Included 3.900 Ameri
can; no receipts. Futures opened steady
and closed firm: American middling, g. o.
c. October, 5.48d; October and November,
6 27d; November and December, 6-21ifj5.22d ;
December and Januarv, 5.19(ii5.20d; January
and February, 5.18d; February and March,
5.1M; March and April.- 5.18d; Anrll and
Mnv, 5.18V1M; Mav and June. S.18i?y5.19d.
ST.. LOI'IS. Oct. 1. COTTON Quiet :
middling. 974c; sale. 1 bale; receipts. 420
bales; shipments, 287 bales; stock, 670 bales.
Oil and . Rosin.
NEW YORK. Oct. 1 OIL Cottonseed,
dull: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
4V64H4C. Petroleum, ateady; refined. New
York, J8.S0: rhllndelnhia and Baltimore,
88.75; in bulk. 8i.5. Rosin, firm. Turpen
tine, ateedv. 68Vfcigf.9c.
OIL CITY, Pa.. Oct. 1. -OIL Credit bal
ance. $1.62; certificates, no bid: shipments,
133.077 bbls.; average, 55,772 bbla. ; jtins,
112.701 bbls.; avenge. 76.553 bbls.; shln
ments, Lima, 61,856 bbls.; average, 62,110
SAVANNAH. Oa., Oct. 1. OIL Turpen
tine, frm. Rosin, A. B and C, $1.90: D,
82.05; E. I"!20: F, 2.30 Q, 82.45: H. 83 05;
I. J end K, 83 95: M, 84.06; N, 84.10; W. O.,
$4.16; W. W.. $4.45.
Wool Market.
POSTON, Oct. 1. WOOL Quotations:
Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths-blood.
24t25c; quarter-blood, 24fl25c; braid,
224123c? Territory, Idaho, fine. 14815e; fine
medium, 16Hrl74c; medium. 1819c. Wyom
ing, fine, 14fi'15c; fine medium. 16V4I817HC;
medium, 18Vjtl9c. l'tah and Nevada, fine,
ir.ftil6c; fine medium, 16Hifrl7Ve; medium,
1ftift2oe: Dakota, fine, 1Vf?l6c;: fine medium.
lW'tl7r; medium. 19t?r0o. Montana, fine,
choice, 2"ftjlc; fine medium choice. 20021c;
staple. 2'fi3lc; medium choice, 2Ki22c.
ST. LOl'18, Oct. 1 WOOL 8teady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, h'rt
21c; light fine. 1517M-c; heavy fine, LQ
14'4c; tub washed, 0?i30c.
Ingar and Molasses. '
NEW YORK. Oct. 1. SI'C! AR Raw, firm:
fair refining. 3-V; centrifugal 94 teat, 8 29-32C
molasses sugar. 3 6-S-.'c; refined, firm: No. 6,
4 60c; No. 7, 4 45c; No. 8. 4 40c; No. . 4..15o;
No. in. 4.311c; No. 11. 4 25c; No. 12. 4.20c; No.,
IS. 4.1fic; No. 14. 4.10c; confectioners' A.
4 75c; mould A, 6.15c; cut loaf. 6.50c; crushed,
6.50o; powdered. 6.60c; granulated, 4.D5c;
cule- 6.15c. -
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, JHS42C.
Dull: open kettle, centrlfutal, Sffr:! V-c :
centrlfutral whites. 4c; yellow, 3 13-16
41-ltlc: eeconds. gA'.'ISc.
MOLASSES Dull ; centrifugal. 518c.
Whliky Mnrket.
PEORIA. Oct. 1. WHISKY Steady on
baia of $1.23.
ST. LOI'IS. Oct. 1 WHISKY-Steady,
on basis of $1 29.
finished goods, steady, on basis ol
Bank Clearings.
OMAhA. Oct 1 Rank clearings for to
day aro 81.373 033.74. a decrease over the
corresponding date for last year of 57,502.(8
Harris May Succeed Mellen.
CHICAGO. Oct. 1 It was reported here
todav that Georae B. Harris, president of
the Chicaao. Bu-Uneton A O-jIncy ral'road,
may be elected to succeed C, S. Mellen as
president of the Northern Pacific railroad.
In that event. It is sail. Darius Miller, now
first vice president of the Burlington, will
be promoted to the presidency "f the Bur
lington system. It was Impossible to ccn
f.rm the report or obtain an authoritative
denial from the Burlington officials.
Girl Accused of Murder,
BI'NKER HILL. III . Oct. 1 The gritnd
Jury, on the chsrpe of murder In the first
degree, has held Mlsa Mi Guller. who Is
acouBed of poisoning Ewart Checkafleld. a
6-yr-old boy. The Oullera have chargo of
a milk dairy here and Checkafleld waa pne
of their rustobera.
Victims Number Six.
CHICAGO. Oct 1 The death today of
Frank Gray, colored, of Ixlnitton, Ky..
one of the men Injured In last night's col
lision 4x-twe-n a W'scmsln Central pas
senger train and an electric ct, has raised
the lit of dead from lavs to tlx perrons.
Hut Ban of Cattle- and All bat Best
Grade. Had to Eell Lower.
Good Fat Sheep and Lambs Sold at
Steads' to "Irons Brlces, with Cum.
bob Kinds Slow, Good Feeders
Also Steady, Others Weak.
Receipts were:
Otllchil Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday....
Official Thuraday
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
923 1.6.f. 20,iB
6.1n 81.1 M
4,t.H .6
6.700 11.U00
Four days this week. ..29.254 17,os9 71,475
Same days laat week. ...29.403 13.1Si 55,'i67
Same Week hefore 21,lo 20.323 89.371
Same three weeks ago.. .22.1:11 26.6'tt &,W1
Same four weeks ago... 17, 755 2S,iin9 64.K75
Same days laat year 8o3G4 11.7H7 1J0.IO8
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and .sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date and comparisons with last
year: VW. 1902. Ino.
Cattle 771.K15 679.MI 91.974
Hogs 1,768.631 1,759.601 8.9.10
Sheep 1,116.663 1.044,460 72,103
Average prlco paid for nogs at South
Omaha tor the lost several days with com
parisons: Date. I 19C3. U902.llWl.llBOO.tlS.i9. 1198.11897.
Sept. 15.
Sept. 16.
Sept. 17.
Sept. 18 .
Sept. 19.
Sept. 20.
H'-pt. 21..
Sept, 22.
Sept 23.
Sept. 24.
Sept. 25.
Sept. 26.
Sept. 27.
Sept. 28.
Sept. 29.
Sept. 30.
Oct. 1...
C C3 I
6 64 i
6 J3HI
.7 7)
4 13 I 72. I 87
4 34 8 68 3 81
1 61 I 86
4 82 I 94
4 33 S 74
4 31 8 71 4 C3
4 31 I 71 4 (1
4 5 3 73 3 80
4 41 3 77 1 76
3 77 I i 8
4 41 3 82
4 39, 8 711
4 36 3 72 3 78
4 441 3 61 8 83
4 37 3 64 3 81
4 36. 3 671 3 81
3 71 3 85
7 42
t 131
6 13
6 19
6 22
6 23
7 43
5 75
6 76
6 60
6 59
e iv)t
7 17
6 81
6 811
7 481
6 21
5 7:J
I Di
7 67
7 65
7 37
7 34
7 31
6 74H
5 67'
6 81
6 14
6 IS
6 69'
6 75
6 79
6 81
6 37
5 16'
u 151
6 36
6 17
6 13I
ft AO
0 71
6 61
7 22
7 14
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
wwb.av. . . ' p. . f,. vw.
, m. ac 01. sr. iy
3 2..
18 37
7 1..
18 I 2
1 1,
89 45 2
v a Dash
Missouri Pacific 6
I'nion Pacific system. 85
C. & N. W. Ry
F., E. & M. V. R. R..126
C, Ht.'P., M. & O...., ..
H M. Rv ' ox
C B. & Q. Ry
(' H 1 A, r snot
C R. I. & P., west... 6
Illinois Central 6
Total receipts ....326
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co
Switt and Company....
Amour & Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Aimour, Sioux City....
Vnnsunt & Co
Carey & Benton
Lobman & Co
McCrearv & Corey
Hill & Son
Iwis & Underwood....
Huston & Co
Livingstone & Shnller..
N. Morris
H. F. Hamilton..
L. F. Husz
Wolf A Murnan
B. F. Hobblck
Doddon ft P
Bam Werthelmer
Other buyers
,. 289
.. 862
.. 907
.. 841
,. 313
,. 339
.. Ill
.. 10
.. 49
.. 72
.. 319
,. 27
,. C27
.. 43
.. 1S2
.. 188
960 2bK
1,239 1.87S
1,499 1,486
1,418 816
. 325
Totals 7,008 6,206 12,910
CATTLE There was a very heavy run
of cattle here today for a Thursday and
much heavier than was generally anticl-
fiatod. As a result packers were more or
ess bearish, but what hurt the market
more than anything else was the common
quality of the big bulk of the offerings.
Good cattle. In fact, .were very scarce.
There were very few corn-fed steers re
ported, and most of those that did arrive
were .short-fed stuff, which Is the kind that
packers are not very anxious for. Tha
prices paid were certainly no more than
steady with those in force yesterday.
Packers claimed they were anxious for
good cattle and were willing to pay steady
prices for them. ,
The cow market was rather slow and lr-1
regular. The quality was common and buy
ers did not take hold with any great
amount of enthusiasm. Good stuff prob
ably wou'd have commanded right around
ateady prices, but the general run waa alow
and a little lower than yeaterday. The day
was well advanced hefore even the bulk
of the arrivals was disposed of.
Bulls, veal calves and stags were also
rather slow, but prices did not show any
quotable change.
Th stocker and feeder market waa steady
on the best grades, but slow and weak on
the common kinds. The demand from the
country yesterday waji about the beat of
the season, about 115 loads having been
shipped out. This went a long way toward
cleaning up the surplus stock on hand, and
consequently the feeling was a little better
this morning so far ns the good stuff was
concerned. When It came to the common
kinds, though, salesmen found It hard to
get even a bid and the offers they did re
ceive were lower.
The market on the common kinds of west
ern beef steers such ns were offered was
slow and weak, but good stuff would un
doubtedly have sold readily at steady
prices. Packers have been getting all the
common cattle they could ue, and conse
quently they nre not at all anxious for
that caas. Range cows were rather slow
and a little lower, exeent In the rase of
something very good. The best grades of
stockers and feeders ,hld stendy. with oth
ers slow and weak. Representative sales:
IJEUlf slK.Kb
'At. Pr.
At. Pr.
1I1S 4 71
.. 9M 18 1...
.1000 1 75 1...
.10S0 I 75 1...
. 790 1 75 1...
.1175 I 15 ...
975 I It
I It
I 15
.. 980 I 25
..1161 I 15
1 1110 8 40
KS I CO 1 1M 4 M
990 t 50
910 I IU ft 754 t 10
b 1 IS 56 Iu4 I 4e
1044 I on
9 feeders.. 872 8 10 1 feeder... 1070 8 JO
$ feeders.. 853 8 80 7 feeders. . 842 8 10
1 feeder... 8:)0 2 50 3 feeders.. 7:i3 8 30
2 cows 10K5 2 00 1 cow.. ....1000 2 23
1 cow 830 2 E5 1 cow 1151 2 2".
5 feeders.. 815 8 00 8 feeders.. 8i5 8 01
1 feeder... 630 8 25 8 feeders.. 71 3 25
1 cow 610 2 25 16 feeders.. 704 2 ?R
4 feeders.. (! !(A 50 feeders.. 694 8 00
2 feeders.. 7(4 2 25 13 feeders.. 955 8 30
1 feeder... 955 2 50 7 cows P4'i 2 50
24 cows lOoO 2 20 2 cows 1000 2 75
2 feeders.. 725 3 15 14 feeders. .1323 8 25
2 feeders.. 950 8 25 1 cow 80) 2 75
1 feeder... 6:1 8 10 - . 1 feeder... 610 8 21
1 feeder... 770 I 50 1 feeder... 10o0 8 2-1
166 heifers.. 8 0 2 55 75 feeders. . 918 3 81
feedars.. 91S 2 50 67 cows 1021 2 85
6 cows 1021 2 50
We buy and sell grain on margin In quantities of 1000 bushels and upwards; margin required, 1 cent per
bushel; coniinishlon. including buying uiul selling, 1-10 cent per bushel. (
We make liberal advances on shipments of All Gmlna, and charge 1-2 cent per bushel commission, guaran
teeing highest market price, prompt returns and faithful service.
We buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Securities, handling investments In 10-share lots and upwards of any of
the listed stocks, cither on margin or for prompt delivery. We charge no Interest on stocks bought on margins
and execute orders when limits are reached. We can buy or sell at the market during the session on margin of $2
per share; coiuuiIskIohh, including buying and selling, 25 cents per share.
General Offices: New York Life Btdjr.. Minneapolis.
ROBT VANCE, Correspondent. 1618 Farnam St.
If you have an open account you can trade at any one of our 180 offices. Depositories, 150 State and National Banks,
S3 feeders., 828 uu 4 feeders.. 8-8 1
X. 1 1 Inkle Mru,
10 cows Ills 2 bo 14 lceuers.,1150 t 70
4 leeuer...ivW a .0
S. Joigcnson Neb.
14 cowa UtU lo a feeuers.,1008 8 40
8 loeUers.. 800 3 w
Ben llaney Neb.
7 feeders.. 880 4 ou 1 cult 140 4 60
19 COWS 894 2 to 2 COWS '4 W
1 heuers.. 61b t M 1 cow ISO 3 84
1 vow how 2 uO
J. a. Smith Neb.
10 cows.,.. 8,J 1 60 8 cows 9'3 2 36
It cows 9MI 1 3a 6 cows 9M 1 b0
COWS Hot 1 00
11. S. Heard-Neb.
1 cow 9H 2 30 40 cows tl 2 80
8 cows 9C i ss 5 cows SWi 2 30
1 cow 910 2 .to
11. llaythorne Neb.
39 feeders.. IO18 4 m 4 feeders.. 930 t 00
R. Kimball Neu.
4 cows 880 2 40 1 cow 890 2 00
1 cow 9JU 2 60 8 cows 880 i 40
1 bull lotiO 2 06 1 heifer.... b.o 2 10
1 bull 1440 2 00 2 cows 810 2 00
2 cows 71 J 2 cO 63 cows 918 2 40
2 cows 8m) 2 00
v W. Cable Neb.
39 feeders.. S 8 55 Scows 1000 1 40
6 feeders.. 978 8 65
M. Ahrens Neb.
15 steers.. ,.14'JS 3 JO 24 feeders.. 1205 8 55
6 cows 9.3 2 65 1 steer... .1020 2 66
1 feeder... W0 3 00
A. B. Wood-Neb. .
6 feeders.. 6-1 IMS lcalf 290 2 25
6 heifers.. 651 2 35 2 feeders.. 560 1 60
8 cows 90O 1 60 2 cows 1000 2 15
1 cow 740 2 00 1 bull 1130 2 35
6 heifers... 670 2 35 17 heifers... 610 2 45
24 feeders.. 641 8 60 '
Teeter Bros. Neb.
24 cows 1061 2 60 1 cow (10 I 60
A. Wilson Neb.
48 feeders.. 1027 3 35 2 feeders.. 1000 t 00
. R. C. Chumbley Neb.
Z feeders. .1130 2 55 13 cows 1078 2 60
1 bull 1480 2 60 2 cows 906 2 00
Ed Myers Neb.
13 cows 998 2 60 6 cows 134 I 80
T. J. Hall Wyo.
16 feeders.. 840 8 25 1 feeder... 790 I 26
81 cows 965 2 35
R. A. Torrey Wyo.
6 cows 1006 2 85 10 cows 1030 2 20
1 COW 1010 2 20 24 cowa 941 2 06
Charles Cook Wyo.
2 cows 940 2 46 2 cows 850 2 26
1 bull 140 2 20 10 cows 802 1 85
lcalf A 3 00 6 heifers... 8.W 2 50
8 heifers.. 74R 9 oil 1 hnifar 9 ui
. 23 feeders.. 1024 2 65 1 feeder!.. 810 3 00
W. P. Rlcketts Wyo.
cows 996 2 85 1 steer 1360 8 25
3 steers.. ..1240 8 25 1 steer liCO 3 25
2 steers.. ..U'40 2 76 1 steer 1060 2 75
11 steers.. ..lftis 3 75 63 steers.. ..1074 3 30
9 steers.. ..1134 3 26 lcalf 220 8 75
1 calf 160 2 ("I
D. Arnold Wyo.
Scows 850 2 90 20 steers.. ..1117 J 60
7 cows 826 2 50 2 cows 800 2 60
1 cow 910 2 60 1 cow 730 2 60
Robert Talt Wyo.
1 cows 1031 2 65 8 cows 990 2 25
1 cow.,....l(.00 2 26 19 cows 102 1 2 75
3 COWS 1136 2 76 1 cow low) 2 75
H. McDonald Wyo.
28 cows 945 2 70 23 cows 976 2 65
1 steer 1280 3 80 1 bull 1270 2 7
1 bull 1430 2 15 1 bull 1.100 2 15
1 feeder.. .1020 3 65 (cowa 845 1 90
25 feeders.. 720 8 60 1 feeder... 920 60
7 feeders.. 2019 3 00
J. Munwellcr Idaho.
4 feeders.. 432 2 00 13 feeders.. 610 2 76
4 heifers... 602 1 00
John Buck 8. D.
1 feeder... 1030 2 6 1 cow 1330 8 10
1 cow 1040 2 or.
Western Ranches, Ltd. S. D.
23 steers. ...1212 3 75 1 steer 1020 2 75
1 ateer 1240 3 75 1 steer 1020 2 73
19 steers. ...1125 8 20 1 steer 1470 4 00
H. O. Weare S. D.
10 steers... .1188 3 00 15 steers.. ..1099 2 80
H. Franklln-S. D.
1 steer 9"0 2 60 13 steers.. ..1149 2 60
1 steer 1180 2 60
T. Ackerman S. D.
23 steers.... 973 3 00
E. K. Howard 8. D.
39 steers.... 1090 3 10 8 steers. ...1131 S 10
G. A. Pemberton 8. D.
47 steers.. ..1111 8 20
L. Ijock Kan.
2 feeders.. 850 8 60 24 feeders.. 8:16 8 GO
HOGS There was a light run of hogs on
sale again this morning, but packers con
tinued their bearish tactics at all points.
The market here opened very slow and a
nickel lower than yesterday's close, or 6
10c lower than yesterday's general market.
Trading was extremely slow, for the reason
that salesmen were not willing to accept
the prices offered. Packers were bidding
$5.53 to $5.60 for heavies. $5.60 to $5.65 for
medium and $5.70 to $5.8-'H for lightweights.
The morning, though, was well advanced
before much of any business was trans
acted. The situation, though, kept get
ting worse as the morning advanced and
the close waa vy slow and weak, par
ticularly on the heavy hogs, which in some
cases sold ss much as 6c lower on tne close
than they did on the opening. Representa
tive sales!
Ko. At. Sh. Tr. Ko. r. Sh. r.
41 154 ... I tt 67 174 40 6 40
U 4l7 ... t 65 66 288 ... t 40
1 l6 ... 5 66 49 317 90 6 40
If, SI ... ( 66 71 296 HO 6(24
78 299 200 6 67Vi 71 269 80 t 62
4 29 10 8 571, 62 21.9 ISO 6 2'4i
43 199 M IN 89 Xul ... 6
M Il 120 i 80 69 2H2 120 6 fly,
68 300 80 6 60 59 2C.1 2U0 6
41 270 ... 1 60 67 280 120 6 62'
91 84 80 6 40 73 290 ... 6 (2
88 174 40 t 80 77 271 120 ( 624
6a 278 1(0 6 (0 (1 279 ... 6 (24
29 211 80 6 80 (4 270 ... 6 62
48 806 240 5 80 (4 2(0 80 I
(0 290 ... ( (0 48 20 120 t (24,
9 810 80 6 40 (4 281 ... 6 (24
SH 2k.i to 6 60 47 29 80 6 2
60 300 ... 5 80 TO 281 ... 6 C!4
51 ;!:. 90 6 (0 63 269 80 6 62'4
10 175 M0 6 60 60 2.'.9 90 I
c: H0 40 6 60 tO 27 1 20 6 (5
17 261 40 t (0 64 299 ... 6 66
K'l 268 120 6 60 (6 266 80 5 66
65 296 240 6 (0 7 2M 40 I (5
68 Sl( 80 5 80 71 269 160 6 (6
60 200 ... t (0 42 2:7 ... 6 (5
68 298 160 6 (0 67 260 240 t (6
64 329 ... t 80 tl 307 ... I 17
86 268 120 6 (0 89 247 80 t 471,
64 810 90 t 80 63 263 160 I 67H
44 Ill 100 6 80 68 26t ... I (74
66 8lii 40 1 40 48 243 ...ll7Vi
15 280 ... I to 6 13t 160 I 70
61 361 ... tO 77 117 ... t 70
60 339 ... I 60 tO 1SI 40 I 70
69 241 80 S tO 14 1:11 ... t 70
t4 193 120 ( 60 ? 2' ... 175
to 2H6 40 6 (0 8 130 ... ( 82
(1 2 .19 100 ( 60 I ,
SHEEP There was a heavy run of sheep
and lambs here this morning for a Thurs
day, but the demand was in good shape,
and as a result the market held up In very
satisfactory manner. Fat stuff In particu
lar sold to good advantage, as the large
pioportion of the offerings consisted of
feeders. The desirable grades nf killers
could safe'y be quoted active and steady
to strong. Common kinds of course were
no moro than steady and not as active as
the better grades.
There was a very fair demand for feed
ers, and all the better grade of both sheep
and lambs sold without much trouble at
ateady prices. Common stuff, though, was
more or. less neglected and in some cases
sold a little weaker.
Quotations for grass stock: Choice west
ern lambs, $4.75&5.(0; fair to good Iambs,
4.50(fi4.75; choice yearlings. $3 i5&4.00; fair
to gooii veariinga, jjt.iwi.j io; cnoice wetn
era 3.S5if3.60; fair to good wethers. $3.15'f
8.35; choice ewes. $3.00fS3 25; fair to good
ewes, $2.65W2.90; choice feeder iambs, $4.2619
4. DO: fair to good feedr l.tmba. $3.5tyi4.0O;
feeder vearllngs. $3.25fi3.60: feeder wethers,
$3 0-fi3 2": feeder ewes, $1.602.50. Repre
sentative sales.
No. Av. Pr.
436 Wyoming cull ewes 90 1 60
22 Wyoming cull ewes 83 2 15
1 Idaho ewe 90 3 00
466 Wyoming ewes 105 3 01
18 Wvomlng feeder lambs f8 3 01
125 Wyoming ewes 8i 8 01
21'4 Wyoming ewes 92 3 00
4 Wyoming yearllnga 70 . 8 40
137 Wyoming yearlings 90 IM
149 Wyoming yearlings 84 3 51
227 Idaho wethers 112 t 65
feeder ewes
fi-cder ewes
feeder yearlings.
In m ha
1 2u
2 16
2 26
2 75
2 Oil
3 0i
8 83
2 So
3 tsi
4 00
4 00
4 85
Storks Recovered Vlaornasly and
Sentiment Was More Cheerful.
,,ltICAO' Oot 1 CATTLE -Receipts,
12 000 head. Including 2.5oo head Texans.
1 he market was demoralised, only a few
VrJt 'fy: g'x'd to prime ateers. tR.264r
8 00; poor to medium. $3.5oi4.80; atockers
and feedera. $2 2fWi4 1R; cowa. $1 40474 23:
..?,,r!,i2'flow-'n: armors. $1.40ff2.M; bulla.
$2.U 4.50; calves. $.15.,; Texas fed1
steera. $2.75di4 75: western ateera, $4.00ifT4 60.
HOGS Receipts. 15,1x10 head; estimated to
morrow, 10,000 head. The market for light
snd butchers was ateady: mixed and buirh
ts. $6.tKi6.3o; good to choice heavy, $5 ;o
flBL T?"Kh npav $5 33115 CO; light $5..0
6.45; bulk of sales, $5 sons 95
.SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15.000
head. The market for sheep was steady
to 10c. lower; lambs steadv to strong; goo I
to choice wethers, $3 3.V(I4 15: fslr to choice
mixed, $2.25(ii3.26: western sheep, $2.25ti4 0n;
r,"v 'Hml,B. $3 506.75; western lambs,
Kansas City Lire Stoek Market.
ceipts. 8,000 head natives. 9"0 head Texana;
calves. 630 head natives; 70 head Texans.
The market for corn fed cattle waa steady
to strong; for wintered and western steei's
steady; for cows steady: for atockers and
feeders active and strong. Choice export
and dressed beef steers. $4.70'ii'.4O; fair to
s;ood, $3 OiKfM .70; stockers and feeders. $.100
4i4.50; weatern fed steers. 83.46fr4.66; Texas
and Indian steers, $2.25(33.40; Texas cows
81.5fl4iiii2.36; native cows. $l.50Hi3 50; native
heifers, 83.2K1f 5.10; runners, $1.wk'u 2.30; bulla.
$2.vii2 35; calvea. $2 5oti6.00.
HOGS Recelpta, 6.700 hear The market
was ateady to loo. lower. Top, $06; bulk
of sales. $5,754(5 95: heavy. $5.601iS 8714
mixed packers, $5 80fi .00; light. $5.85416 05:
yorkcrs. $5.97Hf?6.05; pigs. $5.60i' .00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 2 000
head. The market was steadv; native
lambs, $3.2Mi5.50; Iambs, $2.9oj5.l5: fPi
ewes, S2.3Wi3.76; Texaa clipped vearllngs,
$2.5Wfr4.oo; Texas clipped sheep, $2.40ti3i5
stockers and feeders. $2.00(&3.b0.
Sw York LIvo Stork Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. l.-BEEVES-Recelpts.
85 head. The market for dreaaed beef waa
steady; city dreaaed native sides, general
sales, 6i9c per lb. Cables last received
quoted American steers, general sales, iii
11c: refrigerator beef, 8c per lb.
CALVES Receipts. 1.020 head. There was
very little trading. Graaaers anld at $2 50ff
a m . ino 11. . . . . . .
-.iw t'T-, j.v ii,p. , n i-nr 01 weaierns at i4.v;
city dressed veals, 7V'il3Hc per lb.
HOGS Receipts. 1.849 head. The market
rated about steady; state, $6.50lg.80, accord
ing to weight.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, S.Sfil
head. The mnrket for sheep was alow but
ateady; for lambs firm. The pens were
about cleared. Sheep Bold at $3.fln-n8 75: a
few good at $4; culls at $2; lamba, $6.35fr6.00;
culls, $1.50; dressed mutton, 64f7Hc per lb.;
dressed lambs, 7,.4j$ilfjc.
St. Louis Lire Stork Market. I
ST. LOUIS, Oct. l.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
4.000 head, including 8.000 head of Texans.
The,' market was steadv; native shipping
and export Steers. S4.754VR.66: rireaaeil he..
and butcher steers, $4.26f5 45; steers nnder lbs., $37fi5.25; stockers and feeders,
$2.55fi'4.0R: cows and heifers, $2.25ifiS.60; can
ners. S2.00dr2.26; bulls. $2.25U3 50; calves,
$3.00416. 60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.8 m
4.10; cows and heifers, $2.00(32.50.
HOGS-Receipts, 6.000 head. The market
was steady; pigs and lights, $5.8nftl.35; pack
ers $5 5oc.i6.10; butchers and best heavy.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Recelpta, 2.500
head. The market was steady; native mut
tons. $3.25oi4.0O: lambs. $4.2516.10: culls and
bucks, $2.253.76; Blockers, $1.25y2.90.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. 1. CATTLT3 Re
ceipts, 1,859 head. The market waa steadv;
natives, J3.754j6.20; cows and heifers, $1.50$
4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.50;.').85.
HOGS Receipts, 6.950 head. Prices were -10c
lower; light, $5.90ff.00; medium and
heavv. 5.604i6.o0.
SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 4.31
head. The market was steadv; top Idaho
lambs, $5.00; top Idaho wethers, $3.66.
Sioux City Lire Stoek Market.
SIOTTX CITY, la., Oct. l.-(8peclal Tele- '
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 h,end; '
steady; beeves. $4.O04ffl.4O; cows, bulls snd
mixed, $2.2IKfi'8.70; stockers snd feeders, $260
C3.75; calves and yearlings, $2.5OCi3.E0.
HOGS Receipts, 1.3O0 head: 6c lower, sell
ing at $3.6C.4J5.75; bulk. 15.55S6.60. ,
Stoek I
Following are the
at the six principal
a Sight.
receipts of live stock
western cities yester-
Hogs. Sheep.
6.700 11. son
Kansas City ...
St. Louis ,
St. Joseph ,
Sioux City
.36.859 38,660 30.461
Dry Goods Market.
Jewish holiday has intensified the quiet
so much In evidence in the last few weeks
In dry goods. Buyers have not felt war
ranted In placing very many contracts
ahead, even though a slightly easier condi
tion is reported on certain lines for fu
ture delivery. Where spot goods are re
quired sellers have for the most Dart beesl
able to secure full asking prices.
DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur
nished by 'the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, - bonded abstracter, . 1614
Farnam street:
The Omaha Realty Company to Alice
Donahue, lot 7. block 8, E. V.
Smith's addition S I.2O0
Charles E. 81ocum et al, executors, to
Robert K Jnn'B. lot 21, block 116,
Dundee Place addition 200
Robert E. Jones to Emma L. Guy,
same 200
Edward Barnes et al to L. G. Wil
liams, lot 11, block 16, Hanscom
Place v. 1 1
Abraham Rosenbery and wife to In
terstate Investment Trust, limited,
lot 8. block 198. city 8,000
Anna Kallsh to Frank H. Parsons,
lot 24, block 10, Kountse and Ruth's
addition 2.750
Hester O. and Ellen Lane to Inter
state Investment Trust, Limited, lot
16. block 9, Kountse A Ruth's add.. 8,500
Caroline K. Terrv to James C. Terry
lots 9 and 10, block 1:14, city 8.000
Mary Reed et al to Jan. 7.ellnger. lot
11. block 8, Potter & Cobb's add.... 800
Julia M. Hoobler and hushan 1 to Har
riet Abliott Dahlman. lot 1, block
18, Hanscom Place addition (.000
110111 Board at Trad a,
W. B. Ward. Mauager. Tal. ISI4V
196 Wyoming
4 Nehrski4
1 Nebraska
J97 Nebraska
11 Nebraska
4.-9 Nebraska
13:4 Nebraska
60 Nebraska
17ii Nebraska
Wl Nebraska
3 Wyoming
194 Wyoming
341 Wyoming