Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Berlet of Mnetinjs to Be Held in Irery
County in Btats of Iowa.
Idea, Which la Fathered ny Stete
Teachers' Association, la to Get
the School aad Poblle Into
Closer Toaoh.
Steps to carry Into effect the movement
for an educational campaign throughout
the state of Iowa started at the last an
tiual meatlnc of the Iowa State Teachers'
association In Dps Moines are being- taken.
At a meeting; of the association a number
of prominent educators throughout the
state suggested such a movement and a
committee of which Prof. F. B. Palmer,
superintendent of the Jefferson schools U
president, was appointed to carry It out.
County Superintendent McManus yesterday
received the following circular letter from
Superintendent Palmer, which In a great
measure explains Itself.
Tou are asked to take charge of this
movement In and for your county, using
your own judgment In regard to the best
methods of securing the Interest and co
operation of both teachers and patrons In
the meetings growing out of this move
ment. We would suggeet that on Sunday. No
vember 16, the ministers Of the several
churches of your county preach a sermon
on some toplo connected -with the work of
education. In this way not only will the
meetings of November SO be etpphaslied,
but muny people will be reached who will
not attend other meetings. It Is also
suggested that If possible the Issue of the
public press for the week of November 20
fce used to bring before the people the needs
and demands of the publlo schools.
Tou are urged to accept this work and
we hope you wilt be able to arouse a new
Interest In the work of the publlo schools
In your county. h people cannot be too
much concerned about the welfare of the
children of Iowa and about the work that
their teachers are doing. Try In some way
to Interest every director, not neglecting
both parents and teachers.
In compliance with the request contained
In the letter County Superintendent Mo
Manua contemplates arranging for a num
ber of meetings In the several school dis
tricts throughout the county on the date
named, at which matters of general inter
est to the patrons, pupils and teachers of
the schools will be discussed. Prof. Mo
Minus will a'.so confer with the several
ministers of the city and endeavor to have
them preach on November 15 on some edu
national topic, such as "The Value of an
I Education From a Monetary and Soolologl
i tal Standpoint" or such other theme a the
nlnlster himself may suggest.
One of the principal Idea of having these
heetlngs throughout the state as suggested
by the State Teachers' association Is to
bring the patrons of the schools, especially
those In the rural districts. In closer touch
' with the schools and the teachers. An
other object In view la to secure more
commensurate compensation for the teach'
era In the rural districts.
Dr. 38cholson, who la a prominent factor
In this movement, la one of the leading
educators of Iowa and a professor in
Mount Vernon oollege.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel., $50. Night, F66T.
Doerner Wants Damages. )
August Doerner. whose troubles In get
ting married and since his marriage havo
been aired In the local courts, blames the
parents of his young wife for all. So well la
he Imbued with thla Idea that yesterday he
filed original notices of two suits In the
district oourt against Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Korgan, the parents of hla wife, for dam
' - .....'m. i9K tea
In the first suit he ask for $25,000 dam
ages, alleging that Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Korgan have alienated the affections of his
wife, formerly Lena Korean. Young
Doemer's wife recently had him arrested
on a charge of threatening to kill her,
which resulted in Doerner being bound over
In the sum of (300 to keep the peace. Im
mediately following this action Mrs
- Doerner began ault for divorce In the dis
trict court, alleging cruel and Inhuman
In the second sulyoung Doerner asks for
tlO.000 damages alleging that hla arrest last
January on a charge of Insanity, preferred
against him by the Korg&ns, was malicious,
wilful and for the purpose of depriving him
of his liberty. The commissioners for the
Insane after Investigating the case decided
that Doerner waa not Insane and discharged
In the first suit Doemer's attorney files
a lien of $12,000 for his contemplated ser
vices, and in the second a Hen of 15,000.
Street Fair Pay Well.
The Council Bluffs street fair and carnival
waa aa great a financial success this year
as It was in 1902. Thla la demonstrated by
the balance sheet struck last night at the
meeting of the committee which had it in
charge. A final auditing of the acoount
shows that the total receipts from all
o ureas were $15,293.40 and the disburse
ments $,546.32, leaving a net balance ef
$4747.08. , .
Qf this balance $6,000 will be used In
the purchase of Elks' building stock, and
Treasurer H. If. Van Brunt has been au
thorised to purchase stock at par to this
amount. To the following societies and
organisations donations of $50. each will be
made: Woman's Oulld of St. Paul'a Epis
copal . church. Council Bluffs chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution,
Ladles' Aid sostety of First Baptist ofturch,
Associated Charities, Flower mission, Park
board. Christian Home,
The receipts from general admissions,
season, and coupon tickets were $4,506.67;
from the sale of confetti, $1,407.96; dona
tions. $S,:t 81; country store, $645.66; Ger
man village (net), $546.18.
E. A. Troutman, secretary of the Elks'
lodge, for his servloes waa paid $300, this
being- the only expense of thla character
Incurred by the committee.
Plumbing and Heating. Blxby as Son.
Coaanroualae la Cappy Case.
The case of W. B. Cuppy against his wife,
Susan A. Cuppy which, owing to the prom
inence of the parties concerned, has at
tracted more than ordinary Interest In the
east end of the county, was brought to
close yesterday by both parties agreeing to
a compromise decree.
The case has been on trial before Judge
Thornell, and by the decree John Haien.
former sheriff of Pottawattamie county is
appointed permanent guardian for W. . B.
Cuppy, In place of hla wife who waa ap
pointed 'such about a year ago, and which
was not satisfactory to the nearest of kin
of Cuppy, as they alleged that Immediately
upon her appointment she wholly deserted
and failed to provide for him.
, In addition the decree provides that Mrs.
tt Pnarl M, Coaaail fclaffa.
'Phone St I
Cuppy la to pay for the maintenance of her
husband for the past year and all expenses
of the suit. Including the fees of her hus
band's attorneys. In consideration for this
Cuppy on his part dismissed the action to
set aside a certain deed by which he con
veyed all of hla property to his wife. The
main point, however, at Issue was over the
appointment of a permanent guardian, and
friends of Cuppy who were Interested In
bringing the action to set aside the deed
claim their attack in this direction was
merely a flank movement to force the ap
pointment of a guardian other than Mrs.
Sullivan Announces Dates.
Jerry Sullivan of Creston, democratic
candidate for governor, spent Sunday night
In Council Bluffs en route to fill campaign
engagements In the northwestern part of
the state. From here he went to Sioux
City where he spoke last night. This even
ing he Is billed for Onawa, at Cherokee,
Wednesday; Sao City, Thursday; Fort
Dodge, Friday. Mr. Sullivan expressed
himself as greatly pleased with the recep
tion he Is meeting and said he hoped to
have the pleasure of addressing a Council
Bluffs gathering before the close of the
campaign if suitable arrangements could
be made.
Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract title and loan office of Squire
Annls, 101 Pearl street:
Iowa Townslte Co. to Mlchnel Kenney.
lxt 20, block 12, Bentley w. d I CO
Agnes Folnom to Mntllda Savage. Lot
, mock . central Bun. a. w. d 15
C. T. Fnnble to Eva II. Fauhle, my
wife. W150 feet of lot 9. block li.
Mynster's add. w. d 1
C. I.. Otto Knop to Oeore E. and Mn-
thllde llrown. Lot J and. sub. sei4 aeii
ana ciu rons or lot 1 sua. sun. twhk
set i-if-ii w. a
John Sewetl Rlttg to II. W. ninlr.
trustee. Lot 6, block 9, Squires add.
w. d 400
Five transfers, total $1,876
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and residence Age.
Bert Doten. Hennenin. Minn :4
Christie V. Pierce, Pottawattamie Co. Ia, 19
Alvln Berton, Council Bluffs.
Mae Forbes, Council Bluffs ....
Will B. Doren, Council Bluffs
Fannie M. Hogan, Stroud, O.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Crayon enlarging, 508 Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 409 B'y.
Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer,
Diamond betrothal rings at Lt-ffert'a, 409
14K and 18K wedding rings at Leffert's,
409 Broadway.
Assistant County Auditor W. M. Fred
erick ia on the sick list
W. A. Wells will leave today for north
western Nebraska on a hunting trip.
See the new styles in Men's Suits for Fall
from $10.00 to $30.00 a suit, at "Beno's.
School paints, brushes, drawing and prac
tice papers. Alexander's, 333 Broadway.
Lily Camp Royal Neighbors of America
will meet in regular session this evening.
Concordia lodge, Knights of Pythias, will
meet thia evening for work in the first
For-Vent A' modern "-room house. Mrs.
M. Porterfield, 707 1st. avenue, Council
stlufta - - ,- ,.
Mrs. W. 8. Hewetson and daughter. Miss
Crystal, are home from an extended visit
In Chicago.
J. Plynn of Troy, N. Y., la the guest of
Henry Bpetman, with whom he made a tour
of Europe four years ago.
Full line of Musing Union Suite for men
in part wool all wool and cotton, from
$1.00 a suit up at "Beno's."
- William H. Llnebaraer left last evenlna-
for Juliet, 111., called there by the serious
Illness of his mother.
Mrs. N. B. Hatcher of Baltimore, Md.,
and Miss Hlght of Columbus Junction, are
here to attend the Johnson-Hlght wedding.
For rent, office room, ground floor; one
of the most central locations In the busi
ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee
office, el'y.
The Misses Georgle Newton and Theresa
Steele of Lincoln, Neb., were guests over
Sunday of Miss Newton'a mother of 719
liaxel street
These cases of diphtheria were reported
to the Board of Health yesterday: Charles
Smith, l&H Seventh avenue; two Belple
children, 1626 First avenue.
Sheriff Cousins will leave next week to
attend the annual reunion of the One Hun
dred and Finn Ohio regiment to be held at
Painsvllle, O., October and 9.
We contract to keep publlo and private
houses free from roaches by the year, lu
sect Exterminator Manufacturing company,
Council Bluffs. Ia. Telephone F-634.
D. Taylor, a barber and John E. Potter,
a switchman, had trouble which la said to
have resulted hi a fight. They filed counter
charges of assault and battery and Justice
Carson will act as arbitrator Wednesday.
Waldon Creamer, charged with .theft of
two swing platform hooks valued at $u, the
property of James Wickham, will have a
hearing before Justice Carson Wednesday.
In the meantime he has beau released on
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer will leave to
day for New York City In connection with
the Mary Beach Tousey will case. Involving
an estate of about $l,uO0,0wQ lit which Mrs.
Kohrer la Interested. They will be accom
panied by their counsel, Attorney Emmet
George Shotwell, a 16-yearlold lad charged
with stealing a watch and a sum of money
from a restaurant In Carson, this county,
waa arrested In this city last evening after
he had pawned the watch with a Broadway
pawnbroker. He will be taken to Carson
this morning. ...
A diamond ring and Colt revolver stolon
from the residence of C. W. Sears in Bouth
Omaha, were recovered this morning by
Detective Harding in a Broadway pawn
shop. The ring, said to be valued at J I JO,
had been sold by the thief for $7.60. The
revolver was disposed of for fc!.50.
John Taylor, whose marital troubles cul
minating in the divorce court have been
frequently aired in the courts of this city
and Omaha, was arrested last night on a
charce of beinar a lihiuula lnehriut. An
Mount Pleasan twill bemadS" i'r. Judge
Macy In district court today.
Frederick Miller, aged 62 years, died yes-
ZZZ K'Sfon '''VhV, ",M "
hild Thursday afternoon from the German
Methodist church on Seventh street. e-
ceased had I wen a resident of Pottawatta
mie county since lMtf. lie removed his resi
dence to the city two years ago. Two sons.
Henry of this city and Fred of Kansas and
three daughters, Mrs. Carpenter of Silver
City, In., and Lena and Clara of .this city,
survive him.
Adolph R. Hooker, a former deputy un
der Sheriff Haxen, was taken into custody
reslerday afternoon on a charge of disturb
ng the peace, being drunk and carrying
concealed weapon. He was later sent to
St. Bernard's hospital, pending a heading
today before the commissioners on Insanity,
an Information charging him with being
mentally deranged havlnir tvvn m I
Hooker Is said to have attempted to drive!
his family out of their home on several Oc
eanians recently. Hla condition is believed
to be due to excesalve Indulgence in liquor.
Drainage Experts at Work,
ONAWA. Ia.. Sept. 21 (Special Tele
gram.) C. O. Elliott, the government drain
age expert of the bureau of Irrigation and
drainage at Washington; ls still In Onawa
and will remain about a week. In company
with the ditch commissioners of Monona
and Harrison counties, members of the
Board of Supervisors and other officials.
Today they are following the course of the
Little Sioux river from Turin to the mouth,
with a view of forming a plan to get rid
of the surplus waters. Great interest Is
taken In the matter here and many largo
land ownera accompany the party.
Ko Time to root Away.
Coughs, celds aad lung troubles demand
prompt treatment with Dr. King's New
Discovery. No cure, no pay. 50c, $1.00. For
ile by Ku&a Co.
State Eal'.ot CommUiici Eu a Knotty
Frob'.em to Sol to,
Rock Island Iload Promisee to Re
store Train Service at aa Early
Day on the Oowrle
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. M.-(Bpeolal) The
State ballot commission, consisting of the
attorney genersl, auditor of state and sec
retary of state, convened ngaln this morn
ing for the purpose of taking up the sen
sational contest case from the Bremer-Butler
senatorial district. The nomination pa
pers of W. N. Larkin, who had been regu
larly nominated, were on file, and also a
protest from E. W. Soesby, the rival candi
date, against permitting Larkln'a nama on
the ballot. Both Soesby and Larkin were
present. Soesby was also accompanied by
Senator Craig, the present senator from the
district, and they were prepared to make an
argument to show that the nomination of
Larkin waa fraudulent and not entitled to
recognition. Mr. Larkin stated that he had
not received the notice In time to get his
evidence ready, and the case waa put eff
until Friday next. Mr. Larkin will pro
duce the original ballots which were cast,
and show that they actually were cast for
Larkin, while Soesby has the sworn affida
vits of the majority of the delegates that
not one of them voted for Larkin.
County Auditors May Assess.
A hint has been given the county auditors
In those counties where there has been
some controversy over the assessment of
certain telegraph lines along the Burling
ton railroad, that they are In duty bound to
place on the assessment books the assess
ment of the telegraph line. The line la
owned by the Burlington railroad, but
leased to the telegraph company. When
the etate executive council came to this
question, the property was assessed to the
telegraph company, as It waa found that
the contract between the railroad company
and the telegraph company made the lat
ter liable for the taxes. Then the telegraph
company enjoined the state officials from
giving official notice to the county auditors
of the amount of the assessment. It Is
now given out that despite this, some of
the county officers, acting under their au
thority, will place on the assessment books
the assessment aa it was made or as It was
last year, and proceed to collect. The
countiea affected are: Adair, Adams, Cass,
Clarke, Decatur, Des Moines, Dubuque,
Fremont, Henry, Jefferson, Lucas, Marion,
Mills, Monroe, Montgomery, Page, Polk,
Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Taylor, Union,
Wapello, Warren and Wayne. The amount
. of the assessment in dispute Is $57,000.
Will Restore this Trains
The Rock Island railroad has decided up
on replacing on the branch lines the pas
senger trains that were taken off some time
ago as a matter of economy. The most
conspicuous case waa on the Cowrie branch
where the only train the company was run
ning for r-ssenger service had been taken
off. The people mads loud complaint and
the company has agreed to plaoe back the
trains in a few weeka The company
ehowed that It had been operating at a 1ot
for aeveral years.
The Dea Moines city council this morning
granted right to the City railway company
to run over certain streets In the north
western part of the city, for the purpose of
gaining an outlet for the connection to the
western jowa Jnterurban at Grimes. The
city railway will build to Grimes and the
Interurban company continue on west to
the Missouri river.
Trouble In Military Company.
There Is trouble In Company F, Fifty-fifth
regiment, Iowa National guard, of this city,
and the resignation of Captain C. W.
Easter has been tendered Colonel Lin
coln. Charges were filed against Mm
py members of his company, alleging
incompetency and Inability to command
the company. Colonel Lincoln came to the
cuy ana investigated the matter, and
round that almost the entire company
supported Easter, and that there was very
little basis for the accusations. But the
trouble had reached such proportiona that
it is learned Jhat Easter ham raai-nA
The company is one of the newer onea of
the regiment,
Iowa Regiment Favored.
Adjutant General Brers today received
the general orders for the brigading of the
guardsmen and the regulars at the Fort
RUey encampment In October. He waa
greatly gratified to learn that the Iowa
regiment Is the only guard regiment that la
brigaded with regulars. It Is In the Second
division with eleven companies of the Sixth
infantry and as many of the Twenty-fifth.
The commanders of the brigades will be
General John C. Bates, General J. F. Bel!,
General F. D. Grant, General Thomas H.
Barry, General C. C. C. Carr, Major W. H.
Coffin and Colonel J. W. F. Hughea of the
Kansas guard. The Iowa regiment will
go Into the brigade under General Bell.
In view of the fact that there are to be
guardsmen from Arkansas, Missouri, Ne
braska, Colorado, Kansas and Iowa, the
Iowa boys of the Fifty-fifth feel compli
mented on having such a good plaoe as
signed them.
Memorial at Soldiers Home. '
Chairman Cownle of the State Board of
Control returned this morning from Mar-
snalitown, where he attended on Sunday
i memorial service, held there
i In honor of the late Philip M. Crapo pf
t Burlington, the founder of the home and
with It in some way. Ad
dresses were made by Colonel C. C. Hor-
ton, the commandant, by Colonel Parker of
Marshalltown and by Mr. Cownle. The
resolutions euloglstio of the late comrade
were prepared by Chaplain Cole and Sur
geon Duffield. The residents of the home
In !arge numbers participated because of
the love they felt for Mr. Crapo, who had
visited the home many times and waa seal
oua In lta behalf.
Attended Eastern Meetings.
Wesley Greene, secretary of the State
Horticultural society, returned today from
attendance at the meeting of the American
Pomologlcal society In Boston and the
American Farmers' congress In Niagara
Falls. There waa besides himself at the
meeting In Boston Captain Watrous of Des
Moines, a former president of the society,
and Prof. Irwin of the State college. At
the Farmers' congress the attendance was
not as large aa In Macon last year. About
a dosen Iowana were present. Including
Colonel B. F. Cay ton, ex-presldent of the
congress; A. C. Fuller of Dows, who was
elected second assistant secretary; Sam
Jones of Oskaloosa and some others.
Wanted for Forgery.
The governor thla morning Issued a
requisition for the return to Illinois of Ed.
R. Bragga, held in XurUugtoa and wanted
In Peoria on a charge of forgery
The Maaonld Temple association of Dea
Moines extended the time of Its corporate
existence by filing new articles with the
secretary of sluts today. The capital Is
Adjuta&t General Bytrs haa returned
from Minnesota, where he waa with the
Ipwa rifle team In the contest for the
Washburn trophy on the Minnesota state
range. He states that the Iowa marksmen
were deficient when It came to skirmish
firing, as they had not sufficiently practiced
to be quick enough.
Spoke to Kalnhte of Standlsh.
State' Superintendent R. C. Barrett re
turned from Davenport thla morning,
where he delivered an address st the
harvest home reunion of the Men's dub
of the Congregational church, a c'.ub
called Knights of Standlsh. Superintend
ent Barrett delivered the principal address
at this meeting and there waa an all-day
meeting with a sort of fair. Mr. Bar
rett has spent two weeks In Colorado
visiting friends.
Salllran Assails Cummins.
SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Jeremiah B. Sullivan, democratic
candidate for governor. In a speech here
thla evening severely arraigned the record
of Governor A. B. Cummins and criticised
the governor's attitude apropos of the
Iowa Idea. He aocused him of Incons stency
and of going back on hla record at the
behest of Perkins, Allison and other party
leaders, especially yielding to Influence
from Washington. The speech was a no
table one In the debate which Is likely to
ensue between the two gubernatorial can
Life Crashed Out by Wagon,
LEMARS, Ia., Sept. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) John Schartsel, a teamster em
ployed by Knorr & Schaefer, was killed
this afternoon. He was driving a wngon
and fell from a load of brick. The wheels
passed over his body and he expired Just
as he was carried Into his home. He was
46 years old and married.
Richards Case l.oes to Jnry.
INDIANOLA, Sept. 28.-(Spclal.)-The
arguments In the Richards robbery case
were concluded this evening and the case
sent to the jury.
World's Fair Building; In Dang,
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 8.-1 1 la believed an
attempt waa made lust night to burn the
Agricultural building at the World's fair
grounds, one of the largest exhibit struc
tures now in the course of erection there.
One of the Jefferson guards observed a
man acting suspiciously about the building.
He attempted to arrest the man, who es
caped, although several shots were fired
at him. Guards Inspected the building and
found straw and kindling saturated with
The would-be Incendiary Is believed to be
a workman who was recently arrested and
fined for trespassing on the World's fair
Varnish Factory Damaged.
CHICAGO, Sept 28. The factory of the
Standard Varnish company at Twenty-sixth
street and Armour avenue waa damaged
$360,000 by fire today. Members of two
fire companies narrowly escaped death or
Injury from the falling of the floors, and
aeveral firemen wore painfully hurt.
The flames shot fifty feet above the
structure and the oil and varnish, released
by nineteen distinct explosions, turned the
street Into a sea of fire.
rialavlew Has a Blase.
PLAINVIEW, Neb., Sept. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Fire broke out in the rear of
the Frost grocery building at 1 o'clock this
morning. Origin la unknown. Losses:
Frost building $1,500, Insured for $500; stock
of merchandise In Frost store $8,000, insured
for $5,000; Star building $250, no insurance;
Cass block $2,000, insurance $1,000; D. Nye'a
office $900, Insurance $500; Fair Grocery
company stock, $8,000; Insurance, $1,200.
Ara Mmply Perfect.
Dr. King's New Life Pills are prompt,
safe, gentle and always aatlsfy or no pay.
Beat for stomach and liver. 25c. For sale
by Kuhn & Co. ,
Corn Palace Continues to Draw.
MITCHELL," 8. D., Sept. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Continued favorable weather
for the last several days has enabled much
larger crowds to attend the corn palace
than otherwise would have been the case.
The large crowds came 'in' from the west
and north this morning and the palace was
filled at the afterndbn concert. Tomorrow
la Sioux City and Huron day, special trains
being run over the Milwaukee and North
western railroads. Reed's Fourth regiment
band will accompany the Sioux City crowd
and the Huron band will come on the
Northwestern excursion. One of the largest
crowds of the week Is expected on this
ocoaslon and arrangements are being made
to entertain them well. People are en
thuslastlo over the Banda Rossa and It
will remain until the corn palace closes on
Thursday night.
Developing; Hot Springs.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Sept. 28.-(Speclal.)
State Senator A. C. Thomas' and asso
ciates have aecured from the State Board
of Charities and Reform a lease on a tract
of land on the state reserve at the Ther
mopolis hot springs In the Big Horn basin
and will there establish a hospital, bath
houses, etc. Dr. James R. Richards of
Thermopolls will be the resident manager,
The company haa also purchased the Gregg
and Waddle .sanitariums at Thermopolls
and will operate the same tn connection
with the hospital. The deals Involve the
outlay of $20,000.
Injured by Pltblnar Horse.
PIEDMONT, 8. D., Sept. 28. -(Special.)
Word haa been received here that James
Riley, while riding a pitching horse near
Dalsell, met with a serious accident, Ao
cording to reports the animal carried him
under a tree on which the limbs were low
down and tore off the flesh from Mr.
Riley's left jaw and the flesh on his body
was also badly lacerated. At last accounts
he was getting along nicely, although It
was feared he received Internal Injuries
BlaT Ontpnt of Copper,
(Special.) More than 1,000 Ingots of blister
copper 99 $ per cent pure have been turned
out of the North American Copper com
pany'a plant here alnce the works were
started ten days ago. Three carloads have
been hauled forty miles to the railroad
and shipped to New York, where the gold.
silver and other precious metals are ex
tracted by the electrolytlo process.
OH Company Incorporates.
STl'RGIS. S. D., Sept. 2S.-pec!al.)
The Bare Butte OH company has been In
corporated at Pierre with a capital of $10,-
000. Thla is the company that is to sink
for oil on Spring Creek north of Bturgla.
The work will be begun just as soon
the machinery arrives and la placed tn
position, which will probably be this week
Arrest Alleged Murderers.
OPAL. Wyo., Sept. 28. (Special )-Jack
MoCann and Ed Walker, arrested at Ogden
a few days ago, are alleged to be the men
who murdered a ranchman near -here last
summer. Local officers have gone to Ogden
to sea If the prisoners can be Identified.
Macadam Hoade at Meade.
FORT MADE, S. D.. Sept. 28. (Special.)
This post Is to hsve macadam roads and
cement walks. Bids are now being called
for and It ia estimated that the cost will
be close to $30,600.
Those- who use "Garlands" are the best
J friends of "Oar lands" Sierea and Ranges.
riamsi Started ia Oelltrs of Five Fist
Honini in Bew York.
Scores of Policemen In the Dress of
Cltlsens Are Now Engaged In
an Effort to Captara
the. Miscreants.
NEW YORK, Sept 28-Ftve fires were
started In the cellars of aa many flat
houses In Harlem during Sunday by In
In each case It wsa found upon In
vestigation kerosene had been used to
hasten the work of the flames. Hundreds
of Uvea were Imperiled and property worth
thousands of dollars endangered.
The burning early Sunday morning of the
church of the Archangel In Bt. Nicholas
avenue alao la believed to have been the
work of firebugs. When the rumor of fire
bugs spread through the eaatern section of
Harlem, where all the fires were discovered,
terror prevailed among the flat dwellers.
Scores of policemen In cltlxena drees are
now at work in the district, but no trace
of the miscreants has yet been secured.
In some cases It waa found that old
mattresses had been dragged Into the base
ment of a building, soaked with kerosene
and flred. Robbery la the only possible
Fire early today In a flve-story building at
2S7 Fifth avenue caused a panic among
a dosen persons who were asleep there.
The blaxe started on the second floor and
spread upward so quickly that the
Inmates fled to the roof, from where
they were able to reach the roof of
the Reform club next door. All escaped
Injury In this way, although much
valuable property wns left behind.
Several artists had quarters In the build
ing and quite a number of valuable paint
ings undoubtedly were lost. Several
canvases were carried out by their owners,
who left their clothing behind. .
Stepmother Makes Last I'nsnccessfnl
Appeal to Save Their
ALBANY, N. Y., Sept 28.-Mrs. Van
Wormer, step-mother of the three brothers
who are to be executed at Clinton on
Thursday, called at the executive chambers
today to make a final appeal In behalf of
her step-sons.
Governor Odell declined to see her, on
the ground that he had fully considered
the case and that an Interview would be
only useless pain to both. Mrs. Van Wormer
accepted his decision aa final and will re
turn to Klnderhook this afternoon.
Warden Oeorge Dye of the Clinton prison,
who has the execution in personal charge,
will not say, even If he has decided, In
what order the brothers are to die, but he
declares that there will be one set of wit
nesses, and the work will be done with all
possible expedition. The witnesses have
been instructed to meet at the warden's
office at 11:15 a, m. The execution is to
take place at or about noon, and probably
will not oonaume more than twenty minutes.
Much thought has been given to seeking
means of separating the three, so that
none of them would know when either of
his brothers wss taken to the chair, or
whether himself waa first to go, but the
arrangements of the prison and the location
of the death house makes thla Impossible,
to conduct the condemned men through
any corridor of the main prison would un
doubtedly throw the other prisoners Into
an uproar.
It has beon determined, therefore, to
place the three in the successive cells on
one side of the corridor In the death house
tiAarAKt the door of the execution room
and remove them In that order to their
The condemned prisoners bear well the
ordeal of suspense.
They Are Clad In Bine and Gray,
Emblematic of North
and South.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 28.-Clad In
uniforms of blue and gray, emblematic of
the reunion as comrades of men formerly
separated by sectional strife, 1,000 soldiers
of the Spanish-American war marched In
parade today as a preliminary to the open
ing of the fourth annual assembly of the
National Army and Navy Spanish War
They were reviewed by veterans of the
Grand Army of the Republic, state and
city officials and by Prealdent Hadley of
Yale university. The first assemblage of the
day aside from the many Informal gather,
Ings, was that of the council of ad.
ministration which met at the New Haven
Reports of work accomplished during ths
year were ftumttted to the council and were
referred to the convention for acceptance.
As regards finances, the association was
declared to be In good condition with no
debts and with a considerable balance In
hand. The amount expended for relief
work by the various commands and corps
during the year was nearly 1100, 0Q0.
In the organisation of new commanda
some trouble haa been experienced by
reasons of the fact that there has been an
effort to amalgamate the Spanish War
veterans wdth the Spanish-American War
veterans and other like organisations. A
good many have desired to hold out from
Joining ths Spanish War veterans until
this consolidation was perfected.
All hindrance to consolidation haa now
been removed It la expected by the end of
October all details, including the election of
offloers and the adoption of rules and
rituals will have been arranged.
G. D. Streeten.
CRETE. Neb., Sept. 28. (Special.) The
funeral of G. D. Streeter, whose ualh
occurred unexpectedly in Joplln, Mo., list
week, waa held here yesterday afternoon.
His death was due to heart failure, for
the treatment of which he had gone tn
Joplln but the day before. Mr. Streeter had
been for many years a resident of Creto
and for most of the time was landlord of
the Streeter house. The deceased was a
Mason and a member of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen. He also belonged to
the Grand Army of ths Republic, the mem
bers of which had charge of the funeral
Henry D. Lloyd.
CHICAOO. Sept 28.-Henry D. Lloyd, a
well known writer on economic subjects,
died today at his home in Wlnnetka. Mr.
Lloyd waa to have joined tonight In the
visit to the city council of delegates to the
municipal ownership convention. He waa
born In New York City May 1, 1847. From
1869 to 1K72 Mr. Lloyd waa assistant sec
retary of the American Free Trade league.
Not Hungry
when you should be means disordered
nerves, whlct will lead to nervous pros
tration. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is guaran
teed to benefit you or money refunded.
Book on nerves sent free.
PR. M1LM MEDICAIa CO. Elkhart, Uf
organised by William Cullen Bryant, David
A. Wells, and other prominent reformers.
He took an active part In the organisation
of the Young Mon's Municipal Reform as
sociation of New York In 1S70, which con
tributed materially to the overthrow of the
Tweed machine In that year. He prepared
a manual for voters with the characterlstlo
title "Every Man His Own Voter," which
wss distributed throughout the city In that
campaign. Mr. Lloyd came to Chicago In
1872, and until 1RS5 occupied a position as an
editorial writer on the Chicago Tribune.
Since then he has devoted hla time to the
publication of articles on labor problems
In the current mngaxlnes.
John O'Grady.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 28-John O'Grady,
a prominent corporation lawyer, died here
today after a brief Illness. Mr. O'Grady
waa born In Ireland In 1850 and was ad
mitted to the bar at Wexford. He eame
to this country In 1870. He had practiced
law In this city for the past fourteen years.
Before coming here he had practiced tn
New York and St Louis.
Rot. Truman P. Allen.
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept 28.'-Rev. Trnman
F. Allen, pastor of the Thirteenth Avenue
Methodist church, was stricken with apop
lexy just as he finished what he thought
might be his last sermon to the congrega
tion. In three hours he was dead. Rev.
Allen was born In Vermont sixty-three
years ago.
Man Either From Slons City or Lin
coln Kills Himself at Kan
sas City.
KANSAS CTTT, Bept 28. George Hnysel,
who Is thought to be evthor from Lincoln,
Neb., or Sioux City, Ia., committed sui
cide aome time yesterday by blowing the
top of his head oft with a shotgun In a
rooming house.
From a rambling letter left by Haysel
It Is supposed he was insane because of
some wrong he had done, or Imagined he
had dons to his wife and family.
On the dresser was an envelope con
taining $35 In bills and the photograph of
a matronly looking woman and a boy.
On this envelope was a note directing that
Its contents be sent to his wife.
On a table woe the picture of a
younger woman, on the back of whloh
was written, "Bertie Llnd, Lincoln, Neb
LINCOLN, Sept. 23. (Speclal.)-acorge
Haysell wai formerly a restaurant pro
prietor of this city. Haysell was a mar
ried man, but some months ago ran away
from his wife and home with a waltreis
In his restaurant and the wife s 'cured a
divorce. She was notified this morning of
his death and sent an undertaker for hla
remains. Mrs. Haysell stated that her
former husband had been fnsane for two
or three years and that since he deserted
her he f oared that she Intended to have
him arrested. He called her up several
t'mes last week by telephone and asked
her about It. Last Thursday she said she
had sent him $200. The remains will be
brought here for burial.
Lives of Mnny Imperiled ia a Street
Car , Aecldent in
CHICAGO, Sept 28. Ten persona were
Injured, two seriously, In an accident today
on the Halsted street car line. A . train
ran away and for two blocks, from Six
teenth street to Eighteenth street. Im
periled the lives of many persons.
It Is said the car waa In charge of a
new grlpman. Two wagona were struck
by the train before It came to a stop.
They Have a Ton of the Explosive
and Officers Are on
HELENA, Mont, Sept 28. In addition to
the threats which have been made against
the Northern Paclflo railroad by a gang of
dynamiters who demand $50,000 cash. Chief
of Police Travis has received notification
from what is believed to be the same gang,
that unless two men arrested in connection
are made as good stoves
should be made to last a
long while and do perfect
work while they do last.
Quality and Ecosony .
That's It i
If It Is a genuine Jewel Steel
Range, a fuel saver, made in
the largest Stove Plant In the
r?2fJu wona, n wui nsve mis uaas y r; ji itf- ' !
IfeWh? mark and ths makers' name, y-i '3 jlj LwJ
cast on It Don't accept a I tmS$f
-mm aa flia t I. a. m - I a"i-J I -aCT- ;
nusnsnnauns an w v vi ana n am J - - - m
( fuel bills.,
Conklln Hardware Company.
'-.'ay RaVa
11 a n 1 1 n a .
u w it I a ii a
Utah f
anu .nana
from Sept. 13th ta Nov. 50th, Inclusive, the VNION PACIFIC
will aell one-way tickets from Mlaaourl River Terminals.
(Council Bluffs to Kansas City, Inclusive), as followsi
$20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
A20.UO to Helena and Butte, Mont.
to Spokane and VV'enatchee, Wss.h.
922.0O to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho.
A2.VOO to Portland, T acorn a and Seattle.
miA.OO to Vancouver and Victoria.
Jf.2fl.OO to Ashland and Astoria, Oregon, via Portland.
2fi. OO to San Franswco, Los Angeles and San Dtega
Cerrespoadiacly Lew Rstas te assay other Calliernla, Orafoa. Waiblnf
tea, Mealana, Utah aad Idaho paints.
For further information call oh or oddrtti
'rnone lit.
with the first dynamite outrage at Living
ston are released the city jail will also he
blown up.
Searching parties have been sent out to
try to locate the gang and the ton of dyna
mite stolen from a wsrehouse In this city
a week ago. The last ultimatum to ths
railroad expires October 4, and the one to
Chief Travis ends today. The railroad
tracks are being carefully guarded against
further outrages.
"nftfcf ladbMi flffrT from tiriAsvlie
for tke last twantr-ave ymn and novtr found any
rtlUf antll ka k(a taklnf yoar Cairareli. Since
kakaa baron tekln( Caarai-aw k baa sartr bad
the baadarha. Tka bare enttrslr earad blow
Caaearata da wbal foa raeomaaand tbaat In do. I
will (Its roe tka prlrtlaee of aalnc kit nana."
aVH. IMckaoa, UN fUalaar St., W Jaciaaapolla, lea.
Pleaaant, Palatable, otnt, Taata Qoed, To Qnnd,
Karer Slrkan, Waakan or Qrlna. 10c, Or.Mc. Krrar
a. Id la bnlk. The tannine tablet pad OVO
ftuarantaad to eara or roar nionay back.
8 teiling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. gq(
To All Catarrh
ITyomel Guaranteed to Cure by Sher
man 4t McDonnell Drag Co., or
Money Refunded.
The popularity and Increase In the sales
of Hyomel are unique In the annals of
medicine. fuch astonishing cures hsve
been made by this remarkable remedy
that the proprietors have authorised Sher
man ft McConnell Drug Co. to sell every
package of Hyomel under an absolute
RUHtHiilee that It will cure catarrh. If It
does not, the purchaser can have his money
refunded by Sherman ft McConnell Drug
Co., 16th and Dodge Bts., Omaha.
Hyomel Is no ordinary remedy. It Is
the only method -of treatment that sends
by direct inhalation to the most remote
part of the air passages, a talsamlo air
thnt destroys all catarrhal germs In the
lircathlng organs, enriches and purifies
the blood with additional oione, and makes
permanent and complete cures of catarrh.
The complete Hyomel outfit costs but
$1.00 and consists of an inhaler that can
be carried in the vest pocket, a medicine
dropper and a bottle of Hyomel. The
Inhaler lasts a lifetime, and If one bottle
does not cure, an extra bottle of Hyomel
can be obtained for 50 cents. It Is the most
economical of all remedies advertised for
the cure of catarrh, and Is the only one
that follows nature In her method of treat
ing diseases of the respiratory organs.
Breathe through the Inhaler for a few
minutes four times a day and your catarrh
Is cured. That's all.
If not cured Sherman ft McConnell Drug
Co. will refund your money.
ED by needlework catch
every stain and look hope'
lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio
will remove not only the
dirt, but also the loosened,
injured cuticle, and restore
to the fingers their natural
We Mil and reooatmaad Jewels
eecaaac we know lasaa.
Oregon and
Pjr$R Tor
ft i jr The) Bowel .
. CAMCrT CATHajrnc