TTIE OMAHA DAILY BKE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1903. 10 STICIvNEY TALKS UF OMAHA Great Western President Telle Cit'ism to Up for Their Town. DON'T ADMIT THAT RATES ARE BAD Tell BnilntM Men to et Ont aaa Mat; Ofprf finlHee lr ImorOT lost Crnrril tondltloa , of Uniibb . President A. P. Ruokney of tne Chicago Great Western railwny received tlie com pliment of the liirgost attendance of the year at the Frcial ninetlng Friday In the Commercial club of the Kenl Kwtate ex change, about sixty being present. In In troducing the speaktr President Harrison of the exrhaiiRe Bald that he thought he voiced the sentiments of nil In saying that they felt highly honored nt the presence of the dlHtlngulnhed guest, who had al ready perhaps done more to silr up the people of Omaha than mnny citizens who had llvrd here all their lives. Mr. Harrison felt that even Mr. Sttckney, who had been accustomed to success always, must feel gratified at having put such life Into the city. Mr. Stlckney, after saying that he felt inored at the Invitation to uddress tho exchange end that the Chicago Great Western was as much Interested In the Increase of Omaha prosperity us any cltl en, having put Its capital here, brought out the following IdcaH In a straight forward talk, which Ideas, he thought, would lead toward prosperity: "The only way good can be done for Omaha la for the people of Omaha to go head and do It themselves. It seems a elf-evldent proposition that If every In dividual does all he can to Increase bis own business he Increases the aggregate business." The speaker had been told that there was a scarcity of houses here -residences and wholesale quarters. This was legiti mate business for real estate men. They had not usually the capital to erect large buildings, nor bad the business men whoso business grew faster than their capital. It waa the business of real estate men to find capital w.ilch wanted Interest Invest ments to build these warehouses. There were plenty such In this section and In the eaat and the time was ripe. Mast fttand tp for City. "People can't build up a city get men to build factories, etc., by publishing the fact that railways coming here are dis criminating against the city," said Mr. Stlckney. "Any man wishing to locate would be frightened away. It Is true 'the ratea as they exist are not conducive to a grain market here, but this is no more ao than the cattle rates were before the be ginning of stock yards. If a start were made, without doubt the rates would be conceded. Freight agents allowed rates to get out of line, but when there In business to fight for, then Is the time. There le a difference between fighting and scolding. No man In Omaha ought to admit that the city has not the best rates. Chicago grossly discriminated against never lets It bo known. I feel that a grain market Is no doubt possible here, but It must be care fully worked up. It is not now necessary for the Commercial club and Real Estate exchange to have committees, but later might exert beneficial Influence If this had Hot been worn out beforehand." Taking Bt Paul (because he was familiar with It) he said that in that city there had been absolutely no demand for real estate for speculative purposes since 1878 and va cant land could not be sold. In the last two year had come a demand for dwelling houses of from 12,500 to 3,500 cost. One firm had built fifty such houses last year and fifty more this year with the Intention f selling them. They took, say, $1,000 In cash down, then mortgaged property for about what It would sell for, say $1,800. Then took second mortgage, say $1,000, from ocoupant, to be paid for In Installments of about the proportion of rentals. In this way they bad got money out of lands and kept It In circulation. On motion of H. T. Clarke, sr.. the ex change thanked President Stlckney for his remarks. P, B. Her, D. C. Patterson and 1. IL Mercer endorsed the Ideas of the speaker. Deposit Your Money In Our Bank as?v 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits Special Saturday Sales $2 Veils and Hat Drapes at 69c Heady mad? Veils. Hat trapes and Bearfa, made of all silk chiffon, handsomely silk embroidered all around- all the late novelties In black. black and whl brown and blue, 1V4 and yards long mnny worth t dollars on bargain square your cnoice for $1 and $1.50 Largs Lace Collars at 40c Each price one dollar and one dollar square These Collars are In heavy Venice large and small sizes round and pointed Collars, colors are white, cream and ecru also silk Chiffon Ties with hand made ends regular ind a half on bargain ina pointed collars, 49c New Fall Kid Gloves square at a pair , The awell new shades In Fall Gloves all the latest autumn styles many real kid leather worth up to one dol lar and a half a pair on bargain 59c Mr1!ift Wni rrli ladles', men's, boys' and girls' Lisle Thread and Ice Effect Hosiery at 15c Pair medm-lVg'n't.r fall wear a special Saturday bargain at a, pair , gins usie 15c Mourning Veils at 10c Each 1 and H4-yard length Sewing Silk Veils with satin stripe border In Mack, also In white and colors worth up to 6O0 each at 10c Turnover Collars Dainty TJttle Lace Collars all stlk embroidered collars very popular and faddish worth up to P fifty cents each at IC 16o and Special Sale Fall Underwear Ladies', misses' and children's all wool camel' hair, ribbed and fleecy lined vests, pants and draw 57. gLt Vrth. :p. !? 19c-25c-39c-49c Misses and children's fine and heavy ribbed Union fined9: auBiLrd,& 25c-49c-98c Ladies' Union Suits Wool and fleecy lined, medi um and heavy weight, -white, ecru and black, worth Ztt- 39c, 49c, 75c, 98c Ladies' Fine Heavy Cotton Ribbed Vests and Pants-white, ecru OCp 'IQp AQr and silver gray, at --wCJ'w, JVl, HtVU 21, . Pvnnbti & pons J! . Ptnnbti $c pott iHAVIITll?i1i SPEC,flL sflLE Mm iyi$ oh overcoats If you want an overcoat come to Harden Bros. They can Show you the greatest assortment of overcoats ever shown west Of Chicago. FOR $7.59 we Cfin sljow Jou the greatest line ever shown Id the city in beaver, kersey, cheviots and xneltons, in oxford gray, brown, blue and black, in medium and heavy weight, also mediums and long lengths none of these coats are worth less than ?10.00 to ?12.50 OUR SPECIAL SALE f Cfl PRICE FOR SATURDAY ONLY.... FOR $10.00 we can BD0W yu the finest and most up-to-date ; line of overcoats that can be produced; these coats are made in the best tailor shops and by the best tailors in the coun try, all hand sewed, with pad ded shoulders & self-retaining fronts. These come in all the latest shades and fabrics, in Irish frieze, vicuna's, cheviots and cassimeres, in blues, blacks, oxford grays and browns, in plain and fancy mixtures; none of these are worth less than $15.00 OUR SPECIAL SALE Qlf PRICE ONLY . OIU Cnerlal Sal ftf Rnw' (Ivercnalt. BOYS' OVERCOATS In all stylos and colors, In ages from 3 to 19 yearn, mad in meaiuru ana long iPiiRtns, an won tanoreu luruuKnuuu, inugiua js In price from $10.00. $7.00, $6.50, $3.00 and Snoelfil Sato nf Rove' Sit ift Saturday at $2.50 wfivwiwi vm wi w . . j BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS In ages from 0 to 10 years, made In double- Dreasiea norroiK ana inree-piece ntyies, in i-ueviuis, isiwcir j meres, fancy cheviots and worsteds, blues, blacks, browns and CO Kf grays, none worth less than $3.76 ourspeclal prlco for Saturday . . . . p & 3 U 'Mil it mm A !)mi)i Orchestral Concert Afleraoon and Evening In the Milliner, Department. Aaiinppntt of the Theaters. With matinee and evening- performances today the opening- week will be brought to a aloe at the Orpheum and It has attested strongly In favor of vaudeville. Tne pro gram was one of excellence throughout and gave unusual satisfaction. The attend ance has been very large and the fashion ables attended to an extent that attest It Is till tholr popular form of entertainment, j Eight established numbers will be on the program for next week, beginning with a matinee tomorrow. They are: Haynes and Vldocq, with an assortment of flbs, squibs, ong and story; Waterbury Brothers and Tenny, the versatile and accomplished In strumentalists and fun makers: Fleury Trio, the latest Ruropean sensation la terpsl chore; McWaters and Tyson company In a musical comedy skit called "Scenes In a Dressing Room;" Hodges and Launchmere, the nlfrhtlngules; Jesselln Trio, novelty aerlellsts; Annette Moore, the beautiful yonng soprano, and new scenes projected by the Kinodrome. The only matinee of "A Scout's Revenge" at th. Krug will he given this afternoon. The engagement of this sensational play closing with the performance tonight, and tomorrow afternoon "Vnder Southern Skies" will be presented by a big company. A matinee and evening performance to ay clones the engagement of "The Btorks" at the Boyd. The company of seventy-tlve Is thoroughly competent and Is equipped with new scenery snd costumes for the perfect rendition of this merry conceit. The good old songa are all well sung and the choruses given with a Jingle and snap as they should be. Judged from the advance sale, the at tendance at tho opening performince of the "Ben Hur" engagement on MonJ-w right will be larger than on the occasion of Its first aprearance here List January. The return engagenment bids fair to be one of the most popular booking of the winter season. Those who expect t J go are urged to bear In mind the necessity coming early to the theater, for owing to the length of the performance the curtain will lis promptly each ttms nt tha hour announced end those who are not then In their seats will miss the great t-ib'eau of the star of Bethlehem and the wise men of the east, one of the most beautiful Inci dents of the whole production. The en gagement la for one week, beglnnliur on 5don1y evening. The curtain will rise at o'clock for the evening performances and at S o'clock at the matinees. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. THE ONLY STORE WHERE Stylish Millinery is Properly Pricod. OVER 2,000 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Trimmed PICTURE HATS to choosa from A display of StyU and Values never before shown in Omaha. Elandsomo Hats at $3, $4 and $5. COME AND SEE INVESTIGATE, IT PAYS. POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS 1508 DOUGLAS ST. ""fs -s J We Quote A Few Prices, but If what you want Isn't In this list don't think It isn't In our stock at a special cut price. Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c 4711 Soap .' 10c Swansdown Powder 15o 1'erun 6io Plnkham Compound 74o Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 68c Ayer's Hair Vigor 79c Hall's Hair Restorer.... 79c Packer's Tar Soap 14a Menthol Pencils lOo Mecca Compound 20c We Defy Competition on the Following Blends COFFEE. Rio Blend for Saturday llo Special HIj 124o leader Blend has no equal for 15c Boston Blend to Cuouta Blend worth 35c 2ac TEAS A BARGAIN. Tea Sittings for Saturday 12VsO jjasicei I'irea japan, feiignsn urea it - fast, Ooloug 36o, 4o, 6oO. Co EXTRACTS. Two-ounce, full weight lrx? Four-ounce, full weight 8i'o OUR SPICES ARE PURE AT Mixed Spices for Pickling the best 25c TRY OUR H-L3. COCOA-per can 17Vtc Remember, we buy our Coffees green and make our own blends; thereby we give you better Coffee than you can buy elsewhere for the same money. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers THE LITTLE HOME SAFES Have Enabled 'Many of Our Depositors To Build Up Comfortable Bank Accounts. f XL'nteis&Soril J-:-- .rur.-fo '"I" ' ' i lllnos caused by stepping on a wire protruding from a sidewalk at Twenty fourth mid L, sireeta, June 7. She says she was so 111 as to have her life dlapaired of. . Di-ess studs. Edholm, Jeweler. TABLE SALE Orchard & Wllhelra Car pet Co, Pearl brooches. Edholm, Jeweler. Three ( Ike t'rew Lost. HpNOU'M'. S-pt. The shin Marlon ChJU-nnt, which sailed from Sun Krencieco on September 10 for Honolulu with a i-arico of oil. hs arrived here after a ti-nioeiiu-nus voyaga lu which three of the crew wu lost. Will Espert Itaaaaaes. Lltrsle KomrovuVI. llrlruj st SIT South "Twni1v-fiftri stret. has notified the citv jUtat she will upact dajuagea fur a vers Mrs. John O'liearn and family wish to express their thanks to the many friends and neighbors, also- to the Masonic order and G. A. R. for the kindness and sym pathy shown to them during the sickness and death of their beloved husband and father. Geranaa Republican flab. The German Republican club will meet at Washington hall. Sunday, Sept. 27th, at o'clock p. m. Inasmuch as matters of importance are to be transacted, all mem bers are requested to be present JACOB HAITCK. President MAX FEIERMANN'. Secretary. Chicago Great Wester a Railway. Short line to Mlnden, Harlan, Manning and Fort Dodge. Two trains sach way. Leava Omaha at :M a. m. and t:46 p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at :46 a. in. and 1:10 p. in. For Information apply to Geo. F. Thomas, Gen'l Agt., room S13 Omaha Na tional bank building. Omaha, Neb., and 36 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. ONE FARE FOR TUB ROUND TRIP. ChlcaKO Centeaalal, Chicago, 111.. Sept 2i-October J, VK. The Chlcsgo Great Western railway will on September it. 27 and 28. sell tickets to Chicago and return at the above rate. Theas tickets are good returning until October i, Inclusive. For further particulars Inquire of George F. Thomas, General agent, Omaha National bank building. Baby pins. Edholm, Jeweler. HALV RATES Douglas Printing Co., 144. Howard. Tal TABLE SALE Orchard & pel Co. WUhelm Car- Latest fobs. Kdholm, Jeaaiar. Via Wabash Railroad. St Louis and Return, 111.90. Sold October 4 to t. Leave Omaha iM p. m.. Arrive St. Louis T.-tt) a. m. City Office 1601 Farnam Street, or Address Harry E Moores, GenL Agt Pass. Dept.. Omaha, Neb Far taa Poor. An earnest appeal comes from ths Daughters of tho King to all who are In terested In the poor and suffering to send cast-off clothing or bedding of any kind to the Gardner Memorial house. Eighteenth and Capitol avenue. If not convenient to send, please notify and messenger will call. Aid of any kind for this purpose will be most thankfully received. MRS. JOHN BARKER, Pre. Horse covars ntsde to fit your horse. Omaha Tent ft Awning Co., Uth and Har ney alroeUx. Why not try it? The little safes are loaned free and WE OPEN ACCOUNTS FOR ONE DOLLAR or More Paying Four Per Cent Interest, Compounded Every Three Months. All Deposits Are Payable On Demand. . BANK OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers. New Fall Styles Now Ready Wi take pleasure In announcing that our New Fall Lines are now ready for Publlo Inspection. As It Is one of our rules to always clean old goods out cheap rather than carry them over, for that reason we always open up svsry season with an al most entire new stock. This season you will note that ours Is one of the largest and best selected stock of men's and boys' wear ' In the city. Here are four floors full ' of the newest and most up-to-date wealing apparel. Everything Is guaranteed to bs as good as It looks. One price to all; marked In plain figures on every article. While we sell the best and most reliable goods only, we sell them at popular prices, trying to save you money on your purchases wherever It is possible. To prove this we refer you to our show win dows, where you can see for yourself by comparing prices.' We are agents In Omaha for Alfred Benjamin's fine cloth ing. Young's celebrated hats, the Carhartt makes of goods and many other lines which are considered the best In their class. It Is no trouble for us to show our goods, whether you buy or not, so give ua a call. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 Douglas Street. P. 8. Memorandum books with calendars and lots of other useful Information In them given away free for the asking. M GET IT FIXED A am 11 dk-iv In a tooth will soon he a large one unless you have it lined. The charge will be small and you'll have a good tooth. FILLIKCt f TSn mp crowns aa.ou Taft's Dental Rooms 1SI7 Douslaa hu 50c Saved IS 50c Made Tou can save 60o every time you bring the boy here and have us nt htm with a pair of our boys' shoes at 11.60. Ths quality is there for ths differ ence Parents who have bought these shoes know their value and come again and again for the same kind of fl.M shoes nothing we could say would recom mend them as much as this fact Saturday Is boys' day. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Dat Shoe House, 1 EL n MM 733311 aywsSbfeta6s New Fall and Winter Shoes Our lines of shoes for the fall and winter contain the most perfectly constructed footwear we have ever shown. We're not quite satisfied to show you only what other shoe stores offer you our buyer for this department makes it a point to develope lasts and styles that we sell exclusively in our stores. We have several new and exclusive lasts to show you. Our Special Men's Shoe at $2.50 Men's shoos made of choice selected stock, of velour, box calf and vici kid made on Goodyear welts all sewed and stitched with silk good tan oak soles with extensiou edges best drill and calf lining all made on foot-form lasts, with the latest style toes sold by other stores for ?3.50 and $4.00 for $2.5 The Best Shoe on Earth for Boys The "Indestructible Shoes," Mothers. If you want to buy your hoy the best shoe for hard, tough wear, buy the "Indestructible Shoo" they're great. They are made of genuine cbbco calf, with quilted soles the uppers are sewed with four rows of stitching and have th. English backstay. We positively guarantee this shoe to give more days' wear than any other sho. on tha market. Sizes 9 to 13 $1.25 Size 13 1-2 to 2 $1.25 Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 SI.50. Select Your New Fall Hat In selecting your fall hat be sure to choose a becoming style, as the hat is th. most essential artlclo of man's apparel. "The Nebraska" stands pre-eminent as the best equipped stor. In America to assist you In this particular branch of men's wear, as It is not confined to any on. lln. or style, but a purchaser of all the best the world .produces. Our "Nebraska Special" has provsn there Is no better popular priced hat made every known style stiff and soft at Our two dollar and a half qualities are th. best medium price EO makes to be had all styles stiff and soft ifsOvf at Stetson's Hats are unquestionably tha best to be bad i derby s and fedoras at . 1.50 3.50 WHAT'S IN A NAME? Often, Indeed, very little-of ten. however, a great dealt When you see th. manufacturer's name coupled with tha brand of his produot. you can generally Judge as to its worthiness, for his reputation stands behind th. quality. When you see th. names Storz Blue Ribbon Beer coupled together, you can rest assured that It stands for a beverage of UNSURPASSED QUALITY, a proof of which Is th. great popularity It enjoys as a favorite family beer. STORZ BLUB RIBBON (Brewery's own bottling) delivered everywhere In cases of two dosen quarts or pints. Telephone 1260 STOItZ BREWING CO. SOMMER BROS., Exponents of good living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Grocery Tels. 1S2B-1831. Market T.L 784 Twenty Pounds Granulated C QQ Bugar ,,ww Five Pounds Best Gloss CCic Starch Rockwood's Cocoa, lOc per can ,uv Three 2-pound Packages OKp Rolled Oata -w Rio. Flakes, jCc per packaga. .. One-pound Comb Pure 2flc Clover Honey 1.30 Judging from th. crop oondltlons In th. principal wheat-producing states of the country. It Is quit, evident flour will ad vance' In price. Tomorrow will be the last d'.y you will be afforded the opportunity to purchase ALTON FLOUR universally acknowledged "The Perfection of the Miller's Art"-at $1.30. Trading Stamps Are Not In It with our 6 per cent coupons. Every, ticket from our register entitles the purchaser to 6 pr cent of Its face value in trade for anything in our store. You are not limited to any particular item for which you have no use and there Is no chance for our failure to redeem your tickets, 'cause we redeem them ON THE 8POT AT TIME Ob SALE IF YOU WISH. 60o Oxiyn Balm Massage Cream 4oo fcO Bar Ben o 5oe Charles' Flesh Food -. . 4uo 11.00 Orrinl 0o Jl.uO Peruna Ta f 1 .00 Pierce's Medicines 6ic Sic Oenulne C'astoria 2ac Ijixatlve Bromo Quinine lie &e Quinaeetol guaranteed oold cure... 2tc tl 00 Paina'a Celery Compound 7so 11 75 8 S. 8- 1 W i Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills.. tl w 11.00 German Klmmell bitters Ton CUT PRICES DRUQ 3T0RB SCHAEFER'S opvm ALT. NIGHT. Tw Plioaes T4T ssi TOT. 161b. ui Chlcego Streets, Omaha. C Mac4iMO.I CiinnrATciAfl EMi PEN-TAN-GOT 11 bos; I koies. f Sols' I Onuhs tr Shermaa A Drus Co. Mill ertera tlloS. Traao um11 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beat Agrlcaltaral vV.ekly. BOYS' $1.50 SCHOOL SHOES. 51.50 WILL BUT A PAIR "of boys- shoes at this store that will give )"U the full worth uf your money. S.I50 19 NOT VERT MUClt but it's more in shoe value at this store than anywhere else. SI. 50 SCHOOL- SHOES like we sell at this store, are sold at only one store In each city only at this store In this city. SI. SO WILL BUT HERB A chool shoe that for comfort, look and wear. Is equaled by few and excelled by none. tin ite-D(iiASd)i eaaaaiaaaj PARKER'S Hair Balsam j"rju.oie iti. growth of th. tair and gives It the lustre s od slUtlofcss of y out h. Whf D Uie balr U gray or faded It RINGS BACK THI YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff asd hir falling sod keeps th scalp clean and beulthy. h i I 1