I 1 THfi OMAHA DAILY UVAZ: FKII.AY, SniTKMIJi:!: ".". 1!03. SPECIAL NOTICES w'Xil lka aatll 13 at. far Ibe tlrnla aaltloa mm aatll m no a. m. fa leuralaa; and tnilar edlttea. -( Kstn, 1 J-2 a war tnt laaerlten, m a wars lkrftr. Nolblag fkea rar leaa taaa Stta far taa nrst lieer. (lea. Thee vartlaeaaeBte aas4 be raa aaeaeatt'rels'. I Advertisers, ar raajnaetlaa; " here ekick, eaa have miwm iiM4 4a a aiakfrtt lttr Ik cars I The Raa. Aaewere aa addreasea will aa delivered aa araeeatatlau al taa mm k aaiy. SITUATIONS WASTED. iWANTED By younir man of (food address (and experience, position aa bookkeeper hank preferred; good reference. Add rem L Eft. Ilea. A M333 iWx WANTED, situation In lomt good baker; ry us baser; can no any kind ot baking have had ten years' experience. Address P. O. Box 18, C. C. C, Page, Neli. A M'il 27 WASTED- MA LIS HELP. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIOHT. TUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME Boyles College new York life hllg. BUSINESS, BHOKTH AN L. TYPEWRIT 1NO. ENGLISH. Apply for Catalogue. B-222 OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 17tb and Douglas His. . DAY AND Nunrr MFWKIONS. Tall term now open. Students enter every aay. enortnanu taught by man. aovii tlsing matter free. Addressi KuHKBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Nebraska. B M4a7 28 WANTED, for United States army, able bodied, unniarrliii men, between ages of 1 and 36. citizens of United States, Of good character .and temnerate habltH. who can apeak, read and write English. For lnt lormation apply to recruiting onlcer, ibtn ana uouge bis., umana, ana iincoin, nto. B M47S WANTED, a man to work from our wagon. J. t. Adams & Co., 161 Howard. H M4U1 GOOD messengers wanted; first-clans A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th. B ay TED Bova to distribute circulars J to W. Mandelberg, second noor e s more a INTED-First class wood turner at once. Good wages. Lincoln Sash. Door & Mfg. co., juinooin. Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes by our method; can earn nearly all expenses before completing: practical course that saves years; call or write. Moler Barber College, 1502 Douglas Bt. t ia.ii ax WANTED at once, a rood. live, hustltn young man to work In goocery dept.; must speak Oerman and furbish very best of references. Address all letters to U. yplederlch's Bons, Avoca, la. B M563 vVANTED. experienced salesmen In dre oods department. Apply J. L. Brande A Sons. . B 673 26 WANTED, sis tlnners.experienced on fur nace worn. Milton Rogers at Hons Co, 14th and Farnam St. B M573 WANTED, first class all around carpet layer ana snaae man. must De competen and sober. Llndholm Furniture Co., Hlou City. Iowa. B M596 26 TOUNO MAN wants a place to work for noura wiuie going to school, Boyies coi lege, Tel. 1984. B-M5S6 tf BOY to learn the drug business: some ex Jierience preferred. Call or address 1923 ake. ' B-603 26 WANTED, first class barber at Grand Ho tel barber shop. Council Bluffs. WANTED Traveling men to carry a line of tweed pants and skeleton suits in Tow a, Nebraska and Kansas territory. Address, stating age, experience giving reference, salary expected, eta, P 14, Bee. B 614 I WANTED A competent band man, one who can Instruct In brass and reed In struments, at once. Address, Frnnk Faster. Shelton, Neh. 2 SALESMEN WANTED. THE attention of all Warner Library sales men end those having had experience with high class De Luxe publications is celled to the fact of the Warner Library now being put on the market on an en tirely new plan and under an exception ally liberal arrangement. For particulars address F. D. Mayer, St. Louis. Mo. 61224 x EXPERIENCED neckwear salesman with trade acquaintance for the state of Ne braska. Baden Mfg. Co., St. Joseph. Mo. WANTED FEMALE UELP. atria. Call Canadian offloa, 13th & Dodge. C 2-3 WANTED Girl for general lOuO Georgia Ave. housework, C-268 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdreaslns manicuring or facial massage. Few weeks complete: some wagea iroin start: al plomas granted. Cull or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas HI. J MI7T Vx WiVnirn vlvl tnw 1 hnllu ..l. . In family. Mrs. Slineral, 976 North th avenue. c 7 WANTED Girl to help with housework may go to school if sh wishes. P (, Bee. . K MSS7 Zix WANTED Good first and sweond girl; good wages; on car line. mis. uumieriand, usi a. Kiu si. c -Mo WANTED, girl for general housework C-MC27 Qniau family, juoa juasun. WANTED, Immediately. 80 sewing machine operators In Horse Blanket Department of Bemis mnhi Bnr Co. C ML'2 g ", ',. .. I L . . .. .J FOR RENT HOUSES. HUUOtO c. Pefeta Jt Co.. Bee Bldg. D 221 PAYJ9E-B03TW1CK ft CO.. choice houses irtl-ftul New Yiiia Life Bldg. 'Phone lols. D 2Jj WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor agl Co., Tel. 14M. Ollice, 1,13 Webster St. D-225 HnilF m all parts of the city. The Co.. 6ol Bee Bldg. V Hi TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storaxe Co.. offlca ltlli t aruajii, or Tela, liiu-so. D 230 FOR RENT, a neat s-room house, all mod ern except furnace, $18. C. M. Bachmann, 434-17 Paxton block. D M136 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwolt, Barker Blk. D 229 FOR RENT S64 Harney St.. desirable modern house of I rooms In first-class re pair, $35. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam si D-M119 COMPLETE 10-room modern house snd barn. 527 Park eve. F. D. Weud V.26 Douglas St. D FOR RENT Six-room cottage at 81$ N. 42nd St., $16, inquire at 1m4 Webster st. D-S30 FOR KENT, a new nine-room house on 39th St . city, for $36. Call af Trade. at nuvm Board D M455 'Ax FOR KENT Modern S-room furnished house, 1J6 Spencer St.; 'phone 1541. D H6 29x I-ROOM modern house. XTli Chicago st. lit qvilre $23 N. 37lh sL D M594 26x NEW l-room house, all modern, ready October 1. inquire at the house, lo; N. Ud at. D M593 36x WAN vappi M Bo. 10th. -r., modern $36 00 J. St. MHry's. 8-r., modern nj 1140 fco. J.th, -r., modern. !6 ( Si7 N. iuh. k-r., barn. I lots 1200 '14 A mas Ave., 6-r. flat low 2m it BurJette. -r.. bath H 00 OAitYlhsf BROS., liio FARNAM BT D MSU IT FOR RENT HOISES. ELEGANT, 8-room house, nil modern Im provements. 410 North 23d St. D MilS Si ROOM HOUSE, modern. WiJ Capitol Ave, IJS.W per month. 1 M617 27x FOR RENT, tpn-rnnm house; modern, nnd burn, In Went Fariiarn district. V m. K. Potter. Ilec., No. 3o3 Drown Blk. 1 J1',,. IT FOR BKST-FIR.MSHKU ROOMS. AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th & ',ir- nr ICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundrv. 1750 Lavenworth. 'Phi'ne A -J 783. E !ll O. M. E hauls trunk. Telephona 611. Bi Zol MODERN rooms, front. 2019 St. Miry'a avenue. E 161 27 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnwm V1:ll ROYAL HOTEL. European, 18th ft Chicago. NICELT furnished rooms, 109 Capitol Ave, LARfSK. LIOHT. AIRY ROOMS. 112.50 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th at nrtg r'anttnl Ave. Steam heau-d electric lidhted private and general baths all conveniences nrsi-oiass service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DliLONE. E 213 30x LARGE front room. modern. 2019 St. E 1S1-27X Mary's avenue. Nlcs rooms, day, week or mo. la Howard. THREE steam-heafed modern rooms, single or en eulie. furnished or unfurnlnliea ; nu housekeeping; telephone, etc. 2I4 riir nim St., 2d floor. E MtiOH FRONT ROOM, modern. 2418 Dodge St. E MbU7 3UX NICELY furnished modern room; suitable for one or two gentlemen; near curs private family. 2717 Jackson. E 615 25x NICE, modern, newly furnished, well heated. 2221 Leavenworth. E-Mba. tr FRONT ROOM, first floor, and other de sirable furnished, steum healeii rooms, 25 Farnnm st. E M121 'Jkx FlHXIsHKD KOOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room, furnace. ti H. 19lh St. F lus 27x THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and board. also meal tlcKeie. t yviz. -p FIRSITIHE PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERG, lid S. 17lh. H 1.3S Tel. L-23.M4. FOIl KENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR KENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at l'lt Farnam, ruM, four .lories and nrsl-cluHS cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and lixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Be building. I MD67 FOR KENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at V1G Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement, which was formerly used as The Bee pres room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at ofllce of C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. I-2H1 FOR RUNT-STORE? AND OFFICES. THE spacious store room on Farnam street In the Bee building, formerly occupied by Mact'arthy Tailoring Co.. to lease on rea sonable terms. Kent Includes Janitor sarv lc e, electric light and heal, inquire K. C. Peters & Co.. ground floor Bee building. 1-Mi34 DESK room. 414 Bee building. 1-M151 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, csnvaaslng agents In every county- to solicit subscriptions to ri-tw TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Eteady employment with assured good in come. Asents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily fuu to iiuo per montn. ao dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, uee building, omaiia. J zia MANAGER In every town over 1.000 popu lation. Pay 11,000 to Xj.ooo. Reference required, world's Fair Guarantee Ass'n, Ttlulto Bldg.. St. Louis. J oil -4x WANTED TO RENT. U' ANTED Board and room for family of 3. all adults, in private family; not too fur out. Address staling price, O 33, Bee omce. iv 2Jo PARIOR floor or six or seven-room house, modern except furnace. Address O 42, Uee Jv .M uu WANTED, by a gentleman, unfurnished room, with or without board: south of Farnam preferred. Address P 8, Bee office. K-680 24 WANTED To rent. 12-room modern house. west part city. Address f 13, Bee. K-aMl WANTED TO BVY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. j. Levn price. 3u6 Nortl away. J. Levine pays t.v highest cash in itiiu si. i ja-ai uclo WANT gentle pony from October to May; will'buy or take care ot him; state age, height and terms. Address O 58. Bee. N 4Mi 2SX FOIt SALE FIRNITIRE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St. 0-24S FOR BALE. Furniture, consisting of parlor, dining, bedroom, leather library furniture, leather couch, easy chairs, mahogany and rook wood library and parlor tables, odd chairs, roeUVrs, davenport, mahogany bookcase, writing desk, mantle mirrors, clocks, pictures, imported bric-a-brac, oil paintings, rugs, lace curtains, brass bed., oak and mahogany dressers, chiffoniers; also nne upright piano. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. Sell sep arately; call at 138 N. 38th ave. 0-M4S3 26x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait; first-class re pair work. 11. frost, 141b and Leaven worth. P 213 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16lh St. P 244 GOOD MILK WAGON, coal wagon and buggy at a big bargain. A. W. Johnson with John Deere Plow Co. P 3l 02x FOR BALK, finest team of Shetland ponies In the city, wnn eiegani iwo-seutea trap. harness, etc. u t aruam si. P-MH20 2Sx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE. Southwiek hay press and power, cheap. A. H. ltcad. Council Blufra, 1. 4 iU OlO FOR SALE, secondhand . locomobile, in nrst-clam shape, at one-half price. Call or address, ltJi iarnam Bl. y IRON snd wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Auchor Fance Co., 3u6 N. 17lU bt. W Sim CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Slier man 4k M'Conuell Drug Co., Omaha. W-24 FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight; com plete, iron guide posts, cage ana wire en closure. J. L. Brandeis st bona. Q iM SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables' billiard tables repaUred; a large slock oi cheap bar lixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balks Cullender Co., 4W-9 8. mix St. Q M226 14 FOR BALE Several scholarships In a flrst cliat standard school Ln Omaiia. oompris Ing complete course iu business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee Otflca. ( js TEI.EPHONF POLES: long fir timber; chicken fence; oak piling. 101 Douglas. Q--47 NEW and Idhand typewriters. Ult Farnam. Why Walk All A WANT AD FOR SALC MISt KI.LALOlS. E. L. I.OVEJOT will hcpalr your sewing machine ard warrant It. 2"H Hpruce St. V) Mi7 "8x FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Apply Wm. Neckel, press room. Bee uflke. W-2.il FOR BALE Genuine fox terrier pup; If taken quick bargain. Address P J. Hoe. Q-554 &X ICE for sals In carload lots. Address, Q-M715 Lincoln lea Co., Lincoln, feo. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. y 2ot 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnnm. FOR SALE Coal business. Capital requiixl, f2,(KX).(K. J 21. Bee. w a FOR SALE A' new K-ampere, double-pole switch; never mi, usea. Apply in or address "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." Q M7S7 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA. medium. 17"fl Califor- nla. a i (J) uax MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIUN l.AnY tJKKKN or e a rvoyanis; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. bui xn. jam. QYLMER, PALMIST Removed to 714 N. 23d. Take No. lfiin Bl. car. get ore ai and Cuming, walk Hj blocks south. 8 M2G1 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, lis N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2. T 71)7 PERSONAL. VIAVI. a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet. Vlavl Co., 348 Be Blug. MAUNETICPILE KILLEH. IT CURES. At druggists. U. u PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 72S 1st Ave., Council Blurts, la. U UMl SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee Bldg. w DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed Dy eieciricuy. 8. 1606 Farnam St. U PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnement; rest meuicai care mm iiui.u. Mrs. L. Fisher, liol Vinton. Tel. 18.SS. U 260 WE RENT sewing machines at 7oc per week, 12 per month; we repair aim parts for every machine manufactured; secondhand machines a to 110; second hand machines from to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U Mlt2 PRIVATE Knnitarlum for ladies before and during connnement. ir. ana mrs. ikhkh 3025 California St. Te.ms reasonable. . 4:b DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities oi women iiom cause; experienced .nd reliable. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha S. 8HONFELD, the antiquarian (estao- llshed 18,t), removeo. to on . x. i'" U Molo Ol udtv i tbi tinanital itnrlna rontlnement; Dames aaopiea. aita. uumc, Tel. Red-1884. , ussa BOSTON Umbrella Mfg., 608 8. 16. Tel. 1617. Umbrellas Parasois re-covereu. 'rv" or made. j-io MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. t x'Tr-o ritv imm and warrants. W, Farnam fcmitn bl jo., uai "".i.?"- . D & n.t .11. inatm' low rates. W. H, Thomas, First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. X Aal PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. Life, WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters a -o., en oiub- " FIVE PERCENT loans. Garvin Bros. 1604 Farnam. . .. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas AW 4 TO S P. C. money, Bemls, Paxton blocks. v MONEY to loan for building purposes. W, . H. Thomas. irsi nai i """g'odg MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRUST. Money Any Amount Loaned to salaried employes holding per- without MORTGAGE. ENDORSER or BE CI R1TY of any kind, without EMPLOY- mj'z Vr nnn; loriu . r aleo loan money on Furniture, Piano, IC , WUnoui irinuvni ui w)uo. wm us of both money and goods. It Costs You Nothing To call and he convinced that our rates are the cneapesi in uuww, We want your business and believe an In vestigation OI OUl uiBliluua' Will act li even If al piesent you are dealing else where. KIND, COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come in and see us, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-306 Paxton Blk. Rooms 3O-30. MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. Gel our system ot loans that gels you out of debt. Any lady or geniiemjiu, ma chinist, engineer, etc., Having reliable employment can get. Just on ids note: Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to us...$-6.ti6 or IU.35 or $o.j oo Keturn to us... 13 il or 6 u or 3.3j X 2 Ruturu to us... 6.66 or 2.3 or 1.66 I li-Return to us... 4.00 or 2.00 cr l.oo Lasleel terms, lowest rates, confidential. No inquiries, yuiek service. Courteous treatment, t TUia bt AH LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. ait-at 4 4 EASY 18 GET PAY Best eii'luiua our methods. NVa loan on .urniluie, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or It you nave a peruiaiieul iHJttiuuu we can make you a without security, exeepi your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick and cuiiiideulial and we always try lo please. All that we ask U that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. 119 Board bt Trade Bldg. Tel. 22Sj. lEstubUsued M.). i-m d. ltth bl. X-270 MON'iY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC.. ' Low rates and easy terms. Business Coulidentlal. Try us if you want to save money. FHOENI CREDIT CO.. (33 Paxton Block. 16tU and Farnam Sts. LARGEST BUSINESS IN IXJANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant, teaiu sieis, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in jTln cipal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Tr:ide Bldg. X-273 MONEY loaned on plain note to stlaried iople; business confidential ; lowest rates. 614 Paxtou block. The J. A. Hutmu Co. X 275 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, sows, etc. C. V. heed, 19 8. 13. X-Oi Over Town to Find a Position? WILL TELL YOU WHERE TO GO. J UISILSS IIANCUS. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue. to D. Green, H. S, Barker t.k. X 273 FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's n- turra, Including Ic box- Inquire 276J Far nam. Y 6SJ FOR SALE, furniture snd four (4) year lease, Hotel Charters. Alliance, Neb. The Charters Is a forty (40) room brlok hotel, city waler and electric lights, is in good repair and well furnished. Owners want to get out of the hotel business. For fur ther Information address Hotel Charters, Alliance, Neb. Y 1.79 FOR SALE, established land, loan. Insur ance business, eastern Nebrnska county seat town of 1.2'K); good opening; owners have other business. Drawer H. Pender, Neb. Y GS3 21x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange anv property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Llfi. . Y 271 WANTED, partner, for exclusive s.tles oiTlce; branch of reliable Chicago manu facturing concern; 1."0 for half Interest, secured by stork; ybung mnn preferred. Address P 11, Bee. Y Molitj 2fix FOR SALE Real estate, Insurance and of fice business In county seat town eastern Nebraska. No bonus asked; rare chance. For particulars address P 12, Bee. Y-600 27x CAPH FOR TOUR REAL ESTATE OR BUSINESS no matter where located. For a quick sule send us description anil price. NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS AOENCY, D 212. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y 610 24x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE PROPERTY. We offer the following list of acre prop erty adjacent to Omaha and South Omaha ACRE LOTS. J30O We offer for the first time acre-lots in the city of South Omaha within a rille of the packing houses. These lots will be sold on monthly payments. 11.600 Each three five-acre tracts on West y st. will be sold on easy terms. $1,50010 acres on Hamilton st.. Just west or tne futricK larm. n,nstcrn owner noxious to close out. Make us an offer. $4,oOO-4o acres, 4 mile south of the city limits or South omniia. $5,oot 40 acres hlxli. grass land, adjoin ing the city limits of bouth Oinahi. h.astern owner anxious lo sell at once. Splendid place for feeding ground. . FARMS. 134 acres In Cass county, nearly all Im proved; new 6-room house, barn ror B norses, good corn crib, stone foundation, small grove and fruit trees, on rural delivery route. I'rice 156 per acre. 240 acres in Saunders county. 8 miles from Ashland, all under cultivation. Little or no waste land, new house costing i,iuu. irice too per acre. N. P. DODGE & CO. MtsicAi. 1614 Farnam St. "loa-J- KKLLV' volue- Dav""9 RE M609 25 E. D. KECK, voice culture and the art of . singing. Studio, 1802 Farnam St. - $2.70. 16L 6-ROOM MODbKN COTTAGE, COR letovsky s orchestra. Tel. l-srm. NLR LOT, 70x112, 3715 LbAVHN- , , lt WORTH. INQUlRi ON PRtMlStS. " RE-MS1C9 CSTEOPATHY. RANCH and farmn lands for sale by the Johnson Institute, 515 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. 1064 Union Puciflc Railroad company. B. A. , 005 McAllester, land cummiMiicner, Union . l'acilio Headquurters, Omaha. Neb. The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2352. , - KE-280 -295 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also Atsen & Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 135. acre property and farm lands. The O. F. . --196 Davis Co., Room 608. Bee bldg.t RE 278 . . ' r. DRS. FINCH & MILLER. 124 S. 25th St SIX-ROOM modern cottage, corner lot -M 70x112. 3715 Leavenworth St.' Inquire at ' ,. premises. ., t . t P.E-MS59 DRGRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. Uil 1 lAMCniM CHARLES E.. U. 8. -National Bank Bldg. ELEGANT home and farm of 225 acres joining Bennet, Neb. Address Box 13 Bennet, Neb. i RE Msi6 Os Tukey & Son, MUST BE SOLD. Six-room house at 3S37 Decatur St. Full lot. We will make a price this week way below its value. See us about it. - A. P. TUKEY &. SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. : RE 601 26 J TWO HOUSES and lot, 4100 ft,; 1X09 and 1SU Mason St.. near new depot: rented fot $.!1.00 a month, $2,000.00i 'Hrennan-Love & Co. ' UK Mii26 27X ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. 282 ATTORNEYS. J. M. MACFARLAND, 31 N. Y. L. Bldg. 698 Oct.22 F.ALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North lh. 283 BICYCLES. BARGAINS in bicycles: second-hand wheels $3 and up; sea Flescher, lt;22 Capi tol ave. Aiss us CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20tU and Luke streets. 3,0 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' adult beginners now forming Tuesdays and Suturuuys, 8 p. in., com mencing October 22. Private lessons any time. 17th and Douglas, urace pnoue. lbil. Residence, A1i4j. After October 15. 2424 Farnam st Chambers' children a classes Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saiuruays, p. in., commencing October 3. MO MR. AND MRS. MORAND 8 dunclng and physical culture, Uth and Harney, re opens for ctUUiren Saturday, October 3; beginners, 10 a. m. ; advance, 8 p. m. Terms reasonable; a liberal reduction lo lormer natrons and to families who send mora than one pupil at the same time. Private classes orgaulzed; private lesuons any time, lessons for adults now Tues day and Friday, 6 p. m. ; assemblies every Weduesday. School teachers' tickets at half regular rates. For farther particu lars write or telephone 1041. M370 Oct4 DOIGI.AS CO I NT Y FAIH. Fair will be held with AW-Sar-Ben carnival, Oct. 1 to 10. Exhibits In live Block, poul try, farm produce, green fruit, preserved fruits, textiles, ceramics, tine arts, me chanical art. etc.. are solicited. Call atH Secretary s office, 15th and Howard streets and get entry blanks, premium lists and such information as desired. G. W. Hervey, Secreatry. M 1;29 28 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2S2. -2!4 DRESS CITTING SCHOOLS. THE Dress Cutting College Is to young ladies what the busiuees college is . to young men. 627 Paxlon Blk., Ouiahs. Mh32 08 DRESSMAKING. KRISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College, 1706 Cuming Ht. Write for booklet. 241 LADIES' learn to cut your own garments by taking a course st Btandarrt Garment Cutting College, Wi Paxtoa block, Omaha. ICXrF.RT AC'COl STANT. O. R. RATH RUN, room 15. Com I Nst Bsnk Privste Irssons in bookkeeping, etc. iU FLORISTS. HES3 8WOBODA. 141 Farnam. 2S D. HENDERSON, florist, 1419 Farnam St. mi GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee bldg. Tel. 2R35. . i n GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage snd dead animals at reduced prices. 6J1 N. lflth. Tel. 1779. -?S9 HAT RENOVATING. OLD hats made new. Ramser St Kerr, practical hatters, 207 N. Lin st. r M844 0 LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. 13th & Howard. -SJ LOST. LOST Lady's gold watch; please return to 2315 Cass su and receive reward. Lost-M296 LOST, legal papers In Piatt vs. Hitchcock Co., tno iwatnewson xsiaie arm riimiuuB sen vs. Montgomery; also record In su preme court; $25.00 reward and no ques tions asked for return to llenshaw Cafe. Lost M318 26x T.DST white and brown pointer: hsd col lar and chain on. Return to 2000 Daven port street and receive reward. Lost-M630 25x LOST, newsboy's St. Railway badge, No. 3. Return to "Mogy 'tor rewara. Lost M23 Six LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat. Bk bldg NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Lire Bldg., attorneys ana collectors ev r where. -291 J. M. MACFARLAND, 319 N. Y. L. Bldg. yj v. MEDICAL. l.lul'fiR 1 1 A BIT cured In three days. Pay when cured. No hypodermics. Write for circulars, oatnn institute, izi d. inn. 293 IF I can cure consumption In sdvancad stages, why don't you come to me In acute diseasis? Prof. Johnson, 10th and jones PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful $18 S. 15th Bt., Omaha. Tel. 1798. sou PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha, Neb. 11 luslratea patent book tree. uei. io.j. M570 N15x PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat Ing; all business connucntlaL Ktoi Douglas, STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co., 1511 Farn. Tels. 1559-S62. 3W SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 302 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 303 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED, Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 3oii TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everybody. P. H. Philbln, 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 784. -304 TINNERS. O. E- KOCH, 24th and Mapls. Tel. L-1949. M-829 OS VPUOLSTERING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2975. . 1703 BL Mary's Ave. 3ol POSTOFFICE NOTICE. iShould be read DAILY by all Interested, aa changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the ween enuiug Sep tember X, I'Mi. will close (i'ROMPiLY in all cases) at the Ueneral Posiomce as fol lows: PARCEUi-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Purcels-Post Malls for Germany close ai a p. in. Monday and Wednesday, Regulnr and Supplementary mails close at i-orelgn Siatiuu hulf hour later thuu closiiiK lime shown below (except thut Suu- plcmi utary Malls for Europe und Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at t orelgn station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At. 5:30 a. in. for EUROPE. . per s. h. Umbrla, via Queenstown; ut 8 a. m. for UbLiill'M direct, per s. s Kroonland (mull must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland I ; at s:30 a. m. lor 11ALY direct, per s. s. Lahn (mull must be di rected "ls-r s s. Ijihn"); ut 9:30 a. m for SCOTLAND d.rect, per a. s. Astoria (mail must be oireetrS "per e. a Astoria"); at 11 a. in. for DENMARK direct, per s. s liekla (mail must be directed "per s. s llekla "). TRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Tliis steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same cIhss of mail matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially uirectea toy ner. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named atiove ad dilional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American. EnKlish French and German steamers and remain open until within Tun Mlnules of the hour or sailing ot steamer. Maila for Soatb, and Ceatral America, West ladlea, Ete. FRIDAY At 3:30 a. m. for Barbados and Braiil, per . s. BellasKto. via pernum buco. Rio Janeiro and Sepfo (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. liellagglo"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary i.':jo p. ro. ) lor Ht. i nomas, bt. i roix leeward and Windward Islands. British Dutch and French Guiana, per s. Fou- ih belle (mail for Grenada sod Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fontabelle") at 12.3a p. ni. (supplementary i:ju p. ra.) for Inaaua and Haiti, oer s. s. Bo'lvia. BATl'RDAY At 6 ao s. m. for Newfound land, (ar a. a. Rosalind; at I a. m. for I'OSTOKFIt E NOTKK. Bermuda, per s. s. Pretoria; at 8.30 a. m. supplementary 9:30 n. m l tor in u nit and Venetuela. ier s. s. Zulla, (mill for Savanilla sn.l Cartagena must be directed "ler s. s. Hull.V ): at 9 a. m. for St. Kltt. Sit Mirllri Ht Valalla ltrltlah ltnt.-h and French Oulsna, per . a. 1 Her; st s a. m. ror 4'ortci Itlco. per s. s l onmo, via San Juan; at 9 .to s. m. (supplementary l:So a. m for Fortune Island. Jamaica. Savanllla, Cartagena and Greytown, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa l:lca must be directed "per s. a. A'.leghany";; at lit s. m. for Grenada, Trinidad snd Ciudad Bolivar, per s. s. Maraval; at 10 a. m. for "uba, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; nt 12:90 p. m. for Cuba, per s. s. (illuda, via Havana: at p. m. for Argentine. Uru guay and Paraguay, per s. s. Hypatla. Malls Forwarded Ovrrlaud, Etc.. Ex- cept TranspnelOc, CUBA Via Florida, closes at this omce dally, except Thursday, at o:30 a m. it lie I connecting mails close Here on ectnes tUys and Saturdays via Tampa, and on Mondays via Mtitinn. MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes at this office dully, except Sunday, at 1:30 1. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays ut 1 p. m. and 11 HO n. rn NKWFOl.'NDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes ui this office tlally at 6:au p. ni. (connect ing malls close here every Monday, Wed nesday and S.iturduv. JAMAICA By tail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes nt tins onire ai p. m. every Tuesday snd Thursday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, snd thence by steamer, closes al mis omce d.illv at 6:30 n. tn. BEL1Z, PUERTO CORTEX, and GUATE MALA By rail to New oilcans, ana thence by steamer, closes nt this office dally, except Sunday, at $1:30 p. m. Ktid !l:.l p. in., Sundays at l p. m. and ll:3u p. m. (connecting mail closes l,r Monduvn nt 111:30 n. ni I COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at mis omce dally, except Sunday, nt 1:30 p. in. and !U:30 p. m., Sundays at l p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here I'nesiluvM nt 81l::'.n n. m.l (Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. TranspaeiOc Malts. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. ni. up to Beptemoer i-i. inclusive, tor uespaicn per a. . - HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and SP'"V ndrlresneil mnll for ine miuurii'" ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to tsepiemuer si, Inilnslva for Hesitate!' tier 8. S. China. Philippine: islands, via sau Fran Cisco, close here dally at 6. HO p. m. up to 1 September 2.i, inclusive, for despatch per U. S. transport. I CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to wpieuiue. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and I Victoria. B. C, close nere nauy m v.ov Shanghai cannot be lorwaraeo via Cnniiil:! , I HAWAII JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP- I PINE ISLAN1JH, via can p runeim o, hor datlv at 6:30 p. m. up to October 2, Inclusive, for dispatch K,", WMt) NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SA- MOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here cany ai b.ai p. m. , yv i luVa" '(If c;,nn?dds7enmerPVi.rryrng the British mall for New Zenland does not nr- rive in time to connect with thls dispatch, ",rsandm6?m'; Sunday. It Slab 'Ai 9 a. ni. and ti:jo p. m. win ue nmun nv unamn iu procure anoiner policy ot in and forwarded until the arrival of the gliranoa n nnv compuny except at an ex Cimard steamer.) . v,n. .i, . CHINA nnd JAPAN, via rncomn. c:ose here dally at ;: p. m. up winner inclusive, for dispatch per s. s.Tremont. AUSTRALIA (except West). MJi '."" - ANDS ana 3i:w .:AL,r.uuri.i. u- couver nnd Victoria. H. C close here dellv at 6:30 p. m. up to October 10, in- iuU.. fm. disnHtch nor s. s. Mlowera. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close nere imn.v i .. p. ni. up to October 21. Inclusive, for dis- natch per s. s. Mariposa. . NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia IS Torwaroea via r.uruic, hiiu hub inuuu iiuiu roil ruoii. 10 iuis city yes New Zealand and Philippines vbv . San terday to ascertain their fitness to te KPspeTnny addressed "vta'&nadS-'Sr purchased for the United Etate. sery.c. "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the In the Philippines. The horses were foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded 7ia weighed nnd measured ut Fort Crook before Tfan" pacific malls are forwarded to port of . n.L .1 11.. (ha tr.riu4iils r,T flnplna sniIIIIK 'I'Hj' nnu ixj n !' ' r..-...a Is arranged on the presumption of their 3 ml close; nt 0 n. m Vrev'loi.s day. postofflew, :New Y'ork, N. Y., September IS, 1903 CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. R A1LWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND BIARCY. Chicago & Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Leave. Arrive Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mail a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am l.ueal Sluux City.. a 6:10 um a 3:30 pin Daylight St. Paul a 7:50 am a 9:55 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all:10 pin Local Cedar Rapids 6:1' pm Limited Chicago ..a ;16 pm a 9:15 am Local Carroll.... a 4:00 pin a 9:50 am Fast Chicago FaHt St. Paul .a S.jO pm ft 3.45 pm Vut Mml a 2:40 um " . . -. . .- . . s.iNft 1 n Local Sioux City....... .b 4.00 pm b 9. no am Vnrfollt & Bonestecl...a 7:2a am nlO:i am Lincoln ft Long Flne....l 7:25 am bl0:36 am Cklcago, Rock Island 3t I'aclUc KAoi, Leave. Arrive ddrnzn Davlleht L't'd.a 3:55 am a 3:50 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:oO am a 9:35 pm Chicago UXpPsss 011:10 am a o:.w pm Dos Moines t.xpress....a ..ou put un.au am Chicago Fust Express.. a 5:3a pm a 1:25 pm W EST. Rocky Mountain L'fu..a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln, Colo. faprlng- TlnnVMI 2'UeOlO ailU u.'r a 1:30 rm a 6:00 Dm Colo., Texas, Cul. and Oklulioma lyer a a.w pm mi.vj pm Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 5:10 pm 1 niiuit m nneauu ii at St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express , b 7:35 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Local 10:35 am Chicago Express al0:35 am Clilcaao Great Western Ry. Co 104 Ft. Dodge Express. ..u 6:20 um tir! ct. Uodue Express. ..a 2:45 pm 7 Ff. liodue Exu'ess... all K am 103 Ft. Dodge Express... b 9:10 pin I n ion PaclQc. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 9:50 pm The Fast Mall a 3:.5 pin California Express a 1:0 pra I'n. ltln Kxnress all: JO pm Eastern Express a 6:30 pm The Atlantic Express.... a7:a)iim The Colorado special.. ..a ciu am a am Chicago Special a 3:40 uin Lincoln, Beatrice anu Sironisburg Express. ..b 4:00 pm bl2:."X) pm North Platte Local n 8 mi am a 5:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am Chicago, Mllwnakec aV Ht. Pan Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:lf pm Chicago Fast Expiess..a 6:45 pm aiil iin Chicago Uniiled a 8:05 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express a 7:45 am a $:4o pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 pm a 8 20 am Bt. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am alO 30 pra ailssourl 1'ut-inc. , St. Ixiuls Express a 10. 00 am a 6.25 pm ...alO:5opm a 6:15 um K. c. dc Bl. u. ex BLRI.INUTON STATION 10TII at MASON Burllugton ft Missouri River Leave. Arrive Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln Nebraska Express.. a 8:50 am b!2:05 pm .a 8:50 1 am a 7:4j pin Denver Limited a 4.10 pm a 6.43 um Black Hills and Pugei Sound Express all :10 pm a 3 10 pm j o 1 o r a a o vcmiuuieu Fiver n 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:52 pm a 9:os um r ort iroua and i'lutu- mouth b 3.1a nm bl0 3:i am Bellevue fc Paeinn Jet. .a 7 V) pm a 8:27 am Believue iM Puciflc Jet.. a I 50 am 4 h lea go, llurliaaton A tnlury. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a l:.1i pm hicago vesttniiied ex..a 4:00 pm avtaum Ilil,.ncro 1 m-ni a 9:1K am nllrlM, tm Chicago Limited a 8:5 pin a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Kansas llt, St. Joseph A. C'oaucll XSlaEta. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a $:13 am a 6:0 pm St. Louis FJver. a 6 25 pm all:5 am Kansas City Night Ex.. a!0:15 pm a t.'i r,.,ll., V. ruB C. . .1 n A T T 1 1 1 ' 11 1 1 T . u A r-x 1 1 t J I' . ui.inia, . u I'""! except oaiuraay. s uuny except Aionuay. WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH St WEBSTER (hicago, St. Fanl, Mlaaeaaolls A Omaha. Twin City Passenger a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Sious City Passenger. .a pm ail. 20 am Oakland Local, b l.ti pm $.4$ am All. WAV TIME ( 41111. (hlesso ft Nnrihneatrrn, Nebraska. and yoiniasr l)lvllnn. I.enva. Arrive. Bl.irk lll'ls. De.idwood, ioid, not MprinKs a 3 pm a : pm pVyomlng. Casper and 1oukIhs d 1:00 pm e $:09 pm II istinirs. York. David C ity. Superior. (! neva. Exeter and Seward b $:00 pm b $:00 pm Ml.innrl Paelgp. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Muter h4:lnpm wlO-Wsm IKUtt NOTICES. NOTICE. Sealed bids will be reeived at the office of secretary of slate up until 12 o'clock noon of September 2S. for ens 1(0 hni'.'.-i.iia'iir Iwiiler n!o iitm fltt hnr. power rnxine, als.i m 40-l!giit ' dynamo J,,r Soldiers and S.iilors' Homo at Mil ford nnd one 100 horse-power Uglier for Boys Tndustrlnl school lit Kenrtiey: also two 25 K. W. belted P. M type generators, said vpnornlitn shltl be mted nt llHl mn.r.a n(j 2f. volts, nt a speed of approximately revolutions per minute for the penf- tentinry, as per plans and specifications on tile in this otTioe, nil of which must be delivered at the Institutions. The board reserves tMe rlirht to relent any and all bids. GEORGE W. MARSH, eecretary or Mount. SUES INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Holder Seeks Damages tram the Mutual Reserve Fund Association. Arthur C. Putnam of Chadron, Dawes county. Neb., has brought suit against the Mutual eRserve Life Fund Association of New York In the United States circuit court for $7,460 damages and interest from' Feb ruary 1, 1SSS. and costs of action. The suit Is transferred from the district court of L'awes county and the petition states that the plaintiff was Insured In the defendant company for the sum of $3,000, and that upon his protesting ngnlnst the payment of excessive assessments his policy was can celled by the company. The plaintiff had been Insured In said defendant company and paid all the premiums or mortuary' as sessments required by his original contract with the company. In making the assess ment on February 1, 1S98. the defendant did not make the assessment equal or ratably u a holders, and pretended to . . .. . . maae an nssessmrni on tne piaintirr snd other policy holders who had taken out t ielr Insurance prior to January 1, 1S90, on a basis other and more different nnd more enormous man was assessed ano demanded ollcy holders who had taken out their ranee subsequent to January 1, lfWO. wnicn was unwarranted and without con- b,nl rt lilulntlf XTi laonl n Q a ....... ' "'' "" - - since February. 1S9S. and the cancellation of said policy was wholly unwarranted by v s'd company, lie having up to that time pnd $M0.7G in rremlums. Hence by the cancellation of said policy the plaintiff has lost U consideration for said payments and has been damaged In the amount a.keJ n th)s potlUon And further on ac. count of his advanced age he will now be ..c.,. i TCCT UnRiFi POR KIAWnC I 1 ' ' w 1 ' w iwbniiwo ncle Sam Pate Animals Thronab Be. I I fore Rnrlnx Tbem for I tm, n l i . i A tst rId9 of th9 horBe. belonging to I - . . l" Dl " weniy-.econa inianiry the start and were weighed atain r.t the AiiAKformaalaf'a Aansxt In V.lai .Uaa mm Umlmt uuuiK.iiuuDii.1 O J'" iun .ijr un (IIOI4 arrlval, and again upon their return to Fort Crook. The intention is to give the I horses a complete -test of one day's hard riding snd only those that come up to the full requirements .will be purchased and shipped to the Philippines with the 1 regiment upon its departure therefor In October. ' Money for River Work. Congress Is to be memorialized for a lares appropriation for liver work. Representa tives of commercial clubs and similar or ganizations, together with Congressmen V. L. Smith of Iowa and J. J. Mc Carthy and E. Burkctt of Nebraska, will hold a meeting in trie near future, perhaps on October lu, and at a place for which Kansas City has been suggested, but which has not been definitely settled. Repre- ... u ; . . , . r..f T ........ iHkota City, Omaha Commercial club. I i... m nsA .hi. mAAi Ani,.. j t I attHmnutn. ku o. Ht. jompdii una Ivan ha a I I I T Will Itltrnu tltllS 1 1 1 Tl IIIIB), 1 jbj a? t,ii r I Willi lhe representatives of the people. Senator I innr.i i.., i.,. oiv... n n i n,,..n.n. f tne rver and finds that there Is danger of cut-offs near Dakota City and Decatur, which will ruin large nreus of Nobraska land. The liability of food also influences this action. SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4631 Comt lnatln Sialt, , to 44 bust. Woman's Combination Suit 4531- To ba made with or without darts. ITndergar- I ments that can be made with little or no fullness at the waist are always in de mand. This very excellent 0110 combines ths corset cover snd drawers and can be snugly fitted by means of the darts or left plain at the front 11s may be preferred. I Iu either case It Is shapely and does awsy wjth t)le necessily of the bands at the waist which so often are trying. The I model fs made of nainsook with trimming of embroidery, but all the materials used for underwear are appropriate. The suit Is made In two portions and Is fitted by means of renter back and Shoul der seams and undei'-urm darts, the fronts being fated or loose as preferred. At the front edges aro hems which are lapped one over the other and held by buttons I and buttonholes 10 inaxe the closing. The quantity of material required for tha n,edlum size is 2S yards 36 Inches s.iil. u-irh 3 vnrds Of Widn inhrnlilai I .' , .. ... ,,, , yards of nanow embrolderj and 3a yards pm I of Insertion, to trim as illustrated. Th r.uttern tail Is cut ln Slxea for n I . . 3S, 40. 42 snd 44-inch bust measure. For the accommodation of The Bea I readers these patterns, which usually retull at from 25 to 50 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 rents, which covers all expeiite. ln order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name af pattarn. V