THE OMAHA DAILY TIKE: FMPAY. HKrrhMHKK I'M. lW.t. 10 EW'lTIHIflW 'I.HT'I'T ii-iJvwwj m mm1! misssea pmuil .miLis, flCXEB Sale of fj nt Drapes Saturday I Greatest Bargains of the Year RFMMANT SAI r Of High Class Fall Dress Goods. $2.00 DRESS GOODS AT 69c YARD Aerumulstlons trom our past week's sales or .inclines. Cheviots Unfinished Worsteds, Tailor Cloths, Sicilians n1 Mohairs. These goods are all 4 to 64 Inches wide and Include many Bklrt lengths, waist lengths and children's dress lengths. On sale on bargain square t a yard $1 DRESS GOODS AT Thli lot Includes Henrietta. Voiles. Albatroses, Mohairs. Cheviots and Fancy Tweeds In lengths from I to 6 yards on aula on bargain square at yard v DRESS GOODS SAMPLE LENGTHS. Another lot of high priced dree goods and cloths straight BaW from the customs house in lengtns or yaro a, ana o r W fm T,lirei to match enough for lady's waist or child's p I dress- In pliln goods, checks and plaids, i-oiora at cema ror an enure pleoe . 50c Velveteens nt 19c Ynrd. Black, red, purplt, blue and brown relveteens, lengths from 2 to 5 yarda on bargain square, a 19C $1.00 Satins at 39c Yard. Yard wide lining satin?, extra heavy quality in blacks, elates, whites, reds and tans, silk department, 3Qq &ti Plain and Fancy Silk. In 2 1-2 to 16 yards, shirtwaist, silks, taffeta, corded Bilks, etc.. " worth up to 4U.00, JC at, a yard w SAMPLE PIECES OF DRESS TRIMMINGS. Silk embroidered and Persian efleot dress trimmings, over 500 styles, lengths from lh to 4fc yards, many to rntoVfi.uo.rat875c-69c.49c-39c-: Remnant Sale in ilualins and Cambric, best . grades, in Ion; remnant, go at, per yard. 5c Sateens, Sllkollne. Cretonnes, etc. one biff counter, worth s up to loo a yard, go at, OoC per yard Outing Flannels, Shaker flannels,' to., In long remnants, one big bargain square of 10c JJC values, go at, per yard 40c riercerlxed Sateen la f plain black and colors, InC go at, per yard Imitation French Flannels, 4 r 30 in. wide, in dainty florAl 1 1 IT H Mai crnm trt . t. one vaeit . . a J Wjr COLLECTING TUITION FEES Knob Difflonlty Enoountered by School Offi cer in Enforcing Euls. NONRESIDENT PUPILS EVADE THE LAW Oauardlaaahls Resorted To $ Order to hip Payneat of Saaall mm Butted tor Blck School I Coaraa. School and achoot board offloers ara vexed about taa way nonresident students ara obtaining fraa tuition In the High school and ara trying; to find a way to stop the practlca. Tha enforcement of the rula requiring all nonrealdent students to preaent papers showing they have guardians roaldlng In Omaha baa oeaaed to be af fective, and now It is delared tha way to reach, tha abuse is to check tha Issuance of guardianship papers. ' At tha present time, as estimated, from ten to fifteen young men and women ara at tha High school who merely coma to Omaha during tha school year, live with relatives and attend school. Some of tha students come for miles and a few have parents paying taxes In Iowa. By spending a small fee to have tha relative with whom they reside appointed guardian, tha yearly tuition of K7-M Is saved and tha benefits and advantages of tha local High school obtained for nothing. I'afaJr to Tuoay-ers. Principal Waterhouae haa called the mat ter to tha attention of tha secretary of tha Board of Education. "It is unfair to tha taxpayers of the school district," said Mr. Waterhouae. "I have no objection to the outalde students attending school If they pay tha tuition, but evasion by tha guardi anship expedient should not be counte nanced If wa can help It." A number of the children who attend the High school by virtue of this proceeding ara relatives of wealthy cltlxena who have preferred to evade the Imposition of tha , charge for' tutelage. Yesterday a young man appeared in the office of the school board with tha statement that Principal Waterhouae had sent him down for a note ahowing that tuition had been paid for him or that ha was a ward of a resident He said ha had held guardianship papers since last spring. "Where is your home,?" asked Secretary Burgees. Tha boy replied that his home Is In the western part of the state where his parents reside, but that ha Is staying with his brother In order to go to school In Omaha. It Is such cases as these that are trying tha patience of the school officers. How It Cava Ho Stopped. According to Attorney C. S. Elgutter, who was formerly a member of the Board of Education, the lasuance of guardianship papers can be stopped by a showing In the county court by the board's attorney that tha request for a guardian Is made for the purpose of evading tha cost of education In the local schools. Tha enforcement of the new law requlr Ing nonresident students from Douglas county outside of Omaha to pay the full tuition fee has yielded $750 more than last year, when lesa than luilf the full tuition fea was exacted, there being thirty such students at the High school. Silver chafing dishes. Edhohn. jeweler. Foaeral Setlce. Mrs. C. . E. WUlmasen. Morningside, Council Bluffs, at 10 o'clock a. m. Friday. September 25. Interment at Forest Laan cemetery, Omaha. Doogla Printing Co., le Howard. Tel TABLE SALE Orchard WUhelra Car pet Co. Beautiful cut glaaa, Kdfaoloi, Jeweler. 69c 39c AND 49c YARD. 39-49c black and g U m --V Remnants of black taf feta and peau-de-soie, over 1500 yards, 2 to 12 yard rem nants about one-half value. the Basement II Walstings in plain white, black and white and colors, in baaket weaves, vesting and dam- m ask patterns, in mill rem- ATiC. nants, go at, per yard. . . . u Cinderella Flannels, best q grade, to all colors, go floC at, per yard v2 Cambric Linings, in long J remnants, one big counter, l0P at. per yard i 25c Walstings in plain white p and colors, in short rem- JlP nants, go at, per yard Cham bray and Scotch Ginghams, best grade, in long mill 1 remnants, sroat, per lioC yard va Ht'GE CLOTHISG SALE. J. I Braadeis Jk Boas Bay Great Stock of Pfelffer A Solomon, IS E. HOUSTON ST.. N. T.. AND PIACK ON SALE 8ATURDAY, Wa announce an extraordinary clothing evnt for Saturday. Wa will sell the choice of tha entire stock pf Pfeiffer & Solomon, renowned New York manufacturers, at Just a fraction of their worth. Theae suits, which wera made to sell at (10 and 112.60, will all go at one price, 16.98. J. L. BRANDEI8 A SONS. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Coloalst Bates to California. Another period of low rates to California has been arranged for by the Rock Inland System. The first selling ditto Is September 15; the last, November K. The rates ara tha same as wera In effect last Spring: $33.00 from Chicago. $31.00 from Peoria and Rock Ialand. $32.90 from St. Paul and Minneapolis. $31.70 from Cedar Rapids. $29.25 from Des Moines. $25.00 from Missouri River points. Corresponding reductions from all other Rock Island stations. Tickets are good in tourlat sleeping cars. Go now before the rush beglna. There will bo no reduced rates to California dur ing the winter. The Rook Island System offers two routes to California "Scenic" and "Southern." Ask nearest Rock Island ticket afrent f. folder "Acroea tha Continent In a Tourist Sleeping Car." It glvea full Information, City Ticket Office 1323 Parnam St.. Omaha. One-Way Rates. Every day from September 15 to ber 30, Inclusive, the Union Paclflo will aea one-way tlcketa from Missouri river terminals (Council Bluffs tr Kansas City Inclusive) as follows: ' $30.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $30.00 to Helena and Butte, Mont. 122.60 to Spokane and Wenatchee. Wash. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoroa and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $26.00 to Ashland and Aatorla. Ore. via Portland. $25.00 to Ban Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. Through tourist cars between Missouri river and Paclflo coast Double berth $5.00. For full Information call on or address City Ticket Office. 132 Farnara at. 'Phone Aiminwtti of tha Theaters. This evening "The Storks" will flop their merry wings and leave a Urge Installment of fun and good muslo at the Boyd. This quaint conceit hoa not grown stale, but Is still .potent with Its possibilities for laughter, while Its music sparkles with the same bright notes that have made It auc cessful since the beginning. The present company has tha endorsement of good from other places where It has appeared, the chorus being particularly worthy. The en gagement is for two nights and a matinee. Tha bill at the Orpheum this week, which has not only aerved to draw a series of big audiences, but haa pleased them also, will bo given only three more times, tonight and tomorrow (Haturday) matinee and nizht. The sale of seats for "Ben Hur" was opened at the Boyd yesterday and was the occasion of a rush that lasted all day. But tha eutire list was not disposed of! and there atlll are lota of good seats for tha coming week left, which will be sold as fast as spplled for. Out-of-town cus tomers wl'.l be cared for the same as If they lived In Omaha. One thing the hold era of seats must remember, and Is that tha curtain goes up promptly at tha advertised time and they must be In their seats at that time or miss one of tha beet features of tha show,, tha opening tableau. fo) 0) in Bargain Friday in Department Dig Dargain Circle EXTRA HEAVY LINEN HUCK TOWELS-Slie l&x40-rogular 20c ones only ach Ujw BATH TOWELS A n extra heavy brown Turkish Bath Towel regular 20c qualityonly each A FINE LINEN CRASH-Regular 8c qnaJlty-only-per yard PILLOW CASES All ready to uc sizes 42, 45 and 60-inch regular 14c and 10c ones only each EXTRA HEAVY 8nEETS-lx90-ll use regular 75c quality only CREAM SHAKER FLANNEL The for ppeclnl, only per yard OUTINO FLANNEL Worth 10c to 15c yard in hort lengths-all A pretty patterns on sale Friday morning at 9 o'clock at yard fC HARNEY STREET Fl'M. SIZED COTTON RED BLANKETS at, per pair FULL BIZKD COM FORTS at, each 49c 50c 48c 2H-POtND FEATHER PILLOWS worth 7(lc at FTR BOAS Make a note of these prices and call and examine the goods. You will find them the best inn i'pbi 90c values ever shown. All kinds of furs J4 !, .9S, $.1.46. i90, 1.9S, $1.45 and. AK-SAR-BEN BAT.I. COSTUMKS liMdles' If you want the very latest evening costumes without, the fa tigue of dress maker's fitting come and select one in crepe de chine, satin or voile, ready to put on, at about half price. RAIN CO A. TS Women's fin Crave- WOOD TO BURN PYROCRAPHY A NEW LINE OF WOOD NOVELTIES BPECIALI.T CHRISTMAS GIFT MAKING. SEE OUR NEW OUTFIT EVERT POINT WARRANTED TO WORK SATISFACTORILY Outfit complete Free Pyrography Lessons Every Day by an Expert Teacher. Cabinet Frames for one Picture, IQm I Cabinet Frames for three PIcturrs.OQ mat, glass and easel back IJhl Cabinet Frame for two Pictures. )Q I mat, glass and easel back fctfl I ART DEPARTMENT Save Money on Your GROCERIES, TEAS, COFFEES, BUTTER AND CHEESE. We give you the best and freshest goods the markets afford. FREE POSTAL CARDS. TEL. 137. Corn Starch special one pound package..... Table Syrups can Salmon one pound can Chocolatlna can Full Weight Milk can Wisconsin Cream Chee per pound Celery Salt bottle Capers bottle Cornmeal 10-pound sack Grape-Nuts package Rolled Oats 2-pound package Japan Rice per pound Farina per pound 4c 10c 10c 10c 10c 124c 10c 20c 17c 10c tOc ....7c 5c THE BENNETT C01MY. SUITS TO COLLECT TAXES Treasurer Henning Proposes Extreme Plan to Make Delinquents Settle. COUNCIL QUICKLY ENDORSE THE IDEA Whem Ho Property Is Kownd by Die. tress Warrant Civlt Actio with Garalahmeat Attachment W ill Bo Bad. A new wrlnlilo In collecting delinquent personal taxes Is to be tried by City Treas urer Hennlngs, with the sanction of tha council. It Is designed to catch persons who have at one time possessed personal property, but who have sold it. and decline to pay tha accrued taxation charges. Without tangible property in sight the treasurer cannot work his old plan of forcing payment by the furniture van. There are scores of such taxes on ths books, and If the first case Is carried through successfully tha plan will be mads to operate against similar delinquents who owe the city money. After Issuing a distress warrant and hav ing it returned with the Information that tha Individual against whom It lias haa no personal property, the treasurer will ask the council to pass a concurrent resolution authorizing him to bring civil action to cover the taxes. In this way collection may be made by garnishment of wages. If necessary, and the municipal debtor will be forced to part with Ills money. The first resolution of this kind was pre sented to the council yesterday wttb an explanatory note from tha treasurer. So far as known there Is no case cn the local records where the authorities have attempted to collect taxes by civil action. Treasurer Hennlngs, however, says that ths law distinctly authorises It as a mode of proceedura for the county treasurer, J he city treasurer working under tha same regulations, with tha exception that ha deals with the mayor and city council In stead of tha county board. 'I can see no reason why this method should not succeed." said the treasurer. "As a matter of fact I think the delinquent taxes will bo paid in a majority of these cases before we begin suit. It Is the only way In which we can gather tha taxes for property that has been disposed of and I Intend to invoke Its aid." Mortality Statistics. Tha following births and deaths have been reported to tha Board of Health: Births Toney Alberta. 1024 Dodge, boy; l l. tsuna, riouin i niny-nml, gli Albert Dole, lttH tiouth f ourteenth, boy; William A. Hanersuoh, Hamilton. girl: Ktlward Walters, 4130 Hamilton, girl; rerains, an rxonn cigmeenin, ooy. Deaths Ruth J. Atherton. 14 North Flf tetnih, 3 months; Mrs. Ida Fletcher, til Morut Tnirteenin, ta. Beaaaaa, teasl-Aathrarlte Cool. Wa are receiving fresh shipments of Bonansa Semi-Ant hraclte coal dally. Secure your winter supply now before tha price advances. Our customers aay "It Is equal to hard cobl." Price $7.50 per ton. We sell all klnda of coal. Central Coal at Coke Co lith and Harney St.. 'Phones 1U and ItK. Lb Our Dry Goods DRESS 600DS AISLE. 10c 5c 10c torn. Ironed and ready for P) W9w kind you have to pay 8c 4!c BARGAIN CIRCLE nette cloth rnlors, tan, d:irk crav and dark mlxturos full back and half MttlEg at J14.7S. Ilihrt nM 10.90 WOMEN'S MACKINTOSHES Will :s win 1.98 ISHES Keep the rain out as , well as the JIO.oo onen snecial smIp t CHILDREN'S MACKINTOSHES tan ana gray all sixes Ages 8 to 16 yeurs at 2.45 WOMEN'S WINTER COATS-Colors, tan, castor, gray, navy and bliifk - S -Colors, id bliifk - 6.95 tne values cannot be dupll rated prices, $!.!. J&.60, tU QK th 'Jl t E.1 on A WOOL SHAWLS Just opened, over 800 Beaver Square Shawls ami DoiiM." Long Shawls. Beaver Shawls I 0 O up from liUO ' w "aw 98c blngle wool ud from Double Wool 0 OK up from CiSaW DESIGNED FOR 2.25 mat, glass and easel back wtfw Pictures neatly framed, 20c up rrom SECOND FLOOR. California Prunes " per poun! OG Dried Herring ri box yc Shrimps can IwG French Mustard glass. Jar Ifl and spoon IUG . Headquarters for Batter, Good Country Butter per pound from Medium Sour Pickles pint I6c 5c Leaders In Teas aad Coffees. B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, A A n English Breakfast pound OOC Tea Sifting Ijr per pound I3G COB'FEES ROASTED DAILY. Santos fresh rotated II per pound I a,C Bennett's Capitol Coffee nn. per pound a06 Men's Kid Gloves 25c. All day Friday we will have on sale men's Dressed Kid Gloves, tha kind exclusive gent's furnishers sell for 75c, our sale price wil bo 25o a pair, one pair to a customer. Our Una of men's Hats is now complete. Stetson Hats at $3.50, Young's celebrated Hats, In all the latest shapes, $3.00; no $5.00 Hat Is any better. We also offer good values for $2.00 and $1.50. Our line of 95c stiff and soft hats are the same kind you pay exclusive hatters $1.50 for. We have the ex clusive sale In Omaha for Alfred Bon Jamln's fine clothing. This make Is the finest of them all. We offer Benjamin's suits at popular prices. Our prices on Benjamin's suits are $150, $15.00, $1S,00, $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00. Also a full line of substantial, stylish and up-to-date suits at $10.00 and $7.50. it's not out of place for us to mention that this fall we show one of the largest and best selected stocks o clothing In Omaha, at prices that cannot be equalled. The Guaranteed Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas street. HOW IS THE TIME To dig up your winter suit and liKht overcoat and have them thor oughly cleaned and fixed up. We put in new linings, put on velvet collars and do all kinds of altering and repairing. Our prices are right. THE PflHTOMUr.1 407 6o 16th St OMAHA. Tel. 963 THE MARK OF QUALITY. fly $3.00 Cabinets ara Unsurpassed OK B FAHE FOR THE ROl.VO TRIP, Chicago retenlal, Chlcaao. 111.. Sent. 26-October 1, 1903. The Chicago Great Western railway will on September 2, 27 and 28, sell tickets to Chloago and return at the above rate. These tlcketa ara good returning until October a. Inclusive. For further particulars Inquire of George F. Thomas. General agent. Omaha National bank building. Gold beads. Edholm, Jeweler. Card of Thanks. Wa desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends, and especially to th B. of L. F.. for the sympathy and kindness shown us during our recent bereavement MRS. WALTER CARLIN, PATRICK CAR- UN AND FAMILY. Horse covers made to fit your horse Omaha Tent Awning Co.. Uth and ILr ney streets. TARI.E SAI.K orchard & Wllhelm Car pat Co. Silver salad set. Lanolin, Jeweler. Sclimoller& Mueller 1313 FARNAM STREET. Largest Piwtio IUusc ..In the West.. CiRCAT WEEK FOR IAN0 AND ORGAN BARGAINS. ram the Lmge & Minion Bankrupt Stock, Used Pianos. t. Louis , ose ft Sons t 2S .00 $ an oo $ w oo I 40.00 i 42.00 57.00 60 00 $ (Ri.fin $ Ro 00 $i2fi.nn $ $14K.OO $188.00 lallet & Davis oane , McCnmmnn ight & Co Emerson ames Holstrom . Knabe Stelnway non Marshall & Wendell hirago Make New York Make .... New Pianos. niacins Sons $11!.00 $iss on $H2.W mahogany $196.00 first-class all kinds $234.00 ,nntern make, fancy walnut Fine, large new golden oak . Three beauties, only 8 left, 2 and 1 walnut, each About So fine, standard. plunos, 8 different makes, ' of casings, choice Organs. University ..ison ..$14(10 ..;.on ..$:' ..$ . .$:f on . sis.oo ..$.n.oo ..$41.00 ..$18.00 ..$?i.00 ..$32.00 . $ ..$49.00 ..$29.00 ...-w.oo ..$.14.01) ..$42.00 ..$eoo Oi'o. Woods Kimball Kimball Ornish Hunt errv Sonlger Muson & Hamlin Peloubet Story & Clark Kstey .. Hurdette Kimball Kimball Western Cottage MMey . . . Packard Crown EASY PAYnENTS-23c, 50c, 7Sc a week for the cheaper ones. $3 to $9 a month tor the most expensive. CET IN EARLY! (INCORPORATED) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIL F 1 y. M O S MAIN HOUSE AND OFFICII 1313 gA N A M factory: isia fahnam TELCPHONK 1028 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB 13S . 11TH ST. Tit. res CO. BLUFFS, IA BOS BROADWAY TIL. sas You can hear them at our store every 15 minutes. We are agents for the celebrated Russell Hall Clocks, having tubular chimes. These chimes are much sweeter than any Westminster chimes heretofore sold. These chimes strike on steel tubes. If you are thinking of a Hall Clock It will pay you to see our Hall Clocks, they are the finest made. Mahogany, oak and ebony cases; any design made to order if you wish. BROWN & BORSHEIM, 223 South ICth Street. CLIMA.TIC CHANGES aro responsible for roughness of tha skin chapped hands and fuce and Uds. YOU CAN NOT EXPECT a smooth skin ana natural complexion wnen there la a variance of 40 pr cent in the temperature during 24 hours, unless you use a good lotion to counteract tne ereeel or these sud den changes. We claim to have all that la renolred ror tins purpose in our well known KGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM. We guarantee satisfaction In every sale. The 10c size holds 2 ounces, or the same amount as other preparations. Intended for the pame purpose, which sell for 25c: the 25c size holds 8 ounces, or 4 times more than other 26o lotions. Gloves can immediately De put on after USilllf HGYPTIAN J.OTLS fKiSAM. Oeiitlenien who shave themselves will find EGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM a most elegant finishing requisite. Vo send EGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM by express to CHICAGO, DENVER, and many other nlaces. Why? BECAU8E THOSE WHO II A VIS IHKII IX WILL HAVE. XVU OTHER. . . . A FULL LINE Of LUn.LI B I'ANUI, SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUfl STORE OPEN ALL NIGHT. Two Phones T47 and TS7. 101 h aad Chicago Streeta, Omaha. CRANE'S Elegant Stationery At Reduced Prices. Wa have a lot of odd and end sizes . of elegant stationery that wa will close out at much below cost. Paper i that formerly sold for 50c up to Xbc nuii-o onvelooes to match now , r ...... -, . . go for 10c, 15c and zsc. i tiitiruiuNcv . dvim rn i IT I t lILil'L I V Mrtll VU. f Jewelers and Art Stitlener. f Fifteenth and Douglas St. REPAIRS In stock for all makes of Furnace, Steam and Hot Water Heaters, STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRS Water Founts OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Tel. 960. 1207 Douglas 5t Perf ield's CuPr.roco. Be) Bids . Room 7. Telephone 701. W.ber. Stery CJark. Lnswlg Scalier. For Menstrual Suppression anr JT.r." PEN-TAN-GOT tj i hoi I boiM. tS. 14 I Ooub bT Shenu McCmmII Drug to. kUU m bjm. lr4 ui.li4 liU TH K RELIABLE STORK. In Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room Over two carloads of mill ends, stock remnants and short lengths of high grade perfect goods, will be. heaped up on our counters at rrlces that will make you wonder how we got these fine goods so that they can be sold at these almost Incredible prices. 12Ho outings, actual price, good long lengths, at 6c per yard. Yard wide percales In remnants and full piece, at 6c, and 1.000 other kinds at very low price. Bo nr and laTesttgate and satisfy yoar oa mind aad thea yoa VJ, soa that ta tbla Hardens' riomeitlr Room Is the only plaee where sojyii bargain. f BESIDES REMNANTS WE WILL FLA CIS A LARGE LINE OF PIECE -GOODS ON ..SALE. Rernnaa ts of All Wool Dresa (foods SSc. All Wool Cheviot, 64 Inches wide; All Wool Voiles and Klamimn. All Wool Hen riettas, All Wool Ladles' Cloth and hun dreds of novelties from the high grade dress goods department, worth 4C up to tX.VH. Friday 3G Remnants of K.xtra Heavy Flan nelettes lOr. Yard wide, extra heavy and fleeced Flnn- lielettes. the newest fnll designs fll and colorings, worth 19o. Friday IUG Remnants of Rlark Sateen Per- pales. Etc., T l-2c. Extra heavy Ulnck Sateen Zephyrs. extr:t heavy Dress Ulnghams, dark colors, and soft finished Percales, worth up H. to 20c, Friday f sC Remnant of Heavy Flannelette Bp. 27-inch wide heavy Flannelettes, roval philips. dark plaid ginghams, seersucker ginghams and yarii wide percales, ETj worth up to 15c, Friday. WW All Wool Press Goods 6fp. All wool English whip cords, ladles' cloth and slliellms, all the newest fall colors. lng, worth up to $1.26, CfliK trull pieces), Friday 3sC I.olaette and Mnllhanaen Flan nelette 12 1 Zc. 100 different deaigns of the above famous German modes of the double fa'-ed flan nelettes, extra heavy ami fine, the verv newest fall designs nml colorings, worth Jo (run pieces), Friday I2ic Special Underwear and Hosiery Sale $100,000.00 worth of ladles', men's and children's fins underwear and hosiery bought direct from the largest and best mills In this country. This comprises everything made In ladles' men's and children's U'lderwcar and hosiery, union suits, vests and pants In wool and fleece lined goods. This at a saving of one-third the regular price. Friday and Saturday. Ladles' heavy Cotton fleece lined vesta Ladles' Jerseys ribbed Vests and Pants, Ladles' Stratford Combination suits in white or silver, fleece lined, worth 75e at 50c.' Ladles' 'half wool combination gulfs, perfect fitting, worth $1.50 st 98a. Ladles' Wool Mixed Combination Suits in Silver or White, extra fine in quality, $2.00 at $1.50. Ladies' One Silk and Wool Combination Suits, ksnd crocheted neck, worth $5.00 at $$.00. Ladles' Cotton Knit Skirts assorted Colors, worth T5c at 50c. Ladles' Wool Mixed Skirts, extra heavy quality, worth $1.50 at 9Sc. Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, extra large, assorted colors, worth 75c at 50c. . Ladies' Extra Heavy Outing Flannel Gowns, Embroidery and Silk ttlmmefi. W worth $1.50 at ftSc. Children's Outing Flannel Bleeping Garments with feet. In all sixes, at $9c. Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, In all sizes, worth 75c at 60c. Boys' Extra heavy fleece lined vests and drawers. In all sizes at 25C. Children's fine Jersey) ribbed vests and pants, fleece lined and a perfect fitting garment, at 25c. I Children's Fleece lined Combination suits, Jersey ribbed. In all sizes, at 60c. 600 Dos. Ladles' Misses' and Children's hosa In light and medium weights, also heavy fleece lined, for Fall and Winter wear, at 10c, 15c, 29c and 25c. Ladles' Fancy Lisle Thread Hose In plain black and fancy colors, at SSc, worth up to $1.00. Ladles' plain black and colored lace hose, $9c value at 19c. ' ' Men's heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, regular 60c quality at 25c. Men's Heavy Jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers In blue and Ecru, regular 60o quality at 35c. Men's extra heavy Wool Fleece lined Shirts and Drawers In plain and fancy colors, regular 75o quality at 45c. Men's heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers in Natural grey and Camels hair, In all sizes at 75c. - Men's $1.50 Wool Shirts and Drawers In Natural Grey and Camels hair at $1.00, made single or Double Rreasted. Men's $2.00 and $2.60 all Wool Shirts and Drawers, Purs Australian and Camels hair, made Single or Double, at $1.50 per garment. Outing We are undoubtedly the largest handlers of this staple and popular material In this city. Our sales are phenomenal and the valuea which we give cannot be ap proached by any other house. 35 cases of mill remnants of outing flannel for the season's business, at prices unheard of before. 27-Inch wide, regular 12Hc per yard at 5c 86-inch wide, regular 15o per yard, at "4c. Great Velvet Over 1,000 boxes new fall velvets Just re 100 boxes metallic print velvet, . blue, brown, green, red, black, 60 boxes new gun metal velvet, only 26 styles Persian velvet, for waists onl 59c 69c 75c 100 boxes fine Paon Velvets for waist trimming, all shades, only. 100 Grocery Fresh Fruit and Fancy freestone peaches, per box 95c Large crate Washington blue plums, per crate S""5 Fancy Bartlett pears, per box $1.50 l,arge Juicy lemons, each lo Force Breakfast Food, pkg T',40 Vim Breakfast Food, pkg i'ic Vigor Breakfast Food, pkg 7'iO Malta Vita Breakfast Food, pkg iWc Neutrlta Breakfast Food, pkg 7Vo Kgg-O-See Breakfast Food, pkg 7"! Malta Ceres Breakfast Food, pkg 7Hc Quail Oats Breakfaat Food, pkg i!o. nn Ji em n?rn W55 CAN PLEASE YOU In anything that you may desire in the sewing machine line. Our supply of new machines of different make, Is very complete and are sold on very favorable terms. Have you a machine out of order? Let us repair It for you or we will allow you what It's worth on a new one guarantee P. E. FL0DAIAN & CO., YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE Our success la due to the high grade work done by tha professors of this college. No students. Teeth Kstraeted Wltboot Pala hy Oar Sew Patent Method. IXT1L OCTOBER 1st, FILL SET OF TEETH, 2.811. fl Save Your Teeth. Save your money. Wa save selling teeth. We aave ulcerated teeth. Wa save We can ' cent of extract. old roots, save tS per teeth others In order to give all do work FREE. nMALL CHARGES Ft J K MATERIAL. ZY'7. i, r. vnu are in the rmht place. We do a stood the test Nearly 10.W" patients Idle sorehead dentists and denial aec Teeth Estravcted FHEIJ Fllltasja front 2tt Set of Teeth, pair 62.00 UNION DENTAL 1S23 DOltiLaS. Opes The Geo Want Ads Product) Results- FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY) tiermaa. Rpllaae aad Vlpnna Flan nelettes IOp. These beautiful flannelettes, extra fine and finish, the twilled and double faced, I1"" dreds of stvles to select from, I flf worth 19c. full pieces. Friday Dark Percales and Flaanelettes T 1-H 2-lnch wide dark percales, fancy dark flan nelettes and the double fold fancy jifi percales, worth 12Hc, Friday . N l-2o Mnalln Be. Extra heavv brown muslin. Indlsn Head i ji"' ...5c brand, yard wide, sells for S'c, long mill ends, ut yard 1B W hite floods a -4e. The balance of all kinds of white goods, long mill ends, worth up Q?f to lie yard, at yard Ww ONE HM 8UUAKK OF PLEACHED AND UNHLEAl'lIKIJ SHEETING, up to :H vanls wide, long mill ends, worth f Hf up to aoc yard, at yard IIW :i.OO Papains Fine dnmnsk blenched napkins, slse :x?l. worth $3.nn, for one day I QR only, at dozen llU ft l-p lilsuta TovreHn B t-3o. Linen finish glass t-vwelmg red and blue checks. 18 Inches wide, S'ao - C 1 A value, full piccus, at yapl Mt 40c Table I.lnen 23 1-Bc. Rleached and unbleached union table linen, full pieces, 40c. value, 991 f at yard 4sC Bp Fringed Untile 1 l-2c. Large fringe linen dollies, 6c Af value, at each I Is REMNANTS OF TAHLH LINEN FROM 1Vt TO SVi YARD LENGTHS, AT LEJ-S THAN HALF PRICE. Is the best made and best fitting underwear These goods will be marked and put on sals" , and pants, worth 50c at 25a. heavy down fleece backs, worth 60c at S9c. Flannels. Sale Friday celved. New Velvet cords and corduroy, 75o and 98c VELVETEEN SALE FRoMi 9 TO 10 O'CLOCK. I Colored velveteen, I9l: on sale Iftlv VELVET SALE fine velvets, In colors on sale from 10 o clock, until 11 o'clock 25c Department. Cereal Specials. 2-lb. pkg. Self Rising Pancake Flour.. 7Ha Fresh crisp uinger snaps, id 6a l-arge sacks white or yellow cornmeal. I2'c Pure Rye Flour, sack 4oc Pure Whole Wheat Flour, sack .45o 10 bars laundry snap for Large Italian Prunes, lb Choice Utah Peaches, lb Fancy Virginia Raspberries, lb.. Fancy Michigan Evaporated Apples, Voetlzxa Cleaned Currants, lb Fancy Moor I'ark Apricots, lb Choice Santos Coffee, (special), lb ..$ta SAiQ ,..5o ..23o 7Wo ,.10 satisfaction. - 1514 Capitol AY8. Tel. 1574 We savs broken down teeth. We restore discolored teelb. " I We perform all branches of dentistry. Work -CTlXTr? niiHrxirPlAltl Goannteed 10 Vein, isult the Tirofeskors, ikors, we will continue to B Call early and avoid I we aUverti. We have H In last 19 months. We beat the Jealous. a. t ompiete victory ror me union. Alaanlaam Platee from SS-OO Oold Crowns Irons ....S2.R5 Sliver Plnaa 4 row a COLLEGE S.m?.8 Dally till M. Bnadaa, U to 4. lIu1(S)b r a I c4