THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1903. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Council Will Discing the Matter ef PiTinjf Rai!rod Aveine. R0.D TO BENEFIT SARPY FARMERS Entlarrr Heal Sara Thirty Thoasaaa qaare Tarts of Favlaar la All Will Laid Made City Gessls.. ( Monday night tha cltyrouneil will take op tha matter of paving Railroad avenue from Q street south to tha county Una. City Englnrer Bal haa been Instructed to sub mlt estimates of the coaat of tha work. It la tha Intention of the city officials to pro vide thla roadway for the benefit of tha farmers who reside In Barpy county and Who do buslneaa In South Omaha. For years a better roadway along Railroad are nue haa been asked for. not only by the Barpy county farmers, but by the people residing in Albright. Engineer Beat aaya that the road to ba paved will be C.200 feet In length and 40 feet In width from curb to curb. In all about 10.000 square yards of pavement will be needed. Thla pavement. Mr. Baal aaya. will coat In the neighborhood ef ft per yard, whether of vitrified brick or atone. The atreet car company will be compelled to pave between Its tracks. This will take off even feat of the coat to the dty. , Tn this connection there la some talk of the atreet car company extending tt line south from Albright, and If a double track Is laid, the cost of paving to the city will be decreased. As for curbing and guttering Engineer Beat favors cement, and If his plan Is adopted the curbing will coat but little aa compared with the atone curbing laid on the principal atreet of the city. Xew Gkaa( Betiding. Work on the new addition to the Live Stock Exchange building Is progressing rapidly. Yesterday the new structure was Inclosed and Is now under roof. In the style of architecture the new building re sembles the main building. This wing will afford much additional office room. A northern entrance will be provided and the building will be fitted for offices the same as the new Exchange building. It Is ex pected that the addition will be completed and ready for occupancy tn a couple of months. East side Improvement Clafe. A meeting of the East Bide Improvement rlub was held Xriday night. , J. J. Breen ws elected president and J. I... Duff secre tary. A committee was appointed to wait upon the officials of the street railway company Jn relation to the extension of the car service on Twelfth atreet. Another committee was appointed to call upon the city council with a request that a police offloer be detailed to patrol Twentieth atreet through Syndicate park when the atreet la opened. Members of the club are desirous of having Twentieth street opened, but the Jsnd company will not consent until the city providea an officer to patrol the park I from noon until midnight. More fire hy " dranta are wanted In the eastern portion of the city and particularly at Thirteenth and Missouri avenue, where It la stated that two dozen houses are entirely without I fire protection. The committees appointed win report at a njeeting to be held next Friday night. Jntia O'Heara Faaeral Today. Funeral services over the remains of John OHarn will be held at the First Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and H streets, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. All comrades of the local- Grand. Army posts are Invited 4 at tend? ' The. deceased waa'aV private In Com pany O. Second Iowa cavalry. The funeral will be conducted by Bee Hive lodges of the Masons. Interment will be at Laurel IIUI cemetery. (trnlval Oneaa Monday. All day yesterday and until late last night men worked to prepare for the Ancient Order of Cnltcd Workmen carnival, which opens on Monday. Stands along Twenty fifth street, from L to M streets, are being erected and the entrance gates have bean constructed. The side walls of the street j will, be of canvas. These wifc be placed In I petition Monday. A n limber of attractions have been engaged and If there Is good weather the carnival Is sure to be a suc cess. I.eerhaer-Seager. ( Invitations have bcert Issued announcing the marriage on Wednesday of this week ef Dr. William Henry Loechner of South Omaha and Miss Lena Marie Senger of Ashland. The ceremony will be performed t the home of the bride's parents. Dr. Loechner Is the son of John Henry Loech- toer, a mernber of the Board of Education, nd the bride Is welt known here, bavins be?n a teacher In the public schools for a cumber of years. Dr. a,nd Mrs. Loechner will be at home at Benson a-ftar Novem ber L Aaetloa Social. The women of the Christian church will hold an auction racial at the home of Mrs. ' W. O. Keefer, Twenty-third and K streets, en Tuesday evening. Each person attend ing the social , Is expected to donate- an article closely wrapped, and coating not less than 10 cents. Coffee and cake will served and after the refreshments the kages will ba sold to the highest bid der. The proceeds of the entertainment will go- to the building fund of the new t'hrlsUan church. Made Cltr Gossip. Pump and pump roan. Culver company. . i" D" Holmes Is visiting friends la Degree of Honor lodge No. lft will meet eanesasy morning at f o clock. Miss Mamie R worth has returned from a visit with relatives In Illinois. Denna Albery left last night for St vuis to iuoa arter Business matters. Mlas Mabel Jackson haa gone to Sac 'it. a., ior a monin a visit with friends. Thomas Aldereon of St. Louis la here or a lew aaya. the gueat of Joseph Koutaky. Mrs. Ida Scott has returned from No- vaaa ana la now living at Twenty-eighth Misa Bee Walsh. Twentv-aeventh and El streets, haa returned from Colorado, where she spent a month at the resorts. The Ladles Aid aoclety ef tho Preaby wnu cnurcn win meet with Mrs. C. M Scblndcl un Wednesday afternoon. Rev. M. A. Head will deliver an address o men si me xoung Men s I'hrlsllaa asso ciation at o clock this afternoon. John J. O'Hern, superintendent of Ar mour's plant here, has returned from a two atay at fcxoeisior (Springs. Mo. Work on the library building la being fuiii ana ii iookb now as ir me struc are would be completed by January L S. J. McDowell writes that he arrived at neirast, iriand, all right, and that ha will r.turu boots during the drat week In uciouer. Banner court No. 78. Tribe of Ben-Hur will huld an Lin Dor tan t meellna at tha hall Hwentjr-slath and N streets, on Monday eveniug. The Joe Smiths of Council Bluffs and the B. Jett r team will play a same of base ball at the Jetter around- at t.W 'clock this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mover. Fifteenth and Madison streets, entertained a number of friends Friday evenlnir. Mr. and Mrs. iloyer will soon move Into tbeir new hums at Twelfth and I atreeta. The funeral of John O'Heara will be held Sunday afternoon at I o'clock from the Baptist church. The funeral will be In chaise of the Maaona and all m rubers ef bee Hive lodge are rtju sled to meet Sit their Kail at 1 d. i. anaru. - It. U r . ' k. I . Xtm.A U K ..V . . 1 . V. 1 .1 IK 1 . I I " . 1 Villi V .1 & , . y. y ., that the 'condition or tila father T. fl'revwala hta returnlna- home f r .a few days. iThere will be no services at the I'leabylsrUa church thla morning. Tha Sunday school and Endeavor eociaty will Bieel as usual. Jll pnn n mil, "rnnrr 3 JV j 1 nn l?viliiM Stationery Department Visit this department you'll find it full of attractire, useful bargains. 23 extra heavy White Wove Envelopes 2c 120 Sheets Note Paper. .10c A 500-page Writing Tablet 5C 100 Taper Napkins 5c Webster's Dictionary illustrated cloth bound 10c Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.... 6QC (The second greatest book in the world.) The bi?gcst annual event in Onuha's merchandising; introduces Omaha's fall festivities and it occurs Monday BENNETTS GRAND FALL OPENING. Ak-Sar-Beti glories get their cue and color from this yearly feature of the biggest store in the state. . n a am MT-T S FALL OPENING WE lead in the season's styles and fashions in all lines, and . surprising bargain priees rule every shelf and counter. It is elegance and economy wedded to your perfect satisfaction. Our prices are the copper rivited. mon:y-saving facts that will win your patronage. Well be looking- for you, Mondayl ART, PYR0GRa4PHY, PICTURE PICTURE FRAMING WE want you to come and see oar sibna new section cf our pre;ty art department in which 'are hung only the finest pictures we can get together. There's mental stimulas arid heart delight in a visit to this new charming section. We have some RESISTLESS bargains in pic tures and pic ure frames. To appreciate their low prices you MUST SEE THE GOODS. e.PYROGRAPHY.s New goods coming every day Dressing Tables, Hall Chairs, Center Tables, Smoking Tables, Piano Benches, Jardiniere Stands. Stctkc birf tit liic ia the weit ef Oitfitt, Supplies, Repairs and larfalat. Sea Our Great Windows n Clothin law"' J Jl It . iOi CTZ3 1 I Finest Windows Around g for Men Brokaw Bros. V Hand Tailored Clothing Finest Ready-Made Clothing in America Has No Equal. The Merchant Tailoring Kind Suits $25 and $27.50, $30 and $35 Overcoats $25, $30, $35 and $40 .Special, Sale 100 Calling Cards 39c nln Floor Middle. Beautiful engraved case given FREE with each order of cards. Your choice of type. Cards printed while you wait. j art! Fall Opening Sale of FURNITURE COCCH Golden oak frame with earved claw feet sanitary In destruotlble construction deep tufting covered with choice Belgian velours worth flS.OO Fall Opening; price Combination Bookcase snd Writing Desk ir lade of selected quarter-aawed oak adjustable ahelvea large beveled French mirror two drawers good, roomy writing desk worth for. China Cloeet jdarter-sawed osk golden finish bent ends snd 4 r . neatly carved top worth twenty dollars X3ey5 9-95 16.75 omblnstlon Buffet and Chins Closet made or selected quar- a g ter oak lined drawer for silver large beveled mirror worth yf, L . J ta (jo for ZTXJ 1.95 Dining Chairs golden oak bo seat construction slat back polished worth three dollars for Carpet Department Third Floor. NEW CARPETS AND AMERICAN MADE RUGS. THET COMPRISE A BIQ BJXECTION OF THE CHOICEST AND MOST ARTISTIC DESIGN'S AND COLORS. IN BRUSSELS, V&LVBTS. AXMINSTERS AND WILTON VELVET. t-Oxle-t Brussels ...tll.M -oml2-0 Brussels tU -0xl2- Brussels Jl- -xlO- Axmlnster Rugs tl60 t-0xl2- Asmlnste0 Rug 3.50 t-CxU-a Body Brussels, frame full flve- .ta.M HxlO- Royal Wilton f $31 .98 -0xl2- Royal Wilton t&i.W S-Ox-0 Axmlnster Carpets Ori ental In designs and colorings. ta.00 T-Oxt-4 Brussels til tt -x-0 Extra Velvets Hi. 68 -0xl2-0 Roxbury Brussels choice colors all new patterns r0M WALL PAPER Grand Display of Fall Fpecloltles. Thla is a very complete de partment, lta two pillars being QUALITY AND LOW PRICES. We want you to see our magnificent line of PRINTED INGRAINS, DAMASKS. POLISIIED GROUNDS. MOIRES. TAPESTRIES, etc, Mc. PrtcM ro thinner than tht Wall Papers up from 3c. Room Mouldings specials dosUras Card and Plato Ralla Rom Mould ing up from lie. THIRD FLOOR. fllD-WEST 5ECT10X. , Opening Day Attractions in the Cloak Room The choicest collection of elegant Furs, Suits, Costumes, Skirts and Waists ever displayed in this city will be in evidence when you visit our uoaK Koom Opening Day Monday. SPECIAL OPENING DAT NECK FURS. LADIES", STREET AND WALK ING SUITS We are showing over loo styles in plain cheviots, serges, Venetians, broadcloths and sn endless variety of Scotch mix tures, fancy mixtures, bouolos, etc. The prices for the very newest styles are up T.Qll from - w LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS. An endless assortment In all the new fall shades and novelties, worth up to 5.oo each for our O ON Opening Day sales at LADIES' COATS Short and long. In new cloths. Including plain and panne xibellne, kersey and extri heavy broadcloth these are the nobbiest coats out and the prices are the lowest. LADIES' WAISTS Our stock Is complete and Includes everything that Is up-to-date Opening Luy tri-s. j.s. .5i, $1.46, 11.23. $1.19 I QQ and FURS, CAPES, COATS, JACK ETS AND BLOUSES In Near Seal. Astrakhan, Squirrel, Beaver. Otter, Mink, Seal. Krimmer and Persian Lamb. Neck Furs in every class of furs sold. Just come and Inspect them Opening Day. ELECTRIC AND NEAR SEAL BOAS-11.98, $1.46 Q5C and BELGIAN CONET BOA 60 Inches long splendid quel- O Qf Hy-ut J SABLE OPPOSUM BOA- A OS extra quality at BLACK MARTEN BOA heavy cluster of tails would be cheap nt tO.50 Opening t RH Day u,u" EIDERDOWN 8ACQUE3 AND KIMONA8 New complete stock; colors, light blue, pink, cardinal and gray prices $1.48, fi st, fS.. 50c EIDERDOWN, SILK. COTTON CREPE AND TERRT RASH BATH AND LOUNGINO ROBES An elegant display at popular prices. CHILDREN'S AND MISSKbT WOOL DRESSES-Slses 4 to 14 years stock complete Opening Day specials 41.00 scrk rtd liUV CORSETS-A visit to our iborset Department should Interest the Omaha women. We keep a com plete stock of all the best makes. 100 POZEN CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' WOOL HOSE Fast black, all sixes from 5 to 9 tn. wide, worth up to 25c a pair-Grand Fall Opening price- iQq pair LADIES' FAST BLACK COTTON H(E ''Special fall weight" ribbed and plain top double heel mid toe full fashioned and worth up to 25c 15C pair Grand Fall Opening price 76 DOZEN LADIES' BLACK LACE AND FANCY COLORED HOSE all the new designs and styles worth up to 60c a pair Grand Fall Opening 25c price pair aw Laces and Dress Trimmings THE LATEST LACE CREATIONS WHITK CREAM, BLACK AND GOLD COLORS - IN CLUNY. APPLIQUE. POINT VENICE. ROSE POINT. POINT MARQUISE. POINT D'ALTZ. IW EDGES. INSERTIONS, ALL-OVERS AND lib DALLIONS. . . . . 600 pieces Edgings and Insertions, Chantllly, Nor mandie Vals. Applique and Point Venice, from 1H to C Inches wide worth up to 26c 4A Grand Fall Opening price per liC yard VESTS AND DRESSES 209 dosen ladles' fall wight Vests and Drawers white, cream, ecru and silver -sixes 4' to worth up to 48c a garment 2Sc Grand Fall Opening price CHILDREN'S. MISSES' AND BOYS' fall weight Veats, Pant and Drawers silver color beginning at else 14 at 6o garment-else 84 30C A NEW NOVELTY Lilliputian Foot Boxing Gloves and Balls the very latest novelty college and cluo colors Just In for the Opening Day hun- 25C dreds of them each t We Are Exclusive Western Agents Fr this iMKm Exclusive ymfm Woman's Grand Fall Opening; in MILLINERY Come Monday and see our grand U'a play fully complete of Twenty-five, Twenty, Eighteen and Fifteen Do'.tar French modes. Our $12.00 snd $li.0O patterns excel i:i quality and style for the price. We Hre told by everyone who sees our line that we h-ivo the finest and best eesortment of street hats to be found anywhere. Specials en Fall Opening In s-mn 5.50 A black velvet turban, trimmed in satin ribbon, ornaments and three black ostrich plumes, worth . xa on. for A felt hat flares from the face trimmed in mirrored silk velvet. In tan, QQ brown, black, navy and cham- JKJ pagne. only Trimmed black turbans, for f QQ $2 to and l.VO Children's velvet baU , 4Qc The "STYLE" of a Dorothy Dodd INEXPENSIVE The woman whose capacity for style exceeds her ability in dollars will find that the- STALE Ol A DOROTHY DODD gives her foot all the distinction of a high priced, custom-measured shoe, It Is a shoe that preserves the natural outlines of tho foot, yet actually makes It look a full slxo smaller. r ,,. she la deslened like It. When Oot Is tired aon pui uu s , (OTMY DODD. H hugs the foot Grocery r Bargains OUR PRICES ARB ALWAYS "WAT DOWN-lt's 8AVINO MONET to buy hero EXCLUBIVELT-lt'B like FIND ING MONET to come Monday and tt will be qultb a sensible thing to buy In a big. full supply from this list. TABLE! SYR- ' t.rr. ioc TOUT itHjV'ls tirou uuu F"v. - , V r j J iionn Tt Viuitb i nA f,Mit around I UUKUIlll ---- - the instep and rests every other part of U. It saves 60 per cent of foot fatigue. Oxfords $2.50 Shoes $3.00 Specials, 50c more Faat Color EycleU used exclusively Grand Fall Opening in NEW CROCKERY PRU FS TlItT POSITIVELY MAKE COMPETITION A WEAK AND IMPOTENT AFFAIll t MJODS HEKB AHK THE CHOICEST THAT MONEY -JOINED TO EXi'EUT BUYIXU--CAS GET TOGETHER. BREAD 98c IIAVIEAND & CO. S 100-PIECE DIN NER SETS one with i.ray blu for-get-iue-nots another with pink roses -$3.1.00 value fur this 23 50 'Lonwelsa Hand-Puintwl Jur dlulera value for CUT GLASS SALTS AND PEPPERS with sterling silver tops- 1 Op eaeh I w LAnGE PRFjiS GLASS BOWLB fancy shapes-each WHITE AI STRIAN CHINA AND BUTTER PLATES nicely em bossed patterns for decorating not over six to a customer-j- . . . , ' HAVILAND & CO.'S RANSON SHAPED TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS rtrt each sFC each PUNCH 1.75 HALF GALI-OX MASON JARS per tfoien TUBE WHITE RUBBERS dozen MASON CAPS each Lartce sixe fancy shaped BOWL AND PITCH ER each 50c ..3c ...1c 59c can ABPARAOC8 per 15c BREAKVAbTT COCOA ...20c GELATINE oc MACARRONI ppiiid....0c Lemon Extract Kn hntfi - ,12ic 25c . 10c 10c 9c 9c 13c bottle Wisconsin Cream Cheese per pound Full Wtight Milk- IOC can ,uw Grape-Nuts lOc TiarllHt Laundry Soap eight tars Baked Beans tbcee-pound can .., Worcester Sauce bottle Pickles assorted Preserves assorted One pound Jar Baking Powder half pounii ran BENNETT'S CAPITOL COFFEE beet evr put on a table 2Hr one pound package " Something for Nothing. A PLATE A PLATE A handsome semi-porcelain decorated plate rtven with every pound of BENNETTS capitol Coffee. BIG PRUNE SALE. Big lot of nice large, meaty California Prunes special ssle e Grocery Jjcpl. pound Candy Specials For Fall Opening -"4 10c Several hundred pounds PEANUT TAFFY per pound... Candy Department HARDWARE ..AND..' HOUSE FURNISHINGS Fall Opening Bargains Theae prices tell more than words about the eer satlonal chances for big money saving that are yours if yon come Monday. One quart Tin Fruit Cans C7c dosen No. heavy tin Wash Boiler 1 fkr' with copper bottom ' u Six-Inch All Steel OAr 8hears .,..m SsW Seven-Inch All Steel 0"7r Shears sAK Etgjht-lnch All Steel 29C Nine-Inch AU Steel 19r Khun Paints Liberty Brand ready mlsed per gallon Paints 98c Large size Base Burner heavy nickeled Stoves Stoyes Medium size Bass Burner COQ en -heavy nickeled 60OU $34.00 Eight-drawer Spice Cabinet 48c Five-foot Step-Ladder 38C Slaw Cutter fir for Wood Spoons r for ot Potato Mashers CKc for ow KAUFHAfrs PINE ORCHESTRA PLAYS MONDAY, 9 TO 12 AND 2:30 TO 5:30. t, 59