10 TIIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES will fcetalea aatll IS aa. for tu !; edition mm until H-.HO p. m. law MatrBlaK aa4 linear edition. tat, 1 l-3o word flrat Inaartlaa. la a ward thereafter. Sotkleg takes far lese (baa fr,c for ! flrat laacrt tloa. These advartlacnaata ka raa eoctlvly. Advertisers, by reejnejstl; a Ban fcereal ekaafa, aaa lioa aaawara ad tressed ta a aimkrrii letter la rara I Tka Re. Aaawara aa ddrael will ka aallraraa a araaaatatlea at tka keek air. SITUATIONS WASTED, REGISTERED pharmacist, 8 year experl anca. atrlrtly up-to-date In prescription work; (rood credential!. Address O 63, Bee oflloa. A-329 2Ax WANTED By young man of good nddress and experience, position a bookkeeper; bank preferred; good reference. Address L 6. Baa. A-M333 30X WANTED, by a. gentleman, age 40, a po sition or trust or responsiminy, or aa manager. Oood business experience, can superintend men successfully; beat of ref arencea. Addreca O 80. Bee. A 817 20 YOUNG man want position aa bill clerk In wholesale or packing home. Address, O 51, Baa. A-M340-22X WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT. ' TUDENT8 ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. Boyles College NEW YORK LIFE BLuG. BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, T Y. REWRIT ING, ENGLISH. Apply fur Catalogue. B 223 WANTED, for United States army, able bodied, unmarried men, between agea of 21 and So. citizens of United HtRtes, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Englisii. For In formation app,y to recruiting olficer, ltith and Dodge But., Omaha, aud Lincoln, Neb. B-M475 WANTED, a man to work from our wagon. C. F. Adams ft Co., 1610 Howard. B M491 OOOD messengers wanted; first-class psy. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th. B LlH EXPERIENCED phonograph salesman wanted at once. 11. E. Fredrlckaon, 1.02 Capitol Ave. B M205 20 WANTED Boya to distribute circulars Apply to W. Mandelberg, second floor People' Store. B 239 WANTED A good watchmaker; perma nent Job for good .man. Will H. Beck, Sioux City. B 312 23 x WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing.. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M324 20x MAN with references for commercial trav eler, to call on merchants' and agents; experience not required; salary $24 per week, with expenses advanced. National, S2S Dearborn at., Chicago. B M32S 20x WANTED First class wood turner at once. Oood wages. Lincoln Bash, Door A Mfg. Co., Lincoln. Neb. B 328 EXPERIENCED grocery solicitor; one well acquainted with the city. Lange Grocery Co., 60S B. 13th at. B 127 20 WANTED First claaa, experienced sales man In hat department J. L. Brandeia ft eons. B 331 II HELP WANTED MALE. Grocery clerks; must be flrst-class; good money to capable parties; state wages wanted, experience ana last employers. O 65. Bee. B 463 20x HELP WANTED MALE. Ears; candler and butter clerk wanted at once; must b well up; good money to rignt man. u 67, Bee. B 461 aox WANTED Reliable man with a-ood art dress and sueech. to Introduce tha latent advertlHlng device; will consider appli cant only who can furnish a good bond. American Advertising Co., Dept. A, Ra cine, VV IB. li 331 zux HOW about your salary? Is It ' large enough T If not, we ran Increase It. We have a system of obtaining employment for capable people, cannot be excelled. Write for plan and booklet; lt'a free for asking. American Exchange. 431-433 water St., Pittsburg. B 336 20x MANAGER wanted In every larae eountv: "Game o" Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money; takes place of loroiuaen siot mar nine; smctiy lawrtil everywhere; rented or sold on easy pay ments; sixty thousand now In use. Cun ningham Furniture Co., Department 80, vnicago, in. u 437 ZOx FIVE DOLLARS par week paid for writing i"n letters a aay lor us. united mates Watch ft Diamond Co., Dept. N. 2:80 8th ati., new i ora. a 8i sox DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wig. B-382-20X A VERT attractive opportunity aa travel ing saleaman la offered to those capable oi interesting pnysictans. permanent. State age and experience. Adore p. O. Box 868, Philadelphia. B 20x WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack algns, distribute circulars, samples, etc.) no canvassing; gnoa pay. oun Aovert; Ing Bureau, Chicago. B 427 20x WANTED Two traveling men for Ne- braska, collecting and advertising. ISO mommy rrom atari ana an expenses; steady position to suitable partv. Ad dress Manager Olllla, 211 Pontlao Bldg., Viucau. a 3D i jux An ir;i-u superintendent to manage prancn onice, t nicago nrm; w,ooo yearly Including commissions; alxo oflice ex penaes; steady position; $200 security re- quired. Address Wm. Lake, Pres., SOS uearuorn, Chicago. B 8b2 IOx WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few wees a completes ny our mstno'; can earn nearly all experse before competing; practical cnursa that saves year.; call or write. Molcr Uarber College, I3rij DoiiY'aj Bt. B-MU 26x A POBTOFFICB examination- will be held In Omaha November li to secure clerks and carriers. An advanced education la not necen-arv. but careful training Is. W prepare by mall u larne per cent of the succeHful one. Information about all civil service examination and ques tions ueJ- by the government free. Columbian Corresiondence College. Well ington, D. C. B 396 Mi WANTED, circular distributers; gooS pay steady employment; encloae stamp. Dr. Merrow, Bjr'.lngton, Vt. H 417 lux WANTED, local branch office manager; $75 and com. Send stamp. Godfrey Co., St. LouU. Mo. B 416 20x 1IORT11ANU In 30 days; Boyd's 8Tatlc; no ruled llns; no shading; nothlrg to con fuse: only V characters; easily lekd: study by mall; circulars, tea tlmonlals and fi at lesson, covering one-fourth the oure. for 2-cnt stamp. Chicago Correspond ence Schools, Incorporated. 57 Nutbual Life Building, CliUugo-. III. B PERMANENT position for n man of givl habits ami energy ti rep-esont Urs manufacturing esfbli ihment known to every bank In the l'n't-d Stat". Snlnry JUO per ye'ir and excise Opportunity for advancement. Arpl. statin-.! uti and qualifications, to Manager, Dept. I 3. lix tM, Philadelphia. Pa. U WANTED A first elss vlr-e an-1 grille worker; good wages and steady Job for a good man: no lahor trouMv AiHreit Portland Wire and Iron 'o:k, Fort Und. Ore. B WANTED A front, bright biy about 16 years old to lern the cirret builnesv Enquire tor Mr. Thoniisju, I pl-' Store. B 617 10 EXPERIENCED lens surfs-e grin- waiitel. Addre-a, AVestern Optical M.'g. Co., T14 Pine Bt., St. Louta. B 347 20 ; ADVERTISING so'l-ltor wnted bv 1M Ing mag.s ne. -il-a Tn Pu'.Ujh ii.g Co., Boston, M., (3 KUbv h. B 421 20 A MAN of business ab'lltv nl gool habits to manage branch office In this terr'torv for St. Louis manufacturing Imuie. MuHt give Al rfrnoe and security. 8tte s,ilry expected. Western F. A. Co.. St Louis. No, B-43S-x WAITED.NALI HCLFi Read Boyles Business College Big Ad on Page 4. B 196-20X The NEW LAW SCHOOL In the CREIGHTON MEDICAL COLLEGE will begin the Fall term on HeDtamher ftOth Registration will be held on September 29th. 7 to I p. m., at the office Of the secretary, No. 432 Omaha National nana iag. tor runner Information address, e. f. McCartney, Hecty., the New Law School, 482 Omaha National Bank Bldg. B-618 20 WANTED, good book or Job Drlntara: union shop. Jacob North ft Co., Lincoln. Neb. SALESMEN WANTED, BALESMEN-Cigar salesmen In your looal- .j u.ljt biki country traae; experience unnecessary; $60 per month and expenses to start; enclose stamp for particulars. Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept. A 24, Toledo O. 383 20x TRAVELING salesman; an active, ener getic man for Nebraska territory. Staple line Established high rated house. F. R. Jennings, Bales Mgr., Detroit, Mich. S91 20x EXPERIENCED road salesmen wanted at ";- rp'y wii-n reierencea; good pay. New England Jewelry Co., Iowa City, la. m 2ox WANTED, traveling salesman for Ne- . , ,. p," or Producing result with staple line to country merchants. Bond required. Box 608, BL Louis, Mo. 371 20x SALESMEN Lead, paint and drug sales. ...., niin j. rosier, oec, no iJIOg.. Bt. Ixuls, for new proposition: this week only. ' l85 jox SALESMEN By responsible concern: stapie, soia everywhere; the biggest profit for salesman and dealer; lowest con sumers cost; re-orders 86 per cent; full commission on all every Saturday; easy ouciiua iu man; samples unnecessary; Hjts close In ten days. Sec. Lander. 610 mo li., di, uouis. Sot ZOx CAPABLE salesmen to cover Nebraska with iii line, rtign commissions with ad vance of $100 monthly. Permanent pusl- Uon ? rlf h man- J8 H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. gia 0x SALESMEN-John Sexton ft Co.. Importer : V'V?"" wnoiesaje grocers, 16 to 22 State St.. i h nun enced, honest, energetic high grade men to sell farmers and other large btryers We are the largest grocery honu in JP i ca en""Mrel In thia business, and tha , uunrai ana moaem methods of conducting It. We handle the flneat goods, and guarantee quality and quan tity of every article; no capital required: exclusive territory lvn i -.v,i:.u established trade Insures fine Income. Wa are faemera h t . r .... in : ..wwwm. m , 1, vUlUilKU, . r sox umBr.ni salesmen Four hustlers for Tl n l i- ' " oioen-ionguea, spell- a.-, -v.. w , . V1 """ prererrea Straight business. Address O H. Bee , 406 20x SALESMEN wanted Two able traveling Over Tm.0O070)"woVTh'Vl,rCla.iy y'ear! .,.k "..i "m pontract to men Tii i 9,i " Aaaress box 1H61, Jollet, 111. 404-20X T??,AV.KLINa salesmen to carry our side line to general stores anri lcinHr4 new samples weigh five ounces, fit coat , .. r.i.ii, rams wio to 11,000 a year commission: best season now Wh- , --". Ik, JiU.USU, ill, 899-JOx EXPERIENCED book salesmen n .kih. A proposition of exceptional merit. Ter- uijr is umng rapiaiy aaslgnnd. F. D Mayer, Broadway and Locust St.. Bt, Louis, Mo. M408 21x WB WANT more salesmen at once. Oeo. uor s ,o., Doutn xiena. ina. WANTED Salesmen; $60 monthly and ex. penses; permanent. Herrick Seed Co.. Rochester, N. T. WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of grocery specialties; good salary to ener getic high-grade men; state your experl ence. Box 617. Chicago. III. ! WANTED, reliable specialty man for Ne braska; no'lday line now ready; hustler can net 110 per month or better. Box 470 Kansas City, Mo. 8ALE8MAN, traveling or local; aide line; 26 per cent commission; goods new; sell to every business, city or vlllaae; sample case free. Address L. N. Co.. 246 E 123 St.. New York. A OOOD position awaits everv woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts; exclurlve terri tory; big profits; no exnerler.ee necessary; send for cstalogues and particulars. Paris Bklrt Co., 117 Viaduct, Cleveland, Ohio. C WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Olrls. Call Canadian office, 13tli ft Dodge. C-223 SERVANT OIKL wanted at once at 1113 S. 28th St, C-M576 WANTED Girl for lu50 Gourgia Ave. general housework, C SiS WANTED-Immedlately. 60 sewing ma chine operators In horse blanket depart ment of Bemls Omaha Bag Co. C M2S4 $0 WANTED, a housekeeper for gentleman with two daughters, on farm; middle aged lady preferred; good wages and transportation paid. Addrtss I.ck Pox 6u0. Oamond, Neb. C M3j6 22x NURSES' Training School, Pueblo, Colo six weeks' course; begin Oct. 1st: diplo ma. C-M320 2fx $10 TO $30 WEEKLY easllv and honorably ci rind In spare hours; absolute ceitainty Write me for full particular. Mia Alice Hollywood, Box 1118, Boston, Mass. C 168 'x HELP WANTED FEMALE. Salesladies for grocery In cltv store: good WHges to bright, experienced women who kr.ow how to sell groceries: state wages snled and experience. OH, Bee. C-460 JOx YOUNG girl to assist at general house wot k. Inquire t U7 South IMh Bt. C-M443 23 WANTEIV-Glrl for light housework. 2111 Ohio St. C-338 tOx JS6 A HUNDRED writing letters home. Ma terials furnished. No. depialt. Partioulart itamiil enveiore. V oinan s Remedy Co.. Dept. B 7.. Chicago. C 3& aox lav 00 A HUNDRED writing letters home A'ldrewsed enveiore for nartlculara. Klec. trio Remedv Co.. Dept. 10, 236 S. MtohUan, DUUlll 1I1U. V Ml tfUX WANTED Lady fo travel reDresentlna old reliable line; no canvassing; good salary and all expense to start; position per. nianent. brlf-addreesed envelo for par- m-uiura. tanager4 lie iontiac Bldg., imcago. m ios six MEN AND WOMEN . readth0DuS,uvh a LOOKING FOR POSITIONS FLACE WAITKD-MALB HELP, NEBRASKA BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COLLEGE Boyd Building, Omaha. "THB7 SELECT SCHOOL OF BVSINES8 TRAINING." Our superior faculties are appreciated by all who Investigate. Call and look through the different de partments; examine our methods; notice our perfect discipline, the Intense Interest of students and Instructors, and you will be Impressed with the excellenoy of the In stitution. Students are entering every day. W have students now In attendance from Michigan and the Dakotaa on the north and from Texas on the south. They have come all this distance, passing a doien business col leges on the way, that they might be a member of the greatest and most thorough business training school In the west. Apply for souvenir catalogue, free, bound In alligator, the finest ever published by a business college. A. C. Ong, A, M. LL.B, President. WANTED FEMALE HELP. $26 PER 100 writing short letters from copy; vr weeaiy, jtaaressea at am pea envelope. Haclne Wholesale Co., Mgr., Chicago. C-363 2ux WANTED Ladle to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or racial montage, t ew wtena completes; sumu wages lrom start; di plomas granted. C'ail or write. Moltr Jullege, iM2 Douglas St. C-M377 26x LADIES To do piecework at their homes; we rurnisn all matertala and pay from 17 to 1Z weekly. Send aiamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C 368 20x LADIES having fancy work to sell, dollies. centerpieces, eauenoerg ana drawn work; all kinds fancy work bought and sold. Send stamped envelope. Ladles Ex change, 84 Monroe St., Chicago. C 369 20x WANTED Ladles to learn massage, hair arensing ana manicure; taugnt by mall. Great system: write for particulars. L. a. 686, Kansas City, Mo. C 401 20x WANTED, cook for Omaha Florence Banl- toiium. Apply 2121 Lake St., city. C 410 20x WANTED Dining room girl; IIS per month Doara ana longing. Address, commercial Hotel, McCook, Neb. C 346 20 HELP WANTED. WANTED Person to call on retail trad and agent for manufacturing house; local territory; salary, $20, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous ex. perlence unnecessary; business successful; Sosltion permanent. Superintendent, 610 onon Bldg., Chicago. 432 20x WANTED, by Omaha-Florence Sanator ium, a graduate male and female nurse who understands masaage, hydrotherapy and general sanltorlum work; reference required; must be here for duty Septem ber 80. Address W. L. Rosa, Med. Sup., 2121 Lake at., Omaha, Neb. 409 20x YOUNG LADIES and gentlemen to go on the road with Standard Traveling Com panies. Write today for full Informa tion. Broadway Amusement Company, Child's Building, 94th Bt. and Broadway, New York. 619 2ux FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th ft Dorl re. E 235 O. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone 611. E 237 NICELY furnished room. Inquire Omaha steam laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-liK3. i. 234 MODERN room, front, avenue. 2019 St. Mary B-161 27 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnara. E 231 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago ROOMS for light housekeeping. 810 S. 27th t. E-M222 21x LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. $12.50 and up per month. , 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th Bt. and Capitol Ave. Steam heated electrlo lighted private and general baths all convenience! n rut-class service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELONE. E 213 30x N1CELT furnished room, 1803 Capitol Ave. E M-3 TWO very desirable furnished rooms, gas, bath and furnace heat. 622 N. 33rd. E-M961 LARGE front room. modern. 201$ St Er-161-27X Mary' avenue. I FURNISHED rooms, medern, single or ensuue. sue ;v. istn. m 3a.au 2ux FRONT ROOM, modern. 2418 DoJge St. tMZlo Z3X 4 ROOMS, partly furnished, second floor; modern except lurnace; gaa stove in kitchen; adult only; references. 2426 St. Mary's ave. . E M313 20x Nice rooms, day, week or mo. 1626 Howard. t. M320 OetlSX WANTED, to rent, by young gentleman. food-sued room or suite of rooms, eitner urnished, partly furnished or unfur nished, with strictly first-clans private family In best residence district; prefera bly In the vicinity of West Farnam street or Hanscom park territory. References. Addreta O 48. lite. E 41a 2ux BEAUTIFUL furnished and unfurnished rooms, strictly modern in every way, wen ventilated, In new brick building, close to business and postoflice. 1618 W ebster st. E NEWLT furnished rooms In modern, teara-heated flat. 236 Farnam, 2d floor. E J35 20X NICELY furnished, steamheated rooms; elegant modern Hat: privilege light house keeping If desired to lady not couple, 29th and Leavenworth. Address O 61, Flee. E 515 20X NICELY furnished modern room; suitable for one or two gentlemen; near cars; private family. 27U Jackson. Address O 64, Bee E 63a 21 BMALL, steam heated, modern room; new lv furnished. Telephone. 2234 Farnam 2d floor. E 642 21 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room, furnace. 626 S. 19th St. F 158 27x THE ROSE, ioto Harney; rooms and board, also meal ticket. F MT2J 06 FINE room and first class board for two. Northeast cor. 33rd and Burt sts. F 443 ROOMS and board at $232 Farnam st ; mod ern; 'phone. F M52! 21 FIHMTIRE PACKING. PETERSON Tel. L-USi. LUN'DBERG. 116 8. 17th. H 238 FOR RENT STOKES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purpose at 816 Farnam, 12xu. four torlcs and hrsl-clasa cemented baaemcnt, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. Fur price and particular Inquire C. C. Rose water , sec retary the Bee Building Co., room li). Uue building. I-MoS7 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 rarntm St. It ha four stories and a basement, which waa formerly vsd aa Tha Bee press loom. This will b ranted very reasonably. If Interested apply a I ofnc of C. C. Rose water, secretary, ruoia 100. U building WANTED MALE HE IP. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 17th and Douglas 8ts. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Fall term now open. Student enter every day. Shorthand taught by mall. Adver tising matter free. Addreaa: KuHKUOUOH BROS., Omaha, Nebrsckn. B M457 26 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. THE spacious store room on Farnam street In the Bee building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co.. to lease on rea aonable terms. Rent Include Janitor serv ice, electric light and heat. Inquire R. C. Peter & Co., ground Hour Bee building. I M534 DESK room. 414 Bee building. I M151 AN ESTABLISHED cereal food company desires the service of reliable man to fill responslbe position; compensation $3,000 per annum. Highest reference required and given. Address Auditor' Department, Box 4842, Battle Creek, Mich. DESK ROOM. Large, light offices; janitor service, heat, light, telephone free. JUST THE PLACE U WANT. Inquire room 23 United States Nat l bsnk block. 149 20 AGENTS WANTED. sing county to solicit subscription to THE TWbM lLI M USNTLKI r AKMfcJK. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily J00 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha, J 213 NEW book by 100 of America Greatest Negroes; solves race problem and sells like wild-fire; agents make $20.00 a day; write for free outfit and terms. J. L. Nichols ft Co., Napervllle, 111. J M322 21x WE IT AVE an absolutely new article. Sella In every private house, public building, store, warehouse and factory. Four hours' work dally makes you $10 a day, guaran teed. Experience unnecessary. Lay this paper down and write now. Address, Strowger Co., Rochester, N. Y. J AGENT8 wanted everywhere; medical at tendance by local doctors for entire fam ily; $000 Insurance policy; all benefits; $2.50 year. Union Medical Society, Bible House, New York. J 434 20x YOU can earn good wages taking order for our Christmas specialties. No capital or experience necessary. Illlt & Co., Wabash Ave., Chicago. J 3og 20x AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous nameplate, numbers, signs readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Engle. wood, 111. J 3S4 20x "DAZZLER" kerosene lamp burner; Just out; , marvelous 80-candle power flame; agents only; exclusive territory; litera ture free; nample, 60c. Caput Novelty Mfg. Co., 6538 Ellis Ave., Chicago. J-385-20X WANTED Agents In Iowa; $75 weekly and expenses easily made writing health and accident insurance; experience unneces sary. Royal Fraternal Union, Bt. Louis, Mo. J 387 20x MEN willing to work positively make $2,000 to $8,000 per year selling our just patented machine. Eagle Tool Co., B. 133, Cincin nati, O. J 42S 20x AGENTS Write now for free sample of work and terms. Star names mender, 1 best 26c seller out; we make other quick selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Sell out1 $1 bottle ar sapartlla for 35 cents; best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for term and territory. Address F. R. Oreene, 69 Dear born St., Chicago. J BEGIN business for yourself; stop working for other. We start you In profitable mail order business at your home. Pleas ant work; Immense profits; unlimited pos sibilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo J OUR men are making $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses. Write today for our 24-p. free eye book and learn how; we establish you In business. Jackson Optical College, (chartered). Dept. 104, Jackson, Mich. J 423 20x MAIL order dealers, advertisers, agents, keep posted; read the Western Monthly. Tell what to do, what not to do. Special six months loc. Western Monthly, Kansas City, Mo. J--430 20X MANAGER In every town over 1,000 popu lation; pay $1,000 to $3,0o0; references re quired. World' Fair Guarantee Ass'n, Rlalto Bldg., St. Louis. J 139 20x WE WANT men and women of good stand ing In every community In the United Slates and Canada to represent us. Hustlers, as soon as they learn the busi ness, can earn $5 per day and upward. No money Is required. Address, T. J. Bradshaw, Pres., Room 602 Granite Block, St. Louis. Mo. J-423 20x ENERGETIC and hustling agents wanted; persons of standing and ability, who have a good acquaintance and are capable of handling a proposition that will bring them an Income of $75 to $100 per week. This opportunity Is an exceptional one; The business is safe, sound and legiti mate .and Is backed by some of the most successful and reputable business men of St. Louis. Such an opportunity for speedy and large profits to the right men is sel dom offered. Address, Coaleo Fuel Mfg. Co., Suite 186, Laclede Bldg., St. Louis. J OIL burner free to agents. Heats stove and furnaces; one-half cheaper than coal or wood; burns crude or kerosene oil. Write National Mfg. Co., Station E, New York. N. Y. J 379 2ox WE start you selling diamonds. Don't ac cjU employment until getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. T. J 374 20x AGENTS-32.5n. 14-karat solid gold fountain pen for a little of your spare time. Write A. C. Dunham, 80 Nassau st., New York. J-337 20x WOMEN agents to sell novelties which every woman will buy on sight; steady Income of fl5 to $20 per week; you risk nothing. Write us today. Norcress & Co., 441 Marquette Bldg., Chicngo. J 398 !0x WE INSURE UP TO 8 4. Grod side line for Insurance ngent. American Life In. Co.. Box 24. Elkhart, Ind. J- $32 A WEEK salary and all expenses for men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Com pound. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Par sons. Kan. J PORTRAIT MEN Increase your Income. Protect yourselves aaalnst losses. Deal with me. I am an Independent artist for the trade only. I guarantee true like nesses. I give better work for less money than big copying aonset. Twenty years' experience making high grade crayon, sepia and pastel portraits. Write The Sleafrted Studio, 425 B. Paulina St., Chi cago. J AGENTS $10 a day or evening selling au tomatic funnels to saloons and drug stores; wonderful Invention; cannot over flow bottlws; eii at flirh'. Auto. Funn. Co., box 48, Blddeford, Maine. J-6T7 20x AGENTS Women In all town and cities for permanent pcsltlons as representa tives of old established business, which Is very profltsMe and interesting. De partment R. M.. lToctor Institute. 46 Cliff St.. New York. J-630 20x WANTED TO REST. WANTED Board and room for family of 3. all adults, In private family; not too far out. Address stating price. O 33, Bee office. K-236 SMALL furnltihed house or suite of rouma for light housekeeping: must be first class. Addreaa O 4o, Ue. K MJol to WANTED TO RENT. FOR lady and two sons 11 and 15; will tmv $50 a month: private family pre ferred. Address O 41. Bee. K M3u2 PARLOR floor or six or seven-room house, modern except furnace. Address O 12, Bee K-M SoO YOUNG couple would like nice 6 or 6-room cottage for rnt; walking distance. Ad dress O 46, Bee offW K 311 20 WANTED, to rent, a modern furnished house, close In, for 3 adults. Address M 68, Bee. K 392 2"x WANTED By young couple, no children, three unfurnished modern rooms for light housekeeping. References. Address, o 62, Bee. K 344 20x YOUNG couple want furnished house re- liable parties. Notify 631 Paxton block at once. 'Phone A-1897. K K17 lux WANTED Two persons want board and room with two furnished rooms; steam heat. Address O 65. Bee. K 540 20 WANTED TO BUY, WANTED To buy a dray or bus line of good size In Nebraska or South Dakota. Anyone having such for sale will find a buyer by writing Ed Mahoney. Luwlcr, la. N MU'w 21x DON'T give your furniture and carpet away. J. Levlne pays the highest cash price. 806 North 16th st. N M281 Ocl6 WANTED, a horse weighing about 1050. suitable for a buggy. Must b sound and In good condition. Inquire People Btore Tueeday or Wednesday. N 412 20 WANT gentle pony from October to May; will buy or take enre of him; stato age, height and terms. Address O 58. Bee. N-400 29x GOOD dray team, weight about 2.W0. A. Hospe Co., 1618 Dougla. N M4H3 22x WANTED, a fireproof safe with burglar proof chest. Very large .size. Address O 62, Bee office. N 527 20x FOR SALE Ft'R.MTlllE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge Bt. 0-242 FOR SALE. Furniture, consisting of parlor, dlntnir, bedroom, leather library furniture, leather couch, easy chairs, mahogany and rook wood library and parlor tables, odd chairs, rockers, davenport, mahogany bookcase, writing desk, mantle mirrors, clocks, pictures, Imported bric-a-brac, oil paintings, rugs, lace curtains, brass beds, oak and mahogany dressers, chiffoniers; also fine upright piano. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. Sell aep arately; call at 138 N. 38th ave. 0-M485 26x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait: flrst-class re pair work. H. Frost, 14th and Leaven worth. P-243 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16th St. P-4 GOOD MILK WAGON, .coal wagon and buggy at a big bargain. A. W. Johnson, with John Deere Plow Co. P 348 02x MY rockaway. In excellent condition, for sale. Address O 54, Bee office. P 350 20x FOR SALE, very stylish driving horse; hn good speed; Is fine under the saddle; will also sell latest style, high-grade, rubber tire wagon, harness, blankets, saddles, etc. Address O 69, Bee. P M4S0 23X FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 151 FARNAM STREET. LARGEST PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST USED PIANOS St. Louis t 28 00 Vosa ft Son Si .00 Hallet ft Davl 33.00 Pease ' I 0- McCammon $ -00 Light ft Co 67.00 Emerson I " .00 James ft Holstrom 69.00 Knabe S3- fitelnway $126.00 Arlon H3S-00 Marshall ft Wendell $146.00 Chicago Make $16700 New York Make $188-00 NEW PIANOS Blaetus ft Sons $116.00 Eastern make, fancy walnut $138.00 Fine, large new golden oak $162.00 Three beauties, only 3 left, 2 mahogany and 1 walnut, each $196.00 About 30 fine, standard, flrst-clase pianos, 8 different makes, all kinds of casings, choice $234.00 ORGANS Univerplty 41600 Geo. Wood i $14.00 Kimball $38.00 Kimball $22.00 Cornish $19 00 Hunt $29 00 Perry , $1900 Bonlger in.00 Maaon ft Hamlin $41.00 Peloubet $18 00 Story ft Clark $26.00 Estey 32W Burdette I 00 Kimball U9.00 Kimball 129.00 Western Cottage $36.00 Estey 34 00 Packard H2-00 Crcwn H2-00 SCHMOLLER 1313 FARNAM FOR BALE, Southwick buy press and power, cheap, A. H. Read, Coum il Bluffs, la. W-M 816 FOR BALE, secondhand locomobile, In flrst-class shape, at one-hulf price. Call or address, 1621 Farnam St. Q 246 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., A& N. 17tli ft. Q-248 SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a lartte stock of cheap bar fiture, cigar counter, etc. The Brunwlck-Balke Collender Co., 4.r7- 8. 10th Bt. W-M225-14 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., 6maha. Q-243 ICE for sale in carload lots. Lincoln Ice Co., Lincoln, Neb. Address, Q-M713 INDIAN goods and relics. 1113 Farnam. 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Famiim. Q-201 FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; ran be used either passenger or freight; com plete, iron guide poets, cage and wire en closure. J. L- brandei ft bona. (J i'Ji FOR SALE A new 8o0-ampere, double-pole switch: never been used. Apply to or addruaa "bumnnUiiiieut Bee BuMlng, Omaha." W-M767 FOR SALE MISCEL1.ANEOIS. BE YOUR own cement contractor. Iy your own cement sidewalk. Paves two third esslly. Particulars. II Booth, ;V Loan ft Trust Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. U ,tsst-2nx Second-Hand Sewing Machines. We hv the following second-hand box-top machines that have been thoroughly over hauled and ore In condition to do good work, st the following prices, and com plete with attachments: White $ 4 W Household 5 CO Household 11 00 Singer 6 00 Singer 10 00 Singer 12 00 New Home 9 00 Standard (dressmaker; good as new) 10 00 Wilcox ft Olbhs (good as new) 25 00 Singer (tailoring; In good condition) 10 00 Standard (tailoring; almost new) 15 00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In perfect condition. The latest thing the different factories produce, from $17.50 to $25.00. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for 7bc per week, and sell and repair parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Hnrney Thone 1663 314 Broadway, Council Bluffs. .'Phone B 1H 612 V. 24th St., South Omaha.... 'Phone 43tio Q AUTOMOBILES. We have the largest and most complete line to select from, both new and second hand machines, at guaranteed lowest prices. Don't fall to write for our bargain offer ings. We positively have the only western facilities for doing the finest nnd most difficult automobile repairing and manu facturing. The Wittniann Co., Lincoln, Neb. Q FOR SALE For $100; fine family cow; fresh Oct. 15. Inquire 2154 S. 3-MM St. Q M2S6-20X FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required, $2,000.00. J 21, Bee. Q 252 TELEPHONE POLES; long flr timber; chicken fence; oak piling. 901 Douglas. Q 247 NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. Q-263 FOR SALE Several scholarship In a flrst class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire nt Bee office. Q 858 E. L. LOVEJOT will hepatr your sewing machine and warrant It. 2016 Spruce Bt, Q M970 ""6X FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels Apply Wm. Notkel, press room, Bee office. Q-238 SOMETH1NG new In Dice. Impossible to manipulate; can't cheat; 60c per pair. Write for pamphlet. Roth Novelty Co., St. Louis, Mo. Q 421 20x STEIN WAY ft Son's piano at a bargain: easy terms. Address Geo. J. Bird, 330 Board of Trade. Q 407 lOx Columbia X. P. high speed molded reoords for sale at 25c each at Collins Piano company, 113 8. 17th St. Q 646 20 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE BMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told. past, present and future. Sat ld. isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8254 GYLMER. PALMIST Removed to 715 N. 23,1. Take No. 16th St tsar, get oft at 33d and Cuming, walk Hi block south. B M261 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Great week for PIANO and ORGAN BARGAINS From the Lange. Minton Bankrupt Stock. Easy Payments 25c, ?0c, 75c a week - for the cheaper ones. $3 to $5 a Month for the most expensive. GET IN EARLYI. & MUELLER ST., OMAHA, CLARIVOYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium. 17"9 Califor nia. B M 830 Obx FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! IF INCORRECT. 60c, 5oc, 6oe. Vic. PROF. ZANZ1C. Positively no charge unlets you And him to be superior to all others; tells names of friends and enemies; tells who and when you will marry; tells who is true and who U false; tells what your natural talents aru and how to employ them; locates absent friends and remove evil influences; unites the separated; bring about speedy and happy marriages and r ;uldes ou to success in all undertuk ugs. No matter what troubU you may have with yourself aud others, this won derful gifted medium can help you. All In trouble- or In doubt should call. Con sultation free; dally from t to 8. IM Dodge t. 17'. 8-636 x Mme- Gylmer. Omaha Favorite Palmist. REMOVED TO 71? N. 2M St- Mme. Gylmer I now very pleasantly rltu ated in a beautiful cottage and has h-r parlors of palmistry ao arranged so aa to make it most convenient for her patron. She extends a tord al invitation to all her f i tend to call at bar new home, 716 North Cld 8L Is M3 20 CLARIYOYANTI. FRKE! FREE'! Your fortune told: mr advice la good ss gold. Send blrthdate and 8 2-crnt stnmps now. Dr. Best, 111 1), 6w, Chicago. 8370 2x KLKCTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. . T 707 PERSONAL. VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders o( women. Free booklet. Viavl Co., 4 Be BKlg. MAGNETIC PILE KILLEU. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. U 14o6 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good 8marlian Sanitarium, 724 1st Ave., Council Blurts, la. V-M SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 5U Bee Bldg. U-o7 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corn and uperflu ous hair removed by electricity. H. i and 2. looo Farnam bt. U 59 TRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; best medical car and nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher, laOl Vinton. Tel. 18X9. U-260 WE RENT sewing machine at 75c per week, $2 per month; we repair and ell part for every machine manufactured; secondhand machines, $5 to $10; second hand machine from $1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., llh and Harney. U M162 OMAHA Dye Works, 1615 Howard, fashion able cleaners, dresses suit, cloaks, dra peries, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpet . U M743 $0 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladle before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gertsch, ki25 California st. Term reasonable. U-4 DR, PRIES treat successfully all disease and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 151$ Dodge St., Arlington block. Omaha. U-C04 8. BHONFELD, the antiquarian (estab lished 1H7K), removed to 822 N. Y. Life bldg. U-M515 Ol PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gurdels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-18K4. U 258 BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. 606 S. 16. Tel. 1617. Umbrellas Parasol re-covered, repaired or made. U M852 LADY 26 years old want loving compan ion; must havo some means. Answer O 48, Bee. U M316 21 X GENTLEMAN, wealthy, refined, good ohnr acter, lonely, desires appreciative wife. Description free. Confidential. Address, Mrs. Chnse, 260 Euclid, Room 202. Cleve land, Ohio. U 433 0x WHOM to marry; vocation; success. Test reading from hftndwrltlng (ten cents and stamped envelope) by the world famous expert, Mrs. Franklin Hall, Morrlstown, N. J. U 380-20X MORPHINE, opium, cocaine, drug and liquor habits cured In two weeks. Phy sician' prescription. Instructions at trifling cost. Mrs. R. L. Dclascau, M. D., 3031 Cottage Grove ave., Chicago. U 366 20x WOMEN only; speedy relief' $1,000 guar antee If I don't relieve abnormal sup pression from any cause; 10,000 testi monials; Information free. Dr. Martha Walker Co., xl6S State St., Chicago.. ' U-354 20x MAN'S best friend. Dr. Mutter's quick cure for lost manhood; acts Immediately. It does the buflnexs; sample free. Kralgco, Chemist Dept., 71, Milwaukee, Wis. U-367 20x NEW marriage paper, photos and posi tively full names and addresses, so you pan correspond without further expense; 20c. Home Co., Annvllle, Lebanon county, Pa. U 406 20x I SEEK husband for lady 22, worth $10,000 and beautiful farm: young widow, $16,0ii0 and-atock farm; lady 24, $20,000; widow 42. $35,000. Address Jessie, 19 So. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. U400 SOx SUPERFLUOUS hair, wart and mole permanently removed by electricity; con ultatlon free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Mis Allender, 422 N. Y. L. ' . . . U- THE electrical parade of the Ak-Sar-Ben will be on the 8th of October, but the fine line of talking machines carrlel by the Collins Piano company are on exhibit all the time at 113 S. 17th st. You are cordially Invited to attend the fre con certs given during Ak-Sar-Ban week. U-W4 WE'V GOT IT The Photo-Fan, practical, pretty and popular priced; sample by mall. 30c. Write for special terms for ter ritory in Nebraska. P. L. Forgan. Oen'l Agent, 814 N. 15th street. U 479 SOx MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE.' WANTED City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 261 FARM and rl:y loans; low rates. W. H. Thomaa, Flret Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 262 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life, W M WANTED Real estate loans and warrant. R. C. Peter ft Co.. Bee Bldg. W 267 FIVE PERCENT loan. Garvin B-o., 1604 Farnara. W 266 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Dougla. W-206 4 TO 5 P. C. money, Bemls, Paxton block. W-264 MONEY to loan for building purpose. W. II. Thomas, First Nat l Ban nk bldg. W-292 Ocl6 MONEY to loan on residence residence property, at'l Bank Bldg. W M317 20x W. II. Thomus, 1st rs MONEY to loan to build you a home. W. II. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. W-MS18 20x ACCORDION TLEATING. GOLDMAN, 200 Dougla block. -2S2 ATTORNEYS. J. M. MACFARLAND. SIS N. Y. L. Bldg. M766 21 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bal Tie Co., 811 North 16ta 283 BICYCLES. BARGAINS In bicycle; second-hand wheels $3 and up; see Fleacher, 1622 Cspl tol ave. M828 OS BRASS FOrNDHY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main Bt.. Council Bluffs. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th ana una ineri. 870 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College, 1706 Cuming Bt. Write for booklit. 241 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2822. 2k4 DHESS CITTINU SCHOOLS. THE Dresa Cutting College la to young Indies what the business college 1 to young rueu. 627 Paxton liik., Omaha. MK32 OS EXPERT At tOt NT A NT. O. R. RATHBUN, room 16, Com'l Nat Bank Private lessons In bookkeeping, etc. Ibi FLORISTS. HEBSjTsWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -( D. HENDERSON, florist, 141 Farnam St. -to!