The Omaha Sunday Bee EDITORIAL SHEET, g jjj PAGES n TO 20. j ERTAHLIPIIKI) JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, KKPTEMHEH 20, 1903. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. pn till BILL A TALI lilS THE RBLIABLB STOIIC. THfcJ HKUAHLR IIURE. Telling of tasty things to wear, of new fashions and correct styles, placed within each price reach. Fall prices are smaller here than anywhere else. in a mis WW. J .Jr Cd CLOAK DEPARTMENT A congress of the fashions of tha world. In our spacious and beautiful Cloak De partment you can find garments from Lort ' don, material from Ireland, styles from Faria, and tome of the beat garments In Germany. Thar are gathered together after months of careful and scrutinising labor and at such medium prices that will please you alL Early In tha season wo promlred you that we would do the Suit and Cloak bus Ineas If styles, low prices and good ma terials count for anything: The best proof that our efforts are appreciated Is the fact that our Cloak Department Is crowded very day with peaceful,; contented and satisfied buyers. For Monday. Another lot of new suits Just received by express. A choice lot of suits made of all the best and most desirable materials and In tha latest Fail styles. Beautiful, perfect fitting garments made to sell for $16.0 and $20.00, Monday only $9.M each. A large lot of New Fall Suits, made of Irish Tweda, English Cheviots the long graceful stylish garments made to sell for $37.50 Monday only $18.60 each. Another lot of women's suits.. This Is as fine a lot of suits as we have ever made of all the new materials In the new styles. With taffeta and satin lined jackets, in the medium and extreme lengths, made to sell for $35.00 for only $24.60. 175 new sample Coats, no two alike, for 136.00, $46.00, $66.00 and $1C0.C0. VomenV Rainy Day and Dress Skirts. TOO Women's rainy day skirt, as rhown In our window, on salo Monday morning. Nearly all samples made by the best manu facturers in Amer1cs Made to sell at $7.60, ' for only $3.18. 37S Women's skirts the best that can be made for (the money, perfect In ' fit, hang and finish, worth $10.00, for only $6.60. 75 Women's 811k Dress Skirts, lace trim med and perfect hanging garments, made of an elegant quality of Peau de Sole, and would be cheap at $12.60 Monday only $9.80 each. 100 Misses' Skirts for Monday morning, worth up to $5.0), for only $2.98. Women's Silk Underskirts. TO Women's Silk Underskirts. In colors and black, made of an excellent quality of taffeta with a 16-Inch flounce ruffled and nloely trimmed regular $8.00 quality for only $5.00 each. Fur Department, Women's, -rur Coats at $38.00, $35.00 reg- . slar valua from $30 90 to $40.00. 1 . ; - Women's-Beaver Cap fOTwhrWtotHrB -will ask yol $30.00 Our price, Monday only 7.oo. : . , ,v . v " Women'. Font Scarfs, worth $10.01 ; for ' only $8.00 eatfh. J ' ' , Women's opossum Boarfs at $1.60 each, - Women's Coats from the best manufac turers In the world. These are beautiful long graceful garments, perfect It, hang and finish, for $13 00. $15.00, $20.00 and $30.00 each. Ws are showing the best coats In Amerlo for the price Skinner's satin lined, made of slbellne and kerseys, for which others will ask you 816.00 Our price -only $10.00. - 500 Coats made of glbellnea and kerseys, Biade to sell for $1X00, for $7.50 each. One lot of Misses' Coats for $3.90 each. Women's Waists, made . of French flan nel, trimmed with braid worth $3.00 Mon day only $1.75. 600 Women's Taffeta and Peau de Sole Waists, made to sell for $7.60 Monday only $3.93. CJagi ilflceaif SfiOOTg of to'Mis Wo lead them all in Silks. FRANCE, ITALY, SWITZERLAND, JAPAN the leading silk mills of the world, represented in this grand collection of new and stylish fall silks. ALL WHO HAVE VISITED THE BIO SILK DEPARTMENT IN THE PAST FEW DAYS WERE AMAZED AT THE BEAUTY, ELE- Greatest stockof Silks in the west. OANCE AND ITAXDSOME STYLE DISPLAYED IN THESE NEW SILKS. MONDAY, THE BIG SILK DEPARTMENT WILL BE A FASHION SHOWING ITSELF. EVERY LADY 18 INVITED TO ATTEND THIS GREAT DISPLAY AND EXHIBIT OF NEK SILK. TO COMMEMORATE THIS IMPORTANT EVENT AVE HAVE ARRANGED THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY SILK VALUES. NEW WHITE AND CREAM SILKS, are exceedingly popular. Our line la groat. White waist silk. In neit fig- Tf E ured designs, absolutely new I S White, Ivory nnd cream crepe de chine, special Satin duchesse, pure silk, white. Ivory and cream ..69c ..98c PLAIN COLORED SILKS, for waists, for dresses and for linings. Louinene silks, in full line of shades, all silk and a splendid "T f quality 0 Peau de Slante, all silk 23 Inch, wide, modes in 60 colors, confined to Hayden's I flfl for Omaha, warranted to wear liVJU Mnrlnda silks, for entire dresses, on snlo only, very line and splen- QQ,, did for wear JH ' FOR SIX YKAR8 PAST WINSl-OW TAF FETA HAS KEEN UPPERMOST .IN MINDS OF PEOPLE-It has attained Us great reputation because of the fact that It Is the best wearing taffeta that money can buy, while all other taffetas are an experiment. The Wlnslow taffeta mills strictly confine the sale of their silks to Haydnn Bros., for Omaha, 27-ln. wide, over 100 colors and com in ba lions, I ftfi price I'llU FASHION SAYS THAT FANCY SILKS ARB CORRECT FOR WAIST AND EN TIRE DKESbKS. Gun me uil Bilks, most complete a.xort ment In west, $1.25 and great OO,. variety of nobby styles 1.2o and 3Uly Beautiful silk for either waist or shirt waist suit, the tasty colors and neat designs are the admiration of all who see ihem, over 100 styles nfj- $1.60, $1.25 and 510 Exclusive novelties for waists In both Hclit and dark shades, original styles ' (Ttflf., that you will like ......yO0 BLACK SILK DEPARTMENT Is com plete with everything new for waist, skirt, coat or dress. Black peau union silk, special for Black peau regence, black peau fallsolide, extremely new Black duchess, SO In., only Black duchess, 24 in., only , 1.25 .98c .98c .tic .98c .1.25 Back Duchesse, 27 In. only BLACK PEAU DE SOIE Values that beat the world. Every yard all Bilk and strictly guaranteed. Black peau de sole, 24 In. wide, OPr In this sale .- Black peau de sole, 27 In. wide, In this sale $.'00 black peau de sole, 36 In. wide I Cft in this sale I'BU $2.50 black peau do sole, 36 In. wide, ICC in this sale IsUU $2.50 black peau de sole, 30 In. wide, IE In this sale I W BLACK TAFFETA Values that cannot be equalled. Every piece reliable. Black taffeta, 27 In. wide, in this sale .' Black taffeta, 36 In. wide. In this sale Black taffeta, 44 In. wide, I 9 K In this sale I it a Black taffeta, 54 in. wide. In this sale ..75c ..98c .1.58 The Leading Dress Goods of the West. Speaking of Millinery ZIBELINES the leading fall fabrio In 28 qualities and 150 th-tdes. in long hair, close cut mirror carmel ha.r Elkh rn, Buf falo weaves, and 15 or 2) more designs, the product of English, French, German and Austrian mills, as well as the leading mills of the world. Zlbellnes, 3c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per yard. We place two numbers of slbellne on sale for Monday at the following reduced prices, in blacks and colors. Our $1 98 world-beater, In slbellne, 64-ln. wide, only one pattern to a customer, at $1.89 a yard. Our $2.98 Lupin's world-beater. In blacks and colors, only one pattern to a customer, at $l.s. VOILES, ETAMINES, AND CANVASSES. Our stock of voiles, compares with anv stock of voiles in New York, or any other eity. We have them In Lupin's, Priestley's Courtaldt's and all other leading manufacturers. VOILES from 60c to $3.90 a yard. ETAMINE8 from 75o to 15.00 per yard. CANVAS from 50c to $3.00 per yard. SPECIAL SALE ON VOILES FOR MONDAY- ' Any of our $2.50 voiles, in black, or colors, and only one pattern to a customer, will go for Monday only at $1.49. Any $2.98 voile or etamine, In black or colors, will go for Monday only and only one pattern to a customer, at $1.98. Our lines of high grade far surpasses anything ever shown in this city,1 from 50c to $4.50 a yard. OUR EVENING SHADES for waistlngs and evening wear, is complete with all the newest of this class of goods put on the market for fall of 1903. and our prices are not as much for thee high grade goods as others ask for the fancy imitation. OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS BE SURE AND SEND FOR SAMPLES. YOU GET THEM FREE. AK-SAR-BEll. The pride of Omaha Is the Ak-Bar-Ben festivities. The pride of Hayden Bros. Is their ability to supply the wants of their customers. To illustrate: - "' Monday will be our opening day In our Lace and Dress Trimming department, and we will Place on sale dress trimmings suit able for your Ak-Sar-Ben ball gown, as well as trimmings for the scnool girt s simplest dress. First Lot Fancy Embroidered Chiffon Dress Trimmings. 29c to $10.00 per yard. Second Lot All colors of Gutmp Trim mings, all silk, at 2Vic to 20c per yard. Third Lot All Silk Dress Trimmings black only at 6c, 10c, 15c and 26c. Fourth Lot A beautiful line of Embroid ered Chiffon for ball dresses 42 inches wide worth $3.00 per yard on sale Mon day at $1.39. . Fifth Lot The very finest $5.00 per yard Embroidered - Dress Chiffons at $2.39 per yard. - KEW LEATHER GOODS. Our leather goods department Is the most complete In the west. Everything made In Leather Goods can be found In this department at prices unequalled. Flannel Dept. Extra heavy light and dark outing flan nel per yard, 6c. 36-inch wide extra heavy outing flannel, worth 10c per yard, 7Hc. Unmade fancy all wool flannel skirt pat tern full alxe, 40xS0, each 890. 20 cases best grade yard-wide fancy stripes, outing flannel, worth 16c per yd., 10c. Extra good Shaker flannel, per yd., 4o. Extra large and heavy home made bed comforts, filled with extra fine cotton and covered with best outlug flannel sllkollne, regular quilting and sateen weights, from t to lbs., each $1.60, $1.98, $2.25, $2.60 $2.98. 3? V, w Mmmk r t Our handsome department yesterday presented a won derful scene of activity. A perfect carnival of millinery selling. These sentences accurately ' describe the kaleidoscopic pui orama of the ever moving throng of feminine life com bined with a dasxllng brillian cy of color showing which presented itself at the Hayden store on Saturday. People came afoot and they came In carrlagos, from early morning . until late at night, tha eager procession kept coming. How ever, w were In great shape for a rush and we behaved admirably. But. my! wasn't our splendid sellma; oriraaiaa tion tired at ten vim the sig nal came for closing time. Sat urday's receipt make mora history for us. They wm the largest ry Tar or any frituray In our long career, that we have a record of. but then you know we raw an Underselling Millinery Festival One of the kind we often give to demonstrate the power of our establishment as a Mi'.linsry Ibney Savin? Center One hundred special features for tomorrow. llr are soma of theiii. HATS TltrMMBD FRED OF CnAItOE. Paris Model Hats, Special Price SI5 To add seat and seal to the opening sale, we shall sell a limited number of pattern hats at actual cost to Import. If you admire srtlstlo hats. If you like distinctiveness of style and excluslveiiess, you should by all means ne theee hata-and, remember you save halt what they'd sell for IE n't elswlierhre at I3(UI HATS TRIMMED FREE OP CHARGE RAT TRlMstD FREB OF CHARGE. TRIMMED HATS $3.60 AND $4 M. Beautifully trimmed hats, made by our own mil liters, after the latest dictates of fashion. In boo res of distinctive styles elegnjit combinations or materials ana oarmomes or color in trimmings, beauty ana ongni Ikees permeating every nai ana economy rarucipaung and saving you a third opening prices $t 4, Is. its and HATS TRIMMED FREB OP CHARGE. blight- 2.98 ' HIT! TRIOTED FREB OP CHARGE. tl.M LADIES BLACK TRIMMED HATB-O 6-Up wards of four hundred sensible practical, black, shsirry mohair felt turbans, tastely trimmed with black wlnges, birds, silk ribtxms, velvets, ornaments, etc.. Just the thing to put on fur any oc casion 1 naa yourseu weu arvsftoa m-uni i nr most stores ask $2.60 for Inferior hats Monday lIATf TRIMMED FREB OP CHARGE. HATS TRIMMED FREB OP CHARGE. COLORED BIRDS. tfc Variagate-1 Imported FreocH bird, the kind Ukl gooeimHy reUils at 7U alooday j Hats Trimmsd Fro 3 of Chargo ... 25c 19c Sheet Music 'Anona," the new Indian lntermezso, on the style of "Hiawatha." This beautiful lntermexio, written by Mlas Mabel McKln- ley, favrrit niece of the late president. listed at 80c. We have so much confidence In it that our first order was L0OO copies. To Introduce "Anona" we are going to. put It on sale tomorrow and while they last the place will be 13c; by mall, ZOo. Visit our musio department and ask our pianist to play "Anona." We will also in clude some other nice musio in this sale. such as "Hiawatha," both vocal and in strumental; "Lily," very pretty waits song; "Walt 'Till My Ship Comes In," a song of the sea; "Military Mollla," fine march song; "Bygone Days Are Best," very pa thetic ballad; "Dear Old airl," very pretty gallad; "Sun Danoe," by Frledmann; "Laughing Waters," fine twoetep. On sale tomorrow at only 18c; by mall. 20c China Dept. Fancy decorated Japanese cups and saucers. These cups and saucers are reg ular 60o values; on Bale at 12Vc each. Decorated cups, saucers and plates, 35c per set. The handy cellar and barn lantern, 15c. Get the genuine pure red rubeer for your Mason Jars, the only pure red jar rubber In the city; per dosen, 10c A genuine bargain a 142-plece decorated dinner set not common printed set, but filled in colors sets reduced from $15.00; on sale tomorrow at $5.2S. Our new line of table and parlor lamps are fine. We can sell you a complete lamp from 15o up. Decorated oyster and soup bowls. Be Decorated cuspidor, 10c Why pay So for mantles when we can sell you one for tcf if I .. Jr.L:." Drapery Dept. The entire surplus stock of a large rope portiere and trimming mill on sale Mon day. Extra heavy rope valance for single or double doors, all colors, made to sell for $2.00; Monday only 88c. Rope portieres made of heavy rough oord, any color, made to sell at $3.50; Mon day only $2.48. Heavy solid and' soft velour cord por tieres for double doors, worth up to $10.00 per pair, at $5.00, $4.60, $3.98, $3.48 and $2.66. Heavy pillow cord at 7c per yard. ? Cotton fringe at 5c per yard. Silk fringe at 10c per yard. Silk fringe at 18o per yard. Rug fringe at 6c per yard. Tapestry portieres, good quality tapestry outains, 50 Inches wide, all colors, worth $3.75; Monday at $2.48. Others at $3.50, $3.93 and $4.60 and $5.00, worth double these prices. rSELLS ON QUVLITV. Hardware, Stoves and llousofurnishings. Heating Stoves! 8 carloads Just received special sale be gins Monday. Come and see the handsomest and best double heating baseburner made' In Amer ica, THE SWELLE8T THING OUT the NEW REGAL UNIVERSAL AM Cfl it's a beauty StTi5U A very handsome, first class stove The handsomest oak stove made, perfectly air tight, with cold-air flue taking the cold air from the floor and heating It as it goes up; extra heavy; can use cylinder for hard coal, making It self-feeding; a reg ular $20.00 stove for Optical Dept. DON'T PAY FANCY PRICE8. Call at our OLD ESTABLISHED Optical Department and nave your eyes fitted in the most approved up-to-date manner by an expert optician. Examination free to alL 16.50 17 lnnk - 14.50 II.95 tuc is tar uait, a rummer, it men; a regular . $18.00 stove; will heat a hall; our price A VERT HANDSOME OAK a regular $15.00 stove; our price The .Standard Steel Range, as good as the best, very durable and well made; very handsomely nickel trimmed, all a bestos lined, extra large slse, gray iron top, warranted not to crock or warp; regular $37.00 range; our Prtce .., I SEASONABLE GOODS. 31.50 Blx-lnch pipe Polished Iron pipe .... Coal hods Pipe collars, six Inch.. Blx-lnch elbows !kx28 stove board ..10c ..35c ..15c .. 2c .. c ..2Sc WB CARRT THE LARGEST LINE OK STOVES WEST OF CHICAGO. Carpets for Monday, A 'Complete assortment of fine Brussels, velvet and Axminster carpets on sale at $1.00 per yard; every one worth $1.85 and $1.50; Monday at $1.00 Extra grade of Brussels carpet, worth 85c per yard, on sale Monday at 650. $12.48 for a cxl2 Brussels rug; regular price, $17.50; Monday at $12.48. $22.48 for a 8x12 Axminster rug, all new, bright patterns, worth $27.50; special Mon day at $22.48. 98o for a 80x60 Smyrna rug; Monday, 9Sc. $3.75 for a 36x72 Axminster rug, worth $6.00; Monday at $3.75. New Fall Hats for Hen and Boys. S0r,1E SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. Ladles' fine black lisle lace hose worth tip to 75c, for only 35c, 25o and 19a Ladles' fine lisle hose. In fancy colors and embroidered, worth up to $1. at only 39c and 25c. Ladles' plain black and fancy colored hose at 12tto and 10c Children's ribbed hose at 25c, 19c, 12Ha and 10c Ladles' full French gored corsets, with short hips and prlnoess style, at 49c Dr. Warner's rust-proof corset, especially adapted to stout figures slses 10 to 30 for only $1.60. A full line of W. C. C. Kabo, G. D. and W. B. in all the latest styles, with and without hoso supporters attached, at $1 and up. Ladles' extra heavy knit skirts, in all colors, assorted striped borders, worth $L for only 0c Ladles' fine wool knit skirts. In plain colors, also fancy striped borders, worth $1.50, for only 98c. Ladles' outing flannel gowns, in all colors and nice quality of outing flannel, worth 75c, for only 60c. Ladles' extra heavy outing flannel gowns in all sizes and embroidery trimmed, worth $1.50. for 98c. Children's extra heavy fleece lined under wear, extra fine finish, from 10c to 25c Ladles' jersey ribbed vesta and pants, heavy fleece lined, worth 39c, at 25c Ladles heavy ribbed combination suits, fleece lined, worth 75o, at 60c. Ladles' fine part wool combination suits, perfect fitting garments, worth $1.60, at 98c. Ladles' extra heavy quality wool mixed combination suits. In gray and white, worth $2, at $1.50. Ladles' silk and wool combination suits, hand crocheted finished and perfect fitting, worth $4.60, at $3. Ladles' Kayaer silk lined gloves at $1 and 76c. Ladies' Kayser oasslmere gloves, at 2Gc Ladles' golf gloves, in white, black and fancy colors, at 60c, 39a and 25c. Ladles' kid gloves, regular $1 quality, for only 65c Hen's 75c Underwear at 45c In medium weight, part wool. In grey and camel's hair colors, also extra heavy fleece lined In plain and fancy colors, on sale Monday, at 45c Men's heavy wool shirts and drawers. In natural grey camel's hair, in all sixes, at $1.50, $125, $1 and 75c, worth double these prlres. Men's $1 colored laundered shirts with separate cuffs, at 60c Men's 50c suspenders, all kinds of lea ther, and silk ends, at 25c Men's half hose, in plain and fancy colors, alt kinds lls'e and cotton, worth up to 60o, at 26c, 15o and 10O Hayden's Dig Linen and Domestic Departments Our stock is by far the largest and most complete of any house west of Chicago, and the prices we are making you for Monday are the lowest ever made by any house. f2.0O Hapkfats, fl.49. 40e Table I.lnen, 23 l-2c Yd. 60-Inch bleached and cream-bleached table linen, 40c value; Monday at 22&C KOcTa'Ale I.lnen, iittc Yd. Extra heavy, cream Scotch table linen, floral and polka dot designs, 6J0 vnlne; Monday, at, 29C 41Se Table Llnea, 4Rc. Full bleached Irish table damask, all juire linen, 61 Inches wide, 65o J C value; Monday, at, yard fwG 70 e Table Linen, BOe. Extra fine silver bleached German damask, (o inches wide, 76c value; . RD Monday, at, yard 9U6 fl.OO Table Llaen, T5e, ' 72-Inch heavy Scotch damask, pretty rat terns, all pure linen, $1.00 value; - 7C at, yard 196 f 1.BO Table Llaen, S.1.00. 72-Inch wide double satin damask, all the latest patterns, wide open borders, $1.50 value; Monday, at, I Aft yard IiUU 2.00 Table Linen, fl.40. Extra fine double satin damask, heavy quality, nil the up-to-date patterns, 7 Inches wide, $2 value; Mon- I JQ day, at, yard lifJ 2 AO Napkins, t-l.TO. Full bleached satin damask napkins, ?lx 21 size, Sbo quality; Monday, I 1Q at, dozen It I J Eleached all linen napkins, 20x20 size, $3 value; Monday, at, I in dozen 1 1 4" f.1.50 Napkins, gl.OO. Full bleached, all linen napkins, fast edges, slse, $1.60 value; Inn Monday, at, dozen : IUU Special sale on Turkish and damask towels all day In linen department lO Yds. Bine Sheeting, f 1.98. Extra heavy bleached seamless sheotlng, 81 Inches wide, 26o value; Mon- IOC day, 10 yards for Iiw9 lO Yds. Finest Cambric, gl.OO. Snow whtta cambric, yard, wide, 15a yalua; Monday, at 10 yards I QQ IS Yds. Finest Bleached Mnslln, 1.K. Extra, fine, soft finish bleached muslin; soft for the needle; will not turn yellow; cannot be duplicator! for loss than 10o per yard ; Monday, at 18 I An yards for liuU ISa Seamless Sheets, S3 l-2c. Bleached seamless sheets, size 81x90; torn not cut, 65o value; Cil Monday O&tC 13 l-2o Slips, lOo. Bleached pillow slips, size 45x36, 334o value; Monday, QC Hayden Bros' Great Bankrupt Shoe Sale Everything new In hats will be shown here Monday. The greatest variety of men's and boys' fall and winter hats ever shown. In ail the new colors and stylish productions from the leading manufactur ers of the country. You can always rely upon exactness of style and excellency of goods when you purchase a hat at Hay den Bros. Our complete stock makes it possible for us to satisfy every whim of the careful dresser and we can suit you with a becoming hat at a low price, $1.0u, $1.60. $2.00 and $2.50 Agency for the Imperial $3.(k) hats. We are Omaha's headquarters for the World-renowned John B. Stetson hats. 75 dozen of men's and boys' sample caps worth up to Bite, on sle Monday at 10c Boys' and children's school caps worth 60c, on sale Monday at 2So Reliable Grocery Dept. All Goods Fresh and Up to date. Whole Wheat Flour per sack 4Ro Rye flour per sack 46o Wheat Graham Flour per sack 46a White or Yellow Cornmeal per sack.. 1240 Hand Picked Js'avy Beans per pound 4o Half-Raising Pancake Flour per pound Vo Quail Oats per package 7v,0 Tapioca, Sago, Barley, etc. per pound 3o Imported Macarronl per package 7Vio Force, Vigor, Vim, Neutrlta, Malta- ' Vita, Egg-O-See, Malta Ceres, etc., any kind you want 7Ho Condensed Soup any kind per can., oo 10 bars of Laundry Soap for 25o 3-pound cans Golden Pumpkin 6c 3-pound cans Wax or String Beans.... 7Vi Dried Fruit Specials. Choice Utah Peaches per pound 6o Fancy Michigan Peaches per pound. THc Fancy California Mulr Peaches, lb....$Ho Extra -Fancy Colorado halves, lb 10c I .urge, sweet Prunes per pound 3c Choice Santa Clara Prunes per pound 6c Fancy Italian Prunes per pound 7,0 Imrge black sweet French Prunes lb. 8'-in New Virginia Raspberries p.T pound. 23y Fancy Moor Park Apricots wr pound New crop Michigan apples, lb Ihbo Fancy New York Apples per pound., lug Fresh Fralt specials. Large California Peaches per dozen.. 12Uc Fancy Sweet Pears per dozen 120 I.arge Juicy Lemons each lc Choice Fard Dates per pound, 6c Tea, and Cole Specials. flood Rio Coffee per pound o Fancy Santos Coffee per pound llo H. B C. Combination Coffee pound., lftc Tea Slftings, per pound 130 J-npertal Green Tea per pound M Fancy Uncolored Japan Teu, pound ....'da fin ji Ml 3 A 1 IV LZ3 UU Bought from the leuelver of the Frank Woodbury stock. Beverley, Mass-, at 4. cents on the dollar, and three distinct floor stocks, this together with oar fU stuck of regular shoes, gives you the greatest opportunity to buy GOOD SHOES ever offered In Omaha. More styles, more shoes, than any other store in town. Bole agents for the ULTRA and G ROVER shoes for women, and the STETSON and CROSSETT shoes for men. Men's and ladles $3.00 and $$.60 shoes, In all leathers I OR and styles JO Boys' and youths' $1.60 shoes. In vlcl kid it...0" 98 Little gents' and girls' $1-00 and $1.26 shoes In kid, calf and tOr satin calf at ... QU Men's and women's velvet A Qn and 8-polnt clippers tUu Child's $1.00 and $1.25 lace and button Hhoes ... Men's $.00 satin calf and and kid shoes Mlxes' $1.50 and $1.75 school shoes 69c .129 ..93 i Extra special women's fin. $2.50 viol laoe 159 In Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room. Ilere is the greatest emporium of fine fall merchandise, not only in Omaha but in all this western country. Here is where the economical can make 50 cents go farther than $1.00 will go in any other store. We give here only a few items as an index of the 1,001 good things to be found in this room. $ cases (100 pieces) of a fine 27-Inch flan nelette, all dark colors and sold In any other place In America for'lOc; our price will be only cases (150 pieces) of vicuna flannelettes. beautiful fall colors, strictly firsts, our price will be only, a yard It Is now an universally conceded fact that Arnold's Eclipse flannelettes, U Inches wide, perfectly fast colors, leads all others In styles, finish and dura bility, and is sold by soma houses at 19c per yard; you can buy all you want from us at, a yard I cases of the great heavy Imported fast colored Mulhausen and French Lauretta flannelettes for wrappers, klmonas, lounging robes eta., and la always sold at 26c a yard; our price Monday will be enly a yard , ... 5c elettes. 10c ways soia I22'c Extra Specials. No mall orders filled on extra specials, as all goods will be closed Monday. Flat cambrla linings, in brown and drab, from t to 12 a. m., and only 1$ yards to a customer, at, a yard 32-Inch wide extra heavy German blue calico, the 10c grade, only 10 yards to a customer, from 1 jo $ p. at , orau, lc blue FROM I TO I P. M, , We will sell full standard prints, all dark colors, regular price 66 yard, f I only 10 yards to a customer, 9iiia at, a yard Popular Priced Wool Dress Goods. A new department recently opened up In the domestlo room, and It Is a hammer. HERE THEY ARE: $1.25 DRES S GOODS FOR 69C 44-lnoh strictly all-wool whipcords, all plain ool ors, extra weight, the finest wool fabrics known for children's school dresses, la dles' dresses, wrappers, klmo nas, etc.; match It If you can for $1.25; Monday 62 Inch extra heavy, strictly all won! ladles' cloth and sacking, In all the ne mixtures and plaid colors; It is sold I ' this town every day at $100 yard; our price for Monday wlU be Our new lines of 28-lnch tlballnes, Brett, mixtures, French silk and wool pluldi and other goods, all neat, new Ji , styles: best goods ever offered, at, a yard Monday, worsted goods at 6c, 10c, 124c, 19c, 25c, 2o, and ISo per yard. These goods are worth from two to four times tbys moBey, ' 59c all won! II the ne Is sold I 50c