Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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SdTtral Attmptf d Burgars and One
Effot at H:ldno Reported.
Colored Mas Seen In Several Resi
dences and Police Tklak Jim
Mar n the Uatlty ! r1
Has a Bad Record.
oim Smith, a nearo, known to the po
lio a "Glonwood Jim," returned to the
city Thursday after on absence of s?veral
j-oars, during part of which time he
served a sentence In the penitentiary at
Fort Madison, having been pent tip from
Council Bliiffn for burglary, lie was taken
Into custody yesterday afternoon and la
being held for Investigation. It la charged
that ha entered the houaea of C'harlea
Koth, a mall carrier, at 71 Seventh sve
nue. and C. K. Taylor, at 700 South Sev
enth atreet. It la aald that he had thor
oughly ranaacked thn residence of Roth
before being discovered by a member of
the family. The women of the neighbor
hood, when It became known that a negro
was entering the houaea. were In a state
of alarm until the police arrived on the
scene. Smith was arrested In the vicinity
of the Northweatern depot. As far aa Is
Vnown he failed to secure any plunder.
Shortly after the family had retired for
the night a burglar attempted to break
Into the residence of A. W. Dlller. at the
head of Graham avenue, but was fright
ened away. The police were notified by
telephone, but when they reached the
acene the would-be Intruder could not be
Harry Hattenhauer, while returning to
bis home on Seventh avenue late Thursday
night waa accosted by two men at the
corner of Sixth avenue and Eighth atreet,
who ordered him to hold up his hands. In
stead of complying with their demands
Mr. Hattenhauer Jumped Into the middle
of the atreet The men attempted to head
htm off, but Mr. Hattenhauer waa too fleet
of foot. He hastened back to town and
notified the police. By the time the police
reaohed the acene the men had disap
peared. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel., SO. Night, F667.
Mm. Mary Street Asserts Thar
la Excess of the Legal
Mrs. Mary E. Street, owner of seven lots
en Third atreet and Fifth avenue, has
brought suit In the district court to re
strain the city of Council Bluffs and the
county treasurer from levying the spe
cial tax assessed against her property for
the grading of the streets named. Mr.
Street alleges that not only Is the assess
ment greatly In excess of the benefits re
ceived from the Improvement by the prop
erty, but It is also In excess of JS per cent
of the actual value and In excess of 25
per cent of the assessed valuation of the
lots. The lots, she states, were assessed
at the tlm the Improvement was made .at
US each. The assessment for the grading
on Third street agalnnt Mra. Street's prop
erty amounts to and for the grading
on Fifth avenue to HE7.44. or a total of
1706 6. A temporary order was Issued by
Judge Macy restraining the city from cer
tifying to the county auditor the special
tax assessed against the property In ques
tion and the county auditor and oounty
treasurer from placing the assessment on
the tax booka of the county. The property
adjoins that on which the high school
building was erected and which was sold
to the school district by Mrs. Street for
Hattle White, the girl wife of Alexander
White, sentenced to one year In the peni
tentiary at Fort Miitlinn hv IttAmm XIc.,-
of the district ccinrt rn- t.-vtn. .-.i i
..v.... ...... . , I
robbing the residence of Herman Stef-
ions in .rsaoia last July, Degan suit
divorce yesterday.. The notice of suit was
served vpon White In the county Jail yes
terday morning. That White had been con
victed of a felony Is the sole cause on
which Mrs. White brings her suit for di
vorce. Judge Macy In passing sentence on
White Thursday told him that one of the
great mistakes he had made was to marry
so young and when the notice was served
upon him in Jail yesterday White turned
te the Jailer and remarked: "I guess the
Judge was right In what lie said yester
day. What's the good of a wife, anyhow.
If she won't stand by you when you are
la trouble." Hattle White, the wife, will
not be IS until December and she looks j to Introduce', choice of life-like. ' life slse
van younger. She says she married White j portrait or beautiful water color miniature
In opposition to the wishes of her mother w,'n d,"Vn '''
, ....I lln,i, ,.t, ... Mr. Miller of the firm of Patton & Miller,
and did so under a dare. It has cost to lh, Chicago architects selected bv the IJ
more than I expected that 1 was unable l.rarv board to act with the local firm of
to take a Joke," she said. She alleged
that since their marriage White had not
worked a month steady and that most of
the time they had lived with her parents.
Mrs. Marguerite G
Jenkins has brought
ault for divorce from James C. Jenkins, to
whom she was married In lJgan. Harrison
county, October 24, 1901. She alleges cruel
and Inhuman treatment and In support of
her charges accuses her husband of at
tempting; to pour oil on her clothes with
the Intention of setting fire to them and
that she was only saved from being In
cinerated through the Interference of neigh
bors. She also charges that her husband
on aeveral occasions thrust u lsrge re
volver ia her face and threatened to kill
her..' Such strenuous treatment, ehe al
leles, has undermined her health and
racked her nerves so that to further live
with her husband would surely result in
her premature demise.
Mrs. Abble Smith was granted a divorce
from John Smith on grounds of cruel and
Inhuman treatment.
Conatr. Attorney geeks t Have) One
. t Case Keanaaded to Slate
, " .
The lUrrlson-Pottiwattumle county
dralr.age ditch proposition, as shown by the
court records. I. resulting In considerable
litigation, part of which was fansferred to
the federal court yesterday when County
Attorney Klllpack appeared before Judge
McPhwMm with s motion to remand the i
suit of P. II. Moas agaitiat Pottawattamie .
county to the stats court. The suit wss
originally brought In the district court, but 1
was transferred to the federal court on
motion of the plalntlt. Moss being a real- '
dent of Nebraska. j
Moas not only appeals from the award '
of damages allowed htm. but alio appeals '
from ths action of the county supervisors '
In establishing the Joint drainage district.
White admitting that the amount Involved,
berng la exnass of 8X009, entitles Moea to
take tag suit ts) ths federal court. County
Attorney Klllpa k took the around that
the question of establishing the drainage
ditch waa one of eminent domain, of which
the state court hart exclusive Jurisdiction.
Judge Mr-Pherson took the matter under
George H. Kelly, charged with forging a
name to a money order for $8 and cashing
It at the postofflce In Ottumwa last July,
was sentenced by Judge MePherson In fed
eral court yesterday to pay a fine of 12,000
and stand committed to the county Jail bf
Pnlk county until It should be paid. Under
the strict letter of the law this would prob
ably mean life Imprisonment for Kelly, but
It is expected that after. thirty days he will
be permitted to tnake affidavit of hla pov- J
erty and thus secure his release.
I'.oth the grand and petit Juries have been I
.i a 1 .n.AHn'in i.-u.. '
discharged and after sentencing Keny on
Judge MePherson adjourned court for the
. Shipley Uets a Promotion.
W. E. Shipley, who resigned his position
as freight solicitor for the Rock Island
In this city to accept that of city ticket
agent for the Great Western, has bven
appointed chief clerk In the office of Gen
eral Agent O. F. Thomas In Omaha. He
will be succeeded here by Charles E. Mar
tin, -formerly with the Illinois Central In
this city, but latterly with Paxton ft Vier
llng In Omaha. His promotion came as a
complete surprise to Mr. Shipley.
Library Board Committeeships.
President Rohrer of the library board
has announced these standing committees
for the ensuing year. Administration,
Balrd. Scott Everett, Bender; books and
catalogues, Cleaver, Everett, Bender;
buildings, Stewart, Tyler, Cleaver; dona
tions, Scott. Tyler. Cleaver; finance, Tyler,
Galvin, Btewart. The appointment of the
committees was delayed owing to the re
cent changes In the membership of the
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Crayon enlarging. SOS Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 40 B'y.
Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Lefferfa, 40
14K and 18K weddlna- rlnlca at T-ftVit's.
409 Broadway.
Perfect In every .particular, H., 8. ft M.
clothing, at ''Beno's."
White Rose Rebekah lodge will hold its
regular meeting this evening.
A new and elegant line of men's fall
shirts and neckwear at "Beno's."
Display of fall millinery goods Sat., Sept.
19. Mrs. Minnie Pfelffer, 202 Broadway.
Attend Heno'a miltnery and general fall
opening Saturday, September 19 "Beno's."
Born, to Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Bellinger,
614 West Broadway, Thursday evening, a
bee the hand-painted china in the show
window at C. J. Alexander ft Co.'s, 133
Mrs. I. V. Howard of Fourth avenue Is
home from a visit with relatives at Ka
hoka. Mo. ,
Clay B. Platner took out a permit yes
terday for the erectlor of a 13,000 two-story
frame cottage on Glen avenue.
Herbert McNlece Is seriously 111 with ap
pendicitis at the home of his sister, MrS.
V. W. Karrand. 2;25 Avenue H.
T. B. Freeman, a former resident of this
city, now engaged in business In Sheridan,
Wyo.. Is visiting Council Bluffs frinds.
Word has been received here of the death
of Robert O. Newell, a former resident of
Council Bluffs, at hie home In Newark,
N. J. .. , . V - ' ..'...
Mrs. Isaac Troup of Pocatello. Idaho, has
been called here by the serious Illness of
her father.- L. V.. Williams of Commercial
Patrol Driver Carlson of the police force
Is enjoying a vacation In Chicago. Officer
Lorenien Is handling the reins In his ab
sence. '
For rent, office room, ground floor; bne
of the most central locations In the bual
ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee
qffice, city.
Be present st the time we give the $50
Favorite Base Burner away; jou may win
It; 4 o'clock p. m. today. Cole-Brelsford
Hardware Co.
Detective J. M. Murphy, who waa stricken
with apoplexy last Sunday afternoon, Is so
far recovered as to be able to be out yes
terday for a short while.
Remeber, we give the $30 Favorite Base
Burner away today at 4 o'clock p. m. Par
ties must be present with their tickets.
Cole-Brelsford Hardware Co
We contract to keep public or private
hou.a free from roaches hv the vr i.
sect Exterminator Manufacturing company,
Council Blufts. Ia. Telephone F-634.
Trustee J. J. Stewart and possibly other
members of the Library board, and Mrs.
M. E. Dalley, the librarian, will attend the
meeting of the Iowa Slate Library associa
tion In Marshalltown. October 5-7.
Charles Wolfe, an old man charged with
the systematic theft of grapes from Bam
Avery's vineyard, was yesterday sentenced
; to ten days In the county Jail by Justice
Ouren. Wolfe plead guilty to the charge.
State Representative' Ornybill and wife
of Lancaster, Pa., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Hess, en route home from a trlD
I to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Graybill will re-
mala here while Mr. Graybill makes a busi
ness trip to Kansas.
I The richest, daintiest photographic effects
I are from the remodeled up-to-date Stlgle-
mnn U,...lln. .'J 1 lJ . S.. U L. ' L.
I Woodward Bros, in preparing plana for and
"Jj; HbruVyul7d
city today to confer with the board. .
1 A bald-headed eagle which measured six
feet from tip to tip of Its wings Is being
mounted ! fHru roiiceman Wnlttmor
The bird was shot a few days ago at Big
lake by Frank Sweeney. It had been seen
circling around the lnKe for several days
neiore oweeney succeeded in Killing II,
David Morreii, nn Omaha tallin). waa
given ten nays on bread and water yester-
oay by Police Judge droit. Morrell came
to thla side of the river to vlalt a friend
employed In a local tailor shop. He sug
rente,! to rush the growler and whenMhe
proprietor of the shop objected Morrell. It
ia tnargeu, attempted to raise a rough,
The Council Bluffs' Retail Druggists' aa
sociaiion naa a surplus on hand of over
! after liquidating all liabilities Incur
red In the entertainment of the Iowa state
I'narmaceutical association. The assocla
lion is planning to spend tne surplus In a
banquet ro lis memlei s and frinds who
antuated in making thj state meeting the
ut'LTRi it waa.
J. 8. Hlggins was s treated last evening
for disturbing the oetce and uslna uii-
parliamentary language He Is alleged to
nave started trouble In tie Revere house on
Broadway and then, gulnt; acroaa the street
to tne upera House saloon with similar In
trntlnns, but was headed off by tne police.
up imii up a fia casn nonu ror n;a appear
urict in Muce court lnia morning.
O. S. ami Marlon Nixon, the young farm
ers trom Wi-Hton. charged with stoaltng a
repeating nne from Hmiii Friedman's pawn
shop, were permitted In uollce court v.
' tenia y to plt-ad to a charge of being drunk
'.and disorderly and the charge of larceny
( nt preset'. In view of the c-lrcum-
, stances Juir tk-ott fined them each VJi
j lTl'Vt "ZTtfy
,id the flne m save them trom going to
Plumbing and Ilea Una. lilxby ft Son.
Heal Estate Transf.ra.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of Squire
ft Annls. 101 Pearl street:
C. V. Rhi.rer to W. A. Goehrlng. lot
1. llo k 14. Crawford's add., w. d..$ 260
J. II. Marr snd wife to G. M. Dodge.
government lots 2 and' J. 3S-7o-4.
q c. d HO
County treasurer to J. P- Qreen-
shields. wiS feet of lots IS and 1,
Purples siibdlv, t. d $
County treasurer to J. D. Edinundaou.
lot 1 nlur . Williams 1st add to
Cuuuiil Bluffs, t d U
Africin If. E. Ooofereno Takei Strong
Qrtanus Against Golonizatioa.
JlraiMr Parking; Company Indicted
for Violating; the "late Law
Regarding; the Hale of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. l.-tSpeclal.)-In the
I conference of the African Methodist Epls-
cop'tl church for the Iowa district, now In
session In this city, a brief discussion on
the race question took place on the pre-
sentation of a memorial from a committee
.i ...... . u. .... tu- ...... t
the state of the country. The confer
ence took strong grounds against ony
movemenf looking to colonisation of the
negroes and in opposition to all schemes
for ending race troubles by a different po
litical status of the negro.
Great enthusiasm followed the temper
ance committee's report, by Rev. Mr. But
ler of Minneapolis. He urged upon the
pastors to keep within the law of the church
regarding the use of Intoxicants and to
work with their people for abolishment of
social functions where liquors of any kind
sre used. This called for free expressions
by several. The bishop said the rules of
the church were strong and covered a wide
field, and drinking was included. He said
the minister should be a pattern In morals.
If any member of a church has aught to
say against his pastor, let him file written
charges, and the matter will be Investi
gated by the presiding elder, but scandal
ous talk about the minister should not be
countenanced, any more than about a mem
ber of the church. He assured all that
brotherly feeling should attend all proceed
ings, and the good of the church, which Is
the good of Christianity, should be the aim
of all, no matter what their church con
nection. -Cost of Institutions.
The monthly financial statement complied
from the records of the various state In
stitutions wss filed with the Board of Con
trol today by the accouutant. The report
shows that during the month of August
there wai paid for the Institutions from all
funds the sum of $121,692.86, as against
$133,303.17 In July. The payments from the
support fund for the month of August
amounted to $80,206.39. The total number
of convicts In the penitentiaries at the close
of last month was P3tt, a loss of 46. There
were 84 Inebriates in the hospitals, a loss
of 16 In the month. ' The Insane numbered
3.827, an Increase .of 12 In the month. There
were 728 In the two industrial schools, a
loss of t In the month.
Protest Against Komlnntlou.
- C. F. Frauke of Parkersburg, one of the
Butler county delegates to the famous sen
atorial convention in which the minority
beat the majority hands down and nomi
nated one man when another had picked an
actual majority, of all the delegatea pres
ent and voting. Is In ths city and today he
filed . with the secretary of state a formal
protest against the acceptance of the nom
ination papers of W. N. Larkin for senator
la the Bremer-Butler district.' Mr. Franke
had with him the affldavltspf a majority
of the-delegates to the effect that. they, did
not vote for Larkin In the convention. It
is expected other and various affidavits will
be filed In the case before the election
board is called upon to act.
Packing; Company Indicted.
The Polk county grand Jury returned an
Indictment today against the Armour Pack
ing company of South Omaha for the illegal
sale of 'oleomargarine In this city. The
company was Indicted for the same offense
last spring. It was understood that this
wss to be a test case, but afterwards the
Indictment waa declared defective. Now It
has been decided that another case shall bs
brought to rslse other new questions and
get "them before the courts. The sule of
oleomargarine was almost stopped when the
first case came up. The state dnlry com
missioner is anxious for a test of the law
as soon as possible. The only question Is
one of the color of the product put on the
market In Iowa,
Religions Kdncatloa.
The program, has been completed for the
meeting of the Iowa fellowship of the
American Society of Religious Kducatlon,
to be held at Cedar Rapids, October 30. J.
B. Gilbert, secrets ry of the American as
sociation, is to read a paper, and papers
will be read by President Dan F. Bradley
of Grlnnell, on "The Methods of Carrying
on Christian Work in the Universities and
Colleges of Iowa;" by Rev. C. II. Seccombe
of Waterloo, on "The Bible School as a
Means of Character Forming;" by Presi
dent Storma of Ames, on "The Influence of
the Character of the Teacher In the Forma
tion of Character During the Student's Col
lege Career;" Rev. G. L. Cady of Iowa
City, on "The Religious Ufe of the Touth;"
rrof. W. W. Gist of the 8tate Normal, on
"The Influence of Knvlronment 'In Molding
Character;" Hon. R. C. Barrett, on "A
Phase of Moral Kducatlon;" Dr. Jennie
McCowan of Davenport, on "Parental In
fluences In Their Relation to Character
Forming;" Prof. George W. Bryant of Coe,
on "How Can the Athletic Spirit be Made
to Contribute to the. Religious Life of the
Colleger1 Rev. C. M. Heard of Minneapolis,
on "The Teacher'a Function In the Church."
and Prof. W. K. Hamilton of Simpson, on
'The Moral Effect of the Competitive Sys
tem of Business."
Twenty-Eight Candidates for Eight
Positions as Delegate tm Gen
eral Conference.
1NDIANOLA. Is.. Sept. 18 (Special.)
The principal work of the M. E. conference
of the Des Moines district todsy related tc
thS seleotlon of delegatea to attend the gen
eral conference at Los Angeles. It turned
out that the rler'rs had an easy time mak
ing the selection, but before ths laymen
there were twenty-eight candidates for the
six placet. In tlew of (hit it was directed in
the meeting of laymen that the ballot be a
aecret one. The ccntert for positions on the
delegation was a spirited one.
In the conference of the ministers ths
students of Simpson college were given
seats In the morning and Bishop Mallal'eu
and Dr. 11 Iff. of Denver, addressed them.
The laymen organised with E. W. Weeks
of Guthrie .Center ss chairman and J. F.
A Id rich of Charlton secretary.
P Hegates elected to the general confer
ence were ss follows: Clerical, W. B.
Thompson, Charlton, district P. E.i W. T.
Smith, Boone, district presiding elder; J.
B. Harris. Baone; Emory Miller, Des
Moines, and E. P. Holmes. Red Oak. lay
delegates; O. C. Clafl'n, Council Bluffs; W.
II. Berry. Indlanola; C. A. Lisle. Cla
rlnda; A. L-.Ruit. Casey; J. F. CUIeaple,
and Mrs. El'sabeth Martin.
Eighth District Conference.
CRE8TON. It.. Sept. 18 (Special Telt
grara.k Chairman Spence of the repuo
Itcan state committee. Mr. Dawson of ths
speakers' bureau and Congressman iiep-
burn met the candidates, county chsirmen
and political workers from the Eighth
district here today. The conference de
veloped a very satisfactory condition In
the district, with prospects for an in
creased majority. Plans were made lor
the opening of the campaign In the va
rious counties.
His Own Life fcy
HARLAN, Is., Sept. 1 8. (Special Tele
gram.) Ed W. Davis, president ef the
Shelby County bank, took hla own life by
shooting on Thursday afternoon, between
2 and 4 o'clock. His body waa found at T
o'clock In the furnace room of the bank
building. The causes were probably ill
health and domestic unhapplncss.
He was a prominent cltlsen, had served
in the Iowa legislature from Pottawat
tomle county and was a general favorite.
His financial affairs were all straight. He
sold his bank stock on Wednesdsy to M.
K. Campbell. ,
He leaves a wife, two daughters and a
son. He was sbout (50 years of age.
Paris Green Is Fonnd la Their Well
nnd Phosphorns la Milk
DE8 MOINES. Sept. IS The entire fam
ily of W. A. Dinfee. a prosperous coal
operator of What Cheer, narrowly es
caped denth from poison deposited In
their supply of milk and water.
By mere accident pnrls green was found
In the well this morning and phosporus In
the milk. No motive for the crime Is
known and there is no. clue to the perpe
trators. .
Adjataat General of the Army In
spects the New Post at the
Iowa Capital.
DES MOINES, Ia., Sept. 18.-AdJutant
General Corbln arrived In this city this
morning, and, accompanied by Major and
Mrs. R. H. Turner, carefully inspected Fort
Des Moines, which is being rapidly pre
pared to. receive a squadron of the Fif
teenth cavalry, which is to arrive from
the Philippines November 26. General
Corbln departed for Omaha this afternoon.
Warm Fight for Sheriff.
ONAWA, Ia., Sept. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The republican caucus last night
to select twenty-one delegates to the re
publican county convention, was the
warmest affair ever held In Onawa. The
three candidates for sheriff Oliver, Strain
adn Vincent were all trying to capture
the caucus ar.d the fight raged from f
o'clock until 11, the Oliver men winning
two-thirds of the delegates over the com
bined Strain-Vincent faction. All other
candidates were lost sight of In the fight
on sheriff. ' "'
oath Dakota Men Exonerated.
SIOUX CITT, Ia.f , Sept. ' 18 -A special
from Vermilion, S. p-i s-aya; The regents
of South Dakota lua.v completely exon
erated President Drojbnersf and Prof, F. M.
Toung of the State university, of charges
that they attempted-la bribe a student to
give false testimony.. against a member
of the faculty. The resignations of Profes
sors J. E. Todd and F. R. Merchant, who
supported the charges, were accepted.
Perey Ford Haa Aatborlty to
Negotiate Sale af the Big
LEAD. S. IX. Sept. It (Special Tele
gram.) The press report that the Roths
childs sre about to purchase the Home
stake Is ridiculed here. Superintend
ent T. J. Grler of the Homestake Mining
company , says the alleged confidential re
lations between the Homestake company
and Percy Ford, who Is mentioned In the
press reports ss an agent for the com
pany, are a figment of hla imagination.
Know a Great Brnent.
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo.. Sept. 18.-Spe.
clal.) The recent heavy fall of snow wss
a God-send to the stockmen of this section.
Feed had been eaten off in the vicinity
of all watering places and sheep had to be
driven great distances to and from the
feeding grounds and water. But now the
water holes sre full to overflowing and
sheep can be rsnged in the desert country
where the grass is excellent.
Talk Beet Rsgir.
CODT, Wyo.. Sept. 18r-(Speclal.)-Vnitsd
Statei Senator Reed 8 moot, President Jo
seph Smith of the Mormon church, and
Apostle A. O. Woodruff visited the colony
of Mormons In the lower Shoshone country
last week and talked with the colonists
with reference to the establishment
of a beet sugar factory there. It Is un
derstood the settlers sre in favor of the
Old-Tliner Attempts Relrlde.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Sept. 18.(8peclal.)-r
F . W. Bean, the pioneer resident who at
tempted suicide last night by shooting
himself through the body with s l!-eallber
rifle. Is In a critical condition at the oounty
hospital. Despondency caused the act.
Old Challenger for thn America's Cop
Will less Be gent tn
Jnnk Pile.
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. It Is stated l;i
connection with reports from Chicsgo that
Captain Miller, who was skipper of the
yacht Columbia during the summer and
Captain Bart's assistant on Reliance during
the cup races, has bought from Sir Thomas
Upton the old cup challenger. Shamrock II.
The price paid Is not known, but it is be
lieved thst It waa nof far from $7,000. The
yacht has been on the shore at Erie basin
for nearly two years, and, while being pro
tected from weather as far ss practicable,
has become less and less valuable by cor
rosion. The purchaser will break It up for
the value of the material.
Pareats af Woman Din aad the (hoots
at Hasband aad Kills
HALT LAKE 1'ITT. Sept. IS -While
temiiorarily deranged from brooding over
the death of her father and mother, Mrs.
Mary Williams, aged IT, formerly of Chat
tanooga, Tenn., fired two shots at her hus
band without effect and then committed
suicide by sending a bullet through her
The shooting occurred yesterday near
MUford while the eo.jple were enroute
from this city to Arisoua-
V.:ff: V A i
v. 'sir
City Council Taksi Up Matter ofkn Atcient
Warrant Issu".
Thousand Dollars Paid on Aeronnt of
Opening of street, Which Was
Kerer Opened, Is at
City Clerk Shrlgley and his assistants
are busy preparing a history of about 11.000
wo-th of warrants which were originally
Issued In 189g and on which, it is claimed,
suit will soon be Instituted against ' the
city. ' . , . '
On November 6, ISM, an ordinance was
passed by the city council providing for
the opening- of N street, and, through
the usual channels, assessing the cost of
such work upon the abutting property own
ers thereabout. About four weeks after
ward warrants were Issued for the sum
of $884.25. What value the city ever re
ceived for these.' warrants the records of
the city do not disclose.
In 1901 the city council was asked to
reissue these warrants. It being set up
at the time that they-had outlawed, but
were held by an Innocent purchaser. At
that time the city had a complete defenxo
to the obligations, but the city council lis
tened to the prayer of the warrant holders
tf4 keen attenUon and conviction, so
much so that new warrants were Issued.
On the books of the city the warrants
are now the property of one Christian
Rank. No funda have ever been set aside
for the payment of these warrants, nor
other provision made for the raising of
money with whlclt they might be paid off.
In fact, other than, the act of the coun
cil In 1901 In recognizing , them and rais
ing the ststute of limitation against them,
the city has never recognised their exist
ence. Now, In all probability, their legal
ity will be tested In the courts.
The recent action of the city council
toward the opening of N street seems to
have Inspired the holder of these warrants
to have his say before other work Is done.
Whether a snlt for the amount of the war
rsnts will be brought or whether it will
be an action against ths city council, en
joining It from doing anything toward the
opening of N street until these old obll
gatlona are taken care of, ' Is not known,
but some kind of, an action will probsbly
be brought In the near future. It is not
known whether the ctty will contest the
legality of the Issuance of the warrants,
but It Is thought that this will be done.
I.ove Tans Dangerous.
John Iewis, an aged man, who sella
horseradish, mustard and other palate tick
lers from house to house, was yesterday
arrested on complaint of Mrs. Bertha Car
son, a woman but little younger than him
self. Mrs. Csrson said that she was ap
proached by Lewis to buy horseradish and
when she agreed to. he Po'ted her on the
shoulder and spoke In endearing terms. Ac
cording to her story he grew enthusiastic,
and finally ended hla advances by knocking
her over Into a washtub which she had been
using before he sppeared upon the scene.
Lewis told a different story, lie sai.i mat
all he did was to tenderly pat her on the
shoulder when she had told him that she
would buy some of his wares. Ho then
proceeded to tell Judge King that he had
been president of the Board of Kducatlon
of St. Louis at one time, and could well
appreciate the many trials his honor had
to put. up with, as he had also been poller
urtge of the same town In whl"h he had
presided at educational meetings. But hie
sympathy seemed wasted, ss he was
lined IS.
f'lty Loses Its Lake.
The lake that formed during the summer
at Thirty-ninth and L streets has been
drsined. Early yesterdsy morning several
approaches which have been constructed
during the last few weeks were opened and
the waters whirled sway with a noisy roar.
And the small boy and hla toy boat Is now
left disconsolate. The city will Immedi
ately set to work to repair the road which
haa been damaged by the existence of the
water, and a new sidewalk will be laid lu
the place where the other one has floated
during the time the water has been there.
The city will hold the railroad company
responsible for all damage which it must
pay by reason of sny damage by the water.
One case has been started against the clty
and It la said that several more will be.
Palls Inner Horse's Heels.
John North wss knocked down and se
riously Injured at Twenty-seventh and N
streets by a horse yesterday. The horse
Is the property of W. II. Queenan ami
was being ridden by one of hla employes.
Those who saw the accldejit asset t that
Noilb stepped directly In front of the
MmWiT Pleasant to the tiste, but med
imf& s&ZP y,rtues ot b'ruP of Figs are
VWR'W Vom an cxcel'ent combination of
WmJL lliiy ,nown t0. be medicinally laxative
WMMSm m ml To et its encfidal effects-buy the
WWP s genuine manufactured by the
., "J a snm
rfCVaVVrr .-v&laTV 1 iftr
a I I CTTV .'..-A-:-N I t nV 111 V
s- A' T I af
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
well-informed and to the healthy, because itsonr
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural tunc
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
Muamy vi
K niwincoi
by ll drucjsta. Price,
animal and before the horse could be
stopped he waa knocked down. North was
knocked senseless and did not recover con
sciousness for over an hour. He was taken
to the police station, where his Injuries
were dressed by City Physician Sapp. His
home Is in Council Bluffs.
Plans Are Completed.
The fences surrounding the proposed
street fair to bo given by the Ancient
Order of United Workmen are progressing
rapidly and It Is thought that most of them
will be fully enclosed by tonight. Most
of the booths are completed. Everything
seems to be In readiness and when the
gates nre opened Monday night the fair
will be In full blast. Lodges from over
the state have communicated with the
local lodge, expressing their Intention of
visiting the carnival during Its progress.
Are After the Bonds.
It is stated that Spltser Sc Co., a bond
buying concern from Toledo, O., have writ
ten tho city clerk stating that they are
still willing to take the overlap tds at
the figures of their original bid for thfjm.
It may be that the council will conclude
to Investigate their bid. If the Hrandeis
proposition Is not carried Into effect very
Magic City Gossip.
Herman Beal haa returned from a fishing
trip on the Northern lakes.
lid ward Copenhsrve and wife have re
turned from their viHlt to Kansas City.
Stephen VhII has returned from a bust
news (rip to tt. Joseph and other points.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lehman, Forty-first
and W treeta, announce the birth of a
Alpha Rebecca lodge gave a reception
last evening In honor of Mrs. C. L. Tal
bot t.
Mrs. W. II. l'rles left yesterday for Chi
cago, where she will uttend college during
the tall and winter months.
The funeral of tho Infant son of A. J.
Ixjiiky Twenty-fourth and Monroe streets.
which died Thursday afternoon, was held
Another fight Is being launched against
squutteis, and notices are again being
served. These are preliminary to the de
struction of the property.
The city council may not hold a session
Monday night on account of the opening
of the carnival ot the Ancient Order of
United Workmen.
On account of the uncertainty of the
weather, thn Young Men u Christian asso
ciation will hold Its Sunday afternoon meet
ing In the association parlors, Instead of
at Highland park.
Father and Children Meet After Sepa
ration of Parents aad Death
of Mother.
About seven years ago. John Ferdinand
Blanck, a saloon keeper In South Omaha,
and his wife agreed to separate and Mr.
Blanck went east, first to Chicago and
then to New York. Mrs Blanck remained
In Houth Omaha and he three children
were led to believe that their father was
dead, although up to about a year ago he
sent money regularly to bis wife. Then
receiving no acknowledgements of his
remittances he concluded that she did not
dcalre any further communication with or
assistance from him and acted accordingly.
A short time ago Mr. Blanck returned to
Chicago and finally concluded to visit his
children. On arriving In .South Omaha he
found that his wife had died and that the
three children had disappeared. They
were traced first to a farm house, where
Mary, the eldest daughter, now 15, had
workedV nnd cared for the two younger
children. From there they were traced to
another farm house, and finally to the
Lutheran Orphans' home In Fremont,
where they had sought refuge when Mary
found the self-supporting struggle too
great a task for her.
There was an affecting scene between
father and children when they met, the
children declaring their desire to go and
live with him. On the showing made by
Attorney Button, whom Mr. Blanck had
retained in the case, Judge Hollenbeck of
Fremont yesterday derided to let the
j father have Ihe children, and they will
I accordingly return to Chicago with him
i immediately.
Clarke Positively Identlned.
KAIIOKA. Mo.. 8ept. 18,-(pecial.)-The
negro arrestd at Oalesburg. 111.. Monday,
has been positively Identified as Frank
Clarke, the negro assailant of Ollle Hess at
tills place, July 3. Sheriff Arnold haa tele
graphed that he will I at Kahoka as soon
aa he cun get here with tils man. He has
also telegraphed that there is no longer
doubt but that the arrested man Is Frank
Clarke, the negro he has hunted for so
many weeks. The prisoner will be taken
to Palmyra for safe keeping. Indignation
Is at fever heat, notwithstanding the long
time that has elapsed since the outrage,
and It ts feared the prisoner may yet be
rougl'ly bandied. Court convenes the first
Monday In October at Kahoka. at which
time Clarke will be tried. It has b-en
suggested that an extra session -.f ths
grand Jury be cillcd, but this is consicf red
Beneficial I v
as-a Laxative.
MiDsiance. in tne process of
laciuruiE hps are tispd n thcx,
' ail,
and to
I. I.
flaw Vn.L i vs
fifty cents peir' bottl.
Counting tn PenojjlTania Cue They Claim
that Martial Law Exists,
Their Passage la Careful-- Gnar"
and Railroad Tracks Putrollrd
for Fear of Violent Acta
by Strikers.
CR1PPLK CREEK. Colo., Sept. lS.-Act-Ing
Adjutant General Tom Mct'lcll'-" to
day made answer In the district . to
the writs of habeas corpus Issued by Judge
Rees In the case of C. .11. McKlnney snd
three other strike leaders who have been '
held as prisoners in the military guard
house for more than a week.
Adjutant General Bell did not appear in
court, but in his behalf a sworn statement '
was filed, which declared that no prisoners '
were held In custody by" him."' Brigadier
General John Chase, In his reply through
counsel, assumed responsibility for the mili
tary arrests. The answer filed In behalf of
CeneralChase was largely based upon the re
cent decision of the supreme court of Penn
sylvania in a case growing out of the an
thracite coal strike of last year and known
as the Wadsworth case, where a
private In. the National Guard named
Wadsworth. acting under orders from his
superior officer, shot and killed a striker, j
He was prosecuted in the criminal courts -for
murder and the case was appealed to
the supreme court, which a few months ago -exonerated
htm from responsibility for tho
killing. The Pennsylvsnla court held that
the order ordering the troops out to the
strike district, where disorder prevailed,
was a declaration of qualified martial law.
Acting Advocate General McClelland
asked for a continuance of the case for
five days. Judge Rees overruled tfce motion
and court adjourned until afternoon, when
the hearing will proceed.
General Chase's answer was resd by
Acting Judge Advocate McClellan. Gen
eral Chase holds that while the military Is
on duty under orders from the government .
the right of habeas corpus Is suspended.
When the reading was concluded the court
announced a continuance ot ths full hear
ing until Monday.
Onard Mlarrs frarn Mlchlgaa.
Three hundred men brought from Michi
gan Iron mines to take the places of strik
ing miners here came through Penver to
day. The passage of these men, to the gold
camp will be csrefully guarded by special
officers and soldiers.
Sufficient powder to dislodge 1,000 tons
of rock and three five-gallon cans of Ol
have been found in unoccupied cabins and
In consequence the military authorities nre
causing a strict guard to be maintained at
all point on the railroads In the lilBtrlel
where It Is thought damage could bo dine
with explosives or fire. C. C. KeniOjn.
president of the Miners' union, No. 4. and
a member of the executive council of the
Western Federation in this district, was ar
rested today by Colonel luniird C. Joocs
of the governor's staff by or.-lcr of General
Chase and placed In the military guard
house. It was reported Ilia: Kennlson was
Instructed to keep awsy from the lines
but thst today he got through the lines nt
the Btratton-Indepenciencc by saying that
he had been Instructed to go by Superin
tendent Cornish. He was Inside the lines
when arrested. It was further stuted at
headquarters that Kennlson had a revolver
and a box of cartridges on hll person and
claimed to le a deputy sheriff, though he
had no commission.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 18. The twelfth an
nual convention of the National Associa
tion of Postal Clerks adjourned todsy.
after choosing Boston as the place for the
next convention and electing John A. Kid
well of Columbus. O., president. A resolu
tion was adopted directing the convention
to petition the I'ostoflVe department for
better salaries and claaslncnlloii of clerk"
Of classes Nos. - slid I.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. IK II. V. Steln
blss of St. Louis, secretary and treasurer
of . the National Building Trades council,
who has tieen here for three dajs investi
gating the strikes of the union mechanics
affiliated with the local Building Trades
council, today called off every strike and
several hundred mechanic will now teiiu'n
to work. The strike lias been on for
nearly two months tuxl building has been
greatly hampered.
Chamberlain's t oil.-. hulera au.l
Dlarrl.oe 4 I'emeily.
Ths uniform success of this preparation
in the relief and cure of txwel complaints
has brought it Into almost universal use.
It never fulls and when reduced with water
and sweetened Is pleasant to take. It Is
equally valuable for children and adults.