Tnn OMAITA DAILY RED: PATT11IDAY, BEPTEMRER 19. 190.1. all ' OoeniM MILLINERY, Mies' Suits aid Cloaks,- Exquisite Fall Millinery THE NEW SEASON'S MOST ARTISTIC EFFECTS REVEAL ING THE MOST ATTRACTIVE CREATIONS OF RE NOWNED DESIGNS OF TWO CONTINENTS. Brandeis millinery known throughout the west for its excellent superior grade never reached such elegance as , now. Saturday we will show the most charming assemblage of fall millinery conceits that Omaha has ever known. The designers of Viro, Louise, Pouyanne, Madam Julia, Boyer, and other French creators tie tcWi Uu conceptions of Lichenstein, Joseph, Kiiesand otlier$. We betpeak the authoritative style elegance ineach separate design. Jp5)fo)nrnfo)g,, Original As a special feature for opening we Bhow a large number of UL-fl f FrSIICh Pattern orKlnrl French pattern bats Inludinar tome of the most expensive models that 1 H f . ... are sent over from France. These bats have served their purpose as putter ns JL-J II 3 IS a I lj.UU and are now placed, on sale at the remarkable value of ... 00 ULTRA SWELL DRESS HATS AT $S. A number of very high grade dress hats in the swell trimmed hats with flared brinu, silk, velvet and plush hats, also the new draped hats. These are the JjJ work of experienced artlstt ind are some of the mottt elegant designs to be found, special.. SMART STREET HAT SPECIALS. Large and special showing for opening day we pre sent a number of smart street hats which are abso lutely correct in point of fasnion and are highly sor- 11T!Z....S5C H-49 and 1'95 Elegant carriage hats Swell tailored carriage hats, also a number of well known Gage car riage and street hate, rare conceptlous fiT of the millinery art, today, " at Handsome trimmed hats Handsome ly trimmed hats with all the latest ideas in bird, feath er and ornaments, trimmed as a special $''5,50 lor opening a ay, remamamy nana some uosigua, ai Chiffon hat drapes, in all the proper fall col iors, at 25c Fancy feathers, includ ing wings, breasts, pom poms, eto, at 10c Amazon plumes, hand some 14 inch Amazon plume, at 29c Ready-to-trim Hats Shirred silk, ready-to-trim shapes Bilk and velvet crowns, all styles, $2.50 OQi ZKJ value, at a $3.50 value, at Children's Millinery Specials Children's Trimmed Hats A fine line of children's daintily trimmed hats, serviceable for dress wear, extra- "i A Cm) 1 HQ O A C ordinary values, at .,.littV"liVOii5,4V Children's Mohair Flats These excellent mohair flats are ready to trim and are quite favored among the designs of exclusive A EC-, Great Value in Amazon Plumes An 18-in. Amazon plume, pure black and all the very best stock, 1 Q children's hats, at Clearing: out sale of all caps and early fall styles, at , 19c i I I The Swellest Autumn Modes LADIES' NEWEST STYLES TAILOR-MADE SUITS, COATS AND SKIRTS THE FASHIONS THAT ARE FAVORED IN THE ATELIERS OF PARIS. The opening of Ladies' Fall Garments will reveal a display of vvitchless style at Jirandeis. iAM acknowl edged style shop of Omaha has this year forestalled all possible rivals by securing the very swellest creations from fashion's workshops. More stunning modes than have ever been exhibited in a single store in the West. A pleas ing variety will be a delight to every lover of fashion in Omaha. Evening and Street Costumes and Demi Costumes . In this superb assemblage ara tha highest grade costumes and deml costumes that tailor skill can device. Everv hlahest conception, of fall style Is embodied In these matchless garments. The fabrics and workmanship have reached the hlgnest point of elegance to t AC P tLOf be found In women's ready-to-wear costumes. We show many special A dreat Suit Value for Saturday Highly fashionable suits Id tho popular effect, such as the corset coat idea, new Fratioej capo oats, three-piece suits, many A f silk llped. at ATTi JVJ Our Fall Leader Ladles' Suits at $9.98 Most remarkable suit value ever presented aweu ana up- to-date eults In the new cloths and correct fall colors ud to the latent style In every detail such f f swell garmente as would sell at much higher UrJ nrlces throuithout the country, at ' High art suits in the much favored zlbe'ines, plain and plaids, new Scotch tweeds, coverts, eto , evjry one in this immense lot Is a beautiful and stylish new $35 $45t $49 Handsome ideas In the long box rront coats, with belt effects, full lined Jackets, ft"J4 ft 5 skirt trimmed with triple fold pleats, special at A Remarkably Handsome Array of Dress and Costume Skirls 24.50 ,u0p 39.00 Our dress and costume skirts have that touch of fashion excel lence which every critical devotee of late fashion nolo and ap proveswe mention specially handsome designs lor today. dolt and Walking; SklrU All tho new- est ideas In Walking and Outing Skirt, made with button and A f Q stitch strapped trimming 3 O novelty cloths at Children's School Hats at 59c A piquant creation of stitched cloth, with silk ribbon, band and bow f f trimmed, an open- (lf intr special at....sjy NEW FALL Box Coat at $4.98 A special value for opening, swell box coats made of the new cloths and Includ- i fin log the latest fall A e 70 shades, at Dress Skirts Made of broadcloths, French cheviots, Worombo Venetians, 'broadcloths if 4 rti g and voiles- .plO'Ip" A very swell Dress Skirt with new trains and other features at 6.0 NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS A fine showing of the stunning new Winter Coats, In tha new, long, loose effects, box fronts, etc., made In the up-to-date kerseys, P"" fir F "m Montagnaca. VS. a Mam V- Jq m. etc., go at Two Specials in Children's Suits In Our New Children's Cloak Department. arte Bult iA high grade Uttle Suit In swell 5.981 '..9.98 Children's Fall and Winter Coats Smart little effects in Monte Carlos, box coat All well made child's tailor-made Suit i A high grade very An. for C O Q clot ha and school wear color and Raglan stylt-s made of the populwr OQ O rt Q A f Q clotha ana including an tne dbsi wii cui- M.m CJ Ami J "t ZS KJ ors, at Sterling Silver Novelties. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY. An extraordinary sale of sUrer novelties for the toilet table, etc. This splendid lot, the sample line of a manufac turer includes fine silver manicure pieces, nail files, button .hooks, curling irons, shoe horns, roller blotters, paper knives, call bells, letter openers, darners and dozens of other daintj and useful little articles, handles mm . of dull and polished silver, big Sat- f C- Tl vj c N urdaj sale, worth' up to $1.50, each. ' Specials in the Basement Saturday A sample line of fine china cups and saucers, worth up to 75c go at, each, 35c Sample Plates, all sizes and all kinds, worth 50c, go at, each... 19c Art Needlework Dep't. Third Floor. New bead work looms, the Velvet Ribbon Bargains, One counter of No. and No. 2 all silk black velvet ribbon at lc Yd. or 10c Bolt One lot of wide, satin back, black velvet ribbon, the 15c kind. fnr. a Kc iMfcksiMsgrsT j r -- l ' ..AT.. Stationery Counter. Paper . novels, all good titles, regular 25c kind, go at Sc' each 50c regular dollar loom, at .... All klnda of Indian beads, reg ular price 35c, for a IQn jarge fcunch, at i PICTURE SPECIALS Picture Department, Third Floor. Photograph size of poets, musicians, authors, actresses, ZZri etcn size of card mount 8x10, worth 25c, at Decorated cabinet photo frames with easel back, worth 25c, at lv;t .12c 69c Wire photograph holders the kind you hang on the wall, worth double, at Artistically decorated burnt wood cabinet photo frames worth 11.25, at DAILY LIFE OF CRESCEUS Great Trotter ii Hand ed on a Host Bjt tematio Koatins. CONDEMNED TO DEATH WHEN A COLT Merest C'1bc Saved the Life of the Aklniel Who Was to Be Kin ef Hie Claae. The sreatoet nabob in the world la not tnore carefully attended than la Cresceua, the sreat trotter, who la to be driven an exhibition mUe at the Omaha Driving park this afternoon. He la -up and asking for breakfast at i o'clock In the morning; geta a gentle rub-down, a little hay and about ix quarta of water, then hla breakfaat, consisting of three quarta of aelected oata at I a. ni. He has a rest then and a whlap of hay until 7 o'clock, when he Is exercised gently for an hour, being led around the turf during that time. He Is given a slow Jog from to IS, and then another rest un til noon, whan ha has dinner, consisting of three quarts of oata and about aix quarta of water. . . "Work out," between 3 and 4 o'clock, con sists of taking lessons In scoring, and go ing three mllea at about il:H gait. The horse la again rested until ( o'clock, when he receives his ration of oata and an arm ful of hay, also another allowance of water, juat as much as he wants. He then retires for the night at I o'clock. Where did Ketcham get the name ' of Gold Medal At Pan-American Exposition. Mi '1 $&s - Hi X CresceusT la a question that has been many Umea. Mr. George H. Ketcham of Toledo, O.. Is a good reader, and, In fact, he Is the poasessor of one of the finest libraries iu the state of Ohio. About the "me the now great son of Robert Mo Oregor began to show promise, Mr. Ketcham was spending hla reading hours in the history of ancient Rome. At the suggeatlon of Tim Muman, the trainer of Cresoeus, that the colt needed a name, he thought Cresoeus would be appropriate In asmuch as in the days of Nero, old Rome's sporty emperor, there was a charioteer named Cresceus. who was Invincible as a relnsman. He waa. so to speak, the Oeers of drivers In the days of racing when Nero reigned. Hla successes at the time 111... ..- attention of Nero, who made him hla chief ur,ver- mow many races he won. how he pulled In a drive at the books remalna to be told. The n.m. n therefore, associated with ancient racing r......T. racing in names. Coadeseaed to Death Once There Is a little romance In the Ufa of Cresceus. It Is a true story of how the world's champion trotter escaped death at the hands of the executioner.- The scar on his neck that historical scar hows plain ly. In that scar and Its attendant history Is a lesson. It is In ail reverence, a re minder of the principle embodied In the quotation, "The stone that the builders re jected la become the head of the corner." When Cresceus waa a year old, he had a severe attack of epizootic, and bad to have his neck blistered. With his restless en- ergetlo disposition, he rubbed the blister Tl"": j116' off at the top of his half -door, until his wind-pipe was exposed. His owner saw this, and "ordered the unsightly beast killed. Tim Murnan didn't kill him. The next morning the ugly thing was better, and In dae course of time, he waa dutifully worked out. The result, the world knows. He la the greatest horse on earth today, and he Is modest about It, too. Success has not turned his head fc particle. Ho eats the some sort of foci J and drinks the same good old beverage he ate and drank when he waa an ugly colt, condemned to dl, a hopeless case. He doesn't take on any rtgal airs at all. He Is Just a beautiful colored dark sorrel horse, with limbs as clean and perfect as If they were carved from red granite, with a disposition to nip moat anyone, (except his trainer) who comes within his reach, and with a dealra to do still better things In the way of manning mile records, lie la compact and "soggy," weighing 1.000 pounds as he stands. This wonderful animal holds the world's record for a trotting mile, lu 1.02'i. on a ball-mile track. turned to smiles of admiration, when the sorrel began to smash the records as a S-year-old, Since that time, he has justified all that his owner has promised for him, and to day he holda more world's records than any other horse living or dead. . of nine games for the world's champion ship between Boston, champions of the American league, and Pittsburg, champions of the National league, has been arranged. The series will bt-gln In iioston aoout October 1, and will consist of tour games In each city with a ninth gnme here or at Pittsburg In case a tie results. EVENTS ON TROTTING TRACKS Both Dan Patch and Major Delmnr Make Unsuccessful Attempts to Lower Records. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Bat One Favorite Wins at Gravesend Beforo sv Fair Crowd on Good Day. READVILLE. Mass.. BeDt. 18 Tt'sm NEW TORK, Sept. 18. Bright, cool I quite probable that, but for the slowness weather prevailed at Oravesend today and I the footing In the last 200 yards, the a rair crowd was in attendance, only one 1 j"mpiun Harness norse, jjan patch, would favorite won. Results: 1 n?ve succeeded In his attempt to lower First race, about six furlongs, handicap: J "is own record or a mile in 1:69, made at Illyrla won Parislenne second, Wealth Brighton lieach a few weeks ago. Paced third. Time 1:14. lbX " runner, the quarter was made In Second race, five and one-half furlonars: ' seconds and the half in 69 seconds. Jacquln won, Tlthonlc second. Belle of rTom there on he had the benefit of two Portland third. Time l:3hi Third race, handicap, one mile and one eighth: Short Hose won. Wild Pirate sec ond. River Pirate third. Time Fourth race, Ave and one-half furlongs, selling, Flatlands: Latola won, Flammulle second, Mordella third. Time l:08Vs. Fifth race, one mile and one-sixteenth: Captain Buckie won, Paget second, Roltna third. Time 1:50. Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth, selling: Ixrd Turco won. Harrison second, Stonewall third. Time 1:60. CHICAGO. Sept. 18. Delagoa'a defeat In the second In which she was an odds on favorite at Hawthorne today was a surprise. Results: First race, five furlongs: Cheyotte won. Go Between second, Apple third. Time 1:09. Second race, six furlongs: Gallant won. Delngoa second. Lord Melbourne third. How Ketrhasa Got Unllko Any Others! Tlis full flavor, tl dllrioos qua ity, the gbaolat" Purity, of Low Itovaafust Com dUUufiuUh it from all cthnn. No "treatment" with alkalies; no aduUenailun with Sour, atarch or ground aoeoa ahalla; nothing but tha nutritive aud digestible product of tha choicest Cocoa, Ueaaa. 1 Ask Your Dealerfor It lllsa. , How Mr. Ketcham came to get this horse. is also a very Interesting story. When yet a very young man, he was In delicate health and knowing ones hinted consump tion. An outdoor life seemed the proper thing, and a natural love, of hones, at tracted hlmto driving, as the open air tr etvlae tliat pleased him moat. The game began to be Interesting with the acquisition of Robert McGregor, the fr.mous father of Cresoeus. It waa thn trt tho men about Toledo, who oared tor a brush, uad to drive up occasionally near George Ketch im on the winter's apeedway. They "usually got what they were looking for. With the years came theambl'.ion to own a great trotting horse, and as Cresceus early showed all points for making a record, Mr. Ketcham, who had bred and trained him, not alolwed himself a word of praise for his stallion. At first even his vary beat friends laughed a llttW, when George quietly remarked that he had the fastest horse on earth, but their eyuioal grins Third race, seven furlongs: Northwlnd won, Moor second,. Learoyd third. Time Fourth race, one mile: Airllaht won. Christine A second. Fading Lite tit third. Time l:tH. inn race, five rurlonga: Foxlake won. HiK-eo second, Edwin Hale third. Time 11. Sixth race, one mile: Carat won D. bunta second, Flngal third. Time 1:4V. OT. IAJU1S.-Sept. 18. Six favorites won t Delmar Park today over a heavy track. Results: First race, six furlongs: Alcorn R won. Bugle Horn seoond, Model Monarch third. Time l.:ii. Second race, one mile and seventy Yards: Worthlngton won. Aulas second, Varna Fnnao third. Time 1:54, Third race, five and one-half furlong: Quaker Girl won, Wreath Of Ivy second. 1 l . l 1 1 n., ..... - uwi'a imru. 1 una Fourth race, one mile: Stand Paf wnn I J if hi Opera second, Barca third. Time :W. Fifth race, one and one-sixteenth miles: Uttle Scott won, Siddons second, W. U. Gates third. Time g:u. Sixth race, six furlongs: Pave Sommera won. Speucerlan second, Maghoni third. Time 1:20. Bl'FKAUV Sept, 18. Merita and Calth- ness, heavily backed second cbotoea, won at Kenilworth today. Results: First race, six furlongs: Klnnlklnnlo won. Hopedale second. Addle Tunitall third. Tiiue lUti. Second race, five and one-half furlonsrs. soiling: Columbia Girl won. Fickle seoond. 10111 spoi miru. lime i:us. Third race, one mile, selling: Nevermore won. Lit tie Boy second. Easy Street third. Time l:4iV. Fourth race, five furlongs: Heritage won. FlywUuss second, Lda Vivian third. Tune 1:04. Fifth raoe, one mils and one-sixteenth. selttng: Caithnens won, Lombre secoud, Fruk McKee third. Time 1.4AV- Sixth race, one mile and one-eighth: Benckart won, Ray second. Outsider third. Tims 1-itW- runners and reached the three-quarter mark in l:a4. The record then seemed to be trembling, but on getting Into the stretcn a bit or heavy track was ex perienced, which tired the pacer so that he reacned tne wire in Z mlntes flat. Backers of the favorites in the regular events were again In hard luck. Grade Kellar. In the Z:17 trot, was the only one to win. Results: 2:17 class. Daclnar. nurse il.OOO: Grade Kellar, b. m. (Cox) Miss Brock, b. m. (Nichols) Direct View. blk. h. (Curry) Prince Caton, b. h. (Ecker) Nlckelette, b. m. (Fisher) Nanlta. b. m. (O'Donnell) Wild Wild, b. h. (Tracy). KasflRll. b. h. (Young) Dr. Short, blk. g. (B. 8. Walker).. Earllne H, b. m. iuarrlaon).. Time: z:i4, z:i2. 2:07 class, trotting, purse $1,500, three: Wentworth, blk. g. (Spear) Rythmic, nr. h. (Hudson) Susie J., ro. m. (Titer) Prince of Orange, b. c (Cox) Time: 2:07, 2:08, 2:(. i lit nMclnir. nurse tl.uoO. two In three: Cubanole, blk. g. (Greer) 2 11 Gold Brick, blk. g. (D. Walker) 12 Knamle, b. m. (Lrfxiinls) S 3 3 Al Bock, blk. h. (Curry) 4 4 4 Brown HeeH. b. h. (Dodge) S I 6 Time: 2:074 . 2:06'4. ZM. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 18. Major Pel mar, driven by A. P. McDonald, at the Philadelphia Driving park this afternoon, endeavored to beat his trotting record of 2:(V.. recently made at Syracuse, and failed. The gelding, carrying its driver and sulky with the combined welnrht of 1X1 nrnnri covered the mile In 2:00'4. The track was In fair condition and nearly 2.0HO persona witnessed the trial. The time by quarters: Quarter, 0:3?t: half, 1:044; three fourths, 1:3SH; mile, 2:06. 10 10 two in 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 and Huntington, I feel that we have a team that will finish the campaign the last of November with a large number of laurels to our credit." The schedule Includes games with some of the local teams and with a number of the neighboring towns. The first game will be with the Omaha High Bchool on Saturday and then will follow games with the Dodje Light Guards at Council Bluffs, Woodbine (la.). Council Bluffs High school, Bellevue college and the Blair High school. CRESCEUSE GREAT, TODAY Champion Trotting Statllos) Star at Trl-City Driving Clnb Matinee This Afternoon. vin nt hla kind. Cresceus. the Great, tha only stallion that ever trotted a mile In 2:024 on a half mile track, will do the honors at me iri--iiy -m club matinee this afternoon at the track anil Ame avenue, when he Will undertake to lower his own record. He will be paced by "Mike" and "Tramp and a White automobile. From present indica tions the crowd will be a large and en thusiastic one. for since the arrival of Cresceus In the city from the state fair f rounds, where he waa crowned for reduc ng his own time, local horse lovers have been looking forward with great pleasure to the event today. Mr. Ketcham, owner and driver of Crs ceus, says the great animal Is In the plnK of condition and he feels that he wl.l be able to lower his mark. Admirers of the horse here feel the same way. aince his performance at Lincoln and tho condition The matinee begins at 1:30. but Crescus will not come on with his stellar perform ance until about 4 o'clock. By that time Interest, no doubt, will be at a tense point. The matinee, which officers of the club be lieve will bo the best affair in the club's history, will open with the horse show. This Is the program, aside from the run by Cresceus: t , Single horses to runabout, horses and not appointments to count. Entries: L. C. By sune (2), Edward Pick, Charles Crelghton. F A. Nash, C. C. Kendall and N. B. I'p d'ke. , Double teams to show horses, and not appointments to count. Entries: Arthur Smith, Ward Burgess. J. H. Evans, J. C. Wharton and F. S. Cowglll. Half-mile, class A, 1:07: Tony W. W. A. uWnv' Itliiexn. C C. Kendall: Nellie Ash. Dr. Langdon, and George Castle, T. Pen- Half-mile, class B, 1:10: Mable L, O. O. Irey; Laddie N. F. A. Nash; Ardlne, Clin ton Prtggs; Black Hawk. K. A. Thompson, .rH V Klnvd J. Camuhell. Half-mile, class C, 1:14: Rose M, Joseph Johnson: Van Tine, F. A. Nash; Ruth Jestor. Clinton Briggs; Mardine, Clinton Brlggs, and Princess, C. F. Reed. BONAPARTE GETS DOCUMENTS Will Begin Aotite Work in Investigating Indian Land Frauds. HAS SELECTION OF HIS ASSISTANTS Oaptaln Reeve, Alde-de-Casnn on Stag of General Bates, Selected ' as Military Attache for Gen eral Staff. O. C. C. Foot Ball Team. The foot ball squad of the Omaha Com mercial college Is out practicing every day. and from aU appearances they have good nr.jnM.Mu for u verv successful season. Raymond Cornwall, last year's halfback for Bellevue college", is coaching the team and says that he is much pleased by the show-Ins- they are making. Our material." sid Cornwall, "Is of the very best, as the men are Urge, husky and uncommonly fast. Some tf them have been in the gime for three or four years and the new fellows are working out In a highly gratifying manner. With Bwiiilt'lii at center and Vosacek and Gregory al guards, supported by Langdon. Doup, Mills, Payne, Johnston, Pick. Burmester . ute the other half among the various de partment headquartera and on special duty elsewhere. Would Vse Wireless Telegraphy. Rear Admiral Barker, commander-in-chief of the North Atlantic fleet, hae rec ommended the equipment of all the battle ships and large cruisers of the navy with wireless telegraph apparatus. Dead Man Is Responsible. The report of the board of officers ap pointed to Investigate the recent accident on board the cruiser Olympla at Norfolk finds that Corporal Terkes of the marine corps, who was killed In the explosion of alcohol, waa mainly responsible . for tha accident. The court-martial of two of the enlisted men has been ordered. WASHINGTON. Sept. 18. Charles J. Bonaparte of Baltimore, who haa been up pointed to Investigate Indian Territory af fairs, had a conference todcy with Acting Secretary Ryan of the Interior department Mr. Bonaparte said he expected to visit Indian Territory In making hla lnvestlga. lion, DUl uiu 1101 uw .w.r,, Mir General Grant favors there. He said that he had n the que(ltlon of policy mapped out, but waa not prepared malntalnlnB ,lrong mlutary ,tatlonll alon. yei 10 announce 11. Grant Favors Canteens. The annual report of General F. D. Grant, commanding the Department of Texas, which waa prematurely published soma weeka ago, waa made public at the War Mr. Bonaparte requested cdpiea of docu ments on file at 1 tha Interior department regarding allegations of official misconduct In the territory, and these will be for warded to htm. Mr. Bonaparte will have assistants of his own selection and will not have to devote his entire time to that particular investigation, leaving him free to continue his task as special counsel for the government In the postal cases. Captain Reeve to Go Abroad. Announcement was made today at the War department that the group of gen eral staff officers has been designated for duty as attaches abroad and will be given Instructions in the military Information division prior to their departure. The fol lowing are designated as attaches: Cap tains Sydney A. Cloman, Twenty-third in fantry; William G. Haan, artillery corps; Horace M. Reev, Third Infantry, and Pen nls E. Nolan, Thirtieth Infantry. The present scheme Is to utilise one-half the general staff In Washington and to distrlb- the Mexican border. HALF RATES Via Wabash Railroad. St. Louis and Return, til. SO. Bold October 4 to . Leave Omaha t:U p. m., Arrive St. Louis T:00 a. m. City Office 1601 Farnam Street, or Address Harry E. Moores, GenL Agt rasa. Dept., Omaha. Neb May tie In Montaua, HELENA. Mont., Sept. 11 It is believed that Harvey Logan, known as ' Kid Curry, ho recently escaped from the Knoxvllle, Tenn.. Jail, is In Montana. Ixgan Is wanted In connection with the robbery of a Great Northern train at Wagner July 3. 11)01. Tuesday nltcht a man called at the nouee of former Representative James Moran and compelled Moran to saddle and bridle a horse for him. He then departed for the north. Moran recognized Ixigan, as he had known him In early days. Moran a horsa was returned to him Wednesday night hy unknown methods. A poex la on Logans trail With the Bowlers. On Clark's alleys last night tha Omaha') lost to the St. Charles. Score: Si. CHAKLr.3. Weber ... Keller ... Schneider Francisco UfiJK.-lin ... Totals WINNING CLUBS TO WEET Champion of Xattemnl and American Lean-wee WU1 Flay for World's Championship. BOSTON. Sept. IS. Manager Colllna ol the Boston Amarteaa league team waa no tirted t.Hiay by the owner of the club. I Usury Y- ui Mirwaukea, UuU a aortas Are yotiT bowels loose today? Don't suffer with dl&rrhta, dysentery or summer bovl complaints. Wakefield s . Blackberry Balsam im a sure cure. 1st. ....158 ....178 ....17 ....15 2d. 2-1 lit 2X13 Sd. Total. 11 lil 51 25 b.1 fttt 9i$ OMAHA'S. trrs 2,73 Smad Lcnmann .. Wlgmsn ... Huntington Zarp Totals .. 1st. ...146 ...174 ...l-i ...17 ...190 ..."tt? Id. 1T 141 JO 167 171 id. 1(4 2'Ci 192 1S6 1M lea Total. 45 617 M 4id 611 2l&2 m s V Ho Play, Pay. UTT WArKFR Scot. 18 Porter Hlgby. business manager of the Milwaukee West ern league ball team, announced lonigni that he would psy his players only up to the tlms when the season premature! closed, ootwlinstanaing ine ran mai me players have contracts running to the schedule, which was for games up to Sep tember 27. Under Mr. Hlgbv's ruling It Is assumed that the reserve rule will not hold good and that some of the players will make contracts for next year with whom they please. Aotoneoalla Trip Across Continent. NEW YORK, Sept. 18. L. L. Whitman of San Krancisco, who last night com pleted an automobile trip from that cltr lo New Tors", uUHd on Mayor Low today nl t.raaar.ted a tetter from the mayor of Son Frr.nclsco. .Mayor Low congratulated Mr. Whitman on the completion of bis trip. f f .i .1 . JUh rontsinin acids Of alkali. SJKJVS H" " t SHINOLA p-H lrather. contains no hsimful Ingredients, is easily and quickly P- Sara . rts&tit& um- .. -u t. nmMii crackins. and will Dot chip or seal off. SH1NOLA produces rtrmanrn, jc, p.. J'"T' JT" shoe polishes UM on a ongn w k- SH1NOLA retains indefinitely its lustrous, intenso Wack color. A large box at your dealer's, 10c.t or by fii,. mad on receipt ol pnoa. inert is ao suo mm ttitute. K't IHMQU CO, Bschwttsr, M.T. SkisoU Dasber sad Polisaer br avul luc sompsm1 ) i I. i