Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephones ta-m. WE CXOSB SATURDAYS AT ( P. M.
New Fall Shirt
... Waists
i X
Yesterday we received some new and pretty styles in Tall
.Waists made exclusively for Thompson, Belden & Co. . For sale
with pretty accordlan pleated
front, very stylish. In plain black and
cream color. Price, $4.00.
CHEVIOTS In navy and tan. Price,
H-. ;
All lined, made In a very pretty style,
at $1,110.
cerised fabrics, at $1.00, 11.51, up to
iY. M. C A. Building, Corner
noe In the majority report to the desert
land act, timber and stona act and the
commutation clause of the homestead
act. The recommendations that congress !
appropriate $230,000 for a Lewis and Clarke
memorial building at Portland, Ore., was
also made. -
Before debate on the report of the com
mittee on resolutions was taken up at the
afternoon session an amendment to the
majority report was made commending; the
pUn of the state commissions, such as ex
ist In Utah, to work In co-oparatlon with
the government In the Irrigation projects.
Resolutions of thanks to the Oregon Short
Line for Us courtesy, and to the state of
Utah, the city of Ogden and the press were
also adopted. A motion to limit the debate
to three speakers on each side, giving each
speaker' fifteen minutes, was adopted.
Disease the Report.
After lengthy debate Congressman Need
ham of California offered a substitute for
both reports, as follows:
Whereas, the timber and stone act, desert
land law and the commutation clause of
the homestead aft. have In many In
stances In their administration been found
to result In speculation and In monopoly
of the public domain to the exclusion of
actual home-hulMIng; therefore be It,
Resolved. That we request the congress
of tho United States to make such modifi
cations In snld laws as will save the re
maining public lands for actual settlers
who will found homes and live upon said
Amid much confusion the roll was called
and resulted In the adoption of the Need
ham substitute by a vote of 212 to 148.
Warmer Promised for Western Hn.
kraik, vrltn Fair Days Satnr
day and Bandar.
WASHINGTON, Sept 11 Forecast:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Saturday, warmer In west portion; Sun
day, fair..
For Iowa Fair, and warmer Saturday;
Sunday fair.
For Kansas Fair Saturday, warmer In
northeast portion; 8unday, fair.
For Missouri Fair Saturday, warmer In
east portion; Sunday, fair..
For .JHotitana Fair. Saturday and Sun
day; cooler Sunday.
For Wyoming Fair Saturday and Sun-
Local . Record.
OMAHA, Sept. 1$. Official record of tem-
rerature arm precipitation, compared with
lie corresponding day of the last three
190. 130?. 1901 lgon
Maximum temperature. ,R8 , 6T ft
Minimum temperature.... 43 40 32 52
Mean temperature w M 41 58
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .15
Record of temperature and precipitation
st Umaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 65
rveflclency for the day $
Total deficiency since March 1. 68
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
Teflclency for the day 10 Inch
Precipitation slnoe March i 28.28 inches
Exrens since March 1 5.22 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1S02.... 2.34 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1901.... 7.05 Inches
Reports from Stations nt T P. II.
: 3 t
i 3i: iS
! i :
: "I 3
: It? S
68 .00
72 80 .00
78 8t .00
6i 6s .00
70 74 .00
6 76 .00
t 7 .00
66 74 .00
W So .00
60 64 . 00
64 .(0
is M .00
70 7 .00
70 76 .00
70 .00
tvH 781 .00
72 74 .00
Omaha, clear
Valentlae, clear
North Platte, clear....
Cheyenne. clar
Salt Lake City, clear.
Rapid City, clear
Huron, cloar
Wllltston. clear
Chlcaao. Mear .........
St. Jxmls, clear ........
bt. Paul, clear
tavenport, clear
Kansas, City, clear....
Havre, cloudy
Helena, part cloudy...
Blsmarrk. clear
Galveston, clear
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
A "certain cloth costs
Just so much; so does
cutting, sewing, lining,
tailoring:, etc. Yoti
can'V bring down the
cost of the suit with
out skimping one of these Items. Do
you "want It done? Do you want to
buy for the smallest possible price, or
do pu want your money to do the
most It can do in a year.
liloutt SutU, t3. 95 to tS. 15.
Norfolk Suit, t3.9Stot9.0O.
DoubU br tasted suit. tS.SS to 19.50
Tkreo-pitc Suit $5 to lA
It'a alwava "monry bar
want it" with us.
Write) for new catalogue.
if yo
Bn, Bent, is. iw.
FINE NECK FURS-Choice neck furs
In all the latest rreatlons mad of flne
selected Gklns; prices from 17.50. t9.50,
$10.00, $12.00, $15.00. $18.00 an! $30.00.
$ to 6 years. We are now showing
our new and beautiful style coats for
the little ones. In cloth velvet and
other materials; prices from $5.00 to
adding to our assortment of pretty
new style coats; prices from $10.00 to
Sixteenth and Douglas Sti
"Vou Vomon" at the Boyd.
"Yon Yonsoii" spun hla Swedish dialect
and performed his customary herolij acts
at the Boyd last night. Just as ho has
many times before. And Just to show that
the piece has not lost Its grip a large audi
ence laughed and cried, and cheered and
caught Its breath while the well known
lines and situations were being unfolded.
Neltie Erlckson Is the "Yon," this time,
and Is a very fair Imitation of the real ar
ticle In the way of a raw Swede with a
big heart and much good common sense
to balance his slim hold on the Engllnh
language. A number of specialties are In
troduced during the progress of the play.
A matinee and evening performance today
close the engagement.
What St. Louts Is and Has.
St. Louis is fast becoming one of the larg
est commercial and manufacturing centers
of the world, and has therefore much of
Interest to visitors aside from the coming
World's fair.
It has a number of mercantile houses and
manufactories ranking first In their re-
I spective lines, the name and lame or wnicn
have spread throughout civilization.
Probably none other of these will appeal
so strongly to sightseers, from points both
of Immensity and general Interest, as will
the plant of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing
Ass'n. When. In 1865, Mr. Adolphus Bunch
took charge of the concern which was then
known under the firm name of E. Anheuaer
& Co., It was one of the smallest of Its Una
In this country, but under Mr. Bunch's skill
ful guidance its business Increased phe
nomenally. New buildings sprung up like
mushrooms, but on foundations ss strong
as fortresses, so that now tho handsome red
brick buildings, trimmed with granite and
white stone, present a beautiful city In
themselves. From an output of $,000 barrels
In IStJS Its sales increased to more than 1,000.3
000 barrels per year In less than forty years.
However, the keystone to the success of
this great establishment was Budwelter,
which on account of Its rare mellowness,
fine flavor and exquisite taste, Immediately
became a favorite among the beer-drinking I
people at all points of the globe, and now
by far exceeds In sales any
other brand of
bottled beer.
Three Things for Which the Omaha
View Improvers Are Chiefly
The Omaha View Improvement club met
last evening with a large attendance at
the reldence of Mrs. Coy on Miami street,
near Thirty-fourth street. In the absence
of President , Callahan, Vice-President
Forbes presided.
Charles Johnson of the street railway
committee reported the result of the con
ference of the committee with the Fede
rated club, and said that the Federated
club had endorsed the proposition of the
extension of the line on Thirty-third street
from Parker to Maple street as petitioned
for by the Omaha View club. .
The streets and alleys committee reported
that It was confronted with a hard propo
sition In the present deplorable condition of
the streets In Omaha View, owing to the
Immense amount of work that ought to
be done. Some members of the club bad
turned out a few days ago and did a little
grading and sidewalk repairing on their
own hook. The committee thought that
the Omaha View district should receive
a little benefit of the recent appropria
tion of 35,000 for street Improvements.
It waa recommended that the committee
prepare a statement of the necessary Im
provements and repairs to be made la
the district and submit the name to the
city council and Board of Public Works
and Insist upon these Improvements being
made at once.
The light question was also discussed
and the light committee reported that it
had conferred with the city authorities,
but nothing could be accomplished until
the light question now before the city
council for renewal of franchises Is finally
disposed of.
The special committee on hall reported
that It was only able thus far to secure
temporary quarters, and the committee Was
A motion prevailed for the appointment
of a committee of three to consider the
expediency of securing a lot and building
a hall for the meeting purposes of the
club. Messrs. Johnson, Bruner and Carr
were numed as such committee.
It was reported that Mrs. Coy, from
whom the room was rented for last even
ing, would be required to relinquish the
premises In which she Is living and that
she Is about to rejoin relatives living at
Lincoln. She was paid for the use of the
room for this occasion and a small sum
was raised by subscription to assist her
ar.d her three children to Lincoln, and a
committee consisting of Mr. Morearty and
Mr. Davis was sppointed to assist In pro
curing transportation to Lincoln, as she
Is In extremely straitened circumstances.
A Care .., pn...
Itching. Blind, Bleeding or ProtuJlng
Pllea Your druggist will refund your
money if PAZO OINTMENT falls la cure
you. M oent.
Copper Company Closes Oneratlens
8AULT BTE. MARIE. Mich.. Sept. ji
Fending the outcome of the financial dim-
vunira m winrn m consolidated Lake Bu
Pf, '.' c"1Puy Is now Involved. President
tnieias ims issued orders . to temporarily
close down sll of Ue operations of the
company, except the street railway sys
tem. On both hides of Hie rlvar Ih.
system and the Taaona Light ajw Fower
cuuiyanj vi me lauauiaa euo.
3 irUp Tdtrp'it in a Teipot in the First
Jud cial D strict.
Rearls ail Bafcroek Have All tke
Rssentlnl -Qnnllflratlnns of Good
Jidgri and Will Be
FALLS CITY, Neb., Sept. lS.-tSpeclal.)
The seal of the tuslonlsts, disgruntled re
publicans and straight out democrats of
the eastern part of the First Judicial dis
trict, to create a little enthusiasm for
the fusion ticket Is much In the nature of
a tempest In a teapot, and has practically
but little following or endorsement through
out this section. The candidacy of C. F.
Reavls of tnls county and Judge A. H.
Babcock of Gage county for district Judges
Is extremely popular, and that both will be
elected by Increased majorities Is con
ceded by the most conservative. Few law
yers enjoy a wider personal popularity
than the republican nominee, of th s rec
tlon, Mr. C. F. Reavls, and all parlies
without regard to partisan bias recognise
his eminent qualifications and concede to
him the highest reputation as a lawyer
and one possessing all the qualification of
a Jurist.
The republicanism of the First district
has never been questioned, although In
one or two exceptional Instances, other
than republican Judges were elected. The
campaign resulting In the election of Judfe
Jefferson 11. liroady over Leonard W.
Colby, was strictly a campaign fought out
on personal Issues, and was one of ex
treme bitterness, and the election of Judge
Broady grew out of the strong personal
fight made against General Colbv in hia
own. Gage, county, which then as now, is
the strongest republican county In the
district, if not in the state. Judge Broady
failed of re-election on his second renoml
natlon and was defeated by J. E. Bush,
populist, by a very narrow majority, while
Judge Babcock, lepubllcan, running on
the same ticket, was elected by an ex
ceptionally large majority. At the next
Judicial district election C. 13. Letton of
Jefferson county and J. 8. Sttill of Nemaha
county were made the nominees and were
elected by overwhelming majorities, and
were re-elected with increased majorities
during the succeeding Judicial campaign.
According; to Agreement.
It was distinctly agreed among the re
publicans of the eastern part of the dis
trict that neither Judge Stull nor Judge
Letton wo 'd be candidates for renomlna
tlon or re-election, and the question of a
successor to Judge Stull was by popular
consent accorded to the republicans of Ne
maha, Richardson. Johnson and Pawnee
counties, and at no time during the pres
ent campaign was Judge Stull seriously
considered as a candidate until he appeared
In the convention at Beatrice with a small
following from Nemaha and Johnson coun
ties. This
was a complete surnrls in th.
friends of Mr. Ttcavis. who had the solid
Richardson county delegation, and J. B.
Raper, who as n matter, of courtesy was
given his own county .Pawnee) delegation.
A tacit agreement bad been entered Into
four years before that the nomination
should go to Richardson county, as Ne.
maha had already had the Judgeship for
two terms, Johnson for one or two terms,
when Judge Appleget was elected. Mr.
Reavls was selected as the standard
bearer because of the narrow republican
majority prevailing In Richardson county
and his Imewn pemobatipepurarity and
unquestioned abilities as a campaigner. It
was Richardson county that had In pre.
vlous years elected Broady and Bush, and
good politics demanded that the nomina
tion should go to Richardson county this
year. No candidate could h AVA nrchlu
ueoa "amM mat will command the popu
"r "niu?iasm or c. F. Reavls. and wltl
the factional disagreements prevailing In
Nemaha and Johnson counties It. needs
essentially strong men to overcome them,
ana this will be found In the persons of
the republican nominees chosen at Bea
trice. C. F. Reavls ar.d A. H. Bah.-nrV
It Is pleasing to note that as the cam
paign progresses the fuctlonal disagree
ments are rapidly disappearing, tlthough
the ruslonlsts are making a strenuous
effort to foment them.
Taken as a Joke.
The nomination of W. H. KelllKnr nt
Johnson county and E. O. Kretslnger of
Gage county as the fusion candidates for
Judges of the First district Is looked upon
as consiaeraDie of a farce. Mr Keillor
while an amiable gentleman, la practically
unknown outside of his own countv. while
Judge Krctslngers frequent candidacy for
nyming in sight has placed him in the
attitude of a chronic office seeker. He wn
formerly a republican, then a prohibition.
1st, then a populist and at present anvthinn
for an office. He is a mn of consider
able ability, but his constant reaching out
for office in any old party has placed him
In the category of "chestnut." H ha.
reached out for the Judgeship of the First
district on one or two occasions, but has
never yet succeeded In landing it. He was
at one time county Judge of Gage county,
afterward mayor of Beatrice during Us
halycon boom days, for which the city is
now psying through the courts.
An Interesting feature In the candidacy
of Mr. Reavis In this part of the district is
that the young republicans and first voters
re supporting- hlra enthusiastically. Ills
unquestioned abilities and his high moral
character appeal to the best sentiments
of the entire community. Richardson county
ana alls city Is proud of him, because
he Is a native to the manner born. He has
hosts of warm personal friends over In
Nemaha and Johnson counties, as well as
in Pawnee and Gage. He is recognised as
one of the ablest young men of the south
eastern Nebraska bar, and us It has been
If Coffee Is the "Hidden Worker" In
Your (tie.
Study your diet and see If In a ratural
way you can build back to good health,
which means steady nerves and the good
old comfortable, easy feeling of being well.
If you drink coffee and are 111 you should
make sure whether coffee Is. or Is not, the
cause cf the trouble.
The easy way la to shift to Postum for
a few weeks and then weigh results. A
Texas lady says: "I was attacked with
nervous proktratlun three years ago this
month and became so weak and nervous
that I could not talk to any one or have
any one talk In my room. My circulation
was so poor. I was so weak I could not
even read. Everything I tried failed to
help me, and It was not until I read an
article In the newspaper and gave up my
coffee and drank Pustum Food Coffee that
1 had any relief.
"But from the time that I quit ruffe
and shifted to Postum I began to improve
and I am now completely restored to health.
My nerves are strong snd sound and I ani
normal in every way." Name given
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
This same result always follows the ftj,
of Postum which is a food drink, in place
of cotiee wnicn is a orug drink. "There's
a reason.
Look In each package for a copy of the
famous little book, "The Road lo Wtllvllle."
s nothing else can a (rood
picture ot some happening- in
which you are Interested. This Is
nnothpr nf tho atrnnir nolnts of The
Illustrated Bee. Us pictures are
always of uiatters trial inter-si
people, are never taken out f idle
curloHlty and merely printed to ex
hibit some freak. They always
mean something and always show
something. In addition to the pic
tures, the contents of The Illustra
ted Bee are prepared on The Bee
linsl; that to, only the rtest is al
lowed to appear in Its columns, and
tlint is carefully edited and pre
pared to the end that it will be
found not only entertaining but of
real value to the readers. This is
true of the paper every day in the
year, and i appreciated by those,
who know The Bee.
forded an excellent field for
the activity of the stall photog
rapher, and his efforts were re
warded by a number of excellent
views, pictures of . people and
things out of the ordinary ut the
great annual exhibition held at
Lincoln In the name of the state.
Anting these were the teams repre
senting the several fraternnl insur
ance orders of the utate that drilled
in the competition during the
week. A double pnge of illustra
tions of these features will be
found in tho number that is out
on 8undny. '
ALPHEUS B. STICKNEY has been fill
in? much space in the public
eye of late, and people of Nebraska
and Iowa are Just now more than
ever interested in the president of
the Chicago Great Western rail
road. On the front page of The
Illustrated Bee on Sunday will bij,
found a tine picture of this great
railroad man, and a specially writ
ten story of his life and achieve
ments, with some account of his
personal characteristics and meth
ods, will accompany it.
SCANDINAVIA is the topic of Frank
G. Carpenter's weekly letter,
and forms an interesting chapter in
the series he has been writing from
Europe. It is illustrated from pho
tographs made by Mr. Carpenter
in Sweden. "The Terrible Turk as
a Sailor" Is another of the Muni
cipal League series; "Conditions in
the Philippines," by General Luke
Wright, the new governor general
of the islands; "The Hungarian
Immigrant." ft'ispecla! study of a
type; "Colonial Failures of Great
Britain." telling of some places
where tile "white man's burden"
has not been taken up; the Illus
trated Women's - Department; an
other instalment tf the Voss serial;
, and all the Tegular r departments.
If yon are' a ulscrtber,
you should lea y your order with
j-our newsdealer' "today. .,.
many years since Richardson county has
been represented on the judicial bench there
is an enthusiastic spirit of pride In the
determination to elevate Frank Reavls to
the bench that he will r.urely honor. That
he has personal enemies there Is no doubt,
but his friends love him for the '.nemles
he has made. He lias not been identified
with the iactional disagreements of the
district, and he comes Into the campaign
without - any entangling slllances, but
stands wholly upon his personal merits as
a lawyer, a citizen and a man of Irre
proachable and unimpeachable character.
That Richardson county will give him
the biggest majority ever given a repub
lican In this section, goes without saying.
Nemaha, Johnson and Pawnee will also
do him like honor, while Qnge and Jeffer
son, with their colossal republican major
ities will aid him and Judge Babcock tn
elevating them to the judicial bench of
the First district with more votes to
spare than since the district was organ
ized. Alter 1'orier auihiui: neuuiis wit ap
plied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at
. ... n . . . . I . I T I 11 stll I.
Retail I.tqnor Dealers' Assorlntlon
Attain Orders All the Mans
Taken Down.
Union cards In saloons continue to hold
the attention of the Bartenders' union
and the Retail Liquor Dealers' associa
tion. Both bodies held a meeting yester
day afternoon to consider the latest de
velopments In the matter.
Some time ago the bartenders ordered
the cards down In pertain saloons, which
action the dealers did not like. They ac
cordingly held a meeting, at which It was
decided to remove all the union cards, and
an order was Issued to all members of the
retailers' association to remove the cards
from their saloons at once. The order
did not have the desired effect, as eighty
six of the cards out of a total of 243 still
remained In plain sight behind the bars
of that many business places. Yesterday
the meeting of the retailers was called
for the purpose of devising ways and
means of removing the remaining cards.
A resolution was unanimously passed In
the meeting that all the cards shall coma
down and the members of the association,
it u said, to a man, obligated themselves
to see that the cards are immediately re
moved. Thi business agent of the Bartenders'
onion was seen last night, but dacllned
to make public the action of that body
in Its meeting. As soon as official notice
Is received by the Bartenders' union it
will make public Its plan of action.
All members of the retailers' association
who refuse to remove the signs will be
expelled from the order.
Arrested for Wlfe-Beatlnar.
James Krlst, who lives at 1744 South
Seventeenth street, was arrested last night
on the charge of being- drunk and heating
hla wife. Krlst iinbilted too freely acd
when he arrived home proceeded to beat
his wife about the head. 8he had a cut
on her thook and on on her mouth. After
beating br Krwt put her out of Mm lnu
and lot ked the door, refusing to let her in.
ei ruliad Uie police and bud him ar
Diiifsx of Emrs Frctt is Sow Over in
Host Sections.
Reports Sow Indicate that In Only
Ir Localities Una Weather Been
Cold Eisifk tn Materially
Hnrt the , Crop.
KANSAS CITT. Bept. 18.-The weather
conditions throughout Kansas and western
Missouri Isst night were much the same j
aa on the previous nights, except that the
thermometer did not register quite so low
a level. The sky was clear and frosts oc
curred at several points, but was not severe
enough to kilL The mercury In Kansas
City registered 48 degrees at 6 o'clock this
It la not believed corn is damaged to any
great extent. The weather Indications for
this section are for warmer. Springfield. Mo.,
reports frost. Frost prevailed at Manhat
tan and also at Concordia, where heavy
frosts were apparent.
The weather tonight Is clear and warm
here and throughout Kansas and western
Missouri. The danger from frost Is be
lieved to be ended.
TOPKKA, Kan., Sept. 18. This section of
Kansas again escaped a frost or freeze last
night. The temperature shown by the gov
ernment Weather bureau was a minimum
Of it degrees at 7 o'clock. A southerly
wind and clear skies forced the temperature
up 15 degrees by o'clock. Vegetation and
corn Is safe In this territory so far and the
outlook la for warmer weather until crops
are matured.
Weather Warmer nt St. Pnul.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 18.-A light frost touched
St. Paul, Minneapolis, I.a Crosse. Wis.;
Green Bay, Wis., and Davenport, la., last
night, but no damage was done. The
weather forecaster says the temperature lo
St. Paul last night was 38 and 36 In the
country. Today It Is warmer and clear.
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Sept. 18.-The
Weather bureau reports frost In Milwaukee
and vicinity last night, also at Marquette,
Mich., with damage to vegetation. Today Is
clear and bright, with indications of slowly
rising temperature.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Sept. 18. A heavy
frost occurred in this vicinity last night
doing some damage to the corn crop.
' Dninnare Kot Heavy In Illinois.
BLOOM1NOTON. 111.. Sept. 18. Reports
from all sections of central Illinois show
that while there was a heavy frost last
night, the first of the season, the corn has
escaped, only light vegetation being dam
aged. The loss will be small.
CHICAGO, Sept. 18. At 7 o'clock this
morning a heavy frost prevailed here and
In northern Illinois. The local temperature
was 41 degrees. Considerable damnge Is be
lieved to have been done to corn.
Danger ts Over In Iowa.
DES MOINES, Sept. I8.-N0 frost was ex
perienced last night. The thermometer reg
istered 41 above. Other reports Indicate
that warmer weather will prevail and that
all danger from a blighting frost is over.
CINCINNATI, O., Sept. 18.-The Weather
bureau this morning reported a tem
perature of 44 degrees, clear weather and
frosts throughout the northern part of the
valley. . - '
Cold and Clear at St. I.onls.
ST. LOUIS, Bept. 18. No frost was re
ported by the Weather bureau in this vi
cinity, although the weather waa cold and
clear tbls morning. The temperature, which
was 47 cegrces at 7 a. m.. Is rising.
MADISON, Wis.,' Sept. 18.-The first frost
of the season visited this section last night.
Much Carnage was done on low places to
com nnd tobacco.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Sept. 18.-(SpecIal.)
This section ot the state was visited last
night by a frost which did considerable
damage to garden stuff of a tender nature,
but It Is not thought the corn suffered
to any extent Farmers claim that It will
prove ot benefit to the corn by checking
the growth and causing It to mature If
we do get favorable weather.
PAPILLION, Neh., Sept. IS. (Special.)
Last night was the coldest of the searon.
Another light frost fell, but no damage
was done. Corn la safe so far, and If f-eei-Ing
weather keeps off for a few clays, the
crop will be very satisfactory.
WISNER, Neb., 8pt. 18.-(Speclal.-No
frost last night and the weather cleared up.
It is warm today. Ite ports from tho farm
ers are that co far the frost has dine no
harm only killing the worms on the corn
and stopped Its growth. With good weather
from now on the chances are good for
a better quality of corn than last year.
Her. Henry T. Davis.
LINCOLN. Bept, 18. (Special.) Rev.
Henry T. Davis, for fifty years a Metho
dist minister, died this morning at hla
home In this city. He was 70 years of age
and for the last two years had been retired
from the ministry. He leaves a wife and
three children, two of the latter being res
idents of this city, while the third is mar
ried and resides In Chicago. He was a
brother of A. M. Davis of this city and waa
a native of Indiana.
The funeral will occur from St. Paul's
church at 10 a. m. Monday.
Deceased came to Nebrasks In 1858 from
Terrs Haute, Ind , and officiated as pastor
at Bellevue, Omaha and Nebraska City In
the pioneer days. He came to Lincoln in
1868. and has since lived a great deal of the
time In this city. He was the first resident
pastor of what ts now the St. Paul Meth
odist Episcopal church, then known ss the
First Methodist Episcopal church. He or
ganised Trinity Methodist Episcopal church
and was It first pastor. Since that time he
has held pastorates at Beatrice and Tork,
and at different times has served as pre
siding elder of the Nebraska City, Beatrice
and Lincoln districts.
Mrs. Wertrade Goeken.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Sept. 11 (Special.)
Mrs. Gertrude Goeken, an aged widow,
one of the best known residents of St.
Charles precinct, died Wednesday and was
Interred In the cemetery at Bt. Charles
yesterday morning. Cause of death was
hemorrhage of the lungs. Deceased was
70 years of sge and had llvel over thirty
years In this vicinity. She leaves a large
family of grown children.
Harmon D. Wilson.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Sept. IsHarmon D.
Wilson, aged M. one of the best known
newspaper writers In Kansas, died at his
horns in this city of typhoid fever at sn
early hour today. Mr. Wilson contracted
the disease while on an outing In Okla
homa. For several years he has been
connected with the Topeka Dally Capital
He leaves a wife and one child.
Miss Bertha Gilmer.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. H-lSpeclal.)-Mi
Bertha Gllmore, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. I. F. Gllmore, who reside four miles
northeast of Filley, this county, diod this
mortlng at Dr. Fall's sanitarium. She had
been receiving treatment at the hospital
only about a week.
Prof. Alexander Ray.
ABERDEEN, BcotUnd, Sept. lg.-Prnf.
Alexander Ray, formerly lord rector nt
the university here and for twenty years
professor of logic and EnglUb UKrature,
is dead.
Little Hope for Mnn In t tan Who Is
t nder Dentil Sen
tence. .
SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. lS.-The sta'e
supreme court hns denied the petition for
a reJiearlns; of the case of Peter Morten
sen, who Is under a death sentence for the
murder of James M. Hay, secretary of the
Pacific Lumber company In this city, sev
eral months ago.
District Judxe Morse will now set a date
for the execution and It Is almost certain
that Mortensen will suffer the death pen
alty by being shot
Jodae taanra Order for Commitment
ot Father Hnrrlnarton for
Contempt of Conrt.
ALMA. Neb., Sept 18. Judge Adams to
day issued a bench warrant for the Rev.
L. J. Harrington for contempt of court.
This Is the result of a bitter fight between
Bishop Bonacum and Father Harrington
over the possession of the church at Or
leans, Neb.
Everybody's Disappointed.
?.EW TORK, Sept. 18. The quarter of a
Million edition of the October number of
"Everybody's Msgaxine" swamped the
printers. Magazine out Tuesday, three
days late.
To Investigate Registration Frand.
DENVER. S. pt. lS.-Dlstrltt Judge Uo .th
Malone today ordered 11 grand Jury som
moned to convene on September 2 fur fie
purpose cf Investigating alleged regl Ora
tion frauds nnd any irauris that mav be
committed at the charier elcctlm "next
Tuesday. Application for the Jwrv
was made by the charter campaign com
mittee. Rarly Mornlnar Fire.
At 2 o'clock this morning fire was discov
ert d In the feed store of P. Ramus at ?1
Farnam street. It entailed s loss of $.(
before It w:s extinguished: fullv covered
by Insurance. The building Is owned by i
iurn?ii unnerwij ,
Cures Catarrh
'Hyomel the Most AVonderfnl Core
for Catarrh Kvrr Discovered, Kays
Sherman A Mrfonnell Dm; Co., Itltli
and Dodge Sts., Oninbn.
Do not try to cure catarrh by taking
drugs Into the stomach; It cannot be cured
In that manner. The only way In which
this too common disenee can bp cured Is
through a direct application that will kill j
the bacilli of catarrh and prevent their I
Hyomel Is the only known method of
treatment that accomplishes this. It Is
the simplest, most pleasant, and Hie only
absolute cuie for catarrh that has ever
been discovered.
Thousands of unsolicited testimonials
have been received from the nost j.rom
Inent men and women In the coun'ry
who have been cured ly this remarkable
remedy. Ministers. Ut.r,kcis, iawyersi even
eminent physicians have given strong tes
timonials as to the remnrkable powers of
Hyomel to cure catarrh.
The complete Hyomel outfit costs but
11.00, consisting of an Inhaler, dropper and
sufficient Hyomel to last several weelts.
This will effect a cure in ordinary cases, but
for chronic Hnd deep-seated cases of ca
tarrh, longer use may be necessary, and
then extra bottles of Hyomel can be ob
tained for COc. It is r.ot alone the best
(it might be called the only) method of
curing catarrh, 'but It Is also Jhe most
economical. ':
Kherman A MrConnoll Drug Co., has , an
much confidence m the power of Hyomel
to. cure catarrh tht they -will for a limited
time, soil this r.le.ll-lne tinder their per
sonal guarantee to refund tno money If the
purchasers ran say that It t'ld not help
Square Piano
. On flew Pianos.
Brought In as part payment, many used
tantruments, which are now placed on sale
at prices which seem so low that they will
warrant looking into,. and they are Just the
thing for beginners:
Ono Newton & Co.. Piano
Terms. U cash and Vi per month.
One Calenburg & Vnupel Piano
Terms, U cash and U per month.
One Dunham Piano
Terms, $4 cash and 60 cents per week.
One J. P. Hale llano
Terms, $4 cash and 50 cents per week.
One Pease & Co., Piano
Terms, 85 cash and Du cents per week.
One Mathushek Piano '.
Terms, $5 cash and S3 per tnonth.
One Llndeman Piano
. $18
. $20
. 127
. $33
. $37
. $40
. $50
One Kimball Piano
Terms, ti cash and $3 per month.
I5I3-I5I5 Douglas St.
(C-yJJ la rha nu sf ui; a raa( sua.
,mPena- Hair RegensraTor
3F ryy-. " th 0o,y harmle preparaUoa known
E t'-r' 4 wblca tuauuilly rratores hair ta any
Pf-V.,- e"'0' er auade. Imrable, Uatln? aal
f.SSti'l leave ths hair rau. soft and (lr.
MONTHS. Hamplaof halroolortsl boa,
aVsud Bar saJnyhia. JrlvstfST saanred.
Imperial Chemical Co.. 136 W. 23d St.. N. 1.
bold by Bherutn & Mi Council i-rug Co..
Omaha. Neb.
Si HOWL. ' .
Racine College
Grammar School
Pupils Study Under so Instructor.
Its Graduate enter any Collco
or University. SotIhI snd Ath
letic Advantages. Military Iirill.
Par Boy of M to IT lears Old.
niuatratas Catalogue "' on applloatloa t
Henry Dona-las Hoblnson, Warden
Itarlnr, Wis.
SEPT. 21, 22, 23,
On a
Mirk Hmristhe snd rtllere sll tbs troubles Inet- f
dent to s billons tisteot the STtb-m. snrli ss Pis- t
t'ness, Nantes, Drowtlnr-M, Dmrm after setnif ,
Puin la the Bide, Ac. While their most renuufe
sbls success has bem shows in curing
R'ndsrhe.yctCartFr'iLillleMTerPllltsreeqaslly -vslnsble
in CoiiKiipstioo, eiiriog snd preventing '
this snnoyinf complaint, whil thtt 1I10 form-l
all disorder of the stooic-h. stimulate the liver
and n-gulai th bowels. Xren if ihrj only cur4
IK3EAG): :
Aeh they woald heslniott prlclos lo those who ,
suffrr from ih ditreeln complaint ; bat fortu
nately their Rondoe doea cot eud here, snd thM
who once try them will Dnd ihe little fills vain
hl :a so mnv wys that they will not be williBg
lo do without them. But sfler all sick head
It t h bane of to msnr live that hrre m where we
make our groat bosat. Our pills cunt It wall
others do not.
Curter-s Little Liver rills are very smalt and
very esay to take. One or two pills makes dose.
They sre unrily vepetAble and do rot gripe or
pure i", but bv their penile srtion plesae all who
them. In viala at M cenla; Do for 1. Bold
by 'lrusgists ercry wh'jre, or sent by mail.
New York Cltjt
Dr. Searles & Searles
Cure All Special
Treatment nnd Medicine
Examinations snd ntlvlce free at office or
by mull. Written contracts given In all
curable dlsmscs r refund money paid for
treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 years
In Omaha.
Cor. 14th nnd Donglas. OMAHA,' It Kit.
Vm Bit Q for nnnalurs,
fliw-liaraea, inflammations,
trrttntiona ; ulceration
of mneoa mambranas.
Vnili lens, t nd not utris-
0 jpyTj told by Jfraca-lsta,
L -J or aent in pbln wrapr,
t i-l sreP. irerl1. ft
iV M tl OA. r 3 I'.'f lira 2.7t.
Circular ansa ss mmi
; i r -
Tri-City Amateur :
...Driving Park
20th St. AND AMES AVE.
The World s Greatest
Saturday Afternoon,
. SEPTEMBER 19th :
Paced by an automobile
will try to lower his
world's record.
Other Interesting Events By
Local Fast Ones.
Under Auspices
Driving- Club.
Trl-Clty Amnte-ur
Woodward &
Burgess, AVg'ra.
Yon Yonson
Prices 15-28-60-7IK. Mat,-Any seat. re.
The Village Parson
. Prices 15-2G-50-7DC. Mut. ii-i0c.
" Matinees, " '
Wednesday ;ir.d Saturday
SEPT. 28 TO OCT. 3
THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 9 A. fl.
Stupendous Production of Ueneral Wallace's
a.OEH " IWU..
Dramatised hy William Young.
Munlc bv Kduar SMIIinan Kolly.
No seats laid aside betore I jjenlilff sale.
i'RH'liri 6JC. 'lie. $''" tl-uO and l.'.Ou.
Mall orders with remlt'.ance fillrd In the
order itceived t-.fter the rale opens.
t Popular Matinee
guuduy Matinee
24. 25 and 26.
jf Jr ! l . v3
M , d Gwavrtatrl jta
JkI txt t tr-l'-tar.
I" - In CMtfitUst
aaafTUtriliyer jf UiOil fa
najftj, nt li nnd w