Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
i:.STABLIf?TIEl JUNE 1?, 1S71.
sinc.m; corv three cents.
MMcrt at rtv'.or i by Tnrkiih Ancj
IsiMchbtblr Temb'c
Ken, waxci ati Cfiililra An Yic'ixi of
Koalem Bo'Sie..-.
London Keirtpape; Tbixki Prmnt Outrage
C'cts for Actios.
0TrriBil UttMtH that
Ml if t Itertar Motives la
rVeseat Cawree AMitl
wllk Aaetrta la asaadeaed.
trrrrurr Rol aad Beaater Lodge
aad leraer Ask daeatieaa
of (tilii.
RetigxatioM Cauae Cjt.iVemilion is Ail
C irtln of Eztglg.d.
LONDON. Spt. IS. When tli Alaskan
boundary rnmmMdD resumes! it sessions
t'niar. Attorney General Findlay was sub-
Jested by Kecretary Root and Se-tor !
Lodge end Turner to a fire of question in ' rp" 'r
connection with hi attempt 1o show that
the boundary should run from the head of
the Portland canal tfirectly rrmtard to the
point where the mountain. claimed by the
Canadian as the boundary. Intersect tbe
fifty-sixth ra.ra.llel of latitude. The con
tention of the United States U that the
boundary- continues up the Bear river ral
Jajr from "he bead of the Portland carial
to the 'xtb paralitL In thi connec
tion, X Ud the a'torney gepera
that Vancouver re
al the head of
was not natural
cries of the
psss to tiie ;
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Sept. It. Further re
pTts from Xastorta aajr tba city 1 burning
and that the masssc-re of !t population,
estimated to bava numbered lft.000 persons,
was lndescrltbi- terrible.
The Turk slaughtered Indiscriminately
.Bulgarian and Greek, men, women and
A Turkish war bcJlooa 1 reported to
Java been seen hovering for the last three
dsy rioe to he Bulgarian frontier in ;he
vit-tnlty of Haskoro.
A sever fight has occurred at Ullvitxa.
!.i the mountain cf Kratovo. between 2.cK
Turks and eighty Insurgent. It continued
for eigtit ho urn. The insurgents uaed
bomb with deadly effect. About 1 Turk
are reported to bava been killed and many
wounded. The insurgents had two men
A fight 1a alao reported to hare taken
plae at Rupelpaso. near Zeres. Insurgent
banda recently surrounded and annihilated
a whole company of Turk The banda
then fled to the raouotaina. Three battal
lona of Turkiah troopa have been Bent from
SaJonica to purue them,
A rma.ll body cf peaaant rrJugttm near
Treaba, who were atarrinc In the moun
tain, aiarted to aeek food. At XakUata
they were me by Turkiah aoldlera. who
killed them all and horribly mutilated twa
Kvldeaee ! Atraieltiea.
1XXTX)N. Bept, 18 The 'Weatminirter
Gaxeita mi a a wen known London Jour
nalist cablea from Belsrada aa followw:
tarrlrir with jwo-Turkinh aympaxhiea. I
have found everwhelmmc evirtence con
viacin:ly proving that Uia Turkiah atroci
ti ara rUir undert-atimated.
Foreiarn Mlnlater TaokoS tella ma ha
knows caaea of atarvinaT women In the for
ata Idlllr.f two of their own children ta
preeerva the third. Tba foraat wandereas
will ail peril h of co'd within two month.
"Europa," adds the Weatminster Oasette,
AeavUnc with the Kaatorta repona, "la
kaun4 to at auoa Intervana whethar by
eooferenc or aa coioert,
Tlrwi af Seraaaai Gwwcraaatewt.
BERJLIN. Sept. J. Vh Oennaa govm
BMei hoi da ta viaw four potnta In the Bal-
kaji altuaUon, '"
Kirat LKea Ruaia regarw that the time
for the breakup of European Turkey tiaa
auxtvedT Tba Oerman mlniaters have been
' enable ta peneuale Kwu a ultimata lntcn
tiouia and aifte wit b tUileaure the cot-
rarted attarks cf the 6t, l'eireur papers
on Oermaiiy, wbk h la aewnoexi aa twins in
the bau-fcCTOuno' and takina; plea eu re in the
exttntiua uf the Slav a 10 European Turku
Secnnd Tf Prinoa Ferdinand la persuaded
that lua throne ta depecdent on a war with
Turkev. then war la OTUia Every efi.irt
ahould le made to tranquiliaa Prlnc r rrdl
tiini! mind.
Third- The meatlnrs of the aover-eirna. ja
tended by their lordrn mlnlatera. are ei-
pted to clear up trie otteruntiee or ine
ettuation and enabls Uerman auateamen to
forvcavat the future.
The emx-rora of Germany and Austria
meet at Vienna today. The caar rneeta with
jTeeadent Francis Joseph geiitemher !. and
wiU then visit the kin of Italy. Events
are exported to remain quiet until after
the tflh. iinieaa Bulsana refuses to wait.
Fourth Tbe project for an Auatrtan-Rue-sian
oint vcupa?lon ef Macedonia has been
hollr abandoned and there ia not the least
likelihood of a renewal of tbe proposition.
Respite the fact that the Balkan situation
baa arrows worn, Turkiah bonds rose arain
em tbe bourse today.
rwttaa Finals )alet Tiaae.
WAEIUNQTON. 8ept. H. The followir
bulletin was posted at ths Navy depart
ment today:
Admiral Cotton cablea from Beyroot on
rVpu muer 17 that Hevroot is quiet and
I "tiling of Importance hae ooenrred ln.-e
Saturtay last. Some definite news about
tne i-asa of the rice counsel is expected
S' .on.
Prtaaaers la ( kalat.
(VN"TA.VTlXOPUE. Bept Is. Travelers
arrived from Bulgaria today report
that the Bul-rUn reaervists are bein re
cv4ved everywhere with enthusiasm.
Fifiem lia-cAoiilan prisoners were
brraurbt in today. Anions; them was an
aiie-de-cajnp of Veneral Baxafoff. the in-
urfpetit leejder. Ths prisoners, who were
chained tocether In rroupa of three, were
all taken to the Tild:s kioek. a here they
will be examined.
f erred to Jb .
the canal and a. 's
to suppose that . '
treaty Intended to fii.
fifty-ixth dex-ree.
The attorney a-eneral refiiied that the line
under the treaty could not run further
thaja tbe water canal and from that point
must seek tbe nounulm at the fifty-sixth
Benator Lodpe sucaeeied that this would
mean that the line murt cros the moun
tains to reach those point described in the
Canadian case, which the attorney (rcneral
touched upon.
The attorney general paNed during ths
afternoon to the discussion of the line from
the fifty-sixth parallel to Mount St- Elias,
asserUnir tliat if the contecUon of the
United 8'a.tea that the buux.dary should go
around the b'-ada of inlet wa admitted
then. correspondin-'y, Canada fhould artln
by tbe tribunal deldin( that the ,ine should
follow ten marine leaeu' from tbe thorn
of peninsulas
Judre John M. Ticklnson of American
counsel, said the United States was con
tendlnc only for tbe beads of inlets and net
beyond, the attorney general havlna; raised
the point that the American claim tor
tidewater aa tbe boundary, mlarht put the
boundary far into the interior of Canada,
a Smt Be Able
liad the Illalit Klaa af
Men la Fill the X s
eaaelea reateaU
aterart Oris im a tea la Aatwers that
acinar Feter mt pervla Had
Beea Killed.
LONIXN. Bept. "While definite it-
formaUon ia still lacking, the rumor In
Paris of the assassination of the Servian
kinc 1 retarded here aa a bourse canard.
The Foreign ofHoe has no Intimation n-
tar dinar the rumored assanslnation of the
kin of Bervia. The j-eport reached fcere
throuajh n aews agency dispatch from Ant-
erp, saying a teport that tbe king had
leen assassinated waa current there, and
it caused considerable excitement and de
pression on tbe bourse, owing to the ah
srnoe of official Information.
The report was eventually attributed to
tbe excited conditions prevailing at Bel
grade. The evening newspapers hers pub
lished the report, but did not attach any
sertousneas to it.
PARI 8. Sept. II A dispatch from Bel
grade states that the report of the naaas
aination of King Peter of Serrla ia without
Official reports from Belgrade Indicate
that King Peter's recent retirement of
Colonel Ntebtich from tbe position of the
departmental chief in the ministry for
war is tbe beginning Of n movement look
ing to tbe separation of King Peter from
the conspirators who took part in the
assassination of King Alexander and
Queen Iraga. Xlcbtich, the leader of tbe
conspiracy, waa conspicuously honored and
Is now degraded aa tbe result of wide
spread Indignation at the favor shown by
the king toward the participants in the
The Temps' Belgrade correypondent say
the election for members of the Bkupshtlna
next Monday prominea to 'result In a
majority favorable to the separation of
the king from tbe regicides.
UlXKiX, Bept. 1SL Const err.aticm wa
caused by the announcement of the resig
nation of Secretary Chamberlain.
Tbe great majority of fbe pubHe only
learned tbe new from tbe morning paper
and their astonishment In many case wa
ao great a to prevent the expression of
any coherent opinion.
The I "all Mail Gazette thla afternoon aptly
um up the genral feeling by describing
the present crisi e tbe "rooet extraor
dinary in tbe whole history of constitu
tional government," adding that what will
happen next no one can forecast with any
degree of atolute certainty. The Pall Mall
Gsaette stated that Premier Unlfour will
f.ll up the vacancies and carry on tbe gov
ernment until he meet Parliament in J!M.
Mr. Chamberlain, also, doe not look for
an Immediate general election, expecting at
least twelve months propaganda before the
electorate can decide upon hi proposals.
Other rumor are current that Mr. Balfour
i unable to End men to All the vacancies
and that he will be obriged to hand the king
his own resignation. Thla. however, does
not appear likely.
Talk af larreuara.
The 'W'ertmliifleT Gazette and other pa
pers think that lord Mllner. the high com
missioner In South Africa, will succeed to
the colonial office, and it is definitely an
nounced that Lord Btanley, financial secre
tary to tbe War office, and probably James
Eowtbcr. deputy rpeaker. will be among
those promoted to tbe cabinet, but that the
detail of its reconstruction are not likely
to be known until Mr. Balfour haa seen tbe
king. Almost every paper haa it own can
didates for tbe variouB vacant office and i
Maaataetarers tastarlatlaa Wants'
Hait taIWk stalesasaa Talk
at Ik Ira a a.
CHKAGo. Bept. 1 The first n.. tabic
public addrv" by Jwph Charrbei lain f'l
b'Wlng Ms resignation frm t' PntMi
raHlnet may lie given an International
character, a Mr. Cliamrwrlain mHy come
to Chicago to deliver hi view s the guest
of tbe people cf the United Plate. An
invitation to him ts do so lis been for
waijed through the iTparttnent of Plate
at Washington from the llllnola Manufacture-'
association. A reply is teing eagerly
awaited to tbe fallowing cable message,
whic h w a forwaj-ded ttmight:
CHlCA.r. Sept. IS Joph Ciimlrlair..
Colonial Office. Iwclon. Eng : Earnestly
hope your freedom from public duties will
assure vour eccer'anoe cf in1tati(jn of
Illinois ilaiiiif acturer aks-iation.
B. A- ECKHART, President.'
JOHN M. GLNN, Secretary.
The Invitation referred to was made
public tonight for the first time, the uxt
being as follows:
CHICAGO. July r-Pir: The Jllip-e
Manufacturers ssauciaton extends to ,u
an invitation ts be its guest inn woula
respectfully ark that J ou aJnres its mem
bers at Chicago at such time n thl ysr
OijecU to EiUbliibmnit of SeBtraiity of
Witen of Santo Domitgtk
burriaril Ul ill at Allow reeelea
af .tar Part af lalaad ta Fs ra
ses a Xatiea Kar Aay
Dlserisalaaf laa.
Fi''-ast f.-r Ne 'rsska-Fatr Baturdtv fcbd
Writm jn IA est portion; Sunday Fair.
Teasseratsre at Vaaka IrHfrlaji'
Uaar. lie. Hear. Iea-
6 a. aa 4 1 p. ss V
a a, aa 43 aa "
Tauss 41 a a., a T
a a. aa 4 av. as " j
a. aa Si p. ss I
la a. aa .V p. an "
II a. as T T s. ss .
IS a t p. n '-t
w . m 't
PAX IX.M1NGO. Repnblic ct Santo W- I A-J.,t r,, . 1..
mm;'), cu it-tiuim cuir jaiu-i. ,
Powell lias aeiit a strong jrotct to th j
lominian goverxment based on ttie loi- ;
lowing grounds: j
epeetlag "W ark at w eatera
will test suit wt'UT convenience. The
presentstlon of your is st Chicago wiii
attract worldwide attentkin. caue whole
some discussion end resiin in s better un
derstanding of the trade relationship be
tween -ur respective coantriea
The ne'titig will le attended by the
representative manufacture-! cf Ihe-l'nlted
?ttes. In aecfpitng tlaa Invltjitlon ou
aill not o-.'y bmx. the memliers of the
Illinois ManufacTurers' association, but 1 tie
prosressive business tnen of all commercial
pursuit on our side Toors very truly.
B. A. EChUiART. President.
JOHN M GEENN. ev-tetary.
To tbe Right Hon, Jcv-pi ChamWrlaln. P.
C. EEli.. 1. O. E., F. R. S-. M. P..
Secretary of State lor Colonies. Colonial
Office, London, Eng.
That tbe action of the iKiminican aovern
rnent in eend.lis to congress a pruned tor
establishing tbe neutrality of L'omini'an
waters ana making certain port free,
would On view ol the fart that San lK is a neighboring staW not be ao
cepied in a friend y spirit by tbe g.ivai'ii
merit cf ihe I nited Stat.
That the United Plans government wouli
rot allow the etb:i-hment of any coal
ing ports Ki Santo iomingo or the c-e-sion
cf any portion of rianio Iiomingo ter
ritory to any E jritii jK-wer.
That the United Slates sill net permit i
any nation to make exclusive use of LKita
irucan waters in time of pec! much less
In lime of war., Nor could tbe United
States allow any portion of lomin1can ter
ritory to be classed a reutral. mr permit
any action of the government to conflict
with tbe C!mfskn granted to the Clyde
Eine. according to which all eieeis arriv
ing from foreign ports arc cmpelb-d to
pay port dues exceptit:g tbe Clyde steam
er. 1 be American protest has excited con
siderable comment. Minister Powell, it is
pointed out, aeem to lie determined to
have the right cf American respected by
the government of LiomitJca.
The official aoccwapanjitu-- communication
f-om the Department cf State read as
TON. Aug. fc, m-Ho. A. P. Hot-kin.
I 'ruled Stales Senate, Washington. I. ".;
Sir: I have the honor to as-knowledge tbe
receipt cf vour letter of July 14 enclosing
a letter to the Right Hon. Joseph Chamber
lain from the Illinois Mnufacturtrs' a-
1 sociation. It has given me great pleasure
to forward this ietetr to Mr. thuate, w no
will transmit it to Mr. Ctiamberiain. 1 am.
Pre pass I Heeelved far Camstraellea
af He bopi at Plerr-e ladlaa
but a few of the prophecies coincide. The ir. vour oi-edlent eer-van
atliiude of the duke of Devonshire, lord r- B. LcsJMia, Acting Secretary
pre-Bident of the council, being unknown to i
tbe public, creates further rncertainty.
Lord Rothschild's statement yesterday
to tbe Associated Pre, however, can
safety be taken as an Indication that the
duke Intends to supiort Mr. Balfour, at
anr rate until Parliament meet,
' Markets Are Sat Affected.
The prediction that the markets would
not be affected by the cabinet crista has
been fulfilled, indeed. conso"s exhibiting a
firmer tone today.
From all parts of the United Kingdom
and the empire editorial expressions of
opinion en the crisis are pouring in. The
JeaTersaa City Craai Jary Has Proasle
aeat PaUtteiaas Braaakt 1 1
for Eaanslaaltea.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. It t Special Tele
gram.) The abstract cf reports made to
the coraptrollec of the currency of national
banks of Cedar Rapids, la., at the close
of business September shows loans and
discounts increased from t2.Ii."., 13 on June
. data of last cs.ll. to C.w:,4C: gold hold-
government organs frankly admit lhawi:ig Increased from fl'C.KIt' to ti(,S34; law
Mr. Chamberlain's withdrawal came as m Jul money reaene from $.ai.S to X3SLS0I;
Akeet Twa Baadre-d Haaea Were De
strayed la Ike Rereat Oat
kreak at t aaael.
ST. PETERFBURa. Sept. It -Later of
ficial report r from t'omeL In the govern
ment of Moghlleff. where the fighting be
tween Christians and Jewa arose Sept fro her
11. increase tbe death list of the Jewa to
About 50 houses were destroyed and
sixty-right arrests were made. Tbe Offlclsl
Messenger says the disturbances at Cornel
were caused by the provoking attitude of
tbe Jews toward the Christians.
kartags eneera at enaellavllle,
Peaar Ivaata. atatsoe tka
Rata af latereet.
riTTBBURG. Ber-t. II Conatderable In
terest was created among Pittsburg bank
er todar by the announcement that the
Berobd National bank of Coanallarille, I a .
one of the atrongest institutions of the coke
teg; on. had decided on Tuesday to hereafter
pay S per cent interest on savings account.
The purpose of the officials is to induce
those who have been boarding wealth at
hoeae to place the money in bauka Un
uaual demand for money Inspired the
launching of tbe new plan.
It la claimed that tbe action of the Cot
nei'.svllle back in a ing ( pr rent la tits
first taken slno the rebelllua by any tank
ing izwtitutiota. In the United Slates Pliis-
burg bar.ker do not fear any disturbance of
money condltiona as a result of tbe In
creased rate.
Elect rle far Sear Uerlle Raaa at Kate
1 Oar Haalrtl wiles aa
BERLIN. Sept. ll-At electric car ran at
the rate of 1S l-i milea per hour on the
Zossen military rad yesterday, said to be
the highest speed erer attained. The engi
neers in charge of the experiments expect
that 12a mile an hour will be reach eJ.
The experimenting company, which Is
composed of varioua electrical companies
and bar.ka, organized for thi purpose, has
Just resumed the trial for tbe third time.
bjmb shelL The libera organs, though
announcing the "wreck of tbe tory party."
which is described as being "Unanlet with
out tbe Prince." nearly all agree in saying
that Mr. Chamberlain s resignation does
not mean a tic tory for free trade
"Though the anan has gone," says the
Sfar. "baa poller remains. ThU Is Mr.
Chatntriajn's E'ba. lie has yet to meet
his Waterloo." -
This is borne out by the reports from
Birmingham, where the powerful organisa
tion in favor of preferential tariff Is cen
tered. There, though the resignaaton of
the head and shoulder of the movement
came as a great surprise, ceaseless activ
ity prevail and it H announced that Mr.
Chamberlain's previous arrangements for
bis campaign will be carried out,
t kaaskerlata'a ea ta Adiaare.
The persistency with which It is rumored
that Austen Chamberlain, the pcatmaster
general, will succeed Mr. Ritchie aa chan
cellor of tbe exchequer emphasises the ex
traordinary jisture of the relation which
Mr. Ealfour still maintains toward his col
league. Tbe liberal oigaiia point out the
nctltiousnesa of any supposed change of
heart on the part of a government which
includes Mr. Chamberlain' a son, who has
been almuat a active aa hia father in
organising the preferential tariff agitation.
Mr. Balfour frank declaration In hi letter
accepting the colonial secretary's resigna
tion. Uiat be shared Mr. Cb&mberlaln'a
Ideas of a closer fiscal union with tbe col
onies also create doubt a to how even
moderate free trader such as the duke of
Ltevonahire can remain under Mr. Bal
four' guidance.
Tbe crilicium of the small effect upon
tbe government policy caused by Mr. Cham
berlain's withdrawal and of the lntenuon
of his son is not consigned to the opio
sition. Tbe Ft. Jam. GaietU. which
warmly support Mr. Chaml-erlaln'a pro
gram, declares that the result i that the
"unionist party will face the electors die
united and open to all the attacks of tbe
free fooder' a it will be perfectly ap-
1m dividual deposits increased from FLTlfc.K2
to IL257.754; the average reserve held was
.47 September 1. against T. 16 June .
Proposala for buUd'ng the new brick
workshop and incrnaaiiig the water facili
ties at the Pierre, B, D.. Indian schools
were opened today St ;be Indian bwrearu.
There were two btac.w follow doe
t Stalner. Pierre orV k shops. S.C: water
sytem. KM; W. t. Eovell, Minneapolis.
work shop. water system, $4.ST4. Tbe
contract for installation of electric wiring
in the Aberdeen. B. D., public building was
today awarded to the Mc Bride Downing
Company of Ft. Paul at
Those rural carrier were appointed to
day: Nebraska, Dorchester, reg-juu-, Wil
liam E. Jaxxbsen: sJttitute. Lawrence
Jacobsen. Iowa. Grinucll. regular, Cona
way B. See; sjbstitute. George W. Pearca.
Nodus ay. regular, George C. Courtright;
a-bsUtute. G. A. Courtright.
These rural routes will be established
October la: lows, Williamsburg, Iowa
ounty, one additional; area covered, fif
teen and cne-balf square mi'es; population,
Ti 6outh Dakota. Jefferson, Union
county, two routes; area, fifty-seven square
miles; population, 7i. Marion, Turner
county, one route, area, forty-five square
miles; population. teO.
JErFER(ON C1TT. Mo.. S-pt, IS -Charle
1L Smith of St. Lout, political
manager for Colonel R. C. Keren, the I
republican nominee for Unltel States scn
tor to succeed C G. Vest, wa before the
grand Jury forty-Ova minute today. Smith J
took an active part in tbe nianagemeat of j
the fight in the jepublican caucus to e-i
cure tbe nomination of Keren for United '
State senator. It Is charged that money .
wa used to secure the caucus nomination
for Keren.
Smith 1 reported to Lave testified that
he did not see any money used In behalf
of Keren, but that he sa aware that
promise of federal position were ased a
Inducements to get vote for opposing can
didate. . Representative J. E. Carter of Grundy,
who was a prominent figure in the sena
torial caucus nomination, wa a witneaa.
Moses C Wetroore. a politician and to
bacco manufacturer, was before the grand
Jury, presumably regarding the sale of
tobacco manufacturing plant to the so
called trust
Other witnesses today were 8. W. For
dyce and J. A. Parks of St. Louis, E. J.
Glljerslerve, a Bt. Louis ticket broker,
who eutiAed regarding tbe defeat of Ue
aoti aoalph-g bill, and Rev C. 1 Rruok
of Jefferson City, w ho referred to Prose
cuting Attorney Stone recently in a sermon
which arotwed considerable comment.
Major General H. C. Cot ti:. ad.ii' nt
general United States srmy. lisited ttrmlia i
last night. He came in at tt p m. in
the private car "Inxlc." and remained In
the city until 11.30. when be left fv Chej -erne.
The general is acoompanied by his
wife and the da-ughlcr of Senator McMil
lan cf Mic higan. He paid no visit to Fort j
Crook, but gave It ss his opinion that he j
probably would visit that jost on hi re- i
turn sbout the first of next month.
The trip west ia made for the purpos I
of ir.spe-ctirg the work now going on at j
various rmy posts. The first stop will I j
at Fort P. A. Russell. Wyo. The ear ler- i
Ing tbe genen.1 will arrlie there at 1;
o'clock thi afternoon. The next stop will
be at Salt Lake City, where the general'
will arrive at $ o clock Sunday afternoon.
On Tuesday at 1ft o rloc k a stop of twenty
lour hour will le made at Helena. Mont.,
and several other post in the west will
tirc.lw.bly 1 visited. ' The work si til of
ihe pots mentioned is now nearing comple
tion and it i the Intention of General Cor- ;
bin to meet the officer In charge of the
work and she the new building a thor
ough inspection.
The day yesterday ws spent at the Deo
Molne. la., post, which General Corliin
ay 1 one of the flnet cavalry posts In
the country-
When asked as to the reorganisation of
army department, the general said there
would l no change effecting tbe Depart
ment cf tbe Missouri. In relation to some
other changes which have lcen under con
Fideration. be had nothing which he chred
to make public at tbe present time. On
Irrigation Conrnai it TorttL for Claire
of Certa a LaaJ Lava
So Tote is Takes Upon tbi Beprrt of
TeiKi Town Selected Vy Largs Vtp ixj
0?er All EiTaU
tstebaad far Territories, Oapaaltlaa
la Caalle Labor ail Allataaeal af
ladlaa Uali Aasaag This
CKSI'EN, I tab.. Sept. IK The eletentb Na
tional Irrigation congress came to an enl
late this afternoon, it re-elected Senator
W. A. Clark of Motnana president a: d d
clded to hold the congres of IKfl in El
1'as.i. It adepted a platform hl h re-quete-d
congres to make needed mod.hra
lion of tbe existing land laws tit order
I that speculation and monopoly of public
I domain be prevented. The gieat fight ef
the congress came up thia afteriKon when
j the report of the committee on resolution
! was made. Over the dopti'n or rejectlca
of the clause the majority r.
questing that cor.crea repeal the dear it
land act. and limber acd stone set and the
commutation clause of the horot-ttead act
occurred a dtlte of four hours duration,
exceedingly bitter at times and participsted
in by some ct the mtist prominent men
in tbe work of irrigation.
Tbe opposition to the National Irrigation
congTosa committing itself in any suco
manner w a ld by fi.rmer Senator Carey of
Wyoming. Congressman Mondell of Wyom
ing and former Congressman Fh froth ol
Colorado, and when a substitute for thee
provision of the majority teport wa o.'
lered by Corgressman Need ham of Call-
is lour of inspection the general I doing fornU- f imt''-v 'ouue-stlng cor.gres. to m.'
1 own work. He said :be only Implements j if' th' lin1 ht, B-trer,nh
he had with Mm were his iwncil and a
piece of paper, nnfl vp to the present time
he had found them amply sufficient to
transact all the business be had had. He
regretted that a Tonger stay could not be
made In Omaha at this time, but pressing
business would not permit.
Mea la Seilagrer District Are la Be
Paid Extra far Dlgglag
, nttrhea.
KANSAS CTTT, Sept. 18-Tbe difference
between the coal operator and miners of
Novlnger. Mo., were settled tonight in the
conference which has been In session for
several day. Thee d:fTerencea were about
l "brushing." At Novlnger the coal vein is
adiaa laaverler Aka that C a aa sals
ales Be Held la 1 atll laveatl
gatlaa la Slade.
SOUTH MALESTER, I. T.. eVpt. S.-lnrpe-tor
J. George Wright has requested
that tbe commission of Dwight Tuttle a
chairman of tbe Choctaw Townfclte com
mission, vice J. A. Bterrett of Ohio, re
nnjved, be held up until charges can reach
Vaishingtuti. .
Tuttle wa formerly chairman of tbe
Creek Towrslte commission and the air
wa rife Willi rumor of scandal before
the commission wl elmlished. Many affi
davits refie. ting on Tuttle's rrivate and
offlciil -ond'ict were filed and these hare
been sent to Washington by Inspector
Wrtght Pterrett 1 still acting commis
sioner. Mr. Tuttle wc appointed at tbe
request of Senator Piatt of Connecticut,
Vessel la Be
Palssa Bteaehes aaatiaga.
SANTIAGO. Cuba, Sept. 1 President
Palma arrived her today from Puerto
Principe. Ths prldrtit s tourney bera wa
through a wild, picturesque part of the
country whose inhabitants have the rep
utation of being the most restless in Cuba.
They gathered at all the railroad stations
and were very enthusiastic
rd la Order ta daeark
la Ike Eaglae
ft aa as.
FH 1I-AD ELPI 11 A, Sept. IS-The barge
Bear Ridge, from thla city for Newbury
port. Mass.. waa beached above tbe Dela
ware breakwater this morning, with fire in
Its engine room Tbe barge it I . m. dis
played signals of distress and w'r a tags
went to its assistance It wa found to be
on fire.
Tbe barge waa beached and water pumped
into it. It is not known how badly the
barge was damaged, but It I believed It will
Deal era tie Aaatraat frr I aited
Waatf Waata Argaaneat nilh
i the opposition was thrown ia its favcr.
X letary far I re seat Systes.
The r.ilt lj regarded by then a a de
cided victory, in that the national body
of irrigMtlonist did not come cut In di
rect opposition to the laws they ao e.rjngly
Tbe debate wa i.rolonged tntil ei-enlng.
and although a number of .nterestlng pi
per were to lia.e bees vresented by btirea j
chief of tbe department of asricuici.rv.
ths cemgrew. tired Kit by ihe long, and at
timea ai tlnonlou. Olscussion, adjouroel
without Tisteiiing to them.
El Paso won its picturesque fight far next
year's congres on the first ballot. A des
perate effort was made by the northern
state to bring tbe honor to Balsa, but it
waa unsmeasful. It was apparent that
the desire to go to Portland, Ore.. In IMC
had winch to do with the action In giving
the honor lor )W ta the southwest.
Many delegxiea left tVr their home t.
mailt, Svveral hundred will go em an ex
cursion tomorrow through Cache Valley,
viewing tbe state agrir-ultnral school st
Logan and Lb great irtlgatlon work
of the Bear river val!e.
Papers T.'lll FVe 1". .
A large number of papers by the heads af
bureaus ef the Agriculture department
which were to have been heard yesterday
were on the program for this morning
tiefnre the tight f tbe 1M congres was to
be taken up.
Cm suggestion of Chief Engineer Newell
land the govenroetit engineers, only three
cf the addresses on the program were
; delivered, in orrter to give more time for
' discussion or. the land iaws question. All
not thick enough to allow a mule to walk
in it after the vein I dug out. The miner. ! NORWALK. O.. Bept. 31. John T. Clarke,
therefore, have to "" a ditch Hop , democratic candidate for senator from ! ths other addre-ssew and papers of tbe gov
enough. They demanded pay tor this. Ohio, today Issued a challenge to Senator
which waa refused by the opera kit For : Haniia calling him to debate political is-
wevk the miner and operators have been ! ue.
fighting over this question. COLUMBUS. O.. Sept. 1R Senator Ilatina
John Mitchell, president of the United j aa seen tonight in regard to the challenge
Mine Workers of America, suggested Uiat
the question 1 referred to a committee of
three miner and three opera t erg Thi wa
j done and tonight the committee recom
mended that the matter of "bruBhlng" be
wholly done away with after November 28.
and until that time tbe miner be paid I
cents a ton more for mining, which would
erment expert will be primed In the effk-ial
proceedings of the congress.
lengthy speeches were cut off by a time
limit of five minutes put on nominating
eoelies Boise. Idaho; Bt. Joseph. Mo.:
St. Ixuits and El Paso were named and
e corded. Tbe roll ws then called. The
flrpt ballot resulted: El Paso. 6; Boise.
147: St, Joseph, s. Tbe He use delegaliem
moved to make the selection of El Paso
Itb a roar
not prove a total loss, jue inisrnrami
patent to the elector that the return of j lighthouse keeper at the harbor of refuge,
Mr. Ealfour involves sooner or later the Delaware breakwater, came ashore thi
wata and Her Daaghler Dead Be.
raaae af Art af tier v
Walkiaaj hi.
BT. LOUIS, Bept. il-Mr. Mary E. Jahu
aud her U-year-old daughter. Pearl, died
today frota kurdi caused ky ltghtal gaso
pna. and Harry, the It-yeer-old soa of
the wemaa. who turned tbe expluelve foil
vu ta hia sleep, cannot lire.
The be.y bad toe a in the habit of helping
is m about the tove during the day.
II iu a snfuin!cht and lust n 'i.t h
went tLroiigl tbe fperau of turning or.
nd liglilng the stove In his sleep, A flr
resulted that burned Mrs, Jaha and Paari.
aa taa la lie bej a ail.
Eaaerer Wllllaaa la Vleaaa.
1EXSA. Sept. It Emperor WlViarn ar
rived here today from Relieve. Hungary,
In tha vicinity of which place he haa been
stag bunting with Arc hduke Frederick.
Defradaat la Libel Ball Gives Testt-BBsax-
la Hia Oaa Da
te aa.
BEAVER, Fa . Bei.t- la the Robinson
Wanajaaker alan-ier suit tola Mr. Waa
amaker was called ta tbe stand. .Hia direct
examination lasted but a few'
and when he was turned aver to Atlomey
McQueation for the defense, be was piled
rigorously with quosUona.
Acked lbs purpose of hi now famous
speech. Mr. Wanamaker said It waa to
lay open lbs system of the s:ate officials
tJt tbeir conduct was ir.(ro(er. He had
gained I.J fscis from Guverrer Hasting t.
Correspondent Gaorje WunUufb and
from newspaper rbpping and in other
aaya Mr. W ana maker was still oa tbe
staxd w bra reoaas was takes-
return of Mr. Chamberlain and the tri
umph cf hi policy."
Mr. Balfour haa reiterated to friend that
Lis letter to Mr. Chamberlain was not a
formal expression regarding Mr. Chamber
lain s policy, but tbit be meant what he
said. On the face of 1t. Mr. Chamber
lain and Mr. Balfour will continue to work
together, but the former colonial secretary
Is free from governmental obligations and
will 1 able to conduct his educational
campaign along the line he ha all along
Ckaaakerlala sY riles Letter.
Writing today from his home at High
bury. Birmingham, Mr. Chamberlain made
hia first public statement since his resig
nation. His letter is in reply to C. A. Pear
son, ihalrman of tbe executive council of
the Tariff Reform league, who asked If Mr. ;
Chamberlain coincided with hia view that j
tbe examination of the tariff may be con- WALLACE. Idaho. Sept. IS W. A. Rich
sldered as sufficiently advanced, and that rds. commissioner cf the general land
the league should now use lis resources te 0ffi(. has decided tljil the immense area
advocate tbe employment of a tariff f tbe j pf alleged mineral land In Shoshone county
purpoa of consolidating ana a I,an,g the nonmlneral.
t jwr e, lurae. ine senator sala: 1 must
refer oj to my commander. Chairman i
When Chaumnn Dick had been apprised'
of Mr. Clarke challenge, he raid: J
If Mr. Clarke, through Charles P. Salen. unanimous and it waa carried
enairman oi tne eiem . ratio state executive of cheers.
committee, will formal i hallense Senator nnxe.
Hacr.a It, itiacnasir i, n. i ,. .er. : r -'aea.
pay them for "brushing " The repcrt of ; the people. I will take cognisance of auc h The cxmittee an riermar.ent nnniu.
icn made its report, recommending
lection of the following officers:
ident. A . A. CV;ik. Montana: first
vice- jirestd'.it. I- . ShurtlirT. Utah;
ot,d vice presloent.
. 1" ... tT-ymi vi j mr i. pie. mill liHf CH.gnisance OI BUcn T lie OC
the committee waa accepted by the oonfer-j challenge and reply to It aa occasion j tj, , jj)t
ence. JTesident Mitchell le tonight for m?" wrnnt- 1 ,(l.
Washington, D. C. and will not return to i DCI FVFI nAKlfirR l5 DlCT ! Prtiden
vttetk.w we-iivwil Itf I 1 !
Uiis conferent. Tbe conference will prob
ably end soon
morning and reports mat ins ngntnouss
sustained much damage by Wednesday' J
storm j
The keeper say tne nouse was snaiierea,
windows smaahed and tbe entire house
flooded. The supplies on hand were ruined
by tbe salt water and the keeper was forced
to come ahore for oil to keep tbe light
Report to the Maritime exchange this
morning are to tbe effect that a three
masted schooner is at anchor at Rehobeth,
Iel.. with iu foremast gone and Bail blown
to ribbon
(aaaBtsslaaer af Ofarral Laed Otace
Hakes Bellas, af Great la.
teres! ia Idaka.
Caaaaslaalaarr Overrates Ike Ohieeilea
af Defease la legality ef
NEW TOKK, Sept. 1S.-AI the exam
ination erf George W. Beavers, tbe Indicted
pctal officer, charged with conspiracy
with the Brandt-Dent Manufacturing com
pany, to defraud ths the government,
wa rmaumed today, Commlasioner Hitch
cock announced that he had decided to
overrule tbe motion made by the defense
nt the previoua hearing to dismiss the
proceedinea because of the invalidity of the
The defense contended that th Indict
ment charged three separate and distinct
Pkislelaaa laaeaare that Caadlel
Saflsfsrrtorj .
W . C. Jobr.aon.
Det -
j ver: third vice predent. John Hall. Texas;
j sev-retan". R. H. Maxwell, Reno, Nev.
Exeri live cmtulttmen: Arit'ma. R A.
: rosier; CairTon ia. C. is. Booth: Coloradu.
CHICAGO. Sept. Id -The condition ef Sir i ,JlUTt M",ur. loaho. V. B. Reed; Illl
Thomaa lJi.ton was pronounced en.ia-ht bv ! rr,t- y - TapiJng: Iowa. F- C. Wallace;
hi phjBicians to 1 entirely satisfactory
snd It is believed tkat all d.nger has
A. Schneider; Mtnneei,
. Missouri. J. W. Gregorv;
passed, though the decora Bay that it
i ill
Jttfi una. Rentier t Strain. New MeTtoo. G.
e several dav before they will I able to
j spexk with entire confidence.
id tonight:
We see no reason why Sir Thomas should '
not mend rapidly. All of tne danirerou :
resources of the empire and defending the
industries of the United Kingdom. Mr.
Chamberlain say:
1 agree with your view that we have
Tbe case i that of the Northern Pacifl?
railroad against a classification of the
mineral lar.da made by the kiineral Land
commission. If tbe deciaion is not re-
fh.ieiit material in the way of fact and ! yoked the railroad company will get every
fisures. " have now ia slate our oonc-lu- . . . .
smniTsnd endeavor to get the peop.e io,ood numtred sectK.n of land Involved
adopt them. j and persons owning mining claims thereon
Mr. Chamberlain then gives his under- ' "i" w compelled to purchase them from
standing of tbe position of the Tariff Re- : tl railroad or forfeit their nr hts The
fcm leagje under two heads, as coinciding ; territory affected by the decision embrace
with tie position. Their objcxis. he aaya. twenty-seven townthijia.
are first, a closer union to endeavor to I w ttrt-f ev
mUie the empire arlf-aufficient a. regards ! PROBABLY MEET IN OMAHA
lis food supply; second ihe enr.ployment of
a tariff as a weapon to secure greater re
ciprocity with foreign nation a. or falling
such arrabgement. lo prevent loss of the
borne Industrial markets under the compe
tition ox prutemvu iwuinti 4 . rrecauaung 1
uirroa then tne treatment ibey mete out to
us. He concludes:
If this understanding Is yewr view I
wiah tbe league success and the suptrt ef
eierym Aesiriirg the union of tie- empire
atrd the continued proaperltj tf lriti; h
coin men.
laie-raatlaaal Aaaartaliaa af Stea
Eatlaeeri Defeats Frapaalilaa
far Per Capita Twa.
WHEELING. W. Va . Sept 11 The In
terna.lK.trsl association of Steam Engineers
today defeated a reje.lution tu defeat the
monthly tax of 1 cer.t. also the resolution
for a burial futid.
Cemaha will prwbabl aaoere lb nel roa-ect1011.
offenses under one section of the federal
statutes, instead of one. a provided by
law. He also repeated his ruling that the
projierly certified ccy of the indictment,
returned In Brooklyn, waa sufficient
evident to make out a case of probable
cause and to warrant the return of the I
aoc ud, properly identified, to the ditrict
wriereia tbe Irflictroent wax returned.
iA Itic harrts.-n; North Dakota, D. E. W11-
l,r. Thomaa ' "Oregon, m. j. Moray; t-nnsyivania.
jj M llghtner; Souls. Dakota, Wesley
Stewart: Ten. J A. Smith: I tah. Fred J.
Kalsel; Washington. O. A. Fletcher; Wls- have subsided te almost iioihii.g . consin, Clark Cspen; Wyomlrg, Fenne-
sna wmie 11 1 sum h eany te. say that ; mofe Chattertor.
tlieie is no danger whatever, we think
tinat there ia no doubt of hi rapid re- Twa Bewares sabatltted.
oovery. j
It la not expected that Sir Thomas will 1 The report of tiie committee on resola-
be able to leave hi bed for the greater ', ti..n waa a M-e-iul order and
I I'wi b nt -.mer. ai.u 11 sill fie at
I least ten aaya before ha 1 able to travel.
I jviier reees uw rxori or 1 b commit tes
CLUB 1 on r"Ju,kr-" d platform was presented
ar.i ins oeiegate settled down for the
Presldral Raaaeielt Oaest af Heaer at ! oit f'Lt "' v'r conienilon. Majority and
Yacht Hed Dragaa I Wrecked la
Marat OaT Sew Jersey
Caa st.
NEW TORK. SepL It. The v.cht Red
Dragon of Atlantic City, about forty feet
lor.g. i ashore near Barnegat inlet. N. J.
A message from Ship Bottom life saving
station rear Barnegat received here today
aaya a body was washed ashore at that
PHILADELPHIA. Sept 11 -A dispatch
to the Ma rat una exenarge from Atlantic
City sais tbe Red Dragon waa wrecked
and probably all on board were lost. Tne
little vessel started from Atlantic City on
Tuesday for a long fishing cruise. Laving
on board a party consisting of Captain J.
Clark. John Bwarctn. wife and children,
S'.nnad Iiueasse and John Adam.
The body of Captain Clatk and another
body, supposed tu be that (4 i"""1 err
waebed ashore toda. and it is presumed
the others wars drowned.
! minority reports were reported.
The majority report urge the Immediate
j and absolute repeal of the desert land act,
j the commutation clause of the hometed
OYSTER BAT. N. T, Be-pt IS -President I ct. the timber and Hone act aud the land
Roosevelt wa tbe guest of honor tonight ITcrvtslon of the reserve act, and the
at tbe annual diLner of the Besnwahaka- purchase and condemnation ef private
Corinthian Tarht club at its handsome and land within foreM reservation
spa'lou home on Center island in Oyster It urge t he eHfijic of the forest re-
bay. Many men fominently identified with ' serve act arid that the forest work be
j jachting In the east were present and the I concentrated in the handa of the Bureau
dinner wa a handsome and delightful af- j of the Agricultural depart
fair. 1 mem.
An Imitation wa sent to Blr Thomaa ! The report urge the conservation of ti,
Lipton, but be wa unable to ao-ept on flood water of tbe Columbia. aacraaiei.t,
account of illnea and because of his en- ' Colorado. Rio Grande, Arkansas and Mil
gagements in the west.
Msveaaeala af Orel a easels Sept. la.
At New Tevik Arrived: Augusts Vic
toria, from Hamburg. South mpton and
Cberlur: Hekla. from tipeui.agen.
Belied c eallie fur IJverpool.
At I JvenK.l Ami en : Peruvian, from
Halifax. Sailed: Arabic, from New Tork,
At -jeenstes n Soiled : New England,
from Uverpcail. for B-e-lon.
A 1 Kiitaaie Paawd : "edrie. from New
Tork. l'-r Liverpool; Mafloer. for lav
ertol At Mov1'le--B-llei: Ethiopia, from Glas
gow er , Tork.
At Hamburg Arrived : Fuevst Blsrtrarek.
fros Sn Y'Tk, via pijmoulh snd Cher,
At fr.jenhagen Arrived Norge, frota
New Tor, via Ciiriana nla
aourl rivera and their trtbutanes, arid tbe
subMequent extension of tle vast irriga
tion proitsit1ch.
It advises the ai.polntmcnt of a core mis
sion by tbe presioect to lnvetiga.Ui atid re
port such further extesrions or amendments
of tbe land laws aa may promote tha actual
aettlement and developtnect of the pubis
It urges that the govemroent Bh:.u.e sup
plement its policy of levee construction by
a oonireheriive reservior system, the a
1 jtmetit of lndiaa lands, protests agaJnst
cor trsct ooolle latHr in cotiijeetioB W1ta tl.s
lieee sugar industry and favor statrhnol
for New MexV-o. Ariaona and Oklahama.
Tb minority report atruck out aai .