Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha . Daily Bee.
Bulgaria Presents Evidence Which Canted
the Bote to the Powers.
Girei Eei3Bl Why Countries of the World
Should Take a Hani
Make Bo Pretense ts Fight Insurgents,
tat Attack Inucoents.
tiffieials aed fwppfri la Tirkry
Stake Seasatleael Statcmeata aad
oat Opealy Declare War wltk
SOFIA, Bulgaria. Sept. 15. Following art
aome of the point In the note which Bul
garia haa Just presented to the powera:
That whst the Bulgarian government had
foieswn. as expressed in its not of June
2! of the development of affair In Turkey.
hs hrromt amply verlfl-d. The Turkish
government la systematically annihilating
tli Bulgarian eople.
The mohtltaaiion and concentration of
em-h gTeat forces In European Turkey,
imer the pretext of suppressing the
revolution, gives Bulgaria reason to suppose
tiiat at an opportune moment she will be
etinck'-d by Turkey.
The Hulft'irlttn government can no longer
rcmntn Indifferent to the presence of such
a situation, which la of a nature calculated
tn bring about a hostile collision between
Turkey and Bulgaria,.
Tf the great powera do not take
. measures to give the sublime porta eounaela
, of wisdom and ef moderation the Bulgarian
government will be obliged to take the
i.ecesasry steps to be ready for every
eventuality and to not be taken by surprise.
' Kfaraaa far Kale.
Premier petroff waa Interviewed today by
the correspondent of the Associated Press
on the reasons which induced the Bulgarian
' government to issue yesterday's note to the
powers, lie said:
It has been from the first plainly evident
that the policy of Turkey waa to hinder the
development of the Bulgarian race in Mace
donia, which was the strongest national
element there. With this end hi view the
Turks proceeded to devastate the country
and kill the Bulgarian Christians and by
driving the survivors into the mountains
and forests, where they would either per
ish of hunicer or else cross the Bulgarian
I rentier and become a burden to the Bul
surlan nation.
In the meanwhile the powers paid not the
ellghtcst attention to the Bulgarian note of
June i. but rather encouraged the Turks,
who adopted the most severe measures to
auppress the outbreaks. The Bulgarian gov
ernment Is complied r.ot only to protect
MulKaria liself but also the Bulgarian ele
ment In Macedonia. It Is further evident
that Turkey haa directly encouraged the
revolution, as with ten times ss many
guarda on the frontier as Bulgaria em
ployed, the Turks never stopped a single
revolutionary band, nor an Individual cross
ing the frontier.
Bvldeara af Tarktf'i PeeltloB.
The ports waa only too anxious to have
a pretext for continuing the massacre and
the extermination of the Bulgarian people.
Turkey has now concentrated 3tl,(J troops
In Macedonia,, only about 2e.u0 of whom
are eiianged in the suppression of the re
,vo!t Tnerw t Tie Kempt (sr fight the iu ,
surgents, but the troops attack inno'ent
women and children. The Bulgarian gov
ernment is forced to perceive in this ex
cessive mobilisation a clear sign of Tur
key desire after It haa succeeded in
suppressing the outbreak In Macedonia to
attack Bulgaria and exterminate the Bul
garian race. All our latest information
from Macedonia and ConsUuntinople con
firms this view.
lillml Pssha. the vail of Salonica. has
openly declared that war with Bulgaria Is
the only way of settling the Macedonian
Question. The Constantinople press, which
la under the most severe censorship, was
recently allowed to publish the rcost jen
satlmial reports, with "the object of in
creaalng the Mussulmans' fanatic hatred of
the Bulgarian Christians.
The latest news from Constantinople saya
the ports is mobilising the last line of re
serves. Including men of about 60 years
of age.
Depredatloaa kg Ittasi.
Testerday came a telegram from Burgas
saying that a company of Turkish troops,
while passing; near a frontier post, waa
saluted by the Bulgarian guard, but the
Turkiab officer did not acknowledge the
salute, turned tils back, and afterward
remarked to the Bulrnrlan offices In com
mand of the post: "When we have finished
here we will come and see "you."
Reports have also been received of Turk
ish troops crossing the Bulgarian frontier,
carrying off sheep and committing other
Confronted by such conditions. Bulgaria
waa forced to the conviction that Turkey
Intends to sttack It; the Sofia government
has taken this last step of expecting the
powers to Intervene. Otherwise Bulg-arta
must take measures for its own protection.
Traaiajall at Btfreet,
The American consul at Beyroot tele
graphs that the situation there Is tranquil,
although some fears are entertained of
disturbances on the occasion of the feast
of the cross.
The consul adds that a good impression
was created by Rear Admiral Cotton's con
ference with Kailm Pasha, the acting vail
of Beyroot, and the letter's repressive ac
tion, aa already reported by Admiral Cot
ton to the authorities at Washington.
Replying to notes of the Turkish rep re- j
smtativee here. In which it was alleged that
the Insurrection In Macedonia waa the work
of Bulgarian bands, who had crossed the
frontier, the Bulgarian government on Sat
urday last replied, refuting the accusation,
reviewing the history of the insurrection
aud claimed that the outbreak was the
direct result of the existing form of govern
ment In Macedonia, which had forced the
youth of the country to flee abroad, and
gradually organise the Insurrection. Bul
garia also declined all reepousiblllty for
the events at Adrianople. which. 1t de
clared, are due to the persecution of the
Bulgarian population.
Heap Blasae oa Tarkey.
Finally Bulgaria stated that the Turkish
girverTiment was prolonging a situation
filled with perils to the principality and
pointing out that there was danger of a
catastrophe, serious to both countries.
Prince Ferdinand returns here tomorrow.
The revolutionary headquarters have re
ceived news of a terrible situation at
I-oMiigrsd. The w hole district is tilled with
Turkiah and Arabian trooi and Bashl
Basouks. Twelve villages have been burned
and over lui families have been massacred.
Many of the women and girls captured have
been sent te serious harems. About 4-K)
widows and orphan have arrived at the
frontier villages of Tekendge front Loeen
grad. A telegram from Burr as says the authori
ties of the town of loscr.grad have or
dered the Bulgarian fnrotlles to be removed
from the Greek districts. The decree
causes grat fear among the Bulgarian.
All the Bulgarian priauners in the town
Jail at Loserigrad have been killed by Mus
sulman prisoners, aided by the prison
Twenty thousand Bulgarian reserves be
longing to three divisions of the Turkish
froutter have been called to the color.
AuO.NU'A. Sept. tf A band of 130 in
surgents posted at Barotils killed thirty
Turks tn recent engagement and retired
(Continued e &ouoad Page.)
Boaadarf- C oamlaalonrrl Ar ftald fa
Have showa Little laterrst
la Speech.
LONDON. Kept. 13 The Alaskan Boun
dary rommiir. reassembled at the For
eign oftV -e today and the oral riumiti
Additional Interest was lent to tbe pro
ceeding attributed to rome of the Cana
dians that their country would seriously re
sent an adverse decision. Nevertheless
only n fw spectators, Inrludtrg the wives
r.f the commissioners and of counsel, were
present when Attorney General Flnley
arose and commenced the presentation of
the Canadian argument.
It was Raid that the, commissioners were
first deeply Interested at the at-
tor 'ral's statement. Having con
sider '" -omenta already presented,
the comb. .' tnat lnPV were as
familiar with . s any of counsel.
The arguments-. "he purpose of
removing any doubt unsel feel
may exist in the minds Ot members of
the tribunal. The agents of the govern
ments, however, sitting on either side of the
blue-covered table, behind which 'the com
missioners sat, and counsel, occupying the
desk In the center of the chamber, followed
the attorney general's address with the
closest attention.
While Attorney General Flnley was
speaking Chief Justice Fuller, accompanied
by Ambassador Choate. entered the cham
ber. They were conducted to a table di
rectly facing the commissioners. The at
torney general urged the commissioners to
strictly confine themselves. In considering
the question, to the terms of the treaty be
tween Great Britain and Russia of ICS.
and not to depart therefrom.
The Interest of the commissioners grew as
Attorney General Flnley continued his an
lytlcal study of the treaty.
Speaking of the location of the line along
the coast from the head of Portland chan
nel, as fixed by the treaty, the attorney gen
eral pointed out that the report of the
1'nlted States coaat survey In 1893 showed
that the Washington government had
adopted the view that the line should follow
the "general trend of the coaat." which
supports the Canadian contention.
Senator Turner at this point Interrupted
the speaker, saying that the report re-
Terrea to me irena or ine general cuu.pi.
Attorney general r iniry remaraej inai
this waa a "subtle distinction," and Chief
Justice Alverstone ended the discussion
with saying that It made little difference,
as it was "merely the direction of the sur
veys "
Lord . Alverstone' s ruling was registered!
by American counsel as being s point In
favor of the 1'nited States.
Te attorney general went on st such
length that Lord Alverstone reminded him
that the tribunal waa familiar with the
documents In the case and suggested that
he simply cite the parties and volumes In
which references were found.
After luncheon Attorney General Flnley,
who had previously laid much stress on
the contention that the United" States
boundary line wss drawn "in ostentatious
deflnance of the treaty of lKa," resumed
his argument.
CwSMtw Peal4et Jfakes a Taeur at
the lnlaad Re
Prestdcnt Palma, after he started yesterday
from Havana on his tour of eastern Cuba,
traversed long stretches of sparsely settled
At every town he was greeted by squad
rons of mounted Cubans, received addresses
from the officials and party leaders and was
presented with bouquets by pretty senori-
tos. who made sieches of welcome.
The enthusiasm when the president en
tered the region In which opposition to the
administration was reputed to be strongest
increased. On President Palma's arrival at
Puerto Principe last night the entire vicin
ity of the station was filled with a cheering
mass of people of all colors and conditions.
Nearly the whols population followed the
carriages containing the presidential party
to the provincial building, where Sen or
Palma was formally welcomed.
Commenting on the enthusiastic reception
accorded him, the president disclaimed that
it was a tribute to his personal popularity.
He said:
It la the result of the people's Joy over
the success of the republic, and the tribute
la tendered to me as the chief executive.
President Palma la making no speeches,
save brief responses to addresses of wel
come. When local speakers bring up the
subject of the revolutionary soldiers' psy,
the status of the matter is courteously and
briefly explained by the president.
Meaey strlageaey is Bevlaalasj '
Be Felt la English
LONDON, Sept. IS. Consols today con
tinued Iheir record breaking downward
path. This morning they were quoted at
only W 1-1C
The further fall Is attributed to prac
tically the same adverse conditions as
existing before, namely the exports of gold
and the prospect for dearer money. In
addition to the depressing effect occasioned
by the cabinet meeting e.iid the Balkan
Meets la ( aad Dtaewsees tke
Sekedale gyeteaa of
TORONTO. Kept. IE. The annual meeting
of the Insurance union, comprising Ameri
can fire and tornado companies and Cana
dian companies doing business in the United
Slates, opened here today with about
eighty members present The moat Import
ant mstter discussed was the schedule sys
tem of rating.
Mlalater Meats te Kaew.
SAN DOMINGO. Republic of Santo Do
mingo. Sept IS. Minister Powell yesterday
requested the minister of foreign affairs to
inform htm If It was the intention of the
Dominican government. In the bill sent to
congress for approval, to make Samana bay
and Mansanilla bay neutral waters and to
make the towns cf the same names sea
ports. The minister also requested to be
Informed whether these ports were in
tended to be coaling stations for the ves
sels of foreign powers.
Meaey Itr laaargeat CeaereL
MANILA. Sept li A letter addressed to
Artemlo Artlcc. the former Insurgent gen
rrml, now residing In Hong Kong, having
been deported thtre in 1WT. with other rebel
chiefs, has Just fallen Into the hands i.f
the local constabulary. It aays that money
will be set t lam and Is signed by many
prominent insurrectos In tins city. The
government has authorised the eulistment
ot jiuro la the constabulary.
Issues Pamphlet to Ehow That Free Trade
ia Mistake,
Meetlaga Are Be Held la Imme
4 late Fatare aad Reaalt of
Last Are Ret Aa.
LONDON, Sept. 15. The cabinet met at I
p. m. and the sitting ended at 4l. Colonial
Secretary Chamberlain entered, the foreign
office by a passage from the colonial oft Ice
and consequently was not st-en by the pub
lic, which today made no demonstrations.
Nothing dclinite has so far developed re
garding the result of the cabinet meeting.
The ministers are leaving town and It is
presumed that no more meetings will be
held in the immediate future. The pub
lished statements both deny and aver that
the fiscal question wss discussed today. The
Pall Mall Uaxttle says: "It would be Idle
to suppose It could be disposed of at a
single sitting." and adds that it feels cer
tain that "no proposal for fiscal readjust
menu enhancing the cost of foodstuffs, or
raw materials had been countenanced,
though some sort of rational program for a
system of retaliatory tariff, if the occasion
should arise for their enforcement, may
have been an outcome of deliberation.
Premier Balfour issued tonight tbe ad
vance sheets of a pamphlet ou free trade. In
which he presents at length documents In
favor of a change In Great Britain's finan
cial policy.
Free Traders Mast Ckaage,
Mr. Balfour nays his purpose in Issuing
the pamphlet Is that it would lie Impossible
to present all the points of this question
within the limits of a single speech, and
says the pamphlet may be a fitting prelimi
nary to the speech which he will shortly
make. This undoubtedly refers to the
speech Mr. Balfour will mak at Sheffield,
October 1.
Mr. Balfour says he approaches the sub
ject from the standpoint of a free trader
as far as contemporary circumstances will
permit. He continues: -
I am a free trad-, but not of tbe pat
tern which holds that the doctrine of free
trade is so universal in Its application and
so capable of an exact expression that
every conclusion to which It logically leads
must be accepted without hesitation and
without reserve
The arguments presented throughout the
pamphlet vary little from those already en
unciated, but the premier points out that as
a result of England's policy of retaining a
fiscal policy made for a free trade country
in a world of free traders, not for a free
trade country In a world of protectionists,
the rate of her export trade has cot In
creased and In fact has seriously dimin
ished. '
Compared with past years some depart-,
ments show an increase, while others ehow
symptoms of decay. The premier asserts
that there Is no reason vo expect an Im
provement. Meanwhile Germany, America,
France, Russia and even Great Britain's
self-governing colonies continue to build up
a protected interest within their borders.
Kagliah at plead vaatas.
Br. Balfour aays the mistakes made by
the tree traders half a century ago
have left Great Britain bearing all the
burdens and enjoying only half the ad
vantages which should attach to tbe em
pire. He aevotes considerable space to the
effect of protection on combinations in
countries In which protection exists.
Tills, the premier points out, Is to the dis
advantage of the British manufacturer,
who is unable to compete with the manu
facturer who is enabled to sell abroad at a
lower price than he charges for the same
article at home. He gives an Instance of
German steel in this particular, saying that
it I. .ellln cheaner in Enaland than the
English manufacturer can possibly pro
duce it.
Mr. Balfour declares that the optimists
who advocate a continuance of the free
trade policy In place of the Injury worked
by protection on Great Britain's Interests
are foolish and their arguments little short
of reckless. The only hota- of a mitiga
tion of the evil is through negotiation.
which, he says, can appeal to self-interest
in protected countries, and In the case of
the colonies self-interest coupled with senti
ment. Free Trade la Fatlle.
Mr. Balfour concludes:
Were I proved to be wrong my opinion
upon the fundamental question w'ould re
main unchanged. Where we tail others un
succeed. It cannot be Hunt lr a country
wlin free trade tendem-lee to enter into
competition with protectionist rivals, selt
depri'ed of the only instrument whereby
their po.icy can conceivably b-j modified.
The most essential object of our national
efforts ahould be to wet rid of the bonds
in which we have gratuitously entangled
ourselves. The precise manner In which we
should use our regained liberty ix Im
portant, yet after all only a secondary
Charles H. Strutt, conservative member
of Parliament for the Maiden division of
Essex, in declining to resign his seat be
cause his attitude on the education bill
had been criticised by Ms constituents,
"We shall all resign quickly enough.
There will be general election before this
time next year."
Coloaaklaa Sraate, Hewever, Is Still
Opposed to tke Deca-
BOGOTA. Colombia. Kept. IB Vla Buena
ventura, S.-pt. 15 A reaction in favor of
the canal treaty has occurred In the House
of Representatives, but the Senate la still
opposed to it.
General Pinto has left Csuca to Uike
charge of the miniatry of the Interior.
General Sarrla leaves here September 10 to
take command of the forces on the islands.
Tbe minister of Costa Rica haa arrived
at Bogota on a special miaaion to arrange
the frontier limits. He will present hu
credentials this week.
Bays she Adamlalatered t klereferae te
Faailly aad is kealeaeed te
Prise a.
WABASH. Ind., Sept li Mrs. Belle
Fountains today pleaded guilty to assault
with (ntent to kill after she had confessed
to chloroforming ths Harnlah family last
week and was sentenced to fourteen years
In the Indianapolis reformatory, where ah
will be taken tomorrow.
Miss Lola Harnlah, ons of ths victims.
of whom the prisoner was Jealous on ac
count of the sttention of Albert Turner,
is now able to sit up snd will recover.
Street Flgkts la Alkeaa.
ATHENS. Sept. U A demonstration In
connection with the municipal elecu ins was
followed last uigbt by hand to hand street
natita. Kourtecu verevus wars eiLtiar killed
Be la be. a.
fere are aa Balgarlaa ltaatlaa
is Held.
OT9TER BAY, N. T.. Sept. IS. Bellamy
Storer. ambassador o Austris-Hungary.
and Mrs. Storcr were guests of President
Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt at luncheon
today. Ambassador Storer will sail for
Europe tomorrow.
The ambassador said he regarded the
danger of war between Bulgaria and Tur
key as Imminent. Bulgaria, l,e thought,
had nearly reached the limit of endurance,
and unless the powers of central Europe
Intervened to prevent further outrages on
the part of the Turkish troops, war scarcely
could be avoided. In the opinion ot Mr.
Storer, the hope of peace now must be
bared on the conference which la to be
held the latter part of this month between
the rxar of Russia and Emperor Francis
Joseph of Austria-Hur.gary, He did not
believe actual war would be preclpltsted
before that conference, although the strain
on Bulgaria is very great. He expressed
the hope that the rxar and Emperor Fran
cis Joseph might reach tome solution of
the present difficulty that would svert a
disastrous conflict, which, once begun,
might Involve seriously other European
Ambassador Storer discussed the situa
tion with the president today, and now Is
hurrying to Europe In order that he may
be in Vienna at the time of the conference!
between the heads of the two great powers
of central Kurope.
Mrs. Roosevelt will accompany the presi
dent on the two days' Visit. She will be the
guest of the president's sister, Mrs. Doug
las Robinson ot New York.
Freight Coageatlea la That City to
Be Laid Befare Both State aad
atlaaal Baards.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. li. At a meeting today
the Merchants' exchange decld) to make
complaint to the Interstate Commerce com
mission regarding the congestion and de
lay of freight In this oily and East St.
Louis, III., and also to Invite the railroad
and warehouse commissions cf Illinois and
Missouri to investigate the terminal con
ditions on both sides of the river.
After many spirited speeches explaining
the losses said to hva been occasioned by
grain men and ether large shippers by the
congested freight conditions a Committee
of five was appointed 'to investigate the
conditions and report to the state commis
sions when they visit St. Louis. The com
mittee will also submit complaints of
specific Instances of delayed freight. It ia
also charged with the duty of preparing the
complaint to be laid before the Interstate
Commerce commission. The members of the
committee are: J. S. McClellan, W. L.
Green, Jr., John WIedmer, T. B. Teafcdals
and T. B. Morton. Tbe ccmrr.ittoe is not
directed to suggest a solution of the traffic
conditions, but to lay the matter f utiy be
fore the commissions.
Owe, Bfaa. Wilt Die awd' Several Others
Ara Serla nly la
la red.
NEW YORK. ept 16 One man may die
and several ethers are seriously Injured ss
a result of the most serious riot this city
has experienced in many years on the eve
of a primary contest.
The riot occurred at Fifth avenue and
One Hundred and Tenth street. Many,
Bhots were fired and only when a large
1 Iorre " P"e reserves were rusnea to ins
,D', WB" P306 restored. .
I For mor tluin b"r the street was
! nlle1 wlth bowUng crowd of partisans of
Isaac A. Hopper and Daniel J. O'Connell
rival candldutes for Tammany leadership
In the TJiirty-nrst assembly district Sticks
and stoues filled the air. while the cries ot
the contestants could be heard for blocks.
Robert Cromble, formerly a city detective
on the staff of District Attorney Jerome,
is In the Harlem hospital with a fractured
I skull, one arm broken and. It la feared. In
ternal Injuries, which he suffered wlwn a
mob kicked him into unconsciousness. He
is not likely to recover.
George Leonard, a policeman, was
bruised about the head and body aud
beaten almost Into insensibility.
Half a dozen others were hurt and one
man was shot In the leg, but the police
did not get their names.
Head of Kekraaka Edaeotloaal Ex
hibit Vlalts t. Louts to Get
6T. LOUIS. Sept. 15 Mr. E. H. Barbour,
professor of geology in the university of
Nebraska at Lincoln, Neb., and who is slso
superintendent of education for the Ne
braska State commission. visited the
World's Fair today to receive the allotment
of space for the Nebraska exhibit.
Nearly all the members of Georgia's com
mission arrived today and conferred with
the exposition officials in rerard to the
municipal exhibits. Ground was broken to-
day for the erection of the Temple of Fra-
urn imwrnrc .... inrramu nas
designated September . ss Temple of
rnaerniiy o) curing me exposition.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 15,-The committee
appointed by the secretary of the 'treasury
to examine the vouchers snd verify the ac-
counts or tne Louisiana t urchasc Exposi-
ers sre In proper form and show as claimed
an expenditure on the pan of the company
of tU 037.M.1
The K.rj.a.onr. appropriated In
aid of the exposition therefore is now avail
able and has been placed to the credit of the
Clothes of Nlasiag Mil Keaad at Rear
of Baildlag la
CHICAGO, isept. IS. The finding of a
sjlt of clothes believed from artlclea found
in the pockets to belong to Charles C. Mor
riaon, an employe of the Postal Telegraph
company, and the absence from his home
in Jo'ict of Morrison, suggests a crime of
some sort snd tbe police department has
been aaked to investigate.
In the pockets cf the clothes, which were
found in the rear of a Monroe street build
ing, were a watch, a certificate of deposit,
telegrams snd other papers. The police
venture the opinion that the clothes were
placed w here found as a hoax.
Haigkta aad ladles Meet.
LOUISVILLE. Kv, Sept 15.-The Knights
and Ladiea of Honor began their four
teenth annual convention here tuday with
an attendance of l'i Oelgates from all
parts of ilia country. There will be no
radical change in the general laws of the
or'ler. although a few minor amendments
wUl be ma do in ths consutuiieo.
Clonda Break Aij at Bightfall and the
Wind Diee Oat.
Oplalaaa Differ Materially as 1a Ei.
teat af Damage Vi hick Weald
Be Deae kg a Kllllag
During the afternoon yesterday there
were signs of a tendency of the clouds to
break away, and as these were practically
the only hope of warding off a frost, they
were watched with more than usual Inter
est. Ey o'clock the clouds had entirely
disappeared and the stare were shining.
The wind had died down perceptibly anl
under these conditions it was practically
certain that there would be frost during
the night. Whether It will be heavy enough
to seriously damage the corn of course
cannot be told at this hour. The ther
mometer at I o'clock registered 4 and was
still dropping.
Reports from out in the state during the
evening ajso reported clearing weather and
almost a k-ertalnty of frost.
Those tiest posted on the situation give
It as thetr opinion that a light frost will
do m damage, in fact, will help mature
the corn by dropping the blades and stop
ling the growth of the stalk, but a hetvy
one would seriously damage a large por
Hon of the corn. In the western part of
the state most, tf not all, of the crop Is
out of harm's way. In the central portion
reports vary, placing It at from half to
three-fourths. In the eastern and north
eastern probably half of the crop will not
be damaged by frost and the remainder
will be rendered soft, or In some Instances
only fit for fodder.
The weather forecast indicates warmer
weather and If the frost of this morning
should not prove damaging there is pros
pect of the entire crop maturing.
Cloads Preveat Frost.
DE8 MOINES. Sept 15.-Last nighfl
cloudy weather saved Iowa's com crop,
according to the bulletin issued this morn'
lug by the state crop reporter. J. R. Sage.
Sioux City reports a frost, but the extent
of the damage will not be known for several
In speaking of the condition of the crop,
Mr. Sage this morning issued the following j
statement: j
Early planted corn is reported ts be
mostly teyond danger of harm by lrost I
In the northeast oistrlct sr.d in frvored
localities in the scutheast district: but for
the state at large the percentage of well
matured corn ia as yet relatively smalt i
The bulk of the corn crop needs two ar
three weeks of ripening weather.
Caaditloa of Kekraekm Cros,
WEST POINT. Neb., Sept 15.-8peclal.)
Corn la tbe staple crop of. Cuming county
and its conuitlon and the prospect .of the
crop Is a matter of vital concern to Its
people. Your correspondent has In the last
few days travelled over a large portion of
the county and interviewed many farmers,
and from tbe best Information obtainable
fully 69 per cent of the corn crop Is hard
enough to suffer no Injur- from a slight
froat, requiring.-' however, liaiu -two tu
three weeks of warm, dry weather to fully
mature. The remaining 50 per cent will
mature only under very favorable condi
tions and some of It, notably on the low
bottoms, will not be fit tor feed uader any
circumstances. The continuous heavy, oold
rains of the past week and the almost un
interrupted cold nights of the past month
have greatly retarded the development of
the plant and should this continue it la
feared that the average yield of the county
will be cut short at leafct one-half.
WAHOO, Neb., Sept. 15. tSpeclsl Tele
gram.) Weather clesr and cold and heavy
frosts are sure to follow. This will mean
a two-third crop of corn.
Dakota Cora Safe.
MITCHELL, a D.. Sept. IS. (Special)
The thermometer tor the past two nighta
haa gone very close tu the freezing point.
touchlng at 33 degrees, but the anticipated ; IPn- union In this city, the reasons for
frost did not appear. In conversation with hm opposition to the candidacy of Mayor
farmers in various parts of the county they , glh T Ix,w for re-election. He aays:
agree that corn is out of the way of frost -j, have satisfied myself ly careful ln
and if any should come it would be a little j qurv tnat the great mass of people to
help to that grain. The weather for tho 1 whom we must look for support In the com.
past two weeks has not been as favorable ng campaign lwlieve thnt he cannot be re
to corn, owing to the many rains and the elected and while .th.-y may give a half
cool atmosphere. In spite of It, however, j hearted support to him for the sake of the
corn has matured in very line shape and i cause, they cannot overcome their dislike
Davison countv farmers will have prac-' and dlagust fir him. It Is necessary to
tlcally a full crop. A large quantity of 1 trace the comment of this to the prellml
corn has been delivered to the com pa lace i naries in 1S97. when lack of frankness or as
in this city for decorative purposes and some may any, of the dlslngenlusnesa and
it shows that the grain is the best that has entire absence of selfish courage, laid a
been raised here for jears. Large eara foundation for a personal dislike amnog the
prevail throughout the fields and it Is a lit -
tie difficult to form anything of an aver-
age. Reports are received every week from
the threshing machines In this county and
wheat is turning out in a very satisfactory
manner. There are no rases where it Is
yielding any less than fifteen bushels per
acre and from that up to twenty-five,
YANKTON, S. D.. Sept, lO.-iSpeciul Tel
egram.) No frost this morning. Seveuly
five per cent of the corn ia beyond danger.
gaew la tke West.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 15. -A hcexy
i anow storm has been in progress here since
Sunday and shows no Indications of abating.
, A great Oeai OI snow Has lallen, 1UI It
melts almost aa soon as K strikes the
From Laramie come reports of s fall of
eighteen incl.r. of anow during the last
twenty-four hours. Telephone and Uectric
; wires were broken by the weight of the
DENVER. Sept. 15. Reports from
I the northern part of the state are to the1
effect that a storm has prevailed there
during the last twenty-four hours. In a
number of place, -now fell and tbe siorra : will result In similar suit. beie brought by Z w.iV ToJ grterwrrk before
approached the proportions of a blizxard. j railroad. In other irts cf the country. The i vou st this session than at any time lur
In the mountains It has been snowing case will be appealed 1 ,n ,ne eleven years history of the Irriss-
for several daya. In the neighborhood of I '. lJ""FSi.. 'l" "T.' blV r'1,1
Buena Vista a high wind prevailed, causing
the snow to drift. In many places It
r parted to be leu feet deep.
First Deatk treat Froat.
MI NOT, N. D.. Sept. 15-Th. froxen body
of a man named Kirkry waa found today
near hia home.
EAST ST. LOUIS, III.. Sept. 15. During
a heavy thunderstorm late today the heavy
wind overturned two cage, containing lions
In a park whers the East St Louis fall
carnival is in progress. The cry was raised
that the lions had escaped and a panic en
sued. In the driving rain men ran terror
stricken and many women fainted. Many
took refuge in a tent, which soon sfter
fell, adding to the uproar. Wbea the rain
had moderated It waa found that ths lions!
were still imprisoned In their overturned
cages and ttat no persons had suffered
serious injury in tbe panic.
In St Louis several butld:ng. were .truck
by lightning during the storm. In the
southern part of the city the rainfall as
sumed the nature of a waterspout and
(Continued on Second Page )
Forecast for Nebraska Warmer Wednes
day; Thursday rair and Warmer.
Temeratare at Omit Yesterday!
Hoar. Deg. Hoar. Ilea-.
I I, m 4 1 a. tn 4T
ft a. aa 4.1 2 r. aa 4T
T I. 4!t X n. a 4
M a. ia 44 4 a. m 4U
a. m 4!t n a. m 4M
lo a, sa 4A a. m 4T
It a. bi 4 T w. ra 4T
13 at 4 1 ft a. a 41
!. wn 4U
Bishop ftraawell Accepts Primers
Eaalaaatlea of Oatk. kat Adilaes
Mare faeelge Terms.
"So far as the agltition between the Typo
graphical union and the. Catholic church
In the diocese of Omaha Is com erned the
matter Is a closed Incident.'' ald"a member
of the union Tuesday, "and the matter
was given much wider prominence than Its
importance deeered."
Members of nie union and the church
read with considerable surprise the In
terview with Bishop Scannell as published
In an Omaha paper, and last Sunday a
committee was appointed lo ascertain Just
what the views of the bishop were upon the
subject. The committee w as received by the
bishop Tuesday afternoon and explained to
hlra the reason why the cbjectlcnable
clause was insetted in the obligation; that
It was put there to make It Impossible for
any set of men to control the affairs of the
organisation through a secret organisation
within the ranks of the union, and that
by none of the members of the union, was
It Intended to Interfere with the religious
or patriotic duties of the members of the
union. The bishop then authorised the fol
lowing statement, which he permitted the
committee to publish:
The terms of the onth sre In their obvious
and common sense opposed to good morale
and in tluit sense no Catholic cau take
such an oath. As the members of the union
understand the oath u explained by the
committee, that is to say: that it Is not
mini led to conflict with the luth-s wf the
members of the union, either to the church
cr the state. It cannot stand betweeu the
member of the union and the church. The
wards are most unhappily used and the ob
ligation should be changed u that it will
sv just what it means.
This matter Is purely one of morals. The
Intention of the individual will govern and
it Is not probable that absolution would be
refused anv Catholic who accepts the ob
llKtition lr the sense stated by the com
Taesday, Septeaaber 22, Is Decided
Isas as the fare Eaeagk
Day to Celebrate.
The Retail Grocers' sssociatlon held a
meeting last evening to consider the picnic
question. The committee reported It hsd
consulted, the oracles, the goose bone, the
corn husk, the old man with the rheuma
tism and the old woman with oorns and
each and every one of these weather-wiss
ones hsd sssured the committee that next
Tuesday, September ZM, would be the finest
kind of s day for the holding of thetr much
postponed picnic. After receiving these as
surances the date was fixed for that ooca
stun and very grocer In the city, hts wife,
sweethearr and the souall box la c,-ctc
and pledged to taks a day off on that occa
sion and let the Improvident, who forget the
date and neglect to lay In an sdvance sup
ply of provisions, go hungry for the nonce,
incidentally the grocers and those who go
villi them are expecting a fine time on that
occasion. In addition to the pogram of
inurti aa orleinnllv intended for the picnic 1
a barbecue and a foot ball gume have been 1 delegation, one i.r the largest of the con
added to the attractions, rr"- unanimously resolved to support and
Ke York Heforat Attoraey Throws
Rocks la Road of Heform
NEW YORK. Sept. 13. District Attorney
Jerome, who Is at his Iakeview. N. J..
home, has written to n member of the Clti-
: memliers of the Citizen's union which has
Increased In extent to the present moment."
The weakness of Mr. Low as a candidate
for mayor. Mr. Jerome attributes to "Ego
tiem, self-complacency
and constitutional
Jadae bites Verdict to Railroad far
Tasea Paid aa Bills of
I DETROIT Sept. 151
Michigan Central rallroai
The ase of the
rnfld I he Tn.
,,rnH Revenue denartment In which th.
,llBlnUfr .nd(.avored to recover money al-
i leg.-d to have been unlawfully collected for
ar revenue stumps on duplicate bills of
,a(11n(f, w today ukeB fPom the Jury by
i Judge Bwan in the United Ptatea circuit
i court and a verdict rendered In favor ot
,n the declaration, which was SO.Ktu arid in-
The r. wa. brought to teat th- b.ii,.
1 f the Internal Revenue department In col-
i lectins- the tax and the verdict It is ul.l
I Meveaieats of o.-raa V easels Sept. 15.
At New York Arrived: Kaiser Wlihelra
ill. from Bremen, for Southampton and
) ('herliourg. tvillcd: Deulschiand. for Ham
j burg. m rivmoutli arid Cherbourg;
j , Z-iSE'Sti. hip-Passed- Kaise,
Wlllieim li. irum nremeii. Tor ?.ew York.
At yueeristuwn Arrived: Ivernia. from
Boston, ior
Liverpool and urteeiied:
S esirrnland.
from Philadelphia, for Liv-
er pool, and proceeded
At Liverpool Arrived:
Nomadic, from
At Jdovllle Arrived: Anchoria, from Glas
gow, and proceeded.
At Bciiiy r-assea: r-noemcia. from New
' - "eruourg ana nam-
At 1-ondon Arrived:
Minnehaha, from
Mongolian, from
1 NA -Ntow-Arrlved
At Bremen Arrived:
Kronprins Wllhelm,
from New York
via Plymouth and Cher-
At Genoa Arrived: Vancouver,
Boston, via Asores anJ Naples.
At Naples Killed- Carpathla, for Nrw
York, via 'vueruatown.
At Auikland. S. Z Arrived- Sierra
from Han Krancieco. via Honolulu and
Pago Pago, tor byclney. N. 8. W.
At fcvdiiay. N. sL W. Arrived: Aro
angl. fioin Vancouver, via Honolulu and
EliTeath Annual Seeiion of Rational Irr -f
ation Oon frees Con Ten ee.
Delsgatea Present from Many Commercial
Bodies of the Week.
Actios by Congress Eu InttUled Hew Life
to Society.
There W 111 Be a Display of What Has
Brea Accomplished la Berlalai
laa tke Arid aad Beaal-Arld
OGDEX. Utah. Scrt :5. Twenty-
tates and territories of the union are
represented at the eleventh National Ir
rigation congress, which l"gan a four days'
session In the Ogtlen Tabernacle todny,
this being the largest number ever repie
sented since the Ttealntilpg of the move
ment for the reclamation of the srid west.
As showing how the novement has taken
on a national Instead of a sectional scope.
delegates were present even front New
York. Virginia, Pennsylvania and Vermont,
and wliils the states of the western plains
and mountains, represct.tatlves nmU state
and municipal governments and commer
cial organisations of all kinds came by
hundreds. The convention In fact luis run
away with the officers of the cotigr. ss. lor
so great Is the numbers of delegates al
ready on the ground, with more coming
In on eve'-y trsln. that the seating ca
pacity of tlie tabernacle is totally inade
quate. An International aspect was lent
lo the proceedings by the presence o two
representatives of foreigu governments.
Mxk-o and France, while the government
at Washington was represented by Secre
tary ot Agriculture Wilson.
Tlaie to Dn so'sietklar.
At both the morning and afternoon ses
sions the building was packed with Inter
ested delegates snd the keynote ef the
present congress, as expressed both by
Governor Wells of Utah In bis speech 'f
welcome, and PrexMer.t W. A. Clark In
his response, that "Th Time Hss Come
to Do Things" was heartily cheered. Im
portant results, beneficial to the cause of
Irrigation, are confidently anticipated by
both delegates and officials from the pres
ent cotigreis, and tbe first resolution, in
troduced by Senator Burton of Kansas,
favoring the conserving of the flood waters
of the greet livers as a part of the schema
of Irrigation of the west was received with
so much fHvor that there seems to he no
doubt that such action will be overwhelm
ingly favored.
Other resolutions, outlining a distinct plan
of forest preservation are expected to 1
adopted before the sessions of the congress
close. ,
"ToTOifTew the subject nf '"Col'ngs1on'
will be taken up and discussed by men
prominent In railway and social organisa
tion work. . .
A brisk fight for the honor of entertain
ing the dclcijBtcs to next year's conven
tion Is already under way. Up to this after
noon El Paso. Tex , apparently had almost
a walkover, but late In the day the Idaho
ngni ror noise ior rne nonor. jteno, jsev.,
is also making a brisk fight, while Port
land has many friends. No opposition to
the present officers of the congress hss
developed and sentiment seems unanimous
for the re-election of President W. A. Clark
and other officers.
President Clark this afternoon caused
considerable unholy Joy by declaring his
Intention of limiting the speeches to ten
i minutes if possible, ths great number
scheduled and the amount of work to be
accomplished rendering some sctlon of this
Hnd absolutely necessary.
A trained chorus of W0 voices then sang
the national irrigation ode, written by Mrs.
Gilbert McClurg of Colorado Springs. Fif
teen hundred delegates snd speotators
Joined In the chorus, to th tuns of "Amer
Icu," and the effect wss tremendous. An
ovation was given Mrs. McClurg at Its
Committees on credentials, permanent or
ganisation and reso!uiona were then pro.
vided for, to consist of one member from
esch stale and territory represented, end
adjournment until 1:30 p. m. waa taken.
At the close of the Invocation Governor
Welta nf t'tutt ,. -A w A .1.
j pn p((nw
state. A welcome to Ogden was then ex
tended by Mayor Glossmun.
Mayor Welcomes Delegates.
In his address ot welcome William Glass
man, mayor of Ogdcn, said:
I congratulate you and ths people of th
and settlon of the United Stales In being
able to convene in rssiori during this con
gress and contempla'.e the enjoyment of the
trims of the ttii-aslng toll and labor of
eleven years in behalf of Irrigation In the
United States.
For eleven years the Irrigators of this
country have met year after year with the
one great object in view to secure national
aid. Everlastingly keeping at It baa cause.!
this government, under the leadership of
ITeiuent Kooaevelt, to grant us several
million dollars annually. The most ardent
j Irrigator could not usk for a more liberal
I "TpTomnent eastern new spaper ha. asked
: the. question. "What Is the need of arTy
I rno,, Irrigation congresses now that the
' srid west?" 1 want to sav there Is more
! feed for an Irrigation congress today and In
Lh J"." 1 !!?.r' ""fLj?-JJ
I ernment. but it will be the privilege and
! tne 3u,.,r r ,m" congress to see that tins
j 0f dollars set aside for our cause which will
meet the approval of the secretary of the
Interior and the national congress. It will
be your privilege to sd'pt a "!rn for the
sale of the reclitimeii lamls that will meet
with the spnroval of the American people
S system that will lie s blesslne to ih
genuine settlors It must be as mertnrlus.
if not excel the fmous horn-steal hw
aigned by that seeatst cf modern Ameri
cans. Abraham Lincoln.
As your host for the next four days. T ex
tend to you every hosnltslttv the 'Itv af
ford. I welcome you on behalf of the sood
men and women of Osdn and extent to
you every courtesy and our IVisnita t .
Accept It. partake of It, and be one of us
while you are here.
Respoaae of Presldeal Clark.
Presldint C'ark then responded on behalf
of the National Irrigation congress. Baying
In part:
W have passed t V fret mile post snl
scoied a vi lory. "Nothing suco-eds lika
surras" is a trite but true apboiiani. In'
ln years the friends of Irrigation worked
earnestly ar.d hopefully, but their efforts
were retarded by opposition arid dlacour
ugemer.ta. But at lust, having secured
an impregnable position, they will sum
mon all their energies and wisdom and lav
out. expand and rfect the plan, which
haxe iieen outlined, m hlch will result tn
the upbuilding of a (teat agricultural gad