Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
EtiTAIlLlfcUIKD JUNE 19. 1871.
15, 1903 TEN l'ACiES.
1 k
v r
merictn Admiral Galls Upon the Hew
GoTernor at Bey root
Gcrerament'i Kepmentatire Tak Fer
lonal Charge of Place.
Approach of Turkish Troopi to Border May
Bring Grieij.
POWERS PLAN FOR A NEUTRAL PACT and Austria Are Vol to r.lrf
Support to Flthrr Side, but Hold
Iloth Accountuble
Thcjr tctlons.
W ASHINGTON Sept, H.-Tha Niivy de
partment today pouted the following bu'.le
tin: Admiral Cotton telegraph from Reyroot,
12th Inst., (hut he had exchanged very estts
fnetnry visits with the governor urncral.
Trie govtrnor general ha personal charge
or the vice consulate.
Twenty-elght pel sons. Including the prin
cipal) In the disturbances of last S'inday,
have been arrested.'
Rcyroot In quiet. Administration of new
fovernor general Inspires confidence. 1 he
ormer governor general left on the K'th
Inst, for Constantinople.
Uheklh Bey. the Turkish minister, railed
at the State department today. A c.iblegrnm
received today by Cheklb Bey from hi
government told of a fierce encounter which
took place yesterday nar Kesey between
Tutklnh troops and Bulgarian brigands. In
which over 100 of the latter were killed
and a large number taken prisoners. The
dispatch also said that quantities of arms
and ammunition and dynamite bombs were
"rapture!. The. minister Informed Acting
Secretary Adce that the operations of the
Turkish troops recently has led to the
rapture of a large number of Bulgarian
brigands, and that a state of panic exists
. among them Ijs consequence of the de
termination of the sultan to suppress their
lawless acts.
Turk Raid rlulararlaa Frontier.
BERUN, Rept. 14 A dispatch to the
Frankfort Zeltung from Sofia, Bulgaria,
Rays Turkish troops have raided the Bui-
garlan frontier near Tekenache and have
driven off their herds of sheep.
The dispatch adds that Tnrkish soldiers
at Klrk-Klllnseh. In Turkish territory, fired
en the French consulate, breaking the win
dows. A party of Turks blvouvarlng near
Globetpe had with them twenty Bulgarian
women and girls. Five hundred fugitive
women and children have arrived at
PARIS. Sept. U-The Foreign office ad
vices from Bulgaria show that the situa
tion la growing more serious, owing to re
ports that the Turkish troops are slowly
tiearing the border. If their advent con
tinues thore will be a general mobilisation
of the liulguiian forces preparatory to
meeting eventualities. ;
" A Russo-AiiHtrlun note to the powers has
been received here and I kow under con",
slderatlon. It seta forth that In the event
of hostilities between Turkey and Bulgaria.
Russia and Austria will not give their sup
port to either of the parties, but will hold
each of them to a strict accountability for
their actions. " It Is expected that France
will adhere to the Russo-Austrlan attitude.
Will Adopt Guerilla. Methods.
SOFIA. Bulgaria, Sept. 14. Warned by
previous disastrous experiences, the revo
lutionary leaders have decided to adopt
only guerilla tactics In eastern
me policy of occupying towna and villages
has proved a mistake, as It has usually
resulted In Turkey reoecupytng the villages,
destroying everything and killing the' In
habitants, the Insurgents being hampered
In their operations by the women and chil
dren. A guerilla--warfare In expected to
exhaust the Turks much sooner, while the
unhampered banda can move more easily
and more rapidly. It Is hoped that the new
tactlca will result In the women and t-hil-dren
being spared unnecessary dangers.
The Insurgents now have nearly 2,000 men
armed1 with rlflea In eastern Macedonia,
and thousands of peasants are ready to
Join their forces when a general rising has
been proclaimed. This step Is being de
layed until the supply of rifles, cartridges
and dynamite Is received. New banda,
aggregating 1.600 men, are reported to be
on their way to the frontier. The Turkish
forces now lu eastern Macedonia are esti
mated at 17.00.
In the conflicts In the mountains of Plrin
the Turks are reported to Nave lost heavily
In dead, while a great many were wounded.
The revolutionaries had only one slightly
wounded. The peasanta are welcoming the
Insurgents .everywhere with the greateist
enthusiasm. '
Austria arises A mas a nit Ion.
The bands are experiencing great diffi
culty In obtaining arms. It is lelleved
that not a single rifle can be found In Soil a
outside tlie garrison. The Bulgarian gov
ernment Is reported to have protested
against Austria's action In Intercepting the cartridges ordered In Hungary, for
which Bulgarian money has been paid to
the contraitors.
A panic prevails In the town of Velos.
The soldiers permit no one to leave Velos
and the peasanta In the surrounding avil
. lagea have all been kllle4 and their villages
destroyed. , Complaints made to the civil
and military authorities have been without
The Bulgarian government, through its
foreign repreaentatlvea, lias addressed a
note to the great powera declaring that tlie
IKirte la ayelenialii-ally devastating Mace
donia ami manaacrelng the Christian popu
lation. Further, It says, Turkey has mo
lilllaed Its whole army, which cannot pos
sibly be for the sole purpose of suppressing
the revolution, therefore the Bulgarian gov
ernment appeals to the humane sentiment
of Europe to, prevent the continuance of
the massacres and devastation and to atop
the mobilisation of the Turkish army. The
memorandum concluded with the plain
statement that unless the powers Interfere
Bulgaria will be forced to take such meas
ures as It may deem necessary.
hole May Mean Mnrh.
LONDON. Sept. U-The important note
sent by Bulgaria to the powers de
claring that unless the latter Inter
venes 'in Macedonia Bulgaria will be
forced to take such measures as It may
deem necessary. Is held to be a prelude to
the mobilisation ot the Bulgarian army un
less turope exerts itseir in some way to
prevent a conflict, and there Is probably
some connection between this eventuality
and the docislon of the revolutionists to
revnt the guerilla tactics which may he
(Continued va Second Page )
Writers of that Tarty Object to Hav
ing Work Limited to Tarty
- i
DRKBDEN. Saxony, Sept. H A ' stormy
discussion took place at the afternoon ses
sion of the socialist congress, due to a res
olution of the cxivutlve council prohibiting
the literary members of the socialist party
from contributing articles to non-socialist
newspapers. The resolution wan mainly di
rected against the so-called academicians,
who claim the place of honor. In the party
In virtue of their learning, while gaining
their livelihood by writing for newspapers
antagonistic to the socialist movement.
Angry recriminations were Indulged In and
at one time violent scenes appeared Immi
nent. "It Is on untruth." shouted Hrrr Bcbel In
a frensled rage, to H enrich ttraun. who
was engaged in proving that even the clas
sic leaders of social democracy were guilty
of this sin.
Hcrr Singer, the president of the con
gress, stopped Ilerr Bcbel and nuked the
members to preserve their dignity and re
frain front behaving like school boys. Jlerr
Bcbel, who was much excited, demanded to
know whom the president meant. Later
there wan lively passages at arms between
Herr Belel and Hcrr Vollman. Finally the
debate was adjourned until tomorrow.
Assassin la Alexandropol Kills a
Chnreh Representative anil
Kaslly Escapes.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 14 An orthodox
church priest, named Vassllov, was stab
bed to death in the streets of Alexan
dropol, Transcaucasia, August I.. The
murderer escaped. '
The Novoe Vremya's correspondent at
Frlvan, Transcaucasia, says the , murder
was one of a series of asaassinat.'nns com
mltted by the Armenian mafia, and adds
that Vassllov had b,een blacklisted for con
verting Vtie Inhabitants of three Armenian
villages to the orthodox faith.
The correspondent further recounts an
other recent brutal murder at Alexandropol
railroad station in the presence of a
crowd of people. In this case also the mur
derer easily made his escape.
Judicial Investigations of the many mar
ders committed. It is asserted, show that
80 per cent of the many recent Armenians
murdered were the work of Armenians who
emigrated from Turkey, Inspired by fa
naticism, and that others were simply the
crimes of paid assassins.
Lives In Castle with Psuage to Rlrer
ao that He Can
BERLIN. Sept. 14. An extraordinary let
ter, prrporttng to have been written by a
Bulgarian statesman, appears In the Klelne
The writer asserts that a subterranean
passage leads from the castle of Kuxlno
grad, where prince rerainand lives as
though besieged, to . the river, through
which the prince can escape by wafer when
convinced that his position is no longer
U tti added that1 the Princess Clementine
mother of Prince Ferdinand, saw King Ed
ward at -Vienna; told him that her son was
In .1 deplorable position and In danger of
hla life and begged the king to have a
vessel In readiness to carry htm away from
King Edward, It Is further asserted, as
sured Princess Clementine that Prince
Ferdinand would find an asylum In Eng
Refuses to Recognise Claims Which
Affect Interest of Several
Omaha Men.
SAX DOMINGO. Republic of San Do
mlngo, Sept. 14. Minister Powell Is re
ported to have had a long Interview with
the Dominican secretary of foreign affairs,
At this Interview Mr. Powell stated that
the American government expected the
Dominican government to keep Its en
gagements regarding the agreement on the
subject of the Improvement companies'
claims, and the secretary Is said to have
Informed the minister that he did not
recognise the agreement made, but would
refer the matter to the national congress,
as that body had declared all the acts o
the late President Vasquei to be Illegal and
without effect.
Physician Attacked to legation Takes
Revenge fur Alleged Fnlse
VIENNA. rfept. H.-Djeved Abdullah
Bey, the physician to the Turkish embassy
here, todsy attacked and thrashed t'.ie
Turkish ambassador, Nedlm Bey, whom he
accused of sending unfavorable reports con
earning him to tlie porte. thereby prevent
ing DJeved from securing a better pwltion.
The assault took place In the Turkish em
bassy, In the presence of the secretaries
and g visitor. The affair created a sensa
tion. DJeved has been dismissed.
HAVANA, Sept. 14 President Palms re
ceived an enthusiastic send-off from Ha
vana on his departure on his tour ot east
ern Cuba. Crowds lined tlie route of the
train through tlie city -and suburbs and
the president was kept busy waving re
sponses to the adieus. The Inhabitants .of
the smaller towns on the railroad assem
bled at the stations and cheered as the
handsomely decorated train passed through.
At the larger towns the Rural guards were
drawn up and saluted. Iiands played and
the official paid their formal respects to
the president. The train proceeded to
Santa Clara, where It' will remain tonight.
Buandary Commission tn Meet.
LONDON. Sept. 14 Secretary of War
Root and Senator IxHlge returned to tan-
don today. The Alaska Boundary commis
sion will meet at the Foreign office tomor
row. Attorney General Flnlay will make
the opening address In behalf of Canada.
On LonWoat for Anarchists.
VIENNA. Sept. 14. Aa a reault of the
Italian government Informing the authori
ties here that three Italian anarchists have
gone to Hungary extra precautions wi: be
taken to safeguard Kmperor Wllilam, wl o
Is to arrive tomorrow at Karapamsa. '
Servian Pint la Ulx-itt errd.
LONDON. Sept. 4-A ape, 11 dispatch
from the Bulgarian frontier reports that
another Servian plot has been discovered at
Kraguyevata, fifty-nine miles from Bel
grade Several mora officers have been arrested.
Memorial to Lata President Formally
Dedicated at Toledo.
PaysTrlhule to Character and Work
f the Chief Kxecotlve Whose
Administration Marked Sew
Km for Country.
TOLEDO, O.. Sept. 14. Toledo was
today over the unveiling of the V '
- - - v
After a naval parade on
lug the United States gur1
gan and the training ship'
c and
tatue wns
lawk, and a procession le
of United States Infantr-
unveiled by Miss Doro'
Colonel J. C. Bonn . -sldent of the
Memorial association, p. .ntcd the monu
ment to the county and Henry Conrad,
president of the Board of County Commis
sioners, accepted the trust on the part of
he county. Senator M. A. Hanna then
made a brief extempore address. A dedica
tory poem by Theodore MeManus was read
by the author and the orator of the day,
Senator Charles W. Falrhunks of Indiana,
was introduced.
The senator said In part:
The place of William McKlnley in hls
ory in secure. We are not too near the
events of which he was h part, to cor
rectly measure his proportions, 4ior do wo
look with too partial eyes upon what he
We know the Brent share he bore In the
significant events through which lie passed
and we have faith to believe that the
Judgment of his eontemporat ies will lie
connrmed by history, when, with Impartial
Hand, he shall record -the deeds ot men.
You honor yourselves In honoring him.
You make the future our debtor by erect
ing this statute In commemoration of his
life and services, for like bis immortal
prototype, Abraham Lincoln, he "belongs
to the ages." Hither the lovers of Ameri
can institutions will come in the unnum
bered days before us and derive new hope
nd new inspiration. Similar monuments
win rise in otner lands to wnicn peoples,
nut of iiui race, will pay their homage,.
Memorials In Other Lauds.
The people of Cuba, whose liberty was
secureu through his genius and statesmau-
snu. will erect monuments In nis nonor.
Also ine people or Porto Kico anu tne tar
off Philippines will r:Use enduring me
morials to perpetuate to me rurtneresi
ages the memory of the president who car
ried to tnem tlie niesslngs or. republican
It seems but vesterdar that William ic
Klnlev stood anions us at the very senith
of lila power. Ho possessed in full degree
tne anectlons nnrt connaence or. ins coun.
try men and hi name was a beneficent ill'
flu tire throughout the world.
without warning tno cruel noil leu. vve
stood speechless fn the midst of uncommon
sorrow, irur great anu neioveu leaaer. oy
some mysterious providence, fell In the
plenitude of his strength. I'pon the day
of his sepulture, rulers and peoples in many
forelKn lands united In impreaalve memorial
service and the flags of all nations were
In mourning. Throughout the great re
public busy trade stood still, the telegraph
was silent, and as by some common Im
pulse, steamships and railroad trains
stopped and the people uncovered hi the
streets or Knell in tne sanctuaries. .
Who knows but that the Divine Master,
through this unspeakable tragedy, sought
to Imprint forever upon the human heart
how splendidly the Just and brave can live,
and how beautiful they can die. Against
th dark backaround or two years er.o
stand in sharper outline than were otner
wise doskid e tne in Kit ana nouie acnieve
r.ients and the majestic personality of one
of the greatest ol Americans.
CANJOV.Ow 8ep4r.l.-Thls. the second
anniversary of the death of the late Presi
dent McKlnley, .wag not . observed by any
formal program In Canton. t
Flags were lowered on public buildings
there were some short references made In
the various departments of the schools to
tlie Ufa and death of McKlnley, and carna
tions were worn, as a silent tribute, by
numerous citizens,
Mrs. McKlnley this forenoon r-.ade a spe
cial trip to the McKlnley vault In West
Lawn cemetery and placed floral tributes
on the casket. Numerous floral pieces re.
celved from friends and strangers were alpo
placed In the tomb. Mrs. McKlnley Is in
good health.
Pennsylvania Printer Asks Damages
front Former Postmaster tim
er a I for gpeech. '
BEAVER. Pa., Sept 14. The slander suit
brought against- former Pbstmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker by Thomas Robinson
former superintendent of public printing
was called today with Judge 3. Sharp
Wilson on the bench.' The legal talent
engaged on both sides is of the highest
The plaintiff alleges that during a po
litical speech at Wllllamstown. Pa., he
was slandered by the defendant. The cuae
was nonsuited once, but wua ordered re
opened. Tlie principal witness, today was
W M.i Lansing, who heard the speech. He
testified that Mr. Wanamaker said that
the expenditures of the public printing
department had Increased to $700,000 In a
few years, and represented that some
money had been taken to support the
Quay machine and that Mr. Robinson and
Dr. Warren would get offli-es If the ma
chine won the election.
Seattle Patrolman la Shot at
night by Man Ordered
to Halt.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. U -Patrolman
Albert Schaneman of the local police force
was shot and killed at midnight by Wil
liam S. Thomas, one of the three men who
held up the Wlllard bar Bate. day night.
Thomas and a companion had been recog
nized, by Schaneman on hla tsat aa answer
ing the description of the highwaymen and
he called on them to halt. They took to
flight and Thomas, dodging Into a dark
doorway, escaped sight of the policeman.
As Schaneman puased, pursuing the other
man. Thomas fired, the bullet lodging In
the policeman's head. Other officers at
tracted by the shots hastened up, and
Thomas was brought down with a bullet In
his back by Detective Phllbrlck. The other
mail escaped.
i Mchaneman never regained consciousness
-.nd died In a few minutes. Thomas does
not appear seriously hurt.
Allege that Payment af Money
Daly F.state to Uaierament
Was Krrnacoas,
SALT LAKi; CITY. Utah. Sept. 14.-A de
mand haa been made upon Internal Rev-
I enue Collector Calllster of this city by the
representatives of the Marcus Daly estate
of Montana for a refund of $14.0u0 paid to
the government aa an Inheritance tax on
the estate.
It la claimed that the nrtate la not sub
ject to the tax, as it does not come aiihln
I lie provisions of the government tax law.
The matter a 111 he referred to Commis
sioner Vcrkes at Washlugtou fur a decision.
Western PnrlAc Line Is lot One ef
the ew 1 ork'a
NEW YORK, Sept. J4 tleorge J. Gould
declines to corroborate the ststemcnt tele
graphed from 3a n Frapclseo that the pro
jected Western PneltlC railway In to be
built as a feeder to the GouM Southwest
ern system. He explicitly disavows any
direct Interest In the enterprise.
The personnel of the Board of Directors
of thin new corporation Indicates that It
s a local California enterprise, and there
,s semiofficial authority for the assertion
that the Western Pacific will make connec
tions with any other railroad companies
hat will be willing to pay for the use of
Its lines.
Inasmuch .as the projected road Is to
extend from Fait Lake in the Pacific coast.
It Is not unlikely that the Gould lines will
form a connection with It.i The Rio Grande
Western, which Is owned by the Goulds,
has western termini at Iwlh Salt Lake
City and Ogden.
Rapid progress Is making In the surveys
for the Western Pacific. Chief Engineer
C. S. Rogers, who has Just completed an
Inspection of the route through Nevada,
reports that thirty surveying parties are
In the Held between San Francisco and Salt
I-ake. The surveys across Nevada will be
finished by September 15. and the -I'tah
route will be laid out within the next few
weeks. Surveyors are forking from both
ends toward the-mlddle., of the proposed
line. H is explained that there are no diffi
cult engineering problems In t'tah. but the
engineers are giving much thought to the
opening of a passage through Palisade
Canyon and the construction of a trestle
across the southern arm t,f Great Salt
For a considerable distance In Nevada
the new road will parallel the contem
plated cut-off of ihe Southern Pacific. !t
will pass about four miles north of Rattle
mountain on the Southern Pacific and from
there will extend eastward through Pali
sade Canyon. Surveyors are now In camp
near the Nevada-Utah boundary endeavor
ing to select the most feasible route through
this canyon.
Two ot Firm Charged with Complicity
la Postal Fransa to Be
NEW YORK, Sppt. 14.-Isaac McGlehan
and George H. Huntington the Columbia
Supply company, who were 4ulcted In
Washington In -connection with the postal
scandals, surrendered 1 themselves to
United States Marshal llenkel In thin city
Bench warrants were Issued for Hunt-,
ington and McGlehan last week at the
time of the arraignment of George W.
Beavers on the Washington Indictment.
The warrant upon which the two men
were held charges them with having in
the city of Washington unlawfully con
spired together and. with August W.
Machen and others, to defraud the United
States out of the sum ot o0 cents for each
and every package box to be furnished to
the Postofflce department on a contract
with the Columbia Supply company, and
with having given to Machen. 100 In pur
suance of this conspiracy.-
The prisoner wer taken before Commis
sioner' Rldgway ahd formally arraigned.
Ball was fixed at l,000 for each of the In
dicted men. John Maffert of Brooklyn
qualified as surety for McGlehan and Mrs.
Kllen M. McTerney of Brooklyn performed
the like office for Huntington. It was un
derstood that, wtth their lawyers, the two
defendants are to appear before Commis
sioner Hitchcock, who Issued the warrant,
tomorrow for formal arraignment on the
charge against them. ,
fas Been Sick for Several Weeks and
Falls, Breaking an
CHICAGO. Sept. 14. Former United
States Senator C. B. Furwell, who has
been seriously 111 for several weska, fell
from a chair this evening and sustained a
broken arm. He was recently operated
upon and It la feared the new shock will
endanger his recovery. ,
The patient had progressed sn far In re
covery from the operation that he had
been removed from his bed and was sit
ting in a chair near a window. He ex
pressed a wish to lie down and the nurse
attempted to assist him to "rise. The ex
senator slipped from her grasp and fell
heavily to the floor.
Case Involving Platte Connty Parties
Promises to Be Sensa
tional. DENVER, C.lo.. Sept. 14 (Special Tele
gram.) Former Senator Allen of Nebraska
appeared In Judge Johnson's court this
afternoon as counsel In the suit of Robert
11. Henry, Jr.. against Jessie G. Dussell,
"who calls herself Jessie G. Henry." Mr.
Allen In attorney for Henry.
The Henry case Involves the alleged ruin
i of a girl and charges of extortion of money
from the boy's mother, a widow. In a
cross-complaint the girl-wife demands j
K.600 attorney fc-.s and 175,000 permanent j
alimony, asserting that her boy-husband
is worth V'oaiO In his own l ight. 'I lit
parties live la Platte county, Nebraska.
Illinois Court Asks (.rand Jury to
Indict Men Who Killed
BT. LOUIS, Sept. 14.-The lynching of
David Wyalt, the negro school teacher. In
Belleville. III.. June 6. claim- d speihil at
tention in the charge of Circuit Judge Bur
loughs to the St. Clair county grand jury
delivered today.
Judge Burroughs declared that tlie crime
was unfortunate, Illegal and 111 advised, and
he u-ged that the utmost endeavor be
made to discover, Indict and convict those
who were guilty of the crime. He warned
the jurors that their business Interests must
not be allowed to Interfere with their duties
as grand jurors.
Pennsylvania Penitentiary la Short
CCtM'uo Pieces ot Footwear Taken
Siuce January I.
I'll I I.ADKLPH1 A, Sept. ll.-FollowIng
clortely on Ihe seuxatlonal disclosures of a
countei felting plant inside the walls of the
eastern penitentiary, it was learned today
that a shortage of .0.000 slocking hud
been discovered In the mUm king department.
They dissipcared eiuue tlie Brat ot the year.
Will Extend at Far Stuth as North Lica
of Kaniaa.
wind and Rain Especially Severe In
Florida, liniUi Property Loss of
One Million Dollars In
Tampa Alone.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 34. The Weather
bureau today Issued the following special
The tropical storm has crossed the gulf
const line east of Pensiienla, Fla., and will
move northward over the Interior with
diminishing strength, causing heavy rain
In the southern Appalachian mountain
districts. There are no preaent Indications
that it will cause dangerous gales on the
mlddln and north Atlantic coasts.
Frost Is Indicated In the corn be't to
night as far south an northern Kansas,
extreme northern Missouri, all ot Iowa
and northern Illinois.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 14. With losses amount
ing to liOO.OoO a day for three days, several
wrecks, more than 100 washouts, a soaking
rain In progress over several states and
snowplows working on western lines, north
western railroads are taxed to their utmost
to maintain anything like right service and
to preserve the safety of their passengers.
It has been years since there was a situa
tion so serious.
Beginning with the hearjr rainstorm IYI
day night and early Saturday morning. It
has been an almost continuous downpour In
Minnesota and Iowa. Late today reports
from the northern part of the state showed
that rains were general. South of St. Paul
worse conditions prevail.
MI NOT, N. 1)., Sept. 14 Two feet of
snow covers the ground In this section and
trains are greatly delayed. A special from
Kenmark, N. D.. says one foot of snow
covers the ground, with snow still falling.
At Mediola, N. D.. the snow ia ten Inches
SPARTA, Wis., Sept. 14. A terrific
thunder and rainstorm last night added
to the distressingly wet condition prevail
ing In thin section. Streets were flooded
and much damage done to bridges and
highways. Farm work has been practically
at a standstill for three weeks.
An Euu Claire dispatch says: Much of
Lau Claire county is under water an a re
sult of the heavy rains, which still con
tinue. The damage on Account of bridges
being swept away and of the bursting of
dams will amount to $40,000.
Storm In Xorthweat.
WINNIPEG. Sept. 14 -One of the earliest
tutumnal storms experienced In the north
west for years swept over the country on
Saturday and Sunday. The only fatality re
ported comes from Gretna, where an old
man fell from a buggy and perlahed In the
At Hartney twelve horses died In the
Canadian Pacific yards and In the vicinity
other live stock are reported to have
A telephone message received from Minne
sota reported that the storm was one of
the worst experienced there In five years.
It started to blow about 10 o'clock In the
morning and a heavy rain soon followed.
At noon this developed Into a snowstorm
and by dark the snow was ten Inches deep
on the level prairie. ,
Grain which was still standing la almost
totally ruined.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Sept. 14. The steamer
Park Bluff was capslsed In a fierce storm
which prevailed on the Mississippi last
night and the Engineer, James Ferguson of
this city, was drowned. The other mem
bers of the crew were saved.
I'assrngers Are All Safe.
SAVANNAH, Oa., Sept. 14. The steam
ship New Orleans, from Baltimore, which
was reported last night to have gone
aground at Hunters Island, forty miles
north of Beaufort, arrived here today. All
of the twenty passenge.-a aboard were re
ported well.
JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Sept. 14.-No
wires are working south ot Jacksonville
this morning and details ot the hurricane
which swept across the southern part of
the state Saturday are Incomplete.
I So far as known seven people met death.
the bodies of five being washed up at
Miami, on the east coaat, and two near
Boynton, on the west side ot the state.
Passengers arriving today on belated
trains report ttuTl on the east coast many
vessels have been wrecked. Above Miami,
It ia reported, seven or eight cssela
are ashore. The property loss in the city
of Tampa la about $1,000,000.
West Tampa was flooded by the rnln. No
loss of life Is reported at Tampu. although
several persons were hurt by falling trees.
Much Injury has been done to orange
groves and gardens and It is feared that
the beautiful winter homes of northern
people have been damaged. The disturb
ance Is today sweeping across Alabama
and Louisiana.
All wires south of Montgomery, . Ala.,
are down In the neighborhood of Flomaton,
Ala., nnd Hitmlngham, Montgomery, Mo
bile and New Orleans report high winds.
There Is no evidence of the storm at
Charleston, S C, although precautionary
signals have been displayed there for two
Accuses Indian School 'teacher
Pawnee Agency of Cruelty
and Irregularity.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 14. -A special to the
Star from Guthrie says that Mr. Broalns,
agent of the Indian Rights association, has
finished gathering evidence against George
L. Harvey, supeiir.tendent In charge of the
Pawnee Indian club sub-agemy at Pawnee,
and lefr today to resu-ne his Inuulrlts In
the Indian Tc-rrltorv. Broslus naid that he
had heard of the threat that he would be
arrested If he should return lo the Indian
Territory and was willing to run the risk.
Brosius preferred seventeen specific charges
against Harvey, who is accused of brutality
to children In the Indian schools: of Irregu
larities In the sale and leasing of Indian
lands, and handling of Indian moneys to
the advantage of himself and bonks in
which he Is Interested. Inspector McNIch
ols of the Indian department Is at Pawnee
investigating the Brosius charges.
Three Alabama Men Arretted
I sited States Marshal oa t hurge
of Conspiracy.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Sept. 14. A deputy
United States marshal arrested William
Bellinger, John Chaae, James B. DeLoarh
and K. B. Patton at Horse Creek, Walker
county, today In connection with the re
cent aaeault made on District Organiser
Jm- Hallier of the luted Mine Workers of
America at that place. The charge against
the nun was conspiracy to injure or to
kill. Their bonds were set at $-'.0"0 caih,
which tbey furnished.
Fnrerast for Nebraska Cloudy Tuesday
and Warmer In Northwest 1'oitlon; Fair
and Warmer Wednesday.
Temneratar at Omaha Yesterday
Ho nr.
. . 4!t
. . 4.1
. . 4.1
. . 44
. . 44
. . 4.1
. . 411
, . 4I
I P.
'2 V.
4 p.
R p.
H p.
, T P.
H p.
W P.
S n. m . . .
a. nt . . . .
T n. n ... ,
H n. m. . . ,
n. m. . . ,
HI a. m . . . ,
II a. nt. . . ,
IS n
Commissioners Will Look Into the
Fire Alarm Telephone
The following leaves ot absence were
granted by the Fire and Police board at
Its Hireling, last night: Patrolman Noah
Thomas and Anton Inda ten days each.
Firemen Thomas Gray of hook and ladder
company No. 4, John lKinahoe. driver of
hose cart No. , both ten days, and Oliver
P. Morrell of engine company No. 1
twenty days.
The application of Mrs. Susan Coulter for
a pension of $25 per month mid back pay
of $100 was not granted. She Is the widow
of George A. Coulter. W. J. Crorier pre
sented his resignation as special officer at
the iinialia National bank, ahich was a
Chief Salter recommended the location of
u flro alarm box at the corner of Fourth
street ami Lincoln avenue, when the city's
finances will permit. The recommendation
was placed on file, as it was thought In
advisable to locate the box at the present
A communication and contract forms for
the continuation of the tire department
telephone service was submitted by the
Nebraska Telephone , company. The com
pany asked that the contract be signed. It
Is made to cover a period of five years at
a rate of $41.25 per month. Thirteen fire
house telephones and an Instrument In the
office and residence of the chief are pro
vided for In the contract. There Is a clause
In the contract which Is now In force that
provides the city may take over the tele
phone system at any time at a price to be
fixed by an Inventory of the plant, to be
reckoned at three-quarters of the amount
the Inventory shows. On account of this
clause the contract was paused over until
the next meeting of the board to allow the
members to determine whether It will be
good policy for the city to acquire the
property. If It Is found that the city can
operate the telephone service at less cost
than under the present system steps will
be taken to take over the plant. At pres
ent the system Is a full metallic circuit and
everything la furnished and kept In order
by the contractors.
Patrolman G. W. Barnes, for leaving hli
beat while on duty, was sentenced to serve
fourteen working days without pay.
The hearing of Patrolman Henry Leseh
was continued until the next meeting of the
board. He Is charged with being drunk
and disorderly on a Dodge atreet car. Two
witnesses were examined and both testified
that they had been on the car with the
defendant and that be had conducted him
self In an orderly manner. The two wit
nesses for the prosecution fslled to appear
and It was for that reason that the case
was continued. ,
President Broatch reprimanded Fireman
Patrick Roche . severely for failure to re
spond to an alarm and fined him his time
off for one month. Mr. Broatch said that
this offense was becoming entirely too com
mon In -the fire department,' and that It
would have to be stopped or radical meas
ures would be adopted by the board.
John Hoist was given permission to trans
fer his druggist') permit from 2702 Cuming
street to 624 North Sixteenth street.
Two bills for repulrn made to the patrol
wagons were referred back for Investiga
tion. They amounted to 121.50.
Connt with a Distinguished Snroe Ar
rested for Passing; n Worth
less Check.
0 -
ROCHESTER. N. V.. Sept. 14.-(6peclal
Telegram.) From Ihe descriptive circular
sent out by the Omuha chief of police and
memorized by the members of the Roch
ester detective force. Detective McGuire ar
rested Count Jules Deagrneff here today.
The count had shaved oft the fierce-looking
mustache he formerly wore, but In age,
weight, height and general description he
talliec with the circular, and after declar
ing for several hours that he was Julea
Hlgginn of ltsi West Forty-ninth street.
New Tork, he finally gave In and admitted
he was the nuui wanted In Omaha for pa
tiyr a worthless check oh Landlord Rome
Miller. The Omaha police have been noti
fied. Count Jules Deagrneff appeared in Omaha
about flvo weeks ago. He secured employ
ment In the bnrber shop of Home Miller In
the Millard hotel. The i.uiint was a smooth
individual and succeeded In galr.lng Pie
crnfidence of Mr. Miller by his apparently
straightforward manner. About lao weeks
! plover uiid requested that la rush a ?0
; draft for him. stating that he wished to
' bring his family here from Chicago. The
! draft was not cashed, but was endorsed by
Mr. Miller, who thought no more of the
rraticr until a few days afterward, when
DeaginefT again, appeared, this time with
a l.iO draft, drawn on the same bank In
Salt 1-ake City. Thin t draft was also en
dorsed, and that was the last seen of the
count In this city. Both drafts were re
turned unpaid a few days later. Circulars
(inscriptive of the man were gotten out and
sent to all parts of the country. Mr. Mil
ler said he did not care so much for the
money lost, but desired Ihe prosecution of
the man as a matter of principle
Story of Mutiny Is Denied.
NKW YORK. Sept. 14 A report that the
members of the crew of the battleship
Kearsarge are on the verge of mutiny and
that 12a of them are Im an elated in the
brig of the ship, was denied tialuy by Cap
tain Hemphill of the ship. At no time dur
ing the trip, he declares, had more tlian
nine men been locked up.
Movemrats of Ocean lesaela Sept. It.
At New York Arrived Bovie. from Liv
erpool; 1-a. (jaseogne. from Havre; Minne
tonka, from Iondon; Vaaderluud, from
Antwerp; Ryndam, from Rotterdam.
At Plymouth Arrived Kronprlns Wll
helm, from New York. Hailed Pennsylva
nia, from Hambutg. for New York.
At Movllle Arrived Mongolian, from
New York, for Glasgow.
At (ilasgow Halied Pomeranian, for
At Cherbourg Sailed Bremen, from Bre
men and Southampton, for New York.
At Hamburg Arrived -Molle. from New
York, via Plymouth ami Cherbourg
At Bremen Arrived Frelderich der
Cross', from New lork, via Plymouth and
At Uenoa Arrived laimbariliu. from New
York, i
At Naples Sailed Perugia. for New
At Sues-Arrived-Heaihford, from Hung
, ueug, etc., tor iui
Such is Beport Which Ooioet After Meeting
of British Cabinet.
Colleagues in Office Be.'u e to Accept Uis
Tiaral Propoiah.
Police Rrquiied to Clc:: T.cad.for Him ta
Cross C . ,
la Spite At Critic::.! Itrgartllng Boer
Conflict Srcriur) of Stat for
War Wi.r tontlnac to
Hold Place.
LONDON, t-'.jt. i I. From U parts of,
the country n.. tin continent, the ;blnet
ministers cnn.i lu London today to attend
the meeting which was regarded as hank
ing the Important phaie in 1 )" r -cent
polltlcut history of the I nittu King
dom. The Times voltej public aentlmunl lu
saying It was a "great occasion." mtrn
Important than the historic meeting when
home rule was uppermost, for the main
Issue today Is the "unity of the empire
Not since the fatal day when the cabinet
framed an answer to President Krugcr's
ultimatum had such crowds gathered
around .Downing street.
From early morning loiterers assembled
here In the hope of catching a glimpse ot
the pdjllcal leaders. However, when. It was
announced that the cabinet would not meet
until 3 o'clock the spectators dwindled
a wa y.
Mr. Balfour, who arrived In London from
Scotland yesterday evening, went to Down
ing street early. There a number ot
treasury officials were closeted all tho
morning with Mr. Balfour'a secretaries,
going over the statistics on which the
cabinet Is supposed to base Its decision
for or against free trade. Mr. Chamber
lain, who wan the central figure In today'a
proceedings, left Birmingham, accompanied
by his wife.
A large crowd bid them farewell at tha
railroad station. On their arrival here
Mrs. Chamberlain went to their London
home, and Mr. Chamberlain proceeded to
the colonial office.
Chamberlain la Hooted.
Upon tho arrival of Mr. Chamberlain at
Downing street he was loudly hooted. A '
crowd ot laborers employed nearby joined
In this unusual demonstration against the
colonial secretay. .Mr. Chamberlain, who
was accompanied by General Balfour, presi
dent of the Board of Trade, showed his
customary Indifference to this reception.
The police eventually were . obliged to
form double lines from Mr. Balfour'a psity
to tho foreign office so to enable the
cabinet ministers to enter the latter place.
Another meeting of the cabinet . will be
hell tomorrow. It may, therefore, safety
he assumed that, no , definite decision
regarding the fiscal question was reach
The cabinet meeting ended at 6:50 p. rn.
It transpired that the predicted decision tn
the cabinet over Mr. Chamberlain's fiscal
proposals actually occurred and that a
partial reorganization of the ministry is
probable. Mr. Ritchie expressed his un
alterable opposition tn any change In the
fiscal system and nothing In believed to
have occurred to modify the opinion hsld
this morning that he will resign the chan
cellorship of the exchequer.
In spite of the South African War com
mission's severe criticism of Lord Lans
downo's course as secretary of war, It IS
declared that he proposed to remain at the
head of the Foreign office.
LONDON, Sept. 14. As head of the For
eign officu, It was remarked by one who
knows his views, that he has made quite
a different record In his present place than
when aa secretary of state for wars he had
to contend with the opposition ot Lotd
Besides the fiscal -I o t on and the effoi t
on the country of the publication of the
War commission's report soma attention
was given to the Balkan situation, but con
fidence prevails that Gieat Britain will net
depart from Ita policy in not advocating
the concert of the lyjw.ers. It Is said the
meeting tomorrow was called" for the pur
pose of further contrlderlng matter .i of an
other nature.
it Is stated positively that the fiscal de
bate was carried through without fresh
(iuesaer Are at Sea.
The ministers kept secret the diacuseli.t.h
of yesterday's cabinet council so effectually
that the speculation as to the results is
almost nugatory and the government press
organs this morning offer the most con
flicting accounts of what took place at
the meeting. The Dally Telegraph, which
Is probably the best Informed, asserts thst
the cabinet crisis was postponed until this
evening and the discussion of the finance
question will be continued at the resumed
meeting today, but whatever may he the
upshot, Piemler Balfour will neither resign,
dissolve Parliament nor summon an autumn
ses . Ion. The Daily Telegraph also discusses
tlie question vf a royul commission bring
appointed to consider the whole finance
question. The Standard, nit the other hand,
asserta with equal Ksltlvetie thai tho
finance inquiry was finished and the ad
journed meeting will deal with foreign
Attorney tienernt ew Has Papers
Which Are Supposed to
Shaw Guilt.
JKFFfcRSON CITY. Mo., Sept 14. Till i
afternoon Judge Il'azell ordered letters (II
recled to the foreman of the grand Jul v
turned over to Attorney Ueneral Crow ami
prosecuting Attorney Stone for examina
tion and use as they rosy tcj fit before th
grand jury, four packages of letters iri
presented. One Is supposed to contain 111
letters sent to Kelley by John A. Ie. An
other contains the manuscript of the ser
mon by Rev. C. ft. Brooks, attacking l ie
prosecuting attorney. The other two ma
from the Audubon society of St. Louis, and
are supposed to relate to the violations I
game and fish laws, tieorge J. Schulte o."
HI. Unit. . K. Y. MIL hell of Spr:ugf1el '.
Ueneral liieen Clay of Mexico, Senator i:
M. Zcvcdy of Osage county. Watson I-:.
Kolicrtsoi! of St. Uiuli and JainiM M.
Crutcher of Moberly were witnesses b
fore tlie grand Jury this afternoon.
Senator Zevely introduced an lnurii.
bill which Kditor Page supported but whl. i
failed to 'pass. It Is supposed that ho m
questioned as to Page's support of the bill
for which It Is alleged ha received $l,mo tlie Insurance companies.