Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1903, PART 1, Page 5, Image 5

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Iz poster Talcs the fla-e of Ex Chinamen
' 0 6-rti I'prrtei
d:ccvery is made by accideht
rreeilee I rrosmlily e Wrk !
Cllsjae t. Fr w.4
May Be Eatejieltw
f HAS FRANCISCO. Sept. 12- A bold at
I at.Tpt ha Just been discovered to defraud
'h. government by shipping sack 10 China,
on th steamer Gaelic l Impostors In
place of sl Chinese who were ordered
deported by t'nlted State Diatrlct Judgs
On arrest ha been mada In tbe cajx
and othera will follow shortly. More sen
sational developments are expected, aa It
la believed that the government haa atom-
bled onto the work of a finf.
It la the contention of the government
official that the all genuine Chinese were
In the county jail yesterdsy morning and
that they were removed from there at t
o'clock by a deputy Vnlted State tnarehal
and taken In a hack to the Pacific Mill
flock. Prom there they were placed safely
on hoard the steamer Gaelic.
Hva hour later tbe men could not he
found, but tn their atead were lmpoatora
In no way reemhllng them In appearance.
At a late hour last .night the official were
la the dark, ao far aa having any knowl
edge aa to bow thl lightning change get
came about.
her to s. the woman. She aald no. that
thy would take the baby along When
th. two reached the porch the boy dropped
the baby Into a chair which waa con
venient and took to Ma heels, running
north on Eighteenth street.
The matter waa reported to the police,
who w?re asked to locale the mother of
the ehlld If possible. The manager of the
Institution are perfectly willing to take
the baby and care for It, providing the
mother 1 unable to do so, but they object
t. baring the Infant thrust upon them In
o unceremonious a manner. The boy
about II years of nge.
Hear? J. Oeat aad Tw f Hla
. tmer Lla- I Male
t. Contribute.
Ahout 11 'clock last night a lone robber
held up the saloon of Henry J. Diet at la02
pi henna n avenue and secured St lj cash, a
revolver and a watch and chain.
Mr. Or st and another man were sitting at
a table In tba saloon talking. A man en
tered the front door and walked toward
Ihetn. When be got within a few feet of
them he drew a revolver, covered the two
men with it and commanded them to stand
up against the south wall of the room.
They complied with the command and the
holdup proceeded to walk behind the bar
end open the cath drawer. While he waa
In the act of abstracting the contents an
other man with a tin pU in Ms haud
walked into the saloon through the
rear . door. The robber, who all the time
had 'kept the first two men covered with
the gun, ordered the new arrival to take
hi place Vltb the others against the wall,
and he quickly responded to the summons.
After the contents of the caeh drawer had
been transferred to the pocket of the thief
he walked out from behind the bar and or
dered the men lined up to throw up their
handa He then proceeded to take the
tch from Mr. Oest and what cash on
the other men possessed. One of the
raen got off without losing anything.
Neither th man who waa In the siloon or
the one who came in with the pall were
knewn to Mr. Oest by name, although he
says their faces are familiar to him. He
aaked them to leave their names before
they departed but both refused to do so.
filing as an excuse that the? did not desire
publicity tn connection with the affair. It
la not thought that either of the'm were
connected with the robbery.
-After the-thief hd secured the plunder
he backtd out of the aaloon by the front
Boef and' wa-seen n more: None trf the
I men had presence of mind enough to see
which way he went. Mr. Oest cal.ed up the
station a few minutes after the robbery
and notified the police. , Special efflrer
Baldwin and Sergeant Dempaey went to tht
scene of the robbery, rut nothing was
learned which would aid In the capture of
the thief. Mr. Oest had presence of mtnd
enough to look, the robber over carefully,
and waa able to g.v. a good description of
the man who did the, work. lie aays he
Can positively Identify him If he I cap
tured. The thief wore no mask.
Isrseet f lab Claaaara tm Hare
. tbe Daamaredl atreeta ret
lata Ceaaltlea.
At the meeting of the Grand View Im
provement club last evening the street car
oommlttee reported that it had met in con
ference with aome of the street car offl
clala during the week, but that very little
aatlsfaction had been obtained. The board
of directors had not yet held a meeting and
nothing could be hoped for the extension
of the Harney street line on Sixth street
before spring li any event.
The fire committee reported that It had
received assurances that a fire alarm box
would be shortly placed at the corner of
Center and Fourth street, and that the
matter Is now In tbe handa of the chief of
the fire department.
The condition of many streets in the
Grand View district was discussed and it
waa the unanimous opinion that a part of
the 15,000 recently appropriated for street
Improvements by the council should be ap
plied to necessary Improvements In Grand
View, especially on Cedar street and Center
street from Fourth to Eighth streets. A
request was also made that the John Power
pond on Cedar street be filled or drained.
Messrs. McDonald, Grove and Poesch were
appointed to interview the assistant city
engineer at once and Insist upon the evils'
referred to being remedied before the
winter season sets In.
It was further urged thst the owner of
the property on Fifth street between Pine
and Woolworth avenue be required to have
sidewalks built there at once.
The invitation of the Gibson Improve
ment club for the Grand View club to meet
with It Sunday evening was accepted. The
club then adjourned to meet Saturday even
ing, September 2E, the Board of Public
Work und Councilman Back to be in
vited to attend the meeting.
The latest addition to the Improvement
clubs of the city is the Gibson Improve
ment clubt which waa organised two weeka
ago. Tbe club meet every second Sunday
evening at Gibson, in the extreme southeast
part of the city. The club Is working
Jointly with the Grand View club to secure
street car facilities and street improvements
in that section.
Happy Hooligan, Foxy Grandpa
and Others
Verr nice bisque figures of the CHICAGO AMERICAN
CHARACTERS on the comic pape. t onsistinp of Mamma
Katrenjamer, Happy Hooligan, lloomy Gn and all
the other the greatest novelty of the 0f
teason earn .
- ha i
Knowing ones order Cook's Imperial
Ohampcgne not solely on account of the
name, but the product.
Hew Per Serared Aeialsslea far a
Teeagster la the Chile savlag
Carrying a good-sized baby, a boy ap
peared at the Child Saving Institute about
t o'clock yesterday afternoon. He told the
matron la charge that his another had seat
Mm with the baby and that she desired to
leave it there, as she was unable to care
for It. The matron aaked the boy why his
mother did not accompany him, and he re
plied that be had, and waa waiting for
Mm out In the street. The matron ex
pressed a desire to talk with the .mother
end the boy said If she would have some
one take the baby he would go out with
That Will net-er Be rorg.tte.
A young lady says: "I waa sick lor
(over a year from what the doctors called
'typhoid-malaria fever, and had cold aweata
most all the time. I had a tremendous
epTTtite and waa allowed to eat anything
1 pleased, until my stomach finally gave
O l, so thst 1 could r.ot even take toast
water without It fermenting and giving me
much misery and distress.
"I became so discouraged and down
hearted after several years passed without
getting well; In fact. I only convalesced
mough to be taken out for a short drive
euch day. and was always brought back ao
tired that I would reaoive not to ge again.
I lost over 60 pounds. Changing physi
cians. I wan advised to go to the moun
tain, and finally went to the Allegheny
At my boarding house a lady at the table
ordered Grape-Nv for breakfast. I had
never heajd of it before, o I aaked her
about th food, and she aid me It had
don her so much good and suggested
that I order some, which I did. I liked It
and used It while I stayed there several
week, and found to my surprise that It
agreed with my delicate stomach, and I
aoon began to feel better r-ourtahed and got
so strong I could take long walks and not
foel tired. Mr weight began te come back
and that haggard look vanished from my
1 found thst Grape-Nut waa Just what
I needed, and whon i returned home I tiU
continued using It. and for more than tw
years now I have hardly missed a day
without eating Grape-Nuta After my
frienda saw what Grape-Nuts did for me
It was not hard te persuade them to give
the food a trial.
"Te sum It all up. I mm now better than
I have felt for a number ef yeara, caa
work all day and aleep ail night, and I
eat quit heartily of altaost any food after
I have made my breakfast of Grape-Nuts
and rich reasa. I have gained back all
the weight that I want and aa new happy
and contented," Nam given by Foetus
Co.. Battle Creek. Mich.
There a a reason.
Look In each park age for a ropy ef th
famous Uta ha- 'The Road la Well-Uia"
M Claiming- Mlaaeaaolls ae Bis
Heme I IVow ta City
Theodore Elf, who gives Minneapolis as
his place of residence, was apprehended by
the police last night at a local department
store, where he went to buy a trunk for a
girt whom he had hired to act aa agent
for a picture concern be asserts he repre
sents In the Minnesota city from whence he
Kit, whose right name Is thought to be
Charles Behrtnan, appeared tn Omaha some
time ago and took apartment at the Mid
land hotel. He Inserted sn advertisement
(it a local- paper stating that he wanted
to employ young women to travel for a
portrait house he represented. He guaran
teed a good salary and expense, providing
they could do the work. It haa been ascer
tained that quite a number of young women
answered the advertisement, and to several
of them he made a proposition to give
them employment, but one of the stipula
tion of the contract was" that they were
to deposit S26 with him to guarantee that
they would continue In the work. He said
he did not want them to work In thla city,
but would take them elsewhere. One of
the young women to whom the propoalHon
was made reported the matter to the police
and a watch waa placed upon the agent. night It waa ascertained that he waa
nreoarina: to leave the city. He had hi
baggage taken to the Burlington depot So ;
far as tbe police know, he made arrange
ments with but one woman to accompany
him. Elf agreed to buy a trunk for her, :
as ahe had no way to carry her clothes,
and he was In the act of purchasing the
trunk when arrested. When the man waa
searched at the station be had S150 In cash
on his person and the police believe that
be has done a good business while here,
although he asserts that he haa not put a
single person to work. Ha said he came
to Omaha from Fargo. N. D., where b
had been working. He will b held for a
lw days in hope that aome one who has,
had dealing with him will complain. H
ssld It waa his intention to leave last night
for Kan a City.
Drapery ana Derwrautmg, Department.
Tou are cordially Invited to call and sea
our new Importation of fall draperlea, lace
curtain and upholstery fabrics.
We make a specialty of finding the right
tiling for tba right place at the right price.
t have a number of competent draper
at your disposal 'no wiI1 consider It a
pleasure to show yon our new fall novel
tie and aaalet you In finding the right
colors for your respective wanta.
Red Devil la Use,
from the TVnver police comes to Omaha
the report of the luas by theft of a tJ.iXI
red Franklin automobile. in ita native
city the machine la known aa a Ted
devil." The automobile disappeared last
Wednesday and as there are on:- three
of the same make In Colorado the owner.
M. J. Patterson, lives in hopes of recov
ering his machine. A reward of too la
oflered for the detection ot the thief and
lor the return of the big auto. Mr.
Patterson a machine, according to the pic
ture sent here, is a large double sealed
affair, with all modern attachments.
Exteaalaa; a grewerj-.
It waa stated at the meeting of the Grand
View Improvement club laat evening that
Wa'ter klolse 4- Co. had already adopted
platis for s fiu.OUO addition to the Willow
Fprings lrelt.g plant and that work on
the new structure would begin early in th
coming building season.
Fayette Cole, osteopath. K Parton Blk.
Th funeral of the late William Haarle
will take place Sunday at 1 p. m. from
his Ut residence. 7w South EUghtrenUi
treeL Interment In Forest Lawn ceme
tery rrienii Invited.
A. M Collet t. retired general foreman
ef th Cnion Pacific car department, was
presented with a fine gold watch and
chain and diamond aet cbarm Friday nta-ht
by hi former workmen. A committee went
to th hoje of Mr. Collett i.ud W. W.
Cnmmti presented the gift to th ea
foreman, who wa math surprised.
Edward Galonce. suspected of complicity
In the then of five heating stoves and
ome odd 4oe of )unk truss th atore
touH of Mr. Hardn.g several daya ago,
and which Harry Gllwor te chargd with
tbe larceny of. wa picked up by ti
police Saturday afic.-nuon. Gilmor ta
now confined in Jail and awaiting a bear
ing. Galonce waa also locked up.
A charge of larceny wa preferred
against b B. Francisco Saturday after
nuoa if John Wright at iTU St Mary
avenur. a ho alleges he found Fraiu-la-e
behind hi ahowoaae filling his pockets witb
penknives. Franctace. Mr. Vf right save,
weni Into hut sine and hung around until
be Wriht became engaged with a ru
turner a the rear, lie waa Uwu turned
ei ii tw ta polk;.
Millinery Department
A Black Velvet Hat
Roll op one side trimmed In black
aatin rihbon with or
naments sort THREE
Street Hals
Iti Red and Navy.
In the new champagne, navy. Oxford.
Meet ano drown trim
med in velvet and orna
ments worth $i.tK at...
The fifty cent end
thirty-five cent qualities
Fall Trade is On
in Earnest
For tbe latest tyle. far the new.,
est Idea, fer tbe ebeteeet raaeea
tlaas. far tbe most latelllgwat serv-
tbe falleat eatlefarrlon. yea mast
See tbe laaamerable Ideas that tbls
vast stare altera. Whether yea mean
ta bar r net. It's really worth roar
while ta way as a visit. There I els.
ratlea far tbe visiter there' tbat
sal aaeaer-avlBT far the barer.
Tbls advertisement I lateaded far
reentry as well a city reader.
Mail order will be ailed from tbls
aa ta Wedaesday aoea.
Fall Opening Wall Paper Dept.
Tills department will offer the Test vsrirlr of utTle ever before show n
In this clt.T. We have reinrelpleA this 1oinrtment anrt placed on snip n
Isrce variety of F, R. BECK S and riTTSlU RG M ALL PATER Ct). S
celebrated special destpw. Just from the fsrtorle,
A visit will convince yon that bare l.y far tbe most complete
and carefully eelerted slock in tbecltr.
Wall Paper per roll, up from ....
Room Moulding, up from lie
Everything In the Wall Paper Line. SeoOur 16th St. Window.
Third Floor. North Lnd.
The Home of the Right Shoe for Men
What fashion mj s you must war is hero. Our f-hoes
will fit and please the mot fastidious man in town. You
will like our shooa, sir, whenever ronr evc fall on thm.
You will be our customer right through.
Men's Patent Pony Colt Blucher
morals the smartest styles tb
best five dollar ihoe made
Men's Vicl Kid and Velour Calf Balmorals
and Bluchers heavy or light
soles, the best $5.00 frhoes mad
Colored Dress Goods
S:-lnch Herrlnphotie Stripe ZlheHn. In
hrown. gray, blue and green, regular J1.7S
value, at S1.38 per yard.
W-lnch Invisible Plaid BuiUngs, special at
9Se per yard.
64-lnch green. Hue and red novelty with
Meek grounds, $1.()0 per yerd.
ef-ltich Tweed Bultlngs, hi green, red, tan,
brown and Beige, regular value tbe, at
75c yard.
&4-inch Melton Suiting, a regular 11.69
quality, down to C26 yard.
We are showing ino styles of new fall
WalsUngs. in French, German and Eng
llah makes, a bargain at She special at
fcc yard.
Black Dress Goods
The pieces WMnch fine French Venetian,
the regular .7s quality, our price Monday
w lll be 11.00 per yard,
Kour plecee iMnch Crepe Granite, very
cheap at 1.26 yard. Monday at 86c yard.
M-inrh Herringbone Stripe Zlbeline. &2.2S
quality, while It lasts Monaay 11. bi) yard.
A Great Bargain
pieces Imparted Brill! n tines. B0 Inches
wide blue, brown, gray, red and black, fin
ished like silk, the fcl.OU quality, at Wc yard.
Bed Comforts
Full ala Bed Comforts, worth tl.00. at Btc.
Eatra large sine Bed Comforts, made up
or fine Silkoline, knotted, filled with pure
white cotton, worth n.BO, at sc.
.Etr heavy cotton Blankets, worth tl 00
at fee.
atE4iiTa fi"' cotton Blankets, worth 85c,
!M -!! worI Rlnkcts. worth U Oft, at K.S6.
11-4 all woo! market. Wnrth te.OO. at U 9a
Outing Flannel, worth 7c, at c vard
tJFx,rlir'e nevy Btn Towels, worth
l be ft. t 200
Fancy Vel
vets for
and Coats
76c Fancy Velvets,
tn this sale
per yard.
U.2S Fancy Velvets,
In this sale
per yard.
U.eS Fancy Velvets,
In this sale
per yard.
The Greatest Silk Sale of the Season
Will be inaugurated In our BIO BILK DEPARTMENT MONT-AY.
SEPTEMBER 14. 10.000 yards new Fall Silk bought from a
New Tork importer at sa their actual value. Tou can pay rail
road fare 200 milrs and save money by coming to thla greatest of
all our great silk sales.
checks, satin embossed stripes.
Pr.rlslsn brocades, hemstitched
stripes and a fine collection cf
rate gems of high srt silk, all
worth tl.50. $2 no and CaO p-r
yard all one price In this salt,
toe per yard.
Pieces Dress Silks at
25c Per Yard.
Blark Marie, cream brocades,
herrlt.gbone fancies. satin
stripes. sHttn brocades, all worth
Uc and "nc per yard all one
price In this sale. I5c per yard.
25 Pieces Fine Waist S.Ik
at 35c a Yard.
Roman stripes, Louislne cords,
rream and white fancy weaves,
Urncuded, regular price
$1.0u per yard till one price in
this sale, -16c per vard
100 Pieces $1, $1.25 and
$1.50 Silks at 50c
Fancy chamois stripes, cream
Bengallne, hair line, stripes and
Black Silks .
Immense bar tains. Buy
now, It U a (oiden oppor
tunity. '
3S-inch black taffeta, worth
at 7&c yard.
J7-inc-h black taffeta, worth
SIM. at fcc yard.
E7-inch black taffeta, worth
Sit, st tl.Ji, yard.
L'0-lnch black peau de aole,
worth SI. 0(i. st H5c yatd.
"3-inch black d sole,
worth fl.oO, at H '0 yard.
2J-inch Mack rau d sole,
worth COl.'. at R.S yard.
Sb-lnrh black peau de soie,
worth CSA. at U & yard.
All the
of Washable
Stocks and Scarfs,
all tbe new colors
and white, tvorth
up to 40c. on sale
Monday at ,
Cut this ad out and get on the first street car or railroad train
coming this way and come to the greatest sale in the western world.
Children's Winter Coats
Over S" garments, apes 4 to 14 ymr,
color, red. navy, tan. b.ue mixture, green
tnlatures. red mixtures. Fpeolal sttentlon
is called to the fol. owing price that ma
extra valuee 6 50. II. W. Ci, ?,.JS and CTi.
Women's Skirts
WALKING PK1RTS New materials, the
very newest rhapep our ,eaoer fo- Mon
ody's sale. J5.00. M5u. XS... $:.iKi and
fci-hool arii le' Auto Cups auj Tains, ii the
new colors, very uobiiy, fcc.
Women's Kimonas & Sacks
Fin Outing
Women's Lo'
eiderdown, colors, red. blue
north fa 00, st tU.Zh.
Cloth and Kifieidown. only I
. . ... .. i
wntniig; rt'M'fe, iin (jimmy oj
pink and gray.
' cup
es, extra fine cloth, col-
crav. worth Slfe iiO. at
$10,000 north of new Furs to select from.
Prices are amazingly low.
Women's Suits
On sale Monday morning, 75 new Uoul
XIV style Suits, fine seise, perfect fluing.
colors, black. irown ami gray this is a
regular Bull at 7 ..'.
Cravenettc Rain Coats .
Two shoulder
ors. tan a:id
Special sale Mackintoshes, gray mixed,
warranted watciproof. down :rom to
laO ioien ladies' fleeced lined hose, "Light
Weight." last black, all size, full fach
loned. worth ltc paii, st 10c- pair.
W dozen boys', girls and misses' heavy
rib "Light Weight Fleeced" cotton Hose,
fast black, sizes (loin 6 to PH. worth up to
J 7c a pair, st ltn- per pair.
the newext shades of ox hlcjod. beavers,
wood browns, enstors, tan, alalea and
drab: every pair fitted and warranted,
worth CZa pe rpalr, our price Monday 1.00
per pair.
This is the Leading Crockery
Department in the West. Fact!
Harlland & Co.' white
largre' b1 Dinner Plate
Nicely Decorated Breikfast
Plates in English ware each
J. Pouyat'g White China
decorating purposes
ran son
25 c . pgajr
...3c -.A M
Stein for
Best Flint Chimneys for
Welsbacb's burners at ....
Five-inch Flower Fots and
Paupers eacl
Vwkh1t?l Pirated Sewing Lamp
iJ Kary. beayy extraordinary
,r"J powl and chlmirey rea- en
ular tl value-Monday s ale...OtlC
W have a full line, consisting of all
sizes -of the best Redwing Puts and
tWuoera, at very low price.
Decorated German China
Cuspidors each
Havlland Decorated 100-plece Dinner
Bets, nice spray of pink Q fit
flower I.a J
few and beautiful German China Bal
ada of recent importation aorth all
the way from 6oc to $1.2i Cflf,
rholc on Monday each tVfc
K. T. K Vitrifl-d Hotel Wre Tea
Cups and Sauoers per O "5.
doaen 3C
We have just put In a full lln of
K. T. K. famous hotel war ail
absolutely firsts. Bee the prices
they will be of interest to yoa.
Quart Mason Jars
per fluaen
Broknw Bros-Hand-Tailored
For Fall.
Bargains in
For Shrewd Buyers
Visit this lively department
Monday. The very air pulsates
with chaiices for saving money.
Not an article can you pick up
but has money saving in it.
ITere are a few:
September Furniture
Sd floor Sale Continues
No thought of profit in these bed outfits, just
to get you better acquainted with the money
saving possibilities of this department.
Iron Bed Outfit No. 1
One Bed. fancy scroll desijm; one wroven wire Spring, one
goft top Mattress regularly sell for $S.O0 at
Iron Bed Outfit No. 2
Thirteen and one-half inch
Bread Box
Bread Box
Bread Box
Galvanized Pail
Galvanised Pall
Galvanised Pall
O. K.
Headquarters for School Supplies
Webster's School Dictionary cloth bound each.,..10c
Fountain Pens each
Pencil Boies each .
High Folding
Clothe Bar
for .
Hat Kack
One Bed, brass rail bead and foot end. fall mounts and rases, all col
ors; one eteel frame woven wire sprlnp; one combination cotton and
excelbior mattress, heavy layef cotton top, bottom and
gidea, fancy ticking regularly Sold for fl5.(H at
Iron Bed Outfit No. 3
One continuous pott Bed, beantiful deBltm, decorated In three colors;
one rteel frame ioven wire prlnfc; one all while cotton mattress,
fancy ticking, made by tbe layer process regularly A fi ET
sells for f22.lK-t 14. yO
Drapery Department
There waa never a time when the people of Omaha could buy Lace
Curtains so chenp as now. See our new line at rery special prices
Fire hundred styles all new, up-to date at per pair joe
One hundred style all new, up-to-date t per pair v&c
One hundred and fifty styles all new, up-to-date at per pair. .....1.4
Three hundred and fifty styles all new, up-to-date at per pair.... 2 9i
Poitiers and Couch Covers new styles, new prices nnd right .See our
Couch Covers. 3 yards lonp. .V) Inches wide fringed all -4 ZZf
around special price each lOU
Curtain Net. Curtala Swiss. Curtain Rods. Curtain Loops aU at pricea
that speak, for theiuselres. FEE THEM.
Special Sale of Room Sizeings
Here are a few of the preat bargains that will attract attention to
our up-to-date Carpet Department:
7-ir-foot Kanltary Mothproof Hugs each : 2.7S
Usl2-foot Sanitary Mothproof Rugs each 4 25
9lll-3 Velvet Rugs these are sample Rugs and were bought at
about half price a Rug tbat would regularly sell at S22.W for... 11.98
9x12 Kashmir Rug Turkish designs and
date colorings they are bargains at
are made in the np-to-
t-hole lMnrh oven Steel s r high closet ,0f5U
your- Football Supplies at Bennett's
We Have Everything.
Sporting Goods Department, South west Corner Main Floor
In Our Drug Dept. We Fill Prescriptions
Our prf.cription policy is a careful discrimination in
buying a swift turning over of tdck and a compounding
of medicine according to the most approved methods and
. We are here to carry out his Instructions not our own
ideas. We leave it entirely to the doctor.
Send Us Your Prescriptions
You Will Save Your Eyes
and Save Money
By visiting this department
right away! Work will be
scientifically, expertly and pat
iffactorily performed.
A complete optical appointment a ad
th ust acicatitlc Instruments t
Pyrography, Pictures and Art BricaBrac
In Our Enlarged, Renovated and
Remodeled Department
You must come and see the msny firetty things we are showing Almost as
rit jr
I and
msny vsrteti vi irames in si vie ana oesigna aa there art nirtjrea. T"
day wc will se'.l a cabinet photo frame with mat to hold 1. I and 17r
t jihotogrsphs for WW
Cabinet photo frsroes In blark. green and gilt, lnr-ludlt.g very pretty and n;i
embelttehmert to the most treasured Photograph you can put OCn
Into them. Each.
Sac and.
Remember, om day only Tuesday.
. Wa have tba bifeeet Una - of Cbicaf a la Prograpbio guppliet.
Bass Wood Holly Wood Orange Wood
Some beaulful specimens ef finished work onfliplv. Paoele, Frames f'tj
Rack, Toilet Beta. Pin Cushion. Try. Candle fctic, Wirh Stands. Fancy Jid many other pretty article.
Our prices ar right- Bocond floor.
See Our Magnificent Window Displayof Dinner Ware. Sixteenth Street Side.