Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1903, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Ainnal Eepcrt Shows Iottitniioai
Nebraska Are
Load Comnlitldirr Follmer Will
Becnre III Own Attorney la
the Hoyri Coonty La ad
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 12 (8pr laL)-Th Slat
Banking board haa completed ita report of
the condition of the fifty-five building and
loan associations of the atate, dated June
80, and the roport haa been received from
th printer. It ahowa In every respect a
healthy condition of the associations and
much Increase over tha report of last year.
The increases are: In assets. ISS3.135.C1; In
loana, ISH.269.44; In annual business, 1300,
000, and In shares of stork In force, 23,341.
Tha report ahowa that the associations
charged borrower an average rat of ( per
cent, and paid an average of RVi per cent
dividends. The par value of th shares of
twerity-elght associations Is $200? and of
twenty-seven association tlOO. The 13,421
hares of stock In force represent an ulti
mate or par value of 123,153.076 10. Of th
7.480 loan made br the association only
0J are Subject to foreclosure, and only
forty of these In actual process of fore
closure. Th stockholder number 20,441
Th report In detail, compared with th
report of 1902, follow:
Comparative Statement.
, 1902. 1903.
First mortagsge loan. $4,090,51 66 $4,690,609 86
First mortgage loxri
In process of fore
closure 20.TT6 IT 24.1R4 62
Stock loana 141.S70 W 15fi.(W6 10
Real estate 111.208 32 102,153 89
Furniture and station-
ery $ 423 17 8.804 01
Cash 177,608 61 21t.Wi 26
Delinquent Interest,
premiums and fines.. 30,604 45 $2,362 68
Expense and taxes
Paid 23.0K9 81 18.594 24
Other asset 158.W9 82 99.197 82
Totals $4,758,203 77 $6,343,428 38
Capital stock running
(dues and dividends). $3,820.oo 67 $4,2H171 68
Full paid stock 644. 3"0 60 760.202 26
Reserve fund 75,31) 36 102.470 31
Undivided profits 1(9,360 63 158,759 44
Due shareholder on
incomplete loans .... 48,011 75 $9,271 81
Premium unearned .. 33,7X3 47 26,136 49
Advance dues 17,032 44 14,050 90
Advance interest and
premiums 1.761 89 3.176 40
Other liabilities 47.7S2 20 36.190 09
Total $4,768,293 77 $6,343,429 38
Receipt and expenditure for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 190$ and 1908:
1902. 190$.
Balance on hand July
1 $ 189,33$ 96 $ 176.779 23
Due (running tock). 1,642,148 03 1,773.242 23
Due (full paid stock). 2'.9.66 82 840.118 99
Interest 318.175 12 J.JI.S43 26
Premiums 3.9"0 33 88.500 68
Fine g,963 80 4.869 90
Membership and trans
fer fee 6.249 54 8.177 28
Loans repaid RW.2U4 92 884,898 06
Real estate sale 17.073 78 26,620 06
Rents 6.681 46 8.706 68
Other receipt 370.419 10 283.631 7
Totals $3,660,771 $4 $3,902,285 $2
1902. 1903.
Lonn $1,687,801 79 $1,768,616 60
Salaries $9,385 18 46.816 02
Commissions 8.703 49
Other expenses 28.075 80
Withdrawals, dues .... 1,064.478 33 1,186.464 98
"Withdrawals, earning 71,829 44 49.6H0 86
Matured stock, due... 120,101 60 144,4:3 88
Matured stock, earn- - v
Ings $1,764 88 49,168 62
Full paid stock, dues.. 141,606 20 120.608 47
Full paid stock, earn
ings 80.469 02 21.176 28
Cash on hknd t.:.;.-.:. -178.068 61 - 219.801 17
Other expenditures ... 377.14 96 269,058 66
Total $3,660,771 34 $3,902,285 $2
Plans of tha Fnsloalsts.
Th democratic state committee will open
headquarter in Omaha during tha coming
week and will place a lieutenant In charge.
Whether tha populists will open at th
, sama time and th two be run under a Joint
I head I not known her now, because Chair
man Hall of th state committee and Lee
Herdman are both out of town.
The line of work to be mapped out by
the headquarters In Omaha will be along
the line of the Nebraska City democratic
convention, which Indorsed Judge Paul
Jeasen, the republican nominee forjudge of
the Fifteenth district, In district where
the democrats "have absolutely no ahow of
. electing the Judge. This will be done as
an Indication that th democrats are for
a nonpartisan Judiciary, provided that
Judge Sullivan Is elected supreme Judge.
It Is said here by those who coma In to
talk politics that the action of the demo
crat! at Nebraska City wlir be followed by
them In every district In the state where
th democrats have no show of election,
but only In those districts. The scheme
'was hatched out by the knowing one to
draw votes to Judge Sullivan, but Its cover
ing wa too thin to hide Ita insincerity.
In the meantime the republican commit
tee officer are keeping busy working along
organisation lines and the news from over
the state Is that much Interest 1 being
taken In the campaign. A number of poli
tician were here thla week and were at
the headquarter, but these cam mostly
to attend the fair, and except to report at
the room did little else. Poll book have
been mailed out and .the work la being done
systematically to get out a good vote. ,
Follmer Hires Owa Attorney,
Land. Commissioner Follmer doe not
want Attorney General Prout to act for
him In the Boyd county land cases and he
will employ his own counsel. Whether
Mr. Prout will be Injected Into the suit
by the Board of Publlo Lands and Build
ings Is not yet known. A majority of the
board want Mr. Prout to look after the
state's Interest, but as he and Follmer
have entirely different views on the ques
tion In controversy, Follmer gave the
board to understand h could manage hi
Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters hag for W)
years past bwn recognlied by every
body as the leading stomach remedy of
tha world, and because it la impossible
to make a- better remedy to take Its
place it still remains in the front rank.
well deserves this
honor, because it
has bee n the
means of restoring
thuusauds of sick
ly Deorle to robust
health, and will do
as much, for you,
too, if you'll only
give it a trial. It
will surely cure
Loss of Appetite,
Biliousness and
rialarla, Fever
and Afue. -
Be sure to try It,
I a-
own bualnen and his own suit without
Prout assistance.
Tuesday the board met and authorised
Mr. Follmer to proceed a he pleased to
settle the cases. Two day later thla ae
tlon wa rescinded and he was given Mr.
Prout to help him and advise him. On all
occasion when the Boyd county matter
came up before the board. It Is said. Prout
and Follmer have always clashed and It
wa dua to this that Follmer did not want
th attorney general to look after hi In
terests. In explaining the action of the board
Governor Mickey said suit hsd been
brought against Mr. Follmer personally
and that of course he could employ hi own
counsel, and that the state would be rep
resented by Mr. Prout. The board has
been squabbling over the matter for some
time and It I by no mean settled. Th
vote to rescind the action of the board
stood, Mickey, Marsh and Prout for, and
Mortenaen and Follmer against.
Game Law Proaecatlons.
Game Warden Carter will send a repre
sentative to Falls City Monday to prose
cute a wealthy cltlsen of that place for
having fifty fish In hi possession which he
had caught In a seine and waa selling.
Special Deputy Sears arrested the man and
took) htm before a Justloe of the peace. The
man waa allowed to plead gtirlty to having
two fish In hi possession and waa assessed
a nominal fine. Inasmuch as the man had
fifty fish Mr. Carter does not believe that
pleading guilty to having two fish haa sat
isfied the dignity of th law. Monday Mr.
Carter will go to North Flatt to prosecute
three men named Marcott, Roman and Van
Doran for shooting prairie chicken.
Fair Above g 7,000 Ahead.
All state fair visitors have gone te their
homes and Lincoln has settled back Into
the old rut. Secretary Furnas and his help
ers are still at the Lindell hotel winding
up their affairs In order to get out of town
as soon as possible. It is likely that the
full report of the treasurer will not be com
pleted and made public before the January
meeting of the board. From the figures
now compiled it Is estimated that 'about
$7,009 waa cleared by the management.
Republican Coanty Convention De
velop a Strangle for Cleric
and Assessor.
FREMONT, Neb.. Sept. 13.-(Special Tele
gram.) The Podge county republican con
vention was held in the district court room
thl afternoon. Chris Cusack of North
Bend was elected chairman and J. W. Gra
ham of Fremont secretary. There was a
good attendance In spite of the bad roads,
every township but two being represented.
Burleigh Walker of Cotterell was nominated
for aasessor on the third ballot. County
Judge A.- H. Brigs and Sheriff Bauman
were renominated by acclamation. There
were four ballots for county clerk. The
last one resulted In favor of Mark Mortlson
of Fremont. The rest of the ticket was
nominated on the first ballot except county
superintendent. Prof. J. I. Ray of Fremont
declined the nomination, which was given
to Miss Eollne Clark of Fremont. The bal
ance of the ticket Is: For treasurer, Henry
Hlebenthal of 8crlbner; for coroner. Dr.
Overgard of Fremont; for surveyor, J.
Saundea of Hooper; for clerk of the dis
trict court, J. J. Kelser of North Bend.
Mr. Kelser was candidate for county clerk
and led on the first ballot.
The republican city convention met at
the court house this afternoon and nomi
nated the folowlng city ticket: For super
visor, 8. W. Boyd; for Justices of the peace,
A. K. Damp and A. B. Hlnman; for con
stables, Henry Watson and WllUam Chest
nut. WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. U--Speolal.)
The republican county convention haa been
called for October 3. The campaign has
been purposely shortened. The present re
publican sheriff and treasurer, whose first
terms will explrt January 1, will doubtless
be renominated. Candidate for other
offices have not announced themselves.
! Woman Who Charged Hlaa
with Committing" Criminal As
sault Become HI Wife.
PAPILLION, Neb., Sept. It (Special.)
The Snodgraaa criminal aasault case has
taken a peculiar turn. Young Snodgras
and Miss Emma Qlessman, tha complaining
witness, were married In Omaha this after
noon. Snodgraaa waa released from the
Omaha Jail and came to Papllllon with his
wife tonight. He will appear in district
court here Monday morning and the case
will probably be dismissed. This has been
a very sensational case. Many are watch
ing the case closely and there will be peo
ple from all over the county Monday to see
the outcome.
Team Collide aad Horse I Killed.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Sept 12. (Spe
cial.) In a collision last evening which oc
curred on Chicago avenue. County Clerk
L. A. Tyson lost a colt and C. Bengen, a
prominent farmer . residing near Mynard,
auatalned a fall which might have caused
fatal result. '
Mr. Tyson and three son were returning
from the, country after dark, and a th
ground wa soft they were unable to hear
the approach of Mr. Bengen' horse and
buggy from the opposite direction. Mr.
Bengen waa thrown from his buggy by the
force of the collision and wa badly bruised
and stunned. A few moments later one of
the horses attached to the Tyson rig sud
denly fell to the ground, dying almost In
stantly. Investigation showed a hole In Ita
aide where the point of a buggy shaft had
penetrated the flesh. The occupants of the
carriage were not Injured, due to the fact
that they were driving slowly. When Mr.
Bengen was picked up his Injuries ap
peared to be serious, but he was taken to
his home.
Arrested on Sesplrlon.
FAIRBURT, Neb.. Sept. 12. (Special.)
Sheriff Case arrested two transients yes
terday, who were trying to soil some Jewy..
elry at the Rock Island yards, and found
In their posse anion a complete set of skele
ton keys and other Instruments of utility
for burglars' work. They were hfld on
preliminary examination In $300 bonds to
the next term of district court, and. falling
to give bonds, are confined In the county
Jail. They give their namos aa James Hall
and John Doyle. They managed to societo
th Jewelry they were trying to dispose of
before the sheriff captured them.
YORK. Neb.. Sept.' 12. (Speclat.)-At a
meeting last evening at the residence of
Rev. Arthur E. Miller there waa organised
a Keystone League of Christian Endeavor.
The following officer were elected: Presi
dent, Mr. Cora Miller; vie president, Ml. a
Mary Anderson; reporting secretary, Mrs.
E. p. McCoy; corree pond'ng secretary. A.
E. Miller; treasurer, Blaine Anderson. Th
society started with active and free asso
ciate members. At the cloie of the business
meeting a lunch waa served.
Farmer Co-operators la Session.
' HOLDREGE. Neb.. Sept. 11 -(Special.)
A district meeting of the Farmers' Co-operative
Qraln and Live Stock association
waa held here today. Representative were
preseat from Holdrrg and neighboring
town. Report were read from Kansas
and Nebraska, and notca compared aa to
work being dun la various place la thla
Mining Oongrtn Bettloi Upon Plao for
Holding Bei.ion Kext Tear.
Committee on Nomination Rerom
meads Election of R. C. Patterson '
as n Director and Second
Vice President.
DEADWOOD. S. D., Sept. U-Portland
Ore., was selected aa the next meeting;
place of the American Mining congress.
The committee appointed to draft reso
lutions of thanks to President Roosevelt
for his recognition of the American Mining
congress by Bending Secretary Shaw to
represent him before that body, made It
report, which waa adopted by a rising
vote. The committee' on nomination
recommended the following ticket, which
doubtless will be adopted without change,
aa the committee was unanimous:
Directors, J. H. Richards of Boise, Idaho.
Thomas Ewing of San Francisco, Richard
C Patterson of Omaha, John T. Grayson
of Port'and, Ore., Edward F. Brown of
Aspen, Colo., Dr E. R. Buckley of Rolla,
Mo., Dr. Joseph A. Holmes of Rallegh, N.
., James Lynch of Butte, Mont., John
Gray of Terravllle, 8, D.. Officers, presi
dent, J. H. RliUiards of Boise; first vice
president. Thomas Ewing of Ban Fran
cisco; second vice president, Richard C.
Patterson of Omaha; third vice president.
Colonel J. T. Grayson of Portland, Ore. j
treasurer, Thomas King Mutr of Portland,
Ore. ; secretary, Irwin Mahon . of Car
lisle, Pa.
Resolutions .were adopted, among which
was one to recommend to the legislatures
of the several states the enactment of
laws to afford better protection to life and
limb of persons employed In and about
Th subject of Increasing th member
ship In the congress was brought up by
Mr. Patterson of Omaha, who succeeded In
arousing the first burst of genuine en
thusiasm during the sessions and whose
presentation of the purposes of the organ!
cation essential to Its future success had
the effect or adding Immediately about a
score of new permanent members to the
President Richards expressed the con
viction that In order to attain anything
like success the American Mining congress
"would have to be cradled in the arms of
the miners,' which was taken to mean that
the congress' meetings should be held In
mining districts rather than in cities of
Officers were elected by adopting the re
port of the committee as given above and
the sixth annual session adjourned.
Exenrslonlst Flock to Bonesteel to
Take a Look at the Reservation
Soon to Be Opened.
BONESTEEL, 8. D., Sept IS. (Special
Telegram.) Tha landseekers' excursion Is
a success In the highest degree. The train
arrived tn three sections, the first reaching
here at 6 a. m. in a heavy rain. Twelve
hundred visitors are viewing the great
Rosebud reservation and the country around
Bonesteel. The day turned out pleasantly
after a night of excessive rainfall. Every
one seems highly elated over the appear
ance of the country and very few are not
Interested In locating either on the reserva
tion or on deeded land.
The number of visitor far exceeded any
estimate, but the Bonesteel people are car
ing for everybody who wishes accommo
dation. Amusement la being furnished by
100 Indian. Their dances, parades and
raid seem to be a' novelty to most of th
spectators. - Th Twenty-second Infantry
band of Fort Crook accompanied the ex
cursion and has been liberal with ita excel
lent music. The display of Gregory county
farm produce at various business places Is
exciting much favorable comment from
Th Northwestern railroad ran a special
train of eleven heavily loaded coaches to
the reservation line at 1 o'clock and gave
many Interested people a sight of the fine
land that la to be opened for settlement
Traveling Passenger Agent Gable, Travel
ing Freight Agent Benjamin and Division
Superintendent Reynold are here person
ally rooking after th excursionists on be
half of the railroad company. Bonesteel
feel proud of the showing made. Many of
the excursionists will stay the three days'
Bnrglars Blow Open Safe -and Escape
n Band Car with Their
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Sept. 12. (Special
Telegram.) The Minnehaha County bank
at Valley Spring, thirteen mile east of
Sioux Falls, was robbed In genuine Jesse
Jamea style between $ and t o'clock this
morning by bandits.
Cltlsens were aroused by a serious of ex
plosions said to have been nine In number.
When they hastened to the streets to as
certain the cause they found the town pick
eted by seven or eight heavily armed men,
who threatened instant death to those who
attempted to interfere with the robbers.
The thieves blew the safe In the bank out
side of the vault, securing between $800
and $1,000. The vault was not molested.
After completing the work the robber
seised a handcar and escaped. Officer
have gone to the scene.
Board Hold Flaal Session.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Sept 11 (Special Tele
gram.) The 8tate Board of Equalisation
met for the last session today and ap
proved the actlona of the board at its pre
vious meetings. No protest were filed for
this session and there waa but little work
to be done.
Heavy Rain at Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., Sept 11 (Special Tele
gram.) There were heavy rain again last
night and today. All threshing will be at
a standstill for several days. Grain will
be injured unless well stacked.
Sam Anderson Is Pardoned.
PIERRE. S. D.. Bent. 11. (Boeclal Tele.
gram.) Governor Herreld today granted a
pardon to Sam Anderson, a Clark county
Today Ayer's
Sarsaparilla day.
Take other kinds
tomorrow, tz&sz
Our splendid collection of dress goods and silks is now at its best and such
variety, coupled with modest prices, cannot be excelled anywhere. Augmenting
the interest in the Fall showing are the following materials, which are meeting a ready demand
viz: Zibelines, canvas cloths, Scotch tweeds, Venetians and meltons, Louisine, Panama silks.
New Fall & Winter Dress Goods
Zibelines nnd Canvas Weaves
In plain and mixed colorings, are fashionable for fall and
winter dresses. They come in mixtures of blues, reds, greens
and browns, 50 inches wide 1.50
Mannish Suitings for Ladies
Smart street suits are much used broken checked effects,
all dark colors, a special value, 54 inches wide 1.25
French Voiles
Are desirable. We have a full range of shades of green,
gray, brown, blue and tan, 44 inches wide, $1.50, ?1.25 $1.00
This Season, White and Cream Shades
Are much in demand. Our stock will be found very com
prehensive voiles, Panama, French crepes, batiste and Sicil
ian 1.50 to 50c
Black Dress Goods
Are to be the leading fabric for tailor suits. Attention is
called to a special number we offer Monday, 56 inches
wide 1.25
Shot Canvas Cloth
Are among the new black goods for fall wear. We show three
extra good values Monday 50 inches wide, ?1.50, ?1.35. . 1.00
Black Cheviot
One of the best for wear and are always in style a special
number for Monday, 50 inches wide 85c
Black Voile for Dressy Suits
Are the best medium weight goods, 44 inches wide $1.75.
fl.50, fl.25 i.oo
Broadcloth and Venetians -
We show an extra large and
and Venetians, 50 inches wide
prisoner, the action being- taken on the
recommendation of the Board of Fardons
and th court officer In which tha convic
tion wa secured.
Aberdeen "Tears a frost
rinrrles Innw In Northwest Part
f loath Daksta aad Temper
tare is Low.
ABERDEEN. S. D., Sept. 12.-(Speelal
Telegram.) Extremely cold weather nr..
valla, with a atrong west wind. Flurries of
snow leu at Java, aeventy miles west of
here, this afternoon. A hard froat Is prob
able tonight If th wind goes down..
PIERRE, S. D.. Sept. 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Nearly an Inch of rain fell here
last night and the rain haa continued moat
of today, delaying the work of haying and
He 1 Acensed of Ahdnetlngr Yoaai
Girl Who Wa Member of
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Sept lt-(Spe-clal.)
The case of The State of Nebraska
against Richard A. Gould la on trial tn the
district court. Judge Conrad Hollenbeck
The defendant 1 th Free Methodist
preacher who waa brought back to this
place upon requisition from Norrh Dakota
In th month of July, charged with stealing
away Eva Flint, a young girl under the
age of It years, who a. the time of the al
leged abduction was a member of the (look
at Central City over which for some time
prior to the time of the abduction Mr.
Oould waa the shepherd.
The child abducted, or who ran away with
the defendant, la a very bright and quite a
handsome looking girl, who la reasonably
well developed Into womanhood.
After about a half day a Jury was sworn
to try the cause.
. ' ....... v uwiiiimm
the trial, as almost Immediately upon the
convening of court the large court room
was crowded with onlookers and many were
accorded but atandlng room.
The defendant la a man about 88 years of
age. His wife Is present In court with her
family of five or sis small children. She
seems Intensely Interested In the trial and
manifests a deep solicitude for her hus
band's success.
She Is apparently as loyl to him as
though he had never deserted her and his
dependent children to enjoy the young
woman's company In the solitudes of North
Dakota, whither he had taken her and wa
living when arrested by Sheriff Ash.
The day waa taken up In the examination
of the witnesses for the state and an ap
parently atrong chain of fact waa formed
te sustain the charge laid In the Informa
tion. Thresher Crushes Hand.
HOLDREGE. Neb.. Sept. 18. Boeclal
Telegram.) John Salisbury, working with
a threshing machine gang five miles south
west of Atlanta, taught his left hand In the
gearing of the blower and his hand was
crushed to a pulp, leaving only the lit t la
finger. Ills companions drove with him to
Holdiedge, about sixteen miles, to get med
ical attendance. Salisbury la married and
ha a family living In Harlan county.
Leave York for Bellevne.
YORK, Neb., Sept. 11 Speclal.)-Mr. and
Mr. F. H. Runner and son left today for
Bellcvue, Neb., where Mr. Runner will hive
charge of the farm owned by the-Presby
terian college and Mrs. Runner excepts a
position of matron of one of the dorm!
torlea. Mr. and Mre. Runner are pioneers
of York county and their many friends here
regret to see them move from York.
Xeaaaha Caanty Fair Thla Week.
AUBURN. Neb.. Sept. It-(Steclal -The
Nemaha county fair opena here next Tues
day. The association waa re-Incorporated
and the capital stock Inct eased, and the
coming fair promises to b the best on In
th history of th associativa. Aa ex trier-
strong line of Black Broadcloth New Fall Vestiugs for Ladies' Waists
$5, $3.25, f2, fl.75 1.50 In novel featurei-medium or heavy weights, at, 83c, 75c, 65c
z TIig OmoSiQ mi South Omaha
If u h uvl U lb
Special Excursion Trains Leave Omaha Union Depot 7:30 a. tn. 0 a.m.
and South Omaha Union Pacific Depot 7:30 a. m.
Now features haVo
a 5-milo horoo
"A dry placo
dlnary effort has beett mad by Director C.
M. Buck to obtain an extra good line of
fast horses. Every class has been filled
and some of the bent trotter, pacer and
runner will be here. Pat L. owned by J.
W. Lash of thla place, ao far Is the favorite
In the fast trotting race.
Freight with Exist at Each Ead
Breaks Apart on n Hill Half a
Delta Care Are Wrecked.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Sept. 12. (Spe
cial.) Early this morning a Burlington
freight trajn, westbound, (tuck on a grade
near the water work pumping station. A
helper wa added and th train backed
down tha grade to get a good start, but
In doing so a coupling wn pulled out and
the train became detached. The engineer
on the first engine, not knowing this, sig
naled to go ahead, and a th engine be
hind did not have as many cara to push
aa th one In front bad to pull, there waa
soon a collision. A car loaded with mer
chandise of various kinds was telescoped.
One car loaded with oats, one with shelled
corn, two with merchandise and one empty
box ear were wrecked.
tt. Blgncil division superintendent, came
Mew Walking Skirts
A complete line of ladies' Walkina Skirts in the new
materials , and cuts.
Walking Skirts .
Of mixed suiting cloth, in blue, brown and gray, neatly fio
ished with stitched straps and buttons, at fS.50 and. . .8.00
Walking Skirts
Of blue or black cheviots, nine gored, each seam finished
with stitching, at 8.50
Walking Skirts- V
Of blue or black zibeline cloth, newest cut, with strap trim
ming special price , 4.85
Fall and Winter Waists- v
, Waists in white or black mohair, pleated front, large sleeves,
finished in stitched silk and buttons, at 5.00
Waists in black and white vesting, deep yoke effect, trimmed
in gun metal buttons, at 4.00
Waists in black or black and white satine, tucked front,
large sleeves, special at fl.50 and 1.00
Flannels and Blankets
, Flannelettes The largest showing and the prettiest design
ever exhibited, hundreds to choose from, at yd., 15c and. 10c
Outing Flannel Full line in stripes and checks, pure while,
cream and solid colors, at, yard, 15c and 10c
Wool Skirting Flannel In white, at, yard 60c, 55c, 50c,
45c, 40c, 35c, 30c and 25c
New French Flannels In designs suitable for dressing
sacques, kimonas or waists, at, yard 69c
Special advance sale on Woolen Blankets Those who con
template buying blankets this year can save from 25 to 30
per cent in making their purchases now.
Blankets at pair f 12.50, f 10.00, f8.00, f 6.75, $3.50, f4.95,
$4.25, $3.25, fl.85, f 1.75, fl.49, fl.35, fl.25, f 1.00, 90c, 75c,
69c, 59c and
rY A:
boon added to the program, including
race and a gorgeous spectacular
Tent Show.
has at last appeared."
TICKETS, $1,00. CHILDREN, 50c.
In from Lincoln and had one track cleared
by 8:30, so that the morning Denver train,
No. 1, due through here at 6:50, waa able
to get out for the west. Fortunately no
one waa Injured. -
Biaij Will Play at West Polat.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Sept. 12.-Speclal.)
The famous band of the Twenty-second
Infantry, U. B. A., has aiuiotinced a visit
and farewell performance .. Weet Point, In
the Rtveralde park, on September 20. A
committee of cltlsens, with Mayor Sonnen
sclieln at the head, haa been appointed to
perfect arrangements' for a plcnlo at the
park. y
Man Who Killed I'ather-la-Law aad
Eladed Sheriff- Is Can.
8T. LOUIS. Sept. 12.-Wllllam A. Hoff
man, who shot and killed William Brandt,
hla father-in-law, at the In tier's home near
Marysvllle, III., twelve miles from Water
loo, Thursday, was captured at I o'clock
thl afternoon on th Smelting Work'
road, a short distance aorta of Belleville,
Guess whero?
ladlcted Postoffleo Inspector Says Ho
Made So Secret of Coaaeetlea ,
with Contractors.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12,-Inspector
Erwln ha returned to his home In Berkeley
from Santa Crui, whare he had been for
several weeks under the care of a phy
sician. Speaking of the indictment found
against him he said:
It was the severest blow of my life .1
have done nothing wrong, and I cannot
realise that 1 am under Indictment for a
serious offense. I am ready to meet my
accuners. have arranged for ball and am
ready to appear before the United State
marshal whenever he may be ready to
serve the warrant from Washington
I was one of the Inventors of the device
which the Postal Device and Improvement
company sells, from Its beginning 1 have
had a small block of stock In the c im.
i.any. It waa no secret; all my frlenrfs
knew It. When the special agents of the
government were here Investigitlng sev
eral weeks ago, they questioned ni and
I told all that I knew about the company's
s flairs. I knew that the dealing with
the government were being looked liUo
but It never occurred to me that I had
done anything which might be construel
as rendering me culpable la U slightest
l j