TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1903. 1 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Lirf Hnmber of IVl Un-en Arrmd Lut Week and Pleee HetTj Orders, VERY FEW IMPORTANT PRICE CHANGES Con jar la Fatsre Baslaess Itfni Be Mack Better Taaa It Was a fclaort Tlma Am Everyeae Ea sects Prosperoas Wlater. J"he business situation Id Omaha and tributary territory continue very satisfac tory to all concnnxl Tnari star, mm-a merchants In the city last week buying their fall line than were expected, and as av reault Jobbers have a good word to say regarding the condition of trade. Manu facturer. aUo report the demand for their lines of goods aa being fully up to their expectation. Local retailers have been en Joying a brink demand In early fall lines and are preparing fur a big rush of busl ines during the Ak-6ar-Ben festivities. Taking the altuatlon aa a whole, no one apparently has any cause for complaint re garding the amount of business they are ooing. The outlook for the future Is also considered Ver encouraging, for, unless there Is a severe frost In the near future, there will be a fair corn crop, which means continued prosperity for some time to come. Merchants have been buying very freely during the last week or tan daya, whlcn would Indicate that they are not at all alarmed over future prospects. Prices on staple lines have not fluctu ated to any great extent during the week under review and In fact there have been fewer changes of Importance than usual. The feeling seems to, be firm all along the line, with Indications favorable for healthy markets for some time to come. agar Market Firm. t Wholesale grocers report the demand for their line of gooda aa being very brisk and trade last week was considerably heavier than It waa the week before. Prices have fluctuated very little since the last report, but most of the changes that have taken place hava been In the direction of higher prtoea.. . The sugar market is In the same position It waa a week ago so far as quotations are concerned. Refiners report, however, an tnereaaed demand, no concessions and raws firmer, indications now are that owing to tae lateness of the season the demand for augar will continue heavy until the mid dle or latter part of October. , The cheese market Is higher than It waa m week ago owing largely to a heavy ex port demand. It la claimed that owing to continued drouths In England the export demand for cheese In this country will be much heavier than last year and conse quently higher prices are being anticipated. Beans have advanced IS to 20 cents per bushel, owing to the continual wet and cold weather throughout Michigan and Wiscon sin. The claim Is made that the crop his been damaged 60 to 60 per cent. In the dried fruit line prlcea are gen erally In a very strong position and the opinion among Jobbera Is that present prices will be well maintained. The report Is that wholesalers are not taking hold very freely of raisins at the prices reaently an nounced, but as packers claim to control about 85 per cent of the acreage It Is thought that It Is only a question of time before Jobbers will have to fall in line and take the goods at the prlcea at which they are being offered. In canned gooda, future corn is coming In for a full share of the attention owing to the uncertainty of the pack. It la claimed that with the moat favorable weather condltiona for the remainder of the r month a full pack cannot be made. Brisk Movesseat at Dry Goods. There were, fully a many dry gooda mer chants In the city laat week aa arrived the week before and their orders were very liberal. It la the orlnlon of whole salers that trade will continue heavy on fall Unas until fter the Ak-S&r-Ben fes tivities. A large number of merchants have expressed their intention oi nuiuing off until that time and as a result Jobbers are making preparations for having a. laure force on nana at mat time iu at tend, to the wains of their oustomere. If the demand for fall roods during the next three or fonr weeks comes up to the expectations of Jobbers they say that they will break laat year's good record, for the volume of goods sold, by a wide margin. The dry goods market la In very much the same position It waa a week ago. Prices are firm all along the line and the same aa has been stated through these columns previous to this time Jobbers say there Is very reason for believing that values wjll be well maintained almost inoenminj. Preparations are now going forward pre liminary to starting traveling salesmen out with certain lines of spring goods. Every year the tendency Is to start out with the new lines earlier than the year preceding and this season seems to be no exception to the general rule. The general lmpressloa Is that merchant are In a hopeful frame of mind owing to the fact that they have been making meney and for that reason will be ready to place their orders in good season. ' net to Short ob Hardware. "Local hardware men report their stocks of gooda more complete than they have been for many mouths past. It seems that a large number of the manufacturers who have been so far behind with their orders are beginning to catch up and it looks now aa though the supply would come nearer (nesting the requirements of the trade in the future than haa been the case In the twist. The demand for aU seasonable lint's Is now very liberal and stoves, stove- t-Am aim'anlnMB ellmwa flnttl SCUtXlaB and ali klnda of winter gooda are being hipped to the couiay as rapidly aa pos sible. The demand in fact la better than It waa a year ago at thia time and Jobbers look for a briait trade throughout the winter season. About the only thing they have to complain about Is the slow move ment of freight from the east. . Most of the shipments they aay are on' Use road about twice as long aa they should be under ordinary condltiona ' . Bo far aa the hardware market Is con cerned there la nothing new to report. All staple lines are selling In practically the same notches they were a week ago, and the general -market Is in a good healthy condition, with no prospect ot any Impor tant changes In the near future. In the farm implement line the wagon trade la -still rather disappointing for thia time of year. Jobbera are In hopes. how Over, that there will be a big rush for them as soon as the corn crop Is assured. They are making preparations for doing an im mense amount of business in a short length of time, and if frost holds on they are con fident that tney win yet an a very satis factory business. Other lines of fall goods are moving la a very satisfactory manner. Robber Clotklas la Good Poaaaad, This has been an exceptionally prosper ous season for Jobbera of rubber clothing. Kaln coata, mackintoshes, slackers and ail that claea of goods have been selling faster than the manufacturers could turn them cut. The fact that the so-called rain coat Is being worn to s large extent as a fail overcoat has helped to swell the sale of them to a very great extent. Omaha Job bers aay that they have large stocks of all these gooda on hand, and that unlesa the demand should go far ahead of their expectations they will be able to take care of the trade In good shape. Tli ere la very little doing In rubber foot wear, and net much Is expected until mer chants unload some of the goods tbey have already purchased. Occasionally a mer chant Is found who did nut anticipate bis wants before the advance In prices went Into effect laat summer, but those cases are rare. In the leather goods lino business la as good as could bo expected. Traveling men are picking up a good many ordera on the road and quite a few merchants have been In the city during the laat few days buy ing stocks. Several good opening stocks have recently been sold which have helped materially to swell tlto volume of busi es. , ( Fralts aad Vegetables. There is no longer shuch prospect of free stone peaches cuing much below 1100 per box at wholesale and aa a result there hi-a been a big demand for that class of fruit during Ihe laat few days for canning pur poses. The general Impression waa that prices wouldT be cheaper when Colorado and 1'tah fruit arrived, but such haa not been the case to date, as the dt-msnd ha been sufficient to take all th stork offered at right around tl uu per box. Clings are quoted aa low as Mc. Home-grown grapes are In good supply and are selling freely at I2c per barket. Applea are arriving more freely thai they have been and are worth 2 60.j3.W per barrel. The prices ruling on the various other lines of fruit now In season will be found In another column. Eggs have not been so plentiful ol lstc onu prices consequently have nrtnt-d up con siderably. Poultry, on the other hand, has tieen In good receipt and prt-e have t-aiwid off a little. That has been particularly true of soring chic kens, which are now down to Ii'VjUc. IlutlT has been selling In stout the same notches all the wsta, packlrg stock being quoted at 1IHg13c o0ee Mrrket. NEW YORK. Sept. li -COFFEE-The .narket for futures opened aleady at nit changed prices U an advance of i points and ruled fairly active and steady to flrn on a moderate outelde demand arid otter ing following the steady cahlrO and small reoalpus. The aaaraot dosed steady at a advance of ofriO points. Bales were 17.750 bags. Including September, at 4 lc; October, 4 2l)c; November. 4 26c; December, 4 5ie; January, 4 25c; March, i.9c; May, 4.1M8$.Cjc; June, i I"tf5.j6c; July, "&. Wc OMAHA V4 HULK ALB MABKBT. Coadltloa of Trade aad Quotations oa ttaple aad Faaey Prod are. EOQS-Fresh stock, loss off, lTViC LIVE POULTRY Hens, fcV4ciic; spring chickens, per lb., lnWftlic; roosters, accord ing to age, 4ftc; turkeys, Ufclic; old ducks, c. young ducka, Kuvc. Bl TTLR-r-acklng stock, 12H512c; choice o fancy dairy, in tube, 1631c; separator, Ifc. FRESH FIFTT-Freh raurht trout, lie: pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, c; buffalo, S4jc; blueflsii. lac; Whitehall, loc; salmon, 11c; had. lock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, Or; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 20c; lobfters, peen. per lb., 2xe; bullhead. 11c; catfish, 14c: black baas. i'!K2r: halibut. Sc: rran- pies. j.c; nerring, 6c; white bass, loc; blue tin. Sc.. OYSTERS New Tork counts. tr can. 45c; per gal., KIR; extra selects, per can, 17c; per sal., tl.90: standard, per can, 3oc; per gal.. ,1 5u rnA.N Fr ton. 114. HAT Prices ouoted bv Omaha Whole sale Ie-ilers" association : Choice No. 1 up- iana, ji.wi; r.o. z, ; medium, 17. Mi; coarae. 17.00. Kye straw, 16.60. These prices firs for hoy of good color snd oualltv. De. round fair and receipts light. CORN . OATS 37c. RTE-No. t, BOO. VEGETABLE?. POTATOES Per hu., 7'30c. BWEET POTATOKI4 Home grown. Ter basket. 75c; Virginias, per 1-bu. bbL, l3.-y 3.2K. CUCUMBERS Home grown. rer basket. JOc. PKANB Home rrown. wsx. per mnrket basket, 4060c; string, per market basket, 4tiG0c. CABBAGE New home grown, lViSlVsO per lb OREKN CORN Per do., 10c. TOMATOES Home arrows, tier basket IRC 40c. KHIUAKB per IB., 1C NAVY BEANS Per bu. 12.60. CELERY Michigan, per dot, J0(J35c; tarre western, 4Bo. ONIONS New home grown, dry. per lb.. lHc: fancy Washington stock, per Id., c EGG PLANTS Per dox.. i.i)tiil.2s. FRUITS. . PITMR I'tnh snd Colorado, $1.3. PRUNES Italian, per box, $1.36; Silver, 0.31. PEACHES California, salaway. 5c; California clings, 5c; I'tah freestone, tOc; Colorado freestone, c4r1.00. CRABAPPI.EH Per bbl , P. PEARS Colorado and Utah Flemish. $1.75; Colorado and 1'tah Bartlett's, $2.lnJ'2.2. CANTALOCPE Rocky ford, per standard crate. $3 ,; home grown, per dor., $1.26. APPLES Weltheys and other varieties, per R-bu. bbl.. $2.fioB3 0D. GHAPES-Callfornla Tokays, $1.78; Ham burg and Muscats, $1.50; home grown, s-lb. basket, 2!o. WATERMELONS Missouri, 25c each; crated, nt. 7fic rer 110 lbs. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., S .75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenclas, all sixes, $4.00-4.25. BANANAS Per bunch, $2.002.60; Jumbos, $1.00. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 3G0 ?' i. cnoice, 44; 240 to Z70 sizes, $4.0004.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream. lc; Wisconsin, young America's, Uc; Black Swiss, loc; Wisconsin bricks, UHc; Wisconsin llmberger, 12c. HONEY Neb. per 24 frames, $3 50; Utah and Colorado, per 25 frames, $3.50. 9ORN-Per lb.. JHcj shelled. $U3c. HIDES No. 1 green, bc; No. 2 green, Hc; No. 1 salted, 7ftc: No. t salted, 6Hc; No. 1 veal calf. 1 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 1 veal calf U to la lbs.; dr salted hides. Sri lc; sheep pelts, 2.fc75c; hrose hides, $1,600 ,,NXrrSTw"'nut- No- 1 "oft shell, per lb., I7c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, Eer lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c: Taslls. per lb., 12cr filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., lic; small, per lb.. 11c; peanuts, per lb., 61c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c - St. Low Is Grata aad ProTlsloas, BT. LOUIS, Sept. 12. WHEATHlgher; No. X red cash elevator, 82ic; track, ebraSttc: September. afl&2,c; December, 8lc MkJS'87Vi o. 2 hard. 77&7rfc. ' . CORN-Tllsher; No. X cash. 47c ; track, " September. 47c; December. 46c; OATS-Steady; No. Z cash. 86c; track. $7V.; September, 84,o: December, 86Hc; May, Stoisc; No. 2 white, ilfr41ka RYE-Vlrm; 67&S7e. .FTOLR Sfady; red winter patents, !JU''4;20; ex,ra fancr and straight, $3,509 -a iri - n' es-ule-d-tKI. j Et Timothy, steady to firmer, $2.75 CORNMEAL-rSteady. $2.80. ?.RA.N" 6trne; sacked, east track, 76SM0e. $7.(W.0O. " "w""" -. irtu.-x tonuN TIES $1.06. BAGGING 6t)JVc. HEMP TWINE 6c, . PROVISIONS-Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, standard mess, $13. Lard, weak, $K.?7A4. Bacon (boxed i, steady: extra shorts. $S.62'4: clear rlhs, $ $7H; short clear. $y 75. POULTRY Firm; chickens. c; springs. lOHc; turkeys, 14c; ducka, 6u9c; geese, iif BITTER Quiet; creamery, 1420c; dairy. EGGS Firm, 19c loss off. i . t. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14.0H0 n.ono Wheat hu fia via m nm Corn, bu Y. JW.uiO 37i0O0 a, ,UW SZ.0V0 Kaasas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 12 WHEAT Sep tember, 71c; December. 71jt7J4,c; cash. No. I hard, TSiiic; No. 3. 77:'c; No. 4. TiWc ; rejected, 04c; No. 2 red, 80c; No. 1, 7&S78HC. CORN St-pt ember. 4bc; Deienibcr, 4o,. 4S"e; cash, No. 2 mixed, 46ii45ic; No. 1 white, 46c; No. 3. 4iK&46c. OATS-No. 2 white. 4oc; No. 2 mixed. iOB fir. RYE No. t. E5c. H,AJv-i.'J.,mothy. $81010.00; choice prairie, $7.257.C. , I, as t-'l iiii.- w..mery, 1517c; dairy, fancy, EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 17c dox.; new No, 2, whltewood cases Included, 17a. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 136.000 115.200 Corn, bu ,.. 40. 000 86.8K1 Oats, bu 1,000 4,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 12. BUTTER Steady demand; nearby prints, 21c. EGGS Firm and good demand; fresh nearby, 24c, loss off; fresh western, 23c, loss oft; fresh southwestern, 2uyilc, loss off' frh southern. la2oc. CHEESE Firm and. good demand; New York full creams, fancy, new, llc; New York full creams, new. 104rllc; New York full reams. fair to good, new, lOfilOHc Mlaaoaoolls Wheat, Floor aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 1$. WHEAT Close: December. IP'ijjMc ; May, taiasSiie; on track. No. 1 hard, pTe; Ni. 1 northern, R", '.(- N." rt 4 northern k-'" N.' n a r.-t u TCSOc. ' FLiOUR Flrat patents, $450fJ4 60; second patents, $4.400450; first clears, $3.bo(fl3tS0; Second dears. tl.6riifi2.75. snAn-in duik. .j.tu(oi-.a. llrrrs..! Cnla a.d P..l.l... T nrrcnnit a - . .,m..M n utik vuu, oe-ll. It spot, No. 1 red. western, winter, quiet at 6a2-d; No. 1 northern, spring, steadv at 6 d. fu tures. quVt; SeinemTier, 6s5d; October, 6s Hd; December, is("i,d. -"ii rioi, Aaerican mixed, quiet at 4abVd Fu'urea, dull;- September. 4s 6d: October. 4s 6Hd. . Mllwaakro Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 12. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. 0c: No. 2 northern. tl7Hc: New S-ptember. fl'.o bid. RYF.-Weak; No. 1, 5Hc. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 85g7c; sample, CORN Steady; December, 5ox.c asked. Dalotk Grata Market. DTLTTH, Sept. 12 WItEAT-Old Ne I hard and No. 1 northern, 7i,c; No. 1 north, ern on track. 5c; o, 1 northern, tiwc: Se--.r- M"c. OAT3-36C - Pearl Crala Market. PEORIA. Sept. 12 CORN-8teady ; No, 1. SOSc I No. 4. c. - ' OATS Firm ; No. $ white, $7ff34c: No. 4 while, aVb37WC Toledo See Market. TOI.ETX), Sept. 12.-SEED Clover. Octo ber, li .hi; January. $5 71.; timothy, $1,521; Beptembtr. alslke, U hi. Dry Geoaa Market. NEW TORK. Sept. n-rRT GOODS The week closes with buvera and sellers considerably apart. Although Ihe former are ry t-onservntive In their purchases of futures, the latter are equally reticent about snaking piai-ea on sls to be made. Jobbers report a slla-ht decline In activity although advices from Uie Interior are a unit in describing a fair active distribution of mere hacdia. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. 6ept. 12 -WHIPKT-Dls-tl'lers' finished gtxls. on basis of $1 23 ST Ltil'lii Sept. U-Mll3Ky-Alarket Steady at $1 ri,. .;'H1A. Rrpt. U.-l-HlSKT-l.a for finished good COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Price of AU Grgioi Wera Better, Wheat Showing ConiiJer.ble Etrentb CORN IN DEMAND, WITH SMALk OFFERING Oats Opeaed wltk Some Strengtb, Ad. aaced aad The a Deellaed The Prerlsloa Market Showed Woakaess. CHICAGO, 111., Sept. U Grain prices were better, wheat showing considerable strength, closing S'SlkC higher for Decem ber, oats showing a net gain of VV:. while corn closed c higher. Heavy rains throughout the northwest and in Manitoba was the influence in wheat, causing a strong early tone. Decem ber opened Vic higher, at 8Ho to al-Vc, and after a temporary dip to Slc on sell ing by local traders, with profits continued to advance under covering by shorts and buying by houses with southwest connec tions, to 82c. Oflerings were very light and only a marked absence of outside business prevented a'grcater gain In values. Trad ing waa largely of a professional nature, with local traders Inclined to take profits on the bulges. Some selling of this nature caused the market to ease oft Just before the close, final figures being a shade lower, BlVotCc, a gain of Sfic Clearings ot wheat and flour were equal to 270,0uo bu. primary receipts l.oso.OOu against 1.1(19,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth re ported receipts of 761 cars, which with local receipts of 141 cars 6 of contract grade made a total for the three points of 802 cars, against 062 cars a year ago. Corn was firm, with small offerings and a good demand from short holders who cov ered freely on the prospects of frost west. Trade waa rather quiet, however, commis sion houses doing the grater part. Iecem ber opened about steadv at yesterday's close, sold up to 60tyc and closed firm at SO5 with a gain of (ffe. Local receipts were 6K1 cara, with 4 of contract grade. There was little feature In the trading In oats. The market ahowed strength early with othr grains, but there was free soil ing on the advance and a portllon of the gain was lost. The close was steady at a gain for December of ,c at "S'3c. after ranging betweeen SBSgC and 37c. Local re ceipts were 166 cars. There was weakness In provisions at the start, due to an easier hog market at the yards, but on support given by the packers, the feeling became strong -and prices ad vanced, reacting later on profit taking. October pork was unchanged, at 113.fi:'i4 with lard 2c higher at $i.32U and ribs down Ic Bt $867. Estimated receplts for Monday: Wheat, 140 cars; corn. 660 cars; oats, 180 cars; hogs, $6,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcloa. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat a Sept. a Dec. B0V4 7!H' 80 79i 83 82 ISIH'WH'RlVrfW May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Oct. May Oct. Jan. Rlhs Sept Oct. Jan. ;83SM W,HaVMMo4B Bl 6o 51 ISOUIrss 50IS6O14 IfiOV.g, 6ov 6 50 KOs. 60H'60'VjS Ml 85' I Ki'4, BO' iU)--s' 87V3TiV37VSiH S7S 87. 39 13 50 13 60 13 40 8 25 8 25 13 50 13 70 IS 45 8 25 8 40 7 35 8 55 8 70 6 95 13 50 13 50 13 50 U 50 13 62HI 13 fii 13 87' 18 4HI 13 40 I 9 I 25 1 25 8 Si 8 3-" 8 S5 7 32 7 32 7 85 7 35 8 60 8 70 90 8 55 8 55 8 65 6 90 8 55 8 67H 8 rr e uu e 85 No. X. a New.. Cash nuotations were as follows! FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3.75QS.90; spring pmems, M.zu'n-i.w. WHEAT No. 2 red. 79ff82c. CORN No. 2. 6T&.52-Vc: No. 2 vellow. K3. OATS No. 2, 82c; No. 1 white, S7e3So. RYE No. I 56c. BARLEY Good feeding, 4750c; choice maiunpr, D'3t)?o. SEED No. 1 flaxseed. 97ci No. 1 north western, $1.03. Timothy, prime. $3.00. Clover, contract grade. $9.25, nornliJal. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bb!.. $13 50 f?13.62. Lard, per 100 lbs . 9.2::l.25. Short ribs, sides (loose). 18.27iAfiS.70. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $K.626.76; short clear sioes tooxea) i.a(BTl.t0. The following wert the receipts and ship ments yeteruay; Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls , ; Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu 22.108 11.310 ....131,610 U9.0f.O ....6.ril.8i0 645.1K0 ....Bi3 4n0 99.708 8.800 9LtO Barley, bu. ... C7.100 15.940 On the Produce exchanse todav the hut ter market was firm; creameries, 15'iil'Oc; dairies, 135jl7c. Cheese, firm, 10frlHc. Egga. steady; at mark, cases Included, 17 4a lac KEW YORK GE.VERAL HARKET. gaotatloas at th Day oa Various Commodities. NEW TORK. Sept. 12. FLOUR Receipts, 17.3 bbls.; exports. 11.299 bbls: sales. 7.300: winter straights, $3.&ta.3.iM; Minnesota pat- enu, $4.7y4.to; winter extras. $2.Kx84.to; Minneeota bakers', $3.75i54 00; winter low graaes, .7tiiea.uu. Kye nour nrm; fair to good, fZ.tMi.Hr, choice to fancy, 13-453360. CORN MEAL Dull; yellow weatern, $1.11; city. $l.lt; klin-drled, 1J 264) J. 80. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 62c nomin,4 f. o. b., afloat; state and Jersey, 56a67c BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 40Hc, c. 1. t, Buffalo; malting, 62(iJ66c. c. 1. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 4,6J5 bu.; sales, 880.00$ bu.; spot, steady; No. i red, 84Vc; No. $ red, 87c t. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, V8c f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard Manlioba. KIo f. o. b., afloat. There was a stronger"! iune 10 waeai inis morning out to nigher northwest markets, excessive rains In spring wheat states and fears of delayed receipts. The close waa firm at STHc: net advance. May, 8SVi688Wc. closed SMsc; Sep tember closed, 7c; December, 87V4io7c, closed, tlhfia. CORN Receipts, 21.000 bu.; exports, 1.114 bu.; sales, $.000 bu. ; futures, S2,Ouo bu.; spot firm; No. t 58c; No. 2 yellow, Sic: No. i white, 5S,e. The option market in corn waa also of a hither tendency, based on tha wheat strength snd rumors that frost may arveiop oerore monaay. fliay cioaea, tc; September. 6714(&f.714c. closed 57c; Decem ber. 656V close156ic OATS Receipts, 7.5ii0 bu.j exports, 115.000 bu.; spot, steady; No. 2. So; standard white. 42c; No. S. 88c; No. 2 white. 42Vkc; No 2 white, 41.e; track white. 41fi45c. HAY Quiet; shipping, TotfcjTEc; good to choice. V'jn.00. HOF8 Firm; state. W0S crop, medium to choice, 26&lJc; 1102 crop, common to choice, 214ll:6c; olda, liiaic; Pacific coaat, lfiS crop, medium to choice, 264loe; l!s'2 crop, com mon to rholee, 21j2Sc; olds, lT3c. HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs, 18c; California. Zt$25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14e. " LEATHER Steady; acid, 2325Vic. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. tmOM iv io, raw", hi ifib mi; oeei naros, l. ltKa'2 30 ' packet. $900610.00; city extra India mess. $14 00tfl5 On: cut meats. steady to firm; pickled bellies, Knl3c; pickled shoul ders, 4c; pickled hams. 12V813C; lard, quiet; western steamed, $St.i; refined, steady; con tinent. 99 K6; S. A., W.7j; compound, $fi.75 T14; pork, dull: family, $1koo; short clear $14 75 16 b0; mesa. $15 25516.25. BUTTER Firm : extra creamery, 2ni4c-" extra factory. lS3T5Vj,c; renovated. lmlc creamery common to choice, lf-tf20c- Imita tion creamery, 15017c: stnte dairy, 14Vt&!c stHte packing stock, Cf iiy. CHEESE Firm: state full cream fancy small colored. 11c: large colored, 1044c small white. 10c; large white 10V;. EGGS-Firm; state and Pennsylvania choloe mixed. ns?Mc: state and Pennsyl vania seconds to first. Ikn22c: western ex tras. Sc: western thirds to seconds. 172lc western flreta. ttc; refrigerstor, li4r20c. ' RICE Firm; domestio fair to extra. KW1 Janan. Smc. . TALLOW Firm; city, Sc; country, ri9 Uslos Itsca Market. LiONTXJN. Sept. 12. Closing quotations: Cmaols lor Btanaj... s New tork Central. .. .lit do account t 7-14jNarfolk A Wastera... t4 Anaconda t do pfd si Atrhiaoa M On uric A WsaUra... 14 do lifd 44 Pennarleanla . 44 M M ;4ri'- , li's '! r 4 Baltlmors A Ohio.... 4 Raad Miaaa., Canadiaa PaclOe 11-74 1 Reading Cbeaapeaas ar Ohio 4 17 do let ntil Chicago U W C. M A St. P PeRaers teaor A tL 0 do pld rta , da let pfd.. do Id pld Illinois Central Louisville A Kah Mloaourt. k. A T. de Id pi 4 Southern Railway. do pfd Souihera Paotttc... I sloe PadAo. ...... 147 . 1 .. 1 . do ptd. . ratud tttatsa Stool 6l, do pfd .117 Wataah in do pfd BAR SILVER Quiet st 2d per ounce. MONEY 2Sil per rent. The rate of dis count Is the open market for short hills s yt'J ler cent and for three-nionihs' bllis is 1T per ceut. IVeeVly Bask Slatesaeat. NEW YORK. f4,pt. 12,-The statement of averages cf the dealing house banks of thw city for the week of five business dnvs liows: Lciarut, tsr.4 - Kia; lncrea, tz IT. -004. XeiHils, lucrease, $:4.ju. Circulation. $44, TiW.w'O: Increase. $?r7Tft. I-e- gai tcnu'-rs, un 1 pn-- i.w.i--". htiocle, 1172 06)i 2i 10; decrease, Hfi7.8"0. Re- - mi tit 1 1.... rm mm. Si TlMI Vf m- w I r-, f.,i.p.i,i-vt ' ' ' ' . .- . . 1 . . serve reauirel. t225i,&v."l'; Increase, $18.7"6. Surplus. lln.S72.2oO; decrease, iut24.no. E- l nltea BlateS aepOSIU, --t."J,3.0, oecreaae, REW TORK STOCKS ASD BOSDS. Tradlaa- Coatlaaes Llgkt Despite Better Prices la Loadoa. KEW YORK. Sent. 11 Trading during today's brief session of the stock market waa so light and otherwise commonplace as to call for little comment. Only Slight re sponse waa made to London, which re ported better prlcea for our securities, es pecially the Partnca and Grangers, the features over there being Union PselflC and L Paul. Even the steel stocks were easier abroad. The attendance of brokers on the exchsnre waa verv small and from the out set here the market was narrow and Irreg ular, early quotations snowing advances and declines In about equal proportions St. Paul alone exhibited firmness at the opening, although an easier tone was shown ny such issues aa Pennsylvania and Read ing. The first transaction In steel common was at a alight advance, which was sonn lost, while the preferred was altogether neglected. Atchison, the feature of the week as to sctlvlty snd etrenrth. opened down snd sustained a material net loss. Before the end of the first hour the market became so listless thst It could scarcely be said to have either tendency or tone, Brook lyn Transit declined 2N in spite of a mod erate increase of net Income over the pre vious year. The list closed weak. Some comfort wsn derived from the fact that the excess reserves of the associated banks. In the face of a further drain upon their hold ings, Is well over $15,000,000 ss compared with about $700.(io this time last year. Trading In bonds during the week dis played little feature of Interest and fluctua tions followed closely the course of the stock market. Business was at low ebb and but little demand prevailed for the gilt-edged mortgages. United States new 4s advanced of 1 per cent and the 2d H per cent, as compared with the closing call of last week. Followlnr are the clnsrng quotations oa the New York Stock exchange AtchlaoD St. Faul pt4 .111 . ' . 21-V, . SSI e . 11 . 28 . low . . n v . t)k . II . It .124 .1M .1UI .110 . 47 II . fi . 13 . 11 . It . 16 . 4SV4 4o pla Bl. a Ohio do pfd Canadlaa Pacific . Central ot N. J... C'b-a. A Ohio Chicago A Alton. ... u 'bo. nciac ... 41 H So. kallwar ... V do pit ...123V Tu at Paclnc ...lf.lt Toledo. St. L. A W ... (31 do ptd .. 92 iT'nlnn P.flfln do pfd .. J I do ptd Chlraso A O. W 1H Wabaah do Ut ptd I do pfd Chicago A N. W 1S4 Wheeling A L. K. Chicago Tar. A Tr.. IWIa. Central do pfd Adamg Ei C. C. C. A SL L, T3V. American Ex. Colorado 80 13 t'nited States El.. do lut pld do Id pfd Pel. A Hudooa.. 11. L,. A W tlenrer A R. O.. do pfd.- Erie do let pfd do Id pfd Great Nor. pfd... Hocking Vallej . do pfd Ullnoli Central . lova Central .... do pfd K- C. Southern.. do pfd I.. A N Manhattan L Met. Bt. Rr Minn. A 81. L... Mo. Pacific M . K. A T . hi ,Wella Fargo Ex.... . 21 jAmal. Copper .Ml Amor. Car A F.... ..137 I do pfd . 144 Amor. Lin. Oil . T7 I do pfd . H Amer. Locomotive.. . t do pfd. (1 American B. A R. ...160 ... ... 71 ...1SI ... 1 do pfd 3b Amer. Sugar Rat. ...116 Anac. Mining Co.... 77 Brooklyn R. T 40 Colo. Fuel A Iron... 43 Columbua A H. C... 14 ... 47 . 1144 Cona. Oaa .173 .162 . 13 . 47 . I . 70 . . 16 . n .. IV Oen. Electrlo .., ..106 Inter. Paper .... ..134 I 1o pfd......... ..113VIntr. Pump ... .. 65 I do pfd ..'M National Blarujt .. 1V National Lead ., .. 4fi So. American .. do pfd.. Nat. R. R of 11. pfd. 41 Ptople'a Oaa ... 63 N. T. Central 122 Pressed B. Car.. ,: 40 Norfolk 6t W.. . 2 do pfd . M IPullman P. Car-.... . It Republic Btsel .... .U4i do pfd . 6:04 Rubber Oooda . 631 do pfd , 7 PTenn. Coal A Iron. ,. 7 .114 . inn ,. 4 . 1 ,. 70 do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania , P.. C. C. A Sl L.. Reading do lit pfd do td pfd Rnck Inland Co do pfd Bt I. A 8 r 1st ptd do d pfd Bt. L. S. W do pfd : St. Paul U U. 8. Leather 1 do of d . ,. SO . II .. 43 .. K ,. " . 13 46 44 48 U. B. Rubber., do pfd U B. steel 16! do pfd . Jfi ; Wasters Union .1421 Hew Torlc Moaey Market. KEW TORK. Sept. 12. MONET Prime mercantile paper, eig"" per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8575 G4.86 for demand, and t4.K2r.94.8250 for sixty day bills: posted rates. $4.K34&4.S7: com mercial bills. $4.814.82. SIIVKR Bar, 6fi7,c; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: C. 8. ref la, reg....10lx. A N. onl. 4s ." H do coupon It I'sjex. Central 4s.... 71 do to, reg lut Mo 1 Ins 14 do coupon lot Minn. A St. L. 4s... 6 do new 4a. rag 136 im., K. A T. 4s s do coupon 136 I do Is 74 do old 4s. rag lot 'N. T. C. gen. Is.. b. do coupon ..lit N. J. C. gen. 6s lis do 6s. reg 101No. Paclfio 4s lul do coupon 101 do Is 71 Atchison gen. 4s 104 IN. A W. con. 4a.... 46 do adj. 4s 00 Reading gen. 4s 14 Bal. A Ohio 4s 100 St. L. A I. M. e. 6s. Ill do ls WVSt. L. A B f. 4,.. M do coot. 4s luv lSt. L. B. W. Is 64 Canada Bo. 2a 10ol do Is Tl Central of Qa. U....10-V1 g A. A A. P. 4s 77 So Is Ins T4 Bo. Parlnc 4s Bt4a Ches. A Onlo 4s....l02 Bo. Railway 6s 11 IH Chicago A A. Is... 73 Texas A Pacific Is... 114 C, B. Q. new ts. u c. M A st p a. 4s. ..m T., Bt. L. A W. 4a.. 71 Union Pacific 4s t do ooav. 4s M Wabaah la IU do la. Kit do deb. B Sli Weat Sbora 4s .1M Wheel. 4 L t. 4s.. 18 Wla. Cenlral 4s Con. Tobacco 4t 61 Cola Fuel con. Is... 74 C. A N. W. e. 7s,... 130 C. R. I. & r. 4a. ...1110 C C C It L Itl.. M 4'" .Vl ,,1 J f , ErT prior II Chlctgo Ter. 4a 731 4e 4 R. O 4s.. Erie prior llsn 4s.... Sc v; do seoeral 4a a8 r. W. A D. C. IS.. !! "Hocking Val. 4a..lt Bid. Offered. Bostea Stack tlaotattoas. BOSTON, Sept. 12. Call loans, 4B per cent; time loans, 5W54 per cent. Official closing prices on stoc ks and bonds: Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany. Hoeion A Ms tloutot;. JGlerated . ... T.. N. H. A H ntcaburg pfd Cnlon Paciflo Mas. Central American Bugar .. . 461 Amalgamated . 1 Bingham .ibO Calumet A Hecla. .1S ICentat.nlal .134 (Copper Rang ..... .14 Dominion Coal ... .134 Irranalln . 73 lale Royals . 11 Mohawk .116 Oid nonunion ..... - 47 , 14 46 1 , 61 . 71 - 1 4 41 ,, 10 i? . i ' . 46 do pfd lim, Oeowla American T. A T IX' Parrot Dominion I. A B l!iWulucy ueu. bimnc . Maas. Elaculo do pfd t'nl-.ed Fruit . tl. B. ttteel.... .Ill I Santa Pa Copper.. 10 I Tamarack 71 Trinity Kk. t'nited Slates IP t'tah do pfd 4 Victoria Weetlnihouaa aommos A' Winona Adventure 61 WolTarlne Uouas 4 Sew Tork Mlalasj ttaetatloaa. NEW TORK. Sept. J 2. The followinr ar i" v, jui.Muiii uu nuiiifis siocsi; Adams Coa. . 14 Little Chief.... .. It Ontario . IS lophlr . I iPhoanlg Allro Preeca Brunswick eon Comatock Tunnal... C,n. Cal. A Va.... Horn Fllrer Iron eilyar Leadvllls Coa Offered. ... ...471 ...161 ... I ... 14 ... SO ... 41 ... 34 7 Potoal .160 ,.100 .131 . 1 Savags sierra Norada email Hopes . standard Experts anl Imparts at Sew York. NEW YORK. Sept 12.-Total Imports of merchandise and dry gooda at the port of ork for lnl were valued at $9,724, 42S. Total Imports of specie at the 1".' New Yor" fr 'his week were $6.. 752: $7,lo2 gold and $15,228 silver. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for this week were $2,750 gold snd $541,560 silver. " Ferelga FlaaaelaL. IX1NDON. Sept. ll.-Money was tjulet In the market today and in loir supply. An other period of tightness la expected next week. Discounts were- stronger. Prices on the Stock exchange were Irregular but business waa fairly cheerful, though tha usual Saturday apathy prevailed. Conaola nw a ueiter tone ana nome rails were mostly higher on Investment atxb w.a Americana opened irregular and mostly be low parity and hardened on the favorable crop report. There were few transactions and Americans closed firm. Bullion anuiunt. Irig to tliaj.ooo was withdrawn from the Hank of Eiigland today for shipment to Egypt. PAKI8, Sept 12 Prices on ths bourse to day opened fairly firm. The sending of French warships to Turkish . wr ters de pressed rentes. Metropolitans were much offered on the rumor of a -omplete changs In the traction system. At the close the tone of the market waa ariaatiafartory and iinces were latavy. Three per cent tentea M 27Hc for the account. Exchange on London was 2ff lVc for checks. l,h.HLl.S, bept. 12. Busirreaa on the Dour ioaay waa exceedingly quiet. Ex change on London was Jum 4.pfgs fur LIIGVU, . . ..... - Metal Market. ' NEW YORK, Sept. 12. -No Important new developments apiMtared In aay ot the metal marketa-tcxtay, the usual quiet Saturday business being transacted with yesterday's quotations preuy generally ruling. TIN Was steady at $27 .3H'fr7.$i. 4iPrEK-Dull: lake. 11175. electrolytic $11 Vl 71; casting. $18 87y18.. PPEI.TKK Quiet and unchanged At $6 (0 LEAD Firm st $4 S7i IkuS-Weak and nominal; prices not qti.-tably rt.ar.ged ST. Ull'U. pt ll-METAT-S-rsad. klhr, HUL- 4t7pller, slrwu, $.ewtf4.7e. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MAREEt Beef Stem for the Week tetdj to B rooy, but Feeders Lover. HOGS HIGHER THAN A WEEK AGO Fat Sheep aaal Feeders May Be Qaoted Steady te Strong; for Week, bat Fat Lambs Hare SeffereA a Decllae f Flfteea to a Quarter. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept 12. Receipts wera: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday o.h vw .-.. Oflicial Tueauliiy b.id.l i.n4 n.mA Official Wednesday .... 1.T16 7,7 1S.614 Oltlclal Thursday 1.61$ l.tuta U.K4 OfflciaJ Friday l,usts e.li4 4,767 Oftlciavl Saturday i $.4tl Week epdlng Sept. 12.. 28.293 17.130 Week ending Sept. 5..au,4i3 $7.8JH Week ending Aug. 29..1o.ft 36.314 Week ending Aug. iM..2u,7! 3u.ik4 Week ending Aug. 15..17.4.U 4i6 Same wetk laat year. .Ho..'4 22,i77 65.738 61. IM $4 .oa 87.274 7U.L3 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaria fur the year to dale and comparisons with last year: s 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec, Cattle $7S,7 67U.272 108,491 Hogs 1.7ui,49t Littll.4 1.6JS Bheep 40.217 S0MU6 80,81$ Average prico paid lur Pogs l South Omaha lor the last several das with com parisons: Data I 190$. 1902. IISOI.IUOO. 189t. I1S9S. 11897. Aua- IK I 25 Aug. 16.'..' 68 I ni 4 971 4 9e t 00 $44 8 7C f a a iii S3, e E 89 t 86 t 78 6 87 S 91 1 ii 4 86 a is $ 74 $ 661 2 78 3 71 3 os 2 73 3 70 'a7 $ 88 $ 71 8 81 AUg. 17... Aug. 14... Aug. 19... Aug. SO... Aug. a... Aug. 28... Aug. 28... Aug. 24... Aug. 26... Aug. K.. Aug. 27... Aug. 28... Aug. 29... Aug. $0... Aug. 81... Sept. 1... Sept 2... Sept. I... Sept, 4... Sept, 6... Sept ... Sept. 7... Sept ... Rent 0 $ 2CS 67 72 79 86, 7 U 4 K a $ 03 4 47 6 11V I 11 $ 244 4 W o 4 42 $ 6- $ 75 $ 0. 6 01 iy 4 2 1 e 6 98 4 971 4 41 4 2 $ 741 I 4T-H $ 81 8 73 7 lol t 91 n 02 6jJo, 4 4-11 7 Jo 7 r B (71 4 S $ 72 3 91 6 W 4 98 6 02 6 02 a 4 40! 3 70 4 02 ESI 7 26 6 00 " I ( '- e 7 18 6 OA 11 4 42 4 40; 3 701 7 26 6 uu 5 05 t 041 o I t 021 5 061 6 08 b 0o E 0 6 10! s ml i 22 5 201 3 721 3 (1 3 99 3 99 4 07 4 67 4 04 6 12 4 2' t 63 7 $21 a 11 6 07 4 20 3 61 6 "4i 7 42 7 86 7 83 7 40 7 44 4 14 e 8 61 $ 66 K i:tw 6 lal 4 191 7 46 f 26 4 22 8 62 6 34 4 a 4 sn 4 30, 4 29i I 4 2S 4 22, 3 63 40S 4 02 6 44 6 &0 6 2-.I 8 51 7 46 e 6 87 3 6-1 4 0i t 44i B ; 6 a tVai 8 671 8 94 S 68 3 93 8 81 3 77! Sept. 10.!'. 7 b-'i 7 4H 7 46 7 63 6 44 6 39 6 ss; eept 11. Sept 12. - Indicates Sunday. The official number of ears of stock brought In today by each road was: Roada. Cattle. Hogs. H'r'g. C. M. & St P. Ry ,. Wabash 2 .. Mo. Pacific Ry 6 2 .. Union Pacific System 19 $ C. & N. W. Ry 6 F., E. & M. V. R. R 23 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 4 B. At M. Ry ' 17 1 C, B. A Q. Ry 7 C, R. I. & P. Ry., east 8 Illinois Central $ C. G. W 1 Total receipts 5 92 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber cf head Indicated: Buyers. . Hogs. umaha Packing Co 9,1 Swift and Company 1.3il Armour A Co 1 56J Cudahy Packing Co ,. l,6M umer ouyers i0 Total 0i83j CATTLE There, wera a few cara of kqiiu in the yards this morning but not enough to make a teat of the market For the week receipts show an increase over last week ot about 8,000 head and as compared with ths same week of last year there ts a decrease of about B,00 head. The mar ket on fat stuff has been in good shape but itrucia nave sutierea quite a decline. There has been a fair anrfnkllnc nt fed steers In the receipts all the week but the demand has been fully equal to the. occasion snd each day a offerings . were cleaned up In good shape. Prices have, shown very little change from day to day J and as compared with the close of last ' week all desirable grades may safely be ?uoted steady to strong and active. Short ed atuff haa been more or less neglected. owing in ma qi mat mat class comes In competition with the western rangers, but still even that kind of corn feds is steady for the week. Good to choice corn fed steers may be quoted from $i.B0 to $6.75 ' while something strictly fancy might bring more than that. Fair to good cuttle sell from $4.90 to $E.5o. while the short fed kinds sell from $4.90 down. The cow market has fluctuated back and forth to some extent this week, but closing prices are not more than a dime lower than those In force at the close of lust week. There have been no strictly choice corn fed cows or heifers 011 sale this week but It Is safe to quote good corn fed cows from $3.76 to $4.60. The commoner class of corn feds have to sell in sbout the same notches with the westerns or trom $3.00 to $3.50. Corn fed bulls have been very scares but good stuff would readily reach $4.00. The bulk of the grass bulls coming sell from $2.25 to $2.65 with a choice one occasionally aa high as $2.75 or $2.80. Prices on all klnda are about the same as they were a wot; sv. cmj usivcb are also steaay for the week, good stuff aellinar aa hiah a. $0 00. " The stocker snd feeder market advanced sharply ths first of the week, but owing to ui ik-k lusi country ouyers tailed to take bold of the cattle at the higher prices asked, the market baa taken a big tumble and may safely be quoted ioliic lower than the first of the week. At these re duced prices the demand has been fairly f;oodt ho that speculators have succeeded n disposing of the bulk of the stuff they bought earlier In the week. Ths demand for western beef steers has been In good shape all this week and good stuff may be Quoted stronc and otnera steady. The big bulk of the offerings, how ever, nave oeeu ot inienor quality, Dut it would be safe to quote good to choice grades -from $4.00 to $4.60, fair to good from $3.75 to $4.00 and commoner klnda from $3.75 down. Range cows are not over a dims lower than they were a week ago. Canners sell largely from $2.00 to $2.25, fair to good grades from 22.50 to 12 90 and rood to choice from $3.00 to U 50. Western stuck. 'ers and feeders have been In good receipt aa uie weea, out prices are idibjac lower than last week, or 25fy33c lower than the first of thia week. Lightweight cattle, and especially those lacking In quality have been the hardest to dlxpnse of and have suffered the greatest decline. In fact, on some days they have been almost unralable. Heavy dehorned cattle ol good quality havs suffered the least decline. It would take something very choice, however, to bring much over $3.76. while a good set of feeders can be bought around $3.50, with the commoner grades going from 13.26 down. HOGS There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning and the market opened just about a dime lower than yes terday's general market. Packers did not seem to take hold with much life and aa a result the market was alow from start to finish and It waa late before a clearanne waa made. The fact that several trains were late In arriving alao had a tendency to delay the market The heavy hum nol'l largely trom $6 46 to $5 55, medium weights went from $5.55 to $5 06 and lightweights sold from $5.66 to $5.80. There were no hogs on sale today like those that brought $4 00 yesterday, so the top price looks much lower on paper. For the week receipts show quite sn in crease over the corresponding week of last year, the gain amounting to about 14.800 head. As compared with last week, however, there Is a slight decrease. The decrease for the year to date la now prac tically wiped out as will be aeen from the table of receipts at the head of the column. The general tendency of prices this week haa been upward and closing prices are about ttriOc higher than thoae st ths doss of last week. Representative salea: No. At. Bk. Pr. Ko. At. Bh. Pr. 61 tit 40 1 46 It 104 M I USs 4 4 10 1 46 4; 7 ... 166 , U Ill UU 4 46 ft 141 1 1 66 47 lut 114 14114 41 la 60 1 66 60 ... 16 66 1" I ... 166 61 rl 6 1 M 61 til ... 1 66 6t f'l M 1 64 40 27t IX IU 66.. ......171 t 1 60 41 154 60 1 61 61 1 1 H IU Tl V-S ltd 1 66 64 1st 46 1 64 t' 4 46 1 66 64 174 UU 1 64 66 261 lai 1 66 6t 176 t 1 64 4i ISO ... 1 64 4 1.14 4 1 64 tl IM ... 166 61 lot K IU 62 J-0 60 1 66 U . .... Ml ts 1 64 40 It 160 I 66 64.. 174 60 I 60 10 260 li 1 66 44 11 16 6 60 6 IM let 1 66 44 tv m I 64 64 141 11-0 1 66 . 64 tat 1 64 64 tl.h so 1 66 61 ttil a 16 a i 120 166 47 Ml 44 6 60 66 Int 10 1 64 47 .11 lut I 64 64 IM ... 166 6t lul . . 6 6t n tM ... 1 64 44 tl 64 I 64 66 Ill ... 167. -a4 to 1 64 6 L.1 ... M 61 2t ISO 4 60 4 11 M 1 M 64 1 144 6 60 64 ttt ... i SO 41 ....... .i7 ... It 11 i: n la 47 tit 134 6 64 64 134 lit 4 to Ml ss 1 64 14 2"6 lot I It A' 64 14 M 16114 71 14 60 t kl 4 14 ... 1 M Tl 1H 6) IN 41 171 M I 11 t sal ... 1 16 40 :s SO 1 11 6 I It IK 4 2K6 120 I 12V, 66 214 ... (74 n It 40 1 62 V, TV ft 40 1 70 47 276 140 I Ilk, 70 t!6 10 I i;4 61 I to 162 71 ...131 40 1 to 611EKP There were no fresh arrivals of sheep and lambs here this morning, and for the week Supplies have l-ecn rather limited, aa there Is a decrease of nearly ,ft0 head as compared with lust week and ss com psred with the corresponding week of last year there is a falling off of about 6,000 head also. The market for fat sheep has been In good shape all the week and as compared wlih the close of last week the market may be quoted steadv to strong, with all desirable grades In active demand. Fat lambs bow ever, have suffered a decline of I5ii25c, m there seemed to be more on sale than puck ers needed for their Immediate require ment. It would now take a choice bunch to bring $4 75. In spite of the fact that s large propor tion of the offerings all the week consisted of fredera the market ruled active snd teady to strong on anything at all decent. Fach day s offerings have been well t-nrcJ for, so the market hns bcn very satisfac tory to the selling Interests. Quotations for grass stock: Oood to ch"!'- lambs $4 4iS4 75: fair to good lasnls. $4 2iT 4 4n; pood to choice vetriing. $3 5il,i 3 65 ; fair to good yearlings. $3 2Txn3 .50; pood lo choice wethers, $3 2.'o3 40; fair to good wethers, $3 15413 15; good to choice ewes. $:7MjS(W; fair to good ewes. $2.8.Vh2.66; feeder lambs, $3 7Fia4'25; feeder vearlirira. $3 2Tt)3 5ft: ford.-r wethers. $3P0'u32P: feeder ewes. $1 5022.60. Representative aales: CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Light Receipts Caoae Nominal Market for tattle Hogs Are Iwrr. CHICAGO. Sept. 12. CATTLE Receipts. 300 head. The market was nominal. Good lo prime steers. $5.&taT6.1S; poor to medium $4,0045.25; stockers and feeders. $2 64.15; cows. $1.50g4.6o; heifers, $2. 0041600; canners, $15i&'2 75; bulls, $2.0O4r4 5n; calves. $3.6t 6-80; Texas fed steers, 13.2f.Jj4."; western Steers. $3 2T.(64.50. HOGS Receipts today, 12.000 head; esti mated Monday, 36,000 head. The market was J5c to 2ttc lower than yesterday. Mixed and Tiutchers. $6.4t'a 15; good to choioe heavy, $"i.7tS 00; rough heavy. $r 2.Mi5.d; light. $S.6.".10; bulk of sales, $,1.6ttliG.85. 6HEKP AND lA M BS Receipts, 2.000 head. The market for sheep was steady; lambs, steady. Good to choice m et hers, $3.(isi'3.65; fair to choice mixed. $2.0tJi8.0O; western sheep. $2.7&4jJ.70; native lambs, $3.6ob$.50; western lambs, $3,504)15.25. Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head; steady to lower; choice export and dressed beef sleera, $4.764j5.40; fair to good, $3 50'ii4.76; stockers and feed ers, $2.00a4.W; western fed steers, $3.50414.50; Texas and Indian steers. $2.9013.90; Texas cows, $2 0f4i2.5i; nHtive cows, $1.50ci4.00; na tive heifers. J2.(0j4 76; cannera, $10o4i2 50; bulls, $1 854; 3 0o; calves, $2.0o4i5.6v Receipts for week, cattle, 63,000 head; calves, tt.uuO head. HUGS Receipts, 6.000 head; 51710c lower; top, $6.10; bulk of sales, easO'saiO; heavy, $5.i5'ti60o; mixed packers. $5 .ao4tU0; light, $6.75tui.05; Yorkers, $6.0o6.o5; pigs, $6.70tf 6.00. Receipts for week, 83.900 head. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Receipts. 600 head: firm; native lambs. $2.904i5.20; western lambs, $2,704)6 00; fed ewes. $2.bO'n3.95; Texas clipped yearlings, $2.4o4i4.00; Texas clipped sheep, $2.30413.80; Blockers and feeders, $2.00 43.40. Receipts for week, 24,000 head. Reer York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORff, Sept. 12. -BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,193 head. None were on sale. Lon don and Liverpool cables quoted cattle and refrigerator betf steady. Exports today, 1,427 cuttle, 886 sheep and 8,630 quarters of vet. CALVES Receipts, 228 head. The market was steady, with a few common veals at $5.uor7.O0; Indiana calvea, $6.50; western calves, 4.00; no graspers or buttermilks. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.696 head. The market for sheep waa lOOtloc higher; for lambs, opened steady but closed weuk. Sheep sold at $2.7&4j4.00; a few choice at $4.25; culls, $2.50; lambs, $5.7541 8 7B. HOGS Receipts, 1,566 head; market un changed. St. Louis Llfe Stock Market.. ST. LOUIS. Bept. 12 CATTLE Receipts, $00 head, including 7i0 Texans; steady to strong; native shipping and export steers, $. 75435.75. the top for strictly fancy grades; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4,0046.50; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.504j5.25; stockers . .1 u.i. t ' r. CIA rtnwa and heifers. $2.25455.25 the top being paid for fancy cornfed heifers; canners. $2u04?2.25; bulls, $2.50414.00; calves, $3.0058 50; Texas and In- cows and heifers, $2.254-00. HOGS Receipts, 8,50u head; steady; pigs and lights, $5.6t&.15: packers, $5.4S6.96; butchers and best heavy, $5.0O4j16.1O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.004i3.65; lambs. $3.5i t6: culls and bucks, $2.(XK84-0Q; stockers, $2.0o&3.00. (losx City Lire stock Market. 2IOUX CITY, la., Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, loO head; steady; beeves. $4.6006.26; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.30(8410; stockers and feeders, $2.60 64 00; calves and yearlings, $2.5ote3.70. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; 10c lower, selling st $6.41x5.70; bulk. $6.00435.60. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 12. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.219 head; steady. HOGS Receipts. 6.970 head; 104?8c lower; light 15.7i)4iti.CiO; medium and heavy, $5.60 6.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 100 head; steadv; top Idaho feeding lambs, $4.05; Idaho feeding wethers, $3.30. lock In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities: Cattle. Hbgs. Sheep. Omaha 65 6.400 Chicago 300 12.000 Kansas City 2.000 6.000 St Loul 900 3.600 St. Joseph 1,219 6.970 Sioux City 100 $.000 2.000 600 7u0 100 Totals ....4,584 $4,(70 ' aV$00 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept 12 COTTON Ths market opened firm, unchanged to five points higher and Immediately following the call showed still further firmness on better cables and storm predictions. Trad ing was not particularly active, but the room seemed disposed to take the long side for a turn and outside shorts covered rather than run the risk of adverse climatic conditions over Sunday. Buying of this character seemed the predominating In fluence and had aoon carried the list to s level net 74712 points higher, after which prices hung about steadily within a point or two of the best, with trading compara tively quiet. NEW ORLEANS, - Sept. 12. COTTON Futures steadv. September firm, 10.474T1O 48c; October 10.75 10.74c; December 9 6V3'9 45; January. $.68'ii9.69c; February. 9 704j972c. March, t.74. Spot, steady, ordinary, 7c; gaod ordinary, 9 1-lfic; low middling 10 l-16c middling 10 ll-16c; good middling 19 1E-I6c. middling fair 11 7-lfc; nomlal; receipts 475; Stock. 10.8S6. LIVERPOOL. Sept 12 COTTON Spot In light demand: prices. 4fr8 points higher; American middling fair, 7.04d; good mid dling, 6.82d; middling, 4ftd; low middling, slSd; good ordinary, $.82d; ordinary, $ 62a. The BMes of the day were 4.000 bales of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 8.6O0 American. Receipts 8 000 bales Including 2.700 American. Futures opened nulet and steady and closed with near months firm and distant posi tions quiet; Amerlcen middling, g. o. c, Kent em her. 6 9t;n5.97d : Sentember. October. s64'"6 6&d; October, November, 6$3d; No vember. Decern rer, e.Z4j: iecemoer, Jan uary, EZld: January. February, UHJSM; Febniarv, March. $ ld; March, April. E.lttd; Anrll. Mar K.lfK.19d. ST. LOl'IS, Sept. II. COTTON Quiet. Middling lie Sales none. Receipts, 8 bales; shipments. N nates; stocs; i.imi oaies. Evaporates Apples anal Driest Fralts. NEW TORK. Sept. 12 EVAPORATED APPLES The market la quiet and shows little change from the conditions recently reported. Common are held at 4(qtc: prime, EV,r5"-4c; rholce. tfifltc; fancy, QTc. PRUNES Are in fair demand and the general tone of the market firm within the quoted range. Prices run from thi'spe tor all grades. APKIXjTS Are firm here and on ths roast. Ixcr)1v a fair remand la reported. Choice are quoted at Vti'-c; extra choloe, Hvijlftiir: fancy. llV&12c. PEACHES Are steady to firm. Choice are minted at 71?l?r7fcc and extra choice at 7VffVie. Wool Market. NEW YORK. Sent 12.-WOOL Quiet; de mesne fleece. 2t;2c. ST. IyOI'lS. 8fpt. 12. WOO L Dull: me dium rradea combing and clothing iva:ic llarht fine. lhmvc; heavy fine, ISltVjc; tub WHnefl Twisor. IXiNDON Sept. 12 WOOL The arrivals for the sixth eeriea of auction sales amount to 8 1K7 t.alt-s. Including 1 5tO forwarded dl rect to snlnnera The fifth aeries will open next Tusday. During the week 68,750 bales will be offered. agar aad Motasaea. NEW YORK. Pent. 12 Sf'OAR Raw flein: filr refining. 3c: centrifugal. M test 374c. Molaases sugar, pic. Refined, arm: No . 4 6tc; No. T. 4 b&c;. No. . 4 5uc : No. 1 4 45c; No. 11. 4 4oc; No. 11. 4 36c: No. 12 4 HOc; No. U. 4Sc; iso. 14, 4. ax-; cotuecUoners 4 c; moid A. 1. 25c; cut loaf, $.; crushed, $r; powdered, $10c; granulated, 6c; cubes, 5 2f"C. MolHes, firm, New Orleans open kettle good to choice, ,lti42c. NEW ORLKANS, P.-pt. 12-STOAR-Firm; open kettle, centrifugal. J"c; centrif ugal wlille. 4 7-1-; yellow. 8 ll-ltlc. Mo lasses, dull; centrifugal, (djCc, Oil aad flosla. , NEW TORK. Sept. 1? -OILS-ttonsee, Dull; prime crude nominal, prime yellow, 4l4i41V" Petroleum, steady; refined New York, $8 65; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $150; In bulk. $f. 6o. Kosln. Arm; strslned common to good. $2.26. Turpentine steady," E7HfifAe. SAVANNAH. Sept 12 -OIIJ-TurpentlTie. firm at 6nc. Rosin, firm, quote: A. B. C. 1; D. $1 ; K. $2.li0; F. $2 07; G. $2.15; II $2.60; I. $3.2: K. : M. $3 66; N. $8 60; W. G. $3.75; W. W. $3 90. OIL, C1TT, rvpt. i:.-OILS-Credlt bal ances, $1 56; certificates, no bid. Shipments, 36.146 bbls.; average, 75.237 bbls.; runs. 86.704 bbls ; average. 76.132 bbls. Shipments, Lima, M.676 bbls.; average, 65.371 bbls; runs, Lima, 70,917 bbls.; average, 68,738 bbls.; REAL. ESTATE TRAKHFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur- nlshed by the Midland Guarantee ami Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Ida M. Wolcott and husband to George P. Uemis Real Estate company, lot 8. block 1. rV-ymour's add ( 7$0 Sheriff to Pauline B. Davis, nee Moors, lot 9, block 8. O'Neill s subdiv..' LSS0 Rudolph Schlebur and wife to John Ott, s4 sWe, 22-15-13 $.700. Theophllus G. Rice to Amanda Rice, lots 16 and 17. block 3. Potter A Cobb's add 2,000 Tukey Land company to Thomas E. Wood, lot 16, block $, Clifton Hill add 1.500 Sheriff to Irftvlnla Brookfleld, lot $, block $, Carthage add 400 Julia Wessella and husband to Theo dore and Lena Vogel, s44 feet lot 9, block 3 B. E. Rogers add $00 Gennettia F. Nelson and husband to W. A. Haberstroh. lots 16. 17 and ' 18, block 6. Barker Place add $00, Metropolitan Land and Trust company to Theodore Greellng, lot 6, block 1; lots 4 and 6, block 5, and lot 2. block 9, Burr Place, and lot 18, block 6, and lota 22 and 23. block 3, Mella'a 1st add 1,035' Antes S. Ruhl. executor, et al to Arthur B. Ruhl et al. lots 11 and IX, block 8, Ames Place add 1 C. H. Lane and wife to K A. Taylor, lot 8 and eVt lot 7, block 263. city.... 25.000 William Kxug to Peter and Anna Johanek, n46 feet lot $ and n46 feet e4j lot 9. block 6. Kountxe's 3d add.. 1,600 Mnrle Tylee to James Harry, lot 1, block 3, Burlington Place add 1S6 John K. George to the Church of the Assumption, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Potter A Cobb's 2d add 600 Carsten O. Erlcksen and wife to John Chrlstophcrson. lot 4, block 8, Credit Fonder add 1,950 Mary C. Curtis to Ernst snd Minnie Blcisxlea. lot 6. Bangs' subdiv. , of i lot 84 Burr Onk add 1,600 Charles F. Drlscnll and wlft? to Bed ford Place Presbyterian church, lots 13 snd 14, block 16, Meyer, Rogers & Tilden's add 750 William H. S. Hughes and wife to Mary C. Bradford, lot 7, block 10, and lot 8. block 8. Bedford Place add. 1 Margaretlia Hufmann to William T. Nelson. wS6 feet lot 6, block 7, Kntintze & Ruth's add L700 Francis C. Welch and wife to Maud Sargent. lot 6, I re & Flack s suofltv. of lot 12. Millard Caldwell's add.. 1,100 Sarah J. Hurlbttt to Chris Christensen, nV set ne4 26-15-12 2.000 IV. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We buy and sell Union Stock Yards Stock, Stuth Omaha. . ON COMMISSION. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. ICG4 Buy Josephine Gold ti Copper Mining Company's Stock at 134; Cents Per Share Cash. or 3150.00 per thousand In payments of 37.50 down and 37.50 per month per thousand. Ths company owns about MO acres f ground located near Prescott, Arizona, In one of ths greatest gold snd copper producing or sones of ths world. In which ers located such fa mous mines as the United Verde, ths Congress and others. Josephine has passed beyond the stages of a pros pect and Is now a shipping mine; Is equipped with a steam hoist and shaft is now 225 feet deep, with the best c-re showing In it he bottom yet en countered in the mine. Arizona Is the coming copper sec tion of ths Union and I believe that Investors who buy Josephine stock at present prlcea, will make enormous profits both on account of the advanc in the stock, snd from large dividends. Ore body already developed 9 feat wide, 210 feet long and li-'a feet In depth. Plenty of wood and water on property. First car load or ore Just shipped to the smelter. References: Western Bank of Denver, Colorodo, or National Bank of Prescott, ArUons, Write for full particulars. Herbert S. Shaw, 14 and 15 Brown Palace Hotel, DENVER. COLO. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. I U. $. DtsssMiry Capital and Surplus, $600,000 rtAW UUtm, TS. KH. . WOtB, V. Urn. ' LLTIU WU. Cattsler. rUftK T. e-aaB-TM. Asst. Cases. asoasT a roe un la st banks, aaakara. cane, atloaa. grsu an4 ladlrKaauj aa taToraale aarnia. rare In KscBinire kht enl sola Lflttars st tr(lit kasoae. available ta an ana mt the worm. Intareat said ea Tlaae DarUBeatas et DasaaH. rollactlotia Blade srompllr sa4 aaeuaiBtails. We raeuaat cerreavoudeoea. Send Uo .loncy ' to stock companies, but .writs us st ones' far ftl II iflfirsn a ti..n a- - k -6 1 - . ...aw. -lanuii irBaiuun our aucoa ful plan for the purchase of atockn.' whereby a profit U asnured and Iom of money ta irnvdo ab-oIutHy n.poible. Ka AltriL 4K rkri KaW Wa. tavtll se. a me sv 1 ... one who loe a cent while we are Jaandlin- M ELTS KR at DIS t ORPORATIOM, 12 Broadway, New Tork CUy. i SUCCESS In any business detapnds rrlmnril. 1st KNOWING th business. The tijunl.lA. miiBt KNOW conditions that sffect prloea. We have Just issued a booklet on Q O R T3 HOW IT GHOWB. 1 Tka Cren, af lo5i,j ta rrlce. -Its Effeet ea Other Prices. It Is written by sn expert on corn euW ture and Is worth ltt weight In gold to any speculator In grain or storks. 6ENT FRKE ON IttQUEBT. 'i Tbo Market Chart Co. 4V(3 Mailers Bldaj Ckleage. VE&RE GRAIN GO. 110-111 Basra of Traas, OMAHA, NEB. W. K. Wart, Vsasgti. Tel.