TTTH OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATTKDAV, SEPTEMr.ER 12. 1D03. This Store is an Idea enter for All n ( the reliable: itore. THk MS.2.llll.E VIURK. Shopping Omaha. C V Mr h i f st mm TUB RELIABLE ITOflC, Are 350 of that these colors each 37t Suit, special Sale Yemsn's Silk Suits. Also Somo Very E .. . doel Suits Included in the Lot We secured from the manufacturer aboot 175 Suit, a. shown In our window the lsst few days. These are worth Op to $25.00 each which ft ftO w will aei Saturday morning for. ....-. ,. UUU Children's Jackets In the Children' Department we have the ttretty new rood tout Will do IIfct toother and daughter In style, quality and low price. -or-each1 t' ln BlbeIlD' kerseys frlege-Worth $8.50- Q Qg Thrr?uird" In mannish meltons, frletes and kerseys- worth $6.00 for each ,......... ...i ui i.m coats in, ages 4 to 14 your foreach Two hundred misses' Skirts worth $2. each ...... .... . 7 , T ...... i ..... , Specials for Saturday in tho Cloak Dopt 25 neZ?mM,,J!. rpief-well made of pood quality of fl.n- Sd7yXehw:b. -.tbr:r. w"i 8.k r ? f.OT. . 4do mjlJ 'thenew'.tylere,ir''" nft . j -.u Women-a ne dollar Dressing Saconea each ...... '. . ' . . . ' 250 women's Rainy-Day and Dress Sklrts-fcS.OO quality- - 'At FA1K ' AT "SOUTH OSAllA Talk of Changing Location of Citj Cffioee Heard Again. EVANS LAUNDRY BUILDING IN ' VIEW t . N Caaaellaaea Debate tke Matter I afar sally, bat Caaac Ka Declslaa I Rearai-d ta m City HalL .t may be that the headquarters of the city officials win be changed en Decern ber 1. The lease of the city for the build ing It Is now in will expire on December 1 Of this year. For a long tlmenhers has ben a great deal of complaint about thS banner in which ths treasurer And city were crowded, and the fact that only one vault Is in existence In th clt tiaJl has not tended to allay tbs objections which are constantly pouring In. It may be that the council will attempt to get bold of the old Evans laundry building, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-third street on N street, and from what has been said this will probably be done if the own ers of tbs building will fit It up as ths city desires. Thers Seems to be a tendency on ths part of the eouncil to move tho city offices east of Twenty-fourth street, and this will in all probability be done. A. proposition was soma time ago made to the city for tho erection of s hall suit Able to Its needs, but at the time ths prop OMltlon was made the proposition for the floating of bonds ta pay for s city hall was pending, so nothing was Con about It. Bines then the parties who made the prop osition seemingly have disappeared. Assallaat Still et Large. . The assailant of ths Kroeger girl ta aiill at large, and. while the police say that they ra confident they will yet catch him, it Is generally thought that hir-wM tievef bs apprehended. ' It may be that the oomanls- 7 It take, at long time to bring excellence to maturity" Publiua Syrus It ha taken at least thre. generations in the case of Gorham Silver but to-day its excel lence has reached Its full maturity. In beauty of design, in perfec tion of woTkmaniiiip, in purity of material, it is unsurpassed. The trade-mark guarantees all these qualities in every piece of Gorham silver. rtss Our Autumn Styles in Women's Suits the most luxurious, sumptuous, praceful and grandest you ever Raw. They hare that perfect fit and finish that-marks the high class goods. Nearly all long coats, made of tweeds and those stylish mannish materials In the new lustrous, soft, silky tibe lines In all their glorious shades. We are adding new ones to our stock everyday. the finest Suit to be had In AmeiHna are gold by others for 00 end zo oo come In all the shades, and styles for .25.00 all new styles In Scotch tweeds, panns d, riahna pthars ask 15.00 cneviote. taffeta lined long coats, wnlcn others sex you twenty-nv dollars lor our price each 330 of the. beet Suits In Amnla-'si't best on earth all the new strife. Wftla and t them nd satin 0.00 lined route Tor which others aeg yo flg.oo our price-each 3.95 cboire I B 1.00 1.50 50 - for , jr.iiia for :500 2. sloners will be asked to offer a reward for th man's arrest, and if this is done an other one will bo offered by local subscrip tion ln South Omaha. Co to Meet OSSelals. General Manager W. J. C. fcenyon. Sec retary J. m. Guild of ths LIVs Stock sx change and Several other prominent cat, tie men left lat evening to meet Presi dent SUckney and Traffic Manager Brooks of the Great Western roxd. Tho delegation wlU attempt to lay before these officials the several needs of the Bouth Omaha yards in the way of railroad facilities, and to discuss subjects incident to the road s entry Into South Omaha. Martla Spoetler Released. Martin Spoetler, the man who was some time sgo arrested by Police Officer Jake Small, charged with horlnr Spoken ln S disrespectful manner to tho officer, was yesterday released In th polios court. In thS trial of the esse Spoetler was not rep resented by an attorney, choosing to plead his own case. The result was highly satis factory, at least te himself. Officer Small has no official bond on file ss a policeman of South Omaha, and th Fire and Polio board has not thus far sren et to require this ordinary precaution of any of ths Officers on duty ln Bouth Omaha. Hospital Plrale Today. The picnic" of th South Omaha Hospital association will bt held at fcrg park to day and the managers .of the association look forward te a great atteadaaos. Ths advance sale of tickets has been large and It Is thought that the management will profit by th fact that the affair was not held a, week ago. when rain prevented it. The women in charge of th institution will b on hand all day, willing and ready to show all visitors to the park how the interests ef the sasocisUon can be further advanced, outside of ths payment of a ltMeent admission ticket. Will Leave Seatb Osaaba. Frank Riley, a popular young man In the city, and for the last four years In th em ploy of the South Omaha office of th Adams Express company, has reaigned and will soon leave ths city, st least tem porarily. Mr. Riley' health has been fail ing now for several months, and he will refrain from doing anything until an im provement is notsd. He will go to th mountains for a short stay. After Meeeeager Roy. Truant Officer David Condron has no tified ths messenger offices af tha eti th.t ell boys under school ago must start In to scnooi uonaay. At ths Western Vnlon office almost all of ths boys were found to be under th age limit and all will be required to resign. Th asm condition is at th American ' District Telegraph. A vigorous search will be mads for all chii. dren who are not attending school. Magic City Gossip. Sirs. Jsy La vert y is visiting In Lincoln. Miss Bertha Houseman ia visiting in Clin ton, la. There was only a light run at ths stock yards yesterday. Mrs. D. U. Holmes and Mrs. John M. Tanner era visiting in St. Louis. Plana are about completed for th street fair of th Ancient Uroer of t'mted Work men. September 21 The eondltUta of Nate Johnson, who baa boon serioUHlr ill for several days, was re. ported improved last evening. Judge Langdon of Gretna, who was vis iting trlenos la Kuutn Ooaaha yesterday, murned te his home last evening. William H. Rowley, who underwent a serious operative at th Wit Memorial buopiial ia Omaha, ia reported Improving. There la but very little politics being talksd upon th street and no Immediate trmvra of aa Increase la interval In th matter. . v Antoa O lever ki has swora out a r wn plaint In the pnlloe court, charging John Muntvtll with having raised a check for 1 oenta to aa many dollars and cashed th same at hie saloon at Tweaty-aixta and d street. SPECIAL AraUHGENENT FALL MILLINERY OPENING. Orchestra Ccncert-Hcrnlng, Afternoon, Evening IN 0DEn TO ERFUL PROGRAM 8IONAL1ZE Om OPENINO WE HAVE IKtl AllED A FOW. 14 MILLINERY VAllKS WHICH WILL AT ONCE STAMP T AS THE MONET-SAVINO MILLINEKT CENTER OT OPH I'EPARTMEN OMAHA. Imported drehs hats sew tork drcs9 hats HATDEf DRE9S HATS (LOKDO-( TAILORED HATS, NEW YOSfK TAILORED HATS. havdwt tailred hats, Ladies' atd missks dres9 hats, siperb copies op america"! akd parisian high class models. Children's school hats and caps, a most imposing QiQr array, ?1.49, fl.25, 98c, 75c, 49c, 45c and ........ . -'OW Thoasaada ( ladles' aad nlasea' trlaasned street amd tailored bats la over lw kislrei disereat styles 98c, $1.49,$1.69, $198 Forty 19-lark kard blac Karatlaa stock black, strlrta vlaases tko greatest ostrlrk featker bararalns ever Offk ffered a, regalar SH.ftO valaa at ItOV Ladles' black skaacy felt tarbaata ' ' ' f rglar flJS. vslse-at .. OyC CHIFFON UAT DKAPE8 Hest assortment in Omaha, either plain, hemstitched or figured. Black, white, black and white, heliotrope, light blue, pink, car dinal, navy, Iloyal, brown and castor - 'IQ fl.25, 9Sc, 75c, G9c, 49c and ...... J7 Baby and children's bonnets, in white silk, velvet and silk com bination plush, etc splendid assortment upwards from . . .' . . . . CLARK IN THE TOILS AGAIN This Tins He la Aecased of rteallag Dr. CenTaaaB's Sergieal taatraeaeats. Charles Clark, Who gives his residence as Council Bluffs, was arrested yesterday Aft ernoon snd Id locked vp at the station, charged with being a suspicious chsraotsr. The police assert that Clark Is the man who stole SiiS worth of surgical Instruments from the office of Dr. V, Coffman on A gust last. Ths police have been searching for th stolen goods ever si no they were taken. One lot of Instruments whloh was pswned hers and afterward shipped out to Hot Springs, S. D., was traced up, but It developed that they wers not the goods wanted.' In looking for Dr. Coffman s in struments another lot was located in a local pawnshop which had been stolen by the same man, the owner of which has hever been found. The Instruments are still in possession of th pawnbroker, as no. ons can b found to file a claim for them. During the Woodmen of the World ctr tilval Clark was arrested on the carnival grounds one night by an officer In company with A doctor from Council Bluffs, who WSs trying to locate a microscope valued St 1100 which had been taken from hie office. When the prisoner Was taken to the Station he agreed to deliver the in strument if the physician would agree not to prosecute. In that Way h got out of that scrape, but on of the Council Bluff officers filed a complaint against him on the chargs of daylight burglary, and he was taken across the river, and was but re cently released over there. LOCAL BREVITIES. Sens lor James T. Brady of Albion was In th olty yesterday. Th hearing of George McDonald, a colored boy. charged by Jos Wrignt, slso Colored, with having extracted 13 frm his piano Wednesday night, was continue! until Monday. William Nolan and John Ferrlck, both of Fort Crook, were arrested yesterday atier noon on tho charge of deaertien. Nolan has been away from the fort about a.x weeks. E. A. Buford, who gives his sddreet as Fifteenth and Chicago streets, did not look good to the pouce so he was locked up last night charged with btnig a vagrant and suspicious character. Hs will be beld tor invealigation. Leo. Heath, the messenger boy who was severely Injured by tailing from his bicycle several daya ago, was reported aa very lu ll better laat n ght than when th eevldtnt happened. At tuuea he is still, and et-enis to Improve very slowly. J. E. Greeni living at the Center hotel, aa arret-led a a suspicious character last Bight. When searched at the station h had s pawn ticket fvr a ring in hi pos session and h will be held pending sa in vestigation aa to how h secured lb ) slry. . . Wsllsee H. Packard, wanted id North Platte, Neb., for forgery, will be returned to that cay today or tomorrow. Ths police received a telegram f rum tbe sheriff there yesterday evening that a deputy h.d been elKuatchrd to secure the priajner snd tak him back. Hans Psteraon srrlved In the el'y from Plpestun. Minn., yesterday. H proceeded to get Orunk and wli.le In that condition last night someone cut his walchrl.aln and took hia timepiece from his pocket. H landed In the police station by tailing down stalra at the Thurston hotel. tii tac was pretty badly scratched up by th tall. Th Human society caused th arrest ef John McCormirk, who lives at F h end Webster streets, yesterday on th charge ef rruelty to animaia. UVormki has been engage ia the busiuara of buying poor aaj Sum-out horaea and using ihem for haul ing garbage about ih city baill they Sled. He has been arrested on the same charge before Henry Blttle came all the wa from St. Louis to gt into the city Jail. He la ac cused of stealing a bicycle be ngli S to John Grsu. from ta frost ef 'he loins Men's I'hrirtlan A44)iUoa bul iug. Th wheel waa Identified by the oaaer t tht police station aud was in the p jaeasion of Bit'.ie when arrested. He waa lrlog te eeii it la a pawnshop. ... For Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, ws announce our Grand J-'all Millinery openJnc which' thl season will far surpass any previous effsrt ever made in the west. Our department has been entirely remod eled and handsomely decorated in the roost modern design and is pronounced as one f the prettiest ajid moet convenient mil linery shopping centers fn the oauntry. a Our aim has beeft to provide for your convenience and pleasure. How ably we have succeeded will be revealed to you when J-ou visit us one or our opening days. Our atock and asewrtmei.t la as complete as you will nnd in any of the great New Tork or Chicago stores, comprising the choicest millinery novelties of two conti nents. First, of course, inviting attention to the exauialte art of the world lamed Parisian and London modistes, end then the art of American rtat dslpners ns well as a mafrrciriwnt erthlult by our own ' efficient corps of trimmers and deslfcnerst whose handiwork never lags in the fashion able procession. We are pleased t announce thnt Mr. Ed. S. Newman Is now In charge of our millinery department, saluted by a very practical nd Well oraatiised force of ex perienced millinery help. $10, $15. $25 $10doiuto $1.98 $3.98, $4.98 CHAPLAIN IS CtVEN CHARGE Irrsgulzrt'ej DifCovercd in Cigar Depart ment of Pmasj- lraa'a Prison. REVENUE OFFICERS IMPOUND GOODS Warden Is Given Vacation aal tke Ckavlala Plaeed ta Coatrol W blle . lavestlgstloa of Affairs IS Bel as; Hade. PHILADELPHIA, . Sept. U.-AUegd Ir regularities hsvs been discovered in ths cigar department of the state penitentiary, and, acting upon the auggestlon of Inspec tors Kobinson and Hart, United States In ternal tevenue offiuWs are investigating lu business methods of the institutions. Warden Daniel W. Buaslnger has. been granted sa indefinite Vacation and Overseer Robert Armstrong, in chargs of the cigar manufacturing department, has been sus pended. Ths Institution has been placed tem porarily ln charge of Rev. Joseph Welch, th chaplain. Tbs investigation covers the period from the first of the year to the first Of Che present month, and tbs Internal rev enue offlolals have closed the cigar depart ment and have Impounded all of the raw and manufAotured material. While the discovery of shortages in the cigar factory- are acknowledged, the full extent of these will not b known until the experts shall have completed their investi gation. It is. however, staled by t:niVd States officials that so far at least SO.OOC cigars sre unaccounted for, and these at ths minimum price ot $10 per 1,000. Indicate a loss to ths state's exchequer jf not lesrf than ft.OOO. Inspector Robinson says each department Is to be Investigated. "We have not found anything that militates against the personal Integrity and shinty of the Warden, but we have found abundsut evidence that the old methods so long In vague are fault and antiquated," says tho Inspector. GOING OUT TO MEET STICKNEY Two Coach Loads of Oaaaka Baalaeaa Mea Make Trip, to Port Dodge. .The special train of fwo Pullman sleepers. besting about forty of the representative business men of Omaha, who go to Fort Dodge, la., to meet President Btlckney of The Best TONIC When you are worn out with the day's beat and business cares, there is nothing so refreshing ana invigorating as Uorsford's Acid Phosphate A teaspoon in a glass erf water is " a delicious thirst quencher and tonic that revives aud strengthens the entire system. 0) Hen's and Coys' Samplo dais On sale Saturday St S0o Having purchased the samples from one of the largest hat manufacturers in the country we will plaos the entire lot con sisting of over 150 dnaea hats which com prise everything that is new in the hat line -ill of the. this Tail's styles. These hats sre worth up to 12.M). your choice of the entire lot Saturday for only toe 0 doz. Men's sample csps, worth up to toe cm sale Saturday at 10c Boys' and Children's caps, worth up to toe on sale Saturday st So 25c Ladies' Neckwear tor 5c. SATURDAY BEGINS TTIB GRAND SALE OF LADIES' NECKWEAR, 500 Arisen of all kinds of Ladles' fancy turnover and slock collars worth 23c to so on sale st so 25c to BOc Lace stock Collars st lBo Boe to n 00 lAdles' stock ties st K Zbc Ladles' fancy stocks at 100 2lo fancy embroidered turnovers st 10c Ladles pure linen collars st so Pearl Buttons per dos at lo NEW LEATHER GOODS ON SALE. Sheet Llusic Special See what we offer you tomorrow st only (c per copy--by mail SC. Hound With a Golden Chain. The Wood Nymph. The Eyes That I Love The Best Violet Her Wedding Bella Will Ring Tday. A Vision of Paradise, Sacred Song. A Bow of Blue. Pretty Kittle Doyle. Honey, A (rood coon song. 1'se s Picking My Company Now, coon. My Little Girl In Primrose, Lane pretty waltz song. Miss Phoebe Johnson, coon song. Two Step. Salute to Omaha. National Peace Jubilee. Anglo American March. Frangesa, two step. To Thee. All day tomorr6w only Sc., by mall fie. Mall orders must be received Immediately, otherwise regular rates m'lll be charged. Optical Department DON'T PAT FANCY PRICES. Call at our OLD ESTABLISHED Optical Department and have your eyes fitted In the most approved up-to-date manner by expert Optician. EXAMINATION FREE 1 0 dViLsX o n th Chicago treat Western Railway eom pariy. pulled out of the Union station at 10:05 last night. In ths party were: W. J. C. Kenyan, J. L. Guild, D. S. Parkburst, C. H. Pickens. Z. T. Lindsay, W. g. Wright, D. J. O'Brien, M. Wulpi. N. Mer rlam. A. C. Smith. F. E. Sanborn. R. 8. Wilcox, H. J. Penfold. Fred Paffenrath. Euclid Martin, J. E. 1 Baum. Charles E. Ady, H. S. Weller, F. W. Judson. W. L. Tetter, H. K. Burket. N. A. Rawltxer, a. L. Hammer, E. E. Bryaon, C. E. Walte, Mel Vhl. J. B. Rahm. C. E. Watson. George F. Thomaa, Charles E. Berry, J. E. Utt. J. Q. Martin, P. E. Her and Georre Burke. tt Is expected that th train will nrrl ln Fort Dodge early this morning. Break fast will be taken there. As soon ks the train of President Stickney arrives from the east the two coaches bearing the Omaha delegation will be hooked onto It and hauled by the same engine to this city. It Is expected thnt the train will arrive ln Omaha at 1:30 this afternoon. Thj two coaches which went out last night will go direct to th Iowa town without stopping, excepting where it is necessary to take coal and water for the engine. G. F. Thomas, general agent of th Chi cago Great Western hi Omaha, and C. R. Berry, general agent of the same line In St. Joseph, went with the business men to see that everything passed off smoothly and that they are properly tek?ti car of along the line. The party wns very quiet snd the ma jority of them sought their berths st one after getting onto the train. STILL AFTER THE NEW PARK Osaaba View Improvers Likely to Set-are the Boon They geek iron tbe Board. When the Omaha View Improvement club met st Its accustomed place last evening It was confronted with the proposition that it had been locked out and was without s habitation. It was sscertatned later that the Board of Education had reveked the authority for the club holding Its meetings st the Omaha View school house, snd other quarters had to be hunted. Simon Robinson tendered the use of his resldrnce st Thirty-third snd Miami streets, and the Invitation Was sccepted. t'nder the head of the reports of com mittees th school commutes reported thst It had held a conference with some of th member of the Board of Education In ref erence to the improvement and btautlflcs tion of the Omaha View school grounds, and learned that ths board was ready to begin ths Improvements ss soon as th permanent grade has been established on Corby street. The committee was con tinued. The lights committee reported that gss mains are. now being extended on Thirty third and Ohio sirerts. pursuant with the request of the club, and that other malna will be extended as soon ss ths strcats along which gas was dslrd sre brought to grade. The street committee reported that sidewalks are now being built at Thirtieth and Lake streets and that other street snd sidewalk improvements would follow rapidly. The park committee reported that U had been in conference whh th park commis sioners snd that they bad given ths com mittee much encouragement over ths pro posed Prospect Hill park. Tbe commis sioners had informed ths committee that it had now under contemplation an i ten sive system of boulevards, which wers to extend from Rlvervlew park northward over toward Hanscora park, and thence northwest via Prospect Hill to Kountse Plaoe, and thence to tbe Bluff traot over looking Cut -Off lake. The proposed boule vard Is bow completed to Thirty-first and -5 sn 1 iIS IL TTHB RELIABLB STUM Si. American Beauty corsets, straight front, full bias, gored, dip hip, with hose rupporters attached side and front, at f 1.00. eThe Kemo self reducing, for stout figures, sire 0 to 36 at f2.50. Straight Front corcsts and ape girdles, in oil sizes and col ors, at 49c. Ladies plain black and fancy colored hose worth up to $1.00, at 39c', 25c, 19c, 15c and 10c. Boys' heavy ribbed school hose, 35c quality, at 19c. Children's and misses' hose in all weights at 25e, 15c and 10c. Ladies' fine muslin night gtwns, embroidery trimmed, at 49c. Ladies' trimmed corset covers, at 25c and 15c. Ladles' fins cambric drswesa, tucked snd hemstitched, at 2fic. Lsdles' fine lisle thread vests, St Sc. Ihc and 10c. Ladles' fin lisle thresd drawers, closed knee snd umbrella styles, st ttc. Men's TSc underwear, at Sfrc. Men's medium weirnt Jersey ribbed shirts snd diswers, In ecru snd plain blue, all sizes, worth Tic, on sal Saturnav at .15o. Men's 110(1 colored laundered shirts, with separate cuffs, In all new patterns, on sale at BOc. Men's socks st one-halt price. Grocery Saturday will be our grand opening day for low prices on groceries for fall trade. Bead the following: Large sacks of whits or yellow corttmeal, at l2jC. 10 pound sacks of Graham flour, l$a !S pound sncks of rye otir. whole wheat, rye. Graham, or wtieat Oratiam, 43c sack. Hand picked navy bee us, Sc a pound. Taplooa, sago, barley or farina, 3c pound Fresh Fruit Specials Fancy Colorado peaches, lfn a dozen. Large juicy lemons, lOo a dozen. Dried Fruit Specials Choice evaporated Csllfornla peaches, THc a pound. Fancy Mulr pearlies, t 1-Jc pound. Extra fancy Crawford peaches, 10c a pound. Choice Santa Clara prunes, 4c s pound. Large Italian prunes, c a pound. Another Slash in Heat Prices Read our competitor's ads. TtiiB will prove to you that they are no comparison. Wri lead, i Meat Specials. Mutton stew, per pound... !c Mutton roast, per pound , 4c Mutton steak, per pound to Mutton legs, per pound v SHo Veal roast, par pound .....To Veal Stew, per pound 4e Rib rosst, per pound. e and Be Shoulder roast, per pound. To and ......U; Chicago streets snd Is to corns northwest from thef to Thirtieth and Burt, thence up Thirtieth to Prospect Hill and then along the crest of the hill at Omaha View, and then by way of Blnney or some street in thst locality to Kountse Place, snd thsnoe to the terminus st the Bluff tract. With this plan In view, the commission favored acquiring th Prospect Hill trsct. but thought It beet to buy the tract rather than secure It for a short tlmS on even ths favorabls term Of th leas proposed. The tract comprises thirty-two acres snd lies between Parker snd Lake, And Thirty srotnd and Thirty-fourth streets. ThS eom Tiltio thereupon moved ths sdoption of a resolution to the effect thst the Omaha View club requeats ths park commission to take steps to acquire the tract of land described for park purposes. Th resolu tion wss unanimously adopted. Th secretary Was directed fo convey to the Bosrd of Education the thanks of the club for ths use of ths room In ths Omaha View school building sheretofors for club meeting purposes. Th secretary wss ap- pointed a special committee ei one to se - cur a suitable place for the next meeting . , - , of th club., The question of securing per- manent quarters was discussed, and ons proposition for leasing a lot and building ' ,, , , . . . a small house for club meeting purposes was favorably commented upon. The secretary wss directed to send out postal card notices ot the place tor th next regular meeting. A vote of thanks wa's astended Mr. B-obl!:scn for the use of his residence for th nu.tHrir of the club lust evening. Kill I 1,1. ..IH mil U .... I.... liwm l !! ' n I n j5&n i fillip i - 1 THE KEELEY CURE Cr. 19th tti Leavenworth Sirens. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. ciinrjismnR sll M ' GOODS JW dozen men's lisle and cotton socks. In plnfn snd fancv and fancy colors, worth up to ll.Oti, on sale st !c, Hc, lfto snd l'te. Men's fioc suspenders, in sli kinds, at Inc. Men s oc nerkwesr. ln ell styles st 2..C la dies' Kayser silk kid gloves st ti on, Ttc dies' Kayser lisle gloves, at SOc, anil snd NX' La Re I.C1ea' Kayser capsimere gloves, st SOe and z.v. ladle' rAlf sieves. t fC snd Sc. lisdies' kid rioves, in all colors, regular tl TO value, st sio. Specials. Force. Vigor, Vim, Neutnta. Egg-O-See, Malta Vita, etc., any kind you want, THc per package. Tall cans fancy Alnska. salmon, c cnn. 8-lb. tans fancy table sprlcots. peaches, pears or plums. In hesvy syrup, ISe can. l-lh. cans baked beans, with or without sauce, I 1-Sc per can. Sweet Mediterranean Orange, lc each, Fancy fard dates, bo A pound. Fancy French black sweet prunes, i 14c i pound. Fancy new Virginia red raspberries. Bo s pound. Choice Michlgsn apples. I l-3c s pound. Fancy New York state spples, 10c pound Sirloin steak, per pound, 10c and do Round stesk, per pound, 10c and Te Leaf lard, II pounds for $1 00 No. 1 fancy small hams, per pound ....ltn No. 1 California hams, pound To Boiled hams, per pound ll'Ac Fancr bacon, per pound , 1Sc Spring chickens, jer pound L'V AT THE PLAYHOUSES "The Voloateer" at tke Boyd. Cora Van T as sell is old enough to know better; but maybe she doesn't cure. At sny rsls she snd her company need sll the charity they can get under the pita that they are not regulars they're only volunteers. For "The Volunteer" oomss pretty near being the limit In th way of trashy melodrama, and the company that presented It to a small but patient audience st the Boyd Inst night,. Isn't far away from the amateur (last--; awkward amateurs at that. A matinee ami svsn lng perform nee close the engagement today. . Flaaagaa Waatti I -burg. Chief of Police Donahue -cilvd a mes sage from the authorities in P.tisuurg yes terday afternoon statins that an officer ia on nis way rrom tnnnurn id aei jonn ' Flanagan who is held In the cify Jail her on th charge of being druhk snd riisor- , aerly V he pi,nsgsn was arrested he gavs the name of John Cai-fon, but from j he description which th police had they ' believed he wss Flanagan, who Is wanted Jn p,tt(,bur, on thv charge of shooting with i intent is kill Charles Head. Th shooting I occurred in a lodging house row some tlms ago. and it wan thought at first that Head would die. Flanagan eacaped and a de scription of him waa sent to all the prin cipal cities. By sn Investigation of the case since Carsort was arrested hers It has been ascertained that he Is the Flanagan i wanted In the Pennsylvania city. I - Fall in Line For Your New Fill Clothes Bmnrt autumn attire that appeals ts good dresaers. Never Mind Th Monty JVW. PAY FOR IHEM LATER ON ' In small weekly payments sS your Income will allow. Men' IV03 Fall Stilts Mads by the perfect fitting new cut system. $7.50 SIO $12 SIS $18 In all tbs new rail styles and fabrics. Mcn'g Fall Top Coats in sty 11th coverts, popular shsdes, $7.50 $10 an4 $15 Ladles' Smart Autumn Suits In sll ths popular Mouse styles thst fashion has decreed tor sutumn wear. $9.50 $12 $15 $18 $20 Uttlc Bey's Twepic ftutt CO QB, in sll the new tolor effects UttU) Olrl Prstty Fall CeeU Cl Sfi ln a variety of new styles 4U.Ol.I 1508 odg;e St. Tho Oldest, 5afcst an J moil Rel.abl Cu-c for Akobcl sir.. Horrhlne or other Uiuz At). Ictiona. Tobacco enj CTn rette Habit. All tom-nunics tiong cosj 'ide- -', m. I J rns. rUfMSil : t I ! I t i