T1TH OMATTA DAILY BEE: RATUHDAY, REPTEMI.En 12. peas 1 1 5523 .n (Treat Loee Cnrtala 5ale Honda jr Special Values in New suit iaA Fall xat I Hi . . Cbridrnfa School Ragltuis Correct fall styles and weights, new cuff staeres and loose back, oxfords, tao. and. blue corert, t ftO 1 no were sold at $,3.60 and $5.00, your choice at .... leO" sVo Misses' Skirts Stylish for school wear In nov elty ninths and colors,. preUtLy O C f trimmed, at........OeO Fall Millinery Specials Ostrich Trimmed Hat The new ostrich feather hata ' are highly fashionable this season. We offer for Saturday a stunning ostrich feather hat in turbans, toques and French sailors. Every creation wlth.f-- , a distinctive touch of elegance!I that can only be accomplished by the best designers, at. Ladles' and niSMS street Hata New gun-metal shades, also navy, browns and castors large, -medium and .1.98 mau shapes, at. Efrds, wfngs, etc-Manufaoturer'a I birds, wings, tiullls, pompoms ana ore a is, worm up A r to n, at..?.. 1...49C EELLEY, STIGER & CO. Sola of Fall Underwear and Hosiery' for , Xalssv ITistes, S07S and Children. SCHOOL HOSE SPECIAL ' fjmtl XJale TMt, meitk Keek. Le( IImt, Crochet Heok with Oaasat S1t 88 1 ' '.. Ceata. - LadlM' ootton eorsst oorers,' high nack. Ion liwrii, flniahad to th waist band, 25o. Ladlaa' fleeoad rest and panta, hih nack, Ions slvea. ppnts finished lrlth yoka band, 2So -aach. Ladlea' medium weight fleeoed union ' aulta, buttoned across . bust, a cood fall weight, too. Ladlea light weight ootton union sulta, high neck, long aleeves, ankle length, TSo. Children's ootton vest and panta, (or (all wear, aoru and white, alaea from IS to U, Sic each. Mluea' Jersey ribbed pants and Teat, two thlrda wool, natural and white, nonehrlnk able, COo eaoh. Boys' atid girls school boao, medium and tieayjr weights, double knee, heel and sole, all alaea, from 6 to ll-2Sc Ulaaea fancy hoae, blue, red and black, fajtoy etrlpea and dota, a regular 60a qual ity, for 36c 1 Ladles' cotton hoae, ribbed top and plain, ala apUt aolea, double had, sols and toe Sic, for 11.00. . . KHLLET. PTIOER A CO., ' Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets. Bairdaa'a Mllllsery OpaiUng. Meaars Hayden Bros.' millinery depart ment la one of the prettiest and moat inter esting business apota In Omaha. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday are the daya aet for the fall opening, and no doubt the fair ones of Omaha and vicinity will be em the tip-toe of excitement In anticipation of baring a peep at the latest creatlona of the world-rimed Farla and New York mil liners. , ' The raUUnery department, of this estab lishment has been entirely remodeled under the able aupervlsl'jfl of Mr. R B. Newman, who la now In charge . - X perfeot rerelatlon la In eto re for those who will visit Hayden Proa. Saturday. Monday or Tueaday. The deooratlona are on an elaborate acnle and are strictly In harmony with the bewitching and daullng efTeots decreed by fashion for this fall and winter, ' BEAD FOBS Tho U-nnstt Company aells beauties, beaded both sides, for SO cents, liooms for bead wnrkr IS cents. Oaaahi IVoatora Mast Jets. The Knights of Ak-Bar-Ben will entertain at their den next Monday night the visiting doctors, who will he In attendance to the Rtlanourt Valley Medio association. All physlrlans who are residents of Omaha. South Omaha pr Council Bluffs, must b members of the knights before they will be admitted to the den. All visit ing' doctors will be admitted free. SAMSON. A..nM...i, of th. Theater.. Cora Van Tasaell will close her engage ment at the Boyd with a matinee and evonlng performance of "The Volunteer." On Sunday William It. West Minstrels, under the management of Mr. &antord B. XUcaby, will give matinee and evening per formances at the Boyd. Mr. Rloaby baa equipped his minstrels with a special eult f stage setting's, and has eullated In his eomjany ta at-emion of the craft. CP f -f Great Lac Curtain 5ale Monday Ladies' Fall Suits Two Suit Special for Saturday Swt dreti and w-ilking skirts in the new blouse, Prince Ilenry, straight front effects, corset coat emits, etc, in all the new shades and mixtures fashionable for fall made in the neve knicker bockers, novelty cloths, tweeds, broaddelhi, etc , E ; I7.50&24.50 Fall Suit at $9.98 Our great leader made according to our own ) direction from swellest cloths and latest shades for autumn. Never such a styl ish and splendid made suit at a popular price 9.98 Suit at $7.50-Swell suits that embraces the late norelty effects In the skirted coats, new fronts, new sleeves, etc., in the pretty fall ff f I suiting, will go .'.. il I I dolf Skirt at $1.50 heavy meltons, navy H fZf blacks and oxfords I e O VJ Dress Skirts of fine broadcloth, wide flare bot- . 2 98 Golf and Dress 5klrts a special purchase, many samples J flQ late styles, at 4iV0 Children's, Misses' School Suits . Nobby Norfolk, blouses, etons, eto-. In novelty cloths, $4.98, $6.98, $8.98 and $12.50 Children' Caps A special Saturdr bargain In children's caps, ps. r all colors 49o caps for .... 1 "C 78o caps for..., ...40s J) BRINGS FIRST OF FEEDERS Great W.it.ra Will Urn-re, Daltr Trala mm& Borllnartoia Bxpets ' Large Shlpmeata. ' ' The Chicago Oreat Western handled Its first train of feeders Thursday and expects to have a train load regularly now every day. Offloiala of the road say that land sales for town altes along the new road are large and before long they will have several lively little towns to draw from. The Burlington officials report the cattle shipments light, as all the stockmen are holding their cattle to see the outcome of the grain' crop. "However, we think the crop will not be hurt to any; extent now, as the last few old nights did not bring any frost," said one official, "and we ex pbet the shipments to plok up surprisingly In the next week or so." Baaklea'i araiea Salve. The best in the world for outs, coma, bolls, bruises, burns, scalds, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. Cures piles or no pay. 2So For sale by Kuhn, At Co. HALF KATES Vl Watuh Railroad. Bt Louts and Return, tll.EO. Sold October 4 to 8. Leave Omaha 6:66 p. m.. Arrive St. Louis 7.-00 a. m. City Offloe 1801 Farnam Street, or Address Harry E. Moorea. OenL Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb. Raddtsea sb the Chlppawaw A new town la flawyer county, Wisconsin en the Omaha road, located on both the Chippewa and Couderoy rivers. In the cen ter of a most fertile and promising hard wood district. Good muRcallonge, baaa and pike fishing In both rivers. Exceptional op portunity for land seekers. If looking for a new location don't fall to see this new country. For map and full particulars write to Postmaster, Radlsaon, Sawyer county, Wta, or to T. W. Teasdale. Vjensral Pas senger Agent. C, St. Pa M. A O. Ry 8L pauL The Lake Shore Lisaited t Pittsburgh A through Pittsburgh sleeper Is now in dally service on the Lake Shore Limited leaving Chicago at 6: JO p. m., and reach ing Pittsburgh the next morning at 6:. affording Pittsburgh travel all the luxuri ous sr-polntmenta of this famous train. M. B. Q Ilea, T. P. A.. Chicago; C. F.' Daly, Chief A. O. P. A, Chicago. Watch the Regent Shoe company win dows for the Free Shoe coupon. 903 South Fifteenth street. Douglas Printing Co., U0C Howard. Tel Mi. Save your eyes and your money by visit ing Bennett's new optical dark room. O ala- of Brswaell llalL Browne!! hall opens Monday, when the fiupila will report for rlasaltloation. Uoaril ng pupils report Tutlay morning. Al ready slaty boarder have been usalgntd ruoms and about aevsnty day pupils have been enrolled. U1KO. SWARDJohn. September 10, aged U years. 1 month and IS davs. Funeral from family residence. ISlt Cass street, Sunday afternoon at o clock. In terment la oreat Uwa cemetery. rYlends invltvd. fir iM .mm VESTEffil LITAE1Y ACflDEi.1V '"?&,!!&?" f-tb year Sw Sreproof balldloaa Modera eiBlpmaat. DUhttul loca'loa. Kuianee- Malted, iuulu laoulir. laouat iniiir aud acadauiio avojurtmeots. Lucel ralereaoae. CVU A- M. WACtaaOM. A. tuau - OTEC3. Cloi ling Safe TUB RELIABLE STORB 830 Men's Suits in the most approred styles and shades, In Reoteh Cheviots, Cassimeres and Worstedsnever sold for "T Cfl less than $10.00 sale price to per I I I S tl Boys and Children's Clothing Knee.Pants Suits, double-breasted and Norfolk styles, sizes 6 to 15 years fully worth $3.00 for.' . .' . . : This department is showing latest stock of Boys' Clothing all bought for cash and will that mean a big saving to the Just examine' these, goods you buy, no matter what the you. - " ; YOUR TEETH riAY BE CtMFORTABLB But unless they are examined by a dentist you do not know their real condition. Examlaation free. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, lit) IHeniant. Telephom 1085. 3rd Floor Prtai Binsk. You Drink Tea or Coffee? The teaa and coffees we sell are the finest quality. None better sold In Omaha. J he only difference Is, our prices are way beipw the others . Special Rio , u0 leader Blend ! '150 Boston Blend L...-.. ....... .. ..I'soo Cucuta, worth 86o '.Ko Boston Java and Mocha, t lbs. tL lb....S5o TEAS B. F. Japan '. SBo h.nSTllciK Ilrao lr r'a m 2onff,V.-. ,,86o ioa nuiings All our line quality Teas .. V4-lb. Cocoa Baturaav onlv rac ITHc i-os. bottle full weight Extract, Sat urday only 4-ob. bottle full weight Extract, Sat urday only HAND S AP O LIO! It especially valuabls during tha summer ceason, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. CRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS ans) CALLOUS SPQTS yield to jt, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. ALL IROCERS AND DKUQOISTS Painless Extraction Vitalized Air does It. Leaves no after effects, and can be taken by young- and old. Extracting-.... Vitalized Air. Mo .50o Taft's Dental Rooms I5J7Doutrlas St LITHIA WATER BCMOOLa. Racine College Grahhar School "THE SCHOOL THAT HAKES UlYXV COYS" Pupils Study Undar as Instructor, lis Uraduates euter any College or Lnlvermity. cwdal and Atn ksUe Advaataa-ea. MUituy LnU. Pr Bsya ol te IT aeare Old. Basaurir DeaTlata Daslaaea, Wsilsa SLals, Wta. W,WrVraTia'hlhraeagew A superior ecteuut of MuaAo, lriaa. InKuagea. Under direct supervision of llllaui M. Shwwead, the great Amrrkaa PtauiM. leading Musicians and Artiats la aU departmcut. v MIMICAL DIltECTOBS WIIHsfl, H. iMiffvMd uw iir iua lklid Mra. Ou.UTCCluh-WllMS 4ra y Hilltoiaa 1muU4 rxl.-aa lamutu. Mm. lte te.aa kckaotaf Vnmt " for neatly illustrated booklet write e I Om FVtNS. Mi.irtr. Ml !Ma . THlor. ...loo ...0c iEllEiM I IwU An nnusnally large and well selected line of Men's Clothing in fine Chev iots, Worsteds, Serges and Cassi meres hand tailored in the latest and best styles never sold for less than f 15. Opening sale ffl fin price only.. . ............ lUaUU SI2.50 and SI5 An immense assortment of Men's Clothing at 12.50 1 to f 15.00 that cannot , be surpassed at any price. We challenge ' comparison with any suits sold at less than $35.00 or flO.OO suit - . .,.. (.50 the best and west of Chicago, be sold at 'prices' buyer. ' and prices before salesman k fells" ':. r DIDYOU GET EM Sefore Khool began? It you did r,ot, bring the boy in to us Satur day and. we will fit bim to a pair or those , ... if Boys'; $U0 Shoes. They are the best $1.50 shoe ever sold in Omaha not that we aay so alone, but because our customers say so, and tbyy have tried them. Satisfaction or money back. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Om she's Up-te-Date Shoe House, Hen's Suspendors. Our epeal foe Saturday constats of men's suspenders.- They 'are the .kind a high tonrd cent's furnisher retails at not less than , 75c X dry goods or clothing store might by jiving a special bargain sell them ' at 60c They certainly are as good a 60o suspender as there Is sold anywhere our price for Saturday Is cents a pair. Never before have auch. suspenders been offered for 25c. We have a good many new fall atyles In suits ready for your inspection. We handle re liable, dependable merchandise only; every thing sold by ua la absolutely guaranteed to be al good as It looks, the only difference la, our prices you will find more reasonable. We have the exclusive agencies In Omaha for the following well known branda of gooda: Alfred Benjamin's fine New York clothing, Kohn Bros. Chicago made cloth ing, the Car hart t make of gooda. Toung'a hats, the perfection of boys' clothing. Re member, ws occupy four floors and they are getting filled rapidly with new, up-to-date wearing apparel for men and boys. Our sole aim is to pleaae ,aod aave you money.. Tha Guarantee Clothing Co., 151 1S21 Douglas street PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. If you make It a practice to purchase your arocarles and meats of us. we euar- antee you will receive the very beat ob tainable, at closeat market prices thus enabling you to carry out your plans to perfection a ucoese fully . and economically. Quaker Oats Rr i pacaagea ior ........ ........ . Egg-O-See- . ' 2Rc I Dackaaea foe aUW glTredded Whole Wheat Biscuits (Ar Dackaee .aw Malta Vita . i .10c 1.25 ,.13c 10c package n Alton Floui per Bade Eagle Condensed Milk can ....... ... ., Orape Nuts isiesif lactase ....... .i..... Sommer Bros., Exponents of good living. 28th and Farnam Grocery Tall. Ufl-laU- Market TeL HA. ds;' 'V..- - : crnr o New Fall Mat for Men Now Ready. sf u Youp Fa Opr Boys' IT ft 4-HTM' 00 at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 ' For school and dress wear are the greatest values in; the city Neat,, dressy patterns, in qualities that will stand the wear and tear that tioys usually give 'eau Double breasted -or Norfolk- you can have either styled 7 ' , Fifty different patterns to select from all sizes, Norfolk 6 to 12 double breasted, 8 to 15.- .Compare them with anything in town at one to two dollars more you'll find 1 it will pay. . 4 . 7 ! . BOYS' $1.50 -SHOES - -, 4 , ... . "lave you , ever seen ours? Has your boy ever worn them? Have yon ever cvtnpaied them with others that cost the'aamet If not. If's (time -you-did. It's time . you found ' out' that there Is a better bbys' shoe at thla store for II W than any where else. - . ., . i They are all ' solid leather sewed together with . strong. l. double seams; made on com fortable and good fitting lasts, and only 11 W. . , filivays Open you or some member family should cot sick and need medicine after midnight? If you come to our store, you WILL, NOT I1AVK TO HAMMKK OUR FIST OFF. trjlna to awake some one, or call the police to find out where some drug rl-rk lives 'cause we are ALWAYS OI'EN. ready to fill and pre scription, with a ReKlatered Pharmacist AL.WAIB IN I MAKUt. i nis la a gooa nulnt to remember when having a pre scription filled and leaving the copy at the drug store; if it la left there you can ALWAYS OET IT WHEW YOU WANT IT NOT NEXT MORNING. Just call us up by 'phone 77 or 797, and a boy on a bicycle will call for, your prescription, a. ntlO ISTEKED PHARMACIST ONLY will fill It promptly and a boy will bring It back to you. All In leas time than you can take It to vour NEAH UY druar store, where doubtless you will not be able te get It. Try thla plan as your neighbor noes. ALWAYS OPEN. GCIIAEFEP.'S Tt 'Ffceaea T4T aat T7. fdtlt aiwd tateage Streets. Oaaaltav, For Menstrual Suppression any aaoaa rr.."aS. PEN-TAN-GOT (2 a ki; t koiw i. Sola ia Omaka br Shraua a ILCumU Oraa c. Vlnl stlwa Slla. Ti.a MavltW iaiJi3!at.ptl '! k i --- Suit and IS READY. For the past three months we've been very busy marking and examining our new fall and winter garmentn and now we're ready for business. Saturday would bo a splendid time for you to select your . suit'. You Bee there would be no risk of missing any of the choice styles, if you pick it out now. Come in and we'll show you. The Greatest Selection in Town. All the new cuts and 6tyle kinks are here, as well as many exclusive styles that you can't find in other stores. Suits full of ginger and snap for the swell dresser and conserva tive styles for the middle aged man. The Best Tailors on Earth Build Our Suits. and we want you to compare them with any suits you can find anywhere. Then compare our prices and you are ours for your new outfit. ' Special Showing for Saturday Men's Suits, Men's Suits, Men's Suits, $10.00 $13.50 $18.00 oo ::: : : Under Government Supervision Charter No. 689 J. L. Bankers This bank opened for business Sept. 6, '02 Statement of Condition , At the end of the first year's business September 5th, 1903 Resources Omaha City Bonds ... $11,500.00 U. S. and other Bonds . . 26,000 00 Premium Account : - . . ? ' 96U 39 Time Loans . ... J 48. 167.93 City and County. Warrants . 20,220.68 School Warrants . . 11,492.27 Fixtures . . . . 578.00 Demand Loans . : . $ 20f900. 00 Cash in Office and Banks 108,848. 73 129,748. 73 v $313, 668. 05 Liabilities Capital . . . ; . $50,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . . 8,62754 Deposits: Individual Deposits . $245,259.32 Demand Certificates 5,173.00 : Time Certificates 35,495. J 5 - ' Cashier's Checks . 4.113 04 Total Deposits . . 290,040.51 $348,668.05 . Accounts Opened For One Dollar or More, Four Per Cent Interest l?afd. Rail road Checks Cashed. Baak Opts Saturdays Vatll r, M. " XMvsncr ase Vetertnanasb Food Inapeeter. n.L.n:::icc!oui, d.v.s. CITT VmiRJHUl. Ottee and Uttrmary. iKa aa4 Maaoa 9U, iMsaM. ebJ, Talenbeae i wkk n jfta.fii rraMALf ataw wv&rwlIl l' i Mre&t uiuuliui rr.ra raaarruyai; am . .litac l.ilurat aj!.art. njut et4iiata ua rll.il la a law i:oi at 6&eroian t aicCoOBaU Llrua Co.. Omalta. Ask to See the 5th AVENUE, a swell lut, for $2.00 ' H 1a'.. L." Overcoat l : ! iaaaaiBBWBasssasaaBBasBajBjisaaB f . 5randeis Sons aWijeeeeaeis)jejsii PARKCR'a Hair Dalcam 1 luuiuws tue prowili ot the bair asd tires It UieluaU' auasllalaeasoi you ih. VTUa Uie tilr Is gray or laded It B8lN(. BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLO. It prereuul Pandrulf aod' hair faUlo,' aodkiiepstlie scalp clean and bralthy. ' in ( 1 It f y X