THE OMAHA DAILY REE; SATURDAY, REPTEMRER 12, 100.1 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Optns Weak, Btrongthens on Foreign Adticfls, bat Closet Lower. FEAR OF FROST SENDS CORN PRICE UP Oats Market "bowed Advance Early, bat Thla Waa Overcome Later la the Day Provision Are Lower. CHICAGO, Sept. 11. Grain prices were nil dowry at the close, although ine parly mar ket In each pit wan linn. December wheat allowed a loud of Vsr, December corn. was c lower and nam were downW'tc. Pro visions were about steady at a decline of 10-11 lie. . ' heat opened a shade weaker, but soon became firm on bullish Argentine and for eign crop new and strong northwest mar kets. December opened a shade lower at tlHc and on ndvsnced to 82!c on local buying and covering by shorts. The etrength In the normwest did not hold, Liverpool showed an easier tone nt the clone and the falling corn strength caused a reaction and brought out wheat freely on atop order and from the local longs who were buyers earlier. Under the selling pressure the December option went down to Blc and closed weiik at 8IV4C, feff-Vic under yesterday. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 865,700 bushels. 1'rlmary receipts were 1,163,000 bushels, against 1.112,000 bushels last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported re ceipts of 899 cars, which with local receipts of US cars (only 4 of contract grade), made a total, of 807 cars for the three points, against 833 cars last week and 887 cars a year ago. There was a decided weakness In corn at the opening, due to the cables and a bearish construction placed upon the gov ernment report, but fears of frost In the west soon overcame these Influences and the market turaed strong and the early loss was recovered and a good advance scored. Trade was active throughout the session, with local trailers leading the early buying. Large quantities of corn came out 00 the upturn, however, and the late mood was decidedly easlpr. The weakness that developed in wheat hnd Its Influence also, and the close showed December o lower at Wjo4c, after rang. Ing between 50c and &trtSc. Local receipts were 679 cars, with 62 of contract grade. Local and cash traders were the best buyers of oats and were Influenced by the government report, which was regarded as bullish. There was a fair advance in prices early, but liquidation later Induced an easier tendency, causing a loss In the closing figures for December of HOic, at 7r3iVie. It having touched Sc in the bulge and sold a shade lower on the break. Local receipts were 167 cars. Provisions ruled lower on selling by the bull leaders whose action was looked upon as an effort to bring out some of the long lines. On the decline stop orders were executed, helping the downward tend ency. A little support was offered late in the session and the close wns steady at a decline in October pork of 17c at I13.62H. with lard down 124c at 38.35. and with ribs 10c lower at $8.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 160 cars; corn, 5S5 cars; oats, 1!K cars; hogs, 10.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I I I I.I Bept 1 SOttl W TO4 794.1 H a Dec. Mif 821 81V 81481Wi May 83V 84 63Vs 83Vi,83VS4 Corn- I J I J Sept. I 60S 61 I 60HB0HUHI 60& Dec. 5Vg"50V 60H 60 &0fc6o,k50Mi 4 May 60S &0 60 &oVa Oats- I 1 1 1 1 . Sept. I SB S6U 8641 36 35', Dec. J 87 38 J S74ji7H&H 87 Mart 3& 39f 39V 39 39, Pork J I Sept. 1 18 60 13 65 Oct. 13 70 13 70 13 62Vs 13 62 13 65 May J 13 46 13 60 I 18 40 13 40 13 47 ird , J Sept. I 26 25 9 26 ( 25 9 47 Oct. 42 8 45 8 27 8 86 8 40 Jan. 7 40 7 40 7 87 7 34 7 37 Whs Bopt 8 67 8 60 8 67 8 60 8 6S Oot. 8 66 8 72 8 60 8 70 8 80 Jan. 95 S96 6 90 6 90 No. 8. a Maw. 1 - Cash quotations were as follows: rlXUR-Firm. WHEAT No. 8 red. 7982. rviltN.Nii vellnw. B2c. OATS No. 3, 3536c;" No. 8 white. I6 5 TT rjunKju BARLEY Good feeding, 49c; fair to choice malting, 524Mc, SEED No. ) flaxseed, 6c; No. 1 north western. 81.01. Timothy, prima, 83.00. Clover, contract grade, 19 26. PROVISIONS Mess pork;, per bbl., $13.60 18.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.26. Short rlba sides (loose), $8 .37S.67. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $6.62.75; short clear aides (boxed), $8.26&8.50. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbis 18,420 17,694 Wheat, bu .142,275 68,725 Corn, bu 563.300 137,478 Oats, bu 203,000 73.178 Rye, bu 2.8TO Barley, bu 38.500 1,686 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 15(a,19c; darlea, 13417c. Cheese, steady, lOjtllfcc. Kgga, steady at mark, cases Included, 17 jl6o. DEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. notations of the' Day Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-FLOUR Receipts, mints. 16 414 bbls.: exDortH. 11.678 bbls. Bales, 11,700 bbls.; market Irregular, but generally nrxn at undertone, winter pat. ents, $3.9004.30; winter straights, $3.66(33.90 Minnesota Datents. 4.70frr4.96: winter ex- tras. 32.90j3.26; Minnesota bakers. $3.75JJ 4.00; winter low grades, $2.7OM3.06: Rye flour firm; rair in gooa, ss.iiwi.w, cnoice to fancy, $3.4503.60. CORN MEALr Quiet, yellow western, $1.11; 1tv II 10: kiln dried. l3.2Uu3.30. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 62o, f. o. b., afloat; state and Jersey, &Woc BARLEY Dull; feeding, 49c, c 1. t, Buffalo: malting. 62i'u06c c. L f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 7,800 bu.; spot easy; No. 8 red, 4c; No. 3 red, 87c f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 93c, f. o. b., rt,u.f Nn. 1 hard. Manitoba. 93o f. O. b.. afloat. Opened a trifle lower on the crop lied and waa Arm all the morning on higher Paris cables, strength In the northwest and export talk. Later It yielded to a ear attack and In the last hour ruled weak, Closing'He net lower. May, 87Tc: closed, IVPoo; September. V'fl7e; closed, SHc; December. St lfr-iaVcc; closed, 87c. CORN Receipts, 6,300 bu.; exports, 8.038 bu.; spot steady; No. 2. 674,. elevator, and 6)iHo t. o. b., afloat; No. 3 yellow, 61c; No. white. 680. The option market declined sharply under the crop report Influence, then became Arm on Covering and new buy ing after, while all markets closing Vt Uo net lower. May, 65U-6'c: closed. &5o; (September, 667(57c: closed, Wso; Decem ber, Wv,liS6Tkc; cloeed, 661c. OATS Receipts, 4it,000 bu.; spot steady; No 8, 80c; No. 3, 3Kc; standard white, 42c; No! 9 white. 42c; No. 8 white, 41c; track WHAY VUlet: good to choice, SSctTSl 00. HOPS Firm; state, 19c3, medium to choice WfrSUe; 190.!. common to choice. 21 86c: olds, 9-ulSc; Pac:flo coaat, 1903. medium to choice, Wat'SOo: law, common to choice, fj2c; "Ids. 9 13c. RICK Firm; domestic fair to extra, 49 gu,c; Japan. 6ttJ'c. HIDE Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 18c- California. 21 to 26 lbs.. 19o; Texis dry, 24 to SO lbs , 14c. I.KATHKR Steady; acid. 2r-f.c. PROVISIONS Peef. steady: tamlly 110 00 1100- mesa. Id-Ofr-oKiO; beef hams. $21. 6-'Q Sw 'city extra India mess. $14 0(6 15.00; rut" meats steady:- pickled bellies, Mi'lic; pickled shoulders. 6c; pickled hams, l.iil3c Lrd. steady; western steamed, $9 00; raAned atiiet; continent, $9.; South America. $9.75. Pork, firm; family, $18.00; abort clear, $1 l.75tfl.60; mess. $16.2M16.?s. TALLOW-Flim; city 6c; country. 49 8kC ili'TTER Receipts, 7.E8 pkgs. Firm; cre"rr-. 15i'SV.; state dalrv. 14318c. CHEESE- Receipts 4.900 pkgs. Firm; state full cream, fancy, sma'l colored. 11c; small wliite l"'c; large colored, 10c; large white. lO'.c. K JOS Receipts 5.650 pkgs; firm; weatern, POl'LTRY Alive, weak: western chick ens. 12c: fowls. IV: turkeys. J?J?c; dreesed. firm; western broilers, ltvlbc; fowls. 13c; spring turkeys. lSyJ6c MlaoearoHs Wheat. Floor and Bras. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 11-WHEAT-Close: lecemler. 79Vi-; May. 82c; on track: No. 1 hard. a-iVi No. 1 northern, is,c; No. 2 northern, HSc; No. $ northern, Fl-tVlJK First patenta, $4 594.60; second patents. $4 40ft' 6': flr,t cUara. $1.6uo3.6o; Second clears. $26!Ji27i. BRAN In bulk. $13. it CUTS. ralladrlpala Proaoco Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. ll.-Bl'TTER-steadv. fair demand: extra watern cream ary. t"cextra western nearby pr.nts. 21c. GUd Firm. good, demaud; fair nearby. 24c loss off; fair wetern. 2.te loss off; fair S'nith western, 2IKJ21C loss off; fair routhern, 19i2"c l'.s ofT. li EES Fi r Irm, good demand; New York full crtams, fancy, llc; New York lull creams, fair to good, H'4j l0c. OMAHA AVIIOLl': AI.K MAflKET, Condition of Trad and Quotations oa staple nod Fancy Trodoee. EGOS Fresh stock, loss off. 17c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8".tc; spring chickens, per lb., Ji)lllc; roosters, accord ing to age, 4fi5c; turkeys, 1112c; old ducks, 6c; young ducks, M9c. lit. TTKR Packing stock, 12Jjl3c; choice to fancy dairy, in tubs, 16lsc; separator, iOc. KRKFH FISTf Fresh raurht trout, lie; Pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; burTalo, iV(!8c; liluetlsn, loc; whKeiish, Ph.-; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, IHc: lolslcrs, bulled, per lb., 20c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2iio; bullheads. 11c; catflsh. He; blntk bass, 2"ff22c; hnllbui, 4c; crap ples. 12c; herring, 6c; white bass, 10c; blue tins. 8c. OYSTERS New York counts, rer enn, r.c; )fr gul., $2.16; extra selects, per cnn. 87c; per gal.. tl.VO; standard, per can. 30c; per gal., $;.5,. RRAN-Per ton. $H. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha whole sale peilers' association: Choice No. 1 tin land, $8.60; No. 2, $S; medium, $7.50; coarse, $7.00. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices nre for hay of good color and quality. De mnnd fair and receipts light. i.'UKN lie. OATS 87c. RYE No. t. Hoe. VEGETABLE?. POTATOES Per bu., 7'JSS0e. HiVEET POTATOES Home grown. er basket. 75c: Virginias, per 8-bu. bbl., $3.003.28. CUCUMUKKH Heme grown, per oasKei, .10c. RKANS TTome grown, wax. per mnrxet basket. 40Q50c; string, per market basket. 4"i(50c. I CABBAGE New home grown, llc per lb unr.r.r! i unn-rer oos., iuc. TOMATOES Home irown. per basket. Sffftuc. BHl BARB Per lb., 1c NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.60. CELERY Michigan, per dos.. 801235c: larre western. 46c. ONIONS New home grown, dry. per lb., lc; fancy Washington stock, per lb., 2c. EGO PLANTS Per dox., $i.00Jjl.5. FRUITS. PLT'MB Utah Hnd Colorado. $1.25. PRUNES Italian, per box. '$1.36; Silvar, $1.35. TEACHES California, salaway, 95c; California clings, 96c; I'tah freestone, 10c; Colorado freestone. 9OcT7$1.0O. CRARAPPLE8 Per bbl.. $3. PEAKS Colorado and Utah Flemish, $1.76; Colorado and Utah Uartletfs, $2.t(J2.26. CANTALOUPE Rocky ford, per standard crate, $3.00; home grown, per dox., $1.25. APPLfT.S Weltheys and other varieties, per 3-bu. bbl.. $!.CO5i3.0O. GUAPES California Tokays, $1.75; Ham burg and Muscats, $1.50; home grown, s-lb. basket, 22c. WATERMELONS Missouri, 26c each; crsted. rt. 75c per 100 lbs. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $H.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenclas, all sixes, $4.004.25. BANANAS Per buoch, $2.00'2.60; Jumbos, $3.00. LEMONS California fancv, 800 to SCO sizes. $4. 606.00; choice, $4; 240 to 270 sixes, $4.00(34.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream, 12c: Wisconsin, young America's, 13g; Black Swiss, 15c; Wisconsin bricks, 12c; Wisconsin limbergar, 12c. HONEY-Neb. per 24 frames, $3.60; Utah and Colorado, per 25 rames. $3.50. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 3'53c HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; "No. 2 salted,. 6c: No. 1 veal calf. 3 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf 13 to 15 lbs.; o',4c: dry salted hides, H'ti 1-; sheep pelts. 2Gu75c; hrose hides, $1.50(9 NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brnxlls. per lb., 12c; tllberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft Bhell, per lb., lGc: hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per lb., 11c: peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c. St. Loots Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, . Sept. U.-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red cash elevator 82c: track S6SiSc; September 82; December, 84; May, 87 68c: No. 2 hard. 7Wi80c. CORN-Lower; No. I cash. 74c; track. 49c; September, 47c; December, 46c; May, i,.0ToS-teady: No- CB8h. : track. 87i&38c; September, 35; December 38?4; May. 38'; No. 2 white, 41c. RYE-Hlgher, 67o. KLOURHteady red winter .patents. $4.W4t4.20;, extra fancy and straight, $3.80 4.06; clear, $3.30f3.60. SEED Timothy, firm. 82.75i88.1S; for good, prime, worUi more. CORNMEAL Steady, $260. BRAN Kim ; sacked, east track, 76J 78c HAY Timothy, firm, $8.00yit.00; prairie, steady, $7.0(n'10.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.05. B AOG1 NG 64i6c. HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVI8IONS-Pork, market higher, Job bing, standard mess, $14.05. Lard, market higher, at $8.40. Bacon, steady; boxed ex tra shorts, $9.25; clear ribs, $9.50; short clear, $9.75. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 9c; springs, 10; turkeys, 13; ducks, S'ii9c; geese, 4Rc; BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 14ij20c; dairy, 13fil6c. EGGS Firm, 19c. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.010 15,000 Wheat, bu 103,000 69,000 Corn, bu 43,000 41,00) Oats, bu 27,000 26,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 11. WHEAT Sep tember, 70c; December. 70c; No. 2 cash, hard. 73074c; No. 3, 7172c; No. 4, 66(?iRSc; rejected. 61c; No. 2 red. 80c; No. 3, 7878c Receipts, 123 cars. CORN September, 45c; December, 43c; No. 3 cash mixed. 45c; No. 2 white, 43c; No. 8. 45c. OATS No. 3 white, 40c; No. I mixed. 9WI ( U. - RYE No. 2. 660. HAY-Cholce timothy, $9.60(ffl0.00; choice prairie. 17.zoigr7.si1. BUTTER Creamery, 1517c; dairy fancy, 15c. EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 17c; new No. 2, white wood cases inctuaea, hhc Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ,.88.400 176,800 Corn, bu 36.800 40.8 JO Oats, bu 12,000 3,000 Liverpool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 11. WHEAT Spot! No. 2 red western winter, quiet at 6s 24d; No. 1 northern spring, firm at 6a 9d. Fu tures steady; September, 6s 5d; Octobar, 6s fid: December, 6s 6Sd. CORN Spot. American mixed, steadv at 4s 7d. Futures steady; September, 4s 6d; October. 4s 6d. dence of a reduction In the activity, they are still securing a good business. In cer tain Instances manufacturers are raising their and do not appear anxious lor buslm sa. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 11. WHEAT Firm. No. 1 northern, 9"Vfj91c; No. 2 northern, 87WWc; new December. tvtc. RYE Firm; tU. 1. oSHtlr. HAKLEY Firm; NO. 2. flu67c; sample. 46&03c. Dolnth Grain Market. , DULUTH, Minn.. Sept. 11 WHEAT Old hard. 8fic; No. 1 northern, RRc; new. No. 1 northe-n, on track. 84c; No. 2 northern, g'.'Uc: "September, 83c. OATS-36c. Pearl Grain Market. PEORA. III.. Bent. U.-CORN Steady; No. 3. WOAe: No. 4. 49c. OATS-HIrber: No. 3 white. 87fr37c; No. 4 white, 37j37V.c. Toledo Bred Market. TOLEDO. Sept. 11.-9FED Clover. Octo. ber, $5 70; December. $3.7?: Jinuary $".75 Timothy. September, $2.50Er2.75; alslke. $6.75. IEW YORK STOCKS ASD I0DS. Professional Element Dominates on Irregnlnr Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 11 Storks moved for the most part along Irregular lines In to day's market, which was agnln dominated almost throughout by the professional ele ment. The crop report, so much better than had been expected, might have exercised some influence for higner prices, but for the continued weakness of the United States Steel stocks, and the dissolution, somewhat , in advance of the prescribed time, of the pool which endeavored to place the securities ol the United Slates Realty and Construction company on the market. Steel common touched a new low record, breaking 20 points, though subse quently recovering, but the features al ready named, together with unexpected selling of Atchison for London account, wore enough to unsettle the list all around. Rea tv nrelerred sold down to 3i'4 today. a new low record, and the common sold at At their top prices last year these stocks sold nt 75 and 32 respectively. The stock market wus more active and made general Improvement In the after noon, practically all of the early losses being recovered. All sf the steel stocks for the first time in several days seemed to receive Inside support. Notwithstanding bearish trade conditions, a number of spe cialties were taken up, apparently for ab sorption. The list dlsplayod firmness at the close. Anions- the Important railroad returns or the day were the annual reports of the Atchison and the St. Paul systems. Atch ison was the feature of the day, recovering from Its early depression and once more leading the market, operations in tsi. t'nui were unimportant. Business with lonaon was nominal, nemg retarded hv cable Interruption. Dealings with that center were of an arbitrary character and were limited almost alto gether to Atchison and the steel stocks. Advices indicate that another advance In discount rates mav be expected from Lon don and Berlin. This, It Is assumed, will be In line with the policy or the leaning financial Institutions of Europe to discour age gold shipments to this country. The present discount rate of the Bank of Eng land, 4 per cent, made last week. Is the highest since February, 1901. Any advance by the Imperial bank of Oermnny would excite little surprise, in view of the steady drain on the bank's cash holdings. The known movements of local currency point to a nominal loss by the banks to the sub- treasury. The latter institution oisourseu today $350,000 for Klondike gold. Word was received of another shipment of $500,000 in Australian gold to this country. The bond market showed some irregu larity again and the movement either way was extremely narrow. 101m mi "nt nt Vvor vnine of . 095.000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Following are the cloemg quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlion WHO. rclnc 46 H do pf4 it Bsilwsy U: Bal. & Ohio '! do pW iVi s do pfd diTwi t Pclnc 2. Canadian Pacific US Toledo, St. 1 w. -l "T.trl at N. J loS do PIQ 32 Union t'acmo ... Bi-V do pfd 64 IWabash lfiaj do pfd... 30 Wlilms & L. E Metnl Market. NEW YORK. Sept. H.-TIN-Spot ad vancts 7s 6U in Lonuon, closing at 41122 12s tkl, while future were Ion higher at i21 lus. Local tin was steady ai 127.2 i. There wus a decline of 2a 6d In the London copper niajrket, pot doting at 67 lij, and futures at 57 5s. Locally copp.r le.nalns quiet. Luke Is hud at $13.75; electrolytic hi $i3.b2'al3.76; casting at $13.37V.4j..3 50. Lead was unchanged at 11 6a 3d, but locally prices were him and a little higher, spot closing at $1.37. Spelter like lai was unchanged in Lon don, eluding at 21 2s 64, while here It re mained steady at $0.00. Iron closid at 61s 3d In Glasgow and at 46s 3d in Mlddlexborough. locally iron seems weak und lower to sell with advances from Plillude.phta reporting that N. I pi Iron Is being offered below 110.00. The ofll clul quotations, however, arj unchanged, but ouyers are holding off for a further de cline and prices are practically nominal. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $17 UU; No. 3 foundry northern at $16.50; No 1 foundry southern end No. I foundry louih vrn soft at li. ti l u0. ST. lAil'lS. kept. 11. M KTALB Lead. $4.40; spelter strong at $i.6 j.75. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 11 -Reports from the country continue t give encouraging ad vices regarding the distribution of mer chandise from second Lands, and while local Jobber state Uiara la alight ovl- Chta. & Ohio Chicago & Alton... do pfd Chicago & O. W. An lt nfd Chicago & N. V 164 Wla. Central Chicago Ter. it... w co pm... do pfd 2uv Adama . C. C. C. & St. L 71 Colorado Southern... 13 do lat pfd M do td pfd ii Del. 4 Hudaon US ..!37 Del. L.. & W. DenTer A R. O do pfd Erie do lat ptd ... do 2d pfd.... Sett ila IS la 40 .1MI American Ex United mates E1....I0J Wella-Fargo E 210 Amal. Ic-vper Oreat Nor. pfd 10 I do pfd.. 47S Amer. Car A P.. 314i li 18 4J' do pfd. 24V Amer. Lin. Oil.... .. ; dc pfd .. ZSi Amer. Locomotive. .. 7l do pfd ... 511 American 8. A R. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ... do V'd K. C. Southern do pfd L A N Manhattan L l:H'r Met. St. Rl 114V, Minn. St. L. 67 Mo. PacISc S4' at., K. at T de pfd. 6 Amer. Sugar Ref 1HH . . 78 lAnar. Milling Co " ..i3.iMi!llrookiyn K. T . 4274 lSiiCcilo. Fuel Iron... Wii 17 Columbus & U. C... U 22 iCona. (iaa .. . St K'eii. Electric .105, Inter. Papor au rra Inter. Pump do pfd National Biscuit ,. .. lJoiKatlonal Lead .... 'Nn. American Nat. R. R. ot M. pfd. 41'Paclflc Mall n 1. central 1ZJ1, reopie a uaa Norfolk A W 2V Pressed 8. Car... . ao pia Pullman P. Car 21 Republic Steel 10T, do cfd Rubber Oooda ....... lk do pfd 70 Tenn. Coal A Iron.. rj V. 8. Leather S do pfd SO U. 8. Rubber 12'4 do pfd 42 '4 17. 8. Steel iOVi do pfd TuH Weatern Union S3 14 do cfd 88 Ontario A W 23 Pennsylvania r ., . u. hi. L. .. 4 Reading ta do lat pfd :J I do 2d pfd 4s Rock Island Co to do ptd .'.',, St L A 8 r 1st pfd.. S do 2d pfd 40 St. L. 8. W 4a pfd Si BU Paul H2 da pfd 172 1 ...174 ..lh2 .. It .. 7 .. ail. .. 7U .. .. 15 7Si " Si 4"S, 1 Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Bept. ll.-MONEY-Prime mercantile paper. OfiHH per cant. ' STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual buslnessl n bankers' bills at $4.8596 4.86 for demand and at $t. 8225 4.823') for sixty days; posted rates, $4.MVi and $4.87; com mercial bills, 4.82'i. SILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollars, 45c. HOND8 Government, steady; railroad, ir regular. MONEY On call, steady at 2(ff2H oer cent; closing bid, 2V4 per cent; offered at 2H per cent; time money, ateady; sixty days, 4ff4ft per cent; ninety days, tMrtiS per cent; six months, 6S4f5v4 per cent. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. 8. ret. is. reg....KMHxMilran Central 4a. 72 xdo la Inc l(Si iMiun. A Bt. L. 4a.. to xM., K. T. 4s 7H do 2s 78Vt N. Y. C. gen. .. ii"t IN. J. C. gen. &s....l28t Northern Pacific 4a...lW)jt do Ss 71 .ioivn. & W. con. 4a ti .100 Reading gen. 4a o ft. L. A I. M. e. Cs.lll 100 IHt. L. A 8. r. 4s.. t ..... il xSt. Louis 8. W. Is.. 4 100 XdO IS 72 do coupon lul do 2s. reg do coupon . 108 ..134 ..U6 ..10 ..110 ..ion,! do new 4s. reg do coupon do old 4s, reg. do coupon .... ' do 6a. reg do coupon .... Atchison gen. 4a. do adj. 4a Bal. Ohio 4s.. do a do conv. 4a Canada 80. 2s 105V, 8. A. & A. P. 4a 774 Central of Oa. 6a....Wfo. Parlne 4a M xdo la inc 74V So. Railway 6s Hilt Ches. A Ohio 4W....102 IxTeiaa A Pacific Is. .114V. Chlcsgo A A. IVts... (314 XT., St. L. A W. 4s. 71Vi C. U. A Q. new 4s. fci C, M A 8t P.g. 4s.. .1. xC. A N. W. 'con. ti.iaoT. C. R. I. A P. 4s.... 100 C C C A fit L, g 4a. . M xchlcago Ter. 4a 3Vi xxColorado 80. 4s.... 84 iDenver A R. O. 4a.. v jKrle prior lien 4a... dp general 4a 83Vi xP W A D C la....l05V, xxHocalng Val. 4Ve.l'S V. 8. Steel 2d Sa IH L. A N. unl. 4a IV x Bid. xx Offered. Union PaclRc 4s. so conv. 4s. Wahaah la.... srio 2a do deb. B. West Shore 4a t .. 4 .Hit ..105 .1V iWheel. A L. B. 4a. SVi tl Wis. Central 4a Con. Tobacco 4a xCoio. Fuel conv. Ea.. 76V) Pa. con. 3Hs tfcs. Rock Island 4s 73 Man. mtg. gold 114 Boston Stock Uootatlons. BO8TON. Bept. 11. Call loans, 4o per cent; time loans, bWuG per cent. Official closing puces on siocks una bonds: Atchison 4a Mex. Central 4s.... Atchison do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boaton A Ms Boaton Elerated N. T. N. H. A H. Fltchburg pfd t nlon PaclBc TViAlloues ( 72 lAmalgamated 47 4j7K Ulngham H , si it i.aiumet Heels. ...45 ,.2bO iCentennlal ..168V4i'cpper Rangs ..MiiS Dominion Coal .... Franklin ..134 lisle Royal .. T IMohawh Mexican Central 12'iOld Domluloa American sugar 11 1 " Osceola do Dtd...., Amertcsn T. A T.. Dominion I. AS. Gen. Electric Maes. ElactrlO ... do pfd United Fruit U. 8. Steel do Dfd Westtnahouae common auVt, Daly West Adrentur lit1 lltVs Parrot .l32Vk Wulncy .13 ISanu Fa Copper.. .141 Tamarack . 2'JVs.TrlnHjr , . 78V lrnlled BUUa . 5 Victoria . "k Winona . ToSiWolverll 18Vi 42 12 1 42 t , H 50 1 , 1 so , t l4 ; V , TO London Btoclt Market. LONDON.' Bept. 11. Closing quotations: Console for money.. KHNew York Central 1M sis worioia A Wnt.rn... 44V4 do account Ansconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific. . cheaapeeke A Ohio IVa' do ufl si (I Vt Ontario A Western... ii S4v l Pennsylvania 4V4'i MVa Rand Mine 1371, Reading 27 i 4sl da 1st pM i-j-. Chlcro O W 17H da 2d pfd 35 C. M. A t. F 147 isouthern Railway.... 13 U . 30 do pfd 17 . HlBouthern Paritc i . n-'Vlt'nloa PacISc Till TiePeera Denver A R. O. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfS Illinois Central. .. OVa .. 43 .l.H v. LoulSTtlle A Nh...l' Mlaoeurl, K. A T do pfd United States Steel.. 2isi do pfd.... Wabash do pfd tiv, 2:v Ex-dlvldend BAR SILVER-tJulet; 16 7-161 per ounce. MONEV 2ui per cent. The rate of dl' count In the open market for short bills Is $ ll-l4r3-V cent ar.2 for three months' bills Is aiii'fc per cent. Wool M-.rket. BOSTON. Bept. ll. The Commercial Bul letin will say tomorrow: The wool market Is a lln'e more active than last week. The general tone, however. Is quiet and aome houses are doing nothing. Htlll manufac turers are Interested and heavy sales are expected. The business this week Includes considerable dumetlc quarter-blood, me dium and fine medium territory, IJ. super pulled and staple Oregon. Medium grades are still the feature of the .narrnt and wools sold firm. At Antwerp lat Monday crossbrvds advanced 6 Ber rent and meri nos were barely austaliaeda The shipments of wool from Boston to date for December SI, 19"2. are 16fi.617.suj pound, against 19i 8.K.72V pounds t the same per'.od last yenr. ST. L0118, Sept. 11. WOOL Quiet ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, Wcf 21c; light fine, i;fcl74c; heavy fine, UiJ 14Vic; tub washed. Wj.toc. New York Mining Quotations. NEW YORK, Sept. ll.-The following are the quotations on mining stocks: Adsms Con Little Chief A. Ice ll reece Brunswick con..., Comstock Tunnel. Con. Cel. A Va... Horn gllrer Iron flllror Leadvtiia Coo IT oaiarlo . IS ophir . 2 Ixl'hoenlx . 7 Si Potosl .140 iSsvaxe .100 Isterra Nevada 135 'Small Hopes .. 2 is Standard ... x Offered, xx Ex-dlvldend. ..0 ..ISO .. 4 .. 2M .. It .. it .. II ..210 Bl'ftlXESI AT THK CLtSARUG UOlgE.1. Transactions of the Associated Banks Dnrlng the rat Week. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-The following ta ble compiled by Uradstreet, shows the bank clearings at tne principal titles for the week ended September 10, with the per centage of increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dto. x New York x Chicago X Boston x 1'hllndelphla x St. Louis Pittsburg X San Francisco ... x Baltimore Cincinnati x Kansas City Cleveland x Minneapolis X New Orleans ... Detroit x Loulsvlllo OMAHA x Milwaukee x I'rovldenco x Buffalo x St. Paul Indianapolis Los Angeles x St. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus Seattle WaHhlngton x Savannah Memphis Albany Salt Lake City x Portland, Ore.... x Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Des Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane, Wash.... Grand Rapids Sioux City Springfield, Mass.. Norfolk Dayton Tncoma Worcester Augusta. Ga , Portland, Me Scranton Topeka Syracuse Kvansvllle Wilmington, Del... Birmingham navenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Mcon Wllkesbarra Akron Springfield, 111 Wheeling,, W. Va.. Wichita Youngstown Helena Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamazoo Fargo, N. D Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla.. Greensburg, ta.... riocKfortl. in Springfield, O Rlnshamtnn Chester, Pa Rlnomlns'ton. 111... Ouincy. 111.....,' .... Mtoux f ans. Bi li.. Mansfleld, O Jacksonville, ill...... Fremont. Neb....... I mica ,.,.. $ Decatur, 111.........). Houston Charleston v . Uuthrle Totals, IT. 8 . Outside N. Y T7,725,3C6 14a,054,al M,1J,377 80,mu,447i 44.17,44J 3ti,IWi,161 21.OS3.HMI lb,84.1IXI 17.13,000 20.160,10: 1,&0.400 12,3:0,6110; 9,t71,84ft 8.370, 183 9.053.484 6.544,137 6.359,8161 4.1.16,900! 6, 430,21 5; 4.335,2.;i 4.815,173 4.440.390 4.5'.'7,8: 3,3t),;j75 3.153,56fi 3.317, 0001 .51.391 8,558,400 8.379.3BO 2,181,817 3.HX1.843; S.29,345 S.S41.S:) 3.85,998' 2.876.196 2.631.173 7,908.8581 1,69-2,574 Z.153.251 1.780.814 1,353,359; 2,2r.,928 2,128,9tW l,698,9i3 1.082.087 l,155,7fi!) 1,088.599 1.504,413; 1,704.547 1,127,967 1,069.773 1,433,762 1.524,321 :, 694,275 , 943.3501 ' 1.012.817 900.944 965,020 817.198 653,564 807,240 899,906 648,000! 772.284 713.000 807,0181 G33.07i 496.974 621.638; 608. 359 1 474,?38 638.158 357,441 317,110 ' 690.096 616.306 491.0761 636,789 424. 773 1 898.212 ,. 444,374 817.600 385.600 rS,646 859.756 137,037 228.238 177,263 3,043.669 268.997 10,70.6101 674,2741 674,888; jjl,420.420,72 1 652,6t).31B 1.4 1.3 4.8 S.3 7.8 17. 3.3 18.3 23.0 10.6! 26.1 8.3 17.7 2.0 'ii!7 "h. 11.4 2.6 ii8 4.3 19.2 15.0 U.7 11.91 31.7 7.4 89.8 '19.8 3.0 'ioitj 6 4 24.21 22.9 64.2 6 4 29.2 34.0 11.3 16.0 20.4 35.2 21.8 26 .'7 13.1 12.0 6.7 "7.8 3.1 23.4 13.6 18.6 7 8 1.1 21.8 18.8 13. 1 '"i.h 49 3.8 27.1 20.9 26.9 16.0 15.6 18.8 15 2 21.6 26.6 28.3 43.3 22.8 'ii'.i 'ia.i 40.0 'ioiti 23.8 16.3 "l9!6 12.6 '34 'i 37.2 14.0 "A "i'.i "i'.i 8.9 26.1 41.9 15.6 CANADA. Montreal .1$ 17,353.7591 Toronto .'. 12.462.726 Winnipeg 8.850,016 ITnllfoT ..I . 1.487.834 Ottawa 1.740.152 Vnncntiver. R. C I 1.228,326 Ouebec I 1,727.872 Hamilton ! .938.996 r John. N. R 1 927.984 Victoria, B. C 490.767 I London 705,519 Totals. Canada !$ 42,913,9611 . 11.1 17.8 36 30.8 "M 22.2 6.9 17.0 6.9 27.2 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Eeoeipu Unit and Prices Bhowed Vsrj Little Change. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A TRIFLE Fairly Liberal Rao of Sheep, Mostly Feeders, bnt Desirable Grades Bold Readily at Steady Trices aad Balk Disposed of F.arly. SOUTH Receipts were: Ottlclal Monday Ottlcial Tuesday Ofliciul Wednesday ... Oiticial Thursday .... OlUclal Friday OMAHA. Sept. 11. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. , 6.M! 4,tH) 10.128 , 6.961 7,7;4 11,174 , 6.718 7,887 18,614 , 3.618 6.835 11.174 , l,WO 6,9A b.lKK) Five days this week. ...23,131 Same days hast weck..l9.4S9 Same week before 15,076 Same three weeks ago. 20,634 Same four weeks ago.. 17,397 Same days last year. . .28,355 RKCE1PTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last ) ear; 1903. 1902. Cattle 678,893 5tii,882 Hogs 1,696,846 1,699,646 Sheep 936,14U 851,406 Average prloo paid tor nogs at South Omaha tor tlio last several days with comparisons: 31,666 82.919 29,862 26,990 36.896 18.528 Inc. 111,101 84,735 66.090 61.951 84,026 37.218 38.501 62,026 Dec. 2,800 Date. 1 1903. 1902.1901. 100. 11899. (1898.11897. Aug. IS.. Aug. lt.. Aug. 17.. Aug. 18.. Aug. 19.. Aug. 10.. Aug. a.. Aug. 22.. Aug. 23.. Aug. 24.. Aug. 26.. Aug. 26.. Aug. 27.. Aug. 28.. Aug. 29... Aug. 80.,, Aug. 31.. Bept. 1... Sept. 3... Sept. 8... Sept. 4.. Sept. 6... Sept. 6.. Sept. 7.. Sept, 8... Sept. 9.. Sept. 10.. Sept. 11. 6 26 I 68f t 77 4 871 44! B III t Wl I 11 6 M 6 00 4 3tl 6 20 6 17, 6 lift ( 16 I 6 XiS W 5 46'il 6 4441 6 32H 6 22 6 82 B 82 is 6 6 2J-, 6 2 6 29 V 6 411, 7 4ti!4j 6 44 5 60' 6 441 I 5 6o I 6 UVkl 6 7 721 ( 79 86 7 wi 1 7 10 ( au 7 29 I 26 7 I81 7 26. 7 321 7 421 7 86 7 33 6 I'M 7 40 6 26 441 U S4 I 6 29, 7 46 7 b2 6 37 7 4.81 fi 44 7 46 6 39 1 6 89 i 86 6 7b 6 91 t 91 6 7 6 00 6 001 6 02 6 11 6 12 e 11 6 07 I 4 95 B 031 ft 02 4 4Z 4 47 4 60 6 01 4 7 6 02, 6 Oil 1 4 6 02 6 02 6 m 6 0 6 04 e 6 031 6 06 6 08 4 22 1 6 00 4 23: 5 0S 4 30 ft 1UI 1 w I 4 29 5 16 6 22( 4 28 4 42) 41 4 42 4 401 4 38 I 4 401 4 42 4 4IM 4 27 4 2U 4 14 e 4 191 3 76 i 78, 3 74 3 66, 3 67' I 76 3 G8 74 3 81 8 73 8 72 3 70 e I 70 3 72 3 ri 3 61 3 69 3 65 e 3 62 3 63 3 53 3 70 3 71 3 9 a 73 I 70 I 71 e S 83 3 7 3 81 3 91 4 03 3 7 e 3 91 3 99 3 9 4 07 4 07 4 04 4 05 4 0! 8 ii 4 0) 3 671 3 94 3 68 3 93 3 81 Indicates SUndar. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r . C, M. &.8t. P. Ry.... 1 Wabash 1 Union Pacific System. 16 C. At N. W. Ry i F., E. & M. V 9 C. St. P.. M. & O.... 2 H. & M. Ry.... C, 11. & y K. C. & St J C, R. I. & P. east.. C, R. I. & P., west. Illinois Central 12 3 ii 38 12 14 19 230 681 118 2!9 1.421 928 338 l,7o0 48 224 1,858 325 25 162 13 73 8 24 42 37 257 115 6.630 x Balances paid In cash. 1Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not Included in totals because of no com parison for last year. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK, Bept, 11-COTTON The cot ton market, after opening firm at an ad vance of 4fl'9 points, ruled moderately ac tive and ttie- sales for the day came to but 300 bales. The week started with sales of 100.000 bales. It Is apparent that public interest In the staple is subsiding, a fact explained largely by a dlspoaltion to fear that thera is too much missionary work In regard to reports of crop deterioration througn Doll weevil, sneaomg anu run. Following the opening call prices com menced to decline, excepting for a spurt that carried September from 10.80c to 10.93c, leading to a sympathetic advance of a point or twa on some of the other months. The early upward movement was stimu lated by better cables than expected end by reports of a lurking storm In the gulf sec tion. Public interest failed to materialise and prices began to weaken, largely by pressure brought to bear by a certain Wall street Interest. Prices broke 1112 points, with the market finally steady at a net lose, of 2ffl2 points. The general run of sllers operate with caution on the short side of the account, as the movement con tinues to disappoint their expectation. On the other hand buying Is checked by the comparative Indifference of spinners to cot ton beyond providing for mill wants. LIVERPOOL, 8Dt. 11. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices, 410 points higher: American middling fair. 6.96d; good r"l.ldllnr. .74d; middling, .36d: low mid dling, 6.12d; good ordinary, 6.78d; ordinary. K R8d The sales of the day were 6.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation snd export snd Included 6,4110 American. Receipts, none. Futures opened steady snd closed quiet but steady; American mid dling, r. o. c. Hentember, 6.9Bd: September and October. 6.67d; October and November, 6 B7d; November and December. 6.2fr5.2d; December and January. 6.25ft6.26d: January and Februarv. 6 24d; February and March, 6.23ftf.24d; March and April, i.23di.24d; Acrll end Mv. R.Md. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. ll.-COTTON Hoot, quiet: sales, 660 bales;' ordinary, 711-16c: good ordinary, 8c; low middling, 10c: middling 10c; good middling, lOftc: middling fair. HSc. nominal: receipts. 443 bales; slock. 10.724 bales. Futures, steady; September, 10.31filO.32c: October, 9.2ft'.3o; November, 54fi9 65c; December, .6.Vri4).64o; January. .R74i9.l8c; February, 6.69(05.610; March, S 61 ft 6. 63c. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 11. COTTON Otilet snd tr lower; middling. He; stock. 1.088 hales. QALVESTON, Bept 1L COTTON Steady at lie. Basra and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 11-STTOAR-Flrm: open kettle eentrlfursl. 8HWe: centrifugal whites 4 7-lc; yellows. 1S-164JI 4Vlc: seconds. 2h3io. NEW YORK. Sept 11 SUOAR Raw. firm; fair refining. 3c; centrifugal. 96 test, S7c; molasses sugar. 87e; refined, firm; No. 6. No. 7. 4.61V: No. 8 . 4 50c; No. t. 4 46c; No. 10. 4 40c: No. 11. 4.36c; No. It 4 Sftc; No. 13. 4.25c: No. 14. 4.20c: confection ers' A. 4.85c: mould A. 6.25c: cut losf. 5 60c; crushed. 6.60c; powdered. 8.10c; granulated, eofc. MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 31W42C. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. 8ept 11. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at un changed prices, and while oulet. ruled generally steadv to firm on light covering and some little demand from ou'sHe sources In the absence of Important offer ings. The buvlng was encoursged bv steadiness abroad: reports of a better sort demand and exrectallon of further bid crop accounts. The mnrket closed net un changed to 6 points higher The sale, were tmvt hsr tn-'M'-line: Hepte-Tiber, M 4.00c; November.' 4.tOtj)4.26c; December. 4 4fi45r4i: 1 ........ jjj-ch, 4.75c; April, 4c; Jo1r. 6 OCcK O80. Total receipts 43 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: . Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour, from bloux City Vansani & Co Cury & Benton B. F. Hobblck Livingston & Schaller Wolf & Murnan Sam Werthelmer Huston & Co Other buyers Total ,. 1.707 6.825 7,960 CATTLE There was a moderate supyly of cattle in sight this morning even for a Friday and auuut tne uttuai t rlday condi tions prevailed. Neither packers nor feeder buyers seemed to be very uuxious tor sup piles but still they Dought up about every thing offered at right arounu steady prices. 'I ha tew corn fed steers mat arrived sold without much trouble at steady pi ices, but there was nothing strictly choice ottered. Quod to choice coin feds have been in good demand all the week and it anything are a Utile stronger. The short feu kinds, how ever, such as come in competition with tue western fjrussers have shown no improve ment. The cow market did not exhibit any great an.ount of lite today but prices held about steady. The feeling seemed to be a little Letter than at yesterday's close but there waa not the strength that characterized yesterday's opening market For the week cows are now much over a dime lower aa part of the loss of the early part of the week has been regained. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold today in Just about the came notches they have alt the week. There were very few stockers and feeders offered and as is generally the case on Fri day, not many were wanted. The few that did arrive sold at not far from steady prices. There were over fifty cars of cat tle shipped to the country yesterday so It looks os though a fairly good clearance would be made by the end of the week. Strictly choice feeders are not much lower for the week but aside from a few sales of that kind the general market la safely 15 25c lower. There were only a few western grass beef steers offered and they sold about steady. For the week choice stuff could safely be quoted strong, but common grades have shown no Improvement. Range cows held steady today and for the week are around a dime lower. Western stockers and feeders were In light supply this morning and held close to steady. For the week though they are generally 15 25c lower. Representative sales: BEEF BTEERS. At. Pt. ..1M4 10 ..1421 I 45 ..144 I U 1041 t M 1CWJ I 7( 3 I 00 . U70 I 76 1140 I M lKvO I K .140 1 0 ....1410 I M No. At. Pr. No. 1 1100 4 TS .... 11 UN 4 80 II..., tO 1110 4 0 11..., 16 U04 I COWS. I t 00 11.... 1... V) 1 15 I.... I WO I 25 I.... i 1M.4 i 25 1.... T 116 I 46 I.... 1 161 8 60 BULLS. 1 1SS0 I If. 1..., 1 1010 I H 1..., 1 10,0 1 60 1 Brut-nuns Anu kjsuuks. 6 . I 06 1 M0 I Si 1 Ml I 06 NEBRASKA. 22 feeders.. 818 8 30 2 feeders. . 708 t 00 Swan Land & Cattle Co. Wvo. 61 feeders.. 1061 3 66 98 feeders. .1066 3 steers.. ..1270 4 60 29 steers. ...1180 108 cows.... 883 2 46 48 cows 946 1 steer '80 2 45 6 bulls 1212 8 36 William Henry Wyo. leow 890 1 75 68 heifers.. 679 i calf 200 4 60 H. O. Weare-8. D. 26 steers. ...1137 3 90 30 steers.. ..1104 A. Pippin Idaho. 31 feeders.. 964 3 40 8 feeders.. 864 A. M. Crawford Colo. 24 feeders.. 1010 3 46 38 cows 1018 13 cows 973 3 80 HOOS There was not a heavy run of hogs this morning, but reports from other points were not very favorable to the sell ing interests and as a result the market was rather weak. It would best he de scribed by calling It weak to a nickel lower us compared with yesterday's average, or about steady with yesterday's cloae. The heavy hogs sold largely from 86.60 to 85.60, medium weights from 85.60 to $5.75 and light weights sold from 86.75 up to 86. the top price being paid for a very fancy load weighing 147 pounds. This Is the rl rut load of this kind that has been received this year, all the other fancy lightweights aver aging around 200 pounds. Trading wis rather slow all day and the late arrivals did not sell to as good advantage as those 3 05 8 75 2 fQ It' 2 15 3 70 2 90 2 60 tS I 41U M sr.O 4 6 TI4 6 I.3 00 4 el SJ. 214 40 I tT, :et ' I SI SU ... i S5 27 ir. so I li 14? ... 4 00 65 M 40 I JH 8HEKP There wns a literal run here this morning for a Friday, but the same na yes terday, the big bulk of the offerings con sisted of feeders. Packers, though, took hold of what few killers did arrive and paid JiiKt about steadv prices for everything offered. The market on fut sheep lias been In good shape nil the week and tnny snfoly be iiuoted steady. Lamba, however, have suffered a sharp decline at all points and may safely be quoted 15ii25o lower than thev wore a week ago. '1 here were a good manv feeder buyers on hand this morning and the market ruled active and steady on all desirable grades. As compared with the close of last week, both feeder sheep anil lambs are steady to strong and active. Common kinds nre somewhat neglected, but still even those are right around steady for the week. Quotations for grass stock: Oood to choice lambs, 84.6fc(ij4 85; fair to' good lamb, 84.2.Va4.65; good to choice yearlings, 83.351i3.5o; fair to g.wd yearlings. 83.36'ii3.5u; good to choice wethers. 83.25di3.40; fair to good wethers. & loft 3. 26; good to choice ewes, f2.7i(fl00; fair to good ewes, 82.36.fi2 65; feeder lambs, 83.7r.ia4.3o; feeder yearling, t3.25i3.60; feeder wethers,e..(V.Mo.25; feeder ewes, $1.50S2.60. Representative sales; No. A v. Pr. 117 Idaho ewes 90 2 60 6 Idaho ewes f6 I 75 199 Idaho feeder yearlings 89 3 15 119 Idaho feeder yearlings 93 3 25 19 Idaho feeder yearlings 8J 3 50 ZM) ldnho feeder yearlings 83 3 50 471 Idaho feeder yearlings 82 8 5 94 cull ewes 92 2 10 M Idaho feeder ewes 95 2 40 307 Idaho ewes 98 2 80 11 Idaho cull lambs 49 8 00 82 Idaho lambs r.2 4 i6 706 Idaho wethers 110 I 40 280 Idaho feeder wethers 83 3 fO 169 Idaho feeder lambs 68 4 T 11 Wyoming ewes 85 2 65 172 Wyoming yearlings 73 3 45 ?8 Wyoming yearling 75 8 4S 288 Wyomlner yenrllnsrs 75 3 46 SO''n YESTERDAY. S6 Idaho feeder ewes 81 I 16 189 Idaho ewes 93 2 60 7 Idaho feeder yearlings 65 3 36 17 Wyoming feeder yearlings.... 79 8 40 Vf Wyoming feeder yearlings.... 75 8 45 823 Wyoming feeder yearling.. 74 3 60 47 Idaho feeder Inmbs 69 4 16 190 Idaho feeder lambs 61 4 15 1.306 Idaho feeder lambs 56 4 25 95 Idaho feeder lnmbs 60 4 25 CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Strong; on. Small Re ceipts Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Sept. ll.-CATTLE Recelpta, 8.600 head; maiket strong; good to prime steers, 3i.5T.(jiti.l6; poor to medium, Ilowai 5.25; sto kern and feeders, 32.ac4i4.lj; cows. 8K50ig4.6i; heifers, 32.Ou4j5.uO; canners, 31.60 2.111; diiiih, J.z.c.iriH.l.U; calves, ij oOiitixO; Texas ted steers, 3.2jul.t; western steers, I3.25.'4.50. HOOS Receipts today. 15,001 head; to morrow, 10.000; mixed and butcher's 5.5orii 6.25; good to choice heavy, 8o.nikiib.15; rougn heavy, 85 35'o6 7o; light, 85.764r6.3u; bulk of sales, I5.704iG.95. 8HEKP AND LA M BS Receipts, 17,0 head; market lor sheep steady; for lambs steady; good to choice, 82.75)3.20; sheep, .itg4.iv; western iambs, &).2u'g.2o. Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 11. CATTLE Re' celpts, 4,3ii0 head of natives, 2,300 heud "of lexans. taivts, 400 nead natives, 200 head Texans; corn fed and wintered wesiern cattle 154725c lower than best sales during week; cows opened strong but closed lower; stockers and feeders slow and lower; quar antine dull and lower choice export and unnoru UCfl BirciA, eT.'UIIU.TV, ,11,1 IU RUUU, 83.5ufS4.75; stockers and feeders, I'J.Ukffl.&i: western fed steers. 33.frVo4.60: Texas and Indian ateers, 82.9Ki:i3.9); Texas cows, 32.0d) 3.55; native cows, 1.5o4j4.00; native hellers, 82.00434.75; canners. 31.0O32.50; bulls. 31.860; calves,'fiiD.ou. HOGS Receipts, 6,500 head; market opened steady, closing 5c lower; top, 36.15; bulk of sales, 85.S5ri6.10; heavy, 85.80h6.15; mixed packers, $5.854j615; light. 85.804j6.12; yorkers, W.lOfifl.'A: pigs, I5.764j6.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,800 head; market active and strong; native inmoH,; western lamns, 12.711410.00 fed ewes. 32.5O0T3.90: Texas dinned vear. lings, 32.44X1.01); Texas clipped sheep, ft.COxtf e.ou; siocaera ano lecdeis, z.utjo.4u. ( New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Sent. Jl.-BEEVES-Re-celpla, 1,121 head. The market for steers and rough butchers' stock was active and firm, but not rated higher than natives, which sold at 35.90 per 100 lbs; bulls. J2.WVS 4.26. one extra heavy load at 85.40; dry cows. 31. 40fi3.96; dressed beef, steady; rlty dressed native sides, 6mf(9c per lb. Cables quoted American steers at llli'ff'nc, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 84j9c per lb. Exports today, 160 cattle. CALVES Receipts. 102 head. The mar ket was steady; veals sold at 34.604M.75 per 100 lbs; a bunch of western calves at 35.30; cltv dressed veals, 94713c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 1,644 head. No sales re- nrlrtArl SHEEP AND1 LAMBS-Recelpts, 2.158 nead. The market for noth sheep Hnd lambs ruled higher and firm; sheep Bold at 33.504V3.87H per 100 lbs.; a few head for export at 34.00; culls, 32.50: lambs, 85.00fi 6.86; Canada lambs, 35.10ra6.60; dressed mut tons, 6V44?8c per lb.; dressed lambs, TWQ'llc. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 11. CATTLE Receipts. 2,500 head. Including 2.000 Texans; market active and strong; native shipping and ex port steers. 84.2o4i6.55; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.0045.4); steers' under 1.100 pounds. 83.6 w4.K.r; stockers and feeders, 32.654Ji.75; cows and heifers, 12.251-1. 25; can ners. 32.00?i2.26; bulls. .S2.504i3.15: calves, 85.004J7.00; Texas and Indian steers, 3i.4nrol 4.00; gross, Jl.00ig4.93; fed cows and heifers, 82.20iri2.75. HOGS Receipts. 6 000 head: market ac tive and about steady; pigs and lights, 35.80 tti.25; packers,; butcher a and boat heavy. 8.".754i 20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market steady to firm; native mut otns, 33.00A73.35; lambs. 83 50rti5 60; culls and bucks, 32.2o4j3.fj0; stockers, 32.00412.90. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sent. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,540 head. The market was weak to 10c lower. Natives, 34.00(4.60; cows and heifers, 31.754p5.26; stockers and feeders, 32.5IV&4.30. HOGS Receipts, 6,637 head. The market was steady. Light, $6,0046.16; medium and heavy. 85.759T6.10, SHEEP AND LAMRS Rocelots, 4.850 head. The market was steady. Top, Idaho lambs, 35.00; top Idaho wethers, 33.69. Sloox City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Sept. 11. Special Tele gram. CATTLE Reclpta. 800 head; mar ket steady; beeves. 4.25(?f5.25; cows, bulls and mixed, 32 S'if4.00: stockers and feder, 32.75ift4 .00: calves and yearlings, $2.50fr3.75. I HOGS Receipts. 1.800 head: market steady; selling 85.56(815.75; bulk, 35.0045.o. Stock on Hand. Following are the receipts of live stock tt the air nrincinal cities vesterdav: Cities. Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Ixiuls .... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. that came in early. Representative sales No. At. Bh Pr. No. At. sa. Pr. 4S Ill 120 6 60 61 t4 ... 6 K 71., t7 1J0 i 6 SJ 1-74 1M) I 2y, lU. Ill 120 164 61 10 M 12', tf Il ... 1 60 67 Ill 140 6 42', 41 Ill 4 6 6!'4 61 tM ... 11214, 61 IO " I 624 6 tftl 40 I I2S( 66 K4 140 I 66 66 190 140 I 62 141 Mil 61 tU 44 i i 67 1 SO 6 66 S4 14! 120 6 US It J4 40 I 65 14 ... I 2', I"l SO 6 15 t... ...... 20 ... ill 4A 126 ... 1 66 SS 14 M I 66 41 100 SO 1674 IS If.4 ... 166 11 lYJl ... 6 67 14 144 ... 166 14 114 40 I 67rj ! 10 0 I Si 6 297 60 I 674 12! 167 40 I M 61 274 ... I 67 76 137 120 I M 71 27 M i 10 61 It 40 I M II 116 ... 10 t- (4 M u It Ui7 40 i 0 41 20 10 I 64 74 Ill SO I 60 .' lul ... 6 ll 71 170 SO 6 SO 61 17 110 6 16 4 Ill Ml! 71 til 40 i C74 64 II ... 10 II. 160 4 I II, 61 ,..! 120 I M II .141 40 I TO M 21 SO I M 141 ... I TO M 2t 60 I SO 70 Ill 40 I 70 10 171 M I 10 6! Ml 10 I 7 61 l 40 I 60 7 144 ISO 170 II I I 40 I 0 M 141 120 t T 61 IS! 40 I SO 70 141 M 7 7 120 SO n ... TO 64 20 ... IN S4 Ill M IN 66 274 H I M II 10 ... 170 M 244 M I M 74 2J 4 I 71 V4 V" Totals Hogs. Sheep. 6 0 6,000 16.000 17.000 6,500 t,800 6,000 6o0 8.637 4,360 1,800 40,737 30,660 'Whisky Market. CINCINNATI, Sept 11. WHISKY-Dls-tlHeis flnlKhed mods on bt of 81.23. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 11. WHISK Y Market steady at 31.27. PEORIA, Sept. 11.-WHISKY-3123 for finished goods. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. - Deeds filed for record yesterday, aa fur nished by Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnum street: Charlotte A. Cochran and husband to Henry K. Allen, part sub lot 4, tax lot 2. section 21-15-13 1 1 O. F. Heavers and wife to Nels Nel son, west 40 feet lots l, 2 ana t, oiuca 3, Union Place addition Same to Anton Nelson, lot 6, block 3, same :.; Emma J. Morrill and husband to Francis Plvonka, lots 4 to 8, block 6, sub. of-block 30, Albright's Choice addition Florence Company to Hugh 8. Thomas, lot 16, block 114, Florence .. Isaac A. Wood snd wife to Ellen 8. Ashley, lots 1 to 13, block 3, Bchleisln ger's addition Fl'.rr V. B. Hoes and wife to John E. George, lots 1 and 2. block 2, Potter A Cobb's 2nd addition' 1 Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust company to John 1. Redlck, east b lot 4. block 139, city 16,000 Carlton 8. Shepurd and wife to May nard C. Cole, north 68 feet, east 110 reet hud, ioi s, is iui eo, stuuuii 10-15-13 Charles P. Woolworth snd wife to Lewis 8. Reed, lot 4. block 446. with other lots In Stone Quarry reserve ., William W. Iiwe and wife to Ray mond C. Cook, lots 6 and 8, block 1. Kountse A Ruth's addition Mary A. Elliott et al. to Edward W. Stoltenberg. east 4 lots 21 and ZX block 9, Bhull 2nd addition John H. Ievy and wife to Fred C. Haver, lots I. . 7 and 8. block (, Dwlght sfc Lyman's addition ee 223 22S 2.800 65 60 1.600 68 100 800 171 DUN'S REVIEW OF' TRADE Seel Com Increased Activity in Masj Branches of Business. WEATHER CONDITIONS FAVOR RETAILERS Dlstrlbntlon of Merehandlee la Km pandlnsx. While High Prices Make Western Bayers of Textile Goods Cautious, NEW YORK, Sept. 11. n. TJ. Dun A Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Despite the Interruption of n holiday, the week has brought Increased nrllvky In many branches of the business. An en t'oiiraging symptom Is the decreased com plaint regnrdlng connections, accompanied by more discounting of bills. Weather conditions have been favorable for retail trade, the distribution of merchandise ex panding, whi'e there are better reports of jobbing fall business than Inst year. Some caution In selecting goods, owing to hlRh prices, Is reported at the west, but this Js chiefly routined to textiles. Labor disputes decrease, all but one of the unions having signed the agreement In the local building trades, and several other settlements have been offoctej through concessions by both sides. Rail way earnings In August were 9.1 per cent larger than Inst year, and 15.4 per cent greater than lit 1901. Owlnir to the late ness of crops there Is little complaint of traffic congestion. September 1. for the first time this year, furnace stocks of pig Iron exceeded a week's cnpncltv of the furnaces in blast. This Is evidence of the conditions now prevailing In the Iron and steel Industry, although the exact condi tion cannot be determined without a knowledge of supplies at other points. Manufacturers Are llnsy. Furnace stocks have doubles! since lun 1, yet the weekly output Is now about SO.Ooo tons less than nt that date. These figures explain the reduction In prices. Prices of southern foundry iron have again declined, weakening the tone and delaying the placing of contracts elsewhere. Agri cultural Implement makers have again purchased freely of material, some plow steel contracts covering deliveries for live years. New England manufacturers continue busy oil fall and winter footwear and at many points it Is dlfiicu'.t to secure suffi cient labor. Wholesalers report deliveries of nearly all varieties on time or with llt tlo delay, but facilities are tuxed In order to keep up with business. . Leather Is still quiet In this vicinity, buyers taking sole leather as needed, evidently anticipating better terms. At the west there Is nioie activity. Notwithstanding heavy receipts of cattle, packers are asking fractionally higher figures for hides. Prices of cotton goods are slow to reflect Into reaction In the raw material, the de mand Is not Improved. On the contrary, buyers are encouraged to de'ay placing contracts and mills sr not seeking busi ness. In tho jobbing trade a large distri bution of merchandise Is In progr. ss, this branch of the Industry showing a profita ble season. s Failures this weflk were 172 In the United States, against 205 last year, and nineteen In Canada compared with twenty-two a year ago. DRIFT TOWARD IMPROVEMENT. Bradstrret Finds Trade Conditions I ne vent fut, but Prospects Bright. NEW YORK. Sept. H.-Cradstreet's to morrow will say: While, trade conditions are still uneventful the general drift Is toward improvement A more assured feeling as to the corn crop Is manifest; conditions In most states having Improved since September 1. State fairs and low rate excursions have stimu lated western distribution, while good pros pects for cotton, rice and sugar In the south have made things cheerful in that section. Eastern trade advices are of less notable activity, but signs of Improvement In the cotton mill situation are seen. Some heavy sales of print cloth are reported and a number of mills have announced un early approach of operations. The lumber market shows contrasts In different sections. In the west lumber and building material of all kinds are ac tive and firm, but at the'enst the resump tion of building at strike-Infested cities has nor been sufficient to keep the markets strong,. The Iron trade Is rather pessi mistic, buyers persisting In holding off, but the declines In northern and western iron reported this week are largely sym pathetic, the result of the reported ad ditional cuts In the southern product The salmon season on the Pacific coast will be a short one and higher prices are looked for. Railroad earnings continue good, the In creases for August being fully 8 per cent over the best previous years. Collections show a slight Improvement, the result, probably, of a moving market. The back wardness of agriculture is no small factor in confirming buyers In the conservative attitude they have assumed In some sec tions. Wheat exports for the week (Including flour) aggregate. 3.0i5,040 bushels, against 3.131,839 bushels last week, 5 '44,146 bushels this week last year. 6.416,609 bushels in 1901 and 4.665,91'2 bushels In 1900. For ten weeks of the cereal year they aggregate 31,265.168 bushels, sgalnst 4.1.4,744 bushels In 1902, 6.816.179 bushels in 1901 and 81,865, 001 bushels In 1900. Corn exports for the week aggregate 844, 518 bushels, against 8C8.741 bushels last week, 91 612 bushels a year ago, 777.631 bushels In 1901 and 2.402,780 bushels In 1900. For ten weeks In the present cereal Vear they ag gregate 10,038,854 bushels, against 8tf7,381 In 19)2. 10,027,728 bushels in 1901 and 31,044,743 bushels in 1900. Ruslness failures In the United States for tho week ending with September 10 number 165 in the United States, against 102 lust week, 197 In the like week of 1902, 12 In 1901 and 149 In 1900. In Cannda fail ures for the week number 12 ngnlnst 18 last week end 18 In the wook for one year ago. ' Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Sept. ll.-TURPENTINK-Flrm. at 5ie. ROSIN Firm; quote: A, B. C. 81.7o: D. 11.85: E. 31.90; F. 31.95; O, 32.05: H. 32.60; I 33.10: K. 33.40; M, 33.45; N. 33.60; W. O.. 83 66: W. W.. J3.80. OIL CITY, Sept. ll.-OIL-Credlt bal ances. 31. 56: certificates, no bid. Ship ments, 92 393 bbls.; average. 76.264 bbU-i. runs. 90,087 bbls.; average. 74.918 bill. Shipments, Lima, 43.329 bbls.; average, 63. 421 ibls.; runs, Lima, 66,550 bbls.; average, 67NEWblYORK. Sept. U.-COTTONSEED OIL Dull: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. 41f34me. , PETROLEUM Steady; -rcflned, I Philadelphia and Baltimore. 38 t0; In bulk. ilROSIN Firm: atralned common to good, e 25 TURPENTINE Steady, at 6"ViS5Sa Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Sept. 11. Bank clearings for today ere 31,281,146.67, an Increase over'th corresponding date of lact year of $228,. 811 36. VEARE GRAIN CO. 110-111 Board of Trad OMAHA, NEB. W. B. Ward, Manager. Tel. 1S1 "V,a wILN AMU nuMtris I Use Bl U fir unnslurs. aiscnsrgee,iDliinBjisiiD Irritations o. uloersttuas f ssaeos ftierabrssM. P.. H.ll. P&lnleee. and not Mtrlata ITHlUiSIWIlUIUlU. (est or poteonosa. 0IKIUTI,0." V. I J eserMSeel' j E4 J Mold by fjrsjggtsla. v, mwn ,m r 1 -"' wi.,rfi I br e trees, prepaid, tat ft 91 00. erl bcttlre S3 71. " ClrtulM seas ea f earnest LEGAL NOTICE. FOR SALE. An Issue of 812.000.00 of Twenty. Ysi- Five Per Cent Bonas. The undersigned will sell to tho highest bidder, for cash, at not less than par on Thursday, September 24th. .1903, at 2 o clock ?. m.. at Oenoa, Neb., Registered Coupon londs of School District No. 3, Nance County, Nebraska, to the amount of tiz.oio.oo. These, bonds are Issued to pay for the building of a new school bouse. The assessed valuation of the district Is 11 '5. buO.Ui, the real value being more than half a million dollars. Competent counsel bus passed upon these bonds and advlsei tout they have been legally Issued. Denomina tion, 31.00000. Principal and interest pay. able at the fiucal agency of the state of Nebraska. In New Vork City. Interest payable annually on the First of July Bids will be received for all or any 'part of the amount. HIRAM LEWItf 8-O-8-10-U-1A-17-AC becr.try. I