TFIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES . . ,, .. ilrmltmnd tar aea ! vSTl takes til IS aa, for the . dtttB til HO av. aa. (V arlaaj aad gaday dltlw. IlllM, 1 1-Se verd fleet ImrlUa, l wrd thereafter. Kwthl tke fr ! tk S5 far the flrat laaer tla. These airtrtUtanti at mat ra eae-calvety. iitMtwm, ter rta m (a fcered eheelL, eaa have iHWfn a trtawi bfrtt letter is. vara f Ta flee. iMm 44rM4 will he delivered aa prmautlra ( taa 7a aJr r SITUATIONS WASTED. y'ANTKI' Hy young; man of good address ana experience, position as MiokKrfPfr; bank preferred; good reference. Address L6. Bee. A M SAX MIDDLE-AGED woman miM like position sa hoMkwir for widower or widower! family. Address O 3, Bee office. ' a-k3 iox TEACHER wishes -position as governess. Afldrtna O . Bee office. A 4 10x WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. TUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. . Boyles College NEW YORK LIFE BLlh. BUSlNLfeA, SHORTHAND, T Y PE WRIT' INU. ENGLISH. Apply for Catalogue, B 222 WAKTSO, for United State army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 36. citixens of United States, of rood character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer, lbtij and Dodge ala., Omaha, and Lincoln. Neb. B M47S tV ANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffs Steam Dy Works 1016-1017 West Broadway, Council Blaffa. B M723 WANTED, a man to work from our wagon, C. F. Adams 4V Co.. 1619 Howard. H Mm GOOD m neers wanted: first-class ray. A. D. T. WANTED Men to learn barber trad. comparatively no ex pen.. Few weeks completes. New method, practical ri pertenoa, expert Instructions that saves years. tu or write. Moler Barber Col lege, U08 Douglas St. B 61601 llx WANTED Cylinder press feeder. Steady job for right man; union chop. Jacob f iMortn Co., Uncoln, Neb. B MSiii 11 A P08TOFTICE examination will be held I In Omaha November Mi to secure clerks and carriers. An advanced education is not necesMarr. hot ca refill trulntne W prepare by mall a lanre per cent of the auooesaful ones. For full Information send for our announcement and questions ueea oy uie government. Columbian Cor raspoBdenca college, Washington. D. C, B MSSi tlx WANTED, a general stenographer who will give services for desk room In street floor effloe, N. Y. Life building.' Ad.lrees ANTED, good man to sell real estate on ommlsslon for established office having xoellent location and all facilities for ouaineaa. Addreaa O 9, Bee ofli e. B MR71 IS WAATEDKMALB UEUP. VX) Olrla. Call Canadian affloa, 15 th tt Dodge. WANTED 3irl for laua Webster St. general housework. L Milt WANTED. Ctrl for general housework, int. w a osier at. c Mai SERVANT GIRL wanted at 8. 2Kth st at 111S C Mb7 WANTED iadles to learn hairdresslng. .maniaurl0f or facia massage. Qualified ; teachera, free cllnio,-dlplomka-toola and poaltlnns given. Busy season now. Call or wnia, atotar voiiege, isuz Douglas bt. ' ' u Jdj llx COMPETENT jrtrl for general housework no washing, dig 8. SOth Ave. C 6lS 10 WANTED A good girl for general hctuse- worx; wages o per week; no washing. En - quire an rt. ura Bt u ussi ux GENERAL bouse girl wanted at 111 N. 3ft h et. ; wages a; no wasnuig. . c 43 11 GIRL lor general housework, sol P. 2Mb St. C MSal 10 WANTED Immediately, SO sewing machine operators in norse pianttet department o Hem la omaha Bag Co. C 8&7 11 WANTED Girl for light houaework In small lamuy. uu Ohio at. c M80 13x GIRL to fill position of first girl. Apply a onoa ZSM tiarney at. c MWiH I3x FOR VJEHT BOCSBt. HniTF ln Pru ot tha-oity. R. wwwww jm jraiars at V Bee Bldg. I fAYNE-BOSTWICK 4k CO., choree houaia. (ul-uSJisw York Ufo Bldg. 'Phone 101&. . uUi WE MOVE Dianaa Slacrard Van ik Hi or. age Ca TaL lavi. Office, 1714, Webster Sc. HDI I9F ,n w'Jrt o' the city. Th asr W Sat W J9 J DavU Co., tM Bee Bl i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storwre Co-, office 111 or TWa. lnW-iH,!, 1 HI FOR RENT A Mat S-roora houar all tthjiJ. I wi-S7 Paxton blue 1 HOUSES, insurance. . Rinrwalt. Barkor Illii, FOR RENT 3664 Harney at., desirable modem hous of S rooms la first-class re Sair, 6-16. Garvin Broa lavt Farnam L - D M11S S-ROOM. modern, 871S Dewey ave.; . D748 One t and one 6-rooth cottage, large,' beau tiful grounds; no furnace; 614 aad ' 616. 4 and 421U Nicholas at. Key on prem ises. Klngwalt Bros., Barker block. D ill HOUSE for rent, S rooms, at Nth and Harney. $16 per month. Inquire 4o-8 I card, Charles P. Jonas. - D 1J NINE- ROOM house, modern. 8206 Harney street. D tL'6 8619 Howard. 4 -room flaw. HT.SO; PW Paclrle, S-rooms, city wausr, (10 iu; there. Ring wait Broa. Barker blk. . D nu26 FOR HENTght-room hooea, all mod . ern. 673 N. nd St. Six-room cottage. - modern except furnace, till California at., f.'a. Both ln complete repair, lnuuire at '7 N. Wh St., atr roosa tI N. Y Lite Bldg. D M84S TO LET Part of houae, five room fuN - Dished; anod central location. An .ly W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 132n Farnam at. - D MM4 FOR RENT, cottage of Ave rooms; eras' hath, eta; Tent, lie per menth; references required. Inquire ltut, Slfa ave., Conmii Bluffs. la. tMs75 FOR RENT FURMSHRD ROOMS. KICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha trun laundry, 17W Lea vena ortu. ' a-ivu. . e iat DEWEY European hotel. Uth and Farnam. E-4S1 HOT AX. HOTEL, Kuropean. 16ih ft Chlcaga - , E 2U AETNA UOU&S. European, link ft Dodga. . 15 SJa K1CE eeal ranm. medam. very reasonable; gentlemen raferred. 1C16 N. 17th. E 2S6, a M. I- hauls truAka. Telcphen 611. E 337 Rr- 'MH. 61 66 wer areek and us 1313 DaugU bt. State hotel, E-M43J 13 N1CB rooms, day or week. 1'ltS Howard. E-ida iix MOD K AM . . Mary's -ia 81 avanua, for tiErr-rrttiintD rooms. LAF.F, LIGHT. AIRT ROOMS. Ill TA nd up per month. 75c and tip a flay. AT THE DELLONE, 14th fit. and Canitol Ave. Steam bested electric liahted private and general bath a ail convenience flrat -class servlca Est hfr you pleas ROOM AT THE DELLONE E 213 SOX STEAM heated room, all modern. Includ ing telephone. 2234 Parnam St.. 2nd tloir, til per month. K MMS 11 NICELY furnished rooms. 190 Capitol ava. E UaI FIRNISHED ROORS A5I1I BOARD. CENTER HOTEL. European p'sn. 110 N. 17th. F-M660 IS EOARD and room, furnace. 628 H. lfth St THE ROPE, 2"?0 Harney; rooms and hoard. alao tneal ticket. h-Ji.a o FIRMTIRE PACKIXG. PETERSON ft LUNDBERG. 116 Bo. 17th. Tl I,-23T FOR REST STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposed at 1 ririmm, Iiw, lour stories and nrst-claaa cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault. office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars enquire C. C. Roeewater, sec retary tiie Bee Building Co., room 1(H), Re building. i aiobi FOR RENT The bull 3 In a formerly occu pied by The ttee at nib h arntn el. 11 lias four stories and a basement, which was formerly UBed as Trie Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C C. Rose- water, secretary, room luO, Bee building. I 2a THE spacious store room on Farnam street in the Bee building, lormeny occu pied by MacCarlhr Tailoring Co., to htase on reasonable terms. Rent includes jan itor service, electric light and heat. In quire R. C. Peters 4c Co., ground fl.ior, Bea building. I Ma34 AGENTS WAX TED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit suDscription to mn TWENTIETH CtXTL'KI FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in come. Aat-rita ln the country with horse and bugicy especially desired. anvassers make easily trio to S100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer SollcUors' Bureau, Bee building, rnnana. J AGENTS ' for the best, most popular faucet niters made; easy sellers; gooai pront. T. C. Pigott, LAramie, v yo. AOKNT8 for best, most poDular faucet ni ters made; easy sellers; gooo pront. i. c. Pigott, Laramie, Vt yo. J Mti&4 12X TRAVELING salesman. Bell shirts to or-. dcr (side line). Address O f Bee. J fc56 12x WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By a first class tenant a thor oughly modem house or six or eignt i rooms. Must be ready by October 1. Ad dress O 7 Bee. K Mswi 16 MAN and wife, no children, want two or I Loaned to salaried employes holding per infurnlehed howsekeeplng I nianent positions on their PLAIN NOTE, three neat u rooms; modern preferred; references. Ad dress O ,.Bee office. K MS74 12x WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To huy. close to Omaha, a few acrea of land. Kasper coal Co., 14 tn anal William sis- in aii 1 FOR SALE FURNITURE. AUCTION Monday. September 14. a. m. My house furnishings located at tu Georria avenue, valued at S2.000, consist- ins of solid mahogany and oak furniture. window and door draperies, floor covers, brass and iron beds, kitchen furniture, etc. All goods are practically new and can be inspected between ana p. m. any day. L. Ct. Do up. . O M864 IS FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago r ur xil tare CO., iuw uoage est. . 0-24I TOR SALE HORSES, 'WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait: first-class re pair work.r 11. Tost, iuo ana , Ajeaven- wortn. x- MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. . ibtn Bt. : in GOOD MILK . WAGON, , coal, wagon and buggy at a nig bargain. A. W. Johnson, with John Deere Plow Co. P S4S. OIx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE. Bouthwlck hay press and power, cheap. A. li. Read, Council Blurts, la. r -M SIS FOR BALE, secondhand locomobile, ln first-class shape, at one-half price. Call or addreaa, lbil Farnam St. Q 24 TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timber; chicken fence; oak piling. S01 Douglas, y 24; IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co.,' 206 N. 17th St. Q 248 CATAI OGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 249 AT SACRIFICE prics; one roll top quarter sawiKi link dosk, lf Mat top desks, book caw aftd other ofut.a Jvirniture. Apply at J'tMH-rwu Ait LMudUM'a Sauth 17th it-. Tel.. L-lSii. Q MS36 11 ICE for sal in car loud 1-ots. Ltnoola io Co, Lincoln, IVex Address Q-M716 INDIAN goods and relics. V.H Farnam. Q-266 IDHAN'D saf cheap. EHsrlxht, 1119 Farnam. . y a,i FOR SALE, Crane hvdraullc elevator; can be luwta -t'txivir pia.nger or treignt; com plete, iroyi guide poets, cage ana wire en closure. J. L. Brandels ft Bona Q 696 FOR SALE CHEAP, at Barker hoteL Omaha, or C. W. Partridge, paxton Oioca, one Hale hydraulic pantnKer elevator, upright cylinder, cage Ixi feet, 6 storlv, all In perfect runttlng orderi SH0 lnaide nyjvn. 1 tihlck, with frames, casing and hardware: base board. 4 nlahts oak stalra. cherry and oak mantles, 100 lnaide win dowa. 100,0i0 4-foot white pine lath, cleaned and bundled. 2x4 studding, marble waah bow la, urinals, bath tubs, sinks, steam pipe and radiators. V M764 12x FOR SALR. a new SOO-amper. double-pole witch; never .been vaea. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, cmana. w uitsi FOR SALE, coal business. Capital reqaired. Ki.oou.uu. j ii. nee. , iJtil NEW aad 3d hand typewriters. 1119 Farnam, DRUG store fixtures, cherry, and shoi cases for sale very cheap. Must be sold. call on or address R. N. Withnell. 3 N. 40 th St. Q MSbi 13 FOR SALE Several acholarahlpa in a first class sutndurd scbowt in Omaha, comprts Ins com'-Ule rour un buaineas. ahort- hand and typewriting. Inquire at H ottiie. . (j aoa ONE No. 47-? and one No. SO National cash registers, latert Improvements. j. j. Dertght Co.. HIS Farnam. . Q MW 13 CLIIRVftYlSTl. Id ME. LUCRETIA, soedlum. Bia. 17W Callfor- S 810 Sax MRS. CARRIE .SJAITH. SOERElGN LADT ULkhN of clairvoyants; every. thing told. paaU prewnt and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. aot N. lath. 8 2M MME. LUCRETIA medium. 17' Calif or-1 nla 8 M Km Okx ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MM E. SMITH, bath. 118 N. tt. 2d floor, r 1 . T 707 FERSOSlAa- VIAVI. a whoicsom nerve and tissue food1 and fcorr.e traatiuvnt for dieuider ef 1 -womeau Flee buokieL Viavi Co 1 J Re IMUB- U WW MAGNET PILE JIJ1 hU At aU-uggUla, SL IF YOUR NAME IS IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY YOU CAN TELEPHONE IN YOUR WANT AD FOR ANYTHING. YOU WANT AND WE'LL CHARGE IT TO YOU. OUR TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 23a PERSONAL. PRIVATE horn during confinement; The Good Samaritan babies adopted. Sanitarium, 7JS 1st are.. Council BlurTs, U 106 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 613 Bee bids I DP. ROT, chiropodist; corn a and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K. it, end a, 1606 Farnam st. U 366 PRIVATE boepltal before and during con finement; best medical car and nursing. Mrs JU Fisher, 1ML Vinton. Tel. mi. WE RENT sewing machines at tSo xf week, S2 per month; we repair and sail parts for every machine manufactured; eocnndhand machines. Sa to S10; second band machines from SI to tia. Neb. Cycl Co., 15th sad Harney. U Mia OMAHA Dye Works. ISIS Howard, fashion able cleaners, dresses, suita. cloaka, dra peries, rugs, laoa curtains; w dye carpets. V M73S-SO PRIVATE Sanitarium for Indies before and during confinement, w. ana Mrs. iktmch, Sets California St. Terms reasonable. V-4 DR. pries treats successfully all diseases and lrregularlttee of women from any - caase; experienced and reliable. IM Dodge 6U, Arlington block, Omaha. U 604 S SHONTTELD. the sntlquarlan (estab lished 1878), removed to S22 N. T. Life bid. . . U ME.16 01 PRIVATE hospital during confinement! babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-18f4. U BOSTON CMBRELLO, Mfg., 6n Bo. 16. Tel.. 117. l mweiiaa t-arasois icoveraa and repaired or made. V M8f.I MOKET TO LOAM REAL ESTATE. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. farnam Smith at VO-, rarriam street. W 21 FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Thomas, tnrst is at i ciu xtug. i n. in W 2t3 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. T. Life. WANTED Real estate loans and warrants R. C. Petera 4c Co., Be was. tt FTVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 W 2 Farnam. " PRIVATE money F. D. Wead, K20 Douglas. W 2i TQ I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block, W W4 MONEY TO LOAK CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRUST. Money Any Amount CUR1TY of any kind, without EMPLOY ER B knowledge. I We also loan munej un runiiiwe, - 1L..,v. etc., without removal of goods. You hav use of both money and goods. It Costs You Nothing To call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest in Omaha. We want your business ana oetieve an in vestigation CT our mriuvu, win in ,. even if at rreaeii you are dealing else where . KlVjD. COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best aulpped to handle your business with privacy of any In the dty. Come ln and se us. whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms S07-30S Paxton Blk. Rooms 807-308. MONEY To salaried employes ana Cet our sysiein vi vw. m - - . rV? T.r wA.. iv iadv or genUtman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliaU mployment can get, Just on us not. Hall ur.n htv Monthlv. Weekly. T.....n ,.. 8i or 113. or S6.66 60-Return to ua... IS M or 6S or 2.3s .KI am... 4.U0 or 2.od or 1-08 r.oia.t tY-mii. loT-tt rat TP, vwiuieiiu-.iw THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. C A QY TO GET EAO I TO PAY Best explains bur methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc Or It you nave a cwucut poa-Uonwecajey without security, except your own re": r.-At ia reuav. Our service U quick and conndential and we always try to plea All that we aa - - - -iwifoie vou borrow elsewhre. H9 Board of Trade Bidg. lei .22.. ' (Established liW ) So. 8. lath St. - . JL I7v MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. U SALARIES, ETC. - Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to sav money. PHOKNIX CREDIT CO.. 1633 Paxtoa Block. Mtn ana r arnam bis. X-iTl . 'LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO stem, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices ln princi pal dtiea. 'Jolman, 448 Board of Trad Bldg. X-273 MONEY loaned on plain note to saVaiied Eeople; ousineaa connueniiai, iu.ti-i inm 14 l'axtun block. Th J. A. Hutton Co. X 275 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Ioan CO sua to u. ureen, i. s, carser un. X 37S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew airy, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 8 18. Bl SIN ESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or puai'.ieas quica, see j. u. Johnson. 643 N. Y. Life. Y-2 I FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures, including loe oox. inquire l r ar nam. Y 63 FOR SALE Only restaurant la town of 2.600 at a baraain ir taken soon; is draw lng a splendid business; reason for selling eickneas. Address, f. u. liox Mft, v ayne.. Nebr. 1-MIB u HOUSES and lota in all parta of city; also acre property ana trm lanas. j ne u. ir. Davis Co , Room S. Pee bldg P.E FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO VOU WANT A GOOD - HOME CHEAP? I will sell my horns on Georgia ava,, near the park, close to park school and aev eral churches, at a bargain ; terms to suit. The house has seven rooms besides laun dry, furnace room and vegetable cellar; is in good conaition, modern, wnn very convenience and open piumblng. It will pay you to louk iuto this, as it Is a good investment. Addreaa M la, Otnaha Uee. an, t-w u FOR BALE Or will exchange a fine graz ing ranch of eleven deeded quarters of land and section of school laud; frame bouse of seven rooms, barn Sxlsw feet eighteen milea of fence; 1.C acres of free range, four sections fanoed for hay SO acrea ln cultivation; three wells and windmilla, three tanks snd two cis tnrna This ranch is located west of Aiiselmo, Neb. Price 8b. Out. The party will accetit In trade hotel property ln eastern Nebraska er weetern Iowa. Wil lis Caldwell, Broken Bow, Neb. RE Mtel 17 IX-RJMM modern cottage, rorner lot ThillT 5TU Lrktecworth St. lnnjtre at pramlaea. RE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A GOOD COMBINATION thai MUST BE SOLD It offers a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to anyone wanting either A HOME AN INVESTMENT or A SPECULATION Owner Is now lu-re and wi!l accept an offer which a little later would be PROMPTLY REFUSED. The earn property could have been sold a few years ago for tiwi. A national bank of Omaha places the value con servatively at IS.iOu, Price now 2.0"0 -room house, corner lot Vx 143, pear 2h and Farnam. If Interested pleas see us at once and oblige CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RE M870 11 RANCH and farm lands for sal by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McA Hester, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 280 MODERN S-r. house, full 62-ft. lot. best lo cation for a home. Inquire 1111 Vinton St. RE 766 21 WILLIAMSON SELft flnf RE 271 ELEGANT home and farm of .226 acres joining Ben net, Nebr. Address, Box 135, Bennet, Nebr. KE Mail OS Tukey &l Son I vjem .srA - - JT V. In nl-or TTIU with full lot, no modem conveniences. for 11,27. W can take a- good clear lot as part payment. Hows is newly painted outside, and ln good condition on the Inside. Lot is level and on grade. No other houses within thirty feet. A. P. TUKEY Ac BON, 444-44S Board of Trade Bldg. RE 840 11 Washington County Farm. WE HAVE Just bad listed with us one of the best farms in Washington county, 26 acrea with splendid improvements, one lli-room house ana two small nouses, plenty of water; 160 acres ln pasture and 169 acres In cultivation, it you want a first-class farm Investigate this at once. Payne, Bostwlrk ft Co., 6U1-S New York Life Bldg., Omaha. RE 3S U TT-C. ArA . ...I. .1. Int. nn A" A katvwn Farnam and Dodge, for S2.750. Fine loca tion to build houses to rent. Hicks. 439 Board Trade Bldg. RE 664 lOx WillYouBuild? If so; btry now, for real estate values are Improving. Soon you will rind all the snaps are gone. Here is the Omaha Sav ings bank property that must be sold this lau: ...... I 350 East front en 86th near Davenport on grade and a good location fur mod est hinme near Farnam st. district. S 460 West front on Hih near Davenport a little shove grade, with -handsome shsde trees. S 800 Northwest corner 84th and Jackson, (6x112. This Is right near the Farnam st. district and Is a banraln. t 700 Same else lot as above across th street, middle of block, north front. 11.000 South front on Farnam St. near 42d paving paid for.- This neighborhood is all built up and few lota tan be had on West Farnam st, approaching this prloa. i S SOO Uood east front lot on Lowe sve. near Burt at.; corner lot can be had for SL000. S 800 The northeast rorner of 35th and Franklin; one block from car; 42x127. 81,800 Sixty feet north front on Cuming near ZTth; excellent place for flats. $ 900 The northwest corner of Lowe ave. and Cass st. 82,750 This is a great building sight for flats. The southwest corner of 2Tth and Davenport. We have reduced the , price for this adv. and It will sell x this week. N. P. DODGE &CO., . ' 1614 FARNAM, RE-MKTS 18 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. -283 ATTORNEYS. HERBERT 8. CRANE, 917 N. Y. L. Bldg. AU6D 10X 3. M. MACFARLAND, 819 N. Y. L. Bldg. M756 21 BALE TIES). OMAHA Hay Bale Ti Co, 811 North icth. m R. R UMBEL ft 60N, only ti factory In 14th ft Nicholas Sta. TeL 14 S6 state. Try ua. F-8-.r.s. DRESS CUTTING SCHOOLS. HAVE YOU vlalted th Standard Dress Cutting College at 827 Paxton block, cor. Irtth snd Fnrnam, Omaha? Msrg C8 BICYCLES. BARGAINS In bicycles; second-hand wheels 63 and up; sea irieacher, ZKU Capi tol ave M28 OS CARPENTERS AND JOINERS ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. x. ucnutree, sitn and ukt streets. IO DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' adult beginners now forming Tuemiava and naturaays. a p. m.. com mencing October 22. Private lessons any time. 17th and Douglas. Office 'phone, 17L Residence, A171S. Afttr tictober 16. S424 Farnam St. Cliambers' children's classes Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 3 p. m., commencing Uclooer a. MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S dancing and physical cuuuse, mm enu nurncy, re opens I or rniiaren Daiuruay, utiuuer a, begiunera, 10 a. m. ; advance. 3 p. m Tormi reasonable; a liberal reduction to former patrons and to families who send more than one pupil at the aame time. Private classes organised: private lessons sny time. Lessons for adults now Tues- dy and Friday. S p. m.; assemblies every Wednesday. School teachers' tickets at half regular ratea For further particulars write or telephone 1041 M..7U pcm DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. TeL A -m:. jm DRESSMAKING. IN families. Mias Sturdy, 624 N. loth. M41-4 KM EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Q. R. RATHBUN. room 16. Com't Nat Bank. IVvitle Ip-w- tis In f"" kwe-plnr, etc. 7- FLORISTS. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 2s6 D. HENDERSON, floruit, 1419 Farnam St. 17 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans reat-p i and vaults, removes garbage and iiitmnn at red-icea vrtcea -e.1 s lilh. TaL 1778. wt26 GOLD AND SILVER r LATINO. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. Tel. 2M5. '"V. MAT RENOVATING. OLD hats made new. hatters, 207 Ramsr ft N. 17lh st. Kerr, practical MK44 LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcboir, 13th ft Howard. 292 LOST, L08T. lady's gold watch, marked with monogram M. R. M. on one aid na isa on other side; black guard with gold seal attached; monogram on seal, M. R. M." Please return to mayors office, city hall, and receive STiO reward. . Los M66S LOST Opal stick pin, Scrtamber T. be tween 216 Zna St. ana oyu meaier; reward at above addreaa. lost m827 llx LOST Lady's gold watch between Al bright and Seventeenth and LKiug.aa. Monogram A. T. O. on aide, other three Fleur-d-'ls set each with diamond. Ra larn to Bee office. Reward. - - Loat-S4S llx LOST Bay horse weighing 1,080 pounds. branded left shoulder : leu mien, u: with fclark rubber tire top buggy; taken at Syndicate park S:S0 p. m. aionaay. Geo. Miller. 818 N. 84th St. Tel. U3 So. Omaha. Lost MM- Ux STOLEN Wednesday 6th. ona dun pony. web halter, spavined and lame in same lei 8 or veara old. Direct to F. S. Carver, 2i68 Leavenworth e, Omaha, . ' Lost MSf llx LOCKSMITHS. C. R. HEFLIN. 809 N. 16th St. Tel, 81)74. Cut prices on keys this montn. M432 13 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nat. Bk-bMg. 2J NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., ailuruos ana oouecturs every where. -3l J. M. MACFARLAND, 819 N. Y. L. Bldg. M7S7 Hi MEDICAL. liquor HABIT cured In three days. Pay when cured. No hypodermica. Write for circulars. Gatlln Institute, 22 B. 14th. -293 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fe unless successful. 818 B. 15th St., omana. lei. nvo. aw PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha, NeU- Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1623. MS70 N1T.X MUSICAL. OMAHA College of Music and Dramatic Art. o23 N 2uh Be (Dodme St. car). Ex aminations for twenty free and partial scholarships 'n all subjects Be pi. 23 ana 24, at the college; practice rooms wlttt p:noj for atudenla For particulara apply F. H. W righU L. JU C. M , director. 'Phone llol 7JS IS THOS. J, KELLY, oica Davids Block. E. U. KECK, vok-e cultur and the art of singing. Studio, laJi Farnam bt. Mnl6 O-l OSTEOPATHY. r.m f. A ALICB JOHNSON. osteoDsth Suit tli. Nw York Uf Bldg- Tel. 1664. . - ' wt Th Hubt InOrmary, McCagus Bids- T. 2351. AUen ft Farwell, Paxton Blk 604-7. T. 1365. DR8. FINCH ft MILLER. 124 B. 85th St. 297 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 833 N. Tel. iibM. Y. Life. 298 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business conndential. U01 Dougjaa, 1 1 PASTURAGE. PASTURE Benson. for horses. Theo. Williams, 70S 18 x RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, V21 Leaven, Tal. 206.1 am SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANT'S cbool. 717 N. T. Life. -3 2 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Bcvd s Theater. doi STATUARY. ORNAMENTAL work. Gonnella ft Bro SGIi Farnam. A16.6 lbx STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co.. lillH Farn. Tela, lSu-8C2, 36 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg. ao TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticketa everjhere. P. H. Plillbln. 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7 St. -4 TINNERS. O. E, KOCH. Uth and Mapla, Tel. L-l48. M-ff'S OS UPHOLSTERING. REFINISHINO OMAHA FURNITURB B.EPA1R W URKS. ZW. t aruam. TeU . . . ....... M4&4 14 GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wlr springs tightened. 11. o-ai-a. iius bu alary s Ava 607 A. C. Ova, A M., LL. B., PrtsL, Omaha. Pao. ft. J. Lowai, Frlna. yj t. - Fndorsed by First Natn Hankand business men. JIB 600 ln holl Top Desks, hank Fixture and 60 TTpewiitets. btndentacau work for board, rend for free catalogue, bound In alligator, finest ever published bv a Business College. Eead it and yon all" aiumd the N. B. C. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week endina Sep tember li lme. win close ( lv in all cesesl at the Oeneral post Office as follows PAKCE1.8-PU.-4T MAILS cluaa on hour earlier titan closing time shown below, l ar- ct-ls-l'oai Alal.s for (i-rmany close at 6 p. tn. Rea-ular and supplementary mails close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing Time anow oeniw, (except tnai supplement ary Mails for Europe and Central America. via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Biatiuni. TraasallaBtlc Malls. FRIDAY at 4:30 p. m. for AZORES ISL ANDS), per s. s. Peninsular, from' New Bedford. BAT LRU AY At 5.30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a Ltruria, via Quaenatown; at S a. in fir LLLG1UM direct, per a. s Finland (mall niuat I -a airevted per s. S- Fin land "); at 6 30 a. in. for ITALY direct, par PostorricE notice. . . Princess Irene (mall must be di rected "per a a princess Irene ); at 8:o for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a Furnessia imali must be directed "per a e Fur nessia"); at II a. m. tor DENMARK, di rect, per a. a ISLAND (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Island") PRINTED MATT fc.ll, ETC. This steamer takes ITinted Matter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples tor Germany only. To same clam of mail matter for other parta or Kurope will nt l sent oy uus snip unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, aodl- tlonal Supplementarv Mails are opened on the piers of the American. English, Flench and UTtiian steamers, and r main open until within Ten Minutes o? ne hour of ailing of steamei. Mails tot Soa1a aad Ceatral Asa erica. Writ ladle a. Etc. FRIDAY At 12:30 p m. (supplementary 1:30 ?k m.) for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. "landrla. SATL'RDAT At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, oer a. a. Trinidad: at t:30 a. m. (supple mentary 9.30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Maracall-o (mail for Savanilla and Cartagena mnst be di rected "Der s. s. Marscalbo"); at 9 a, m. for PORTO RICO. Per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan: at 9 S0 a. m. (supplementary 10.80 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, SAVANILLA, CARTAGENA snd G KEY TOWN, per a s. Valencia (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Valencia"); at 10 a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and C1UDAD BOLIVAR, per s. a Grenada; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexioo, via Havana; at S p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per a. s. Afgan Prince. Malls Forwarded Overlaad, Etc., Ex eet Traaapaeiae. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, closes at this olticejStal Normal School, caphol bulloiu, Lin- dally, except Thursday, at 6n:au a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Mou dava. Weonewuava and Saturdaysi. MEXICO CITY overland, untess specially addressed for despatch by i earner, cloees at this office uaily. except Sunday. at 1:30 p. m- and U:XU p. m. buuaajs at 1 p. m. and U:: p. in. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thenc by staamer, cloaes at this office daily at 6:30 p. m. (connect ing malls close here every Monday, W edneadav and SaturvlaVl. JAMAICA Bv rail to Boston, and thence py steamer, closes at mis omce at s aw n. m. everv Tuesuav and Ihursday MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, cloaes at this udua dally at 6:30 P. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ snd GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except bunuay. at sl:J0 P. m. and oan: U:3 jll:X Men d. m.. Sundavs at 11 p. m. and its p. m. (connecung mail closes hers naays at tu:o p. m l. COSTA RICA By rail to- New Orleans, and thence ' by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p, m. and 111.30 u. m.. Sundaya at 61 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes her Tuesdays at 111:30 t. m.k Registered mail cloaes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious uay. Tranapaclfie Malls. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except west;, 1NH.W CALEDONIA. FIJI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco close here daily st 6:30 p. m. up to Sept. luta, inclusive tor aespatcn per s. s Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer earn ing th British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch. extra mails closing at 6:30 a. m.; 9:30 a. ro. and 6:30 p. tn. Sun days at 4:30 a. m.. V a. m. and 6:30 D. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). AUSTRALIA lexcent West). FIJI 19 LANDS and NEW CALEDONIA (spe cially addressed only, via Vsnoouwr snd Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to BepL 112th, inclusive, for despatch Per s. s. Moana. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September 113th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. lyo Maru. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP- n.MS isLmVJSDS. via San Francisco, close her daily at 6:30 p. m. up to 6ept. giin. inclusive, tor aespatcn per a Honekona Maru. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. close nere aaiiy at :ao p. m. up to eeptemoer Ii4tn, inclusive, loe despatch per a. a. Shawmut. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, clone here deily at 6A p, m. up to Sept. 15th, Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Mariposa. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September 121st. Inclusive, for despatch per. a., a Alameda, t-muri'iMS islamis, via Han rran claco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Sept. (26th, inclusive, for despatch per U. S. Transport. CHINA AND JAPAN. trlh Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September l-ath. inclusive, for despatch per a. 8. Empress of India (Merchandise for V. 6. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines via San Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada or "via Europe" mu4 be fully prepaid at th foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged nn the presumption of tnetr uninterrupted overmna transit. Registered mail closes at 6:30 p. m. pre vious aay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. ' Postmaster. Postoffio. New York, N. T.. Sept. 4, 1908. 1AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOT II AND MARCY. Chicago ft NortAtwcsterau "Th Northwestern Una Leave. Arrhra, a 7:00 sj Fast Chicago Mall Local Sioux City.... Daylight St. Paul... ....a 3:40 am ....a t:00 pm ....a 6:10 am a 7:60 am ....a S:u0 am 6:10 pm ....a 8:16 pra ....a 4:00 pm ....a 6:bo pm ....a 8:10 pm '.'.'.'.b 4:00 pm a 6:30 am a i.M pm a 9:ai pin all :10 pm Daylight Chicago... Local Cedar Rapids Limited Chicago.... a 6:15 am vocal Carroll......... Fast Chicago a 9:60 am a 8.45 pin Fast St. Paul a 3:16 am a 2:40 pm b 9:io am al0:35 am Fast Mail.. Local Sioux City Norfolk ft Bonesteel ..a 76 am ..b 7:26 am Lincoln ft Long Pine blOwS am Illlaolb CeatraL Chicago Express a 1:86 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis at St. Paul umitea a tmi pm a :u am Minneapolis ft St. Paul Express Chicago Local .b T:3S am bl0:36 pm is as am 10:36 am Chicago . Express. . . Chicago, Rock lalaad ft Paclda. EAST. Chlcaa-o Davliaht L t d. a 3:66 am a 3:60 am Chicago Da light Local. a 7:ou am a 6:36 pm Chicago Express bll:16 am 6:46 pm lies Moines Express a 4:30 put b)l:60 am Chicago Faat Auxpresa. .a 6U16 pm a 146 pm VY .3 X . Rocky Mountain' LVd..a T:30 am a 7.26 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, IXMivar. Puvblo and West a 1:80 pm a 6:06 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a :o pm al2:40 pm Ualoa Paelge. Overland Limited .a 9:40 am a 9:64 pm a 3.116 6ia The Fast Mall California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express aU:i0 pm Eastern Express a 6:36 pm a 7 JO am a 3:40 am a 3:40 am The Atlautio Lxpresa.... The Colorado bpeclal...a 7:10 am Chicago Special Lincoln. Beatrloe aad . Stromsburg a.xpresa..D 4:no pm hi! 60 rn a 6:16 cm North Platte Local a 8:00 am Grand Island Local.... b 6:30 pm b 6:36 am Mlaaesrl Parlfle. St Louis Express a1A:M am a 6:26 pm a. c. a st u -x.. pm a :is am Chlcaga Great Wealera By. C. 104 Ft. IKidge Express.. .b 6:26 am 102 i t. Doage i-x prens. . .a z: pm 7 Ft. Dodge Expreas... all:26 am 103 Ft. Dodge Express... b 9.10 pm Chicago, Mllwaaae ft St. PaL Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:15 p-n Chicago Faat Express.. a 6:4u pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limned ,.a 6:06 pm a7:u0am Des Moinm Lxpreas a 7.a aiu a :4 pm Wahasa. BL Louis "Cannon Ball' Express a 5:65 pm a 8:30 am Cl. 1.UU1. xxfcai, coun cil Bluffs a 9:16 am al0:30 pm BURLISGTOS STATIOB-IOTH ft MA SOS Barllagtea at Mlaaearl River. Leave, Arriva Wymor. Baatrloa and Lincoln a 8:60 am bl3:06 pm Nebraska Expraaa a 6a0 am a J a. pm Denver LI naiad a 4.10 pm a 6.4 am Black HllU and Puxat Sound Express all:10 pm a 8.16 pm coieraa huiiiiin Flyer a 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:68 pm a 9:08 am t ort crook and piatts- moulh b 8:16 pat bl6:S6 am Believus ft Pacinc Jet. .a i.m pm a BeUavu ft Paciho Jot. .a lit gut I A1LWAY TIME CARD. Ckleaa. Herllase ft Qelney. Chicago Special a l:s am a i n rrn Chicigo V'esilbuled Ex.. a 4-w pn a t.-4 ans Chicago IxK-al a t II am all pin Chicago Limited a 8 u6 pm a 7-e am Fast Mab a s.40 pra Kaaaas City, St. Joseph ft t aacll BlaSa. Leave. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am a rra St. Louis Flyer a 1:26 pm all: am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:4a pm a 6:06 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT UTH ft WEBSTER Chicago ft NarthTvesterm, Behtwwka aad Wyosalac Dlvlaloa. Lear a Arrive. Black Hills. Dead wood. Lead. Hot Springs a 8:06 Pm a 6:00 una Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d I:0S pm 6:00 pm Hasting., York, David Cny, Superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward... .b 8:00 pra h 6if0 pra Mlaaenrl Parlfle. Nebraska local. Via Weeping W ater h 4:16 pn al0:36 am Chicago, Bt. reel, Mianeajlta Jk Ossaba. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...a t .so am a S.M pm Sioux City Passenrer...a 2:00 pm all .90 am Oakland Local b 6.s pot 8:46 an LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids or proposals will be received at the office of Supt. Win. K. Fowlor, sec retary of th Board Of Education of th coin, ivebraska, until nine o clock a. i;v. Saturday, October 3, 19-iS, for the erectloa nd construction of a chapel building on the grounds of the state normal school at Peru, Nemaha county, Nebraska. All bids must be accompanied bv a certinod check In the sum of live hundred -Wool dollars for- purpose mentioned in the specifications Bids for heating and plumbing, accompa nied by a check of five hundred (fcwui dol lars will be considered separately at th above time and place. Plana and specifica tions are on file In. the offices of Supt. Wm. K. Fowler, secretary, capiiol building, Lin coln; Mr. Oeorce Rogers, president of th Board. 1506 Fsriiam street, Omaha; princi pal W. A. Clark. State Normal School, Peru, and Mr. George A. Berlinghof, archi tect. Beatrice. The Board ref-erves tha right to reject tiny and all bids and to waive all defeats In the same. Pv Order of the Board of Education of the State Normal School. WM. K. FOWLER. Secrets rv. Lincoln. Nebra', September a ta oioun NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT ING. Bids will be received bv the Rtate Trtnt- fcng Board at the office of th secretary of state at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before 2:30 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, September M. l!t3. for printing pamphlets, circulars and blanks for superintendent of public In struction, and miscellaneous prmted sup- Plies for the Hasting Asylum and tha Horn for the Friendless. Specifications for same can be found on Ml in the of fice of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied bv a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserve th right to reject any and all bid. Lincoln, Neb.. September 9. 1903. STATE PRINTING BOARD. Bv Lon W. Frailer. Secretary to tha Board. 8 lid 6t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received at the office of com missioner of public lands and buildings for material and labor for the construction of cement steps, sidewalks, block, etc., to be built on the state capitnl grounds In Lin coln according to the designs and specifica tions now on file in the office of the com missioner of public lands and buildings. r All bids to be submitted on or befor 13 o'clock noon of September li, li03. Th Board of Public Lands and Buildings reserve the r'ght to reject any or all bids. Lincoln, Nebs sept. I, mm. KUKUK J"TJI-.L,M1K. Chairman Board of Publlo lands snd Buildings. nepMlotm ONE MORE NEW PLANT GOES UP. Wester. Bar Flxlares aad Htel Maaafartaring; Company Le. rates Harney Street, .- i . . , Tha steady growth and expansion of Omaha's commercial and industrial in terests receives Another impetus ln th establishment of a new manufactory on Harney street. It is th Western Bar Fix ture and Hotel Supply Manufacturing company, to t owned and operated by John Hochstrasser and Herman Kunda. Th place of business will be the fonr story building at 1407 Harney street. Th concern will be in operation October L This firm will manufacture all kinds of saloon and hotel fixture and furniture, and will start up with a tore of about fifteen men, with some tbn or four represents tlves on the road. Both gentlemen are old residents and business factors ln Omaha. Mr. Hochstrasser became Identified With the dty in 1873 and Mr. Kunda Arc year later. Both hav for soma tlm been en gaged in the business of selling th Ham of goods which they now will manufacture. so that they do not enter th business as total strangers to It. Messrs. Hochstras ser and Kund hav returned recently from Chicago where they mad their purchase of machinery with which to equip their plant. This machinery Is now being in stalled. SEAwwXAELE FASEIGS. 4111 wltl'tPf-.4 to 12 years. Girl's Lrs 4617 To be made with ee- wltbout th fitted lining and worn with or without a guirope, Bimpl frocks with baby waists suit girls up to 13 years of sg to a nicety and always are becoming. This on allows of wearing with or without a gulmpe and la adapted to all season. As shown st la mad of figured pique and is trimmed with embroidery, but all materials suited to simple girls' frocks are appropriate, wool s well as cotton and linen. Th dress consists of th waist and th skirt. Tha waist is gathered at both upper and lower edges and can be arranged over th fitted lining or left unlined, as pre ferred. Tha fancy collar, or bertha, is cut n a square outlin ana is arranged over th neck. The sleeves are full and puffed. Th skirt is straight, and. therefore, wall adapted to washable fabrics, and Is simply gathered at th upper edge and Joined to th belt, which, ln turn. Is joined to th waist Th quantity of material required for th medium ala (8 years) is 4 yards 27 Inches wide, H yard 8! Inches wide. 8 yard 41 inches wide, with M yards of insertion and Pi yards of edging to trim as illustrated. Tha pattern 4il7 la cut ln sixes for girls of 4, I, . 10 and 12 years of age. For th accommodation of Th Be readers the pattern, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 cents, will b furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all spans, la order to get a pattern eorioa 10 cauls, giv Dumber and nam of patters 1