1ft THE OMAITA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, REPTEMRER 0. 1903. IKCC Boys' School Clothing ThirJ Floor Special Sale of Boys' School Suits Special Ladies' Suit Offers BARGAIN PRICES ON SWELL NEW SUITS FOR FALL. ALL THE LATEST EFFECTS. Prince Henry Walking Suits fij With How front and P rince Hmry skirted Jacket rffrci, mad', in the swell Knickerbocker suiting, J icV',1 full auiin tinea, stitched, strapprd and but ton trimmed with smart effects at 9.98 New Box Coat Walking Suits A new and very smell idea in long box front coai wwi o encct, ruu satin tinea jacket, skirt and 4 jacket trimmed with triple fold pleating, at.... ct, run faun (tnra 14.85 Jaunty Walking Suit at $7.50 Swell zibellnes, In blues and blaoka. . . 1 1 1 J I r-. i . ' Henry Jackets with capes at 7.50 New Walking Skirts Made of mannish suitings, novelty cloths, etc. trimming, at -xZJ ar' '" KJZS(J Children's School Suits at $4.98 velty cloths, all hand fitted very attractive and fash- A r misses and children's wear In our special VJ7 artuient on the second floor .. Z7 J New Fall Mercerized Waists at $2.98 2.98 Swell Dress Skirts Bw.ll cheviot and broadcloth Dress oiri!i, wnn me ions; a - r- trains, satin fold I iS FsAhlcmable new t Waists for fall. In white, gray, black and white t,,lu oiunwu lucKca ironia on the main floor Dargain square Millinery Specials for Wednesday Shirred Silk Hats at $1.69 An elaborately trimmed Bhlrred Bilk Hat, with Jet crown. In ,-v four shapes, requiring- only pompom or wing to make 1 sWI I arlmmed hat as good as a five dollar effect , J Misses' School Hats at $1.98 A special destined for popularity large, flat shape, two-tone -a braid binding trimmed with pompoms braid on upper and 1 11 W under brim and finished with quills worth three dollars ' 1 J Basement Special MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL CAPS Navy, brown, caster, red, white and plaid 60o and 75o values jd f-? -go In the base- ZnC"4nC men! tomorrow at, "-' w a w Pnraferi Pn Jf. T. r&l,f ft Pott SEES ADVANTAGE TO OMAHA Army Offloer Bays Proposed Eesrrangement of Headquarters is Satisfactory. WILL HELP LOCAL COMMERCIAL INTERESTS Omaha Cain Plea Doafctlesa 'Will Be osa Headaaarters Depart iml of the Piatt ana St. Lewis af MliiouL fhe almost certain rearrangement of the different military departmenta west of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, as reported In The Bee Monday, Is creating no little Interest at army hnadquarters In Omaha. Bt. Louis and Kansas City probably will become involved In a controversy over the location of the headquarters for the new Department of tho Missouri, especially In view of the possible foot that Kansas, Oklahoma and the Indian Territory may be Included In the new Department of the Missouri. The western departments as now con stituted are: Department of, California, oomprUlng the states of California and Nevada, the Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies, with headquarters at Ban Frenolsoo; Department of the Colorado, comprising the. states of Wyoming (except so much thereof as Is embraced In the Yellowstone park),' Colorado and Utah and the territories of Arisona and New Mexico, with headquarters at Denver; Department of the Columbia, comprising the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and the terri tory of Alaska (except so muoh of Idaho as Is embraced in the Yellowstone park), with headquarters at Vaucouver barracks, Washington; Department of the Dakota, comprising the states of Minnesota, North and Mouth Dakota, Montana and so much of the Yellowstone park as comprises parts of Wyoming and Idaho, with headquarters at Bt. Paul; Department of the Lakes, ' oomprUlng the states of Wisconsin. Mlchl- gan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, with headquarters at Chicago; Department of Texas, comprising the state of Texas, with headquarters at Ban An toolo, Tex,; Department of the Missouri, oomprtsin the state of Iowa, Nebraska. Missouri. Kansas snd Arkansas and Okla homa and Indian Territories, with head quarters at Omaha. OSnees Give HU View. Xs discussing the proposed change of the departmental lines au ofllcer connected with the headquarters of the Department of the Missouri, who has given the matter con siderable thought said yesterday. - "St. Louis is the logical headquarters (or the Department of the Missouri, not essentially as the department Is now con stituted, but as It may be constituted. This X understand contemplates the elimination of Iowa and Nebraska from the Missouri department, and possible will consist of the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma and Indian Territories. There has, however, been corslaered an other plan, and that is to add the states of Kentucky and Tennessee to the Missouri department, and have It constituted of the states of Missouri, Arkansas. Kentucky snd Tennessee, which would naturally make St. Ixuls the logical headquarters of the new department. A new department to be called the Department of Kansas, is contemplated, embracing the state of Kansas, and Oklahoma and Indian Territories, with the logical headquaters at Fort Leavenworth or Fort Riley, or possibly at Kansas City. The reorganized Department of the Lakes, would be comprised of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, with headquarters at Chicago. Ths Department of Dakota naturally would taks In the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana, with headquarters at Bt. Paul. The Department of Colorado would comprise the states of Colorado,' Utah, and the territories of Arisona and Mexico, with headquarters at Denver. A new Depart ment of the Platte, constituted of the states of Nebraska. Smith naknt Wyoming including Yellowstone Park, would oe me logical deduction with headquarters at Omaha, - , Advaataa-e ta Omaha. Tn this last proposition, we In Omaha are naturally most Interested. As a mat ter of fact the military posts In these three states are all now practically supplied from Omaha and by the addition of Wyoming to the Department of the Platte, it would mean an Increase of about $100,000 annually to the business Interests of Omaha, over Its suppy business as the Department of the Missouri it at present constituted. This arrangement of the Department of the Platte is one that would be of Infinite sd vantage to the Burlington snd Union Pa cific and Northwestern railways, not alone In the transportation of various military supplies, but In the transportation of troops to participate In the army maneuvers at Fort Riley, which will follow after the maneuvers that are to take place there this fall. A very Important consideration In the formation of the new departments. Is mai me neaaquartere of the departments should, ss a natural result, be at the eastern extremity of the departments and this Is contemplated by the rearrangements of departments ss already described." Tow Risk Yoar Lite If you neglect piles. They will cause ftal diseases, .but Bucklen's Arnica Salve posi tively eures or no pay. 26c For sale by Kuhn A Co. ' Rock Islaad System. $L Llnooln and return Sept T to 11- re. turn limit, Bept 1A ' Dr. C. Roeewater has returned from the east. Douglas Printing Co.. uos Howard.' TeL RATES TO JIOSEBUD LAND Kxearsle Schedules Are Offered by Nertkweatera lata Cauatry to Be Hoaieeteaded. Are your bowels loose today? Don't suffer with diarrhea, dysentery or gummer bowel complaints. Wakef ields Blackberry Balsam p a sura euro. Believing that the government will soon throw open to settlement under the home etead laws. 416,000 acrts of land near Bone steel. S. D., the Northwestern has made ii special rate of to Hon est eel and the Rosebud Indian reservation and return. These excursion tickets sre good only to leave Omaha on the t p. m. train September . u. ana 10 return on the trains from Bone steel on September IX 14 and 15. September li at 1 p. m.. a train will run from Rone steel to the Indian reservation line, afford ing a nne view to the excursionists. A number of entertainments have been arranged for the benefit of the excursion Ists, including the Omaha corn and grass dance by Chief Bwlft Bear and r50 Bloux Indians. There will also be wild steer riding, broncho riding and a barbecue. Bay Yosjv Coal Mew. We are now taking orders for the best grades of coal for September dxlivery only, delivered to eny part of the city, as fol lows: Bonanxa Semi-Anthracite. T.60 per ton Pennsylvania Anthracite. 11.00 per ton Rock Spring? Lump and Nut, C.66 per ton CENTRAL COAI. A COKE CO.. Cor. Uth A Harney. TeL 1ZU A ltf. BANKRUPT LANGE & (WON MUSIC STOCK PIANOS ORGANS PLAYERS MANDOLINS VIOLINS BANJOS GUITARS AND ETC. an C If III i) Women's R3ew Suits urn u n THE nP.I.IARI.R ST mm Cloak AT ONE-THIRD COST vEWi 125.000 Worth ttt iwnr fall t. tfa f 15 of the leading makers In America. Ths very nobbiest, newest and up-to-date stylos better values than ever exluted. The price Inducemnets for the next 10 days are simply astounding In order to Introduce these new, nobby garments In the Omaha market at the lowest possible price, we have marked them at leant fully 25 per cent less than any house In the west. LOT NO. 1 Made of all the new materials, long, grace ful garment", silk snd satin lined conte perfect hanging skirts, a most A as wonderful bargain, Wednesday.... UiUU LOT NO. 2 Those are all made of the new mannish matarints. In all mixtures yoti must see them whether you Intend buying or not Coats Sa.OO values g gQ IXTT NO. 3 This lot of suits equals those shown by other houses at H5.() and $40.00 thev are made of all the new Imported materials. The material, fancy trimmings and tai loring, all considered there has never has been more striking value 2 J QQ Wednesday only, a. manufacturers stock of eiderdown dressing encques for less than the coet of the material ther come In an sizes rrom ;u to 46 come early, J ft great value, at f JL Largest Dress Goods Department in the West. bpecial tor beptemner uth. 52-Inch French slbeline. In all colors, ror- umr ti.ou quality 1 ft ft 48-Inch zlbellne novelties. In clald and quality $l.fs at I r aualltv tl.25 t l.n Special 4D-lnch all wool slbellne twoeds and cheviots goods that you have al ways paid 69o to 75c for J O today only sffl 82-Inch black rope cloth, a regular 11.98 stilting IOC only Lea to-inch crepe de chine (Courtauld make), the only crepe that wears I nn well for today Ii9tj Great Bargains for Wednesday from Pelgram & ueyers' Auction silk stock. No Sals Ever Held in Omaha Can Equal This One. tUZmsm XTIM.TMBBS7 U P-- J ..IP. 1 J, JflMfr Men's J Fall MATS.. Some men have to wear a hat with a high sounding label in it needs something to vovcti or 'em. But the man of afairsy the man of solidity, buys the best at a air price, There is to him no name better than his own, and we work his initials into the sweatband or paste them in the crown. Boft and derby hats, of dependable quality, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Ask the hat man to show you our latest creation in style, "THE 5th AVENUE." The most pop ular hat to be worn this season and , our prices make them still more pop popular o nn $1.50 AND s.JJ 8 Fine black silk taffeta, 19-1 n oh worm i&o ror 4 runnLLER c muelLER (INCOSPOSATEO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIt f I X M O S MAIN HOUSE AND OFFICE: 1319 FARflASJ FACTORY! 131 FAUN AM TELEPHONE 1628 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB I CO. BLUFFS, I A 138 . 11TH ST. I 808 BROADWAY tiu res I til. see . FU T L SET OF TP I llllllllMII ..On?,.of Dr- Patented Double Sue- tlon Plates for J3.00. Until Bept. IS we will do work free. Small charges for material. OUR SPECIAL Frices?"nic Save Pain and Money Teeth Extracted FREE Fllllnsrs from 35 c Gold ITllllnaa from vk Gold Crowns from , 93.85 Silver Plemes Crows from. . . . , ,S)tJiO Do not wait. Come todav and have your teeth examined by the professors of ....... u -B " . . iihiob lilil or tin have one of our double suctions placed In ill II. r wcijciii ui aenusis Who HUIIor. practice old-time methods, cause uhu j I'MuouiH, we give a post graduate course for painless extrac tion nalnlni flllln. . i fL work. The only college of Its kind in the west. Work Guaraateed Ten Tears. Here to Stay. Union Dental Colleen Ur PA KLtSS DENT STRY incorporated oucsra ROOM 4, 1523 DOUGLAS STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. Open dally till S. Sundays to 4. 49 Fine black silk taffeto, Z7-lnch C fin worth l.-for 0c Fine black silk tafCeta, 36-lnch AQ. worth J1.7B-for '. SfO We will offer 10 pieces of the new 64-Inch wide b!ack taffeta this Is ths widest taffeta In the world I CO worth $3.00 on sale at Iiw! Gee the fine yard wide white and ss. cream lining satin at U0C BLACK AUTHBRJfA SILK fine for waists sA only OU New black satin Corsica, 27-in. all silk only Black, white and all colors In crepe de chine at Black crepe de chine, 40-lnch wide l et worth B.&Q-for 150 White cream Ivory loulssenne silk $1.60 grade at 27-lnch black peau de sole worth fcl.OO for only S6-lnoh black peau de sole worth J3.00 for only a Jrssf . m. . a ijajB.i iiwpbwmsj r'. J.i'JL nimm mi inn j u , , i.mawen is iusj "TTfTTTTlTTBannitr im'Ji Jirnra-nrnryB nr..! i-.,y.',ll",',,lM.'ll,"l.llil,ll.l L yvJ Jfsswas II 1 1 1 my n ""Sepj 1 iUUUU I J U U ZS ..98c 1.25 1.75 ir Jl rsn t - - - "'-, 1 r"1 sJiissMs1IIBMnsf IssWlTlWMIIMiMisslW fcsMIss1 II ssasjslsgll si fosMWMIM " ""II Smoke Omaha's Finest "T!r0 , , . f Full line of Clear Havana Cigars Com plete L ' "k- Une of Plpee all guaranteed. OMAHA H LARGEST 1V ' CIGAR HOUSK, Main Office, 1404 Douglas. 1 Kytahllshed 1S4- Telephone 1'"" rff"--'- v ;. .; ... ", . , ,.,.,.1nMM ...j'..,. 'fJ i PRESCRIPTIONS Iti Our Drug Department We Fill Prescriptions I Our Prescription Policy is a careful discrimination in buying a swift turning over of stock and a compounding of medicines according to the most approved methods and as the DOCTOR ORDERS. We are here to -carry out his instructions, not our own ideas. We leave it entirely to the doctor. Send Us Your Prescriptions. f se 4 4 tac-ti KOiinrain Dentistry When contemplating dental work never foraet the nmu. slty of patronizing a reliable place, so that you will be sure In getting durable and useful work. Oold Fillings .. Silver Killings ..11.60 up. ...76o up. Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St LITHIA WATER Atteatioa, Eagrles. All Ragles sre requested to meet at Kagls hall at rugular meeting Thursday evening, September ID. After a short session ths meeting will adjourn and members take oars for Council Bluffs to attend the car nival on the Invitation of Council Bluffs aerie. C. E. ALLEN, Secretary. The Lake Shore l.imltee) ta PIttshargBi A through Pittsburgh sleeper Is now In dally service on the Lake Shore Limited leaving Chicago at 6 JO p. m., and reach. Ing Pittsburgh the next morning at 4 35, affording Pittsburgh travel all the luxuri ous appointments of this famous train. M. 8. Giles, T. P A.. Chicago; C. T. Daly, Chief A. G P! A., Chicago. rorre-ets Flgares. OMAHA, St-nt. .-Edltor of The Bee: Will you kindly allow inn to correct a few slips III the report of an address of mine on India as found In 'ine Bee of Monday T 1. The population of India Is peiily S(tt OOOM'i instead of 1.664.000. The latter figure represents the total native chriailan popu lation. 2. There are forty-nine ordained Frothy. terlan mlHalonartea In Infill. The total number of Presbyterian ml1onaria there texcluHlve of wives) Is lit. There are about t.UPD Protestant mbwlonariea of all denom inations In India. . I expect to return to India next year by way of New York Instead of this year by way of Heattle. gPOAR M. WILSON. Dr. r. W. Slab ugh. dentist. fclUN. T. Li fa MANY POINTS IN Montana, M( California, L y41- 0refin and and IdahoWS Wathlnfon EVERY DAY Uom Sept. 13th to Nov. 30th, Inclusive, the VNIOK PACIFIC will sell oneway ticket, from Ml... R,v-r T.s5smS (Council Bluff, to Kansas City. Inclusive), as follows, mU"W f t0 Vden nd S1 Lk City. t0 Helen nd Butte, Mont. J;. to Spokane and Wenatcheo, Wash. 2! it 'Y, IYl ,0 Huntion and Nampa, Idaho. ' 2 to PortJand. Tacoma andT SeatUo. 2 i w! to Vancouve' and Victoria. 5 n 1 shl,and a.nd Astoria, Oregon, rla PortUnd. -0,uu to baa 1 ransisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly Lew Rstes to msny other California. Oregon, Washing, ton, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. For further information tall on or address t'I'l V I'ltKKT OFKIfB, 1S24 FARNAM STREET. 'Phone JlB. t nion Biamn, lutn and Marcy. 0rr, wstTsn's rmaut nie wa -n- j "" I GROCERIES Such an Immense Trade that We Not Only Sell on Small Profits, but Guar antee You Fresh Goods, SPECIAL SALES DAILY. FREE POSTAL MRUS. TEL. 137 Baked Beans plain or with sauce one pound can to Asparagus rvne pound can 15c Bennett's Cnpltol Baking Pow- uer one pound can 24c Castile Soap large cake 6c Macaroni one pound package .... iio Apple Butter five-pound stone Jar 25c Parlor Matches one dor.en boxes.. l?Vfcc Crosne & Blackwell's Vinegar, qt. 22c I.ob8ter y, pound can 18c Clam Chowder one pound can Ko French Mustard, glass and spoon. 0o Maple Cream cake So Table Syrup flavored Jar 16o Fresh Country Butler received dally per pound 15c Bennett's Capitol Creamery finest produced per pound Mo A SPLENDID LINE OF ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CHEESE. Full Cream Cheese per pound.... 12Ho Hand Cheese-reach I'iO BEST VALUES IN TEAS AND COFFEES. Imperial Japan Tea per pound... 25a Fresh Roasted Santos Coffee per pound lc Poppy Seed per pound 10c Ask for Free Postals. Tel. 13T. THE POPULAR GROCERS. Stoves Stoves Now is a good time to get a bargain in stoves. We have all kinds, heaters and cooks. Every stove is guaranteed by the factory and ourselves. If you want the Right Stove at the Right Price, now is your opportunity. 11-Inch Steel Body Oak E Heater J.VJ 13-lnch Steel Body Oak f rK Heater u ...8.45 28.50 33.50 34.00 39.50 15-Inch Steel Body Oak Heater Base Burner Stoves for Base Burner Stoves for Base Burner Stoves for Bane Burner Stoves for BARGAINS IN STATIONERY FOR WEDNESDAY Crepe Paper lowest prioe ever quoted, 10c roll, of any (1 1 5c 5c color, (or Pencil Tablet 500 pages, for Napkins fancy or plain ' borders, 100 for ........ AT DEMONSTRATION BOOTH Main Floor snreaaea wneat itiscuit ana i riscuu (trie wnoie wnoai u wafer) served la the latest Ideai. Its interesting and costs you nothing to see and try. Don't forget. , K-ttl! Ill Ml H 1 LOWNEY HOiYiE VISITORS EXCURSIONS wwom nxx rxMsrrs nnssouni pacific railway. GREATLY REDUCES RATES EAST, iTTOIAlf A, VESTERJI OHIO AND WOrSTILLE. IT, Seytaaker lst, 8th, 150) tnoi Pctaber (dw Bstara Hall, 31 twft. OON'T MISB TMIS r.MlNrr s ft - ana aa yeur niesiSls ag i",v I'lJiLL !, e naa ifnu. a - - - . . 1 . as SCHOOLS. SCHOOL. Vcnlnorlh Military Academy iU I Government supervision sad equlpjuenc. Irniyoillrerdcrtelled. i Oldest asl Urrtet military sckvel ta Mlddls Weil. mill tar) ovrrnmrnl suiwrvlelon and eauluaienc. irniv oSlrerdetalleiL iuuh fur I nlv.rdttta. jkSA i"lMil Aii.'lfmJ'f tur i.iif. ivls. .KUh. mmm w. H. a4M,, bmpiA.. L.iUta, The name which sua;s;ests Itself to every body Immediately when the word CANIi Is mentioned. We have a full line or 1U- NICY'S CANDY, fresh from the manufac turer In all sizes from 10c up, snd will be pleased to deliver to any part of the city, without extra charge. 1'iiones ui or 11 uu I'fruna, lowest Omaha price ... .i.c tjenulne t autorla ode I Mian's Kidney 1111s 6"o Cutlcura Slve 60c Charles' Flesh Food $1.00 C'hrystal Tonlo $1.(J Orrlne If you want It 12 ) Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal l'llls 60c "Catarrh Hem" guaranteed $1.00 XI. H. Tobacco Cure, guaranteed $1.00 Pierce's Itcmedle 25c Laxative Bromo (Julnlne -iO Qulnucetol Lent cold cure dOc Bar Ben ...RTo ...24'! ...:ftc ...3HC ...40! ...8k-...hue .$1.00 . ..f.- ...10' 16;- k- 4to mm $100 Iler's Malt Whiskey iA" $1 (i0 Pure Canadian Malt Whi 'key .... 70o Don't forget IOWNET'8 CANDIES. OPEN ALL. NIOHT. SCIIAEFER'S SffiS Tito 'Pbeaes 7ST aa4 797. leih mm Ckleaaa Streets. Ossaha. Avoid the Rush By having your fall and winter cloth ing put in condition NOW, before tbe buy season opens. Come In and talk to us possibly you can get along with out a new suit this fall by having us fix up the old one. We do altering and repairing. THE PANTORlUn 407 So IS to. St TeL 063 OMAHA. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write for Sasuula fmmm. It Is a shoe problem to successfully comhlne Wires essentials EASE, ELEGANCE AND ECONOMY. our slock represents the modern so lution of the problem. ICumo it ensured by careful lasting, elegance by artistic modeling and workmanship, economy by a price that allows of the very best ui medium tost. Onimod On-a-Man gives satisfaction. Always $3.50S$2.50 Regent Shoe Go. 20S So. IStb St. Re-No-May Cere yaur feet ta stay eared. Seli Every n here. UASirACTlMEO BT Ju MAYEM. 7 f