T1IE OMAHA DAILY PEE: TUESDAY, BErTEMDEU P, 100.1. SPECIAL NOTICES will bo taken aatll 13 a, for the ulugr edition and til n ao p. m. far nuratiD nil Sunday edition. States, 1 1.3a a wirl rat laaartlaa. rl thereafter. Nothing; takes far less than asd far the first laser, lion. Thraa adTertlsenaea te nana! be raa consecutively. Advertisers, by reauaetlae a a a a, bered ebeak, bar aaawrra ad dreeeod ta a aaatrrti Irttrr Ik fir f The Ha. A as were a addressed will he delivered areeeaatailoa af taa kk only. SfTl'ATlONS WAITED. WANTED By young man of good address And. experience, position as bookkeeper; ?"nto-preferred; aood reference. Addrm L69. Bee. A M SJ'ix POSITION, by experienced lady stenog rapner, accurate In figures; would like -managership of branch business for toma reeponsiDio nrm. Address M fil, Hoe. . A M743 9x - . 1 ' WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. RAY AND NIGHT. TUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. Boy les College NE YORK LIFE BLDG. UBINESH. 8HOKTHAN1), TVFEWRIT INC. ENGLISH. Apply for Catalogue. B 222 WANTED, for fnlf.,4 Ki.t.. ., i.i bodied, unmarried men, between area of n and So. cftlsens of United States, of good character and tmperHte habits, who can speuk, read and write English. For In formation apply to recruiting ofllr-cr, lutli wu ace., urnana, ana Lincoln, iseb. . B-M475 tailor at Council Blviffa Steam yym vyoraa 101S-IU17 Weat Broadway Council Bluffs, a M723 WANTED, a man to Work from our wagon, C. T. Adams at Co., 1619 Howard. B-M491 GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay, A. D. T. Co., Hi 8. lath. B 1J WANTED Men to learn barber trade v-omparanveiy no expense. Few weeks completes. New method, practical ex perience, expert Instructions that rave f . or write. Aioier Ilarber Col lege, 1303 Douglas St. B MftH llx WANTED, stenographer; good chnnca for a bright-young man to get ahead. Ad- uicnn m vi, xiaa. B M814 10 A POSTOFFTCKl rimlnilln.. Ill I.. k.U In Omaha November 16th to .secure clerks , auu carriers. An advanced education Is r t'-c.Hnrv. hut careful trnlnlnv ) prepare by mall a lara-e percent of .... uanmui ones; xor run Information end for our announcement and questions used by the government. Columbian C'or- rfwponuenyca college, Washington, D. C. . b mmi tx WANTED SAL KSMEt. BALESMAN WANTED, to carry on com mission us sldo )lna about 20 samples of ...ui ..uiiuiy iiiinaai western-made .. shoes. For Information address O t. Bee. --M803 10 WANTED FEMALE HELP, 100 Girls. Call Canadian offloe. luta & Dodge. C Ui WANTED Girl for . general housework. ioob n eusier du C Mo .WANTED, girl for general housework. 1808 Meuiiw at. C Mala BERVANTGIRL wanted at once at mj o. asm a v. U M575 WANTED, experienced girl for general nouseworg. Mrs, Warron M. Rogers, ;7ug r Mumia. . Apply w. ai. nogers, iWW liar. WANTED, girl for, genera housework; good wage. Ap yiy ixa uewey- Ave. C 6.S3 7x WANTED, woman to cook for three In family; no washing; wagea 84 per week. Address M 47, Bee. c 685 7x WANTED-A neat girl to assist with houae work: also wash and Iron; one who lives ?lose by and will go home evenings pce erred. 641 S. 26th Ave. C MC03 WANTED toadies to learn halrdresslng, ..manicuring or facial massage. Qualified ,, teaohere, free clinic, diplomas, tools and positions given. Busy season now. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Doiisrlas St C M6 2 Ux ' WANTED, girl for general housework, r.o Fowler ave, C M7G5 tx OIRL for general housework: no washing or children. Cal) at 8X0 N. 3ZX at. C-MS01 WANTED Girl for general housework, Good wagea. Two In family. Reference required. . Apply 119 South 34th stent. . O-02 9x fcXKBIUKINCED girl for general hou-e. work; tour In family. Inquire 2207 Dodge, . C 85-9 1 TOUNil girl to aaslat at general housework. Inquire at 117 8. 25th St. O MS08 10 . -! .l..U!JLl 1 TOU RENT HOt'SKI. D 234 tlTtir.uni'nuir'V l m .k.i w eul-u New York Lite ttldg. 'Phone toil WE MOVB 01 an os. Maarard Van A tnr. ag Co., Tel 14k. Ofllee, 1713 Webster Bt, HDI IQPQ In all part of the city. The a a w w w w a , Pavls Co., 608 Bee Bldg. TO MOVB right get Omaha Van Storage l., ocuce uu-iw f sruuu, or leia, lv-bbl. ' i-ajo DEIHIRABLE HOUSE WEST PART CITY T-3t a. tsih ave.. 11 rooms, modern In every way, first class condition and one of the -best locations In eity. Price J -8 per monm. ueorgo uo,, tsvi jrarnara st FOR RENT A neat 8-room house, all mod. ern except furnnce, $18. C M. Baohmann. 4WVtf7 Paxton Uuok D MiM HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk, D 2-s FOR RENT Good barn. Inquire !". Burt, : umui-i rOR RENT 664 Harney St., desirable modern houae of ( room In flrst-cluss re pair, 835. ' Uarvtn Bros., 1604 Farnam at. is uiis ROOM, modern, 2T11 Dewey ave.; 8.10. D-745 One I and one (-room cottage, large, beau tlful grounds; no furnace; ti4 and 815. 424 and 4410 Nicholas at. Key ou prem Ikes, iiingwaii orui., naraer oiocK. D-IU FOR RENT. No. 103 So, 80th ave , 11-room brick, full cellar, cistern, oak floors and finish; furnace and all modern, In best condition. No. 1031 So. 30th ave., 10-ronm, complete ana moaern, nnest appointment and nn lah. inquire on premises. i M121 TOH RENT, 8-roora house, all modern. 618 n, tin su. Appiy ti wi in, i. i.ire ping f . u 70S FOR RENT, six -room eottsae. modern ex eept furnace, 2211 California St., 8-'d; five- room couage. jwi uionco Bt , i. Arply W. . WW I wm . v. t Mjua HOUSE for rnt. room, at Nth and Harney. 83a pap mooth. Inquire 402 Isard Chrle Y .lonea r ' p FOR RENT FIHKI8HKI) ROOMS. NICELY fumUhed rooms. Inquire Omaha iteam laundry, 1750 Leavenworth, 'phone ,-nrt. E m DEWEY Europeaa hotel, 13th and Farnam- E 231 ROYAL HOTEL, European, ma A Chicago. E--l 81 00 TO $10 per week. 421 8. 18th St.. one block south of court house. Kr-'iiH AETNA HOUSE, Europeaa, Uth ron rent rtKNisnEn room. NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; genuemen preierrea. 14 I7tn. E 236 O,. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone (11. a a i VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnara: pone 5:. K M371 10 ROnjTfl, tl CO per week and up. Ptnfe hotel. Hit UOIlgiP.S Bt. E 13 NICE rooma, day or weak. 1625 Hownrd. E Mm VoX MODERN rooms, front. 201 St. Mary'a avenue. k jbi zi LARGE. LIOHT, AIRY ROOMS. 112 and up per month. 75c nnd up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th flt. and Panltol Ave. Steam heated electric lighted private and general baths nil conveniences nrst-claas service. Eat where you please. ' ROOM AT THE DELLONR. E 21S 80s FOR RENT. In private fnmlly. two large rront rooms, eoutnenst exposure, warm in winter and cool In summer; within walk ing distance hut convenient to three car lines. 2204 Webster St. E 317 Dx NICELY furnished rooms. 190t Capitol ava. TWO large south front alcove ronmn. 25t0 Harney. E-Mtfi lOx FtRNISHED ROOMS AND DOAIID. CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 0 N. inn. ' F MIW0 15 BOARD and room, furnace. S23 S. 19th St. F ir8 27x THE ROSR 2020 Harney; rooms end board, no meal ticxets. . t M723 OS FtRXITUlE PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERG, 115 So, 17th. lei. i-wi. H 2SS FOR RENT 81 ORES AND OFFICES. FOR lli:NT-Bulldlng suitable for whole sale purposes at vt i arnam, 22XSIO, four stories and flrst-cluss cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars cnculre C. C. Rosewater. sec retary the Bee Building Co., room ID". Bee Duiiaing. 1 AlMi FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 1 Farnam nt. It has four stories and a basement, which waa formerly used as The Bee press room. 1 hi will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at omce of c c. Rose- water, secteiary, room luo. Bee building I-2tI THE spacious store room on Far nam street in the Boo building, formerly occu pied by MacCaxthy Tailoring Co., to lease on rensonuble torms. Kent includes Jun ilor service, electrio light and heat. In quire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee building. I M534 ' DESK ROOM for rent. 634 Paxton block. I-M640 BUITE cf S rooms, gas and electrio light, water, vault; suitable, for doctor's office. Kobt. 11. Bennett, Continental block. I-56 AGENT! WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THH) TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country Willi horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make easily 860 to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 113 EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few men ore offered by the Union Central Life Insurance Co. Correspondence In vited. J. M. Edmlnston Sc. Sons, general agents, Omaha and Lincoln. J-M32S Bept. I NEW WASrfER. LOW PRICED. Warranted to wash four shirts, or equlva- lnt tn three minutes. Lia-htL strona-. dur. able, all wood and beats all the tin wash ers. No "air pressure" about It. Sold In pairs one washer to be used In each nnrid In common tub dr boiler on any kind of clothes. ' -Also' tongs for lifting clothes from boiler, and all sent prepaiu fur 82.60. Agents deal directly with in ventor. No mlddleicen. J. F. Elliott, Manson, la. J M572 tx AGENTS for the best, most popular faucet filter mads; easy sellers; good profit. T. C. Pigott, Laramie. Wvo. J-M7&4 12x AGENTS for best, most popular faucet ni ters maae; easy sellers; good profit. T. C. Plgott. Laramie. Wyo. J MU54 12 AGENTS WANTED. ManRger In every town over i,uw population, pay ii.uon to $8,000; references required. World's Fair Guarantee Asa'n., Rlalto Bldg., St. Txtuls. J-M814 x WANTED TO RENT. I CANNOT supply the demand. If your nouae is vacant w you expect to nave one list with me. Jr. v. wead, last Douglaa K M5Zo8 WANTED By two young men, room and uoara in .private tamiiy; must be, con venient to car line; state rates. Will be permanent ir salted; not too far out. Ad dress M U Be. K M530 la YOUNG man wlhe good room and board lor several weeks; good locality, private tamiiy; v-ainouo preierrea. Aaares u t. line. iv ji8io ox WANTED TO BUY. WILL PAY cash for 40 to M acres within IS mile of Omaua. Address, K U, Bee. N-M241 WANTED To buy. close to Omaha, a few seres of land, Ktaper Coal Co., 14th and wiuiam BIB. XM M1W-14 WANTED A good stock of groceries, not to exoeeu i.uw. Aaaresa, ax ii. uee. N 804 tx FOR SALE FtRNITlRB. FULL line of hard coal stove now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., luo Doage at. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait; first-class re pair woik. 11. f rost, ii n ana Leaven worth. P 243 s , MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N, iota ot. n in FOR SALE, t flrst-clss buggies: .war ranted; a snap lor somebody, can at 2t3Q Lavenwortn. trn GOOD MILK WAGON, coul waion and butgy at a big bargain. A. VV. Johnson, witn John Deere flow co. f 4H u.'x WANTED Good team heavy horses; also heavy dounie Harness, at once, r.rtw. A, Knapp, 14th and Nicholas. P S4K15 tx FOR SALE MISCELLAAEOVS. FOR BALE, thirty-three thousand four hundred and ulnety-sex en shares Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten rents a share If taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn, Buaid of Trade building. Q-MV7 FOR SALE. Southwlck hay press and power, cheap. A. 11. Read, Coup-'I -1 la. . Q M 818 FOR SALE, oecondhand locomobile. In llrst-'lHS shape, at one-half price. Call or address, lOl Farnam St. Q 24 TF.l.KPHONE POLES: long flr timber chicken feuce; oak piling., tt1 Douglaa r IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 2u6 N. 17th St. Q 2ih CATAIX)GUE cut drug prices free. Bher- man A McCoueell Drug Co,, Omaha. 1 ICR for sale In car load - lots. Address Lincoln Ice Co., Lincoln, Ail)., Q-M71I INDIAN good and relks. Ill Farnam. W 260 2LHAND aaf cheap. Perlght, 111a Farnam. V at FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight ; com. plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire en closure, j. i urajiaaia t oona vm FOR 8M.E, coal buslna $2,IA)mX J 21, Bee. Capital required, 4 BEE WANT BECAUSE THEY FOR IALE MlftCKLLANEOlS. NEW and 2d hand trpewrltere. 1UI Farnara. , vi FOR SALE, a new 800-ampere, double-pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." Q M767 FOR SALE CHEAP, at Barker hotel, Omaha, or C. W. Partridge, Paxton block, one Hale hydraulic pHBsenger elevator, upright cylinder, care 6x6 feet, 6 stories, all In perfect running order; S00 tnxlde doors, l thick, with trainee, easing and hardware; base board. 4 flights oak stairs, cherry and oak mnntles, 100 Inside win dows. lOO.OnO 4-foot wlilt pine luth, cleaned and bundled, 2x4 studding, marble wash bowls, urinals, bath tubs, sink, steam ,1)1 pe and radiators. W M764 12x CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told. past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8264 MME. LUCRETIA. medium, nla. 1709 Callfor-8-310 88x GAZWAY, THE PALMfST Job, chapter 37, verse 7: "He sealeth up the hand of every man. that all men may know Ills works." 804H S. 13th Bt. S MS0 tx ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. t . .. T-I07 PERSONAL. VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet. Viavl Co., 348 Bee Bldg. U 26 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 J at ave., Council JJIufls, la. tJ-if MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, tl. IT CURES. V 256 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee bldg. U-267 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 2. nnd 3, 1&05 Farnam St. U 259 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: best medical care and nursing. Mrs. L. FUher, 1601 Vinton. Tel. 1889. U-2C0 WE RENT sewing maohlnee at 76c per week, Vi per montn; we repair ana sen parts for every machine manufactured; secondhand machines, ST to J10; second hand machines from 81 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U M162 OMAHA Dye Works, 1515 Howard, fashion able cleaners, aresses, suns, cioaics, dra peries, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. U-M733-0 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and during connnement. Dr. ana Mrs. ueriscn, 8625 California St. Terms reasonable. U-496 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana irreguiariuos ox women irom any Icause; experienced and rellablo. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington ciock, umana. .U 04 8. SHONFELD. the antiquarian (estab- 1 shed 1878), removea to va r. x. iire ma. . U M516 01 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies aaoptea. jars, uaraeis, i.nn. Tel. Red-1&4. U-258 LADIES' $1.60 kid gloves free to a few In each locality; send sue ana color; enclose stamp. National Men C.O., St. Joseph, Mo. -V MS07 8x MONEY1 TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED City loan and warrants. ' W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Thomas, First isat i cans. ouig. . ii.im . . . . W 262 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life, v WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters at Co., ee jsiug. w i FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 180A Farnam. PRIVATE mony. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglaa 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton block. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, NOT IN THE TRUST. Money Any Amount; Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent positions on their PLAIN NOTE. Without MUKIUAUti, unwuiioiin u aar CURITY of any kind, without i.MPLOY- tll'U itiinwlrduft. We also loan money- on Furniture, Piano., etc., without removal of goods. You have Use 01 DOtn money evuu It Costs You Nothing To call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest In Omaha We want your business and believe an In vestigation or our niamuua win ri it even If at rreaent you are dealing else where. K.ID. COURTEOUS, TREAT MENT to all. Our office are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come In and see us., whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. . Room 807-. Paxton Blk. Roomi 307-505. A. aJU MONEY loantd on plain note to sa rat-ted people; DUSIIicB uuiinuniuitti, jumevi mi. lli paxton block. Tha J. A. liutton Cq, X 275 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. Gel our system ul loans mat i" "u out of debL Any ludy or geulleintin, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Jut on his note: Monthly. Weekly. ! 100 Return to us...$2j.66 or $13.35 or 6. 50 Return to us... 13.33 or 8 68 or 8.36 2.7 Return to us... . or 8M or 1.66 15 Return to us... 4.00 or 2.00 or l.uU Easiest term, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries, quick service, vouneou IrMttrnflil. THE bTAR LOAN CO., 844 PAXTON BLK. EASY IZtll nt ..n'.uini our methods. We loan on furniture, uiunos, warehouse receipts, etc. ur u you nave a puinaneui position we can max you a V SALARY LOAN without secunty, exoept your own agree ment to repay. Our service 1 quick and confidential and w always try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow elaawhere. OMAHA MORTUAUU LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trade B.dg. Tel. 22ii. (Established Ml) M 8. 16th bt. X-270 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cow, etc. c r . neea, av o. li X MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANoS, LIVE 8TOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. - -Try us if you want to save money, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 831 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sta X-2TI LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; eaaiest term; 40 orhees in princi pal cities. Tulman, 440 Board of Trde JldaT. X-I71 CHATTKL, salary and Jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co., auo. to D. Ct aen, It. t, barker bk. X-818 ADS PAY BEST ' REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, srll or exchange any property or btuhiess quick, see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-270 ig 18-r Wood River. Neb., at a bargain; owner lives In Chicago Is the object In selling. Mitchell aV Faught, Wood River, Neb. Y 277 FOR SALE Good hardware, furniture and undertaking bualneFs; store building and residence also. Address Box lfi. Ply mouth, Neb. Y-MU7 S9 LITCHFIELD, Neb., Is much In need of a first-class hotel. Good site may be se cured. Located on main line B. at M. K. R. Population. 6o0. Address F. Starks, Sec retary Lltchfleld Mutual improvement club. Y M220 Sept.Hx GROCERY for sale; good location; German population; good ruisons for Belling; ee labllshed trade. L 65, Bee. Y 606 7x FOR SALE Only drug store in town of 4(0, eastern Nebraska; prescriptions from two doctors; all German community. Best chntire; large - territory; good business. Address M 36 Bee. Y MS3J FOR SALE, set of abstract books of best county In Bouth Dakota. Address M 37, Bee. Y-341 9 FOR SALE The finest equipped meat mar ket in rne state outside of Lincoln and Omaha; In the exact business center of tie cttv; enylDg $200 per month net; exerything im and complete. Will take cash or approved nutea. Address Hill's Market, Fremont, Neb. Y M556 10 FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fix tures. Including Ice box. Inquire 273 Far nam. Y 663 CASH FOR YOU REAL ESTATE OR BUSINESS, no mwtter where located. For a quick snle send us description and rr'ce. NORTHWESTERN BUSINK8S AGENCY, D 312, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn T I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where it Is or what it is worth; uend de scription, state irlc nnd learn how. Offices and special representatives In 8 cities. W. M. ORTRANDER, Home Office 148 N. A. Bldg., Philadelphia. Y FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT A GOOD HOME CHEAP? I will sell my home on Georgia ave., near! the park, close to Park school and sev-J eral churches, at a Bargain; terms to suit. The house has seven rooms besides laun dry, furnace room and vegetable cellar; Is In good condition, modern, with every convenience and. open plumbing. It will pay you to look into this, as It Is a good: Investment. Address M 18, Omaha Bee. - ' - RE-446 31x $1,160 BUYS modern double house; rents for $20 per month. Box 44, Irvlngton, Neb. :on, jeo. E M760 8x tit HOUSES and lots In all part of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O, F. Davis Co., Room BOS, Bee bldg. RE 278 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paciflo Railroad company, B. A. McAHester, land commissioner. Union PasUflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-280 MODERN 8-r. houae, full 62-ft. lot, best lo cation for a home. Inquire 1411 Vinton St. RE 766 21 WILLIAMSON KattonaF Bank bV" ' ' ' RE-279 IF YOU want the finest half section of . unimproved land in the county or one full section nearly as fine at $6 per acre ad dress A. T. Geyerv Brady Island, IJncoln county. Nebraska, , , RE M813 8 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. 282 ATTORNEYS. HERBERT S. CRANH, 917 N. Y. L. Bldg. .... , M365 10X 3 M. MACFARLAND, tl N. Y. I Bldg. M756 a BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., Ill North lGth. , 2S3 R. RUMBEL A SON, only tie factory In state. Try us. 14th A Nicholas Sts. Tel. F-8359. 148 88 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Oohlltree, 20th and Lake streets. - 370 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' sdult beginners now forming Tuesday and Saturdays, 8 p. m., com mencing October 22. Private lesson any time. 17th and Douglas. Office 'phone, 187L Residence, A 1745. After Ootober 15, 2424 Farnam at. Chambers' children's classes Wednesday, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 2 p., m., commencing October 8.. , let MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S dancing and physical culture, 15th and Harney, re opens for children Saturday, October 3; beginners, 10 a. m. ; advance, 8 p. m. Terms reasonable; a liberal reduction to former patrons and to families who send more than one pupil at the same time. Private classea organised; private lessons any time. Lessons for adults now Tues day and Friday, 8 p. m.; assemblies every Wednesday. School teachers' tickets at half regular rates. For further particulars write or telephone 1041. M570 Oct4 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORWACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-WtJ. 284 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Mlsa 6turdy, 624 N. roth. M464 S14x EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. RATHBUN. room 16. Cotn'l Nat B ink. Private lessens In boukkeepliig, etc. 752 I . FLORISTS. HESS A BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -268 D. HENDERSON. florUt, J419 Farnam St. -287 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and deau animals at reduced price. 821 N, Uth. Tel. 1779. , -2S9 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. ' 758 LAW AND COLLECTIONS, BT1LLMAN A PRICE, 410 lit Nat. Bk.bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y, Life Bldg.. attorneys and collector every, where. 2l J. M. MACFARLAND. 8J8 N. Y. L. Bldg. -M 77.7-21 LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th A Howard. 29! LOCKSMITHS. C. R. HEFLIN, 8u9 N. 16th St. Tel. 8974. Cut prices on keys this month. -MP2-13 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everyliere. P. H. PUllblu, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 74. 804 LOST. LOST, lady's gold ' watch, marked with monogram "M R. M." on one side and "IW on other side; black guard with gold seal attached; monogram on soul. "M. R. M." I'lease return to mayor' otllce. city hall, and receive reward. Ixist MiniS MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In three days. Pay wnen cured. No hypodermics. Write for circulars. Gatlln Institute, 222 S. 14th. -293 LADIES! Chichester' English Pennyroyal Fills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Cnemlcal Co.. Philadelphia Pa. Ml'SICAL. OMAHA College of Music and Dramstlc Art, 623 N 20ih St. (Dodge St. cor). F.x emlnations for twenty free and pnrt,al scholarships !n' nil subjects Sept. 23 and 34, at the college; practice rooms wltn piano i for students f or particulars apply t. n. Wright, L. L. C. M., director. 'Plione llul 72519 THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Blck. 3ia WANTED Boys with good voices for Trin ity Cathedral Choir (preparatory pluss). Apply F. II. Wright, organist and choir disnctor. . . 72619 E. D. KECK, voice culture and the art of singing. Btuaio, ink r arnam si. Mi18-0-l OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite 615, New York Life Bldg. Tel. ltW4. 294 The Hui.t Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2352. . 295 Atsen A Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1366. 2W DRS. FINCH- A MILLER, 124 8. 25th St 297 DR. ORACH DEEGAN, $32 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2hS8. 288 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 768 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful 818 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 300 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book tree. Tel. 1623. M570 N16X PA STL RAGE, PASTURE for horses. Benson. Theo. Williams, 70 1HX RIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. $068, Jul SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT' 8 gchool. 717 N. Y. Life, NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's . Theater. , bus IVID B1TV ClnnA mrnrtA-Yi a rtA Vnat tvrtA. writer. 817.00. El C. Brlcker. Tabor, la. -M8U tx STATUARY. ORNAMENTAL work. Gonnella A Rro,, i5 Farnam. muto isx STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co., 1611H Farn. Tel. I659-86t. A) STAMMERING AND STlTTERINO. CURED, Julia Vaughn, 430 Parage Bldg iut UPHOLSTERING. REFINISHING OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS. 2201 Farnam. Tel. 24S1 M 464 14 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire springs tigntenea. rei. o-aiit. i.ix oi. Mary's Ave. 807 TINNERS. Q. E. KOCH, 24th and Maple. Tel. L1949, 838 S8 a. ubmi A. ui., s., rnai vmua tuow, A. J. Lowbt, Prlnc jj . Endorsed by First Nat') A. C. Omq, A. M., LL. B., Fret., Omaha, Ttankand hiislnaaa men. $10,000 in ttoll Top Desks, Bank Fixture and 60 Typewriters. Students can work for hoard. Send for free catalogue, bound In alligator. 6 nest ever nubllshed by a Business Cotleg auu ii auu juu wi" avHinu iiu , . v. GOVERNMENT NOTICES, PROPOSALS FOR COAL, BUILDING MA teiula, etc. U. 8. Indian School, Genoa, Nebraska, September 8, 1903. Sealed pro posals, endorsed "Proposals for Coal, Lum ber, etc." and addressed to the undersigned at Genoa, Nebraska, will be received at this school until 2 o'clock p. m. of Septem ber 24, 19u8, for furnishing and delivering at the school, aa may be required during the fiscal year ending June 80, I9u4. about l,2oO tons of soft lump coal, 68,000 feet of lumber, 55,000 shingles, 20,0o0 brick, beside lime, sand, nails, painting supplies, sash, hard ware, etc., a per Hat and Hpeolflcation ob tainable at the school. Bidder will state specifically the price of each article to be offered under contract, all artlalea so offered will be rigidly Inspected. The right Is re served to reject ify und all bids or any part of any bid. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository cr solvent national bank, made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs, for at least 6 per cent of the amount of the pro posal, an Id check to be forfeited to the United State In case, any bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with his bid, otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Rids accompanied by cash In lieu of certi fied check will not be considered. For fur ther information apply to W. H.. WINS LOW, Superintendent. 83-5-8-10-12-15-17-19-22 PROPOSALS FOR BRICK WORKSHOP and water system. Department of the interior, umce oc juuian Affairs, washing ton, D. C, August 16. 19J3. Scaled propos al endorsed "Proposals for Improvements, Pierre, S. D.," and addreaaed to the cum mibslouer of Indian affairs. Waaliinatun. D. C will be received at tha Inulan office until 1 o clock p. m. of Friday, September 11, Uf)i, lor lurnltning and delivering the nece.aury materials and labor required to construct and complete a brick workshop, with plumbing and water system at the Pierre school. South Dakota. In strict ac cordance with plans, specifications and In structions to bidders, which may be ex amined at this office, the office of tha Improvement liulliiin, Minneapolis, Minn., the Free Press, Pierre, S. D., the Argua Leader, Sioux Falls, 8. V.. The Bee, Omuha, Neb the Builders' and Trader' Exchanges at Omaha, Neb., Milwaukee, Wis., and St. Paul. Minn., the North, waatern Manufacturers' Association, St. Paul. Minn., the U. 8. Indian Warehouse at No. 15 Howard st., Omaha, Neb., No. 265 Ho. Canal t., Chicago, III., and No. 119-131 S ouster at.. New York City and at the school. For further information apply to W. H. Cox, Supt. Indian Buiiool, Pl.rre. South Dakota. W. A. JONES. CommUs. loner. A-25-27-29-S-1-3-6-8-10-12 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Cneyeniie. Wyo, Aug. II, llej3. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office Until 3 n i-iuin p. in . mountain time, Sept. 11. 19u3, and then opened In .the tirearnce of bidders, lor tlis construction, pl imuiiig, heating gis-piplug and e'ectrlo wiring of 1 tiuld officer' guar, ters, 3 d. a captains' quarters, 8 d. a. lieu- GOVERNMENT NOTICES. tenants' quarters, t double barracks, snd for the construction, gHS-plplr.g and elec tric Hiring of 1 eeihalxience storehouse at I'ort 1). A. Russell, Wyo. Hlddere must slate In their proposals the time In which lliey von complete the work from date or commencement thereof. hat h proposal must be accompanied by a guaranty signed by two responsible persons, each justifying In a sum euual to 10 tier cent of total amount of aid. Full Information, blank forms, plans and specifications furnished on application to this effire; also to the office of Chief Quartermaster. Chicago, Denver. Omaha and St. Paul. United mates reserves the right to accept or reject any or oil bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids should be endorsed "Pro posal fir rubllo Buildings at Fort. D. A. Russell, Wvo.." ami addressed to Captain W. S. Scott. Quartermaster. IT. 8. A., In charge of construction, Cheyenne, Wyo. Alld4ttta'i.M LEGAL NOTICE. FOR SALE. An Issue of $l2.0tx).0 of Twenty-Year Five I'er Cent Bonds. The undersigned will sell to the highest bidder, for cush, at not lews than pur, on Thursday, September 24th. 1908. at 2 o'clock m., at Gnou. iseb.. Registered Coupon onds of chool District No. 3. Naii'-e County, Nebraska, to the amount of $12,000.00. These bonds are Issued to bay for the building of a new school house. The assessed valuation of the district Is $125. Ouo.oo, the real value being more than half a million dollars. Competent counsel has passed upon these bonds and advises that they have been legally Issued. Denomina tion, $1,000.00. Principal and interest pay able at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska. In New York City. Jnterest payable annually on the First of July. lints win be received for an or any part of the amount HI RAM I.KYV IS, 8-6-S-10-12-15-17-M Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the office of com missioner of publla lauds and buildings for material and labor for t he construction or cement steps, sidewalks, blocks, etc., to be built on the state capitoi grounds in Lin coln according to the designs and specifica tions now on ule in the omce or tn com missioner of nubile lands and buildings. All bids to be siiDmitiea on or netore 12 o'clock noon or September In. l'.HU. The Bosrd of public f.anos ann uunoings reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Lincoln. Neb., epi. a, jhoj. GEORGE D. FOLLMBR. Chalrsian Board of PubI)o .Land and Buildings. nepionnm RAILWAY TIME CARD. CNION STATION lOTH AND MARCY. Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line. Leave. Arrive Fast Chicago a 40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:80 am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a 3 .10 pin Daylight St. Paul ..a 7:86 ain al0:26 pm ..a 8:00 am all:10 pm ... 6:10 pm ..a 8:15 pm a 9:15 am ..a 4:00 pm a 9:60 am ..a 6:50 pm a 1.46 pm ..a 8:10 era a 8:15 am Daylight Chicago Local cedar napias... Limited Chicago Local Carroll..... Fast Chicago Fast St. Paul Fast Mall .. a 2i40 pm Local Sioux City D 4:00 pm D :() am Norfolk A Bonesteel..,.a 7:26 am al0;35 am Lincoln A Long Plne....b 7:26 am bl0:35 am IllIuoU Central. Chicago Express a 7:16 am a 6:10 pm Chtoaa-o. MlnneaDolls A tit. Paul Ldimtea a i:ou pm a s.ua am Minneapolis A St. Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:36 pm Chicago Local 10 36 am Chicago Express a!0:35 aru Chicago, Rock Island at rscilc EAST. Chine a-o Daylight L t d. a 1:66 am a 1:80 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 1:36 pm Chicago Express bll:18 am a 6:36 pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:50 am Chicago Fast express. .a d:jo pm a i:t pm WEST Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7:30 am a T:25 am Lincoln, uoio. opringe, Denver. Pueblo and - West T.. .a 1:80 pro a 1:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cel. and . Oklahoma Flyer. ......a I:) pm alJ:40 pm Union Paciflo, Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:60 pm The Fast Mail a 8:26 pm California express a :a pm Poeitla Exnres all: 30 bm Eaatern Express a 6:30 pm The Atlantic Express.... a 7:30 am The Colorado Special. e 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a 8:40 am Lincoln Beatrice and Stromsbnrg Express.. b 4:00 pm bl2:50 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local. ...b 6:80 ptn b 1:36 In Missouri PaelSlc, , Bt, Louis Express,. al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. A St- L. Jx.....al0:60 pm a a:ia am Chicago Great Western Ry. Co 104 Ft. Podge Express.. ,b 8:20 am 102 Ft. Dodxa Express.. .a 2:46 Dm 7 Ft, Dodge Express... all:2S am 103 Ft. Dodge Express... ' b 8:10 pm Chicago, Mllvrankee at St. Pan! Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 1:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines Express.. ..a 7:45 am a 8:48 pm Wabash. Leave. Arrive, fit Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:65 pra a 1:20 am fit Louis LocaL Coun- oil Bluffs .....a l;lt am al0:80 pm BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH A MASON Barllngftoa A Missouri Rlrer. Leave. Arrive. Wvmnre. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:60 am 012:05 pra Nebraska Express a 8:60 am ,a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 8:46 am Klank H11U add PuKRt sound Express all:10 pm a 1:10 una Colorado Veatlbuled Flyer a sua pra Lincoln Fast Mall....,..b 2:62 ptn a 8:o8 am Fort Crook and PlatU- moutb b 8:15 pm bl0:36 am Bellevue & Paciflo Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 6:27 ant Bellevu A paciflo JQt..a ;w am C'bteaaro. Borllaaton at 9.alner CnlOagO special, n I . w am a. o.uu pin Chtcuao Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago locai....., um an; pm Chicago Limited .a :oe pm a 7:46 am Fast MaL a 1:40 pm Kansas City, St, Joseph at Coancll Binds. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am a 8:08 pm fit Louis Flyer..- a 6:25 ptn all:M6 ant Kansas City Night Ex.-al0:45 pm a 8:06 pra a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dairy except Saturday, e uauy except aionuay. WEBSTER DEPOT UTH A WEBSTER Chicago A Northwestern, Nebraska and Wyoming Division. Leave. Arrive RiaeU Hills. Deadwood. Lead, Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pra TOvnm nr Casner and -Douglas d 1:00 pm 1:00 pra Hastings, yorg, uavia Cltv Riinerlor. Geneva. Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 1:00 pra Missouri Pacific. Nehraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a!0:15 ant thUago, St. rani, Mlaneapolle Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. Sioux City Passenger. Oakland Local .a 6:30 am a 9:19 pm .a 2:00 pm all:20 am .b t:t pm b 8:45 am SAILS FOR HOME THIS WEEK Senator and Miss Millard Retnrn front Earope After a Month's Visit. Senator Millard sails this week with Mis Mlllaid from Havre, France for New York, and la expected home about September 20. The senator ha been abroad for about on month, visiting London and Berlin, but spending most of hi time tn France. Notification ha Just been received for the senator Irom Washington that pension of $24 a month to begin with February 4, last, ha been granted to R. V. Cross of Atkinson Neb.' The senator Is also notified that a rural delivery rout has been authorised to run out of Wausa, Knox county Neb., with one carrier, to begin with the tint of next month. Boon to Poatrrily. The Ak-Bar-Ben hustling committee ha conferred a boon on posterity by going In a body to the photographer and having a group picture taken. The Immediate use to which- this will be put Is In the carnival llluairuled editions of the dally press. Tha plctjre 1111 taken Immediately after the adjournment of the regular noon meeting. No Important business was taken up. but rli determination expressed to get the l,5oO members. PEARSE TALKS TO TEACHERS Urgn Kegnlar Attendanoa on Meoticgn snd Clo'a 6tulT of Pupils. MANY WITHDRAWALS DURIN& LAST YEAR ter Koer tie ail red Omaha Teaeiare Attend Meeting In City Halt and Meet Directors Super intendent. Jf-ir,? than 400 of Iho corps of 420 teacher 11 the omahn public school assembled at lie city hall yesterday preparatory to he opening of school.- They came, uperlntendent Fearse told them litter, "In he rush of Joyous exuberance," wblch as quite positively expressed, by worJs nd laughter. Everyone talked and .shook hands and there v. as half of the Bourd ot ducation to lend dignity to the occasion. To a listener afar off It m'ght have been the leaned populace under the I Ig tent or a Rornhh mob acclaiming the entraiv.-e of a Caesar, save that the toning waa of a softer ualltr. From the floor of the rotund It as like the breakers dashing against a ngged shore. The pounding of the con- ersattonal waves continued until Suptr- ntrndent Peorse rapped for order. There nre fewer absentees at this annual meeting than ever before to my knowl edge," said the superintendent. "You coma . with the rush of Joyous exuberance. Tha Igor that marks your action and speech. Is more pronounced and the light In your 1 eyes Is, brighter than It has usually been; , at reassembling before the opening cf thai ' ear's work." Importance of Attendance. The superintendent then took up several matters pertaining directly to the school work In a technical way, dwelling partic ularly on the Importance of attendance at teachers' meetings called for the purpose of Instruction in both general and special work. ' Some of his remark touched upon the recent national educational meeting at Bos ton, which he characterlaed aa the "great est meeting of the kind ever held or likely to be held for many years to coma" When the superintendent said thit Nebraska had 872 representatives out of the 35,000 that attended the Bostpn meeting, there was a burst of applause. The number of withdrawal from the teaching elaft between the close of school In the spring and opening In the fall Is the largest since I have been connected with the Omaha schools." he continued. "A great many of these teachers left positions In the public schools to take up work in private Institutions. I will say for the congratulation and encouragement of those who are present that the merits of the Omaha teacher are certainly coming to be recognized more wldly; else It haa been an especially prosperous season for on Cupid. Stndy the Pupils. "Now, In closing, I want to ask you to try to understand your pupils a Indi vidual. 80 far as possible establish sym pathetic, relation between yourselves and each pupil In the elasa. You must study the Individual natures, tha like and dis likes, as nearly as possible tn the light of home conditions. Tou must try to understand tha boy who la forced to come to achool with out a breakfast, or who haa just left a home where a quarrel la In progress: the girl whose father came home Intoxicated tha night be for and who la still sleeping off the effect of the alcohol; the llt'le girl who haa not prepared her lesson because she haa been squirting. an Invalid or In competent mother. -.- "There are thousands of oases where. If we understood the child's life and the difficulties under- which, ha - labor, : we might read as In an 'open book- tho rea sons why. h doesn't do this or do that as waiwould wlah. You mutt learn the tn- Cjrtate details of tha Ufa of every child. No outside interests, have the right to thrust themselves between you and the advancement of your efforts In the line of work In which you hare engaged." The superintendent pleaded for temper- anoe tn speech and tn a general effort Jo ward a perfect ethical code among teach er. Various departmental and special meet ing were held yesterday afternoon at tho High school and city hall. PLAN NEXTJT0 IMPOSSIBLE Labor Vnlons Proposition for City to Boy and Sell Coal Regarded 1 Impracticable. The proposition that tha city buy $50,800 worth of coal and sell It this winter in order to protect Omaha people against ex orbitant price li viewed a next to Im possibility at the city hall. The plan come from the Central Labor union, which will ask the council to take aome action. City ' officials say that the undertaking. If prop erly handled, would be a phllanthroplo move of considerable merit, but they fait to see how It can be done under the charter regulation. City Attorney Wright said he did not care to give a definite opinion aa to the olty'a right to embark in the coal bualncss until he had investigated the subject, but aald he waa under the Impression that there 1 no authority for auch transactions. City Engineer Rosewater is quit positive that the city cannot carry out. the plan proposed by tha Central union. TO SELL STALLS WEDNESDAY Chairman Reaewalu rtil Try Oneo More as Auctioneer ot Mar ket Hons. ' Chairman .Rosewater of the Board of Public Works announced that ha would gall stalls In the Capitol avenue market lioua at auction Wednesday morning, beginning at 10 o'clock. He Is tn hopes of disposing of all of the remaining- alalia at the sola He will leave for a two weeks' vacation Wednesday evening and If the alalia are not all aold, will place the work of dlspos. Ing of them In other hands. It is the Impression at the city hall that the police will be Instructed to enforce tho market house regulations and protect tho concessionaires in the new hou.a A num ber of the men who wish to buy stalls ax pressed themselves as perfectly willing to Invest their money yesterday, inasmuch a the Mercer Injunction against the city has been dissolved. Very Near a Crime To allow constipation to poison your body, Dr. King's New Life Pill cure It and build up hour health or no pay. 25a. For sale by Kuhn A Co. Railway Notes and Personals C. B. Smith, assistant general clalna agent of the Chicago t Northwestern, 1 In the city on buslne. J. Jt. Kjhn, assistant general passenger and freight agent of the Chicago & iJ-irtli-western, Nebraska and Wyoming division, has returned from Suit I-ake City, where he attended an tmpuitant meeting of western railroad rusn. U. W. Loomis, assistant to the general manager of the Burlington, and family, hava returned from a trio to MonlreaJ. Canada ana me 1 nouaana isianns. , uurm their stay in the t northeast ur. Loom visited his 01a nome in winasor, conn. The passenger station of the Wabash railroad at Shenandoah, la, about Ufiy miles eaxt of Omaha, was burned to Out ground yesterday at an early hour, tho cause being unknown. The loss Is nominal, and the structure will be replaced at ouoe with a toodei a and mure convenient building. r. 1