10 TflE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMREU 8. lf03. SB J533S3XS3BC Boys' School Clothing: Bi VI g Tuesday Specials Wrist Bags and Auto Bags at 25c-39c-49c The Greatest Sale of Leather Good of the Entire Year. Swell wrist bags, chatelaine baps fitted with chamois, mir ror and lead pencil; fashionable auto baps with separate inside coin purse; wrist baps of the swell Parisian tap estry, also made in all the most attractive leather, every new Khar the new blue, red and turquoise shades. They are actually worth up to $2.00 ea chat rtu anu lunjuuise biuiui-n. 25c-39c-49e A SPECIAL FALL DRESS GOODS BARGAIN I Fine sheer dainty voiles, silk eoliennei, silk crepes and silk voile "white, gray blue and black also the smartest novelty Tartan voiles all fresh, new goods, bought from a Jf rencfi manufacturer in one toe at our own price. Those arc all regular $1.50 and $1.75 Fall Dress Goods, absolutely new, at, yard 75c A Tuesday Sale of Black Silk All at Fifty-nine Cents a Yard Bonnet black taffeta at..... 59c Heavy all silk peau de soio 59c $1 colored taffeta . ....x 59c $1 metallic velvet ....59c $1 shirtwaist silks 59c $1 yard wide black China silk 59c $1.25 black grenadines 59c Our Ladies' Suit Leader A Smart Tailor Made Suit at $9.98 The most stnnnlng and thoroughly stylish fall eult ever offered at such a price, made In coTerts, cheviots, broadcloths and C eT Venetian-all the late fall novelty effect Ve a striking value enaneaaan I ADVANCE NOTICE LACE CURTAIN SALE MONDAY, SEPT. 14. Fourteen cases of fine Imported lace curtains straight from the cus tom house. Sold at public autlon and secured by us at a spot cash figure. These curtains which wo offer next Monday are fine, real Brus sels lace, genulue point de Venice, heavy real point Arabs also the finest Importlngs of Lacey Nottingham, etc. On sale Monday, Sep tember 14. 31. 5. Pratt tt Pn ?J. ?L Pvmnktim & Pan WILL NOT LET OUT OMAHA Caangts Contemplated in Location! of Kill Ury Foita in the West KANSAS CITY MAY GET HEADQUARTERS Old Department of Platte Mar Be Reaascltated with Central Sta tion la Tola City aa of Old. "While it U quite probable that there will be a rearrangement of the different military deportments of the central west alone; geographical line, It does not by any means Indicate the abandonment of Omaha as the headquarters of one of ttie depart ments," said a local army officer. "The creation of a Department of Kansas, with headquarters at Kansas City, Is among the probabilities, and also a new Department of the Missouri, with headquarters at St. Ixiuls," he continued. "These will naturally take Kansas. Arkansas, Missouri and Okla homa from the present Department of the Wianoui'1. But It will also result In all human probability in the resuscitation of the old Department of the Platte, which will take In Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming and the Dakotaa, and possibly Colorado, with headquarters here In Omaha as cf old. These plans are yet In embryo, bu? are being- generally discussed In army circles, but It is hardly probable that any change In the department lines will be made for several months yet." the: beksktt comfahy. peelal for Tnesday. OREGON PLUMS. Per basket, regular 40-cent else Mo. BART LETT PEARS. Large box 12.10. Only a limited quantity at these prices. You should not miss this opportunity for securing your fruits for preserving. m fT3 Ml JIS Tuesday in Omaha's Groafcst Domestic Room THIS RELIABLE STORE lie sure and attend our famous Sixty-Minute sales, in which we almost give away goods. FROM 1:30 TO 9:30 A. M. We will sell high grade wash goods. In long ana Hnort lengtns, mat sua mi summer from 10c to 39c per yard some rieces long enough for full dresses, some rom 2 yards to 10 yards, and only 12 to 15 yards to one rustomer, 9( for 80 minutes only, at, yard ,8 FROM 9:30 TO 10:30 A. M. 100 pieces fine silks, plain and fancy colors, ngurert uiacK biiks, worm sue, idc una 11 00 for one hour 9 Re only, at, yard hM" 10:30 TO 11:30 A. M. Wo WHITE OOOD8. be UNH RIO SWCARB OF ALL KINDS OF vnii e; uuuus, to-incn iidia ON9, 4o-inrh LAWNS, o-lnch BATISTE. DOT SWISSKS, MERrERIZKD STRIFES -NAINSOOKS. LKNO STRIPE, OX FORD AND MADRAS WA1STINOS, LONG MILL KNDS AND FULL PIECES -WORTH I P TO BOc a yard FOR ONE HOl'R. FROM 10:30 TO 11:30 C all go at one price, at, yard V FROM 2:00 t'NTIL :00 P. M. For one hour only, ladles new fancy neck wear, regular o ana two values iimn 2 to each customer lflr I W at FROM 11:00 t'NTIL 4:00 P. M. For one hour onjv, we will sell 100 dnien ladles' corset covers, luce and embroidery trimmed, close fitting end French covers, also liW dozen children's muslin drawer In all sixes, worth up to 85c I C and at I 60c SUMMER GOODS. CLOSING OUT AT 10c. Mercerized striped ginghams, mercerized striped linen batistes and Imported print ed msdrasses worth up to .fir BOc closing out nt 111 40c SUMMER OOODS CLOSING OUT AT 7 He. Imported French sntln striped batiste, in assorted colors, printed madraeses and soft finished percales, worth I Ac up to 40c, closing out at I 30c SUMMER GOOl'S CLOSING OUT AT 5c. Irish dimities. Macnamo inced striped or gandies, satin striped batistes, and "11 the summer novelties, worth Ci up to 30c. closing out at 30c NEW FALL GOODS AT 15c. Extra heavy fine French and German flan nelettes, beautiful tvw colorings and de signs, suitable for early fall house dress and klmonas, worth up IC to 30c, Tuesday at Iw Silko at 2c Tuesdajr morning, 1,000. boxes of the finest' silky crochet cotton goes m sale Q 1 at per spool fc 2 m Now is the Time to Preserve Peaches and Pears We hare purchased from the California Fruit' Exchange, 1 car load of fancy freestone peaches and fancy Bartlett pears, which we will sell Tuesday in the grocery department Fancy freestone peaches, worth $1.25 per bbx Q$)f onr nrice in this sale onlv. QUI Fancy Bartlett pears, worth $2.50 per box our price in this Bale only rvn SI.75 mm L2)LiO II. Gifts of Glittering Glass In latest cuttings In newest shapes lighting up the din ing room with their sclntllattng beauty from sideboard or table are sure to give the bride continual pleasure. Thev are constant reminders of the givers they arc al ways In good taste. A gift of cut glass always proves to have been wisely chosen. Bp id a few minutes in our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas 5treeL () IS Don't Delay Until Tomorrow What your teeth need today. The smallest loss of tooth structure by decay caa never be replaced. BAILEY, The Dentist, Lady Attendant. Telephoni 1085. 3rd Roar Paitoi Bloc'. MAXWELL COMES AT LAST Apostle of Irrigation Will Address Commercial Club on Needs of Avid West. LABOR DAY IN POLICE COURT Judge Berk and Assistants Are Bnay Plainer aad Sentencing the Erring Ones. Labor day was religiously observed by Judge Berka and bis oorps of assistants In police court. Otto Stranke, for beating hie wife and terrorizing his children, was given a thirty day, sentence. Kitty Smith,, for a brace. of of charges, was sent to jail for thirty daya George Elliott, charged with cruelty of animals, was fiued $4 and costs. O. : N. Olson who stole a gold watch from Nora Nelson was fined $50 and costs. J. Mahoney was fined $8 for landing on an officer and Gus Carskel, Jasper Gottla and Gua Tomontla, who tried to hold up McNamara and Leary, Union Pacific brakemen, near the bridge at Thirteenth and Pacific, were each fined $15 and costs. Elmer Lemon and If. P. Hanson, two cellar cleaners, who were employed to clean out the cellar at 559 South Twenty-sixth street, and whom Miss May me Sklrvlng and Miss Margaret Kelly alleged stole $22 out of their bedroom, were fined $40 each and costs. The theft occurred August 30. 1 George II Maxwell, the apostle of Irrtga ticm, will bo In the city today and will , address the meeting of the Commercial club executive committee. It Is expected that all thou In the city who are inter. eated In Irrigation will be present, as Mr. Maxwell will go Into some Interesting de tails of the movement to brin? water to t the semi-arid and arid lands. The govern ment has located various reservoirs and It is Uiought that In some cases the sale of ' lands will not meet the cost of this work. Mr. Maxwell will deal with all thess ' matters. LARGE CROWD ATTENDS FAIR Traffic to Lincoln This Year Heavier Than Venal, Say Rail road Moo. Tha Burlington sent out eight extra coaches yesterday filled with local nass- engers to tha state fair, which Is on at Lincoln. Officials of the road say this year will be tha largest In way of travel of Omaha Deonte to the fair. The attaml. anca already has outnumbered that of pre vious years. A Uu Hadlr Injured Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised or wounded sets Quick comfort from DurkuV. Arlca Salve. It conquers pain. lie. For aula by Kuna ac (Jo. Pr. C. Rosewater haa returned from the eiisL , The Lake Share Limited to Mttebnrajh A through Pittsburgh sleeper la now In dally ssrvlee on the Laka Shore Limited leaving Chicago at I'M p. ra.. and reach Ing Pittsburgh tha next morning at 6 IS, efTordlrg Pittsburgh travel all tha luxuri ous . appointments of this famous train, M. 8. Gilts, T. P A.. Chicago; C. V. Daly. Chiaf A. Q r. A . Chicago. Douglas Printing Co., UoS Howard. TeL Sti. Dr. F. W. Blabaugh, dentist. SUN. T. Ufa VAKD HAIR PltEPARATlOXS Do Hair No Good, bnt Oft an Casts It to Fall Oat. Many hair preparations are "fake" be cause they are merely scalp Irritants. -They often cauue a dryness, making the hair brittle, and, finally, lifeless. Dandruff is the cause of all trouble with hair. It Is a germ disease. The germ makes cuticle scales as It digs to the root of the balr, where It destroys tha hair's vitality, caus ing It to fall out. To cure dandruff the germ must be killed. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect" Newbro's Herpl cide la the only hair preparation that kills the dandruff germ, thereby leaving the hair to grow luxuriantly. Sold by leading drug gists. Send lOo In stamps for sample to lhe Herplcldo Co., Detroit, Mich. Sher man at McConnell Drug Co., special agenta Raddlsoa on tha Chippewa. A nsw town In Sawyer county. Wisconsin on the Omaha road, located on both the Chippewa and Couderoy rivers, In the een. ttr of a most fertile and promising hard wood district Good muscallonge, bass and pike fishing In both river. Exceptional op portunity lor land seekers. It looking for a new location don't fail to see this new country. For map and full particulars writs to postmaster, Radlkson, Sawyer county Wis., or to T. W. Teasdale, General Pas senger Agent, C. St. P., M. & O. Ry.. St Paul. OMAHA PLANT NOT TO STOP Local Smelter and that at Pueblo Will Continue to Operate. ONE AT DENVER MAY CLOSE, HOWEVER General Manager Face Explains Status of Trust Affairs Empbit. leally Denying that Local Plant Will Cloae. "Absolutely r.othing In It," said Walter T. Page, manager of the American Smelting A Refining company's Omaha plant when asked as to the report from Denver that this plant was to be closed, dismantled and the property offered for sale. The rjport says that two of the smelting trust's most important plants, the Pueblo at Pueblo and the Grant at Denver and Omaha, are to be closed and the general offices removed to New York from Denver, all of which It says Is a step toward the development of the Mexican field, where labor ts cheaper and the country free from strikes. - "So far as the Denver part of the Grant smelter Is concerned," said Mr.' Page, "I would not be surprised If the report eon tains some truth, for that plant Is now shut down as a result of the strike and may not, though I would not say posi tively, be reopened. But as for the Omaha and Pueblo plants closing down there Is absolutely no foundation for the report They will continue to operate as at present Here In Omaha we have been somewhat affected by the Pueblo strike; our supply of bullion haa been curtailed, but we are running and expect soon to be able to overcome this difficulty. Of course when there Is a shortage of output of bullion at our supply stations, we are naturally af fected, but this is only temporary. "There are a great many rumors and have been for some time about the general headquarters of these plants going to New York and there may be some truth in them; I would not doubt It there was. But Omaha's plant is operated from New York now, so far as that is conoerned, so that need give no alarm or furnish any basis whatever for the report that our plant Is going to shut down." Guy C. Barton of the smelting company left for the east Monday. Notes front Army Headquarters. First Lieutenant Edwin R. Stuart corps of engineers. Kurt Leaven won h. has been .u j.,.n-ru iu run Kiley, Kan. Till- l.mnnMiri' rlntu In ...... - . i . . . . . i'i vuiuiBCUUn WHS IHV- Ing out the camps for Ilia autumn military ivMnf ,e,iv of absence granted Captain 1 males neia tr tlllery. for seven days, haa baen extends Klr.t 8..rseant Benjamin Itskovltch. troop , ..,.n iwvMtiv. run PHI, I. 1 im been ordered to Jefferson Barracks. Mo. uu.ir aa cuiur aergvani or the reKiment, to which ha haa been recently Notify tha lomuliut, The committee having In charra th r. ranmenia for the dinner to Pi.l.l.n. r It bllckney reurat that all thuea wishing to attend at once notify the committee. Tha requests now largly outnumber tha place arranged for and the commit tee wlabea to know Just how many contemplate attendance. Place are to be easlgued to lhe fueets. May Tat Be Saved. All who have severe lung trouble need Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It cures or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For sale by Kuhn at Co. Sam'l Burns is selling a real Louwelsa Jardiniere, $1.60. Announcements of the Theatera. Bob Graham, who originated the role of Gllfuln In "Florodora," Is doing1. It Is said, the part better than ever with the new company. Then Isadora Rush and Greta Risley add their large share to Its success and a fine organisation of handsome sing ing girls and men make up a combination of strength seldom seen In a musical comedy. AH the old favorite songs. The scenery and costumes ere new. The en gagement lasts until after Wednesday, with a matinee. "A ' Millionaire Tramp" haa caught on exceedingly well at the Krug theater. After packing the house twice Sunday tha ahow continued yesterday to repeat tha enorm ous business. There will be but three more performances of "A Millionaire Tramp," tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night. For the matinee tomorrow the Krug thea ter's popular price of 25 cents for the best seats will undoubtedly draw out another large audience of women and children. fruit Bowls IN GORHAM STERLING SILVKR. New designs. Also new line In Bon bon Dishes. New and unique novel ties In silver things for WEDDING PRESENTS Our new line Is in. It is larger than ever. BROWN & BORSHEIM, 122 South 16th Street. That's Their Business There seems to be some little misunder standing as to the reason for the advance In the price of the several patent medi cines made by the Dr. Miles Medicine Co. Home druggists have SEEN FIT TO EX PLAIN this by claiming that "ALL MILES' MEDICINES WHICH WERE OFFERED AT (TT PRICES WERE EITHER OLD OR BPURIOI S;" others have said there had been a TRUST FORMED, AND THIS WAS THE NUCLEI'S OF A CLEVER SCHEME TO AUOLISH THE CT'T PRICE FEATURE OF THE DRUG BUSINESS. HERE ARE THE FACTS: The Dr. Miles Medical Co. have SEEN FIT to number, consecutively, every package of goods which they snd out, and they Insist on the Ft'LL PRICE being asked for same TtY ANYONE offeriiuc ihem for sale. AND THEY REFUSE (as do JOBBERS who handle their producW to sell their goods to anyone who cuts the price. The number on the package la used to TRACK THE SALE. We bought it quantity of their goods before this SCHEME tonk effect and sold those goods at Ol'H PRICK, but since we have had to buy NUMBERED GOODS WE HAVE HAD TO PELL THEM AT THEIR PRICE. THAT'S THEIR BUSI NESS. (TO BE CON TIM r:i OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICE DRUO STORE Two 'Phenee TsT and 797. lth and Chlcagre Streeta. Omaha. SCUAEFER'S (taft) Tooth Comfort What a comfort to know your -teeth were properly nxea by patronlxlng a reliable dental office. We have no fake Inducements to offer. Fillings Bet Teeth. ...... , TEc up. , $5.00 up. Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Rtk Island System. $l.iS Lincoln and return Sept 1 to U; re turn Limit, Bept IX. SIP COLLAR Perfleld's Cut Prfo Piano Co. Dee Bdr., Rooeg 7. Telephone 701 Wcser. ter Clark Lodwlg bchller. Vapexy state YeterlaarlaA Food Inspector. n.LRAUICCl3TTI, D. V. S. CITY VKTBattMAJOaM. OSBos and Infirmary. ah and Meson Stay Basllai Vm Jalephoaa flip m 4 I "a. H f 1 '&WU1!.II11IU U ! 1 1 -n fen i THB-HARVARD n n sn Years Have Chatiged Things Wonderfully. A few years ngo the high priced cloHiing cutters used to work in tailor shops. Today they work for ready-made clothing manufacturers. Have you not noticed how much better litting clothes you can get ready made than you could p. few years ago? The cutters are doing it. When a poor cutter in a tailor shop spoils one garment, it isn't serious, but when a poor cutter gets up a pattern that is wrong, and a factory makes up hundreds of suits cut from it that costs money.' Some makers of ready-made clothes had poor cut ters that' cost money. They found it out. They tried bet ter cutters. It paid. Today you'll lind the best cutters in the country designing ready-made clothes. You'll find bet ter fitting clothes in first class stores like ours than you can get in any tailor shop run on the cheap order any good tailor will tell you that. Our advice to you is to try on some of our ?10 $12 $15 suits. If you're bound to spend $25 for a ready-made suit buy one of our $10.50 or $18 ones they re that kind. Great Stock Reducing Sale We l.ave decided to reduce our pres ent stock of Fl'RNITVRE, RUQ8 and DRAPERIES, $26,000.00. Baker Furniture Company Commencing Tuesday morning we will open our great stock reducing sale by giving our patrons A Special Discount of 25 Per Cent eaaaaaamaaaaaBaaaaamn on every piece of Furniture In our store bought before January 1st, 1903. This In connection with the advance on furniture since these goods were bought gives you an opportunity to furnish your home less than any dealer can duplicate the same pieces for at present. ... This sale is not a freak of our ad writer's Imagination, hut a Botiatide Reduction of 25 Per Cent At the time I became-manager of the Bhlverii'k Furniture Company we then Inaugurated the NEW PLAN SALE which was a reduction of fully 25 per cent from the former prices of the Shiverick Furniture Company and everv piece of Furniture was marked With tags In PLAIN FIGURES, which togs are now on every piece not sold. This sale gives AN ACTUAL RE DUCTION of 50 per cent from former prices asked by the Shiverick Furni ture -Co. Every piece of furniture In our store murkecl with the original NEW PIMN TICKET, subject to a SPECIAL DIS COUNT of 25 per cent. Curtains and Rugs SJvery pair of lace curtains In our store, and our line of laces embraces all the leading weaves In both for eign and domestic curtains, subject to the same 25 PerCent Special Discount Room size rugs for this SALE. We will place on sale Tuesday 32.75 25.00 25.00 15-00 23c Tour choice of all 9x12 and 8-3x10-6 Wilton, Rugs, worth $40.00, for Our full lino of Blgelow Ax mlnster Rugs, 8x13 and 8-3x10-6, worth $36, for Our full line of 9x12 Body Brussels worth $32.60, for Two piece 9x12 Brussels Rugs worth $25.00, for FOR TUESDAY ONLY We will sell 7-foot Opaque Shades for BAKER FURNITURE CO., 1313-17-19 Farnam St. Mr. Nasli Says he has a plan for lighting Omaha that makes a shadow of all other schemes. We've a plan for shoeing the woman with $3.00 shoes that don't give any other shoe a chance for even the shadow. It'a a genuine Goodyear welt Light or heavy flexible sole. Patent leather or kid tips. Military or high Cuban heel. Button or lace. And we know and the women that wear them know (and there are lots of women wearing them) that they are the best $3.00 shoe ever sold, or even better than the special $3.50 kind. DriEXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. O mehg's Up-to-Date Shoe House, STOKaCrrasa, rkotocrapaar. 1113 fmu, Wl. TKO. fcTOBaCirass, f rUlar, Uil Howard, ul. 1110. "Tkara U al ana Blaaacipaar," but he's aolsa tea tklass as aad soiaa balk la tka auke blab graSa sma ll1 II lllajJJISJI!HHlJJaai"lll M 'miJlHJ"lEM Mo) r fAO IWX'i-WII,u'-Th Pyrography, Art and Pictures Bargains All the Time New home and foreign engravings etchings oils end chromos. All at prices easily within your reach. PYROGRAPHY has its headquarters on our second floor. .- FREE LESSONS 9 to 10:30 a. m., 4 to 5:30 We Invite you to become a pupil, by first becoming a customer. Both will pay you over and over again. PvrOgraplliC Supplies"0" Wood Orange Wood, Bass aaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaw-aawan VOQ(l, plaltl OT Stamped. 5tailtS, Varnishes, Bulbs, Platinum Points Everything to make the art easier for the hand and the pooketbook. Groceries Teas and Coffees, Batter, Cheese end Kverytllnst Good to Hat Attend Onr Dally Sales, Honey Saved on All Purchases. Free Postal Cards. TeL 137. Tuesday Specials. Japan Rice Bargain, worth at An least be per lb., Tuesday, lb Potted Meat CXr . , 20c 10c per can Breakfast Cocoa-half-pound can rruit Butters rar jp ......... Bennett's Capitol Baking Pow- OA c der, 1 pound can Apple Butter 2Sc 6-pound Jar ,u Oatmeal best two-pound 1 ()c package aww Catsup c ner bottle ' Pickles half-gallon bottle Macaroni one pound package Chocolatlna tier can II lg Values In Coffees. Fresh Roasted Santos Coffee f 2C ner nound .....SaaW Bennett's Capitol Coffee one-round Dacks.ce Imperial Japan Tea ii,.r ti m i lid . . mttJSm Poppy Seed Der Dound Bennett'a Excelsior Flour. The best In the market 7(n ner sack ' ISW Plneapple-S-pound can Caatlle Soap per bar Corn Starch one-pound package Fresh Country Butter received (En dailv. tier Dound Medium Sour Pickles per Hint .'. Headquarters for Groceries. Candy Special Salted Peanuts 1fr per pound ivW 28c 10c 10c 28c 10c 10c 24c , 5c 5c Glassware and Crockery Wo have Just received large ship ments of cut glass, the produot of those well known makers, T. B. Clark & Co., and Dorlllnger's lln. Call and Inspect these elegant goods and thousnnds of other new and pretty pieces of china and cut glass. Uavarlun White China cups and snu cers, perfectly plain, suitable for decorating, each lOo Rich American tut glass bowl, new fall style, cheap at $5, this sale. $2.88 Kavlland & Co'h. well known Ranson rhapo tea cups and saucers. each.20o Nicely decorated 6-piece toilet sets, consisting of bowl and pitcher, cham ber, sonp dish and mug, decorated In green, pink, brown and blue ....$1 4S 3-ilnt glass pitchers, assorted pat terns, regular 3l-cent vulue, for..lo Bent quality Mason Jars, quarts.. .43c Boat quiilily Mason Jars, Vj-gal....6Ro Large white covered slop Jars with bail 98o Ilavlland & Co.'s 100-plece sets, one with a delicate spray of pink flow ers, on with a reat design of blue forget-me-nots, sold for newhera les than $4n, for Tuesday's sale 2H.M Largo rizo Rochester lamp with 9-lnch decorated globe, a nice spray of pink rosea on green background, worth $3.50, this sale $1.84 A New Department Where your Eyes will be aden tlflcally and expertly treated.. A complete dark room fitted with the most up-to-date optical Instruments. Mr. J. K. Hannay, an Expert Opti cian, t in charge. Call and see us. You will SAVE YOUR SiOHT AND SAVE MONEY. THE BENNETT COMPANY. V, ai S Stsusnr raeUL.vsnj.-m xnnn rums w Tnnn" J i. --' 1 " m V. L-r.aaJ HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS mOM ALL POINTS OS) R3ISSOUni PACBEflC RAILWAY. GREATLY SEDUCED BATES EAST. INDIANA, WESTERN OHIO AND LOUISVILLE, KT. Stat etcher tit, gth, I5(h and fklaber 6th. Baton. Unit, 31 shya. DON'T aiiietet tuic ruiurr T vtatt the add bourne and ase your friend ef erthee: aUra, see eeerieuiAss. laaum or ensntri soter. ea aw a 71 3S THE PAINTER I Ilk The Bee Building- never grows shabby. The brash of the painter ts always ac tive In keeping It fresh and attractive, Ton have to spend so much of your life In an office, that this ought to carry some weight in Its selection, particularly when the cost of an office Is no more than In buildings that are allowed to "run down at the boeL" R C PETERS & CO., RENTAL. AGENTS. GROUND FLOOR, BEEJ BUILD INQ, i i 1