I 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1003. l . . , . ! . ' " - - ' ' ' - ' I arilrtOlS I CLAIRVOYANT. SPECIAL NOTICES Aivertlseaneata for hse ralaiaa Will be ttlra til 12 as. fee a enlar eeltloa aad aalll alto a. as. far maraln syid Bandar edltloa. Watea, 1 I-2e a ward flrat laarrtloa, la a ward thereafter. Hetalaa; takra far lea tbaa Ifta for tka Brat laarr. tlaa. These adeertlacaaaata at a at ha raa eoa.ecaUvely. Advertisers, br reqaastlaa a aw kered cheek, aaa hara aaarrcra ad. tressed (a a Bum he red latter Ik eara f Tka Re. Aaswera ao addreaaed will be delivered areseatatlea ( tba beak aalr. SITUATIONS WAITED. WANTED By young man of good address and experience, position a bookkeeper: bnnk preferred; good reference. Address L68. Bee. A M &2ix STATIONARY engineer, several year' ex perience, wanta permanent position. Ad dress, M 49, Dee. A 6I6 6x YOUNG man, single, desires to locate In live town aa clariunetlst In opera house or to Instruct band. Address Musician, Lock Box 154. Council Bluffs, la. A MJ2 6x POSITION, by experienced lady tenog raphcr, accurate In figures; would Ilia managership of branch business for soma responsible firm. Address M 61, Dee. A MTU 9X WAITED MALE HELP. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. Boyles College NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. BUSINESS, 8HOHTHANI), T Y PE WRIT ING. ENGLISH. Apply for Catalogue. B-222 THE VAN SANT SGHOOLOF SHORT HAND AND TYPE WRITING, OMAHA, NEB, The Van Sant School of Shorthand is a spscialty school of shorthand, typewriting, and office practice. Its students are filling positions as teachers, amanuenses and court reporters. Its equipment Is unsurpassed in the West Its teachers are practical sten ographers, capable of doing the highest Class oi reporting work. . A trial week tree. Money for unexpired term refunded to students who for any rea son wish to leave the school. No better terms are offered by any chool. Ni better results are reached in any ;hool, st or we st B-7 32-6 WANTED, for United States armv. able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 85. citizens of United Slate, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In i formation apply to recruiting officer, lttth . ana uoage sis., uraaat, ana uneoin, reo. WANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffa Stoam Dy Works 1014-1017 West Broadway, council niurr. . j Mia SALESMEN, to call on business and pro fessional men by Introduction and request only; must engage with view to perma- , usucy, nave guwi aaarasa ana uwuuvi ability and be caDabla of Dreaantlnr In ferceful and oonvinclng manner, a strictly high-grade proposition; preference given - to men from 25 to 45 years: compensation, 4,000 annually. Call or write 1124 National jl.ii mug., cnicago in. , a Mm WANTED, a man to work from our wagon, I C F. Adama Co., ISIS Howard. B M481 GOOD messenger wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 a Uth. B US WANTED, flrat-clasa tinners; no others need apply; 40 cents an hour. O. E. Koch, 2717 No. 24th at. B M660 ( BTRONQ boy wanted, living at home; good place for right party. Call at 12m Jones at. B M588 x WANTED, blacksmith on plow work. Stroud & Co., Uth and Nicholas sts., Omaha.' B 665 f WANTED, a good, smart, bright, up-and-a-oomlng young man, conversant with the business, ss shipping clerk. The Colo rado Saddlery Co., 16-iO Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. B M573 7x WANTED, any traveling man, salesman or clerk who wants a better paying po sition can find It by writing M S, care of this paper. B Mull 1 GENERAL AGENT for Nebraska; excel lent contract; don't answer unleaa you mean business; references required. Bankers Accident Co., Dea Moines, la. B il5u8 T EARN $18 weekly proofreading; employers supplied. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B WANTED, state, county and local repre sentatives for a new high class maga sln. Address "Uplift," m Boylston St., Boston, Mass. B DETECTIVES, every locality, good aalary, experience unnecessary. International De tective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B-403 x $1,200 A YEAR Income Insured If you buy 6 snares in our s.uuu-acre ruDoer plantation ' In Mexico; small monthly payments; nnesi location; beet transportation facilities; cultivation of rubber exclusively. Appy for prosooctu to the Conservative Rub. ber Production Co.. 320 Parrott Bu1la1 sr. San Francisco, Cal. B tC2 tx WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; fio canvassing; good pay. Sun Advents ug Bureau, Chicago. B itil 6x aiANAGER wanted In every largo county. "ilmi o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, clgara or money; takes place of luruiao.n bioi msenmcs; strictly lawiui everywhere rented or eold on easy pay ments; eixty thousand now In use. Cun ningham Furniture Co.. Department U, Chicago, 111. , B 6o6 6x WANTED, lmmedtntely, a competent direc tory compl'er; onlv tlioe who nr accus tomed to thorouahlv final need ininr R. L. Polk & Co., t0 Iowa Loan ft Truat mag., Des Molr.es, la. B 634 6 COME WEST We have numerous openings ior compeunt r.oosKeepere. ctenogr jpr.e-s, salesman, professional men In any ca pacity: have clients sticking tnveatmer.ts. others capital. National Clearing Hons. WANTED, bookbinder, a young man who cn forward or rule and wsnta to com- pieie nia traae. Address Telegraph. At' mnuc, la. b 63a I I BHORTHAN1) In SO daya; Boyd's Syllable no ruled lini-e; no shadlnar: nothlna to con fuae; only charnctera; easllv rei.d; atndv by mall; circulars. trtlnwula'n and fiiat lesson, covering one-rnurtn the court e. for t-cent stamp. Chicago Correspond ence ei'iinois, inoorporatu, B7 isatlonal j-,u cuuuing. tnirago. ju. u- WANTF.D, two traveling men for Ne braska, advertldng and collecting; 10 montltly from the stnrt and ell exti-ns; steady poslthm to stltf'ictorv psrty. Ad- fli eHa Huud Mgr., Ki Pontluo Pldfr . CM cago. B 1 6x WAJNTEl. af'e manosfr tr mansga bruncl office C'cpt ouse; tj BOOM yair ly lnolud1r' romreNr1-r.- lw offi'Hi ex penres; sleidv p1'ln; tJOOOi secirtty qulrd. AM-et Win. II.e, xr- . -,g Dearborn. L Iilo.gd. . B x TWO I roo"' str ct'v rrod-rn houaa. in irvvl repsi. ni i ' '"in ri. i nos. it. Fe'l, juercnanis iai i uana Dtuif. a 'jS cx A POSTOFF'CE exsmtpstlon w'U be held In Onisha Novemtre ll'h " ae"iire t--and csnte si p advanced education Is not necesry, but careful training Is; we prepare by mail s -rre "t surcvxiiful ciis; for full Information aend for our annwince-ent e- f-sir- -1 by the gove-nment. Columbian Corre spondence College, Washlncton. D. C. B-757 x SALESMEN throughout far western states small town on lacea, either side-line or lone; state md eiperlenc, r'r-"'. ar not conalHered. Mark it Co.. ' " -way. New York, B 7CT ix IN THE LEAD For a number of years past BOYLES COLLEGE Has been standing in the front institution and is now recognized as the head of commercial schools in Nebraska. 200 STUDENTS Entered this week for the have signified their intention of attending during the fall and winter months. It is not too late to enter either the Day or Night School. New classes every day this week Begin nowl 1 H. B. BOYLES, President. N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Tha NEW LAW SCHOOL In the 1 CREIGHTON MEDICAL COLLEGE will begin the Fall term on September 30th. Registration will be held on September Uth. 7 to B p. m., at the office of the secretary, No. 482 Omaha National Bank Bldg. For further Information address, E. F. MoCARTNEY, Secty., the New Law School. 432 Omaha National Bank Bldg. " B 70S-4 FOR BALE A neat repair and machine shop. I make a specialty of gasoline engine and automobile work. A fine chance for a good machinist. Address, M 88, Bee. B 25 6x WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, , tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B-MC51 7x TOUNQ people with drawing talent to train as newspaper artist under famoua cartoonist. Write for special offer. National School, 6 World Bldg., New York, B-49 lx WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Comparatively no expense.. Few weeks completes. New method, practical ex perience, expert Instructions that saves years. Call or write. Moler Bnrber Col lege. 1302 Douglaa St. B M601 Ux WANTED Man to travel In Nebraska es tablishing trade for manufacturer. Rea sonable salary; steady employment; ad vancement; experience unnecessary. Ad dressed envelope. Assistant Mgr. M. J. Brorby, Room 701, Star Bulldln. Chlcag). , B623 6x PERMANENT position for a man of good habits and energy to represent large manufacturing establishment known to every bank In the United States. Salary 9o per year and expenses. Opportunity lor advancement. Apply, stating age ana qualifications, to Manager, Dept. I 3, Box 824. Philadelphia, Pa. B DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted In every locality for profitable scrt service; experience unnecessary. Write American Detective Association, Indian apolis, Ind. B f24 6x WANTED Ambltuous young man desiring to study medicine or dentistry ana wlli'ng to work his way through. Addres. Box Sit, cnloago. u ( ex WANTED Circular distributors; good pay; steady employment; enclose stamn. ur Merrow, Burlington, Vt. B 4(71 6x A postoffice examination will be held In Omaha November 13th, to a?rure clerks and carriers. An advanced education li not necessary, but carefut training la. We prepalr by mall a larae per cnt o.f the successful ones. For full Infcrmitlnn send for our announcement and nuestlona used by the government. Columh'a Cor respondent College, Washington. D. C. B 713 flx PLABTEKER. In rental office for repair work, who can rent one of several smtll hnuses, one a good place for rhlckens, pigs, etc.; good pay and considerable work every month. Address at once M 62, Bee. B 761 IF YOU have 200 negroes In your town and want to make xzoo montniy. send n. for particulars; satisfaction guarnted. East ern Supply Co., Syracuse, N. Y. B 7FS x Twelve rooms furnished, 2201 Douwlm nt, B-71 TRAVELING salesman to place In the arse oenartmenr noue in umane ena aurroundln territory or 3 "aneclats" In pettlcont for a Boston house en commis sion. Onlv those having trade "lrcdy established ned ddra Caro Mfg. Co., 133 Bummer St., Boston, Mass. B-641 9x STFAMFITTER wented t ones; mut be rnod workman and strlctlv rr. Ai'-ess "ym me-Powers Company, Bloux "''Is, 8. D. B-M704 T TWF1 rood bo" wented at th O-aht Box Company. East Omaha. B 879-4 W NTTTTJ. bov with ejheel. Annly e-rlv ""naay morning. ine i-antonu". i. 15th. B TSI ( WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Saleaman, up-to-date, active, to sell first class groceries direct to con sumers at wholesale; llrat clans territory and liberal Inducement. George Mel drum ft Co., S N. Green at., Chlcwro, 111. -UU 6x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebrarki with staple line; high commissions, with advance of $luO monthly ; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. 00 i Ix 8ALESMAN, by well rated conoern making I staple Handled Dy several lines, every town, sold on 90 days; full cummlHsion tl eck on rhlpmenl and on reorders which almost Invariably follow; easy side l ne; no samples necessary. E. Lander, Sec'y, Ro Bldg., St. Louis. 609 6x EXPERIENCED book salesmen of ability. A proposition of exceptional merit. Terri tory is being rapidly avlrued. F. D. Mayer, Broadway and Locust Sts., St. Louis. Mo. MJii 7x SALESMAN Results only recognlxed or paid for. H'avy pay. for honest work. Permanent hlnh-cfaea specially mn pre ferred. Address M 43. Bee. 63 fix WE WANT more salesmen at once. A. Baker & Ca., South Bend, Ind. Geo. SALESMEN By Klnloch Paint Co., Ft I.ouls. An easy and highly profitable side line. -610 5x TWAVEIJNO salesman. An active, ener getic man for Nebraska territory. S'aple 1ii. Established hlali rated houe. F. R Jennings, Sales Mgr., Detroit, Mich. 1 x WANTED Salesmen; $0 tnonthlv and ex penes; permanent. Herrlck Seed Co. wiNTfn-TnvilInf salesman to carry l,l. tin. tr. .eneral stores and kindred trades; new aamples weigh five nunrea. ft coat pocket and east'" earn $00. to xl.Of s rear comniliaion. Writ- for particulars. S'sndard Ring Co., 103 Dsarborn street, Ch'oaga. I1L -a x CIGAR SALKSMEN wanted In your lo cality for city and country trade; eirperl. nee unnecessary: $M per month and ex penses to s'srt free: end'wie stamp fir -r l-ul' Pioneer Cigar Co., pep A-!4. Toledo. Ohio. 7W x WAN'"1'" ewpertenoed trsyeUna aalesmaa for Neerasss. st once we want a ssles msn: nons other nas'4 apply. Aoesa Drawer 8, Chicago. ' 776 6x as a progressive educationa fall term and as many more WANTED SALESMEH. TRAVELING salesmen, on commission, to carry one tray of shoes; ready sellers year round; state experience, reference and territory covered. Address Specialty .Shoe Makers, Baltimore, Md. T77 6x WANTED, traveling salesman for Ne braska, capable of producing results with staple line to country merchants; bond required. Box 808, St. Louis, Mo. 775 6x WANTED, experienced calendar salesmen, to carry on commission, swellest line cal endars and novelties; plenty good terri tory; don't write without experience; ref erences. Rpotswood Specialty Co., Har rodsburg, Ky. 774 6x SALESMEN John Sexton & Co.. Importers or teas ana corrnes ana wnoicsale gro cers, 16 to 22 State at., Chicago, want experienced, honest, energetic, high crade men to sell farmers and other large buyers. We are the largest grocery nouse in America engagea in tnis busi ness and the originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. Wa handle the finest goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every article; no capital required; exclusive territory given, in which an established trade Insures flno income. We are Farmers' headquarters In cnicago. 761 ex WAHTEH-FEHALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15tk & Dodge. TWO young women to take a course of training In Omaha-Florence Sanitarium. Address, Dr. W. L. Ross, 2121 Lake St., Omaha. C 4S8 fix WANTED Girl for general 18oS Webster St. housework. C Mali WANTED, girl for general housework. 180t Webster at. o-M&la WANTED, experienced salesladies In cloak department; good salary to competent neip. j, Branaeia at eons. . tj ooz a WANTED, Immediately, B0 sewing machine operators in horse blanket department of .uemia umana nag v;o- v muju SERVANT GIRL wanted at once at 1112 8. Z8th at. C M57S WANTED, girl for light housework in email iamuy. mi uuio at. c M674 BX NURSES' TRAINING SCHOOL. Pueblo. Colo.; alx weeks' course; begins October l; diplomas. v. M&so 6x WANTED, experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. Warren M. Rogers, i70S r arnara. Apply w. M. itogers, uus Har ney. C 6S6 WANTED, girl for good wages. Apply g-eneral housework; us uewey Ave. C-5S3 7x WANTED, woman to cook for three In family; no washing; wages 4 per week, Address M 47, Bee. C S83 7x WANTED A neat girl to assist with house work; also wash and Iron; one who lives clone by and will go home evenings pre ferred. 541 S. 2Gth Ave. C J1093 EARN $18 weekly proofreading; employer . supplied. Home Correspondence School, rnuaueipnia. t LADIES, do plain sewing at home; 38 to 31S paia weKiy; experience unnecessary: material sent free everywhere: send stamped envelope for particulars. Websr ug. to,, u& aroaaway, xew York. C 4306 x LADIES for plain sewing at home, hand or machine; materials furnished; no deposit. Part culars stamped envelope. Woman' nemeay to., u I, cnicago. u tie ex $20.00 A HUNDRED writing letters home. Aaareesea envelope lor particulars. Klec trio Remedy Co., Dept. 10, 246 So. Mlchl gan, Eouth Bend, Ind. C 614 x WANTED, energetic lady for traveling po sition, advartlnlng and collecting; mod erate aalary and all expenses to start; ad. vancement, pttion permanent if satis' fictcry. For iiartlculars address E. Phil lips, PontUo Bldg , Chloigo. C a 6x WANTt-D Lady writers. My enormous correnpondence from each state enables me to offer a very pleasant and profitable home occupation, worth from $6 to 15 a week, according to time g ven. etc.. to one lady In euch locality; school tlrW neid not answer. Address ai plicalljns, with self-addressed return envelope, to Mrs. M. Summers, Dept. 75, Notre Dame, Ind. C lil2 .x $25 PER 100 writing short letters from copy. Pay weeklv. Addressed stamp 1 envelope. Raclns Wholesale Co., rept. 31, Chicago. C 6U 6x. WANTED indies, to learn halrdrrsslng. ..manicuring or facial maxsige. Qualified teachers, free clinic, dlplomss, tools and positions given. Husv wesson now. Cll or write. Moler College, 18? Douela St. C M 2-llx THE 8mlth Premier Typewriter Company maintains an employment bureau for con venience of business men snd typewriter operators. Services free, Corner 17th and Farnam. Tel. 12S4. C Mi 0-6 GIRL as companion to lady and do light housework- family of four; no children. Address, M 50, Bee. C 6-x WANTED Experienced cloak aatesladlee. Hayden Bros. C M 6x WANTED Housekeeper, from years old. Address M 46, Pes. to 35 C-678 WANTED, girl for general housework. 2S0 Fowler ave. C M765 8x WE desire to employ at once two educated women and one man to handle the Stod dard Lectures. , Substantial wilary snd snlendld contract to right psrtiea. Call Monday. Geo. L. Shuman & Co., 531 Pax- ton block. C 7C4 6 WANTED, a cook, at 8620 Farnam C 793 WANTED An experienced nurse for young Infant. Applv to Mrs. Torrey Everet. RIO Second ave.. Council Bluffs. C M7S7 8 evening-, ror particular anaresa . mo 73. 1MI Broadway. New York. C-7i x WANTFTV-I.sdv hook keeper and raahler; one wlio has had experience. Address M 66. Bee office. C 797 x LADIFii to do piecework at thtlr homes; we furnish oil mtertale and pay from $7 to ll week)", fend stamped envelope to Royal Co., $4 Monroe St., Chicago. C 771 (X FOR RENT rCRSISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnlahed rooma Inquire Omaha rteem laundry, 17M Laarenwortn, 'Phone A-1TU. E iit A HUNDRED NEW STUDENTS AT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 17TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. In a single week, once again proclaims to the world a prestige and popularity, en vied by all, but equaled by none. It Is a recognition of superior merit for which we aro deeply grateful. Th coming week will add a large number to the already un precedented enrollment. Truly T'The O. C. C. Leeds, Others Follow." REASONS WHY. 1. Best location. 1. Best auartera and cntilnmnnta. S Rest Instructors an! ivuirsea of study. 4. Best system of Shorthand and Typewriting. 6. Best expert penman and teacher. Best Board of Trade, Literary, Society, Actual Bulne!s Department, Lec ture Course, College Orchestra, Telegraph School, Law School, Night School, School of Elocution, Foot Ball Team and Gymnasium. 6. Everything incomparably the best. POINTERS. No. 1. The Old forv systems of Shorthand Pitman. Draham and Mnninn-wi hav wtlhout consideration or even commiseration, bequeathed to our antldlluvian follow ers, who spirit of progress savors of that of the dark ages, when the mind of man waa nominated Dy prejudice, ignorance, ana superstition. The demands of the hour are for stenographers who are alert, progressive ami of the latest automobile type. We turn out that kind, by teaching them a modernized system of Shorthond, called the Mosher. It Is becoming popular all- over tha country. It Is simple, legible and rapid. It would be a splendid "soothing syrup" for those who have been advised to multiply their sorrows by trying to master the shades, positions, slanta, rules, ex ceptions to rules, and word signs of Pitman, Graham, or Munson, systems which have not been Improved for more than forty years. No. 2. ..ew classes tomorrow In all departments. Night School tomorrow night. Our Gymnasium open day and night, Two more Foot Ball playera wanted. Shorthand leasons oy man. visitors welcome now. Address: ROHRBOUGH ' FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMfl. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Hi 131 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. Hi $1.00 TO $2 00 per week. 422 S. 18th St., one diock soutn oi court nouae. Hi zsi AETNA HOUSE, European, Uth & Dodire. NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preierreo. lu jm. inn. E 236 O. M. E. haula trunks. Telephone 611. , Jlr 237 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam : 'phone 679. B MSil 10 ROOMS, 21.C0 per week and up. State hotel, nit uougias ei. in n la NICE rooms, day or week. 1625 Howard. is M 1SX MODERN rooms, front. 2018 St. Mary's E 161 27 avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS Fine location, mod ern detached house, steam heat; reason able. 2215 Farnam St. E M509 6x LARGE. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. $12.60 and up per month. 60c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th St. anil Canltnl Ave Steam heated electric lighted private and general oatnsau conveniences nrsi-ciasa service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E 21$ SOx FOR RENT, In private family, two large ironi rooms, soutneast exposure, warm in winter and cool In summer; within walk ing distance but convenient to three car lines. 2204 Webster st. E 847 tx NICELY furnished rooms. 190 Capitol ave. E M552 TTWO large south front alcove rooma 2580 Harney. E MD55 lOx BEAUTIFUL furnished and unfurnished rooms, strictly modern In everyway, well ventilated, in new brick building, close to business and postoffice. 10H Webster st. E- PRIVATE family In strictly modern home will take gentleman to room and break fast If desired, or couple to room and board; best location In city. Address M 61. Bee. E 705 6x NICELY furnished room, well heated and lit, good bath, walking distance. 433 S. 24th St. E-C83 Sx STEAM HEATED room, all modern, tele phone, etc. 2234 Farnam, 2d floor. E-756 6 FOR RENT To gentleman, elegant suite, front and back parlor; very desirable; one block from dry hall. 1821 DoukHs st. E 78 6x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 210 N. 17th. F-M66J 15 BOARD and room, furnace. 626 S. 19th St F 158 27x PLEASANT south front room, steam heat ed, with board for two, in private family. 1301 S. S2d st. F 759 6x THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; room and board, j also meal tickets. F M723 05 FIRNITIRE PACKING, PETERSON ft LUNDBERG, 115 So. 17th. Tel. L-2358. H 238 FOR RENT STOKES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at V14 Farnam, 22x90, four Btorloa and flrst-cla83 cemented basement, elevator, lire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars enquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary th Bee Building Co., room luv, Bee building. I M567 FOR RENT The building formerly occu- 1 1. .. nu. rt . LI.! I.T . .. . T. V...- vj . i i a b mxv A naju di, At 119 lour stories and a basement, which wa formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If lntaresled apply at office of C. C. Rose water, sMcroiury, room llO, Be building. 1-261 THE spacious store room on Farnam street in the Bee building, formerly occu pied by MacCarlhy Tailoring Co., to lease on reasonable terms. Rout includes Jan itor service, electric light and. heat. In quire R. C Peters & Co., ground floor, Beo building. 1 M534 DESK ROOM for rent. 634 Paxton block. I MtitO SUITE of 6 rooms, gas and electric Ught, water, vault; auilal'le for doctor's cilice. Robt. H. Bennett, Continental block. 1-666 1401 JACKSON ST., atoreroom, $W. 1VJ6 Farnam at., storeroom. $50. L.16 Jones St.. storeroom, $15. GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAM ST. 1721 DESK ROOM In nice office; use of telephone, light and janitor service. Inquire at room 23 V. a. National Lank bldg. 1-749 6 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady, employment with assured good in come. Agente In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $uti to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few men are offered by th l.'nlou Central l.ile Insurance Co. L'urrespondeuce In vited. J. M. Edmlnston Ac Sons, general agents, Omaha and Lincoln. J-M325 Sept I NEW WASHER. LOW PRICED. Warranted to wash four ahlrta or equiva lent. In three minutes. Light, strong, dur. al l, all wood and beats all the tin wash ers. No "air preasura" about It. Sold In pairs one washer to be used in each hsnd In common tub or holler on any kind of clothes. Also tongs for lifting clothes from boiler, and all sent prepaid fur $2.50. Agenls deal directly with In ventor. No middlemen. J. F. Elliott, Manaoo. la. J-Mj72 x AGENTS for th beat, most popular faucet fllte's mnde; ensy sellors; good profit T. C. Plgott, Laramie vn J 3C784 12a i:ataiogue tree. BROS., Omaha, Nebraska. t B AGENTS WANTED. BEGIN business for yourself; stop working for othera. We start you In profitable mall order business at your home. Pleas ant work; Immense profits. unlimited Jmsslbl itles. Full Information for stump. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J WE INSURE UP TO 84. Gt.od side line for Insurance agents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24, Elkhart, Ind. J- AQENTS Write now for free sample of work and terms, Star Harness Mender; best 25c seller out; we make other quick selling necessities. Columbia No. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J AN ESTABLISHED cereal food company desires the services of reliable man to fill responslbe position: compensation 13,000 per annum. Highest references required and given. Address Auditor's Department, Box 4842, Battle Creek, Mich. I- OLR MEN are making $3 to $10 a day fitting frlasses; our Free Eye Hook tells all about l; write today. Jacksonlan Optical Col lege, Chartered, Jackson, Mich. J-59 Cx AGENTS wanted everywhere to hnndle "Novelty Sign Cards;" every merchnnt buys from 10 to MO on sight; SO0 vnriet es; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 113R Mup.e wood Ave., Chicago, 111. J u5 tix AGENTS make $25 to $75 weekly selling A linn1. Vn.i.l.l. n..-.1 1 I'l- .1. "'ten. ruuiHUIIl HI UDII anil nillll JUIUI. Write for terms. Allen Mfg. Co., Toledo. Ohio. J C60 6x AGENTS for best, most popular faucet fil lers maae; easy sellers; gooq profit. T. C. Plgott, Laramie, Wja. J Mu54 lix CAPABLE branch manager for office to be opened by manufacturing corporation; cx perenca unnecessary; no books; tala y J8p, expenaea and cash commissions; cash se curity arii'j references required. Western a AVlfiiaiiii, vuiuymiy, Oi. irfOlUS, AlO. J-S53 6x $32 A WEEK salary and all expenses for men wun rigs to introduce t'ouUry Com pound. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Par- STOP RUNAWAYS Hitch horses solid in stantly; carry In pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co., tviuiuiiutiu, ma. J eu Qx AGENTS $30 to $50 weeklv easllv mori We prove this. Luminous nameplatea, numocrs, signs, reaaanie darken nights samples free. Right Supply Co., Knle wood. 111. J 620 6x PORTRAIT MEN Increase your Income. Protect yourselves against lossei. Deal with me. I am an Independent artist for tne trade only. I guarantee true like nesses. I give better Work for less monev man big copying iiou. Twenty ycarV experience making high grade c-ayon, sepia and pastel portraits. Write Tho Blegfr ed Studio. 425 8. Paulina St.. Chi. cago. J- WE WANT men and women of good stand ing In every community In the United States and Canada to represent us. Hust lers, as soon as they learn the business, can earn $5 per day and upward. No money la required. Address. T. J. Brad shaw, Pres., Room 6j2, Granite Block. St. Louis, Mo, J 615 Cx AGENTS wanted everywhere; m-dl-al at tendance by local doctor for entire fam ily; J501 Insurance nnllcv: all heneflts: ( $2.50 year. Union Medical Society, Bible nuuw, new lorn. J ttt tX WANTED Manager In every city, ounty to handle best paying business known; legitimate; , new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 15 W. 28th t N. Y. J 6 6x EVERYBODY can dance; evervbodv does not. but would like to. Learn by our mall system. Agents wanted. National Dancing Academy, St. Louis. J 641 6x EXTENSION Axle Nuts mnke old buggy run like a new one. Countv rights on easy terms. Hardware Specialty Co.. Box 147, Pontlac, Mich. . J 619 6x AGENTS WANTED Ms nsger In every town over 1.000 population; nay $1,00o to fvOOO; references required World's FMr Guarantee Ass n., Rlalto Bldg., St. loul. J 708 6x WANTED Wldeawnke solicitors to retire ment us at a Cute and county fairs, stock ilea, etc Position permanent at sn ensured (rood Income. Aprlv Twen'teth Centurv Farmer headniiarters. 8tat Fair Grounds, or E. R. MeClellan, Lincoln Hotel IJncoln. Neb.. Monday, Tue dav and Wednesday evenings from seven to eight o'clock. J M680 7x WANTET), portrait a Bents get your ror tralts direct from artist and save middle, man's profit best work at lowest prices. A. Hlnger, 11C8 8. Hoyne ave., Cbloeo. J-780 6X AGENTS. $10 a day or evenlnr selling auto matic funnels to saloons and droit Ftores; wonderful Invention; cannot overflow bot tles; sells at eight. Auto Funnel Co., Box 48. Plddaford. Maine. J 778 Cx BI.OT MACHINES, ell kinds; catalogue free. International Mfg. Co., 14-1'W Ful ton at., Pittsburg. Pa. J 706 6x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't ac cept emplovment until getting our lib eral offer. $5 dplly sure. Carbon Diamond Co.. Syrucuse. N. Y. J 763 6X AGENTS! Write for prices and apodal offer; easv-selllpe. money-maklna- spe cialty. Badgr Chemlcul Co., M'f'grs., Milwaukee, Wis. J WANTED TO RENT I CANNOT supply the demand. If your houae Is vacant w you expect to have one list With me. F. D. Wead, lt24 Douglas. 1C M52 8 WANTED By two young man, room and board In private family; must be con venient to car line; state rule. Will be permanent if suited; not too fur out. Ad dress M H Bee. K M530 x WANTED, $ or 4 unfurnished modern rooms for Hi lit housekeeping; references ex rhansad. Address 2757 Webaler st. Tele phone L 26ii. K-661 6 WANTED-In October, by young gentle man, two unfurnished rooms with con genial, tlrt-claa family. South western part of the city preterrel. Board, if agreeable. References. Address. M 4o, be K tf x FOl'R or five unfurnished rooms, heateJ, for light hoiiaekeeping. family of three, within alx bl-K-ka of Courtney's grocery. Addrssa at U, tif. K 714 x WANTED, by hmbsnd ami wife, unfur nished front room with alcove, and board best references. Addreaa, statin l'Hori and price. Box 7W, city. 7 IX Nebraska Business and Shorthand College. A. C. ONO, A. M. LL. B., Pre uoya nullum A. 3. LOWRY, Principal Corner. 17th and Harney aim. OMAHA,' NEB. Fall opening the largest In the ten year' hlBtory of the school. Student may en ter at any time. New olasees organised the first of the week In all the depart ments. The demand for our graduate I greater than we can possibly nil. A number ac cepted positions last week ranging from $10 to $00 per month. Every student who complete our course 1 assured of a po sition. Apply for souvenir catalogue FREE. Bound In alligator; finest ever published by a business college. O TR1 I WANTEDTO RENT. BY SEPT. 21. flva or six-room cottage, modern or part modern, convenient to school and street care; three In family. Give full partlfulars. Addres M 69. Pee. K 746-6X ONE large room or two small, with board, for lady and baby; husband traveling man; prefer private family close In. Give 'phone number when answering. Addres M 64. Bee. K 722 6x WANTED, to rent, a modern furnlBhed house, close In, for $ adult. Addres M 68, Bae. K 768 TWO adult want two furnished rooms with bath. State location and price. Ad dress M 65, Boe. K 798 x WANTED TO BUY. WILL PAY cash for 40 to 60 acres within 15 miles of Omaha. Address, K 52, Bee. N-M2I1 WANTED To buy, close to Omaha, a few acres of land. Kaaper Coal Co., 14th and William Sta. N-M4-14 WANTED, to buy, a good second-hand up right piano, for cash; state make and low est price. Addres Lock box 112, Jansen, Neb. N-M081.6 WANTED To buy a roller-top desk. Ad dress M 60, Bee. . N 747 6x FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., HID Dodge St. C242 Must' Be Sold THIS WEEK The carpets, furniture, office fixtures, kitchen utensils, linen curtains and everything In the Hotel Barker muBt be sold at once, regardless of cost. The carpenters start Monday tearing out and w must sell Immediately, BARKER HOTEL, Thirteenth and Jones St. O-M730 T FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES et while you wait: first-class re pair work. . H. Frost, 14th and Leaven worth. P-243 MONROE sell pleasure vehicle at 811 N. Wth St. P 244 FOR SALE, 1 flrst-clss buggies; war ranted; a snap for somebody. Call at 2ti20 Leavenworth. 1 P 245 GOOD MILK WAGON, coal wagon and buggy at a big bargain. A. W. Johnson, with John Deere Plow Co. P 148 02x $ SHETLAND ponies, very gentle. 2S26 Webster. P-587 6x 6-year-old bay driver, sound and gentles a snap; must sell quick. 'Phone F-1H41, P-752 x ! FOR SALE Fine dapple gray horse for family use, 7 yesrs old, we.ght 1,200; price 2o0. Address jvi oa, uee. ruo ox FOR SALE, gentleman's all-purpose driving horse, 7 years old; also light runabout, practically new. Call 118 N. 18th, to 7 p. m. P 796 6x FOR SALE MISCELLAABOl'S. FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile, In tlrst-clasa shape, at one-half price. Call or address, 1021 Farnam St. Q 246 FOR 8ALE, thirty-three thousand four hundred und ninety-seven aharea Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten cents a share If taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn, Boaid of Trade building. Q M467 AUTOMOBILES. Wa have the largest and most complete line to select from, both new and second hand machines, at guaranteed lowest prices. Don't fail to write lor our bargain offer ings. Wo positively have the only western facilities for doing the finest and moat difficult automobile repairing and manu facturing. Tha Wlttmann Co., Lincoln, Neb. Q- TLLEPHONE POLES; long fir timber; chicken fence; ouk piling. 901 DougUte. IRON and wire fencea, tree guards, Irelllse. Western Anchor Fence Co., ius N. lith bt. W 24 CATAl-OGUE cut drug price free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W 249 ICE for Bale In car load lots. Lincoln les Co., Lincoln, Neb. Address Q-M715 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. W 8&0 2DHAND afe cheap. Derlght, llli Farnam. Q 251 FOR SALE, coal business. Capital required, $2,0Ou.0O. J 21, Bee. Q-253 NEW and 2d hand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. FOR SALE, a new 800-ampere, double-pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Be Building, Omaha." Q-MT67 OFFICE FURNITURE, new and second hand, fixtures for sale cheap. Apply 114 Farnam St.. Omaha. Q 344 6 STEAM engine, 12 h.; boiler, 18 h.; food aa new; nail price, uioaon Doan o., city. Q-M557 FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight; com plete, lion guide posts, cage and wire en closure. J. L. Brandels & Son. Q 6M FOR SALE CHEAP, at Barker hotel, Omaha, or C. W. Partridge, Paxton block, one Hale hydraulic passenger elevator, upright cylinder, cage 5x6 feet, 6 stories, all In perfect running order; 800 Inside doors. IS thick, with frumes. caitlng and hardware; base board, 4 flights osk stair, cherry and oak mantles, loo Inside win dows. IOo.OiO 4-foot white pine lath, cleaned and bundled, 2x4 studding, marble wash bowls, urinals, bath tubs, sinks, steam pipe and radiators. Q M714 12 FOR SALE, ticket to Denver for middle aged lady. Address M 63, Be office. Q 71 Cx LITTER of Scotch Collie pups, registered; right ones make New York show winners; pile right. Dr. Turner, ikSlh and Center. Q-7H1 fx CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN I.ADY tjl'El-.V of clairvoyant; every thing to!. I. jikt. present and future. Hat lal'aciloii or 110 pay. U7 N. lain. V-2&4 FHEK Your fortune told. My advice I aa good aa gold. Send birth date and S :-ct stamp now. Dr. Beat. 112, D 16 t'l.l cagu. B 77i ix ZANZIC rSYCHIC-PALMIST. IS READINGS-5 5 , A $1-This Week Only Sl.'j HONEST. FEARLESS AND CAPA1XK He Is tne foremost Palmist of n,e ri.n' He fully understands the responsil i,. p.,,'. tlon he Is placed In by the rem irk.ui'e gift ha Is endowed with, and he via l!v his best to help thos who need l,el, R,i advise those who need advice, and j , .,u In his power to show all his honest cmi era rlalnly and In forcible languid"; l to aaln happiness and prosperity. If marriage, sloknesa, deaths, rh.irio'; travels, divorces, separations, liwsulV business transactions,, wills, deeds, m .r -gages, lost or absent friends Interest If you desire to be more successful : lfy desire to have your domestic trouhies ';. moved, your lost love returned, yo ir V . terest enemies converted Into stiiiitich friends In a word, whatever may !.. ,ur troubles, suspicions or desires. Hours, j a. m. to 8 p. m. v PARLORS, 1709 DODGE ST S-701-6X MME. .LUCRETIA, medium. 1T09 cuif nla. S-OiOSSx ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16. 2d floor, r 1 T-7; PERSONAL. VIAVL a wholesome nerve and tissue tool and noma treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet Vlavl Co., 3s H Bldg. U-M PRIVATE hom during conflnemut; babies adopted. Th Good Samaritan Sanitarium, . 728 lat ave.. Council UlulTi, la. U-lw MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $L IT CURES. BURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 613 Bee bldg U-257 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R, 2, nnd I, 1506 Farnam st U-25 PRIVATE hospital before and during con flnement: best medical cara and nursing. Mr. L. Fisher, 1601 Vinton. Tel. U-20O WE RENT ewlng machines at 75c pr week, $2 per month; we repair and hell parts for avery machine manufactured; secondhand machines, $5 to $10; second hand machines from $1 to $10. Neb. Cyclt Co., Uth and Harney. U-M1 OMAHA Dye Works, 1615 Howard, fashion ' able cleaner, dresses, suits, cloaks, dra peries, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpet. U M733-2J , , PRIVATE Sanitarium for Indies before apd during confinement Dr. and Mrs. Gerlach, 2626 California St. Terms reasonable. U-4S6 DR. PRIES treats successfully fill dlsstsrs and Irregularities of women from Rny cause; experienced and reliable. 1511 Dodge St, Arlington block, Omaha. U-604 B. 6HONFELD. the antiquarian (estab lished 1878). removed to 823, N. Y. Life bid. 7 U U515 61 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mr. Gardela, 2232 Lake. Tel. Red-18S4. U- GOING to the World' Fair? Mnke arrange ment to secure your hotel expenses w hi e there free by writing World's Fair Audi torium Hotel Co., Fullerton Bldg, St. Louis, Mo. U-w8 6x I DESIRE appreciative wife for wealthy, retired gentleman; description free. Ad dress Mr. Chase, 200 Euclid, Room 202, Cleveland, Ohio. U-4U8 6x MAN'S BEST FRIEND Dr. Mutter's Quick Cure for weak men. Acts Immediately. "It doe the business." Sample free. Kralgco, Chemist, Dept. 71, Mllwnuki, Wis. U-619-6X WOMEN ONLY. WOMEN ONLY. $1,000 REWARD. Dr. Martha Walker knows just what a woman need and her Speedy Relief does tha work. Abnormal suppression from amy cause relieved at once. Absolutely safe, sure and quiok; IOO.00O testimonials. Ail- . droaa. Dr. Martha Walker Co., 163 State St., Chicago, U-17-4x A WONDERFUL French Clairvoyant; what he tell come true; end 10a and birthday. Prof. E. Garnot, Box 2179, Boston, Mas. U-407 x TAILOR MADE and trimmed hats, fall 198, $1.50 up to $6.00, at th new millinery store. The Economy, 105 8. lith Ht op posite old postoffice. U :t2 4x WANTED, every ldy to call and examine the pretty and exclusive designs In street hsts and dress hats at extremely low prlcee; not to be excelled elsewhere. Miss C. Dagley, mlllnery, Room 506 Paxton Hock. U-719 6X WANTED, good permanent home In Omnha or Couneir Bluffs for bright girl 13 yesrs old; her father, a widower, Is In business In Omaha. Address M 64, Boe. U 792 6x SUPERFLUOUS hair, warte and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mlaa Allender, 412 N. Y L. WANTED, an afSectlonate, home-loving wife, by gentleman of means. Address Mr. L. Lester, Baltimore Bldg.. Chicago. U 773 6x HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith oc Co., 1320 Farnam straet W i FARM and city loans; low rates. Wr H. Thomas. First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. lot. Vtixi PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W Kt3 WANTED Real astata loans and warrants R. C. Peters & Co., Bea Bldg. W-267 FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., Uu4 W-3u4 Farnam. PRIVATE money. 1". D. Wead, 1120 Douglas. 4 TO 6 F. C. money. Bern Is, Paxtan block. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. RATHBUN. room 15. Com'l Nat Bjnk. Private le sous in oooKaeopiu, .w. FLORISTS. HE8S 4 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 28 D. HENDERSON, florist. 1419 FarnamSt. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean cesspools ano vaults, rriii '"a" "1". rlesd animals at reduced price. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. - GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. Vtt. ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglaa block. 281 ATTORNEYS. HERBERT 8. CRANE, 117 N. Y. L. Bidf. M3t5 10 J. M. MAC" AR LAND, SI N. Y. L. Bldg. M75 21 LOST. LOST, lady' gold watch, marked with monogram "if. R. M." on one aid and "U'' 011 other Bide; black guard wltu gold seal attached; monogram on seal, "M. R. M." Pleas return to mayor office, city hall, and recelv rewardr Lo-M568 LOST August 6. chestnut mare, weight l.luO, while spot on forehead; return , or report to M Douglaa st; reward. Lrnll Gall. Lost 789 6x LOST Gentleman' ring, set with diamond and two emeralds; waa enclosed In buck- . skin ase; liberal reward for return to ZDul Leavenworth. Lost .bt X LOST Fox terrier dog, all whits except head, which Is evenly marked with "pule on forehead: 85 reward lur return 10 11. 1. Gannett, 12 aV it Sk !l--oa- :