2 Telephones 61-M. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT P. M. Special Sale of Black Etamine No guess work about it, this black dress goods special for Friday morning is 'the greatest bargain of the season. They are all' bright new goods; there will be only a limited quantity ( sold at this price. If you are interested you must come early. $1 00 Quality Black Etamine, Friday Morninj, at 69c a yard. Just, a word of their newness and beauty. It is one of the newest fall fabrics, woven from a beautiful bright yarn, just the required fabric for the pretty, soft, clinging gown; drapes and tucks beautifully. It is the most popular fabric for the strictly dressy dress of the new autumn goods. Not a large quantity at this special price. 8 a. m. is the time when they will go on sale at 60c a yard. Note. All the new autumn dress goods are here. Now is the great buying time. . Samples are ready for our out of town customers. Y. M. C. A. Building, Coiner to windward of It when they tacked off 8ea-' bright. Heading seaward the American boat hnd gained a quarter of a mile straight to windward of the British craft. On this new tack Captain Wrings again gave his boat a good full and It cut through Reliance's lead at an alarming gait, but all to no purpose. Shamrock Hopelessly Oatclasaed. Pinched Into the wind or with a rap full, Shamrock was hopelessly outclassed. After half an hour's turn off Bhore they sailed toward Long Branch for half an hour. Captain Barr attempted to make a hitch off shore but Shamrock would not follow and he took Reliance around again to keep the challenger company. Meanwhile Re liance had steadily gained and when at 8:10 both boats headed off to the mark six miles away, Reliance was a good mtlo ahead Rnd gaining. Heeling to a freshening wind and Jumping Into a rising sea, which at times threw their long bows high out of water, to come down with a splash that sent miniature clouds of foam flying from under their powerful shoulders, the boats were making a pretty spectacle of it. They were gaining In speed with every mile and Shamrock III was a long mile astern when Reliance whirled about the mark end low ering stretches of canvas broke and bellied out from Its spinnaker pole and over its lee bow. The homeward stretch had begun. The boats were timed at the turn as fol lows: Reliance, 6:40:36; Shamrock, 3:51:45. Reliance had gained eleven minutes and three seconds in the thresh to windward, and, barring accidents, the victory was hers. . Reliance's Sail Split. '' As the boats started to run homeward under spinnakers and balloon jlo topsills a Split about mree leei split about three feet long appcarea in h font of Reliance's spinnaker, but as u drew well Captain liarr continued to carry it For three-quarters Of an hour the tnly variation was a slow gain by 'tne iea.lni boat Shamrock ran along for five? minutes ' more with the sun glinting upon .Its sails. tmtll the fog bank reached It and tt cU- appeared from sight. As the fog caugnt it felt also' a heavier wind from leaned to the wind through thM.. 'The two'racor sailed in that dangers Vhinn n't too SDeed for an hour. Mean- time Navigator, carrying tho regatta.com aJuee. hunted for the ilghuhip to estab lish the finish line. It was 5:80 before It was found and the fleet began to gather around Navigator. All was a wall of fog. Ten minutes they waited. Then Reliance, heeling before the wind. It tall bellying hard and Its lee rails dragging up the spindrift, burst through the fog upon the vlilon of th expectant watchers on the little excursion fleet. Oat ot Fug to Victory. Hardly had they recogrilted the familiar features of the American craft when, with Its great balloon Jib topsail fluttering Into the arms of the nimble numbers of Its crew out on It bowsprit, the defender tied acroas the line down through the lane of yacht to victory. The whlatlc of even' crat In .the fleet opaned wldo la. recognition of It 'achieve ment. The delighted yachtsmen danced about the deck Ot J. P. Morgan's big black team yacht Corsair and hilariously con gratulated one another. Reliance's tug searched the fleet for tb raoer and then towed It through It with yachting eiulgns flytng from It mast and spreaders, while imliar flags appeared at varloua part of the spar and rigging of Cortalr and the whistles of the fleet again saluted the defender. Meantime the regatta commit tee's tug whistled its signals to the miss ing 6hamrock. Reliance had crossed the line at 6:S0:0a and It was after I o'clock when the fog lifted a bit and disclosed the challenger hovo to north of the line. Cap tain Wrings had missed the line In the fog and pas sod by to the east of It Sham rock did not attempt to cross the line, but after a feeble salute from the fleet was taken In tow to the Hook, The fleet started for home and tho series of races In defense of America's cup for 1903 were ended, and American genius, brains and seamanship were once more triumphant, aa Kranclseo Wants Next Race. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. J.-The Cali fornia promotion committee has cent the following telegram to the president' of the New York Yacht club, Inviting the club to elect San Francisco harbor a 'the next course (or the defense of America' cup; C. Oliver Iselln. President New York Yacht Club. New York City Dear Sir: On behalf of the state of California and the city of 8an Francisco, the California pro motion committee respectfully suggest to the New York Yacht club that the next international race for the challenge cup be held In Sen Francisco bay. The assur ance of brisk wind average velocity June, thirteen miles Dr hour: July, thirteen miles per hour; August, twelve miles per hour deep and safe wsters. on the largest land- locked harbor in the world, with 460 square miles of water surface. Insures a safe and exciting contest, which could be viewed from beginning to ena ry spectators uuon the land. Ths open ocean course outside the harbor offer similar advantages. The fact that there is no rain during the sum mer months is nn additional feature If the competing yachts should be brought through the Sues taual the long trip would rouse ths greatest Interest In this inter- a Guaranteed by The Gorham Co. GORHAM Silver Polish Produces eadn-liko polish Contain do deleterious ingredient All responsible swats a oeckace jawdais keep U mmm " 1 Bee, Sept. S, '01. Sixteenth and Douglas St$ national event. With the content on the Pacific coast other nation would undoubt edly be led to compete for America's cup. This committee believes that In view of the facts presented the course in San Fran cisco harbor Is worthy of your earnest consideration and we will be glad to meet you in any steps to reach the end desired. This invitation Is endorsed by the San Fran cisco Yacht club. RL'FUS P. JENNINGS. Executive Offloer. The California Promotion Committee. A similar telegram was sent to Sir Thomas Upton. When asked regarding his opinion as to the merits of San Francisco harbor aa a course for an International yacht race, James D. Phelan, former mayor of Ban Tranclsco, who la a close personal friend of Sir Thomas Llpton, stated that in his opinion such a course could not be sur passed. "There would be no difficulty In providing funds for a special trophy," said Mr. Phelan. "I understand that Sir Thomas Llpton Is coming to the coast very shortly." Dlnaer to Vaaqaished. NEW YORK, Sept. . In the absence of Bishop Potier, the president of the Pil grims' club, George T. Wilson of the ex ecutive committee will preside at the din ner 'to be given in honor of Sir Thomas Llpton. Among those who will be there, In addition to Sir Thomas' own party (in cluding the earl of Shaftsberry, commodore of the Koyal Ulster Yacht club; Colonel Sharman-Crawford, vice commodore of the Royal Ulster Yacht club; William Fife. Dr. A. E. Neale, Colonel D. F. D. Neill and Valentine Webster) are R. A. C. Smith, Commodore Frederick Bourne of the New York Yacht club, .John Jacob Astor, Gen eral H. C. Corbln, General A. R. Chaffee, Julian C. Davies, Wiiilam H. Demorest, Richard Watson Gilder, Edwin Gould, Cle- tnnt rtrlarnm Frank R I.o wl0flrA- --. . . . rrancis a. xggeii. uovernor r ruuaun Murphy; John 11. McDonald, William H. Mclntyre, Daniel O'Day, Rear , Admiral Rodgars. Charles M. Schwab, Isaac N. ScllgmAn,' Lindsay Russell. J, G. Stalil. M. E. Btone. Commodore Robert Tod, Colonel Henry Watterson. General Joseph Wheeler, vapiain nra .nmrjr, wnue, .Woodruff, foimer lieutenant go. Timothy F. Waish and Valentine P Snyder. .( . Sir Thomas Talks. HIGHLANDS OF THE NAVE3INK, N. J., Sept. 3. When Erin had discharged it passenger tonight and the echo of their cheers Had died away. Sir Thomaa LUiton said: "Two weeks ago I was hopeful, last week I knew I was doomed to defeat and was disappointed, but today I am almost glad In my own defeat this America has been such a generous victor. I want to again thunk the American people for their gen erosity to m In my defeat." Asked what his plan are. Sir Thomaa said: "My -crew Is to return to England on Tuesday next and I really ought to go back by that time myself. I will post Out my engagements In a day or two and then determine what I shall do. I will attend a dinner In New York tomorrow night, and half promised to be Mr. Woodruff' guest In Brooklyn and go to the New York state fair, but 'that Is not absolutely certain. It Is possible I may have to start for borne next week." Asked what he would do with the two Shamrocks, he said: . "I am to meet some people tomorrow who desire to buy at least - one of the boats. - After I have seen them I will de termine what to do." - Regarding the defeat of -Shamrock III he simply said: "I don't car to discus It any more. The American boat was the better, that is all." DeslgnetFlfe refused to talk. Captain Wrlnge, while agreeable, would not talk further than to ssy: "We did the best we could, but the other boat was beat." Captain. Barr' Opinion. Captain Barr of Reliance said after the race: "Reliance Is a beautiful boat. I had all kind of weather and won In It. Our ad versaries did the best they, could with the material at their command." J. P. Morgan yacht.. Corsair, stopped at the Hook and took C. Oliver Iaelln aboard. Mr. Iselln wa all smiles as he replied to an Inquiry as to the result. "Of course I am proud of the result. A splendid boat, a splendid crew and captain. All helped the result. Bin Thomaa mad a brave effort and deserved better luck, but every American should be glad the cup la to stay here." Sir Thomas and Mr. Iselln exchanged visit tonight and Sir Thomas extended congratulation. - London Accept Inevitable. LONDON, Sept. S.-The final defeat ot Sir Thomaa Llpton' eup challenger, Sham rock III, was received In London with ab solute llstlesshesa. Most of the afternoon paper published a special addition an- noun cln, th, rMUi. but h ,,.. huncln tne result, out the announcement had already been discounted . by the dia. patches giving the progress of the race Tne consensu or opinion Is that Sir Thomas Llpton ha -done everything that time ana money can accomplish and wide spread sympathy for him la shown. The chief hope expressed on the street la that Canada will enter the list next year and succeed wnere tne mother country has failed. It seem improbable that In view of the failure of Shamrock III another challenger will soon be be dispatched from England. GLASGOW, Sept. I The announcement of Reliance' victory -was received her with a feeling akin to relief that the long drawn contest wa enaea. uniform regret I expressed at Sir Thomas Llpton's failure after making such a persistent effort to se cure American' cup. A ! eTr Dsrss After Porter Anllscptlo Healing Oil la ap pllsd. Relieve pain instantly and heal at (he same thus. For man or beast. Price, Sc. MAY SUSPEND THE UNIONS Coal Strike in Kiwouri Resoltei Itself Into Contest Between Miner. VICE PRESIDENT IS TO INTERVENE International' Orgaalsatloa Slasf Cos trol the Men or Operators Will Not Treat wit a that Body. KANSAS CITY. Sept. t-James Mooney. the district leader who Is regarded as re sponsible for the Novinger coal strike. Is asserted to be holding out against John Mitchell to further his alleged aspirations for the presidency of the United Mine Workers of America. Mr. Mooney hai, It Is stated, worked at cross purposes with President Mitchell ever since the Pittsburg (Kan.) conference, two months ago, when Mitchell went so far aa to tell Mooney to sit down and keep still. In any event, the situation In the Novinger district promises to furnish an Interesting fight. Now that the miners there have violated the agree ment reached by President Mitchell and the mine owner at Chicago recently, the operators say they will make no effort to conciliate the strikers. The operators, fur termore, have told the national board of the United Mine Workers that they ex pect the board to control Its own men, and If It falls to do so, they will be unable to deal with the officers of the national or ganisation at the Kansas City conference next week, when It was hoped all differ ences would be wiped out. Thus the situa tion has developed Into a ouestlon of au thority. If the men still refuse to go to work "after Vice President T. J. Lewis of Bridgeport, O., who has been sent Into the field by President Mitchell, talks with the strikers, the next move, It Is said, may be the suspension of Mooney and the local unions Involved. Colorado Governor Investigates. DENVER, Sept. i. Governor Peabody to day sent General Chase, Attorney General Miller and Lieutenant Thomas E. McClel land to Cripple Creek to Investigate the condition there and will not send troops to the gold district until the report of these officers Is received, unless some overt act should make Immediate action necessary. Sheriff Robertson said today that he thought there would be very few violations of law resulting from the miners' strike and he would not at present ask for troops, although the mine owners have demanded protection for their properties. PROBLEM OF THE RACES Subject of an Address Delivered by John Temple Graves at Chicago. CHICAGO, Sept. .-Mr. John Tempi Graves of Georgia delivered an addrea on "The Problem of the Races" this morning before the forty-eighth convocation of the University of Chicago. He said In part: The prejudice of race is a pointing of Providence and the antagonism of peoples Is the fixed policy by which God peoples the different portions of the universe and establishes the individuality of the nations. The act that brought these people to gether on this continent was a sin of the fathers, a sin of greed, an Inauity of trade. and the sorrow and suffering of the present is ior me sin o( tne pastr-a sin agi.nst nature and a sin against God. The -curse can be lifted only when nature la vin. dlcated and God Is obeyed. The problem which came, to ua Is solved when the negro was resorted to "the bounds ot his Habitation." It Is neither imrmsslhle hoc Impracticable The elements tire willing and the way 1 within reach. This is not a day of impos sibilitiesThe hund of . the Almighty is pw.wii 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 n wax It may he that the island of the sea were placed by Providence in our keeping to furnish an answer to the problem of the ttm. The negro Is an accident, an unwil ling a blameless, but an unwholesome, un welooroe, helpless, unnssimilable element In our civilisation. He is not made for our time. He Is not framed to share in the duty and destiny which he twrplexes us with. Let us put him kindly and humanely out of the way. Let us give lilm a better chance than he has ever had In history, and let us have 'lone with htm. Let us solve his problem frankly, fearlessly, nobly and speedily. Let ua put it behind us. Let us purify our politics of the perplexity. Let us liberate the south to vote and to think like free men upon the mighty Issues of the times. HYMENEAL Paul-Jordan. ST. PAUL, Neb., Sept. S.-(SpeoIal.) At the Preshyterlan church In this city yes terday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Captain Her bert Jay Paul and Miss Alice Maude Jor dan were married, George A. Ray, ' D. D., of Fuilertnn officiating, In the presence of hundreds ot Invited guests. The church was beautifully decorated, and the Impressive ceremonial, high standing of the parties snd the large attendance present all con tributed to making this wedding a dis tinctively notable one. Later In the even ing a reception wa given by the mother of the bride, Mrs. L. A. Jordan, at her beau tiful residence. The groom is . the second on of District Judge J. N. .Paul, one of the pioneer and founder of this city. Mr. Herbert Paul was on of the volunteer in the Spanish war, and la now the captain of Company B. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mrs. L. A. Jordan of this city. The happy couple left this morn ing over the Union Pacific for an extended bridal tour through the east. Porter-Medlar. YORK, Neb., Sept. i (Special.) The marriage of Prof. Louis E. Porter and Mis Vernle P. Medlar at the home of the bride' parents yesterday evening wa one of the social event of the season. Nearly 100 guest were present. They were united In marriage by President Schell of York col lege. The bride 1 a graduate of York celleg. class of '98, and afterward continued her tudles in the State university. Mr. Porter I the professor of elocution and physical culture In York college, having filled this position for three years. Reppert-Mcler. WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. (Special.) Mlus Freda Meier, one of West Point's best known young society women, wa married last evening at the residence of hef father to Earl Reppert. Rev. A. R. E. Oelschlae ger, pastor of the German Lutheran ehurch, officiated at the ceremony, which was attended by a select, company. Both parties were born and brought up in this city and are amongst our leading society people. ghelly-Davles. KEARNEY. Neb.. Sept. .(Special Tele gram.) Rev. George A. Beeches, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal church, united Miss Emma J. Davlea and Mr. John Shelly, both ot this city in marriage. The ring service of the Eplsccput church was used. The marriage took p'ace at the home of the bride' parents. The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davles of this city. They will reside In this city. Hcnstoa-Lc. BELLEVUE. Neb., 8ept. . (Special.) The marriage of Mis Lottie Lee to Mr. Andrew Houston last evening at the home of the bride's parents was one of the most elaborate event of the season. The beau tiful ring ceremony was used. Rev. Gates officiating. Great Western' Report. CHICAGO, Sept. t The annual report of the Great Western, presented at the meeting today, contained several surpris. While other Chlcago-St. Paul lines have been showing decreases In net earnings, the Great Western has succeeded In making a net Increase of over $124. (M), despite the fact that mure than the usual amount of Improvement work wa dope during the year. 8. C. StUkney, J. W. Lusk and R. C. Wright were elected directors, to erv three years. MISSOURI HADTHE GOODS St. Joseph Palatla Gaards Win Prls Drill at Knights of Tabor Plcalr. The thirty-second anniversary of the founding of the secret and ceremonious or der of Knight and Daughters of Tabor wa concluded in a most fitting manner last night at Hibbler' park, where the Palatln Guards of St. Joseph, the top-liners In all the tabernacle, did a great drill in the manual of the order. The Omaha colored haut monde wa all there In Its other clothes and at such times as the drill did not occupy the floor, the two-step and the circumspect m-alti held the boards. It wa whispered about also that there was even a cake for which to walk. The local knight put a team Into the drill also, but the dope-makers from the first did not look for the Omaha drillers to strike oil Which In this case wss a memento of the celebra tion for the easy reason that tho Missouri proposition Is the goods. The celebration began yesterday morning at 6, when the party of sir knight from St. Joseph, A. R. Chlnn's Palatln guards, of which Mat Tillman I president und K. S. Merne drill master, deployed on the sta tion platform. They were thirteen In num. ber, but were so full of the picnic feeling that' they looked for nothing worse than rain. The parade marched from Thirteenth and Dodge streets at about. 1 o'clock, with the Knights of Pythias band In front blowing the street free of atmosphere. Behind came tho Knights and daughters, a-horse and a-foot, with all In the prescribed uni form of the rank. At the park the after noon was spent with athletic contests, dancing, refreshments and speaking, the orator being Sirs J. W. Thorn and G. Howard and Drs. Gilo and M. Buckner. Among the celebrant were to be found the twlnklers of Evening Star temple No. 4, the wpmen of Queen Llssle tabernacle No. S9, some of the shiner from Golden Sheaf tabernacle No. 91, a few "pals" from Light of West Palatlum No. 1, a rular or two from the Golden Rule tabernacle No. 35, some flowers (not of the wall variety) from Mayflower tabernacle No. 18, some Ellas and Susies from' Ella Golden tabernacle No. 8 and some members with a past from the Past Arcanlum No. 1, and filially the South Omaha crowd, , which belongs to Magic City temple No. 18. DEATH RECORD. Fssersl of J. A. Flower. Funeral service over the remain of 3. A. Fldwers will he held at the family resi dence. S75 South Twenty-fourth street. South Omaha, at o'clock Friday after noon. The body arrived from Sioux City this forenoon.. Rev. M. A. Head, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, will conduct the services. Martin Mnrphy. . Martin Murphy, Twenty-first and R streets, South Omaha, died yesterday. aged 76 years. Deceased wa the father of James Murphy, vice president of the Board of Education. The remains will be sent to DeS Moines, la.,' Friday morning for Inter ment. Mr. Murphy had been 111 for some time and suffered a great deal from asthma, which dlseaoe caused his death. ' David Sloan, ' ; TRK, Neb., Sept. . . (8peclaU)-Davia Sloan died this morning. ICr. Sloan was one of tb1 first settler In York county and rrsi'ny years ngro located a homestead In the south 'part of the county and lived there until three or four years ago, when he moved to York with Ma family. ' Mr. Mary K. Wilson Mrs. Mary F. Wilson passed away at her home, 419 North Twentieth, Wednesday at iil-uut. midnight, from the . effects of an operation.. The - body, wa last evening shipped to Inavale for Interment. De ceased was 46 year of age. - The Chief of Healers. Old Sorea, Ulcer, Piles, Fistula and like stubborn maladies soon yield, to Bucklen'a Arnica Salve or no' pay. 26o. For sale - by Kuhn & Co. , , . i i LOCAL BREVITIES. The Iadles of the Grand Army of the Republic will hold their picnic at Krug park today. Harry Thomson of Nebraska City and Martin Dorney of Lincoln were arrested last night and locked up, charged with being suspicious characters. Vincent Satan is thought to bo emu lating the tricks of his namesake. He is locked up at the police station, charged with being a susplalous character. Plana for the Robert Emmet anniversary celebration will be discussed again tomor row night at Heafey & Heafey's under takers parlor. 21a South Fourteenth street. E. F. Coppie of Missouri Valley wa fol lowing a railroad employe on the street last night and the man had him arrested. Coppie Is charged with being a auspicious character. John Powell of Vinton. la, became in toxicated yesterday afternoon and was begging from door to door for the price ot another drink when he waa taken in by a policeman. Patrick H. Lavell of Ogden, Utah,' loaded up with too much liquor yesterday evening and insisted on conversing with strangers on the street. He was locked up, charged with being drunk and disorderly. ' For attempting to sell Brunswick money Harry pence, who recently came to vhe city from Chodron, Neb., was arrested ry Detectives McCarthy and Ferris last night. Bpence Is a cocaine "fiend." He was charged with being a vagrant and sus picious character. The mother of Tesaie White, a lS-year-old rirl. asked that her dauxhter be locked up fur safe keeping. She allege that the girl has gotten beyond her control and wants something dune with her which will tend toward her reform. A charge of In corrigibility wa placed against her. Daniel Getser. 1C2 Bouth Thirteenth street, selected the bad land as a place In which to spout last night and landed In Jail for his Impertinence. He waa talk ing very loudly and threatening to smash In the door of a resort If the Inmates per flated in -refusing him admission to the place. C. M. Eaton, residing at 121 Plnkney street. roDorted to the police last nlcht that thlevea had forced the back door of his residence some time yesterday after niton and ourrti.d awav 13 in cash, a w&toii and chain and a revolver, the whole valued at 4u. No description Of the marauders was ODiainea. The explosion Of a lamp In the building at 1206 William Street caused the firemen to make a run to that place about IS o'clock last night. The building Is occupied by several people, but it was In the apart ments of John Pomason that the accident happened. The fire wu out when the de partment arrived, very little damage re ulted. Fred Meehan, a 14-year-old boy living at Thlrty-fiist and L streets. South Omaha, tabbed himself In the ralf of the left leg yvsterdiiy afternoon while whittling with a benknlfe. The wound was quite eleen und as an artery wa sxvured II bled quite pro fusely. The boy was removed to tho pollco station, wnere tr.e wound wo areea oy i'oiice sturgeon Bcmeier. A team belonging to the Omaha Tea and Coffee company creuted Some excituuient yesterday evening by running away. The horses were standing In tho rear of the store when they became frightened and ran down the aily to Fifteenth street One of them struck a telephone pole at the end of the alley anil wu very badly in lured. . It nlll probably have to be shot. Mrs. Louise Iirennan. 1609 Webster street. telephoned the poller station last night that there was trouble In the household. She rfealrad the arrest of her husband. John on all sorts of chares. Officer Klooin was requested to saunter up toward the Brennan homestead and when he arrived on the scene he found civil war In progrexif. u.,fl, l,r;ilu,Ti.nta were landed In the city jail, charged with fracturing the rule of war uy aisturuing iu EXPECTING TRAIN ROBBERS Escape of "Kid" Curry Cnu-ses Macs A' arm Along Northern Pacific. REPORT OF ATTACK AT GREAT FALLS Railroad Officials of Montana Are Taking; Precaution to Foil Gangs BelleTed to n Organised for Robbery. BUTTE. Mont., Sept. J.-A special to the Inter-Mountain from Missoula says that a special train loaded with detectives pre ceded the North Const Limited train over the Northern Pacific tracks from Living ston to Missoula last night and has gone on ahead to Spokane. The plot unearthed by the Great Northern officials to hold up an express near Malta has set the rail way men In Montana on their mettle all along the line. The North Const Limited Is said to have carried an unusually heavy load of valuables on this trip. It is said J that Kid Currle Is abroad In Montana with another gang and that the railway officials will adopt extraordinary precaution until he Is In custody again. A special to the same paper from Great Falls says that what Is believed to have been an attempt to hold up express train No. 151 on the Great Northern railroad, al mist within the city limits of Great Falls, was foiled last night by the engineer, who ran his train past the spwt where It wa to have been, halted so fast that the rob bers could not reach him. Just east of the city the engineer raw figures by the side of the track in the darkness. Some one shouted, but the engineer paid no attention. There was a shot and the ball passed within a foot of his head and smashed a glass in the cab. Detectives were hurried to the scene, but no one wa found there. SULTAN BLAMES OUTSIDERS (Continued, from First Page.) made to penetrate the Albanian cordon and reach Armewko. He was threatened with death and compelled to return under guard. He gives numerous instances of Turkish treachery. The villagers of Armensko were fnassa cred before a single Insurgent visited the place. The Inhabitants of the village of Ncvolkaa, near Fiorina, were butchered while on their way to Fiorina after hav ing surrendered on a guarantee of Im munity. At Fiorina, continues the correspondent, the Inhabitants are In a state of abject fear and are handicapped by a bigoted Greek metropolitan who order them to stay In the village and not to flee, with tha result that the savage soldiery murder them" by tho scores. The European resi dents of Monastlr, Including the consuls, are In -a. state of great anxiety. Many, Including the Italian consul, have recently been Insulted by soldiers. Operations com menced last Thursday on an organized scale against the insurgents and bodies of troops are operating in all directions, but no details have arrived. Edward Disapproves Bnlaerla. VIENNA, Sept. S. Before leaving Vienna King Edward had a conference with Pre mier Count -Goluchowskl on the Balkan situation. It Is said the king expressed his disapproval of the attitude of Bulgaria and declared that Great Britain adhered to the Ruf so Austrian policy. ISLANDERS ARE ' DESTITUTE li'nlese nellr-f Is. bon' Famished Men on'' Grand Cayman Will MOBILE, Ala., Sept. 1 Letters from Georgetown, Grand Cayman, dated August 17 and 19, report the damage by the hurri cane of August 11 much worse' than .at first reported. One writer aays: If the ' islands are not afforded relief everyone will starve in a week. Show this letter to the newauaoera that thev ma v iat the world know of the condition of the laiana ana ot tne people. - Vlnners nt Fort Sheridan. The annual small arms competition at Fort Sheridan was concluded Saturday last. Twelve medals were won In each of the cavalry and Infantry competitions. The winner Of the gold medal cavalry com petition prlxe was Sergeant K. S. Kelley, Troop E, Seventh cavalry. Sergeant W. F. Patchln, Troop A, Eighth cavalry, won the second prize, a silver medal; Captain Harry Cavenaugh, Tenth cavalry, fourth prize, a silver medal; Captain Thomas Q. Donald son, tignin cavairy, sevenm prize, cronze medal. The winner of the gold medal In fantry competition prise waa Second Lieu tenant Seward Whelan, Fifteenth1 infantry; Sergeant A. Duebery, Cqmpany B, Twenty- second inraniry, ei event n prise, a bronze medal. Corporal William A. Vlckery, Com pany C. Twenty-second Inrantry, ranked No. 1J and was made the first alternate. The twenty-four officers and men and four alternates have been sent to Sea Girt, N. . J., to represent the cavalry and In fantry of the United State armv In, the national shooting tournament. The Suc cessful contestant named herein are, ex cepting Sergeant Kelley of the Seventh cavalry and Lieutenant Whelan of the Fifteenth Infantry, all serving In the De partment of tho Missouri. Burke Resents IBeer. Jamea Burks and his partner were en gaged In repairing a roof at Twenty-first and Charles girets yestrrriay morning nnd Burke bunt a nre on tne euro stone to facilitate the heating of the material being used to make tne repairs, t inicer i nomas notified Rurka that the bulldlna of the fire waa In violation of the ordinances and asked him to extinguish It. Burke, the of ficer nays, grew very Indignant at what he termed "interference of an officer" and demanded to know Thomas' name and number that he might report him to the mayor. Flndtna he could not do anythlna but arrest Burke, the officer had him taken to the tatlon apd he was required to put ud a cash bond in the sum of 110 for his appearance this morning. Labor Day .at Plattsmonth. Labor day will be fittingly celebrated In Plattsmouth and the citizens of that city nave been busy for some time with prepare, tions. As the union men of Omaha are free to go where they choose. It Is the ex pectation that a considerable number of them will attend the Plattsmouth celebra tion, and the town 1 ready for that con tingency. Invitations have been extended snd a reduction Of - railway fares secured. The celebration Is to beuln with a parade at 11 o'clock followed by various contests and by two ball games. Speakers have been Secured to discuss union principles, and In the evening a ball concludes the day. Told His Real Nam. Ed Hill, when taken to the elation iaat night charged with being drunk, told Desk Sergeant Marshall that he wanted him to be sure and get his name right so he could secure hi property without sny difficulty In the morning. The last time Hill was in jail he waa booked a John Doe, and It required most of the day on which he was released for him to get his possessions which had been' taken from his pockets the previous night. Captain Aloatyn uskJd him why he did not give his name the lust time he wss in nnd he replied that he wa too drank arid did not know It himself. Stenl its 2alra at Tronsers. The works of the Omaha Dye company at 101$ Howard street were entered by bur glars at a late ho.ir Wednesday night, and six pairs of trousers, which had recently been re-colored and renovated were stolen. The thieve elTectad an entrance through the rear basement window, broke open the trap door with an old shovel, thus gaining access to the floor above. The perpetra tors ar still at large. Preaches at Temple Israel. Louts Bernsttin, one of the promirlng Jewish ministry students of Cincinnati will occupy frubbl. Simon's pulpit tonight. Mr. Burnatsln was the winner ef an ora torical nrlxs in Cincinnati last sprinc 'The choir sefviCe at tho Teu'ipla Isiue! will be . resumed. AT THE PLAYHOUSES "Prlare of Pllsen" nt the Boyd. "The Prince of Pllsen." a musics! comedy j In two acts, by Plxley A Luders: pre sented under the management of Henry W. Savage. The principals: I Cnrl Otto, the Prince of l'llsen, a tudcnt i at Heidelberg .Arthur Donaldson: Hans Wagner, a Cincinnati brewer travel- i ing abroad Jea Dandy Lieutenant Tom Wagner of the V. 8. cruiser Annapolis Henrv Taylor Arthur St. John Wllberforce, Lord Som erset Walter Clifford Francois, concierge Hotel International.. Nick Long Cook Courier, Vassar girls' pilot Frank D. .Randall Sergeant Brie, of the Gendarmes Ftank 1. Rtndsll Jimmy, a bell boy ...Ada St. Alban Mr. Madison Crockrr. from New York.. Trlxle Ftnginra Edith Adnms, a Vasar glrl.Klmlra Forrest Sldonie, Mrs. Crocker' French maid...... Idalene Cotton Nellie Wagner, Hans Wagner' daughter Ruth feeble "Ach. Oott! I know dot sound!" It was the rustling of dainty skirts, and the soft stepping of lightly clad feat, and the ripple of gentle laughter,, and the half whispered exchange of greetings, and open ing of carriage doors, and all the well bred confusion attends the .assembling to gether within a few momenta of a large number of people hecustomod to the way of polite society. It was the first night of the season at the Boyd, and the event was made the occasion for the appearance t the theater of Just that sort of audience people are accustomed to see there. It was a fashionable audience. In spot it even went so far aa to sacrifice personal comfort to the rigor of convention In the matter of dress; but It was mainly out to be pleased, and during the course of the evening it gave both ocular and auricular evidence of the pleasure It felt. Some of the young person who found their coign of vantage high In the gallery were even so Insistent as to demand that certain things be done over several times after the more decorous people who sit lower down In the house had had enough and were plainly willing to go on with the "next feature. For "The Prince of Pllsen'' is a series of features and slides from one to another with a facile grace 3 that one hardly notes the modulation, and I still lost in rapt enjoyment of fhe one while he is being stirred to new Interest by an other. It certainly would he Invidious to single out one of the good things and say It Is better than the rest. If popular acclaim be the test, "The American Girl," the eong of the cities, made the hit last night but then Mr.- Dandy's new topical eong, "It Is the Dutch,'" wasn't far behind, nnd, In the language ot the horseman, the Dandy song had to stick out Its tongue to lead "The Tale of a Sea Shell" nt the wire. In point of lyric beauty. "The Message of tho Violet." "The Stein Song," "Heidleberg," and "Pictures In the Smoke" are rarely sur passed, and the ensemble pieces are Just what one looks for in a popular musical comedy of the day light, full of catchy turns In the music, and nonsensical In the words, Arthur Donaldson's splendid bari tone voice gives the listener much pleasure when he lets it out, but he has a habit ot tinging his subdued passage through closed lips, adding a nasal quality to his tones that destroy much of their resonance and melody. Miss Peebles' voice Is not overly strong, but I sweet and used with taste. Miss Forrest, and Mr. Taylor ang their duet most chamlngly, and were de cidedly well received In It. The finale of this eong has been, most fittingly rear ranged. Jesa Dandy Is all that one would ask for in Hans Warner! and If Trlxle Frigana left anything undone, that would add to tha ef fectiveness, of her role of the widow, it waan't discernible. Nick Long and Idalene notion do their parts with s dash that Is refreshing. The piece Is newly staged, and with brlaht new costumes ana some new figure In the movement of the competent chorus, present a continual ucceslon of delightful picture,' et to pleaaliUf music The engagement lasts until after Saturday night. RAILROAD TRESTLE - FALLS Six Person Killed and Many InJared by Wreck oa Soothers , Railway. CHARLOTTE, N. C, Sept. I. 81 per sons were killed and twenty-five Injured, one fatally and two eriouly, 4n a wreck on the Southern railway near Yorkville, 8 C, today. The dead: Engineer Brisk man. Frederick R. Hine, Portal Clerk Bmith three unknown negroes. The mor seriously hurt are: Julius .Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C probably fatally; W. L. Slaugh ter, Hickory Grove, B. C. seriously; T. C. Hicks, Lancaster, B. C, seriously. In addi tion to these nineteen other white person and three negroes,, resident mainly f South Carolina town, were llghtly hurt The wreck wa caused by the collapse of a trestlo, forty feet high,, over Wishing creek. i RAILROADS MAKE CONCESSION Cattle Men of Kansas Win Fight Against Proposed Higher Rat. TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 1. The Kansa cat tle shipper have won their fight before the State Board of Railroad Commtsslonera The railroads ef Kansas had announced an advanco In freight rote for September (, which the cattle men declared wa equal to a rale of 15 per eent. The cattlemen Immediately carried their grievance to the commlasloners and a lively fight had been in progress for several days. This morning "the railroad announced that the proposed rate would not be put In force and conceded all that the cattlemen were contending for. Till end the case. JEFFRIES TO MEET MONROE Cbautploa glga Article for Twenty Hound Gas for' Decision at Los Angeles. LOS ANC1ELES. Cel., Sept. I. -Champion J. J. Jeffries tonight signed articles to fight Jack Mor roe of Butte twenty rounds for a decision In this city October It, the Cen tury Athletic club to take 18 per cent of the gross gate receipts and the contestants to divide the remaining 65 per cent on a percentage to be determined by them. Manager McCrty of the Century club tonight wired Jeffries' signature and the term of the contract to Jack Monroe, New York City. Monroe's reply is expected to morrow. IS ACKNOWLEDCfD BY THE &EST dllDGES TO HAVE ISO SUPERIOR AS A PURE SPARKLING. HEALTHf LI. FRUITY , i rilftMPAGNL- 2 TO PROMOTE FAIR EXHIBITS Wemaa'i Club Committee Meet, lit Wittlea and Prof. Barbour. FEDERATION TO AID IN EDUCATIONAL LINE llesalt . of Conference Will Re Re ported and Acted On nt Meeting f Federation JSext Month nt Fremont. A committee representing the Nebraaki 1' Federation of Womens' clubs met at no yesterday In the director room ot the I'nlot National bank, to confer with ChalrmaL Wattle of the Nebraska commission ot the Louisiana Purchase exposition, snd Prof. Erwln II. Barbour of tho Vnlverslty of Nebraska, superintendent of the Ne braska educational exhibit, regarding nn educational exhibition by the club women of the state at the St. Louis fair In con- Junction with the state exhibit. It hut been suggested by Mr. Phillip N. Moore of St. Louis, chairman of the locnl biennial board for the entertainment ot the coming biennial of the General Federation of Womens' clubs, that especial attention be given by club women of tha purrhnse states, to such an exhibit. "Tho Nebraska Federation of Women' Clubs Is recognised a on of the chief edu cational agencies of the state," said Mr. Harbour, "and all that Is necessary Is for the women to know what la wanted and it will be forthcoming." It Is the Idea of the eommisslon to make It exhibit in all departments, one of ideas rather than of things, and the educational exhibition Is calculated to stimulate orig inality of design; to Increase the scope of educational work by making a permanent record of It. In addition to a collection of the year books of the various I'liihs which Illustrate the line of work nov being car ried. Prof. Barbour suggested that original poem and stories be written and Illus trated; original music, desljns , for hook covers and Ilka records of original educa tional work be prepared. An especial effort Is being made by the Nebraska Daughters of the American Revolution to collect data concerning the state's connection with the purchase history. They may also be Invited to contribute to the exhibit. ' The reault of the conference will be re ported to the coming meeting of the fed eration to be held at Fremont In October, when It will be decided what part tho women will take. Mr. Barbour has agreed to address the convention on the subject and nresant his n ccrosttrina which mnv h carried out In case the plan Is accepted.' NOT OF SALVATION ARMY Persons Collecting Funds for Various Objects In Omaha and Ont In State. A. Merriweather, general secretary of the, mldwestern division of the Salvation Army, says: - "Partlea calling themselves 'Christla n Volunteers' have been olicltlng funds I varloua towns of Iowa and Nebraska in the name of the Salvation Army for a state orphanage, old people' home, children's outing and other objects. They go Into a town and announce that they are going to tart religious work, and after soliciting fund for the purpose disappear. As far as known tha 'Christian Volunteers' have no established missions nor are they, engaged In charitable .work of any kind. Some of them are believed to be in Omaha now. They have nothing whatever to do with the Salvation Army and the public la cautioned against them." ,n i, ; n,v Tho Guarantee Special for Friday and Saturday constat ot men' 11.00 shirts; sale price, 4Sc. These are not shop worn, old chestnuts, but they come In stylish up-to-date patterns. They oan be worn by any correct dresser, quality and style being there, and 11.00 Is the actual value. They come with separate cuffs, golf style. There are also among them oft shirts with collar and cuffs attached and necktie to match. Tou can see them displayed In our east show window. W also place on sale several new shipments of brand new necktie. We can now supply Union Men with Union Labeled Neckwetr. This Is certainly something new. We have a good many medium weight suits that we wish to close out These suit are heavy enough to be worn all winter. We have and place them on sale at 17.60. ' We arn satisfied and so will you be, If you see them, that never before have reliable suit of such great merit been slaaghtered - at $7.(0. Take advantage while it lasts. The advance fall style of the Alfred Benjamin line are now being exhibited by us. Will be pleased to show them to you. a The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-llttl Douglas treet. PIANO PLAYER z RECITALS RESUMED. Please note that Our Saturday fternoon and evening Piano Player recital will be resumed at our parlor Sept. , and con tinued every Saturday hereafter. All muslo lovers are Invited. Beat free. Piano Player Co V Arlington Blk., 1S11-UU Dodge St For Menstrual Suppression from any mum STa.'Sl PEN-TAN-GOT It s box; besss t. Sold to Omaha br Shsrms MoCobmII Dru Ca. Mail offers alias. Trad supplied AMllEMaCTI. BOYD'S Woodward & Burgess, M'f'ra. TONIGHT, SAT. MAT. AND NIGHT, Tho Oreatet of Mualcal Comedieg PRIfJGE OF PILSEfl PHICES-aJc. 60c, 7Bc. 11.00, II. W. MAT tfc. 60c, 7Sc, $1.00. Next Attrartlon-FLORODORA KRUQ THEATRE ,d2?Sc.B00 PHONE 600. TONIGHT AT 1:15 AND A IX WEEK. SWEET CLOVER Popular Matisse sVatariiay. feast baata 2sc DEBORAH I LITHIA WATER Sunday Matlnra "A Millionaire Tramp." f