10 TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, REPTEMHETl 4, 1003. 1MiUl..l!.L!.ljL Ig Special Sale of Picture I ! I li i.i if vi a-jrj s i IXzdJUV" oiv GO-JO f,oor DIG BEC3DflnT SALE TODAY IN THE BASEMENT ne coonter of fine Cambric and rtusllns, worth I2 1-2c a CS yard, to at One counter of remnants of new heavy Mercerized Walstlnga OI5r In new fall patterns yard Ji On counter of fin black fiercer! red Sateen 1 5 C Dainty tint In new Baby Flannel 8jC All the new Drea Prints yard. All tha beJano of our tonka ot Uwtii arid Batistes 0 I worth up to 20o a yard OiW ,i ..... . Ona tabla of fine White Oooda rnmnanta, Madras, etc yard 10c One tabla of 84-lnoh wlda turkey rod Comfort Calloo yard 6c Many special bargain In remnants of Tabla Damask, In bleached and tin bleached and turkey red, 1H to t yards long, at about one-half their regular prloe. Special Sale of Fine Silk Remnants New Pall 5llks All the new Pall Bilks suitable for shirt waltt suits, fancy Lining-Silks, black and colored TaN r r A C fetas, Louisienoes, Lining- Taffetas, Foulards, J vlPaaJ. VJ C Walstlng Silks, at a yard Black Silk Remnants Peau do Sole, Taffeta and Seeded 81lk, all silk Lining Satins In waist, skirt and dress lengths, on main aisle at one-half regular value. f Fancy and fletallc Velvets All waist one dollar and a quarter, at yard Dress Goods Remnants Floor New 75 Dress Goods at 29c The and double width nuns veiling-, all wool pink, tan and rose, a special bargain today Imported Dress Goods, apiece at silk novelties, skirting cloths, mohairs, house, all German Importations, to match, at $2.00 Dress Goods at 75c a Yard The new slbellnes, cheviots, crashes, etc, M Inches wlda, SH to 7-yard lengths, plain and mixed clothe, black and all colore, a yard $3. 00 Dress Goods in Importers' to match for aklrts and dresses, apiece.. ... .... m XIIP TVFAV VOILES, ETAMINE8, BILK " , i r KOLIENNE8. FLECKED FALL GOODS yU3- t0 I-" V ia JJ A lvTs-t? lengths-main druse gooda de REAINANTS Partment-a yard w . m c mm y ma a ' j U2) Ready for School Boys' Suits for Coy' fine all wool school suit" la every late popular style, worth $4.00 and $5.00 each, at -. Swell little school styles, worth five goat Coys' hand made school suits In every late pattern, made for splendid wear, at Tin highest grade little !7t highest grade little ruitt n artistically m,de boyt cloth' ng, at Boys' stoutly made knee pants, worth 75c . and $1.00, at , Boys' Laundered Mother's Friend Waists -worth $1.00, at.. BASEMENT SPECIAL Boys' extra strontr school suits, a great assortment to choose from, au this season's Styles, at I 501 a i 1MB saaesssaai aaMaB - Sale of School Shoes Erery pair absolutely guarantee. If a seam rips no matter how long the shoe may fell hare been worn, we will sew it free of charge. Commencing today we place on sale all the boys, girl's and children's shoes Bought from the creditors of the bankrupt Bos ton wholesale shoe house of Lam kin & Foster. On second floor In exclusive soc! SCSscT si.25. $1.39, $1.50, S1.59. $1.98 and $2.25 LIVE STOCK RAJES ADVANCE Cot of Shipping; Ca4l and HetMl from West to Mtseonrl ' River Go I p. Shippers af cattle and horses from Utah ceinmon points to the Missouri river will pay (7 more per standard car after Septem ber IS, as all of the roads Interested have raised tha freight charges from $119 to $1? for cattle and from $139 for horse to $110. The roads Interested declare that the ralss In rate ws In line with the equalisation of rates that has been going on for the Inst six months In ths Transinlsaourl territory. Whether the stockmen will take any ac tion on the matter Is a question, although the generul opinion Is that they will not. The officials point out that the rate has been too low ever sice ths Rio Grande en tered the market and sat the rate from $131 Picture Dept. on 3rd 41c and dark Outtnc One tabla ef light Flannel the 16-oe nt n I kind go ev yard On table 46-Inch wide India Llnon yard On table of long lengths of Cam brio Lining yard , 10c He lengths, worth np to 58c newest weave albatrosses every ahada. Including sky, , 29c at 35c Fancy tailor cloths, ate., straight from tha U. B. eustom -yaxd lengths, many to ...... ...35c tweeds, 75c Sample Lengths Enough at m I 59c KT' " u 'VSSSBBSMBSSSESSSBSSSBSBSBSSBSSSSAVBSBSSOOKBB Qet your Boy Ready for School School Wear Boys' Clothing Dept. Third Floor. 1.98 ult, all the swell f " f dollars, !j I I s-w 2.98 ruitt in ttock QR Z Rft 3Q8.6 50c 50c BASEMENT SPECIAL. Boys' CUo knee pants, taped and re-lntoroed seams, 25C Boys' 60o school waists, If) pleated front and back... I "C In Basement. 59c, 75c, 89c, 98c i (- ic ic sjlelu, pl5uf ?1.00 to $119, at which point It has stood until ths present chang. It was on a technicality that tha Rio Grande cut the rate and It Is generally understood that It has tired of ths lower rats and that It was raised at their own request. Ths new town of Tennant, Shelby county, la., on ths Chicago Great Western rail way, will be opened to the public by an auction sale of lots Tuesdsy, September $, at 1 o'clock p. m., on ths town sit. Spe cial train will leavs Council Bluff at 9. JO a. m. on the day of sal. Far. M cents for round trip. Lunch will be served. For full particulars spply to Ocorge F. Thomas, general a-nt, oRlo Orand Hote Council Bluffs, or E. B. Meglll, manager town sits department. Fort Dodge, la. Douglas Printing Co., uo Howard. Tel. (44. Dr. F. W. Blabaugh, enust. UllN. T. Ufa BANKRUPT LANGE&MINTON MUSIC HOUSE STOCK WILL BE HERE THIS WEEK Sale Commences Soon as Stock Arrivos. PIANOS PIANO PLAYERS ORGANS AEOLIANS VIOLINS GUITAR MANDOLINS STRINGS MUSIC f.lUSIC BOXES AT ONE-THIRD COST SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER 1313 FARM ST., TEL. 25. OMAHA, NEB. JUST WHAT YOU ASK FOR Bo life Is substitution and simulation in some quarters that customers are obliged to INSIST with S CONSIDERABLE VE HEMENCE that they be supplied with the article they ASK VOA. In OUR DRUO a 10KJ3 It is a fixed and observed nolle v to give our customer JITST WHAT TOfv A8K FOR without officious suggestion u 10 wna.i may or may not in the opinion ot the jtaleaman be better. The SDeclous recommendation which has as Its basis the oesire to paim oft ciieao and unknown goods In place of the well known brands Is a business method to which we never resort "SYRUP OF FIGS'' always means the "CALIFORNIA" ban.nd at nur drug atore. and "CASTORIA" la "FLBTCH- KR'S CASTORIA," the kind the "BABY CRIES FOR," not the Imitation which can be bought for one-third the price of the genuine. Llsterlnn, Is, of course, LAM BHRT8 U3TKRINE while customers for PEARS SOAP GET PEARS SOAP, and are not Inveigled Into buying kinds which only LOOK like PEARS. Dozens of other Instances might be pointed out where the NAME of a well-known, article of merit has been Imitated cleverly enough to barely permit the simulator to escaDe from the clutches of the law. But purchasers should wisely conciuae that advice which la of. lerea without the asking is really not worth having. A FEW PRICF:S ON WFLL KNOWN ARTICLES AT OUR STORE: 6O0 Syrup (genuine) we sell 39c 19c 74c 2;c Llstertne tLambert si we sell.., $1.00 Llsterine (Lambert s) we sell 35o Castorla (Fletcher a) our price ..26o $1 00 Swamp Root (Kilmer's) we sell 79o We GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASIC FOR. $2 Chichester's Pennyroyal Pills, for-. .$171 I fi Lleblg's Extract Beef (genuine) 3Sc i.w nnaun mu urn wuinine ina Parisian kind) we aell , ,...730 Writ tor our 100-page Catalogue. if COR. 16TH AND DODGE 8TS. OMAHA. FU LL SET OF TE ETH IIIIIIMII One of Dr. Hall's Patented Double Suc tion Plates for $4.00. Until Sept. 16 ws will do work free, bmall charges lor material cur special ntr&g10 Save Pain and Money Teeth Extracted ....FREE Filling: from 2-0 o Uold Filling from T6e Cold Crown from S2.SS Sliver Plume Crown from f 1.AO ra not wait. Com today and hav your teeth examined by the profetsors of this college. If your plate fall or tip have on of our double suctions placed In. slflTlrF 'or Ule Dneai 01 aenusia wno 1 nUllwC practice old-time methods, causal pain and mltery to patients, w give a post graduat courij for painless extrac- ticvi pttirieb filling, crown and bridge work. The only college of its kind In ths west. Work Guaranteed Tea Yeare. Here to Stay. Union Dental College DC DUVim rFNTISTRY Incorporate! v. 1 nuikfcw- vwii. ...... coiieara HOOM 4, 1SXI DOlGLtl STHEt-T. Be sure you ar t: the Open tlsli till $. Sur.tl Igiit l-lsc. 9 10 4. STOMECTrasa. PkotTar, U13 fui, Ul. noa. SroKSCtrais, rriaiw. IjI Ueaar. tel. Ula."rw 1. aaly Huimc)thi'.' bl ke'a doia In tfelaa new 4 Saiag hots la ta mom klkr4 in won Di PI' lliS 1)IK li ABLK I1UHK. in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room Orer a carload and a half of remnnnts will lod our tables Friday. Remnant plrked up from the varloua mills. be:d the Tat accumulations from our own hlsh grade etocke Outln Flannels, Flannilletls, r'ercalee. Bnotch Ireea Plalda and the remainder of our tprlrg Wash Goods all nvist so. Wi want the room and H9RE 19 THE PRICE THAT WIIA, DO THE BUSINESS. 28e lai 89 o Imported Wrapper Uoode At lOe. Mulhausen Wrapper Cloth, aa thick as a ooam, colors as raft ai can oti maae, JO-In. wlda, sella read'.!? at 29c, whnt U left will joae at Sfio. Aiso the flncst fleeced TSiues, eomevhlnR i.ew tl-.ls fall, a regular hard cordJ t&c that will not catch the dust, and a fine oft fleecy back; looks lust like the tee mercerised walatlnss and eells In New York City at t5o. These two lines will dose Cr out fast at a yard 13 lto and 1Mb Cotton Dresa Oooila, lUc. Arnold's celebrated double fold, wide flan nelettes, well known from coast to eoaat , for their reliable faat oolors. thlr per- and whites, silver grays and light oolors. with bands for trimmings makes them the bent 19o goods on the market. Also the new pan velvet, so called on account of their beautiful finish, resembling the (real thing). It Is heavy and good for waists, wrappers, dresses, eto. It will 09 eoia everywnere ai 2c, out :n ururr to start we will open, at a yard, both of Ko and 2Ec. at a yard S6o mad 83e Mercerised Lining, la Short lengths at lOe. A large Una of fine linings In double fold black satines. black and colors In moires and other linings worth up to 86c per ynrd all will go on this sale, tfn at a yard 111 lOo, 1 rVo and 11o Gooda for Bo , yard. Be sure and examine our famous to counter where you will find l&o percales. 84 Inches wide, 10c flannelettes, fast oolors, 19c Royal's failles, black and white and blue and white, 10c plaid gingham, and a great variety of other goods, worth up to 19o a yard will be plaoed on this counter from day to day, at a Cr yard 3 STAPLE SPECIALS. S2-lneh German Blue Heavy Calico Hc Heavy German Blue Twuia calioo v,c Shirting Prints 3c Bklrt I.lnlngs, two colors 2V) 15c Black Satlnes TMo lOo Seersucker Olnghams....... 6Vio Grand Sale Friday Fancy alike 9Kr all colors si 3 TEc fancy silks 39c on sue at tl.ti new white waist silks 59 .69 for tl.00 yard wlda white wash silks tor Uayden Bros' Big Clothing Salo DON'T FAIL. TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESHJ WONDERFUL BARGAINS. 475 MEN'S SUITS TO BB CLOSED OUT AT 17.60. These come In all the latest styles and fabrics, such as worsteds, ohevlots, cas slmeres and unfinished worsteds. In browns, blues, blacks, oxford grays and fancy mixtures the largest line of suits ever shown In Omaha, none worth less than $13.60, to $15.00 all go In 7 Cfl this big sale at only I s3U BOO MEN'S SUITS TO BB CLOSED OUT AT $10.00. This lot Includes some of the very finest suits we naa in ugnt ana meaium weight, they come In fancy cheviots, fnncy wor steds, silk mixed worsteds, fancy casRl- meres and unfinished worsteds, in all the latest shadea of fancy mixtures and plain colors none worth less than $1H0O to Wirt w 1" 10.00 $20.00 in this great sale at Ml 1S 11' THIS RKLIAULK STOHU. The wonderful bargains we are offering in our cloaJc department have brought a rush and crush to us that we never felt before at this season of the year, and mark my words. It Is going to continue If the press haa anything to say about It. Women s Skirts, in aress, warning, trtan and rainy-day styles, mceiy mmmea the arreatest values we have nCx nfTered on a1a at nnlv uU Women's wash suits, trimmed with very line lace ana emoroicieries, worm uj $7.50 grand clearing sale I OC nrire. onlv llSaV Women's fine klmonas, trimmed with very fine laces, regular V values, . 1 nn for only ..WW nn rVn n THE Great American Desert Is already a thing energy and persist cao Firmer, bis methods of cultlva gressivs spirit that search for such food ed to our western bined to make the west of the one-hundredth meridian as abiding as the stars. In no part of the great west has this triumph been of mors colossal proportion than in Kansas and Nebraska. Where once stretched plains almost devoid of vege s. utlon now can be seen broad, fertile fields with the sun shining on wheat fields all gold, corn waving its broad leaves of green, and the royal purple of alfalfa. FOR INFORMATION about tht states of Nebraska, Kansas . or that vast region traversed by tht Union Pacific, drop a letter or postal card to (TTT TICKET OFFICE. 1J24 FA RN AM STREET. 'Phor-s Sit. V1 i BUSINESS STIMULATORS TJTII3 TIT Friday is Remnant Day Closing; Ont Rammer ' Goods. Table No. 1 Remnants of 60a Bummer Uoods lOo Tnble No. 2 Remnants of 40o Bummer Goods T4o Tahl No. J Remnant of 80o Summer Goods So Table No. 4 Remnants of So Summer Goods 2."o White Gooda, T One big square 40-Inch Ilnon. 10-Inch organ die. 0-fnch lawn, dot Swisses, mercer ised stripes, etc., long mill ends, Tic worth Jio yard, at yard I H l-2o Maslln, Bo. 6,000 yards of heavy unbleached muslin, yard wide, t4o quality, long mill C ends, at yard Ww lfto White Oooda. 4 8 -4c Leno stripes, check nainsooks and mercer Ited stripes, worth up to l&o yard. Ale. long mill ends, at yard 750 REMNANTS AT.L KINDS Or TABLE LINES' ANP TCVEUNO AT HALF REGULAR PRICE. 18o flurk Towel. 13 1-So Will nlao on counter 50 dosen bleached huckaback towels. fRncy borders, 22 Inches wide. 40 Inches long, ISO 10 1c value, as long as they last at ISjv IRo TnrkUh Towels, lOc. Extra heavy double warp bleached Turkish towels, 20 Inches wide. 40 Inches ifc long, 15c value, special at I U 2.1o Sheeting, 20c. Suo quality bleached sheeting, 11 Inches wide, fine close woven cotton, one of the bent brands on the market, full 0(c pieces special at yard s.Uu Slt.OO Turkey Red Table Cloth, TSe. Oil boiled turkey red cloths, 6 feet wlda. H feet long, guaranteed faat TCf colors. $2.00 value, at I 9 REMXAMTS. Remnants of white wool and embroidered flannels less than' cost. Remnnnts of best grade outing flannel, per yard. 6V4c. Remnants of best grade Shaker flannel, worth 15c, per yard, Sc Remnants of 38-lnch sllkollne, per yd., 60. in Big Silk Dept. SI. 59 yard wide black taffeta for 98 SPECIAL 25 pieces fine colored Crolse Velvets, for waists. Jackets or entire cos tumes, In tans, browns, blues and greens, for Friday only we offer 9 Re you these velvets tor alu TOUTHS" LONG PANT SUITS, AGES 12 TO 19 YEARS. These come In double and single breasted styles. In the very nobbiest, designs. In fancy cheviots, casslmers and serges, in rinln and fancy colors, all well tailored throughout all go In, this great sale at $10.00. $7.60, $6.60. Q IC $5.00 and Wi I 9 BOYS' AND CHILPREN'S SCHOOL. SUITS. Our enormous cash purchases of bovs' and children's clothing, puts our boys cloth ing department beyond competition. We have an Immense Una of boys' suits at $1.25, which are equal to. any $2.00 or $2.fi0 suits to be found elsewhere. Our boys' suits at $1.55. $1.85. $2.25. and up to $5.00, are superior to any sold at pne-half more, or your money refunded. These suits are tailored In the nobbiest styles, either single or double breasted, made of fancy cheviots, casalroeres and serges. Special Bargains in Cloak Dept Friday Women's wash dress skirts, mads of lin ens, piques and other fancy ru atari all worth up to $5.00 last chance only 1. 50 Women's fine wash waists, mads of dainty lawns and linens, worth up ftr . to $4.00-for only SQC Women's fine lawn wrappers, beautiful patterns, all nicely made and trimmed worth $3.98- Qf for only f tf 150 more new suits just received by ex press today. , 125 women's silk coats on sals Friday morning. y Great Trunk alo Friday SAVE $1.60 TO $3 00 ON A TRUNK FOR SCHOOL OR VACATION USE. Square top trunk with heavy hard wood brass Monitor lock, deep tray with covered hat box. These trunks are sold up to $8.00 by ex clusive trunx oeaiers, a dc your choice Friday only ?09 24-Inch suit cases, maa on steel trames, covered with leatherette, linen lined. leather handle I QC choice Ii39 of tha past Ths ence of the Ameri study of improved tioa, sod , his pro has caused him to plants as are adapt states, have all corn- triumph over caturs ssAsl H VT itTs.CS Prepare Your Boy for School snssnnnnwsnwnnw I Our School Suits for Boyi at $1.50. they sre the greatest money', worth :,.?l!r'.s!'.'rt."45c-65c Full Iln of Clear Havana cigars Complete line of Pipes, all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOTJSB Main Office, 1404 Douglas Street. Est. 1884. Tel. 1560. tfS) DEPOSITS made now draw interest for the entire month of September at the rate of 4 per cent per annum com pounded every three months. Accounts opened for one dollar to three thousand dollars, and certificates issued for S, 6 or 12 months bearing 4 per cent inter est. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BANKERS. Checks on All Banks Cashed HEHHETrS i gm BENNETT'S BUSY BEES keep things moving In the GROCERT It looks. like old times to see the old' time buyers st ths counters. Best goods. Prompt servlcs. Lowest prices. Free postal cards. Telephone U7. SPECIAL OFFER. Pearl Tapioca An per pound t This Is decidedly a bargain. 8-lb. can strawberrlea lOc to close out, can avrw Baked beans and sauce, t-lb. can.. 10c Chill sauce, bottle $o Castile soap, per bar SVjo pickles, assorted, bottle Do Mustard sardines, per, can so Presto, package v 80 tii-lb. cocoa ....30o I cent box bluing 2V Rex Lye, per can 80 1 'reserved blackberries, per can. ...6c 'arlcr matches, 1.00 In box 8o lire's root beer, per bottle 8V4a et cream, per can 40 'resh country butter, received . dally, pet" pound ISO Coffee, roasted fresh every day, good Santos, per pound Ho Imperial Japan Tea. per pound... .250 THE BUSYJGROCERS. Slick Candy Special ' Just received, a large quantity of rresh made, highly flavored, old fash ioned stick candy. sticks for lo to sticks for o SPECIAL FOR THE SMOKER Bachelor Cigar, regular lOo slxs and quality each Teeth ifll l Hava them right No use suf J M V ferlng with poor teeth when we can fix them .and make your mastication perfect. 'AU work guaranteed.' Fillings Crowns (Jik.) ...7(o up. $5 00 Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Doutjlas St. fCDRUNKARDS Sherman At McConnsll Drug Co., Omaha. S3 $2.00. $2.50. $J.0O. can't be equalled I nn esrth Mothers brin g the boy$ here. Boys ' School Caps 25c-a35c-45c Hoys' School Waists 75 dozen go on sale, rorr.l.h.7. 39c Boys' School Stocking, special line on salo to- a?....l5c,oWr25c Boys' School Shoes 'Tha Indestructible kind" seal calf, 1.50,1.65 o.y;,airT25c35c40c If you Con template Buying a Diamond this fall, it would pay you to look at our stock now. It Is no Idle talk that they are- getting higher In price and before Christmas you will certainly ray more than you can buy one now for. We can save you 10 to IS per cent if you will buy this month. Let us have the pleasure of show ing you. BROWN &B0RSHEIM, 222 South 16th Street. Tha Popular Lotion At a popular price the one tha.t heals chapped hands and fane In a single night that's iOOYPTIAN IXJTU8 CKKAM-a 10a bottle of which Is the same slxe as mint other lotions which sell for 2ic and a 26o bottle which holds eight (8) ounces or 4 time as much a the loo six. This Is an slegant article for gentlemen to use after shaving. 7 Child's cigars 25o 7 Cremo cigars 25o 7 I -till an Russell cigars 26o $1.00 Mulydor not $1.00, but 'o $1.00 Orrtne not $1.00. but K0o 6'jc Charles' mesh food 4'M $100 Peruna 7o toe Genuine C'atorla Sto Imitation Custorla Is sold by some drug gists as low as IC10 per bottle. We don't keep It. $1.00 Ileis Malt Whiskey ftlo $1 00 Pure t.'uniidlan Malt Whiskey 76c. $2 00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1 IF Ol T OK TOWN send us a list of your dru wants, KOR PRICES AND SAVE MONET. open all Niainv SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DttUQ STORE Two 'Phone T4T end TOT. let mm Catenate Street, Oaaaha. ALTERATIONS. We make a specialty of altering ladle' Jackets and skirts. Ws also put in new linings, put on velvet cpl- ' lars, reblnd skirts and put on new bands. Let us fix up your walking suit we'll make It look like new. Oome In and talk to us. THE PANTOMUM 407 Eo 15tb St. Tel. 963 OMAHA. PcrflelcTs Cut Prl Piano Co, Bee Bdf R0009 7. Telephone 701 Wiser, trjrUak LoSwIg soallar.