Daily ' Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOUSING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903 TEN TAGES. SINGLE COrY THREE CENTS. The Omaha FIX-THE ALASKA LINE Ibundarj Ctmmiisioaera Take tba Oath of Office at London. Cmericans MAKE POSITION CLEAR Roas'an Oovennieat Ceded a Continnom 8 '.rip Along 8bore LINE CHANGED TO SECURE WEALTH Britain Claim! BoYereigntT After Gold Wai Di'cotered. HOPE TO FINISH WORK THIS MONTH rprn Hare Been Filed by Both pmr (leu to Case and Oral Aranmeats Will Be Heard Brclnalntf Irptrmbrr 15. LONDON, Sept. 3 The Alaskan bound ary commissioners held their first meeting today In the conference room of the Foreign office. Prior to the formal assembling the com- mlnsloners met In their private conference room and selected Reginald T. Tower of WOULD BURN SPIES ALIVE Police Rescue Aceased Meat from Haada at Garaged Itallaa tadeate. ROME, Sept. I. A congress of students which waa held today at t'dlne. nrar the Austrian frontier, was the occasion for another anti-Austrian demonstration, duo to the prerence of student from those Italian provinces still under Austrian rule. Bands played patriotic airs and the hymn of Trieste, while the flags of the four Italian provinces not yet united to Italy were carried at half mnst as a sign of mourning and waved amid Intense enthusi asm and patriotic cries. The mayor of Udlne delivered a speech In which he said the demonstration was a pledge of brotherly solidarity among the free and the unfreed Italian regions. At a certain point in the proceedings two or three supposed Austrian spies were dis covered and a tumult ensued. The alleged spies were seised and tl.reats were made to burn them allv. The police rescued them from the mob after they had been severely mauled. SULTAN BLAMES OUTSIDERS airship did not start Saji tha Trouble in Bulgaria ia Instigated from Abroad. Brake Valve Again Caase Fallare f Prof, Laagley'a F.sperl. mental Flight. WIDE WATER. Va.. Sept. J Efforts to- HE HOPES TO SECURE TRANQUILLITY day to launch Trof. Samuet P. Langiey's sixty-foot man-carrying aerodrome had to Makee Speech Aaalvemary of His Aceeasloa mad Expresses Retard for All Regardless of Race or Religion. THIEVES TEACH LESSON By Taking; Cheap Articles They Show Inefficiency of Devices for Protection ROME, Sept. J. The museum of Naples the Rrltlsh diplomatic service, formerly has sustained a robbery which, while not attached to the legation at Washington important In Itself, Illustrated the ease and recently minister to Slam, to be secre- with which an object of great value mlxht tsry of tha commission. J. R. Carter, sec- be stolen from the Institution. The thief ond secretary of the embassy, and Mr. or thieves boldly pried open the door of rope, a representative of the Canadian the museum, went upstairs to the fctand government, were appointed as the secre- of the celebrated Farnese cup and carried tariee. Lord Chief Justice Alverstone was away bodily two snakes which encircled subsequently chosen chairman of the com- the cup. The snakes, which were of gilded mission. I bronze, were of io areat artistic value It waa announced that oral arguments The cup itself fortunately, was uninjured would commence September la ana Mra I The cup stands on a pillar under a glass Alverstone expressed the hope that they caHe which revolves in order the better to would be finished by October 9. display the cup. The marvel is that one Maanlnrent Conference Room. or more of the objects of incalculable value Tv. . ... I wnn wmcn win room is uuru were noi tic t'uiirrcin B hfiii tit trio j-victa" i . office, where the conferees met, Is the "J '"- Choicest apartment In the British public bullying. It Is a magnificent 'salon, with Gothic celling and paneled walls, and has been the scene of many notable gatherings. It was generally used by the late Lord Salisbury to receive the guests after din ners to tha diplomatic corps At the end of the room a platform had been constructed and on It was a long desk with a blue covering. Behind this desk were six comfortable chairs, which were occupied by the commissioners, whose lie abandoned this evening, owing to the failure of the gasoline motor to work properly. For four houra Prof. Charles M. Manley, the Inventor's rlghthand man, labored hard to get the machinery In shape, but was unsuccessful. The trouble was caused by a broken valve In the engine. CONSTANTINOPLE, the an- When Trof. I-angley at last reluctantly nlversary of his accesslc the sul- called the experiment off the aerodrome tan received in audlem ?" palace the was returned to the interior of the house heads of the religious ..ties and the boat. The inventor then made the follow ecumenlcal patriarch ,vf speech of con- lng statement: gratulatlon. .'".'' - The work of the afternoon hns been a ..nirtn th r.trl. great Disappointment r w m. i iuui tanking tne pam- . ... " .,,,..,1 kv ha sent mr men- iwu irnivrv or u hrnken valve in me momr. -ntrary to precedent. This can be repaired, I think, during the as follows: lorenoon tomorrow. . .v.. wi.r. f th.l nen tne signal waa j""n or "' - population, wltho.it distinction of race or skyrocket from the houseboat to apply the religion. As to the detestable and regret- motVe power to the machine. Trof. Manley tahle deeds to which the patriarch Blinded, 1 . kl. .,.n 2 am convinced that the movement does not lr' " " ," " Proceed spontaneously from the population. Several subsequent attempts were msde. ut Is Instigated -from abroad. Once the propellers were got to going for I hope the measures taken will Insure ., . - , ... ,,, ,.,. tranquillity. I call God to witness the sin- minutes, but the revolutions, instead cerlty of my declaration and that all my of reaching 1,200, did not exceed 600, and aspirations and work are for the welfare tna work was very Irregular. Trof. Man- and prosperity of all my subjects. . wa. . ,,.ht -o-tume when he In rep'y thereto, arch and the othe1 wishes, the suit' spoke at some All my deslrC INDIANS BALE ON TREATY Les Than Half Enough Sign at Boaebnd to Hake Document EffeotWe. DEMAND FIVE DOLLARS AN ACRE FOR LAND Representative Bnrkett Sneeeeda ia Expediting Work oa the Fro peseri Mew Pabtle Balld. ins; at Lincoln. CONDITION OFJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska-Fair snd Cooler Friday. Preceded by Showers in Southwest portion; Saturday Fair and Warmer in West Portion. Temperatare at Omaha -Yesterdayi Hoar. Dev. 5 a. m...... m e a. m J4 T a. m 1 H a. a 9 a. m s 10 a, a TO 11 a. at Ta IS ai TT Hoar. 1 P. ra, 2 p. at. B p. m. 4 p. m. n p. m, p. as, T p. ro. a p. lee. a:i H.'t m NO Tl T 9 p. at TT Turning then to the Bulgarian patriarch. entered the aeronaut's cabin. ITALIAN KING WILL VISIT Prepares to Go to Paris and London Accompanied by the Qaeen. in rn.nanDi.ae n.m communicate ...a wa palf of wnU(, QUck trouMrs H1, Jacket !WHB I'HUUCU Willi Wl 1 " - ' " ' him above water at the termination of the Next, addressing the Creek patriarch, the flight. Attached to his left knee was a sultan sold he rerretted that the Greek watch to register the exact time of starting population had also suffered from the recent nd the duration of the flight. Throughout troubles and declared he would be pleased the whelo or tne trying oraeaj ne appearea to contribute to the m.hscrlntlons belna remaraawy caim. jusi otiore me raised In the patriarchate In behalf of the pected time of the launching. Prof. Langley sufferers. The sultan further remarked that "aid: "If there Is no accident at the he waa very aorry that some of the soldiers houseboat In the launching we hop to aee ho K.n -,,nt,. rst mninrv tn hia nr. a successful flight. The greatest fear is ders and desires. tor the. Immediate launching." The an il tain narannnllif atatiiVA Xf trr CT, manlan, the Armenian patriarch, that hla HEARNE words applied to the Armenians as well as to the people of other nationalities. The porte's note of warning to the em bassies and legations. Informing them that. according to police Information, the Bul garian agitators were projecting outrages against the embassies' legations and public buildings In Constantinople, saying the Ot toman government had taken precautions IN FULl CONTROL Former President National Tnbe Goes with Colorado Fael aad Iroa Company. NEW YORK, Sept. I. Frank J. Hearne, formerly president of the National Tube company, has been placed in full control ,, . , t. tn.tm of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company. Mr, nearnv, who ib bh iu lo w iii jutn ..w,. of the Oould-R.-.ckefeller interests In the ROME, Sept 3. The French government having expressed the desire that the queen of Italy should accompany the king on his coming visit to Paris negotiations to that International reputations emphasised the na are now proceeding. Before the death Importance of the occaalon. ot rP " had been decided that the Elihu Root and Lord Alverstone sat In visit or King victor Emmanuel to Paris missions to do likewise, was issued In con- fim.arn. Af th r.bfrkt . fh T)na1nn em- bassy ot an anonymous letter threatening company, was elected president of 'thej com utrsges at the winter residences of the "" , . . . . , ., directors at a meeting held In this city .Ionian 1-. 1 1 ui.r..-,.i u .i ...u wiau, n ' 1 ' ' u . - . , . . , i xno action upon tne oivioena on mo uwing 10 me mne warning mo nun- i the center. Separata tables were provided for counsel. Canadian counsel were the first to arrive In the chamber. They were followed by John W. Foster, formerly sec- should be distinct from ' that which the king will make to London, In order that Paris shall not appear to be a stopping place on the Journey to England. Now relary of state, and hla assistants, who ,hat the two visits will come close together, were accompanied by Ambassador Choate. th" French government haa recognised the Tha commissioners came In a few min- tiselessnesa of King Victor Emmanuel re utes later and immediately bea-an a private turning to Rome before going to London, conference, which resulted In the selection nd "' change is subsequently made of tha officers, after which they exchanged th klnt of England will proceed direct to credentials and took tha oath reaulred bv fcngiana rrom l'arls. the treaty. Take Their Seats. A few minutes after 11 o'clock the eem tnlssfon toflk their ' seats. Senator Turner the extreme right, then Prof.' Blr Louts Jfett, formerly of the superior court of Que j bee, lieutenant governor of the province of Quebec, and profesxor of civil laws; Mr. Hoot, Lord Alverstone, Senator Lodge, A. B. Ayleaworth. who. succeeded Chief Jus tice Armour of Canada on the commission; Mr. Foster and Clifford Blfton, Canadian minister of the Interior. The ajrents of the respective governments pat at deeks on the extreme right and left of the commission, while counsel and the stenographers occupied desks facing the commissioners. Lord Alverstone, after formally an nouncing that tha commission waa In Res et on, and stating that he had been selected ' president, an honor which ha hlghiy appre ciated, asked counsel when they desired to begin tha oral argument. Sir Robert B. Flnlay. the attorney gen eral, on behalf of th British counsel, sug gested that at least two weeks would be required for preparation, to which Judge Flht Betwooa Flfteea of tha Former ORGANIZE THE JAPANESE CoasaL . at Haaalalsr Calls Tsew 4a Hawaiian Islands o Form ' Asaoelatloa. PONOLULL. Sept. J. The 7,000 Japanese In th Hawaiian Islands are being organised In. one body, with Consul Salto aa presi dent of the society. The objects of tha or ganlzatlon are manifold, it being the in tentlon of the organisers to better the con ditions of the Japanese population In every way possible. One of the chief objects will be the settlement of labor difficulties Involving ' Japanese employes. It Is pro posed to establish hospitals for the Jap arese and schools for the children, and to counteract as much as possible tha ten dency of some portions ot the Japanese population to lead Uvea of Idleness and ignorance. FRENCH BAYONET AMERICANS John M. Dickinson, representing th Amer- loan counsel, assented, though be said th yAmerican counsel would be ready In a week. uora inversions asuea wnvn tne oral ar- aad Foar of tha Latter at Pekla. PEKTNO. Sept. . In a light today be- guments would be finished, and Attorney tween fifteen French soldiers and four General Flnlay suggested October 14, but Americans th French used bayonets and hi loi-dehlp remarked that h thought a tw0 ' th Americana wer seriously shorter period was advisable, and October ""u 8 waa Axed upon. Flv Ifnya Eaa Week. respective embassies last night with steam up, while the British guardnhlp Imogene, with the British, German and Italian am bassadors on board, steamed the whole evening up and down the Bosporus. It is reported that the Ottoman bank has refused further advances to the govern ment for military purposes. Macedonians Eitort Fonda. outstanding, bears Interest at the rate of 8 per cent. This dividend is cumulative. It Is payable semi-annually In September and April, and the August directors' meet lng is the one at which tha declaration ia usually made. Nona of the details of the plan which Is being worked out to provide fresh funds to the amount of 113.000,000 wer taken up at BUCHAREST. 8ept. S. M. Svetkoff. agent the meeting. It Is understood that the here of the Macedonian committee, has plan will be worked out In full detail by been arrested for extorting by menaces of the executive committee before being sub- death subscriptions to the funds of the I mltted to the directors for their approval. revolutionists. The vollce discovered re-1 The executive committee e'.ectea consists ee'Dts signed by Boris Baraoff. the revolu- of F. J. Hearne. John D. Rockefeller Jr., tlonary leader, tor sums aggregating $5,000. j George J. Gould. F. T G!a and, John The Roumanian' R-overnment has ordered I C. Osgood, the frontier officials to register all th Bulgarians leaving Roumania, and to pre vent their return to this country. No News from Tarkey, WASHINGTON,. Sept. a.-For two days Officers elected were: T. J. Hearne, chairman of the board, and president J. F. Welborn, rice president; D. C Beaman, aecretary. Mr. Hearne succeeds J. F. Kebler as president. Mr. Welborn succeeds A. C. Cass. The offices of second the SUte department has been without ana ,hlrd v. resident are left vacsnt, advices from Turkey. The position of tha Washington government continues un changed In regard to the Turkish question. It Is expected that Brooklyn and San Francisco will arrive off Eeyroot tomorrow and Machiaa off Port Said. Maeedoalaa Proclamation. SOirIA, Sept. S. The sultan has ordered the vail of Salonlca to see that all th (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. I (Special Tele gram.) Indian Inspector James McLaugh lin has come to Washington to officially report to Secretary Hitchcock the failure of the negotiations with the Rosebud In dlana looking to the cession of a portion ot their reservation in Gregory county. South Dakota. Major McLaughlin offered the In dlans 12.76 an acre for such lands as might be entered by homesteaders, which was 26 cents en acre more than waa provided In the original bill regarding this proposed cession introduced in the senate and nous early In the last congress by Senator Gam ble and Representative Burke. Of 1,300 male members of the tribe whose signa tures were required less than half were secured to the agreement, the failure to secure the necessary three-fourths being due to the demand for $5 per acre for the land. It Is probable that no further effort will be made by the Interior department to secure an agreement this fall, but it will let th entire matter rest until addi tional legislation can be secured from congress. Representative Burkett this morning called upon tha supervising architect to urge that official to hasten to completion the working plans for the new public build ing at Lincoln. The so-called sketch plans hav been completed and have been ap proved by the cabinet board, and work on the working plans has been commenced. Mr. Burkett was Informed by Architect Taylor that he thought the working plans would be ready early In the spring and that the building could be put on th market at that time. Mr. Burkett thought otherwise and after eome argument Induced the su pervising architect not only to make the Lincoln building special, but put an addl tlonal draughtsman on the work, and It this is done it la promised Mr. Burkett that his pet building will be ready to go on the market the latter part of October. Crestoa Building Aboat Done. The attorney general and postmaster gen eral were today notified by th acting ec retary of the treasury that the new federal building at Creston, Ia.. will be ready for occupancy some time between the 1st and 15th of October. The building Is so con. etructed as to contain, in addition to post office space, court room and rooms for officials of the Treasury department. George M. Barrett, cashier of the Center vllle National bank, was today appointed disbursing agent of the Treasury depart ment to handle the funds necessary to the construction of the new government build ing In course of erection In that city. . Masoa City Papers Briefed. Acting Secretary Taylor today called upon the office of the supervising architect for all papers relating to the controversy Which has arisen over the selection of the site for the proposed new public building at Mason City, Ia. Mr. Taylor wishes to have them all in good order for present ment to Secretary Shaw upon his return, Mr. Shaw having Indicated his desire to settle this case at the earliest possible mo ment. COLOR SCHEME ON THE BUTTON How Street Car Men Tell If Their Vnloa Daea Are Paid Promptly. If observing members of the street car riding public begin to notice within th next two or three months that the con ductors and motormen In charge of the public carriers are wearing union buttons of various hues, they will understand that these are not giving rent to personal taste, but that the explanation lies In th actljn taken at the division meeting Wednesday night If th freckled faced car chaff eur with the tan whiskers changes about the first of the month from a mauve-colored button to one of bright blue, while th pale conductor continues to display th first tint. It is not because th motorraan feels that tha new sign will harmonise better with his color scheme, but because he has promptly paid his monthly dues, while the man behind th car has not The new system makes It possible for a member to tell at a glance whether an other Is in good standing or not. Tho union issues a working card monthly to its members when the monthly dues are paid and these cards have been of different color each time. The same Idea has now been applied to the buttons and th member will now get his button monthly of the same color as ,hls new working card. This system has been tried In New York and other cities and Is said to have consider ably facilitated the early collection of the monthly levy. AMERICA HOLDS CUP Eeliance Wins the Third Baoe of Series with Shamrock ILL BRITISH BOAT DOES NOT CROSS LINE Missei Finish Line in Fog and Comes to it from Other Side. AMERICAN YACHT TAKES LEA0 EARLY Outsails and Outpoint Its Adrersarj from B tart to Finish of Raoe. .i. . SHAMROCK IS HOPELESSLY OUTCLASSED All Parties Concerned Accept Resnll of Last Contest as What Was to B Expected from Former Raeea. Camphell-Baaaermaa Not to Retire, LONDON. Sept. I. In reply to a aues Th commission- aeciaea to mi nv cays tlon regarding his reported Intention to per week, commencing September 18. and retlr from th leadership of the Liberal excluding Saturditys, and to b In session party In tho House of Commons, Sir Henry from U a. m. to 4 p. m. dally, and granted Campbell-Bannerman tonight telegraphed pertalmlon Tor a limited number or repr- I that there waa "no truth whatever In the senUUvea of th presa to attend th sit- rep0rt." Th report was published in the tt'otf. I Edinburgh Evening News, and said his re in eirfler that th presentation of th cases tlrement was meditated on account of the rn,Af Ih exnauativ. it has been arranged continued illness of his wife. that three of counsel for each government hall make arguments, tha British opening I Eaarlneer aad Part ot Crow Lost and being followed alternately oy Amen- tendon. SeDt 1-The captain and a cans and Briiish. th former securing the -.-.in- ot the crew of th Danish schooner Jlvr.Ug of delivering th closing argu- Klampanborg haVe been landed at South i ment Shields. They report that the KlamDen- ,ui..Mlal.-t th.N MmAVM tha I ft. t .... amv -""""" - hnrv vai tiunflAiiA on nr. I na I r I rn n. junction of secrecy on aU document hither. t,ne-r wa kmed fcnd x o( th. cr.w ftr to exenanaea. ana tne, annus waa au- OFFICERS AREN0T GUILTY Kow Jersey Jastlce Derides that Rales of Compaay Wonld Prevent Accident NEWARK. N. J Sept I. Chief Justice troop train are preceded by pilot engine. Gummero, In the Essex county court of The Turkish railroad officials are aald to oyeY and terminer, today announced that have notified the porte that the roads will he had decided to grsnt the motion forha not convey soldiers without prepayment of dismissal of the indictment for manslaugh the cost of their transportation. Iter against the directors and officials of A special dispatch from Rlla, near th the North Jersey Street railway, who were Turkish frontier says a courier has ar- accused of having, by alleged neglect of rived there with a copy of the proclama- I their duties, caused the death of Ernestine tlon of a general insurrection which has I Miller. Miss Miller, who waa a high school been dally awaited. The document Is ad- pupil, was killed with eight others In the dressed to "Our Brethren in Macedonia and Clifton avenue crossing accident on Feb Adrianople," and Is signed by "Th Su- ruary 10. Tho motion to dismiss th In preme Central Government." It begins by dlctment waa made at the trial yesterday congratulating them on the heroic v fight I by Richard V. Llndbury for the defendants. they have already waged. Th proclama- I In Instructing the Jury to find a verdict lion proceeds: I of not guilty the chief Justice said that in Armed only . with vour own strength order to hold the defendants criminally agalitat a mignty empire; againsi Pi"'s responsible It must be shown that they ...... ,l k. . W ..wav s1 unlit rlavhr tmnrl t Lh .h i.hi nl vour inlrlt. vou have failed to perform some speclfio act. This shaken the hateful Ottoman dominion. A I the state had tailed to do, he said. hundred thousand of the sultan s soldiers The cMft jUBUce declared that the rules and an innumerable infidel mob will resist ,,. your sdvance. You have sacrincea every-1 ' ' ....w mm thing before the altar of liberty. Your vll- down to Ita employes, would have been lages were burnen. your ""mes piiiagea, ,umcnt safeguards if they had been car wive and mother- violated. A tiicce-mlon of nea ouc. VH I Ita II a ciiauiiiKiiiD asms a p . 1 - 1 ri!AW, ANSWER TELEGRAMS embraced the ngnc. lour smoxing neartns have strengthened your manliness; the cries of the children and the moans of the women exasperated your souls. From the hn-aiii or tne latneriuna came new cnam- Mom ret. arms: inose wno nave imnsneu. Th hnlv fla- of liberty wavci more proudly over the Star latnenana.' lour enemins are rendered speechless before your hero-1 miming. COAL OPERATORS SUMMONED to Journed, th commissioners, agents and counsel proceeding to the quadrangle. w here they were photographed Th documents covering the American presentation of th case make a total ot about 1.U4 page. In addition there r also two volumes of maps. Th largest f the volumes of text contains th original statement oy in. Amu ... cvo.raw-.uurr.. TOPEKA. Kan.. Sept. I-As a result of a mhll. on of the .mailer volume presents between Attorney General Cole- Owaers af Kansas Mines Called Appear Befor Coart to K Ex plain Combination. th other countries in rejoinder to th Brit' lah case, There also is an extensive discussion of man and County Attorney Hungate. sub poenas have been issued for fourteen Osage county coal min operators. They will be th xtent of the strip along th coast of requl(, to b,for, th. district court the mainland that Russia conveyed to th Vnlted States by th treaty of 1SCT. It ap pears from the document that Great BrltUa conceded that the Una begins at Cap Muson. Th United States contend that It was th Intention of th power which signed th treaty of 1S25 to confirm In full sovereignty to Russia a continuous strip or llsler along th continental shores of th northwest coast of America extending from Portland channel to th Hist meridian ot longitude weat of Greenwich, and that such strip was to be ten marine league meas ured from th heads of all gulfs and other arm ot the aea, unless there waa within thst district a rang of mountain. Th contention is further mad that there is no such mountain range. It also Is urged thst the United State has occu pied this strip of territory ever sine It acquisition from Russia and that Russia liad controlled It since th treaty of IKS, until ceded to th Vnlted State In ltT. Connter atatemeat at tailed Xatea. In its counter statement th American her Monday and tell what they know of th alleged existence of an Illegal com bination among th operators. If th evi dence obtained la deemed sufficient pro ceedings will be instituted against th operator and they will be charged with violating th anti-trust law. President, However, Appreciates tha Spirit Which Prompts 8ead inn; of So Many. nVOTFn TtkT Sin) 1 TrM.n Suu. Ism. The forces f tyranny are exhausted. t .... ,,.v , ,,, . New days have come, one more neroioi" '.z ' strok and the centuries of tyranny will I gratulatlng him upon his escape from the fall to the a-rouna in convulsions or aeam. hands of Henry Wellbrenner. the Insane The dawn of liberty peeps already above the Macedonian uorlson and awaits this tarmer. stroke to uhlne with Its full brilliancy Owing to th large number of these mes on the M jcedonlan land Prepare then . wt b6 unauI, to ,n,w.r them yourselves for this stroke. He at your posts. " .... . , . .. The hour for the battle strikes. The cry but appreciate the spirit in which they of liberty or death will break the chains wer sent. iust"ceVery "d br'n th triumph ot The secret service force has been in- prlBre Hold Coaaell. creased sine Wellbrenner arrest. ... . , Jacob A. RBa. the author, was th only ..A.fU:? r"l at Sagamore Hill today. t (..(. .vn -v t Via ln orlnr rf arx a rA ot Justice waa held at the palara of Euxlno- PACIFIC ROADS MAKE RATES grad near Varna, today. The announce- Araoe Soldier's Widow Case. James C. Kinsler of Omaha was in Wash' Ington today and appeared before th see retary of the Interior and made an oral argument In the matter of the appeal of Anna Bowes, sailor's widow, from the de clslon of the commissioner of the general land office of April 13, 1903, denying her the privilege of substituting a proposed affi davit for one on file Jun 6, 1901, when she made her homestead entry No. 22TS, at th Broken Bow (Neb.) land office. Mr. Kinsler appeared for Mrs. Bowes and tho case is considered of importance, as there are no doubt a great many other entries In Ne, braska and elsewhere depending on the out come. This cas Involve the question of the right of the widow or children of sol diers or sailors to make a homestead entry under the act of 1872, and make final proof without residence on the land; also the question of their right to make agree ments for th sale and disposition of th land before making final proof. Mr. Kin sler say that hundreds and perhaps thou sands of entries depend on the outcome of this case. 5ews af PostolHee Department. Iowa . postmaster appointed: Nau sau, Winneshiek county, Oleana Nassett, vice M. Waldrum, resigned; Oswego, Wood bury county, Shelton 8. "Brown, vice B. F. Bayne, resigned. Rural carriers bppolnted today: Neb raska, Aurora, regular, Noah H. Faith; substitute, Chester H. Tilth. Iowa. In- dlanola. regulars, Samuel A. Montgomery, Eimer A. Sbutt; subr'.'tutes, Frank Cool. E. M. Russell; Onawa, regular, B. Hamlll; substitute, Kent Crawford; Oskaloosa, reg ular, Oliver Ken worthy; substitute, Harry O. Kenworthy. ' These Iowa rural route will be estab lished October 1: Glldden, Carroll county, one additional; area covered, thirty-five square miles; population, 130; Hardy, Hum boldt county, one route; area covered, forty square miles; population, (20. SHEDD MAKES ST. LOUIS TRIP Assistant Seeretary Nebraska World'a Fair Commission Visits Scene of Exposition. Assistant Secretary Shedd of the Ne braska commission to the Louisiana Pur chase exposition is in St. Louis on business connected with the exposition. Upon his return the headquarters of the commission will be temporarily transferred next week to Lincoln, on the state fair grounds, to remain there until after the close of the fair. The commission office will be closed here during the interim. Nothing Is being left undone by th com mission for the very best presentation of Nebraska's resources of all kinds at the exposition. It?rs are being received dally from the special committees ap pointed to look after the sheaf grain ex hlblts and grass exhibits, a well aa agrl cultural products of all kinds. The com mittees report the utmost Interest being taken throughout the state by all classes of prospective exhibitors. This Includes wot the farming industries alone, but other manufacturing Industries of the state. It is now believed that Nebraska will require all space offered It In the several buildings for exhibition purposes. Th exhibit of com will be exceptionally fine, as the very best exhibits shown at the state fair and at the annual corn show in December next at Lincoln will be displayed at St. Louis. Time ot Rape. Outer Start Murlc Reliance 1:01 :M S:40:J5 Shamrock III 1:U2:M 3:51 :4i Shamrock III did not finish. Flnlsri. 6:30:02 HILL ON COMBINATIONS Former ew York Senator Denounces Traats Which leesr Monopoly of Baslness. (Continued oa Fourth PageJ ADMITS WOODMEN OF WOR.LD Loa. Fight for Privilege af Dola Baslaoea ta llllaal I Ended. SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Sept S -(Special Telegram.) Acting Insurance Superintend ent Vredenburgh today licensed the Wood men of the World, a fraternal Insurance organisation with headquarters in Omaha, to transact a fraternal Insurance business in th stat. When Colonel James R. B. Van Cleave waa lusurance superintendent let refused to grant th society a license because It had refused to comply with the requirements of the Illinois laws. Th society baa now compiled with all these oondJUoaa. Independent Action oa Part at Allied Lines for California Baal aesa This Fall. ment of the result of tha deliberations is anxiously awaited here. More lighting Is reported from th district of Pebre. The Turks attacked the revolu tionaries at the village of Dam be hi and both sides suffered heavy losses. A com- SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. J. The Southern pany of Albanian troops passing through I Pacific, Union Pacific and connecting roads the valley of Kltschero was slaughtered by revolutionaries. Th Turkish troops recently made an attempt to take a pass occupied by insurgents through the valley of th Sateska river but were defeated with great loss. Balcariaa Band Defeated. SALONICA. Sept. t-Hllml Pasha. In spector general of Macedonia, has tele graphed from Monastir that th Bulgarian band was defeated September 1, between Kllssuia and KastorU, with heavy loss. The remainder ot the band Is being pursued by the Turks. Another band was defeated the katue uay near Venexlanogratsko. and thirty of the Insurgents ware killed. Another band of sixteen rebels wss de stroyed near Kllnlk.1 LONDON. Sept, . The Daily Mail cor respondent in a dispatch from MoiiaiUr. August U. tell of an Ineffectual effort he (Continued oa Second Pag.) har taken Independent action In tha mat ter of colonist rates to California this fall and announce that they will put them Into effect on September 15 and dally until November 30. It la expected that this ac tlon will result in very heavy travel to California during this period. NO INCREASE IN DEPOSITS Secretary Shaw Says that Money Will Bo Held la Treaaary for Pre seat. HANNA IS AT HIS OFFICE Ohio Sesslsr Leaves lek Roam termlaed ta Take Part la Cam pa la a. De. CLEVELAND, O.. Sept. J Senator Hanna was at his office for a brief period today for the first time since hla llk.eas. Mr. Hanna is still determined to go on tha stump In the republican state campaign which opena September 19, notwithstanding that It will probably b against th advice of bis pbyslclana. CHICAGO, Sept. 3.-The published re port that government deposits In National banks are to be materially Increased Is declared by Secretary or the Treasury Leslie M. Shew to be unfounded. Secretary Shaw today made the following statement: I notice some newspaper accounts to the effect that 1 am about to Increase deposits of money to the extent of lio.tvu.Ouu. It is true I have M'J.uO.wO available for deposits If conditions should hereafter render it expedient to make so large an Increase. For the present I am accepting only ap plications for small amounts that havo been on fl!s for several months and am confining tnese to agricultural district. NTACK, N. T., Sept. S. Former Senator David B. Hill addressed 6,000 persons at th Rockland county fair In New City to day. Regarding combinations of capital Mr. Hill said: I do not find anything In holy writ which contemplates the accumulation of wealth through the Instrumentality of gi gantic trusts designed for the creation of monopoly In buHiness. or anything that authorises the watering of any stock, ex cent live stock upon our fsrms. or any thing that Justifies tha enrichment of men except through the old-fashioned and scriptural method of earning that which they shall possess. The tremendous com binations of capital which have formed In recent years whereby the prices of living hsve been Increased; the multitude of schemes which have been devised to con trol the channels and avenuea of trade the unreasonable restrictions which have been Imposed by statute upon our com merclal freedom in the pecuniary interest of those who style themselves the rap tains of Industry, are the modern creations of able and designing men Intent upon vast and unearned riches, and are neither sanc tioned by scriptural injunctlonsojnor csn tney De juaunea oy au iwueai anu un selfish public policy. HOLDERS SELL THEIR COTTON Condition of th Crop Is Improved aad th Prlc De , ellnea. NEW YORK, Sept. .-Not lnc th ex citing days early in the bull campaign has there been anything to equal the confusion which attended the publication of the gov eminent statement of September condition reported In today' cotton market. The figures, 1.2, reflect an Improvemen in the cordltlon for the month of 2 4 per cent, and are 1S.1 per cent abov those of laM year. The statement proved better than generally expected and waa followed by a rush of liquidation that carried price off sharply. Earlier In the day the market had shown a declining tendency and price at noon were about to IS points lower. In less than ten minutes after the report waa read September sold at 11.13 cents, October at 10.30 cents, December at 9K rents, and January at S.S2 cents, these being net losses ! of from 13 to 16 points. Then rea'lzlng by early sellers relieved the strain and led to slight recovery, with the market very Irregular and unsettled. NEW TORK. Sept. I.-Rellance. the American cup defender, today won the third and final race and the aeries for that famous sea trophy, America's cup. In a dense fog, which prevented vision beyond 200 yards, the defender finished the race at 6:30:01 amid the acclamation of the as sembled fleet. Shamrock III, after running for more than an hour In the fog, misled the finish line, passed by It and then returned to It from the opposite direction. As Reliance was then being towed through the fleet the yacht ensign fluttered from Its truck and spreaders In celebration of its victory. Shamrock III did not cross th finish line. As often aald of tho historic race when America won the cup, "Ther waa no second." This successful race wa achieved only after four futile attempts to sail eff the final race and after the outcome had been admitted by even Sir Th'tnos Llpton to be a foregone conclusion. Today's was the eighth attempt to sail a race. After one fluke Reliance won the two following races, one by 7 minutes and S seconds and the other by 1 minute and 19 seconds. A week ago today the first attempt to sail the third race failed ond others have failed every day this week. On the first occasion Reliance led Shamrock to the finish line by two miles, but failed to reach it before the' expiration of the time limit of five and a half hours. Today's victory means that the cup Is destld to remain In America until England Is able to pro duce a genius equal to HerresholT in yacht designing. Finish Was Spectacular. Rarely, If ever, has there been a more spectacular finish than Reliance's today. After racing for r.ore than an hour at terrific speed through a blinding fog. Re liance burst through the wall of mist upon the vision of tha spectators on the fleet assembled at the finish line, and, heeling under a treat bellying balloon jib topsail uotll its lee rail wa awaslv flew across the finish line almost befor the spectator could determine for a certainty that It was the defeifder. Once more th Tankee boat had added to the long string of victories In contests for the honored old silver trophy that carried with It th blue ribbon of th sea. A fleet of less than thirty vessels went down to the familiar waters of th interna tional course to witness this fifth effort of Reliance to cover the course ot thJrty miles within the time limit. It had become a race of the American boat agair.st time In stead of a contest of two well matched crcft. When they rsched the lightship a gentle southeast wind of five Vncts, that barely vrinkled the surface of the sea, eave t ut faint promise that this wa to be the final day, but a hlft of the wind to the south shortly after noon revived the despairing hopes cf the yachtsmen, for It tlew away the alsty haze which had been hanging over the course nee the steterly storm of last week. Th rsgbtta commit tee waited until the last moment to send the boats away nt 1 o'clock. After which hour it had been agreed that no race . should be started. Signal were displayed to Indicate a windward and leeward course of thirty miles, south and back. Barr Sustains Rapatatlon. JEALOUS W0MANA MURDERER Call Object af Her Hatred ta the Door aad Shoots Her Throaah a Bcroea. DENVER. Sept. 3 Mrs. Theodore Kruse. wife of a bookbinder, was shot and killed today at her home by Mrs. Kate Melner. The murderess wa arrested. She de-llned to make any statement. The cause of the shooting is supposed to b jealousy. Mrs. Krua was attending her t-months-old baby when called to the door by Mrs. Meiner, who Immediately fired through th wir netting. ediately fired J Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. 8. At New Tork Arrived: Germanic, from Liverpool; Pretoria, from Hamburg; Cal labria, from Marseilles. Sailed: La Lor raine, for Havre; Mongolian, for Clasgow; Frelderlch der Grosse, for Bremen, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At (jueenatown Sallid: Majestic, from Liverpool, for New York; Haverford, for Boston. Arrived: Commonwealth, from Boston, for Liverpool, and proceeded. At Liverpool Sailed: Canada. for Roston. via Uieenatown; Pretorlan. for Montreal, via Moville. Arrived: Saxonla, from Boston. At Glasgow Railed '. Carthagenla. for St Johns, N. V., and Philadelphia. At Brow head Pa ed: ('"mmnnwealth. from Htoi. for Liverpool; Victorian, from New York, for Liverpool. At Hamburg Arrived: Pennsylvania, from Nrw York. At Plymouth Arrived: Augusta Victoria, from New York. At Cherbourg Arrived: Augusts Victoria, from New York, for r'lyinouth and Ham burg, and proceeded. At Nantucket Lightship Pasae1: Bar- barosa. from Bremen, (or rw lora. The duel between th skipper begsn at the sound of th preparatory gun and con tinued through a series of brilliant maneuvers in which Captain Barr again proved his splendid seamaru-hlp by out generaling Captain Wring until th boats went across th line. During the fifteen minutes before the starting gun Captain Barr held the British boat under hi le and for most of th time blanketed. He never relinquished the windward position which Reliance held when th preparatory gun was fired. Ten minute later when both boats were heading away from th line Shamrock luffed and forced Reliance about, whereupon both headed .for th line. On th way to It Reliance held th chnl lenger under ita lee partially blanketed. Al ternately luffing and keeping away Captain Barr prevented Shamrock from getting away from him and across th line, but two minute after the starting gun and at the sound of th gun Indicating the expiration of tha handicap, Captain Wringe luffed Shamrock across th stern of Reliance and the two, boats went across th line to gether. Detail of th Race. Tlie sky wss clear and the slanting rays of the yellow western sun were painting a beautiful marine picture with the two yachts as center figure when at 4:20, with almost half tha cours to be sailed, a thick bank of fog came rolling In before a south east wind and enveloped Shamrock In a gray mist that shut her off from view. Th official starting time was: Reliance, 1:01:56; Shamrock. 1:02. Shamrock III actu ally crossed the line at 1:02:03 and suffered a handicap of three seconds. Both wer heading seaward but as Re liance from th le bow of Shamrock was backwlndlng her headaalls. Shamrock III promptly whirled about and headed down the Jersey coast. Reliance held In for a minute and then followed. The maneuver placed Rellanc to wlnward but astern of the challenger. They went off at a awlft pact in a freshening breese. Captain Wringe attempted to outaall the defender by giving his boat a good full and letting It romp awy at a fast clip, whll Cptaln Barr pinched Reliance close to the wind and cleverly nursed it toward th turning mark. Shamrock HI t first footed faster, but Re l'ance more than made It good by outpoint ing It. For more than an hour they ssiled on that tack down past the shore of Sandy Hook and th Highlands of Naveslnk to Seabrlght, and during all that time Re liance stesdlly worked up to tha windward of th beaten challenger, outpointing and outfootlog It at th earn Urn aad passing