The Omaha Daily Bee. x ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 11)03 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Belgrade Hears that Citj at Boene of Trouble it in Fl&mei 'Destroying the larger bridges Leader laitructei to Isolate Adrianople from the Sovtb Ooait. SULTAN BECOMING MORE AGGRESSIVE Turkey Will Attempt to Force Decisive Bute on Insurgent. PROMISES TO RUSSIA NOT PERFORMED Ot Trrenty-Fonr Officers' Who Wr to B Drnov4 Sla Only Arm Dis missed aad Others Art Promoted. VIENNA, Sept t The Belgrade papers tonight are again spreading sensational rumors tliat a portion of town of Adrianople baa been blown t i, " that the other part la burning. No 'ft,, -nation of these reports Is obtainable he,V . CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 1 Ao , Sk vnvrnmAtil avliu Pnlntial T n 1 1 f . ' Insurgent leader, who, with a stro. following;, ia operating southward ot Demotyka, has been entrusted with the taak of destroying the larger bridges of the railroad running from Dedeagatch, on thj south coast, to Kulellburges over the Marltxa railroad so as to cut off com munication with Adrlanople from the south and delay the troppa who are on their way to the threatened city. The government believes It has taken measures which will bring about a speedy and. It Is hoped, decisive battle with the Insurgent forces commanded by Colonel Jankoff. The ports has rent a not to the foreign . mbaaslea and legations Informing them gMhat according to police Information the Bulgarian agitators are projecting outrage against the embassies, legations and other public buildings In Constantinople. The vote says the Ottoman government has taken precautions and requests the heads of the foreign missions to do likewise. Plans to Master SHaatloa. The palace officials were In constant com munication with the authorities at Adrl anople throughout Monday formulating p'ans to master the situation In the " l!ayet. - The crowds which witnessed last night's Illuminations here In honor of the an niversary of the accession of the sultan were not ao large as usual. The police recently have been exercising . great severity toward the Mussulmans suspected of Inciting trouble In the disturbed vilayet and have arrested and banished large numbers. While the Rus sian squadron was In Inlada bay no less than 143 Mussulmans were expelled on ac count of their unconcealed hostility to Russia. SOFIA. Bept. I The Bulgarian agent at TJskub reports that notwithstanding the Ports'- fr-ojnftev-ott oecaarurt c mf Russian demonstrations In Inlada bay, to dismiss twenty-four officers accused of malpractice by the Russian and, Austrian consuls, only nlna of them have been dis missed, while soma ot the other have been Riven higher poets. Rossta Will Hot Meet Rebels. The Insurgents in tha district ef Adrian opto appear to be less active. The Turks are pouring In In an overwhelming force and the revolutionaries are taking refuge In tha mountains. The Bulgarian leader. Gerglcoff. haa been wounded and baa fled to Burgas, Bulgaria. Tha Russian govern msnt has declined to receive tha visit of tha deputation of Macedonian fugitives in Bulgaria, who proposed to go to St. Peters burg and Inform tha czar of the pitiable condition ot Macedonia and beg for his formed that the Russian government deems the visit quite unnecessary, aa It quite un- derstands the purpose ot the deputation. The Insurgents, it la reported, have cap- .ytured tho seaport of Ahtaboty. bear Vast. Niko, on tha Black aea. and the Turkish population haa Bed to Constantinople. The msnt at tha captured seaport and are giv ing ships their clearing papers and sanitary certificates. Resort at I'prlsla Heated. The report published )j tha Dtievnlx of a general uprising In northern Macedonia Is denied both, In official and revolutionary circle. Well informed persons, however. assert that the report was car roc t, but that lis prematura publication disarranged the plana of th revolutionists and therefore It Is denied. According to reliable reports from Monastir thousands of Bulgarians In that vilayet are confronted with famine in addition to Turkish persecution. Peasants who are continually arriving from Mona Stir oomplaln of tha attitude of Hllml Pacha and tha Turkish atrocities. The news Is published her ot an eight hour fight which occurred at th village of Omllovo, August M, between tOO Insurgents aad eight battalions of Turkish troops supported by artillery. Thirty-five Insur genta are reported to have been killed, while sixty Turks were killed or wounded. On th following day tha Turks returned and burned the village. Seven other vll lages In th neighborhood are said to have been burned by the Turks. According to a Balonlca dispatch of Au gust 31. th Bulgarian foroe sustained a serious loss at Bmllovo, August 23, when ).one of them were said to be killed, whe th Turkish losses wer Insignificant. Fraae Is la easy. PARIS. Sept. t Th r-fflcUla of th French foreign office express considerable uneasiness at th action of the Turkish government In sending Albanian troops and militia Into the. vilayet of Koetnvo, Mace. donla. The fact Is that while the powers are Insisting that only regular troops bs employed In suppressing tho Insurrection. ' . ' . w " . j ... Turkey la making every effort to evade the j spirit of tha understanding while fallowing It to the Utter. King Interested I B Is aria. VIENNA. Bept. -.Although during his visit her King Edward has not sought a private conference with Premier Count Goluchesky, it la believed that th Balkan trouble hav been th subject of discus sion between th king and th Austrian emperor. It Is pointed out that Count Oulurheeky and th Austrian minister hav attended th numerous imperial func tions in King Edward's honor. It transpires that Prince Ferdinand's mother. Princess Clementine of Sx Cnburg. cam her from Hungary on Mon ' day purposely to see Kmg Edward, aud .. that th letter's visit to Prince Philip of ftaxn-Coburg at his palace yesterday was tCoatlaa4 oa BecoaA Pages) TWENTY-NINEJLIVES ARE LOST Eiplmlnai on Aaatrlaa Steamer Kill Captain, Members of (rfir aad Piatf num. CON'STAXTIXOPLR. Sept. 1 Three ex plosions occurred today on the Austrian steamer Vaskapu soon after leaving the Bulgarian port of liurgas, enroute for Con stantinople by which twenty-nine persons perished. The vessel caught fire and had to be beached. A telegram conveying this news was re ceived by the aent here of the Huhgarlin levant line to Thlrh the vessel belongs. The telegram said the Vaskapu had been destroyed In the ltlack sea. The captain and officers of the steamer and six of Its crew were killed, a total of twenty-nine lives being lost. The Vaskapu sailed from Varna, Bulgaria, and after calling at Bur gas, steamed through the Black sea towsrd Constantinople when the three explosions took place. The deck of the vessel took fire and she had to be run ashore st MIs erova bay, eighteen miles north of Burgas, where It Is still burning. IXJNDON. Sept. 2. In a dispatch from Vienna reporting the destruction of the steamer Vaskapu In the Black soa the opin ion Is expressed that the Bulgarian revolu tionaries were responsible for the explo sion. ITALIAN DEPUTY ACQUITTED Cowrt Holds Korlallst Editor ot Re sponsible to Individuals for General Remarks. Rk . Bept. S. The trial of Deputy Ferrl, the editor of the socialist paper Avantl. on a charge of libelling the navy brought against him by thirty-five naval officers, Including Commander Cagnt, the companion of the duke of Abruzxi on his Arctic expedition, concluded today. The hearing, which had lasted three days. aroused Intense excitement. The affair arose out of the failure of Deputy Ferri to obtain a parliamentary Inquiry Into the navy and his subsequent attacks on It. The trial was marked by violent incidents. demonstrations and arrests, the troops be- ng called out. Tho court late tonight de Uvered Judgment In favor of Deputy Ferrl on the ground that the officers were not entitled to bring a suit against the de fendant in virtue of the accusations which ha brought against the whole navy. CHOATE GIVES A DINNER His Gaesta Are Boundary Commission. rs and Chief Jostle of Great Britain. LONDON. Sept. 1 Ambassador Choate tonight gave a dinner to Chief Justice Al- verstone and all the boundary commission era. Judge John M. Dickinson representing the American counsel, and Robert Flndlay and Sir Kdward Carson representing the British counsel. Chief Justice Alverstone tomorrow will be chosen- chairman of the commission which will assemble In the cabinet room of the Foreign office. An adjournment for a fortnight then will be taken to allow coun ael to prepare their oral arguments. Three counsels on each aids will address the com mission. There Is a flsposltlon on the part otttf 71 sT MVNwntsgWntet s' t ftaarrnttir cmT- elusion of the ease and 1t Is now believed the award will be rendered In the middle of October. STATE TO AID PLANTERS eeretnry Chamberlain Approves Flan of Jamaleaa Government to Assist th Destltata. KINGSTON. Jamaica, Sept. . The gov- arnor announced this afternoon to a dele gation of banana planters Colonial Secre tary Chamberlain's approval of the pro posal that th Colonial bank should Issue loan of $50,000 on government security In aid of the estates which suffered the great-. est devastation by the recent tornado. The governor also foreshadowed extensive re lief works to be established by the govern ment to provide work for the unemployed and destitute. The colonists are dlasatlsr fled with th attitude of tha imperial au thorities, but regard the methods employed as simply temporary. AGUINALD0 GIVES ADVICE Urges His Coantrymea to Halt Gambling- and Bead Their Chll drea to School. MANILA. Sept i Agulnaldo, th ex-rev-olutlonary leader, but now a pronounced supporter ot the policy maintained by the United States In the Island, has just ad dressed, a letter of advice to his country men. In tbls he urges yiat they forsake gam bling; to Improve their methods of agricul ture and to attend the public schools ro generously provided to furnish them educa tional facilities. MAY GOELET IS ENGAGED Beaotlfal Amerlraa Heiress Is to Marry th English Dak t Roxburghe. LONDON. Bept 1 The engagement Is announced of Miss May Goelet to the duke of Roxburgh. The duke of Roxburgh is now th guest of Mrs. Ogden Goelet. mother of Miss May Goelet. at Newport, R. I. Board t laqnlry Adjoaraa. MANILA. Sept. t-Th board of inquiry Into th charges of cruelty formulated against Major Robert L. Howie through Major Hunter, has commenced its hearing and has adjourned. It will later consider the arguments offered on behalf of both Sides ot the rase., at the close of which records will I sent to Washington for final adjudication. Hopes to Hastra Aetloa. . . . .., , , 1 terday s unofficial session of the Venezuelan arbitration court has been drawn up by Secretary General Rulsxeiiaersd and will b forwarded to th powers Interested. It la hoped It will hasten action so as to per mit a definite opening of the case about October 1. Me ilea a Velvano la Active. MEXICO CITY. sVpt JL-Colomlns. vol cano continues Intermittently mora active. Monday there was a terrllc retort and the people in Tuxan rushed out of doors In a panic Scientists believe th mountain will change its shape radically. New Ministry for t hill. SANTIAGO. Chill. Sept. I. -After a fort night' work President Raisoo has formed a new ministry, headed by Rica rdo-Mst ta per. It Is th aams political complexion as tha 1st ministry, . ARMY OF ME PHILIPPINES Nebraska Secures a Place in the Lilt of National Officers. BIG CAMP FIRE HELD LAST NIGHT Addresses Were Delivered by Gov ernor of the State, General Hale, General Kins; aad Many Other Notables, ST. PACL, Minn., Sept. t Veterans of two wars today marched shoulder to shoulder through streets thronged with thousands anxious to do them honor. Swarthy, stalwart and alert, the soldiers who saw service In Luson formed a sharp contrast to the grlzxled old veterans of Gettysburg, Shiloh and a hundred bloody battles of the war between the states. The day for the great parade of the Army of the Philippines dawned cloudy and with threatening sky, and shortly before the parade started a alight drlsxle began to fall. Nevertheless, the program was car ried out and, headed by General C. McC. Reeves, as grand marshal, a column of about 1.000 strong marched through th downtown streets. The parade was led by a platoon of mounted policemen. Then came the Twen ty-first United States Infantry under com mand of Major Hunter Leggett followed by the Tenth United States field battery under command of Captain Ridgeway. Two little squads of members of th Grand Army of the Republic called forth the greatest applause accorded any organic' tlon. Soldiera In Line. The third division consisted of the Tlrst infantry of the Minnesota National Guard. The fourth division also consisted of the stat National Guard, being composed of parts ot the Second and Third lfantry and tha First battalion of artillery and the boys brigade. Then came a dosen car riages containing Governor Van Sant and staff and several officers connected with the army headquarters. Then followed what was perhaps the most beautiful tea ture of tho parade the living flag com posed mostly of little school girls. The Society of the Army of the Philip pines, under command of Brigadier Gen eral Hale, was the last division, but by far the most Imposing. At the head of It rode General Hale, General King and Colonel Metcalf. They marched well and were greeted with cheers and waving hats all along th line. General King- Is Presldeat. At th business session this afternoon officers were elected as follows: President. Genera: Charles King of Wis consin; first tie president Colonel J. W Pop of Colorado; second vice president Captain C. K. Locke of Colorado; third vice president, F. M. Schutte of St. Paul; fourth vice Fiesldent. Captain H. A. Crowe of Pennsylvania; fifth vice president Colonel W. 8. Metcalf of Kansas; sixth vie presi dent. Major D. Fairchlld. Jr., of Iowa; sec retary, A. E. Fouts of Missouri; treaa urer, A. E. White ot Illinois; chaplain. captain James M. Mallley of Nebraska. The reunion came to a close tonight with a rampflre at the People's church. Gov- arnor Vaa Bant mad an address Yd behalf of the state and General Irving K. Hale. retiring president' responded. General Hale spoke. In part' as follows: General Irving Hale said In part: The society is rapidly growing in Indl- . mum lut-mufimp, ana. more important in me organisation of numerous local camps. It is founded on a Just war. with honest administration and a glorious result to all concerned, In the most unique experience lu the history of the nation. Service In war Is but a duty. Involving no greater courage than many of the deeds of peace. For every hero in war there are a iijuun-u in i-ivu nie. u-very man with the riirht stuff in him should hn hit.r kinder and more patriotic for having rervj bis country as a soldier under the flag. A year ago we were smariinr fmn. mosqulto-like attacks on the Army of the i-nuippiiira oy lonow patriots and states men in tnis country, some from sincere but mistaken motives of humanity and others from political demagogucry, using mo Minir k nun io assassinate tne aa ministration In facing Its duty and respon sihillty m the Philippines. aut tne army round valiant defenders In its commander-in-chief, the president, the secretary of war and the treat ma J Jority of the people. Today the mosquitoes mi" prac-m-niiy exierminaiea, as the American people have always eradicated unjust traducers of the American soldier m tne perrormance or ms duty. Investigation has proven that the Im proprieties committed In the Philippines were remaraaoiy lew unaer tne provoca tion. and that the army, in the face, n maddening hardships and difficulties end exasperating treachery and savagery, has conducted a war so humane In general tha It has astonished the ohervers of foreign nauono ana even me nupinos tnemselves. The developments also established tha the country haa followed the only possible course with deency to ourselves. European Inhabitants of the Islands and the masses of the Filipino people, and tht th results have been and will continue to be benenoent. Whether or not the constitution tech nlcally follows the flag, that flag, wherever It floats, has brought and alwsys will bring humanity. Justice, civilization and rood government. Chaplain Mallley mad 'an address, and Informal talks were given by General .King. General Reeves, Colonel Metcalf and others. SILVER FOR PHILIPPINES Kearly 1,000,000 Take from Phi la delphla Mlat im New Tark tr Shipment. PHILADELPHIA. Sept 1-Under escort of a strong guard 10.165.000 silver coins, aggregating 1928.650 were shipped today from the United States mint to New York, where they will be placed on board a steamship and taken to Manila. The coins were packed In 430 heavy wooden kegs, each weighing W pounds when filled. The ship ments comprised 210,000 pesos, $106 0 0; l.GOO.OuO fifty centavos, Sl.400.000; I. 0.000 twenty centavos, IJ35.0OO: 1.609 ten centavos. 117,500; 230.000 five centavos, U.123; 4.0jO on centavos, 13,400; f SO, 000 two centavos, 12.13. It was officially announced the further coinage of money for th Philippine Islands would be temporarily suspended until th mint employee catch up on the coinage of minor and subsidiary money for the fall trade In the United States. DRAINAGE TUNNEL FINISHED Water la Maay Mines la Cripple Creek District Will B Lowered. CRIPPLE CREEK. Cohx. Bept S.-The drainage tunnel that will drain many of the principal mine of the camp below their present lowest workings was com pleted today. It is 4..U70 feet in length end cost approximately fO.000. Work was started January Z3. The portal of the tup net Is near the Intersection of Arequa gulch and Cripple Creek, at an elevation of .7C feet and about feet below the water level. The objective point of the tunnel is th fiu-fout Itvel ef th 1 Paso NOTED INDIAN ' CHIEF DEAD Passlasjr Away Marks Last at the Old- Timers of the Kicks Tribe. GERMANTOWN, Kan.. Pept. 2 (Spe- Inl.) Ke-wa-ko-uk, the aged chief of the Klckapons, Is dead and his body was laid to rest with Imposing ceremonies. His passing marks the last of the old Ime chiefs on the reservation. Only a few of the aged men now remain who will have an Indian burial. Little Flmon succeeds Ke-wa-ko-uk and there will be no change In the tribal rela tions or In the policy nf conducting the trlle. Little Simon Is not of the old race, but younger and mors progressive blood flows In his velr.s. The dead chief wss F4 years old. Al though he retained hie mental faculties, up to the day of his death, his hulr was white as snow and he, for weeks prior to the end showed unmistakable evidences of de cline. He had lived peaceful and quiet all his life and he was beloved by all his tribe. Although he refused to follow the customs of the whites, and was proud of his rsce. he was none the lees progressive and he had amassed a comfortable fortune in iands and cattle. His funeral was attended by a large con course of Indians and not a few white people from the surrounding country, who knew the dead chief and reflected liltn. His last resting place Is built above ground after the fashion of the Indians. The body Is Interred, but above It Is erected a framework which will mark the grave as the resting place of the true Indian. The ceremonies at th grave were con ducted In Indian tongue. LUtl Simon made th principal address. OFFICER IS JN CONTEMPT Illinois State'a Attorney. Fined aad Imprisoned for Disobeying Order f Court CHICAGO, Sept. 2. In a habeas corpus case growing out of the arrest for the second time of Walter B. Hoyt on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses in defiance of an order f Judge Cavanaugh In the criminal court, the latter ordered the arrest for contempt of Assistant Slat a Attorney Bamett and sentenced him to ten days' Imprisonment and to pay a fine of 150. Thomas J. Howard, detective, and Officer Louis Houlillon of Cincinnati were also committed for ten days. Hoyt was charged with being a fugitive from Justice and upon the hearing of the habeas corpus case the officers attempted to serve a governor's warrant upon hlra In the court room, although -warned by the ;udge not to do so. Assistant State's Attorney Barnett explained that he had advised the arrest of Hoyt upon the ex ecutive warrant. "Yon assumed that the court didn't know wtwt he was talking about and advised th officers to act in defiance of the, court," exclaimed Judge Cavanaugh with spirit "Mr. Bamett, al though you are a friend of mine I can make no exception In your case. I will sentence you to Jail for ten days and' to pay In addition a fin of fco. ' ALLU, MINES .WAY .CLOSE. Mlssonrl Operator Act as a t'nlt la Dealing' with th Miners. KANSAS CITT. ep. J.-AH the 1,000 coal miners In Missouri may become In volved unless the 000 men In the Novlnger district return, to work promptly. Thay went out against the orders of President John Mitchell and In violation of th Chi cago conference, and the operators may re fuse to enter the conference soiieduld to be held hero on September 10. If the operators should decline to confer further it is predicted that it will tesult In th closing of all the mines In the state. Judge John C. Tarsncy, owner of cne of the Idle mines In tho Novlnger district is quot ed aa saying: All the mines of the district will be run ning In a few days or none of them will be. The miners will find that they are dealing with the entirety now and not with Indi vidual operators. President Mitchell Is act ing in good faith, undoubtedly, and now it Is only a question of his power In the af fected district James Mooney, th local leader who Is re sponsible for the present strike, incited the miners to quit work in order. It Is said, to show his defiance of President Mitchell, whom hs haa previously opposed. TROOPS FORCRIPPLE CREEK Sheriff Makes K He nest, bat Busi ness Men Ask, aad Colorado Militia Gathers. TENVER, Sept. I. Thr seems tonight to be a likelihood of the Stat troops be ing ordered to Cripple Creek tonight or to morrow. No definite statement from in official source has been given out to that effect, but it is known that a large num ber of militiamen have gathered at the armory In this city, and Governor Peabody, Adjutant General Sherman Bell. Attorney General Miller and Judge Maxwell of the Colorado court of appeals havs been In conference for several hours. General Bell stated this evening that a committee of mine owners and business men would arrive tonight from the Cripple Creek district to confer with the state officials regarding the calling out of the troops, but up to 11 o'clock they had hot put in an appearance. Sheriff Kob-rtson of Teller county has not asked for troops, but It is understood that an appeal for protection has been made to the governor by business men of the district, and th attorney general holds that this Is suffi cient to warrant the governor In acting. ASKS FOR AN ACQUITTAL Attorneys for Arrased Street Car OfH. ials 4rgue Motloa on Testi mony fur Stat. NEWARK. N. J., Sept. t At the con clusion of the testimony of the last wit ness for the state in the trial of the street car officials Mr. Llndabury for the defense moved that the court direct the Jury to find verdict of not guilty. Argument was opened Immediately by Mr, Llndabury. In asking for the dismissal of the cane Mr. Llndabury said that the claims that the defendants had allowed th car to be so crowded that the motorman coutd not work his brake had cot been upheld, but disproved,- as It 'had been testified by the state witnesses that the motorman had room sufficient. It had not been shown that th defendants had any knowledge of the crowding of the car. He argued that the state had failed absolutely to show that there was ny connection be tween the acts ot the defendants and what bad occurred. Justic Guru mere reserved deciaiua ba th awlkoD until tomorrow. WANTS RURAL MAIL ROUTES Congressman Burkett Interviews the De partment Officials. SAYS THEY WERE PROMISED AUGUST I Als Anxious to Knew Why Nothing Has Yet Beea Done Aboat New Federal Balldlng at Lincoln. (From a Suit Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. i (Special Tele gram.) Congressman E. J. Burkett of Lin coln Is In Washington, today. Representa tive Burkett comes to Washington upon a number of matters before tho departments which have accumulated during the tlm since congress adjourned. His chief mis sion, however, is to labor with Fourth As sistant Postmaster General Itrlstow regard ing some sixty rural free delivery routes which his constituents desire established. The routes were petitioned for some months ago and had practically been promjsed peti tioners to be put Into active operation on or before August L "There Is some dissatisfaction through out my district and in fact In the west generally." said Mr. Burkett, "over restric tions In th rura; free delivery. My con stituency is located in ono of the richest farming regions of tho west and we have had a taste of the great benefits derived from rural free delivery and are clamoring for further extensions. We were promised practically about sixty additional routes to be put Into operation August 1, but there seems to be some hitch over the matter since General Brlstow took charge of the rural free delivery business and this la on of the chief reasons which brings me to Washington. I desire if possible to secure additional rural free delivery serf loo for my section. "Another matter of considerable Import ance to my city, Lincoln, which is dragging along. Is tha new public building. The last congress authorized a new building at Lin coln and our citizens are naturally anxious to see th project started. 1 Intend to call upon tha treasury officials to see If plans cannot be hurried along." Mr. Burkett has numerous smaller mat ters before several departments and will remain in Washington several days. May Extend Treaty Tim. A th time limit for ratification of the Panama canal treaty approaches there Is renewed talk that the United States will I extend the time. Tho original time set for ratification was September 22, but the belief is growing here- that the State department may decide to extend the time thirty to sixty days In order that further diplomatic correspondence may be bad upon the points at Issue between the two governments. Mr. Cromwell, attorney for the Panama Canal company, la confident tha time limit will be extended It necessary. He says this can be done by cable, and he will not consider the treaty lost until midnight September 21, has passed, with no appeal for an extension of the time. "It is difficult to concelv how Colombia could fall to ratify a treaty with terms as favorable to Colombian tnterets as those In the measure now under consideration." said. Admiral Walker today. . "It la .mpos- sioie to ten wnat win come of the rego tiatloiis. of course, but three weeks Is a lng time and may bring about marked changes in sentiment of the Colombian con gress." Land Withdrawn front Entry. The secretary of the Interior today or dered to be withdrawn from all forms of disposal whatever th following de scribed lands In the Rapid City 8. D.) land district: South half of section 13; southeast quarter of section 14; east half of S, and all of 24. 26, St and 8. of township J, rang 4 east; also the southwest quarter of IX, west half of 19 snd west half of 31, of township 9, north of range 4 east The land thus withdrawn will be used as a reservoir site In connection with the Belle Fourch irrigation project, tnd era' braces In tha neighborhood of 5.JO0 acres. To Improve Kavy Yards. Estimates for Improvements snd expend! tures at the navy yards named have been submitted to the "chief of the bureau of yards and docks, the figures having been prepared by the civil engineers attached to the yards. The total for Boston Is 11,080.800; for Portsmouth. N. H.. $3,680,000 for Norfolk, Va., $2,518,000; for Washing ton, D. C. $2,316,197; for League Island, Pa.. $3,734,347; for San Juan, Porto Rico, $2,617,180. and for Mar Island. Co!., $1,039,300. Th Mar Island estimates In clude tha following items: Improving chan nel In Mar Island strait 11SO.O0O; wharf at dry dock. $100,000; additional steam en glneerlng building. $150,000; new anchor and chain shed, $1C5,000. Tim Clock Company Inder Fir. Several employes of the Bundy Time Clock company of Blnjrhamton, N. T., whose alleged contract to supply clocks to the postal servlc has figured in the postal investigation, were examined here toda,y by the Inspectors. They were closely questioned regarding the accounts of the company with the government and the transactions Involved In the supply of the clocks ui.der the alleged contract with the Postofflce department. Th government takes the position that no contract between the department and the company existed, as the document purporting to be a contract lacked the essential requirements, and therefore no abrogation Is needed. No more of these supplies are being purchased, the department explaining that no more are needed. The grand Jury was In session to day considering postal cases, but adjourned until tomorrow without action. Close of Spaalsh Wsup. Acting Secretary of the Navy Darling has decided that for purposes affecting de serters from the navy the Spanish war ended December 10, IK'S, the data of the signing of the treaty of peace. This con clusion disagrees with a ruling of the War department to tha effect that the war was not closed for administrative purposes In that department until April 11, the date of the exchange of ratifications ot th treaty. Sew Counterfeit Baak Note. Th secret service has received a new counterfeit $20 national bank not on tile , Mechar,lc, National bank of New Bedford Mass. Th series is of 1SS2, check letter B, charter No. 743, Bruce register, Wyman treasurer of the United States. It Is a good photograph on plain paper, no fibre; num bers, seal and panel of back tinted with thin colors. Colorado Army tbaplala. Rev, Daniel 11. Fleming of Leadville, Colo., has been appointed a chaplain in the army. He Waa chaplain of th First Colorado volunteers In the Philippines. Mr. Fleming Is an Episcopalian. Prwlers Fir CRIPPLK CREEK. Colo. fcVpt.. ? Prowlers tired upon tha guards at Kl Pas mine last night and th guards returned . the fire. u en was uuuxto. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Thursday snd Cooler In Southwest Portion; Friday Fair. Temperatar at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Ilea-. a a. m M 1 p. m M) H a. m ...... 2 a p. m HI T a. m U1 a p. ni s t a. n H.'t 4 p. m l a. m A p. m 111 s. 0 TO p. m HO It a. m T3 7 p. ia II n TT p. in TS O p. im T3 MAYOR SAYS IT IS "POLITICS Chief Eiecntlve Proaonuc Wright's dbjeetloa t Thomas Oraad- stand Piny. Th appolntmont of B. T. Thomas r. second assistant city attorney brought forth another protest from City Attorney Wright. Mr. Thomas was at the city hall yesterday, but did not enter the Icgnl department He told friends who asked hln that he did not know what move lit would make to get Into a coigr. of vantage where be might perform th duties ot tha office. Mayor Moores says that Mr. Wright's protest Is a grand stand play for tha bene ft of his democratlo constituents. Tho mayor says: "Mr. Wright desired the appointment of A. O. EUlrk. and had Mr. Elllok been named by me you may be sure there would have been no talk about there not being- work enough In th office for a third attorney. As a matter of fact there Is work for a second assistant to perform, and as soon as the new tax sale law goes nto effect there will bo much more. The objection Is due to politics." City Attorney Wright's statement Is this: "The appointment and confirmation of B. F. Thomas as second assistant attorney calls for a statement from me. I have not asked for a second assistant 1 do net need one. It Is a new office and Increases the expenses of the city when the funds of the city are more than exhausted. 1 have already called the attention of the council to tha useleesness of this office. Mr. Herdmsn has not only cleared up all the work of the tax department of this of fice, but Is daily asking for mora work. No officer of the city hs ever had to wait on the !egal department. No matter referred to me by the council or any head nf a de partment has had to wait beyond the next meeting of the council, except when It was held for good reason other than for want ot time. "I am not the guardian of public ex penses, but I cannot allow such reckless and unnecessary use of public funds in connection with my office without calling attention thereto. I have never objeCed to Mr. Thomas on account of his politics and I do not now, but I have personal reasons for objecting to him which even the mayor admits are good, snd because of those reasons I cannot allow him to In any way Interfere fn city business. Tha legal department needs hUn no more than a cat needs two tails. So long as unneces sary offices are created and filled solely for political reasons this c)ty may expect to run behind as It haa been doing in the past. 'I appeal to the taxpayers to assist in keeping tho expenses of this city within Itsslnoom." - . AUGUST MAKES WET RECORD Heaviest Recorded Precipitation Fell Darlac th Month that Has Jast Passed. Th Intelligent general public has had a notion all along that this month of August was a wet August, and now comes the monthly meteorological summary of Fore caster Welch to give the people the satis faction of an official corroboration of the sens of touch which told them that their feet were wet. During the month 12.50 Inches of rain fell. Now the good govern ment has kept a record of 'these things which the weather has or has not dono during the past thirty-three years; prob ably that there may bo some means of de cision when two or more of the oldest Inhabitants lay a bet on the great storm of '76; and never has there been known such a precipitation during the eighth month a marked the last August In 187S, 7.77 Inches was reached and three olher times the figure waa less, yet more than 7. August 26 was s day that you could wring out over a desert and dispel a famine; a day that given a fair chance, could shrink all the red flannel that ever was made Into shirts; for on that day 4.63 Inches of water fell, Th following day was wet with $ Inches, on th 25th, 1.44 fell and the first day of the month was showery with 1:15 Inch' June 1 wa had accumulated a deficiency since the first day of the year of 2:01 inches but we ars on tha way to success now. The mean temperature for the month was 72 degrees; the highest. t2 on the Sid; the lowest 54 degree on the 31st; the great est dally range 23 degrees on the 3d and the least day range, 7 degrees on th 29th. Th mean for August during 33 year la 74 degrees. The prevailing direction of the wind was south and the total movement 4,874 miles, the maximum velocity having been 35 miles per hour from the southwest on the 24th. Th total preciptatlon for the month was 12.5 Inches the average for August for St years being 1.56 Inches; the accumulated excee since January 1 Is 1.27 Inches. There wer I clear days, 13 partly cloudy, and 9 cloudy. NO DANGER FROM INFECTION Physician flay Bodies of Persoaa Dy ing from Coatagloas Dlseaa Map n Traasported. MILWAUKEE. Sept. t.-Dr. 1". O. B. Wlngat. secretary of the Wisconsin State Board of Health, said today that a move ment wus on foot among hazg'.g masters, undertakers aud boards of her.lth providing for the enactment of laws permitting the transportation of bodies of persons who have died from yellow fever, cholera or bubonic plague, heretofore barred, to any place In the country- I;r. Wlngat says the art of embalming Is so perfect that no danger from Infection would result. Movements of Oeeaa Y easels Sept. II. At New York Arrived: Leguria. from Geneva and Naples. Sailed: Philadelphia, fur Southampton: Rotterdam, (or Rotter dam und Boulogne; Teutonic, for Mverpool. At Liverpool Arrived: Nordland, from Phlladelrhla: Oceanic, from New York. Sailed: llavorfoid. for Philadelphia, vlu (JueenRtown. At Southampton Sailed: Deutschland. from Hamburg, for New York, via Cher bourg. At '.Jueenstown Sailed: Auronls, from LJveroool for New lork. At Antwerp Sailed: Pennland, for Phil adelphia. At Philadelphia Arrived: Rhynland, from Antwerp. At I herbourg Billed: Deutschland, from Hamburg ana Koutnampioti lor rw torn. At South mnton Arrived: New York, from New York. At Hung kong Arrived (previously); Ix.thlan. from H-n Franclscol Glyuipla, Irwn Tampa and Yokohama. SHAW TALKS FINANCE Telia National Association of Mercuist' and Traveler About Currency. REASONS FOR COUNTRY'S PROSPERITY United States ProJuoes and Consumes More Than Any Otber Nation. HISTORY DOES NOT ALWAYS REPEAT Secretary Recalls tbe Change iu Pubi c Opinion in Ten Year. WHAT THE PEOPLE NEED AT THIS TIME Yelntne f Moaey Mhnald Be Mad Itcaponstte to varying trands f Uuaiaesa In All Pari ot I ulon. CHICAGO. Sept. I.-Two hundred bus! ness men from all pints of tho country listened to Secretary of the Treasury 4haw talk on tho buslm as outlook at u, banquut given tonight at tho Auditorium hotel by the Naiiomil Association nf MerchrutU and Travelers, J. Gauc utldreatcd th associitUon on tlm sjmc subject J, 1st be fore his rctir.mer.t r;iun tho froHSiiry de partment. In his discussion Kecreii.ty Shuw de clared that what vu needed was not an elastic dollar, but some provisions by which. amomaiiciiUy, th aggregate vol ume of dollars should Increase whi never and wherever r.iore dollars were iiecdotl. and would as promptly tetlre when not needed. Ills speech In full follows: A representative of a laiite metrnnolliun uully recently submitted the following q.iestlon as the basis of an interview: Hits the boom left the I tilled ntute richer than it found It?" Tho honor was declined, hs usual, but I could not help contemplating a tew facts. c omuare the fol owing w th available lj- tlstlcs covering any former period nnd there can lie but one answer to Ihn nronoal- tlon. Our furicH produce I4.iai.0ou.wi. Hav these lands leeoino sterile or their occu pants indolent? Our &cu.Cinn factories ud.l 5,eno,OOe..(M) In value to $JW.0to.aK),uw.' of raw ,ia:eriai, ana weir net ouluut. exclns it of duplications. Is more than iS.WK.ouu,i0'. Have these hives of Industry been con ronied by Urn elements? Six million ireratlves in these factories nnd work shops annually sign payrolls akgre Rating tt.&'O.ooy uuO. Have these artisans be come paralysed or have their wages leen reaucea? our mines, guorrles, clay banks and oli wells yield H.lK'O.OOO.OoO. Are these storehouses of wealth exhaimted or their capacity dlm'.nishei? Our 2ot.u0u miles of railway transport tt00.0O0.CCO tons of original frelsht, not including duplications, snd pay Win.cOO operatives, exclusive of officers, OnO.tAO. Are these thoroughfares of com merce In tne hands of receivers, or are they likely to be? , Why We Are Prosperous. As nearly as con be estimated th Lnnusl productive capacity of the American people is Sll.OuO.uoO.Ouu. This does not luciuu du plications. Tills does not include raw cot ton and manufactured cotton; but raw cotton and the value added thereto In tne -process of manufacture. Of this we export il .500,009.000. and import ll.OOO.OOO.UH! ot other merchandise, mainly noncomuetttlv with our own products. W therefore, oon stime the equivalent of 95 "per cent oi alt., we prodtfce:--Nrir--nileli condition. continue will prosperity ceaoe. . we are the most prosperous people in the world becftUH we both produce and consume more than others. The little th it we sell abroad, about 10 per cent of our net production, and th little we purchase abroad, e or. 7 per cent of our net consump tion, constitute no challenge to the state ment that our prosperity rests with our selves. 1'nlcKs our :a.'iorl and work shops . voluntarily close, or labor volun tarily refuses employment, or .otl.nero voluntarily ceases its activity, there Is no occasion for elarra. Unless apprehension be-omes epidemic and ultra-conservatism contagious, the Immediate futuie holds for us hs much of real good as the Immediate paiit has showered v. ton us. Chang la Tea Years. To those who are comparing 1903 with WW. snd who think hUtoiy likely to repeat itself every ten years, permit the soggoaUoit of a few radical tllifercnces n conditions, fen years ugu, whether wisely or unwisely, whether with or without foundation iu ract or reason, a very jarge number and of that number many cloao students of commercial and Industrial conditions, believed our then financial system not only unsafe, but abso lutely vicious. At leaat four kinds of money 1'niled States notes, treasury notes, silver dollars and sliver certificates were believed to be dangerously near depreciation. Grave doubts existed, and were froely expressed, whether the. secretary of the, treasury cou.l l maintain the parity of these forms of money If he chose, and equally grave doubts existed as to the wisdom of attempt ing to maintain their parity. Aye, a very respectable number of very good people an l a very respectable portion of a very good public preos. openly udvocated the redemp tion of greenbacks in silver nnd the re fusal to exchange goM for sny form of money except gold certificates. No such doubt or desire now exists. By express statute It hits become the duty of the sec retary of the treasury to maintain the par ity with gold of all forms of money coined or Issued by the government and express authority Is given to negotiate loans. If netessary, for that purose. In olher words. ine Hecreiary or me treasury la uirectcQ to exchange gold for any and every kind and form of. money coined or issued by the 1'nlted Slates, iind to bond the gov ernment to the lust limit of his authority whenever sucn action is recessary to the maintenance of parity. A man Is a fool who sends his mousy into lilJ'ug new. What la .tv Seeded. It Is true that a very IcnoectuLle num ber of very good poople, and oi that num ber 1 desire to le cutstd, la heve our linanclal sstetu. gootl us it Is. might to improved by uddiuy an element or elas ticity, i ao jioi iii:iik mere exists any sieat number who believe we should havu any Intl-Uui). K.glu yuura sgo wa i ad til per capita. Now wo have certainly mors man tweuiy-nine and probably nearly I hilly Ltollais per capita. Conservative biiliies nien and conservative bankers do not generally toumuer (his an Insufficient normal minimum .volume of currency. I repeat the only criticism now offered re lates to the want of elasticity. Not that a dollar can be iniulo elu.ilc, but that tho volume shaJl be ir.ade r-upoiiHlvr- to the demand of b'JaineH. Of course tho term is a misnomer, i'.laalic material .'lk rub ber will expand la ono dirociloo, but It contracts In the opposite direction, vv: ll tlie material, the volume, is tin liter in creased or diminished. What U neeJed ia riot uu clastic dollar, hut g"mo provision by which, automatically, the aga-iegale volume of d dlnti. 1,'iail increahe wlu;r.eer and wherever mom dollars are needed, and wUI as promptly rviiru when not needed. There Is now n . atutulory prohibition against the well-nigh Inherent right nf banks to ixsue clrcul.ttln; notes. This rig'it exists throughout the 1'nlted 8iat-s, but fcithjcct in a tax of U per rent, per an num. Th! tax la prohibitory. If I were given auilorliy to formulate a meahur mat would provide the requisite elasticity to our present cuireiicy sHtem, I think I should add un amendment permitting na tional banks, with lb consent of the comp troller of the currency, to lasue a volume of circulating notes equal to J per cent, of their iMHid-securecl circulation, ut a tax of i per cent., 'the same to be retireJ at will or by dire, lion of the comptroller, by the de posit n( an equal amount of lawful money with suv suhtreasury. (feet oJ Emergency t'nrrency. Three things I know. First, this addi tional circulation would spring Into exist ence almost Instantly whenever and wher ever interest ral-s advanced to the polul of profit. Second, it would as promptly re tire wheneer interest rales became nor mal. Third, it would be absolutely at as good as the picbcnl national bank issue and with a d'aht and Immaterial cflatige Identical in form and appearance tor the government, amply protected bv the S pet cent tax. wouid underwrite it. But you say this is emergency currency. Anything mors is Inflation. It tins the advuntar., how ever, evsr emergency currency o-UAaid,