TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. (?EPTEMREIt 2. 1903. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES will bo takea atl i IX a. Ia the IMC ealtlta aad atatll " 30 v. aa. far .,.!. .4 ....r adltl... late. 1 l.2e a ward flrat UMrlloi, la at nr thereafter. Nethlaar takes far less thaa 3o far tha first laser llaa. Thesa Trlliniti a oat ha ra eoaaeeadvely. Adtfillafrt, by rea. Seat lag a a sa bered aheek. eaa kT aaawera dressed ta aa sabered letter Is, vara f Tba . Aaawara aa addreaaed will ba gellvered aa araseiatatiaa of the a beak aaly. SITUATIONS WASTED. WANTED By young mnn of rood address and experience, position aa bookkeeper; bank preferred; good reference. AdOress L69, Bee. A M BMx CUSTOM CUTTER AND TAILOR from the esst, with 20 yearn experience In line tailoring. Addreaa M 20, ilea office. A 406 Six WAITED NALB HELP. FALL TERM beptembeh 1. Pay and night. Boyles College Ni, tUHK Ut'li. iiU-gi. BUSINESS. SHORTHAND, AiPEWRiT ISO, KNULH51L T Apply for Catalogue. B 146 WANTED, for United SUlca army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 16. citizens of United States, of food character and temperate habits, who can (peak, read and write English: For in- lormaiion apply to recruiting otticer, lttn and Dodg Hts., Omaha, and Hastings, WILL give a worthy young man or woman a paid-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business college, to be paid for when c-jurse la finished and position secured. Auureoi a 3. tico. u uv WANTED, experienced window trimmer. 4. L. Bi andei at Sons, Omaha- B M533 WANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffs Steam Dye Works, 1016-1017 West Broadway Council Bluffs. B M723 WANTED Good messengers. A. D. T. Co. 213 S. 13th. B 133 WANTED, at once, good contmaker; also ,- good tmntmakur; -steady work the year around and good pay. Denlson Clothing . vo.. yenigon, ta. . a iao 4 MEN wanted to learn barber trade; our catalogue explains how we teach It quickly; mailed free. Call Moler Kurber ' vouege, 1302 Douglas. - B-MJO n WANTED, experienced dress goods men. Apply mornings at lt , o'clock. J. Hranaels Bona. B M338 z SALESMEN, to call on business and pro fessional men by Introduction and request only; must engage with view to perma nency; hare good address and executlvo nullity and be capable of presenting in forceful and convincing manner, a strict! high-grade proposition; preference given to men irom 2d to 45 years; compensation, 4,000 annually. Call or write 1124 National J-ure Plug., Chicago, ill.. B Mm 6 WANTED, two collectors and solicitors, well known In the city, nil Bee )mg. B M-taa Sx WANTED, a man to work from our wugon. o. x . Auams at oo., mm uowara. B-M491 TINNERS wanted". Cole Brltoford Hnrd ware Co., Council Bluffs, la. B M194 3x WANTED A young man from 1 to years who wanta to learn a business ot " specialties and looks for advancement . and steady work. Must write a fair hand. Address. M 30. Bee. R 497 2 WANTED A first-class black dress goods salesman. Dry Goods Department. The Bennett Company. , B 500 3x EXPERIRNCED crockery salesman. ' Ad .dress M 2, Bee.- ' B 601 1 A CLERGY or ex-clergy; denomination Immaterial. Must have special ability in raising funds for benevolent purpoees. Good position. See A. C. Hon" at Paxton hotel Thursday evening, September 8. B 5021 WANTED, man with push and energy to . travel In Nebraska; salary and expenses; establishing trade; aome collecting; ex perience unnecessary; references. Ad dress Secy. John Card, 704 Star building, Chicago. B M5U 2x TRAVELING salesman to Place In the large department houses In Omaha and sur rounding territory two or three "specials" In petticoats for a Boston house on com mission. Only those having trade already entaMlahed need address Caro Mfg. Co., 133 Sumner at... Boston, Mass. t B ME1S Ix WANYED, LABORERS FOR M., P. RYJ IN SOUTHERN KANSAS; CANVAS MEN TO TRAVEL WITH CARNIVAL CO. THROUGH OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY AND . NEW MKXU iV BWENEY CO., LABOR AGENTS, 309 B. 1ZT11 Hi'., AND lUii FARNAM ST.. OMAHA. B MulS 4 WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Glrla, Call Canadian office. 15th Dodga. C tHJ .WANTED, girls for light housework; family or two. Aaareas 4 u, oee. , o Alb7 WANTED, competent .' girl tor ' general housework; three In family. Mr. Harry vvuuuwaru, auui rtuuo, - J Wf) WANTKD Eperlenced salesladies In un derwear and hosiery .departments. J. L. uranaeis ac nona, oinana. . . - u M53J TWO young women to take a couse of training in umm-t loreuca Sanltiirlum Addreas Dr. W. L. Rosa. 2121 Lake St.. Omaha. . ax YOUNG girl to assist at general house work. Inquire 127 Suuth 2cin St. C Milt 8 w i i m.L compaieni gin for general nousewora; unea Hi lamlly. 20oi Call- IUJIUK BLIOVU , V llS IX GIRL for general housework; minister's ianuiy, gtuju wages, uit urant street c .s-:x GIRL for general housework. References requires, airs, n arren BWltaier, 2t4 St. aiary a avenue. .... (J 4l 1 wui or good addreas to go south, travel and take orders for ornce supplies. For mivrviiw auureaa aa a, nrt omce. - I ' 4J-M4S3 tx WANTED; good girl for general housework. m., si. O M4.s 8x WANTED, at once, young girl to heln 1 iajiilly of two. AIW Jackson st. C M4R7 8x WE WANT two educated women to handle the Stoddard lectures; will make very favorable contract with rlfrht partlfa; 'call "n''yi iminj. u onuman K- t'o, 631 Paxton block. , C 1 WANTED TWO rlarilng room glrla: 4iS per imiii, , vwiu nu nKising. Auaresj, com merciAi ioiei, juc.ook, xvcu. C-5C8-S WANTED Girt for im a at u Ave. general housework. v; 4 1 WANTED, first class millinery makers at Hayden Bros. Inquire maitager mllUnery u.imi iiiicki. VJ M017 8 WANTED, girl for general housework 1S08 vt euaier at. O M51S FOR RENT UOISES. tirl ICCC In all parts of tha city. R. I1UUJLJ C.Palare at Co., Lea Bldg D um pAYNE-Bt)STWlCK CO., choice houaoa. ul-ouA New Yoik Life Bldg. 'PUoue lulu. D Wu WE MOVE pianos. Maaaard Van A tltur. age Co. Tel. la. Othce, lili Webater St , . D fibs HOUSESl?. FUetrv'i J? I U H FOK RENT, a neat S- room house, all mod ern exeept furnace. $1. C. M. ll.Hlnnann, i& tt Paxton block. D M136 HOUSES, Insurants. Rlngwalt, Barker Plk. D 7 FOR KENT, goo4 karsv Inquire ilt Hurt. D-Ma $ ron REST MOUSES. COMPLETE houae f urnlshlngs for elght- romn house for sale. House for rent lo cated In the mot deslrahlo block on Ueor gta ave. L. U. Doup, 1307 Nicholas at. 1 M614 S HICWM, modern, rra Dewey nr.j D-746 530. COTTAGE, 2506 Franklin at. D iS ONE i and one g-room cottage, large, beau- imii grounds; no furnace: 14 ana 4-'' and 4.JI0 Nicholas st. Key on prem ises. King wait Bros., Barker block. D-1U TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage v.o., omce ioii tunam, or leis. jsn-rM. U WB MODERN HOUSE. LARGE TARD, 4TT5 North 24th at., two blocks north Ames ave.; S rooms, new plumbing, furnace, first-class condition: also barn. MU UU. North weHt corner 2Mh and Jackson sis.; I roumi. modern, .iao.un. &20 Booth 24th si.; 6 room cottage. $17.60. OEOROE & CO., Ib01 Far nam st. D-MlJi sT NINE-ROOM house, modern. 22X Harney D 1W street. FOR RENT, No. 10'J So. 80th ave., 11-room brick, full cellar, cistern, oak floors ana llnlali; furnace and all modern. In best condition. No. iai Ho. 3oth ave., 10-room, completa snd mortem, finest appointment and fin ish; possession September 1. Inquire on premises. D M121 FOR RENT 2684 Harney St., desirable modern house of rooms In first-class re pair, f.15. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam st. D-M110 1401 JACK8ON T rooms, modern, 125. GARVIN BROS., ltKH FARNAM STREET. u an gig N. 418T AVE. li-room, modern, oak flnish, two baths and closets, good Darn, S4. 1506 Blnney. S-room, modern except fur nace, lis. Wallace, brown block. FOR REST FIRXISHKD KOOS1S. DSvVBX European hotal, 13th and Farnam. at o ROJfAL HOTEL, European, 16th fc Chicago $1.00 to 2.0O per week, 422 So. 18th St., one block soutn oi courv nouse. v NICELT furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundry, 60 leavenworth. thona A-1783. K-40S AETNA HOUSE. European. ISth aV Dodge. NICE cool room, modem, very reasonable; gentlemen preferred. liS N. 17th. M O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. -703 VIENNA HOTEL, K01 FJ RX1M9, 81 50 per week and "P-,,8 h5.te4 131 Douglaa ,st. B M48o Sia NICE rooms, day or week. 16?S Howard. -K M608 S16X NICELY at. furnished room. 161S Cuming E M1M) tax MODERN . rooms, front, avenue. . . . 2019 Bt. Mary's E 161 SX' FURNISHED ROOMS Fine rncatlon, ern detached li.ue. steam neat: rei mod- I ern detached luiuoe. aieaui ""'v.V.Jril able, 2218 Farnam st- nm-n ROOMS, furnished or partly furntshed 624 N. 20tn. , " LARGE.. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. 812.50 and up per month. eOo and op a day. .. AT THE DELLONE, . . . i n. r.n fAl AVA general catna bju iuui"i"o"v service. ' . . . Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DOJjtR lua "-Yd..!, . .nit 7v. .-.n :.trA3rt vtirmanen room: bciiio 1 1 iinr nauseaeepina . . . on worth;, best modern fiat In city. Ad- dress. M 28. Bee. . E-607 IX FURNISHE0 ROOMS AND BOARD. CENTER HOTEL. European flan. 210 I. 17th.. BOARD and room; furnace. (2R S. 19th St. F 158 BZiX FIRST-CLASS room tf.0' per week. Inquire 2tK N. 22d st. F 157 B3X ROOM and board. reasonable. S408 Cass. F-MWl 5 Tel. AZSiu. UXFLRSISHED ROOMS. TO 4 steam heated modern rooms. Phone. "IS., -cloa. In, best partof t tele- own. G M508 3 Address M s. neoum. FURNITURE PACKINtt PETERSON It LUNDBERG. US So. inn. Til 1 VJ FOR RENT-STORES AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole stories aJil nrst-claa cemented basement, sale, purpose! , v elevator, nr ana ourif pu. olflce counter and fixtures, i or price and particulars Inquire C. C. Ronewater, see r.i.rv the Bee Building Co.. room luO, Bea bullOlna;. . . 1 M567 UI VJUA aaw w pled by The Bee at l Farnam st. It four atories and a' basement wblch inrmu-!. aMd aa Tlia Bea press n This will te rented very reasonably. aunlv At otllca of C C. Ri water, aecreiary, room 100. Baa building. , , . A 2oi MTfllf mntn tar MnL SM Pajttnii block. E iiiimw AGENTS. WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to liiaj TWENTIETH CENTURY rAKUlia, Steady employment with assured good ir cumiL Aaents In the country wltn bums and bugtiy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 860 to $luo per month. Ad- dtesa Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, omaaa. tx EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few men are wmwi ujr iu. umwu ivuum. Lite Insurance Co. Correspondence in vited. J. M. Edinlston tt buns, general agents, Omaha ana i-incoin. J-M325-ep. S AGENTS WANTED, In every city and town in tba state, to Introduce an entirely new 25-cent novelty; can be sold In every family; no limit to output or money to be made with same; good seller for fairs snd carnivals. Alpine Supply House, B. Clark St., Chicago. J-M41I 4x COX1 N COX 1 N COX 1 N-COX I N-COXI N Only preparation for developing photo rriiphlc plates and films In daylight; nrnt salt" Ixindnn, 2&".tnH flasks; Investment re- oulred $foo to $l.Uio; company does aaver. twin furnishis office: growing buslrM.: Meadv income; nrofitn satisfactory; flask! two sires. 6Pc and $1; secure agency at on.-e. Humnhrey tt Co.. U Wall at.. New York . J ' WANTED TO RE.VT THREE to 8 unfurnished rooms for houne. keeping, close In. gas and bath.. Address M is. Bee office. K Mlx9 2x I CAN NOT supply the demand. If your bouse la vacant or you eliMtot ta have one llkt with me. F. D. Wead, UU Ixxiglas. K-M.4 8 WANTED TO ktUl. WANTED to buy, soma good dental chairs. Union Dental College. N Me4 WILL PAY cash for 40 to 80 acres within 15 miles of Omaha. Addieas K 62. lire office. . N-Mlvl WANTED, to buy, a farm of It or 20 acres, more or leas, aJjoiulng Omaha; one with aoed improvements preferred. Will pay caali; stale price, kind cf Improvements I null lanu. Addreas ttux i. kh niaa,i. Neb. , N Mil Sepuz WANTED, to buy. rlote to Omaha a few srrea of land. Kasper Coat Co., 14th ani A llliRm i-ts N Ml 14 FOR S tLE FIRMTIRE. Ft'l.L litis of bard coal atovaa now aa sale CUKaau curiutura Co.. 141 Dodse Bt. O 1& DO YOU READ THIS PAGE ? SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE. THAT'S WHY YOUR AD ON THIS PAGE WOULD INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS. FOK SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait:- first-class re pair wrk. 11. Frost. 14tn and Leaven worth. P-yo Monrob aeiia pi 16th St. isure vehicle! at Ml N. P-TU FOR SALE, t first-claps buggies; war ranted; a snap for somebody. Call at 20 Leavenworth. P M3M FOR SALE MlftlkLLANKOlS. tX)R SALE, secondhand locomobile. In Urst-cluss shape, at one-half price. Call or address, lui Farnam St. Q U4 at 1 FOR SALE, a new twO-ampere, double-pole switch; never teen used. Apply to or ad areas "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." y MioJ TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timbers; unlcaen Iince; oak piling. Hul Douglua. I IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Ancnor fence CO., m n. ith St. W 716 CATALOGUE rut drug pricks free. Sher man at MoConnell Drug CO.. Omaha. Q-71S FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either pasnenger or freight; com plete, iron guide posts, cage and wire en closure. J. L. Brandela at Sons. y Wt INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Farnam. ti-714 kDHAND safe cheap. Derlgbt, lilt Farnam. SI ill ICE for sale In car load lota. Addreas Lincoln Ice Co., Lincoln, Neb. Q M716 FOR SALE, thirty-three thousand, four rundred and ninety-seven sharfe Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten cents a share if taken q.ilcK. inquire i. . van uorn. Hoard or Trade ouuaing. m m-ui FOR BALE Coal huaineea. Capital required. K,uuv.w. j , xee. vr NEW and 2d hand typewriters. Ult Farnam. U 'II BLACKSMITH TOOLS 1720 8. 13th St. U M17Z 3X 180 LADY'8 BICYCLE, half price. Addrees M 31, nee omce. y m ,.hi 4X CLAIRVOYAHT9. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN aC clairvoyants; tvary tning toiu; paat, present ana future, bat isfactlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. S 720 MME. LUCRETIA, medium. 1709 Callfor- nla. S 310 Six CONSULT MADAME MONETA. on business and matrimonial matters. She can surely satisfy your mma on everything that Is doubtful to you. All letters with stamps answered. lo22 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb. S 474 lx ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baUia. 118 N. 1& 3d floor, r.t im PERSONAL, VIAVA, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment lor disorders of women, i ree booklet. Vlavl Co., an Bee Bldg. U 728 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Ihe uood Samaritan Sanltaxium, 728 1st ave., Council Blurts, la. v-m MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. U-724. At druggists, XL 6URG EON -CHIROPODIST. 612 Bee bldg.' : U-7i PRIVATE hospital before and during con venient; tMbies ooaraaa and adopted. Mrs. Gardela. ZiU Lake. Tel. Bed-14. U 72t DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns ar.d superflu ous nair removea oy aiecmcity, jk. i ana s, ata i arnain st, . . u 72 PRIVATE hospital before and during eon rneineni; dwi meoicai care ana nursing. jars. u. r tuner, jam vinion. let. xws. . U-72S WB RENT sewing machines at 75c per wera, t per munin; we repair ana sen parts for every machine manufactured; second-hand machines 85 to 10; second hand macnines from 81 to 10. Neb. Cvcle Co., loth and Harney. U Mi62 WANTED Will pay 85 to party furnishing present aooreas or Arthur W. Bond, who uvea at . z;in St., om.iha. In 1S93 J. V. Daugherty, Witchlta, Kan. U M484 Ex OMAHA Dye Works, 1516 Howard, fashion- a me cleaners,- dresses, suits, cloaks, dra peries, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpet a u M Bep-tl PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch, 8625 California St. Terms reasonable. U 495 DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease and Irregularities of women, from any caupe; experienced and reliable. 3513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U 504 S. PHONFFJLD. the- antiquarian (estab lished 1710. removed to 822 N. Y. Life bid. I: 615 01 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. at Co.. UJi Farnam street W-72i Farnam ttmiui FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas, t un lat I xiaua xiiug. i ei. ma. w 1A1 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 137 N. Y. Lira. W 72 WANTED Real estate loans and war rants. It. O. friers at v.o.a ovm Diog. VV 7M FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 . U rmrnaiu. " PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Dougja IT 11 4 TO 8 P. C money. Bernls. Paxton block. W 738 MOEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRUST. MoneyAny Amount Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent pocltlons on tneir rni ivu i r., witbotit mortgage, endorser su- Cl'RITY of sny kind, without EMPLOY- Fl K knnlule.liie. w p Un limn monev on Furniture. Planoa etc. wltlu ut removal or goods, iou nave use or coin money ana gooua. It Costs You Nothing To cell and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest in omana. We want your business and believe an investigation of our methods will get it- even If at present you are aeanng else where. KIND, 1'OlHll.UlS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your business with prlvucy or any in ins city. .oine in ana see us, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms S07-3US Paxton Blk. Rooms 8v7-JS- NOT IN THE TRUST. X-M4T MONEY loaned on plain note to aalarled people; bualneae confidential; loweat rates. Lt Paxton block, i'be J. A. Hutton Co. at 71 LARGEST BfSINF.SS IN LOANS TO BALAKIKD rtOfl.B, merchants, team stera, boarding bouses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms. 40 ofilcea In prin cipal dtica. . Tolmaa. 449 Buard at Trade Llug X-24S CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan i. J.. sue. to v. unren, k. a, u.rnr ml - X-74i MOSEY TO l.OAX CHATTELS. EASY T8v Bent eiplaiuti our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or it you Have a permanent position we can make you a without security, excep. your own agree, merit to reDay. Our service Is auick and conlldential and we always try to please. Ail that we esk la that you give us a call t-efo.'e you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MUKlUAUf, 1JOAIN J'-., 119 Board of Trade Bids. Tel. 215. (Established lWi) 3Ui ti. 16th St. X-7 MONEY Ta salaried employes und wage earners: Get our system ot loans that gels you out ot debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Just on his note; Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to os...2K.titi or U3.3S or lb OS 60 Return to us... is w or i wr oo to Return to us... t.t or t '&i or 1.06 I 15 Return to us... 4.0M or .UH or i.uh t-Osleet terma. lowest rates, tuuuunium. No Inquiries. VJuick service. Courteous treatment. , THE STAR IOAN CO.. S44 PAXTON 3IJS. JW .57 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE 8TOCK, SALARIES. ETC Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. (St Faxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sts. MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture, lew airy, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 81 9 S. 13. X 748 Bl'SLIKSS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. Jonrion. 843 N. Y. Life. -.44 a rannn navina 11-room hoiel for salo la W ood River. Neo. at a ni lives in Chicago is im oojoti n .....a. Mitchell Ac naugnt.' rvoou vi "yMj FOR SALE Drug stpre In very good loca tion with established trade. Good loca tion for doctor. P. O. Box 43'Mygj FOR 8ALE Good hardware, furniture and undertaking business, store building and residence also. Address Box lbl. Hy mouth. Neb. Y-M11TB9 FOR SALE, a flrst-claas harness shop In a -,a i i.,mn town of 600: wHl aell only .mnk. ri.rrnan nreferred: stock invoice 12.000; good reason for selling: a good thins- Address M iu. uee. i.tTrHPiEI.D. Neb.. Is much In need of a first-class notei. uoou . cured. Located on main line B. M. K. it.. Population 5'. Address F. Starks, Sec t,r Litchfield Mutual Jrmrovment Club.- , Y-M220Sepl9x nr a vTirn Kv two nrsctlcal men. to leaae electr o llgnt piani oi wn o,mv i ,v,vw population. Addresa L 49. BpM40J 5, FOR BALE, notes 8260, secured by chattel mortirnee: security A No. 1. Address M 24, Bee. Y M4S 2 GROCERY for sale; good location: German population; good reasons for sellli.g; es- Y A05-7X FOR EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE business property for Hock of snoes, grocerieu or !"''' Address M e. e omce. " ir a r A Kl't' In In nrtirlnal Olat for eaUltV. In Improved property. Cottage in north part tm mnnA home near Hanscom park or high school. F. D. Wead. 1524 Pougles st 2 51u4 2 yOR RALE REAL ESTATE. TWO BARGAINS. Ona of the best Inveutraenis In the city, steadily renting for 81.2uO a year, Is offered -for $8,000; lot 66x132, double store, flat above, three cottages, streets paved and paid for; near shops, railroad rfd3 and easy walking distance from Dusliiess. A fine corner lot, west end, olock from Barton residence, $1,850 WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. w. Davis C6.. Room 60S, Bee Bldg. RE-746 WILLIAMSON oVd.' . KB 78 RANCH and farm lands tor sale by tha Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAUester. land commisaloner. Union I'acllio Usadiuarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 241 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from poatofflce, for sale cheap- 108 N. Ijth, Benewa 4 Co. . RS 747 MODERN 8-r. house, full 58 ft lot. bast lo cation for a noma, inquire mii vinion su RE 566 Sepn FOR SALE, Michigan Imnroved farms and wild lands In large ana Bmau tracts, irora $5 to $8 per acre. J. L. Marble, Milan. Mich. RE M512 2x ELEGANT home for stock yards man; lance grounds; price, '8,ouu; might take some trade. For cash, splendid house and lot north of llanscom park, .i.ti. F. D. Wead, 15M Douglas st. RE M522 2 SPLENDID chance to ret a home In a full lot and partly burned nouse in orcnara mil. 8is. 7-room house and lot on R. loth St.. 81.600. House and ten lots on IRth St., $1,500. Business property bringing Si 20 for $5,000. F. D. Wead, 1621 Douglas st. RE Moa ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. M0 Douglas block. 749 ATTORNEYS. HERBERT B. CRANE. SIT N. Y. L. Bldg. - sum Sep lux J. M. MACFARLAND,. $19 N. Y. L. Bldg. M 7ut Sepzi BALB TIBS. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 750 R. RUMBEL at state. Try us. F-8X. SON. only tla factory In inn at xsicnoias sts. Tel 148 S6 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J,. T. Ochiltree, Jdili and L,ake streets. 370 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 184 N. 10th. 464 S14X DRESSMAKING and children's sewing. s.M Howard M'tW i' DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 817 Karbaeh block. TaL KIPEUr ACCOUNTANT. G. R RATH BUN. room IS, Com'l Nat Bank 52 FLORISTS. HESS A BWOBODA. 1U5 Farnam." 7U U HENDERSON, florist. 151S Farnan. St TiaSKHa. G. Ml KOCH. Mih ani Maple. Tel. 1-141. H be UAKBAUE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ecanpoiila rind vaults, removes a-arbnge and u:id Miilniln at reduced prices. 21 N. lfith. Tel. 177S. 7S7 GOLD AND SILVER PLAT1SU. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2". 7i LAW -AJtD COLLECTIOJIS. tf TILLMAN & PRICE. 13 U. a Nat. Bk. Md. -7(U NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys and oollectora every where. 61 M. MACFARLAND, 8U N. T. L. Bldg. M 757 Sepa LOST. LOST, white bull pup, 10 months old, one brown eye and brown spot on tail; leather collar with brass thorns on It. Return to A. H. llawltxur. 4ul6 Faranra St., and re ceive reward. Lost Mo20 4 LA WN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melchoir, 13th A Howard Jn LOCKSMITHS. C. R. HEFL1N, 309 N. lfith St. Tel. 2974. Cut prices on keys this montn. M42 S13 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. ll uougiaa. 768 MUSICAL. OMAHA College of Musio and Dramatic Art, 6t N. IMtli St., iDadge St car;. ex aminations fur twenty free and partial schOlaruhlps in all subjects Sept. W und 24, at the college; practice rooms with nlanos for students. or particulars apply F. II. Wright. L. L. C. M., director. Phone, 1101. 725 S 19 THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldga Block. -3A WANTED Boys with good voices for Trin ity Cathedral choir preparatory cisasi. Apply F. H. Wright, organist and choir director. uirBi E. D. KECK, voice culture and tha art of singing, studio, iixjz t arnam st. M 816 OI MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In threa days. Pay when cured. No hypodermics, write lor circular s. Gatlin Institute, 222 a 14th. M558 OSTEOPATHY. Ur i. u. cj. tag. nutvut vat voFia. bu'le 515. New York Ufa Bldg. . Tal. 14. -i rn T7i v AT iPIH inUVCHV natanna trtst itu The Hunt Infirmary, MoCague Bldg. T. 2351 74 Atxen at FarwelL Paxton Bik.. S04-7. T. ISSa. 765 DR8. FINCH & MILLER, 124 ft. Kth St 7 DR. GRACn DEEGAN. Tel. K6. 831 N. Y. Life. 77 PJJMBINQ. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS steam and gas fitters; jobbing neatly done; all orders promptly attended. , l a). 2841. 2306 ieavenwortn. PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. lis s. ibtn St., Oman a. lei. una. iu PATENTS-Sues at Co., Omaha. Neb. 11 lustrated patent book free. Tel. l'.a). M f.?n N18 PASTURAGE. PASTURE for hordes. Theo. Williams, -Tno 11. Benson. RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA. Rug Factory, 1521 Heaven. TeL 20S8. rHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A- C. VaJ S ANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, 770 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Bovd'u Theater. . 771 STATUARY. ORNAMENTAL work. Gonnella A Bro. 2025 Farnam. m en &epitx STORAGE. OM. Van'Stor. Co., UU Farn. Tela. 1558-tsa. ilg STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg r.i TICKET BROKERS. CUT RA'l K railroad tickets everywhere. Phone 'M P. .H. Phllbln. Uj Farnam. -774 UPHOLSTERING. REBANISHING OMAHA FURNITURR REPAIR WORKS. 2A1 Farnam. Tel. 2481. M454 Sit GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. l-zuia, liuo or, Mary's Ave. 76 POSTOFFICH NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mnlls lor tne week ending Sep tember 6. llM. will close tDromotlv In nil cases) at the General Poet Olttce as follows: Purcc'ls-l'ost Malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Pest Mails for Germany clone at 5 p. in. Monday. Regular and supplementary mails close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time show bulow, (except that Supplement ary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station. t Tranaatlantio Mails. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m for EUROPE, per a. s. Philadelphia (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s Philadelphia"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam ); at 8:30 a. m. (sup plementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queeustown; at 11 a. ni. for DENMARK d.rect. per a. s. Oscar II. (mall must be directed "per s. s. Oscar II"). THURSDAY At T a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, I'OR- Tl UAL TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR OUEZ. per s. a La Lornilue. via Havre (mall for other parts of EUROPE must be directed per s. a. ui ixaTaine: ). SATURDAY At 8 a. in. for BELGIUM dl rect, per s. s. Zt eland (mall must be di rected "ter s. s. Zetland"); at :3u for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ancboria (mall must be directed "per s. s. An cburla"); at 10 3o a. m. (supplementary 11 m.) for EUROPE, per s. 's. Lucanla via yueenstown. PRINTED MATTER, steamer takes Printed Maiter. Commercial . I'a tiers and Samples for Germany only. Tha same class of rcall matter tor other parts of Europe will not be sent by this stup uniesr specialty uireciea ujr ner. ' After the cloKing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named aoove, addi tional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English. French aud German steamers, and remain ooen roSTOFFICB NOTICE. nntll within Ten Minutes cf the hour of stilling of steamer. Malls for Snath aadCantral America, West ladles, Eta. WEDNESDAY At 10 ti. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and Cll'DAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Marscas. THURSDAY At a.' m. for CUBA, per a. s. Oil tabs (mall for Mexico, via l'ro- 5reo, Campeche and Vera Cms must be Irected "per a. s. Orltabn "); at 12 in. for SANTIAGO. Per s. a. Clenftieros. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Santiago, via Tampico (mall must ne di rected Ter s. s. Santiago"); at 8 30 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hall fax. SATURDAY At 4 n. m. for BRAZIL, Per s. s. Byron, via Pernnmlmco, llshia, mo Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Urn Till, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "rer s. a. Byron"); at 4:80 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. s. Canova; at $ So a. m. (oupplcrne-.ilarv a. m fr PORTO RiCO. CTHAt'AO and VENE 7.1'KI.A, per a. s. l'hilailelphla (mall for Savanllla nnd Cnrtuptena must be di rected "per a. s. Philadelphia"): at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO (ordinary mail only), per a. s. Arkadla, via Mayagues; at 9:30 a. m. (mtpplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VANIl.t.A and CARTAGENA, ner S. B. Aleno (mail for Coata Klca must be di rected "per a. s. Alene ); st a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for 1NAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per . s. Adirondack (mall for Petit Goave must be directed "rer a, a Adirondack"): at 9:!10 a. m. (supplomfntarv 10;3o a. m.) for ST. THOMAH. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINlWARD ISLANDS, BRITISH DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, ner a. B. Korona (mail for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Korona"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA.' per i. s. Mono Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per o. s. I'rlns Willem III (mall for Cura cao, Veneiuela. Trinidad. British and Dutch Guluna must be directed "per a Prifts Wlllcm HI"); at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA. ter s. s. Curltvba. via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Traaspaeiflc. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa, Fla.. and thence py steamer, closes at tnis omce dallv. excent 'A'luirsda v. at 15:30 a. IU (the connect lug malls close here on Mon days. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for duenutcn oy steamer, closes at this office ually, except dummy, at l:i0 p. m. and 11 :M p. m. aunaaya 1 t. m. and ll::a) n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, nnd thence by steamer, clones a this office dallv at i:30 n. in. (connect ing mails close here every Monday, W edneadAV and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence ty steamer, noses at tins omce ac :mi p. m. every Tuesuav and Thursday, M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at tills office dally at 6:30 D. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE- MALA By rail to New Orleana and thence by steamer, closes at this otlloe daily, except Suuuay, at 1:30 p. m. and 111:3a p. m., Sunday! 11:31) p. m. (connect! iondays at 11:30 p. s at ll p. m. ana ng mail closes here IL1:30 d. m.l. COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, closes at this onioe dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 111:30 p. m Sundays at II p. m. and 11:30 p. ra. (connecting mall closes here Tuesdays at 111:30 n. in ). Registered mail closes at 6.00 p. m. pre vious aay. ' ' Transpaclflo Malls. CHINA and JAPAN, via Beattlo. closo hers daily at 8.30 p. m. up to August lluth. Inclusive, for despatch per s.. S. I'.JoInn Maru. HAWAII, via 8an Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to August 31st, Inclusive, for 'riesnatcb. ner s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoraa. close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August .list, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Ylo- toria. CHINA AND JAPAN, Via Vancouver and victoria, li. c, close here dally at 6:30 ?i. m. up to September (1st, inclusive, or despatch per s. s. Empress of China. (Merchandise fdr U. 8. Foetal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA end PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to Sept, 6th, i Inclusive,' for despatch per s. a Gaelic. ' NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA 'except ivest), JNEW CALEDONIA, ' FIJI, SA IGA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to' Sept. 112th, Inclusive for despatch per h, s. Sonoma. (If the (Junard steamer carry ing tha British mall for New ZeaUnd does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 8:80 a. m.' and 6:80 p. m. Sun days at 40 a. m., 0 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI IS LANDS and NEW CALEDONIA (spe cially addressed only), via Vancouver tnd victoria, u. rj., close here daily at 6:80 p. m. up to Sept. (12th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Moana. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to Sept. .4th, Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. llonikoni Maru. TAHITI and MARQUESAS J8LANDS, via San Francisco, close nere oaiiy at e:3d p. m. up to Sept. 15th, inclusive, for des patch per . s. Mariposa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vlA San Bran- . Cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Sept. Ith, Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. NOTE Unless oiherwise addressed. West Australia la forwarded via Europe; end New Zealand and Philippines via Ban Francisco the qttlcltest routes. Philip pines Bpecinllv addressed "via Panada" . or "via Europe" ,must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Franrleco exclusively. Transpaclflo maila are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. rn. pre. . vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, ' ' Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., Augv 28. 1908. IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATIONIOTII AND MARC Y. Chicago 4c Nartfcwcstera. "The Northwestern Line." Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago '.a 8 40 am a 7:00 am Mall a:0opm a 8:80 am Local Sioux City.... a 5:10 am a 8:30 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:35 am .10:25 pin Daylight Chicago a 8:l am ell.10 pm T.nrnl Kunlda . 6:10 Dm Limited Chicugo a 8:15 pm a 15 am Local Carroll a 4:00 pm a :50 am Fast Chicago.'.... a 5:50 pm a 8.45 pm Faat St. Paul a t ui pm a o;io am Fast Mall . . z:40 put Local Sioux City o t:w pm o s.ow am Norfolk & Bonesteei....a i: am am:aa am Lincoln & Long Pins... .b 7:26 am bll).i5 am lillaol. Central. Leava. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Lamitea a :ni pm m am Minneapolis as SL Paul Express b 7:85 am blO:S5 pm Chicago Local 10 36 am Chicago Express alO:S5 am Chicago, Mllwaakee A St. Paal. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:18 pm ihi.'jtn Ft 1.x ui ess.. a 6:45 pm a 8.40 pm Chicaito Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines express. ...a i.w am a s.w pm Unlpu PaelBe. Overland Limited a 8:40 am a S tO pm The Fast Mall..... a a.-) pm California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all: 80 pin K.isiern Kiun-n a S:so pm The Atlantio Express.... a 7.30 am Tlio Colorado bpeciui...a i:iv am a r. warn Chlcaeo fcpeclal C 8:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Htromsnurg express. .d t:v pm dii.w rm North Platte Local a 8:00 urn a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local. ...b 6:30 pm b 8:36 am Wabash. at l.r,iil "Cannon Ball" Express a : pm ii:in St.- Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a 1:15 am al0 30 pm Chicago, Heck isiaaa tt raeiaa. EAST. Chicago Davllsht L t d. a 8:56 am a 8:60 am Chlutgo Ia llgnt Locai.a 7:im am a M pm Chicago Kxpiet-s bll:16 am a 6:36 pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express . a 6:36 pm a 1:25 pu Rcky Mountain L't'd .a 7.30 am a 7:15 am Lincoln, coio. epnngs, Innver. 1'uebio and West al:30pnt a 8:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cat. and ' .Oklahoma Flyer ,a 6:40 pm a1 2: 40 pm Miaaoart Paclne. Et Iouis Express. ......slO OO am a 6:26 pm iv. t. at at. i. kx aiv.Lv pm a s.ia am WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH at WEBSTER ' Chicaao, St. Paal, Mlaaeapolls Oaaaha. Twin City Pasaenger.. Bloux City Pasaenger. .a 6:80 am a 110 pm .a 8:00 pm all 30 am Oakland locai ..b 6 x pnt b 8:45 am Mlsswarl I'arlae. Nebraaka I-ooal. Via Weeping Water b 4.10 pra alO.JS am alLROAD TIME CARD. thlrago A Nortbereatrrn, Nebraska) anal Wyomtas Division. Iavs. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Lend. Hot Rnrlnas a 8:00 Dm a 8:00 Dm Wyoming, Casper and Ponalaa d 1:00 Dm a 8:00 Dm Heatings, York. Iavld t ii y, Btipenor. oeneva. Kxeter and Seward.. ..b 8.00 pm b 5:00 pm Bt RLIMGTON STATIONIOTII Y MASON Rarllagtoa) A Mlasaarl River. Leava. Arrive Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2: pm Nebraska Express a !:.V) am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4;10 pm a 1:45 ant Black Hills and Tugnt Sound Express aU:10 ttm a 1:10 nm Colorado Vestlbuled rlJfT a 8:10 nm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:51 pm a $.06 am Fort Crook and 1'latls- mouth i b 8:18 tim hW SS am Bellevue A J'adflo Jct..a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue ft Paclflo Jet. .a 8:50 am Kaaaas tltr. St. Joseph toaarll IllarTa. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:15 am Ft. Louis Flyer a 6:25 pm a 8:05 pm pm all :0k am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:45 pm a 6:06 pm thlraao, llarllaaton A tAnlney. Chicago fpeclal a 7:00 am a 8:35 nm CMoaRo Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am intcHico l.ocui a s:ix am ali:ot pm Chicago Limited a 8:u0 m k 7:46 am Fast Man a 2:40 pm n Dallv b Dally exrept Sunday, d Dally except Saturday Dally except Monday. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- MASTER, Fort I-avenworth, Kansas. Auaust 81, 1908. Sealed proposals, In tripll cute, will be received here until 11 a. m., central line, September 29, l!Hi$, snd tliert opened, for constructing the following building, Including plumbing, heating, eloclrio wiling, and for metal lockers ami traveling ludders for qunrtermnsters' store house: One bachelor Olivers' mesa building, one quartermasters' clothing storehouse, one sulislatence storehouse, two double sets captains' quarters, five douhje- arts lieuten ants' quarters, five atahte guard and shop buildings, and remodeling one arrarfc building at Fort Iavenworth, - Kansas. Full Information and blank forma of po- Sosal furnished on application here. United tates reservea the right to nccept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes should be endorsed "Proposal for Public Buildings." and addressed to Major D. E. McCarthy, Quartermaster. Bl-2-3-4-2-: ONLY SODA WATER COMES NOW . Chief Donahue Says tba Order f . Drngglsts Restricts Sale ot I.tqnor, There Is no longer any doubt but that' ths order that all druggists, desist from selling spirituous liquors from their "fountains" has beooma effective. The signs which told of the good, old-fashioned mixed drinks which one might have ' served while ha waited, have all disappeared, and those who were in the habit- of slaking their thirst for -"spiked" soda water will hava to look elsewhere. i Ihls Is the view Chief Donahue Ukes of It, and he said that he had no reas-ns to believe otherwise than that ths recent or der was being obeyed. He, however, em phatically said that he was still on tha hunt for any violators, and that as fust as arprehended they would be taken be fors the proper authorities. Halght St Adams, conducting a drug store at 2421 North Twenty-fourth street, wera arraigned on a. charge of .violating this or der; yesterday, and waived examina tion. They were placed under bonds of, 1509 each to appear when the case Is finally called. DISTRICT - COURT REVERSED Trial -lodge 'Decision la Globa Sav - logs BataU Case fa Brashes . . Aside by Cemmisstoners, An ! opinion, concurred In. py Supreme Court Commissioners Albert and .Barnes and '''hpprtfed ". by . Judge Be8gwlclt, lias been .received front .Lincoln reversing tha ' district ' court t in tha suit of ftawsoa against Taylor, and ordering a new trial. ' This Is the caso of 'Arthur C. Raw son against ths Globe Savings bank as principal and H. O. Devries, Cadet Taylor, D. T. Mount, and the Globe Loan & Trust com pany on the 850,000 bond given by the latter to secure the payment of claims against tha Insolvent Globe Savings bank. In tha trial of the case in the district court ths defendants claimed that as the bond was to the state of Nebraska only the stats could rue on It, also that ths assets cf ths bank had i.ever been turned over to tha defendants so the conditions of tha bond wsra not fulfilled; and several purely tech nical points were also brought forward. All these tha supreme court sumrrsrlly brushed aside In Its opinion, In which a number of authorities are quoted. ' , ' ". i. That Awful Cold. And Its terrible cough can -soon ba cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consume tlan. Try It. No cure, no pay. 60c, 81.00. For sals by Kuhn 4 Co. Baildisg lr salts. . Building permits have - been Issued as follows: To R. N. "Burgess. 81.800 frame dwellings at 1916 North Thirty-fourth street, and on Thirty-fourth street between Blondo end Parker; to F. Johnson, for 82.000 frame dwellings at 2531 and 2538 North Twentieth, and to August Larson, for a 81.500 frame Cwelllng 'ut 919 North Twenty-ninth. tASQ3AELE FASHIONS s0 Ulssas' Threa rises Skirt, Misses Three-Piece . Blcirt with Shirred . Flounce, 4150 8hlrrlngs of all sorts con tinue to hold their favor and will be greatly worn during tha toming season in all ths thinner and mors pliable materials.. Tba very pretty skirt . chown Includes a plain front gore, which gives desirable lines and avoids unbecoming fulness, and aids and back portions which are shirred to give a yoke effect. Ths flounce means ad ditional grace and flare, both of which are' eminently to be. desired. Tba original la made ot fawn colored embroidered veiling with trimming of lace In tha same color, but Innumerable materials are equally ap propriate. Tha skirt consists of ths front gore, and of the circular portions, which are shirred to hip depth and arranged over a plain yoke, and Is completed by ths flounce whloh is arranged over its lower portion and If shirred at the upper edge. , ' Tha quantity of material required for tha medium size Is .6 yards 27 ruches wide. SV yards 44 Inches wide, or t yards 5 Inches wide. The pattern 4610 la cut in slses for girls of 12. 14 snd 16 years of age. For the accommodation of Tha Bee readers tbeae patterns, which usually retail' at from 26 to 60 cents, will ba furnished at a nominal price. It cents, which covers ad ' expense. In order lo get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of pattern.