20 BUSINESS BUILDING AT ONCE Hew Tbrsfl-Story Btrnctnr. to Go Up on Eit of DongUi Street Limter. TO BE COMPLETED BY END OF YEAR Balldlar Will B Erected Strictly Modern Basis by In Wester I ' Real Estate Trulffl l . Ronton. Ing. 22x132, will be erected Immediately at 14(6 Douglas street. f ..The McOague Investment company, agents for the Western Real Estate Truatoa of Boston, gave out the above authorised stalemerit last evening. One of the trustees waa In the city for a few hours yesterday. Plans for the new building are already being prepared by Fisher & Lawrle.. They will provide. In accordance with the policy of the Western Rnal Estate Trustees, for strictly modern building In all details and of the best possible construction. The first floor will be for a store and the building will be so arranged that the two upper floors can be used either In connection with or Independently of the first floor. ' Removing the ruins of the fallen building will be started Monday morning and the new building will be begun and completed at the earliest possible date. It Is to be ready for occupancy December 1. The, Western Real Estate Trustees will carry out the above plans regardless of the action taken by owners of abutting prop erty. It Is believed, however, that the prompt action taken will lead the other owners to build and rebuild. F. B. Kennard, owner of the two-story building on the corner, states that he is ready to tear It down and erect In its place a modern three-story store and office build ing, provided A. J. Hanscom, the owner of the adjoining lot, will erect a similar build ing at 1403 Douglas street, . Mr. Hanscom, who Is In New York, has been Informed by letter of the-plans of the Western Real Et tare Trustees and the proposition of Mr. Konnard, and It Is believed will order the erection of a building to match the others. May Let Buildings Stand. . "Now we will never know whether Louie Shields was right or wrong about those nard, as he stood watching the workmen At the collapsed buildings on Douglas street throw the bricks down the chutes and saw them break and smash Into many pieces ' .when they reached the bottom. "Louie" Shields was the first brlckmaker, bricklayer and contractor In Omaha, and In I860 built the "Commercial block," com posed of the three two-story brick build ings, the one on the corner being erected by Frank B. Kenanrd's father, and the pther two by A. J.Hanscom. In those days the brick were burned with Cord wood '.nd came out of the kilns In all colors and In Various shapes. Messrs. Kennard and .Hanscom objected to the color and ap parent softness of some of the brick, but Contractor Shields silenced them by de claring: 4 "They are all right. If the block ' ever catches fire it will not burn down, for the fire will Just burn the bricks harder.'" ' Building Inspector Wlthuell withdrew the fclty workmen from the collapsed buildings yesterday, they having taken down all UBO remaining walls which In his opinion were dangerousand liable to fall. Acting tinder notice from him the 'agents of the buildings will remove the debris this week and will also, It Is expected, be ordered by the advisory board to tear down the rear ends of the two fallen buildings. It Is still a question with Inspector Wlthnell, he now says, whether or not he will condemn the buildings, 1401 and 1407 Douglas. Until the debris Is removed the -exact condition of the side walls cannot be determined, but he probably .will allow them to stand. BURGLARS PURSUED BY POSSE Break Into m Bank at Btiger, Maine, and Secare Small i. Sum. BANOOR, Me.. Aug. 29. Four or five men who demolished the vault of the Brewer's Savings bank last night eluded the ' police and this forenoon were dodging an armed posse In the woods beyond Bangor. .The robbers secured about tSOO, They were watched at their work In tie bank by a number of persons, who made no at tempt to molest them because of the guns, when the burglars left the bank they retreated under cover of the guns, firing doxen shote. r Nearly a score of policemen, deputy - sheriffs and cltlsens armed themselves as oon as possible and started In pursuit a ... One Killed and Six Stunned. HAZARD. Ky., Aug. 29 Lightning struck int (-ouii jii'ubv ami niuru junn J. HHK vimiiuuia jii mo iiFii waj, niiu llunnru SIX other men In the building. The court house mam ill vu cbiiu iivanj uuiisuuicu. Steamer Uoea Ashore. NEW- YORK. Aug. In A report received here today says the Ftrillstt ship Charles R. Whitney, from Rdien for New York, is sen ore near execution hocks in Long Isl ana souna. opposite in ew nocnene. ; Annual September furniture sale. Dewey & Stone Furniture Oo. Monday. GOSSIP ON COMMISSION ROW First Nebraska Watermelons Swim the River from Ike Kast Side, Rear Florenee. The first Nebrsska watermelons were on the, market .yesterday. But they had considerable trouble In getting here, for they were grown east of the Missouri river, at a point nearly opposite Florence. Owing to 'trie high water the prdprletor of thlm could not come by -wagon, the usual wsy,! so he loaded up the melons, also some sweet potatoes', corn, tomatoes, and beans, -in a. boat and brought them across the river to the main portion of the state and there hired a wagon with which to bring them Into town. He stated that he does not seri ously object' to having two states claim sovereignty over his farm when It comes to paying taxes, or to working roads In Flore rice district and serving on Juries In Omaha, but that he la going to file a vigor ous protest against being compelled to ferry his produce across the river. A car of line potatoes from out In the state helped the "spud" market and kept the price down to 90 cents. Sweet potatoes, homegrown, brought $1.35 a bushel, to matoes 20 and 25 cents a basket, corn 7 cents a dosen, cabbage 60 to 75 cents a doxen, parsnips 20 cents .a basket, turnips 20 cents a basket.- Parsnips, . turnips and Dutch cabbage are all scarce, Judging from the small quantities of them being "brought in, but the demand does not avpenr great. California plum's and prunes are $1.60 to $1.7S a crate of four baskets and peach plums from Washington are $1.35 a crate. Peaches and pears are the same as for sev eral days past. Utah peaches will begin to come In quantities wllhln a few days. So,: too,' will the real Rocky Ford cantaloupes,' Considered the best grown In the country. Considering the cool and rainy weather the' demand for fruit last week "has been' good. - r. Attention, Wood men I Members of Beech camp are requested to attend the funeral ' of 'our late neighbor, Charles K. Boyden, which will be held from his residence, 2483 South Seventeenth street, Sunday afternoon, August 30, at 2 o'clock. Friends are especially requested to be present. Interment at Forest Lawn. SILAS B. LAKE, Consul. FRANK WHITMARSH, Clerk. Annual September furniture sale. Dewey sV Stone Furniture Co. Monday. . One Way Rates. Every day from September 15 to Novem ber 30, inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell one-way colonist tickets at the following rates from Missouri river terminals, Coun cil Bluffs to Kansas City, Inclusive: $22.60 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash ington.' . $22.60 to Pocatello and Nampa, Idaho. $22.50 to Helena and Butte, Montana. $26.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.1 $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. " $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oregon. For full Information call at city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. . Homeseekera' Excursions. On Tuesdays, September 1 and '15, the Missouri Pacific Railway will sell both one way and round trip tickets' at very low rates to certain polnta in Arkansas, Kan sas, Oklahoma, southwest Missouri, Texas, etc. Stopovers allowed on the going Jour ney. Limit of ' tickets, twenty-one days. For further' information call on any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, pas senger and ticket agent, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. SIR THOS, UPTON'S MISERY Is Largely Imaginary, for the Genial Yachtsman Is a Gamey Gentle man and When Forced TAKES HIS MEDICINE CHEERFULLY That Is One of the Reasons for His Personnl Popularity on This Side Of the Water. . ... For more than flfty years America has held the cup In the International yacht races. Three times PIr Thomas Llpton, the millionaire tea. merchant, has braced the problem of capturing that proud em blem, of speed and' sail management. Three times the Shamrock dropped her colors to an American winner, but the gay old gen tleman who puts up the cash , for the British corrfpetltor Is still game and prom lees to appear again. He Is so thoroughly genteel In the democratic sense that MAXY AMERICAS. WISHED HIM TO WIX Just because the American sense of fair play suggests the doMrablllty of passing the trophy of victory from one to the other. The International contest Just de cided In favor of America has attracted the attention of the world. ' Even little Japan shows her. Interest and suggests that next year she" will enter in' the race a vessel of her own make. It would be a trine . humiliating to have the Orientals sail off with the honors next year, dui it is safe to assume that the little Japs will be neither slow' nor unskillful. . - THE? BARKERS RESERVES LIFE watches the races with more than passing interest. Naturally, the Reliance had the heart and best wishes of the young life Insurance company for two reasons. First, the Bankers Reserve Life Is American and therefore loyal and eager to have tho American win, and, second, the Bankers Reserve Life .Is young and wished the young nation to carry away the proof of dexterity and skill of the men at the satis and of the genius of the ship's architect and builder. B. H. ROBISO, PRESIDENT, is of the opinion that sports of a rational nature tend to the .building of healthful bodies and healthy people are good Insur- nce risks. Ha-ving over S.0C0 policies, representing more than $6,000,000, .at risk. the Bankers Reserve naturally Interests It self In matters appertaining to health. Having the lowest death rate of any American company, It must appear that the management of the company Is careful In the matter of taking risks and applies Its knowledge of the laws of health Intelli gently. ' THREE NEW STATES NOW OPEN. Within the present month three new states have been entered for business. These states are Just now being organized for effective work. Good life insurance men can secure exceptionally desirable territory by promptly applying for con tracts to the home office In the McCague building,. Omaha. ADDITIONS TO OMAHA CLUB Contract la Let to John II. Harte and Work la to Be Completed - This Year. A contract for an addition to the Omaha club has been awarded to John H. Harte by the directorate, conditions of which are that work Is to be commenced immediately and completed by December 24. The extension will be 80x30 feet at the north end, east side, of the building. On the first floor it will furnish an additional women's -cafe, in which. Incidentally, gen tlemen escorting women will be allowed to amoke. The room will have a hardwood floor and fireplace and mantel. On the second floor the ex'enslon will be an ad dition to the main dining room,' and here after on thla floor 250 persons can be pro vlded for at banquets. On the third floor the extension will provide two additional bedrooms with baths. Several changes also will be made In the rear arrangement of the building. - With thla extension of the building all the ground owned by the Omaha club will be occupied, so that future enlargements must be either by adding additional stories to the building or made after additional ground to the west is purchased. The new part will be of the same brick and In the same style as the present building. Chicago Laundry Best work. Tel. 205.' Vi Notice I Mrs. B. Relnhart Is now located at the mlllnery '" department of Hayden Bros.', where aha will be pleased to see her . ' . customers. . TURKISH BATHS FOR LADIES ' ' , . ONLY. . , THE REGENT BATHS. O. "F. Sanitarium reached by Florence line. The German-American Republican club will meet at Washington hall Instead of Qermanla hall. Siinriuy afternoon, August la, at I o clock ror the election of officers, and the transaction of other business. , ROBT O. FINK. President. J MAX FE1ERMANN. Secretary. ' Annual September furniture sale. Dewey A Stone Furniture Co Monday. Change Name of 1'hnrvh. 'Officers of what has been known as the Albright Methodist Episcopal church have filed an amendment to their articles of In oorDorstlon charming the name u( tfm nr. 5aiuiatton to the Lefler M 'mortal church, j his was done because M"-. Henry C ! Letter, widow Of a aeceaseu oouin Omaha man, made a bequest to the church on ovadltloa that the uame be changed. ' I'SiKinnil In the World." the Eaultahla Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. See H. D. Neely, manager. Merchant National Bank bins;., Omaha, Neb. We are showing early fall ad vane styles ef suits, skirts, lull, gowns. Jackets, nitninery. eto Cash or credit. People's cHore, 16th and Ear nam streets. Dr. F. W. Blabaugh. dentist. tlN. T. LU- Have Root print It. ' DIED. " ' JTANNAHER. Francla hf- aged 11 years 11 months 10 days. Funeral t a. tn. Monday. August U. from Ht Patrick's church. Interment, Holy 6uuJfefci erneler. . Now is the time to have your Furnace EX&niNED, CLEANED AND REPAIRED. Don't delay till cold wea ther. No charge for estimates. Absolute reliability of ma terial aud workmanship. Impairs for ALL furnaces. iltnn Hnnrmrr. mmmi nuu id & SONS CO. Fourteenth and Farnam 8ts. k 1 QUALITY HIGH PRICE LOW AT DRUM MONO'S CLOSING OUT Every Garriage, Buggy and Harness fssssss&ssssitsBr fRfh anrl Uarnev. -llJLiiip m wi mrmmmmmmr mnmmn J "aJ,fe.ii.-i, iw.sirMi.mr in.meU.i . t w w u I jtvd'l FOUND! A new shoe for the mechanic n shoe without a (team or nail to hurt the feet genuine Goodyear welt Boles and a genuine grain calf upper. Made on the wide, plain toe last the Blueher cut Btyle and only $2.50. No shoe ever constructed com bines bo much wear and real com fort as this new shoe. Wfe -Invite the mechanics of Omaha to Inspect this shoe, and If you buy you pet our guarantee. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House, Oxyn Balm Cream We have It and of course wo cut the price we soil the 50c else for 40o. We ship goods all over the country by mall and express and freight and save the people money on their drug bills. Send us a list of your drug wants and let us quote lowest prices. 50c Cutlcura Salve SOc 5c Doan's Kidney Pills 3c 25c Steam's Rat and Roach Paste 2rtc 5"c Charles' Flesh Food '. 400 60e CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE guaranteed 40c $1.00 Peruna... PSc 11.00 Pierce's Medical Discovery fiSc $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 6Sc 35c Genuine Castorla "lc 2nc Ixntlve Hromo Quinine 1fc 25c QUINACETOL. BEST Cold Cure 2lc 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c 50c Har Ben 40c 25c Pierce's Pills 19c Allcock's Plasters all you want at lie $1.00 Orrnie S0o 25c Hire's Root Beer 14c 75c Moeller's Cod Liver Oil 64c OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICE DRUQ STOKE Two 'Phones 747 and 707. lflth and ChlcaRO Streets. Omaha. iSGIIAEFER'S an We sell only $3.50 and $ 2.50 shoes and you cannot pay more If you wished to. ' We sell shoes direct from factory to wearer and divide the profit with you. , . "ONIMOD" m-mm Always give satisfaction. Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. THE BENNETT COMPANY The Lend In a; IMano II on fie of the West. ' """!7jV """1 We Buy Direct from the Factories. Yoii Do Not Pay Two or Three Profits Vhen " You Buy at Ben- ' tiett's. No Middleman in It At Any Time, Call and See Us. Get Our Prices And Save Money 0 Pianos Sold on , the Easy Payment ' Plan. Really Your Own Terms. Piano Snaps for ttia Week Three high grade Mahogany Flnnns sold elwwlu'rc nt HMon (tTOO your own terms for J)mJmn Three hii?h . grade Walnut Pianos sold elsewhere at $426 on tiOO your own terms for tfAuxJm Four high jrrado Oak Pianos In all styles sold elsewhere at COIfi $400 on your own terms for.'4'J" Four high grade' French Mottled Pi anos, sold elsewhere at $350 klQl on your own terms lor ij) IzJkj PIANOS FROM RENTALS Every one thoroughly reliable and good as new.' Mahogany Piano made to sell for $J0-your own terms . $142 Pretty up-to-date Oak Piano made to sell for $a00 qn your own 4i1lfV terms for qU Lovely fine toned Walnut Piano made to sell for $360 on your HilO own terms lor iJJIOs. These values are positive marvels In mercnandislnK. SHEET MUSIC AND MISIC FOLIOS AT CUT PRICES. THE RKLIADI.E STORK. Headquarter! for Boys' and Children's Clothing, Got Your Boys Ready for School. It is wonderful what mnnufactmvrs will 'do sometimes to sacrifice their goods for ready cash. Two of the best children's clothing tai lors, sold ns H.OOO suits at a little over onr-half the regular wholesale cost. Never before have we been so well equipped witli remarkable val ues. These bargains mean a great saving to you. Reliability and fair dealing, giving high char acter goods of imported and doirh?stic . fabrics in reds, Koyal aud naval blues, browns and fancy cheviots, in sailor-blouse, stiilor-Norfolk, Norfolk two and three piece suits, at a nominal cost. This purchase has placed us in the lead for a ifal bargain. Kg Suits that have never been sold for less than $2..i0 to ?G, our special sale prices $1.50, ?1.!)5, -'.50, $2.U3 and . 25 dozen knee pants worth 05c to J)5c to be closed out at 3.50 35c It is worth while to visit our clothing department. . Now is the time to prepare the boys for school. Our new fall suits for men are now in aud ready for your inspection. mm Q?SSSsBS9EBB3 TBlMaailSinilBHSBIJIlBB M gTIIE.. g ilNDIAN BEADS! g The Fad of the Day S i m I m We carry the largest line of colors JjJ HI In BRADS of any house. Send us ZJ n your mail nruers ui any t'oiur punsiuie, ijt we can nil your wants. Looms to jy H weave boadwork, i pattern books, S H needles, everything pertaining to the Q H BEAD work. Also the largest andS U moat complete yarn department In the 2 H west. We WHOLESALE OR RETAILS H and can fill your wants for any quun- B Utlty. g gJOSEPH F. BILZ g rr: s. wth St., s Flood SqIq of If I 0UGS for Wednesday September 2d IT RAISKD LAST WEEK, Perhaps you know It? and we got wet. We alo had the mifortune to have a LARGE 8TOCK OK STOVES stored In our basement that got wet. We are olng to MOVE THOSE STOVES from our store room to your kitchen or parlor with your consent. We have the JEWEL" COOKS. STEEL RANGES, HEATERS and BASE BCRNKRS. made by the "De troit Stove Works" all strictly high grade ALL NEW and the wetting they got won't hurt them a bit not even their looks when blackened and set up. Prices way below regular. GonldinllardnaroGo. 2914 Leavenworth Street Telephone F2037. M OMAHA. NEBRASKA. H I Ftf Menstrual SaporessTon.l7H KsVZSS.' PEN-TAN-GOT lBBBEKKBBaBMKlElBEEB REMEMBER That I am open evenings and Sundays for the benefit of those who work. My charges are reasonable. HEDGES, THE DENTIST, 1506 Farnam St. Formerly Faxton Btk. A Light Overcoat Don't "go bad" these cool evenings, but It "looks bad" If it is all wrink led and full of spots. We wl'.l make It look like new for a $1.W. It will wear enough longer to more- than pay for the cleaning, say- nothing about the Improvement In appearance. Try It. THE PANTOMUn 407 So OMAHA. 15tu St Tel. 0C3 Vitalized Air For painless extraction, never fails. Al ways sure and frsh. Leaves no after ef fect a.. Extracting So Vitalised Ah- 600 Silver Flllluge 7ac TafVs Dental Rooms 15I7DoujclasSt. smi S kesas m- so uu tm bnu s Urss n sUl stdan i drossctrasa, Puotosrspiwr, At luus, tel. WM. STOSBCiraxa, Prlawr. 12U1 Howtrd, MU IDA. "1km la ealr ea BtoMcrpker, bat fee's 4ias two tbias m s sains beta la the ataa kisk-ra4e sinsi Re-No-May Cares your feet to stay eared. Id Everywhere. MAKl-FACTVRED BY A. MAYER. r mm a f ttt trlOa Feriteicrs pi.no co. Beo Ba Room 7. Tlptaoo 701 Wtber. Ur Oar LaMtwl SdUler. the mm OMAHA'S .ym FAVORITE.; . :-.'-...V4: . o II ' ... n VJS' 'S.avr Mis U mtfmr Full line of Clear Havana clgaro Complete line of Pipes, all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE Main Office. 1404 Douglas Street. Est. 18S4. Tel. 15. BUILDING COLLAPSED But Business Goes H. J. HUGHES Is temporarily located at 1615 HOWARD STREET, With a fine line of new frrooerles, fresh fruits and vegetables. All orders will bo filled promptly as heretofore. . Telephone 1019. RELIABLE EE! ED DENTISTRY RELIABLE DEKTISTnY SAVES PAI! AKD MONF.Y. TETirr, m WnrOUtr-k"' "f OAMA. MC S FAVOHiTE DR. VILKIHSOtl'S EYE, EAR, HOSE, THROAT CLIHIOS, CRC1QHTON BLOCK, 18th AND DOUGLAS, OMAHA. Treatment and operations dally for catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness, Adenoids often cause of mouth breathlne;. l!stleneB and deafness In chlMren, Illtthsned Noses, Chronio Sore Throat. Enlarged Tonsils, Growths in Nostrils. Polypi, etc.. Cleft Palate. Harelip. Kunnlug fc-ars. Clues Eyes stralg-h tened by operation. Headarhe, due to eye or nasal, or catarrhal causes. Affections of the voice, the tongue, Irritable coughs, bay fever, etc. THtSE CLINICS ARE FREE TO THE Pimtl f Tf a flTnCK. I Open evenings I to p. io. Sundays I 19 It No charge for exaailnatiun of patients. COLLAR UV OLI1 RELIABLE. ACCIRATE, PAIXLESS, KXPEHT DEXTISTS. . . . w ... . . . i.in . htm L'vr STt'UEJITS. SKILIKU irKiMiiiBis it Beware of Jealous. Idle, sorehead dentists and dental See's, who hiive lost their buseTsnd hive tr.d to run ours. They tried to bluff us out. passed around and took uo a collection, and with all their working, blowing, lying and blun.ng-we " .'i'L? we have stood the test. Our record Is acknowledged to be the cleanest vnd grestm tS rweK.M0 PATIENTS IN THE LAST TWENTY MONTHS. V !i Have Got tha Business and Hare to Stay Its a Corn- plate Victory tor ttia union. Until Sept. 15- LD CROWNS, from...' 52.85 r OF TEETH, pair - ....$2.00 JMINUM, from W.00 fiLLIMSS, from 25c TCCTU FVTBir.Trfl FRFE. . r ..A,w aljla In W. f 'oriHUlt thO proLsf? graduate dentist, will be admitted to our fall cour. Our method. makT7he crowning. IUUn and extracting of teeth a plea.ure. . n.ke loose tee.h tight, stop bl.edlo m. and treat all disease, of the month. If vou have heavy plates or pHtes that don't nt, Ert one of our non-breakable, dou tlsta. Be euro you are In, the right place. The Celebrated DR. WORSTER, TERROR TO THE OUJfTISTS, IS HEHE. nion Dentat GolSege OF PAINLESS; DENTISTRY. OPEN DAILY TILL 8. Sl!ADYS-4 TO 4, 1522 DOUgfaS. I II ll l TIA1HS A DAY you u your tclh. where cn you expend more profitable than on your teeth. BAILEY, The Dentist, i.-. ih..s-.s . Tilenhont 1085. 3rd Floor Plltfll B!ocX. LIUI HliSIIUBUii ---r i GOLD CROWNS FROM $2.00 FilllDt- QCfi From I0v BRIDOE Work from Our easy payment plan may in- VX terest you. Work guaranteed 16 years. Graduate dentists. New msmrimtnL New York Dental Co. Eatsbllshed nearly 10 year- here. Opposite Hayden's and Boston tores, 111 South loih stre . '