Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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Will a fastest til 19 aa. fer tmm
alttoa a HI "O ".
far Mormla mm Saariar Hlo.
Ratee, 1 l-2e word ret leaertleau
la wars thereafter. Rathlac takes
far less thaa SKe for tka ftrat laser.
.. Tkrit ad vertlaessea ta aaast fca
taa eoasecatlyely.
Advertisers, br reejeasHasr
fceresl rheek, eaa katt answers it
irMa to a aaaer4 latter Ik rara
f Tka Ra. Aaewere aa addrrase will
$ delivered g.reeataUe at tka
aealt aalr.
j . i
YOl'NO Urty wants place to work for
board while attending school. Doyle
college. N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 19S4.
A 3S2 30
WANTED By young man of good address
and experience, position aa bookkeeper;
tank preferred; good reference. Address
L69, Bee. A M S26x
POSITION wanted as general dry goods
salesman capable of taking charge of
' dry goods department. Five years' ex
perience. Speak German and Polish,
llard worker. Addresa, M It. Bee.
A-396 30x
YOUNG man wanta place to work for
board while attending school. Boylea'
college, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 194.
A 331 SO
east, with 20 years' experience In fins
tailoring. Address M 20, Bee office.
A-468 21x
Boyles College
Apply fur Catalogue.
B 146
The Van Sant School
of Shorthand
716-717-718 New York Life Bldg.
A school of shorthand, typewriting and
oiiice practice; a ncnuol wnose student
ere iilmig me best positions irom aman
uensis to court reponei; a school with an
auuiiuanco oi leacners, giving every tu
uent carelui personal attention.
Tne Muimon system ot snorthand Is
utugnt. tnls Is one of me rnmaiuo sys
tems ana is unrivaled lor simplicity,
speed and legibility, ihe typewriting uo
puiimeiii Is equipped with btuuaara mi
dlines in excellent conuulon, many of
tnem entirely new, ana none oluer ihan
two years, rouch typewruing Is taugnt
by the van Hunt syaiem, winch Is recug
mxea as toe leading system oi typewrit
ing in this country. Each studem U al
' lowed to choose the mane ot machine he
wtir use, and is assigned to typewriter
practice outside the regular perious If
Trial week free. Money refunded for un
expired tuition it noi entirely satisfied,
Can make monthly payments. Write lor
circular, or call at school. B Ml 30
WANTED, for United States armv. able
bouled, unmarried men, between ages ot
11 and 36. citizens of United States, of
good character and temperate habits, who
can speak, road and write English, if or In
toimatlon apply to recruiting ottlcer, 18th
ana uuage bis., umalia, said Hastings,
' B JUtlS
WILL give a worthy young man or woman
a, palu-up scholarship In Omaha's leading
business college, to be paid for . when
c-jurne is nnisnea ana position secured.
Auuress a a. uee. U tuU
WAJxTED, at once, a registered druggist;
inarrieu man prererrea. Bcnaeicr s cut
Price Drug Stole. 18th and Chicago fits.
WANTED, experienced window trimmer.
J. L. BiandeU at Sons, Omaha. B UmU
WANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffs Bteam
Pye Works. 1015-1017 West Uroadwe,
Council Bluffs. u M7 i3
YOUNO men not belonging to unions
wanted to register for street car work; no
strike; enclosed self-addressed envelope.
The Western Register Bureau, Portland,
Ore. B-977 30
CaSH boys and girls wanted; must be 15
years or over. Apply J. 8. Brandels A
Hons. B M114 30
WANTB'.D Good messengers. A. D. T. Co..
212 8. Uth. B-m
WANTED, young man with small capital
or good business principles, to taks
charge of business Just under way; good
Saying thing to right party. Address L
I, Bee B 141 31x
WANTED By one of the largest liquor
houses a reliable salesman of ability and
experience to sell their goods direct to
the consumers, lie be able to speak
German as well as KiiKllsh. Hich ...
for the right party. Address L 62 Bee.
B M177 30
WANTED, at once, good coatmaker; also
good tiantmaker; steady work the year
around and good pay. Denlson Clothing
IB. 1 1HO 4
be..' wan tea io learn tarber trade; our
catalogue explains how we teach It
quickly; mailed free. Call Moler Barber
vuurge, UU4 uougias. li MjiO 4x
WANTED, reliable and Industrious man to
distribute sample stock; house good finan
cial standing; portion of Nebraska; saiary
and expenses; advancement; traveling ex
perience unnecesxary. Address Ed Wlm
mer, 362 Dearborn, Chicago. B 37! SUx
WB WILL pay any man HJ per month and
expenses, such as horse hire, railroad
fare, hotel bills, etc.. to take orders for
the greatest portrait house In the world
Your salary will be guaranteed and paid
to you weekly if preferred. Address, R,
j iepi. go, vnicago, in.
B 482 30x
SALESMEN throughout far western states
small towns on laces, either side line or
aione; siaie ruaa experience, references,
or not consiaerea. Nerk Co., 433 Broad
way. New York. B 33 3ux
WANTED, salesman to represent large rub
ber manufacturing company on a commis
sion basis; best results guaranteed to
proper party. Aaareaa Hose, Hoi 1581,
ila. Pa.
B 308 3ox
TRAVELER for full or side line of cutlery
on commission, tltate experience, terri
tory and how often covered. Chictgo
smii at linear iu., m r inn ave , hi
cago. iSi .x
WANTED, cylinder rres feeder. Klnnp A
parurii, irnm ana imugias. li &il m
REPUTABLE physician can make connec
tlon with corporation for office constilta
tions leading to larere. remunerative.
permanent practice. Corporation. Room
sue, 14U isasaau in. t. U3hd fix
LADIES' Handy Hat Fasteners: sewed to
hst: elimate hat pins: price 26 rents nlr
ixtpsld; sgents write for prices. Valr
&irg. Co., Lept. j, uacine, wis.
B 345 30x
DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary
experience unnecessary, international le
trctlve Agency. Milwaukee, Wis
B 351 3fx
WANTED, a good butcher to take charge
of alauxhter house work: only aood. re
liable and aoher man over 40 years of age
neea apply. v. aiisko, ura. in
CARPENTERS, to contract to hulld
nouse; materiel rurnWhed; state waas
and pours per day. Address L. "7. F.
H f"2 Vx
WANTED. mner with tiiO: travel wit
physlrlsn who Is real-tere.t In 3 different
States. Address Box M7, Uunlsn. I.
B-215 '
WANTED, loh printer end ad mn: stead
lob and prompt pv: stste experience sn
wagea wanted, und send mri'le of wrk
No booxvr wanted. Blade, Bewerd Neb,
B 214 30
WANTED, experienced dress goods men.
Applv mornlnas at 10 o'cl""k t
Brandels t Sihis. B-M33S I
WANTED Any travellre man. alea'"sn
or clerk who wants a better paying posi
tion can nnd It by writing M 3 care ot
thl iiaper. B 2 30
Ad on
Page 4.
Omaha Business
. i
I I niVPrCll V I
II v fcl JlfcJ'
. . , xik I
Corner 17tn ana 'am am Bt, urn ana, n
Fall Terms Opens Bept. 1. I
Night School. Oct. 5.
This school gives thorough instruction in all
commerclal branches and In snortnana
and tvDewritlnV No 'slipshod" work done
w. Vt JL.S" t?.nli th Omaha Bust-
here. Tou may attend the Omaha Busl-
ness university iur una uiuutu j i
mv anir tuition. If you are then satisfied
with your work you may pay the regular
rate from the time of entrance. If not
utlsfled. the month costs you nothing. A
VERSITY will convince you that this
school la the Droper place In which to pre- I
pare for commercial or stenographic work.
All students wno compieiea ineir won m
. 1 . .. a -r . nl.nul Intn rhTlrt TAnl - I
: F
it7 ... n,i ia rill hut if it be impossible
AJT'aw'rtU'ihon. fr free
to do so please write or 'phone for free
Illustrated catalogue. atu v
EARN $18 week:y proofreading; employers
supplied. Home corresponaenca ocuvui,
WANTED, state, county and local repre- I
seniauves wr ,"'P" ' , . 8. I to write, easy to read, ana is unexcenea tor speeu. neiore ino avertigr nuunu vi
sine. Address "Lpllft, liO BoylstonSt., pttman ahorthand would have mastered the principals, the student of Mosher short
Boston, Mass. ,. " hand, bv the same study, would be able to write new matter at a high rate of
. ; ,h m
WANTED Clerks and others with com-
mon school educations oniy, wno wisn io
qualify 'ur wady posltlonjs at M week
and over, to write for free copy or my
new prospectus, ana enaorsemenw im
leiami w " - ' Vhi. V wii .n
uate Alls s,000 place, anotner ao.uuu, ana
onw nnmhr earn Il.&OO.
The best clothing ad writer In New York
owes his success within a few months to
my teachings; demand exceeds supply.
George H. Powell, advertising and busi
ness expert, 116 Temple Court, New
York. B
SNAP for canvasser.
319 8. Uth St.
B 422 30
WANTED, stout, active boy; salary, 128
per month. Furay & McArdle, Arlington
block, 1DU uoage si. x mitau ax
WANTED, collector; must have thorough
knowledge, ot bookkeeping. Orchard Sk
Wllhelm; 1418 Douglas. B 119 30
wanted, experienced cisno and furniture
mover: steady work to right man. Cole's
Express, 101 Bo. 18th. B-44 30x
WANTED, young men to prepare at home
for nr locomotives: goou pay mm
chance to become an engineer. Address
Railway Eduoatlon, station u, 7 urooK
lyn, N. T. B-463 S0x
int PFRIOS wlllina- to diatrlbute circu
lars tor 12.50 daily snotuo wrue in quica,.
"Empire, a:o urana tuva., cnicago.
B 461 VX
MA2? arfJAJ!v3Z; rc9hrneUnfj:;
drinks, cigars or money; takes pjace of
forbidden slot machine's; strictly lawful
everwhere; rented or sold on easy pay
ments; 60.000 now In use. Cunningham
Furniture Co., Department 85. Chicago,
1U. a toi mi
WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to
aiBiniuiie i iruuii.. main-., iv n-
signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv,
Bureau. Chicago. B M459 Six
TRAVKLINO salesman To handle staple
line especially adapted to nonnay traue;
exceptional opportunity for wide-awake
hustler; business estaDiisnea; references.
Box 17, Detroit. Mich. m 3UX
X UUI..1II.M, i-w- v. -....,
sell nrsl-ctass groceries airect to consum- 1
ers at wbolesue; hrst-class territory and
lll-eral Inducements. George Meldrum &
Co., 89 No. Green St., Chicago, ill.
-lux) aox
SOLICITORS Ladies and gentlemen. Room
17 Union hotel. m isf tox
have an entirely new proposition lor men
ot ability, territory ia oeing rapiaiy as
signed. Coupon and card leads. F. D.
Mayer. Broadway and Locust sts., 8t.
Louis, Mo. M188 31 x
WANTED Salesmen to sollolt orders for
a fine line of nursery stock. Conveyance
will be furnished to reliable men. Pay
ments weekly. F. 11. tfiannard Co.,
Ottawa. Kan. xaiw iu
SALESMAN Crackerlack speclaltly man.
who can show results and is not afraid to
work hard for big pay. Address M 12, uee.
OlO sux
CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality
lor city ana country iraae; experience un
necessary; 380 per month and expenses;
samples free; enclose stamp for particu
lars. Pioneer cigar Co., uept. ts-z. To
ledo, O. i4 aux
SALESMEN, by Klnloch Paint Co.. St.
Louis, Mo. An easy and highly prontaoie
side line. JJ sux
SALESMAN By well rated concern mak
ing ataple handled by several lines, every
town, sold on 90 days; full commission j
check on shipment and on re-order", which
almost Invariably tollow; easy side line;
no samples necessary. E. Lander, Bee y.
Roe Bldg., Bt. Louis. . 3.9 3Ug
WANTED, traveling salesman to carry our
iiu line to general stores ana Kinarea
trades: new samples weigh Ave ounces, fit
coat pocket and easily earns $5u0 to $1,000
a year commission. , rue ror particu
lars. Standard Ring Co., 108 Dearborn
street. Chicago, 111. . vx
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions Willi
anvance or siv.w mommy; permanent to-
aition to rignt man. jess 11. smith o.
Detroit, Mich. 192 SOx
SALESMEN Side line; small sample; stan
dard article: liberal commission. Trohan
Mfg. CO., Bta. v, bouth Bend. Ind.
198 30x
WANTED, four hlrh-arsda salesmen eann.
ble of earning f4.i yearly; must be able
to Interest le ng business men In the
best selling r position ever offered: If
not laminar wnn our line we will teach
you: salary snd commission guaranteed;
no books. Address, giving age snd ex
perience. M 7, ee. 328 30x
WANTED, salesmen; P monthly and ex
penaee; permanent. Flral National Nut
series. Kocnestsr, IN. x.
g A LEMM EN Automatic conylne bong. new.
needed by every business man; bonanxa
for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., SjuIii
Bend. Ind.
SALESMEN, traveling or local: side line:
26 per cent cummllon; goads new; sell
ta every business, city or vlllsse Damole
case free. Address L. N. Co., 249 E, U'lh
St.. new iora.
was rtu traveling salesman ror Ken.: ca
pable men for staple line to country mer.
chujits; bond required. Box , Bt. Ixiuls.
448 Ax
WANTED, at onee, experienced traveling
salesmen ror reo ; oniy nign-grade men
need apfly: Ixmd required. Addrras
L It Is the oldest, largest, most popular and best equipped In the state.
1 It has the choicest location, ths largest, best lighted and ventilated rooms,
and the largest number of departments.
I. Its faculty is comixised of specialists.
Commercial collesa from tan to fifteen years.
efficient. No school can be successful which
months and then discharges them as soon as
. ot. a . ., ,, i -
. ine umini commercial ouuega is oprmiru ujwu vivw iuuiiuniii,n, &. i.
only business college In Nebraska which maintains a Board of Trade in connection
with its actual business department. This unique feature, which contributes so
largely to tne popularity ana eniciency vi our
th nmh. Commercial college. In seleetino- a
the Importance of such a superior advantage.
of interest and value In connection with the
compared with others. The college orcheittra,
leriainmenis, scnooi oi iaw, ur urinrau oi nucimun, uii oi.....v.
and a gymnasium, fully equipped, including shower bath, should not be overlooked,
f"r they contribute largely to.the welfare of each and every student. In selecting a
h , ' ,eot onJ hBVlng all these advantages.
6. Our courses of study are more numerous, thorough and comprehensive than
the average. We have many branches not found In other catalogues.
. Our telegraph department Is one of the
of this department have succeeded beyond
1 T i v. .knnl I., rn a h a .mnlnt'ln an .Tn.rt rvAnrnan Prnf T-nmnman
-ini,nmi n. nAnmar.aHir, Hannrtmant h
dlt,on to prof La'mpman, every teacher employed In the college Is far more skilled
as a penman than tne average aavertista
Th himinexs men of Omaha emolov
dred each year. They know where to obtain nign class DooKgeepers sienograpners
Una telegraph operators. As a ' Rod of Position.;' is to a (tack) Yard of Po-
sltlons, ' so Is tne demand lor our stuaenui
Our shorthand and typewriting deiwrtments. like all others, are progressive
and strictly up-to-date. Our system of snorthand Is not of antedluvlan origin nor
a relic of the Dark Ages. It la not so difficult to write snd read as the inscriptions
v. n .,.... i n i. un 1 n 1 1 u j ail tlA I'ttmi n I n tviiiimi It la not Mrumbftrul
w,tn many ehades, positions, slants and arbitrary wordsigns. It ia easy to learn, easy
speed, if you were going to buy a sewing
. f fl'ft m a or woui,i you buy
wer BOn(r to buy a bicycle, would you buy the old-fashioned high wheel, or a,
moern .afety with a coaster brake? If you were going to buy a typewriter would
..i.ct an old model or would you select the latest and most Improved? As you
would angwer these questions, you should
of shorthand Invented over nrty years ago
anU and arbitrary word-signs, or shall
Ideas? It will pay you to Investigate Mosher
pest ever devised.
Both Day and Evening Sessions of Our
Fall Term Open Tuesday, 'Sept. 1st,
Our nuarters have been revolutionised. We are ready for visitors. Catalogue
and Illustrated advertising matter free ta
best If you attena any,
100 Girls. Call Canadian office, Uth & Dodge.
WANTED, girls for tight housework; family
of two. AUUreas J uu, turn, mvai
WANTED, competent girl for general
housework; tnree in iaiuny. airs, nun
Woodward. SU07 Pacific. C-4K
WANTED Eperienced salesladies In un
derwear ana nosicry acparuunu. j. x.
Brandels ft tions, omatia. sutm
WANTED, a washerwoman.
Call at once
C M2
at 318 N. Us 1 1st.
TWO young women to take a couse. of
training In Omaha-Florence Sanitarium.
Address ur. w. j. noss, jaae oi..
Omaha. C 4S 8x
8ALE8LADIE8, at once, for millinery
dept. At once. Mrs. Uleason, lioor
Bennett s. u 14 21
w ANTED, experienced girl, general house-
work: small family; good wages; refer
ences required. 2544 Dodge Bt.
C M14S m
WANTED, a girl for general housework.
Mrs. a, a. uavis. Mm ueorgia Ave.
C M144 SUX
WANTED Sewing girls In cloak depart
ment. Hayaen vro., umana.
, w-iiii-a
WANTED, a cook and dining room girl at
The Hillside, iu2 M. istn. c mwu nux
. .
wanteu, competent second gin; gooa
o ..a- . Ura BT U
man, Davenport and 32d .Ave.
C M14K oix
WANTED, girl for general housework.
Apply 1137 D. ZHtn Bt. C M14H 30
WANTED Experienced salesladies in cloak
department, uayaen nros.. umira.
U A11D5 sux
WANTED, three experienced salesladies
lor dry goons ana SKiri aepanment;
steady position and good wagea to right
jarty. Novelty it a r gain store, 17 ana is
Main fit.. Council Bluffs. C M179 30x
LADIES for plain sewing at home: hand
or machine. Materials rurnisnea. no
deposit. Particulars, stamped envelope.
Woman's Remedy Co., B 7, Chicago.
c ;-30x
WANTED, several married ladies to dis
tribute Ladles' Home nemeay literature;
part or full time; salary 21.50 to 32.60 per
day or pleoe work. Mrs. Wood, Mar.. 513
Atlas Block. Chicago. C-391 30x
320 A HUNDRED writing letters home; ad
dressed envelope ror particulars. t,iectric
Remedy Co., Dept. 10, 233 80. Michigan,
South Bend. Ind. C 3S5 30x
WANTED 326 per hundred copying letters;
good salary guaranteea; aaaresson,
stamped envelope. Racine Wholesale and
Retail Co., 804 Racine Ave., Chicago.
C 318 30x
WANTED, three ladles, ambitious, ener-
fetlc and honest, to handle tne Htnaaara
.ectures. We give special training and
pay salaries. Call at once, 831 Paxton Blk.
Geo. L. Shuman & Co. C 338 30
COMPETENT girl for general housekeep
ing; wages, to per ween. 2ut iiowari.
C198 30
WANTED A good saleslady to sell the
King Hrtatn Tablets to tne traae. Ad
dress The King Tablet Co., Kslamasoa,
Mich. C 190 30x
WANTED, good up-to-date dressmaker, to
lake cnarge or aressmaKing estapurn
ment; state salary; reference required.
Address Mrs. A. P. Plica, Maryvllle. Mo.
C 2J6 30
WANTED Lady agents; salary one dollar
a day; pay every day. Apply today (bun
ds vl after 2 p. m. or M mday 9 a. m. at
1M9 Dodge Bt.. front parlor. M. O. W hit
craft. C-321-30X
YOUNG girl to assist at general house
work, inquire 1.1 ooutn Join Bt.
C-M314 I
WORKING girls to know they can have
thlr teeth nxml evenlnas or HundavS hv
appointment with Dr. Hedges, IjOd Far-
nam street. L J12 30
SERVANT girl wsnted. Three In family,
at 1:1s a. zxtn. Appiy at once, u-ui vi
AN experienced cook and laundress, where
pouseniHld Is Kept; good wages. Aprujr
2304 Davenport st. C 210 30
EARN $18 weekly proofreading; employers
supplied. Home Correspondence school,
Philadelphia. . C
WANTED, experienced stock room girls.
Apply millinery department, j. L. Bran
dels Sons. C-M424 1
LADIES to do piece work at their homes;
we urnun all materials and pay rrora
$7 to $12 weekly. Hend stamped enve'ope
to ROYAL CO., 34 Monroe sit.. Chicago.
C too 2vg
Most of them have been with the Omaha,
Their long eXDerlence makes them
employs amateur teachers for a few
able to command a reasonaoie saiary.
... a ..nj-,(An T , i- Ka
uupiiiwbb upiwi iiunuk, i v,iHn
school you should carefully consider
Thin, however, Is not the only feature
distinctive superiority of the school, as
literary society, literary ana musical en-
best equipped to be found., The students
nut fw Anuni and aunerlor. in ad-
our students by the score and by the hun- H
10 tne aemsna ior biuusiub ui umci
machine would you select the imperiect
one having all the latest Improvements?
answer the question, shall I learri a system
ana encumDerea wun snaue, pnaninna.
you learn a system based upon modern
We believe It to be the
any address. Write today. Attend the
nunnuuuun unuo..
inn ana jltuukibb bib., vaiaum,
2588 23 .
WANTED, young lady apprentice to learn
nair dressing, manicure, massage, to mi
position at The Regent Baths. C 403 30
TWO more young women to take course
In training in Omaha r lorence nanito-
rium. Address ur.- noss, zizi iase st.
C401 30
WANTED, at once, a young girl to help In
family ot two. zia Jackson at.
C 468 30x
WANTED, an experienced nurse for an In
fant. Apply to Mrs. Torrey Everett, 810
2d ave.. Council Bluffs. C 455 30x
DEWEY European otel, Uth and Farnam.
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago
E 700
100 to 12.00 per week, 422 So. 38th St, one
block south of court house. 13701
NICELY furnished looms. Inquire Omaha
tenon laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. Phone
A-17J3. E 705
ETNA HOUSE, European. 13th Dodge.
E 704
NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable;
gentlemen preferred. 1426 N. 17th.
. 702
O. M. E. hauls trunks.
Telephone 611.
E 703
VIENNA HOTEL 1011 Farnam; 'phona 67.
E M371 seplu
ROOMS, $1.50 per week and up. Bute hotel,
1312 Douglas st. E M435 S13
NICE rooms, day or week.
1628 Howard.
CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.;
elegant rooms wiu or wmiuut
furnished room.
1616 Cuming
E-M156 63 x
MODERN rooms,
front. 2019
St. Mary's
K 161 B27
ri'BKisHP-n ROOMS Fine location, mod.
1 A-t.nA house, steam heat; reason
able. 3216 Farnam st.
E M176 lx
ROOMS, furnished or partly furnjshed. 634
N. 20th.
NICELY furnished rooms. 'Ph"n"Alu2-'1-mis
NICELY furnished, well-heated front room
for gentleman; walking distance. 48 8.
34th st. i . L 2U30X
A UROB furnished front room with al
cove. 24 N. Uth. ts-m 30x
On 7th floor of
55 per single night.
To lodges and societies for regular nights.
All night elevator service eleetrlo lighted.
Large room well ventilated
Platforms and pedestals for lodges purposes
Apply R. C. Peters Co., Rental
A. C. ONG, A. M., L. L. D., Pres.
A. J. LOWRY, Principal. . .
fall Term Opens September 1st.
The Attendance Will Be the Largest in the Ten Year's
History of the School.
"The Selection of a School Will Largely Determine Your Success In Life."
Select a modern up-to-date Institution of the highest rank.
110.000 expended In furnishings. Klegant roll top desks In Commercial Department.
Oxford. Tale lock denks In Shorthnnd department. Best teachers money will employ.
Fifty machines In Typewriting department. Graduates agisted to a position. Stu
dents can work for board. Send for souvenir catalogue. t'HKB, bound In alligator
finest ever published by a business college; read, compare, and you will attend the
N. B. C.
BEAI'TIFl'L) furnished and unfurnished
rooms, strictly modern in every way, well
ventilated, In new brick building, clnce to
business and postofBce. 161fi Webster st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms; all modern;
for two men. 2519 Jones. E M428 1
(12.60 and up per month.
50c and up a day.
14th St. and Capitol Ave.
Steam heated electric lighted private and
general baths all conveniences first-class
Eat where you please.
E 2lS Bep-4IOx
NICE furnished or unfurnished rooms, one
or more, modern, with or without board;
private family. 1609H N. 84th. E-3M 30
A NICELY furnished room, suitable ror
one or two geneitmen. -.w jncasnn.
K-M444 Six
FOR RENT A very desirable front room
with alcove. The Pratt, 212 8. 2oth at.
F M455
CENTER HOTEL. European plan. 2.1 N.
17th. IcM680 S15
BOARD and room; furnace. 628 S. 19th st.
F 15S S27x
FIR8T-CLA6S room and board for two;
gentlemen preferred; rates, 34.50 per
week. Inquire 2008 N. 22d St. F-157 S3x
ELECTA NT rooms with first-class board;
good home for four gentlemen or two
couples. N. e. cor. 33d and Burt.
x 339 30
ROOM and board, reasonable. 2108 Cass.
Tel. A269S. F-M337 t
2 NICE unfurnished rooms, light house
keeping If desired. 611 N. 2uth st. In-
iuire 1
, 24K7.
uire Room 4, Frenser diock. ieiennoiie
PETERSON 4c LUNuBERG, 115 Bp. 17th.
.Tel. L-2358. H-70K
FOR RENT Building suitable for whole
sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four
stories and flrst-ctam cemented basement,
elevator, fire and burglar proof vault,
oiflce counter and fixtures. For price and
particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, aeo
retary the Bee Building Co., room luo, Bee
building. I-M587
FOR RENT The bul'dlng formerly occu-
?ied by The Bee at 916 Farnam at. It has
our stories and a basement which was
formerly used aa The Bee press room.
Thla will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose
water, secretary, reom 100. Bee building,
1616 Howard Bt., with good basement, 350.
GEORGE oc CU., 10U1 Ait in am si.
I-M804 30
DESK room for rent. 634 Paxton block.
v I M640
THREE-STORY building, 1207 Howard St.,
rkyllght and fine basement, F. D. Ved,
1524 Douglas. I M178 30
AN ESTABLISHED cereal food company
desires the services of reliable man to
fill responslbe position; compensation
$3 000 per annum. Highest references
required and given. Address Auditor's
Department, Box 4842, Battle Creek, Mich.
LARGE STORE ROOM, near 2th and
Cuming, 317.50: Beven nice rooms above,
$12 60. Chas. E. Williamson, V. 8. Na
tional Bank building. 1-409 30
NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y.
Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every
where. 741
J. M. MACFARLAND. 1 N. T. L. Bldg.
M 757 Sepil
The Bee Building
splendid floor.
Agenta. Ground floor Bee Bldg.
WANTED Canvassing agents in every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
Steady employment with assured good In
coinu. Agents in the country with hurse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily t$o to 1W per month. Ad
dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Beo building, Omaha. J 213
EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a fe
men are offered by the Union Central
Life Insurance Co. Correspondence In
vlted. J. M. Edmlston ft Sons, general
agents, uinana ana Lincoln.
J-M325-Sep. S
WE have all six of the different Pope Leo dooks; oest terms; ireignt paia;
outnt tree. Call or write w. A. Mlxen
baugh & Co., 500 Ware blk., Omaha.
AGENTS 330 to 350 weekly easily made.
We prove this. Luminous nameplates,
numbers, signs, readable darkest nights:
sample free. Right Supply Co., Engle-
I in t ore 9,.w
WE START you selling diamonds. Don't
uccept employment until getting our llh
eral offer 35 dally sure. Carbon Dia
mond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J 392 30x
$30 A WEEK to sell our Oil Burner: V,
cheaper than coal; heats stoves and fur
naces; burns crude oil; sample free. Write
.National nirg uo., station in., iew jora.
in. 1. . j vino aux
STOP RUNAWAYS Hitch horses solid In
stantly; carry In pocket; sight seller;
agents wanted. t'ooKet tllteiiingpost t.o.
Richmond, Indiana. , J 84 30x
Is It large enough? If not. we can Increase
it. we nave a system ror obtaining em
ployment for capable peonle thnt cannot
be excelled. Write for our plan and book
let; It s free ror tne asking.
431-433 Water St., Pittsburg, Pa.
J-347 S0X
WANTED, mansgeV In every city, county
to handle best paying business known: le
gitlmate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co.. 15 W. 28th St., New York.
J-346 30X
SALESMEN Do you want to add $100 per
month to your present Income with a
little additional effort? If so, write the
Harrington-Monnett Co. of Decatur, 111.,
for their trade winning proposition. Ele
gant pocket samples. J 187 30x
WE WANT men and women of good sUnd
Ing In every community In the United
States and Canada to represent us. Hust
lers, as soon ss they learn the business
can earn 35.00 per day and upwards; no
money Is required. Address T. J. Brad
shaw, Pres., Room 602 Granite block. Bt.
Louis, Mo. j 186 30x
Good side line for Insurance aa-ents.
American Life Ins. Co.. Box 24, Elkhart, Ind.
BEGIN business for yourself; stop working
for others. We start you In profitable
mall order business at your home. Pleas
ant work; Immense profits, unlimited
possibilities. Full Information for stamp.
r ranKiin-tioward Co., Denver. Colo. J
AGENTS! Our new mall box for city use
sens quick, only one endorsed by post
master general for house collections.
Write. Liberal terms. Signal Mall Box
uo., jouet, ill. J
AGENTS Write now for free sample of
wont ana terms, eiar Harness Mender;
besV 25c seller out; we make other quick
soiling necessities. Columbia JNO. Mfg.
t-o., ot. i-oui.", no. j
AGENTS WANTED. In every city and town
in $he state, to introduce an entirely new
26-cent novelty; can be sold In every
family; no limit to output or money to be
made with same; good seller for fairs
. nnd carnivals. Alpine Supply House, 8
1 lara St., inicago. J M44I 4X
REPRESENT us and make $25 weekly
catalogue of 80 pages free: 400 articles
proBtable and permanent employment.
Write today. CaKh Buyers' Mill Order
League, First National Bldg., Chlcagit.
J-454 3ox
WANTED TO RENT-By a family of
adults, two rooms and board within
' walking . dlatance of court house. Ad
dress, stating price, L 33. Bee. K Mill
4 ROOMS and bath, cheap, cash in advance.
Bank reference; vicinity Catholic church
preferred, p. u. Box 99, Omaha.
K 159 30x
WANTED, two large unfurnished rooms.
with heat, for light housekeeping. Ad
. dress M 9, Bee. K-S43 31x
WANTED By a young business man, seven
. or eigiit-room flat or houses Rent no
object. Address, M 6, Bee.
WANTED, by man. room close In; must be
.first class. Address M 18, Bee.
K 417 SOx
WANTED, to rent, small store or half
store near central part of city, by Oc
tober 1. Address M 21, Bs.
K-MI$ lx
WANTED to buy, some good dental
cbalre. Union DenUl College. N M?
WILL PAY cab for 40 to 50 acres within
15 miles of Omaha. Address K 82, Bs
office. N-Mial
WANTED Good second-hand tennis rac
quets. State make, price and where tliey
may be seen. Addrees L 6 Bee oftlie.
N M1C9 iilx
WANTED To buy a six to eight-room
residence property. Must he in good
nelMlihoorlKHxl end not too far out.1 Will
oav 4iom fci.CMi to $3,U. Address. 1 11,
N 3i-x
WANTED, to buy. a farm of 15 or 20 acres,
more or Ihs. adjoining Ornalia; one with
good Improvements preferred. Will pay
cash; state price, kind of Improvements
. and laud. Address Box 78. Richland.
fSeb. N-M219 Bepilx
WE are getting out a handsome pocket
catalogue of properties for sale 6.M of
them. Ust yours with us this week snd
It will get In. Do It before you lay this
ad. down. t hss. E. Williamson. V. 8. Na
tional Batik building. The booklet will
contain '4 much vslusble general Infor
mation alo, that It Will be preserved.
A MEDIUM or small safe. NolSRee.
Ft'LL line of hard coal stovee now on sola
on sola 1
Si J
kitchens V
t. hlcago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge
FOR SALE All rarmla. furniture.
utensils, dining room, office and bar fix
tures; stock of liquors, cigars, etc, in
cluding safe, cash register, pool table
Barker hotel. Omaha, Neb. Inquire of
Frank Barker, manager. O Masi 11
FOR SALK-llouoehold furniture snd base
burner. 2(8 80. 25th st. O M11S 30
We have the largest and most complete line
m scieci irom, notn new ana secimn mn
machines, at guaranteed loweet prices,
lion't full to write for our bargain offer
ings. We positively have the only western
facilities for doing the finest and most
dim. -nit automobile repairing and manu
facturing. The Wlttmann Co., Lincoln,
Neb. Q
TIRES set while you wait: first-class re-
. . . . .. ...k 11 !.-..- ... L - 1 .. . M -
i H " V , . (, IllH .1114
MONROE sella pleasure vehicle at 811 N.
ittn ot. r 111
FOR 8ALE. t first-class buggies; wnr-
ranted; a snap tor somebody. Call at 20
Leavenworth. P M393
FOR SALE, three Shetland ponies; very
gentle. 2X28 Webster. P M SOx
AUTOMOBILE for sale; flrst-clase condi
tion, engine good as new. Address 1, t8,
Bee office. P M1S3 SI
SHETLAND pony, safe for children. 43d
11 a center his. lei. iiiack-1123.
P-3-T9 SOx
FOR SALE, fine looking. gentle young bay
driving mare, suitatiie ror phaeton or sur
reyt a good traveler and perfectly sound.
Address at once M 13. Bee. IV-377 30x
FOR SALE. Victoria top buggy with roller
waring axles, inquire at 1815 Douglas st.
P 389 sOx
FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. In
mst-clHss shape, at one-hall price. Call
or address, lu-1 Farnam Bt. y 713
FOR SALE, a new 800-ampere. double-pole
switch; never been used. Apply to or ad
dress "sluperlnlendent Bee Building,
Omaha." w-M7bi
TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timbers:
vhlckeu f:nce; uak piling. 9ul Douglue.
I y-ao
IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises.
Western Anchor Fence Co., 205 N. 17th HU
CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher
man it McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
Q-718 -
FOR SALE, Crane hydraullo elevator; can
be used either passenger or freight; com
plete, Iron guide poets, cage ana wire en
closure. J. L uranaeis ac oons. vj ova
INDIAN goods and relics, 1119 Farnam.
J m
3DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam.
ICE for sale In car load Iota. Address
Lincoln ice Co., Lincoln, Neb.
FOR SALE, thirty-three thousand, four ,
hundred and ninety-seven shares Gold Hill f
Mining Stock, ten cents a shaie If taken T
quick. Inoulre T. F, Van Dorn, Board '4
of Trado building.
Q M45J.
FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required,
32,000.00. J 21, Bee. Q 6.4
NEW and tdhand typewriters, ill Farnam.
FOR SALE, at sacrifice prices, bookkeep
er's desk, stool, ' roll top desks, flat top
desks, copying press, bath, etc., office
chairs and other fixtures. Apply st 1514
Farnam St., or Telephone 1335. Q M107 30
LARGE hand-power Iron punch and shear;
bargain. 319 S. Uth St. Q-M147 30
TWO city broke saddle ponies and house
hold goods. 3515 S. 24th at. Q 155 31 x
YOl'NO fresh cow for sale. C. O. Carlson,
Florence, Neb. (J M178 Six
BLACKSMITH TOOLS 1720 8. 13;h ft.
, Q-M172 8x
FOR SALE, an extra fine, Utter of English
pointer puppies; males. $5; females, $3.
Address the Wlldwood Kennels. Wichita,
Kan. Q-193 30x
100 CANDY BUCKETS, $8. 819 S. 13th St.
VICE and workbencl), some tools, counter,
Jilatform scales, some band 4ron scraps.
19 8. 13th st. Q 421 80
LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every
thing told; past, present and future, bat
Isfactlou or no pay. 807 N. 13lh. B 720
MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1709 Csllfor
nla. " 8340 8fx
FREE Your fortune told free, by the
'.truest life reader on earth. Send birth
. date and three 2c stamps. DR. BEST,
112, P. 685, Chicago. 8452 30x
MME. SMITH, baths, 113 N. 16. 3d floor, r $
VIAVA, a wholesome nerve and tissue food
and home treatment for uisorders of
women, free booklet.
PRIVATE home ddrl
babies adopted. The
Sanitarium, 728 1st ave.
At druggists, $L
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; babies boarded and adopted.
Mrs. Uurdels, 234 Lake. Tsl. Red-UML
T U-72S
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns ar.d superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. U. 2 and
3, 15u5 Farnam st, . U 733
PRIVATE hospital before and during oon
flnement; beat medical care and nursing.
Mrs. L. FUher. 1501 Vinton. Tel. 18&9.
OMAHA Dye Works, 1515 Howard, fashion
able cleaners, dretises, suits, cloaks, dra
peries, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets.
U-M733 BepliO
WF3 RENT sewing machines at 76c par
a week, $2 per month; we repair and Sell
parts for every machine manufactured:
second-hand machines T to $10: second
hand machines from $1 to $10, Neb. Cvcle
Co., 15th and Harney. U Mi83
quick cure for weak men. Acts Immedi
ately. "It does the business." Sample
free. Kralgio, cnemisl Uept. 71. Mil-
L. . U'l- IT ".,
U 3sS-x
I DESIRE appreciative wife for wealthy
retired gentleman. Description free. Ad
dress, Mrs. Chase, 2&j Euclid, Room 'Mi,
Cleveland. O. U 394 30x
SEEK husband for lady, 23 worth $10,000
and beautiful farm; young widow, Il6,0o0
and slock farm; lady, 24, $l'0,uii0; widow,
42, t-liJtv. Address Jessie, 19 Ho. Hrond
wuy. St. Louis, Mo. U 1S8 30x
LITERARY 11VKHH and cluh organiser,
lio to 11
$10 to 116 weekly. Cell or address H. D.
1722 capitol ave.
TA I IiOH-MAUK and trimmed hats, fall
lMi'3. $1.50 up to $5 Oil at tin new millinery
store.. The Economy, 106 8. 16th s , op
poxlte old postoftlce. lT 324 30x
Bl'l'ERFLl'OUS hair, warts and moles
perBiantuitly removed by eleetrlclty; con.
sjltsiion free end confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, U N. V, L
WIDOW, home loving. Intelligent and of
some means, desires husband euually well
Situated. Address Mrs L. Lcsler, Haiti- '
more Bldg., Chicago, fll. U 451 30x
PERSONS having contracts In the Equita
ble Tontine Bavinaa (ompuny will please
call or write 4ul Ware block. U 407 to
TURKISH BATHS for ladles only at the
Regent Baths. 2jf Ramse Bldg., op p. Or.
(ilicum theater. Phone 3u79, engHeninis.
U-43 30
VUvl Cu., 348 Bee
U-723 f
ng confinement;
Uuod Samaritan
, Counoll Bluffs, 1
u urn 1
U-724 f I j
613 Bee bldg. ll
U-7 'j'
1 s
ss Mfg. Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
213 31
Drawer B, Chicago. 4U 3ux
1 t