Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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TeMTEtla EI so i Eutetai Epcsct ft
ertJ Edui in tt. City.
M Re Bwobt Of IUMttl( l IlMllI
te oe-ed KlBtrir FreeU
leal ef the Italiew
In had State Senator Shelby M. Culiotn
of Illinois u In the city several Vmra
rutmUr la bin private car No. (, of the
Illinois Central road, having arrived here
ebortiy More noon trom Chicago veer the Central. The trade was bad.y be
. lat?d btcauN of the heavy runs and wa
tuck In the mud for an hour or more
soro distance beyond Council Bluffs.
tor Cuilorn I accon panted, by Mrs. Cullom.
his sister-in-law, Mrs Fisuer. end t w
grandchildren, the Mimes Ridgley. sod tils
private secretary, Mr. W. Malloy. Tbs
party Is fmroute to California to visit Sena
tor Cullotn's brother. H. C. Cullom, st
8n PVsxchro. who Is Iritis' HI of paralysis,
occasioned by being thrown from his car-rlas-e
curing s ruuivir s few weeks ago.
The presence of the dlstitigruiehed il
linolsan we not known In the dry until
1st In the afternoon. During the after
soon ths party took a earn rifle about
the city.
"I must decline ts talk politics," said
Senator Cullom, "hut am at your service
on any other subject. The president has
not yet issued a rail for an extra session
of congress, but he will doubtless do so.
Xt now looks as If the extra session may be
called for Nor em her I, although there Is a
prospect of Its being called about a month
earlier. Ths president nay not call It
until later after asaer-talning the wishes of
ths different sections of ths country, and It
la likely that November will be ths tuna
rteaerlal legislation..
"Tbs General purpose of the session will
be thci consideration tif the Cuban treaty,
but I in not prepared to say In Just w hat
aaannaf it will be taken up. It Is not prob
able Ja,at any financial measures will be
oonslaered during ths extra sssslon. as the
treaty will occupy mast of tbs tints of the
"Financial matters will be left to the
regular session. Tbs Fowler ant the Ald-
jticb bills are now In ths bands of a sub
committee of tbs sonata finance commit tee,
anA It Is difficult ts predict Just what the
recommendation of , ths committee will be.
I ds not know Just what position I mar
take on either of the bills before the re
port of the committee. I can say freely,
however, that I am opposed to asset cur
rency. Our present monetary system Is
ths best rn ths world, and there la not much
room for improvement.
'Illinois will five its electoral vote for
Roosevelt for president, and he will be
nominated and elected beyond the slight
est doubt. I think that the vice presidency
should go to ths west and believe thst It
wilt flt bed not yet beard of the candi
dacy of Mr. Webster of your state. Either
he or Genera Manderson woutd make a
good candidate. I am well acquainted with
General Manderson. and think him one of
ths ablest men In the country. He told me
shortly before tbs expiration of his sena
torial term that be was weary of polities
and desired abova all thine to get back
to privet life.
lease Probablo Csna.ldo.toa.
Tea, Governor Tales has aspiounecd that
be will be a candidal far renoml nation
for .governer of Illinois. Speaking of rice,
- presidential candidates. Senator Beveridge
of Indiana has said that be does not want
lb nomination. Vnless there ia some bic
unlooknd-for political revolution, Indiana ia
safe for the republican ticket. As for the
democratic candidate for tbs presidency
the party Is still at sea. They have some
food timber In Cleveland, Gorman and
Olney. There seems so little cohesion In
tbs democratic party Just now that It will
not be abls ts do much, snd tbs leaders
are only waiting- for sums issue that they
can take up. It will bavs Is be a new
one, and I take It that they or hoping
f or soms administrative blunder. But this
administration Is not making any blunders.
. Orvel&ndisra has the apparent ascendancy
Just now, and I rather think It will be
.that element that will dominate the demo
eratlo convention. Should Tom Johnson
aueoeed In carrying Ohio, with Bryan to
help him. It will give bin a. big lift with
the democracy. Ha Is not going to carry
Ohio. I bavs not the remotest Idea who
ths populists will nominate, bat that will
slot snake any difference anyhow, for popu
lism Is one of tbs has-beens, and no sane
" man would oar for tbs nomination. Mr.
Towns as a bright man, I knew him euite
Von. but I alnoerely Qu notion whether be
would taks tb nomination If It waa offered
CeleskbLa on d the rauL
1 am disposed to think that tb Colom
bian government will yet recede from It
present attitude on too Panama canal
treaty matter. It looks a little to me like
" a Question of money with them. The
United fits tes will not acquiescs In any
' measure that will relinquish Its territorial
and civil rights over tbs canal strip, and
1 think that the matter will b adjusted to
the complete satisfaction of ths United
States yet I do not think that tbers are
any European influence back of Colom
bia's attitude. The European powers nee J
the canal as bad as ws do."
Tb senator lapsed Ints a reminiscent
train and said:
floans of tbs most pleasing memories of
the old days are thoss relating t Presi
dent Lincoln, whom I knew suite well.
He waa a man of the most remarkable
memory. Ho seldom spoks from notsa. If
over. It was his Cooper institute speech
that rsally made him president. When he
went oast te deliver IV. he submitted ths
address to Jo MeUl and Ir. Ray, both
Old-time Chicago friends of liia They took
tt and ougfoaaed a number of additions
and wterlineauona, and had their note
pasted ail around it , Mr. Lineoin took tt
very philosophically and thank big then
for their kiudnsrs went on to New Tork
and delivered his speech verba Um-et-tttratlm
as fcs bsd originally preparod tt
When MediU and Ray read over the spee-h
later In the New Tork papers, they Aid
Your grandmother's doc
tor ordered it for your
father. It's the same
.old Sarsaparilla today.
Tested and tried for 60
years. If constipated,
use Ayer's Pills; gently
luitive, purely vegetable.
A. C. All
nt discover a Woe or word of tbetr notes
or Interline ttnna, and Medin was moved
to remark that their additions ts the
sj-eoch must have blown out the window.
Cleveland taierk CoaSdeoee.
"Frosident Cleveland was another man of
phenomenal memory. At bis first tnaugura
Uoa be delivered his Inaugural address off
hand and without the slightest reference ts
notes. This was the first instance that 1
remember of a president dome this. It
was alss Mr. Cleveland s first sppeemnc
In vVaKhrf.rton, and the orhievement waa
remarkable from the fact that be was an
.absolute strsnrer to the manners and cus
toms of the city, and his superb self-confidence
In delivering that address offhand
before that great audience of ever 10. c
people, Includinc ome of the greatest pub
lic speakers of ths country, was certainly
a rreat thing ts do.
"Tea. there are several senators who
antedate me Is ths senste, amonc them
Senators Aldrlch. Allison, Hale, Frye and
oie or two others. 1 entered ths senate In
'Ti expect ts be absent on our trip about
three weeks. Wo may lay over In Denver
a few days. Ws win return by the Vnion
Pacific and will pass through Omaha on
our return."
OoeBTlaaT oecptlosi at the Krva- At
tended by Lsurgo Throng of
loteroetow People-
If a Jam is any evidence, then the open
ing reception at the new Krug theater
last night was a complete success. Iuring
the entire time from until 10 o'clock
the bouse was thronged with well-dreseed
men and women, all bent on Inspecting the
arrangements of the latest addition to ,
Omaha a places of amusement. And In
sject it they did. from ths front entrance
of tbs handsome lobby to the uttermost
corner of the upper gallery floor. Jt was
with some difficulty gJiat Mr. Judah was
abl te con vino the crowd that the stage
was not open for visitors, or the mysteries
baok of the scenes would have been ex
plored aa thoroughly and systematically
as the appointments Intended for the com
fort and accommodation of the public.
All evening long a throng moved through
the brilliantly lighted lobby, oommenting
on the way concerning the taste exhibited
In the provision of this beauti
ful approach to th theater proper.
Inside ths seats were filled al
though tbs occupants wars continually
changing, while the visitors listened te ths
numc fend examined by detail the arrange
ment and decoration of the t-udltorium.
All that bad been promised for the Interior
has been realised, and th exclamations
of satisfaction and delight were general.
The warm tones of the walla and celling
blend perfectly Is ths color scheme, and
th simple decorations of ths proscenium
arch and the panels so perfectly enhance
tbs effect under the lighting aa to produce
Just what waa aimed at a restful feeling
of luxurious ease and home-like comfort.
The music for the evening was furnished
by tbs bouse orchestra, seated on the
stage. Not an extra Instrument was added.
It being the desire to show the visitors Just
what they may expect when the house la
opened for business. And It Is only saying
a say that th orchestra Is a good
Mr. Jadan and Mr. Gonden were very
busy all evening looking after their guests
and explaining ts Inquirers points about
th house. Mr. Judah expressed himself
as very well pleased with the outlook and
again said he wanted th Omaha public
to know that th Krug theater la to be
conducted on a strictly high grade basis,
a place jo! amusement for the people, where
wives and children may be sent in security.
The al of seats for the opening, per
formance on Monday evening has been
very good. Arrangements have not been
completed for to formalities of the open
ing yet, but a abort program will be
adopted for the occasion, which swill be
announced later. As for tb attraction. It
will be on of the regular bookings of ths
house for the season.
John F. Dairy OSTeva kossa Sorgo
tiests to the Tarleai War
OMAHA. Aug. r To the Editor of Th
Bee: A few days ago aa article appeared
In The Bo suggesting ths employment of
th city prisoners at cutting weeds white
waiting for the rock pile to accumulate.
Th first evening X was In Omaha, twenty
seven ysara ago. I read an article In The
Be on the stone yard Question. Most
every year sine then soma councilman,
new In offlea, by resolution, started to re
form the morals of Omaha and crush out
crime by erecting n high board fenoe
around to stone pile and putting lall th
prisoners ia the city Jail t work breaking
stone for repairs to th down town street
But resolutions of thia kind always die at
th meeting that gave them birth. The
enclosures prove political fences and ths
prisoner. Ilka th brook, "flows on for
ever." A few yeaa ago (alter tb Poor
murder) aa Indignation meeting was called
At this meeting Dr. Miller presided. Reso
lutions were passed condemning tb crime
that shacked the souses of every law and
order-loving dtisen of Omaha. Ths reso
lutions were given ts a urn mitt ap
pointed by the chairman, ts report at a
meeting te be called soon after. Tb meet
ing has never been bold and the committee
si not yet ready t report, and this la th
history of all rock pile resolutions. A tew
evenings age I attended a meeting of th
Omaha View Improvement club and part
of the way to tb arhool nous I could
hardly find the sidewalk, the weeds wer
growing so high on either side of ths walk,
and at! over the vacant lota tb stench
waa simply offensive. Chickena. cats and
dogs ret lost and ds there, and sometime,
are thrown In there and left te poison the
air under a broiling sun. In a few days the
rUldren will be on their way to school
and are they te risk their health and their
Uvea, and perhaps assaults from designing
persons bid in those weeds, while their
parent are taxed te aupp-jrt thieves, bouse
breakers, sandbaggers and hoboes in Jail?
Should tbry not be compelled te ds so-n
work In return for the pre'ectlon given
them by the city government? Let the
mayor and city council call off thia ancient
rock I'll gabble and cleaa up tb outlying
street and walks leading ts all our cheol
by engaging tl -slty prisoners te prartio
while waiting for the fenoe te be finished.
If all th improvement clubs will tak this
matter up. 1 be eve they rc show ts aD
our fellow citlaens that we are organised
ft good purpose and we mean ear club
to be all that the name Implies. Carlyla
says: Tbe situatloa that baa not it.
duty. Its MeaL waa never eorupled by
johm r. Dalit.
Gasoline Mevw atssaw4e.
Thirty-first and Lindsay streets, was light
ing 9mwjm -l - - '
I Li oun gaseiine w hich had ran down
on the ste.e was Ignited and the bias
communicated with the can. wnlca. a
pioded. ft iu tbs room with nam and
burning tb weenaa's band severely. The
fireme were called, but tb bias had bean
extinguished beiure tbelr arrival.
Aotoaaobtle wwooee best
A call has gone out te the automobile
owners of Omnlia te attend a meeting la
the Commercial rlub rooms at t e rir-k
tiii evening A Buskber of matters of Isa
Bieoukt aud pressing smpUos te uume
t'tlists wui be aomxarel si the rueeULg
The sBtomoblt ordiuariee new pan timet In
th riy council eomaulMee will be ore ef
r niMineaaj aura an srlw
Storn Damap ts th Street! m Kudb
Lighter Than Expected.
Believes that 3M Will Cover the
Feb lie Lews, bet Private Prop
erty Sogers te Greater
The damage done to the street and sieve
of South Omaha will not amount ts over
Kims. Thia was the rtaiement made by City
Engineer Bel let night. Early yesterday
mornlr.g Mr. Beal made s trtp on horseback
ever the unpaved streets and noted the lo
cations of washouts.
In Albright the water spread over the
bottoms, but besides filling cellars no dam
age was done. The roadway Is washed
away In placea and the mud hi deep, but
repairs can be mad with litUs cost to tb
At Thirteenth and 3 streets th cstch
basin cloi-red up and there is s washout
which will cost the city about 160 to fin.
At Sixteenth street and , Missouri
avenue two bole have been washed
In th street and tb engineer
estimate that thee can he filled
at a cost of not more than IS. There
ia a washout at Twenty-first and L street,
but Mr. Beal aaya that It will take only
two hours' work to fill this.
The water damaged George 'Vrerrtpotfs
cellar wall at Twenty-firth and H streets
and the area wall at Graff's hardware
store. Twenty-seventh and Q streets, csved
In. Both of these latter losses will be per
sonal and cannot be charged te the city.
The Flunkett building at Twenty-fourth
and K streets suffered considerable loss
by the caving in of the foundation on the
north side. As this building waa con
demned some time ago the tenants were
notified that tbev remained in the bulldir.g
at their own risk. The city will now pro
ceed to have the building rased.
Th elephone service was badly knocked
out and linemen worked all day yesterday
and last night repairing th damage to
the lines.
The sewer in the alley between E and F
streets and Twenty-third and Twenty
fourth streets was damaged by lb sup
ports being washed away, but th newer
Itself is still Intact. At the city Jail The
water in the sewer "backed up and tor a
time the Jail waa In a decldely bad sani
tary condition.
TJiere waa little If any damage In the
railroad yards aa the big stock yards'
sewer carried off a largs portion of the
storm water.
A portion of the street force worked all
the afternoon fencing in the dangerous
washouts and placing red lantern. Both
Mayor Koutsky and the city engineer think
that South Omaha got off easily aa com
pared with other places.
tarry Mill. See. Beats.
About t o'clock last night Frank Hreblk,
Jr., who resides sear the old Fisher place
about two miles southeast of Sarpy Mills,
drove up to police headquarters and asked
where he could get a boat. He aaid that
four families were in distress near Anchor
Mills and that tb water In tb Fappi was
rising rapidly. Between Sarpy Mill and
Pa pillion the water In the roadway was
from three to four feet deep and at Anchor
Mills, In the lowlands, it was between eight
and nlns feet deep. The families confined
in their homes by tbs high water are those
of Anton Herbeek, Joseph Zltty, Frank
Hreblk. nr., and Joseph Xopetsky. In aU
seventeen people were' Betalned In . their
homes on account of high water.
A boat was finally secured and Hreblk
left for his home In s hurry- He said be
fore going that be thought a large number
of hogs in pens hsd been drowned.
Will Istsweet wUAlswn.
City Engineer Beal proposes making a
thorough Inspection of a number of. build
ings in the city where he suspects that
the foundations are weak. This Inspection
will be made Just as soon aa the repairs
arc made te the tnpaved streets. Tbes
repair will lake ths street force about a
week, then the engineer will be at liberty
to make the inspection. The chances
are that several buildings which have been
considered unsafe will be reported te th
city council and will be ordered condemned, :
Will Open October X. j
M, X). 'Welch of the Omaha Cooperage '
company stated last night that be ex-
petted te have his new building completed
and the cooper works In operation by Oc
tober L Tb building new being erected
ia entirely of concrete and steel and tb
workmen are now up ts lb second story.
Mr. 'Welch said that the only wood In th
structure would b tb window casings.
He proposes to make th new structure
absolutely fireproof. This building Is larger
than the on destroyed by fir last spring
and will hav doubl tb capacity of th
old works.
OesurtnsT Away Wreekcsva-e.
A doaea or mars men are at work clear
ing away th debris of th Morrill fire.
Particular attention i being paid to re
covering lead and shells which were stored
In the building at tb time of th fire. Mr.
Morrill stales that b had about five tuns
of shot and over M.iMB empty r Th
lead Is being dug out and tbs empty ahells
are being saved for th brass caps. A
portion of ths walls of th mill have been
taken down. The ground where tb main
building stood is being cleared and the re
mainder of the mill will be taken down Just
as soon as Mr. Morrill Is abls Is get out
of th hospital.
Going After Crwosta.
Chief Briggs said last night (hat he 1
going te arrest every suspicious character
in the city. He said: "When I retumod
from the south a day or two age I was sur
prised to find a many well known crooks
in tb city. I shall glv my personal at
tention to these pecpl and see that they
are either landed In JaQ or leave th city
at once.
Last night the chief and the captain
made a roundup, and the result is that
quit a number of suspicious characters
are in th city Jail. W'ail no crimes of
sny lmportanos hav been reported at po
lice headQuarumrs the chief doe net Ilk
t see the city full of petty thieve, and
be is going t run them out.
Fllee Charge Today.
Chief of Polio Brlgr said last alghi
that h would today f.'- charge with the
Fir and Police board against P. H
Shields, captain of polio, for neglect of
duty at the Morrill fire. Tb chief mad a
thorough Investigation of th ease yester
day and la ssturhed that th captain did
not us good Judgment ia calling hi men
TarcUh vaiiifthes ft! a
Siever Polish
Ceans at wcS at polhe
Produce g lardxxf poliaa
away frnej the fire when be did. As for tb
charge against Officer Small, the chief
said that be wmiM hold those bark ntH
the hearing of th rase In polio court on
Looking for Dave It lee.
The police are looking for Iav nice,
colored- Teeterday afternoon at Swift'
Rice assaulted Thomas Trohrldre. the fate
man of ths beef killing department, snd
injured htm quite severely. Rloe had been
given an order which he declined to obey
and Trobrklge told him he would either
ds aa told or quit. lace then struck Tro
bridce a blow which knocked him down and
stunned him. Ik-fore an offlorr arrived Rir
got ae-ay from tire plant and it is thought
that 1 ha left the dry.
Haaie tlty Gossip.
Mr. and Mra Mike OH euro Lave returned
fritm an eastern trip.
A son -a b"-r vVedieeday to Mr. and
Mrs. James 3 Firtgemid.
Mrs. Mar?' Stantt of Linoln it here visit
ing her father, O.arler- Starts
Mr. and Mr. I'atri'-B Briwmhan. I4fl Q
street, announce the b.rth ol a son.
Hip M E. Elli. of l eru. Neb., If in the
city tb guest of Mra. Mary J. Carpenter.
tdonei J. B. Ma tains lelt last night for
Wirmepeg to attend to eome buninetis mat
ters. Frank J. Fitle came up from Lincoln yes
terday to loos alter ius projert inter
ests here,
A dmipMer has len born to Mr. end
Mrs Louie Sorensen, Thirteenth and Hm
i iK'in rtreeta.
A permanent sides aik if belnx laid
around the new A., (i. V. W. temple at
T el.: y-fifth and M streets.
Mm Aupurta Pu-kr returned nlpwt
from Dunib-p. la., where she visited friends
and reieiix lor a ltn days.
Iana Morrill, president of the Snuth
Omaha jbnard of Laucation. contir.ue to
Improve at the South Omaha hospital.
There will I no service at the
First Baptist church tundty morning.
Services will be heio in the evening.
C W. Tullla. s ra-iti'hman at the nock
yards, had his riant hand bad'y bruised
while coupling car xeetrrday anernot-n.
Councilman Mjlee E. Welsh and P. J
Martin are in L-enver. They will arrive
bonis from their western tnp on (Saturday.
Little Reaaance ait hLreg's Park. Ends
Happily la a Marriage
And now It seems that whatver It
played the Ja of the Krug's park merry-go-round
organ these three month past
were all one tune to the conductor and to
she who sold the tickets. When he said
"Keep your scats till the motion stops,"
In a strong, manly voice. It was not for
the safety of the reckliss youngster, as
had all along been supjiooed. bl that she
might hear; and when she passed the
ticket out It was not the wearisome duty
which we thought it at the time, for ah
knew her the pasteboai-ds went, and
each was a message of moaning. So there
waa a quiet little wedding at the park
last night, of which the crowd first be
came aware as the bride passed through
the court, and George W. Porter And
Theresa Henrici wer given the order of
the double harne.
The bride 1 the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henrici of Chicago, who have been
pending the summer at the park. Mr.
Henrici is a brother of the millionaire
caterer in Chicago and was the initiator
of that large business. Tbey came west
with Mr. Cole In the spring and win soon
return te their home. Mr. Henrici forty
years age lived In this city. Miss Henries
became the cashier of the merry-go-round
and there met Porter, who had oven In
charge of the amusement machine for
three years. The engagement was an
nounced three weeks ago, and when Mr.
Cole heard of tt he proposed that the mar
riage be solemnised at the hum of the
parents In th park and this was done.
Judge Vlnsonhaler officiating.
At W o'clock the park band struck up
Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," and the
bride, with Miss Da. In trom, entered the
room where the groom and a few friends
awaited, and under a -canopy of American
flags the service was performed. Frank
Kelson was best man. After the wedding
about twenty guests sat down to the
supper and drank tb health of the bride
and groom. Porter is an Omaha man and
the pair will make their home for th
present with his mother at 1717 Mason
Ost Held on Chaurge of Robbery avnd
the Other a. Cwssplainlns;
Thomas King, who at present calls, a
room 'at 100a Xavenport street home, and
M. MoGarry, both fresh from a grading
camp near Malvern, la., drifted Into town
yesterday. Tbey spent the day 'seeing tbs
sights and at night retired ts a room in
the Oxford hotel. About fifteen minutes
after th gas had been turned off King
Jumped up in bed and announced that he
had been robbed of all his earthly p.
sessions. The hotel clerk heard the com
motion and appeared upoa the scene. In
the meantime McGarry bethought him that
he toe. might have been th victim of a
similar touch. He felt in the to of hi
shoe for a fa note which he had tucked
carefully away during the afternoon. It
was not there and he Joined In the search
for the missing wealth.
After everything In the room had been
gone over McGarry cam to the conclusion
that King had raised the cry of stop thief
te protect himself and so Informed the
clerk, whe called Detective Drummy and
Madsen and Officer Fink. Both men wer
taken t the station. King was taken Into
a private room where be was forced ta
remove hi clothing which was examined
and ta was found In three separate rolls
carefully tucked away In the wearing ap
parel. King was charged with being a
suspicious character and McGarry was
held a complaining witness.
oodles Bavdly la) area.
H. B Smith. aed'ller who reside at
Grant street. r 1 fmm hi wagon near
Sixteenth street snd Kinrr aver. u about e dork yesterday e-vemrg On ef the
wagon wheels passed over tits neck and
right arm. Same of the blood vessels in
tie neck were ruptured snd when picked
up be was unoonscieu His right arm was
also badly bruised. Offlrer eWn uelson tele
phoned the polio etstinn and th patrol
wagun wa eent out and removed the in
jured man to St Jdeeph's hospital. Ir
Henry and Hobha drenaed the iriurie. At
a lata hour east niarni nr. enitii wa
rervrted a having reammed eorHicl'mrmee
arid. provKltng no complication ariae. hia
injuries will probanty nt result senuua y
William Quintan, whe waa Injured In
saloon firht several Says ago. is still con
fined to his borce. Ur. brructer, who Is tt
attending phyaician. said last night thai
Outrun wa very weak, but he does not
an'imnale any serious complication
Slte Aicoe. sn North Ninth street. I
liK-ked up at the police station, rhargwd
wits being s suspicious character aomt or
litar friend have agreed to erur a ticket
for her. after which ehe will be turned out
on a promise to lav th city at once,
Wtlliam Patterson, whe was srreetsd
yesterday forenuoe. got Into a fight wits
on of oell snaies at Uie cltv ja.ll last
tight snd wa thrown so violently against
tn bars that tk forehead waa cut open,
Fsur stltebas were requited to doe th
H Vance Lab, genera) manager ef the
Kenraaaa Telephone oorriparv, ha returned
rruut a tnp u.ruugh the biack Jiiii
Mies Maym Huiehlnaoa whs ha been
erarading me sumauer wit fneitoa at
liirmeioiAa and Clear lake, ha returned.
Goeemor J H Mickey was la the city
between train last cic-ht H left about
1 cieck ever th Buriutun lor I Jijkiiii
When those snrp ttnictnre the bont, brami and nerves are poorlr rioi:-ibtd ether c-fran hpw the
blight fcrt, euid it'i a general fact that grave disease is always preceded and accompanied by Anrmu
weAk blood. If ii. J as made (as Nature intended it should be) like
coEtain3njj all the nutritious substances of the best wheat, there would be ro Anera'l.
Palat&blo Uatriiicss Easy cf Digestion and Ready to Eat
Dr. Price., th creator of Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder and Delicious FlaTorlnt; Extract.
tnpvti bj FK:E CLXLU FCC. CO, Fc.d Kill, B1TTLE CHEEK, KICB- t r'n
Eituiitlia Attorney Attacks
Itrtrded by CcunoiL
Oo: tract
Argroes that Cesoeil Ha ho Stlghl
to Transact Boeastee of A.UT
via Eaeept by lease
lias th city council tb right to trans
act any business eacepl by formal ordi
nance? Attorney "W. A. teBord says It has not,
He has raised this point so one of the prin
cipal reason why asphalt repairs should
not be mad under a contract awarded to
th Barber Asphalt company. According
to his argument, made before Judge Day
yesterday afternoon, several thousand and
on matters that th various councils have
disposed of by mere resolution, concurrent
or "plain," since the first council was or
ganised, were handled contrary te law.
Ths contention of the a'.eorney Is that
the charter specifically authorises tbs
council to do certain thing by ordinance,
but provide no other mode of accomplish
ing business, stating explicitly that no ex
ception will be made unless specifically pro
vided. "I challenge anyone to disprove thia
statement." be said in court. "The word
resolution Is mentioned in the charter but
ence, but In no place is authority given te
th council to proceed by resolution. All
it acts must be carried -out through th
dignified and solemn ordinance. The coun
cil cannot do business as It pleases, accord
ing to numerous court decisions, but must
set in a definite way as authorized t d
by the power creating it"
Beselettee the Rale.
The rule with the Omaha council has been
to award contracts, order the expenditure
of money and, in fart, transact all ordinary
business by resolution, concurrent and re-
auiring signature by the mayor when to-
volvins- monev. and "nlaln when not. Br
this means an set could be consummated
at a single meeting. Instead of requiring
two sessions en diSerent Aaya, as ordi
nances demand.
Judge Day's decision Is anxiously watted.
The case pend'ng Is tb Injunction suit
brought by an agent of the Kenranra Bi-
tultir.le company te restrain the city from
proceeding under a cor tract for asphalt
repairing awarded te th Barber Asphalt
company by concurrent resolution.
Attorneys for the plaintiff hold that one
of the reason why the injunction should
lssu ia that th proposals exacted pledged
the bidder te furnish a surety company
bxd for the amount of the undertaking
involved, and that the mayor and council
have not the right to exercise Boca discre
tion, as opposed to a personal bond signed
by tw resident freeholder.
The arguments will be finished today, but
a decision Is not looked Tor Immediately.
Maortee stags aa Teesatosmrtly Abas !
lens P start SBOit Store atbaav, J
bait May Bewowsldor It.
Th project of a new department store
for Omaha, which was agitated last
serins, has been abandoned, temporarily '
at 'east, by th original promoter.
Maurice Magnus, a Chicago buolneaa pro-'
meter, whe announced during a stay is
Omaha last spring that he Intended te
establish a new department store here, hag
transferred his operations to Pittsburg.
P and Is now managing a new depart
ment stars there. Mr. Magnus left Omaha
with th Intention of returning soon to
open a new store, but during a visit ts
Pittsburg decided on th latter place. Sev
eral month ago a new department store
waa opened In Pittsburg under the name
of the ramouswtth Via uric Magnus as
An Omaha tuerchant whe saw Mr. Mag
nus recently Is Pittsburg reports that the
latter will shortly leave for Chicago to
open another new department star on the
West side. Mr. Magna a announced at that
time that h bad net aaandoned th project
of starting a new otor in Omaha, but said
that nothing definite was under considera
tion at present. Mr. Magnus ha been
very successful In th east as a promoter
and wtsbe te extend his operations far
ther west.
Indian Wosaoa Isieeist.
01!t House, a full-blooded Shoshone In
dian woman, la oncupyirig a cell at police
headquarters She t on her way froia
Sribon loahe. t th government asylum
at Canton. S. D.. in charge of Deputy
I riled States Marvhal Small. She aa an
old woman and violently insane. I'ntil re
cently ane has net been violent, but ail her
hie has been mors or lee eraxy. Th f-nr-er
has been on the read wuh his cVarge
over a wees. It required a trip of four
days overland te reach the railroad froau
the reservation, and during ths everla'is'
trip the officer had te camp out whs tr
craxy womaji aarb night- At time Aurlr.g
tn tnp su has becom e violent tbat
sn would try I bit tb snarehal. and
would attempt ts reacti enr kind ef weapiw
In sight te attach tarn with. On oo oe
rasiun near Cheyenne she gave the ofTMter
tl alls and was gun fur several hours,
but nas recaptured. He had In in ee
worn out with watching her that be went
te sieep In to ear. but ncllk a lees fjr
t untie oftiorr near the same plans a few
days aince did net bwe hi prisoner. Mr.
Small will lesv this morning fur the
South Dsfcota city.
Bogbew'e Cwodttlow SoHon,
Fred Bug-be th Artver of engine ooea-
Kry '. . oho eras severely it Jure by
ang thrown from the rear ef a nruok
wt-iie easreiaine t-fca
pin iDnnfTir
er, whd reported in a very serious
condition jeeterciiiy. All through the day
he waa or. ; cvmecloua at interval cf a
few minute. Hia wile, who was visitlns
friends at Chauron. Neb., st the time
the accident occuiTed, waa notified and
erarted for home, but war delayed ly the
fkxid Flie had not arrived at a late hour
lart night,
Two Men Charged with Cruelly te
Wetaiea eotenred by
'aire Berks.
Judge Bertta established a precedent yes
terday which will have the tendency of
causing all family trouMee to be arbitrated.
No lot.ser will the imi-lslve hurthand
bump "Mary's head on the mantel piece"
In an endeavor to cluing her mind, for in
jolle court yesterday two men said
to 1 chronic performer at this ghme were
sentenced sixty and thirty day respectively.
The former was tr. F, G. Welse. living at
RSI South Twenty-first street, and the latter
T. A. Frawley of lfDC Chicago. Both were
arrested last night on complaint of their
wives, who said that the men were
frequently cruel and that tbey. the women
were afraid of thrlr lives. When Wrl
wa searched a weapon of his own con
struction was found on his person, con
sisting of a three-Inch burr secured In a
thong of rawhide. Mrs. tTelee said that
be had frequently threatened her with thl
weapon. Welse on the contrary said that
h only carried It to show to hi friends.
Kate rsieaberger Beys the First
Tie Vet M by the Sew
Despite th rain the opening of the ad
vance sale of seats for "Sweet Clover." the
hiltlal attraction st the new Krug theater,
opened with a long line at the box office
this anomlng. The first man in- line wa
Nate Epresberger. th wholesale milliner,
whe had the distinction of being the first
man ts buy tickets at the new play house.
Mr. Splesherger wl! give a theater party
! Mlndsy night, having taken eighteen seats.
I George A Hoar land and Albert Cahn were
next In line, and during the morning many
other prominent citlaens bought ticket, all
of which promises a brilliant opening for
the new tboater next Monday night.
Tonight the house will be Illuminated,
the orchestra will give a free promenade
concert and all of the people will be in
vited to Inspect tbs interior of the new
Rsaklsg "traters Carry Of Vwoel
Co ps ey C at Beaolag-ton
Information was received at department
headquarters this morning that Company
iG, Twenty second Infantry, in camp at the
Douglas Ooun-y Veterans' reunion gronnds
at Bennington, had lost all of Its rations
and eonsldersfei other company property
during the flood last night. Tb company
I quartered today ia a hall In tb town of
Bennington and ration will b sent Cap
bain Stone, In charge of th company, by
express at the earliest practicable moment
If it 1 found impossible t hav ration
hipped te them In time. Captain Ston will
be authoriced to buy food for the company
at Bennington,
rlai, rorketaeak Two lne.
Walter Dax, a traveling salesman for a
warnian company ef I spoils. Ind , and
Pred Heath, a barber renlding at in (Mmtii
Tenth street, went to a rummer resort te
while awsy a few fleeting hour last night,
and imhloed tos much strong drink. V ben
they returned e the city laie In the even
ing they became very aff ectlnnate and
embraced each other. After the embrace
Heath searched himself and proclaimed in
The handsomest Ladies' Fuits we have ever shown
are now on exhibition.
The derijrna show wonderful cleTerness, character
and grace.
Ve want everybody to see these Baits we want
them to compare the style, quality and price with those
of any caeh store in this city.
We pladly extend to every worthy person the most
liberal terms of Credit in America. No money down a
little each payday.
We are closing out Shirt Waist Suits, Silk
Waists and Shirt Waists at about half price.
tr-tor ft
a loud and threatening tone that he had
l-een touched fur ri pockc tHK-a lie nutu
rally arrufel hi irlcnd. the traveling sa .en
man. ff taking tti inert While the arau
iner t wa gcuiig on a jiMI'eTnr gmhered
them bt'h in aid landed them at the ta
tlnri. Afier both men had been aesigurd
to a ce'.l Heath ent ihroiiph tte searcb
li.g pence bci in arid tmind the io'
px ketho'.ik coi.tu'nlng tire aii'iirt In ."n
ol the recent"- f h clothe The nmotirt
Involved in trie allered theft wa 14 SS. Ivotli
ruin nert hild. charged with being drunk.
Cksraved with tJteallag Watch, .
le Tiir: hob 1 held at the police sta
tion on the charge of frisking a waieh
from the pnrkrl of Carl Olson. The iw'
men were having a good time In s oaJonn
and Turtle. in t'ijc'.ied to show Olson 'bt
latest waltc step. When the dunclng
snn sa ever tenon's watch wa gone. He
corrr't'ui.ed to tbr imlirt and Tun teeon we
arrested. The wairh In controversy wa
found on hi person.
Fleshes a Barglar.
Officer H. E. Jackson thought be sue
tm"ije w-orklng at the rear of ffhukert a
fur store on Bcuth Ptxteenlh street n.ii
pror-rwded ts Invest urn te. He found a
broken chieW and a brir-k near the door
and the dinr h"-d indications of havina
eeri tamjierwd with, but the man who waa
doing the lob had fled.
FTettdrnt of Satlonal fmloras Isaoe
Call for Meeltsg to Be Held
la October.
INT'lAXAPOUS. Aug. ft. Before ad
journing today the presidents of seven
national building trades unions issued a
call for the larger building trades unlnns
of the country to send three representa
tives each to a conference te be held here
October 7. It is hoped at this meeting ts
effect the formation of a national federa
tion of building trades.
Eseestlve Cwsssnltteej of Lgae Is
Aaaasseed to A a a sable
Oetober X. - - '
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. V. President J.
Hampton Moore of the Republican league
today Issued a call of toe executive com
mittee of the league, I b held at Chi
cago on October 1.
faaaragm In Panic.
PAT-IS, Aug. St. A fire which broke out
In a car of the Metropolitan Vndergrouni
railroad at the Hotel d VUle station today
caused a panic among tb passenger, who
Jumped .from ths train. Several person
were injured and on woman fractured her
akull. Th other passengers wer leas
seriously injured.
Weald Eaten. la torreeoeodeata.
DKKTER. Aug. C Ths secretary of the
National Live Stork associstlon today re
ceived letter from Judg C. M. Mile of
Hugo. Colo., stating that th dtisen of
that town would entertain the Washington
newrparier men wh ar on their way west
1LKr Clty These oorresponoents rep-
resent the leading papers la th Vnlted
State and will travel in a special car and
Tem i' Then 7heTwm b. t riTted tT.
; rtmj old-time cowboy chuck wagon supper,
In the tvrn!ng tbey will be given a eow-
hoy' dano and reception.
Brewers Strike In St. Ioeia.
'ST. LOtlS. Aug ZT. Sixty-five engineers
snd lie firemen went nut on a strike todsy
st the several breweries throughout tbs
city. They demand aa Increased pay tor
the mnnMir, 1 ,Wiul SI . .Mb kJ a
cents an hour instead of & cents lur ta
GaleebmraT Bneee Poetpesoeu
GALESBVRG. III.. Aug. r.-The raea at
the Galesburg thriving Park emcvtrJaai
track mere puetpnocd today on account of
rain Cresceu nil) go against ths worlds
trotting record on Wednesday, September 1
Aug JT Samuel Parka,
walking delegate of the HeuMiamlths' snd
Bridge union, convicted of estortioa. was
today taken to Sing Sing prison.
000SE SfttEET