Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Firm Cables and Wet Weiiber Inflates
Qrain Market.
Clrala Received at Three Principal
Points (hom Increase Over Laat
Wtrk, bat Decline from
Vfr Ago.
CHrCACO. Aue. 24.-Whcat was string
xt-ept a temporary nip erly, SopUmu'T
closing 4ii higher, wiin December Up 'it
fcn. Corn was we.ik At the st.irt, but i.e
veloped firmness, the close being at a loss
of o for September, with U'camb'r hio
lower. lists closed hieauy, witn Septem
ber a shade higher nn,i Dnntar 0,1 '.
provisions were Irregular with l.ttle change
in prices.
Wet weather and firmer cables were the
early Influences In the wheat pit. There
u an urgent demand at the opening
which forced prices up from the Initial fig
ures and they showed a gain of H'4'J i
HftSc for September, at Su'iaSgrSOty;, and r.
to H higher for December at 81V".'ic.
The advance was che.-ked by the fieillnj,
due to Increased reedpts at Minnepolu
and the market broke from 810 for the
formfr, anil SIHc for the latter, to TD'A'SMlc.
The offerings were well taken and whon
the selling eea.ed strength again devel
oped and the close was firm near the high
point, September being up So, at 8v,17,.'t0.iO
and December ViJt'Hc higher at W4U1V.
The visible supply showed a decrease of
172,000 bushelA. The total now reported It
12,710.000 oa against 20,6&.OOV bushels tn 1A
Clearances ot wheat and flour were
1o ri,(i62 bcehels. Primary renrlpts were
bushels against 1.20200 bushels last
year. Minneapolis and Dulnth reported
receipts of 45 ears, which with loetl re
ceipt of 114 cars, 2 of contract
mads a total for the thres points of 170
cars, against SO last we-k and 473 a
The weather was also the Influence In
the com raaxkrt, but being extremely
favorable to a larse crop. b'C lines came
out and caused coruti!er.ible -weakness early
In the session. Helpers bought freely and
aa the ofrerlng-s bectir ehautej a sett
tared demanti developed and firmness en
anied. end much of th etrly ls was re
covered. The close showed Sntember i4c
lower at 61He, after ranging between S0n
and QHc December closed Ho lower ut
Heavy selling of May and December
oats by local long caused weakness early,
but commission bouses and some locnl
traders checked the decline and the c e
was ateadr around Paturdtvy's close. The
cash situation Is still string-, September
wa a shade higher at SIHc, after selling
between S4c and 34V1fc4e- December
was Mo lower, at .VTHe.
A strong hog market at the yards gave
frm tone to provision. Packers sold
moderately on a small advance, while out
side traders favored the long side. S-p-tmher
pork closed unchanged at
Beptember lard was P4c lower at 13.22. v nils
ribs were tip 5c at 17.S2H.
Estimated recolpts for tomorrow: Wheat,
160 cars: corn, 430 cara; oats, 315 cars; nogs,
17.C00 head.
Tha leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artloles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Bafy.
a Sept.
b Sept.
b Deo.
Sept. Dec.
Sept Oct.
38 'A
12 87HI
12 7S
13 0JM.'
8 22Vi
1 70
7 82
7 J
81 S
II 90
13 02H
13 00
8 87HI
7 7t)
7 86
7 U-H
80H 80H
1VM 80HV'i
12 87
13 1T7HI
13 vm
8 20
1 06
7 80
7 85
01 V olVili
13 87HI
13 02Vi
13 U2
I 22H
7 7HI
7 82'
7 2
12 87V4
12 87
13 06
8 25
7 06
7 77
7 87
NO. 8. a Old. b Ksw,
Cash quotations were aa follows:
WHEAT Nu. 3. 80fl83o, nominal; No. 2
red, 7H&310.
COKiM No. 2, Ble; No. 2 yellow, B2c
OATS No. 2, S2c; No. 3 white, SSc
RYK No. 2. El.mt3Vtc.
HAKLICY Oood feeding, 49c; fair to
Choice malting, 61&60O.
SEEK No. 1 llux. iAc; No. 1 northwest
rn, $1.01 "a; prime tlmotny, (3.16; clover, con
trant arrade. HI. 00. nominal.
I'ROVlSlONfl Uees pork, per bbl., $12.80-3:
13.87. Lard, per 1UI lbs., ti.10U'3.12. Huort
riba aldea (louae), J7.o7(07.7&. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), 7.0"(i7.:6; short clear
idea (boxed;, 37.757.87.
Ins luilownig wuio tliu receipts and ship
tnenta of flour and grain Saturday:
HecelptM. Btiinments
Flour, bblB 174,023 26.092
Wheat bu 7S.326 67,9m
Corn, bu 24J,4uO &34.k47
OliU. bu 2D4.900 4OC.707
live. bu... 8 660
liarley, bu 23,100 4,035
Un the i'roduce excliango today the but
ter market was steady to firm; creameries,
H.-iiUe; dajrles, lijl.c. Cheese, lower at nw
llc. K(is, llrm; at mark, cavea Included,
oat Various
o. h.,
of the Day
NEW YORK. Aug. 24. FLOlTTt-ne
colpta, 12,437 bbla: exports. 10.2M bbla. The
market was llrmly held but quiet. Winter
batants, i3.ku4.3; winter straigitU, U &J
Minnesota patents U-WtHto; winter
extras, I2.M13.2S; Mlnncaoia I. alters, w.M
winter low grades, i70i3.uo. Hye Hour
quiet; fair to good, t3.SK3.3i; choice tj
fancy, H-3&IJ3.W.
CotN'MliAL Firm; yellow western,
U.u: city, ii.iu: aim anna,
H El Quiet; No. 3 western, tc, f.
afloat; state and Jersey. 6uuXJc.
liAltLKa Steady; fnutllng, butdtilc c. 1
I., butfaio; tnalUng, UokM a l. f., Uut
WHUAT Receipts, 28.325 bu.; exports,
,ih uu. upot, tirm; ino. i rea, M'c, eie
aior, and &7c, f. o. b., afloat; No.
mirihern, Duluih, W!kc, f. o. b., afloat
No. 1 hard, Manitoba, iSc, t. o. b., afloat. I
optiuiia, oteiung strongei on bullish cables,
fln in harvesting districts and northwest
buying, atiged oft at noon under prollt
taking, latter It recovered on reports of
xpon business and was firm all tlte after
boon, led by Septemle:-, closing (lo
higher. May, Mt'N5i-lc, cloaed ut h-Hc;
fritn;br, sS'i'uuo-iC, closed at Sic; De
cember, MvH(ibc, ciosl at 86ic
COltN Heceipts, i9.uuo bu. Opot, dnll;
No. 3, teSo, elevMor, find G8c, f. o. b., afloat;
No, 2 yellow, 6oc; No, 1 white, 5Sc. The
option market opened steady with wheat,
but was soon dpre.Md by liquidation re
sulting from easier cables, splendid weather
west and improved Chiesgo selling. It
ilnnlly rallied with wtieat, closing only o
net lower. May, t7'4,'c, closed at 67c;
tiepteroter. &7l'u6;i,o, clo-sed st 57c; Do
oemlcr, 67H4iVc, " lised at 6"He.
OAT& Recelnta. M.ut'O ba.; exports, 1.1M
bu. bpot, dull: quotations on new gruln,
No, 2, SiVe; stand&rd v.hlte, Hic: No. 3,
Ule; No. 3 Wl'te. 41c; No. 3 white. 41c;
trnek whit. 4o5T4.1c.
FEKD in!l; itrlig bran. 117.71300:
tniddlinf. f)C636.C; city. kls.fotfJu.tai
11 AY JulM; atippiag. limbic, good tl
Ohulro. $l.(J).0i.
HOr'P i-irln; atate common to ch"lcs
19.2, UiTJ&;; 191, 14?fi:c; old, S$Ue; Pa
tirto coast, 1A nulc; 19 1. Hji.c. o U,
liUE-45teady: Qalveston, 2) to 3 lbs.,
ISc; Califorrua. a lo b lbs., IX-, Ttxta
dry, U to 3d lbs., lie.
LJCATHEUl tileady: Hemlock sole, Bue
nos Ay rea light to heavy weights; a -id,
Ult't-Firm: dorrestio fair to extra,
6blv: Jain. f.(i.'.
1'itOVLSJONS-lieef, firm: family, tllfij
117: mei. S ,t:,,'..i; be-f hams. 8-T.?ii
2i.W; packet tROuiSoO; city extra, India
mes-v 114 i l.UM. tut netts, quiet; p c-
led Ih'IIIas. t30"'il t: rlckletl shoulders. s.
jiit kled hams, 'U CO,! 13 to. I.ard. firmer; west
eru stoajned, is 2p; August, closed i.vj. noirt
luul. ruiii-e,!, t.rin; continent, $f S iuth
America, 19; compound, 5:-.17J7.3. . 1' irn,
at&udy; tiunjly, S17.M'l7. .0; abort cioar,
ti4 .UxolaSil; rcesa, 1 V50.
toVTTElt Reelpis. K717 pk-. Quiet
stivte dairy. litfUc; creamery, lCifi?9e.
IXIOS Receipts, .SC3 pkgs. Market
tnrr: western seconds. lll,c.
St'OATi Rw. firm; f:tlr rcnnlr.g. 3 S is
centrlfuaaj, M test, 1 13-He; roolasAs sugar.
IH (. i;ei nei, nmi; erifsneti
!'' l'f; granulated, sc.
CHEEr-Rcceipta l.Swo pkga. Market
quiet; rtate. full cream, fancy email col
ored, ltf. large colored. 10c; large white,
'ALIjOW Quiet; city, 4e; country,
4s, c.
POVLTRT Alive, flrro: western chick
oa 14c; fowla. Lie: tutkeys, lie: dro.i'd,
easier; western broilers, ISc; fowLi, 13c;
Uu-keva, lV.Sc
silrt'AIvi ."not tin wss 1 Td l"wr In
Jyoudon and VoaJly was etsy end lower
abm. spot being at TTAm. There was
aocluia of 10a In tbe lori.-n cepper mar
Vat, spa rhex rloalnc at b ts and f u-
. jvooi7 oopfer was quiet.
ii rei-T inoied at J13.7Mi't4.O0, electro
lytic at $13.62'.'il 13.75 and casting at 113.37'.
...... i.e., ulb uncnanged at 11 3s I1 In
London and at 4.2f In New l'ork. Spelter
;in unehnnced in 1itidon and locally at 14.
Iron rlos'.d st 51s U.l In Glasgow and at
40s id In Middlealiorough. Locojlv Iron was
qttiei, ttltit iNo. I northern ounary quoted
at tlT.Vfilt.rt) and No. t northern foundry
st 1..'Kjl7.00.
Condition of Trade and Qaotatlooa oa
staple nnd Fancy Proilace.
EGO 3 Fresh stock, loss off, 15o.
LIVB POULTRY Hens, o; spring
chickens, per lb., 11 12e; roosters, accord
ing to tige, 4rc; turkeys, lift) 12c; old ducks,
tc; yrnii.g ducks, hliKc.
HI. l"j 1'u' kltiK stock, 11313e; choice
daliy, In tubs, ryjiixc; Separator, 2oc.
ntKSll FISH Fresh caugnt trout, lie:
pickerel. 71Sc; pike. 10c; perch, tc; buf
falo, 7V4trie; bl.ieflsh, lie; wnltensn, iuc;
Nulmoti, l'c; haddock, 10c: codfish, 12c;
redinupper, JOc; lobster, oolled, per lb.,
2ic; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullheads,
11c; ctttliHh, 14c; black bass. 2o522c; hull
but, loo; crapples, 12c; herrtng, c; white
btts, lik': blueflns. Sc.
OYSTKRS New York founts, per can.
45c, per gal. $2.15; extra selects, per can 37c,
per pni. il.UJ; standard, per can sue, per
gul. $1.50.
itUAN Fer ton. 13.00.
HA Y Prices tmoted bv Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' assoclfttlon: Choice No. 1 upland,
8t.:V: No. 2. $S(I0: medium. $7.50: coarse.
$7.00. Rye straw, $7.50.. These prices are
for hny of good color and quality. Demand
lair unit receipts llgnt.
ctit.N inc.
OAT3 37.
RYl'7 No. 2. Ms.
POTATOKS Per bu.. 70tiS0o.
SWKKT l tlTATOES Home-crown, per
baskst. 75c; Vlrnlnloa. per 8-bu. basket
ct. CI M1IER8-Home grown, per dot., soc.
DEANS-Home Brown, wax. Der market
basket, 7080c; string, per market basket.
CAULIFIXJWER Horns crown, per dox..
CA TIB AGE New homo grown, lJflo
per lb.
HKKKM cuk.n per dox., 10C.
TOMATO ICS Home arown. Der basket.
RHUBARB-Per lb., lc
NAVY HKA N S Per bu., $2.(.
CELERY Michigan, per dox.. 8035c:
largo western, 4ic.
ONIONS New home arown. drr. per lb..
2c; fancy Washington stock, per lb., 2c.
PLUMS Wlxon. $1.66: Kelsev. Janan.
PKt'NEB Tragedy, per box. $1.60; dross.
$1.05; Silver. $1.40.
Pl-JAt lllJri C alifornia. earlT freestones
and earlv Crawfords. $1.10; California free
stones, clings, $1.00.
CRAI1 APPLIES Per bbl.. $3.
'tJA I :H--t ;p iifrvrT. u- ri1e's. rvee h-w.
$2.60; Colorado, $1.76; Utah Bartletfs, $2.00
ANTAIjOITFE Idaho. standard, per
cnte, f'.tHi: rcr -ciate. $2.60; home grown.
per dox., $1.23.
Al'PuUb New stock, -hu.. 60e: Dutchess
and Wrltheys. per 3-hu. bbl., $3.60.
lll.riUJEKRlLS Wisconsin, rer 16-qt
cape, ?.
RI-tAPR" 'nllfornla Tnkhva. $2.50: Sweet
water nnd Muscats, $1.76; home grown, 8
lb. basket, 4...
WA'tt-itAlrijONS Missouri. 2Bff30o each:
crated, per lb., not le.
FIGS Turkish. 18-lb. box, per lb.. 18c.
OHANGKH Mediterranean. all sixes.
$3.50; St. Mlckea or papor rind, all sixes, "74.00; Vpienclas. $4.25.
BANANAS Per bunch, $2.0052.50; jumbos,
lksio.n-t siirnrnia rancv. sun to vi
sixes, H.oUW.OO; choice, $4; 2-W to 270 aisoa,
LLMKa Florida, per 6-basket crate, $.00.
CHEESE Wisconsin Twlna. full cream.
12c: Wisconsin, young America's, 12c;
lilack Swiss, lbc; Wisconsin bricks, 13c;
wisonsln umberger, 13a.
noin,i Neo. i.t'i ., frames. 1.50: Utah
and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.5o3.76.
rt)r OKN-l'er 10., iec; slielleu, i'aaW
HIDES No. 1 greon, 6c; No. 2 green,
Co; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 Salted, Sc:
No. 1 veal calf, b to!2 lbs.. SHo: No. 2 veal
calf 12 to 15 lbs.; 6c; dry salted hides. 8
izc; aneep pens, Zvi&ioc; noise niuos, t.ooy
2 50
' NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb
17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 3 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Ilrazlls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almcnda, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans. Urge, per lb., i:i;;
small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, per lb., 6c;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c.
St. Louis Grain and Pro-visions.
BT T "1TTTQ A i cv VA TtTTTTTriT UlvhM.
No. 2 red cus'li. elevator, 80c; track, 81'J
8Ho; septemoer, 80V4c; Decemoer, 84Vc;
May, 87c; No. 2 hard, 7980o.
CORN Firm: No. 2. cash. 47Vtc: track.
4Sij49c; September, 47c; Decomker, 47o;
May, 4c.
OATS Firm; No. 1 cash. 33o; track,
34(S3ic; September, 33c; December, 3ic;
May, 37c; No. 2 white, 3c.
RYE Strong at 47c
I'l AI'U C.Ao.l... n. In... nnu-.,a
$4.004.10; extra fancy and straight, $3.7u4f
b.; clear, 3.aoya.f6.
SELI Tlmothv, steady, $3.103.30.
CORXM EAL Steady. $2.&).
BRAN Steady; sacked east track, HQ
"lIAY Steady and light; timothy, $3.C0t
Iiz.ou; prairie, 7.ixw.50.
HAGGING 6aiJc. ,
PROVISIONS-Bacon. aulet: boxed t
tra shorts, $8.37; clr ribs, $9.00; short
clear. J9.12H. Pork, unchanged: Jobbing,
standard mess, $13.27. Lard, weaker at
M ETALS Load : Higher at $L1234.15.
Spelter: Higher at $5.70.
POULTRY Steady; chickens. e; springs,
10c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 8r9c; geese,
IstTTTER Quiet; creamery, 14320c; dairy,
1jGG3 Steadv at lMu. loss off.
The following are the receipts and ship
ments for toduy.
Shipments. Receipts.
Flour, bbls 6.000 10.000
Wheat, bu 96,000 , .".000
Corn, bu 69,000 Zl.OOO
Oats, bu 66.000 21.00)
Kansas City Grain ana Provisions.
tember, 70c; December, 71cj cash. No. 2
hiijd, .3navMc; No. 3, 7litfSc; rejected,
tfciff1'; No. 2 red, Vfottc; No. 8 red, 74c.
Receipts, 342 ears.
CORN September, 44Tc: Decemoer. 4Vi
; no. i
loss off; southwestern, 19220c, loss off;
southern, lt17o.
t HLK8E mill and barely steady: New
Tork. full cream, choice, new, lo'(jloc;
fair to good, 9tH0V(c.
tfiSic: chsh. No. 2 mixed,
o, 2 White, 4tc; io.
white, 46t4hc; No. 8, 44&4bc
i N
2 mixed. St
tl AY choice tmiothy. $9.50(0.00; choice
prslrle. $".W.
i ne to: towing wer tno recctyta inu amy-
rr.ents frr today:
Wteat bu zo.two
Corn, bu i 86,4iO
Oats, bu 9.0m)
la TTEK creamery, i&uic;
cv- -.
EGGS Firm; rresn Missouri ana nsnsas
atock. I5c, los.-i off, cases returned; new No,
whltewood cases included, l&'io.
SlnsiKlsh Market, wit at Dealers in
D'.aht, Greets Openlnsi of Week.
NEW YORK, Aug. 24,-Today's dull and
slugcrlsh market accorded with expecta
tions. The volume of transactions tell to
about 2jo,uno shares, and this small busi
ness was on a rapid y diminishing scale
during the latter part of the day. In the
last nour or tne mamet tnere were long
Intervals when no quotations were re
corded. Tho tone was rather heavy
throughout, but hardened slightly at tho
laDt on covering by the room shorts. Some
Inclination to sell was carried over from
Saturday on account of the bank state
ment, and the filing of a petition In bank
ruptcy by a Stock exchange member, al
though It was Fiibserpiently withdrawn, had
a slightly depressing Influence.
The special weakness In New York Cen
tral at a decline of 2 points was not ex
plained by -a specific development, but the
known necessity for the raising of addi
tional capital overhangs this stock, and
causes It to be depressed at Intervals. Only
a few stocks of the first Importance got as
much as a point away from last week's
close. Realty preferred made a dip of I
points, but afterwards rallied and steadied.
There was an evidence of support by mar
ket loaders for various leading stocas.
which served to reassure sentiment. It Is
the general conviction tnat tne process ot
closing out the larger class of speculative
accounts, which are the outgrowth of a
prolonged price movement In either direc
tion, has been about completed and the
market left to the smaller class of specu
lators, who confine their operations to the
board room In efforts to scalp a dally
profit of a fraction. Last week s lesseninK
fluctuations and today's seml-stagnatlon
aro the proof of the closing up of larger
speculative commitments.
It is expected that the outcome of tho
corn crop will be awaited before the mar
ket enters on another distinct phase. Sen
timent In Wall street also continues doubt
ful as to whether the Industrial and mer
cantile structure at lurjte will be pared a
process of contraction slml'ar to that which
Fins been going on in Wall street. Money
on call continues cheap and abundant, but
this is because lenders continue to keep
their resources In that shape so as to be
resdlly available.
Time loans and mercantile paper con
tinue to reflect a firm tone In the Interest
rate, and great circumspection Is exercised
In tho matter of collateral on all loans.
There Is considerable demand from tho
p.ercantllo community, and bankers at
tribute last week's '.oan expansion by the
banks largely to this cause. It Is expected
that the late corn and cotton crop may de
lay somewhat the full requirements for
currency, but this demand Is now tlftii)
awaited Sterling exchange was strong
again today, and gold advanced In London.
Rains In the rprlng wheat belt and talk
of large export engagements gave a firm
tone to that cereal, while corn Jas
on good weather. Statistic of railway
traffic show that the grain movement wits
mall, but railway ofTlcia.a as"t t.hai
movement of general commodities Is keep-
Ins: money at a nign tevci.
The bond market was 5.ul,JC5J3r
Total sales, par value. $1,145,000.
States bonds were all unchanged
lBFoowln are the closing quotations on
the New York stocm exenanse
do aid
Bail, ft Ohio
d pfil
Canadian PaclAo...
Central of N. J....
Cha. A Obte
Ckloago Alien...
do pi
Chlease A O. W...
do 1st pM
Chictfo as N. W...
Chtcaco Tar. A Tr.
do pfd
C. C. C. A St. L
Colorado Bo
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Dl. A Hudaon..
txl. U A W
bontar A R. O..
da pfd
do lit pfd
do Id pfd
0r4t Nor. pfd...
Hocking valley .
do pfd
Illlnol Ontral .
Iowa central ....
do pfd
K. C. Southarn..
de ptd
L. A N
Manhattan I.
Mat. St.
Mlun. A St.
Mo. Paotna ,
M.. K. A T
do prd
Nat. It. II. of U.
N. Y. Cantral .
Norfolk A W
do pfd
Ontario A W
P., C. C. A St. L.
do 1st pfd
do Id ffd
Rock Inland Co
do pfd
81 L A 8 r lit ptd.
do id pfd
St. L. S. W
do pfd
It. raul
do pfd
day opened firm and with good tons
throughout Later trading became calm.
JUo 'untos advanced inf. Three per cent
rentes, 97f, ti1) for the account.
IXJNDON, Aug. 24. The amount of bul
lion taken Into the bank of Kngland on
balance today was Clo.tvO.
Kerr York Htnfuit Quotations.
NEW YORK. Aug. 14. The following are
the quotations on mining stocks:
Adams Coa
irinirawtrk Can...
Kmatooli TansM .
Cos. fa i. a Va...
Mora BilTor
Iron ntlTor
LaadTllle Con
z Assessment paid.
la itltti Chief ..
10 iiontarto ....
1 jilphlr
Si xxPboonut ...
H fatoal
m t-avaia
Ster Narada
Small Dopes .,
Blaadard .....
xx Offered.
. 3
Cotton Market.
on the
o so. raclnc
. ib aouthorn Railway...
. 1V do pfd
. ItiVrTeiaa A raclnc.
.laSH'T olado, St. U A W
.Ut I do pfd
. 12 Union Pad Do
. Hn do pfd
. 41 Wabaali
. )iiu da pfd
, IWlioaliut A I a?-..
.14i Wis. Central
. QO P1U
. Itjt Adama Ex
., 73 jAmorican Ex
.. 14'A I'nlted Statsa Sx.
.. al iWella-rarto Ex...
.. Sl Amal. Copper ....
..114 iAmer. Car A
,.13 do pfd
.. HH'Amer. tin. Oil....
.. 1'i do ptd
.. lWAmr. LoctanotlTO
A R.
do pfd...
American 8.
do pfd
Amer. Sugar Ret..
Anao. Mining Co..
i!ti' Brooklyn R. T
lu Colo. Fuel A Iron.
J7 Columbui A H. C.
U t ons. Oas
tlVilOen. Eleutrlo
......10114 Inter. Paper
lssl do pfd
Ry lUVlnter. rump
Li 6 u" K,u
. n National Biscuit ..
It National Lead ....
UK1 No. American
ptd. J34 rarinc Mall
UOSj People's uaa
, . . . . til ',j Piaed 8. Car
it do pfd
2'4 Pullmr.3 P. Car..,.
.liJ' Hepubllo Stool ....
. 2H i0 P'"1
. Rubber Oooda '
it i
, i
, 15
. II
do cfd
Tenn. Ceil Jk
U. S. Leather
do pfd
V. 8. Rubber.
do pfd
U. S. Steel....
do pfd
Weatern Union
. 74
. ti1
. J114
. 1
. lata
. iiVa
. l
. 1!4
. ft'i
. Sa
. it
. 18H
. 1UH
. 44
. Ova
. 74
. 44
. 41
. 14
. li
. 35
. II
. M
. 75
. '
. JJ
. 4H
. SO
. II
. aS4j
. 14
Iron.. i
Novr York Money Market.
dairy, fua-
I.ivcrpool Qrnln Market.
No. t red western winter. Cs 4d for nw;
No. 1 northern. spr;ng, strong st ss ltxt
Futures ejfv: Btpiemter, 6s 61Ad; October,
s g.J: December, ts CVad.
CORN spoi. American m'xen. steady at
6s 4.1. Futures dnll; September, 4s CHd;
October, 4s CVil.
Mlnnenpolls Wheat, Floor and Bran.
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 24.-WHEAT-Sep-tember.
81'c; Uecen.bex, 79Sc; on track.
No. 1 hard. 8fiiiS7c: No. 1 northern. ISoi
W,c; No. : northern, S:cTt534c; No. 3 north
ern, 7f U toC.
FIAll It First patents, tl-4&n4.Su: second
patents, tl3jj45: first clears, $3.t&tf3.j5;
set end clears, '.Z i'u'l.Li.
UUAN-In bulk. li.754i1S.OO.
CANTILE PAPER-oflC per cent.
MONEY On call, steady at W9i per
cent; closing at 1T per cent; time money,
firm- aiitv davi. tmdS iter cent: ninety
days, 6(86 per cent; six month, 6V4I'U per
si'ERIJNtl EXCHANGE Firm, with
aeltisl business In bankers' bills nt
1 KtMft fnr demiind and at tt.SJltH t-3jt)
slxtv davs; posted rates. .8rdM.S4 and
I4.8i84.87; commercial bills. Ji.WW'ai --
SILVER Bar, 554c: Mexican dollars, 44c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
heavy. .
Tne closing quotations on oonua n
V. 8. ret. 'la. r----10'Hocklng Val. 4V,a....lo4
.iven u. at f mil. w ."T
.14 Mea. Cantral 4a H
.ltM, dn la lur
.114 Mlun. St. U 4s... H
.114 M., K. A T. 4a......
.1 do : 1
.lot N. Y. C. sen. IWa... .'.ti
.101 'A N. J. C. en. Ha...lJl4
A0i No. F-aclSo 4a It'
. Mhi1 do is 1"
. MtaN. A W. eon. 4a.... 01t
. fn Reading gen. 4a t
24. COTTON-Du:i ;
19 bales; atock, 1.2MI
firm, with August 2
balance of the list
points higher And
NEW YORK. Aua. 24.-COTTON Futures
opened quiet and firm: August, 12 Sc; Sep
tember,; November, .fc; uecemoer,
.tc: January, .87c; March, 9.Si;e.
Li Vh-HPOOL. Aug. 24. COTTON Spot,
In llmliod demand; prices 2 points lower;
American middling, fair, T.22U; good mbl
dling, 7d; mJiidllag, S.itd; low middling,
t.62ci; good ordinary, 6.2ijd; ordinary, 6.Ut.
The sales of the cay were 6,0m bale.s, of
which 1,000 were for speculation and ex
port, and Included 4,400 American. Receipts,
l,u00 bales, including 400 American. Fu
tures opened quiet and steady s,na closed
steady: American middling, g. o. c., Au
gust 6.4Sd; August-September, 6.41d; Sep
tember, 6.41d; September-October, 6.W1;
October-November, 6.6(oo.i)6d; November
liccember, 6.4.-.41; December-January,
6.4')f.i.41d; January-February. 6.39d; Febru-ary-M!i..
5M'ti..39d; Murch-Aprll, 6.3Ud;
Apiii-Aiay, 63ijsa.
8T. LOUIS, Aug.
middling, liVc. Sales,
cotton market opened
points lower, but tho
was unchanced to 6
ruled active and firm during the cntlro
session on tho aggresslvo clique support
and outside source. There was brief In
tervals of hesitation aa realising was at
trjeted, but prices as a rule continued
steadily, upward and the close was within
two or three points of the best on the
active months. The advances were led by
tho winter months, In which apparently tho
bulk of the nhort Interest was located and
which consequently attracted the greatest
demand. January sold from 9.S3C, the close
of the preceding night, to 19.10c, while De
cember reached 10.04c, October 10.J9c and
September 11.04c. August was dull and
neglected, but also showed some of the
firmness, sellins; as high as 12.28c. The
Liverpool cables were unimportant and the
weather also was regarded os Ideal, with
crop accounts still of a bearish average,
though there was umo of damns
from boll weevil. Tho reports from F'all
River, however, were a llttlo more optim
istic and this with the delayed movement
and the buying by the clique, tended to
Intimidate the shorts, who were further
alarmed around mlddiy, when the leader
of the clique bid 11.01c for 10,000 Beptem
ber without getting any offerings. The
market closed firm net 4 to 27 points
higher, with sales estimated at 600,000 bales.
Seventy-one bales of cotton were received
here from II tvte. PIxty-sIx bales of new
crop cotton were Included In the day's re
ceipts. New Ytjrk spot sales were 7.070 to
spinners and 3,700 delivered on contract
and the taking for consumption had a
bullish Influence In the last hour ss Indi
cating a better demand from spinners.
Futures, firm: August, 12. 96(3 12. 97c: Sep
tember. ll.16.iTU.lfic; October. 10. 1410. 16o;
November, 9.95(fi9.97c; December, 9.S3'a'9.96c;
January, 9. 979.9.; February, 9. 99 10. 00c;
March. 10.COT110.02c.
Market firm; sales, 4GA bales: ordlnnry,
9 7-lCc; good ordinary, 10ic; low middling,
mie; middling, 12He; good middling. 18Hc;
middling fair, 1J 13-l'.c, nominal; receipts,
171 bales; stock, 17,926 boJos.
Sncrar and Molasses,
NEW TORK, Aug. 24. SUGAR Raw,
firm; fair refining, 3 6-16c; centrifugal, 90
tebt, 3 11-1c. Molasses sugar. 3 1-loc. Re
fined, firm; No. 6, 4.60c; No. 7, 4.65c; No. 8,
4.60c; No. 9, 4.46c; No. 10, 4.40e; No. 11, 4.35o;
No. 12, 4.30c; No. 13, 4.2So; No. 14, 4.20c; con
fectioners' A, 4.86c; mold. A, 6.26c: cut loaf,
6.60c: crushed, 6.60c: powdered, 6.10c; granu
lated, 6c; cubes, 6.26c. Molasses, firm; New
Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 3u'ii
open kettle, centrifugal, 3H3lc; centrif
ugal white, 4c; yellow, 3 U-1&&4 l-16c; sec
onds, 2ij3-Sc Molasses, centrifugal, dull at
open kettle, centrifugal, 3i43V4oi centrifu
gal whites, 4Sc; yellows, Sll-164Vic; sec
onds, 2'tS4C.
MOLASSES Centrifugal, dull at 6318c
London Stock Market.
tho market today
Liberators on tne stock exchanee were idle.
bo. us occupied with the mining contangoes.
The tone of the market, however, was tol
erably good. Kaffirs were particularly firm
on bear covering, the labor meetings In
Soutn Africa being regarded as sn encour
aging sign, consols were easier at first,
but closed with a better tone, Americans
opened weak owing: to the disappointing
New York bank statement on Saturday
last and grew firmer to above parity. Later
they were quiet and Irregular but Closed
firmer. Grand Trunks ordinary was slightly
easier pending the result ot today's meet
ing of shareholders, Tho stock recovered at
the close.
14. Money was cheap In
and'dlscounts were easy.
.,th I moms, 173,34 bbls.; averag
ti aitivrt runs, 140,9. H bbls; average, ii
4a, res.
do coupon
do a.
do coupon
do new
do coupon
do old 4a, rag...
do ooupon
do ta. rei
do coupon
Atrtilaoa fen. aa..
do adj. 4a
Dal. A Ohio 4a...
io JHa
do eoT. 4a....
Canada so. la....
Cantral of Oa. ts
ado la taa
Chea. A Ohio mv.
(ulcaco 4a A. ma... w
C, D. A Q. n. 4a.... tl
C, M A Bt P C 4a.. .161
u. m. w. eon. is.izv
C, R. I. P. 4a. ...100
.. tv
ft a. r. 4a.
s. w. u..
C C C A It L .
Chlrtto Ttr. 4a....
Colorado So. 4a....
f)tr A R. O. 4
Eria prior lien 4a..
do senerfl 4a
r. vr. u. c. ia..
z Offered.
do a
8. A. A. P. 4a
Bo. PaclAo 4a...,
So. Hallway ta...
Texaa A Talno 1
T., 8t. LAW.,
illnlen PaolBo 4a..
do conr. 4a
4a. Wabaah
.74 Co la.
. do deb. D
. ts W .it Hboro a
. Sl Wheel. I,. U. 4a
. l?4.Vla. Central 4a...,
.111 I
.. tl
.. ts
.. ii
.. it
.. M
.. 13
.. K
.. M
.. to
.. e1i
llostoia ftoek Hiotatlaaa.
BOSTON, Aug. 24. Call loans. 40Vi per
cent; time loans, 605 per cent. Official
closing prices uo atoms una bouds:
MI'TTSttkee Crnln Market.
close: No. 1 northern. Kid 90c: No. north
ern. Mtr-iSc; new Beptember. HKic
RYB-Steady: No. 1. (Aflinc.
ItARLK'V Klrm; No. 2, tiOc; sample. 4Q
CORN September, 61ic asked.
n-lnt1i Grnln Market.
DULT'TH, Aug. 14. WHEAT To arrlvs.
i n tnern, s2o; No. t northern, jc;
to arrive, in Aug
Auhlaon 4a
Mex. Central 4a..
do pfd
Doaton Albany
Boaton ' Eieyaua
N. Y., N. H.
I nlon Taelflo
Utx. C.otr-.l ..
American Sugar
do ufd 11
Am'rl.utO T. St T lit
.. J1H I.aly Weat
. . i) liii.ahara
. . 41 Calumet A Itihla.
. . iia'i 'euteitutal
..t4v Itanae ....
. .UeVi nonunion coal ...
A H...1K4 iKrankllu
14 lale Ruyale
Lion-.lDlon I. o 8...
i. Eie.rle
Xlaee. Electria
do r'J
C. S. Steel
do p(J
Wratlbao. Conunon.
14 v tlohaw'K
It:- ,uld lioinlnlon ...
riunta Fe Copper.
21 '4. Trinity
tu U nited Ftatea ...
u 1 run
i Victoria
4S4 Wlncna
44V WolTerlno
. t
. 21
. 4l
. :4ij
. J
. to
.. I
. t
. 41
. f7
. IhVfe
,. to
. 1.
. s
.. ;vi
.. :i
.. ii
DetirmV Gradei of Cattle Sold Freelj at
Steady to Strong Fries,
Liberal nan of Shees) and Lambs, bat
Demand Was Also la Good Shape
aad tho Market Itoled Active
and Folly Steady.
Receipts were:
Official Monday
Same day last week....
Same week before
Sar.n three weeks ago.
Same four weeks ago...
Same days last year...
The following table
OMAHA. Aug. 24.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
6,."i 2,700 14,6.0
6.S-4 11,6-0 K.S43
6 ,3rV) 11,, rl
, 3.9.6 4.0.-.7 1..2U
, 2.5ia 2.0T9 11.671
11.071 2.5SJ 19,
shows the lecelpts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South umaha
for the yeir to date and uomparlsons
with Inst vear:
Inc. Deo.
Cattle (3.791 486,f.30 137,771
Hogs l.fiti'.l; 1,6.;9,7.W .9. 2)
Sheep 8orS-;4 66,, lit 13 ,64i
Average price paid for hogs at south
Omaha for the last several Uays with comparisons:
Date. I 1903. 1M2.101.1900.1899.1S98.18J7.
Aug. 1,
Aug. t.
Aug. 3.,
Aug. 4.,
Aug. 6..
Aug. 6..
Aug. 7.
Aug. 8.
Auir. 10,
Aug. 11.
A tn?.
Aug. 24..
4 97Vil 7 411 6 661 6 161 4 III
7 30
4 PHi
6 W'il 7 39
S 041 7 32
i OC'aI l SC,
i 11
6.20 I
6 1S
5 21 HI
6 3
6 Wi
6 17H
5 11
6 16
7 27
7 17
6 79
6 M
S 80
6 6n
6 7J!
6 74
a 1
S Ts
6 7
6 17
5 77
6 83
a 7"! K gnl
7 04
6 7
tl SI
6 73
6 GS
6 07
6 IX
6 15
6 10
6 01
6 14
6 16
6 04
6 C01
4 93
4 96
4 97
4 f7
4 98
6 On
4 95
(I 791 fi 811 5 03
6 WSIfl m 6 71 S 02
5 r04i 7 C1 6 871 6 01
I 98 6 91 ! 4 97
5 46'4 6 91 1 5 021
3 7l
X 74l 1 46
3 7I 3 47
3 Ml I 67
1 Til 8 61
77 S 43
I 3 44
4 7I S ll
4 281 8 6; t 41
4 2
4 43
4 46
4 3
4 il
1 !tr,!
4 43
4 41
4 32
4 3i
4 47i
4 60
4 42
4 42
4 41
4 42
X 271 3 SI
4 36
3 75!
3 78
3 74
3 Ml
3 7l
S 75
8 (19'
8 741
8 81
3 6
i 4S
3 CJ
3 70
3 71
3 M
3 73
8 70
3 70
3 83
3 79
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of enrs of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle.Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's.
t ., jvi. & at. f 3
V. V. fcjstem 23
ft N. W
R. M. V.
St. P., M. & O.,
R. & Q
C. & St. J
R. I. & P.. east.
R. I. A P., west.
. 1
3 60 6
5 .. 13
8 .. 4
7 7 1
45 62 24
Illinois Central
Total receipts 197
The disposition of the day's receipts was
an fo'lows. each buyer purchasing the num-
oer 01 neaa inaicateo
Omaha Peking Co
Swift and Company...,
Armour A Co ,
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour, Sioux City..,
Vansant A Co
Carey A Benton ,
Lohman Co
Hill ft Hunttlntrer....,
Livingstone ft Shaller
L. P. Htiss
Wolf ft Murnan
R. F. Hobblck ,
Kreir Packing Co
H. F. Hamilton
Sam Werthelmer
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
. 771
. 415
,'. "k
. 146
. C14
. ffl
,. 6
. 36
. 240
London Stock Market.
No. 1 northern, to arrive. In i-4c
bo. : 1 or h-. r. Ic; Remember, De
cember, ic: May, f:c
OA'io Ou track, 3tc.
.hite. 34V, No. 4
Peoria Market.
PEOniA. 111.. Au- 24.-CORN-Lower;
ntTf-1'-.'-: No. i
wiute. 35Vt(3iv.e.
. meK . v.11 the basis 6T fl.SS for fin
ished goods.
Toledo seed Market,
TOLITTVl. Aug. 24. tSEFDOlover. Octo
ber. IS.1JH: December. IS 57V. Timothy,
prime, tl.66. Alslka, August, (4 .40.
rMls'elhla prodaea Market.
and In guod demund; extra weatern
croamrry. JOc.
Llii4 Firm, ood fjeroand; western, afta.
Conaola for money
do a.'count
do pfd
na.tirairo at Ohio.,
taiadiau I'aeinc...,pcuko 4t Ohio.
tuuaiu u n
C. al. St. r
leiier aV U. O
do pfd
do lit pfd
do id p!d
lUHio'a Coatral K. A T. .
f4. Closing quotations:
fO'4 New York Central ... IH
to IS-14 Norfolk a W.olern.
... 5"4, do pfd
... -'V Ontario A Weatern.
... W- fenuavlvanla
Its. Rand allnca
iVi do let pfd
li'a do ifd
1J-1 Southern katlwar..
1 do pfd
4 4 Southarn Paciac...
'. t tcion Paciac
?V do pfd
v. Votted StatM Steel.
II I do pfd
lll4 Viiua
. do ptd
Oil nnd Itoala.
NEW YORK, Aug. 24. OIL Cottons od,
dull; prime yellow, 41 4 a4ic. Vetroieum,
steady; strained, common to good, fl,IMu
3.0O. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, iiuiet; UV
viu CITY. Pa., Aug. 22.-OIL Credit
balances, il.uo; cMrtlncaies, no bid; smp
ments, 173,234 bbls.; average, 79,918 bbls.;
J.3&4 tiDIS. utup-
bins: runs. Lima. Il4.iuu bbls.: average.
67,144 bbls., Aug. -it. uiu rurpeniine,
Arm St 64Sc. Rosin, Arm; A, B, C, D, $1.70;
K, 31.76; 1. tl.oo; u, $1.06; 11, JJ.36; K,,
N, W.lii; VV U, W.4u; W W, W.W.
Evaporated Apples aad lirled Frnlta.
APPLES Tho markec continues quiet, with
quotations moio or loss nominal In the
absence 01 uemana. common, 4U'iv.
prune, 6Htc; choice, estic; fanc, 04 iji
prunes are without material change, con
tinuing fairly active at from to to 70 for
all grade. Apricots ure tlrmly hold, with
a fair IntercHi noted In both new and old
croo fruit, with choice at 9 iwSVic. old
choice at S'.i'Ttbc and fancy st 12c. peaches
ru.e steady 10 arm, cnotce neing quoteu ai
7iiYSic aim extra choice at 7Huo.
Coffee Market.
market for futures opened steady at un
changed prices to an sdvance of 6 points
on the hi in French cables, but turned easier
later In the session under further liquida
tion, following the heavy primary re
ceipts. Much of the trading was due to
switching from September to the Ister
months, and the volume of new business
was light. Total sales were 28.4MI bugs, In
cluding (September at 8. Hoc; October, g.ftuo;
Novetiiber, 3.1u4.00c; December, 4. 4004. 45c;
January, 4.6uc; March, 4.otu4.70c; May,
4.fcCc; July, 4.1KIC.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Atlfi. 24. The visible supply
of grain Saturday, AugUHt 22. as compiled
bv tiie New Voik Produce exchange, Is as
Wheat. 12.690,(00 bu., an Increase of 162,000.
Corn, 4.447.100 bu., a decrease of 212.0UO.
Oats, t.iM.M) bu., a decrease of &8,0tA,
Rye. 61,iaj0 bu.. sn Increase of 63,u.
Larley, blo.oui bu., on Increase of 113,000.
Dry Goods Market.
allr-tit lmurovcment is noted In the Inoulrv
ut first hands, although buyers are taking
goods for Immediate delivery only. Re-
uorts that the weat not a satisfactory die
ii'lliutloiia to stocks arenerallv showing
material depletion. Jobbers locally continue
active witn a large complement 01 buyers.
V. ool Market.
NEW TURK, An-. 24. WOOL Quiet;
domestic fleece, 'aXlVjC.
ST. LOUIS. Aiis- 24 WOOL Steady
meulum grades cunn.lrg and clothing, I014
21c; light fine, lOfti.Wc; heavy tine, 12 J
loc; tub washed, aij.3ic.
Totals 6,0(58 J,812 16.802
Other buvers 600 ... 8.734
CATTLE There was a light run of cattle
here today for this time of the week and
year. As compared with a week ago re
ceipts show a decrease of over 1,700 and as
compared with the same day of last year
there were less than half as many on sale
today. The table above will show the
exact figures. The quality of the arrivals
was also rather lacking, but In Spile Of
that fact the market ruled active, with
prices steady io a little higher.
There were only a tew cars of cornfed
steers Included In the arrivals this morning
and while packers seemed to be anxious for
them they were not Willing to pay more
than steady prices. Tradln?, though, was
active on that basis, so that everything
was disposed of at an early hour. The top
price of the day was 35.30, which was paid
for a bunch weighing 1.U17 pounds.
The cow market was well supplied thin
morning, but at the same time there were
none too many to 1111 packers' orders. Any
thing st all desirable sold strong t! a dlma
higher, while the Inferior kinds were not
any more than steady. Trading was Active
from start to finish.
Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold
without much trouble at good steady prices.
A large proportion of the offerings con
sisted of feeders, but as speculators carried
very few cattle over Sunday they were all
on tho market end trading ruled active,
with prices stronger on good stuff and
steady on others.
There were quite a few western beef
leers on s.!e, but the quality was de
cidedly common' ind In fact was poorer
than It was a week ago. Packers, though,
took hold In good shape and the market
could be quoted active and stronger. Range
rows sold all the wsy from steady to a
dime higher for the choicer grsdes and
western stock cattle were also Tn good de
mind at stronger prices. Representative
RAR SILVER Firm st 16Sd per ounce,
MONEY Hi Hi per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills ta
tT3!S-l per cent and for throo-nioniha'
bills lyripu cent.
Foreign Kiaaaclal.
LONDON. Aug. ii--Rar gold, 77s 10d;
An. r' Iran eagles, 7Cs 6Vd.
L'ERUN. Aug. 24. Fuchanr on Londe.
2uk tt'ra pffs for check 1. Prlcea on the
lotiree today were ilriu at.d there was
rlelnar tendency.
PAJUd, Aug. St. Prices on the bourse to-
F.lgln nailer Market.
ELGIN. Ill . Aug. II.-BVTTER-Sold at
lS'-e a pound on the Hoard of Trade today
as romuared with 19c a week ago. Sales
In this district for the week were C4.0u0
Dank Clenrlntts.
OMAHA. Aug M Bank clearlnam for to
day were tl.lSr.40l.73. a decrease from the
correonoudjng day of the previous year
Wblaky riirrket.
ST. iXDI-IS. May 24. WHIBKT Distil
lers' finished goods steady on basis ot tl-23.
Steamer ts Disabled.
BALTIMORE. Md., Aug. 24.-The steamer
Hiurdelda. ( nptsln, tound from
New iork for lialtlTiore. which was dis.
ablrd oft Hut Island flaturuay evening, ar
rived here this morning, with Its shaft
broi en. It was In tow ef the steamer Man
r.a-IUta. Caputs Cbawrle. which wcut to its
Ay. I'f. No.
a4 4 id u
140 4 to It..
Ill 4 45 SI..
li0 4 70
1041 4 10
lift 1 it it
ezt 1 36 it
1 Ml I 45 It
iifi.ll. it ttS.
476 1 Stl 1 400 1 00
io 4 00
IhO 1 uu 4 144 t II
6HJ ( 4 13 I 44
At. Pr.
1181 I 00
liill 4 1
1411 4 10
06 I 40
l 1 70
1124 I 40
49 steers.... 99J
17 feeders. .IHti
t feeasrs.. 1-i
34 iec-dere.. Mi
61 ieeders..lW3
11 lvedcrs.. Si6
I reader... 101 u
7 feeders., '.tl
16 heifers... Voi)
18 cows &a
3 cows 2i
13 cows 9.U
6 cows til
8 cows h;3
7 cows 9ol
I feeders.. Ys5
1 feeders.. KM
1 steer VJ
1 bull l:l.O
1 calf 140
37 feeders.. 60i
i feeders., tit
8 feeders.. 8f6
I feeders.. t.G
1 cow
1 cows.
46 cows
1 cows
1 cow
2 cows
2 cows.....
3 cows
1 cow
1 cow
4 rows....,
t heifers..
&j heifers..
. 975
. 910
,. V10
,. 810
.. M0
. 930
. 900
,. P0
3 .6
3 66
3 uu
3 75
S 16
3 2b
3 65
2 76
3 65
2 Co
2 65
2 60
2 60
2 60
3 40
3 40
3 20
2 40
5 00
8 30
i 60
3 ao
1 75
2 26
2 75
2 81
2 26
3 76
2 M
t 60
2 60
i 70
1 75
2 60
2 6.
2 60
4 tteers..
35 feeders.
ll cows...
V cows.,.,
2 cows...
27 cows...
19 cows...
2 cows...
2 cows...
C cows...
1 cow....
3 cows...
4 com...
6 cows...
7 cows.
1 cow. .
8 cows.
2ii cows.
1 cow.,
1 cow..
42 cows.
83 cows.
1 bull.,
1 bull.,
6 feeders. .1173
15 heifers... 648
1 calf ISO
1 feeder... 910
2 feetlors..l('i5
16 cows $44
1 cow K70
1 belfer.... 7i0
1 feeder... 340
1 cow 840
2 cows 1075
,. ?M
,. txiO
,. 917
,. 9.2
,. 600
- 90
... 8oo
... 7S0
... 810
... 860
... (60
... 9i7
... 913
... fctf
... 090
... 9j4
... 960
ti cows..
I cows 1002
2 COWS 1K4.0
9 cows 106j
4 cows 107S
6 cows
22 heifers.. .63
1 heifer... 4u
3 feeders.. 1076
1 steer P40
7 steers... .1214
1 steer 140
.1 ISO
. 875
. &0
. 810
. IM
. 9
. ki t
. 900
. 6t4
. 60
.. 24
. .10H"
.. 970
1 steer...- fWi
3 steers. .ie7i
1 steer.. 10
2 c-jws 8f
1 feeder. . J1!0
3 feeders. -101 J
t (eeders.-104i)
1 steer..
2 steers..,
1 steer...,
1 feeder..
4 cows....
8 rows....
1 coa-
17 rows....
15 cow....
1 cow. ....
1 feeder..
1 fee.Jer..
17 calves..
19 feeders,
t feeder.
1 feeder..
2 feelers
1 stag
2 30
2 70
2 7J
2 26
2 6a
2 40
3 '
3 81
3 8)
2 81
8 $
3 80
t &0
3 in
13 cows
2o cows....
1 cow
1 fredtr..
1 feeder..
1 feeder..
I feeders.
t steers..
3 steers..
3 steers...
1 steer...
1 steer...
1 feeder..
. 9o0
. 9
. 0
. 591
2 16
2 3.)
2 30
I 80
1 40
1 8
1 76
2 60
8 40
13 feeders.. 734
4 cows 714
2 cows 8.10
27 cows 871
12 rows 4
1 bull ice
1 feeder... 10
1 feei'.er... 87o
14 feeders.. 14.'
6 eilves... Z.t
2 35
3 81
3 15
3 21
2 41
3 (0
3 !6
3 13
3 40
3 25
3 26
1 co
2 cow.,
I cows.,
1 steer.
1 steer.
3 suerj.
17 steers.
2 steers.
... 70S
... 814
1 feeder...! 110
1 feeder. .J27U
t feeders.. 93
i feeder.. JOeO
3 53
3 75
2 00
2 16
1 60
2 70
2 to
2 00
2 65
2 15
2 65
2 65
2 60
2 16
2 60
2 10
2 10
2 70
1 75
2 66
2 65
2 66
2 40
2 50
4 00
2 40
3 00
2 45
2 60
2 b.)
2 10
2 70
3 60
2 10
2 10
2 40
2 25
2 60
1 61
3 j6
3 15
3 G6
3 Ui
3 8)
3 8)
3 so
3 25
3 60
3 a
3 25
2 00
2 15
2 66
1 6j
2 10
2 .0
3 00
2 50
4 Ou
t 90
3 25
2 90
8 0
2 60
3 36
3 S
3 2i
3 26
3 25
t 44
1 60
2 60
Bros. Neb.
18 feeders.. 812 t IS
7 cows Va 2 25
i cows lulO 2 6
IJinlted 8. D.
2 cows 990 1 00
1 bull 1M 1 16
8 feeders.. !W3 1 25 20 feeders.. 1130
1 feeuer...LW 3 40 1 feeder... WW
10 teeners.. I118O 3 40
Jonn uwenw nun,
23 cows 993 3 90 t Cows... ..1126
1 calf 10 3 ,5 1 bull. .'....LAO
1 bull 16J) 3 00
t feeders.. 1D54 3 1
1 cow 70 3 25
45 cows lOtii 3 61
Western Ranches,
9 cows 94 4 3 00
2 cows 990 2 60
1 bull 1470 2 16
Townsend Bros. 8. D.
26 cows 9RS 2 9n
w. C. Griffith n. v.
22 cows 1019 3 00 2 cows...
Connor Bros. 8. D.
22 steers... .11(77 3 61
O. Crlnklow S. D.
1 steer 1320 4 00 7 steers... .1178
10 steers.. .'.11K5 400 4 steers.. ..1147
W. L. Wiggins Wyo.
1 steer 1110 3 85 40 cows...,
1 bull 1150 2 10 48 cows....
J. M. Mnycock Wyo.
ro cows Pnr 2 35 20 cnlves..
21 cows 8S7 2 SO 2)cslves..
Covington Bros. Wyo.
1 cow 9) 2 no 1 cow
1 cow 610 2 00 60 cows....
58 cows Sin 2 80 t cow
C. llauf, Jr.-Wyo.
63 feeders.. 112J 3 70
James Ilter Wyo.
92 feeders.. 10C4 3 4?H
Lei ter fc Prstt Wyo.
52 steers. ...1160 3 4Q 21 steers. ...1161
33 steers.. ..1217
4 cows 842
7 cows 97
31 feeders.. 99)
1090 160
65 steers.
21 steers.
3 40
2 20
2 80
3 40
A. Spaugh Wyo.
18 cows..
14 feeders.
12 cows....
4 00
4 00
t 615
1 10
4 00
4 00
2 80
1 80
2 80
3 40
2 10
3 40
2 20
30 steers.. ..113 I SS
... tf6
... 960
3 cows.,
4 cows..
16 cows.,
11 cows.,
1 cow...
6 feeders.. 714
1 feeder... 9t0
1 feeder... 940
1 feeder... 760
1 feeder. ..Iikn)
1 feeder... 961)
1 feeder... W0
2 feeilers.. 0
938 3 65
...1126 3 66
Theodore Rhoester Wyo.
4 Cows.,
1 cow...
1 cow...
2 cows..
2 cows..
1 cow...
1 steer..
.10. 10
. 7'0
. 9"0
. 8f.5
. 770
. 941
,. 850
3 6
3 5
2 66
2 66
3 25
3 30
3 0)
S 00
3 0)
3 3i
3 35
3 35
3 35
2 10
a 10
2 10
1 10
1 10
1 10
l to
Jackson Wyo.
1 feeder.
1 feeder..
11 feeders.
1 feeder..
1 feeder..
9 cows....
1 00 w
2 cows...,
1 feeder... KW)
1 feeder. ..1130
1 feeder... s.O
4 feeders.. 983
1 feeder... 8-0
1 bull 1210
4 steers..
2 steers..
1 steer...
1 steer...
3 steers. ,
7 0
.. 90
1 00
3 30
3 30
3 30
3 30
2 4)
2 40
2 4)
8 36
3 c0
3 85
1 3.
3 85
2 25
3 2)
8 20
3 20
3 2.1
3 2)
1 cow 1110 2 su 4 cows 893 2 25
2 t ows 850 2 00 1 bull 10 2 15
1 bull 1310 2 15 1 feeder... ftso 3 5
11 feeders. .1080 Jii 4 feeders. .1025 2 66
1 foeder... ll) 3 55 1 feeder... 12L0 3 65
1 feeder... Ill 0 3 60 1 feeder... 1130 I 26
Stear Bros. Wyo.
36 cows 873 2 70
C. F. Jackson Wyo.
Z9 feeders.. 991 3 25 1 feeder... 1040 2 75
2 feeders.. 8S0 2 75 1 feeder... 820 2 75
1 feedet... i0 2 75 4 feeders.. 9"7 8 25
2 fcrdnrs.. 7S0 3 15 2 feeders.. 925 3 :5
J. 8. Johnson Idaho.
C9 feeders.. 917 3 70 62 feeders.. 1025 3 70
Joe McCann Idaho,
a steers.. ..10T.4 3 75 20 steers.. ..1007 1 75
Joe Black Idaho.
1 feeder... 80 3 60 7 feeders.. 590 1 SO
13 fCfflers.. !15 3 60 1 feeder... 910 3 00
MOOS There wss a light run of hogs, here
this l.iornlng and under the Influence of a
good local demand and favorable reports
from other points the martlet ruled active
and fully luilSc higher than faturday.
Some rales In fact were as much as 20c
higher. The heavy hogs sold largely from
tjeVH to 35 r., medium weights from 1-5.45 to
K..&5 and lights from 35.55 to $o.7o. Owing to
tne liftht offerings all the early arrivals
were disposed of In short order, but some
late trains delayed the close. Today's ad
vance carries the muiltet to the highest
point reached since July 9.
There was practically no change In the
market from start to finish, as the late ar
rivals sold in Just about the same notches
with those that cams In early. Representa
tive sales:
. .SF.4
. . Z6i
6h. Pr, No At. gh. Pr.
... I 32Vi 41 221 ... IH
40 t 35 . K 117 SO I 40
10 4 34 1 t HI ... I 40
... 6 14 IS K0 40 6 M
0 6 40 St 240 40 5 60
... I 40 J Jill 130 I (0
(0 4 40 Cu 114 ... I 40
0 4 40 41 241 10 t 40
140 I 40 44 151 140 I 40
SO 4 40 44 271 40 8 40
410 4 40 10 344 120 I 40
40 4 4) IS 141 120 ( 40
SO I 40 44 217 SO I SO
130 I 4a U 347 ... IS
80 I 45 ?3 231 44) I 45
SO 5 45 74 204 ... I 45
SO S 45 15 260 ... 14
120 5 45 71 SOT ... I 1
ISO 6 44
SHEEP There was a verv heavv run
sheep and lambs here this morning, butt he
aeinunu on ins part of both pacaers and
feeder buyers was In good shape and as a
result an active and steady market was
'1 he quality of tho fat stuff on sale was
nothing extra, so the market on paper
does not look particularly &ood. Consid
ering the quality, though, the prices paid
were fully sieaay with those in force to
ward the closo of last week. Yearlings
sold as high as 13. 40 and wethers and year
lings mixed brought 43.35. Uood la mux In
particular were Kc.irce and. in fact, there
was practically nothing good enoufh to
bring i4.'5. 'Owing to the good demand,
though, the bulk ut the fat bturf wus dis
posed of In good season.
There wore more feeder buyers on hand
this morning than have been here bcioro
this season. Thoy all took bold freely
and the market ruled active and steioy
on all desirable grades of both sheep and
iamLs. in t-pite of tlio fact that there was
a lares supply on hand, there did not
soem to be ut.y too many to meet the re
quirements of the trade.
Quotations for grass slock: Good to choice
lambs, S4.75fit5.CU; fair to good limbs. N.l&ff
4.76; good to choice yearlings, U-nu2.t: fair
to good yearlings. $3.2SriS.4n; good to choice
wethers, JXKxii.s.sS; ta'r 10 Kood wethers,
3.'.90!it3.lO; good to choice ewes, 12.4f4i2.ftG;
fair to good ewes. $2.25(h'J.46; feeder lambs.
33.604.28; feeder yearlings, I3.25dj3.60; feeder
wethers, !3.0fli&3.25: feeder ewes, $1.6O'd'2.50.
representative sales:
tii Nebraska feeder ewes...
4!'g Wyoming feeder ewes..
24 Idaho ewes
119 Idaho ewes
62 Idaho ewes
40S Nebraska yearlings
4"1 Idaho wethers
483 Wyoming wethers
11 Ida no yearlings
12 Idaho yearlings
1246 Wyoming feeder yearlings.,
70 Idaho yearlings
234 Vtah ewes
443 Wyoming feeder yearlings...
41 Wyoming wethers
4'.'7 Idt'ho wethers
495 Idaho yearlings
ixt Idaho yearlings
211 Utah feeder lambs and year
1038 Wyoming feeder lambs
2 26
2 30
2 o
2 70
2 7i
3 30
1 r
1 35
8 40
1 4)
3 40
1 40
2 50
1 00
8 15
8 80
3 40
1 40
1 75
4 30
Cattle and Hoars Mlcher, bat sheep
Decline In Price.
CHICAOO. Aug. 24-CATTIJS-Reeelpts,
22.000 head; market 1015c higher; good to
frlme steers, 2.60&4.0ii; poor to medium,
l.iXi 5. 15; stoekers and feeders, 12.40iQ5.nO;
heifers. 12.26w4.56; canners, Sl.bOtff2.T5; bulls
12.00(34.40: calves, 13.004)4. 76; Texas fed
stetrs, 13.00fr4.65: wetrn steers, 13.254.26.
HOGS Receipts, 26,000 head; estimated
tomorrow, 22,ioO; market itiig15o higher:
mixed and butchers. 36.155. 95; good to
choice heavy, 15 4w&S.t0; rough heavy, 13.00
(fv40; light, !5.6.ii.20; bulk of sales, 15.56
SITE FTP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000
head; choice steady, others lower; good to
choice wethers. !iA0&3.60; fair to -choice
mixed, 12.2V&3.00: western sheep, 32.T5&356;
native Umbi, 13.50io6.60; weatern bunba,
Ken- Ycrk live "lock Market.
ceipts, 3.813 head; steers opened slow, closed
firm to a shade higher on top grades; bulls
and cows, steady to 10c lower; fat bulls,
steady; prime common to prime native
Meere, 14 3f.'ii6.60; halfbreerts. S4.1fr.j4.16;
bulls, 12.26ii4.M; cows, 11.603.35. Liverpool
markets steady for live rattle at WVuii
per lb., dressed weight; Ixindon, at lHitf
1 2,1. dressed weight; sheep, at lifted
dressed weight. Exports today, none; esti
mated tomorrow, M cattle, 1.066 sheep and
4.40 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. 1,602 head: prime
handy veals, steady; others itfJLe lower;
graesers aad buttermllka, 60c lower; west
erne, lower: veals. 84.764r8.26; tops, S7;
rnlls 34 00414 60; graawera and buttermllka,
83tK3.60; feeders, 13 T5J4.00; weatern, 16.00;
cltv Pressed veala. 9412c per lb.
HOiS Hecelpta. 4.177 head; feeling firm;
good heavy to light state bogs, to lott 60;
plrs quotable at K.(Vi4l.70; top prlre, 16.76
ei'RKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18 988
head: sheep, steady, with a fair demand:
lambs, generally stesdy, medium and com
mon poeaihiv trifle easier; nearly sll sold;
sheep' 11 Tf 3.76: few lambs 84 fn 0; culls,
13.7I4l4.25; Canada lambs, tS.Kr3.26.
Kaasaa City Ure Stock Market.
KANPAfl CTTY. Au. l C ATT T.B -Receipts,
9.W) nai I vea, 8u0 Texans, 700 Texan
ara 1.;ofi native calves: corn-fed cattle,
steady to Mgher; westerns opened steady
to strong closed wesk: cows and belters,
steady to higher: quarantine, slew: bulls
snd calves, steady to strong: cholee es
rort and dresaed beef steers, H f8 :
fair to ad. I4.lfali4.76: stock era and feed
mrm f J i. : wt era - f cd anecrs. 83 fXi
J4J6; Texas and Indian steers, SX4ut1.90;
Texas cows, t1-V.4j.7t; native cows, $1 fitl"
8 9ft; netlve heifers. tj.Wi q:i M); runners, tl 15
W2.26; bulls, 8-'.l"ii3.i: calves, $: ;)l;6 tx
HOGS Receipts, ::.m had; market 10f
16o higher; top, I'l 00; bulk nf salei, t,", ik,(
6 90; heavy, If. 015 7b; mixed packers $., ,.,
4i5 90; light. 1X.SKj1i6.iX); yorkets, $5 .ix,;fi ixv
pi, IT. tv'(i6.74,
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 4,000
head; market steady to sbnds lower; n.i
tlve lambs, 13.16.d5 to; weatern lainlis, H mi
4i5.l5; fed ewes, 2tiA7i4.0u; Texns clipped
yesrllngs, tl'ryvgilii; Texas clipped sIkmii,
12.4034.110; culls, :.2' tl3 DO.
81. I.nnla Live Stork Market,
BT. LOt '18, Aug. 24-CATTLE-Recelpls,
8.500 head. Including 6.000 Tex-tns; marKil
steady to strong; native shipping and ex
port steers, 1.25716.60; dressed beef and
butcher steers, 4 0Oft5 ; steers under 1,000
lbs., 4.IKVC6.00: stoekers and feeders. S2.7itJ
4.00; cows and heifers, tj.65.ft 4 f; ennners,
1J. 1 4)7 2 26; bulls, '.K,'ii 4.00; calves. $1 IYJ
6.00; Tetas and Indian steers, :.60(f3 8o;
cows and heifers, 2.J(VJT3.00.
HOGS Receipts, S.&00 head: market strong
to 6c higher: pigs and lights, 15 iVvC .10;
packers, tfi.6ofi5.s6; butchers' snd best
heavy. 15.65 ft 5.95.
SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Reeelpts. 1000
head; market steady: native muttons, tho)
i3.S0; lambs. H.eoflSnO: etills and bucks.
2.60iS3.00; stoekers, :.Oftrf3.26.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 24. CATTLE
Receipts, 4.022 head; strong to 16e higher;
natives, t.OOtpS.SO; cows and heifers, 1 .60
tytl.'li; bum ri.'i a null ivrurrn, e-.i'!H.u'.
HOGS Receipts, 8.620 head; lCfl-Jfe hlplier;
light, S6.Btxu4S.10; medium and heavy, k J;Vtf
K 00
head; steady to me lower.
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. II. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Reedpts. 1.6.HI; stoekers
slow and lower; best kll era strong; beeves,
l4.OtKft5.00; cows, bulls and tnlted, 2.riti4 00;
stoekers and feeders, 2.5'33 60; calves and
noGS Receipts. 1,3'0: fully 6c higher at
15.15to6.45; bulk. 15 15 'y 5 30.
Stock In Oltbt.
Following were the receipts of live stock
it the six principal western cities yes
Kansas City ..
St. Ixuis ....
St. Joseph ...
Sioux City ..
II. 'IM. SVee-v
701 It 67)
6. 501
3.6 0
1,219 42.S2) C0.03)
Flrat Car of Oklahoma Peaches
Comes to French Doctrine
of Statehood.
The first car of Oklahoma peaches ever
on the market will be on sals today.
W. H. Merten, formerly of Iowa, but for
the last fourteen years a resident Of Guth
rie, Okl., brought up the car and declares
It Is partly for advertising purposes and
that by giving the people good fruit friends
may bo mado for the statehood movement.
This Is one of fifty carB which are being
shipped from Oklahoma this year. They
are the Elbrrta peaches and are large, yel
low pnd freestone.
Watermelons were 120 per 100 yesterday
and home grown cantaloupes sold for
16 and 23 cents. Grapes continued at 15
cents per basket and there was no ma
terial change In California fruits. Farmers
evidently have grown tired. After the ex
many apples, and In consequence of only
a few being on the market they brought
pertence of last week, of bringing In so
0 cents to 1 per busli:l.
Only one full load of onions came tn nnd
the price went up several notches, reaching
tl per bushel on some tales. Potatoes were
a little off, selling at CO and 65 cents per
bushel, and tomatoes took a big drop to
IS cents per basket. Cucumbers sold at 2)
cents a basket and cabbage nt 35 cents a
dozen. Good corn was up again and In de
mand at IP cents per dozen.
Hallway Rotes and Personals.
George A. Gamble, agent for the Lehigh
Valley at Kansas City, Is In the city.
J. Francis, general passenger agent of
the B. &. IS., left for Denver Sunday :
J. Waldere Adams, chief clerk to Surrr
Intendent Barter of tho Union Pacific, has
gone to Chicago.
F. P. Rutherford, dlsrrlct passenger agent
(or the Chic? go. Rock Island & Pacific, has
gone to Chicago.
R. W. Baxter, division superintendent of
the l.'nlon Preiflc, went out over the line
tttind.iy morning.
A. Dorlow of the Union Pacific left for
Cheyenne last night to attend tho Frontier
day exercises there.
W. R. McKeene, Jr., superintendent of
motive power of the Union Pacific, went
tvi st Monday morning.
Harry M. Elmpon, night statlonmastnr
at the Union station, returned Saturday
from a vacation trip through the south.
A. L. Mohler, president of the Oregon
Short lino, with headquarters at Salt
Lake, passed through in his private car,
attached to the eaatbotind Overland 011
H. A. Ross, until recently ticket stock
keeper, st the II. A M. headquarters, left
for Chicago Sunday night, wlie.e he will
continue in ft similar po.sltlon for tho Chi
cago, Burlington & Qulncy. The family
will follow Mr. Ross In Ootouor. Tula
change in Mr. Ross' position makes it
nicest.ary for all ticket requisitions for
Nebranka offices to be made through Chi
cugo, Instead of through Omaha.
DEEDS filed fot recod yestedsy aa
nlshed by the Midland Guarantee
Tust company, bonded abstracter,
Farnam street: ....
H. C. Piculell to Anna Zavrel. lot 8,
George's subdlv. of lots In block 6,
Potter St Cobb's 2d add. to South
William Todd snd wife to Albert L.
koien, part ne4 swii 10-15-10
John F. Rusrell snd wife to Charles
L. Fitch. lot 4. block 131, South
Omaha ii'
Enllv M. Judon to Virginia M.
Pturdevant et al, set 1-15-12............
Anna M. Preaton et al to Emily Jud
s..n, same xrvv.
Anna Stena Jensen to Christine Jen
sen, lots 2. 1 and 4, block 18. Millard..
Fred C. Williamson nnd wife to Ar
mand A. Tlbbltts. lot 16. block 1,
Missouri Avenue Park add.......
Julia H. Totten to Moes O. Howes,
lot 14. clock 8. Hillside add. Ne. 1..
Willis T. Heaton snd wife to O. M.
Bleh, lot 6, block 8. Willis Park Place
Clinton ' H.' Brlggs a 'rid wif e 'to Ly dla
D. Nelson, part tx lot 32 In 22-15-13.
Tbn Nebraska National Bank to
Chirlcs Hloemer. lot 8. block 3. 1st
ndd. to Mt. Douglassnn add. to Bouth
Omaha ',-
George H. Ilouder and wife to Wil
liam O. Rslsh, lota 8 nnd 4, block
I Jet'er'a add. to South Omaha
and 1614
I 4V T V aaTl
A,JV,l' '1 Y T
.it V
ll tt 'annul aullf U
(riXaVBI., art..f ut no.S
fther, tMitaanrl lump for 11
..... t . . - .- t. ai.aa
t..,i MMiMii.M.iid dlreftir.nt In-
alilulet le.llee. S1'I1. i'4. 1
Room t-4 Tlmos Bldg., K. T,
aiMl knew
akuul Uia waaAatral
MAKVTL Whirling ftttrsy
iejHUM xinTentani,
' u I te tan.l
etrtrara. "
fee Bi Ofor anaatara.
lrrltatluua 0. iilceralkuM
vl iBiteasa aiembraaea.
reneek 4aietea. palnleaa, a oil aut aatna.
TMlISUHtliC"(. gent ar :euaoaa.
Ciacaiuil,lJ '1 stie t.y menuu,
. B.s.4, i p er aent la siala wraaaje.
t7 er ara ffepaia, in
tl OS. et I ttllee IV 71.
Circular aaaa mm nesst
aHITa DOVf. CUSS aeter .'aui tuaeairuy vrar
Iks iur efnias 4rlak, taa apeellM for etiirn caaa4
silet after uaiia lata reaiedr. GlTee la any llautr
ilk ur viilMml Tkr.oe.aase or paiianii facrasat
Sherman At McConnell Drug Co., Omaha
110-111 Beard of Trade.
W. Waii, Haaatat.
Tea. Ul
! i