Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1903, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Weather end Other Things Cpmbine to Set
Blood to Moving.
Tennis Tnraanfil Offers the Urea
Attrnetlon to the People Who
Like to Get Oat and Many
Make Maeh of It.
Love's Hoar.
A. W. Uttlng In New York Times.
Wa met, an other couples met.
And strolled s-down the river's bank;
X klaeed your lips, nor can foget
The sweet delights my fancy drank.
Ton aald you never lived 'til then,
And that for me your love was true;
We vowed-for life! and death! But when
The Bummer left me, ao did you.
Auruat ha nearly melted' away and It
will not be long before September will
break forth and all society will be
.wakened. Many are returning to tho
city already, while the aummer guests ara
preparing to depart for their homee.
. One remarked the other day that It waa
extremely "dull." Aa far aa formal affaire
ara concerned, yea, but when one aeea
the aummer girl on picnics, automobile
rldea, moonlight driven, to the club In the
aftemoona, (dlecuaslng the "moat popu
lar girl," and "the beat catch of the sea
son") and laat but not least, all the In
formal parties, which, by the way every
thing now Is "Informal," no matter how
swell a function It may be, It aeems a
shame to hear, "oh, ws are doing abso
lutely nothing." x
A variety of amusement have helped to
while the hours away the paat week. Of
course the tennis tournament waa the
main attraction. Every day saw a. good
crowd at the club, and towards the latter
part of the week the people grew more and
more enthusiastic, . and the burst of ap
plause and cheers were at times almost
deafening. Each and every girl had
their favorite. Should he win the game
there was a look of "Well, I told you ao,"
but should he make an error It was "I
wonder why he did It," perhaps a long
sigh; "He Isn't half trying," or "He Is
simply rattled." When all the time the
contestant la trying his utmost to win,
and appear at his best before the anxious
ones whose eyes are centered upon him.
It was a week of luncheons, but taken as
a whole that la a charming way to enter
tain. The hoateaa not only can show her
ability as a good conversationalist, but can
prove to her guesta how artlstlo she may
be In arranging the table decorations.
Watch for a run of bridge whist In Omaha
the coming season. The game has just made
Ita formal entrance Into local society and
all' the elite are praotlcing up to shine at
the tables when the Indoor entertainment
occupies the boards. "We always take up
every new fad about the time It has had
Its go in other towns," remarked a debu
tante of other days, "but we have this
consolation we get as much fun and ex
citement out of a discarded device aa other
places do out of It when it la brand new.
Ve'll go wild over bridge. Just aa If It
were an tnventloh of our own, and no one
else had ever touched It before. We
picked up ping pong last year after it was
dead throughout the east. The trouble
with us, however, is that we tire so quickly
of each Innovation."
Since so many engc cements have been
announced; everyone , Is , anxious , to . know
when the weddings are to take place, and
who, next. la to be added tq the list of
young matrons. At . present dame: gossip
baa it rumored that another certain lawyer
Is very devoted to one of Omaha's fair
daughters and we may soon look for an
..A most enjoyable smoker was given at
the Field club Friday evening. The usual
toasts, short stories and musto were highly
appreciated by those who were fortunate
enough to be Invited. Among the guests
were: Caldwell, Copeland, Haskell, Web
ster, Blatherwlck, Van Camp, Oreene,
Hill. Raymond, Jacobs, Hopkins, Forney,
Towla, Sheldon, Young, Dufrene, H. Eber
hardt, Scrlbner, Wood. J. Eberhardt, Mc
Intyre, IOomls, McCune, Manchester
Howell, : Brown, Knox, Burr, Urkhart,
Rhodes, Morrill. Foster, Lund, H. Morrill,
Clark, Jr., Hoel, Kennedy, W. Clarke, W.
Sunderland, Reckard, Murphy, Shields and
Bt. Clair.
The return from London of Jra. Frank
Avery has served as excuse for Chicago
papers revamping the story of her disrupted
engagemeat with Lieutenant William O.
Doane of this city, which was exploited for
all It was worth a few months ago. Mrs.
Avery remained In Chicago a very brief
time and returned laat week to New Yorlj.
Omaha, apparently no longer figures even
on her Itinerary.
Word has come from Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Nott that they landed all safe and sound
at Londonderry, Ireland, last week 8ui,day.
Miss Meta Buxbaum, who has been visit
ing with her cousin, Mrs. David Degan, re
turned yesterday to her home In Chicago.
Mr. Robert Cowell Is back from his vaca
tion trip. Mrs. Cowe'.l and family remain
for awhile longer In the east.
Mrs. Rose E. Strewn has been spending
a few days on her farm near Fullerton, in
this state. x
Mrs. Joseph Morsman of Chicago and
child will visit In Omaha for a few weeks
awaiting the return of Mr. Morsman
from an excursion to Colorado.
Mrs. Harry Lyman, who Is enroute home
from Europe, has decided to remain in the
east long enough to take In the yacht races.
A charming tea was given Friday after
noonby Mrs. E M. Fairfield, complimen
tary to ber guest. Mlaa Woolworth. Those
present were: Mrs. Wilson Lowe, Miss
mtchett. Miss Wood, Miss Brady, Miss
Gore. Mlsa Cotton. Mlas Klrkendall, Misses
Mrs. John T. Frederick was hostess at a
pretty luncheon given at the Field club last
Friday. Covers were laid for Mmse, Mc-
Crath, Ingwerfen. Murphy, Joseph Murphy,
Walwort. Frederick. Misses Welsh. Wills,
Johnson, Alma and Alice Fuedenlck.
Those entertaining at dinner at the Coun
try club last evening were: Mrs. E. M.
Fairfield, who had aixteen guests; Mr. R.
W. Breckenrldge. seven; Miss May Hamil
ton, fourteen; Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay, ten; Mr
J. R. Scoble, six, and Mrs. F. P. Kirkcn.
da 11, four.
For her sister. Mrs. Outcalt. Mrs. J. E.
Baum gave a luncheon at the Country club
Wednesday. Her, guests were Mesdames
Klrkendall, Brady, A. U Reed. Cole,
" Charles Oreene, Victor White, Beaton.
Scobey, Wood, David Baum, Remington
and D. H. Wheeler. Jr.
Mrs. Edward Treat entertained a few
friends at her home at "The Barnard"
Wednesday evening.
Misses lone and Addle Fogg gave a party
'far their little frlenda end schoolmate of
gU .Katharine's academy. The afternoon
waa spent In playing different games, after
which refreshments were served: Those
feasant were; Mlsaea Helen Kathertne and
aUlte O'Neil, Ruth and Rosa Gentleman,
Mary Swift. Alice MrBhene, Helen A am on,
Margaret Cariick and Belle Combs.
One of the events of the Country club
laat week ws the luncheon given by Miss
Ada Klrkendall. The table decoration
were hydrangea. Her guests were: Misses
Brady, (lore, Cotton, Preston. Rogers. Lo
max, Wakefield, Ella May Brown, Cady,
Prltchett. Wood. Moore, McShane, and the
Mimes Hamilton; Meadames L. L. Kountse,
Harry Wilkin. Floyd Bmltb, Will Burns
and D. II. Wheeler, Jr.
Mrs. J. E. Baum entertained at a beau
tifully appointed luncheon Thursday In
honor of her stater, Mrs. Outcalt of Lin
coln. There were five tables, each being
decorated with garden flowers. Covers
were laid for: Meadames Charles Ogden,
Monism, Marshman, Yates, Colpetser,'
Crummer, Potter, Bhlveriek, George Pat
terson, Daniel Baum, jr., Beaton, Martin,
Lindsay, Allen, Rlngwalt Redlck, Ed
warda of Council Bluffs, J. E. Baum and
Miss Loomls of Lincoln.
A very quiet but pretty wedding took
place laat Tuesday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. McLean, when their daugh
ter, Miss Lola, waa united In marriage to
Mr. Herbert B. Taylor by Rev. J. Rlale.
Mr. Taylor Is private secretarr of Vice
President Cornlah of the Union PaciQc.
They will make their home In New York
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Cady announce
the engagement of their daughter, Helen,
to Mr. Allen M. Robinson of Denver, Colo.
Cards .have been received In this city an
nouncing the wedding of Miss Marie Elisa
beth Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Edward Carter, to Mr. William
Edson Blacmar of Minneapolis, the wed
ding to take place September I. Ml as Car
ter Is well known In Omaha, having lived
here a number of years. 8he removed with
her family to yinneapolls two years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Oulou and Mr. and Mrs.
Fairfield have returned from a ten days'
trip to the northern lakes, Duluth, Mack
inac and Chicago.
The Mlsaea Anna and Alice Fry have re
turned to Bt. I,oula.
Mr. and Mre. S. A. McWhorter returned
home from a delightful trip to the lake.
They visited a week nt the Soo. and spent
a few days at Mackinac and Chlcaco.
Mrs. J. O. Kuhn was hostess of the
Ceramic Whist club Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. R. C. Jordan and daughter, Mlsa
Laura, have returned from a five weeks
trip in Iowa.
Mrs. E. Broadfleld Is visiting relatives In
Philadelphia and will meet her son, W. E.
Broadfleld, on his return from Europe.
Mrs. Eva Parrotte Sweeney has returned
from Colorado, where she spent two
Miss Weasels of Hannibal, Mo., la the
guest of Miss Lydla Moore.
Mrs. Elizabeth Goodrich Is spending a
few days In Denver.
Mrs. George Gilbert and Miss Gilbert,
formerly of this city, are visiting Mrs.
Charles Turner. They will leave the first
of the week for Peru, Neb., to attend the
wedding of Mrs. Gilbert's son, Dr. George
R. Gilbert, to Miss Dora Catherine Roys.
Mr. H. A. Thompson and Mr. Negele
leave tomorrow for New York.
Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Greene left Saturday
for Rye Beach and the White mountains, to
be gone until the latter part of October.
Miss Cella Well of Savannah, Gs, Is
spending the summer with Mrs. Miller and
Mrs. Livingston.
Mrs. Max Morris and Miss Juliet Morris
have returned from Minnesota and the
lakes, where they have spent the past two
Senator Millard and Miss Jessie MtTlard
are at present in Paris. They are expected
home the latter part of September.
Word waa received from Miss Corlnne
Paulsen that she had - arrived In New
York from Europe ' August 18. Before re
turning to Omaha' she and her mother
will visit Niagara Falls and Chicago. i
Mrs. F. H. Cole Is entertaining Miss Nel
son of St. Joseph, Mo.- -!. ..-
Mrs. A. E. Bryson and children are
spending the month of August -at Ifacav
tawa Beaojt, Mich.
Mr. J. R. Lemlat Is attending the yacht
race and - championship golf tournament
at Nassau.
Rev. E." H. Jenks has returned from
Prior Lake. Mrs. Jenks will return about
September 1.
Miss Marcla- Perkins returned Thursday
from a visit with friends at Webster
City, la.
Colonel and Mrs. J. A. 1 Hull returned
the first of the - week from a ten days'
visit at their former home. In Des Moines.
They were accompanied by Mrs. McCain,
who will be their guest for a short time.
Colonel and Mrs. Hull will leave for
Washington about the holidays to spend
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Rome Miller of the Her
Grand are entertaining Mrs. Miller's sis
ter, Mrs. Bridgeman of Vermilion, S. D.,
and brother, Mr. Frank Hay ward of Par
ker. 8. D.
Dr. and Mrs. Bailey are at home after a
two weeks' absence In the Black Hills,
where, with a large party, they traveled
about In special cars, the guests of a min
ing company, in which Dr. Bailey la Inter
MUs Frances Standlsh Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. S. E. Wberrltt of Chicago.
Mrs. J. ' C. Medlar and daughter. Miss
Elisabeth of Drehersvllle, Pa., are visiting
Mrs. Medlar's son, Mr. I. A. Medlar.
Mrs. II. I. Bettis,- accompanied by her
daughter and Mr. Bettis' father, left-In a
private car for California.
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Medlar are entertain
ing their aunt, Miss Agnes Medlar, of
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned are taking
a delightful trip down the St. Lawrence
and up the Saginaw. Later they will
visit Mr. Learned'a old home at North
ampton, Mass.
Mr. and Mra. O. D. Klpllnger and family
are back from their ranch near Llewellyn,
Mr. R. C. Patterson and son Victor are
In Grand Encampment, Wyo., closing a
big mining deal.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Denlae are In Chi
cago for a few weeks.
Mr. Farnam Smith will leave this week
for the east.
Misses Ethel and Grace Conant and Mr.
Homer Conant, who are summering at
Lake Okobojt, entertained a houae party of
thirty Omaha people last week.
Mr. and Mra. John T. Kema have re
turned from an extended eastern trip.
Mr. Bert Watklna has returned from a
visit in Chicago.
Mr. Fred Hamilton and Mr.v Jerome
Mayee are back from their outing In Wy
oming. Miss Lotta Furnish left for a fortnight's
visit with relatives In Wolflaet. Neb.
Mr. Clement Chase is back from the east
Mrs. E. E. Balch Is visiting In Michigan.
Mlas Linn Carpenter has returned from
Lake Geneva.
t Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Lake has re
turned from their wedding trip.
Misses Anna Rl and Jane Orcutt re
turned last week from Yellowstone park.
Miss Margaret Prltchett spent a few days
with friends near Bennington last week.
Mrs. Marrlam and daughters have re
turned from Lake OkoboJI.
Mlas Caroline Johnson, who wa the guest
of MUs Tales, has returned to her home
in St. Joseph. Mo.
Miss Hilda Hammer Is vMtlng frlenda
and attending the horse show to St. Jo
seph. Mo.
Freda Meyer, sister of Mrs.
Hene and Mr. Steve Wells of 2KJ Chicago
street, has gone to Louisville, Ky., to stay
Mlaa Julia Officer la spending a few weeks
in Manltou. Colo. i
Mr. R. O. Hunt, the champion tennl
player from Alameda, Cat., was the guest
of Mr. F. J. Hill while In the city.
Miss Metabtixhaum, who has been vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Degen, has re
turned to her home In Chicago.
Mrs. Millie Ryan Is the guest of Prof,
and Mrs. Ward at their summer cottage.
Thousand Island park, St. Lawrence river.
Mrs. Ryan will sing the offertory solo at
the Tabernacle today.
Misses Francis and Nora Emerson have
returned from a delightful trip spent In
the Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Miller of Des Moines,
la., are the guest of Mrs. Miller and Mrs.
Livingston at 680 Bouth Twenty-eighth
Mr. Clarke Powell left last evening for
the east on a business trip.
Miss Ellxabeth Field entertained Inform
ally Friday afternoon for Miss Louise
Smith, whose wedding -takes place Septem
ber L Miss Smith was the reclpent of a
"hose shower." Another feature of the
afternoon was the writing of an acrostic,
the Interwoven name of the prospective
bride, Miss Phebe Smith winning the prize.
The guests were Misses Smith, Louise
Smith, Harklns of St. Louis, Donah oe, Par
males. McHugh, Taylor, Phoebe Smith,
Towar of Chicago, Baymlller of Memphis,
Churchill and Mesdames Field, Yonson,
Wagner and Kennedy, Jr,
In honor of Mrs. Newton Davis of Pueblo,
Colo., Mrs, A. Kuhn entertained a large
party of ladles at the home of her mother
on Friday.
Messrs. Frank and Joseph Archer have
gone to Colorado for two weeks.
Misses Winifred Wilcox, Florence Mason,
Dorothy Petherman and Minnie Eldredge
are spending the week In Stromsburg, the
guests of Miss Beulah Buckley.
Mrs. B. Frank Prince of Pueble, Colo., Is
the guest of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Miss Agnes Leary and Mrs. Robert
Goewey leave this evening for Chicago and
Mrs. P. Besen has returned from Bt. Paul
and the lakes of Minnesota, after a four
weeks' trip,
Mrs. El H. Sharp of Kansas City is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Miller,
88I Franklin street
Mr. and Mra. J. P. Fealey have returned
from a five weeks' trip to Lake Okobojt.
Mr. F. R. Beeman has gone to Chicago
for a few days. '
Mrs. Edmond Burke and daughter, Mlas
Rett a, of California, are the guests of her
slater, Mrs. R. R. Pyke, 4824 Webster street.
Mrs. William Rothschilds of 3707 Jones
street Is entertaining her daughter, Mrs.
I J. Herxog, and her two daughters. Miss
Fay and Carlta, of Lincoln.
Mrs. $tls T. Cartwright of Washington,
D. C, is visiting her mother, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. McAusland. Mr. Cartwright sailed
for London, to be gone two months.
Mrs. D. V. Sholes is spending a few weeks
at Marquette, Mich., with Mrs. A. E.
McCrea and daughter of Chicago.
Mrs. Hutchinson has returned from the
lakes In Minnesota. She was accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Bkogland,
who will remain for six weeks.
Mrs. J. R. Muelck, D. O., osteopathic
physician, la making a specialty of hay
fever. Tho treatment quickly relieves
those suffering from the malady and averts
the approach of on attack.
Call on her at office, 20-21 Douglas bldg.,
residence Her Grand hotel. Office 'phone
2823, residence 'phone 2219. Office hours 8:30
a- xa. I'M P- m.. Sundays regular engage
ments. ,r irr
George Dial and family were visitors at
Krug park Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mary Griffin of Omaffa visited with
Mrs. J. Weber Saturday afternoon.
James W. Hamilton of Omaha was a bus
iness visitor here Tuesday afternoon.
James Collins of Omaha spent Sunday at'
the home of Mr. and Mra. E. H. Walker.
Miss Tobltt, librarian at Omaha, visited
with Rev. P. S. Smith and slaters this
Miss Beth Congdon of Omaha waa the
guest of Miss Harriett Hunt Saturday and
Mrs. Arthur McSweeney went to Denver
Monday, to be absent several weeks visit
ing relatives.
Mrs. E. D. Bergstresser went to Laurel,
Neb., Monday, where she will visit friends
for sevarl days.
Miss Myra and Maud Gnodlett visited
with their sister, Mrs. Hugh Buttle, Tues
day and Wednoaday.
Mr. Lou Llghton. a former resident of this
place, now of Omaha, waa here this week,
calling on old friends.
Miss Amanda Tebblns returned the first
of the week from an extended visit with
friends in Bouth Dakota
Mr. and Mrs. Will McGulnDess of Omaha
spent Sunday here, the guest of their
brother, D. J. 8. O'Neill.
Thomas Ritchie went to San Francisco
last week to be present at the meeting of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
Threshing and stacking grain has been
resumed this week after a couple of Weeks'
delay on account of the excessive rains.
Miss Prudence Tracy, postmistress, left
Monday for a two weeks' vacation. She
will spend the most of her time in Colorado.
Mrs. Samuel Forgy, accompanied by her
daughtera, Mrs. Emma Bradahaw and Mrs.
F. M. King, visited In Bouth Omaha Friday
with Mrs. George Francis.
Bt. Marks Sunday achool children were
given ah outing at Courtland beach Tues
day afternoon. Tbey were looked after by
Mr. Smith and several of the teachers.
. Frank M. Smith of Chicago has secured a
position with the Nebraska Telephone com
pany and will make his home here with
relatives, the family of Mrs. Sarah E.
r J. R. O'Neill of Omaha has taiten
rooms at Rev. B. Smith's place and will re
main here for three or four months. He is
employed at the Union Pacitio headquar
ters at umana.
Mra It r. I mm waa seriously burned
Tuesday morning by a can of gasoline
catching fire while she was tilling the reser
voir on the stove, the flame from the stove
catching her dress and from her dress to
the can. one is in a serious cuuumuu.
.The Ladies' Aid society met at the home
of Mrs. J. A. Morgan on iai v euneauajr
Miss Bee Hoffman spent a few .days or
the paat week visiting at the home of
friends In Omaha.
Mlas Emma Edllng and Miss Frederick
son of Omaha spent last Thursday vlaltlng
with friends in Benson.
Mr. Kenneth Hiatt of Omaha spent the
day last Friday vlaltlng at the home of
Mr. and Mra. J. A. Morgan.
Mlas Grace Pangburn left laat Saturday
for Kansas, where he will Join her rela
tives and live In the future.
Mlas Ruth Hogan, formerly a teacher In
the Benson schools, now of Omaha, was
a visitor lit Benson lost Friday.
Mrs. Ryan was accidentally hurt last
week while alighting from the motor. The
Injuries, however, uid not prove serious.
Mr and Mrs. Corliss Lotman, after re
siding in Benson a short time, moved to
Omaha last Monday, where they will live.
Mra. John Speedy went to Paplilon laat
Thursday, where she spent the day with
relatives, and attended the Woodman of
the World picnic held at that place.
An Ice cream social was given under the
auspices of the Ladles' Aid society at the
Methodist Episcopal church, which was
well attended and proved a success.
Bervlces will be held at the Muthudivt
Episcopal church today at 10:J0 a. m. and
( p. m. Sunday school at noon. Epworlh
league at 7 p. m. Junior league J p. ra.
Mr. and Mrs. Qusckenbush and family,
who- have lived In Benson the paat year,
departed laat week for their new home in
Kansas, where they will live on a ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Pederson went to West
Point. Neb., last Monday morning, where
I Utvy vUitwi at the hows at Mrs. Psdcr-
snn's parents. They returned home last
Rev. Mr. Cams of Lincoln, who Is con
nected with the Antl-flaloon League oaan.
clHtlon, gave the morning sermon at the
Methodist Episcopal church last Sunday
Mr. P. J. Lvke, who was taken to the
hospital In Omaha about two weeks ago
to be operated on for appendicitis, has
been removed to his home In the hotel,
and Is Improving rapidly.
Mr. Krnoat Brewster and children of
Oklahoma visited st the home of her par
en l a, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan of Benson, and
relatives In Irvington for some weeks.
She left for her home laat Thursday.
The annual county encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic will be held
this year on the picnic grounds at Ben
nington. The dates will be August K 27,
23 and 29. Big preparations for a large
crowd are being made.
Mr. Tlndell received a telegram from
his son Alfred, who started to Han Fran
cisco a week ago, stating he was In the
first section of the wrecked train, thus
escaping any Injuries, but lost his bag
gage, which was In the second section at
the time of the wreck.
West Ambler.
Miss ifnttle Carbury returned from her
vacation trip In Colorado on Sunday.
Mr. Boyer has been vlaltlng her sinter,
Mrs. Bancom of South Twentieth street.
Mra.' Bert Gantt was the guest of her
grandmother, Mra. Hickman, on Thursday.
Rev. R. M. Henderson I having his
kitchen reshlngled and otherwise Improved.
A large delegation from here attended
the Woodmen picnic at Papllllon on Thurs
day. Mrs. Carberry wa the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Hickman, on Wednesday and
Charlea Sya, Jr., and a friend were en
tertained by his uncle, I. Syas, and family
on Sunday.
Mrs. R. Getty and slater were vlaitors of
their brother, I. Todd, and family on
J. B. Aughe went to Folsom, la., on
Wednesday to visit his son and daughter
fur several . days.
Henry Parks And family of Monmouth
Park were quests of Mrs. Charlea Syas the
tlrst of the week.
Mis Margaret Shelley was the guest of
her friend Miss Alma Darling, on Wednes
day and Thursday. -
Master Rusaell Uants of Monmouth Park
Is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Gantz, this week.
Mrs. R. M. Henderson and Mr. Maron
Faverty were guests at the quilting bee
at Mrs. Ed Walsh's on Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Maeatrlrk Doyle and husband
are guets of her slater, Mrs. Will Mc
Donald of Burdette street, this week.
Mra. J. E. Aughe, accompanied by her
friend, Mrs. Josephine Carroll of Bouth
Omaha, drove over to Papllllon on business
Master Harry Cockerell of the Roney
boys' concert troifpe of Chicago and his
young brother were guests of Clarence
Darling on Saturday.
Mrs. Sarah Havens, who has been the
guest of her cousins, the Syas brothers,
left for ber home at Des Moines on Wednes
day. ' Her father, 1. lie ga bone, left for his
home on Friday. .
Several of the neighbors of this vlctnlty
attended the picnic given by Custer Relief
corps at Hanscoiri park on Thursday, In
honor of their gueats of Abe Lincoln corps
of Council Bluffs. About twenty women
came over from Council Bluffs.
The attendance at the quilting given by
Mrs. Ed Walsh on Thursday was affected
by the Woodmen picnic. A moat enjoyable
time was had and a fine lunch prepared.
The next sewing of the society will be at
the home of Mrs. Belles, Thirty-eighth and
Leavenworth streets, next Thursday.
Mr. D. Ia Johnson lsft on Wednesday for
a trip to Ohio.
Mr. John O. Yeiser made a. trip to Red
Cloud last week.
Mrs. W. S. Wedge has returned from a
vlHit In Kansas City.
Miss Merrlam of Omaha was the guest of
Miss Van Gleson on Thursday.
Mrs. Draper and daughter of Red Oak
have been vlaltlng Mrs. Von Doran.
Rev. and Mrs. D. K. Tlndall and daughter
of Omaha visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Pyke on Wednesday.
The families of Mrs. Hsrte and Mrs.
Daniels took a picnic supper together at
Courtland Beach on Friday.
A number of prominent Dundee families
spent the afternoon and evening of Wednes
day together at Elmwood park.
Mr. W. & Curtis Is building a small
frame house to rent on the corner of Chi
cago and Forty-eighth streets.
Mr. William R. Llghton, the author, is
building a cosy home In the Ticinity of
klfty-flrst and Webster streets. : .
The house Mr. E. R. Hume has built on
Capitol avenue and Forty-eighth street is
completed and has been rented.
The women of Dundee contributed a
large- basket of flowers for. the Young
Woman'H Christian association lunch ta
bles on Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Stewart, recently
of Norfolk, have returned to Omaha to
live and have taken a house on Bouth
Thirteenth street.
Mr. Cat roll and family, who have been
living on Davenport street near Forty
ninth, left last week to make their future
home In Glenwood, la.
Artesian Well Possibilities of West
ern Nebraska Subject of Got
. enament InTestlgratlon.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.-The first an
nual report of the arid land reclamation
service of the geological survey, made by
F. H. Newell, who Is In charge of It, has
been completed and soon will be made
It gives detailed Information of the work
to date of the establishment of a system
of irrigation under the direction of the
national government. It appears that the
work has been carried on In the different
localities In the various states and terri
tories aa follows:
On Salt and Gila rivers In Atisona; on
Colorado river In California; on North
Platte, Gunnison and Grand rivers In Colo
rado; on Bnake river In Idaho; on the
deep well problems of western Kansas;
on Mill river In Montana; on the txteslan
well probabilities of western Nebraska; on
Carson and Truckee livers !n Nevada; on
the artesian probabilities of central Ore
gon; cn Bear river in Utah; on Yakima
river in Washington, around Lake Desmet,
and also on Sweetwater liver In Wyoming.
At each of the places where systematic
work has been conducted preliminary tem
porary withdrawals of public land, but
which may be reclaimed, are indicated
only in a general way by these temporary
segregations. - ,
Commenting on the effect, of these with
drawals, the report says:
The impossibility of stating in advance
waat lands will ultimately be recommended
for reclamation will reeult In great dis
appointment to many persons. The fact
that the lands have been temporarily set
aaide is. In the eyes of man v. an Indication
that these lands will be reclaimed soon,
and although every attempt has bean made
to warn ItiJiviuualB or tne rutuiiy or nung
upon theae lands under ths homestead law,
they perxixt in taking up the land on the
bare posHlbiliiy that the surveys and ex
aminations will ultimately show it to be
reclalmable. It is an unfortunate con
dition, which apparently cannot be cor
rected at present.
Dr.' G. Deal Werts has taken charge of
his father's dental office, 1611-1S16 Douglas
st. , He Is prepared to do all dental work
In a scientific and satisfactory manner at
prices reasonable as Is consistent with
good work.
Dr. Werts has been In active practice
In Omaha for 2B year and has by careful
and conscientious work made a reputa
tion for this office which Is unexcelled,
which reputation will be maintained by
Dr. G. Deal Werts, who is g graduate from
the best dental school In the country and
who has been In active practice In Kansas
City, Mo., for the past seven years. Dr.
Q Dt-al Werts would be pleased to see his
old friends aa well aa his father's patrons
at hid office, 1-115 Douglas street.
New Member ef Qermaa Cabinet.
BERLIN, Aug. 22. It Is announced that
Baron von Stengel, the Bavarian pleni
potentiary In the Bundesrath, has been ap
pointed secretary of the treasury In suc
cession to Baron von Thlelman, who has
resigned, owing to the difficulties in con
nection with carrying out the reforms of
the Imperial finaacea.
Dowager Dooheiiof Uanohetter Easily Out
ranks All in Point of Euoceia,
aaaeble of Former With Viceroy
of Irelaad lias Put Her Into
Disfavor With tho King;
and Hneen.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 22. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The corre
spondent for the World has had a talk
with one of the Inner circle of fashionable
London society about the social records
made this season by American women and
this la what she said:
' "In England a social success means royal
favor, an dthere Is no doubt that no one
Is so Intimate with both the queen and
the king as Consuelo, dowager duchess
of Marlborough. There is not a single
party this season to which she was not
"The duchess of Marlborough may come
to the front again, and probably will when
Blenheim house Is open, but now one hears
little about her. She Is very exclusive and
does nothing to Imperil her position. Her
health has not been very good and the
duke Is not easy to manage, but her fu
ture Is still In her own hands. Miss Gladys
Deacon haa rather broken with the duchess
and people wonder why.
"Mrs, George West and Mrs. Arthur
Paget, whose names were once all power
ful. In London, are both going rather out
of vogue. Mrs. West's squabble with the
viceroy of Ireland because he did not In
vite her to all his parties when she was
In Dublin displeased the king and Mrs.
Paget has overdone the running of Ameri
can nobodies.
"Mrs. 'Isaac Bell, on the contrary, made
some good friends and will take a house
here next season. She let no one run' her
she did not need It.
"Mrs. Frank Avery of Chicago made a
great splash, but It all came to nothing,
he has made no permanent friends, al
though she spent a great deal of money.
Her laat yarty was almost deserted. She
made the same mistake of asking other
people's friends that Mrs. Leggett did, and
of Mrs. Leggett one hears nothing now.
"Mrs. John Leslie, another of the Jerome
sisters, has In a way usurped the position
of her sister, Mrs. West. Her Influence
over the duke and duchess of Connaught
gives her great power and she considerably
helped the debut of her niece, Miss Moreton
"The Padelford family has been more
prominent than ever. Mrs. Arthur Padel
ford has been Immensely admired. The
other Mrs. Padelford, now Mrs. Ernest
Cunard, has also had a success and her
daughter. Miss Padelford, was one of the
girl beauties of the season.
"Mrs. Ronalds, since she went to one
of the king's courts, Is stronger than ever.
"The general Idea Is that Mrs. Frank
Mackey has done herself no good by al
lowing Mrs. Paget to ask all her guests
when she had so many friends of her
"Of the strangers who came over the
Impression at first was that Mra. John
Drexel had made the greatest success, but
this was a mistake. The king found her
dull and was only civil to her In return
for her civilities to Mrs. George Keppel
when she was In New York. But she cer
tainly dressed well and always looked
"The great success In royal and social
circles was Mrs. Shaw, (the Dana. Gibson
girl) who not only delighted his majesty
but was a favorite with all his friend.
"Mrs. Perry Belmont was taken up by
Mra. Paget, and had a certain success,
but made no permanent Impression. She
Is believed , to contemplate a more de
termined campaign next season. Mrs.
Frederick Bell was also one of Mrs.
Paget'B 'four-in-hands,' and has yet her
social spurs to win here."
Woman Who Christened Shamrock III
Follows Its Fortunes In For
eign Waters.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
IONDON, Aug. 22. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The earl
and the countess of Shaftesbury, who ar
rived In New York last Wednesday on the
steamship Oceania to see the America's
cup races as Sir Thomas Lipton's guests
the countess having christened Shamrock
III planned before leaving to visit New
port while they are in the United States.
The earl is the grandson of the famous
philanthropic earl, to whom many me
morials have been erected throughout Eng
land. The present earl, the ninth, is 81
years old and married, four years ago,
Lady Constance Orosvenor, the sister of
the present duke of Westminster and step
daughter of George Wyndham, M. P., chief
secretary, for. Ireland, who married her
mother In 1887, three years ago, after Earl
Orosvenor died.
Shaftesbury, who has large estates In
the neighborhood of Belfast, Is interesting
himself greatly In the work being carried
out under the agricultural board founded
by Sir Horace Plunkett to revive Irish
industries. He is a working member of
the congested districts board, to which he
was appointed by Mr. Wyndham. He was
formerly , captain in the Tenth Hussars,
but resigned In 1889, when he was married.
He now is a lieutenant colonel command
ing the North of Ireland Imperial yeo
Flro nt Jlowton, Iowa.
DES MOINES la., Aug. 22. A quarter
block in the heart of the business district
of Newton was wiped out by fire last night,
entailing a loss of $60,000. The plant of
Parsons, Rich Jb Co., manufacturers of
gasoline engines, was destroyed, constitu
ting the chief loss, and throwing seventy
five men out of employment.
The Van Sant School
of Shorthand
716-717-718 New York Life Bldg.
A school of shorthand, tytiewrltlng and of
fice practice; a school whose students are
filling the best positions from amanuenvls
to court reporter; a school with an abun
dance of teachers, giving every student
careful personal attention.
The Munson system of shorthand is taught.
Thia Is one of the Pitmanlc syatems and Is
unrivaled for simplicity, speed and legi
bility. The typewriting department is
equipped with standard machines In ex
cellent condition, many of them entirely
new, and none elder than two years.
Touch typewriting is taught by the Van
' Bant system, which Is recognised as the
leading system of typewriting In th.a
country. Each student Is allowed to choune
the make of machine be will use, and
la assigned to typewriter practice one
half of the time during the school ses
sions, with the privilege of aeveral ad
ditional hours' practice outside the regu
lar periods If desired.
Trial week free. Money refunded for un
expired tuition If not entirely satisfied.
Can make monthly payments. .Write for
circular, or coil at school.
We W
Have fifli-
Tliut must go at once. We need the room. To make
thin possible we are going to give you the best bargain
ever offered.
These are fine styles and of the best qualities made.
Twenty patterns we have been selling at 60c per yard,
go at 35c per yard.
Fifteen patterns we have been selling at 50c per yard,
go at 30c per yard.
Twelve patterns we have been selling at' 45c per yard,
go at 25c per yard.
Cheaper grades at same proportion.
Borne remnants at 5c per yard.
Remember the best styles go first, so come early. (
Omaha Carpet Co.
The Best Firms In the City Interested.
rianos Schmoller Mueller, Tom Per
fleld. Candies W. 8. Balduff, Dytall Candy
Jewelers 8. W. Lindsay, Mawhtnney tc
Ryan Co.
Carriages Drummond Carriage company,
Shoes Regent Bhoe company, Drexel
Shoe company, Sorosla Shoe company,
Cocl-T. C. Havens Co.. C. W. Hull Co.,
Sheridan Coal Co.
Groceries O. F. Munro Co., Sommer
Bros., Wllkle & Mitchell.
Rubber Tires Drummond Carriage com
pany. Saloons Chas. A. Lewis, John Kelkenny,
Billy Wendhausen, Lents & Williams.
Restaurant Calumet Cafe. One Minute,
New Delicatessen, Ed. Maurer.
Hardware M. Rogers A Bon.
Tailors Remington & Kessler, Guckert &
Laundries Model Steam Laundry, City
Steam Laundry, Imperial Laundry.
Harness Drummond Carriage company.
Dairies Alamlto Farm Dairy, Sanitary
Brewers Mets Bros, company, Willow
Springs Brewing company.
Object of Organisation.
Having for Its purpose the upbuilding of
Omaha, the Improvements of Its streets,
the beautifying and development of Its
system of parks and boulevards, the puri
fying of its politics and the solldlfylnng
of Its business organisations,' union of
Commercial club and the Knlghta of Ak-Sar-Ben.
Meeting Called.
For the purpose of preparing plan for
organization, these Arms and many others
may meet on Tuesday next at the reposi
tory of the Drummond Carriage company,
who are telling out and quitting business,
and whose large stock of fine vehicles and
harness will be removed to the rooms of
ths Fire Department building next door
to make room for this meeting. -
The firm will keep Its shop open for its
usual carriage and harness repairing, set
ting of rubber tires, etc., and customers
from out of town in need of a new or
second hand vehicle of any kind will be
given the same polite attention and be
shown the usual courtesy.
55 and $6 shoes are
not superior and but
few of them equal
the -
$3.50 Always
Their popularity Is
not alone in the
price. Regular wear
ers of Sorosls would
wear Sorosis even if
the price were $6
for they hold their
shape always and
$3. SO Always.
Frank Wilcox Manager
203 S 15.hSt
lW ftCaMftVBsns tt4flsai LaMAsMffcflste SttOstattsWfftsaleBy
Pitas, aaa AS Ussssssw teaaal Oliosarsjt.
MTi ewre r e ssee W .,!. -4t
Bent to ear ad drees for
Mal4a atfs. Ce.. taausier. O.
Write lev n Sample Ceny.
Ziboline Suits, $25.
We show above a nilnature cut of a new
Tall suit Just received, made of brown,
blue and green slbelme, with mixtures of
gray hair on the surface a very styllnh
effect and becoming to any figure, which
we sre offering st 126.00. The Jacket
la lined with good gray satin. The skirt
Is unlined and trimmed with slf goods,
aa shown In the picture. Out-of-town cus
tomers con send us their orders without
r?sk. We return the money Sf not ratlsfled.
Be particular In takina- measuraa-iae a.
correct tape measure. Wa are ttcelvlng
new fall suits, almost dally, that aro
correct in "every detail. , Don't let anyone
scare you out looking here, by telling you
we are "high priced." We dnn t eep any
thing "too chet.p to be good," but what we
have is sold as low on anyone sella s'mllar
quality cloth for, and as rule cur gar
ments are better style, 'better made and
better fitting three ;tems that immui much
to tbe purchaser.
Tho lumber of Pianos
and Organs Soiling at
the liospe Fire Sale
than our greatest anticipations. '
It stands to reason the high quality, the
easy terms, the low prices, and the stand
ing of the house.
When It was given out that the liberal
Insurance allowance was prorated over our
Immense stock so as to reduce the cost of
from H to H on the various pianos and
organs, putting them In the homes at lean
price than the factory con build them for,
this brought the trade and the fine pianos,
such as Knabe's, Kranlch & Bach's, Kim
ball's Hallet & Davis', Sterling's Llnde
man's, Mathushek's, Whitney's, Clark's,
Weser Broa", and a gri,at many other fine
makes of pianos, usually sold atHOO, 1400,
tf00 to $600 each whereas at this sale these
pianos are selling at fllS, 1138, $178, 227,
$278, $317 to 1390.
On easy payments some on a rental
basts, 5 cash and 15 per month. Tflgher
priced ones at 16. $7, $8, HO and tit per
Every one can afford to buy a piano, aa
a saving of 15 cents per day will buy a
serviceable Instrument.
A fine stool and scarf Included In every
piano sale.
The great cut on organs
Is very noticeable, when you see thent
plainly marked at $10, $18, $25, $;io, $3S, $,
$58 organs that sell all over the World for
double this price. Btoolx and books In
cluded. 00 cents per week pays for them.
Come Monday and see the sale.
I5I3-I5IS Douelas St.
Open evenings and Sundays for the
benefit of those who work. Reason
able charges. All work guaranteed.
15 FARNAM BT. Lady Assistant.
Deputy State Teterinartan.
Food Inspector.
Ofllce and Infirmary, 2lh and Mason Bta.
Omaha, NsU, . ' Telephone 12.