20 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, "AUOURT 23. IMS. FIRES SH0TAT POLICEMEN Bartender fhnoti Throogh OIBcer'e Cmmt, bat Denied That He Wti Almlaa; at Illm. John Dunlin, the bartender In Ed Miller's saloon at Ninth and .Dodge streets, put a, bullet through the tail of Officer Flak's coat yestorday momlnic as the lat ter, In company with Patrolman Crow, was passing along Ninth street opposite the saloon. Ianle1s was arrested and ar raigned In police court later In the day on a charge of shooting with Intent to wound. lie waived examination and was bound over to the district court under bonds of 1700. Officer Fink says that he does not know of any reason why Daniels Should have hot either at himself or at Crow, as they have had no particular trouble before to day. They were walking along opposite the saloon when they heard the shot. Flsk ays that he turned Just In tlma to ses Daniels, who was hiding behind the door casing, take the rifle from his shoulder. The two policemen ran across the street and arrested the bartender, who said ha had not been shooting at them. The gun used was1 a 22-callber rifle with large chambered cartridges, and. according to the officers, of sufficient power to kill a man. Daniels would not discuss the bnatter. IS IT AS i;riDl'.MICt ferttal Statistics Show Alarming In crease in an Already Prevailing: Disease Are Any Eiemptt I At no time in the history of disease has there been such an alarming Increase In tha number of casea of any particular 1-malady as in that of kidney and bladder 'troubles now preying upon the people of this country. Today we sea a relative, a friend or an Acquaintance apparently well, and In a "Tew days we may ba grieved to learn of their serious Illness or sudden death, caused by that fatal type of kidney trou ble BrlglU's disease. Kidney trouble often becomes ad vanced Into acute stages before the afflicted Is aware of Its presence; that Is why we read of so many sudden deaths of prominent business and professional men, physicians and others. They have neglected to stop the leak In time. While scientists- are puxsllng their brains to find out tha cause, each Indi vidual can, by a little precaution, avoid the chances of contracting dreaded and dangerous kidney trouble, or eradicate It completely from their system If already afflicted. Many precious Uvea might have been, and many more can yet be saved, by paying attention to the kidneys. It Is the mission of tha Omaha Dally Bee to benefit Its readers at every oppor tunity and therefore we advise all who have any symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble to write today to Dr. Kilmer at Co., Blnghamton, N. T., for a free sample bottle of B warn p-Root, the celebrated spe cific which la having such a great demand and remarkable success In the cure of the most distressing kidney and bladder troubles. With the sample bottle of Bwamp-Root will also be sent free a pamphlet and treatise of valuable Infor mation. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Bwamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. T., on every bottle. Douglas Co., Veterans' association re union at Bennington, Aug. ti, 27 and 28. Tickets 85 cents round trip. Northwestern Una. Train, 7:36 a. m.. Union depot, :00 p. m. Webster street station. Regular troop In attendance from Fort Crook. A good tlma for alL SPECIAL. TRAIN IvTta the Horthwestem Una e Lsxka Tlow, Iowa, ana Rarura, Saturday, Aug. 29th, JTroca Omaha 7:80 a. m., back horn earns evening. Only SUO-Round Trtp-tLM. Spend a day at beautiful Wall Lake. Vina groves, steamboats, bathing, rowing. Only tt.ko. H.GO. 11.60. City ticket offices 1101-1403 Farnam. Street To Oar Patrons. On and after Sunday, August SS, 1903, our Sunday baggage service will only ope rate up to 11:30 a. m. Any and all calls that are ready at that time will receive proper attention. Expressmens' Delivery Co, H4 N. 16th. Tel. UK and 1146. Stetson's unfermented grape Juloe. The celebrated grape tonic and Invlgorator Is for sale by your grocer and no Uoenae re quired, by late decision at Washington, D. C A cordial Invitation Is extended to all to attend the opening of the fall term of tha Standard Garment Cutting College, Sept. 1. I and I. 627 Paxton block, ooruer 16th and Famam streets, Omaha, Neb. Toronto, Ont, and, Return. tU.40. . Tha above rata via WABA8H R. R. from Chicago sold August 26 to 28. All Informa tion at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam St., or addreas Harry E. Moo res, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Chicago Laundry Best work. Tel. 90S. Talking about values of Omaha real es tats, look at Tukey Son's advertisement in regard to lGth street property. "Strongest In tna World." tha Equitable Xiire Assurance society, its policies are ignt araits at muturiry. bs If u. Neely, manager. Merchants National Bank Bldg., vimana. jnes. Large reductions In price on aflk and wasn waists, snirt waisi suits, sairts. mil llnery. summer dresses Cash or credit. reopiars Btore, Bixieentn ana jraroam. 1 Have Root print rL Dr. T. W. Blabaugh, dentist. Ilk N. T. Ufa, mm Ssmnasr JME Shoe of Shape, A MAN'S SHOE SHOULD protect not irritate -tha foot That's why ONIMOD THE well shaped shoo soothes Irritable feet. They're natural ON A MAN yOU get them at wholesale. 52,50 arid $3,50 Rpgcnt Shoo Go. 205 Jo. IStb St. ROOSEVELT AND WEBSTER. Nebraska Has Had One Cabinet Officer and Has Been Honored With Other Positions. JOHN L WEBSTER, OF OMAHA Wonld Oraee the Chair of the Presid ing Officer of the Vnlted States , Senate. Tha Republican State Cnnvntlnn ilM m. gracious thing when It unnnlmnu.lv en dorsed Hon. John l. Webster of Omaha, as Nebraska s candidate for Vice President. The dlstlnruished ventleman. sn 'mmnll. mented by his republican friends, possesses ability and reputation. No western man named as a running mats for Theodore Roosevelt, has any better right TO HARBOR THR AMBITTOM. for this high place in American politics. For a lifetime active In republican councils and capable wherever assigned, John L. weDster would preside with dignity, and would be a worthy candidate. Tha state of Nebraska has presented candidates for the presidency to the other parties and It will not ba surprising If Ex-Senator Allen shall be a presidential nominee next year. THE BANKERS RESERVE) IJFE. is a Nebraska Institution and takes pride In Nebraska eeoDle. It endorsee the . tlon of the Republican State Convention, Decause John U Webster Is a talented western man a Nebraska It will liirn. wise rejoloe when other citizens of Its na tive state are selected for high honors, because the Bankers Reserve Life Company is in favor of horns people, home Industry, home life Insurance. B. M. R0BIS05, PRESIDENT, laa been Identified with the ritrtf m 1 wsar for a auartftr of a. eenturr. H V nnwn the peopls and he banks on their loyalty. It Is this faith In them which has made tha Bankers Reserve Life Company a recog nised force in eight Western states, where it Is authorised to transact business. It Is this faith which will make' a SCO.OOO.OOO company In 1910 of THE BARKERS RESERVES LIFE. Write us for prices. not catalogs; Just send us a list of the things you need In the rim a", r.atnnt mull eins, chemical, surgical Instrument, family liquor, toilet, perfume or sundry line, and we will Immediately send you the latest and lowest prices for which thev run he sold FOR CA8H THAT'S OUR SYSTEM I CATALOGS ARB BACK NUMBERS. $1.00 Peruna g7o 36o Genuine Castoria Un $1.00 Pierce's Medicines 68c Allcock's Plasters genuine 12o $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 79o 26o Hires' Root Beer Hn BOo Wizard OH 38c 7Bo Moeller's Cod Liver Oil Mo 16o Pierce's Pills J9C Itio Doan'a Pills 3fc 60o Cutlcura Salve 39o 26o Laxative Uromn Quinine 25c Qulnacetol guaranteed cold cure .. 20c $1.00 Orrlne (Km $2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills 1.00 zoo carters utile Liver fills l5o OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICE DHVQ STORE Two 'Phones 747 and 7WT. IMk and Chleasro Streets. Omaha. SCIIAEFER'S llianfelsT rates AND Tie We show a large assortment of beautiful Mantels and Fire-place Fixtures. Latest, modern designs In various woods and finishes. Floor tiling Is our specialty. Estimates furnished on appll- Bend for catalogue. Milton Rogers & SONS GO, 14th and Farnam Sts THE POTAY Tha Swallest of tha Swell The original that has tha fitting QU&lltV anil tha artvlA nnt n Imit.. tlon, but a genuine article exclusive wun us. We hSVS in Imitation rf fh. Xr . last In our "Drexel Special" at $3.60- n im i just Ilka It. but It's as near any one else can show vnu The real potay Shoes are made In a dull French wax calf high military heeL button: Imnnrtari nt.ni button, lace and military heel; velour tm uiucncr siyie all at 13.00. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Dte Shoa House, Ul Farnim Street. A I -zrrr. n rn ri U IWnJH, i.i ii m I ' ''1 ADVANCE SALE-NEW AUTUHN (7 an ii is mu The greatest and most complete silk store In the west. Our firtt consignment of the most fashionable 1903 fall silks are her. Monday morning we will place on special sale the ultra swell gun metal and Boar effects, ex tracted dots and geometrical figures, also the new metallic velvets, worth $1 and $1,25 a yard, troduce them for one day onl tun metal ana isoar effects, ex- $1 All Silk Colored Taffetas at 59c 65 Shades to select from. The very finest quality of colored taff etas just 543 yards of them made especially for New York modistes. In 27, 21 and -19 inches, every swell shade. Such a great bargain that it will pay you to lay a sup ply in for the coming sea son. On three bargain; sqares, at, yard; 59 Celebrated Bonnet black juaran- teed taffeta 21 Inches wide woven In selvedge. per yard vw a yard $1 Phoenix mills taffeta. 27 inches wide, 63c $1.73 quality Mack yard wide taffeta as long as tbey last they go at- OA 59c AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF LACES Fine Wash Laces at 21c & 5g Finest wash laces in bands, galloons, in sertings and serpentine effects, in great va riety of patterns, including a bow knot and rose ideas. Sevtlla torchons, ' French Valenciennes, Normandy vats, plat vals and point d'esprlte. These are an importers sample strips and there are over, 100 different styles In i to 4H yard lengths, many to match, actually worth up to 25a ' and BOo a yard, at , r yarn isngins, raauj 21c & 5c 50C ALL OVER LACES AT 15C YARD Beautiful all over laces for entire waists, yokes and -m m dress trimmings In white, cream and ecru, many styles, I O some worth up to 60c, 75c! a yard, at, a yard $1 AND Sl.SO WAIST FRONTS AT 29C Waist fronts In white and soft dainty summer shades, all over em broidered lace Inserting, etc.. Suisse embroidered and mercerised embroidered, worth $1.00 and $1.50 each, J O Monday, at ,,.,,11. aansii'iini, ! i mi mi." i j in. i ii i i mi i . ami... Jf Four per cent interest paid on deposits J; L. Brandeis & Sons, BANKERS. Checks on all banks cashed. BP V sa. X THE BENNETT COMPANY Taa Iadtn Plaaa Hease ot tha West. r These Pianos Must Go Every One 'of Them. HERE'S GAME Two high srade mahoa 400 C any Pianos, each Afl valued at $450, at J....'"4"'' Three hlsh trade' walnut tOCfi M&.nat r..T..! .VfcOU Pour hts-h srade oak Pianos OOC all woods, ranging In value dZuU trom ti& to choice w w Three sample Pianos in all COf C woods, renffinit in values Ain from 36 to S460, choice Five hlsh grade French $1(1 C mottled walnut Pianos, ihlMu each valued at 3a0, for All Sold on Easy Payments. PIANOS FROM RENTALS Slightly used, but intact in every respect, and most of them good as new. Anlce $350 mahogany , $128 Apretty up-to-date t300 oak $ J43 A lovely flne-toned CS0 wal- f CO nut for JO All Sold on Easy Payments. ORGANS $45, $26, $22, $18, $15 and $5. On Easy Payments, Too Call at Once. Write at Once. Let's Get Together. Tour Letters will be promtly and carefully answered. IMPORTANT We are organising one of the biggest Bheet Muslo and Musical Merchandise Departments that you'll find in ' the West. Bheet Music, Folios, etc., etc., at Cut Prices. Full line of Clear Havana cigars Complete 11ns of Pipes, all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUBEJ Main Office, 1404 Douglas Street. Esf 1881 Tel. IfiflO. GOLD CROWNS FROM $2.00 TO INTROnUCPJ OUR NEW METHODS, WE WILL GIVE EXTRA CVT PRICES UNTIL SEPTEMBER 10. DON'T DBLAY, YOU MAY BBS TOO LATH EE" 25C BRIDQB Work troi sz o..- e-v piTFimt plan may In terest you. Work guaranteed IS years. graduate dentists. New mitniijiatA1 N w York Dental Ca Kstabllshed nearly 10 years hers. Opposite Uayden's and Boston Btore. IIS Uinlli Uth .lrl . Perf ield's cfZ?c Boa Bidy., Roooi 7. Telephoas 701 WW. SUry Clark La4wl ScMlar. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ far a Saaapla Capy. Vitalized Air. For painless satraetlon. Burs every time, and leave no bad eilecta. EXTRACTING Ke VITALIZED AIR 60c Taft's Dental Rooms 151 7 Douglas St TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ ( Saaaala Cr. OR. WILKINSON'S EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS. CRE1GHTOIN BLOCK. I5TH AND DOUGLAS. OMAHA. Treatment and operations dally for Ca tarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Adenoids of ten (mum oi miuu Dreaming, listlesans-u and deafness In children, llUhaped Nomi. Cbronlo Burs Throat, Enlarged Tonsils Growths In Nostrils, Polypi, ate., Cluft Pslats, Harelip. Running Ears, Cross Eyes straishtsued by operation. Headache, du to eye or nasal causea Affections of the yolca, irritable coughs, bay fever, etc. THK'SC I'LJNH a A tit; tH iCK FOR THOSE NOT PREPAREU TO PAY- IX) O CLOCT. Open evening T to I p. m. No charges for eaamuiallua of palienla. i 73 '3 I II WtM. ....llt'I khVORITE M r V III 1 1 II 1 collarI ill! Inlll t .3 Tllfi HELIARLK STORK. GREAT CLEARING MS SALE OF en's and Boys' Slothing In order to close out all of our light and medium weight suits, we have cut the price to one-half of what they formerly sold for. Men's all wool suits, in cheviots, casshncres and serges, in all shades and colors, all well made and well tailored throughout formerly sold for f 10.00 Uayden's great clearing C Hf sale price only "aliUII For 7.50 we have about 383 suits left which must be closed out in this sale regardless of cost. They come in worsteds, cheviots, unfinished worsteds, serges, fancy cassimeres and fancy worsteds, in plain blacks, plain blues, brown and gray mixtures and fancy colors. None worth less than f 15.00 "J Kfl Uayden's great clearing sale price liUU All of our finest men's suits in fancy cheviots, fancy worsteds, serges, fancy cassimeres, Scotch cheviots, thibeta and un finished worsteds, in blacks, blues, brown arid gray mixtures and fancy colors all hand-padded shoulders, hand-made but- . ton-holes and hand-tailored throughout none worth less than f 18.00 to 120.00 must be sold in this great Ifl flfl sale, at only... lUsUU BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Regular S2.00 Values for 95c In very desirable patterns in gray and brown mixtures, in light, medium and dark colors, made up in Norfolk and double breasted styles regular $2.00 values Uayden's QC great clearing sale price , VVU Regular S3.00 Values at GI.50 In very handsome patterns, in light and dark colors, pants made with extension waistband, re-enforced taped scams, and guar anteed not to rip made up in Norfolk, sailor-blouse and double, breasted styles none worth less than $3.00 Hayden's I Cfl great" clearing sale price ......IiUU V Al mm ii)liol!!i)D ErtaMUbes for years. RELIABLE EI DENTISTRY BY OLD KKLIABLE, ACCURATE, PAIKLEBS, EXPORT DENTISTS. HO STCDKST9. SKJLLED SPECIALISTS IX BACH OBPARTKBITT. Beware of jealous, idle, sorehead dentists and dental Bee's, who hare lost their business and have tried to run ours. They tried to bluff us out, passed around and took up a collection, and with all their worklns. blowing, lylns and bluffing- we beat them. We have stood tha test. Our record Is acknowledged to ba the oleaneat and (Tea test in the west 10,000 PATIENTS IN TUB LAST TWENTY MONTHS. Ve Have Got tha Business and Here to Stay Its a Com plete Victory'for the Union. BBLKAKLB DE1TTISTRT saves PAnr a Bra KOHHT. Until Sept. IS OLD CROWNS, frora..........-..v2.85 ,ET OF TEETH, piir. .a.... $2.00 ALUMINUM, froa .8,00 FILUK8S, from 25o TEETH EXTRACTED FREE. WORK GUARANTEED TEN TSARS. Incorporated ander state law. Consult the professor fre. Graduate dentists will ba admitted to our fall course. Char methods make tha orownlnc, flUlnsr and extracting of teeth a plaaaura. t W. snavka loos tooth Uarnt, stop bleeatnsr araias amd trat ali'aUseoass of the BBoatfc. If you have heavy plats or plats that doat fit set one of our non-breakable, dou ble suction, patented non-Irritant plats. Call early and avoid the rush. W are al ways crowded. The people are for the Union and against combine or a t den tist B sure you are in tha right plaoe. The Celebrated DR. WORSTER, TERROR TO THE DBHTUTt, IS HERE. nion Dental College OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. OPBW DAILY TILL S. SUMADTS-O TO 4. 1522 DOUglaS. BUCKEYE and . WOODHULL, HIGH GRADE VEHICLES No. 2U Coup Rookaway Omaha's Favorite. (You aavs SO per oent if you buy now. FINE CARRIAGES for Omaha's aristocracy strictly modern and of tha hUfhaat grade. PHYSICIANS' STANHOPES-Oood quality price reasonable. CARRIAGES, TRAPS, SURREYS, PHAETONS, RUNABOUTS TJnquld dis play KicluMvs styles. Save 20 Per Cent Buy Now. Repository lOth and Farnam Street. KitiEttiati Implement Company , PLENTY OP PEOPLE ! ire wearing food clothe and erlectlnr their dentistry, are you ona of them BAILEY, The Dentist, Lidy Attendant. Tefephoaa 1085. 3rd Floor Parton Block. 'awsajsasag'iwwiMJ lj YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AS A WATCH UAKER Giving special atUntlon to th repairing of high grade watchea, and examining anr 100 railroad watcnes a week, is why wo enjoy such a magnificent watch repair- . vjmtnhmm that ws reualr keep accurate time. jnm DuwiivMi C. Bt. P. M. O. and C. & N. W. Ry s. JOHN RUDD, 115 South Sixteenth Street. R"NO"iV!L 3V II you wsot your summer Ures . cleaned RlQHT.-wlthout danger of C.res yoar foot to stay cared. shrinking, fading, or losing the Sold Everywhere. Iustre--send It to us, an J If you don't get a first class Job It won't iajifactijbed by a. mater. costyoua cent Wo clean anything ' that requlrea car and skill la band- Ftr Menstrual Suppression ung. Ask ior a price lut. es.f PEN-TAN-GOT'; tx&ttMXss. gra3 THE PAIlTOlllUn STossarrass, rao4osiW. Ull rsrasm. UI. ms. OBfAKA. , BTusBCTrsss,PrUiar,iadUawu4.ul. UlO.Tbare 407 15th St TsL MS b eal? sue Hioaaorpau," kst he's solas two tbias ) ut-ul aelas aeta la the asate kisk-4e aauw S