THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 2.1, 1903. 19 CONDITION OFOMAIIA'STRADE rTrf" .. CQMtKUAL' AND rlNANUAL P.oepeo.s for Future nineii More TtTCT sb'.s Than a Week Age. MANY. FALL BUYERS NOW". ARRIVING iil-u p twin;.' PKVjvi8ioN-porK. unchanged; jobbing. I FaTsrabls Oiop Wsathet Affscta ths Grain tandard mesa. $11 i."7V Lard, hlfrher et $7 00. I w . . Dry Goods Mea rredlet New Croa ( Cottoa Will Sell far Sot Leea Thaa Tea Oats sad Think t'ottea Uoodi Desirable Property. Baron, nrm: boxed eatre shorts. $8.J7V; clear rib. 19 00: short clear, $9 METALS Lead, llrm at A-UV. BPt- ter. Arm at 16. w).- FOILTRY-steady: chicKens, c; springe. llHyo; turkeys. 14c; ducks, Vksc; geese, tjftc. . , rl TTKn Bteeay; creamery, jv,ic; dslry. u'uVic. KOCH Kteedv at 16HC. loas orr. Keceipts, Bnipmems. ,) 12.0"0 $4.00 SQ.(aio $"5.() 3S.000 17.000 Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu Corn. bu.. , Oata, bu ... WHEAT AND CORN A FRACTION LOWER Tradlas Is Dell,, with Prices reset tled Irovtaloas Plraa aa t'a cbaaged ta a Klekel Higher. snspects tor rutura Dustness nave greauy fmproved during the last few days. Re ports received Irom reliable sources ahow that the warm weather pt last werk ma- turea corn very rapidly una now tne gen eral opinion la that with anything like normal weather condition from tlila time on Iowa and Nebraska will have fair corn crop. Merchants have greatly worried at any time during the OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. CHICAGO. All. M DuUnesa nerve ded the grain pita today and on continued iavorable weather wheat ruled weak, rJep tember eloping HaO lower. September corn waa oft oats declined SH'. but provisions ware unchanged to to higher. Coadltlosj at Trade and Qaotatloaa aa Staple aad Faaey Pradaee. EUUS-rrein stocg, losa on, joo. - Tradlns- In wheat waa of a. verv Lama live I' Hens. c: awing J". WB.'A w"r , .v??.H"n. a a. verv I , . , . . - . . -j l viiarauuer ana prices. were consiaeraDiy ua . Z ' chickens, per lb., 12c; roosters, accord-I ... . Td nn.iiii. aa aaaice nn.i.r not been . ',e 4fi-- tnrkeva 13c- old ducks I .Z T - lno opening waa easier under -i- .h. lo age. '(fc, ttirseys, lie, oia auiaa, i , nfliin,,. 0f (.ilent weather In the Ti I - r i T . I. .. ... summer hut at tne same time a "reater BUTTER Packing stock, KW3c; choice 1X1" w t- ZZ tJZ fiZn Vd ih. Vrat feeling of con tide nee ha been noticed for AaiT- iriSo- nintor Joe fC. I here waa a fair demand the rrat the last few days and reflected In the sire 0 p-'JjriV KYMllKreJih r.M trout 11c- t.ur on ter" of rJ tne prln wheal of the purrha...'a placed with Omaha Job- -.'il!-3," TLc- nlke V' Mrch but'- the market turned quite firm, bars and manufacturers. Everyone seemi Hfflic ilueHs'h ISO ' hltVflak. 10c: B-Pmber advancing to A,o, but the gen- to feel that if a fair corn crop can be '''H'. 1'""" 15T..wni' if? eral trend of crop hews was of a bearish harvested buclnena In the territory tiibu- "'." " U . ' in?. kJ... li, V Oh ' I Btu fre liquidation soon caused tary to Omaha v. Ill be the best ever 7 rf:,. L I a decJlne. IAberal clearancea and re- penenced. That being the case, the tend- : .h L. S C.'. S hVll- lll new-wheat at Minneapolis were ency among retailers la to have liberal "f . ch; bl?f " g' J1! d?pisln Influences In the litter part stocks on nana, so as to oe preparea to r-- ---. v ,;''" 1" lor the session. The close was near the handle all the business that in likely to DV"- blueflns, JO. bottom nrlrn of th Hav Hrni.mhar heinr come their way. There have been J" S lower at after selling I. 7 a 1 1 a ajsaxgTTv, kWB .eaaa I J . a "f, i - . J 1 fef aif 4 ait-M tta.a f fcWv tr I ' fcv i4. Virwitr UI siuvki ea iva ing tne weea uuaer review, uui w.e e... ... . . nour were equal to 63j0 bushels. Primary as hss been the case for aom tima past gal. l.w. receipt were J18.900 bushels, against IC4.M Va lues eontinue good and firm. With every itRAN Per ton. I1J.W. bushels a vear no M nneanolla and Indication of theTr remnlnlng that way for HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale r "J0-, fm c-s which some time to come. Collections are also peelers' association: Choice No. 1 uplaitd, "'k ,0PlDta of 89 csjrs W of con In Tery satisfactory condition. ... no com- g.M; No. 2. medium. 17.60; coarse Jtf 'Srtd."." toU? recent.' fo'r Thi jlainta have been uearu on mat score. . Saaar May Sell Higher. Wholesale grocers report their trade for last week aa being very heavy for this season of the year. The demand was gen eral for all seasonable lines and they looli for a continued brisk demand for some time to come. Prices are In much the same position they were a week ago, although basket, 76c; Virginias, per inns nHTi imu iw iiiiLmi iuh 11 ii . j jj. neiuiea sugars are quoieu ine aarne, uui raws have advanced a full sixteenth, with the tendency of prices still upward. Hold- K?Ur't good" color WSuaTltrimad " SSi"?.? n U8t f.i, ii. ht I week, and 4S cars a year ago. . ' '. ' -i' I Corn showed a llarit Imnmvemenf In the early transactions, but trade waa dull. with the bull leaders making no special efforts to support the market and conse quently prices soon turned weak. There was an absence of outside business and SEW YORK, STOCKS AXD DOSDS. Exrhaage la Hearty Idle, Brokers Pre ferine to Wateh Yacht Races, NEW YORK, Aug. ti The stock market was practically Idle today, a Urge portion of the membership- being absent at the yacht races or out of town. A holiday on the London exchange subtracted some what from normal business. The slug gish movements of prloea under these cir cumstances ware of little significance. United 8tates Realty preferred suffered from the rumors prevalent that the next dividend would be pa.sed. Minneapolis A 8t. Paul ' A Sault Bte Marie rose momentarily on the declaration of the first division of the stock, then yielded on profit taking. Favorable weekly reviews of trade by the mercantile agencies were a reassuring factor and the crop' news had nothing threatening In It. Attention was attracted to the large Import or reimport move ment of cotton thin far in August for delivery on contract, owing to the ex istence of a oorner. This la an adverse factor In the ex change market. The Financial Chronicle points out that the municipal bond market has suffered In common with that for other securities from the dearth of demand and estimates that no less than 155 offerings of municipal bonds throughout the. coun try hare failed of talers in the last three months. There Vas a slight spilling out of stocks on the publication of the bank statement, as the large loan Increase was a dlaappolntmsnt. but the room shorts In the narrow market covered again be fore the closing, which was steady and almost stagnant. Bankers are Inclined to attribute the loan expansion to some cor porate borrowings but to a larger extent to regular commercial demands. Following are the quotations on the New Tork Stock exenange: OMAHA LIVE STOCi MARKET Beef Cattle Tul'y Steady for ti Week and Faeuen Higher. HOCS CLOSED STEADY WITH A WEEK AGO Moat Too Maay Fat Shoes aad Lasses to Meet tko Reealresaeats of tko Trade aad Prleee at Alt Palate Saered Shara Decllao. -COUTH OMAHA, Aug. C. Receipts were: Otticiai Monday , Oflloal Tuesday Official Wednesday., vmciai inurtoay... Uffloial 7rlday Official hat ui day CORN 46c. OATS 7. RYE No. I. 6e. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per bu.. 7O3S0O. BWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per nothing conscious In the local-trade. There x-DU. Passat, i weather In the corn belt was all that could Vis Hssaal ftsisl tVkfs t Kak orrtn anil tnnirarnant Cl'CUMBERS Home grown, per doa., 80o. After selling between 61,fc61c. September BEANS Home grown, wax. per market I cloned i &iv- in. f .n n.r.nw basket, 70tiuc; string, per market basket, was off Mc, closing at 61Sc. Local re ceipts were 278 cars, with thirty of con- trarfe r,tl W- . . Oats was chiefly affected by the liberal CABBAGE NeW home grown, I lllr on h n,rt of prominent Intanot lay in enipmem ot I rum one woes 10 ibi i .h -- - . r . V . , , ' OREEN CORN-P.r d'o... 10c, I I, TOMATOE3-Home grown, per basket, bull leider.t and wltn rather limited de- 6vC. I mand the market develoneH considerable S",l;5A?r,Sr J0,1 ?c I weakness. The weather continued favor- AVJrl?EA,?'5r1Per bu-' Zim' vev. 1 kbl" 'or threshing and movement. 8ep CK.LERY Michigan, per do., 0iff36c. umbfr cosrt ,ff4c lower at 4iff34Sc are da not appear to ce at an anxious to i tonoo sell, even at the ndvsnce Henneries still CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do., business Is being accepted subject to a de lay In shipment of from one week to ten dava. indications are favorable for still higher prices In the near future and there is a Dosalblllty of a scarcity of suxars within the next two or three weeks, as retailers stocks are not heavy and the heaviest consuming month or the year Is at hand. The bean market was a little irregular llfV".n' ' ,v after ranging between S635. Local re- laat week owing to the weather conditions. V:.hi.., J, i, 'ok cn;.ts were za cars. There waa a aila-ht advance early In the lc ncy Washington stock, per lb., 2Q. . provisions ruled firm early In the day on week owing to the continued rains, but fRLITS. a smaller run of hogs and -better prices at since the weather has been better the mar- PLUMS Wlxon,; Kelsey, Japan, the yards, and with a good demand. from ket has reacted ana prices are back to tl.t6. longs for October lard and ribs, together about where they were a week ago. PRUNES Tragedy, per box, $1.60; Gross, with covering by shorts. A firm under- The msrket on oatmeal continues to ad- 11.66: Silver. 11. W. tone prevailed throughout the entire ses- vance and barrels and five-pound cases are PiiACHEtJ California, early freestones gton, although profit taking resulted In a quoted 10 cents higher than the closing and early Crawfords. $1.10; California free- 0S8 0f mot of the early gain. Septem- prlce a week agq. The demand Is very stores, clings, $1.00. ber pork closed unchanged at $12.$74; 8ep- heavy for this season of the year and CRABAPPLFiS Per bbl , $3. tcmber lard was up He. higher prices are confidently expected. PEARS-aliforpW, Bartlett s, per box, Kstimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, Syrups also show considerable strength VJ; Colorado, $1.75. , ICQ cars; corn 310 cars; oats, ZJ6 cars; hogs, una there was an actual aavance last weea. i . " i, lf . 'itj. CZZ,. -,i I S7A and the demand continues brisk. crate, ROW: per H-crate, $2.60; home grown. The leading futures ranged as follows: There Is no change to quote on laundry P"" t-1-7: . . , -v,. n,.hM, , , . aps or tobacco. I A,tl.eZS h'.KM'' ?kn Putoh,,M Articles. Open. High. I Low. Close. The dried fruit market was very sctlve and VVeltheys. per 8-bu bbl .. C51 ' , . ! ion last week and buying -was particularly bul jBH,tuiit.a - n iiconmn, yw rML , .Wneat heavy oil peaches and apricots the demand "f S.'SpR-r.litnrnk Tokava I2.S0: Sweet- ?Pt- rnRrnrir am in inniCais i ------ " - - - i Kant naior niuntg, i . it. WATE-RMELO.N aMissouri, J6WJOO eacn; ITes'y. belli a- of such that oneratora not onlv believe that the tsrlally In the near future on .those two orated, per lb , net. IVic. lines. The canned goods market was alse.full of Interest last week, California lines tax b Sept. D Dec. Miv Corn Bept Deo. Okih Sept. Dec. K"c. nn" frVm T to 25 "ceTt? per sl., ;t; choice, U00; M0 to m sixes. pJL - Sept. Sept. Oct. Mar Lard- Sept. Oct.- Rlbs Sept. Oct. Jan. ' TROPICAL FRUITS. Fins Turlciiih ls-ib. box. ber lb.. lo. ORAGKS Mediterranean, all slses. In a prominent Place. .Advances have been $3. ; St. .Mlckea or paper rind, all sixes, v. i . v. f nn t..,j...hBlf. Li aiflini' vafpnrlas Xi.2&. pound goods and also on gallon, goods, .the LEMONS California f'. tom , advance running rrom to cenis pur ""1v, dozen. The den.and of late has been a I Wf,4,?. i.Iilta-Florida, ner (-basket crate. $4.00. BANANAS Per bunch, $2.0uy2.6O; Jumbos, record-breaker. Th, ttrlM tt ulmnn hat t RO Kaat valnflT up because of Information received show-1 $3-00. Ing a great snortage or. r nsn. ine iu vanca thus far amounts to 6'ulu cents, with prospects favorable for .further advances Bnd Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.50SS.76. in tne imurv. Owing to unfavorable, crop reports future MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Neb. per 24 frames, 3.50; Utah na Colorado, per n names, j.5ooj.ii. POPCORN Per lb., .Vc; shelled, eJHc. umvfl fjn 1 tfreen - St.: No. I areen. tomatoes advanced last week 2Hc per dosen 1 5,,. j,-0 i salted. JHc; No. t salted. 6o on three-pound goods ana o per a oxen on n0- 1 real calf, s to II lbs., 8HC; No. 2 veai gallons, with the feeling very firm at the ...if n to lk lbs.: (He: dry salted hides. 89 aavance. Cottoa Goods Good Property Dry price of peiow 80V4 KOS. eJ?ays! I 61 I IS 90 11 96 II 00 1 7U 7 m .7 82V 80i T9H 7i 81 83' 804 83 ; 63 62 I 364 ti) a a &1H SIHiuH 51; i i MHSs1341.iSH 5 364 3k 38'Sj38H'dWi38 12 1? 77H1 1? TVJ 12 T7U ' 1 00 12 85 18 874 13 F7H 13 IS 12 7H 13 00 12 97H U 06 13 10 s is a $20 1 734 7 so 7 66 7 S7H 7 $0 7 70 7 77H 7 724 7874 7 774 7 874 780 I 65 I 65 can 14 10 i lu,., -iv. " j vV 12c; Sheep pelts, 2&76c; horse bides, $1.&UV 2 W. . . NUTS walnuts, 10. I son sneu, per id., goods men are now figuring that the 17c; hard ahell, per lb., 14c; No. J soft shell, tM "f the new crop of cotton will not go ne.- lb., 13c; No. i hard shell, per lb.. 12c, WHEAT Ko. 10c. The reason given Is that the Braille, per lb.. 12c; rllberts. per lb., 12c; gpap; Nw. t t No. 1. a Old. b Hew. Cash quotations wtere as follows! kuwjk-Bteady; winter patents, 13. 75 t snrlnw. xSSSc: No. oeiow ik. x lie imwii e 1 ' ' 1 1 . ...... ., . - - - - . - r. '-..ii I s"- 11 w- i, iTeli Ta. crop is backward and Is Sure to be- rather almonds, soft shell, per In, ic, hard bUl CRN Nor. S, 14c; No. i yellow, S3Hc light, while the demand must necessarily be per lb., 15c; pecans. '. 'fc OATS No. I, 36H; No. I white, 36364 ivy. It Is reported that large overutors small, per lb., 11c. peanuts, per lo., 64c. RYE No. . 51o. neavy. 1 1 is ruuytwu ,,iv b " v- - i , n have been going through the south bffering roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c luc and even lie lor cotton ana nave uuw to make a purchase. It Is thought that If large operators aro willing -to pay that much for cotton at the present time tney Kansas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 22. WHEAT Sep- 3S364c BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 46tff53c SEEDS No. 1 flsx. 7c: No. 1 northwest ern,; prime iimotny, w.ia; clover, coa tract grade. Ml. provisions Mesa oork. per hbl.. $1? 85 mucn lor cotton at me iir""' nm- jv-. z;,.- ij . hlrj 74.57410. r noiPiun-ir pors, pir noi.. tr; a are not figuring on the new crop going ?mbr'$: w"h4'tt- elected H874. ,Lard per 100 Ibs, $Sltyg.lJ4. much below those figures. Cotton iww No. f Tt'aTfc- idJuf Short . ribs, sides (loose), $7 40.70; dry are In much the same position as tarmers 69c; No, 2 red, 7c. No. i, i4.5c, receipts, guej shoulders (boxed). $7 00S7.25; short In the corn belt. They have been getting 242 cars. . good prices for their crops during ine isai "coeptember. W'A 1,. Few year, and have paid oft the mort- 1' 2F'4m?W' ment. of aonr'and grain ye.tePday: JoslUonto hold the'; "crop unti7"they get th; OATS-No: 3 whit,. '40c; No. I mixed. bb pric mey wnuu, wunrs. I Kvb wt kail ' 1 neat, DU.. ofrTre"0 10 ' P HAYnoic-e 'JSJothy. eS.WOO: ckolco g-.-it b?" estimated at the present time that prairie, $8.25ff8.50. . . I t-' v.. " (2 per cent of the looms throughout the BUTTER-Creamery. lft&lTo; dairy, I Bkriey - 1,11. Tht cannot heln but I fancy, ibc make a sreat scarcity of manufactured EOOS Firm; fre.h Missouri and Kansas bu. hip- Recelptn. oluipments. .... 16.600 16.800 .... 72.400 '82.6)0 ....238,4110 6,600 ....S7.0 M.3O0 .... 8.9U0 . 25,3(10 1,400 Atohtsoa ptd Bl. Obis So pis Cauadlaa raclSo Oatral el N. t. CbM. A Oble Lbicago A Alloa..., do Ufa Chlcio A O. W do ut pta... ...... Cklcasa A N. W.... Chlciio Tr. A Tr.. aa pt C. C. O. & t. L... Colorseo so da lt pfd da id ptd Del. A HuJ.on... II 14 Ho. P4rlS 44 . go. Rnr U . do pld . MlToil A PaelBC .14 TolMlo. II L . H .UI pta jiHUoton Pociaa ... 1 da pld.. M St'sbuh , 14V da pfd , 2 IWheallns A U . MS hVH. Cfiitral , do ptd . u jAdims Ex.... , TSH American Fx , Ununited 8Utl Cx., , tit alt-Kiryo Kx... , I1H Amil. Copper . .. U3 ,Amtr. r A T. txl. U A W ..tli Dearer A R. O.. do ptd Erie do 1st ptd do Id ptd Oit Nor. pfd... Uurklnx Valler . do pfd Illinois Central .. lova Central .... do pfd If. C- Southern.. do pfd L. A N Unh tan L Ht. at. Rr Minn. A St. L... Mo. Pnnllto M. K. ,T do pfd Nat. R. It of M. ptd. 40 lZi 1 22 do Dfd Amir. 'Ua. Oil do pfd ill Aiwr Ivx-oraotlTa. . alt,: do pfd. ... 51 ARKiion S. A R... 1U do pit 744 as tin , 14 S9 til 1 lot y 47 il H , . SO 1 44' 0 Kmtr. Buxar RI....1M n lAnae. Mluinr Ce. .. 74 ..l.'it Brnoktrn It. T 44 .. 11, Colorado Fuel I... .. W iCnlumbua A H. C... 14 .. HHCoia. tlu l"f .. 39 (lii. niei-trla til ..tos Inter. Papar IS . do nM St ..ill jlnter. Pump Mt .. M do pfd... .. MH Natlonal Rlacutt .... Slti . . 19 iNauonal Tead it .. 4U. 'No. Amarlcaa 7S racinc , Fet'Pls'a Oas M Preued S. Car 4 do pfd i aa Fnllman P. Car tit ,113'4 Republle Steel 11 . 4iu: do pfd. j.. . ........ 48 . 64S: Rubber Ooeda 144 . to-V do pfd . s1nn. Coal A I N. T. Cantral Norfolk A W do pM ... Onuirto A V." PannarlTanla P., C. C. A It. L Readlnr do lt Bfd it) do pfd U do 2d ptd S'i"tnn. Coal A I H Rotk laland Ce tT4 Leataar s do pfd M do pfd.. H at L A 8 V lat pfd.. (t V. 8. Rubbar it da In nfd 41 U do Pfd...., 40 8t. L. 8. W 14 U. 8. Steal II do ofd. '. B Pfd' t St. Paul 140'i Weaters Union ...... USi do ?td 171 I The closing quotation, on bond are aa follows U. a. rat. as, rag....lMlU N. ant 4a M an rautxin .lMVakftx. Ceatral 4a 11 da la. ras 1 do la ine 14 do cannon US Minn. A 8t. X. 4a . 1 r i si., a., as t. a do la N. T. C. n. IHa... K4S4 N. J. C. xan. H 117 101 No. Pacfflo 4 lOti ..101VI do la.... .V .. rH N. A W. eon. 4a 71 .. U IReadlni (an. 4s N .. 8t. L. A I. M. a. Is. Ill .: II I St. L. A A r. 4a.... H .. 7 SL L. S. W. la...... M ..104HI do U 71 ..1M4 3 A AA. P. 4a.... 14 .. So. Paclflo 4a M Ch.a At Ohio 4U,a. ..103V4 So. Railway in Ill Chtra.o A A. IHa.... HWTaxaa A Pcia to..,U4 c b. a a. a. 4a pnitT . 8t. 1.. w. aa.. ii C, M A St P f. 4a.. Mot itlnloa Pattflo 4a Hti C. A N. W. cos. Ta li I do topv. 4s r R I P 4a MUWabaab Is .....U4 C C C A St L . 4s.. N do la 1MV, CBtcago Tar. 4s....... T4 I de deb. B. Unj Colorado So. 4a fuVWrat Sbore 4a riiurn & R. Q. 4a.. r iwneai. a u B. aa.u m Erie prior Urn 4s.... M:i Wli. Central a to do fanaral 4a Hi,, Con. Tobacco 4s 174 r. W. ,A D. C. la.. .'.lot iO)le..ri ess. le... Hocking Val. 4)aa....l4 'Boston ttookv Qootatleae, - BOSTON, Aug. J Call loans, 44T8 per cent; time loans, 64 3 per. eent. Official closing prices on siocks ana Donas Atcblnoo (o Blngbam H do pfd - calumt A Haoia....4ts ... n . fcl ... SO ... I ... ftt ... 40 da 4a. ras. so eonpaa 114 do aid 4a. raS...-..10t do coupon ...lot do (a, ret-. do coupon Atchlaon gaa. 4s.. do adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4s... do Sa do eonv. 4a Canada So. la Central of On. M. do la Inc. Boston A Albanr Ml iCantanntai Doaton A 'Ml lit Crsoar Ranra N. Y . N. H. A H..1M Doailnlon Coal On the Produce exchange today the but- goods a l Ul. later In the season. .The stock, lio do... loa. on case. returned; I Z--T ''rtt'ZS 'VtZP scarcity ot tne manuiacturea goous aioiw iibw nu. a wu..ww NT'" , ifiV cases included 14ifiLii.c Cheeaa at.o.iv "21 will hold orloM no for some time, even Heceipts. Shipments. M,"?"iy,"cluaea lvi'c. cneesa steady at .L.....w .11 In... than an-I Wheat bu 13 tWO . M fKlrt I ""7r ,vli are aura to se 11 hither 1 Oata. bu 4.000 4.000 HsSW "nh. UMBRAL MARKET, than at the nrenent tlma. Taking all these I I I points Into consideration local Juhbera be- I jBiep)iu Wkoat, Floor aad Bran, I Oaotatlona of tko Day oa Varleaa .nXZrtf ' ' " ' - - MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 22, WHEAT I Connodltl... Kail Tirade with Omaha dry goods Jobbers September, 4c; Decemrr 78Sbc; on NEW TORK. Aug. U. FLOITrr.4 bail now assumed very satisfactory propor- track no i nara. swoiic, jno. i nortnern, ceipta, 12,427 bbla; exports, 10.2V8 bbls. The tlona There were a good many buyere in I Mo; Nol northern, 83Q84C, No, I market was firmly held but quiet. Winter the cli liberal the city last week ana tney piac-ea very nurwiern, ayvooc. patents, H.a.SO; winter strslghts, $3 to'ci liuerai unim .. i nc . , -- I . . - ' - . . . , I . mniiivwia aicuu, aa.uta .. n v ntt m .in... ann Tnn xm n. ii r , 1 1. amrunn luotrnia: - aa.DDan.oa: nimi . .a vi l. j. , 'i . w. ... L . prospects for the future. 'A. a general clears, $1.65S.75; second clears, Utt t I tW; winter low grades. $3. 7ulufx Rye flour thing merchanta are buying a better class b.. In wool Minneapolis I aulet; fair to good, ..u.3.J6; choice to v .1 . u inan .v.. rwinr. in ,n I. in iin w , a 11 iiuik. uj. ouiiAiu. - I n v, i. i cr fact -that prioes are considerably higher than they were a year ago. They eeem to figure that people out through the country Philadelphia Pradaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Au. 22. BUTTER CoKMUfcAL Ftrm: vellow wuu,n H.U; city, $1.10: kiln-dried, $3.3Voa.4). i m yuiet; p.o. z western, 6ic, f. o. b., Fe go ng to have some money and that PMlLAUKLrMlA, Aug. iJUTTER afloat .Tat. and Jersev tkST' they'wlll'be wllflng to spend It. t?tf& nby" prtnS Cr,4UnerT' HLaatSSd dlngflo Brisk Dessa-d tor r.rtt.r. EQOSF?r"brhlgherT fresh nearby, f .. Buffloi "W, U tTt, n4. . .. .. .... . . ,i. I. nn XI Wi loaa ..rf! extra, western. tllfnUol lalO. c: l Buf- I ITPj SB s anKHnil. Mi fx nil " skrwa-b .-a it 11 . very busy time with furniture .men. uur- ul""'" exua N . i ; 3:7..;: UT tnir the last week or so local houses, how- southern. 16617c. a' ikc elevator and S640 f. o. b., w hava TbeerenJoy??g a very nice trade CUKESE Firm, but quiet. New Tork 2oa!; l, n.orti?ern "'n. Ws . o. b., "iu I stapuT llJea? yparlV sets and bel full cream, choice. lOHlc; New York i .."i,.!Hifc f' Ww ' lUUlHi: IlBTIf Ll 1 1 lliu.llia I ,. w aw vm.vtxv. Mltwaokeo Grain Market. ' I opened easier because of perfect north l west weather conditions and poor cables declining later through liquidation. The D v-TilNo. 1 northern, 90i,lc: No. I northern, I net decline. Sales Included No. f red May I '"1 1 8c: new fieme-mhar. 7STe hid. 1 irxxun nloaail Sj,u.0. R,.t.w.. 5.' RARLEY ttteady: No. 1 gOe: aamnla M li-lsc rltuad tnu.n 'w room aeta in nart very freely and the Omaha manufucturere of thoaa lines have been obliged to run their factories to their fulleet capacity to keep up wltn tneir orders, i ney ng If business Is pushing at thts time tney will experience an enormous A little later In the season Shlsplaa; Leather Goods. I 4udibGo. I a xf a . a. L. lib Alii. TalK.. .1. .P. .hlnnlna- thnle foil I .U-a.lPl, XHW" al tail air a aa r-ai r I li 1 u at as TaaaBmai t K I sk anri rt v sa m ai ti aa a good atari on the s.tuca they have on I i . York, Imports aad Exports. naud. ituiiher gooai the country with all many buyers of leat market last week an .v. ........... I iotai importa or dry snoda ana merchan. I . raii-.i.- iw . . X """f. B.Ln ra diM were valued at $12.2. 66. , br .widT: n7 r"' white 42o- No X. 'n 1 akli. ' Toledo Sood Market. No. 1 white. 414c: track white western' 'tIWe.S A aood .-'L.1Itl.L'!i I Ing and a oonUnu her goods were on th, . ," . 1 .TT'.T. ""i" f. d Jobbers look for sUll T r"ii an t Vm".! il." s-4c, caoeea eioaeo ans4a. CORN Receipts, 18,060 bu.; spot firm; No. t, 63 4c elevator and 64o f. o. b afloat; No. a yellow, (le: i-eb. white fcS,e. Option market opened easy oo ths out rauie.l on cover fair cash inquiry. The o net loss.. September. aod. according to. their reports, 'the proa. pevts for a good fall and winter demand for leather ana ruDDer goods aro very encour aging. , Oysters 'Attala la Season. The oyster season Is' once more at hand and on Thursday of this week wholesalers TOLEDO. Aug. 22. SEED Clover, firm 1 41(tH(c; track white State. 41ij46c. Options snd higher; October, $f 5.'4; Ieceraber. I nominal. $0,674. 'ilmotny. prime, $1.65. Alslke. Au-1 FDKDr-Dull; spring bran, $17.7501100: gust. $6.U I middlings. (Iw.OOti'S.OO; city. $I9.0Ka2auu. J1A.I yuiei; stupping. luytioc; good to will be ready to make their first shipments. I xt-anorated Aooiaa aad nnai I choice, 1 USOl.Oo. In another column will bo found the prlcea " . " . . I HOPS Firm: I tata eowamnn n . .hnu at which they will sol and It will be seen I Af irtiv. Aug. B EVAPORATED lo2, 21i,-J5c; 11L 14al7o; old 8'gllc- Pa that openlug prices are exactly the same I APPLES jult and quotations aTe more cirlo coaat. ltUa. ZMi&o: MuL 14.3:l7o: old. SS thev were a year ago. It Is reported, or less nominal In the abaenoe of lm-1 air He: however., that the stock will be much bettar I portant business. Common ars aunted all tiinra d-- . n . 1 an a, .... vj i c v.... . aj iu u lua.. tnan usual, i ne neavy rains in the east P"" " cnoice at aT.'at4o; lgc; California, H to 25 lba, ISc; Texas tiflva art uan na AwalaeA al aa. t aa a. eTwanaaka ava T a n f W tkff StaV. TWJ iaA la a.. n-aa ai. F r war Mid as a result they are larger anil fatter CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot I LICATHER Steady : Hemlock sole Sua limn, tney nave oeen ror several yeara I prunes in tair aemana ana steady to firm noa Avrea Uaht to haavv waltrhta- j-i4 The laraa waatarn najaev- la nnar n. th. at Drinaa rane-lne- from 1U. In -TV. .11 I I " Heavy weigDta, ftCld, market and la selling at 45c per dosen I grades. Apricots show continued firmness I Hict-Flrm- d imestlo. fair to extra 4U runcnes. ana siicniaran stock is going at 30 wltn coast advices denoting strength In (i4c- Japan 6airtic Hi35c. Other lilies ot vegetables have ahown primary markets. New crop choice are PROVISIONS Beef firm- familv ntfa very liiiie -tia..g 3ml. . tko ek. Thy Quoted at tV.S1r4eS Old choice St S4e; tjfj 75 mesa KOwAk60- tXf ham. tel?-2 have sold hltthw on a.m. days than 00 fancy at lie. Reaches nOe firm with olco 'pike: W- Tty exTra IndX lama noVThe-. el"n l J" about th .. . . " led. I12c; pickled shoulders, (c; plcklel CaTlfornia fruits are fullv ss hl,h u thev 9"" " UmlmMm' hama. Ii4filc. Lard. firm'er: wate"n wei a week ag The enoVmou. dmnnt NEW TORK. Aug Sl -UOAR-Raw, steamed, 1 25: August cloeed. $8 25. no 11- yr for OailfoVn'i lln I. ku1S? strou; fair renning. $ $-lc: centrifugal, 8 Inai: refined firm; continent, $$36; South f rt?es usually high Ths failure of be k "-lc- sugar. I l-lfc" fae- Aenerican $ 00; compound. 74SJ4C Pork, Vit cro W I. irrselreanon.bu finea. firm: Ko. ..: No, T. 4.16c: No,! staady: family. $17.17.75: short cler. ai, "t rv. iiim, aM.w-U'14,.av. iJL n E.R taster: ex ua' creamery. )c th present high prices. stutter, a rood dema naa neen te&dy. 1 , , . ..v. w, a y-. u. 11, a4v, 1 . ..i.. 1 1 . 'a, , ia. a jao; no. 11. a.ioc: con- ian.1 all the week and the iiinnlv f,loner,'v. Af A, IJSe: cat loaf, I extra factory. 1ST154; creamery common r" . .w""a ana tne aupniy I c,,. ruahe.1. S tale- rwitarat Ilk' . r I ... v,i- i--i,ltw,- ina.lnn n. autneent to aeep prloe. Just about u.ed. c; cubes". 6 iScT' MoTa8..7ftrm; New 17cr.Ut. torri4 ui?i& liS . Uula Grala aad Prevision NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 22 ST'OAR Dull; CHEESE Steady; state, full cream fancy small coioreu. iv-ac; large colored, luc; ST. . LOtUS, Aug. tJ-WHEAT-I-ower: 0? ' ,nw0; cenirlf- ,mii while, lOVc; large, white ac 1": "HoWei: iSfJZZZ 'niTfr. .. LT' No. $ cash, elevator 71.V.C: tra H.nlBmhf ' Tfekn rur,mKa. t J ! . . i. N I hardrkic: ' . " ' - KTISO. COKN-Uwar; No. I cash. 47Ho; track 4V?4:H'i; September, 474c; December, 47Vc; May. 4e. OATH Firm: No. 1 cash. 8SUc: track S&(1 r4c September. iTUc: Oecember, Sic; May ITVac! No -I white. lwiHf. Rl'T: Iiwer at 644.0. FI1R Ptadv. fc.M .winter pau'-nts. $4 ati4 l(: rxira. fancy and straight, U.70J I S6- dear. i "tr3.". PPFrDH-Tlmothy. steady $3 1043310. rtiHSMTTAIe-SteadV. nfr BRAN Steady. aat,ked sast track. 75rn. :u34c Moiaaaes, cenirlfugul, dull. d. Quiet and Coaleo Market .NEW TORK. Aug. X2 COrrr K8tot Rio. Quiet: No. 7, Invoice, 64c; mild quiet; Cordova. lUllo, Futures opened quiet at unchanged prices. In keetlng with unimnor- tant price conditions abroad, and ruled I prices in all ens quiet with a lutie eveulug-up- busluau-s lerdxy's last bid a. Copper. Ike, $134 4U Uunsacted. which, however, worked no al- 13. 76: electrolytic. $13 afi4J 13 4J4; casting. teratlon In prlcea, and the market dosed I $i3.J4&l.V6o, Tin. flrnj. ssvt. 1 $-J.$74ii ni unnmniw. oaies were iu ,w 1 a ai-i- iaa, stoaay; snot. 4 m. epelter. begs. Including heptember at $.T6c," Octo- I llrni. $4uu. lros. uacaa&gad, quUaud noua- av, sua, n.av. I IU4U. EGOS Firm; stale snd Petinsvlvanla Diiiej zir: western extras, r)c. TALLOW wulet; city. 44c; country, ULTRT-AUve and dr. Unchangird. - METALS The volume -of tranaactiona today aa a whole was small and the mar ket showed no new features of Importance. noicing steady iy.s FHt-hburs pfd Union FaclOo .. M. Central .. American Suaar do ofd nw American T. A T....1I4 Dominion I. A .... W fn. Elo-Jtrtc 141 laasa. Elaetric il do pfd... i t'nltad Fruit M V. 8. Steal pfd 494 Weatlnih. . Commos.. U Adventure 4 . Allouea 44 Amalramatad 47 Daly West W .1)4 Pranklln . Morale ....... . 14,!Ni.hawk lupoid Dominion necaoia . . ....... . Parrot (turner Hants re Copper.. Tamarack Trlmounlala ...... Trlnltr I'nlted SUtae .... I'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine .. 14 .. so .. 14 ..100 .. 11 .. 4 Jew York limine Q notations. NEW TORK. Au. 2$ The following are the quotations on mining siocks: Adams Con Alice Braecs xBrunsvIck Coo-. Ccmatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A V... Horn 8llae Iron 81 Ivor Laadvllla Cos.... X Asked. 14 ILlttle Cblaf ... ...II OnUrlo ... II Ophlr I iFhoanix ... 4H Potoal ...140 ISavai ...ISO Isi.rra Navada . ...IU (mall Hope. .. ... 3 ISiaadard ... 4 ...400 ...Uo ... I .., 14 ... U ... 4t' .... id ...174 Cattle, Hoga JlUeep. ... .8i4 .wu i.a ... 4.0H3 b-b-) 7.448 ... $,64 7.210 4.SJ4 ... .M 4.3J0 $.D4e ... L745 4.w0 , ... 135 4.031 $j Week endlna Ane Sim lo 5il 17.254 Week ending Aug. 15....1.4J1 43,!jiJ .jtil Week ending Aug. $ 15. too ' $,.wsl vveea ending Aug. 1 lo.m xi.mi Week endlna- July 25 11.114 4o.aul 41.V71 Same week last year 27. 1. '4 38, 117 6o,0E7 Ith-Ccli'lS suit 1HK TlvAR TO DA1U. The following table showa the reotlpta ot catue, nogs and sneep at Bouik Omaiia for 10 year to oaio, ana oumparisoias wita iae tar; 1803. 19u2. Inc. Deo, Cattle (11.S64 482.441 UO.IK Hogs a.57.1U5 1635.417 So.all Sheep Vba.134 M.17( U0,K Average price paiu fui nogs at South Omuha lor tht last ssveral days with comparisons: Date. I IMS. lW1.lKn.p.gjQ.llW.ll.lW7. Aug. 1... Aug. 2.... Aug 3.... Aug. 4.... Aug. 6.... Aug. .... Aug. 7.... Aug. 8.... Aug. .... Autf. 10... Aug. 11... Aug. 12... Aug. 14... Aug. 14... Aug. 16... Aug. 14... Aug. 17... Aug. U... Aug. ID... Aug. 2D... Aug. 21... Aug. 23... 4 f4 I 094 s uui 6 034 I U4 5 20 I 6 154 4 a t 20N i 174 ( 114 6 15 6 234 6 S04, J 27 7 17 7 15 t 791 I 7 $9 6 7ft) 6 lb i$t 6 66 $ (5 5 73 6 74 7 04' 781 I 74 81 6 77 ( TSi ( 68 ( Si 47I 6 79 88 7 00 I 73 I T7l 5 77 6 83 I (91 5 6 87 I 15 4 1 $ 71 ( 15 i 10 4 43 4 45 ( 04 6 14 4 11 5 in 6 04 I 0Q4 4 to). 4 If. 4 9 J I- ( 00 496 l0s' ( 78) I 02 4 2i $ 741 $ 4 4 33 $ (71 3 47 I 41 S 7 $ 71 $ 61 $ 77 I 43 1 4ft 4 I 4 821 4 i $ 471 I 41 3 27 I 4S 46 4 461 4 43 4 44 4 $3 4 , 4 4 4 50; 4 I 6 4U 4 4U I 7 151 S 44 !51 6$ a 41 7W S7(; 3 74 $ 3 7 s t 70 S 71 lb I 73 8 70 I 74 more stuff on s.ile than packers needed for their Immediate . requirements and ths tendency of prices haa been Downward. ine general market on fat sneeo snd mtii can best be described by calling It lfijjf.o lower, with lambs suffering the area teat decline. This break in pi u-cs Is no worse than at other points, so the mar- et here Is sun well in line. The demand for feeders has been active II the week and desirable grades may be uoted about steadv. 'ilia common stuff. however. In some cases has shown a alight reduction. Quotations for grass stock: Good to choice lambs. $4. 75-ij.; fair to good lambs, 14 2i 4.76; good to choice, $3 4(,3.t; fair to good yearlings $ltVtie.4u; good to choice wei tiers. xs.lien,; tnjr to good wotners, .:': good to choice ewee, w.f.'; air to sood ewes. 15 ft feeder lnmbs. $J0'a4 26; feeder yearlliiKS, $3.25d$.60; feder wetnera aa.wi3. ; leaer ewes, i.ov-.w. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Ilogs Advance Abont a Dime, wltk .Moderate Booetota. CHICAQO. Ana. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 3o.: a-ood to nrlnie. I5.t: Door to medium. M, shu Kers and feeders, $2.5i.S4 k; eows, $1 Jvty4.jU; heifers, $3.00tf4.l!5: canners, 41 5 2.60; bulj, $3.0u4.20; western steers, $3.(tl4 40. HOOS RecelnU today. 7.0UO Head; esti mated Monday, 30.000 bead. Mostly lo igner; mixed and nutcners, ood to rhJra heavv. IS 4.K,i3.iC: llsht. $5.50 tj ): bulk ot sale, $5.2ta5.66. sueep Recelpta l.uuo head; sneep ana lambs steadv: aood to choice wethers. $3.00 4J3.40; fair to choice mixed, $125tre.00j west ern sheep, $3.8.X(i3.50; native lambs, (i.Xv 40; western lambs, $4.0utuv4.60. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts. 100 head; market unchanged ;cholee xiivri aau ureaseo. dbci sierra, ri.iwmi.w, air to good. $4 10714.70: dockers and feed- srs, $; western fed steers, :t.J 4.76; Texan and Indian steers, $3.$otS: Texas cows, $1.75'&2.50; native cows, 1.6i"ii 4.00; native heifers, $2.0nti4.75; canners, $1.26'fi2.40; bulls. $2.0fV&J00; calves, 2.0i 6.60. Receipts for week: Cattle, 43,X); calves. 7,"0. HOOS Receipts. 1,000 head; market strong to Sc higher; top. $95: bulk of sales, $j.60iB.75: heavy, $6.261 5 574: mixed packers, $5.47436 tl; light, $rvt74u5 5; yorkers, o 85rf pigs. $5 6&ft&.90. Ro- celpts for week, 80,800. SHEEP Receipts, none: market un changed; native lambs, $3.15.25; western lambs, $3.00G.16; few ewes, $264.00; Texas clipped yearlings. $2.6"Vff4 lt: Texas ciiipeu snef-p. ii.vjni.w; , aiocuwrs ang feeders. 32.2w23.60. Receipts for Week. 16.000. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars Of Stock brought In today by each road was: lvalue, nogs- a r s. C. M. tt St P. By. wabash Union Paclflo system C. 4 N. W. Ry. F. E. M. V. R. R C, 8t P., M. A O. By 1. & at. ny K. C. & Bt. J C. R. I. A P.. east C, R. I. At P., west Illinois Central ... 11 10 16 13 77 Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of bead Indicated; Cattle.Iiof s bh p Omaha Packing Co switt and company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co., bioux city... t rey Packing Co Other buyers . 1.00 8 1,310 1,354 423 .. 130 It 26 7936 16 leoadoa Stock Market. , - LONDON. Aug. 22. -Today is a holiday on the stock exchange. . -, BAR SILVER Steady at 26V4 per ounce, MONEY 1(14 per cent; dlsoount rates, short bills. 2.7f4 13-14 per cent; three months' bills, 14S34 Pr cant. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Aug. 22. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today waa tiiuw ana .iu.uuo was withdrawn for shipment to Oermsnv. BERLIN. Aug. 13 There wns lively trad Ing In Iron shares on the bourse today, ths ;eneral tendency ueing oetter. PARIS. Aur. 22. Ru-sincr. on the bourse today was inactive fluctuations were light, ine ctoso was nrm. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 22. COTTON The market opened steady at unchanged prlcea to 1 points lower, and ruled very quiet. with October showing steadiness under covering. The other ponitions were de pressed, by realising, encouraged by the ex cellent crop weather and for the weekly crop account. After the call here prices showed little movement, and' the market ruled dull, within 1 or 4 points of the Initial level. NEW ORLEANS. AUg. . COTTON Future, steady; August. 12.412.97o; Sep tember, lumi,;10S6c. October. (bokSoc; November. 6.-ii9 4.c: December. .44uic: January, 4997c; February, .474a.!c: larch, ITU's, spot steady; sales, iza bales: ordinary. 7-16c: good ordinary. loc: low middling, 114.c: middling. U'4c: good middling. 134c; middling fair 1113-1(0 nominal, rteceipia, none; stock. 1J.0M. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 2i.-COTTON-4Juiet; middling. 134c; receipts, IS bales; stock, 1,284 bales. LIVERPOOL. Aug,. 22. COTTON Spot In light demand; puces ( points higher; American middling fair. 7.$4d; good mid dling. 7.03d; middling, 4 75.1; low middling. (64d; good ordinary. (2nd; ordinary, (.Ood. The sales of the day were 1.0u) bales, of which 3uO were for speculation and export and Included 1.200 American. Receipts. 1,000 bales. Including 1V) American. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed steadv. American middling, g. o. c. August. 4 470 (4.1; August-September, (40d; September, (40d; September-October. AMd; October November. I51'u5.52d; November-December, 5.4d: December-J.nti.ry, 13f.d; January February, 6.34d; February-March, kSOe t.34d; Maroh-Apiil, t.l3d. Totals CiTTI.E-There were nnlv lust a few bunches of cattle hero this morning and practically no business was transaciea. For the week the receipts show an Increase of about 3.0U0 head over last week's supply but as compared with the same week last year there is a decrease of about 6. W0 head. The decrease, however. Is In the supply of westerns, as lully as many corn ieox aro Dng receives as arrivea a yeiu- ito. Early In ths week owing to favorable prospects of a heavy run of western beet cattle corn fed steers suffered a sharp de cline. By the middle of the week, however the euDDly of srasa beef was short and packers were again anxious for corn feds and prices began to Improve. The loss has now been fully regained so that corn fed steers if at all desirable aro fully steady with th close or last week. Short fed cattle have been selling at very uneven prices owing to the fact that they have been coming In competition , .with, tne westerna As a general thing, how ever, they too are steady 1 for - the week. Warmups, however .- havo been neeleotad and have had to ba.11 at the same prices paid for grasaers. Choice com feds may be quoted from $5.06' to $6.40, fair to trood froth $4.(0 to $4.90, and short fed cattle from $4.00 to $4.50. . The cow market la also about steady for the week. The same as steers prices broke early In the week but have since recovered the loss. Ths market ss a whole has been very satisfactory aa each day'e offerings have been well cared for. Canners sold largely from $1.76 to $2.25: fair to aood grass cows from $2.40 to C3.00 and good to choice from 13. 00 to iibo wltn something rsncy above that. Corn feds could be quoted from $4.75 to $4.25. Bulls, veal calves and stags have sold In lust about the same notches all the week although calves are If-anything stronger as high as $5.25 having been paid. There has been a good demand for feeders all this week and In fact the demand has been a little In excess of the supply and an advance of fully 10316a has taken place. In some cases sales have been made that looked even better than that. The In ferior grades of course have not been as ready sellers and have not shown as much improvement. ine netter graaes or reea ere have sold largely from $3 00 to $3 85 though something strictly choice would of course bring more. Fair to good stuff sold from $3.25 to $3.50 and common stuff from $3 25 down. . . The Quality of the range beef steers tftat have arrived so far has been rather disap pointing. They have not been killing out well and are far from being as good as those that arrived a year ago at this time. Packers, however, have taken hold of them freely this week and the market la a little higher than It waa a week ago. Oo'od to Choice steers may be quoted from $3.75 to $4 28, .though something strictly choice would undoubtedly sell considerably above $4.25. Fan, to good cattle sold from $3.50 to X3.7D ana ine commoner grades went nrm $3.40 down. Range cows may be quoted steady for the week while western stockers and feeders aro fully lu15o higher than thev were a week aro. . HOGS There waa a light run ef hogs nera today ana tne market improved a lit tle. The general market could safely be quoted st oiOo higher, with the heavy hogs showing fully as much Improvement aa the light weighta. .Trading was fairly active so the early arrivals ware disposed of in It ood season.- Several trains though were ate In arrlvfng and that delayed the close ot the market until a late hour. The heavy hogs aold mostly for $5.20 to Jo. 80: mediums went from $5.30 to $5 36 and lights from $6.36 to se w. wun a ouncn at K aa. Receipts of hnKS have been very light for the week as there Is a decrease as com pared with last wsek amountlnar to about U.0U0 head and as compared with the same week of last year there is a decrease ef about 8,000 head. The low day of the week was Wednesday, when the average waa down to $5.13. or about IS cents lower thau the close of the previous week. Since mat lima, nowever, tne tendency or prlcea haa been upward so that closing prlcea are a little nigner man tnnae in orce at th close of last week. The quality of th hogs coming forward Is good for this tlm of the year. Representative sales: Oil aad Resla. OIL CTTT. Pa.. Aug. 22. OIL-Credlt balanoea. 1168: certificates, no bid; ship ments. T 41 bbla; average. 79.251 bbls.; runs. Iiast bbls.: average. 73.460 bbls. Shln ments. Lima. T0.116 bbls.; svsrase. 8 Nsi bbls.: rtina. w 210 bbls.; average. (7,130 bbla SAVANNAH. Oa.. Aug 23 OlL-Turpen-tlne. firm, 54c. Rosin, firm: A, ft. C. D end E. $170: F. $17S: Q. $Xb6: H. $25: I, $2); K. r?9o; M $3.05; N. $3 16; W. O., $3.40; W W., $3 0. . NEW YORK. Aug. r OIT'ot ton seed, dull- prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, lltJ-tlc. Petroleum, steady: strained, com mon to good, tl.35Q3.0u. Turpentine, firm, 6t.t.564c. -. r, ' Av. Sk. Pr. No. ..114 it i JO 44.. .. ... 6 t il.. ..V ... I 10 17.. ..12) 1H IN 44.. . 14 44 4 Si 41.. ..2 44 I 4 11.. ... I ! M . ,.n ... Si 44.. im 1 ti 7.. .wi ... it et.. ..141 sot 4 M Tt.. ..ill 40 I M at.. ..tso 140 I 11 tn.. M I tt .. ..171 to 4 tt IS. . .171 ... 4M il., ..!4 140 4 XI l . .. IN 111 10.. ..M4 ... IM IS. . . 14 40 I a at . . .tM 44 I M II . ..til ... IU (ft.. .114 Nil 11., 17 I ... I 274 I.. et in in 1 rt. it., 4 !4 140 1 r4 c . . ft ...171 14. I 174 It.. n M ir ., 4i i lie I 174 11.. 14. ..14 1 I tt4 ft.. 41 lai ltO I I7H .. t m aa I M 41 . 40 171 140 i X 4 . II .171 14 I M 11. Ne. 10..., II .. 47... 14. .. 10... 14... il... 44... 14... il... 41... 12... I... 11... 46... M... 3... M... 44... 41... f... II 17 Av. 4k. Pr. ,..S4 40 I M ..til H IN ..Ml N IN M I M ...ttl 1M I tr - ...1 ... 4 to ...t-t SIN ...Ml ai IK. .. IU 4 4 40 ... N IN ...IM 40 I 111. ...Ml M I IIS. ,..141 UI IU ...IM MIS . 14 ... Ill ..144 4 I SI ...tsl HO I IS ...14 ... I M ...IM M I H m m ...14 IM I 17 u ...144 ... 14 ... 44 I 44 ...14 4 I 40 ia 1 4 ...Ml ... 14 ..tit M I 44 ...121 tO I 4 ...U ... 14 ...ill M I 41 ...ill ... I a .. U4 M I M ...114 IM i 14 ..ill ... IU legation. He served afterward In Iondon and Paris, then wa. trsnf erred to Athens and five years ago waa given hla present post here. The mnrrtnge waa the result of a desperate love m4ch and It Is an open secret that Mrs. BukhmetefT. has won many a diplomatic victory for her husband with her charms and good sense. St. I.els Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 22-CATTLE-Recelnts. S30 and including 200 Texans. Market Steady. Native shipping and export steers, $4 2,vii6 SO ; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.00ij;.25: steers under 1.000 pounds, $4.00jf 6.00; stockers and feeders. $2.6T.r4 00; cows and heifers. $2 501: canners, $2.0fg2.25: bulls, $; calves, 4 &"'rtt.jj; Texans and Indian steers, $2.5oit3.7&: cows and heifers. K 2Txfi3.00. HOOS4 Receipts, 1,500 and market strong to hlaher: nigs and lights. $5B5fi10; packers, $5 5i5.80; butchers and best heavy, $3. frxuS&O. SHEEP Receipts. IK) and market steady; native muttons, $3.00453.50: lamba, $4.0""i5 00; culls and bucks. $2.5u3.50: stockers, U-K9 S.0O. . . Kovr Tork Llvo Stock Market. NT3W TORK. Ana-. 22. BEEVES Re ceipts, 174 head, mainly fet cr port; no trad ing: exports, 1,435 oattV-. ?nd 6.386 quarters of peef. . CALVES Receipts, 9.1 nea; very uttie doing, feeling steady: jrime veals sold nt swai.c: city dressed veals in l.ght demand at l&n24o per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 nesn; sheep steady; good handy lambs steady, others slow: heavy lambs weak; sheep, $2.5Ctf3.6; lambs, $5.624'fl6.K:4; Canada Iambs. $5.82406.75. . HOGS Receipts, 1.767 neaa; none ior saie; nominally firm. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. HT. JOSEPH. Aur. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts. 170 head; market steady. HOUa rteceipts, 3.01s neaa; manwi "( 20o higher; light. $5.606.90; medium and heavy, .uimv.i4. BllfiLf AMiJ LAUD9-neceipis, none. Stock la Sight. VoUnwinr were the recelpta of Uva stock at the six principal western cities yester- EMPEROR DEFENDS HIS ACTS Tells Germane Soaaothlnar They Did Hot Knew Akoot Cornelias Vanderbllt. (Copyright, 1908. Jby Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Aug. Sl-(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) In order to soothe the wounded susceptibilities of his aubjecta and remove" misapprehensions re gardlng Cornelius Tanderbllt's visit to Dantslg and hla reception by the military commandant there. Emperor William has caused a atatement to be published In the Dantslg Zlctung. In It the emperor ex plained that Mr. Vanderbllt was kind and hospitable to Prince Henry when the lat ter waa in America, and that the emperor a civility, therefore, was a simple return ot the compliment. Furthermore, It Is noted that Cornelius Vanderbllt Is not a mere Idlo millionaire, but Is a hard working, serious minded, self-trained railway ex pert and a hlghly-glfted mechanic, not purse proud nor relying on his millions for happiness, but one of the cleverest, most modest and most estimable ot the' Americans Prlncs Henry met. It Is than pointed out that the attention directed by his visit to the historic, plo turesque attractlona of Dantslg, with the neighboring famous castle ot Marlenburg, probably will prove a magnet to draw other wealthy yachting parties and tour' Ists to this city. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur rlsbeil by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, li14 Farnam street: Charles S. Huntington et si., execu tors to Joshua P, Brown, lot 1. block 4. and other lots in Florence. $ 213.00 Same to Thtrftle P. Herskinds, lot 4, block 114. Florence 90.00 Conservative Savings and Loan as sociation to Mike I'sdawlnls, part lot 7, Maloney's addition 1,050.00 South Omaha Land company to Thomas Ulllesple, lot 1, block 241. South Omaha 250.00 Same to same, lot 8, block 228, South Omaha 250.00 Same to same, lot 14, block 240, South Omnha :.. 250.00 Wilson T. Graham and wife to Wil liam Musgrave, lots- 7, 8 and . block 1, Ames Place addition 700 Of J.611O 100 , $50 , . 170 2UU . . . M. .. ... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. iz& 4,0:11 so 7,01.0 1,000 2.000 1,600 100 $.61.3 2.0UO day: Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Totals '.......'......3,44 ' $044 U3( Whisky Market. CWTCAOO. Aug. 22. WHISKY On basis of high wines, $1.21. T, . . BT. laOUln. Aug. n,-nnioni owouj St $1.23. . CINCINNATI, AUg. & nninn 1 tillers' finished goods, steady on basis ot PEORIA, Aug. 22.-WHISKYl-Prlces dropped another cent on .the Board of Trade today, the Cincinnati cut to $1.23 being met here, i'rices recently nave ircnn uuiuvaa ' Wool Market. NfcW TORK. Aug. 22. WOOL Qulef, domestic fleece, 28g32c. LONDON. Aug. 23 WOOL The arrivals for the fifth aeries of auction sales amount to 172.034 bales. Including 3a, 000 forwarded direct to spinners. . a weak: medium grades, combing and cloth-tna-. 169i-21Ue: llsht fine. 1Mj174c; heavy fine, 1216144c; tub-washed, 202940. Dry Goods Market vtt.w VORK. Am. 12.DRY GOODS The market lias been uneventful, with buyers taking moderate quantities for Immediate 4 delivery-, ana noi interested in mo iuiuie, .....nt in iMolated cases. The curtailment Is having Its effect and Is expected to bo more appreciably felt during the coming week. - HELPS OUT JHE AMERICANS Wife ,ef Rasa inn -ESvsy at toSa . Cornea to tbo Rescue of Travelers. (Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) SOFIA, Bulgsrla, Aug. 22. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The American wife of the Russian envoy herd, Mrs. Bakhmeteff, la rendering valiant service to American travelera In Bulgaria this summer. On account of ths political unrest In the country, caused by the Macedonian revo lutionary committee, whose - headquarters are in Sofia, every stranger is regarded with suspicion. America having no envoy resident hero, Americans have had no one to appeal to for diplomatic protection un til Mra. Bakhmeteff stepped forward. She Is beautiful, tactful snd a favorite with 'the cxar and with Prince Ferdinand, both of whom have given her numerous orders and decorations. The sultan, too. has honored her with the grand cordon of the Turkish Order of the Chefalkat. So her protection sf her country people travel ing in Bulgaria means a great deal to them. Mrs. Bakhmeteff was a Mlsa Mary Beala, the daughter of General Beale of California. She and her father spent much time In Washington and shs met her husband there when he waa attache to the Russian DOUBLE YOUR MONEY OUR BOOK TELLS YOU HOW This Is a bull year In grain. Ths govs eminent Crop Report of August, 190$, estl. mates decrease In Wheat Crop, 40,000,000 bushels. Write for Traders' Grain Book. Sent free. Tells you all about the grain market, how tt is going, and ' why you should Invest Immediately. Our whole time and at tention Is given to grain. Orders executed with i the utmost promptness, and deals closed and remittances forwarded the same day instructed. With $100 on a 2-cent . margin every advance of S cents meana $100. profit. Buy December Wheat DOLLAR WHEAT IS IN SIGH! ' On account of short supply prioes art bound to advance. Investments at present, prlcea should . reward ths investor with large profits. $20.00 buys 1,000 bushels; $40.00 buys 2.000 bushels; $60.00 buys 1,000 bushels; $80.00 buys 4,000 bushels; $100.00 buys 5.000 bushels. Buy December Wheat before the advance. Send in your order at once. Western Grain Com mission Co. Incorporated 145 Van Buret. Street. Chicago, ill. fiAlamito Court Beautiful anil Sightly ' FOUR CHOICE BUSINESS LOTS 17. Farnam Smffh & Go. STOCKS, BONDS. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We buy and sell Union Stock Yards Stock, Suth Omaha. on COMMISSION. 3120 Fsrnan St. Tel. 1054 ZicArj)ert Sfre t isn 1 asn . j m 3 $35001 tea rr.y mir cm i Farnam Smith i 1320 Farnam St. Co ft Cox-Adams Commission Co. Grain, Provisions and Stock Broken kacrai M M Ice Vers U tsilcMf , OaUtU. M S. We deal in l.OvO bushel lota of grain. 10 shares stocks and upward. Continuous quotations In grain, stocks and cotton. Correspondents Christie Grain Stock Co., Kansas City, Mo. Tour patronage solicited.- Tel. DU. WEARE GRAIN CO. 110-111 Board ot Trad. OMAHA, NEB. W. E. Ward, Maaager. Tel. 1S10. SHEEP There were no fresh receipts o sheep and lambs again today, so a teat of the market nas not been made since Thursday. Ths receipts for the week hava not been heavy at this point, as there la a decrease of about t.CW hesd ss compared nil last week and ef about 14.0j0 head as compared with ths same week of last year. One thing to be noticed, however. Is the fact that a large proportion of the offer ings have been fat enough for killers. Re- c riots of fat stuff at other oolnts hava a lan becu liberal and aa a result there baa been URNS-H ASKELL CO., AFK AND CONSERV IVB I'tH CENT. 809'Phof OOOD MUNICIPAL AND 8CHOO)., BONDS Alt!', A B T1VE INVESTMENT. T1ELD1NU ABOUT "1V 320 Naw York Ufa Building. 1