10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Board of Trad Prodiota Bala Firm and Closa Higher. ACTIVE WHEAT MAKES NERVOUS MARKET Good Wnthr Wttkiat Cora at Ofi bat Short Carer Rale Valaes Flve-EIgJkthe el a Ceat. CHICAOO, Aug. 21. Higher prlMf pre vailed on the Board of 'lrade, today, and wheat, after opening weaa, olosed firm with September a (had higher. September corn up c, oats were "o mgner, while provisions were from loo to 20o hlahcr. 'i he big trade In wheat made the market quite nervous the greater pan ot tne aay. lpening prices were weaa on lower caotea, excellent weather In the northwest and lower markets at Duluth and Minneapolis.' September was off 4&Ho to WuSo at 9Vtf susc, and with heavy selling early in the day the market declined atlll further, Sep tember selling oil to 794c Toward noon better demand developed on large clear ances. Increased export demand, together with unfavorable crop advices from Ne- trasna, and tne market turned strong, etep tember advanclnc to 81a. There was con' Idarable liquidation late In the day, and while all of the advance did not hold trade, the market retained- much of its strength end closed firm, with September a shade higher at 80Hc. December was up Woc, dosing at 810. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 1,001,800 bushel. Ex port of wheat and flour for the week, ausoordlng to Bradstreet a, were 8.873,0u0 bushels. Primary receipt were 470.800 bushels against 1,010,200 bushels a year ago. Ulnneapolls and Duluth reported receipts of ItiO earn, which with local receipt of 101 care 26 of contract grade made total receipts ror the three point or asi car, aa-slnst 214 last week and 616 a year ago. Corn started weak, affected by the fine growing weather and the weakness In the wneat market, dui a strong; reaction oc curred later In the day and good advance were made. One of the chief cause for the upngrn waa liberal covering by shorts, although there were also good purchases by bull leaders. An excellent export demand, together with bullish; crop advice from Nebraska, Were factor In bringing out the better demand. The clone waa strong, with September So higher at 61H5, after ranging between 60o and 624c December was up Uo at 1ij&1c. Local receipts were 182 curs, with 40 of contract grade. Oat also developed good strength after selling oft fractionally at the start. Offer ings were light the greater part ot the day and shorts showed considerable disposition to cover and there was fair buying by commission houses, moat of which was for local account. The strength in wheat was a supporting Influence. The close was strong with Soptember Ho higher at 86a, after selling between D4Hc and 86V4C De oemher closed at 8G4c, a gain of He Local receipts were 211 cars. Provisions ruled strong with a fair amount of trading. A fair advance In prices for hogs at the yards was an early bull factor and buying by prominent out siders helped to maintain the early strength. Packers were again the 'prin cipal sellers. September pork closed 10c higher at 812.87V4. September lard was up 2oc at 18.20, and rib were up ITHo at 87.72H- The leading future ranged a follows! Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close.Yes'y. Wheat I Sept. 794, 81H TMi 80 SOU b Sept. 793,-0' 81 80H!0HH blxic. 81 82 80 May 82-Sta 84 f& 83V Si Corn Sept. K0S4 62U 604 61 61 Deo. SlVtf 62 614 5114 51 ".4 May Ed-V1 62 61 62 514j62 Oats I Sept. S4 8K 84 85 84 Deo. 36ro 86 36 36 36 May 3(gi 8838 CrVk 3SWH 38 Pork Sept. 12 90 12 90 12 77 12 87 12 77 Oct. 12 97 12 97 12 87 12 97 12 85 May 13 12 13 12 13 06 13 10 13 07 Lard Sept 80S 8 25 8 08 8 20 800 Oct. 7 62 7 67 7 62 7 67 7 60 Ribs Sept. 75 7 72 765 7 72765 Oct. 7 70 7 80 7 70 7 80 7 62 Jan. 665 6 67 6 62 6 65 6 62 No. 2. a Old. b Hew. . Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 83.76(9 .90 WHEAT No. 2 spring, 83ifNe; No. ' t prlng, 78ffS2c; No. 2 red, 790o. CORN-No. 2, 61c; No. 2 yellow. 531-0. OATS No. 2, 3Gc; No. 3 white. 8637o. RYE! No. 2,, 6152c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 4&tp53c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 97c; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.01; prime timothy, $3.16; clover, con trart grade. $11. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per fcbl., $12.86 M2.87. Lard, per 100 lbs., $S.0&8.07. Short rib side (loose), $7.87ii7.62. Dry salted shoulders (boxedl. $7.oV(J'7.25. Short clear sides (boxed), $7.75 87. The following were the receipts end ship ments of flour and grain yesterday: . rtecetpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu 15.300 7,200 ..112.80 ..170.600 ..661.000 46.800 749,000 661,200 Bye, bu 6.500 Barley, bu 17,6tK 900 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 14(Bfl9c; dairies. 13(ET17e. . Kkhi, steady; at mark, cases included, )43,lac. Cheese steady at .ottUfcc, SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations ol the Day 41 Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. "21. FLOUR Receipts, 16,775 bbls.; exports, 26,483 bbls.; more active and firmer; winter pawn t a, $3.U0tf 4.30; winter straights, .66U.90; Minnesota patents, $4.70ij4.5; winter extras, 82.904jp3.25; Minnesota bakers', 8Sj664ji.W; winter low grades. 2.7t03.06. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 82.9wtv3.33; choice to lancy, tlikKc 66. CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.12; city, $1.10; kiln dried, 13.35fi3.40. HYE Steady; No. 1 western, 08c f. o. b.. float; state. 60!l63c, c. 1. $., New York BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 604f61c, c. I. f.. Now York; malting, 61(U)Sc c 1. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 3,900 bu.; exports, $,334 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 84c. elevator, and 860, f. O. b., afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 944c, f. o. b., afloat; No. L hard, Manitoba, tVic, f. o. b., afloat. At first opliuns were weaker, on line wenther In the northwest, but small winter wheat receipts and big seaboard clearances event ually started a short scare. Recovering its loas, the afternoon market held firm, and closed o higher. September. S6V0W S-l&o, closed at 8tc; December, - 85 16-iucii6c. closed at 86o. CORN Receipts, 60,000 bu.; exports. 34.416 bu. Spot, sternly; No. 2, fsc, elevator, and t!c, f. o. b., atloat; No. 2 yellow, tic; No. $ white, h'J'itC. The option market opened eany on the favorable weather news, then turned strong on commission, house sup port and scarcity of cash grain, with a good shipping demand went. It closed c act higher. September, 87'5iSc, closed at 6c; December, 67&Wc, closed at UV,c. OATS Receipts, 93,000 bu.; exports, 36,83$ bu. Spot, Arm: No. 2, 89c; standard white, 42o; No. 3, 3KSc: No. 3 white, 4Jc; No. 3 white, 41V4c; track white, 41iji4tlc. HAY Steady- shipping, towo&c; good to choice, $l.uoui.06. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 1'2. 21g'.'4c; 19ol !Hn7c; ol1. 8Kllc; pa cific ioi, 1901, Mj'Kc; 19u2, 1 J4c. HIDJ--S Steady; Ualveatlon. tt to 26 lbs lc; California. U to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. U to SO lbs , 14c. LEATHKR Steady; acid. I3if25c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. ii.O c; Japan, 6iUc. PROVISIONS Heef, quiet; family, $8.0041 $Ut; beef hams, $.'l.&oa3.0o; packet, $.0u I.W; city, extra India mess. JM.Ouu 16.00. Cut meatn. quiet; pickled bellies, j.ou12ui); pickled shouldera, $5.70. Lard, firm; weat ern aleameM, $7.'6'7.!); retlned, firm; conti nent, $s.lO; South America, $s.75; compound $7 10df7 4". Pork, dull' famllv, $17 5i!h17 73; short clear, $14.5lt15.50; mess, $15.0.i15.T5. TAI-1a); Dull; city. 4c; country. 4c. RCTTEU Receipts, l,7ou pkgs. ; inkrket flrin: slate dairy, 14jlc; creamery, lNa.t"c CHEESE Receipt, 4.700 pkgs.; market ea.-y; state, full cream, fancy, jmall 01! ured, loc: small white. 10c; large col ored. 10c: large white, ic. tx;OS Receipts, 6.5uO pkgs. ; market firm; Western seconds to extraa, IStjJuc. POULTRY Alive, weak; western chick ens. 13c; fowls, Lo; turkeys, lie; dressed, firmer; western broilers, 14c; fowls, lie: turkeys, 13ai5 METAlS 3iut tin waa 1 2 higher In London at i.l-D 7s 6d and futures were 17h id higher at 125 H. Locally tin was firm at $.3i"!.5;. Copper udvanced ltia In 1'iidiin. with apot dosing at .S8 lb and futures at 68 la. Locally copper was firm and said to be the result of a better demand. Lake and electroivtio are quoted at $13 .60 and canting at $17.27. Lexd unchanged In London at 11 $s X and iocally at $4 28. Spelter advanced 2a Cd in nion to 21, but remained quiet here at $6. iron cloaed at 61s $d In Olasgow. Locally Iron was unchanged, with No 1 foundry, northern, quoted at $17 2SfilV90. No $ foundry, ayittiera, at $l.-n7.oo and No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, soutnern so it, at ia.wu ia&. OMAHA WHOLERALB MARKET. Ooadltloa of Trade ail tteetatloas on itaple Fancy Prodnee. f!nnO. Vreafi m4nr1r Ina, (f 1 in LIVE roULTRY-Hens. 9cj sprtng rnicKens, per in., izc: roosters, aeonro Ing to age, 4fifc; turkeys, 12c; old ducks, 6c: yminit durks. 10c. nt'TTER Packing stock. 1213c: choice oairv, in tuns, ls'uiitc; separator, zoc. FRESH FISH-Fresh caught trout, lie pickerel, "'SSc; pike. 10c; perch, 6c; buf falo. 7'fi'Sc; nlueflah. 15c; whlteflah, 10c; salmon, 10c; haddock, 10c; codfish, lie; redsnapper, 10c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 2"c; loosters, green, per id., ax-; nmineaas, 11c: catfish. 14c: black bass. 20022c: hali but, 10c; crapples, 12c; herring, 6c; whit Da, liic: bluenns, 8c. IIRAN Per ton. $13.60. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale I'eaiers association: Choice ISO. 1 upland, $".50; No. 2. $8.00; medium. $7.60; coarse, $7.00. Rye straw, $7.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand lair and receipts light. CORN 45c. OATS-37. RYE No. J. 60a VEGETABLES. 8 VI ! W AM t r TTI VM .f t lVtfc SWEET POTATOES Honje-grown. per nnsKet, vbc; Virginias, per s-du. bssaet, $3.76. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dos.. $0c. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market Dasaet, ivtiisuc; string, pep maraei oaaaet, 704(80c. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do., 60c. CABBAGE New home grown, 1&1Q per id. GREEN CORN-Per do.. 10O. TOMATOE8 Home grown, per basket, 60c. RHUBARB Per lb.. 1. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $160. CELERY Michigan, per do., SOOSSo; large western, 46c. ONIONS New horns grown, dry. per lb., 2c; fancy Washington stock, per lb., lo. FRUITS. PLUMS Wlxon, $1.66; Kelssy, Japan, $1.65. PRUNES Tragedy, per box, $3.80; Gross, $1.65: Silver. $1.40. PEACHES California, early freestones and early Crawfnrds, $L10; California tree stones, clings, $1.00. CRAB APPLES Per bbL, $3. PEARS California, Bartlett'S, per box, $2.50; Colorado, $1.75. CANTALOUPE Idaho, standard, per crate. $3.0; per -crate, $2.60; home grown, per dot., $1.76. APPLES New stock, -bd., 60e: Dutches and Welthevs, ner 8-bu. bbl., $2.60. BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, per 16-qt ease, i. s GRAPES California Tokays, $1.60; Sweet, water and Muscats, $1.76. WATERMELONS Missouri, 25(S80o eaoh; crated, per lb., net. 1VC. , TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS Turkish, 18-lb. box. per lb., l$o. ORANQI'S Mediterranean, all sixes, $3.50; St. Mlckes or paper rind, all sixes, $3.'fr4.00; Valencies, $4.25. LEMONS California, fancy, $00 to $60 sixes. $4.50; choice, $4.00; 240 to 270 sixes, M.oot.ffi. ' LIMES Florida, per 6-basket crate, $6.00. BANANAS Per bunch, $2.00(p2.60;' Jumbos, $3.00. MISCELLANEOUS. TIAMTOT -KIK 1, . M RA. TTt.1i and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.60(33.75. ruitVKN-rer id., zvic; sneuea, aW3. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. $ vest calf 12 to 15 lbs.; 6c: dry safted hides. 12c; Sheep pelts, 25j75c; horse hides, $1.60tf 2.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, Ser lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; irazlls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12n; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 16c: pecans, large, per lb., 13Hc; small, per lb., 11c: peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7a St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash and elevator, 79c; track, 8182c; September, 79c: December, $3(U3c; May, 8c; No. 2 hard, 794)eOo. COUN Higher: No. cah. 47c; track, 48&49c; September, 47c; December, 47c; May, 49c. OATS Higher; No. I cash, 83c; track, $434c; September, 83c; December, 3&o; May, 37c; No. 2 white. 38 c It YE Higher at 6656c FLOUR Steady, red winter patents. $4.00 4.10; extra fancy and straight, $3.70(3 3.95; clear, $3.203.85. seel Timothy, steady, x3.zn333.40. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 7&377C HAY Steady: Umothy. $7.00fil2.50: prairie. $7.00ti9.50. IRON COTTON TIES Xl.UJ. BAGGING 60c HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: jobbing. r'.andard mess, $13.27. Lard, steady at $8'oo': clear rlfes, $8.76; short 'clear, $8.87. MET AL.S Lead, nrm at 4.1W84.12; spel ter, strong at $5.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, c; spring, I0c: turkey. 14c; duck. 89c; geese. (&6c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 1420c; dairy, 13(S16c. EGGS Lower at 16c, loss oil. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bblh 7.000 10,000 Wheat, bu... 61.000 46.000 Corn, bu 26,000 $6,000 Oats, bu 69,000 39,000 Kansas City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 21. WHEAT De cember, 71c; September, 70rT70c; cash. No. 2 hard. 74c: No. 3. 71V(,(U72V4c : No. 2 red. 76c: No. 3. 7475c. CORN September. 4Bi946c: December. 44ti44o; cash, No. 2 mixed, 46c; No. i wnite, 4tc; mo. s, 44rc. OATS-No. 2 white. 39tf40c: No. t mixed. SSo. RYE No. 7. 54c. HAY-Cholce timothy. $9.6010.00: choice prairie. fR 50. m nt.K uairy,,tM creamery, iaiio. EGGS Fresh, 14c. ' Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu 154,400 91,200 Corn, bu 42.400 40,000 Oata, bu 8.000 6,000 Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. Zl.-WHEAT-Sen- tember. SSfiiSJHc : December, 79c; on track. No. 1 hard. 89ft90c; No. 1 northern, 88tft8c: No. 2 northern. 8586c: No. 3 northern. 78 jSc. FLOURFlrst patents. $4.70M.80: second patents, $4 6O(jH70: first clears, $3.70ii3.80; second clears, $2.70, f. o. b.. In wood, Min neapolis. BRAN In bulk. $12.7513.00. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aut. . WHEAT Snot No. $ red. western winter, new. firm. 6s 4d: No. 1 northern spring, strong, 6sl0d; N. 1 Cnllfornls, no jitock. Futures quiet; Sep tember. Gs6Hd; October. 6s5d: December, 6s 6d. corn spot. American rmxea. steaiy, 4a 7d. Futures Quiet: September. 4s6d: October, 4s 6d. Philadelphia rredece Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 21. BUTTER Unchanged; extra American creamery, 19c; nearby prlnta, 80c. EGOS Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, 21c, loas off; western, 21c; south western, lb19c; southern, 16170. CHEESK Firm and moderate demand: New York full creams, new, choice, 18 lb,c; fair to good, c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. S1.-WHEAT Dull: No. 1 northern. 91c: No. $ northern. 88c: new September. 80c. Kjo-nrm; no. j, o&o. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 6Sifi60c: sample. 4C.i5tc. CORN September, 51051ic. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Aur. 21. CORN Hlcher: No. 3. 5H4c; No. 4. 50c. oatp strong; no. 3 n te. 31V.liac: No. 4 white. 3l',c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Aug. .21 SEED Clover. fw. ber. $f. oil: December. 5.&J. Prime tim othy, $1.55; August. aUlke. $6.60. t w V-k 'WtnSne; O uo ttnna. NEW YORK. Aug. 21-The followln g arj the quotations on mining stocks A4ams Coo Alio , tram iHrunswIck Can... .. 14 xLudTiii roa .. II I. nil, chief .. 1 Ontario . 4 Fhontx . .to .144 . 4 . 14 . tl . it IT mto.'k Tunnrl . .... 4H Pulnal , Hi UiBarai ....lot) Ismail Hapaa Co. 1 . 1. A V Hura Sllvr ... lrus Kllvtr .... laa Slanaara X Offered. 11 Assessments paid. Foreign Financial. .iONDON. Aut. 21 1IONKY In th , ket to1ay waa obtainable practically oa borrowers' terms. Business on the Stock exchanxe waa reduced to a minimum and there waa little disposition to exiuinre. In view of tomorrow s holiday and the neir neae of the settlement. The tendency however, was firm. Consnl hardened and home rails sympathize! with them. Amer icans at first retlected their regularity In .. , "lrrl. Dul enerwara became more lively and firmer on local huvin mnA closed easier. Kaffirs Improved, bios were strong, owing to copper advancing on good buying orders. Bullion to the amount of 100.000 avas withdrawn from the Bank of England to day for shipment to Egypt. PARIS. Aug. 21. Trauing on the bourse today waa moderately active. The lone Improved on oriental advices, whlcn stead led Internationals. At the close prices were Arm throughout. Three per cent rentes, 97 francs, 62 centimes for the account. Exchange on London, 25 francs, 16 centimes for checks. BERLIN, Aug. 21 Buslners on the bourss today was generally firm and trading had a better tone. The rate of discount for ihnrt tin,. Kill. $ per cent, and three months' bills, 3i avt veou - HEW YORK STOCKS AND DOKDS. Lessening; Flnctantlon Indicate Ap proneh of Speculative Rest. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. The lessening range 01 Fluctuations 111 today a stock mar ket. Its lrreaular tone, and the rilmlnlah lng Volume of buslneas all Indicated i.reltv clearly the approach of another period of speculative rest. The rally which devel oped yesterday arternoon was carried for ward this afternoon to between 1 and 2 points ror the principal stocks. The rally waa principally directed aa-.ilnst the shorts. and was effective In Inducing them to cover lajgeiy. inis served as an admonition to the bears that forces existed to oppose their efforts to force prices lower, Juat as the reaction on Tuesday had a warning eneci on tne over-entnusiastlc Dulls. A comparison of prices of twenty active rail road stocks Indicates that the decline In average prices from the high level f 1B02 to the low level of the early part of the present month reached something over 45 points. The only substantial Intervening rany was in the latter part or last year and the first part of this, under what Wall street has come to name "the faith cure," consisting In Informal Intimations from an Influential party of the bank officials last falL when bank reserves were falling. that they stood prepared to supply $50,000,- uuu or tne credits to the stocK market ir necessary. This measure postponed the firocesscs of liquidation, and did not avert t, and It is evidence that the course run had Its Inception previously. The reaction to yesterday s low point was In the neigh borhood of 5 points, and today's upward movement did not avail to overcome that. The approach towards a condition of more stable equilibrium Is easily perceptible. The early demand today did not go far be yond the uncovered short interest. The acute weakness developed by the United States Realty stock waa a factor In checking the advance, but It was not ef fectively renewed after the realty stocks rallied. The day's weather map waa re ported perfect for the growing crops, and wheat and corn eased off in consequence. The cotton market was Influenced by new assertions of control by managers of the corner. Copper wa strong In London, and sentiment abroad was more cheerful re garding the political outlook for south eastern Europe- The week's receipts of Australian gold, and the fact that the cur rency movement with the Interior Is still In favor of New York, promise well for tomorrow's bank statement, although the usual doubts surround the loan Item. These development did not avail to hold the market. The weakness became decided In United State Steel stock and Pennsyl vania and quite a number of active stocks were forced a point or more under last night' level. A final rally accentuated the Irregular character of the market, and the closlnz was firm. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,169,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlion H'AKt. Paul pfd SV8o. PaclBo 44 2fc:8o. Railway 2 do pld 1J4V4 Teiaa raclfie -K1 do pld Bal. a Ohio do pfd Canadian Paclflo Central of N. J. Cha. A Ohio... Chloaxo A Alton do ptd Cfalcaio O. W 154 ITolado, St. I W. 12 13 do ptd Utt.Unloa Paclflo 3' do pfd ...76 ... H ... l ... wv ... 14 ... IS ... 3 ...ftz ...140 14V4 waoan do lat pfd. do Pfd Chicago N. W 141 Whaellng ft U. E Wla. Cantral .... do pfd Chicago Tar. A Tr 11 do ptd C. C. C. St. L.. 71 1 Adama Kx Colorado 80 American Ex United Statin Ex.. do lit Iffd do Id Bid 41 ICS 200 7 U' u 22 44 Jl4il Walla-Fargo Ex... Dal. Hudaoa 144V4 Amai. coppar Amir. Car ft T... do pfd Amor. L4nae4 OH do pfd , American B. ft R.. do pfd Dal. L. W... I.U Deurar A R. 0 14 do nfd... 74 KM Wli do lat ptd 44 60 Id pfd 61V 0 Oraal Nor. pfd 14ft Amar. Sugar Ref Ill Hocklns Vailay Anao. Mining Co TiVt do ptd Ikllnola Central Iowa Cantral ... do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd . la .191 . il Htooklyn R. T 45 Colo. Fuel ft Iron... 44 Columbua ft H. C... 14 StWCnna. Oaa .1. in K On. Electric 102 .... It inter. Papar '. It liMH do pfd 44 ,....lSVi Inter. Pump IS lis do pfd 72 Vi .... St National Blacult .... 17 .... 91H National Lead 16 . ...1J'4 No. American 74 Pacific Mall 24 pfd. 40 iPeopla's Oaa M ....mii Preaaed 8. Car 4 ..... ii dn pfd so .... 44 Pullman P. Car... ...til .... 3 Republic Steal 11U U N , Manhattan L... Mat. Bt. Rr.... Minn. A St. h. Mo. Pacific ..... M.. K. ft T.... do pfd Nat. R. R. of M. N. Y. Cantral... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario ft W Panntylranla 123 V do P"1 44 Rubber Goods ltv. ., C. C. ft BU L,.. aadlng do lat pfd do 14 ptd ao piu . MH . 4 . 27 H . 4H . M 4 . '34 .14114 Tenn. Coal ft Iron.. 41S U. 8. Leather... 714 Rock Inland Co do pfd U. 8. Rubber d pfd U. B. 8teel do pfd Weatern Union ... 40 12 40 21 74 Mil do pfd Bt L ft 8 F 2d pfd Bt. L. 8. W do pfd Bt. Paul New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 21. Close: MONET Prime mercantile paper, 664. Money on call, easy at l'tflSi, closing at H4; lime money, Arm; fiO days, $ per cent; 6 months, 6W3W per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bank bills at 44 S6.R.Vtf 4.85.90 for demand, and at Jl.RS.SOJH.Wi M for yesterday' bills: posted rates, $4.81 i.fv.; commercial nuis, -i.!'(r4 ws. SILVER Bar, 66M1C: mervhandise, 43V45 BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The closing; quotations on bonds are as follows: V. B. rer. la. rag...-104Vtl!ocklng Val. 4a....l04 do coupon lua L,. N. unl. aa do Is, rt it1 do coupon 104 Si Max. Central 4a 72 do la Inc 143Uj Minn, ft 8t. L. 4a... tl U , K. ft T. 4a 4S4 do 2a 76 V, N. Y. C. gen. IVka... U. do new 4a. rg....l4 do coupon do old 4a. reg.. do aoupon ..... do 6a, reg do coupon Atchleon gen. 4. do adj. 4a Bal. ft Ohio 4a.. do Stta do conr. 4o.... Canada 80. 2a.... Central of Oa. 6a .144 ...lot ...104 .nivi n. 4. c. grn. ia 1ST .110 UNo. Paclflo 4a 100 . MH do 4a 70 "a . ta N. ft W. con. 4a.... 44 . Heading gen. 4a 15 1SI St. L. ft I. M. c. U.lll . t7 1st. L. ft 8 F. 4s.... II St. U 8. W. la 44 .104 do 2a 72 do la Ine 7iii 8. A. ft A. P. 4a.... 76 Chee. ft Ohio 4U,a.,.1024 Bo. Bai-lnc 4a e6Uj Chicago aj, A. ma.... 52V, So. Railway Sa Ill C, B. ft Q. n. 4a.... 4" Texaa ft Paclfl- la. ..Ill", C. M A Bt P g 4a.. .102 T Bt. L. ft W. 4a.. 71 4 c at n. w. e. 7a....ioi Union Pacific 4a.. .. it:, .. 4 ..114 ..104 .. It ..IK. C, R. I. ft P. 4a.. tf do conv. 4a... C C C ft St L g. 4a Chicago Tar. 4a Colorado Bo. 4a Penrer ft R. O. 4a. Brie prior lias 4a.... do general 4a , F. W. ft D. C. la... ' 74 43 Vi Wabaah la do la do deb. B It Weat Shore 4a.. eee wneei. a l.. a. aa... to ',, Wla. Central 4a M 104 I Dostott Stork Qeotatloas. BOSTON. Aug. cent; time loans, closing prices on Atchiaon 4a Mr. Central aa Atchiaon do pfd 21. Call loan, 4S-4V4 pr 6& per cent. Oinclal stoegs and bonds: . tt lAllouea . 70 Amalgamated . . 41 Iningham . aKVa'Copner Range .24 iDomlnloa Coal .134 ; Fran kiln .144 Ila Royals .., .lit .Mohawk . 76 Ulaceola ri 47V. 4V, 4214 40 V, 4 ...... r4 ....f. 40V, 67 IVi ta Beaton ft Albany... Boetoa Elevated ... N. Y . N. II. ft 11. . Fltchburg ptd t'nlon Pacific Mai. Cantral American Sugar .... do pfd American T. ft T... Dominion I. ft B. .. Oen. Klectrlo ., Maaa. Klectrlo do pfd United Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd Wetttlnah. Common. Adveuturs . 1 4 Vi Parrot .116 Qulncy .lit 'Santa Fa Copper. i , 45 , 40 . 4 . 1 ::v. 4 4 6V 40 .1344 Tamarack Trlmnuutaln . Trinity- t'nlted BUtea t'tah Victoria Winona Wolveiina ... Daly West 141 UV 71 M tlti 70V. I.eadoa StocU Tlarket. LONDON. Aug. 21. Closing quotations: Contola for money... to New York Central... 12T do account 94 13-14 Norfolk A Weatern... 44 Anacooda 3Ti do pfd Atrkleon H Ontario Western do pfd l'it Peunaylvanla 4 l4 4l 10 il 41 V fUlllmore ft Ohio 'a. rend Mlnea ranadlan Pacinr- 1IK, Cheaareaka ft Ohio.. SI'-, Heading ... do lat pfd do 2d pfd Chicaao O. W aft C. M. ft Bt. P. DeBeera beaver ft R. O. do pfd Erie da lat pfd da td pfd Illlaola Central.. 147 JtVi 2 ttvt tuv, -4 .iv, Saulhero Railway.... ISVi do pfd. 47 Hf-utharn Pacific Valos PaciBa do pfd t'nlted Slatea Steal. do pfd Wabaah 6t 14i 7.1V, 3Vi 4Vi 117 V, Loularllle ft Naah...li4 do pfd. Mleeourl. K. ft T ... 30A "V BAR SILVER Firm at 26V4d oer ounce. MONEI-&1 per cent. The rate of dis count In the ipen market for short bills Is ltii 13-16 per cent anv for three-months' bills Is ivar per cent. Cafce Market. NEW YORK, 'Aug. 21 COFFEE-Spot, quiet. Futures opened quiet at unchanged f ries gnd ruled very quiet most of the day n keeping with featureless rabies, but later became more active, chiefly aa a re sult of switching from the near to the late positions, and lh demand thus brought shout for the more remote deliveries In connection with a slightly better outside buying Interest caused an advance of from 6 to 10 points on the later months, while the near months remained net unchanged. Sales were about 43.7nU bags. Including: September, $.7fc; November, $.6cj March, 4. fee; May, 4.8oc; July, 4 90c Bl'SIXEB AT THE CLEARING nOl'SES. Daring; the Past Week. NEW YORK, Aug. 21.-The following ta ble, compiled by Bradstreet, anows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended August 20, with the per centage of Increase end decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Deo. New York Chicago Boston 1'hlladelphla St. Louis 1'lttsburg San Francisco .... Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans Detroit Loulavllle OMAHA Milwaukee Providence , Buffalo St. Paul Indianapolis Ios Angeles St. Joseph Denver ,,, Richmond Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah Memphis Albany $1,149,819,235 Io8.a40.74ii L.129.0: Ill ::::i: $ $ 4.7 101.814.027 46.914.0H9 12.9 4.4Mi,wn B. II SO.tWl.44i; 23.0 20.646. 1.M 21,3i.i)l J2.6ol.709i 14.223.4.S1I. 11. 63.200 12.196.9941 t.Ml.llol 8.U&.914I. i'.i IS 6, $.6, 7.210,192 18.2 7.6t;,OV-l 16.3 11.4 e,o.i.o.i) 6,7V.18H 6,91.oi 6.775.2WI 4.3X4, 6821 IS. 4 11.0 28.$ 39.6 7.1 4.212,74 8.4 14.6 $.4 8.446.8X3 8.6o8.8i0 1.4 4., 2.821,781 2.2M.444 8.297,193 2.942,017 2,910,979 J2.7 '$7!6 21.$ I Salt Lake City 18.1 "Portland, Ore Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Les Moines- New 11 nven , Nashville , Spokane, Wash Grand Rapids Sioux City , Springfield, Mass.... Norfolk Dayton , Tacoma , Worcester , Augusta, Oa , Portland, Me , Scranton , Topeka Syracuse Evansvllle , Wilmington, Del.... Birmingham 10.8 8,Sj(i,3i9 8.1 2.816.761 2.527.041 6.0 8.2 2,028.(9l 1,973,4S9 1.90.0o8i 1.2 1.0 1,89,792 J.4 1.730,2791 14.1 2.0ti9,O32 86.6 1.933.6o8 31.8 l,zi,ia 994.628' tab 87.7 12.5 2i7,309 4i3,06O 6.2 6.1 . 65,056 82,437, 32.827 13.9!.... 10.1 .... 20.3.... 1,417,5831 .6. x,tui,ao 1.115.036! 1.153,387 8j4.46J' 14.9 "i'.i 29.0 1.2f9,731 2.7 853.772 J.Ol Davenport , Fall RIVer Little Rock 684,9t0i 7.8 26.7 12.5 6I5.311 708.567: Knox villa 1.006.701 Macon 644.ono l. Wilkesbarre 826,845 48.4 Akron Springfield, 111 Wheeling, W. Vs... Wichita 629.700 61 26.41 635,624 6rtl,3rfj 494.6371 1S.J 11.4 Youngstown 621.117 16.$ Helena 493,235 12.$ Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamazoo Fargo. N. D 660.281 5.6! 761.740 433,224 6(19,104 6.932: 81.2 11.0 6.$ 20.7 - 612,575 64.1 Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla.... Greensburg, Pa Rockford. Ill 634,0001 22.4; 77.6 663,919 408,083 S-H9,97i 384,470 Springfield, O Binghamton Chester, Pa Bloomlngton, 111.... Qulncy, 111 Sioux Falls, a D.... Mansfield, O , Jacksonville, 111 Fremont, Neb lUtlca IDecatur, 111 Houston fGalveston Charleston, 8. C Totals, U.f S Outside N. Y.... 48.8 876.200 854,635 86.7 6.8 SU0.8S0 27.1 71.9 810.22M 247,89( 14.8 'ii."6 lKj.tKa 232,712 123,522 166o.748i J3.6 19.0 248,1301 , 11,170,891 . 4.947,000 760,811 1.6 20. 18.7 $1,916,621,1631... t.O Vbo.i01.9ai I ! CANADA. Montreal ......... Toronto Winnipeg Halifax A.... Ottawa Vancouver, B. C. Quebec 1 Hamilton Bt. John, N. B.,... Victoria. B. C...... London $ 80,474.8481. 12.8 14.1!l!.tM 8,146.296 2 0 13.1 - 1.686.1121 7.8 ' 2.391.612 18.8 .", 1,369,124 1,874.764 2.1 47.6 1,278,842 ' ' 1,060,605 60.4 28.2 669.788 818,1301 Totals, Canada . . $ 48,20 ),330; 8.7 Balances paid In cash. tNot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because of no com' partHon for last year. Cettea Market. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 21. COTTON Steady; sales, 360 bales; ordinary, ft 7-lflc; good ordinary, 104c; low middling, llc; middling, 10c; middling fair, li 13-16c, nominal. Futures, steady; August, 12.95c, bid; September, 10.98(& 10.99c; October, lO.dy'fp lo.sajc; November, 9.719.73c; December, 9.68 fc).69c; January, 8.7onj5.71c; February, 9.724 9.i4c; March. 9.75(69.76c. NliiW YORK. Aug. 21. COTTON Opened at an advance on the later futures. The feature of the session was the course of August. Notices estimated at 8,000 bales were said to be circulating and there waa considerable selling of that position. Tow ards the close the buying became aggres sive, with September In particularly good demand. That position, which bad sold at 10.72c, was forced up on this demand and covering to 10.88c, closing at that figure. The list closed firm, 64 16 points higher, on the new crop months, and net 1 point lowor on August. Sales were estimated at 160,000 bales. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2L-COTTON-Steady; middling, 12c; shipments, 102 bales; stock, 1,267 hales; sales, nonet receipts, none. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 21. COTTON Spot In limited demand, with prices unchanged; American middling, C70d. The sales of the day were 2,000 bales, of which 3u0 were for speculation and export, and Included 2,300 American. Receipts, 1,000 bales. Including 600 American. Futures opened quiet ana closed steady. American middling, g. o. c, August, 6.67d; August-September, .39'a6.40d; September-October, 6.85d; October-November, 6.48d; November-laecember. 6.37d; December-January, i.32d; January-February, 6.31d: February-March, 6.3xu5.31d; March April, 6.3tnl. 4 Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 21. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: The mar ket Is docldedly quieter this week. There have been no large transactions since last week. The market has lost none of Its strength. Prices are .Arm all along the line. There Is no shading of them In any direction. Buyers returning from the west say that -primary markets were seldom so closely cleaned up. Yet receipts In Boston are far smaller. than last year, Indicating that the shortage this year has not been exaggerated. There Is a better feeling re- fortod abroad, and the general opinion Is hat the September auction sales In Lon don will show a further advance, not only In crosslireds, but In merinos aa well. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 81, 1902, are 146.C32.514 pounds, against 176,126.163 pounds at the same date last year. The receipts to date are 190,441,893 pounds, against 224.664,826 pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 21. WOOL Quletj medium grades, combing and clothing, II 2lVe; light fine. liVulac; heavy fine, 1241 16c; tubwanhed, 20f(29Vc. NEW YORK, Aug. 2i. WOOL Finn. Oil sad fiesta. OIL CITY. Pa.. Aug. 21. OIL Credit bal ance, 2166; certificates, no bid; shipments, 66.560 bbls.; average. 79.401 bbls.; runs, 78, 230 bbls. ; average. 72,061 bbls.: shipments, Lima, 77,776 bbls.; average. 66.663 bbls.; runs, Lima. f9.782 bbls.; average. 66.431 bbls. SAVANNAH. Aug. 2l.-OIL-Turpentlne. Arm at 63Vtc. Rosin, Arm: A. B, C, D. E, $1.50; O. $1.85; H. $2.30; I. $2.80; K. $2 90; M. $3 06; N. $3 15; W O. $3 SO: W W. $3.60. NEW YORK. Aug. 21 OIL Cottonseed, dull: prime yellow, 41Q42c. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, Arm. Rosin, firm. Whisky Market. CHICAOO. Aug. 21. WHISKT On basts of high wines, $1.24. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. WHISKT 8teady at $123. PYURIA. Aug. 21. WHISKT-Flnlahed goods, lower at $1.21. CINCINNATI, Aug. Jl.-WHISKT-Dls-tlllers' finished goods, steady on basis of $1.23. Dry Coeels Market. NEW YORK. Ana-. 21. DRY GOODS Continues active at second hands, but little ot ttiis naa been renected at nrst hands. Buyers continue conservative, and yet are more desirous of securing goods for Im mediate delivery and are making general complaint that they cannot secure the goods aa per schedule. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Osttla Becwipta Bather Light and Pricni Euled fitetd to 8trong. HOGS GENERALLY A NICKEL HIGHER No Freak Arrivals of Sheep aael Lambs, bat tor the Week All Fat teC Is Flfteea te a pearler Ijower Feeders Steady. 4 SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 21. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, iruciai MOtiuay a.84 Omcial Tuesday ,u2 Otttclal Wednesday 2.684 Ofllcial Thursday 8,2 Olllclal Friday 1,624 Five days this week. ..30.614 Same days last week. ...11,397 Same week before 16.J29 Same three weeks ago..l2,6so bame four weeks ago. ...12,637 Same days last year.... 26,904 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table ahnwa tne receltita at cattle, nog and sheep at Sou in Oinaiia lor me year to aaie, ana comparisons with last year; 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec y"o 418.419 44.971 133.448 oga 1,691.9a 1.6J0.600 18,629 oneep 789,098 666. (&3 123.846 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last lavaral diva with mm. Date. I 1903. 1902. 101. 1900.1899. 189S.1897. Aug. 1...I 97UI 7 411 6 661 S 151 4 11 I 784 Aug. 2 I 7 361 6 761 6 18 4 1 8 I4 I 40 Aug. 8.... 4 m 6 02V, 6 04H I OS, f 03, HTii e 7 $9 6 79, 6 151 I 10 4 33 48 $ 67 $ 47 Aug. 4.... Aug. I.... Aug. $.... a 6 84 $ 61 $ 71 $ 77 e $ 81 $ 67 $ 6$ 8 41 7 82, 7 86 41 80 I 04 Aug. 7.. Aug. 8.... 7 27 i 66 6 05 6 141 4 38, $ 4s a 8 62 1 49 8 61 $64 2 48 $ 68 a $ 70 $ 71 8 68 8 73 8 70 8 76 7 17 6 151 4 87 Aug. .... Aug. 10... Aug. 11... 7 15 a 5 73 6 74 e 6 04 4 81 4 281 2 87 $ 67 6 19Va 6 00 4 99 a 4 95 6 23', I 20 6 ISM, 7 04 4 29 4 86 3 27 $ 48 Aug. 12... 78 6 74 Aug. 1... O HI $ 73 6 7 e 4 43 4 44 4 82 4 86 4 471 4 60 e 4 361 Aug. 14... ? 21H 6 73 4 97 4 97 4 98 6 00 4 96 e 6 03 5 02 a Aug. IS... Aug. 16... Aug. 17... Aug. 18... Aug. 19... Aug. 20... Aug. 21... 0 20 a 6 68! b 77 2 76 8 78 8 671 6 77 6 83 6 204, 6 17V4 8 74 6 871 8 66 5 11 6 15 $ 72! S 89 6 791 6 86 6 86 1 6 78! 8 67 8 75 6 23 4 421 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: r. Cattle. Hogs. H'fi, C. M. A St. P 2 6.. Missouri Pacific 2 6 Union Pacific system 17 3. 8 C. A N. W 1 6 F., K. A M. V 27 26 .. C-. St. P., hi. A 0 12 4 B. A M 7 6.. C. B. A Q 7 J I C, R. I. & P.. east 18 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts 76 67 $ The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eaoh buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa inaicaiea Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 176 691 791 owut and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour, from Sioux City Lobman A Co Hill A Son Livlng.itone & S nailer.. Hamilton Wolf & Murnan B. F. Hobblck Halsted Stratton Rothschilds Other buyers 44$ 463 672 26 1 15 2 15 ISO 35 1.129 1,014 836 126 66 2 196 256 Totals 2,121 4,156 802 CATTLE There was rather a light run of cattle here today, even for a Friday, and the general market could be quoted fairly active and steady to strong on all desirable grades of killers. All the early arrivals were sold In good season, but two trains were late In arriving, and those de layed the close until rather a late hour. There were only a few cars of corn-fed cattle on sale this morning, and the steers commanded steady to strong prices. As high as $6.30 was paid, or the same as yes terday's too. The better grades were all In good demand, and could be quoted strong, and even the leas desirable kinds soia at tuny steady pnoes. The cow market aid not show much change from yesterday. Buyers took hold fairly well, and everything was disposed of at just about steady prices. The prices paid today looked about steady with the ciose 01 last ween, ine aecune 01 tne eariy part of the week having been regained. But for the late arrivals an early clear ance would have been made. Bulls, veal calves and stags have been selling In Just about the same notches all the week. There were practically no stock cattle on sale at the opening of the market this morning, but several cars came in late. The fact that the close of the week Is at hand of course cut down the demand to quite an extent, apd the market certainly was no more than steady. Western grass beef steers were very scarce this morning, but In view of the limited supply of corn-feds the market could safely be quoted strong 'on anything at all desirable. The market for the week Is also a little stronger. Range cows sold about steady, and stock cattle were cer tainly no more than steady. Representa tive sales: BEEF STEERS. No. ti.'J.'. At. Pr. . ISO I 40 , 84 IU . 410 4 40 .1190 4 00 .1034 4 44 . 134 4 44 No. At. Pr. U 1161 4 ft 11., .1011 4 76 17.... !.... 4t.... 4.... 44.... 74.... 1.... 14.... It.... 41.... 21.... 17.... 1104 4 46 1244 4 40 1467 f 04 1174 I 00 1928 I 06 1124 6 10 110 4 It 1307 4 It 1141 I It .1110 f N 134 4 M 1M0 I 44 I. ..1074 4 10 1 1040 4 40 41 1144 4 44 1. 410 4 40 11.. 21.., 11.. to.., 14.. .1174 4 40 1141 4 44 11 4 44 116f 4 74 ,.111(1 4 74 COWS. in IN i... no i to 11... low tit i... 440 I 14 14... 100 1 14 44..., 110 8 16 2... 161 1 16 1... into I 10 1... 42 I 14 1 ..1004 t 44 .. 474 I 60 ..1010 I 44 ..444 1 44 .. 741 40 ..1064 1 00 ..1100 1 00 ..1200 IIS to'.'.'.'. 1.... 80.... 81.... 110 I It COWS AND HEIFERS. ...... 176 I 40 HEIFERS. T40 I 14 1 , 600 I to t BULLS. 1154 t 16 1 1424 I 44 1. ... CALVES. m 4 te i STAGS. 1230 I 10 1 . T77 1 44 444 I 44 .1140 I 44 .1MH) i ;t 144 t 14 1410 4 00 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS 410 I 10 1 440 1 40 704 I 40 1 410 1 4V , 144 1 40 1C 444 I it A. T, ... 897 LAB. Co. Neb. 42 cows.. 1 VO I cows 867 t 10 J. W. Hoke Neb 1 cow. .. 8 cows.. .. 870 J 00 3 cows 976 J 28 ...1068 2 SO 1 calf 90 4 76 .1012 2 65 18 cows 1012 2 66 11 rows. HOGS There was a small run of hogs here this morning, and as the local as well aa the shipping demand, was In good shape, tne maraei ODenea tuny a nickel niatner. The advance applies to both light and heavy weights. '1 he heavy hogs sold largely from $6 10 to $6.20. medium weights from $6.20 to $6.30 and lights from $6.j6 to $6.60. The top price waa paid for a very fancy load, and while they sold 10c higher than yesterday's top they were better than any thing offered on yesterday's market. Trad ing waa not very brisk today, as packers were slow to pay the advance, but still the bulk was disposed of In fairly good season. There was no particular change In the market from start to finish. It will be no ticed from the sales below that there wore a good many more light hoga on aale today than arrived yesterday and that fact of course makes the market on paper today look higher than It really was as compared with yesterduy. i About noon a train arrived with several cars of hogs, and as packers had their more urgent orders filled, trsdlng was alow, with prices a little weaker. Representative sales: 8,x0 ls.ii 0.6.M) 1,44a 7,218 4,886 4.1MU $.04 $.6i7 25.387 86,118 86,896 8,o01 82.042 i.6.940 2d.9u6 28.837 3o,,48 41,432 34.674 60.00' No. A. sh. Pr. Ma. At. Ik. Pr. 44 lit 44 4 10 44 12 IN IM 17 174 140 f 14 W 20 200 4 40 41 171 IN til 40 234 M IN H 121 ... 4 14 4t 144 44 t 10 44 401 ... t li 14 U4 140 i to 40 144 ... 1 14 44 244 lot t 22V4 41 241 40 4 li 40 244 let 4 II 44 144 ... 4 14 41 136 ... 4 14 1 174 ... t 14 47 14 44 4 24 44 22 ... 4 It 44. 244 40 t 14 44 174 44 t U 44 144 124 4 14 14. 24 to f It 14 261 ... ill 44 271 44 I 17 47 214 44 4 11 41 247 14 4 M 41 244 I 17 U 44 IM ... I 20 M 16 III IK ft Ml ... 1 1 41 244 12 4 44 44 141 124 4 20 It .'..144 U III 42 2a4 la) IM 11 214 ... I U 44 144 ... I K lat 144 ... 4 4 44 271 IM 4 M aa Ill ... e 44 271 ft) t 20 10 Ill 114 4 40 14 174 IM 11 47 Iu7 ... t 44 11 171 W lit 11 17 124 I 44 SHEEP There were no fresh arrivals of sheep or lambs here this morning, and con sequently a test of values could not be made. Receipts at the principal market points have been quite liberal this week aad besides that the bulk of the offerings were fat enough for killers. As a result packers have had more stuff than they needed for their Immediate requirements and prices had to suffer. The decline has been somewhat uneven, some bunches Ap parently eelllng to better advantage than othera, but aa a general thing the market may be quoted Mi.o lower on both fat sheep and lambs, though the greatest de cline has undnuntedly been on lambs. There has been a scarcity of good lambs here all the week, and Just what they would bring 11 onerea is largely guess worn, Dul the medium grades, such as have been offered are right around a quarter lower than they wnB ek wpfa ago. There haa been a good demand for feed ere an ine weea ana tne aesitable grariei have held right close to steady. The com rnon stuff and coarse, heavy pelted wethers nave sunerea to some extent, but the de cline even on that class Is not serious. Quotations for grass stock: Good to choice lambs, $4.76a6.i; fair to good lambs, $4.25'( 4.76; good to choice yearlings, $3.40jS.66: fair to good yearlings, $3.2iVii3.4o; good to choice weiner. itp 4.8b; lair to good wethers, -.ei'tie.iu; gooa to choice ewes, 2.40ii2 86, fair to anml - to ? ,n iami. $3.504i4.26; feeder yearlings, $3.JVgr$.M; feeder wemers, nw(3.3; jeder ewes, $l.6o&2.50. t:Beiiiuve sates: No. Av. Pr 297 Idaho feeder yearlings. 80 $ 26 CHICAGO 1.IVR STOCK MARKET, Hogs Steady to Dime Higher, Sheep aad Lambs Slow and Steady. F1USA9' Auf Jl. CATTLE Receipts, 3.KK) head, Including 2.500 western; poor t medium, $S.JV(i5.00; stockers and feeders $2 60&4.2S; cows $t.ta4.50; heifers. $2.00tf -..cy, uciMM-i-, f i.o"r.o; nuns, sz.limi-a.ai calves, $3.00('a(1.75: Texas steers, $3.004j4.60; western steers, $3,0014.40. 11 Otis Receipts, ll.orio head; estimated tomorrow, lo.ooo; steady to loo higher; mllMl mnA hiilh.r. tROA.?C. J .' . . ., , , ... 1 1. , e,iuu ill choice heavy. J,V2Mi5 55; rough heavy, $1.80 &5.16; light. $5.4Pl6.C0: bulk of ul Kl 6.65. ' ' , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, .OO0 nean; ma met slow, steady; good to choice $2.253.00; weatern sheep, $2.80ij3.80; western lainuB, ea.wiQO.lo. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aua 21.-CATTT.B-Re celpts, 8,000 natives, 300 Texana and 200 xexas ana ow native calves; corn fed cattle active, strong: wintered westerns h srher quarantine stuff strong; common light dull eincKcrs ana reeaers stow: cows stesiivr choice export and dressed beef steers, $4.70 uo.ao; lair to good, 84.10f4.70; stockers and feedet-a 1? tAfiiA no- waet- r.H ,AA. t? a,M 4.76; Texas and Indian steers, $2.30ft'3.40; Texas cows $1.76u'2.6; native cows, $1 6V 400; native heifers. $2.00if)4.75; canners. $1.26 4)2.40; bulls, $2.0O4j3. 00; calves, 12.0lVci6.60. nuud rteceipts, a.nuu nead; market fvgioe higher; top, $5.90; bulk of sales, $6.454j6.70; linaw f k , A ' . vr. I .1 ...... l . .11. ... o. ; ngni. o.tiVrt.w; yoraers, $5.80(U6.90; Pigs. $5 60(35.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600 head; market strong and active; native lambs, $3.16d6.26; western lambs, $3.00ecj$.16; fed ewes, $2 80(r4.00; Texas clipped yearflnars, $2.5044.10; Texas clipped sheep, $Z4Oa4.00; stocKers ana leeaers, 4z.aKBu.6u. Kerr York Live Stoek Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,195 head; opened slow and closed tuny inc lower; buns and cows steady; steers. M.(KX&6.45: bulls. $2.751.70: cows. $2. 303.35; heifers, $4.40. Cables quoted live cattle slow at Liverpool at llifllHc; firmer at l,onaon at liwuc; tops, izc, dressed weight: refrigerator beef, slow at 8Via8'4.c per 100. lbs.; exports today, 1,600 quarters 01 beer; estimated tomorrow, 1,436 cattle ana 6,zk quarters or beer. CALVES Receipts. 207 head: veals. steaay at eo.uoqrozb; grassera, almost nomi nal common sold at N.zb: western calves. $5.12Hfc6.37V: city dressed veals, aulet at rjnzftc. HOUS Receipts. 1.186 head: good hogs. nominally firm; ordinary mixed western sold at $5.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recenta. 4 481 head; sheep slow; heavy sheep weak lambs. IWiIdc lower: ten cars unsold: sneep, jz wxn J t'i: cnoice, 43.10; tew wetners, $4 26; lambs, $5.50(56.65. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. CATTLE Recelnts. 2.000 head. Including 1,200 Texans; market steady- native shipping and export steers, f4.niKfjo.25; dressed 'beef and butchers steers, $3. 75(&6.10; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.60(.66; stockers and feeders, $2.60413. 76: cows and heifer, $2.25N.50; canners, $2.002.25; bulla, $2.603.60; calves, $5.6o.&0; Texss and In dian steers, $2.6u3.66; cows and heifers, $2.2063.00. HOUS Receipts, 4,500 head; market strong to 6o higher; pigs and lights, $5.4.Vg.00; packers. f&.366.75; butchers and best heavy, $6.50fi6.77H. SHEEiP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00(93.60; lambs. $4.onfi .26: culls and bucks, $2.263.25; stockers, $3.CHS3.16. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,016 head; steady to strong; natives, $3,855(4.60; cows and heifers, $1.60(&'4.&0; stockers and feeders. $2.60(4.80. HOGS Receipts, 4,446 head; lights, $6.60 6.80; medium and heavy, 16.15(fi6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 68 head; market steady, Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Aug. 21. (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; . steady; beeves, $4.0006.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.6004.00; stockers and feeders, $2.603.70; calves and yearlings, $2 50-63.60. HOOS-Recelyts. 1,600 ; 6c higher at $6,060 6.25; bulk. 6.1&&6.20. Stock In Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yesterday: iattie. xioan. sneep. Omaha Chicago Kansas City. St. Louis St. Joseph.... Bloux City... Totals 1.624 2,647 8.100 , 2.000 , 2.000 1,016 200 11,000 6.000 4.600 4,445 1,800 8.000 1.600 300 68 .69,942 80,192 10,968 Dslnth Grata Market. DULUTH. Aug. 21. WHEAT In store. No. 1 hard and No. 1 northern, suvic; no, I southern, 77c. OATS On truck, 36c. Faneral of Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Mary Jane Hamilton, . wife of Thomas Hamilton, was burled Thursday from her late home In Richfield, Interment being In Prospect Hill cemetery. The services were largely attended by many of the old residents of Sarpy and Douglas muniiea and were conducted by Rev. rharia W Raviriara of the PeoDle's church of Omuha. Mrs. Hamilton was an old and esteemed resident 01 tnis section ana is the sister of Joseph and George Barker of Omaha, Kidnaper Seateaoed to Prlsoa. CTflCAOO. Aur. 21. Haxel Avery, self- confessed kidnaper of 2-year-old Olive Fur long, waa today sentenced to three years In the penitentiary. The baby was stolen June 22 and was not recovered until June 30. Miss Avery said she took the child through compassion for It because of Its unkempt ana dirty appearance, in sen' fencing Miss Avery. Judge McEwan de dared he did not believe the woman men tallv resDonslble. but considered It neces sary to mane an example ot ner. Sword and Swordsman. O. n. Olsen and his rusty old sword were arraigned In police court, and as a result Olsen will drt thirty days In Jail, while the sword will be laid away for some future notice auction. Olsen is charged with hav Ing chased his wife and daughter about the house with the sword until overpowerea by the arm of the law. Smelter Company lacreases Capital. DOVER. Del., Aug. 21. The Federal Mln inar and Smeltlnar com Dan v of New York filed an amendement to Its certificate of Incorporation today. Increasing its capital to 830.OHO.0OO. When the company filed Its certificate of Incorporation Its capital was $3,000. Notes From Army Headanarters. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Wygant Of the Sixth United States Infantry Leave of absence for one month has been granted to Second Lieutenant Harry Ora ham. Twenty-second Infantry. FortCrook. Leave of absence from September 1 to 16, has been granted First Lieutenant John F. Wilkinson. Sixth Infantry Fort Leaven worth. One company of the Twenty-second In fantry, has been ordered from Fort Crook tn participate in the Orand Army of the Republic encampment- to be held St Ben nington. Neb., August 26, 27, 28. Major John S. Parke, recently promoted from captain of the Twenty-first Infantry, Fort Lincoln, N. !., will arrive In the city In a few days to Assume his duties ss major of the Twenty-secohd infantry at Fort Crook. Major D. H. Brush, Twenty-fifth In fantry, acting chief inspector of the De partment of the Missouri has received notice of his promotion as lieutenant colonel from the headquarters of the srmy. He la assigned as lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh United States Infantry. The regiment haa been ordered to return from the Philippines and Is probable that Lieu tenant Colonel Brush will await the arrival of the regiment la the United States before Joining It. . , , i TRADE WELL MAINTAINED fun ET8 YacAtion fietaon Qui.U Com merre, but DiitnrbiDg Elements Wanting- RAILROAD EARNINGS STILL INCREASE Riagerated Stories Are Told of Bay ere Farehases la New York, Al though Baalaess Is Really Heavy. NEW TORK. Aug. 21.-R. J. Dun A Co.'g weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Business Is well maintained, aside from the quieting Influences of the vacation sea son, which somewhat restricts trade and retards collections. Making due allowance SiTii. trlo,,t 'n no cause for com plaint Ihe adverse factors that have been operating against prosperity In recent pre ceding weeks are no longer aa potent, nor mal Influencea gradually prevailing. Labor controversies still curtail the output of a few products and the consumption of all the necessaries of life. In spite of several reasons for expecting a check to freight traffic, railroad earn ings thus far reported for August show an average gain of 9.6 per cent over laat year and 18.2 per cent over 190L Complaints are beginning to be heard regarding the Inadequate facilities of the railroads, and It now appears that Inconvenience and loss must be sgain experienced. Baying Brisk, hat Exaggerated. Sensational stories of the large number of buyers now in New York and the fahu lous sums they spend- csnnot be accepted as statistically accurate, but It Is prob able that an Increase over all previous years Is actually occurring, despite the demoralisation In cottons caused by specu lation In the raw material. Although the production of coks hss been moderately curtailed, supplies accumulated and prices are firm. More large contracts for Iron and steel have been placed by a prominent manu facuirer of agricultural machinery, and as the business has been held back entirely on account of prices, It Is believed that no further concessions are to be expected. In View of the satlsfnrtnrv L.hl.lnv ,..!. that Is reported In dry goods. It Is sur prising that no reflection of the activity la seen In the primary market. Makers of cotton goods find no business; ofTerlngs, except such small orders for Im mediate requirements as emanata from dealers. Moderate orders for llrhtwele-ht nni.n. and worsteds have been placed for spring delivery. Heavy shipments of shoes from Boston make striking comparisons with preceding years and the volume of new business promises to maintain a heavy movement, but It Is noteworthy that there Is a ten dency to operate moderately and fre quently this year, rather than tn hnv i. dom and largely, as In other seasons. Homewnnt easier prices for the great food staples testify to brlrhter cron nrm. peets. Failures this week numbered 238 In the United States, aaralnat 9RH ! auk na 8 In Canada, compared with 10 a year ago. SAYS JOBB1KQ IS DISCOURAGING. Bradstreet Declares Fall Business Not I'd to Expectations. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Bradstreet tomor row will say: Weather and eron ennrllttnna mm m 4, . keynotes to fall trade. In the northwest. southwest and south buyers are taking hold energetically, and reports as a wholo are as good or better than a year ago. In the east fall lobblnr haa started well though perhaps not so actively as hoped ouinu sun upon are. nowever. needed In the central west, sections In which crop yields were lighter than honed for buvlna- conservatively. Retail trade Is seasonably quiet and conditions are reported back ward In a number of Instances. Among the great Industries few Important changes are noticed. One of the notable developments Is the general softening of pig Iron prices, following the buying of two weeks past. Fewer -industrial nnert- tlves sre on strike now than for months past, but the Idleness of cotton mill op erstors tends rather to Increase. The lumber trade Is active In the wail and north, but In the east' It haa not ns yet recovered from the depression Induced bv labor troubles, now about drawing to a close. Shoe manufacturing Is active the countrv over, and shipments are breaking all rec ords. Railway earnings for the first half of August continue to show good gains. The eastern Jewelry trade Is quiet for the season and the labor situation Is not a clear one. Leather Is renorted firm, but aulet as a whole, shoe manufacturers buying only from hand to mouth. Weakness In southern foundry Iron Is noted In eastern markets and Bessemer rile Iron Is reported offered at 21.60 per ton lower at Pittsburg than a year. ago. with supplies for Immediate delivery more In demand. Steel billets are less aollvo. but fairly firm. Merchant bars, sheets and plates In finished products are reported In much better call, but the demand for tructural material Is light, particularly on account of recent labor troubles. Wheat, Including flour, exports for the week ending August 20 aggregate 8.372.709" bushels, against 3,413,191 bushels last week. 964,796 this week last year. 6.606.980 In 1901. and 2,696,163 In 1900. For the seven weeks of the cereal year the aggregate Is 21,833.233 bushels, s gain st 81.339. 7W In 1902. 46.183.896 In 1901, and 2.677.808 In 1900. Corn exports for the week aggregate 609. 496 bushels, against 707.387 last week, 81,649 a year ago. 624.883 In 1901, and 8,493.378 In 1900. For the seven weeks of the present cereal year they agsregate 7.468,976 bushels, against 6.609.000 In 1902, 8.271,102 In 1901, and 24.760.195 In 1900. Business failures In the United Btates for the, week ended August 20 number 166, against 160 last week. 181 In the like week of 19M, 181 In 1901, 138 In 1900. and 1R4 In 1899. In Canada failures for the week num ber 14, as against 17 laat week and 26 In this week a year ago. Evkporated Apples and Dried Fro Its. NEW TORK. Aug. 21. EVAPORATED APPLES Eaay, with outside quotations extreme and demand light; common, Vii 6Hc; prime, 64c; choice, 6c; fancy. 9 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRITITsJ-Spot prunes are steady with a fair Jobbing de mand reported for the various grades; quo tations range from So to 7c. Apricots are firm and some holders sre reported to be asking slightly shove quotations- choice new crop are held at 9,9'c; old crop, choice, at SGWiC; fancy, at 12e. Peaches are In rather better demand and generally firm with choice held at 77Vio and fancy at ftJTlOHc. gegar aad Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. tl STMAR Steady; open kettle, centrifugal, Hf3U-; centrifugal, white 4Ho; yellows, 8 ll-l9 4 l-lo; seconds, 2fl8o. MOl,ASHES Centrifugal, dull. &ffl8c. NEW YORK, Aug. tl. SUGAR Raw, strong; retlned, firm. MOLASSES Finn. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. DEED8 filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Uldland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Maude Mogge to Peter Von I-ack-um, lots f. 8 and 4. Flack's sub. of lot 106. Olae's addition (8,500.60 Laura M. Andrewa, trustee, et al. to Esther L. Carter, lot 10, block 8, Sulphur Spring addition.. 650 00 George L. Miller and wife to H. A T. IJve Stock company, 82 46-1000 avees In aec. 11-14-12 . (.800.80 Hannah M. Reed to Martha J. Kelly. tax lot 1 in soutneasi norcnwesi U aec H-14V10 1.709. 00 George D. McDIll and wife to Oren- vllle 1- lioyo. tot , Dioca a, ni ton Hill addition 1.600.00 Mary J. C. Ryan and husband to James ana r.aitn Mcuraii. 101 , block T, Conigan Place addition.. 100.00 Cox-Adams Commission Co. Grain, Provisions and Stock Brokers. laeau New Vert Lift Ssfcusf . MARA. NFI. We deal In 1.000 bushel lota of grain. 10 shares stocks and upward. Continuous quotations In grain, stocks and cotton. Correspondents Christie Grain A Stock Co., Kansas City, Mo. Your patrunag solicited. iei. iu. WEAflE QRAIH CO. 110.111 Board at Trade. OMAHA. NEB. W. K. Ward, Manage. T)U IB Id.