TTIE OtfAlTA DAILY REE: miDAY. 'AUOTST 21. ino.1. i 7 .1 SPECIAL , NOTICES rwtlitiimi Ter ikm -al ana rill ke takes aatll la am. far tk eeltlea ! watll I t a. m. fee aural mm edltlea. Ira, 1 I -a a war arm NinniM, at ward tkare-efteiv. ftetklaaT take far leee taaa Site far tke Bret laarr tie. Tm edvertlseaseate aaast ke ra a eeaseestlvely. Advertiser, ay rtMa(iii a be red ekeek. Ma kev inwin aa reeeed ta a aVrrt4 letter la ear t Tke Re, itmn se addreeeed will be delivered aa araaaatattaa mt taa hook only. WTED-"rTVJlTIO!. BOBRR man who understand laying fin brick wants steady position In factory; moderate wge. W. IL Borst, 3677 Seward treet. - -- A M722 2ik WAJfTED-MALB HLr. FALL TERM .-. SEPTEMBER 1. t . DAT AND NIGHT. Boyles College NEVv TORK LIFE BLivA. BUBLNLbo. SHuKTHAND, lli'EWRIT ING. ENGLl&if. Apply for Catalogue. B 141 WANTED ror United State army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ifi of S3 and fc. cltiaen of United State, of rood character and temperate habits, who ran speak, lead and write English. For Information apply to recruiting offlo-r, ' lath and Ledge - tu., Omaha, and Hasting. Neb. B M471 W ILL aire a worthy young man -or woman a paid-up scholarship In Omane leading bualneea college, to be paid fur whan course u finished and position lec-irei. Address, B so. Bee. BiJt WAJ.TKD-At once, a registered dragglAi; married man preferred. Schaefer's cut price drug; iter a, loin and Chicago st. ii AUA4 VJ,"T-KIEPerieneed window trimmer. J. L. Brandeia A Son. Omaha. B M.4J WaNTKD-Ilea td lear barber trade: few week completes;, spiendid met paid trad nates; toots given, diplomas (ranted; oard provided; tan earn nearly S4l ex penses before completing: catalogue ex plains how, mailed free. Moler Barber , donees, lsui Douglas st, B-M471 21x. WANTED, rutr nan about 11 years of a euiiecior. auaress A. z,, Atee. v . B 473 20 WANTED A - young man for collections .od general 1Sn work, Inquire Meyer iiaa. & aitiJO Zl WANTED i tailor f Bieam Dy Works, JOii-1017 Wert IJroad WANTED Balloon man and high diver at woe. . ,nm. .Mtwscr, H Capitol are B m ;zi m BVSHELMAN Wanted-Only first -class, ex- viiici. uuinitntn neea appiv. t all cn Mgr. .Ciothlfg Iept.. 1. U JBrauJcls A Bona. WANTED, experienrrd Mlrnmra to sell wrapping paper and woodenware;- "0K)OD TERRITORY ;" Kate experience and sal ary expected. Pill - Becker Papr Co., Bloux Citr. Iowa vt u-i n TAILOR3 WSnted: Dant and vest makers must be sober .men; - steadv Job year ruuaa. rv . tiumpnrey, js or folk, reb. - '' B-M7aC WANTED, boy with bicycle; good wages. ouvruaa at jaconneu urug 1.0. J( ... . . B-M730 3 WANTED, traveling representative with expert an oe In the bner buslneex to Intro duce to car-lot trad the bottled beer of a leading sthtaourt Brewing Co.: only men with rxprrienra in the wholesale oeer brewing business and trade need PPly; state past employment, territory you ara best acquainted In, salary wanted, etc. Address .YS2, car of Lord A Thomas, WANTJeD.-rao aoHeforwWepf esent tr at atate and -oovjnty fairs, carnivals and .. . ... Bu ijfpw w hv ara pucwbiui at the work a permanent position with n assured gnod Income will be given. Call at Twehtifth' Century farmer booth In new Live Stock Pavilion, State Fair vrpBnoi," itm juuince, or on h, K. M c Clellan, ' Klrkwood -Hotel, Des Moines from 7 to t o'clock p. m. B M734 Six Wasted- salesmen. WANTED Saleaia en. np-to-datr, active, to sell first class groceries direct to con sumers at' wholesaler first class territory and liberal Inducements. George alel tjnim 4, Co gt No. Green sU, Chicaa-o, WAITED-FEMALE HELP. l Girls. Call Canadian offlos. 15th A Dodge. - tMi WANTED.Vlfl for Ught housework; familr WANTED,", competent girl for geaerat. ivuwwwk, uw iviMif. Jara, Jlarrv - . WW W W MMW trt VPS WANTED Ex perl anoed aalesladlas la tin- " i. .vi wcpaj-uBteaia. J. L . oraoueia ai buds, urntu, C UU1 W.ATJE?' JT erwomAn. Call at onos GIRL for federal housework. 17SJ South young women to taka a oourse of w nuimi in viiiaua-r lareiica DaxiiLariura. Address Dr. W. L. Rosa, aa Lske tiu u l. M bX if OLE R College 12 Douglas Bt., opens riiii term in hairdrassing, manicuring and facial massage Aepteraber L Siwctal in duoemenls to first ten studenia Few wvbu wuineios., aiaas application now, C AlvSe iii WANTED. exirtencd girt or" general Aeuaeaora. fia Burt. C 7i Ilx WANTED, girt or housework; good wares Apply Atrs, Jlaney,. 1S Lafayette - , C 707 Ilx PREPARERS and " learners wanted at . once, ai-iunary ospartmeDt. Bennett's. w c Mia FOB KKHT HOCIEt, i iai ir rr In all um nf . cT PW Ci7 Be BldV R. L M HnilFln "P" the city. The u. F. Davis Co, to be Bid. PAYNE-B08TWICK A CO.. cholea houses. vu-vua Arw w Mit oiug. Anons i 1 ifc. D & WE MOVB pisDoa. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. la. - Orhoa. 1711 Webster fat. D M CENTRAL, 1st -class T-room houra ra N. U. HOL GES, tiisuranca. Rlcgwall, Barker Bia. TO MOVE rlgbt re Omaha Van 8'orage cex, oroos uui ramam, or Tela, laar-so. D-al FOR RENT. 7 -room collar. modern eoa- veciences, cioe vara, tiz Park Ava. Wm. K. Potter, ttaoeiver, sui tirown Bik. D-liO FOR RENT. 26j4 Harney Bt , modem nous GARVIN BROS , lout FAKNAM 6T D 11574 J ' FOR RENT. ITS 8. rth st ; six-roomed house, partly moaera. u i7J iax FOR RENT. 11 rtoni 111 Howard eil.. all In Srst-class repair, two tam rwmi, eu. vv. GiX)HQ& COilPANT. 14 Famam Bt. U lltil JV M0 No. Jf'H Dodge St. : S rooms, rsodern. t-3 1701 Jackson. 7 roo AJ -17i4 r. R. C. PETE1 I rootna. mourru nai. r.uma, mo(era hat :r txi.. Ground Floor, Bae Bldg. Vl D-MM 4: la N. Sttk. el., 1 blocks north Mih and m mas avanua. S-roum house, ail mMl aro. new plumbisg. all first -class enndi tloa; corner li.c turn jerd. bsm-4 (N.. tat A J4th St., room cottage JP7 jo. sit N th St., 4-ro.ns collage. v-ry da-straUe-HAv aAiOUviB A Co, 1" Far ' DaaJ s4 FOR RET-ft FOR RENT HALL On ?th floor of FORMERLY LODGE ROOM $5 per SPECIAL To lodges and societies All night elevator service electrto lighted. Largs root Piano splendid Boor. Platforms and pedestals for lodges purposes Apply R. C. Peters Co., Rental FOR BEXT-HOrtEI. 1M5 N. lfTH BT.. rooms, tfa.00. is. is' n Bt . rooms, upstairs, iltuo. 1548 N. IdTH f"t., rooms, upstairs. 114.00. (All of above houses modern except fur naee.) 1: Pacific St., 4 rooms and bath. 115 50. bit N: Utb SL. 7 rooms, bath, gas. closet, 177.60. 1T4 8. lltta St.. 4 rooms, upatatrs, 112.00. McCague Investment Co., . . 150 Dodge Bt, D M687 21 FOR RENT, a neat l-room bouse, all mod ern exoept furnace. 41s. C. M. Bar hrnann. 4S4-T7 PaTton Mork. D M1X4 FOR REXT flRXISHED BOOMS. DEWEY. European SotcL, Ulh acd Farnam. ROTAL HOTEL. European, ICth A Chicago fa.00 to 12.00 per week. 43 So. 18 th Bt.. on block south or court house. tvi N1CELT fumlfibid rooms. Inquire Omaha steam iaunary. t.uv iMTfuwwui. A-17S3. K 706 AETNA HOUSE. European. Uth Dod ge. ROOMS. H.M to 00 per week; board, tl 88. Thurston Hotel. 16th ana j season tij E MAT 14 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlaman prererreo. i r. va. O. M, E, hauls trunks. Telephone CO. VIENNA HOTEL, 10U Farnara; 'phone 671. ROOMS. 11 50 per week and "P "'-ht"1' MIX uougl&S SI. -" NICE rooms, day or weak. 163 Howard. CAPITOL HOTEL, Mth and Capitol Ava; elegant room W4in or wimvi ZfJ- FlMltaEDBOOal AX D BOARD. SOI 8. STU AVS.1 prtvat family- P W FOR RENT A varTdeslrable front room with aloova. ia rrait, m yMrj ROOM3, with or without board. r! Har ney. . . - CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 210 N. t 1 n. . . raFl'RIlSHED ROOMS. 1 ROOMS, 626 So. 801 h. G M737 27x PIRXITIRK PACK.IXO. PETERSON LUNDBKRQ, Hi So. ITtb. Tel. L-Stoa. H-.Os FOR REIT-STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly oecu-. pied by Th Hot at i sarnam v lour storiaa and a baseawnt which formerly used as Th Be press room. This will ts rented vary reasonably. If Interested apply at odes of C C. Hose water, aocreiary. room KM. Bee buliolug. a. A ilsal FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at VIA Farnam. XuAl, four stories and nrsl-daas cemented basement, elevator. Are and burglar proof vault. oiOce counter and fixturea For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rusewaier, aeo retary Um Bee BuUdla Co, room ivi. Baa buudliiC. 1 Mwa7 STORE ROOM. 1611 Howard Bu. 'with good basement, KA ii&UAUb at w.f iwi da. 1 MU W DESK room for rent. SM Pax tea block. 1 M0 AGENTS WAITED. WANT ED Canvassing agents la every county to eu licit subscriptions to Ink. TWENTIETH CkMiUKl FAltMibK. aleauy smpiuymeui ilia aasurea iwa w coaaa. Aenis la the country vim hurae and bugsy especially desired. Canvassers reeks raally t to tlx" per asoath. Ad dress Century Farmer SotkaUars' bureau. Baa buiiqing. Omaha. J l -ftE have all six ef the different Pos Leo Xlll bouaa; best terms; treight paid; Oulit tree. Call or write W. A. Hlaea bauah A Co.. iaA Ware bik,, Omaha. AGENTS WANTED lTa.00 weekly easily made selling our Double Indemnity Combination heaitn and accident policies. Liberal commission; strong cumpany; sxpertnes unnecessary. Write lor teriua. National Health ana Accident Associa tion, bum Crocker Bidg. Dee Moines, la. EXCEPTIONAL -.pportunllies for a few men are ottered by the Union Central Life Insurance Co. (Junes poudenc in vited. J. M. Edmistoa A cWns, general egenla, Omaha and Lincoln. l-MSa-Sep. I W ASTED TO RE VI WANTED TO RENT By a fsmily of 1 adults, two rooms and board within walking distance of court house. Ad drees stating price L a. Bee. K MTU WAITED TO Bit. WANTED to buy. some good dental c hi Ira Union Dental College N MT4 WILL PAT cash for to hi acres wlthla U miles of Omaha. Address K I! Be f,f-W N MV1 - ' - FOR SALtV-rlRSITlRK. Fl'RNITURE ef t-room fist: good locatloe; full of good paying roomers; will nell at a bargain if taken soon. Call or s1drss 411 North 14th Bu O M?J3 o PL LL line of hard coel stoves now on sala Chicago Furniture Co, 1414 DoUgs St. O 7( FOR SALB HORSES, WAQOnt, ETC. TOP BUGGT at half price, also n-ai ly new, 1, wagua gear, chaan. AW A. W. Joha son. auk Jwha Deere Plow Ce P V70S S TIP. IIS eat while voa wait: first -claaa ra lair wcrk. H. Frost. lta aad Leaveo worta. P tw MONROE pleaaui veelciee at (11 N. l'.h bu P Si R'ISHCD ROOMS. The Bee Buildinf OF THE ROTAL ARCANUM. single night RATES for regular nights. ell ventilated Agents. Ground floor Bee Bids, B M-14 FOR HALE HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC. FOR SALE. 1 first-class buggies; wax ranted; a snap for somebody. Csll at 20 Ieavsnworth. P M3M GENTLE driving .horse and full leather top surrey, tau at six jm. 20. arter p. m. P-72s 23 FOR ALEMlSCRLLAKEOtS. FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. In first-cuss shspe, st one-hail price. Call or adureas. ltil Famam fit. Q "11 ' FOR SALE, a new 800-ampere. double-pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress 'Superintendent Be Bonding, Omaha." Q M;J TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timbers; chicken Isnce; oak piling, ton. Doualaa Ua9N and wlrs fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Pence Co.. 2u5 N. 17th Su Q-714 CATALOGUE mt drug prices free Sher man A McCounell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 711 FOR BALE. Crane hydraallo elevator; can be uaed either passenger or freight; com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire en closure. J. L. Brandei A Bona. Q GM INDIAN good and relics. Ill Farnam. ' -714 FOR SALE Appls barrels In any quantity. Address Omaha cooperage Co.. boum Q 43" S. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE, thirty-thre thousand, four hundred and ninety-eaten shares Gold Hill Mining Stock, tan eents a share ii taken oulck. Inquire T. F. Van Horn, Board of Trade building. ft Mti7 FOR SALB Coal business. Capital required. tUMl.Su. J 11, Bee. . Q aA NEW and Id hand typewriters, lil Famam. O 711 1DHAKD aaf e cheap. Deright. Ill Farnam. i 71 - WILL SELL AT rour own erica to reduoa stock ef second hand bicycles; ever 60 to select from II up; repairing suBdrte. tires, up. uovia riescner, wa capuoi sve. MS61 21 ICE for ssle in car load lota AdJ a4ncoin Ac Co., Llnoolo, Neb. Q M715 CLAIRVOTAATTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT u V aN of ciairvoyanU; every thing tola: pest, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. mil N. Ulh. 8 7i MME. LUCRET1A. medium. 101 CaTifor- ELECTRICAL TaEATMEIT, UM.&. SMITH, baths. Ill S. la. Id floor, rj a .a GRACE O'BBTAN, Batha RO a. Uth. T-MGSH MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard Bt.. front rooms. . iw uiu. ursi-ciass attenoant. TM-2HS1 LENA DE GRASSI. elegant massage. ljr oaius, aiconoi running. I17W N 16th St., flat E. TMTaS 27x PKRSOIIAL. VIAVL a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet. Viavl Oj u Bee DR. ROT, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. B. I and . 4uw maa ik i i4t MAGNET PILE WIl At druggists, (L CURES. V1M PRIVATE home durina conflnement bsbies adopted. The Good Samaritan Daniianum, ta in sve., council Blurts la- U-i PRIVATE boapltal before and during con- nnrutni; oaates ooaraea ana adopted. ears, waruces. ua uu. a si. Ked-UM. U-Iil PRIVATE hospital before and during eon Cnement; best medical care and nursing Mrs. L. Flihsr, Am.1 Viniua. IsL lau. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and curing connnemeaL Dr. and Aara Creriach. mtot caiiioruia ou ienna reasunania. U UX B SURG EON -CHIROPODIST, Ell Bee bldg. OMAHA Dye Works. 15U Howard, fashion able cleaners, dreasra. suits, cloaka, dra per lea, rugs, lace curtains; ws dv carpeta t-M 3 frerX' MOSET TO MAS HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. ferneiu a onus at v.e., isjv varnem straeL W JJ FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat 1 Bank Bidg. TeL lotl w .al PRIVATE money. Sherwood. W7 N. T. Lira w al 4 TO t P. C. money. Betnla. Pax ton block. w 11 FIVE PER CENT loaaa. Oar vis Bros., law Farnam. w it PRIVATE money. T. D. Weed, li Douglaa TT - WAKTCD-Rftl mM.m o.nm and war- V &.. A. a. nak s-.14ar W-7M MOSET TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONET 'loaned on plain note to salaried people, buainrrw coiindantlal; lowest rsua Li Peatou block. Tbs J. A. Huttoa Co. CHATTEL, salary and ewlry loans. Foley Doaa la, sue to U. oreen. ii a, Airaer ba. JL.i CASH IN ANT AMOUNT HO to 15U0 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., snd to poopls holding a steady position, witnout secur ity or publicity, st ins vary lowest rates; payments can te maoe to sun your cou lenience; sinctiy connoennai RELIABLE CREDIT CO Sumkos av7-JloS pax lea Block. XSA IF YOUR NAME IS IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY YOU CAN TELEPHONE IN YOUR WANT AD FOR ANYTHING' YOU' WANT AND WE LL CHARGE IT TO YOU. .OUR TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 23a MOSEY TO M-i ,HATTEL. EASY t8.gpa7. Pest explains our methods. via loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if ou hsve a permanent position we can make you a without security, except your own agree tn.nt ta reDsy. Our service is Quick snd confidential arid w alwsys try to please. AH that we aaa u m you give us a caii before ysu borrow elsewhere. li Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 23. tEstabUshed IS,- ) 10 b. 16th St. X-737 w MONEY To salaried employes and wag earners: Get our sysietn ot loans tnai gels you out ol debt. Any , lady or genueman. nuachluist, enribrer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just on bis note; Hail Monthly. Montnly. Weekly. ; Return to us... la 4 or 1U ii or dti no Return to us... 11 A or 6a or 1 i -jso Return to us... " or n or la I 14 Return to us... 4.00 or luO or lis) ACasiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No inquiries, uica service, wum ivous THi. biAK LOAN CO.. 144 PAXTON BLK. A tai LARGEST BUSINESS. IN LOANS TO SALARIED 1-turi.c, mrrcnwiu, iraui stera, boarding; bouses, etc., without se cuilty; easiest terma 4 ctfloes In prin cipal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trede Bidg. X-,40 MONET LOANED ON FURNITLKK. PIANnS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC Low ratee and easy term. Business Confidential. Trr us If vou wsnt to ave money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. ta Paxton Block, ltth and Farnam Pts. X 7S1 MONET loaned on ptanoa. f trrTilttirw lew- eiry, norsea, ww, . - - - -i JL 74X B191SESS CHASCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange sny property or bosmesa -quick, see i. H. Joarsonr tt K--T. Life. T-744 A GOOD baying lS-room ho. el for sale In Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner lives in ru'nu - . . J V MitcbeU A Faught. S ood fUver;ejb SPLENDID opportunity Show for sale; Sanorama iaine m parc m j.ure, itest In Philippine;- shto views Euro pean cities, inquire 2210 N. JJ u FOUR-CHAIR barber shop, two bath rooms; W1U sen lor n-aiiy nan u. In ten days. Address K. 7, Bfe- . - X Ao4o4 3X FOR BALE, only botcher business In small Nebraska town; iuvnaiiaic. mum.-.. Butcher, care Omaha Bea T M6SS X3x FOR BALE etock of groceries, or trade lor residence pro peri., a "iu y T M6S7 2Ix FOR BALE Drug store In very rood Joca- tton witn eeisuiieiiru ubus. lion for doctor. P. O. Box jj'gj FOR EICHASOE. FOR EXCHANGE A grand rpportunlty for country mercnanis, a siot a l scu eral merchsndise. Invoiced st about 111, 70U, bought from the wholesale house less than 12 months for cash; goods In fine shape'; up-to-date and salable lines, weil filled; open and subject to examination; an inexDerlenced earner reason for trad ing; a tine deal can be mad for a little cash and some good property. Another stock of H.M. one 11.(3. one 17.830 and t 4ii All these, stocks can be traded for all good properly er part cash. For full particulars adeVes Brown A Co-, o Hall bldg.. Kansas CWyY Mo. . a Z MM tnx FOR SALE REAL, H STATE. FARM OR GARDEN LAND, ro acres 4 miles from, Jty, flou t per acre. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 Famam Bt. V RE MaW 21 EALINB COUNTT farm are th best. I hav some nargaina ivnto lor parucu tars at onse. F. G. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. BJCmKO 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. L-ck box iUi. rapiiiion, ncu. n-u t HOUSES and loU In all parts of city; also acre property and term lands, ine u. r. Davis Co.. Room sua. Bee Bldg. KB 746 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from gjSTomce, J or aai vueaih enewa A Co. RE 747 RANCH and faAn landa for al by th Union Pacl&c Railroad company, a. A. McAUester. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. R1S-2U WI1 1 laMfsnN-PwJ""..?-. vv aa-fc.4 . Farnam street. . RE 741 FOR BALE, country home with forty-five acres of land; clear title, no incumbrance, miles N. E. of Bcribner, Neb. Mrs. Mary A. Koblnaon, Bcribner, Neb. TT P.E-625x FOR BALE 160-acre farm four miles from Omaha. The O. F. Davis Co.. 1 Bee bldg. RE M6s4 24 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Lot on Farnam bt.. netween lain ana inn Bts., 66x122, only 16,(w0.00. 11.700 buys lot and two bouses, rented for 1S.U0 a month. THOMA8 FRENNAN. lue 8. 11th Pt. RE 710 25 . CHEAP 1X)T near Farnam and Cnd 1700. Hicks, 4 Board of Trade buildirjr. re 71-4 yyx ACCOKDIO PLEATIXG. OCT. DM AN. y Dotielns blork. 7, ATTORNEYS. HERBERT a CRANE, 117 N. T. L. Bldg. M 5 geplux BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bsls Tie Co., til North 16th. 7s R, R UMBEL A BON, only tie factory tn state. Try ua. l.h A Nicholas Sta TeL F-lai. 141 B CABPESTEBI AID JOI.VKRS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly ert ended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20ib DASCKIG ACADEMY. MORAND'S. Creighton ha'l; private lesson daily; walla and two-step. (a. Tel. lull. Ml All DETECTIVES. CAPT CORMACK. E17 Karbach block. TeL A-2M? TCI i ' FLORISTS. HEES A 8WOBODA, 1411 Famam. 761 L. HENDERSON. floAst. lill Farnam et. -4 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 634 N !"th. tix EtPKB'f A( C4)l STAAT. G. R RATHBUN. room 1A. Cora l Nat Bank LAW AD COLLKCTlOsS. FTILLMAN A PRICK, 21 U. A Nat. Bk. Hd. NEW 6NOW-CHUACH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. LIT Blag., attorneys aad Kaiwuin ovary- hare. il COLD AD SILVER PL ATI SO. OMAILV PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. S.1a 7.- GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspools snd vaulta. removes garnaia snd dead snimals st reduced prices, fij N. Uth. TeL 177S. 717 tAWSMOWERS. 6 HARP EN ED. P. Melchoir. 11th A Howard .bS LOKSBITHS. C. R. HEFL1N, SOS N. l'h st. TeL 74. Cut prices on keys this montn. Mt?? M LOST. UMURELLA, with stag handle bearing owner a name. Return to r. c voipy, a S. loth st., and receive 6. Lost M4it LOST Leather porketbook containing notes. Return to Nat'l cash Kegitter uo, v4 6. 15th snd receive reward, Lost-MTIS MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In thre dsy. Pay when cured. No hvpodermics. Writ fur circulars. Gstlln Inatltuta, S. 14th. M jfl MIS1CAL. OMAHA Colleire.of Music snd DramSUo Art. bJX N. 'th Bt . tDodge St cr. Ex amlrisllons for twenty free snd partial scholarships In all subjects Sept. 21 snd H4. at the co!le-e; practice rooms with pianos for students. For partlculsrs apply A". H. Wright, L. L. C. M., director. 7J& Sl THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldge Block. luS WANTED Boys with good voices for Trln- itv Cathedral choir (preparatory cisfbi. Apply F. H. Wright, organist and choir d ! rector. T?6 81 BIG MASlFACTURlAG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven' TeL rS. OSTEOPATHY. Th Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. TX. 744 Atxen A Farwell. Paxton Blk.. o4-T. T. 13SS. I HU DBS. FINCH A MILLER, 124 & lith St. 706 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. T. Life. TeL 26S6. 717 G1D. E A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suit Bli, Nw Tork. Llf Bldg. Tel. 1664. FASTI RAGE. PASTURE for horses. Theo. Willlsma Benson. 7f FlKx PATK5TS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless sucoes-uL til 8. Uth BL. Omaha, TeL 17V. TU PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. TeLlca. PAWVBROKKRS. EAGLE Lean Office, reliable, aceommodet Ing; all business confidential. Ism Douglas. 7 a? PLTMBUICU DALY &' SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS . team and gas fitter; Jobbing neatly don; 11 orders promptly attended. TeL 234L iSJo Leavenworth. , SHORTIIASD AID TTPEWRtTT'O. A. C. VA. BANTS schooL 717 N. T. Ltfs. 770 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Bovd n Theater. 771 STATUARY. ORNAMENTAL work. .Gonnella A Bro, M!6 Farnam. ' M 471 Beplx STORAGE. OIL Van Stor. Co.. 1LU Farn. Tola. LSi-a. 771 STAMMERIKG AKD STCTTERIKO. CUBED. Julia Vangfen. 410 Ramge BHg 7711 CPHOLSTERISG. B?:KINIBHNO OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS. 2JU1 Famam. TeL 2L - M464 814 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wlrs springs tihtened. TeL B-J07U. 1706 St. Vary's Ave. ' 7M TESSEBfe. ' G. E. KOCH. 24th and Maple. TeL L-lM. . mm TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, lbfi Farnam. 'Phone Th. -774 A. C. Osa, A. 1L. IX. B-, Proa, Omaha, Paor. A. J. Low sr. Prine. r. Prlne. a, S ' trr rl 1 1 mat a . taa. EndcrdbrirtKar'l Bank and business me-. $10,004) in Loll Top Desks, kask Fixtures and au Ty paw ri tore. Student can work for board. Iend fur free catalogue, bound In alligator, finest ever published by a Business Ooiieg. Bead It sod yew will eaeead the N. B. C POSTOFFICE AOTIC1 (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, aa Chan see may occur at any tims.) Foretgu mails for the week ending August 21. lSvB. Will close (promptly 'Q ail cases! at tbs General post Oftioe ss follow: Parrels-Post Mails will clue one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Regular and supplementary malls close at 1 ureiga Station half bour later than closing lime shown below (except that Sup plementary Mails fur Europe and Central America, via Colon, ciuee one hour later at-Foreign station.) rraaeatlaatie Malls. ATURDAT at 4 SO a. ro for SCOTLAND direct.-per s. s. Columbia (mall must le 1irec-tef "per s. a Columbia"!; tt fc a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Vaderland (mall must t directed "per s. s. Vsdei land"); at 11 :J p. m. (supplementary l p. m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Campania. Via Queenatowp. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. Th am claaa of mail matter for otber part of Euroi will not be sent by this sh:p unless sperialrv directed by her. After the cluaine of th Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named abovs. ad ditional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German sieamers. and re main open until .''-- Ten Minutes ef Ike hoar of sailing- or steamer- - Mail for seath mm Central America, West ladles. Eta. FRIDAY At 11 a m. tor JIAITL per s. . PrL-i Wlilem II (mall for Cap Hall I. Port de PalX, Curacao. Venesnela. Trini dad. British and Dutch Guiana must b directed ' er s s. prin Wlilem IT'i; at 11 aa. for MEXICO, per a a Niagara via Tampico unail must be directed "per POSTOFFIt E OTICK. s s. Niagara"); at 1 p. m. for PtlRTO PLATA, per s. Foxball. from Ro.tow mall for other parts of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per s a FoxnaU"): at 4 So p m for BERMUDA, ter steamer from Halifax. SATT-RDAY-At 4 a m. for ARGENTINE. 1 RlT.rAT an1 PARAGUA1. Jer r a. Parotse; at 6 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, fer a a. Rosalind; at I X) a. m. i.t'tiflenientsry SO a. m for PORTO RICO, CURACAO snd VENEZUELA, per s . Caracas (mail for Pavanllla and CamgeTia must be directed "per . a. Caracas"; at S n tn. urplerentary lv-S0 . m ) for FORTUNE IKI.AND. JA MAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. Altai (mall for Cotta Rica must ! directed "per s Altai"): st SO s. m. lurrumertarr Mt-tn am) for 1NAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a s. Athos; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a Mexico, via Havana: at 1? SO p. m. for CUBA per Olinda. via Havana Malls Forwarded Overland. Ele Fx eept TrsaspselSe. CUBA By rail to Tort Tampa, Fla, and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Thurdas. at la.10 a. m. (the connecting mli close here on Mon davs. Wednesoavs and Saturday). MEXlOtl CHY overland, urvleaa specially addressed for despatch by steamer doses st this office djily, except Sunday, st 1:S0 p. m. snd 11:30 p. m. gundsys at 1 p. m and 11 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Bvdney. and thence by steamer, closes at this I'fSc dallv at 6.30 p. m. 4 connecting mails cloee here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 6:10 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. MlsJl'ELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at Ills tiffiK daily at S0 v re BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ AND GUATE- MAIA-Bf rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steamer, closes at this office dallv, except Sunday, at 1J0 p. ra. and 411:30 p. m. Stmdsys at 1 p. tn. and fU.AO p. m. (connecting mall close here Mon de vs at (11:10 p. m.) yoiTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes st this office dallv, except Sunday, at 11:10 p.-m. and 111 Ji p. m.. Sundays st 1 p. m. and 111 .10 p. m. (connecting mail c.oses her Tues davs st 111 SO p. m.i REGISTERED MAIL closes at 4 p. m. previous day. TrsBsperiSe Malls. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, cloee ker daily -at 6:30 p. m. up to August itm. - inclusive, for . despatch . per s. a. Kaga Maru. HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN and specially addressed mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close her daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August (List, In clusive, for despatch per s. a America Maru. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here ally at :Ki p. m. up to August I2?d, inclusive, per df-spatch per a s. Sierra. (If th Cunard steamsr carrying th British mall for New Zealand doe not Arrive In time to connect with this desps'.rh. extra, malls closing at 1:80 a. ra., ;30 a, m. and 4: p. m. ; Sundays at 410 a. m., a. m. and t SO p. m will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisoo, close here dally at 4 20 p. ra. up to August t27th. Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via. Ban Francisco, close here dally st 6:80 p. m. up to August 29. Inclusive, . for despatch per . a. Korea. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here dall-f at 0 p. m. up to August 3l. Inclusive, for despatch per a s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, R. C. close here daily at 6:80 p. m up to September fl. inclusive, for des patch per s. e Empress of China. (Mer chandise for IT. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) AUSTRALIA except West). FIJI IS LANDS and NEW CALEDONIA (spe cially addressed onlv) via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dally at 6:30 p. m up to September ill. Inclusive, for to" repetcta per s. . Moans. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at S-JO S. m. up tox September la. Inclusive, for espatch per s. s. Mariposa. - - NOTE Urile otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe and New Zealand and Philippines via Bsn Fran Cisco th quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "vis Europe" must be -fully prepaid at the for eign ratee. ' Hawaii 1 forwarded via Ban Francisco excluaiveiy. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of salltns: dally and the schedule of clos ing 1s srrsnged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. I Regis tered mull .oee st 4:09 n. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, AILWAY TIME CARD. t SiIO.1 STATIOlt-lOTH AID MARCY. TJaioa Paclnc Leave, .a S.-S am Arrive, a :&0 pm a 1:1 pm a 1:89 pm a 7:30 am a 1:40 am a 1:40 am bit SO pm a 6:11 pm h I as am Over-lend Limited inf (. aaaji. . ...., California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:S0 pm Easterf. Ex pre Ihs Atlsatic Express... Th Colorado Special... 7:10 am Chicago Special Lincoln. Beatrice and Btromsburg Express.. b 409 pro North Piatt Local..... .a 1 00 am Grand Island Local b 6. JO pm Cblraga, A St. P Chicago Daylight .......a 7:46 am Chicago Fast Express. .a i:46 pm Chicago Limited a 1:06 pm Da Motne Express. .. .a 7:46 am HUaols Central, Chicago Express a 7:35 am Chicago, Minneapolis A St, Paul Limited a 7 4 pm Minneapolis A BU Paul Express , b 7:35 am Chicago Local 10 J am Chicago Express "The Northwestern Line. All-lS pm . . a 70 am a 1:40 pm a 6:10 pm a 1:01 am blO-tS pm al0:SS am a 7:00 am Fart Chicago r..a 8:40 am Mail a l-'OO pm Local Sioux Clcy... a 1:1 am Daylight St- Paul 4.s7:iiam Daylight Chicago a 1:00 am Local Chicago all :30 am Ical Cedar Rapid 6:14 pm a o am a I SO nm al:26 pm all:14 pm a 6 no pm Limited Chlcaso a 1:16 pm a 1:16 am Local Carroll -. 4.1V pm a 1:60 am Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm a 146 pen Fast St. Paul a 1:10 pm a 1:16 am Fast Mall a 2 40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:0 pm ba.&Oam Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7:26 am alO Si am Llnro'n A Long Pin....b 7:iS am bl0.86 am Mlssaarl PaelaSa. St. Louis Express S16-0 am a 6:26 pm K. C. A Bt- L. Ex al0:M pm a :1 am Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm all. 40 pna I kices, Rack; lalaad Jt PaelSe. EAST. f kl,. a iMlhaMtera. Chicago Daylight L't'd a 1 56 am a 1:50 am -ClUCagO L-Hfllf ill ! ..a. IH Chicago Lipie.-s ...bll::4 am a 6 ul pm Iea Moines Express a 4.10 pm . bll.Ui am Chicago Fast Express .a 6:at pm a 1:6 pin Rocky Mountain L't d...a 7 AO an a 79 am Lincoln. ,oo. opiui-. . . D...I.IA . . West a 1:20 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texaa, -i. sua Wakaak. Bt 1-nnla "Cannon Ball" Expre a i i6 pm a 1:10 am St. Loui Aocai. coun cil BluCa a :1 am a 10:30 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH A WEBSTER Ckleas. St. Pa a I, Mlaaeapella Oaaaka. . . Twin City Passenger.... 6 8 am a (.10 pm Sioux Clly Passenger... 2 :i pm all -a am Oakland Local b 6 44 pm b 1 4i am Mleeaarl PeelAe. Nebraska '' LocaL Via Weeping Water b 4O0 pm 10:S am t klrasa A lionhwoeteea, Xekra.ka aad V rasa taa Dlrlslaa. Slack Hlla. Deadwood. Lead. Hot. Spruces a 1:00 pm a 1. 00 pm Wioming. Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm JUt pm tlastlnrs. I ore. iavia C'ltv. buds-tor. Genva. Lxeter and b:waid....b 100 pm b 1.00 pm BIBLISCTOI BTAHOB-IOTH A MASOS Haaiaa Clly, . Jaaepk A Ceeacil . Biae. Kar sal City-Day Ex...a 11 am a 4 46 pr bL Lou. Flyer a pin alt 'a am Kansa Clt Night Ex.. a!0:4i pm al.Kpm I4ILWAT TIME CARD. Barllagtea A Mtssaarl River. Leave. Arrive. w ymore, Beatrice aao I Jn-viln a I 5" em Nebraska Fxpress ..a 1! am I erd er Limited a 4.14 pre B ark Hills and Pns-e Sound Expre all .10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled Fiver ....... Lincoln Fast Mall btfdpm Fort Crook and Flatt- rooMth .h f 11 pm "Ptellevu paclflc Jet. .a I 5 pm Rrtlsviia A rrtflc Jet . a 1 M am M? 0S ptn a i .4b pm a 4 46 am 1 It pm all pre. 06 am b,( W am a t .r7 am (sir, Itarllaataa A ataey. Chlcero Ppeclsl a 7-0 ana a 1 56 pm. Chicsro Ve.tlbuled Ex. .a 4t-n pm a 7 46 vn Chlcaso lOr-l ,.a 1 sm all 00 pna Chlcnyo Limited a 106 pm a 7 f sm Fast Mall a l a) pta PVt... Cr l.l - -Wk. . a Chi Chi ry. i .... Fast Mall a Dally b Daily evoert Stmdav d Dalle except Rattirday. Dailv except Monday. " llEAHIBirk. HOLLfiND-IliERICA LINE Bea Tala-ar St.ier at It M Tas KtW TORK-BUTTRkDasl. via kcTUXiNA allla Wataaaiar st M A M. Naontaai ii I'llntia Boat. 14 Rattaraaai Seat. Mel it pataaais SL ,Nnr(lm tost. M HOLLAHD-AMERACA L11VB. M Drarlora St, Ckleaga, IIL Warrr Mhtn, 131 raraaai St.. C. Mstaarlef. na rvMa at . A. a Rwmiu, ims r.i-n. m.. LEGAL XOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice 1s herehy riven, that bids wilt ' be received by the Bc-srd of Education at Tv-cumseh. Nebraska, until 1 o ( lock p. m. of tns 7th day of "September. i:a, st the cfTSce of tbe secretary, E. 1L Grist, for the labor and material to build a school build ing In th city of Tecumaeh in accordance with drawing and t-peoifloatione for th am furnished by R. W. Grant, architect snd superintendent, Beatrice. Neb. Bids will be received for th entire building; also separate blue will b received lor in, team ritUiiF. All bid must be made on Mdfltng sheets furnished bv the srehitect. which blddlns; sheets csn be hsd by applying- to K. 1L Grist, secretary of the board. The Board or wuciunn reserres ine right to reject any or all bids. OOVEBJMEST SOT1CKS. PROPOSALS FOR SINKING ONE TUBU- lar Deep Well, onice Chier (Juer let-master, Omaha, Neb., July 24. 1! Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until II O'clock noon, central standard time. August 4, lKd. and then opened, for sinking one Tubular Deep Well t Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. The United State reserves the right to accept or reject any or an proposal-., or any pan thereof. Information and blanks furnished sn apbllcatlnn. Envelopes containing pro- gosals should be marked. "Proposals for Inkinr Tubular Deep Well," and ddressed to P. W. Davison, Captain tnd Q M , tZA Infantry, TJ. S. Army, Arting Chief Quar termaster." July 2-S0Avgl-20-21-l ROGUES EVEN ATTEND CHURCH Pocketbook Artist Iavades Ssaetlty f W omen' Worskly aad Steal Parse. That criminals do cot neglect the duty ot church attendance has been proved by the theft of a pockethouk belonging to Mrs. Elixa Warner of 2744 Frederick street, which was taken from .the pew beside her during service tn the German Catholl church at Seventeenth and Center streets. Mr. Warner losee 12.10 and 1 unable to say who tock th purse. Ureases to Marry. The followlnr license to marry ha to Age. ... ... a ..: it .... 1A been Issued: Nam and address Gurtan John. Omaha , Marie Blek. Omaha Elmer P. Tamaslc. Council Bluffs Dora D. Brown Council Bluff .... Frederick Kody. Omaha Minnie M. Holland. Omaha Andrew A. Hill. Council Bluff Anna C. Land. Council Bluff Orln La Fa rye, Onuha .. ,.w.,. .... 34 .... SO -.... S3 .... SO eeee 6 .... 46 n- .... ee as Jw . Lydia Bonne, Omaha .,..4 John Van HuiseUnar. 8011th Omaha Mary Eetabatem,- Red Cak, la Charles at Bordwall. Omaha....':.-.'.. Myrtle B. Magarrt.ll, Omaha.' v., James Duncaaon.' Omaha ....... Julia At. cnuas, oraena ............. Heranan Kills, miaha .. Anna Kendrls, Cleveland.. O. ......... .... As,. ...1 H .... SS- Joseph Annatya. South Omaha ... Anna Bempell, Bouth om&na ..... Lael Await Trial. Earl Slonlaer. a youth of but IS or IS years of age. was arraigned bafor Judge Munger tn the United States district court Wednesday evening on the charge of break ing Into and rot umn the poetomce till at Lush ton. Neb., May 4. and stealing there from a number of pennies. It was thoua-ht. that th boy would plead guilty, but ho did cot do so, and Judge Munger sppointed At tome vs Charles McDonald and Charles Von Mansfield to -defend him. Th lad 9 remanded back to Jail to await tnsA The Cklef of Healer. Old Borea. Ulcers, Piles, Fistula and like stubborn maladies soon yield 'to Bucklen'a ' Arnica Balr or no pay. Sc. For sal by Kuhn A Co. , f n 4jj 4Mt 011 'iCottUM, to If JTa, Girl a Costume 44 Dress mad wltH skirt showing yoke eltect ar among the- SttttHELE FASRICSS r--T- -'Mia ULI 9 - latest novelties for little girl and ar ex- ( ceedingly attractive. Thl very, prettr ! frock is made of delft blue cashmere with ; Lri turning of black velvet rlubon and yoke of the ribbon, held by fancy titche and laid over silk, but it 1 Butted to all. the. . rang of childish mate-rial and become appropriate for school or for afternoonj wear as ons or the other I chosen. Th bertha is exceedingly" becoming and thy kirt yoke allow of a oug fit about the hips with soft full fold below. The costume consists of the waist and skirts. Th waist is made -over a body lining onto which the yoke is applied. Both front and back are gathered at upper and lower edges and Mouae over the U-ll. , Th sleeve are full, in bishop style, and held by cuff that match the point of th yok and droop over tb shoulder .to give th long effect desired. The skirt is gathered at its upper edg and Joined to a plain yok over which the shaped one, cut in harmony with the bertha, 1 applied. - The quantity of material required for the medium sixelO yearsi 1 CH yard 27 Inches wide, 4' yard 44 Inch wide or 34 ysrds 62 inches aid with. H "rd for yok. The pattern 44H la cut In sites for girl of 1. 10, and 12 years of age. For the accommodation of The Bee readers these pattern, which usually retail at from 25 to W rent, will be furnished at a nominal price, 1 cents, which cover all ' expense. In order to get a patters endoee 1 cents. gt number and hm of lnMievn. .