Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Vheat, on Toboggan Elide, Bud'snl Ee
oorert, Closing at Top Tignr.
Board f Trade Session, Marked by
Rallies and Slumps, Ends with
Prim Only Slightly
ClllCXaO, Auk. 19 WhMt experienced
another nervous aenMtlon today, and after
big decline on heavy liquidation the
market rallied and closed at aixtut the top
figure, September being up He. September
corn wu a shade higher, oats were up
Jc, but provisions cloned from 5c, to loc
There wax a fairly steady opening In
wheat. September opened a shado lower
at So lower. Loral longs showed a dispo
sition eary In the day to buy bark ome
nt iha wheat thev hiul aold out during the
past few days, and were encouraged In this
ry me action oi mnn noueH, wuu
rj.iv of the ReDtemltet'. Thta demand
resulted In a better tone during the first
half hour, when September aold up to
81c, but later In the day reporia of good
weather caused heavy liquidation, and
trlces declined rapidly. A break of 2c In
iha nrir-a of cash rommodltv at Mlnneapo,
lis, heavy receipts at all primary points
and clearances added to the weakness and
atarted a stampede to sell, which resulted
In September declining to 79c. Covering
by aborts during the last half hour caused
a sharp ral!y, and the cIobo was near the
top, with September S'aW higher at ivc;
T luxam tuar rlnaml St S 211 1 II Of kC at &C.
Primary receipts were l,8i9,500 bu.. against
i rui mi Kn a var Hffn. M lnneanolls and
Duluth reported receipts of 220 cars, which
with local receipts of 78 cars, 12 of contract
grade, made total receipt for the three
points of 298 cars, against 221 can last
Weea. ana so cars a
cllne at the furnace veeterdny; No. 1
foundry, northern. 117 VEWI 00; No. 1 north
ern, foundry, fid iWcrW.Uo; No. 1 foun Jry,
southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern,
soft, 1.-"U16 75.
Condition of Trade and Quotations oa
Staple aad Fancy Prodaee.
EGOS Freh stock, loss off, 14o.
LIVE POULTRY-Hens, 94j9',4,c; spring
chickens, per lb., 12c; roosters, accord
ing to age, 4fic, turkeys, lutjllc; old ducks,
lie; young ducks, 9'alOc.
BUTTER Packing stock, 12HC13C; cholct
dairy. In tubs, lipliic; separator, 20c.
FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout,
9c; pickerel. 7ft8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c.
bulTalo, 7VH.Sc; blueOsh, 16c; whltensh, &i
kVtc; salmon, 13c; hnddock, loc; codfish, 12c;
redsnspper, 10c; lobster, boiled, per lb.,
20c; lobsters, green, per lb., 'iKc: bullheads,
11c; catfish, 14c; black baas, 2ifc2:c; Halibut.
10c; crapplcs, 12c; herring, c; white bass,
10c; bluellns, 8c.
BRAN Per ton. 113.60.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Denlers' association. Choice No. 1 upland,
IS 00; No. 2, $7. SO; medium, $7.00; coarse,
I8 60. Rye straw, $10. These prices are
for hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair and receipts light.
RYE No. I, 60c. .
NEW POTATO B8 Southern and home
grown, per bu., iWflSOc. . .
CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dot, 80a'
BEANS Home grown, wax. par market
banket, lOftSoc; string, per market basket,
CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do..
CABBAGE New home grown, UtiflVsO
per lb.
GREEN CORN Per do.. 1012c.
TOMATOES Home grown, yer basket.
RHUBARB Per lb., 10.
NAVY UEAN8 Per bu., $2.$0.
CELERY Michigan, per dos., $0S6c.
O.VIONS New home grown, dry, per lb.,
2c; fancy Washington stock, per lb.. 2c.
FLUMS-Wlxon, 11.60; Kelsey, Japan, $1.60.
FRl NEB Tragedy, per bom, $1.60; Gross,
11 KS- silver 11 .40.
-tv..... onverina- In corn early PEACHES California, early freestones
In the season on the firmness In wneai, ana eariy urn w oro. ( w w.
and with llaht ofTerings the market be- CRAB APPLES Per bbl., $3.
Same firmer. Iter there was considerable . PEARS-Callfornla, Bartlett a. par box.
it, e.,.iamha. hv cash houses 32.35.
..3 n.h.i and that ou- CANTALOUPE - Texas standard, per
tlun sold off shirply. but rallied again crate $2.26; per -crste. $2; home grown,
toward tne Close on ii.o "7 : or.t.Cw.. lx.h,. AOc; Dutches
m...ll. euhn a mmpr II 1 1 It I
and largely local. The government repori .. JVVe-ftRlVa - Wiscons n tier
was a bull factor. After selling between BLL EBERRIES - Wisconsin, per
60HC and 62V:, September closed a shade TUlv. n 715
t hiuc. ieeemDer cioseu hib'i- i
er at 62c. Local receipt were 161 cars,
with 21 of contract grade,
fints were IndeDendently strong through
out the day. The principal Influence was
the heavy buying of May, which caused
WATERMELONS Missouri, 254j30c each;
crated, per lb., net, la.
PTOS Turkish. 11-lh. box. Der lb.. 18o.
ORANGES Mediterranean, all sites.
an advance In all options and better prices $3.50; St- Mlckes or paper rind, all sixes,
were well maintained. Heptemoer cioeea 3.(j0(a4.00; Valencia. $4.26.
1.. higher 4U.c. December was up V4 LEMONS California fancy.
ate at SBVc. Local receipts were 126 cars. sixes. $4.75f(6.00; choice, $4.l;
Provisions were without support, I iue, S4.ouii4.i.
continued selling ny longs tore ,vrfir
to a lower level. Trading wa dull. The
close was weak,- with September pork down
15o at $12.62H. September lard was off JHc
at $7.80, while ribs were down 6c at 17.35.
Estimated receipts ror tomorrow.
800 to R0
240 to 270
LIMES Florida, per -basket crate. $0.00.
POPCORN-Per lb., 2Hc; shelled, $0.
HIDES No. 1 green. i(c: .So. 2 green,
6c; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 1 salted, 6c
If, 8 to 12 lbs., 81
turned for profit Sales were 19.000 bags,
Including September at !V; November at
4.10$ 4. 16c; December at 4.4fc&4.60c; January
at 4.6ftc: March at 4-70ff4.75c; May at 4 SfriJ
4.90c; July at 4.VtiDc
Loadoa Stoelc Market.
LONDON. Aug. 19 Closing quotations:
Conaoli, nnn M 114 N T. Centril.
OS, Norfolk Wtrn
. 4 I (to pfd
. 431 Onttrlo Wetrn
. 92 PenniyTnl
, Rna Mlnfl
do lt rta
do 14 Bid
..144 Smith Rr
.. 1H do pfd
.. PoulherB Prlflc...
.. Vnlon Pele
.. MS' do pfd
.. 94 tT. 8. StMl
.. .r. S ' do pfd-
..Mil wahh
do pfd
do foount.
do pfd
Fallltnnr Ohio
Canadian Pacific. .
( (irApaa Ohio.. K
i nicafo u. w...
(' . M. A St. P..
lvnrar A R. O..
do pfd
do lat pfd
do td pfd
lllinola Central...
LouiaTlll A Naah...Ki
M.. K. a T 21U
ilArt dlLVEu feteady at 25d per ounce.
munH-lVt'ai per cent. The rte of dis
count in the jpen market for short bills la
VflJl3-16 per cent and for three-month
bins la !iy-;a per cent.
47 V,
17 a
- . . i i no, i veil i car
100 cars; corn, 144 cars; oa, na ,f 12 t u m. 6Hc. drv ,aft(1 uAtB. f
8L0OO bead. ,.. ' 12c; Sheep pelts, 2676c; horse hides, 1.
Alia ivauma . v. . - D
,c; No. t veal
Artlcles.1 Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes'y
Wheat I I
a Sept. Wiftn
b Sept. 8nvTl
b Ieo. Sltft
May b3ii
Corn I I
Sept. 6frt4ft51
Dea 61VC'
May 61ai2
Sept. XSKOtK
Deo. K-S
May ST'U
Sept. 12 66
Oct. 12 70
May 13 02H
Bept, 7 87V4
Oct. T60
Ribs I
Sept. T Sihi
OcL 7 42Vi
81 H
. I,
62 I
2 ml.
NUTS walnuts, no. l sort sneu, rer id.,
17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. t soft shell,
per lb., 13c; no. z naro sneii. per id., j;
uraxlls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; bard shell.
S.b? per lb., 16c: pecatis, large, per lb.. 12Hc;
Si2 small, per lb., Ho; peanuts, per lb., 6Vo;
f prevailed that a large account was
liquidating. Consols closed firmer. Home
rails were Depressed, In spite or lair trar
flo Increases. Americans opemyl dull and
mostlv below tarltv. on locomotive and
continental sales. A general recovery fol
lowed, and then trading became inactive.
Prices reacted slightly during the last hour
and closed Irregular.
Bullion to the amount of 20,000 waa
withdrawn from the bank of Kngland to
day for shipment to India, 0,OuO to South
America, i-inw to Kotimania.
PARIS. Ana-. 19. Business on the bourse
remained Indecisive today, prices remaining
feeble throughout. Turks snd Servians
cloned weak on the Balkan situation. In
dustrials wre firm. The private rate of
discount waa 2H pef cent.
Three per cent rentes,' ir 4oc ior me ac
BERLIN, Aug. 19. Transactions were
light on the bourse today, but the tone
was somewhat better.
The rate of discount for short bills was
t per cent.
Reactionary Force Triumph, Prices
Falling- Bark to Lower Levels.
NEW YORK. Aug. 19. The reactionary
forces developed In yesterday's late stock
market oecame preponderant in j
market and cawed a sharp backset In
prices. It Is evident that the underlying
causes of the backset was the belief that
the rise was too fast and had gone too far.
The dominant Influences on prices were In
the market Itself. Yesterday s neavy proni
taklng left the market In a weaker techni
cal position. The concerted soiling all
through the list caused the belief that a
large Dear movement nau ucen oimi
among the traders to contest the B4t ance.
In some quarters It was suspected that
the choice of well recognised bear operators
to conduct the selling was a ruse to cover
profit-taking sales of those long of stocks,
as the appearance of bear selling 1 the
most llkelv to Invite support of slocks by
their market managers. The kind of sup
port and protection for prices which have
been In evidence since the trend finally
turned upwards were not seen today and
the fall In prices was uncontested. The
speculative public at large was left to
conjecture whether the powerful capitalists,
whoso leadorshlp they nave supposed they
were following, had sold out their stocks
and retired from the market or whether
they had become dissatisfied with the
rapidity of the advance and the character
of their following and had determined to
countenance n reaction for the puiposo of
shaking off a weak and undesirable fol
lowing of weak traders. The reaction did.
In fact, uncover large numbers of stop-loss
orders and wiped out narrow margins of ( unchanged and the last three options 1
small speculators wno nave oecn auctteu point ingner to 1 point lower. TWO
inousana Daies were received nere irom
Liverpool today and by a curious coinci
dence 2,200 bales were shipped from here
to that market. New York spot sales
were 2S bales, all to shippers, and sales
of futures were estimated at 75.000 bale.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. ID. -COTTON Quiet;
middling. 12Vc Receipts, 20 bales; stock,
1,392 bales.
In limited demand; prices 8 points higher;
American middling fair 7.22d; good mid
dling, 7d; middling, B.74d; low middling,
6.42d: anod ordinary. 6.261: ordinary. C.otd.
The sales of the day were 4,000 bales, of
which 1,000 were for speculation and ex
port, and Included 3,400 American. Receipts,
none, f utures opened nrm and closed dun
American middling G. O. C. August 6.44
6.46d: August and SeDtcmber. 6.39d: Sd
tember and October, 66d; October and
November. B.tTfifaSd: November and De
comber, 6.45d; December and January, 6 30
fit' 'llrl Janlinpv an4 PAKruai.,, It "(j- 'ji
f eDruary ana March, s.29d; March and
April, D.Z8IBD.ZSK!.
Cotton Market.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 19.-COTTON-Steauy;
sales, Oratnary, $ 7-l(lc; good
orulnary iuc; low m.ddilng l'&Mcl 8od
middling 13.18c. Ktceiuie. oalrW 8iock,
4o,uuO bales. Futures, s.eiay; August, U.2
tus.wc; September, ' lu.9 ij iusac; uctoofr,
ii.sJ)'.sJc; November, tMtiu.utk:; Pecvmoer,
H.hzuD.teJc; January, fci.iianl.ojo; Feuruary,
.a.M,c, March, .68fu9.Jc.
,NiiW YORK, Aug. IK. COTTON Opened
steady at a decline ot i2 points on August
and September. ihe declines were due to
realizing, while the later months were sus
tained iy the steady cauics ana taik of
rain in the belt and aamage by boll weevil.
Later caolea nom the English market
showed a declining tendency abroad. This
brought about realising by early buyers at
the end of the first tew minutes. Septem
ber showed a net loss of 8 points, wltn the
latter positions l to 3 points lower. August
was comparatively dull and neglected dur
ing the entire session, selling as low as
12 25c and selling as high as 12 30c, closing
at 12.26c. At or arounu 12.20c for Septem
ber, however, the clique became more ag-J
ffrw.alv. anil i,,.nnwt . I a t-.a.I nnv.,ln.l
by the room contingent, and held prices
about steady. There were occasional re
actions during the aiternoon and the close
was a little oft from the best of the day.
The market wua principally dull, nut 16
points higher to 3 points lower, with
August, September and November 3 points
lower; October i points lower; December
Both Eosf and Btoolc Oattli 8oH Stronger
Where Quality Wi Good.
Moderate Receipts ot Fat Sheep and
Lambs, bat Market Waa Slow, with
Prices Steady, Feeders, IIott
eter, 'Active aad Firm.
Receipts were: Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.
omcini Monday 6.NJ4
Official Tuesday 6.029
Olllclal Wednesday 2.313
Three days this week..l5.22
Same days last week. ...14,934
Ha me week before 12,4-6
Same three weeks ago.. 9,1'
Same four weeks ago. ...81,111
Same days last year.... 20,777
The following table shows tba receipt of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oinsna tor
ne year to dale, and comparisons witn last
1903. 1902. Inc. Doc.
Cattle 6U.K0 474,521 1,W9
Hogs 1.676.7S4 l.til.o;4 41.0W
Sheep 778,187 660,628 127,639
Average price paid for hogs at Bouth
Omaha for the last several days with comparisons:
6.5M) 7.445
7,210 4.MII
17,410 81.173
21.864 27.:iM
81.190 81.tii5
u.6.12 is.:-
19.843 33.2i5
23,371 40.S..2
24 cows 110 18 cows 1021 I
4 cows KIM I 16 1 cow 910 I 16
1 cow 80 3 15 1 cow lt'2'l t 16
lcow li0 3 4j I cows 964 3 46
I cows lit 1 45
J. Ralnler-Neb.
1 bull 1020 iW 17 cows KM 1 10
J. Call-Neb.
21 steers.... ;4 3 90 Scows 980 1 15
S. N. Downing Neb.
IS cows.. .. 981 t 80
U. A. Downing Neb.
18 cows. . . A K 2 95 lcow 860 IN
1 cow Ill") 3 96
D. Bcroggln Wyo.
70 feeders.. 1P43 3 46
H. H. Stlne Colo.
corns 876 1 40 18 cows 948 1 8
L. Oorsuck South Dakota.
. !B 2 7'.
.1210 2 50
970 8 7
Kft. 2 70
61 W4
t. Lools Grain and Prorlslons.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 19. Close: WHEAT
Higher; No. 2
track. 81ilHc
red cash, elevator, 7c;
September, 77o; Decern
35 POT- 33?4ao3Tc; May, 86Hc; No. 2 hard, 78M?
. 46Ho; traok, 48H
December, 48o;
VIav 4flc.
354c; September, 324c; - December, - 84c;
May, STc; no. a wnue, Bto.
KYh-i irnr ai hMQtnsw!.
rf.oiTR ataadv. Red winter Datents.
$4CKK(j4.10; extra fancy and straight, 31-703
8.96; clear, 3.aifff.iK.
BKisi-Timotny, ateaay, .tno3.u.
ri.iiititl a. " .1 (1A
Nn i ana. n ww. i v. . v. vrr - . - -
rC..C ,7.Ti. .,, .. folia..; nrwv oioaay. huou "r
FLOUR Easier; winter patents, 33. 75 I - . vat'A. Tinti, w tAonrftitit so?
. ... . . . m nrnlrle. n.0O'9.6U.
WHKAT-NO li -pring, wc. ' iRON COTTON TIE3-H.0B,
iloj NO. 1 rea, (itpiuc.
12 65 1 12 46
12 70 12 624
13 02tt 12 92V4
-I. ... I
7 7H 7 W
7 60 7 40
7 87HI 7 32H
7 46 7 40
12 62H 12 67
12 60 12 75
12 95 13 07H
7 80 7 874
7 46 7 67V4
T 86 1 7 40
7 45 I 7 60
kv 4Via panM rathniind
Xondon was a seller of stocks on a large
scale, evidently In the nature of profit
taking. .
That there were large additions to the
short Interest as a consequence of the day's
selling Is a fair conjecture. As for the
news developments that were an Influence
an Important place must be given to the
question raised whether the rejection of
the Panama canal treaty by the Colombian
senate Is to be regarded as final. Yester
day's news of the rejection was made much
( K fh bulls Km rellevinc the necessity
of supplying the money for the canal pro
ject and leaving the Treasury department
tree to relieve ine money Biiuauuii.
The selling was mucn concentrated, a
single commission house disposing of many
thousand shares during the day. The
personality of the tirm and Its past em
ployment by one of the great financial
groups caused considerable significance to
be attached to this selling. The further
reduction In prices of southern pig Iron
had Its greatest errect on iennesseo t-ui,
but the Iron and steel Blocks all shared In
Ihe dayps weakness. The concentrated
selling referred to largely converged on
Amalgamated Copper, and Rock Island was
a leader In the reaction. The low tempera
tures in the corn belt and the necessity of
early warm weather to Insure the crop
irom irosi were largely uwm uuuii.
, There was a considerable selling move
ment at the beginning of the last hour, but
the bears made a fresh, onslaught and
forced a weak closing at the lowest of the
day. Declines Jn the active list ran from
1 to 4 points. . . .
v. wsv to svmDathy in stocks. TotaH
sales, par value, $1,952,000. 1'nlted States
bonds were unchanged on call.
Following are tne quotations on mo
Tork Stock exchange:
U Bo. Fad DO -
It i So. Railway U
BAOGINO 64(86Hc.
ii r, ivi r i r i xu v.
standard mess, nz.:vtj.
RACON Higher; broaa egtra snorts.
tS.12'4; clear ribs, 38. 87; short clear, 39.
ill ) iwer : io.s1.
LEAD Firm; $4.104.1JH
jjqait-r ii ma - ivn, tj.
SPELTER Firm: $6.50f.6.
POULTRY Steady : chicken". 9c s springs,
lOc; turkeys, 14c; ducks, gees,
dORN-Now 3. 61Wj51Vic; No. I yellow,
OATS No. 1, Uo; No. S white, 33o; No,
S white, 34i4fS6Vio. .
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 46
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 96Vtc: Vn. 1 north
western, $1.00: prime timothy, $3.25 bid.
CLOVBK l-oniraci graae, ij.n.n iSlflC
PROVISIONS-Mess i pork P bl., $12.45 Vi I ' TTER Quiet ; creamery. 1420c: dairy.
tJtO. Lard, per 100 lbs, $7.C2V47.6o, Short jj'Sific
riDB sioea iioose;, i.whi..i, ni '""
shoulders (boxed), $7.oty7.25; short clear
Ides (boxed), ll.txtyQ
The following were the receipts and ship
menu of flour and grain yesterday:
RecelptH. Shipments
F!our, bbls. .
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oats, bu...
Rye, bu
Barley, bu..
36.700 11.000
..212.300 67,600
..2416.000 209.6')0
,.29,900 48.100
11 inio 5 find
uu. ................ '
rn th. vmdiic exchanare today tne bur
ter market waa steady; creameries, 14S19c;
aames, lainim. r.Kn, nr" j . i iiu. Nr
i 1,,1 rti CkMM alAflilv at I 17SC, cn . ixc
J".V".,""J111' ' " I 46c: No. I. 44HO.
F.OliS Steady. 17c loss off.
leceinis. DiiipmeniB,
7.000 10,000
B8.000 18,000
SO.OCO 15,000
42.000 13,000
Corn .
Oats .
Bal. 4t Okie
a pfa
Canadian Paclflo .
Canlral of N. J...
Ch.a. Ohio
Chicago 4k Alton..
do Ifd
Chicago AO. W..
do lat pfd.
Thlcaaa L. N. W.
Chicago Tor. A Tr
. U
. 47
. it
. 41
do fd M'
Taaaa Paclflo M
Toledo, St. 1 A W. H
do pta
Vnlon Paelfle .
do pfd
do pfd
Wheallng U
Wis. Canlral .
do pfd
1, dm toV Adama Ei
C. C. C. A St. I.... 74 American Bx
Colorado So 14 t'nlted Statta Ex
... al1 nauir,i1D Mi.
... it Amal. Copper ...
...14tvlAniar. Car A T..
Kansaa City Grain and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19. Close: Wheat-
No 74il74U.
CORN September. 44tV344Ho: December,
No. 3 mixed, 4&c; no, i wnue,
do lat pfd..
do Sd pfd
Dot. A Hudaoa.
Pol. U A W....
Denver A H. O.
do pfd
do lat pfd
do id pfd
Great Nor. pfd..
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illlnola Central
lows Central ...
do pfd
K. C. Southern.
do pfd
. A N
Manhattan L....
Met. St. Rr
Minn. A St. t,..
Mo. Pacific
... K. ft T
do pfd.
do pfd
Aner. Un. Oil.....
do pfd
Amer. Locomollro
do pfd
American 8. A R.
do pfd
Amer. Suaar Kef. ...115
Quotations ot the Day oa Various
. Commodities
MifW TOIIK. Auff. 19. FLOUR Receipts
17.731) bbls.; exports, 23,633 bbls; steady
but dull; winter patents, 33.90itf4.3o;
.tmlirhta 33 GMil MO: Minnesota
patents. $4,7014.96; winter extras, $2.903.26; Oats
Alinnesota uaarra , TT.,,ic "
grades, $3.70ii.06. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, 32.903.33; choice to fancy, 33.
8 OS.
CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western,
ta 10: eitv. 81.10: kiln dried. $3.3xfrS.35. '
RYE Quiet; No. I western. 69o f. o. b..
afloat: state. S8rt'6tiWo c I. f.. New York.
UAKLttX duu;
OATS No. 2 white. 373Sc; No. t mixed.
HAY Choice timothy. $3.60iffil0.00; choice
prairie. $8.60.
BUTTER Creamery, 1617c: dairy, fancy,
euus rresn, lavfco.
Recelots. Shipments.
Wheat 167,300 168,000
Corn 89,300 63.600
8,000 4,000
. 14
. 14
. 14
. 44
. KlVi
, a Aiiac. mains to..,
.144 iBrookljrn R. T
. ft Colo. Fuel A Iron
. Ii Columbua A M. C.
. a! iCona. Oas
. it Oen. Electrlo
.104Unter. Paper
.14 do pfd..
.lllbft inter. Pump
, 11 do ptd
. 8.atlonal lllacult ..
. 9 National I.ead
. 41H Mo. American
Nat. R. R. ol It. pfd. 47, Paclllc Mall
N. Y. Central 12a jPeopla'i Qa
Norfolk A W Preaaed B. Car
do pfd no P"
Ontario A W 31 Pullman P. Car....
P.nniylranla i24,ikpudiio ateel
P., C. C. A St. l. .. CI I do Pfd.....
Reading 44SI Rubber Oooda
do lat pfd , aula,"" pia. ...........
do 3d pfd Wrl t.oi s iron.
u. o. usatner
do pfd
V. S. Rubber
do pfd
U. S. Steel
do pfd
Woetorn Cnlon ....
. w
, II
, 14
, Hi
. 4414
Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Bran.
tember, 83Hl683Ho; December, 78T4C On
track. No. 1 hard. 94 He: No. 1 northern.
93c: No. 2 northern, Slc; No. I northern,
Rock Ialand Co : S
do ptd u
St L A B a lat pfd.. 41
do 2d pta ev
St U 8. W 14
do Did u
Bt Paul 141
do pfd Hi
T .' , AITH T.". I . aj TlS,. , OA. a
reeding. 62o c. 1. x.. I ti cuv.,t m- Smt i.Un fA7nf.iftnf mnrl
inow io maiuiiK, unwiiii u, a, 4., now c mn. r'7U.
York. t . BRAN In bulk. $10.75
W H KAT Keceipta, oa,2uo ou. ; eiporti, i
31.683 bu.; spot tirm; No. 3 red, 8&o elevator Philadelphia Produce Market.
ana SfVsO X. o. D. anuat, rno. a normum,
Duiuth 86c it o. b afloat; No. 1 hard, Man- rni-uEi.ntiA, au., h.-buiihh-totVf
o b. afloVt! Options opened stdsr. fair demand: extra western cream-
ateauy . .wua me oyiui. , ,i.iTa w Ehnslm -vwl aernand- freah naarhv.
XtheV nor'tTwe'st-'nr the close. Sow- o loss off; we.lern 21c; southwestern, m
ver, there was a sharp rally tn T"!n rmTsSr ' but Arm: New Tork full
and export business, last prices snowing ,1LT "1
Ho net advance; kay, 87(ul4o. closed ft; i0'
at bo4to; September, 8Va l-loo. closed at creams, lair t
(LI C01S,U, DTwm,iri , nu7'(fuv . u vj , . . " v i, fiiJU.fiA7U.. nl-iH1 at t!7U.n
tJOru N xteoeipis, tw-io uu. ; eiponi, i,mo
new. lac; New xorit
to good. 910Sc.
Liverpool Grain Market.
bu.: spot steady; No. I, 68V4o elevator anl LIVERPOOL. Aug. 19 -WHEAT-Spot,
to f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow. c; No. 8 tirm; No. 2 red western, winter, new, s 4d;
white, 69o. Option market opened easy on No. l northern, spring, 6s d; No. 1 Call
warm weather, rallied later on prospect! fornla, 6s lOd. Futures, steady;' September,
for lower temperatures, broke again with 6a!V.d: October. 6a 6'4 d: December. 6s 4d.
wheat, but finally rallied on covering and I CORN Spot, American mixed, steady at
closed unchanged; May, 67Hc; September I 4e 7Hd. Futures, quiet; September, 4s6d;
nloaed at 87 Vc: December, bi-kft o.
OATS Standard white, 42c; No. 3, 8SHc;
No. 8 wblte, 4X0 ; no. s wnite. rc; track,
white. 41M.O.
HA I Dull; shipping, 76.35c; good to
ehoice. 31 d0l.t.
HOPS Firm; state, common to choice.
19u3, XwWU-Ho: 1901. 14ffl7c; olds, 739o; 1'a
olrto ooaaL 1901. lUdllc: 19(12. tlttUWs.
HI11ES-Steady: Oalveston. W to 16 lbs..
i, U lu I ua, ire; Texas dry,
lftu: California
. . u.. IV. lln
I. it. A Til K A Steady : acid. 23liXXVc.
RICK-Flrm; doniestlo. fair to extra. 40
October, 4a 6d.
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
lower; No. 1 northern. 94c: No. I northern.
Hoc; new September, lo bid.
Hi K steady: No. 1. Mc.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 68300e; sample.
CORN September, 6llo.
Dalath Grain Market
DIT.UTH. Aug. 19 WHEAT In store,
No. 1 hard. 83.-: No. 1 Northern. 88U:
lSlONli -l(f. firm; family, 38.00-9 No. I northern, StiWc: Btptemlier, Wc,
beet hams, i.ouia.uu; packet, af I uais-.
Uc; Japan, 6Uo.
$60; city, extra India mess. l4.uori6 oj. tut
xneaU, stnady; pickled bellies, $90mull00;
pickled shoulders, $7 60. Lard, quiet: west
ern ateamed. t: reniied. easy; continent.
$8 00: South America, $8.75; compound. 37.10
. -. i . .11.. tit ij..i t .
i.r til i..,fll?r.- mu. US 0 111 Li.Tt
TALLONV' Steady, city, 4Hc; country,
BUTTER Receipts. $100 pkgs.; steady to
firm: stale dairy. 14jl7ic; creamery, lfrii
r-'utrv-Rin Ranelnta. 1700 pkgs.: aulet
ISie, lull crraiu, iui.j, w,ua... . ,
luc; small, wblte, 10Wo; large, colored, loc;
large, white. ic.
Adams Cos.
kXiOS Rucelpts. $.100 pkgs.; strong; west
ern seconds to extras. lbj-"o. , . .
vniii.TuT-M. .Arm: western chick
ens 13o; fowls, 12WC; turkeys, 11c; dreered, I aBru..ifk Con.
weak; western broliera, liltc; fowls, 12Vc; rcajaiock Tunnel
turkeys. UK14C.
xi kl'AI Rhnnt tin was 1 lower In Lon
don at 137 and futures declined 10a to
124 6a; locally tin was steady, with spnt
i.,iTi. at ti7.aoii!t.(a). Coppor was ratrer
easier in London, spot there declining lat
to 69 1, with futures, however, un
changed at !! lis; locally copper waa
firm, lake selling at $lS.'Hnl3.75; ele-'rMy-tlo
at $13 6-al3.i2H, and canting at 313 1-1
13 17. Lead was Is id lower in a.onaon.
eluding at 11 (a 3d. but remained un
r.),nd here at $4.7. Spelter was un
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. III.. Aug. 19.-CORN-Lower:
No. $ 51c: No. 4. 6V.
OATS Stead v i No. 3. new. white. 34'aO
35-e; no. 4 white, new, 84MtfJ3&'4c.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Aug. 19 SEEDS Clover. Octo
ber. $6 66; December, 35.70; August, alslke,; prime timotny, ii.tjo.
T'k Mtn?" naatatlasa.
NEW TORK, Aug. 19 -The following are
tne quotations on mining stocks:
Con. Cal. A V.
Hnrs Silver ....
Iron Silver .....
Laaitoila Can...
x Offered.
.. 10
.. IT
.. II
.. t
. .!
.. a
iMttle Chief ...
Ontaxls ,
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes .
... I
... II
... II
.... to
... 10
Forelan Financial.
LONDON, Aug. 19 The demand for
money in the market today waa quiet.
The advance In the New York exchange
rate helrx-d to weaken discounts, liual
ness on the Stock exchange was depresaad
and Irregular. In aulta nf anuria In hnal.
changed In New York, but advanced 3s 1 I aesa. The news from Turkey waa looked
- i ..n.t..n .. 30 11a 4.1 Iron closed at I upon as being aeiiolia Consols aunad
Sia Sd In Glasgow and at 4s 7 Sid In Mid- I heavy, partly owing to rumors of further
I rfiuinin,k! r.x-aJlv Iron waa unchanged I municipal borrowing, and alao that much
for northern, but tne Quotations iw aoum- awca w wi:wi ,w ne account ok duu
ara wars lower la aooonlanoe with the de- J speuuUiora, Ueyond this, however, the b-
. ah
. 14Vi
. 12
. 68Vi
. Id
. 72H
. lb
. 74H
. :i
. 42
. W
. 11
. 4f.
. 14',
. 41Vj
. no
. 10
. M
,. 2j
. n
. u
Wool Market.
BT. LOUIS. Aug. 19. WOOL Ouiet: me
dium grades combing and clothing, 19
zic; ngni nne, jtroiacj neavy nne, laaioc;
tub washed. 20(&29V4e.
BOSTON, Aug. 19 WOOL Prices show
but uttie change, and there Is no weak
ness Ir any particular. Quotations:
-Territory, iaano, nne, ltcgific; nne me
u.u..,, lU7n, . , , IlinilUIII, JCTJ,.ffV,
mlng, flnb, 14iil6c; tine medium, 16"V4)7c;
medium, 18H(nl9c: I'tnh and Nevada, fine,
17irilRc; medium, lSlfiSV: Dakota, fine. 15
6il6c; fine medium, 16HW17Hc; medium, 19
vi.tjc; Montana, nne cnoice, iwuvuc; nne
medium, cnoice, i:)i7jl4c; staple, axtfzac; me
dlum choice, 2021c.
Eraporated Apples and Dried rtalli.
A rPLhiS y ulet and ratner easier under a
light demand, with outside prices rarely
obtained. Common are quoted at 4VS5Hc;
prime at BCfrtc; choice at efiVic; and
fancy at eiOiVic.
prunes are In good Jobbing demand and
show no material change either In prices
or general conditions. Prices range
from 2c to 7c for all grades. Apricots are
firm. New crop choice are quoted at 9'ec
94c. Old choice at 8i&8c, and fancy at
10&12HC. Peaches are averaging a little
better and rule firm at TC7Vio for choice
and tMaiOftC ior tancy.
OH and Resin.
OIL CITY, Pa.. Aug. 19.-OIL Credit
balances. $1.65. Shipments. 68.039: average
78,9o9; runs, 93,6"4; average, 23.622. Snip
mcnts, Lima, 66.503; average, Bi.iytO; runs,
Lima, 81, "87; average, 64,646.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 19.-OIL Tur
pentine, firm, 62c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C. D
and E, $1.70; F. $1.76; O, $1.85;-II, $2.3); I,
$2.80; K, 2 95; M, 33.05; N, $3.16; W. G., $3.30;
W. V., $3.50.
NEW YORK. Aug. 19. OIL Cotton seed
dull, prime yellow, 4114S42c. Petroleum,
ROSIN Steady. (
Dry Goods Market.
The mill curtailment Is beginning to be
more of an Influence In the market, both
upon buyers and upon the attitude of
manufacturers toward business. Buyers
contend they will be obliged to drop cer
tnln lines If compelled to pay present prices
but In many cases are not allowlne? lines
to lapse. The fear of overstepping the
bounds of prudence Is also restricting pur
chases. .
Date. 1903. 1902.1901.lD00.1899.1898.llO7.
Aug. 1..
Aug. 2...
Aug. 3...
Aug. 4...
Aug. t...
Aug. 6....
Aug. 7....
Aug. ....
Aug. ....
Auk. 10...,
Aug. 11...
Aug. 12...
AUg. 13...
Aug. 14...
Aug. 16...
Aug. 1...
Aug. 17...
Aug. 18...
Aug. 19...
6 03S
6 11:
6 19U
6 23
6 Z0
8 lota
6 214
6 20
5 17
6 11
7 41 6 66 S 15
7 3tii
7 89
7 32
7 35
7 27
7 17
T 16
T 04
6 81
6 761 6 18!
6 7$! ft 16
I no
E 84
5 80 16 04
6 66 6 141 4 33
4 19 3 79
4 2ti,
4 331
4 43
6 66
6 73
S 74
6 151
s ot
6 CO
4 991
5 74
5 7
731 S 78 4 97
) 4 9
6 67
$ 721
6 77!
5 83
S 89
4 !8
6 00
4 96
4 28
4 37
4 31 $ 67
3 74
8 67
3 61
t 71
$ 81
3 6'
4 ?9I 3 271
4 35
4 43
4 44
4 32
4 3tV
4 4
4 50l
8 48
4 36
3 75
3 78
8 661 8 68
8 67 3 73
3 4b
3 47
$ 67
3 63
3 43
3 4i
3 62
S 49
3 51
3 64
3 48
8 68
$ 70
8 71
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wns:
Roads. Cattle. Hons. Sh'D. H'sos.
C, M. & St. P. Ry... 2 19
wauasn s
Union Pacific Bvstem. 21 10
C. & N. W. Ry 1 U
r .. iS. & M . V. K. it... 24 14
C, 8. P.. M. & 0 4 9
ti. & M. Ry 49 a
C, B. & Q Ry 4
Jv. C oe bt. J 1 1
C, R. I. & P. east., S
C. R. I. & P.. west 1
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts 106
The disposition of the day's recelots was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber or nead indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
omana packing Co
Swift and Company
Armour & Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour, from Sioux City..
Vansan & Co
William Underwood
Huston & Co
Livingstone & Shaller
Hamilton ,
L. F. Huss
B. F. Hobblck
H. Standish
Lewis & Co
Other buyers
403 277 1
65 1,591 2
653 l,9Db 635
t.'S 1,677 38
.... 1.368
$45 2,832
2 cows 8W 2 25 11 cows 907 1 60
4 cows.
3 cows.
1 cow..
1 cow. .
1 steer 1140 $ 30
1 steer lJfVl 3 SO
1 steer 1020 S3)
4 steers.. ..1fH0 3 10
3 teers....l228 3 80
2 feeders.. 670 3 00
C. W Haw Wvo.
10 feeders.. 103 3 30 1 feeder... 1020 3 30
2 feeders.. 966 3 00
C. J. DeBerad Colo.
18 cows 975 2 -lO 1 steer 800 t rt5
1 bull 10T.O 2 1 14 cows PDO 2 26
$ cows...
1 cow
1 cow
4 steers..
7 steers..
1 steer...,
6 steers..
I steers.
. 9S1 10
, 910 $ 10
. 790 2 70
. m 8 16
.1071 8 ?0
.1070 3 30
.1213 3 SO
.1.V0 8 JO
4 steers.. ..lOtf $ 10
23 feeders.. 932 3 46
6 calves... 276 4 00
3 heifers.. 4fi0 2 60
I stng....
8 feeders
RS0 3 15
906 t 60
6 cows 8'1 1 75
2 feeders.. H:w 8 35
1 heifer... MO 2 i6
8 feeders.. 915 3 IB
10 cows 1012 2 G6
I. C. Cat on Idaho.
107 cows.... 101 9 3 80
8 feeders. .1000 3 TO 13 fenders.. 887 3 50
1 steer 1110 3 10 1 steer 940 8 10
2 steers.. ..1165 3 10 1 steer 850 8 10
8 steers.... 993 3 10 1 bull 1540 1 60
HOG54 There was a moderate run of hogs
here this morning, but as Chicago was re-
? or ted lower on heavy hogs prices here suf
ered on thnt class. There was a good de
mand for lightweights, however, on the part
oi ineni pst-Kers snn also irum einpptra inu
ns a result trading win active, with prices
steady. Thev sold about as rsnldly as of
fered and brought all the way from $5.20 to
$6.40. The heavy hogs, thougn, were Slow
and right close to a dime lower and medium
weights were also a little lower. The heavy
packers sold largely from $5.00 to $5.06, while
tne mixed ana medium weignt went mostly
from to $5.20. The range or prices was
still wider today than It was yesterday, as
good heavy hogs sold 4uc lower than good
iigntweignts. in spite oi tne tact mat trau
lug Was rather slow on heavy hogs every'
thing wss disposed of in good season. Rep
resentatlve sales
3,2:3 7,138 8,858
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Alia. 19. MONEY On" call
easy at I,i82 par cent; closing IW2 per
cent. Time money, firm; sixty days, 4a
ner cent: ninety days, ovwjis per cent;
six months, 614i' per cent. Prims mer
cantile paper, 6)1H per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8630
4 8585 for demand, and at $4.8S16W-4.8'120 for
sixty days; posted rates, aviutnii st, ana
M.M'4: commercial bills, $4.S27A.83. xifir. M'ao; Mexican uouurs,
llurHJS-ooveniiiiriii, iwaa;; rauruaa,
The closing quotations on Donus are as
D. S. rat. is, rtn....lMt t,. A N. unl. 4..
do coupon iue Mex. central a..
do la. res 1044 do la Inc
do coupon IMSvilflnn, eE St. L. 4a
do ne 4a, rag. ...114
do eoupon ...114
do old 4a.
do eoupon lfl
do Sa. reg 101
do coupon loiv
Atrhlaon gen. 4a.,
do adj. 4a
Bal. A Ohio 4s..,
do lia
do conv. 4s....
Canada 8a. la....
Central ot Oa. is
do la Ino
. II
. M
. M'VSo. PacISc 4a. ..
r-haa. A Ohio 4Ua. . .InVfo. Railway S...
Chicago A A. IWa... Tt Texaa A Paclllc la
C, B. A Q. a. 4a.... KH T
M A St P f. 4S...10I
N. W. con. te.l!
C. II. I. f. 4a.... 100
C C C A St L c. 4s. 04
Ckloaso Ter. 4a .IV
Colorado So. 4a
Denver R. O
. OKUj
4 7244
. Jl
. 07
. 77
. 05 "4
.... 74
.... 07
Readlns sen. 4a K
Bt. L. A 1. 14. a. la. Ill
iSt. L. A 8. r. 4s.. 01
St. L. S. W. la n
do U 13
8. A. A A. P. 4a.... ti
a!.. K. A T. 4a
do la
N. Y. C. (en. Ia.
N. J. C. sea. ta....
no. pacinc 4a.
do la
N. A W. ron.
St. L. A W. 4a.
Union Paclno 4a H
do oonv. 4a 9Va
Wabaah la 114i
do la lot
do dxb. B lit
gU'Wat eh ore 4a 10'
4a.. 00 iWhoel. A b. B. 4a.. l
grte prior lien 4s.... MH WIa. Central 4a I
do veneral ee lZH;'On. -jooaccoea r
I HP. W. A D. C. la.. 104 iColo. Fuel conv. la.. W
llocklns Val. 4Ma....l4t4
x OtTered.
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO. Aug. 19.-WHISKY-On basis
Of high wines, $1.24.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1. WHISKY Steady
at T.24
PEORIA. Aug. 19. WHISKY Finished
goods, $1.24.
tillers' finished goods, steady on basis of
Sugar anal Molnasea.
Dull: open kettle, 3Hc; yellows, tfyic;
seconds, 2W3c.
MOLASSES-Centrlfugal. dull at &05ttc.
NEW YORK, Aug. 19 SUGAR Raw.
firm; refined, firm; molasses, firm.
CATTLE There were not nearly as many
cattle on sale as arrived yesterday, and in
fact receipts were unusually light for this
time of the week. Packers all seemed to
be anxious for good stuff, and as a result
the market ruled active and stronger.
There waa quite a sprinkling of corn feds
Included In the offerings, and those that
were at all desirable were picked up in
good season at steady to strong prices,
ome of the best kinds, In fact, sold quite
a little higher. Common stuff, though, did
not seem to show much change. The pons
were cleared, however, at an early hour.
The demand for cow stuff was also In
good shape and the market could safely
be quoted active and strong on all desir
able grades. The common stuff In most
cases did not command any more than
steady prices, but at the same time trad
ing was fairly active on anything decent
and the bulk of the arrivals was disposed
of in good season.
Bulls, veal calves, and stags sold freely
at fully steady prices.
The demand from the country yesterday
for stockers and feeders was the best
that has been experienced so far this sea
son. Over 50 cars were shipped out,
Thnt, of course, Is a small number for
this time of year, but It is an Improvement
over the number that have been disposed
of on previous days. Speculators were all
anxious for fresh supplier this morning,
and as offerings were rather limited the
market ruled active and stronger on all
the better grades. The comnon kinds did
not show any quotable Improvement In
price, but they were essler to sell than
they were yesterday. Owing to the good
demand and light offerings an early clear
ance wns effected.
Included In the shipments or western
rangers were a few steers good enough
for killers, and packers bought them up at
steady to stronger prices. The better the
quality the more improvement there was
In the prices paid. There were quite a few
range cows on sale and they were also
strong and active, with common stuff about
Stockers and feeders were In rood de
mand and sold readily at steady to strong
prices. Representative sales;
No. v. Pr.
.. 1100 t U
v... 01S 4 10
i ?....irro 4 10
l ,....100 4 10
40 1040 4 II
14 1014 4 86
IT 1W0 4 40
l 1130 4 10
$ 1060 4 00
T01 1 40 14 141 I 40
At. Pr.
..111! 4 10
..ltt 4 70
..Vtli 4 10
..1134 4 71
..1241 4 10
1 1400 4 10
15 HIS 4 04
14 1471 10
Kanaaa. City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 8.760 natives. 4.250 Toxans: calves.
1,000 Texans, 800 natives. Corn cattle steady
to loc higher; wintered westerns dun, quar
antine slow, cows steady, stockers and
feeders active, strong, choice export and
dressed beef steers, $4.066.25; fair to good,
$4r4.66; stockers and feeders, $2.3VfM.20;
western fed steers. $3 60f7'4.T6; Texas and In
dian steers, $J.36il3.7: Texas cows, $l.76
2 50; nstlvo cows, $1 50fi4: native heifers,
$2.304.2o: csnners, $1.1534; bulls, $i&-4;
calves. $3.?5T5.75.
HOGS Receipts, 6.100 head; lights and
filgs steady, packers 6c lower, heavy SfrlOc
ower; top. 86.86; bulk of sales. $5.25 30;
heevy, $5.30(56.4: mixed packers. 85.2M
5.57H: llirht. $5.60&6.66; yorkers. $5.6065.66;
piers. 8S 56y6.W.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.600
hend; market steady; native lambs. $3.20ip
6 60; western lambs, $3 KXft3.40: fed ewes.
f!.60g4.25; Texas clipped venrllngs, $2.6049
40; Texas clipped sheen. $2.604.30r stock
ers and feeders. $2.30ft3.60.
Ttoatoel Stack Qaotalloas.
BOSTON, Aug. 19 Call loans, 44H pe-
cent: tlme loans, 6a per cent. Official
closing prices un stocks ami bonds:
Atcnlaon 4a...; 17
Mr. Central 4a.. ..TO
do pfd
Boatoa A Albany. ...til
N. T . N. II. A H..1H
Pltchburs pfd..
I'Dloa Pacific
Max. Central ....
American Sugar
do pld...
American T. A T
lloailnloa I. A S
Oaa. Electric ....
Maaa. Kleelrlo ....
do pfd
t'nlted rrull
U. S. Steal
do pfd
Weetlnab. Couahae
Ainalsa stated
Dalv West
Calumet A Hecla.
Copper Range ....
Dotnlnloa Coal ...
..114 IPrauklla
.. T4 !! ftovslo .......
.. USe Mohawk
..1U oid Dominion ....
,.!ia )eceola
. .114 I'exrut
.. 0 lOulncr
,..111 Santa Pa Copper. .
.. XI iTamarark
.. 10 jTrlmountals
.. fcSaTrlnltr
llSa'Vnlted SUtea ....
1 I
Victoria ..,
Winona ..
. li
. In
: k
.. 40S,
. 10
. IT
. II
. !ti
.. It
.. us
.. e
.. 1
.. 14
.. 4
.. 44
' CaSTe Market.
futures opened steady at an advance of
$ and 8 points on better cables and fur
ther demand from outside sources based
a.ruirantlv on the recent reports of dam
age to the new crop and talk that the crop
bow moving has bean overestimated. Ka
uinii heavier, oonseauently the pur
chasing power grew less pronounced, while
Importers continued offering and so longs
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOt:iS, Aug. 19. CATTLE Receipts,
7.000 head Including 4.000 Texans; market
at-rtv: native shipping and export steers.
; $4 205.30; dressed beef and butcher steers.
Ft; steers r.ntier l.uou pounns, u .itr
4.36: Blockers Hnd feeders. $2."o'(r3.o5; cows
snd heifers, $2.2ftffi4.25: canners, $2W2.26;
hulls. -.;.V(4 15; calves. $4.25ff6 60; Texas and
Indian steers, $4.20j4.75; cows and heifers,
$2.Ki2 55.
HOGS Receipts, 1,000 head; market
lenilv: pIkh and lights. $5 6m 6 85: puckers.
95 355.e0; butchers and best heavy, $j.46a
8IIEEP AND LAMBB Receipts. 4,000
head: msrket dull and lower: native mut
tons. $.Vu3 t: lambs, $4.9o-(iS 86; culls and
bucks. $2.604; stockers. $2.6t"u3.16.
t. Joseph Live Stock Market.,
ns lives. 13 K54j5 4u; rows and heifers, $1.6uw
4.50; stockers and feeders, m 514.16.
HOGS Recelnts. S.U00 head: 6o higher
light, $5.306.06; medium aad heavy, $5.16
SHEEP AND LAUBS Receipts. 7.753
bead; 10315c lower.
Stack In Sight.
Following were the receipts of live stock
st the six principal western cities yester
Kit ne 'is City
St. Louis ..
it. Joseph. ..
Sioux City ..
. 2.841
.' 8.760
. 7.O-0
. 3.137
. 6u
Hogs. Sheep
7.210 6.8K6
26IK0 25. irnO
$.100 6.611O
$.000 4. HO
.MiO 7.750
l. 'T....
W ToUl
3i.aU 11.910 47.13$
1000 1 71
140 1 00
M0 I 26
1104 I 13
1137 t U
120 I K
KM) I 10 14
144 I 40
1400 1 40 1....,
1140 I 10 1
040 I 10
no 1 id
1 mo 3 40
.1000 1 10
.lot 1 40
. ISO I 76
. 060 I 10
.1140 I 11
t $40
1110 I 10
1640 $ M
MO I 16 I.
liO I 26 14
430 3 10
1 cow 1070 2 66 14 cows..
47 cows 9 9 2 60 Scows..
1 cow 650 3 Z) 1 cow...
,.1166 3 26 1 steer..
.1650 2 30
..11!) 3 16 1 cow...
..K'l 2 26 6 cows..
..1100 $ 00
T. G. Burke Neb.
.. 871 $ 25 12 cows..
..lloO 2 25 21 cows..
.. 736 2 00 1 cow...
1 heifer
3 cows..
1 bull...
1 cow...
1 cow...
22 cows..
7 cows..
1 cows..
3 (OWL.
704 I If
TOO I 14
..100$ $65
.. 916 3 00
..12. 0 3 U
.. 850 2 60
,.10W t 25
..954 2 60
918 I 25
930 1 60
W0 2 25
810 2 60
$ heifers.. 80S 2 ')
K heifara.. 904 2 80
H. Bartllng Neb.
24 feeders.. 9.9 $ So 4 feeders.. 927 1 75
13 COWS t7 2 60 S COWS Mi Z IV
it. L. ureve Colo.
4 feeders.. 677 $ 40
Fred ureve coio.
82 feeders.. 71 3 40 6 feeders.. 600 J 60
26 feeders.. 860 3 40 J feeders.. Via SOU
22 holfers.. 6.9 I w 1 neitor. .. 740 zoo
Peterson. Mc-nonaia uouia isep.
8 feeders.. 97ii 3 60 1 steer lOfiO 4 00
24 cows M It) $4 cows 838 I 40
92 cows we Z 66
Oeorge Lunrn wyo.
$1 steers. ...12.U $ 60 12 cows 9S 3 65
1 COW 10:10 Z 00 1 DUII 14.W 1 &
Swan Land snd Cattle Cs. Wyo.
48 feeders.. ViiH 3 66 8rt steers. ...12M 3 SS
10 steers... .1158 3 40 13(5 feeders.. loM $70
Muhr Bros Neh.
1 cow 730 3 60 8 cows 150 I 60
9 rows 915 $60- lcow lunO 2 00
1 cow 840 I 00 1 cow l'0 2 00
4 feeders.. 8u0 3 45 $ rows 850 2 (0
C Berg iseD.
trows llfiO 2 00 Scows...
23 cows N IU
E. J. Dillon-Neb.
t helfera... 76 $ 80 1 heifer..
1 heifer.... 0 2 60 trows...
1 enw KM 1 60 11 heifers.
1 heifer.... 4M $00 Scows 1')'0 190
16 cows 9:a $ 70 12 cows 192 Z 70
A. H. Amnios Neb.
83 feeders. .1062 3 60 4 cows 107$ 3 15
J. Rriggs-Neb.
feeders.. 1103 $ V. 8 feeders.. 810 $76
(0 feeders.. 918 $ IS I feeder... $ 35
4 feeders. .1117 $ SS
C. Fogg Wyo.
1 steer 12W 3 2'. 1 st r 11S0 J
t steers.. ..1018 $ 25 7 steers.. ..1012 $60
Scows 111 $35 Ihull 11 S1
32 feeders.. 82 8 8'. 1 feeder... WO 3 40
1 I feeder... $ $ 44) 12 feeders., tit I 49
750 t 65
. 840 2 30
.lOO 2 70
651 3 SO
At. Bh. Pr.
156 40 I 10
121 40 I 10
146 ... I 10
192 ... I 10
0 ... I 10
160 110 I 10
141 60 I 10
170 10 6 10
.147 40 I 10
64 167 160 I UM
65 f.7
42 184
11 Kl
71 211
OS. .
6 .
4 t'i
41 100
40 102
7f 21S
14 101
it Ill
10 145
II 171
12 Ill
.241 ... I It
...III 40 I 10
...t4 40 I II
...271 240 I II
...I6T 10 I 16
...ill 300 I 16
...161 140 t 06
...161 10 I 16
...221 40 I 20
...261 10 I 10
...241 ... 40
...246 120 i I24
...130 10 I I2)s
...117 ... Ill
...140 300 I 26
...164 ... 6 16
...111 120 I 16
...231 ... 4 25
...237 ... 6 16
...111 120 I 26
...237 ... 1171
...274 40 t 27V4
...211 ... t 10
...104 ... 110
...MS ... 6 10
...t!G 110 I 10
...126 160 I llSt
.221 U0 I 16
.. 6 16
.. 6 16
,.. 6 15
40 6 IS
I 16
,. 4h. Pr.
..,100 40 I 00
...200 40 6 00
...134 10 I 00
...lal 120 I OO
120 6 00
...106 200 I 00
...2(2 120 I 00
...170 40 ( 00
...330 120 I 00
...i4 60 4 00
...177 140 I 00
...1O0 110 I 00
...110 ... 6 00
...111 130 6 00
...111 ... too
....too ... I 00
...207 10 I 00
...2M 2N I 02Vi
... (06
....272 240 t 06
....170 120 I 06
,...171 160 6 Oi
,...248 10 6 06
....171 ... 6 06
,...110 200 I 02 t4j
...204 140 i 02
276 40 I 06
.. I 06
10 6 06
40 4 04
40 I 06
... I 06
40 6 Off
,.. I 04
40 6 06
... 606
... I 05
20 120 I 09
. ,.J8 120 I 06
...Itl ... I 06
...25 140 6 111
44 100 ... 8 06
71 271 10 6 07Uj
46 266 200 I 07l4j
67 102 10 6 07V.
II 247 40 I 07L,
61 261 40 I 07Vi
61 241 10 I 07 ti
SHEEP There wns a moderate run of
sheep and lambs here this morning, and
the market could best be described by call
ing It slow but steady. Buyers all claimed
they were willing to pay steady prices, and
In fact big steady prices for most every
thing offered, but many of the shipments
were accompanied by tne owners, ana mey
held on for more money. As a result trad
ing was very slow, and It was late before
practlcallv any business waa transacted. A
string of Wyoming wethers carried over
from yesterday sold at $3.20. or 18c lower
than tne same Kinds sola tor on Monaay
That was practically the only purchase
made by packers in tne eariy pari 01 tne
1 ne aemsna ior reeaers continuen very
brisk, and the prices paid were fully steady
There were more buyers than sellers, and
as a result everything at all desirable sold
freeiv at verv satisfactory nnces
quotations ror grass biock: uow 10 cnoice
In mli. tRftlflS 26- fair to arood lam bar 84.7Sfii
6.00: good to choice yearlings, J3.Wkft3.76: fair
to good yearlings. S3 .Zbfua.ou; goon 10 cnoice
vnihara l.v 1TA .1.40: fnlr to rood wethers
IS.00I&3.26: good to choice ewes, $2.9oi63.10:
fair tri 00011 ewes. 1z.WKrr7.7n: reeoer inmns.
$3.60(64.25; feeder yearlings, $S.2.V8'S.60; feeder
wethers, 13 (" 3. a ; reeaer ewes,
Reoreeentanve ss-ies:
1 Irnho cull wethers
S Wyoming ewes
fi33 Wyoming wethers
25 Iflnho teener yearlings
A7 TTtnh feeder cwfll
197 Utah feeder ewes... a...
Tib Idaho ewes I...
$13 Idaho yearlings
46 Idaho yearlings
I 15
I 40
t 40
I 40
. 110
. 105
. 103
, 87
, 147
, 85
, 87
S 75
2 75
3 20
3 25
S 30
t 35
2 80
3 SO
3 30
Union Psoifio Board of AdjnttmentScoart t
leiired Concenlons from Company,
Wastes Are Increased Fear aad a
Half to Five Ter Cent aad F.s
eeaslve Hoars Will Be
The general board of adjustment meet
ing of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen closed Its session yesterday
with the morning meeting and in the
afternoon the members left the city.
Ths board first assembled May 25, but ad
journed because of the Kansas floods, which
took up the attention of the railway offi
cials. The board reassembled July t and
has been In session since.
The conference closed today," said ex-
Oeneral Chairman C. E. Engle, "and the
concessions granted us have been of such
a nature that we can go home happy and
satisfied. The increase In salary which was
granted us makes .our schedule compare
favorably with the schedules of other
roads running through the same country
snd having the same physical character
istics. Our meetings with the officials have
at all times been very pleasant and we
leave with a friendly feeling which ws
earnestly desire will continue Indefinitely.
"Ths meeting was for the purpose of ask
ing for a raise In wages, for the purpose
of discussing differences between the men
and ths company, and also In, regard to
Individual cases. Ths Increase In wages
amounts to 4tt or t per cent, and we have
assurances from the officials that they will
make every effort to shorten excessive
hours on the road. The nest meeting will
be In this city In about two years time.
The board elected officers at Its Monday
session. C. V. McLaughlan of Laramie
succeeded C. K. Engla as general chair
man. Mr. Engle has held ths office since
1697 snd declined to be re-elected. C. A.
Brown t Rawlins, Wyo., Is the new vice
chairman, and F. A. Richards became the
general secretary and treasurer, succeed
ing O. H. Updegraff of Omaha, who has
acted for five years.
Special Collection Among gldevralk
Men to Fight Kerr Toddlers'
Though none but the usual services were
held on the public market place yestorday
a special collection was taken up and
proved to be about the only special feature
of the day. The money raised by the col
lection will be used in securing legal talent
In the case now In the police court which
It Is hoped, by the contributors to the col
lection, may knock out the peddlers' license
ordlnsnce recently passed by the city coun
cil. The "sidewalk" men who have been
enjoying market privileges for some time
without paying dues of sny kind do not
relish the Idea Of being compelled to either
purchase stalls In the Capitol avenue mar
ket house or pay a peddler's license. The
new ordinance provides that every peddler
shall pay a license of $30 per year, and one
of $20 per year for every helper employed.
In the case now In the police court a
peddler had two helpers, but licenses for
only himself and one helper.
Chase las grapes were on the market to
day for the first time this season and sold
at $1.75 for four five-pound baskets. This
Is considered low, but the large Tokay
grapes, which will corns In next week. It is
predicted, will be high. New honey also
made Its first appearance on the market,
selling at $3.75 for twenty-four frames.
Watermelons will be lower from this time
forward, as there Is a plentiful supply com
ing In dally.
Washington onions, as big and handsome
as Spanish onions, are on the market at
$2 for 100-pound sacks. They are mill sr.d
sweet. Com sold at 7 and 8 cents, summer
squash at 10 cents per dosen, and potatoes,
tomatoes, beans, cucumbers and apples
maintained the figures of the previous two
CHICAGO live: stock market.
Cattle Are Active and Higher, Hogs
Steady, Sheep Lower.
CHICAGO, Aug. 19. -CATTLE Receipts,
18,000 head including 700 Texans, 400 west
erns; active, higher, good to prime steers,
$5i&6.15: poor to medium, $3.6Mi6: stockers
and feeders, $2.25Q4.20; cows, $1.6Cas4.50; heif
ers, $2fi4.S5; canners, $1.50ff2.70; bulls, $2.25
4.40; calves, $2.5006.75; Texas steers, $3S4.40;
western steers. $3.25fi4.46.
HOGS Receipts, 26.000 head; estimated to
morrow, 25.000 head;' light, strong to 6c
higher; others steady; mixed and butchers.
$4.'J0'ii5.70r good to choice heavy, $5.15tf6.45;
rough heavy. $4.76Q5.10; light, $5,806X1; bulk
nf alien Xfi lOTl6 46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 26,000
head: aheen and lambs 10c to 26o lower;
good to choice wethers. $3iEf3.60; fair to
choice mixed, $2.26h3; western sheep, $3.25
5 00; native lambs, $3.2&8.65; western lamDs
Kew Trrk Live Stock Slarket.
celpts, 2.416 head; steers slow; top grades
steady, others weak to a shade lower; bulls
and cows, slow to 10c higher; steers un
sold: steers, il.DOffio.tHi: nuns,
..nua ti KOfii.l if. Cables unchanged: ship
ment's today, 20 sheep and 6.100 quarters of
beef; estimated tomorrow, so sneep.
cai.vrs-Recelnts. 2.S79 head: vesls firm,
top grades 15c higher, grassers and butter
milks full, steady: veals, $rvM.26; tops,
$8 37WfT8.60; culls, $tfi4.75; western calves.
r'o5.i5; grassers and buttermilks, $3,600
QITTTTJ-J i'M T.AM HH KSCeiDlS. 11. 10
head: etieep slow, heavy sheep weak, gooa
lambs steady ana in rair oemana. mmm-ii
i .. ,i MmmM,, .ln common arrades weak.
- ....... , . mc a -C . .1 1. t . :
Bpeep,; lamua, au'tfv.iw, - -
4.25; Canada lambs. $100.
irnnRRecelnts. 6.808 head, firm to 10e
higher. State hogs. $6Q.40; pigs, $6.60fi.60.
Slonz City Live Stock Market.
BIOITX CITY. Ia.. Aug 19 (Special Tele-
gram.) - CATTLE - Receipts, head:
Kxvea 1400416.10: cows, bulls and
mixed, $2.50il4fl0: stockers inn reeoers, ai.ov
OS 70: calves ana yeaning, u.mjij.w.
HOOS Recelnts. 1.600 head: 5c lower, Sell
Ing st $4.955.15; bulk. $S.0Qfa5.1O.
Notes From Army Headquarters.
Th. leave nf absence of seven dava
granted Second IJeutensnt Frank B. Davis,
Eighth cavalry, lias oeen cutnueu mem,
one days.
t i.i.ntni Howard YnunaT. Sixth tnfsn
try Fort Leavenworth, has been detailed
on temnorary duty as recruiting officer at
Jonlln, Mo.
First IJeutenant H. A. w legensiem m ine
Tni v-tifth Infantrv Is a visitor at Je-
partment ot tne Missouri niauijuaririi, u
route from Fort Leavenworth to his sta
tion at Fort Niobrara, having been re
lieved from duty with the department In
fantry competition at r on wivcnwonn,
Whltmore. troop M
Fourth cavalry, having been found guilty
by a general court martini at Jefferson bar
racks, of embeislement, has been sentenced
to dishonorable discharge rrom tne army
,..ri..,r. ,,ii 1,1a r,av and allowances
and to be confined st hard labor at the mil
itary prison at jenerson uarracai,
I n r nri ,ir
These officers are named to supervise snd
conduit ths department atbleilo contest:
Captain George H. Cameron, Fourth csy
airy; Captain Rons L Buah, Twenty-fifth
Infantry; Captain Charles W. Fsrber.
F.lshth cavalry; i apiain j-r.uni.
Btritslnger. Jr.. Twenty-second tnrantry
Walter f Hhort. Thirteenth CSV
airy; Captain Dwlght W. Ryther Blxth in
fantry; Captain Clarence i. mrnm, yariu
..,,,. i'iln Kna-ene V. Jel vey. Jr.
T..Ath cavalrv: First IJeutenant Sherwood
& Mrm erialneers: First Ijeu
tenant Alexander J. Macneb, Twenty-fifth
Infantry. .... 1.
Order la Five Coaatles Will Hay
Bis Log-nolllng at I'a
pllllon. The annual plcnlo of 'he Omaha District
Log-Rolllng Association, Modern Woodmen
of America and Royal Neighbors of
America will be held at Papllllon, Neb., to
day. An extensive program has been arranged.
The train conveying the excursionists will
leave the Union depot, at $ o'clock a. m.,'
and will reach Papllllon about 9 30. Upon
arrival there the parade will form north
and east of the court house and march
from there to the park. The counties
participating will be Dauglos, Washington,
Dodge, Burt and Sarpy, all of which will
be represented by their best drill teams.
Prises will be awarded the counties having
the largest representation outside of Sarpy.
The program at the park contemplates.
band music; address of welcome by C. O.
Elsasser, mayor of Papllllon; music by
chorus; response on behalf of Modem
Woodmen of America, by N. C. Pratt;
muslo by chorus; reponse on behalf of
Royal Neighbors of America, by Mrs. Kate
Remington; music a surplse; address, the
good of the order, by Hon. Duncan M. Vln
sonhaler; song by Omaha camp No. 120,
After dinner will come a baseball game.
and all sorts of athletic exercises for which
prises will be awarded to the successful
contestants. The round trip fare will be
but $0 cents.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and desths have
been reported to the Board of Health:
Ulrtns Kverett uricxey, em iorm Nine
teenth, boy; James Mare, H47 South Four
teenth, boy; Christ M. Pullman. 1510 Wil
liams, girl; Joseph Oerber. 120 Capitol,
girl; Harry Paaotte, 5127 North Eighteenth,
bov; Walter Scott, Itl Nicholas, girl.
Deaths John Johnson, county hospital,
64; Mrs. Mary Janes Hamilton, Richfield,
Neb., 7a
DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracter, loll
Fa mam street:
Balthas Jet ter and wife to Fred
Hchrader, lots 10, 11 and 12. block
10. Drew's Hill addition $ 600.00
Phllo M. Straat and wife to Mary
L. Burks, lot $. Pruyn's sub. lot
34. Millard Caldwell addition.. 950.00
Wilson T. Graham and wife to Joele
Powers, lot 8, block 14, Bedford
Place addition 26000
Hugh S .Thomas and wife to Charles
Osldemann and Charles Bloemer,
lot 9, block $, In Hascall's sub.
In sec. 6-14-13 1.00
Charles Oeldemann and wife to
Charles Bloemer, same - .00
James D. Blandish to Ellen Regley
Bhealan and Mary Tracy, west H
lot . block 4, Kountse V Huth's
addition 1,000.00
Sheriff to Austin P. Williams, north
east 4 northeast V; sec. 26-16-13.... 2.710.00
John E. fleorge to Mike Nsdawlnls,
lot 40, Bul'lvan's addition 145.00
Same to Katie M. Nsdawlnls, lot 3$,
Sulllvan'e addition 145.00
parkwav Real Estate company to
cttv of Omaha, sub. lot 19. lax lot
6. In so'itheast U northeast " of
sec. 1S-15-1S 1.176.00
J. W. Thomas and wife to Bslthas
Jstter. lot $. block SC7, South
Omaha 1,000.0$