TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903. ( i X r RANGERS DOWN THE SAINTS Caaba Takes Fim Gam of Series from th Kii:oarl Jo Joes. BOTH TEAMS HAVE ON BATTlNG RAGS Loral Hnitr, However, to Blirk Their Hits, While rhafstall Keaa Tbos ( Visiter Well Scattered -"he Rourkelte took the first gam of the aerlea from the Batnta yesterday aftr noon by batting; out seven runs and a victory all In the first Inning-, and finishing with a srore of S to . Chlnn was In th box for St. Joseph, and had only tiia one bed InnUig". only allowing three scattered hits after that fatal first, while Bcbafstall was touched up to the extent of eleven hits. Just the same as Chlnn. What saved BchafstaU was that the hits were not all p'aced In one Inning, as they were for Chlnn.- The Sainta opened bp like a bottle of champagne and flssed all over the field, but a eouple of sensational catches of Carter and a pickup of Illckey's put them to the bad In ahort order. Then Carter ras erased at first and Oenlns began the laughter. Chlnn was In for something, and everyone put on his batting rags and went after him. Oenlna smiled, and sliced out a two-bagger. Miller tried to sacrifice, but managed to scrape on to first on the bunt. Then Thornton pounded the ball for two sacks, and two run cam In. Bhugart slaughtered the ball, and Thorn ton ambled over the - plate, while Bhu sjart hung at third. Kelly singled, Hlckey doubled, and Oondlna did likewise. ' Look Like fro End. It looked a if It would never Stop, but Bohafsiall fanned nonchalantly, and Carter began It again with a atngle, and Oopdlng scored, But Oenlns took compassion on Chlnn and made It three down. In the second Bchafetall passed Kemmer, and Hartman followed with a single. Glad and Oarvln counted out, and He Bride slammed out a two-bagger and two runs came tn. In their half of the second the Rourke lta got one little score on Pusty Miller s poke, a sacrifice, a fielder's choice ard a tolen - base. ' That aa all then Omaha In the way of scoring, with the exception of a few good start tbat fii sled along- in the sixth and seventh In citing. Meanwhile the Saint piled up a I fow until the eighth, who they had five, f and atarted In to do thing . properly. Glade and .Garvin each hit safe, and Mc J lirlde brought one In with a single. Chlnn I daubed on Into Bhafstal'a flogere and he threw It poorly, to Hlckey, and Hlcxey fumbled It. That li'.led the bags. Dona hue waa up, naxt and mashed a hot one Into Thornton, aad Cbinn was doubled out at first. McBrlde should have been caught at second . too, but a Uttle sleepy work on Thornton', part hindered action, and 6chafMe.il wa required to strike out Bel den. Tna score: , . OMAHA. AB. R. BH. PO. 4 ,0 1 I S I I 1 W'j-mour, Three-Nis hits: Corcoran. Carney. Home run: flymo'ir. Peln bases: Abhsttirrhlo. Antr Kelley. Dou ble play: laly to llnhn. llrtt base on bulls: Oft Melerkev, 4. "trurk out; Ilr MslMrkey, I; by Itahn. . Fsssd hall: Moran. Time: 100 Umpire: Johnstone. Score, second game: BOSTOf I CINCINNATI. R. H.O.A. B.I K. H O. A B. Pntw, ....! Ill Kur. If.... I 111 Tnr-r, lk... 1 t I t S'Tmovr, cf. I t 0 Ctwler. II.... i l'onlin. rt... I Orrrjr. rf... I 1 Bikl,r. lb.. I 1 inl,r. ef .. 1 I Si-lnf.Mt, Ik 1 i I I 1 Ah'tl-hl. tt 1 I IDalr. I 111 Cr.m ,,r, Ik I irorrcraa. M. I 4 4 Aubr,,. aa... 14 4 1 Hitnr, ... t 4 111 rittlor. p.. Pkllllpa, ... I 1 14 - lOonlln 4 144 ToUli ... 4 I 17 1 TattlS ... I 14 M II I xBtted for Haberer In the ninth. Boston 1 0 1 t 0 I 4 Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 I Two-base hits: penter, tonl!n. Three base hit: Stanlev. Home run: 8lnlldt. Stolen bases: Aubrey, Cooler (2), Dexter 2). Double play: Dexter to Gremlnaer. Flrt base on balls: OfT llttinger. 3; off Phillip. 1. Struck out: By Ptttlnger 6; bv Phillips, I. Tim; 1:22. Umpire: Johnstone. Mlrrebe Wist a ad Lae. BROOKLYN. Atie 1 Brooklvn and Chicago broke even In the double header today, the home team winning the first by to I, and losing the other by the margin of one run. In the first ram the Chlcaao fielders gave Welmer wretched support. The visi tors maae nve runs in tne second inning of the last game; hut after that Oarvln settled down. Wicker atarted In to pitch for Chicago. He waa knocked out of the oox in the nrtn inning. Taylor relieved him and Brooklyn's scoring ended. At tendance, l.looy Score, first game: BROOKXTK. CHICAOO. R.M.O.A B. R H O. A C. !. Ik... 114 1 !!. If.... 110 4 Sha-sar. If. 1 (,ur, IB ... 1 I I I I Pobba, cf.... 1 4 4 1 I t hanra, lk.. 4 111 Uorle. lk ... 1 1 11 4 4 Jonea, cf 111 lahlas. ss... 1114 aTlnkar, as... 4 1111 MrL'rtanr. H. I 4 I 4 4 Klin, e I 14 14 Ji.rSas. Ik... 1 1 I I t ltr, ib ... 4 1 I I 0 Jack 1 1 tech. a 4 1 4 4 4 Hailar. rt... 1 I svkiBl4t, ...1 iiWtlsier, p... 14 4 12 T eta la ... 4 I IT II ll Touts ...It 14 II I Brooklyn 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 Chicago 1 0100000 0-2 Deft on bases: Chlcas-o. R: Rrooklvn. I. Two base hits: Kline, Jordan, Doyle. Stolen bases: Chance. .2: Dahlen. Double plays: J one to Chance: Dobbs to Dahlen to Strang: Jordan to Doyle. First base on error: Chicago, I: Brooklyn, 1; First base on ball: Off Schmidt, 2; off Welmer, 4. Biicnnce nit: Blagle, Sheckard, McCreery. Struck out: By Schmidt. 4; by Welmer, 4. Tim:' 1:4. Umpires: Moran and Hurst. Bcorey second gam CHICAOO. I BROOKLYN. H.H.O. AH. ft M ft A S! ilaata. If.... 1 I I t slstrans. Ik... 1 111 f'.r, lb ... 114 1 liHhatkar. If. 4 1 I 4 1 vninca, 10... 19 11 0 Dobba. cf 1114 4 Josaa. ef 4 4 4 1 4lt-oyle, lk..;9 I II 1 Tinker, aa.,. 4 114 P.hlan. sa... till 'ln. 114 1 Mccreary, rf. 4 4 I 14 1 I I I v A. 0 0 0 S 2 2 5 0 0 2 1 1 10 0 0 4 110 10 .411210 1111-21 .41 0 0 . 4 0 6 0 1 4 XI 11 27 I 1 ..ST. JOSEPH. . AB. R. BH. PO. A. E. Tlnnahne Cf and If.... S 1 1 S 1 0 llelden. If and rt...... o toh, 3b ...., 0 0 Kemmer. ID . I. 2 Hartman, ef ,w! lf I Carter, rf Oenlns, tt,,.: Miller. If.......... Thornton, lb..'... Bhuaart. !b Kelly, ss. Mickey. 3b.. .,. Gondlng, c,.,.... Schafstall, p....i Total... Glade. Garvin, c McBrlde. 2b.... Chlnn, p .. .. 4 .. 2 .. i 3 10 1 - 1 ' 2 0 . 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 3 0 11 24 10 .T 1000000 3 l i o e Totsls Buna by Innings: ftmnhi - St. Joseph Q 2 0 2 0 0 Hit by Innings L Omaha .. 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 11 Bt. Joseph 0 2 0 2 1 1 2 3 0-11 lTntrr! 'runs! Omaha. T: St. Josenh. 2. Deft on bases: Omaha, 7: Bt. Joseph, T. Base on bails: Off Schafstall, 3: oft chlnn. 1. Struck out: By Schafstall, 2; by Chlnn, l Twn-hasA . hits: Oenlns.. Thornton, Hickev. Uondlna. McBrlde. Three-base hits: Shugart. MoHrlde. Sacrifice hit: T-hnrnmn . Ktn1n bun: Miller. Kelly. Bobe, Kemmer, Glade, Time: 1:85. Umpire: .tveuy. Distillers Jfamp em Denver. DENVER. Colo.. Aug. 13 Heavy hitting by Peoria ana poor playing oy ijenver were the features of today a gam, ocore: B..H.E Tnri. 1 A 1 13 1 4 I 011 23 4 Ienver 0 10013003-3 12 7 Batteries:-- Denver. Lempke, frisk and Echlei; Peoria, Friend and Wllaon. ' I 4l ! ... Mlllialres Gve Present. i I ll COLORADO SPRINGS, Aug. 1.-The lo Vjs." -S. cal mad a present of today tram to ." lT J Milwauke. Score: A R H.B. i X J1 xr.iw.nkM i 13 13 110 0-16 W 2 k a a i 1 ! 1 71. Cl M Xf V inlnrarfn Hnrinaa 010000100 2 10 flatteries: Milwaukee, Kenna and Lucia; Colorado Spring. Villeman and Doran. Dee Melaee Dovra Kawa. DES MOINBS. la., Aug. 19. Cushmann was In good form, striking out twelve men. The visitors played a loose fielding came ana the locals Dattea wen, winnina easily. Attendance 400. Score. R.H.E. hell: By Kellum, 1. Tim: 1:25. Umpire: Foreman. Ptaadla; ef the Teame. St. Paul .... Milwaukee . IOulsvlile Indlnnaprtll Kansas City C'olumbu . Minneapolis Toledo Games today 1 10 13 m 1"0 107 1 won. Ivt r.r. 7f 14 .CI t to n M 47 .341 17 4 .tn i 31 i4 44 A3 .411 41 64 ..) 37 7 .364 .104 Loulsvlll t St. Paul. Indianspoll at Minneapolis. Columbua at Kansjs city, ioieuo at Miiwauae. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Errors Rlee White Vox Early Lead, Whleh Boatos, H.Brever, Destroy. CHICAOO. Aug. 1 Errors, both In bat ting and fielding, gave the visitors a lead of three run for six innings. In th seventh, with two men on bases, Isbell tied the score with a hit past first that rolled under the right field bleachers, mik ln It a home run. A single, White's wild pitch and an out gnve Boston the gam In the ninth. Attendance, 1,276. Scoret BOf TON. CHICAOO. , It H.C.A.B I R H.O.A B. tVnithartr. If 9 1 0 iHnlmaa, If... 4 114 4 Colllna, Ik .. I 114 4 lakell, Ik.... 1 I 11 1 4 C. Bt.hl. cf. 1 I 1 0 O'Jnnaa. cf 114 4 Preamas, rf. 1 I I 4 9 Orern. rt I 4 4 4 Parent. aa...4 1 4 0 Callahas, Ik. 4 1 1 1 1 IChanca. lk 4 4 11 4 Matoon, Ik . 4 1 1 4 1 Ffrria. lb.... 114 llTarnahlll. a 4 1 4 4 1 1 ffcahl. .. I I I I t llattarr. ... 1 1 T 4 4 Dlaasn. 1 I OjWkil. 1 I 1 4 4 Totala ...4 I 17 11 1 ToUIa ...I tt U 4 Boston 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 14 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-3 I-eft on bases: Chicago, 7: Boston, la. Two bsse hits: White, Freeman. Home run: Isbell. Sacrifice hits: Holmes. C. Stahl. Stolen base: Parent. Double plays: Tannehlll to Isbell; Ferris to LsChance. Struck out: By White, 6; by Dineen, 1. Passed ball! Slsttery. Bases on balls: Off White, 2: Off Dineen, 2. Wild pitch: White. Time: 1:60. Umplrej Connelly. Clevelaad Take's Pitcher' Battle. CLEVELAND, Aug. IS. Cleveland won a filtcher battle from Washing-tun, each earn making only fiv hits. Cleveland scored In the eighth on a base on balls, a steal end two long flies. In the ninth Gochnauer scored on hi single, Moore sacrifice and Flick's hit. Attendance, 1,354. Score: CLEVELAND. Inn, Ik Ilrlr. rt Wlrkr, Taylor, . I Jnrdr n, Ik. . 4114 114 4 O R liter, c I I 1 s 4 4 4 4 0 Garvin, I 4 4 4-4 4&ea,)ar l Totala ...I1127H i Totala ...I I 17 II I x Batted for Oarvln in ninth. Chlca- ... 310000003 Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 - Left on bases: Chicago, 7; Brooklyn, . Two bass hit: Kllng, Ever,- Chance, Dovle. Dahlen. RhrWrJ Th. hi... Bitter, Strang. Home run: Chance. Stolen oaae: linker. Ever. Harley, Strang. Double play: McCreery to Doyle, Rltter to Dahlen. First basa on errors: Chicago, 1. Plrt base on bails: Off Oarvln, i, off Wicker, 4; off Taylor, . Struck out: By S'.n1"'.. lJ bJ d icker. 2; by Taylor. 1. Wild pitch: Garvin. Time: l:A Umpire: nurse ana Moran. Po4saed Gaines. At New York New Tnrk.Plllhnr am Mlltnnn,il 1 h Btaadlna; of the Tea Pittsburg- ... New York .. Chicago Cincinnati .. Brooklyn ... Boston St. Louis .... Philadelphia Played. Won. Lost. .101 ....100 ....101 ....102 ....102 .... IS ....10 .... 02 4 60 (13 55 60 4a 35 31 35 40 4! 47 62 6 70 61 P. C. .4(4 .W0 .6W .639 .4M .429 .310 .387 ally, s M Kansas City Te Moine .....1 313000 12 ..ooovasov b o i 2 35 . 640 (1 S3 .410 61 47 .6?0 44 '47 . 47 61 .4.6 44 65 .444 4! 64 .4JD 3 63 .40 J Butteries:. Cushmann and Fohl: Cable, Mlltoil and Meaa.tU staaelaal of the Tea ass. Plaved. Won. Lot. P C. Milwaukee 7 Colorado Spring ...100 Kanu City 8 t-st. Joseph Peoria lvnver 9 Je Mains 98 Omaha . T Games today: St. Joseph at Omaha, Peoria at Denver, Milwauke at Colorado Springs, Kansas City at Pes Moine. GAMES IN NATIONAL' LEAGUE Beaa Eater ghat Oat Claelaaatl, bat Lea th Beeoa C. Iel. ' BOSTON. Aug. II Cincinnati shut out th locals In the first game of a double header todav.- but hard hitting and some lurk turned the tablt In the second. Ma lurkey ws hit hard and often In the earlier part of the game. The feature Of th o ond game waa Donlin's terrifio hit In the ninth, although severe lumenea prevented him from getting more than two base. Attendance, 3.070. Score, first came: CINCINNATI. . BOSTON Game todsvi Plrtahurv at Xl. v.v Chicago at Brooklyn, ClnclnnaU at Boston! St. Louis at Philadelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES St. Pawl Hold Loalsrlll Paws to Oae Raa la. Spite ( r" . , HllaC - ST. PAUL. Aug-. 19.-Two-baae hits by xuiiiiau ana rtonsnnnn gave Louiaviiie Us OR run. The Visitor mada a da. perat rally, but sharp fielding prevented their scoring further. Attendance, 2,111. at. rAt'L. I louisville R.H.OA.E RHOAB 'er. Ik 1 I I I C Karwin. rt... 4 4 I 1 4 tmanaon, ef. I l 0 Hart, If I I Jackaon. rt.. I I 4 4 4. Rratbaar. Ik. I 1 I I 8-kaafar, aa, 4 1 14 Odwall, cf. .. 4 4 1 6 Hnsxina. lb. 1 I 4 I e's. In, Ik. 4 1 riotirnojt. II. 0 a I t srhrlavsr. a, 4 I I 1 4 Whealar. Ib. 4 4 T 1 llWhlta. lb.... 4 4 7 1 0 . 4' ran. c. 1 I 1 aoulnlan. aa.. litis Bailer, p.... 4 4 4 1 ftBotuuinea. . I 1 Totala ...I T 17 11 ll ToUIa ... 1 M 11 " St. Paul o 100000I 3 Loulsvlll o 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Two-base hit: Geler (2), Bohnnon (2), Hart. Cluinlan. Three-baits hit: Ri-haefar Double play: Kerwln to Brashear. Stolen bases: Brashear (2), Husftlna, Shannon. Baae on ball: Off Bohannon, 4; off bai ley 4. Struck out: By Bohannon, : by Bailey. 3 Left on base: St. Paul. C; Loulsvlll. 1L Tim: 3:06. Umpire: Has- aoii. Bast Play Mara Brewere' Wla. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 19 Milwaukee won from Toledo today in the ninth. Stupid base running by Toledo and poor fielding by both team eharacterUed th game. niiciioenoe. bw, score; MILWAVKEa I TOLEDO. h.at.O.A.E H O A V Bckaflar. lb.. I I Barnard, ef.. I I 4 0 PonahiM. Ik. I 9 11 Owana, If ... 1 4 4 4 4 Woo. I I 1 Smirk, rt 1 1 1 1 l'u,;.ub. Ik. 1 1 1 I irkildi. lb.... I 14 11 Oanlay. rf .l 1 I t BlaBk'ahlft. c I I I 1 I nualaaay. If. 4 4 S-aub, lk... 414 Hampklil, cL 1 1 I ITwrnar, lk... I 1 14 4 4 viox. aa v v a s ff 4txlitk. .. 4 I a atimnal. .. 4 4 4 41 saMuallar ,. Totals .. 4 IxU 11 4 I WASHINGTON. K.H.O.A.E. II. H.O.A E. lick, rf 4 14 4 (iRoblnaon. rt. 4 1 1 t Bar, cf 1 4 1 Moran, aa.... 4 4 I I I Bradlar. Ik.. 4 4 11 t Balhack, If... 4 1114 Lajoie, lb ... 1 1 I 0 Hrn. cf I 1 I t I Hlckstas, lb. 4 1 I 4 4 Clarke, lb... 111 Mri.rthjf, u. I I 0 ajraughlls, lb. II I I Bcrnla. c 4 4 I I 0 MH'or k, lb. 4 114 4 OorbD'ar, a. I I I I 0; Klttraitga, a. 4 4 i I jaoora. u s wuuruio. ... 1 Totala ...I I IT 11 c Totala ...44 14 14 Cleveland . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Sacrifice hit: Bay, Flick, Moor. Stolen bases: Lajoie. Coughlln, Clarke. Double plays: Gochnauer to Hickman, Bradley to Lajoie to Hickman. First base on balls: Off Moore, 1; off Dunkle, S. Left on bases: Clevelp.nd, 3: Washington. 4. Struck out: By Moore. 3; by Dunkle, 4. Time: 1:13. L'mpire: Sheridan. Postpoaed Gasaes. At Detroit Detrolt-PhlladolDhla ' earns postponed; wet grounds. At St. Louis dt. Louis-New York gam postponed on account of nonarrlval, caused by railroad accident. Double-header tomorrow. Staaaiaar of the Team. Plaved. Won. Lest. P. ft Boston 101 Philadelphia 102 Cleveland 105 New York 9 Detroit 98 St. Loula 98 Chicago 102 Washington 101 Games today: Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Detroit. New York at St. Louis, Boston at Chicago. HARD LUCK F0R THE EAGLES Waheo Wla from the Fremaat Teane la m Match Fall of Bright ' "Playa, WAHOO. Neb.. Aue- 19 t Knactal i Tha Fremont Ear'es Inst a hard luck gam here yesterday. They outflelded the local and made the most hits, but were unable to get their safeties bunched. Holmes' made a splendid catch of a long 11 in left,- and Nethaway won the game for Wahoo in the ninth by a one-handed catch of a high liner wun two men on bases. Th cor: WAHOO. AB. R. H. O. A. E. 4 0 0 8 0 4 .. 4 4 4 4 ( .. J 4 4 ... I "a V 14 l! Ball, aa 1111 CrteUII, ... 4 1 11011 RHOAB. Kallev. If.... 14 1 alDaitae. ef.... I 1 I I 4 iaour, cl. I I 4 4 iTimy. Ik . 4 4 4 I I lx,l.n. rt ...4 .1 4 4 41 cirr. If... 4 441 b'klar. lk.. 14 air.ru.y. rt... 144 Bi.lul at, I). 1 I I I 11 Moran. a.. .. 4 4 T I 1 lalr. Ik 4 III 4 Ab lltblo. Ik 4 I 4 I I rurroraa. as. 1 1 1 I S Uran'iar. Ik. 4 1 I I riati. a a a la 1 siAubra. aa... a 1 a 1 lUka, 4 14 4 iMlarkaT. . 1 I Totals ... I 14 IT I ll ' ToUIa ... 4 4 IT 14 4 Cincinnati 10I03 f ITofttou io0000-0 Two-baa hit: Dexter, Beokley, Hahn, h WWJJMN ai Tunc or beer:$. fkeaar trtm H. Mae A t MMar 9 TaUU X One out when wlnnlnar run made. xx Batted for Moredtth In the eighth. Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 15 Toledo t 004002004 Two-base hits: Donahue, Unglaub. Three, boa hit: Smith. Donahue. Base on ball Off Meredith. 1. Hit by pitched ball; Ber nard. Struck out: By Meredith. 3: by Cris is .1, 1: oy ptimmei, 1. i,ert on Bases: Mil wauke, 4; Tolado, T. Tiro! 1:30. Umpire aiuiiane. Kawa' Battlag Tell, KAN8A8 CITY. Aug. 19.-Columhua played a loose game today, and while Kansa City also played carelesely they battel Wagner hard and won. Alloway waa efTectlve tor th local team. Attend ance, 4o. score: k ANSA CITT. COLCMBI S RHOAal BHOA1 Eotkfaaa. It, 1 I I I Arnat, If.... Ill Oaar. rt 1 I 4 4mtib. rt ..,l 1 4 4 Nanra, Ib .i.l 114 4 ClcaaoS. rt . 111 Oradr. k 1 miasmas, aa. 4 Hill, of 11 t K)inw, Ik.. 14 1 Butler, a lilt HaitMoa. cf... I 44 Laae, aa ... 1 14 1 4 Tarocr. Ik... III Kraula, lk... I I It 1 I Mallor. Ik.,. 1 1 II I Alluvai. . 4 I I I Tot. a I 1 1 Waar, ... 4 Totals ... I II IT II 1 I Totala ... I I 14 U Kansas City 3 0110030 Columbu 1 0 1 0 0-1 Two-baae hits: Oear (2). Leewe, Franta, Arndt, Smith, Fox. Home run: Mcllor Sscrltlce litis: Nance, Alloway, Gleason Btolrn bases: Cllngman. Bases on balls Off AHoway, 3; off Wagner, 6. Struck out By Alloway, I; by Wagner, 3. Left on base: Kansas City. 10: Columbus, t. Tim 1:31. umpire: cunmngnam. tiles Are l adrr Deg. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 1. -Two base on balls and a single In the seventh won the ram for Indianapolis today. Kellum was nvlnclble. and outside of the seventh in ula Thomas also pitched great bail. The Minneapolis team was shaken up today, Maloncy going to third. Mclntyra to first. Bpooner to right field and Yeager back to his old position behind th bat. Attend ance, 760. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. I MINNEAPOLIS a u o.a a 1 ft h o A . Klkst, lb.... 4 14 4 4 alilan. cl. I I I ( roi. Ik 1 I I 4 Malooar. Ik. 4 I 1 1 H,(rt..ar. rt 4 I 1 I Orlar. a 4 I I I 4 Hayaoa. ... 1 I I Molalf r. Ik. 4 4 11 4 4 WiMiruS, If. 4 4 1 4 4 Lallr. If 14 14 4 CoullOT. cf... 4 14 eaee, a. .. 4 4111 H.rr.a. ss ... 4 4 14 eooaar, rt.. I I a Taataatt. lb. 4 I 1 I 4 Mania. Ik... 4 4 I I Kailum. ... 4 4 1 ITInau, S...4 4 Taut ... I I n 11 TaaaJ ... mill Indlanapolla 0 M ( M I I M Minneapolis .- Double p'-ya: Martin to Ojier to Meln tyre: Oyler to Martin to Mclntyre. Raana on bait: Off Thomas, I Struck out: By I'komaa, 3, by aveUuna, 1. tltolea base; Hogrtevar, Heydon. Luft on base; Mln neepoUa, 3, iailana soils. 4 Hit bur tattehad 6 35 .663 68 44 Mi 66 44 .649 49 47 . 510 49 4 .600 45 63 . 469 4 M .461 32 69 .317 Nethaway, aa E. Johnson, c Medina, 2b F. Johnson. 3b.... Klllian. lb Anderson, If Mountain, if Crawford, cf Adams, p Total 82 4 4 x2 10 X Melchow out on bunt third Strike. FREMONT EAGLES. AB. R. H. Jens, ss 6 0 3 Konin, 3b 5 3 1 G. Cook, p I ' 1 ,1 IV COOK, .D 4 0 1 Melchow. lb 4 0 3 Walta, c.,.. 4 0 Holme. If 4 0 0 Glidden, rf 4 0 0 Louganecker, of 4 0 9 O. 10 3 0 7 X23 E. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Total 33 x Anderson out for batting out of turn. vl ahoa 0 1 0 2 V 0 1 x 4 Eagle 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 14 Run earned: Wahoo, 8; Eagles, 1. Two- DAN PATCH SETS NEW MARK Unbeaten Pio.ir Loweri Bur Pointer Mil Beoord hj Quarter 8eoond. WIND AND'TRACK OPPOSE THE ATTEMPT Faaseas Her Glide Over Coarse Swift 4 Steady as a Lee asetle ta III Victory with Time. NEW YORK, Aug. 19 -Dan Patch broke the world'a record today for pacers, paring a mile In 1:63 at Brighton Beach. It waa a magnificent performance, and aeemed an Impossibility, considering the wind and condition of the track. , . There waa a stiff breeae blowing, which struck the horses fairly In the face, but the effect waa discounted by sending a runner In front, while a second runner galloped alongside. In view oT the ad verse condition th announcement waa mada that Dan Patch would go against th track record of 2:00H and would also try to beat the champion record of 1:694, held since 1897 by Star Pointer. labeatea Horse Cheered. When the unbeaten pacer for Dan Patch never loot a race appeared ha waa loudly cheered, and after a few preliminary warm-upa he got the word. With a awlft, frlctionle stride he ahot from the wire and seemed to be determined to push his nose Into the flying aulky In front of him. He swept to the quarter In 29'i. and flashed past the half mile pole In 58. Then cam th difficult top turn, and th slowest quarter ensued, the three-quarters being in l:ti. Down the stretch he cama as swift and ateady aa a locomotive, and ahot under the wire at 1:69. - The new champion was not at all dis tressed, and looked aa If he will be able before pie season is over to beat his own record. The betting waa even money either for or against his beating the record. Summaries: Pacing. 1:07 class, purse 22,000. mile and a half dash: Locandra, blk. h. (Brookblne) 1 Winflleld Stratton. b. h. iMcGuIrs) 2 Onoto, b. nv (McDonald) 8 Sphinx, ch. g. (Spear) . 4 Suffreet. blk. m. ( t Charley Hoyt, b. m. (Sncw) t Berdlna. b. m. (Davis) 7 Benusant. br. h. (Geers) 8 Time: 3:16V. k'untnflfv iltnk Vsk rm mini,, tl nflft. for 2. ear-old trotters, three In five: Ethel's Pride, b. f.. by Dtrectum- Ethelwvn. by Harold (Currv)..w..2 111 Mary Oage, br. f. iKenney) ..1 2 2 2 LriDDie W'leen. gr. 1. (vnon) a a a a Bob Burdette, br. e. (Beachy) 2 4 3 da Oranoine, b. c. (Oreen,....- ds Blossom, b. f (Hudson) ds Time: 2:14 2:14, 2:14H. 2:16S Special, acalnst time to beat 3:00. and $2,600 to beat world'a record, 1:694, pacing: Dan Paten, c. n., by joe Fatenen-zciica, by Wilkes Berry (lcHenry 1 Time: 0:29. 0:58. MS14, 1:69. The Metropolitan, 86,000 purse, 2:30 pacers: Dick Wilson, br. h., by Clay King (Wilson) 1 4 4 12 1 Hal Chaffln. br. g. (Oeers) 4 8 12 12 Diabllt, b. g. (Walker) 2 1 2 3 8 3 Mary Anna, b. m. (Snow) 2 I I ro Gilbert H. blk. g. (McDonald),6 dr Time: 2:08. 2:H, 2:09. i:104. 2:14, 2:12. Trotting, 2:18 claae, purae )2,000, two in three: Dillon Boy, b. h., by Baron Dillon (Hudson) 1 2 1 Ida Gray. b. m. (Clark) 7 1 2 Grace Keller, br. m. (Cox) 8 8 Joe N. blk. g. (Andrewa) 3 6 (I Neckette, b. m. (Fisher),. ,.6 4 Crowshade, br. m. (Wallf 4 7 S Dark Secret, br. m. (Davis) .....3 4 da Christina O. br. m. (Phelps) 8 da Hi Boy, b. g. (Stansborough and Walker) ...9da Tim: 1:1414. 3:1314. t:lV - .1 Resalta at Saaga. SAUOUS, Maaa .'Aug.'Isl-iA larg attend ance, fast track and llviHy.fnteres! marked th second day of the meeting a,t Old Sau gua track.' Summary:- t ' 1 : Pacing, 2:09 claaa, purse 1500:- Prlncesa Mouquette, br. oi., w-on in three etralght beata. Beat time: 2:1014. Trotting, 2:20 class, purae 3500: Sellah. br. f., won In three straight heats. Best time: :1714. Pacing. 2:19 claaa, purae 2500: Henry N. b. g., won three heats and the race; Pat L won one heat. Best ltme: 2:15V Result at Deeatar. DECATUR, 111.. Aug. 19'.-Reult: 2:16 trot: Bourbon won In ctrutgiU heats. Time 2:1814. 2:19. t:TM,. - 2:! puce: Cherry Prince won in straight neats. lime z:it4. 2:10'. z:io. 2:12 trot: Cozad won Hecona, third and fourth heats. Time 2:134, 2:1314, 2:14. Gavatta won first heat. Time 2:124. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Novices' Steeplechase Replete with Disaster aa the Saratoga Coerae. SARATOGA. N. T.. Auar. l-Althoueh there were seven starter In th steeple chase for 4-year-';lds and upwards, which had never won a steeplechase of the value base hlta: Q. Cook, F. Johnson. Stolen ' l". but three finished. Manllian threw haaea: . Ron in R Cnnir . ibiuhi, niav-I tils rider. Pending, but without Injury to Mountain to Medina Bases on balls: Off jatier; cemper, ira ana eeminoie re- Cook, 1. Struck out: By Cook, 2: by Adam, k. Wild pitches: By Cook, 2. Tim of gama: 1:20., Umpire: Crawford. Tildea Beat Jaalors. TILDEN. Neb.. Aug. 19.-(8pectal Tele gram.) TUden won the second game of th stiie from th Union Stock Yard Junior today In a fast and excltlna same, by the Score of 2 to 2. McLean and Prevo pitched aplendid ball, each allowing only five hits. rrevo naa a nine tne nest 01 11 uy atnaing out fourteen men. Hits were bunched on the Junior in the second Inning, winning the game for Tilden. The Junior had r.umerou chances to win out and better baa running would have won. McLean and Miller's two-sackera were the feature. Attendance SCO. Score: TUden 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Juniors 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0-3 Batteries: Prevo and dry; McLean and Miller, liaee hlta: Tilden 6, Juniors 6. Er rors: Junior 2 .Tilden 2. Earned run: Tilden 2. base hits: McLean. Miller. Struck out: by Prevo 14, by J 10 Lean 6. Base on balls: Off Prevo 8. Time: 1:2a Umpire: Smith. Regeata Los First Gasae. BANCROFT, Neh., Aug. 19 -(Speclsl Tele, gram.) The Regents lost their first game to Bancroft in a clowely contested same today by a score of 7 to 8. It took eleven Innings to decide the victory. Donahue was on the slab and pitched well, striking out twelve men, while his opponent fanned out eight. Two wild throws In the eleventh Inning gave Bancroft th game. Score; R.H.E. Bancroft. I I 1 M 0 t 1 I H-l I I Resents .340100 00000 TT3 Batteries: Regents, Donahue and Tare; Bancroft.. Tmrunt and Harvey. Double plays: Donahue to Kill, Kill to Casstdy to Kennedy. Two-baae hits: Kill, Nllason, Farley. Umpli: Fletcher. Coleridge 1 a Wlaaer. COLERIDGE, Neh., Aug. II. (Special Telegram.) In the first day sport at th carnival toaay me nan game Between liar- ting-ton and Coleridge resulted in a victory for Coleridge by a score of 20 to 1. Bat teries: Coleridge, Thum and Wood: Har- tington, Vaughn and Hansen. The matched foot rare for 1.5 a slue between Wood of Coleridge and Neunamaker of Laurel was won by wood oy eixnt inches. About a-"v ciiai.sed hand. A big crowa la expected tomorrow. Pallertea W la aad Lose. SHELBY. Neb.. Aug. l.-(Sneclal Tele ram.) A bis crowd witnessed the first games of the ball tournament here this afternoon. Th Kullerton Invincible won th lirst game from the Fremont Eaglvs by a score of 11 to 1. but Fullerton was beaten the next game by the Shelby Storm Strutters, I to 1 Batterlea: Shelby Storm hti utters, Lang Torn and Lewis; h ullerton, Stempson and Skeen. L'mpire: John Ludlow. Baa Ball Taaraasaeat at Shelby. SHELBY, Neb.. Aug. 19 8peclal.)Thle la the first day of the baae ball tournament to be held here for three days. The nines to compete for the cash prise are the Fuller, ton Invincible, the Fremont Eagles and the Storm Strutters. the latter being Phelby's colored team that ha a been tour ing the state for several weeka. Two gam will b played each afternoon and eah team will play four gsme. Fullerton Mat LL otbM twe Buna loaavr. which had seven starter's. In the third lie.it f the t 45 trot Mr. Conlay' regular driver of McKmley wss removed and an other driver called to take his plsce. Tlil change waa made because It wss th opin ion of tho Judges that McKlnley wss not being driven to win, but merely to cap ture second money. The results: 1:17 pace: Jessie M won. Rubber Neck second, Anawlll third. All Aboard distanced. Time 2.2mi. 2.4 trot: Daisy L won. McKlnley secord, Mesmerism third, Minnie Wlllce fourth. Miss Lockhart fi'th. I'lco M sixth, Happy Secret seventh. Time 2 '!. One mile and repeat, running: Iidy Chatam won. Emerald second, P-irpulette third. Harry Jones distanced. Time 1 47: W. P. McCfearv officiated as starier. The Judges were Mnrl"n Fugste of Elba. Couch Of Omit ha and Charles Mercer and Akin of Hastings Timers: Otis Pmlth of Hast ings and George Smith of Nelson. dohertys"are again victors Collin and Watdaer Beaten by Irrlt. Ish Teaals Champions la Three Straight et. NEWPORT. R. I . Ana. 19 -The Doherty retained their hold on the national doubles championship today bv a brilliant straight set victory over Collin and Waldner. the challenger. H. L. Doberty was the most effective of th four, although his margin over his brother and Collins wna slight. The western tesm played much better ten nis than yesterday, when they defested the eastern champions, Ward nnd Ware. Both champions and the challenger ap peared to be In prime form. Tlay began at top speed The first eet went to the champions. Both teams fought hard for the second and It was full of brilliant ral lies end lobs end volley, but th British plavers took the lead and were never headed. Tn the third the American fought gamely, but were no match for the clever Enellsnmen. , Next to the doubles In Importance waa tho match In singles between R. F. Do. herty and Kelgh Collins Each player had played In the hard doubles match In the morning, besides disposing of a man in slnrles In the early afternoon, but In spite of this handicap both put up a creditable game. Doherty took the first set In -2. but Col Una wss alwavs at the net In the second and played so "well that he won the st, 6-2. Doherty tooR tne leid in tne inira set. 8-4, and 4o-. but Collins ran the game out and ele-nteen game were pisyea De fore the Britisher placed the set to his credit. In the fourth set Doherty foreel himself more and ran out quite easily. r,-s. American tennis ennmpionsMp in nounies: R. F. and H. L. Doherty (holders), beat Kreleh Collins and L. H. Waldner (chal lengers). 7-S. fl-3, 6-3. Championship stneies: nrst rouna. it. Stevens bent R. T. D.ins. 8-1. 6-1. 6-1. Sec ond round. N. Mellard beat H. W. Slocum, 7-5, 0-2. -4. C. M. Bull beat W. W. White, jr., 8-7, 6-2. a-1. C-8. C. F. Sands beat II 1j. Nealy bv default. L. It. Waldner be-t J. K. D. Jones, 4-4. 12-10. 2-. 4-4. 6-4. K. Collins beat J. A. Rverson. 6-0, 6-1, 6-1. R. F. Dohertv bent B. F. Merrill. -l. 6-2. fl-l. H. L. Doherty beat M. B Colket. 6-2. 6 2. 6-0. R. Stevens best H. W. Stlnes by de fault. H. G. Derlnx best Desne Miller. F-7. S-6. 9-7. 8-6. H. fi. Mnhonev best A. Stlllmnn. 6:1. 6-2, fi-3. Kenneth Morton beat L. E. Mnhon. -, -. T-3. 6-0. F. P. Lamed beat E. W. Scott. 6-2. 6-2. Thomas Rldirewnv best T. F. Held hy de fault. Holeombe Ward beat Bti'er Lsmpe. 6-1. 6-1. 6-3. Third round: R. H. CaHeton best E. A. Freshman. 6-?. -', W. ,T. Clothier beat C. R. Sands. 6-2. 4-6, 6-8. 6-1. O. A. L. Dlonne beat H. Normsd. 6-4, - 6-2. H. IT. Whltmn beit R. L. Smith. -. 8-6. 6-0, 7-S. R. F. Doherty beat Krelgh Collins 6-2. 2-6. 10-S. 6-3 R. P. Huntington beat William Burden, 6-1, 6-2, 6-4. Atlaatie Win Magging Match. ATLANTIC. Ia.. Au. 19 (Special Tele- gramO Atlantic defeated Creston In a hotly contested aame here today. 9 to R. The feature of the game was the heavy hitting or potn teams, altnougn tne looms pulled out In the lead. Strobough of the home team In four times up made a single, a double and the first clean home run hit on these grounds this season. Batterlea: Atlantic, Schooler and Marshall; Creston, Welch. Townend and Corbltt. Hits: Atlan tic. 10; creston. 8. Struck out: By Schooler. 8; by Welch, 2. Error: Atlantio, 4; Creston, 6. Umpire: Murrow. Game tn Three-I Leagoe. v At Cedar Rapids: Cedar Rapids 7. Spring field 1. At Rockford: Rockrord 4. Decatur 2. At Dubuque: Dubuque 2, Rock Island 11. At Davenport: Davenport 8. Bloom 'net on 4. - 1.. . ' ' 1 ; ..-i-.-. ... , Star Beat, Bine. , , Th Twenty-fifth Street Star beat the Blue Streak yesterday afternoon by a score of 16 to 6. The bntterv for the Stars, F. Richenbach and W. Shorter, did excel, lent work. W. Rose nd Will Rose wer the battery for the Blue mreaka. If you qre a sufferer from this dread affliction of the skin and want to see actual proofs, absolute and Indisputable, that this disease, so long considered incurable, rapidly yields to the soothing and curative qualities of that most astonishingly effective me dicament known as the PRESCRIPTION call at our store and we will be pleased to show you such evidence of its almost mar velous cures that will leave no doubt In your mtnd'as to Its absolute merits. Try it on our guarantee. FOR SALE ONLY Sherman AMcCoanell Drag; Cm., "ltth aad Dodge Street, Omaha. fused the jump after going part of the rout and Higte went down on the last cir cuit, arter having run wen an tne way. Tankard won by fifteen lengths. Result: first race, aix turiongs: jngoid won. Iron Llndsey eecond, The Guardsman third. Time: 1:184. Second race, steeplechase, handicap, full course: Tankard won. Beau Ideal second, Daryi third. TTme: :u. Third race. Ave and a half furlonars Ocean Tide won. Juvenal Maxim second, Wisard third. Time: 1:064. Fourth race, the Kenuett mile and a quarter: Injunction won. Short Hose aee ond. Reliable third. Time: 2:&iS. Finn race, six turiongs: The Minute Man won, crown j-nnce second, Kohinoor third. lime: i:u. Rlvth rap, one mile: Tyidv Potentate won. Syrllne second, Royal third. Time: Seventh race, five and a half furlonars : Tolsan won. Monastic second, Tom ,od iniro. limri i;ui. . CHICAGO. Auk. 19 Results: First race. Ave furlona-s: Determination won. rtusn second, Duroar tnira. Time 1:024. Second race, steeplechase, short course Indian II won. Paul Aker aecond. Oliver Mc third. Time: 2:66. Third race, six furlongs: A. n. Gibson won. Walnamoine aecond. Beaumond third. Time: 1:13. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Orislna won. The Olver second, llunah third. Time: 1:474. Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards; Cornwall won, Vehamua second, Frivol tbtrd. Time: 1:434. Sixth race, Ave and a half furlongs: Don Pom won. Auditor second, Peter Paul third. Ti"ie; 1:071. T Ull lB. Aug. is. itesuit: First race, five and a half furlonars: Dr. Cart led won. Frsnk Collins aecond. Men- don third. Time: 19'4. riecona race, six turionxs: Msuory won. Jake Wber second, Jo Clou third. Time: 1:144. Third rae, en mile and a sixteenths Fals won, Kinvstelle second. Dr. Hart -1 a. . .Jfc: nnai won, r in", pru dclimiu, t.,.it.urif . .ii tl.i-d Time: 1:14V. I treatment. Treatment bf HJa. Flfth race, one mile ana eventy yards; 1 fa 1 ana. Flint lsck won. Ada N. aecond, Plrater third. Time: 1:48. sixth race, on mile and a Quarter; utln Coat won. Jenna second. Gin Spruy third. Time: 2;(i4. Bl'FFAI-O, Aug. 19 Reultr Flrt rc. six furlongs: Fluk won, Dr. Rllay second. Carnu-ck third. Tims: 1:16. Second race, four and a quarter furlongs: Flo Manola won. Australlna second. Rector third. Time: :. Third race, six furlongs: John won. Cater pillar second. Rip third. Time: 1 144. Fourth race, one mile and an eighth: Cole Anderson won. Kings Pet second, John Drake third. Time: 1 E.4V Fifth race, seven furlong: Jigger won. Flaneur second. Four Leaf C third. Time: 1:32. Sixth race. teeplechse, about on and three-quarter miles: Billy Ray won, Far dy, jr., second. L. W. third. Time: 8:61 '4. Gea4 RaelasT at Hastlags. HA8TINOS. Neb.. Aug. 19-Speclal Tel egram.) The first day's events of the Ne braska racing circuit, which 1 being held here for three days this week under the auspice of the Hastings Driving and Riding association, was witneaaed by la-a) spectators. The weather was perfect and the track waa In excellent condition The la-raaat field i ttaraea waa ia th 1.43 tret. Dr.Soarles&SearlGs specialists Cur AU Special DISEASES OF m BLOOD POISON WEAK, KERVOUS Ult 1IDSEY AND BLA3DE& DISEASES Treatment aad MgaUela S5.00 PER LlOIITi! Examination and ad vie free at Office et wriLLaai conirac-a aivvu iu b.li r refuna money paaa la 1 14 years Gmm, 14th aunt aToeuglaua, OMAHA. V,.,,, , i !n TmTwr4aV ot f rntmm " '7' V .1 I m9 iraVarr xrrrwLATmL.u ronoLT Txnjti to V-a.m.1 ) ii J Myn mwcs iw HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS raos all points en naissouni pacihc railway. GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST, INDIANA. WESTERN 0BI0 AND LOUISVILLE. KT Sptenbr UU 8th. 151k and October (th. Betara limit. 3 days. DON'T MISS. THIS CHANCE T wtelt lha aid ttana and aaa yaui frienda ot ether day. roe Msrrieuutea. txeuie or cotaeaav a aatHT, oa L C TtlWMtKDk Oaaarml faanr. aa Ttefea Aaai. Five Trains a Day via the Chicago & North-Western Railway, over the only double-track railway between Omaha and Chicago, offer to the traveling public the test oj everything in the way of the modern conveniences of travel. The Eastern Express fant train, leaving Omaha daily 5.50 p. m., arriving Chicago 7.15 next morning, with an admirably arranged equipment of Pullman draw ing room ana tourist sleeping cars, iree reclining cnair cars ana standard day coaches, buffet smoking and library cars, and dining cars (a la carte), is one of the most popular trains in the West. The Overland Limited electric lighted, with buffet smoking car, standard and p. m., reach.ng compartment sleeping cars, observation and library car, leaves umana tiany at 0.15 Chicago 0.00 the next mominc, Other through trains leave umana iortnicago . and points east at 3.40 a- m., coo a. m. ana 11.30 a.m. Information to schedules, rates, sleep- log car reservations, on application H. 0. CHEYN E V. Omtaai. Aetm; I40I-OS FARNAM T., OMAHA. DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND THE WEST ,o Change of Cars THE OVERLAND ROUTER all 1 1 .c way Electric Lighted Trains, ComparitnenS Observation Car. . Buffet Smoking and Library Cars. Fullman Palace Sleaping Can, Dining Cars, meal a la carte, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Car, etc. - --assan t sun your ticket riads ovir th. Union Paciflo Fall infonaallon tarnwhad on uppueauon 10 Ctly Ticket OBlee, 24 Farnam St. "Phone 118- ESPiCS CIGARETTES. OR POWDER ns. - a . 1 w a laasj jm m. -sir- aaV -a.- 0 . ' t-aaaaai at sM ll W ff MtH!UWUMa.fla tT y'liBtVV 1 Caaillotaaiora. railtalaaraVl 'aSaraaa.iaaaiaMliMa eauaaura U Irntaiiaua r alrauos A. J mmt m Mrt.ian. of aaaaaaa aiaajbc mm. ISVMaah raalaaM. raialaaa, a But HUH 'KltvaatCittwoa'j. iii m kv'kmii. . I tisiun.l f ' "1 aVal aWvacvlaa. hi. r '' JT I aT. arasa. las -'J A ' -''' '- r Cuaaias aaaa iaaaW THE US It is a Pleasure to have an office in a building where everything runs smoothly and where your wishes regard intr the little things that are often annoying are taken care of without tTbe necessity of .l.lnl The Buperintendent of The Bee Building devotes all of his time to supervision of service, repairs and the comfort of the tenant. It mar surprise you that you can rant a very comfortable office, inoludlnc all ot th benefit of good aerrlo. for 110 00. All of our pSIcm are light, cool and attractive. R. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL AGENTS, GROUND FLOOR. BOB BUILDING