Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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All Board of TraJe Products Taie Tnnib'e
During the Day.
Flae Matarlngr Wcatker Scads Cora
Diwi, On! a Ease Off la Sympathy,
Wall rrra Liquidation In
sett; Provisions.
CHICAGO, Aug. 18. There was another
big uetiilne in wueAt iouay utlo 10 tueu
il.uluauun and tiding pruts war near the
bvituiu. Bu-pum-er co.ij cms. u iowe.-,
oats wore uown mc, wiii.u vViS.wii. weie
Irum 10 hinr lu c wwai.
Xiid whetoi pit th.woo a fair d'gree of
atrengln at t..e .tar., uUe lu th .iraoy
cauiee, the foreign nial.)J on,g up o.i
I o porta oi Wet .. her in Engiauu ffiJ in
tne continent, wit 11. c.miui-lon
liuuau buying r.y In tne uay mu a.u.-i'
veulng .o c Miner tl tw4t. tj ,
K, iiLtn.ufti aavancou tj .i-.kc. ifij snenui
ui of oniy short i.ura.luii, however, tuia
witn a big brcaa lu p.ic.s a.arud uowa
ward. On th ueC.i.i.. more waa coiiMu
erabie, rclling for snort ueouni and miny
stop-losa oiarrs were r Ic.fu, wh.tii aud d
to ihs wcaKrtcs. ih nr.aa .n cji n'j
ti.e wheat, us u.d tue .n tnj wond
visible aai)piy, i.6,v,iMi, tiwun jy ll.a.i
atieet, aiiu extr.tna wtaknenj jjie.ail.u ih3
latter part of the secmon. Afier Sc. ling
uuwn to c beptoniorr cloaed at auxi
i;tc, a loss of l-o lor Ida day. Clearanuej
ot wneat ana iv,ur werw tqual to iOAvvu
bushels. 1'rlmary receipts wro 4io.dou
busnels, atainst J,857,i0o uuehola a yeir agj.
Mlnneapoua and DulJth reported rece.luta
of loo cars, wnica, witn local receipts of
221 cars, 41 ot coiuraec fraue, madu to'.ai
re4aita for the tnreo points of tit cars,
astV.iM IV J cars last wcea and ill cara a
year ago.
Corn was rather dull and ruled weak
throughout tho latter part of the sesslnn.
Fine maturing wtather was the tactcr. The
nature in the trading was tne at lung of
Bnptember Against lloeiai country purcnanea
which caused a decline of over VsC In the
market. March received fair support from
commission houses, which helped to steady
prices. After eelllni; between ultyo and oi'-nc
September closed 'o lower. Local receipts
were Ml cars, with 47 of contract grade.
Oats wrre up a trifle at the start on a
fair demand from commission houses. The
general trnde, however, was dull and prices
oon eased off In sympathy with other
grains. The close was a trifle aasler, with
eptember off HitfVc after ranging between
237c and 34l4c. Local receipts were more
liberal at J)t2 cars.
Provisions moved up some at the out
set as a result of coveting by shorts, for
eigners doing most of the buying, lbs
mailer run of hogs and higher prices at
the yards also helped the advanee. But at
the higher prlcos liquidation set in and a
reaction set In. September pork cloned. 10c
lower. September lard was up tV87Vc at
fl.tVfcHI.V), and ribs were 10c lower at
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
80 cir; corn, 145 can; oats, 126 cars; hogs,
7,0OO head. .
The leading futures ran god as follows:
Artlcles.1 Open. High. I Low. c'lose.YeVyT
a Bept.
b Bept.
b Dec.
Sept Dec.
82Ti'l S3 Kl '
tl 1 $2
83V4 8414
ei-aicK7BIS 71
BIB.' C.Bj ,
6245 H
63 V4
331 34
87tI 3714,
12 m
12 S2
12 95
IS 12Vi
12 5
12 7&
12 7t41 12 77V4
12 75 12 (Ki
13 07V4I 13 12V4
77H 7R3H
13 12V4
7 81
7 90 1 7 72H
7CV4 7D2Vi
7 67141 7 6214
7 83H 7 K
7 40 7
40 I 760
60 7 66
7 67V4I 7 62V4I
No. t n Old. t Mw.
Cash quotations er as follows:
FLOUR Quiet but steady; winter pat
nts, t3.753.ff.
WHEAT No. i spring. n83e: No, . T
fUe; No. 2 red, SOli-SHc. "
CORN-No. J. 6114JHc; No. t yellow.
dATS-No. t 334c; No. 3 white. 83V4
RTEJ-No. 2, 6145tc
8AI.S;Yi''alr '" '-nolce malting, 4vaMfl.
8KED8 No. 1 flax. 06V4e: No. i north
western, tl.OO; prims timothy, il.40.
CIXVER Contract grade, $12.(KHil2.50.
PROVISIONS Mess oork. n Khl in HI
12.00. Lard, per 100 lbe., 7.TOM,C7.75. Short
ribs, sides (loose), $7.1?4ft7.S7l4; salted
shoulders (boxed), I7.2oiij7.60; short clear
siuea luuxeu), es.uudrs.l'Vs.
The following were the receipts and ship
ment of flour and grain yesterday;
... ftecelprx, Shipments.
Flour. bb!e. 28.700 4.800
Wheat, bu 238.W0 IS.&tiO
Com, bu 2S4.400 176.600
Oats, bu 478.600 350,900
Rye. bu 4.S0O
Barley, bu 17,600 900
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, 1419e:
dairies. 1V3I7c. Kara, steaJv; at mark
fS2?.",,,ncluded 1418Ho. Cheese steady at
Qaatatloas ( tha Day an Varloaa
Commodltlea. '
5TORK- Au- M.-SteOUR-Recelpt,
,747 bbls.; exports. 21.984 bbls. Unsettled
and lower to sell; winter patents. 3.oa
4.30; winter, atralghti, .664I3 0; Minnesota
patentB, 84T0(i.4.95; winter extras. 2.90fl3.26;
Minnesota bakers", 13. 660)3 90; winter low
grades. 8JJO106. Rye flour, quiet; fair
togood, 2.0a.83; choloe to fancy, 83.S&
cbRNMEAL-Dull; yellow, western, n.10;
city, tl.lo; lilln dried. 83.3033 31.
RTK Dull; No. 3 western, 69c f. a b..
afloat; mate. BSo c. I. f.. New Tork.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, &2c e. 1, f
New York; malting, 61Vt7o o. i. f.. New
WHEAT Receipts. K.700 bm; exports.
1.847 bu. Bpot weak: No. 3 red. 84'4c, ele
vator, and 87,c f. o. b.. afloat; No. X north
rn, Duluth, 64T4C f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
hard. Manitoba, 94c f. o. b., afloat Op
tlona. after a brief opening advance, due
to Minneapolis' strength ai4 covering, suc
cumbed to a bear rani In tha ftn
liquidation became extremer. causing ma
n terlal declines all round, aided by a large
Increase In world's stock and poor export
demand. Closing firlees showed H1M4e net
deollno. My. Wlle, closed SSte; 8P
tember closed 8Sc; December, M lJ-lso.
Closed 87o.
CORN-Recelpts, ,00 bu.; exporU. S8.398
pu.; spot, easy; jo. x. eHC. elevator, and
69o f. o. b.. afloat. Ontlnn mirv.t frnm
start to finish was weak and heavy undor
bearish weather news and general liquida
tion, closing T4c net lower. September. B7V
uwu uici Livcemoer, vioromc.
Closed- 6TWc.
OATS Receipts. 77.40 bu.; spot, dull; No.
t, 39e: standard white, 4!e; No. 3. SDHc; No
I white. 4?e; No. 8 white. 4114c; track
White 41 4C14C. v
AI wiuet- cupping, TRff5c; good o
HOP-Firm: stata eomtnnn in .KMn.
1901. J0liiJ24c: lMi, 14(t17c; olds, tfSe: Pa-
Vlliu Bt.. A4V, a.1 WI 'ajT!,
HIDES-flteady; 6slveston. to 25 lbs..
jau. v-inioi i.i. iu iii 10a., isc; isxas ary
24 to 80 lbs , 14a.
LKATHKR Bteadv: acid. KttUXLn
RICK Firm: domestic, fair to extra. 4149
PROVI810NH .Beef. Arm: fml1 hum
-60; beef hafns 3il.6OU2S.00; packet', 9.0ifi
8.60; olty. extra India mees. W4.0O'6 l. Cut
KMti, quiet; picjtiea nellies, JSOOlfll 60
tilckleil BIionlilerBi T7 Rl 1 j.,.i&. . .
ern steamed. 8800: refined, ouiet:
rW: South AitiArlcta., W75; oomtvtiunA, fT.10
Alaasa (IK ftArtlT IW4 ..... Ill AAJI1I l '
rALLCVV-Steady; city. 4Se; country.
IiTJTTKR Receipts. 17.20ft nkga.; state
dalrv. l4i17Wi: rraamerv Kftiifei
CHEftSK-Reeelpts, 18.600 rkga.; steady to
nrm ; aiate, run creem. lanry, small, ool
ored. lose: Small, white. KH40; large, ool
ored and white, lMo.
EtJCitl Receirts. 11.700 pkew : strong;
w"-' ' . -. 'in 'i - to wxTma. iwint.
POULTRY Alive firm: western phlckna,
ijijc; turkeys, lie; dreed, qulat; weat.
ern broilers, lit? He; fowla. lie; turkeys
MKTAL SdoI tin was lOo lover In
don. closing t f 123 Is (ower for futures
at fli 1. The local market win eaav at
m mtrzr on. cnptMir was tmehansed la Ixin.
Ann a' an for ritnt and tA las futnrM
Locally copper was quiet. Lake, at 813.0M
13 T& and rastlea at til it Lead w
nhngd In 1-nndno at 11 7a ad and at
in mew York, ftltver advaneed 2 d
in London end raraale.d itnchanved here at
Iron rloJd s 81a 1M In London: lo
cally Iron was uncharged, althr-urh south
rn ad'-ioee ren-ted deellnea at the fur
nooea .of wie si ei ft m; roftrm waa
. minted at 817 FO(fia.o6: N t northern, a
818 6017.00; Na. 1 .. era and No, 1
aoutnern son. at i TCT17 90.
. .
S" . a mn rrevuiaai.
LiVi-RPOOIa, Any.- U.-WIIEAT-Spot,
No. 2 wcatern winter, new, firm, 6a 4d:
No. 1 northern, spring, nrm, te 8d; No. 1
California, strong, M iCd; futtirea, steady;
Eeplemlicr 6s 7d; October, tie eld; Lecem
bor, 7'd.
t'OHN-hpot, American mixed, firm, 4a
9d; futures, quiet; September, 4a 71d; Oc
tober, 4s Sd.
Condition of Trade aad Qaotatloaa aa
Staple and Fancy Prodaee.
EGOS Freih stock, loan off, Ho.
LIVE J'OL'LTHY-lions, Ku'e; soring
cliickeup, per lu., liVo; roosters, accord
ing to e, tin 6c; I0IHC..B. JtKOilc; old ducks,
H; young ducks, kfiloc.
liUTlER footing stock. ITHfflSe; cholc
dairy, In tul.s, )5o-lijc; separator, l!Uc.
FRKSH I'lSH Fresh caught trout, HI
Wf; pickerel, ,8c; pike, luc; perch, Sc,
buffalo. 7Vw8c; bluefiHh. 16c; whlieileli, 9fl
(He; nal nn.n, 13c; haddock, liV; codfish, Uo,
reiianepper, Itic; lobster, boiled, per lb.,
roc; loLMera, grcn. per lb., Wc, bullheads,
11c; catOali, 14c; black bass, 2citf::c; halibut,
10c; craj.plcs, lie; herring. c; white baas,
10c; liluellns, 8c.
HRAN-l'r ton. 31.1.60.
II A V Price quotod by Omaha Wholessle
Toalers' associ-t'.ou; cnolco No. 1 upland,
18.00; No. 2,$7&fl; medium, $7.00; ooarse,
18.50. Rye straw. io. mese prices are
(or hny of gouu color and quality. Demand
fulr and rocclpti light
t'oitw ac.
OATS 37a.
RYE-NO. !. R0c.
NEW rOTAlo.f Southern and home
grown, per bu., iixgfci.e.
CL'CL'MBEKSltooie grown, per dox., 30c.
iU'.A.Nb noma grown, wax, per market
harket, VOijSuc; airing, per inuraet baaket,
V..AL.LIFLOWER Home grown, per dos.,
CABBAGE New home grown, 1144JH4C
PUREEN CORN-Per dos.. 10ei2c.
TOMATOES Homo grown, yer basket,
KlJUP.ARn-Pcr !t., lc.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.80.
C'KLERY Michigan, per dos.. 30336o.
ONION'S New home grown, dry, per lb.,
2c; fancy Washington stock, per lb., 2a
PLTJMS WUon, 81.60; Kelsey, Japan, 81-60.
PRUNES Ttogedy, per box, Qross,
$1.05; silver, $1.40.
PEACHES California, early freestones
and early C'rawforde. $1.05.
CRAB APPLE8-Per bbl., $3.
PEARS California, Barilett's, per box,
$2.36. M M
CANTAIXJUPE Texas standard, per
crate. $2.28; per 4-crate, $2; home grown,
per dot., $1.76. ,
APPLES New stock, 14-bu Wo; Dutches
and Weltheys, per 3-bu. bbls., $3.
BLUEBERRIES Wisconsin, per 18-o.t
case, $2. .
ORAPES-Callfornla Tokays. $1.75.
WATERMELONS Missouri, 264ji30c each;
crated, per lb., net, 114c.
FIGS Turkish, 18-lb. box, per lb., 18o.
ORANGES Mediterranean. all slsea,
$3 60; St. Mick pa or paper rind, all slses.
$3.o64.00; Valcnclas, $4.25.
LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 300
slses, $4.7Mi5.00; choice, $; 240 to 270
sizes, $4.0CKu4.26.
LIMES Florldn, per -basket tratn, $0.00.
POPCORN-Per lb., 214c; swelled. Jo.
HIDES NO. 1 green, nc; Ko. i green.
6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 61. c;
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8V4c; No. 2 veal
calf 12 to 16 lbs., 614c; dry salted hides. S'S
12c; Sheep pelts, 6i;76c; horse hides, 1.6ty
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, tier n
17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell,
per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., lie;
Brazils, per lb.. 12c; filberts, per lb., 12o ;
almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 18c: hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb.. 1214o;
small, per lb., lie; peanuts, per lb.. 614c;
roarted peanuts, per lb., 7c
St. Loots Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18. WHEAT Lower
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, sue; tracR,
8l4c; September, 79Ho; December, 8814'
K3V.c: Mir. &c: iso. 2 nam. ivawo.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 47o; track.
49u4?Hc: September. 47c; uecember. bc
May, 40c.
OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 33o; track, 339
S5c; September, .3314c: December, 844o;
May. 37c: No. 2 white, SSHc.
RYE Quiet at Mc.
n ATTll LI... J, . p.,1 wlnla,
$4 004.10; extra fancy and straight. 83.70
tjuiij; clear, 3.m3.80.
KfciWD 'iimotny. nigner, w.z"(g.u.
CORNMEALSteady at $2.60.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. TB-aTSo.
HAY Steady: timothy, old. $6.00315.00;
new, $12.60; prairie $8.0011.00.
KlN COM I IJIN M 1H, el.Ui
B AGOING 04ff61tc.
vroVRIONH Pork. lower: lobblnr.
standard mess. $12.0714. Lard, firmer at $7.M.
Bacon (boxed), lower; extra siiorta, X7.7BV4:
clear ribs, $8.6214; short clear, $8.90.
M EM A L,o jueaa, nrnv at .iu. opener,
firm at $6.60.
POULTRY steady; cnicxens, o; springs,
11c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 81499c; geese,
UTTER Quiet; creamery, 14$20c; dairy,
IjUWkl aa,B'1v.. - ' w, " """" ...
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls U.OOO 12.000
Wheat, bu 109,000 67.000
Corn, bu 39.000 69,000
Oats, bu 69,000 80,000
Kaniaa City Grain and Provllons.
KAVaAR CITY. Autf. 18. WHEAT Sen-
temhiw-. 70c: December. 71iI7314c: cash. No.
l.-A -7.-, XI fl 7;X. Sjn L rjt'r, 71V. Un
2 red. 78c; No. 3, 76c.
CORN oeptemDer, etvc; uecemoer,
44Uc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4614c; No. 2 white,
tffic; No. 3. 4614c. ' . .
OATS No. I white, Kuaoc ; no. mixea.
RYE Np. 2. 6W40.
HAY Choice timothy. 39.6010.00: choice
prairie. $8.50(39.00.
Bl'l ifin t- reamery, lactic; oairy, iao.
Eaas-Fresh, 1314c
Receipts. Shipments.
Corn, bu 24.000 40.000
Oats, bu 2,000 6,000
Philadelphia Prodoco Market.
Dull: orlnts. lo lower: extra western
creamery, 19V4c; nearby prints, 2oc.
EGGS firm, goo a aemana; iresn near
by. 21o loaa off: weaterns. 31c: aouthweet-
ern, 21cj southern, I6&V0.
CHtriSU-liun ana Dareiy steaay; mew
York full creams, choice, new, UfVio.
Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran.
tember, 3Fo: December, 79V4e. , On track:
No. 1 hard, KA43tc: No. 1 northern, 94V40
ttc; No. 2 northern. 82t8J14c; No. 8 hard.
tfc. . . . .
( litiUK-nrst patents, . 03 so; secona
patents, $4.tO24.70; first clears, $3. 70if3.80.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Aug. 18.-.WHEAT No. 1
northern. 96tJ07c: No. 3 northern, $4131960;
new September, 80T4e, bid.
RTli steady; ino. 1. 64c.
liAKUti-ateaay; iNo. z, dstouc; sample.
ORN September, 6114c, bid.
Dnloth Grain Market.
DULUTH. Aug. 18. WHEAT In atore:
No. 1 hard. 8o: No. 1 northern. ftT&o: No.
1 northern, 81c; Bentember, U'lac
OAM-s on track, Sac
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Aug. 28.-CORN-Steady; Nc 8.
HHc; No. 4. 601c.
OATS Easy ; No. I white, 33o; new, Nc
4 white, 334t33c
Toledo seed Market.
TOLEDO, Aug. It SEED Clover, Sep
tember, $6.70; December, $6.7214.
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Aug. 18. Closing quotations:
Coanla for mouy. .90 J-U Now Tork Catral....UI
oo account ni- norrota mooters... M
Anacoada , o pld a
Atchlaoa Ontario A Waatara...
ao pia riwiama fa
Baltimore A Ohio US Itaod Minoa la
Canadian Fariae us Heading t
rtieeaaeake A Ohio.. do let ptd el
Chleeo U. W l do id ; 14
C . M. A St. P 1M southern Railway
rx-Bnera sl da pfd rtSt
OaaTer A M. O Msa Southern rHclsa
do ptd to I'nloa Pad So T
Eiio , ll'A' do pld
do 1st pld 1 it'nlted Staiaa teal... liV
de Id pld U ' ptd Use
llllaola Central IMS Wabaah II S
iuiTtue at nan....iia ao ptd is
Mliaourt, K. T lis'
BAR SILVER Dull at SS T.laVI n. n.,nn
MONliV-Ht).1 per cent. The rate of dia
count In tha open market for ahort bills
a i-sci i.i-if, per cont and for three-months'
bllis is 2trr, per cent.
Foreign Flaanelal.
LONDON, Aug. 18. Money waa abundant
In the market today. Discounts were easy.
Business on the Stock exchange was In
active. The weakneaa of consols waa part
ly attributed to tiervoueneae regarding the
near eaetero position. Home rails gener
ally were lower. Americana at the open
ing were the only cheerful section, deaprte
Soma prollt taking, which eajaed a alight
dullness. Prices subsequently hardened.
The rejection of the Panama canal treaty
by the Colombian senate waa regarded as
1 . duu i.ctur. 1 nere was a rwnerai ma-
. t.rlil at,nc. af,r th. roUpt of Mew
York's opeiUtif quota Ucn. but suboec.uea.t-
ly prices became easier on realisations, and
cloned at about auc Deiow tne iw.i quuia
tlOns of tha day.
The amount of bullion taken Into the
bank of England was 17.N. The sum
of lft.oi) whs withdrawn for shipment to
South America.
PARIS, Aug. IS. Prices on the bourse
today were irregulsr. Rentes and Inter
nationals were heavy. Panama canal
shares fell upon the receipt of the news
that the Colombian senate bad rejected
the Hay-Herran treaty. The market closed
calm, with stocks rather feeble.
BERLIN, Aup. H. Trading on the bourse
today was depreneed. owing to the un
favorable reports from foreign bourses.
Exchsnge on London, 20 marks 3i4 prps.
for checks. Discount rates: Short bills.
31sc; three months, l4 Pr cent.
Mhe weekiv statement. 01 tne impvna:
Bank of Germany showo the following
changes: Caah In hand Increased 23.K40,i0
marks; treasury notes Increased l.ooO.OoO
marks; notes In circulation decreased .
42ii,0i marka; other securities decreased
8, 120,000 marks.
FoTrerfnl Forces Later Market and
Foroe lp Price.
NEW YORK. Aug. 18 There Is no room
to doubt the operation of powerful and In
fluential forces In the stock market today.
Professional or-erators followed the move
ment and made an Important addition to
the market. Operations by pools were In
evidence, and manipulative devices were
easily detected for the advancement of
prices, but that the day's market reflected
a feeling of confidence orer the future that
has not been shown lor a long time wns
plain-to be seen. The feeling was gener
ally based on the conviction that the neces
sary liquidation so far as It affected the
securities market has betn concluded, and
that tho financial conditions have been
greatly strengthened as a consequence. The
movement of Interior exchanges and ad
vices from Interior money markets gave
warning of the early approach of the de
mand upon New York for funds to move
the crops. This demand, however, seemed
to have lost its terrors. Foreign exchange
advanced again, and the price of gold was
rslsed again In the London market. Lon
don Is taking protective measures against
demands upon her old supply, and sold
stocks freely In New York, but this move
ment did not Impair the newly awnkened
confidence that with the outward move
ment of the crops New York will bo able
to command gold, owing to the heavy re
duction of our Indebtedness abroad during
the recent period of liquidation. In this
same connection the bulla on stocks made
much of the defeat by the Colombian gov
ernment of the Panama canal treaty. The
financing of the payment of $40,000,000 to
the Panama Canal company and of $10,000,
000 to the Colombian government, which
would have followed the adoption of the
treaty, has given Wall street much dis
quiet It Is supposed to have been a sub
ject of concern to the Treasury department
at Washington also-. It la summed up that
the freedom from obligation to secure ex
change for these amounts will facilitate
the Import of gold. The fear that the
Treasury department would be hampered
In any attempts to relieve the money mar
ket by the need of conserving resources
for .these payments Is also removed. The
larger political and commercial bearings
of the canal situation were not considered.
The pavment Into the local money chan
nels of $1,69(1,000, mnde available by tho de
posit of newly arrived Auotra'-lan gold with
the treasury authorities In Ban Francisco,
also had lbs favorable Influence on the
money and exchange situation. A decline
in corn and wheat were given favorable
Interpretations. although the weekly
weather bulletin was somewhat disquieting
as to the chances of an Important part of
the corn crop. Many of the day's move
ments ware attributed to market man
agers on behalf of controlling Interest In
the properties and the causes to Justify
them were subject of active surmise. The
Rock Island authorities were supposed to
be preparing for a favorable reception for
the new bond Issue. Old rumors of a
Southern Pacific dividend were revived.
Higher prices for copper and enlarged divi
dends on Amalgamated Copper were talked
of amongst the apeculators. Larger dlyl
AnAm foe eoftl carriers, both anthracite
and bituminous, owing to the large current
earnings, were widely discussed. These are
but examples 01 me leraprr ui ".j -
iL mr,A nnna of this talk gained any
authoritative confirmation. Small pur
chases of Inactive stocks caused wide ad
vances. Just as small sales caused violent
declines doring the period of extreme de
pression. The selling to take profits waa
unremitting, all day. but was well absorbed
until the final hour. Stock then seemed to
have passed on a large scale from strong
to weak hands, and the profit taking made
beavy Inroads tipon prices. Tho market
closed weak, without a rally.
Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value,
$2,600,000. United States bonds were un-
ClFolhTwlng are the quotations on the New
York Stock exchange:
do ptd '
Hl. A Ohio
do ptd
Canadian Ptcllo
Central of N. J..
Chi. A Ohio....
Chicago A Alton.
do ptd
Chloaao a. W.
Aa mt AfA
(21 SO. racmo
u 180. Ballviy
ijV P'd "
OT Taui A faclfle M
11514 Toledo. w- "
. 38
do ptd.
Union F.cius
do ptd
. 31
. I
. 13
. II
. II
. 10
. 40S
. tOVi
. 14
. H
. 10
. II
. 10
. 4S
. MS
. 7
. 17
do pfd...
MVWhMilnf A L. B.
Chlcso L N. W....U7 I Wis. CtrU
Chlcaao Tar. A Tr... US do ptd....
do pfd US Adami Kx
, n r a ai t. fai American Ex
Colorado Bo 14 United Statea Bx..
do let pia iniiixm-tuio
a0 Id pld tss.Amel. Cooper .....
Del. A Hudaon 17 Amar. tr at r....
Del. I- w o '
Denrer A R. O S Amar. U- Oil....
do ptd Tl P'u
jrla ! Amar. LOcomoiiTs.
do let pfd r'S ao pro
do Id ptd MS1 American 8. A R..
Great Nor. ptd 1H I do ptd
Hocking valley u ah ousar
aa ia It lAnac. kiiiins Co..
riii.i. r.mral 113i' Brooklyn R. T
47 S
c-nt.Bt 13 (Colorado Fuel A I... 47
ao ptd 41V, Celumbua A H. C... 16 S
K. C. Soathern MS Cona. Oaa Ills
ao pfd 40'Oen. Electrto ..1
jj. N 1M later. Paper IIS
Manhattan I. 00 pio
ptet. it Rr U la'ar. Pump 1S
Minn, d It. U. I da pfd tl
Mo. Paoldo HS National Bleoult 19
M . K. A T.. tOS'Natlonal Load 16 S
. nfd 41 No. American 7S
Nat. R. R. ot at. ptd. jPaclHo Mall ISS
N. T. Central lMS'reopwn aa ........ eoia
Norfolk A W 4 iPreaaed S. Car..!.... 44
do pfd M do pfd Ill
Ontario A W -tH Pullman P. Car Ill
PeanarWanla HMvRwbllo Steal 11
P.. C. C A SI. L,.... Sl do pfd .V 47S
Reading aea nuDoer UDwa 14
do let ptd
do Id aid
ISI uo piu
W Tenn. Coal A Iron
94 S
Rock llmd Co 1S
do ptd tl
St L, A 1 let pfd.. 11
V. a. LMther
do pfd
V. s. Rubber
do pfd
V. S. Steal
do pfd
Westers Union ...
do Id ptd ess
St. L. 8. W 11
do ptd M
St Paul 14oS
00 prs wis
Now York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 18 MONEY On call,
teadv at VAaTA rer cent, closing at I'VrtJ
per cent; on time, firm; alxty daya, 41445
per cent; ninety days, 6&614 per cent; six
months, 64Q4 per cent; prime mercantile
paper, t'ut per cent.
tual bualneaa In bankers' bllln at 4 .SM(
4.f85 for demand and at 34.8315B'4.83K for
sixty davs; posted rate. $4.83 and $4.8614;
commercial bills, 14.824.83.
BILVKR Bar, 55c; Mexican dollars, 434C.
BONDS Government steady; railroad,
The closing; quotations on bonds are as
D. S. ref. In. reg....l04SlHockln( Val. 4Ss....l04
do eoupon
IMS LAN. tin 4a.
do la, rag
do eoupon ....
do new 4a, n
da coupoa ...
do old 4a, rag
...IMS mi. Central 4a....
...IMS! do la Inc
Vinn. a St. L. 4a... UK
M., K. A T. 4e T7S
N. T. c. sa. ISa... MS
N. J. C. sen. la trr
do coupoa
do la. res
do eoapon ......
Atchlaoa sen. e. .
do adj. 4a........
Bel. A Ohio 4a...
do ISa
do oour. 4a
Colorado So. la...
Central of Oa. (a.
lotSNo. Pacific as icn
101H do la lis
Readme sen. 4a J
.. 11
.. 1
,.1M !
St. U A 1. M. e. 6e.llo
St. L A S. P. 4a.. II
St. L S. W. la 03
do la 13
8. A. A A. P. 4a.... 71
do la tne..
14 So. Pacise 4a It
Chea. A Ohio 4Sa...l"1So. Railway aa Ill
Chloaso A A. Ise... IIS Texae A PaclAe la. ..114
C. D. A 0 a. 4a.... S T . 81. L. A W. 4a.. US
id. II 1 II P . ee.lMS t'aloa Pacldo 4a
. rs
C. A N. W. eoa. la lie 1 ao oony. ea
C. It. 1. A P. 4a.... Wabaah U
C C C at L t 4a.. M do la ,
Cktraao Ter. a 11' do deb. B
Colorado So. 4a 14 .Weat Bhore 4a
iienear A R. O. 4a.. M Wheel. A L. B. 4a
.104 4)
. MS
. llfl
Erie arte Ilea 4a.... Wie. Central ea la
de geaeral as HS.Coa. Tobaco 4a 17
r. w. a n. u. ia....ioe ioio. et coot. aa.. ei
x Offered.
err T-k Mtnlnar lnetatlena.
NEW YORK, Aug. 18. The following are
the quotations on mining stocks:
Adama Cos.
Little Chief
.. t
.. I
.. II
.. II
.. 10
.. M
brOX O
altranewtrk Cos...
Comatock Tuuoel ,
Con. Cel. A Va...
Hern ftllrer
Ira. Silter
leavtile Cou
x Offered.
.. n
.. l
.. f
.. 1
.. 8
Potoal t.
hlerra Nerada .
Small Hopes ..
ataiida rd
Visible SavplT of Grain.
NSW YORK. Aug. 11. Special cable and
telegraph advices to Tirade treat 'a thla week
show the following changea In ''available
supenea aa compared witn laat account:
"Wheat, In tha United States and Canada
eaal of the Rocklea. decreaaed 271.0U) be.
afloat for and In Europe Increased 8,700,000
bu.; total ui piy mereaaea aizi.vuo on.
Corn, Va iae United mates and Canada,
east of the Rock'ea, decreased 814.000 bu.
oata. In the United ptatea and Canado,
eat of the Rocklea. Increased r.n.nno bu
The Important Increases reported Include
4.0M bu. at Chicago private elevators,
11.0"0 St St. Joseph, 870 at Mobile and
7N.(mt bu. at Dallas.
The only Important decreoee reported Is
that of bu. at northwestern elevators.
Boston Stoek tiootatlona.
cent; time loans
closing prtcea un
Atrhlann 4e
Met. central 4a
do pfd
Dnetnn A Albany...
lloatoa Hleratrd ....
N. T., N. H. A H...
Fltchhurir pfd
Union Paclflo
Mo. Central
American sugar
do p'd
American T. A T..,.
Iiomlnlon 1. A 8...,
0li. Electric
Mane. Rlectrlo
do pfd
t'nlted Fruit
U. t. Steel
do pfd
Wtlnh. Common..
Adventure ,
18 Call loans, tJIH rr
5SJQ4 per cent. Official
stocks ami bonds:
11 fAmalxamatrd ....
1 ll'alr Went
f Bingham
.. tH
.. 40S
.. 11
.. 11
.. ins
.. is
.. IS
.. 41
.. 10s
:. ei
.. MS
S calumet A Hecla
Cnpper Ranee
lele Royals ...
Old Dominion
Panta Fa Copper IS
Trtmountala .
t'nltcd Rtatea
Winona 1
Wolrerlno ....
Cotton Market.
Steady; salos, 4,400 bales; ordinary. 9 7-10c;
good middling, 134e; middling, 13 13-16c,
nominal; receipts, 6 bales. Futures steady;
August, 12.97'?7l3c; September, 10.906rl0.91c;
October, 9.&3US4e; November, 9:Ki9.65o;
December, 9.6-lift9.6; January, 9 649. 66c;
February ST'SS Wc; March, 96!9.70c.
NEW YORK. Aug. 18 COTrON-Opened
quiet but firm at unchanged prices to an
advance of 6 points, and, while showing
occasional reactions, ruled generally Steady.
On better Liverpool cables, moderate cov
ering, following the weekly bureau report,
which was hardly as favorable as expect
ed. During the torenoon trading was dull,
and mldrtrty found tho market 7 to 10 points
hlghsr. Following the reading of the week
ly crop report prices Immediately advanced
8 or 4 points, but cased off under reajlzlug;
then cam more general demand, led by
Wall street commission houses, and cen
tered In the September and October, and
the first clofed steady within a point or
two of the b-st of the session, or at a net
advance of 7 to 9 points. The clique leader
bid 12.20c for 6,000 August around midday,
after the1 opposition had sold at 12.10c, and
did not get an offer, though afterward the
option sold at 12.30c and closed at 12.29c.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18 COTTON Quiet;
middling. 12V4c; stock, 1,373 bales.
limited demand, prices 14 points lower;
American middling, fair, 7.14d; good mid
dling, 6.92d; middling, 8 find; low middling,
5.44(1; good ordinary, 6.18d; ordinary, 6.9Sd.
The sales of the day were 4,000 bales, of
which 1.000 were for Wpecu'atlon and ex
port, and Included 8,300 Amerloan. Re
ceipts, none. Futures opened quiet and
cloaed steady; American middling, G. O. C;,
August, .46d; August and September, 6.37
fo6.38d; September, .37&6.38d: September
and October, 6.86d; October and November,
6.46d; November and Deoember, 5.S65.88d;
December and January, 6.80d; January and
February, 6.29d; February and March, 6.28
G6.2Sd; March and April. 6.28d.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Aug. 1$. WOOL Although tha
market here appears to bo a little more
quiet this week, the volume of saJea baa
reached a fair aggregate. The features
of the week has been the better demand
for fine wools.
Prices show little change, and there la
no weakness In any particular. Quota
tions: Territory, Idaho, fine, 14315c; fine
medium, lt14''(ini4c ; medium, 18i19c; Wyo
ming, tlnn, 14 15c; fine medium, 1S1"c;
meoiuni, lon'y liK, t inii anu . cue, .tiiv,
17&lSc; medium, 19Q20c; Dakota, tine. 15
(tilftc; fine medium, 16Vi61"V4c; medium, 19
r7'20c; Montana, fine choice, 19320c; fine
medium, choice, 13ft;14c; staple, 2Wa'23c; me
dium choice, 204f21c.
rt T.OT7ia. Aur. 18. WOOL Quiet: me
dium grades combing and clothing, 16(9
Z11c; light nne, iodine; neavy una, jwioc;
tub washed, 2002914c. ,
NEW YORK, Aug. 18. WOOLeSteadf.
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY, Aug. 18.-OIL Credit bal
ances, $1.63; certificates, no Dia: snipmonis,
103.404; average, 79,307; runs, 13,766; aver-
At .ci cUUm..,. T im. On AM7 av.r.
BIO, 171, VO. K)H.llw, w, A..... , ,
age, 7C472; run Lima, 6,744; average
.-. . tr a vt a tf A .. AO ATT Tti ws ats f tnaa
DA VAii iiAIl. yvuft. ao. wie. mik"",
A .A CI'. T3A-I Saw.. riltAtn' A Xk C
nrm kv omc. iwpui Y "i r
K, $?t5; id. $3.05; N, W.1S; W Q, 3.85i W W,
NEW TORK, Aug:. lS.--OlLr-Cottoneed
a..n . 11 Jiy rf, iT.rt 1a4 ViSlaall m SitAKliV.
Ronln flrm; itrained, common to good, $1.95
d i-w. mrpenune quiri t ajiiaw..
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. AUg 15,-VUf r r.r-vuici.
Futures opened steady at an advance of 6
points on beteer primary and European
cables and reports that Braxillan holders
wore luuniiia 1,1 1,1 o 1 " ' i" " , " . , , , ,
of the alleged crop deatroyal. The selling
came from importers and scattering longs.
who were taking proms, inese uuennsa
, nuA .Hvnnclna- tendenov.
wmo i.wv v. . . . '
, ....... a. .Vi. aflr.t cloned ateadv net
bZTlO polnta higher. Sales were 42,260 bags,
including BeptemDer ai o.ooc; nuyemuor.
4.06(0)1.10c; December, 4.404.45o; March, 4.66
4.70c; May, t-tc; juiy, a.roc.
Annie, and Dried Frnlta.
. v.nv .... , a WVIOOOlTli'n
nriiW 1 A..rrv, Au. e.
APPLES Easy under a moderate demand,
but without changes. Common are held at
4C7C Prim Hi DiW, tUWtO 74VVol
LAiiirvnA ,wikiLu -V n
prune are uteady to firm at from So to 70
lor ail trades. (mBi uiw
Blse taaiR, new crop Buppiitis. yyuvmrm
firmly held, choice belac quoted at tHo
. ntt, a ' At .1,1 amm M ornn
lor new ana a. ewrmc 101 ustA
tancy, lmij'i-ac. reouuci .
rwr.xao. Aue. IB. WHISKY On basis
Oi JUKII VlIT-3, t7A.Aaf. t
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18.-WHISKY-flteady
at 81.24. . , .
-A 1 L. t 1 jfi
n . i mi OA
CINCINNATI. Aug. W.-WHISKY-Dls-tlllers'
finished gootla, steady on basis of
Sonar aad Molasses.
Dull; open kettle, 3'44i3'c; wnitea, w,
yel.ow, a'Bc; seconds. uj-SC.
MmASfliOS Centrlfuical. tiull at 6018c.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11. SUOAR Raw.
firm; fair refining. 3u-lCc; centrifugal, We;
molasses sugar, s l-ec; reuneu, nrm.
Dry Goods Market.
Conditions remain unchanged as far as
first hands are concerned. The curtailment
In Increasing number of mills la already
havlug its affect In production.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 11,760 natives, 1,260 Texans; calves.
400 Texans, 800 natives. Stackers and
feeders, steady, active; .cows, steady to
lOo lower; quarantine, dull; Choice export
and dressed beef steers, 14.605 5.60; stockers
and feeders, 3-.85ii4.16; western-fed steers,
3.9024.90; Texas and Indian steers, fj.60
2 60; native cows, 31.6041 4. 00: native heifers,
8-'.2u04.6O; canners. Il.u0w2.30; bulls, 82.00
3.60; calves, 3.0b5.60.
HOGS Reoelpts, 7,000 head; market
steady to 6c higher; pigs, 6c higher; top,
166; bulk of sales, 86 26; heavy, 86.2635.27;
light, 16. 6056. lit; yorkers, 16.6035.66; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; market steady to strong; native
lamba, 86 264i6.50; ewes, $2.703.20; Texas
clipped yenrllngs, 32.70-&4.66; Texas clipped
sheep, 82.6uu4,4o; stotkerd and feeders, 82.35
St. I.oala Live Stoek Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 18 CATTLE Receipts,
19.OH0 head, Including S.fkiO Texans: market
lower; native shipping and export steers,
l4.Wfjfi.25; dressed beef and butcher steers,
83.&ori6.20; steers under 1,(00 lba., 82.761j3.9o:
atockera and feedora. $2.7013.70; cows and
helfera. 826lM.C6; cannera, f20o!1.26; bulla,
12 603.26; calvea. 34.00ijd.50; Texas and In
dian steers, 82.40tii3.80; owe and heifers,
82.2(452 SO.
HOU8 Receipts, 7,500 head;" market
steady to 6c lower; pigs and lights, to.4r'a
6.80; packers. 3u.30tu6.36; butchers and beet
heavv, 5.4Ci4i6.70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 8 600
head; msrket firm; native muttone. $3 0M
3 76; lambs. 84.SOU (; culls and bucks, 82.60
C3.76; stockers, 8J.(XK.jS.26.
Kaw York I Ive Stock Market.
ceipts, 86 head. No trading, but feeling
steady. Cables were unchanaed. Cxporta.
l.lbo cattle. 1,153 sheep and 4, quarters of
beef; tomorrow, 6,100 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, la head: vexla steady;
graaaers and buttermlika nominal, but feel
ing weak; veala, 16.(Hfid 00; city dressed
veala, inline er lb.; extra, 10"v: oouatry
dreaaed, firm, WllUf: dressed graders and
butterrctlka, slow, aAlHc.
lKKlo iiecelpta. 1,072 head; steady; mixed
wentern hoa, 16 96; state and Pennaylvaiila
quoted at in'tv.): light pigs. 84 0.
SHEEP AND LAMlib Maiktt slow, with
under gradea alow but ateaJy; aheen $2.fx-i
8.76; Uuiba, 1 uuv (w; choloe, 84.7uaa.75.
Oorn-Fed Stcen a LiUls Lower, bat Otrwi
aad Feedeis Held About Bteadj.
FAt Sheep and Lambs Slow Sale and
Tan to Fifteen Cents Lower, bat
Feeders Were In Good Demand
and Prloee Folly Steady,
RecelDts were: Cattle, llocs. Sheen.
Official Mondoy 8,824 S.tuO 18,040
Olllciai iuesday a,760 6,i84 1,6u0
Two dava this week... 12.574 10.404 26.340
Same days last week.... 11, 464 12,124 2d, 44
Same week before 1.9-9 J2.M0 ao.tM
bame three weeks ago.. 6.29 (.724 13,447
Bame four weeks ago.... 6,tU 13,iHS 23,2.a
Same daya last year lb.877 18,033 2,&u9
The following table shows t&e receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
tne year to a ate, and comparisons wnn last
IftOT ion Inc. Den.
Cattle 610,479 406,600 143,879
Hog 1,669,77 1,6,006 88,228
Sheep i,8,2J 642.137 141.099
Omaha for the last several dava with com
Date. 1903. 1902.1901.1900. 11899. 1898.1897.
Aug. 1..
4 97141
B 681 6 15
4 191
3 791
3 46
t 47
3 67
I 63
t 61
3 61
8 48
t 68
3 70
3 71
S 89
Aug. 2...
0 vni 0 US'.
4 26
3 74
Aug. 8...
4 W'4
6 021?
6 04S
6 06
( 03H
6 11
t 19141
a it
1 10
6 04
6 14
6 161
4 33
3 87
3 61
i 71
Aug. 4...
Aug. 6...
4 4b
Aug. ...
t 81
8 671
3 87
Aug. 7...
4 38'
4 87
Aug. S...
Aug. 9...
AUfc-. 10..
Aug. 11..
6 04
4 83
6 CO
4 ZSi
6 23
4 99
4 ?9i
4 861
3 27
t 48
4 86
Aug. 11..
6 20
Aug. 13.
Aug. 14.
6 I6I4
6 2114!
4 95
4 97
4 97
4 43
6 'lb
4 44
4 32
4 36
3 76!
3 78
8 74
5 204
6 on
4 96
Aug. 18.
6 17
4 4
Indloiites Sunday.
Til a official numhee nf cars of
brought In today by each road waa:
cattle, nogs.
v., m. at 01. tr. y...i..
Wabash ,
Mo. Paclflo Ry
U. P. System ,
C. A N. W. Ry ,
F. E. 3c M. V. R. R...
C, 8. P., M. & O. Ry
B. M. Ry ,
. 1
C, B. & Q. Ry
C, K. I. & P., east
C, R. I. At P., west..
Illinois central
ToUI receipts 248 103 29
The disposition of the dav'a recelDts waa
aa follows, each buyer purchasing the tram-
Der 01 neaa inaicaiea:
Cattle. Han. Sheen.
Omaha Packing Co 877 9u6 11
Swift and Company 862 1,608 2,946
Armour ft Co 866 ' 1,604 878
cudahy Packing Co 997 1,618 1,1
Armour, Sioux City 606
Vanaant A Co 109
Carey 4 Benton 114
Lobman A Co 62 ...
Hill 44 Son 68
Lewis & Underwood 19 ...
Huston 6V Co 8 ...
H. F. Hamilton 191)
L. F. Huss 77
Wolf & Murnan 149
Parker & Webb .339
Lee Rothschild 875
Sam Werthelmer 149
Other buyers 894 ... 7,168
Totals 6,812 6,580 12,379
CATTLE There was another fairly lib
eral run of cattle here today, but the same
as yesterday, the bulk ot them were west
ern rangers. Other markets were quoted
lower this morning, and As a result packers
were Inclined to buy their supplies a little
lower, but' they failed to take off much
except on the cornfeds.
There were more cornfed steers on sale
this morning than Usual, about 40 cars
beinr Included In the recelDts. The cholo-
eat grades did not show much change, but
aside from those tne steers naa to sen
rls-ht close to a dime lower than yester
day. Salesmen were alew to take off that
much, and as a result trading was dull and
it was late before a clearance was maae.
The cow market showed very little change
from yesterday. Buyers all seemed to want
a few and the market opened with a little
moro life than was noticed yesterday, with
prices Just about steady. After the first
round or so trading was not quite as brisk,
but still the general market for desirable
grades was not rar irom cieaay witn yes
terday's sharp decline.
Bulls, veal calves and stags also sold In
about the same notches iney aid yester
.there was not an excessive run of feed
ers In slfiht And anything at all desirable
sold free.y at good steady prices. Of
oourse tho common stuff was more or less
neglected, the same as usual. The demand
from the country Is still Ulmted, as only
about 18 car loads were shipped out yes
terday, Aa mentioned above, a large proportion
of the receipts today consisted of western
rangers. The steers that were good enough
for killers certainly did not command any
more than steady prices. Packers did not
take hold with any too much life, and the
best that could be said of the market Is
that it waa slow but about steady. Range
cows, of which there were quite a few; sold
about steady, and stockers and feeders, If
at all desirable, sold freely at steady prices.
Representative sales:
No. A. r-r. No. At. rr.
4 Mf 4 00 1 11(0 4 U
1111 4 10 t 1110 4 16
II UH 4 40 44 13l 4 0
41 1071 4 10 44 IKS 4 90
1 1(K1 4 eo II lie! 4 10
II 1171 4 40 44 1111 1 0
40 1041 4 0 17 1201 I 00
II 1041 4 eft 14 1121 I 00
41 11(1 4 U II 14U I IV
It 1117 4 0 M 1414 I 10
10 HIT 4 H 41 1411 I 10
M 1214 4 IK
11 11(0 4 10 It lilt 4 0
i.; ins i to i :. mi t to
139 1 M I H4 I bt
, ill I 00 1 XOti 1 70
171 I 00 1 710 1 71
1 Ill I 00 (1 1911 I 10 .
1 1070 I It 1 1110 1 00
11 A. Ml I 4(1 1 1170 I 00
4 IN I 40 1 Ml 1 (0
1 1071 I (0 1 1K.4 3 71
4 t6 I It 1 771 1 0
1 7(1 1 10 ' 1 M0 I 10
1 740 I (0 I 2 I 10
1 K IM I lilt tit
1 11:0 t to
1 12t 4 to l 100 l tl
1 , 10 1 on
1 720 I 10 1 716 1 10
1 t!0 I 70 1 Ml I IS
lt 1 76 It 711 I 40
1 100 I It 1 110 8 10
3 feeders.. 480 3 25 1 calf 160 6 00
( heifers... 636 t 60 1 calf 210 4 60
3 feeders., 806 2 60 44 feeders., 867 8 60
1 heifer.... 40 3 00 4 feeders.. 837 2 25
14 steers... .1124 8 0S
6 heifers... so? 2 86 18 feeders. .1074 8 45
3 cows 975 2 00 1 cow m 3 40
3 cows 910 2 75 18 cows 99 2 60
6 cows 1100 2 8) 3 cows 9-3 2 26
1 COW 970 8 8S lcow 941 3 15
1 cows 888 2 23 4 cows..... K20 2 50 "
8 cows 1(20 2 45 7 cows 948 2 46
8 cows 918 2 45 7 cows 1t'2 2 46
3 cows 1048 2 83 2 cows 10 2 80
2 cows 1070 2 80 lcow 1031 2 45
1 cow. .....1110 2 4) lcow 940 2 4)
29uows 08 2 75 lcow Itmo 2 26
2 eows Ko 2 70 1 cows 1020 2 26
Scows SK 2 50 1 cow 960 2 00
(cows 1051 3 46 61 feeders.. louS 3 46
7 feeders.. 963 3 36 i feeders. .1137 3 68
29 feeders.. 871 3 80 ( feeders.. K 3 25
3 feeders.. 963 3 28 1 feeder... 770 3 50
6 feeders.. 878 8 80 11 steers. ...K09 3 45
3 steers ... 86 3 85 1 3 feeders. .1(4 17
21 feeders.. 9 3 16 4 feeders.. 975 8 16
( feeders.. 481 3 77 ( feeders.. 448 2 '6
4 calves.... 210 8 8) , 3 heifers. . 92) 3 60
1 heifer.... 810 3 25 1 bull 1250 2 50
1 bull 1330 2 60 1 bull 1240 2 40
20 heifers... 679 2 0
2 feeders.. S66 3 (0
3 feeders.. R6fi 3 36 13 feeders.. 871 8 46
11 feeders.. 935 I 86 6 feeders.. 93 8 40
1 feeder... 9' 3 40 J feeder... 8 3 00
3 heifers... 7?0 2 46 8 Steers.. ..1032 3 25
46 feeders.. 101 J 8 46 1 stag 1240 3 00
1 feeder... 1020 3 46 1 feeder... 94 8 00
M feeders. .1014 3 45 3 feeders.. 9S6 3 00
(6 steers... .1082 9 M
8 cows..... TH IK 4 cows 743 I 58
tl feeders.. 865 3 20 89 feeders.. 871 3 30
M. Moran Neb.
2 feeders.. 1060 8 40 23 cows 90S 2 60
I cows..... 836 2 60
II C. Anderson Neb.
11 OOWS. 875 2 30
R. Hejiey Neb.
1 cow 820 I 86 88 cows 968 t 85
H. M. Webber Neb.
It feeders.. 79 3 45 1 feeder... tut) I 48
1 feeder... 1o 8 e, 1 feeder... 7f 2 sA
1 bull 1310 I 65 22 cows 8! 2 45
1 X cow 1000 t a 1 cow BU0 1 86
32 t 84
7 k. 6 80
7 27 8 86
7 17 6 65
7 16 6 78
6 74
7 04
(78 8 74
6 81 6 77
( 73 6 73
( 63 6 77
67 6 77
6 83
1 cow 870 1 66 10 cows IN !
F. F. Oroosut Neb.
3 cows tX I 75 1 cow 9 40
1 cow 1010 3 40 I cows 90 3 76
1 cow ,1iil 2 40 8 oows 943 3 75
7 rows 861 2 40 1 cow 1010 I 76
M. MaLeod Neb.
( feeders.. 710 I 46 2 feeders.. 826 1 45
2 heifers... 670 2 26 9 heifers... 464 3 60
9 feeders.. 614 8 46 2 feeders.. 676 i 76
M. P. Nason Nab.
18 feeders.. Uiu 1 u6 1 feeder... 1090 $00
ID feeders.. IU I 3o 4 cows 866 2 6&
1 cow 806 2 no 8 feeders. .lu 8 86
( feeders.. iVtl K5 1 feeder... 680 8 60
V. Donahue Neb.
17 heifers... 96 3 69 ( feeders.. 864 3 38
J. J. Henry Neb.
3 cows 890 2 ii 21 oows 895 I (0
2 heifers... 920 2 ) lcow 1"S) 8 83
8 oows lo.O 2 3o lbull 1290 2 vO
18 cows 1UV2 2 76 3 steers, ...lulu 8 86
T. F. Coffee Neb.
21 cows 969 3 M 4 cows M3 3 28
97 steers. ...1211 3 75 94 steers.. ..1198 3 76
Levi flkeerv N.h.
18 cows 1017 8 60 ( cows 1011 I 86
cows HM6 2 2 j I cow 1400 t 25
loow DOU 175 lbull 1400 2 00
lbull 1620 2 60 (cows 1025 146
1 cow 860 1 76 3 cows 1076 3, 00
8 cows 1060 2 4G
M. P. Clary Neb.
1 cow 760 2 60 19 cows 900 I 60
loow 950 3 25 1 feeder.... 960 140
1 feeder.. .1140 8 40 2 cows 660 1 90
J. B. Hunsacker Neb,
loow 10S0 3 00 (cows 923 3 40
3 cows 846 2 40 1 cow 640 I 36
1 cow 9110 1 75 1 cow aoii a ea
12 cows 891 2 20 1 bull 1290 00
M. O'Brien Neb.
cows 708 1 76 16 cows 861 I 78
8 calves... 1CW 3 50 4 feeders.. 896 8 60
W. J. Storev ft. 1).
23 oows..... 891 3 60 1 feeder... 790 8 SB
1 feeder... 730 2 76
S. O. Hood MonL
tl feeders.. 860 3 20
Cross 64 Co WTO,
( cows,.,.,in 1 o 1 oowa lmi (0
S oowa..... 9W) I 60
K. Howards Wyo.
3 oowa..... 903 2 60 4 oows 171 1(0
loow 870 2 60 1 feeder... 1000 '3 76
7 feeders.. 931 8 80 1 feeder.. -1M0 a 78
18 feeders.. 961 8 80
Oore ft Urban Wyo,
12 feeders.. 1102 3 15 7 fenders.. 891 1 15
4 oowa..... 102S 2 66 lcow 1220 S 66
J. H. Kennedy-Wyo.
I oowa...,. e6 75 ( COWS....J145 175
11 cows.. ...1023 1 76 S feeders.,1060 3 40
J. G. Marsden Wyo.
16 feeders.. 986 3 46 4 feeders.. 996 3 45
3 feeders.. 816 3 00 1 cow 1080 I 86
1 cew 1070 2 86 1 steer 1180 I 86
1 steer I860 3 85
HOGS There waa not a heary run Ot
hogs here today for a Tuesday, but reports
from other points were not very favorable
to the selling Interests and as a result the
tendency of prices was downward. There
was a brisk demand, however, for light
weights and they sold steady to a nickel
higher than yesterday, as nigh as 86.40
being paid for a strlotly choice load aver
aging 199 pounds. The medium and mixed
hogs sold weak to a nickel lower, while tha
heavies were slow and cxglOo lower. There
was mere difference made today In the
trices paid for heavy and llahtwelirhts
than at any time thla year, there being a
spread of about 80c Heavy hogs sold
largely from 85.10 to 85.16, mixed and me
dium weights went largely from 86.16 to
86.20, while 'he lighter and choloer loada
sold all the way from 16.20 to 86.40. Trading
was not very brisk, as salesmen were alow
to take the prloea offered for the heavy
The close of the market was certainly no
better. If anything It Waa A little weaker
on the heavy hogs, or nearly a dim lower
1 nan yesterday. Representative aaiest
Xo. AT. n. Ft. Na. At. Ea, Tr.
11 U4 ... M M H6 IM 8 U
14 17 144 106 1 lit ... 8 18
41 1(0 110 I 01 44 IE! IM 1 II
M 171 M I 10 14 117 IM 3
10 107 .., I It 41 11T ... I IS
n 2U 44 3 10 41 a ... ( II
40 171 144 I It 74 m ... 1 19
It Ill N IM 17. ti IN 3 II
It IM M 8 10 44 117 M 1 II
16 ft 10 1 10 11 IM 44 I II
it tt ... I 16 17 in tt 6 Ifti
U 171 40 I 10 14 147 40 ( JlU
Kl 211 U4 I 10 14 KM 140 1
41 17 ... lit II 110 ... 8 10
tl 11 40 8 10 (1 Kl 210 I
It lt ... t 10 71 Ml 40 , 10
t7 177 ... 10 Tl Ml 140 I 10
! Ill 140 8 It 41 til 40 6 10
M Ill ... I 10 14 146 1 N 6 10
M IMS 40 1 10 tt HI 100 I 10
II 101 100 3 It 86 M 84 6 10
M US ... 3 10 44 ..141 44 ( 12 U
II 117 M t 11V4 It 17 tt 8 ttUj
f ' Wl 1H IZMl ft HI .0 I It
6 Il3
6 1116 N
65 IM ... 1 UVfe TO 1(1 110
M IM 40 6 114 14 344 100 1 1116
0va iju a live ei aea .., n
II 11 140 1 Uk 71 144 46 8 It
IT SIS 106 ( Ilia M 141 10 8 II
10 160 IM I 11 lit IN IH
((.,... .121 10 11114 64 170 It I II
14 IM 16 6 114 Tl 114 lit I 16
1 210 10 I live tt.. Ml 100 I If!
tt I 10 I II tl 141 IM I It
.101 10 I 111)
..17 tt I 11
..141 10 I I7H
..tut 10 I 17
,.1W 110 I to
..wo ... I 10
..H7 100 I to
41 Ill ... I II
M lot 110 t II
II IM 110 ,1 II
tl ...lit ... I It
II 171 ltO I 15
(I IM 40 I II
II 2S 46 8 11
C( Ml .., 6 11
61 Ml SO 6 16
76 2 ... I 10
II Ill ... 8 10
tt 141 U U
17 If6 ... Ill
.lot o I iih
TO HI M0 I 12
e ate ... a n
II IM ... 1 II
T7 Ill 10 I 16
Tl Ill 40 I M
Tt IM ... I 44
SHEEP There were not aa manr sheen
and lambs on sale this morning as arrived
yesterday, but evidently there were -enough
to supply packers' requirements. The mar
ket was slow from start to finish on fat
stuff and . could safely be quoted 10&15o
lower than yesterday. Many of the trains
were again late In arriving and that also
helped to delay the msj-ket, so the day waa
well advanced bofore much stuff was dis
posed of.
1 ne aemana lor reeaers. though, was ac
tive, and prices were steady on all desir
able grades. Some sales, In fact, looked a
nttio strong. A good clearanoe of feeders
was made at a reasonably early hour.
wuoianon tor grass stocKt Qood to cnoiee
lambs, 86.0O&6.2C: fnlr to good lambs. $4.76!
6.00; good to choice yearlings, 8.1.6004.75: fair
to good yearlings. 33.2bS.60; good to choice
wethers. 13 2D4i3.40; fair to good wethera.
13.00011.25; rood to choice Awes. 12.90(33.10;
fair to rood ewes, 32.503'l.7B: feeder lamba
13 6064.26; feeder vaarllnga, 23.25473.60; feeder
wethers, 33.003.26; feeder ewea, 11.6002.50.
P.eoreaentatlve sales:
No. Ar. pr.
11 Idaho bucks 142 1 76
63 Idaho feeder ewea 71 2 10
121 Idaho feader ewes 96 2 26
13 Idaho ewes and bucks. 96 2 26
79 Idaho ewes 108 2 75
27 Tdsho ewes 1H0 3 75
81 Idaho ewes lfll 2 76
20 Idaho ewes 115 2 76
146 Idaho ewes 104 2 76
7 Wyoming ewes 101 2 80
448 Wyoming ewes ,. 102 2 80
779 Idaho feeder yearlings 83 8 26
14 Tdn ho feefler yearlings... 88 3 25
2G1 Mexican feeder yearlings.... 65 3 26
1 Miho lamba 48 8 26
SS Idaho wcthen. 104 8 80
441 Idaho yearlings 78 8 80
00 Id'iho wethers 101 8 30
K8 Idaho yeiirllnirs 92 8 80
0.1!) Wyoming wethers 104 8 36
IH Idaho venr'tngs 86 3 36
90 Idaho yearlings 88 8 SK
4 Tdho we'hers 102 8 40
M7 Idaho 89 8 40
279 Idaho yearlings 90 3 40 -
8'7 Idaho wathcrs 109 !1 40
27 Idaho feeder lambs 65 4 16
r.e Idaho feeder lambs...: 63 4 15
ir,7 Idaho lambs 88 4 25
U6 Trtaho lambs 81 4 26
1S Idaho lambs 81 4 7T
iss feeder ewes so I
K-l Idtho ewes 101 If
1'A Wvomlng feeder wethers 9S 8 15
1170 Wvomlng feeder wethers 92 8 18
ft Wvomlnr wethera 88 3 15
18 Idaho feeder lsmpa 48 Jl 25
91 Pouth Dakota Yearlings 74 3 40
oi Idaho feeder lambs 46 4 60
tvm Msho ewes 1n1 S 1
or? Tdeho ewes 100 2 70
SO T-aho ewea 11 7
83 Idaho feeder wethers W 3
414 Idaho lambs 8 4 36
Light Hogs Strong;, Wntle Othera,
vrltk Sheep, Go Lower.
CHICAGO. Aug. 18. CATTLE Receipts,
5,0(0 head, Including 1,600 weaterns; poor to
medium. $3.6x&4.tO; stockers and feeders,
I2.25ii4.00; cows, 31.6054.40; heifers. 2.00
4.S6; canners, llfcOO; bulls, I2.00fl4.40:
calves, 8J60&7.25; Texas-fed steers. $X2S3
4.40; western steers, 83 26 4. 46.
HOGS Reoelpts today, 12,000 head; esti
mated tomorrow, 28.000 head; light, steady
to strong; others sharply lower; mixed
and butchers, I4.60fc5.40; good to choice
heavy, n,15'i6 40; rough heavy. 14;
light, 86 .26(05.86; bulk of sales, 85.1046.40.
bHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.000
head; aheep and lambs, steady, lower;
good to choice wethera, 13 6u44.6u; fall to
choice mixed, $3.26ri4.25; native lambs. 23.25
66.75; western lambs, 4 6066.60.
Stoek In Sight.
Following were the receipts of live stock
t the six principal western cities y'&r-
Karieae City
St. Louis ...
St. Joseph .
Sioux City .
Totals ..
.... 5.7u0
.... 6.000
... .11.700
.... 19.000
.... 3.234
.... 700
14 0"0
.46.4J4 44,496 31,440
St. Joaeph Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 3.234 head: steady to 10c lower:
natlvea, 3.2.VJI6; cowa and heifers, 32.30$
2.4i; stockers t.nd feeders. 82.50w4.Wi.
HOOS Receipts, 7,712 head; steady to 60
higher; light, I6.26C8.6S: medium and hoavy,
85.l64i5.$5V , . ,
SHEBP AND LAMBS Reoelpta, 4.4.0
head; 6tfl0o lower.
Slows City Live Stoek Market.
BtOITX CITY, la., Aug. lA-fflpeclsl Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head:
steady; beevee, (t.OOifJ'SOO; cows, bulls and
mtxed, 16oy4.00: stockers and feeders, 32. W
G3.70: calvea and yearlings, 31 603.60.
HOO Receipta. 8,600 head: 6i10o lower.
eUln at l&.0(XU6.30:lulk. 86.O6Q4.10.
OrspM At Btlgrti And Fickle Ciesai"
sre at lKw End of-
Grapes) win be a luxury thla year. The
few which wera on the market yesterday
earns from Bear Council Bluffs and sold
for (0 cents a baaket Some of the garden
era who have brought ' In grapes . by the
wagon load ia previous years say they will
have none to bring thla year, and the homo
made wins crop will be correspondingly
Pickle cuouraber, taking an opposite
ooursa, touohed low water mark. They sold
down to 25 cents a basket, and a sufficient
Quantity waa on hand even at that price
tor meet all demands. Cabbages were 00
oenta per dosan, and reports are that there
ara not many In Omaha tributary territory
to bring: In, ao that there may also be a
shortage In the local cold sluw and sour
krout oropa. Potatoes continued firm at
70 oenta a bushel and tomatoes at 25 cents
a basket Corn was the cheapest so far
this year, and waa also of good quality.
It sold at 7 oenta per dosen, and barrels
of it were left over after the market closed.
Apples there wera apples everywhere and
at all kinds of prices. The early reports
-that there would not be a full crop were
not bora out by tha wagon loads' coming
In, which brought from 50 to 70 cents, ac
cording to site, color, shape and sweetness.
California fruits showed no special change,
but a slight shortage In peaches Is anllci.
pated for the next week or two. It Is be
tween the early and late crops, and then
they will again bo plentiful.
DEOHDS filed for record yesterday as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614
Farnam street:
Benjamin S. Abel and wife to Soren
Anderson, lot 7, block 8, 2d add. v to
South Omaha ... $4,500
City of Omaha to Bernard Shannon,
part of Market at., adjoining lot
142, city 7. 375.
Anna Corrlgan to John Wolf, w4 sV4
block 18, 3d add. to Corrlgan Place.. 275
William G. Bhrtvar to Aetna Trust
oompany, lots 1 and 3, North Flor
ence . 1
Howard A. Black to Hannah E
Werta, lot 8, hlook 11 Wast Lawn add. 41
Denny McLain and wife to Ed and
Johomo Penken, s14 lot 3, block 366,
' South Omaha. ,. 700
Joseph Boston and wife to Blrt Q.
Scheffled, lot TL Sullivan's add 800
Blrt 44. BCheiBer to Mary Travers,
same ,. 100
Tukey Land oompany to Martha R.
Huston, lot 19, block 6, Gram mercy
Park add 1.200
Andrew Hanaen and wife to John
Porosh, WV4 sw14 and n14 nel4 sw14
23-16-il 7,250
"Follow the Flag."
Vory Low Round
Trips) to
Indiana, Ohio and
v (oniucky.
Tickets sold Sept. 1st, 8th, 16th and
Oct. 6th long limit.
Detroit arid Return Sold Oct. 14th,
16th, 16th and 17th.
Little Rock and Return Sold Oct.
2nd. 3rd and 4th.
"Baltimore "and Return 8old Sept.
17th. 18th and 19th.
Many polnta south on first and third
Tuesdays ot each month.
The Wabash Is the only Hne passing
the World s Fair Grounds, giving an
a view of the buildings and grounds.
Through, connections. No bus transfer
this route. Elegant equipment, con
futing of sleepers, FREE reclining
chair cars and high back cpacbea on
all trains.
1(01 FARNAM ST., or address
. Harry E. IVioores,
Hot Springs
and the
Black Hills
Hot Springs, the delightful summer
resort and natural sanitarium of
the West, Is easily reached by tt
complete train service of the
Chicago & North-Western Ry.
Special low rates In effect from
Omaha and all points west, daily
during the summer season. Fast
dclly trains with through service of
Pullman sleeping cars from Mis
souri Valley antj free reclining
chair cars from Omaha. Leave
Omaha daily at 3.00 p. m., reach
ing Hot Springs the next morning.
Summer toortit ratei are alio In effect dally
via the Chicago 6c North-Wesiarn Railway
to tha inmmer reaorta of Iowa, Mlaoeeoia
sod Northern Wiecoasin.
Scad for Illustrated booklets and maps, with
detailed Information retarding routea, rates
andecnedulee, which will be promptly mailed
upoa apphcauoa to
H. C CHEYNEY, Geaeral Afoot
1401-1403 Faroes St,
Trials all tarsal at
tl lava eaaerieaee. II
eare . Omaha. tt.tet
iim. curat. Mailable. ee-
eaeliii. ceree fuaia.leea.
""TV Sw, Caaraea lev. 1 rul.
1 r ea.ll. tall ar write.
I Ilea lea. OAa. e.e HI a,
1 ink at., (imaiia. aa.