mmmi& On Sale Tcdij An Extraordinary Boys' 50c, 75c and Sous' Fins Suits 81.90 0 1. 17 ( a Strong;, sensible Waists made of heavy cheviots, ging hams and Indigo blue percales laundered and unlaun dered with Mother's Friend waist attachment 60c, 75o and1.00 values at AH the Men's Summer Suits in Our Great Stock on Special Sale at Just Half Marked Price 25c Foulard at 10c a Yard Today we place on sale' all the balance of our stock on hand or Mercerized Cotton , Foulards they are all In the new and beautiful patterns, heavily mercer ized and look- Just like silk we will clone out our en tire stock on hand today at yard TWO PICTURE SPECIALS Imported placques, fine assortment of fancy heads to select from, 30o values -4 at. Jf. Jl. Jran&rU & Porta LOCALS FIRST OF SEPTEMBER Great Western Arrange! to Enter Omaha Within Two Weeks. OFFICIALS LOOK OVER LOCAL TERMINALS oaaalat Themselves vrlth Conditions fs aa to Bo Ready for Entrance yrlth Both Passenger and Freight. The Great Western will be running trains, passenger and freight, into Omaha at the Union station September 1. They will be pnljr local trains, however. The regular through service will not begin until two or four weeks later, as was given out by President Stlckney when here lust week. The information regarding the local trains comes from Superintendent O. A. Qoodell, who, with O. Cornellsen, superintendent of the Fort Dodge & Omaha division; W. B. Causey, superintendent of the Mason City V Fort Dodge division, and General Agent Thomas, who has charge of the local in terests of the Great Western in Omaha and Council Bluffs, spent Monday in the three cities inspecting the Union Pacific and Union station facilities. The party was shown around by Superintendent R. W. Baxter of the Union Pacific The mutual agreement between the Union Pacific and Great Western for the en trance of the iatter's local trains at this early date discredits all thought of the Union Pacific further pushing its case to keep the Stlckney road out of Omaha. It la generally understood, now, that the liarrtman road has abandoned any hope of success from the appeal it took from Judge Munger's decision. Carefolly Inspect Terminals. The officials Monday made a carefull Inspection of the general situation here, taking notes as to what extra trackage was needed, as the general plans for switching and admitting the incoming line. The local trains can, It Is found, get into the city Without waiting for the enlargements that are to be made for the permanent service. The Union Pacltlo is busy with plana for these enlargements. It is now about cer tain that the Iron fencing separating the Union station yards from the Burlington and those outside the fence will have to come down and moved further south, Probably two new tracks will be laid. Most of the tracks outside the Union station yards belong to it. so that It will not be necessary, it is now .thought, to link up with the B. 4 M. Chief Engineer Berry of the Union Ta clflo has Just arrived from an extensive trip ever the main line and Kansas division of the road, where he. has been busily en gaged In conducting Improvements, and he will now address himself to perfecting the details of the Union station plans, preparatory to the Great Western's en trance. Drives All Before It. Aches and' pains fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. , 80 do sores, pimples, bolls, corn and plies, or no pay. 26a For sale by Kuhn & fa SPECIAL, THAI frtat the lfortaweetera I.lae to Lake View, Iowa, and Relirs, Saturday, Aug. 29th, Tron Omaha T:30 a. m., bock home same evening. Only $1.(0-Round Trip $1 60. Spend a day at beautiful Wall Lake. Fine groves, steamboats, bathing, rowing, fishing. Only $1.60. $1.&0, $1 50. Cltjr tlcktt offices 1401-1403 Farnam Street To New York or Philadelphia via the Lehigh Valley railroad. . Double track. Btooe ballasted. Magnificent trains. Dining cars a la carte. Stop overs allowed at Klaaamxa Falls. On Sals Today Clothing Deal. w4 big cJotWni; iaj representing 1S,000 in spot cash brings to Omaha people a wonderful opportunity to secure boys' all wool ruitt at prices below the cost of mak ing. These Suits Are Just the Thing for Boys' School Wear. These suits are the Sailor Norfolki, Nor folks, Double-Breasted Suits, Sailors and Three-Piece Suits made of the prettiest cloths and most fashionable cuts. They are absolutely worth J4.0O and $5.00 each. Tou will appreciate their value when you see them. Today special at Sr-n cm) . 5!22 $! Waists at 25c 10c Colored pictures, 3-inch wide gold frames, 10x14, ornamental cor ners, frame will not tarnish 35c f. 'JL QzunU tt Pott UNRELIABLE RUMORS. Electrio Lisrht Company Warns PabUo Against Rumors 1st Clrea latloa. It has come to our notice that those In terested in preventing this city substituting electrio lights for gas and gasoline street illumination, at a saving of many thou sands of dollars per year to the taxpayers. are resorting to many methods to deceive the public and thus array Omaha's citizens against such a proposition. We urge our citizens to bear in mind that no proposition from this company has been made to the city, consequently all of the idle stories now in circulation are based solely upon rumor and not upon fact. September 1 the council will receive bids from the electric light company and the gas company. Thus It will be seen that any discussion of this matter at this time is not only premature, but is entirely based upon conjecture. Therefore We caution our citizens to pay no attention to statements of parties inter ested In defeating a proposition of great In terest to the city, and regarding which we court the fullest Investigation as to its merit and utility. We are confident that a publlo Investiga tion of the methods of street liahtlnir which have prevailed in the past when compared with the system we propose will result in an overwhelming sentiment in favor of our proposition. OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. Sam'I Burns is selling a decorated Hav- iland bread and butter set for $3.00. Modern Woodmen of America! Ptcnlc. Papllllon, Neb., Thursday, August 20, 80 cents for the round trip , via UNION PACIFIC. Special train leaves Union Station , . t:00 A. M. For tickets and full Information call at City ticket office, 1324 Famam 6t Toronto, Ont., and Itetarn $12.40. The above rate via WABASH R. R. from Chicago sold August 26 tV 28. All informa tion at Wabash City Office. 1G01 Farnam St, or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Dr. F. W. Slabaugh, dentist, SIS N. T. Life. Dodge Car Line Blocked. The northern portion of the Dodge street car line was blocked for about two hour. Tuesday by the falling of the forward motor on a car wnicn liatl Just started went from Twenty-fourth and Ijike streets. The car. could be umved to neither direction until me wrecking car arrived with chaii lie up tlie fallen machinery. The sei was maiiuaineu as tur as Twentieth LrfiKe strveta, where the switch was Absolutely Unnecessary Is the growth of superfluous hair on the face, neck and arms of ladies, because I)K MIHACt.K will take It off kill It forever! PHYSICIANS ARE USING IT to remove Hair preparatory to an operation. The first application removes tlie hair, but the second or third K1I.IX THE GROWTH. Menu anywnere Dy mall tor ll.uu. $1 00 Orrlne 10 close out 8'ie $1.00 1'erur.u no limit 67o bua uar-Hen 4Hc (1 W hitney s Nerve and Flesh builder s)c buc ur. t harles Mesh rivod 410 if out ok town, bend us a list of articles yoit ark rt'ying in iihio store and bee what we CAN SAVE YOU. I.'ks liatlve ltromo-Qulnlne 13c 2&o Mennen's Talcum fowder 12c Jao Genuine Custorla 240 $1.60 Fellows' Syrup Hypophosphates..$l.U $3 Chester's gHiuilne Fenny royal Fills $1 Ou I o Hire a nool Beer 14c 8jo Carter s Utile Liver Pills 16c OPiiN? ALL NIGHT. CnilAECCniC cutpricb tfWHHi.1 kll V DRIK1 STORE Two rkoaea T4T aa TT. Sth til Chleaae Streets. Omaha. 111 jiiTTS ROUSERS IN A RIX INCH WJTCHEK KNIFE THE 25C KIND Wednesday SET OF SIX KNIVES AND SIX FORKS THE GCp ONE DOLLAR KIND Wednesday, the set O wU WHITE METAL TAULE SPOONS A ft each 'SC WHITE METAL TEA SPOONS each NO. 2 STARR DINNER PAILS Groceries Groceries Varieties, qualities and stocks bljf gest In the west. Prices lowest to be found around. 'Phone your order. You are no further from our service and the big- money-saving- It offers than you are from , the nearest 'phone. RING UP 137-QROCBRT. Prompt deliveries. Every wag-on fitted with patent refrigerator. 7c MALTA CEHKS A SPECIAL ReTen (( a Parkaaje. 7C Host Lniindry Soap, 10 tmrs for Corn Starch, 1-1 b. pkg Pepper Sauce, bottle Pickles, assorted, bottle Olives, assorted, bottle Preserves, assorted, gloss jnr French Mustard, glass jnr and spoon. . . CM1 Sardines, can Totted Meats, assorted, can Cream Cheese, pound Neufchatel Cheese, each Fresh Country Butter, pound : BENNETTS CAPITOL. CREAMERY 25c .4c 7c 9c ..9c ..9c 10c 6c c3 I2ic 15c 24c 4c Special Prone Offer 4c Kxtra scood prnnea. Four cents a pound. SPECIAL TEA OFFER IMPERIAL JAPAN, OK pound 3G ICE COLD BUTTERMILK FREE g'lll'j I "f ' 'M1ML1IJMI H.H.J1I.M WllHMtRWI. USITIiU STATES IJBHOSITOHY. fvak Vupky. rnM B a Wart, rfc ntds I.W trk. f T B.mlllni . w.W Full line of Clear Havana cigars "fZ"' V'lr Complete line of Pipes, all guaranteed. "fffS ffiii jr OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE-v i Main Office, 1404 Douglas jK'SS 1 m Street , '''"t-Jj -( ; ' J.:Wt?V':.-. A L used. II f H. K (Vr Fmmn W lA Wna , I Opening Reception. Saturday, Aug: 22 Ladies too s useful souvenir te every asa HARDWARE 2c 22c BARGAINS IN STATIONERY Dainty Crepo Paper Nap kins, with pretty and highly decorateil borders regular price 10c a dozen for 5c doz A 500-pige pencil Ca tablet for Ob Decorated crepe paper, fine assortment, regular value 25c, special iff for IwU 25 extra heavy white wove envelopes, Q special for l Note paper with envelopes to match, in fancy colors or white, special IQft price, box lUw LEVER TIME ALARMS JUST REGEIVED Guaranteed perfect time keepers, on sale I QC . Jewelry dept I tC 5J MggfJaVsl 3 I Specials for Today The new Potay Last Patent Colt Shoe for Ladies Made to sell ftr FIVE DOLLARS, On sale at And the Meti'sShoes like this picture, tCEj made to sell for ZpO fttlH3 1 J) Re-No-iVlay Cares yonr feet to stay cured. Sold liiverywhere. MASlFACTlnKI) BY A. MAYER. All men ro Invited to our ares. BE22l sveryy ARMW to $3 . b . m u 111 ARTISTIC P I AC OF THE VERY FIRST RANK are limited, our stores contain nine standard makes. Those Instruments shown by us exclusively are the choice pianos of America, whose repu tation and trade extends to all foreign countries. These Instruments have been on the market for over half a century their repututlnn Is made by the actual test of EXPERIENCE, the ONLY TRUE TEACHER. EXPERIENCE THE ONLY TRUE TEACHER It Is this kind of pianos that we are milking special deep cut prices on and extra easy terms. New pianos. In all the various natural wood cases pi anos that usually retail for 4', li00 to JtiOO, me being sold bv us at the present time for less than the ordi nary dealer's rates, $210, $242, J274 to W18. Brand new, clean, fresh pianos, In parlor, worth $300 to $375, re cut In the same proportion, to $118, $146, $172 to $210. ALL ON $5.00 PAYMENTS We rent line, new pianos for $3.00 to $4.00 per month. SGHMOLLER MUELLER 1313 FARNAM ST., TEL. 1625. OMAHA, NEB. GOOD COLUMBUS RUBBER TIRED PHAETON AT $50. GOOD COLUMBUS TWO SEAT, LEATHER TOP CARRIAGE. $50 FINE HAND MADE , OPEN STANHOPE, RUBBER TIRED $50 QUITTING 1 : BUSINESS CLOSING OUT, 18th and Harney. Alidy messofi FitSh We bsve all kinds of ,Aan Avrurslons to the "Minnesota Lakes" dop ing July, August and Septem ber. Our Minnesota trains leeye Omaha at 7:35 a. m. and 7:50 p. m. We'll tell you about It at 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. W. II. BtWI.L, District Passenger Agent IE WILL, at small cost, " take your old skirt, clean It up, presilt, put on new band and binding, and you will be surprised at the change. THE PAMTOniUI.1 OMAHA. 407 60. 1Mb SC Tel. 90S ,67 M Going m Fishing? 11 r AWfnM' dZ'-AU WMS I'll V. IllXf ABLK STOHK. Take Time to Look SWlc brpllnar, 10 J-2o 2.'jo quality extra fine bleached sheeting. 81 Inches wide, well known brand, Wed nesday, special IQsf at per yard IJW ISe India I.lnon, lOo 15c quality sheer India linon, 31 Inches wide Wednesday, special If1l at per yard IUC 40c Unmask. 2tlo Full grass bleached union damask, 64 Inches wide 40e quality Wednesday, special, at, yard 25c Wednesday in Omaha's Greatest Do mestic ANOTHER NEW STOCK APDEH TO WEDNESDAY THE UKEATEST SEL.14 ,t!o Ciooda for Or a yard. Silk foulards, the prettiest klmonas, dress ing; sack or wrapper goods, made in all the luster of the $1.50 silk foulards, all the new stripes and figures, all the deli cate llpiires when made up looks exactly like Cheney Bros' silk for Wednesday only, and only 54 pieces Q In stock, at, yard C 25c and !tfto Imported Flannelette, l.lo Mulhausen German flannelettes, a handfull thick, fine wrapper titc'ires, aold every where at 2"ic and 3rc yard, C for Wednesday we will sell them at. . I JC lflc Goods at lOc a yard. Arnold's celebrated flannelette, the best known goods In America, double foil, GROCERY READ THESE PRICES. All brands of laundry starch. Celluloid starch per package .... Elastic starch, per package Corn Starch, per package Good rice, per pound All brands laundry soap, per bar Jelllcon ..7c ..7c ..7c 3Vic 24e ..5c Fruit pudding La eir MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT THE E-3QSPE Fire Sale. SELLING AT ONE-HALF TO ONE-THIRD COST Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes, Fifes, Clarionets, Brass Instru ments, Harmonicas, Violin Strings, Music Boxes, Music Discs, Rec ords, Music Rolls, Sheet Music, Music Books. GET PRICES. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. GREATEST SALE EVER KNOWN. A. HOSPE CO., 1513-1515 DOUGLAS ST. Must Bo Closed Out iti Fifteen Days. Ths sbovs pretty Stanhops and 20 others of latest delrns will b closed out St raetory cost, i( taken at once. Wo want more room. BARGAINS. Coma snd sse. Repository lOth and Farnam Streets. Kingman Implement Company I 0$ Regent Shoe Go. 20S So. IStb St. ONIMOD Ts a perfect welt shoe sold by maker to wearer same quality elsewhere costs 16.00. A MAN'S SHOE That Invariably stamps the wearer a Judge of style, quality, comfort. A buyer of the best shoes money can put ON A MAN $2.50 and $3.50 paysiy sTtMS) VBtartnaJlasV food Inspector. n.L.RM2CCI0TTI, D. V. S. CTTT VKTUTRIPJAJUAJI. Oflkw maA Xnflrmai7. Vts and afaaon ata Big Linen and Domestic Dept at These Prices. 91.SO Kavklas, s All linen bleached nspklns. - !. fsst edges, $1.W qiiHllty, Wednesday, (Rr special, at, per yard 111 40r TarWey HrA Damask. Wi Polled Turkey red table damask, pretty patterns, fast oolors, t Inches wide. o qu.illly, Wednesday 9hC special, at, yard fcH IS l-ae rillovr Mips. lOn Bleached slips, sire 4fixS and 42x36, the 12Wo quality, Wednesday in special, at IMW lOc rambrlv, 1 J-Sss. Snow white cambric, yard wide, 10c raluc, Wednesday, special, TXt at. yard - I Room. OVIt OTHER THREE STOCKS ON BAI.TO NO THAT WAS EVER HELD IN OMAHA SS Inches wide, and always told at 19o yard, on this sale it 10,1 will go ut, yard IUI 13 1-Iic Flannelettes for tie a yard The best flannelette In America for the money, 28 Inches wide, extra heavy, fine, dark and red colors, made to el for the fall of 1H03 at 12o Pr yard our price for Wednesday E. will be, yard ' .WW i:tha srrcciAi.s 3fi-ln. extra heavy percales, only Be l."c Royal piiques, all dark colors, at. .So ti'tc fall piint.M, at 5n Bc. spring prints 4o Sc shirting prints S'-io 5c flat cambric linings 20 One thousand more bargains In this room at equally low prices. SPECIALS Largo sucks of white or yellow cornmeal, per sack 12u,o Lurgte glasses tine fruit Jelly Bo Large bottles fancy stuffed olives 7Vio Fresh soda crackers, per pound be. FreHh butter crackers, per pound 5o Largo jnicy lemons, each lo Fancy sweet oranges, each la Fresh roasted peanuts, per measure ....2o Good Japan tea, per pound ISo Good Rio coffee, per pound 7Vtc ART STOCK Pictures and Frames SELLING CHEAP AT THE HOSPE Fire Sale. Every Framed Ficture at one third to one-half off. Frames made for Pictures big discounts. Etchings, Engravings and Water Colors at one-third to one-half oft. Big stock of PyrograpUy Outfits and Wood Novelties for burning at big reductions. COME AND SEE THE BIG SALE AT A. HOSPE CO., 1513-1515 DOUGLAS ST. Buckeye and Woodhull Bikes Stanhopes Rockaways FULL SET OF TEETH ii One of L)r, Hall's 1'iitented Double Buo tlon nates for $3.00. l'ntll Sei t. 15 we will do work fiee. Hmall charges lor material. OUR SPECIAL KRKH CLJNIC I'KJCKS. Save Pain and Money Teeth Ustra'rted FRKK Fllllnvs from 2Aa (ioll Flllluss from 73o Gold frowns from '. .Vii.Hfl Silver Plumes t'rowa from SI. no Io not wait. Come today and have your teeth examined by the professors of this college. If your plates fall or tip hnve. nne of nur double suctions placed In. UflTirC benefit of dentists wlm HUllul. practice old-time methods, causa pain und misery to patients, we give a punt Kraduute course for painless extrac tion, puinless tilling, crown and bridge work. The only college of its kind In the west. Work (iuaruuierd Tea Year a. Union Dental Collego OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY ,n'i,d ROOM 4, lt UOIGUAS STHEKT. lie sure you are In the rlrht .lce. Open dally till 8. Sundays to 4. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ for Sample Ceay.