TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, AUOUST 18. 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Tree Liquidation Brings All Board of Trade Product Lin a. ALL THINGS COMSINE TO KNOCK WHEAT Corn la lilt by 'Warm Weather, Oats by Other Grain ana Frotlilsm by Too Many Hog Market. b CHICAGO, Aug. 17. Free liquidation charticterixej otmattons on the Loara ot Trade toady atu pncis In bo.n tne giain and provision pus were lower, Biit' inocr wheal clobing jf-Hc lowe., torn oft ivq) Sc. nam oi.en tc sua uioviMons from un'auc to --j li-wer. Extreme wiarfiicss prevailed In the wheat pit ana the market sold on sn.rpiy. everything waa against the market anJ lower prices ruled irom the Stan, Septem ber being- -VJ-V: lower at 8-liti: to Wnc at the opeun.g. Tue ear, . oear faciois were the lower cables and the excellent harvesting weather in the nortnwest, wr.lcn reiiulted in a big dec.lne at Mnncapo..a, which In turn affected price here, 'there waa selling for the anort account early and a good m-ny atop-loea orders, wh.ih added to the depression after the silling had ceaand. Scpiemuer Bold off to f2'c. 'Ihe market rallied slightly on a moderate sup port later, out attain turned weak toward the close and final figures were at about the bottom, September cloning at a net loss of l40l c. Clearances ot wheat nd flour were equal to 623,t0J bus..ela. primary receipts were 691,3(10 bushels, as against 48J,U)0 Dushels a year ago; the visi ble supply decrease, 561,0uu bushels, while the amount on pasaage increase waa 1,698, 000 bushels. Minneapolis ana Dn.ulh re ported receipts of i70 cars, which, with local receipts oC 99 cars. 15 of contract grade, mane total receipts for the three points of 269 cars, against 341 cars last week and 678 cars a year ago. Warmer weather In the corn belt. to. gether with the weakness In wheat, brought out considerable liquidation In corn, and the market opened weak, nut on nnymg or a prominent operator a firmer feeling was manifest, but prices held steady at tho opening decline. The volume of trade wu only moderate and largely for local ac count. After selling between 6174fi'."i2c and 624o September closed Wnc lower at 62 'kc Local receipts were small, at 63 cars, 23 of contract grade. Oats shared In the general weakness, liquidation being quite general early In the day. Liberal receipts were aleo a de pressing Influence. Fair buying by corn misnion house gave the market some sup port later In the session. September closed at a loss of r at 34Hc after selling be tween 34H34c. Local receipts were 278 cars. Dig receipts of hogs, together with lower prices at the yards, caused weakness In provisions at the start and, with lower grain prices, there was a general selling movement throughout the day. The close waa weak, with September pork 22,.c lower at 112.77V.. Septcmocr lard off 12V(fl&c at 78'c. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 150 cara; corn, S40 cars; oats, 240 cars; hoga, 2MO0 head. The leading, futures rangoj as follows: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. ISat'y. Wheat I I a Sept. 83 88 8241 824 88 b Sept. 8?4' 83 82M,82H'& V, f3'. b Iec. 2rvs.t 88H 82'-4Vi'!i'N 8t May 84iti 84 84V 8414 854 Corn t!pt. fR2 (FTH r.2Vi 51(fK2 53 0 B?H Dee. S2 ttlt B2V4 6? KV K May 52(&4 t2 62 B2i,4 (3 Oats 1 Sept. 34H S4 U S4i S4 Dec. 8t 3 35 35 3(!' Mnr tfQa& 38 35 Vk 88V4 Pork Sept. 13 98 12 7tt 12 5 12 77H 13 00 Oot. 13 CO 33 00 12 75 12 80 May 13 20 13 20 1$ 10 13 12 13 26 Lard Sept T 87 1 99 7KH 7 82 7 97 Oct 7 60 7 60 ' 7 53 T 62 7 65 Ribs 'Sept 760 760 7 47 750 7 70 Oct. 7 67 7 70 7 62 7 66 7 80 No. t. a Old. b fw. Cash quotations were as follows: FIOt'R Steady: winter patents. $3.753 90; WHEAT-No. t spring. 82S3c; No. 3 prlng, 78TS2c; No. red, BlVr82 CORN-NO. 2. B2c; No. yellow, B4c. OATS-No. 2. 34o : No. 1 white, &336o; No. 3 white, 33M36c. RYR-Nn. 2, 62C. ' BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 4ftJ?53o. SEEDS No. 1 (lax. 7c: No. 1 northwest. rn, $1; prime tlmothv, $3.40; clover, con tract rrnde. $12.OO(ff.l?.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hM $12 625 12.70. Lard, per 100 lbs., I7.5'3'7.7. Sliort ribs sldna (loosed, .2'fW.50. Dry halted shoulders f boxed). I7.2MT7.60. Short clear sides (noxed), w.("7ro.iz. The following were the receipt and ship ments of flour and grain Saturday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbts 19,600 20.709 Wheat, bu 62,300 120,200 Corn, bu 154.MO 2S0.100 Oata, bu 472.700 $78,900 Rye. bu 5,700 Xlarley, bu 23,9t)0 On the Psoduce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries. 14fc19o dallies, 13-??17c. Egrs, steady; at mark, cases included. 14(jl6c. Cheese, new, sieaay, iuiii'c. , NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. ((notations at the Day ea Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 17.-FI)UR-Recelnts, 14.479 bbls.: eXDorts. 22.077 bbls. Unsettled and lower 'to sell; winter patents, $3.9nctf 4.30; winter straights, l3.G3ft3.90: Minnesota patents. 4.7i4.9o; winter extras, 12.91X3.25 Mlnneaota bakers', $3.a6Q3.IM; winter low fradea. $2.7(Kn3.0u. Rye Jour, steady: fair o good, $2.mu3.30; choice to fancy, $3.3o9 CORNMEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.10; City, $1.10; kiln dried, $3.3033.36. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 69c f. o. b., afloat; state, 58'JI5ac c. I. f.. New York. 11 A RLE Y Dull; feeding, 62a c. I. f.. New York: malting, smc c. 1. f., New York. WHEAT Keen! ma. 51.776 bu.: exnorta 16,066 bu. Spot easy; No. 2 red, 86c elevator and 8Xc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du luth. 94'. o f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Man itoba, 9t t. o. b. afloat. There was a de cided check to the upward course of wheat today, l.nder Heavy realising, started by the northwest, prices lost a cent per bushel, beina- also affected by larxer world a shin inent. good harvesting weather and Uicht export demand. The close was c net lower. tay, .'-TvyK'4se., cioaea M7tc; Bep. tember. 87Wff87iC closed 87tfcj December, S7itt7T4c. closed 87c. CORN Receipts, 14j,2ro bu.; exports. 8.501 bu. Suot easy; No. 2. 6:10 elevator and 59A.O f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. Clc; No. 3 wnite, tsc. option marhet was extremely dull all day and easier with wheat. Good weather also had a bearish effect on the 'market, which closed 1l"c net lower, riepltxnoer. bv 'c. ciosvd, Uc; Decern ber, ftvliu'iC, ciosei t"0. OATS Kecelpta, loo.duii bu.: exports, 1.438 bu. Snot quiet; No. X 89o; standard white, 42c: No. 3, 8c; No. 2 white, 42c; No. $ wnite, tic; tracK wnite, tww. HAY Dull ; shipping, "&U36o; good to Choice, JUKknl.uo. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, !!, (;r24c; 19U1, Hfl7c; olds, 6'o8c; Pa Cino roast, lieu, n il .c. HIDK.S Steady : Galveston. 20 to 25 lha 18c; California. U to U lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to SO lbs.. 14c. I.EATH KH Quiet ; acid, 23025e. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 4i9 CWo; Japan, 6&c. 1'ROViSIONtr -Peef, firm; family, $8 POffl ISO; beet hams, $'-'l.o0fi21.00; partiet, W.Ott .60; city, extra India mess, $14.noti 16.00. Cut meats. 1rm; pickled bellies, $S.0ouil.0O; pick led shoulders, $7 50. Ird, nominal; west ern, steamed, $8 00; refined, easy; continent. $ 00; South America, $8 76; compound, $7.10 f7.40. Pork, eaev; family. $17 fHui7 75; short Clear, $lfi017 00; mess, $15.01x115.75. TAl LOW Firm; illy. 4Sc; wuntry, 4c. HrTTFR-Recelpts. 10.079 pkgs ; steady; Slute dairy. 14(al7c; creamery, 1S619C. EGOS Receipts. 10.1&2 pkgs.; Ilrin; west ern aeconda, ItniVOc. CHKE)r: Sleady; receipt a, 1.491 pkgs.; state, full cream, fancy, small colored, loc; small white, 10c; large colored, 10c; large white, V. POCLTRY Alive, firm: western chick ens, 13c; fowls, 12c; turkeys. 11c. Dressod, ' lower; western broilers, 13ji14c; fowls, 12 ' ftltc; turkeys. ISrilio. MKTALU Tin was higher In London, sd vanclng loa In that market with it rloa Ing at tlX 10m and futures at 125. Lo cally It waa quirt and closed at $28 littf IS 26. Copper had a sharp close In London, closing strong with spot at 60 and futures at fs lis. locally copper was higher and the market strong. Lake Is quoted at $1316 018 75, eluctrolytlu at $13 50 and caatlng at $13 26. Lead advanced 3s 9d In Iondon to 11 7a, and about 6 points 1 x-altv to $4 35. Spelter waa m - higher In f.ondon at 20 7s lid. and remained firm here at $.(. Iron closed at 51a tid In Olasgow and at 40s iki In Ididdlesborough. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted, at $17 50 nl8 $0: No. 2 foundry, nortnern, at i SM 17 00; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, soft, at $14.7541 17.04. Ll-rerpeel Grala ana PrevUlens. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 17,-WHEAT-Dot. Kg, 1 burttiaru. sprUig, fUu at ka Id; Nu. 2 red western, winter new. firm at 6a4d: No. I 1 California, strong at 6a lod. Futures, q"ilet; September. b6d; October, s OSd; I I (wnmli.r r,aAfl CORN Snot, Iirm: American mixed. 4s M. Futures, quiet; September, 4s7d; October, 4s 7,.d. OMAHA WHOI.KSALH MARKET. ' Condition of Trade and annotation Staple and Fancy Prodnre. EnriS Freh stock, loss off, 14c. f LIVE POULTK Y Hens, 9c; spring chickens, tier lb., 12Vc; roosters, accord ing to age, 4iu5c; lurueys, HKjllc; old (lucks, c; young ducks, IKjlOc. BUTTER Packing stock. l'-'HlJc; cholet dairy, in tubs, 15i.Uio; separator, 20c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, $. Hc; pickerel, 7i?,c; pike, luc; percn, c c; picscrt-i, I'yuc; pise, iu--, rn'tn, -, uPTalo. 7V8c: bluefish, 15C; whltensh, tf He; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12o; ?d.nan,r.,10c; ...lotater. boiled, per lb.. Hc 20c; Inhaler, green, per lb., 2c; bullheads, tVi i-VS.h' attitude, in Mew of the' Balkan --.r. i V h.mnt ' fc- whlti baw aituation and New York Saturday quota flc; crspplcs, 1-c, herring, sc. White oass, f'.nHi. p.rin u. weaker. 10c: hhieflns. 8c HHAN I'er ton. $13. SO. . HA Y Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale tienlers' assorts tlou. Choice No. 1 upland, J8.no; No. 2, $7.10; medium. $7.00; coarse. Jfl.BO. Kyo straw, iiu. ineee pru-rn m-o for hay of good color and quality. letnand fair and receipts ugni. CORN 5c. OAT8-37C. nYE No. :, BOe. V UGETABLES. NEW POTA'IOES Southern and home rown, per bu., iOi&Mc. I UL AjL"Molltl uome srown, per aox., ew. i UI'JAIVS liome grown, wax, per marwi i asket. iO'aslic; string, per market basnet, 7041SO0. laI LI FLOWER Home grown, per dos., EiV. CABBAGE New borne grown, 1 per id. I tiKt-tiA uunn fer aoa., iintiv. 1 TOMATOB8-Home grown, er ,duhs SCo. KHCBARB Per It., 1C. NAVY UKANS Per bu.. $2.60. . . . . . . . I . . I . J VUfflni, VC-L.1111 AllCOlgail, pel uue., vw. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb.. 2c. Flic 110. PLUMS Burbanks. 1.50: P. D. . Pr I box $1.3d; 'Washington, $1.; Bradshaw, $l.i5tfTl.ii; Wlxon, $1.60; Kelsey Japan, $160. PRUNES '1'ragedy, per box, $Lo; Gross, 11.65. PHArHKS California, early freestones and early Crawforda, $1.06. CLUKAN IB fer ib-qi. caup, .w. 1 :rw 1. u R 1 R.st Per lti-at. case. $2.60. 1'KARS California. Bartlett's. per box, 2.35. :A IMIA I AJU r Pj 1 PT8I llftnuMU, vv. I crate, 2i; per craie, .uu. APPLES New stock, -bu. bbls., $3.00. WATERMELONS Texas. zwok eacn. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS Turkish, 18-lb. box, per ID., isc. .1,1 . Kf.ll... all BlKea. $3.50; St. Mlckes or paper rind, all sixes, I $3.W(i4.uo; vniencias. .t. LEMONS California fancy. 300 to SOT sizes, $4,764(6.00; choice, $4.60; 240 to 270 mimm tifriwi LIMES Florida, per u-Dasaei tTain, eu.w. MISCELLANEOUS. tnprnrxpr lh 2c- snclled So. f.Vr.F2r'riV 'crJ!n '- '.-,.. 6c; Not 1 fulted. w. No. 2 salted. SSic banking Interests would frown on any fur No 1 veal calf. to U lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal ther advance In prices. The latter fear calf 12 to 15 lba., bc; dry salted hides. Ma was quieted by the character of some of Hie: Sheep pelts, ztxaiac; norse niaes, ti.ouw 2 do NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, a.. ik in. M t 'i rtarn in. I. ner id., ic: I Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; amall, per lb., 11c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c. ST T.OIT1S Ana-. 17.-WHEAT-Lower: ' . . . , ... , , j. i W' 87HFSr' MCORNlLower; No. t7th, 47e; track, 4ra4Uc: September. 48c; Decemter. S4o; MaV. 4iC. . I ua ib ijoww; , u. s i-o.au, wv , ii OTitj, i on,y. T . k. A . W a I 3ic; Dcpiemorr, mu; jovctimuvi, w, , 1 r7i?nt hiX 9 white xu I n v'c- a't P. I FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. (VV34.10: extra, fancy and straight, $3.70 I 95 - clear $3 20(it3 85 nMOTHY SE:CTe.dy at $1.78.26. -.nomuvii a.oriu n 12 (in $40iy34, 'I ' UIIT V rAir,Tift. t T CI . . . n $9 C! 1 BRAN-Strong; sacked, east track. 76 78c. . HAY Lower; new ttmotny, no pne; given; timothy, old, $.00? 15.00; new, $8.00 2,l'Ki- nrnlrliv steadv at $3.002211.00. I IKON WHOM liHiO l.w. I BAOaiNO-6ft6o. iilauu Tunwi!1 k I PROVISIONS Pork, lower: standard mess. $13.17. Lard, lower at $7 2. Pa- con sieuay; uuira - " ""r7 I Clear rioB. o.ci7x, on"v , METALS Lead, firm at $4.10. Spelter, I firm at $6.50. ... 4 POULTRY Steady; cnicgens, rc; springs, i . . a , , . . . 1. .. ... J T. A lie, nirnpyi, lie; uiurb, "v, 50, Bl'TTER yulet; creamery, nioauc; aairy. .3WSC. vricSBtenrlv at 16Uc. loss Off. Receipts. Shipments your, bbls 8,000 10.000 Wheat, bu oo,wv Corn, bu 67.000 Oats, bu .' 123,000 30,000 I u,wu I Kansas City Grala and Provisions. riK'SAD rTTY Anar. 17. WHEAT SeD' umh.r Tic: December. 72c: caah. No. 2 hard. 74fi 73c; No. 3. 73c; N. 1 70g72c; re- lected. h(iilic; ino. z red, iuc; no. a, too. CORN September, 46c; December, 4o'4C; cash, No. 2 mixed, 466464c; No. t white, ..,,. t a ici' a j?S ' a71; .. . . , j tiAlH-BO. wnue, kw:, , . . ...... II AY Choice timothy, $9.60S10.00; choice prslrle. $8.50. . BUTTER Creamery, 1617c; dairy, fancy, 16c. F.nna Fresh. 13HC. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat. bu 433.WKI 117,600 Corn, bu 69.200 Oats, bu 11,000 27.2U0 2,000 Visible "apply of Grain. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. The visible supply ef grain Saturday, August 15. aa compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Is as follows: Wheat. 12.438,000 bu..i decrease, 661,000 bu. Corn, 6.6")9,000 bu.; derease, 98.000 bu. Oats, 6.O112.OOO bu.; decrease 304,000 bu. Rye, 493,000 bu.; decrease, 89.000 bu. Barley, 397,000 bu.; decrease, 3,000 bu. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 11. w nc-A 1 83Vu837'fcc: December, 509804ac; on track. No. 1 hard, W&S5c; No. 1 northern. 18 il'Mc; No. 2 northern, 91a92c; No. i northern, 906re3c. FIXUR Urat patents, $4. 70(84.80: second patents, $4.603j4.70- first clears, I3.7UQ3.80; Second clears, $Z.70. BRAN In bulk. $12.7613.00. Pklladelphla Prodnce Harkat. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 17 BUTTER Dull and weak; extra western creamery, lUWc: nearby Drlnts. 21c. EGGS Firm, ifood demand; freah nearby, 21c. loss off; western. 21c; southwestern, 18;ul9c; southern. 10(6170. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams. choice, new, lt)l(ttto; fair to good, new, -awc. alllwankeo Grata Market MILWAUKEE, Aug. 17. WHEAT Steady. Close: No 1 northern .W1 No $ northern, 93&35c; new September, S2 82 fcC. RYE No. 1. 64c BARLEY No, 2. 60c: standard. 6cVfj7c. CORN September. 62o asked; No. 3. 64 c. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, Aug. 17. Close: WHEAT To arrive and in store, no. 1 hard, mc: no, 1 northern, 89c; No. I northern, 87c; September, MS,c CATS On track. SSc. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Aug. 17.-CORN Lower; No. i bic; no. t. ou,t. OATS Steady ; No. 3, new white, 435c; Novemoer, new wnuo, taic. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Aug. 17.-8EED Clover. Bep- tember, $6.77; Decemner, $6.80; August, 86 7(; prime Un.Oiny.41.oU. Sere Vatrk Mining Oaniatlaai, NEW YORK, Aug. 17. Tho following are me quuiauuu on iiiiniiis stocas: A da ma Coa 1 A Hoe IT breeea li brunwlrk Coa T afomateck Tunnel.... 7 Coa. lal. A Va 14 Hora surer 1' Iron Sllrar lit Lead vine Coa I Utile Chief xontarlo ant Ofhir ... lit irnoenU Potuel ... I li 4 8aaa 6ierra Nevada To Small Hopes M IStaadard ITS X OHered. II Aaaesamsnta paid. rorelan Flaaarlal. LONDON, Aug. 17. Money was In fair supply in the market today and the de mand waa quirt. Discounts steady. Bust, peaa on the Stork exchange waa quiet. and th tendency was unde. I.led. but trad, but turned firmer later on a mo.lerate de Ing va not materially affnoted by the maud, which was encouraged by slightly crowing trouble In the Balkans, nntm-tih. ka.ua. r.rtn-n rat,l than exr-ted. standing the fact that Increased uneaai - nrsa as manifested. Consols were weak. liome rails war irrttuiar. Americans opeaed at about parity, but war without strength (In view of the disappointing New York bank statement and tears thai last week s movements were too rapid;. and became Inactive and Irregular. 'Ihcy recovered later and closed with a good tone. Erie was the feature. Urand Trunk Improved considerably, owing to country buying and the removal of a misapprehen sion concerning the company's operations. rvniiirai oroopeu. ti'iirr was niiii, in j rathy with the advance In America, and closed strong and active at 69;o. Gold to the amount of 20,0m was with drawn from the bank of England today for shipment to Roumania. rA Kin. Aug. 17, eJlocKS on tne course today opened heavy. Internationals were dull. Rio Tlntos later made a strong advance, gaining 21f. Industrials were steady. Trading at the close was caim. i nree per cent rerues, wi (.v.c ior uu ccount. Exchange on London, 26f 16c lor -h-i, c ".',-"- ". JTr rather fl Prices on the bourse rm. but tne transac tions were light, operators adopting a tlona Canadian Pacific waa weaker. MEW YORK, STOCKS AND BONDS. Irregalar Streaath Continues, bat Ac companied by Some Hesitation. NEW YORK. Ana-. 17. There was a con tinuance of irregular strength In today's stock market, but it was attended by a de gree of hesitation throughout. There was no such urtencr or unmixed confidence In the buying as was the oase last week. The principal strength ot the mantel was conrenirntea in a ipw bhu largest proportion ot me aay irnriHiii"ii was also in these stocus. rne proiessionai traders professed doubts whether tne re- covery from the extreme depression had not run too fast last week, Inviting to re- newea action. t nere was uouui mu whether the market waa ripe ior a oemon- airaiion 01 posiuve airenain ii nornul limits of upward reaction aiier mo acute depression. Except for the fact that most or the necessary liquidation wnicn had depressed the market seemed com pleted there was not enough Indication of positive change in the conditions which forced a liquidation to make an indefinite upward movement 100K sate or aitraciive. There Is some revival of apprehension over the money outlook and the beat grades of commercial paper especially common 6 to pcr cent, while commissions In some cass raise the Interest rate considerably .hove this. There does not seem the slightest reason to suppose that any other question or mercantile crenus mvoivoa in ih rale it t imnlv n nressure nnon vttiiabie money market supply. Rates for time money show the same firmness inrnn lnrira refllSA to OIIOtA ratCB. and borrowers. The tendency of Interior - .Trhange foreshadows the coming demand for crop moving purposes, and a stronger tone ror imporis or gold not so aanurmg. iTIt. n.lM nf tfnlrl w 1 m riU.lt nfl th Ixinrfon market and discounts were Inclined to I naroen anroaa. in snuaiion turmu affected to some extent by the events in southeastern Europe. The opening de- lj.ttn Virm wna lnrs-elv In svmnathv with tne local marnei. it was reared mai some of the stocks bought for support last week would come on the market now and there was om. annrehenslon that the large mo oany uu;nin -k- pea ranee of absorption by some of the large hanking Interests. Professional leadership was evident In tho skill with wnirn ma pneciivn duv nv wbb uibuiwuicu and was shifted from one quarter to the other. Erie was In good demand, and glowing forecasts were heard of the show- ing to bo made In the forthcoming report, Rock Island and Amalgamated copper Iwcre successively urousni mio piuiuiurnuw. Copper was advanced M cant a point here nd two pounds nve sniuings a mn in i-.n rtun wnpic imanfl rose a, sustainnu mi oWtak'C,os"ngs -equence lower, and below the best oil -2nJ- ln mnothv with .. . Z . ."'" ii'nn - 11. 1; , . - . . ...,v.- tTnlted States bonds were unchanged on th last call. ' Following are tne quotations on mo new Tork Stock exchange: Atehlson , So. Psrtflo 44 . W0'." t5r.wr V. 5 Bl. Ohio . no pra. &1 r. -f..'P.ra. kvTiiii U Ptcllle iS m. Toledo, at. u a w . 16 do pfd HI cnlrl of N. J. chH, A Ohio... thlca.i A Alton do s(d 4tt Union Pultlo 76 X) do pta o Vlbuh : do ptd I74 m ti pie. ChloAso m n, Wheeling L. B.... 174t Wli. Central 3UH W.....147 Chicage T. A Tr. 11 do ptd o Adams Ex lit llti'lMrltll Ex 1U Colorails 80..., 14-a united Htsies ax. r. .iuo . M Well-rro Ex J00 00 IM pa. 40 ja ptd.. . 14!mal. Copper to 4 Hudtoa. .KoVtiamer. Car a T M .143 J do pfd -. S4 d.i. u. w Penvsr It. O. . uSa'Amer. Us. Oil lu do ptd . do pld u Erlt . SOAmar. LocomotlT... 1HH do 1st ptd do Sd ptd an pia Mt Amarlcan R. A R.. .. 44t OrMt Nor. ptd.. do ofd to liocKlDf vn7 .... ?!,! Ann, Sugar Rf....llH titi.ni. 1U.IMI Drooklrn R. T do ptd.. k Ante, h nine t j.. li lows Central It Colo. Fuel Iron... 51 .tlolumhua aY H. C... li-A do ptd... K. C. Southora, . I.S'-ona. uaa . 3aVUen. Eleetrie ... .101 Inter. Papar ... .M da pfd .116 : Inter. Pump.... . an do pfd , 6(, National Blacult . i Nctlonal Lead . 17V i. do Ptd ..166 L. A N .. ,. 94 I Manhttua L. u.t. St. Ry.... 1 Minn, a at. l .. T4 .. 31 Mo. Paoiae M . K A T I do Did... .. H ... V . 44 H o. ADierican I V. K R nf U nM tnvl ParlllO Mall .. 11 ... 44 rN"T tral ..:.7.124 l eopla Oaa . I Norfolk aV W Preaaed 8. Car. ni-i Vw 0 do ptd JtH Tullir.an P. Car. lstujReBubllc steel . 0 pfd MWjKubbar Oooda .. , HVdl do pfd .. 114 ..114 I PennarWanla . p., c. c. Bt. L I Reading .. it I do lat ptd I do d ptd.. 70 Tenn. Caal A Iron.. 4oTl Rock Ialaad Co...., MS 71 V. . Leather i ; - v do pfd U. g. Rubber... do pfd V. I. Steal do pfd Western Union as. 114 Dl user in pi do td ptd JIW at. u a. w. .. 17 t4 ..144T. ..170 1 13 7244 'do pfd.. U Paul . 3H do pfd.. How York. Money Market, NEW YORK. Aug. 17.-MONEY-Prlm mercantile paper. 6Yij per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac ttial bualness ln bankors' bills at $4.8670 4 8675 for demand and at $4.8395 for sixty days; posted rates, n.So'Vtn.M and $4.86 commercial bills. 84 82HS4 82i SIT.VITR Bar. 65Wc: Mexican dollars. 1 43o. uonds uovernment, steaay; raiiroaa, ir regular. Money on can. steady at iriW3 per cent, clnslner 2fi'3 oer cent. Tlmo money, nrm; eo days, 4-a per ceni; 90 days, 6 per cent; C months, 63t per cent. The closing quotations on Donas are as follows: V. g. ret. la, re....10VL,. N. unl. 4e.... SVt do roupon IvcvMex. central 4a.... da ia, rag 1044 do la loe do roupon 10CW Minn. A St. L. 4a. do sew 4a. reg. ...lit M.. K. A T. 4a.... do coupon 14 1 do 2a do eld 4a. rag N. Y. C. gen. ! 17 n M4 do coupon 109 IN. J. c. gen. ft do fta. rag 101 '4 No. Pacific 4a.. ...i:i ..IOUH do coupon .ieiv do a 70 Atrhliofi ma. 4i A ft U . ! .loa . s . 7 N. A W. coa. 4a.... 7H Heading gen. 4s 44 St. L. I. M. a. ta.lll do adj. 4a Dal. A Ohio 4a do ma , St. L. A 8. r. 4a.... 8H do coot. 4a St. Ia. b. w. ia 94 do 2a Tt "trl?f8,o,,,U::::l 04 IU4W9. A. A A. P. 4a.... li do la tne To I So. Pacific 4a....- KJ-4. Chea. A Ohio 4Wa...lOI So. Rallwar He Ill Chicago A A. IWa... tCUT-i.. s, paclfie la...lU C. B. AO. B. 4a... ao 1 , st. u. a w. 4a.. Tiu C, M A 8t t g. 4a...KH r. N w. coa. fa. 1S9 C . R. t. A l. 4a...l. r C R A St L g. 4a.. 34 Union Pa-lo 4a S do cost. 4a ,,. H1, Wabata Is 1HW do ia 104 -1 do deb. B art, Chicago Ter. 4a T reiorado Bo. 4a 4A Went Shore 4a 10 Denver A It. O. 4a.. iWhaal. L. K. 4a.. J Brie prior Ilea 4a.... S4H, Wla. fentral 4a u do general 4a U ICon. Tohaccn 4 H. sr. W. a D. C. la.. tot 'Colo. Fuel coot. to.. M Hocking Val. 4a...lut x Offered. London to?V Market. LONDON, Aug. 17. Closing quotations: Ccnaola. atosay...'... fOvtiN. T. Ceatrai. lit 445 at 4S 1 2S a ti Mu, 44 1 Ta at u rt'i ad's do aeeount av a-ia.nonoia a nnuni Aaaronda. 4 qo pld Alrhlaoa ) Ontario Wert em. do ptd e.vi' rcnaayivania I Raltlmora A Ohio.... iV Kmd Minet I Canadian Pacific 1.1. Heading CheMpeaka A Oklo.. do lat pfd Chlraao U. W. . 174 do Id p!t Soutfcern Hv do pfd Southern Paclftu.. tr.toa Pacific do pfd V. S. Steal .In r'4 Wabaah do p'd C , M. A St. P.... Pedeera iKnver A 11. O ... ,.144 im .. 4'i .. Taw .. si .. H .. UV, ..IM ..lie .. te'i do ptd Eflo do lvt pfd do Id pfd lllleole Central ... lulvllle a, Naah. at . a. A T. . . BAR SILVER Steady at d per ounce. ki(iNfc.r-M2W tier cent. The rate of dis. count In the open market for short bills Is tV(i- 13-is per cent ana (or tnree-montns bills is 242 Pr "nt. Coffee Market. TUtrW YORK. Aug. 17. COFFEE Quiet. v,.t ..... nnen-tl onlot at unchansed prices. 1 tliough Havre reporred a decline. Ther I was little coffee offering, and the total transactions were only 17.1.0 oaga. in I market cloaed steady, net uuchauged to I points higher. Rales were 17,250 hags, in cluding September at $.7M5S-80c; November at 40 ant juiy at ftc. 1 nere was aiso n sale of September, 19o4, at 5c Boston Rteek Qaotatlena. nOSTON. Aug. 17. Call loans. 42'4 per cent; time loans, 6if per cent. Official Closing prices on stocas ana oonas: Atehlson 4e ft Amalgamated .... Mei. Central 4a TO iTIlr i-ha m W 4MI 1X f " 41 II Atohleoa ( aluraal A He la do pfd M 'Centennial Bneton a. Albany. ...4 'C'opi-er Range .... noatnn A Me 110 Dominion Coal .. H"oton Elevated IS? 'frankiln Fltrhhuig pfd... Lnloa farlflo ... ..14 .'nle R'rala .. va, Mohawk H-j. Central ... US, (lid Dominion ... Amerlran sugar ..lit lOareoln , Oareoln y... do pfd .114 Parrot ..a. II .119 Oulncr . SVRanta ra Copper..... 1 .164 TainaraOl lnt . H Trln-emtsln .. H . 0 Trlrlty . ss t'nltad States iej . n 'i, i tah rrvj . 11 victoria 4 . to ivinona t4 . l Wtlverlos 11 . flair Waal it Amerlran T. A T.. Immlnion I. ak 8.. Oen. Eieetrta ...... Maw. Klectrlc .... do pfd fnited nuit 8. Steel do pra IVeitlngh. Common Adventure Allot ei Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS An. 17 COTTON Easy; sales 425 bales; ordinary 7-16; good ordinary 10; low middling fair 11: mid dling 12S: good middling U; middling fair 13 1,1-16 nominal; receipts, 406; stock, 26 010 TT", 1 1 1 , ru .ia.au, A n 13.00c; Septemlwr' 10. 7tifi 10.77c; October, .73'tf 9.74c; November, 9 3r479.65c: December, 9.62(j .oo; January, HM'fln.oo; February, .Kxir9.6ic; March, 9 btQ 9.58c. NEW YORK. Aur. 17 COTTON-Onened easy at a decline of 46 points and aside from two or three Important reactions dis played a general downward tendency, with September leading the decline. The Initial losses were due to the lower cables And continued excellent weather. September was the most active month and cams In for considerable weakness, particularly ln the mie iramng. Alter opening at li Ac,, and sold at 12.14c and cloeed at 12.100 bid, a net loss of 26 points. At the lowest level of the day the list as a whole showed net losses of to 26 points and while Just be fore the close one or two months were rallied a point or two, making the final tone steady, prices showed a net loss for the day of 826 points. The decline on the Liverpool were attributed to selling of the near months in the market by the clique, though it waa also said to be to tje expectations of shipments from the New York market In the near future. Aboflt 8.400 bales of cotton were received here from Liverpool this morning, however, freaumably for delivery on August con racts. Port receipts torlnv were 6.11 hales. against 2.623 bales last year and didn't ln- ciune any new crop cotton. Total trans actions In today's market were estimated at 75,000 hales. ST. LOl'IS. Aur. 17 COTTON SteadT! middling L3c; receipts,. 14 bales; shipments, 43 bales; stock, 1,372 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 17.-COTTON QutetJ prices, 4 points lower; middling fair, 7.28d; goon middling, 7.06d; middling, i.SOd; low middling. 6.58d; good ordinary, 6.324: or dinary. 6.1Jd. The sales of the dav were. 5.000 bales, of which 500 were for specula tion ana export and included 4.400 Ameri can. Receipts, none. Futures opened quiet una steady and closed easy; American mid dling G. O. C, August, 6.45V.46d; August and September. 6.87rufl.3Sd: Sentember. 8.37(fJ 6.88d; September and October, 6.83d; October and November. 6.43d; November and De cember. 5.32d; December and January, S.28d: January and February, l.27d; February and warcn, s.L'tyaa.sra; March and April, 6.26d. Evaporated Apples and Drier! Fruits, NEW YORK. Aug. 17. EVAPORATED APPLES Unchanged: common are quoted at 4(f?6Vc; prime, 6ij3:6c; choice, 6146c; rancy, iw(c. futures are attracting some HtCe sttention, and prime for October November delivery are quoted at from 6C to 6V4c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are steady and unchanged at prices rang ing from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apricots continue firm, with a fair Jobbing demand reported. New crop choice are quoted at ftfn0c; old crop supplies are unchanged at rWftc ror choice, and loizo ror rancy. Peaches are quiet and unchanged at 7 7c for choice, and 1012c for fancy. Oil and Koala. OIL CITY. Aug. 17.-OIL Credit bal ances, $1.66; shipments, 102.791 bbls., average 78,089 bbls.: runs, 146,873 bbls.; shipments. Lima. 130.8S3 bbls.. average 64.933 bbls.: runs, Lima, 124,032 bbls., average 66,009 bbls. SAVANNAH. Aug. 17. -OIL Turpentine. firm. ROSIN-Firm: A. B. C. D. E. F. $1.65: H. $2.80; I. $280: K. $2 96: M. $3.06; N. $4.15: W O. 3 50; W W, $3.60. new YORK. Aug. it. OIL cottonseed. dull; yellow. 414Se: petroleum, steady; tur pentine, quiet, osvpwc asKea. ' ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good. $1.901.95. Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. DRY OOODrW Buyers are taking comparatively little In terest In the market at nrst hands, al though Jobbers both locally and through out the country continue busy. The cur tailment policy pursued by so manv mills. while not having any general effect as yet, is bound to influence conditions in the near future. Saarar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 17. SUGAR Dull; open kettle, 2H37c; open kettle cen trifugal, U"4i(tr:ie : cenirirugai, 4c; yeiiow, SKfMc; seconds, 2(?,3c. MOLABbKH-centrifugal, dun. htjisc. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. SUGAR Raw, strong; refined, firm. MOLASSES Firm. , Whisky market. v CHICAGO. Aug. 17. WHISKY-On basis Of high wines, $1.29. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 17. WHISKY Steady t $1.24. PEORIA. Aug. 17.-WHISKY-Flntahed goods, $1.29. CINCINNATI, Aug. 17. WHISKY Dis tillers' finished goods, steady on basis of $1.29. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 17. WOOL-45u!et; me dium grades, combing and clothing, IMt 21c; light, fine, lWnlSe; heavy, fine, 12. 15c; tuD-wssneo, zo(W2c. NEW YORK, Aug. 17. WOOL Steady, Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. 111.. Aug. 17. BUTTER Prices on the Board of Trade this afternoon were unchanged from last week. The official price was fixed at 19c. The week's sales in me cigin uisinci were i,ui lua. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Hosts Dim to Fifteen I,ower, While beep Rise Like Antonnt. CHICAGO. Aug. 17. CATTLEReeelpts. 36.000 head. Including l.noo Texans and 8.010 westerns; gnod to prime steers, $7.4i7.60; poor to medium, $.1. 64.90; elockers and feeders. $2.26if4.0O; rows. Il.60w3.40: canners. Texas fed steers, $4-6i; western steers. $3.25 tr4.nl). A ,1 .... . ... , . 1 ,a iiiunj , m,uw , , a va . r" i,. r--c i---nrrv. 22 00O be-rt: &81Kq lower: , 1 ; , 1 u u aa. , r. . m n.aw av. ran maaa.. aa. mixed and butchers. t6.00fI6.60: good to i.. ,.lc heavy, o .soiri'j.40; rough heavy, $..902 6.25: llKht. $5.25(iw6.66. SHEEP ANO LAMBS-Receipts, $0 000 head: aheep strong: to Ifcirlac h Ik her: rood to choice wethers, $3.2T.(B3.i5; fair to choice mixed. $2.&nt3.ZA; western sheep, 2. 7t8 76 native lambs, $3.263'5.7&; western lambs, ttUIlt.BU. Kansss City Live Stock Market.' KANSAS CITY, Aug. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts. t.OoO natives. 1.950 Texans: calves. 460 Texans and 650 natives; com cattle 10?) 16c lower than Friday; westerns, 0j603 lower than last week's best prices; quaran tine slow snd lower; cows slow: stockers and feeders steady; choice export and dressed Peer steers, fti.tiot&H.2; fair to good $3.504.60: stockers and feeders. $2.40(tJ4.10 western fed steers. 82. 96(7,4 .88 : Taiann anil Indian steers, $2.0Mr3.0; Texas cows, $2.10 2.6-); natlvos, $1.764.4.00; native heifers. $3.0 t4.Za; c nners. fti.tnx92.O; bulls, 33.O0S..I0; calves, a.. jihu.4u. HOGS Receipt. 4.000 head: market f& Vio lower; top. $a ; bulk of sales, 5.Sort 5 50; heavy, t6.16f6.46; mixed packers ti $"f D ao; ugni. i-i ii.ej, yoraers, fto.ootlo.fti; pigs. $.'1.40(1,5.67. SHEEP AND IaAMBS Recelpta, 00. head; market weak to 10c lower; native lambs. j.wx(to w : westo.-n lam ha, 3.fXKti.S5 fed ewes, $..7694.70; T-vas clipped year. lings, $-:.8iK,i4.7b: Texas (lipped sheep, $..409 4. ; stockers, t- to-ia. Now Ycrk Live gtaek Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 17 CATTLE Beeves receipts, 4.366; steers. 10c lower: bulls and rows, steady to a fraction lower; about all sold: steers. $4 4ti.5.5i: extra. $6.70: bulls. $2ff.tt3.37; cows. $1.6O(fj4.0O. Cables quoted tne price ror cattle at Liverpool HWc: at London, lvc dressed weight. Shin. ments tomorrow, 1.168 cattle, 1.163 sheep, and 4.2O0 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 3,6V; veals, firm but rather s ow; erasers and buttermilks, eas ler: veals. $6 0u4j8 M: extra. H.12W418 26 ejll. 14. 0034.60: graasers and buttermilks. $3.6i44.u0; western calves. $6.00; city dressed veals, nrm at nc; extra, nc. Iti KS Recelnta. 11.276: market slow state and Pennsylvania hogs, $6.0086.36 few nla-a. $6 35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. J1.676 sheep slow and lr.2oc lower; eight cars unsold; sheen. $12&43.76: few extra, $4 00; lambs. $4 7a'6.60: few early sales of choice at $i.WHtti.aii cuu at ftt-wi. OMAHA L1YE SIOll MARKET Liberal Ban of Cattle, ui Steer and Oowi o!d Ten to Fifteen Lower. HOGS CASED OFF JUST ABOUT A NICKEL Receipts Sheen and Lambs Heavy nd Fat etnff Sold Little Lower, While Good Feeders Did Rot how Mack Chans;. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 17. Recelnta were rMlA tr,mm Rhen. Official Monday i,ia n.two , lo,om) oame aay last weeg R.360 3.648 l&.ibl Sam week before (.to 4,t87 17,2.(6 Same three weeks ago.. 2.5.12 2,07 10,676 rwno tour weens ago,. 3,2 li.iw Same day last year 7.S66 7,166 14.018 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. Th followlnar tahln ihni tna raeelnta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Ometia for year- na comparisons witn last lorn tone T T.A,, ttle 604,91 4o,b64 146,241 no L6fcit 1,600,841 87.967 ueP 762,391 618.119 164.276 Average price paid for hogs st South omaha for th last several days with com parisons: Dt- I 1903. H02.1901.lO0.l899.1898.1837. Aug. 1.., Aug. 2... Aug. 3... Aug. 4... Aug. Aug. Aug. 7... Aug. ... Aug. ... Aui;. 10.., Aug. n.. Aug. 12.. Aug. 1$.. Aug. 14.. Aug. 16.. 4 17 7 471 7 86 i 02 7 89 (04 7 32 ( 06 7 36 03 7 27 11 7 17 7 16 ( 19 a f 23 7 04 5 20 6 78 t 18 6 81 6 21 6 73 6 26 6 b8 6 67 I 20 t 66 16 4 11 71 t $ 47 t 67 $6$ 4$ $ 46 t 63 I 49 3 61 t 66 $ 48 S 68 a 6 79 S84 I to I 66 6 66 I 73 ft .74 a 6 73 6 77 6 77 Aug. 16... 3 76 Aug. 17. 71 Indicates Sunday. The official number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle.Hoga. Sh'p. HVs. C.. M. St. P. Ry.... 4 Union Pacific system.. 27 C. A N. W. Ry l EF., E. A M. V. Ry....U2 ., SL P.v M. A O. Ry 7 . & M. Ry 123 C, B. St Q. Ry t C, R. I. A p., east... 6 Illinois Central Ry.... 1 Total recelnta 284 6 20 1 t 1 61 T "i 66 72 1 66 Th disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- ucr ui uaa inaicatea: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omaha Packing Co...... 972 466 1,140 ewiic ano company..,".. 1,018 Armour A Co 1.4H8 Cudahy Packing Co 1.2S3 Armour, from Sioux City 87 730 "976 261 48 1.368 '677 2,487 armour, irom country. Vanaant & Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Co Huston A Co Livingstone A Shaller... 113 117 S 7 16 162 46 2 2(56 81 127 697 1j. f riusi Wolf A Murnan... B. F. Hobblck H. F. Hamilton.,.. Lee Rothschild .... Bam Werthelmer . Other buyers 3,236 8.807 Total 6.387 3.361 CATTLE There waa a ennrl run nf .rattle here today, mostly western rangers, and as Chicago was quoted 10315c loweC, prices here also suffered a sharp decline. Many of the trains were late ln arriving, and that fact, together with the decline in prices, made trading rather slow, and It was late before even the bulk was disposed of. There were several cars of .corn-fed steers Included ln the receipts, and buyers bought those up first. Some of the choicer grades sold early at prices that did not look much if any lower, but aside from those the mar- net was right around lorci&o lower than the close ot last week, Salesmen were slow to uae in prices orrereo, as tney nguted they ought to set steadv d rices for their corn cattle. The cow market was In rather bad ahane. Including the westerns and those shipped from local points there were considerably over 100. cars on sale. That being the case, the market could not help but take a drop. In the majority of cases the decline would be covered by 10O16c, but some sales looked aa much as 20c lower. Trading was slow from start to finish, and the day was well advanced before anything like a clearance was mad. Bulls, ln sympathy with the decline on steers and cows, also eased Oft lOloc; veal calves were m good supply and as a result sold a little lower. There was a eood demand for atockers and feeders this morning, so that although mere were a good many on sale, tney com manded Just about steady Drlcea. The choicer grades ln particular sold without mucn irouoie at steady prices, wnne tne commoner stuff was neglected, the prices paid did not look much of any lower. There was a fair supply of western beef steers on sale, but the quality was nothing extra. All kinds had to sell lower, the de cline in the majority of cases amounting to Just about l'Xflfic. Salesmen held on for some time, but ln the face of the unfavora ble reporta received from other points they coma not prevent tne Drean. itanqre cows sold all tho way from 103C03 lower, all kinds Joining ln the decline. Blockers and feeders were In good request and no quota ble change In the prices paid was noticea ble. Representative sales: No. At. Pt. No. At. Tr. . ..mi 4 M iC 1174 4 to 11 14 It 44 4 40 l&M 4 M ...1111 4 40 ...HOT 4 U .. .11.14 4 hi ...lt'H 4 it ...1144 4 W ...1101 4 to IT 14.4 4 ti tt. 1144 4 H 4 4 M 1111 4 M 1 1411 I 00 tl 11 ...1)41 I 00 ...1S01 ( OS ...1UI ( II U 4t 17 ...1134 4 tO ...00 1 00 C0W3. 1 1.. 1.. 11.. 1.. . .1AM $ T8 ..1060 I Tl .. I7T I tl ..too I 00 ..1110 i 00 11 ... Wl 10 ... 7W I 34 ... Ill I l ... M0 1 U ...1041 I 5 ... 170 I I 4 10 , M 1 1 111 8 10 1 ldtO 8 IS 1 It ... tM 3 Tit "0 3 10 HEIFERS. 3 3 I I Ill 3 SO I. ISO I JO BULLS. "6 $ 40 1. ISM t W CALVES. 110 I 00 1 SO 1 a 110 I 00 8TAQS. ltl t 70 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ' .... Ht 111 4 til I 10 ..... 4o t 1 too 1 is , i-l I 10 t 441 I IS W0 I 00 1 . I Si loo 1 00 NEBRA8KA. 10 I...W. 21 feeders.. 1156 3 66 15 heifers.. 829 2 60 2 helfnrs.. 610 2 26 2 heifers.. 790 2 60 1 stag 1010 3 60 8 cowa 810 2 16 13 cows Ml 145 1 cow looO 1 60 24 cow 8D4 2 16 . I cows... 1 cow..., 10 steers.. 45 steers.. 84 cows... 37 cows... 1 heifer.. I heifers. 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. I heifers. 16 cows... 4 cows... It cows... 14 cowa... 12 cowa... 4 cowa... 1 cow.... 18 cows... 2 cows... 2 cowa.. 1036 2 85 1110 3 80 1161 t 70 1242 t 60 930 2 80 .981 2 60 4U0 2 40 593 1 40 . 790 2 86 8 HO J 66 , 697 2 20 1022 2 66 .971 2 40 896 2 30 1040 2 66 , 967 2 46 , 982 2 25 , 7b0 2 40 , 967 2 45 . 785 2 60 ,916 2 60 1 cow 9.0 1 60 42 steers.. ..lift $ 70 I steers. ...1126 3 70 36 steers.. ..1236 3 60 1 feeder... KiiO 3 60 I heifers... 677 2 40 1 heifer.... 600 2 00 4 heifers... 9u0 2 36 1 heifer... 820 2 65 18 heifers... 060 2 65 1 heifer... 660 3 00 9 cows, ..1044 1 75 31 cows. . 920 2 60 2 cows. ..111$ 1 86 ..1218 2 45 ..1020 2 25 .. 920 2 55 .. 8H 2 15 ..996 2 46 ..1000 2 50 10 cows. 1 cow. . 1 cow.. 3 cows. 4 cows. 1 cow.. 12 cows 873 2 60 2 cows. 9S5 2 60 3 cows 1060 2 60 4 cows 811 $ 60 4 cows 1000 2 66 88 cows 908 2 66 1 feeder... 630 t 00 t feeders.. 773 2 26 6 feeders.. 848 3 26 1 feeder... 510 2 60 19 feeders.. lOu) 3 46 7 feeders..H3ii 8 10 feeders.. 843 3 40 1 cow 970 2 2fi 12 cows .... 872 2 60 6 cows... 920 2 60 1 feeder... 770 I 40 17 feeders.. (H 11 33 feeders. . 870 3 25 2 feeders.. 640 1 40 t feeders.. 1018 t 45 2 feeders.. 715 2 S6 23 feeders.. 9R7 $ 40 15 cows 1039 t 85 IS cows " $ ?5 1 cow 8M 1 75 cows W 2 f,0 2 calvea... 176 ftfl 34 steers.... 922 t 10 1 cow MS0 2 85 S cows.. K i6 2 00 VA 2 60 W7 t 10 IX VS 3 10 1 cslf 67 steers.. 7 steers. . 1 steer liw I to 47 steers.. ..11S4 2 70 . 8 steers. ...lliVt 3 70 4 Steers.. ..1040 8 00 6 calves... 2S3 t 06 49 steers.. ..116 $ 70 40 steers.. ..li 3 85 1 bull 13" 2 28 1 calf S0 3 05 $2 heifers.. 764 t 60 1 cow 7M t 00 ft cowa 937 2 80 30 feeders.. 10T4 3 60 11 heifers.. 7VI 2 85 6 cows V t 26 cows. J. .1110 too 25 cows..... '9 tt I steer 140 M t heifers.. SNl 150 1 feeder... fV 1 H t steers.. ..1H 14 feeders.. t?l 125 10 cows 918 2 35 11 cows 913 2 40 4 cows 7e, t 01 1 bull 1640 $ 35 21 calves... 21 3 85 8 rows V13 2 40 63 steers.. ..1183 1 60 1 feeder. 1 calf.... 21 cows... SM 3 210 t 76 969 2 90 4 cows Srta t ro SOUTH DAKOTA. M rows 1041 t tr, t cows 1040 t 80 4 cow 1100 6i f. cows 920 1 Ma 17 feeders.. 1t 45 13 feeders. .10-6 ry U feeders.. M t 45 5 cows 1 ! feeders.. 940 3 46 t steers.... 1425 146 J 18 4 21 I 74 6 16 4 33 $67 f 10 4 43 t 61 4 45 t 71 t 04 I 77 6 14 4 38 6 16 4 87 S 81 6 04 4 82 I 67 6 001 4 M 3 67 4 99 4 29 3 27 4 (5 t 48 4 95 4 36 4 7 4 43 4 97 4 44 $76 4 98 4 82 78 6 00 4 36 3 74 17 feeder.. 107 I 60 cows ..Mil COLORADO. II feeders.. 978 t 60 I 00 I stag....-- W w 16 feeders.. 9it 16 feeder.. V4 f 40 1 feeder... U0 t " 1 7S U cows. I o 3 cows $14 F, I feeders 4 feeders Peterson 8outh Dakota. . 968 I 36 . 906 3 36 it steers..-, ra w Hummell-Wyo. 1 46 10 heifers... 74J I 65 2 30 1 cow 10H0 I oi t 65 1 cow 1110 I 66 II. 13 feeders.. 833 3 cows., ItHj $ cows.... . 947 J. Scroful Wyo. 17 cows..., ,.1029 . 7W T. .. 6V7 . 868 t 66 21 feeders.. 844 I $6 4 66 1 feerter. ..1B0 t 04 6 feeders. H. Smith Neb. 3 65 I COWS. 11 cows... 17 feeders. ... 963 1 S 1 66 N. I o ran Neb. $ cows... . 9T8 166 It cows.., 8C4 168 J n Hmiehar Neb. 20 feeder. 1029 2 30 4 feeder.. 170 S 7S 1 stag 1000 t 65 John Beeeer Nab. 14 COW 71 t 00 A. Kunkle Neb. 1 cow 700 1 00 1 cow 780 1 65 1 cow 10f,0 2 00 1 cow 940 1 64 1 cow 940 2 66 t cow 1000 I 66 4 cows 1015 1 65 6 cows MO 166 cowa 966 3 66 2 cows 1075 1 65 C. Camesand Neb. 7 feeders.. 1042 1 60 1 cows.. ...1040 t Ti M oowi 991 1 75 N. T. Wratt 8. D. II cow .813 2 66 9 cow..... 171 155 O. Storey Wyo. t feeders.. 049 t 66 S. LeCastro Wyo. 12 cows.,... 979 8 80 3 feeder. .1060 1 10 4 feeder.. 1070 t 30 John Brown Wyo. 34 feeder.. 1019 3 30 1 feeder... 170 I 1 feeder... 1070 t 80 V. w. Clark Wyo. It feeder.. 939 t 30 1 feeder... 760 I 30 J. Klnnly-Nei. 1 COW 930 1 26 4 cow 1020 I W 5 cows 1010 t 28 1 bull 14W John Totrn Nb. I 26 25 feeders.. KA 8 15 H. A. Keating No. ,1018 3 00 C. E. Stewart Nb. , 998 1 70 1 cow 1170 .1260 t 90 t COW 1070 .1246 t M W M PI 11 mm er Neb. I cow... 13 cow..! 3 steer.. I steers.. 1 85 1 90 23 feeder.. 1020 8 70 4 feeder.. 9 4 cows 1060 t 10 '6 cows 1008 2 cows 80 1 10 10 heifers... 142 George White Neb. 18 cows 910 2 30 4 cows..... 852 I 00 1 60 1 70 ISO 8 cows... 975 I 10 HOGS There was a moderate run of hog here thla morning, but a Chicago was quoted slow and a dim lower, th market eased off a little here also. Pack ers tried to buy their hogs 6$10c lower, but salesmen were not willing to take off mort than a nickel and packer finally bought them Just a ho at that way. Trading was not very brisk, but still the buig of the early arrivals was disposed ot In good easson. The heavyweights sold largely from t5.15 to 16.20. medium from $5.20 to $5 25 and choice lights from $6.26 to $5.30. There was no particular change In the market from start to finish, as the lat arrival sold In Just about the sryn notches as those that arrived early. A Strictly fancy load that came ln lat sold for $5.85 and they averaged 22S pounds. Trading wa fairly active on the close, so everything was disposed of ln eood season. Representative sales: No. Av. th. Pr. No. At. Th. Pr. 14 ... I 10 10 m ... I to 44 140 ... 1 10 to ri ... 1 to ss m k 1 11 to tm io 1 m 41 Ifti ... $ 18 IT tl 10 8 w 14 ."V) ... Ill 14 M 140 8 10 10S M0 ... B IS 14 ni 40 I 10 u ... g ,s r irs to 1 10 41 lit ... I IS (t 141 SO 8 10 tl t4 ... 6 17 7T Ml 1 tO I 10 S7 JT7 0 8 17 10 rO ... I M tl 247 ... 8 17V, tt IIS 110 111 TS ISO 0 I 17, t 5'4 ... I l.'t BS .... I'l V) 117V, 17 Wj .. 4 iti, SS f ... 8 174 40 I !t 17 179 10(1 t 17H 70 IS! ... 6 IS SB ;l 140 8 17j 84 !10 It IM HO 40 . W TO VI 110 8 M BS 141 0 8 10 fl Ml A 8 IS 41 r ... i to tt tss to f, is 01 !1 130 6 M tl 1HI 40 I IS K 1S ... IN Tt IM HO I IS 14 il4 120 I M SO 114 80 S 17 It Ml S) II tl 1S4 ... 117 41... t'4 ... IM IT lit SO 8 10 II 130 184 I 10 II til ... 8 30 68 l'.S ... 110 17 155 ... Ill S Ml 0 8 tO SHEEP There was a libera: run of sheep and lambs reported this morn.ig, but tbe trains were very late In arriving and be sides that there was an Immense amount of sorting to be done. As a result It was noon before there was scarcely anything ready for sale. A few bunches of ewt old at prices ranging from $2.60 to $2.80 that did not look much of any lower, but aside from those It looked as though the bulk of the fat stuff would hav to sell all the way from weak to 10&'l6c lower. A string of lambs sold for $4.o0 that looked 101(7160 lower and It was evident from the way packers acted that they wanted to buy the sheep lower also. Ihere was a good demand for feeder and as a large proportion of the arrivals this morning were fat enough for killers there waa not an dversupply of feeders. Buyers took hold quite freely and price held fully steady on all desirable grade Quotations for grafts stock: Good to choic lambs. $5.005.25: fair to good lambs. $4.76f 5.00; good to choice yearlings, $3.603.76: fair to good yearlings. $3.2.Vn3.60; good to choice vether. $3.25(33.40; frtlr to good wether. $3.0003.26; good to choice ewes, $3.j,10; fair to good ewes, $2.50SF2.7S: feeder lamba 3 604.26; feeder yearlings, $3.263.60: feeder wethers, $3.("xrj3.2fc; feeder ewes, $1.6002.60. Representative sales: 60 Nebraska feeder ewes 152 Nebraska feeder ewes 125 Nebraska ewes 134 Nebraska ewes , 124 Nebraska ewes 664 Idaho ewes 8 Nebraska cull lambs 61 Nebraska yearlings.. 133 Nebraska feeder yearlings 94 Idaho ewes 259 Idaho ewes 25 Idaho wethers 78 Idaho cull ewes , 37 Idaho cull ewes , 119 Idaho ewes , 273 Idaho ewes , 26 Idaho cull lambs 71 Idaho lambs , , 79 81 81 86 88 106 46 62 62 90 97 , 92 93 89 95 110 , 68 64 2 20 2 20 2 60 2 60 2 70 2 80 3 00 3 40 3 40 2 25 2 65 3 35 2 15 2 26 2 60 2 80 4 26 6 00 St. Inls Live Stock Market. BT. LOUI8. Aug. 17. CATTLE Receipts, 11,500 head. Including .000 Texans; market d,r natives steady; IriatiS lower; natives, shipping and export steers, $4.25..60; dressed beef and butcher steers $4.0OW6.28; steer under 1,000 pounds. $1.00(35.00; stock eis and feeders, $3.3urT4.00; cows and heif ers, $2.65fr4.7&; canticr-. $2.002.26; hulls. $i. 50-1. 00; calves. $3.00Q6.76: Texas and In dltn steers, $2.60413.50, .us and heifers, $2 0047 2 46. liOQS Receipts. 4,600 read; market slow to 10c lower; pigs and lights, $165f. 70; packers, $5.20SS.&5; butchers and best heavv. $5.8066.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady ; native muttons, $3.00 fa.0; Iambs, $4.705.6O; culls and bucks, f.0U2.76; stockers, t3.003.25. St. Joseph LIt Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 17. CATTLE Re- eelpts. 8.800 head; 10W16o lower; natives, I 13.7V46.30; cows and heifers, tl-SOti 66; ll.WitCi; stocxers and xeeoers. tz.stxff liOUSJ rteceipts, a "J nesa; twQ'iUC lower; light, $5.4036.60; medium and heavy, $5. 15 31 6?1 . . A. SHElSP Receipts, i.iui neaa; aonve. slonx City Live stock Market. mmrJC CITY. Ia. Aug. 17. (flneclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 800 head: steadv: beevea $4.00476.00: cows, bulls and mixed. $?.60U 4.00: stockers and feeder. $2.60 fj3 70: calves and yearlings, $2.&(xs fi. HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head: 6i?jl0c lower, selling at $5.0615.26: bulk. $5.106.16. Stock ia slant. Following were the receipts of live stock at th six prlaclpal western cities yester- day: Cottle. Hor. Sheen, Omaha .. 7,000 .. 36.0H0 .. 9. TO) .. 8,000 .. 1.800 .. 800 3.fO 450 4.001 4.&00 8.6(11) 1.600 15 500 tO.OM) 2.010 t.ooo t,400 Ka'i Icaso ansa City St. IaOuIs ... pt. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Totals ... 69.6-30 12.100 52,900 THE AUTOMATIC RESTAURANT 4)nalnt Establishment f German Origin Droacbt to Perfection In This Conntry. ' We have slot machine that sell us candy and chewing gum. slot machine that ell collar buttons, slot machines by which w can be weighed, and slot machine which set a phonograph or music box In motion snd sooth 11s with th latest popular air while w wait In th railway station or ferry house. Now we have the automatic restaurant, a gtgantlo slot machine or combination of slot machines from which w can purchase food and drink. The wonder Is that this Idea Is not of American, but of German origin. New York's restaurant. In principle. Is very much the same ss those of th German towns. It la fitted up much more elabor ately. however. In describing th automatic restaurant. It may be well to dlvld it various appli ances Into three classes. Th first class of machines sell hot food by means of coins and checks; the second dispense cold food (salads, desserts) by th ua of coin alone; and th third Mil liquid (beer, wine, 00 free, whisky, liquor, tc.) by th use ef coin alone, Th restaurant comprise two floors, or rather a floor and a basement. On the up per floor th patron pur chat what they deslr; In th basement th food Is cooked or otherwise prepared, and lifted to tho floor abov by mean of levators. Th operating; of th elevator may best b explained by describing the process of purchasing' food, Th bill ot far I printed upon board In which th slots are located. Each slot bara a reference letter. Oppo site slot A a small placard Is pasted which give th nam of th particular dish to b purchased by dropping a coin In that glot, Similar legends are printed upon th placard pasted opposlt slots R, C, D, etc. After th desired dish has been selected, a coin of th proper denomination Is dropped Into th corresponding slot. A hand) la pulled, which ring a bell In th basement, and signal th attendants. . Simultaneously a brass check I delivered. Th coin ha dropped down a chute, which lie adjacent to th levator and Is held In place at th bottom by a retaining devico. By counting th number of coin as they lie side by aid abov fh retaining device th attendanta know exactly how many dishes of that particular food ar wanted. A each dish 1 aerred th retaining de vic I released, so that a coin drops Into a receptacle, leaving behind a number of coins corresponding to th number of dishes till to be served. Th food, attractively erred In neat chlnaware, la placed on a silvered metal tray In on of the compart mnta of th elevator and raised to the floor above. Th purchaser sees his dish aa it Ilea In th lvtor behind a glass partition; he cannot reach it. however, be cause it has been lifted acimewhat abov the discharge opening. Not until he has dropped his brass check Into a second slot, bearing a reference letter corresponding to that of the coin slot, and pulled another handle, will th elevator descend suffic iently to enable him to obtain his purchase. Cold foods, such as salads and dessert, are placed upon th elevators of another section and raised to the purchasing floor In full view, protected, of course, by glass partitions. In order to purchase what one , desire it 1 necessary simply to drop a coin In the slot and to pull a handle. The elevator then descends one step so that the particular salad or dessert can be with drawn from the discharge opening Just as In th previous case. No checks are here used, since the dishes are cold and tho at tendants below need not be Informed of the particular kind of food desired. The llquor-dlspensing machines have the their most Interesting feature a self-measuring valve by means of which an amount of liquor Is dispensed which Is the exact equivalent In quantity of the value of the money received. It la rather curious to observe that for a 6-cent piece a glass of beer--no more and no less runs out of the faucet. Kummel, Benedictine and other liqueur ar sold with like mechanical ac curacy. The glasses are brimful: not n drop too much trickles out of the cask. When a beer cask is nearly emptied a bell Is automatically rung to call the atten tion of the attendants In the basement to Its condition. Beer glasses are all hung on pegs on a marble panel above the slots. Th purchaser removes one of these glasses, ' rinses It; If he likes, In an automatto sprinkling device especially provided for that purpose, places it beneath the tap and puts hla coin In the slot. He pulls the lever over, as far as it will go, and allows it to fly back. The beer flows out of the tnp Into his glass ln lust the right quantity, i The valve by which coffee is dispensed Is exactly of similar construction. The cups. however, are disposed not on pegs, but in elevators similar to those by which food Is raised. The coffee Is kept hot by means nf a vessel containing water, within which th coffee tank Itself la contained. The method of buying liquors or wine or soda water is precisely the same as that which we hav described In connection with the purchase of beer. Scientific American. Assistant Cashier Shoots Himself. lrrtRT WAYNE. Ind.. Aug. 17. W. L.' Pettit, for many years assistant ca-hlor of the First National bank here, shot and killed himself early today. Ill-health Is believed to have been the cause. Seven Tonrlsts Are K..led. CHAMONIX, France, Aug. 17. Seven tourists.' it was announced today, were killed recently while attempting to climb the Aiguilles grlses, behind Mont uinnc, on the Courmayeur side of the mountains. ' Army Notes. Re-nn4 T.letitenant J. C. Dodge. Twenty- fifth Infantry, was a visitor at department headquarters Monday. P. B. Kellogg, C. 8., U. B. A., of Battle Creek, Mich., was a visitor at army head quarter, this city, Monday, B.KnMl TJeutenant A. El Philllns. Tenth cavalry, has been promoted to be first lieu tenant of troop C. Tenth cavalry. Mator J. J Pershing arrived In Washing ton on Fri.inv last and waa cordially re ceived by General Young and the army of ficials there. He my remain tnere as a member of the general staff. First Lieutenant George M. Lee of the Fourth cavalry has been relieved from duty with the Seventh cavalry and Is ordered to report for duty at Jefferson barracks and rejoin nls troop iui, rourtn cavairy. Major Daniel H. Brush, acting Inspector fenaral of the Department of the Missouri, as bean ordered to proceed to Fort Crook nd inspect such public property snd sup- piles as may te property presemeu 10 mm. The following retirement of brigadier gen erals ar announced from the headquarters of the army: David J. Cralgie, formerly colonel of tne jiievenin iniantry, aukuhi 13; Alpheus H. Bowman, formerly colonel of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, August 13. The Winners of the bronze medals at tne Fort Riley Joint departmental cavalry com petitions are: captain tiny, scoio 103, nor- ?eant StlsaoviKn, 114; corporal monioi, 1; Sergeant Anderson, 700; Sergeant Wal ters, 701; Corporal Wllllums. 6K; Wagoner Tervals. 674, and Captain Faber, 670. The following have been selected to con stitute the Department of the Missouri team ln the Iniantry competition at ron Leavenworth: 1. Vickery; 2. J. C. Smith; I. Fox: 4. Tate; 6. Young: 6. K. T. Smith; 7. Rlggs; 8. Poore; 9. McClune; 10. Han son; 11. White; iz. nneidon, and ueuuerry, who stands between Nos. 2 and $. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS Bled for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstractor, 1614 Farntra a l reel: Matons M. Havel to Anna Havel, his wife, lot 19, 22. 27 nd 30, Kenaing ton vt; 1 William H. P. Sehestedt and wlf to Emma L Prowltt. lot 4 and east 20 feet lot 5, block 7, Dupont Plac ad dition 4.000 Emma L. Prowlt and husband to Charles A. Coe, east 40 feet lot 4, block 7. Dupont Place addition 1 Clinton H. Briggs and wife to Ellen Patirson, part tax lot 32. section 22-16-13 Jane A. Russel and husband to Gustav . Weckenberg, south 40 feet, north 120 feet tax lot 67. section 34-15-13 800 Carl Peter Nllson and wife to Robert and Alma Wlklund, lot 14. block 19, poppleton Park addition 1 Charles S. Huntington et a, exe cutors, to C. U. Carlton, lot IS, block 90. Florence 60 Same to Arthur C. Carlson, lot 8. block 63. same 66 William O. lire and wife lo Fred snd Llllie E. Tex. southwest north west K section 6-14-13 George M. Rich and wife to Martha E. Rich, lot 4, block 135. Florence... 60 John E. George to Annie l'atton, lot 70, ln Sullivan's add 120 Charles B Brown anal wife to Wil liam O. I're. southwest ht. northwest i section 6-14-13 3,827 Nellie E. Webster to John Cvelas and Marie t'vetas. west lot 3, block 16. Credit Foncler 1,600 Bntthas .Tetter end wife to Ole Olson, lot 4. block 1. Drew Hill od Utln. . . . 223 William Wallace and wife to I,. L. Owena, lot 7, block 1, Portland Place addition 40 Susan I-ayman to W. J. TAmm. north H lot 15. block t. William Hagedorn's addition 1 Bankers B'llldtng snd Loan associa tion to Eleanor B. Denser, lot 8 and west V. lot T, block 4. Corrt gan Plac Ml