10 TTITC O MATT A DAILY HKE: TT7ENDAY, ATJUTJST 18, 1903. NEXT WINTER AT THE BOYD Ifunger Bnrgesi Telli of Hit Bookings for Coming 8ea30D. SECURES ELDER SALVINI FOR ONE NIGHT DrNt Italian Actor Will Inrlnde Onth In Ilia Ilrlrf American Tear Other Fine A1 trac tions Fncaaed. W. J. Bura-ess, manager of the Boyd theater, returned Hunday from New York after what he considers the most suc cessful campaign he ever wag-ed In quest of bookings for his theater. Ills list ahowa that all the really Important attractlona that will be "on the road" this coming winter, with the possible' exception of Sir Henry Irving, will vlalt the Koyd theater. Ha succeeded .beyond expectations In get Una; Tomasao Halvlnl, the great Italian, for on night during hla limited tour of the United States. Inasmuch aa Cincinnati, St. Louis and cltlaa of that Importance get but one night. It appears that Omaha la not being badly treated. .Other important engagements made were Miss Millie James In "The Little Princess," Mlaa Maude Adams In "The Little Bister of Jose," Wil liam Favorsham and Julie Opp in "Im prudence," John Drew In "Captain Dieppe," and Nat Ooodwln In "A Midsummer Night's Dream." These are all In addition to the list bo bad cured before lie started east iWIth, bis complete bookings, Mr. Burgess fcaa the finest line of attractions ever offered for a single season at the Boyd. The production of "A Midsummer Nlghfs Dream" Is to be the most ambitious Shakespearean revival undertaken In many years. Plana are being laid for an artlstlo ettlng that will embody the scenlo Ideal, aid yet not mar or detract from the com edy of the play. Any one familiar with the play will realize the opportunity for a Hob soenlo Investment, and Messrs. Klaw A Er linger, under whose management Mr. Ooodwln appears, are spending money In most liberal manner on the piece. Reno-vatlna" the Boyd. Mr. Burgess yesterday said that from now until the day for opening the season workmen will be buny renovating the Boyd. It is not Intended to do any general deco rating", but the wood work will be repainted, the carpets replaced, the dressing rooms refitted, the stage thoroughly overhauled, and the electric wiring Inspected and re paired, some changes in the Installation being made to Introduce a few new Ideaa In lighting, and everything done that can be to put the houBe In fine condition for the first performance. He says the New York managers are greatly pleased with Omaha's record for the last three seasons, and are looking forward to another prosperous year here. The demand for "time" at the Boyd Is such that It was found Impracticable to Introduce the week-stand Idea, but the stay of all the stars will be from three to four performances, Richard Mansfield coming in the latter list Some of the big productions, like "Ben Hur," will play a week. Bome of the Bookings. Here is a partial Hat of the- bookings for the. Boyd for the coming season: "The Prince of Pllsen;" "Fiorodora;" Ada Kenan and Otis Hklnner: Ezra Kendall; "When Knighthood Was in Flower:" "Hod JUver;' "A Fool and Hla Money' Millie James in "The Little Princess;" "On the Hi-luge at Midnight:" "A Chinese Honey moon;" ' The Village Parson:" "The Lilli putians;" "The Volunteers;'' "Along the Mohawk:" Lily Langtry In "Mrs. Ueering's Divorce;" "Alphnnse and Canton;" "The Smart Sot;" Al Wllaon's Minstrels; Herman the Great: "When Reuben Comes to Town:" Walker Whiteside In "We Are King:" "A Deserted Bridge;" Mary Shaw In "Ohosts:" "A Bunch of Keys:" "Two Little Vagrants;" "Fight Bells;" "The Btorke;" "A Texas Steer;" "The Silver Clipper," (loo people); "Human Hearts;" "Foxy Orandna:" "Jolly of Joltet:" Jiuunh Jefferson In "Kip Van Wlnkl;" ''Qulncy Adam Sawyer;" Robert Kdeson and com- J any In "Soldiers of Fortune:" Louis ames and Frederick Warde In ''Alexander the Oreat;" Dorkstader'B Minstrels; "The Eultan of Sulu;" West'e Minstrels; "Ben Hurj" Chauncey Oloott: "Land O' Cotton," "In Old Kentucky;" "Bonnie Brier Bush;" "Beware of Men;" 'fOle Olsen;" Jane Ken. nark In "Undr Two Flags;" "The Tender foot;" 'The Koad to 'Frlaco;" "Reuben in New York;" "Hllo, Bill;" Adelaide Thurs ton In "Polly Primrose;" Blanche Walsh In "Resurrection;" "The tlirl from Sweden;" "The Denver Express;" "King Dodo;" "The While Slave;" "Pickings from Puck;" "McFiidden's Flats;"f Haver ley's Minstrels; Fisher and Carroll In "That's Ail;" "LoiU River;" the Bos tonlans; Hhleon's MlnHtrels; Castle Square Opera company In the new irn "The Yankee Consul;" "Peck's Had Hoy;'1 Rich ard Mansgrld In- "Alt Heidelberg" and "Ivan the Terrible:' "Yon Yonsen: N. Goodwin In "A Midsummer Night's Dream;" "Miss Bob White," comic opera; John Drew In "Captain Dieppe;" Miss Bros. (140 people); "Little Jolly Jones;" Grace George In "Pretty Peggy;" Kogen Paul Gllmore; May Irwin; Lulu Glaser; Ralph Hue wart: Rich' & Harrlw . Opera company; "Are You a Mason?" Marie Walnwrlght in "Twelfth Night:" William H. Crane; Tim Murphy In "The Man from Missouri;" "Pengy from Paris;" Miss ploodgood in "The Girl with the Green fcyes' Kathertne Kidder In "Lady Cul- more's Flirtations;" "The Silver Slipper;" Gertrude Coghlan: Henry Miller and Margaret Anglin; Julia Marlowe; Amelia Bingham; Martin Harvey; Robert Mantell: Clay Clement; "Iris;" "The Country Girl;'' K. II. Sothorn in "The Proud Princet" Maude Adams; Eleanor Robson; Wilton Ijickaye; Katherlne Ostermsn; Henry E. Dlxey In "Facing the Music;" Mary Man Tiering; Jerome Kykes In "The Billionaire;" Annie Huswli; E. S. Wlllard. Works Wonders for Women. Electric Bitters Invigorate the female System and cures nervousness, headache, backache and constipation or no nay. 60c. For sale by Kuhn A Co. ENGLISH MAY GET LIFE TERM yonnsr Hebreska City P Facing toa-tema Coaaeaaeweea oa Chars; l at Criminal Assaalt. Clarence English, the youthful Nebraska City prise fighter, who is charged with criminal assault upon Mildred Mages, the 15-year-old girl of the same town. Is in pos sible danger of a life sentence. The hearing of the charge was set for this morning before Judge Berka, but It Is probable that the matter may be settled out of court and defendant get a life sentence. The principal parties In the af fair are said to contemplate a change of Yenua and a sentence from the marriage authorities. Diarrhoea. When you want a quick cure without any unnecessary loss of time take Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fall a When reduced with cold water and sweetened It Is pleasant to take. It la standard throughout the U. 8. and In many foreign countries. LItss Well oa Position. Reports received by Building Innpertnr Wlthnell in the west lead to'the liellef that it U worth while to be a city otnelal of Omaha, while away from home al least. At ltnvir he was taken In charge by tlia chairman of the Board of Public Works and the building InaptH-ior and made a guest of honor, being prevented to all the city otticlals and made the reclpluuU of many ho pi tall tie. Heals aa by Magle. If a pain, sore, wound, burn, scald, cut or piles distress you, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve will cure it, or po pay Sc. For sale by Kuhn A Co. rertiaratea ot Ilesioalt. We Issue certificates of deposit for J, I or II months, bearing 4 per cent lntereat and payable on demand. We receive depoalts by malL Utile home safes loaned free. J. I BIU-NDKia A SONS, Bankers. if3 Jfai Sale of Men's CloTbTni Lli!)u Solo of Siluor oucISics EXTRAORDINARY PURCHASE OF STERL1NO SILVER NML FILES BUTTONHOOKS, HAT BRUSHES, CALL BELLS, TOOTH BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, ROLLER BLOT TERS. PAPER KNIVES, SEALS, ETC. At 25c and 39c Each A remarkable spot cash purchase from one of the leading manufacturers of sterling silver novelties In the country. The terms of the purchaxe, which was a bargain clltnux for us, forbids us that we mention the manufacturer's name. We are able to sell thee high grade novelties tomorrow AT LESS THAN THE VALUE OF THE SILVER tS THE HANDLE. These novelties are stamped Herllrg silver and warranted over !)0 per cent pure. I lie handles are neautiruny engraven in je raised figures and miniature effects mat silver Is H ft - 'Inn finish. French rra v and rvnllnh Hllver evnrv Fl LSA KM . ni'M One worth from one dollar up as hJgh aa two dollars and a half each today at Scarf and Pillow Sham Sale Today ' At B o'clock tomorrow morning we place on sale one big lot of snachtel and lace work Dresser Scarfs, Pillow Shams and Center pieces. This la an en tire Importation sample line of a well known New York Importer. It became lightly wet while on the voyage on board ship. They aro all the highest class goods. Including some ex- " . fK r pwsj treme novelties, Imported to retail fj Ef " B ft 11 M Si II as high aa 12.50 each many cf JJ tTi fl Sieffi 11 1 S them are sound and perfect, some jljr H f I H () ZZli I si If I 2r if I of them have been slightly wet Ljm L3 m,9 K,J& Cl wM JJ C! U they all go today at each..... Closing Out Summer Goods Today vrei place on sale all the balance of our stock on hand of Maybelle Batiste. We have been Belling this poods all sen son for 15c a yard. The lot which we offer tomorrow la one case that ar rived too late for the summer business. We have In tructions from the manufacturer not to send it back, but to sell It at any price, and tomorrow we give yon the benefit of the manufacturer's liberality. These are 15o Fancy Printed Batistes we offer you the goods for a yard $1 and $1.50 Kid GUves 59c Oreat values In mended Kid Gloves in all the swellest shades and latest effects. So skillfully repaired that there is is no noticeable flaw worth $1 and L60-t 59c Advance Notice, Boys' Clothing Sale On Sale Wednesday, August 19. A big- deal in boys' clothing. We secured entire manufacturer's stock of the highest grade clothing for boys and children. This deal represented $18,000 In spot cash. Now is the proper and sensible time to clothe your boy for school, when such unheard-of bargains are within your reach. This enormous stock of boys' clothing on sale on third floor at one-half and less than one-half their real value. J. 7Z. pzuntttl & pons mmmmmmmiwsiiiMm.Miwjiimimmmmummmm ". . w POLICE COURT MILL BUSY JadsT Berka Haa Strennons Time Dallas; Oat IJttle Pack ages ot Jostlce. Police court was crowded yesterday with the strife-worn Individuals who had held parts In the dlaturbance-of-the-peace during Saturday and Sunday and who were assembled In a personally conducted party to receive suoh packages of justice as Judge Herka might see fit to hand out. Xell Fraier got a fine, large thirty days, for vagrancy and other less serious things; Belle Burley, Irene Mitchell, Effle Robinson, James Harkine and J. J. Hogan each re ceived J6 and costs wrapped up In a bit of good advice, the latter two being accused of attempting to steal a valise belonging to E. C. Huntington of Clarlnda, la, James Hawley drew $3 and expenses aa a reward for the loud and unusual noise of which he was guilty Saturday. George Brown, who was accused of dumping garbage In the city limits, was discharged, but W. P. Cook drew twenty-five days as 'interest on his booze investment. Ramello Gtrliemlus, with a face deco rated In the manner of a flank steak, and Stephano Colombo, with an Interpreter, held a debate In regard to a $C0 goldplece of the latter which the former waa supposed to have taken. Judge Berka awarded the de cision to the negative and Ramello will pay the city $40 and coats. Virgin Cowan, who was charged with disorderly conduct by N. a. Nelson, living at Fourteenth and Grace streets, was fined 150 and thirty days. The case of Ed Cushlng. J. Freedman and two companions, who were arreBted Satur day afternoon, came up for hearing and all but dishing were discharged. The four were grouped around a can which had con tained beer when the officers appeared, and the three discharged were arrested without excitement. Cushing tried to run . away and waa ahot through the arm. Ills hearing was set for Tuesday. A. Fercot and L. Or leaver, the former charged with cutting the latter with Intent to wound, appeared In court and their hearing was set for Thurs day morning. Isaac Marcus, who Is charged with larceny aa bailee by Morlts Moyer, the property In question being two horses and a wagon, which are said to have been ap propriated last December, will have a hear ing the same day. ADVANCE IN ADVKRTISIHQ. Americans Lead la Art. Prank Preabrey of New York, the well known advertising agent and vice prealdent of the Association of American Advertising Agents, In a recent lecture at Chautauqua on the "Evolution In Advertising," said "Advertising Is as old as the human race. but It has two histories, the history of ad vertising as an Institution, and Its history as an art. The history of the art of adver Using began yesterday, but advertising proper runs back through the ages and Into the hase that hides the beginnings of hu manlty. Advertising in our country began with the establishment of newspapers, and America may fairly claim to have developed advertising as an art. The development of advertising is very recent, a matter of less than twenty-five years. Advertising has wrought a revolution In the periodical liter ature within the last two decades and has brought down the cost of our newspapers. giving us more of them and enlarging their circulation and Influence. We are a nation of advertisers. America also leads In the excellence of Its advertisements from an artistic, aa well as literary, standpoint. It Is one of the modern mantfestatlona of a part of our machinery for living, and It ia Improving the lives of the maesea by cheap ening luxuries and teaching thelruiaea" DIED. AI.LEN Mr. K. B . mother of H. H. Al l. n. Win- Allen. Woodworth Allen. Ell; sbeth -Al n and Mrs. '. K. Taylor of council mun, AUguat is. Funeral 10 a. m. Tuesday from resilience, lue bourn Auriy-unm sirocu rssss Hall Price) on All Men's Summer Clothing: Embroidery Sale Beautiful Embroideries In wide and medium widths, Em broideries, Insertings and Galloons-at 5c-7ic-125c f. . Ptuntttl & pent BBS BARBER PUTS IN LOWEST BID Asphalt Company Gets Vnder Com petitors for Paving; "Work la Omaha. The Barber Asphalt company submitted the lowest bid for repairs to asphalt pave ments to the Board of Publlo Works Mon day, the figures being $465 below that of the Nebraska Bltullthlo company, the only other bidder. The repairs are for all broken asphaltum In the city, save North Sixteenth street, and the low figure Is $13,620, or about $2,000 more than the repairs would have coat two months ago. The Barber company bid $15,075 for Trinidad asphalt and $13.63) for BermudeB, Venesuela, product, while the Nebraska Bltullthlo company presented an aggregate bid of $14,085. All proposals will be transmitted to the council for Its action. "HOW TO BUT SHOES." Jlejr Book Writtea by One Who Knows. Interesting;, Instructive, Vala able Mailed Free. "How to Buy Shoes," by A, Shoemaker, is the title of a very Interesting book just published by the Wolff Process Leather company of Philadelphia. Written in a pleasing manner 1iy one who has been trained in ' all the different branches of the business, It not only proves Interesting reading, but tells the shoe and leather story completely, even to the smallest de tails. 1 The writer, who is evidently a master of his subject, devotes considerable space to the kind of leather used in the making of shoes. Shows clearly the fallacy of ac cepting, without Investigating, the claims made for these various leathers. Proves beyond question of doubt that the beat shoes are those made of Ideal Leather, which has in five years' time established Its fame wherever civilized man wears shoes. The author grows quite enthusi astic over this bright, glossy leather, and claims that It is always strong and soft, can't get hard, la not affected by rain or snow and will not burn the feet In sum mer nor chill them In winter. This valuable book, which should be read by everybody, will be sent free to any address upon request by the publish ers. Raddlson oa the Chippewa. . A new town in Sawyer county, Wisconsin, on the Omaha road, located on both the Chippewa and Couderoy rivers, In the cen ter of a moat fertile and promising hard wood district. Oood muscallonge, bass and pike fishing In both rivers. Exceptional op portunity for land seekers. If looking for a new location don't fall to see this new country. For map and full particulars write to Postmaster, Radlsson, Sawyer County, Wis., or to T. W. Teasdale General Paa aenger Agent, C, St. P., M. A. O. Ry St. PauL SPECIAL TRAIN Tla the Northweaterm Line to Lake View, lost, and Rrtara, Saturday, Aug. 29th, From Omaha 7:30 a. m., back home same evening. Only Jl.W-Round Trip 11.50. Spend a day at beautiful Wall Lake. Fine groves, steamboats, bathing, rowing, fishing. Only 11. BO. 11. M. 11.60. City ticket offices 1401-1403 Farnam Street Northern Mlchlaaa Exearsloa. Only 1600 from Chicago to Ludlngton, Frankfort, Traverse City, Northport. Charlevoix, Bay View and Petoakey and return, via Michigan Central; 16 00 to Mack inaw City and 17.00 to Macklnae Island and return. Get tickets and berths now. Good going August S, regular tralna, re turning jp to September 1. Michigan Cen tral city ticket office. 111 Adams street, Chicago. pr. F. W. Blabaugb. deuUat, ill N. T. Life, I 1J 111 .TUB RELIABLE STORES. Bo Sure and Attend Our Famous 60 Hinuto Sales, For one honr wc actually give goods away and everything just as advertised. From 9 uniil 10 a. m. We will sell 12Jc, 15c and 20c and checks these goods are up to 20c, for one hour only we will sell them for the low price of per yard Sensational Hour Silk Salo Tuesday morning from 10 until 11 o'clock, we will sell 5,000 yards of silks, made in Austria These silks come in both plain and changeable, and are woven in neat, pretty designs, the quality is exceptionally strong and you find among this lot all the new, fall shadings Remember the time of sale Tupsday I C , morning from 10 until 11 o'clock at IU V From II until 12 a. m. We will sell for one hour, 1,000 ladies' wash waists, . worth up to $1.50, for the low From 2 to 3 p. m. We will sell 25c, 15c, 10c and 7c wash goods, 36-inch percales, 30-lnch percales, 15c black organdies, 10c dress ginghams, ba tistes, dimities, lawns, prints and a great many other goods worth tip to 25c all go for 60 minutes Ql - only, and only 10 yards to a customer at' ...... i ... .S 2l No dealers or peddlers sold during this sale. For One Hour Tuesday from 3 to 4. In our main wash goods department, we will have on Bale all our fine imported dress Swiss fabrics, sold up to ; 65c yard for one hour Tuesday yard ....WW From 4 until 5 p. n. We will place on sale our 50c and 75c corset covers and drawers, handsomely trimmed with double rows of lace and O p! ft Insertion for one hour only at the low price of ;ssaUC rir ui JV t i Oil!iITHftii5-i Novelties in Pictures Picture Frames We are showing the latest Ideas In pretty pictures. They are very cute. You'll like them when you Hee them and you'll be charmed at their little pric ings. We'd rather you'd see them. It is hard to rightly describe them they have a "something" all their own. OAK FRAMES DECORATIONS IN REIiTEK WITH ROUNDED EDGES A BIO VARIETY OF SUBJECTS. KET HOLE FRAMES the rage of the east KENNEL SHAPE FRAMES a charm tor a bachelor's den these are offered at all prices depends on the! Cm size of frame and the value of the picture up from , Iwb FANCY EMBOSSED FLOWER, PHOTO FRAMES very attractive and Cs quite a new idea each luc and ... Ul CIRCLE FRAMES Gold or black- 9K all sizes hub Picture Framing Done Expertly. Promptly and Money-Savlngly. WE GUARANTEE THE WORK TO BE RIGHT IN EVERYeENSE. WILL GIVE YOU CHOICE OF" FIVE HUNDRED STYLES IN PICTURE FRAMING. GIVE US YOUR ORDER. Another Week of the Big Sales in Grocery Department Every article marked In platn figures at the lowest prices. Coffee S -9c lb. BE-VERAL THOUSAND POUNDS OP FRESH ROASTED FUi,L AND RICH FLAVOR SANTOS COFFEE ON SALE 9clb. 9c lb. 9c lb. Castile 6oap, cake Premium Chocolate, H-lb. cake Parlor Matches, 1 dos. boxes , Baked Reans with sauce, S-lb. can Corn Starch, 1-lb. pkg Bluing, box Lye, 2ic .....15c 124c ICc 4c 2c Ac can Best Laundry Soap, Al. bar 3C Bsklng Soda, 4c 8c 7c pkg Clam Chowder, can Bpaahettl, 1-lb. pkg , Tea Specials IMPERIAL JAPAN, Wonder-C ful value, rich and clear, lb.s.uC FREE BUTTERMILK TO ALL. ANOTHER CANDY SPECIAL f Fresh marahmallows, per lb.. 081382 rfMnaWilcoV1 Opening Reception, Saturday. Aug:. 22 i Ladies too t a aseful souvenir Is (very aaaa 13 Peoplb Living at a Distance Deslrlnf dentistry will receive prompt attention at our office. Teeth e tr acted and a new set made within fuur hour's time. BAILEY, Tho Dontist, Ladf AKendaot. ' Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Paxtoi Block. Tuesday, in tho Domestic Room white nainsooks, in plaids, Btripes all choice new goods and worth 4c 49c price of Crockery Department Rich cut glass bowl A CO 16.00 value dsOO Bohemian glass water sets M fin 11.25 value tUc Beautiful pure white Royal Austrian set of 100 pieces in QQ 116.60 value IUtIO Grlndley's Royal English sernkpor celaln, handled tea cups J On and saucers, set of six "tO0 12 piece, beautiful white I )B and gold toilet sets tiOO Handsomely decorated lamp complete with 9-Inch globe and I DO best round wick burners Is DO Havlland & Co. decorated cup and saucers or breakfast 9Rc plates, each - fcU White china salts and peppers, for decorating, each IV Hanging lamps complete," apring ex tension, large burner and nice deco rated shade, usually sells I QQ from 13 to $3.50, Monday only.. Ii OO Kivlland Co. Ranson 9 fir tea plates, each aU We have received a large shipment of white china for decorating and have two more in transit. Artists are especially invited to call and Inspect our lines. All men air Invited to our te every lady HI TP Today wc start . Women's Muslin Gowns and Women's Jersey Ribbed Vests At exactly one-half price. The gowns are worth 75c, wo will sell these for 39c. The Jersey Rib bed Vests arc worth 15c, they go on sale at 7c. We bought 100 dozen gowns and 75 dozen vests, and paid exactly one-half their regular selling price. They ' are spread out in broad array in our women's furnishing department ready to go on enle at 1) o'clock tomorrow morning THE GOWNS are tucked and embroidery trimmed yoke, full and generously proportioned, and well made. They are positively 75c Values for 39c. ' THE VESTS aro made of a fine grade of jersey rib bed cotton, lace trimmed 15c Values for 7c 3Sb3BbBSBBbCsb32 MZaaVasXBXBiaT TUESDAY THE OXFORDS GO All of our Hanan & Son Women's Patent Ideal Calf Oxfords at one price. S 3.6 0 These have been seillng at IT.00 a fair all season, but we're Just going o give the women a genuine harpaln by giving them a Hanan shoe for JJ.E0. Men's Oxfords 25 Per cent Off. Hanan and Clapp makes $5.00, $!i.50 and W.00 shots, Lll at one prlcq, S3.60. Come whle we have your size in stock. DREXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Dato Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. Xbjuww.h. amiAmiiaiimMia.jiLniiM She Best of Everything The Only Double Track lVailway to Chicago Special Train to Lake View, la., Saturday, Aug 29th. Spend a day at Biikllul Will Like, $1.50 Round Trip Clty Officer 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. S24-B81 COLLAR m fional Bank of Omaha, J4 at riMCi.0ue. Sarpla. Iua.1 Hi UNITBO STATUS HUIHJSITOHY. lifk Ihk. rmtkfr . V T Hwnli-n m.M . .Mf PerftelTs Eco. Bee Bids-., Room 7. Telephone 701 Weber. Star? GUrk Ludwtg- Schllur. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Aarlealtaral Weekly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write (aa saiayle Cepy. PS selling SEESEi ofall the-. in Omaha t& OAAHAS FAVORITE Beef Anolher.tesf of merit save! TIME, TROUBLE. J MONEY. Vse your 'phone when ynu have a pre scription or ii'-ed ANYTHING In the line of drills we deliver ANYTHING WI3 HEI.U ANY PLACK IV Til K5 CITY from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. without chartfe. II 'Whitney's Nerve ami J-'h-sh Builder. WVj j'. Ou l'eriina t7o tOo Clmrles' Flfsh V'h , a 11.00 Pierre's ltoinedies tixo Mo Iinr-Kf-n "o 11.00 Patne s Olnry Compound li'o 5w Ixmn's Kliiney Pills S"o 11.00 Hexlne Fills K)o ,'xic "'n:.irrh Km" guironteed Ik! 26o Hire's P.oot Heer Ho $2 Cluster's tionulne Pennyroyal Pills.. 1. 00 RUBBElt GOODS AT Cl'T PRICKS. pnn t nuv Ultra STOKE THINGS FROM CATALOGS, Lut write us for prices. OPEN ALL, NIGHT. SCKAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE Tw 'Pkoaes T4T eae 7T. ietb ead Cbloaeo Streets, Oaaaaafe Tho Best la what we do at all tlmos, and by having your Utth extracted properly your work will lust permanently. SET TF.KTII , TEETH (LEiJIED,. . .ao.oo p Tfta Taft's Dental Rooms 151 7 Douglas St. - '