V THE OMATTA" DAILY REE: MONDAY, . AUGUST 17. 190.1. ( ( 1 -1 1 t : S i CURRENT COUNCIL ACQUAINTANCE IS COSTLY Norfolk Man Complain of Being Bobbed of Watch and Money at Manawa. BELIEVES BEER HE DRANK WAS DRUGGED Ckr;es It Vo to AeqaaJntanc He panlana Who Joined II I m a Groamas. nrman WInkW, of Norfolk. Neb., com plained to the police after midnight Satur day that he had been robbI of I2S5 and frold watch and chain M Lake Manawa by four' men with whom he had been drlnk tngi Winkler told the police he believed he had boon drugged by tha men, who robbed him. - WlnkW la employed as a section hand on the Union Pad do and .came to Omaha Saturday on a little vacation, and In order to thoroughly enjoy the trip brought with him a large portion of his savings. On the train he met a stranger who engaged him In conversation and before reaching Omaha ascertained that Winkler had plenty , of money In his pockets. Winkler and the Stranger separated on the train reaching Omaha, but the stranger evidently kept Winkler In sight. While Winkler was standing on Farnara street looking at the tall buildings and speculating as to which part of the city to go to have some fun, his acquaintance of the train happened along. He greeted Winkler as an old time friend and the latter felt somewhat honored by being1 recognised by such a nice appear ing man. It was then the stranger, evi dently a professional confidence man, began to get In his work. He had come to Omaha to see the sights just as Winkler had. He had 'heard that Lake Manawa was a very beautiful resort and suggested that he and .Winkler take a ride there. Arriving at the lake the stranger com plained of being very thirsty and sug gested they have a bottle of beer. While seated In the pavilion the stranger was surprised to see three friends of his and Invited them to join him and Winkler In another bottle. Winkler told the police that he only remembered drinking two bottles of beer when he became deathly sick. His companions suggested going to a more secluded .part of the park and assisted him to a seat In a dark comer of Shady grove. Winkler had a long vomit ing spell and was, he thinks, partly un conscious. When he came to his com panions had disappeared and so had his watch and chain and his pocketbookr con taining 285. The money consisted of four 50 bills, ISO In tens and fives, and tS in sliver. The watch was valued at $40. When Winkler came to It was past mid night. He succeeded In maklsg his way to the gates where ha met Special Officer Melsner. - A search of the grounds was made for the four men, but they had un doubtedly left the place long before. ' Winkler Is of the opinion that while drinking the second bottle of beer, one of Ms newly met acquaintances put some knockout drops In his tumbler whtje his attention was called elsewhere by one Of I the gang. ' Winkler went back to Omaha I yesterday for the purpose of seeing If he could find the man who accompanied him to Manawa. MEET TO TALK TEMPERANCE Ixtb District Convention of 1 T. V. to Hold Two Days I Convention. O. The) Sixth district convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held at the First Baptist church Thurs day and Friday of this week. On the after noon of the opening day tha local members will tender the visiting delegates a recep tion In the church parlors, at which re freshments will be served and a musical program rendered. Mrs. M. II. Dunham of Burlington, state president of the union, has announced her intention of being present, and Friday venlng will deliver an address. The offi cers of the Sixth district association are: ' President, Mrs. Ida Wise, California Junc tion; vice president, Mrs. Frances Wlllett, Woodbine: secretary, Mrs. H. B. McNaugh ton. Woodbine; treasurer, Mrs. Idella B. Hart. Council BlufTs. This Is the program for the two days' session: THURSDAY MORNING- :J0- Consecration meeting Mrs. Augusta Liv ingston, Missouri Valley. Convention opened . with Crusade hymn and psalm. Appointment of committees and officers' reports. The temple Mrs. Marlon H. Dunham. Bible exposition Mrs. Ellen K, Denney. , Mountide prayer. . THURSDAY , AFTERNOON 1:90. Devotions Mrs. C. Bassett, Little Bloux. Round tablrt department work: Nm-esHity for Mrs. M. H. Dunham. KvaiiKeliHtlc department Mrs. Agnes Brookmlllt-r, state evangelist, Atlantic "" work Mrs. Dollle Burgess, state "T" Secretary, California Junction. Loyal Temperance legion Mra Bertha Craft, Dunlap. Scientific temperance Instruction Mrs. E. L. Coulthard, California Junction. Literature Mrs. llattle Carse, Oakland. Peace and arbitration Mrs. Mary Slack, State superintendent, Heeper. Purity Mrs. Mattie Crooks, Atlantic. Systematic and proportionate giving Mixs Wells, Lewis. Reception at church parlors. Muslu . (Instrumental solo) Miss Maude Bell. Recitation (selected Miss Lid Coult hard, California Junction. Vocal duet Miss Allda MoFsdden, Rev. Henry Muenster. Addnsas Miss Frances Willet, Wood bine. Address Miss Marlon Dunham, Burling ton. Hoolal hour. THURSDAY EVENING. . Platform meeting. -Devotions. Music (nolo) Miss Bell. (IrwiliiKS from: Church, Rev. F. A. Case; tntmtlonary societies, Mrs. Ballenger; asso ciated charities, Mrs. Jacob Sims; Wom an's ChrlMtlan association, Mrs Helen Montgomery; Young Women's Christian Temperance union. Miss Mary Denney; woman s christian Temperance union, Mrs. K. K. Denney. Response Mrs. 1(. B. McNaughton, Wood bine. , Muslo (vocal snloV-Mr. Ellis Cass. Discussion "What Khali He the Next Step In the Abolition of the Drink Trsfflo and the Tobaoro Habitr By the church, Rev. James Thomson; by the Sunday school, Mr. Jacob 8!ms; bv the young peo ple's societies, 1. Arthur Williams: by the schools, Principal F. C. Ensign; solo and chorus by the audience: by the business men, L. G. Scott; bv the press. F. W. Keckman; by the medical profession. Dr. Keller; by tha women, Mrs. M. 11. Dun hum. - Hymn. ' Benediction. FRIDAY MORNING U:M. Rxerutlve committee. Devotions. Report of committees. Klectlon of officers. Topic "District Field Work: How Shall LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. Pearl Council kU Its. 'Phono . NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. It Be Supported V Plsriisslon led by Mrs. I. H Hart. Council Bluffs. Bible kxpoMtlon," Mrs. H. M. Mulle neaux. FRIDAY AFTERNOON-l:15. Devotions. "Confidential Relations Between Mother and Iaii;hter," Mrs. RiefT. Woodbine. "Confidential Relations Between Mother and Son," Mrs. O. C, Bnhling. Ix-wls. "Our I'nlon a Means of Spiritual Good," Mrs. C. iiHBBPtt, Little Sioux. - "What Shall Our Children Read?" Mrs. Frances Willet. Woodbine. Annual address, by district president. FRIDAY EVENING. Devotions, by Rev. Hoatetler, Council BlufTs. Music. Recitation. Address, by Mrs. M. H. Dunham, state prerldeut, Burlington. Silver chimes. Adjournment. Plumbing and heating. Mxby & Son. Maccabees Organise Mew Rank. Council BlufTs division of the Uniform Rank, Knights of the Muocabees, was or ganised In this city yesterday afternoon by Colonel A. I. Lee of Des Moines, as sisted by Captain W. T. Matthews of Per ry. The division will form part of the Ninth regiment of which Colonel Lee Is the commanding officer. The officers of the Council BlufTs division are Captain, Frank Elgan; first lieutenant, O. A. Epps; second lieutenant, J. W. Kll bane; keeper of records and finance, L. Solomon; chaplain, L. H. Fitch. Twenty-one members were enrolled yes terday afternoon, but as the Council Bluffs Maccabee tent has a membership of near ly 800, It Is expected that the division will be the largest in the state before long. The non-commissioned officers will be appointed by Captain Elgan Wednesday night, to which time the meeting adjourned yester day. The uniform rank of the Knights of the Maccabees Is conducted practically along tha same lines as Is the uniform rank of the Knights of Pythias. Sidewalk Contracts to Be Let. The city council will tonight open bids for the construction of a large amount of brick and artlflcal sidewalks. The bids will be received by City Clerk Phillips up to noon today. Bids have been asked for approximately 68,000 linear feet of brick sidewalk,' four feet wide; 6,300 linear feet of brick sidewalk, six feet wide and 268. 000 square feet of artificial stone sidewalk. The artificial stone sidewalks are to re place the old brick walks on both sides of Broadway between First and Thirteenth streets and on South Main streets from Broadway to Sixteenth avenue. Both on Broadway and Main street a large amount of new cement walks have been laid by the property owners In ac cordance with the orders Issued by the rtty council but many have taken no notice of the order and now the work will be done by the city and assessed against the abutting property. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel JS0. Night, F987. Barber Shops Are Closed. The barber shops kept closed yesterday as the bosses decided to postpone action until the question of reopening on Sunday mornings was further discussed at a meet ing to be held this evening. Several of the boaa barbers, however, are determined to on Hundava Irrespective of the action . .,.,- ...n-i.tinn. Their determination of their association. Their determination to do so may result, In the disruption of the recently organised Boss Barbers' asso ciation, and It will undoubtedly lead to trouble with tha Journeymen Barbers' union. special Rates for Carnival. Secretary Troutman received word yes terday that the railroads- had decided to grant a rate of one and one-third within a radius of 100 miles for the entire week of the Council BlufTs street fair and car nival. With these reduced rates it is ex pected that there will be a number of excursions during the week from nearby towns. MINOR MKNTIOJI. Davis sells drugs. Stockert sells carpets. Crayon enlarging, 308 Broadway. Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 408 B'y. Celebrated Metx beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 409 Broadway. 14K and 18K wedding rings at Leffert's, 409 Broadway. Wanted, a competent girl for general housework. 919 Sixth avenue. One-fourth to one-third off on pyrography outfits. C. E. Alexander & Co., 333 B way. Miss Nellie Parsons Is home from a Umonth's outing at Manltou Springs, Colo. Miss Carrie Wrede left yesterday for a week's visit with friends In Wichita, Kan. O. H. P. Mlkssell was called yesterday to Stanton, Neb., by the aertous illness of his little son, who Is visiting relatives there. Twin Brothers' encampment No. 42, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet this evening for work In the patriarchal degree. For rent, office room, ground floor; one of the most central locations in the busi ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee office, city. Rev. Fred Grimes of Omaha conducted the services at the First Christian church yesterday, the church being temporarily without a pastor. A party of fishermen who were at Han thorn lake yesterday, notified the police they had seen the body of a woman float ing down the Missouri river. John Hale of South Omaha was in the city yesterday making arrangements for a fish dinner at Augustine's this ufternoon for a party of twenty friends. We contract to keep public or private houses free from roaches by the year, in sect Exterminator Manufacturing company, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone F-634. Otto Soren. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Andersen. IU4 East Pierce street, died yesterday morning (rum chol era Infantum, aged nineteen months. The funeral, which will be private, will be held this afternoon at S o'clock from the family residence and burial will be In Walnut 11111 cemetery. Mrs. Mary L. Roosa, wife of Ira Roosa, died yesterday at her home In Haiel Dell township, aged K years. Besides her hus band four daughters and two sons survive her. The funeral will be held this after noon at 4 o'clock from the Haxel Dell church and Interment will be In the town ship cemetery F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court. mas kept busy explaining yesrday that he had not been splitting kindling but that his black eye was caused during a firactlc game of base ball Saturday even ng In preparation for the contest between the ofltclala of Harrlbun and Pottawat tamie counties. Rev. J. V. Wilson, a former pastor of the church and now pastor of the Con gregations! church at Lake Geneva, Wis. occupied the pulpit of the First Congrega tional church yesterday in the absence of Rev. James Thomson. Miss Isabelle line lund of McGregor, la., sang a soprano offertory solo at the morning service. ' Louis Kroloff of Sioux City and Miss Fannie Pill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Pill, 183) Fifth avenue, were married last evening., the ceremony belne per formed In Royal Arcanum hall by Rabbi Grodenskl of Omaha In the presence of nearly 6j0 Invited gueatf. Following the ceremony an elaborate wedding supper was served, after which the floor was cleamd land a program of dances was carried out. ir. ana Mrs. Kroiorr lert on a late train for tha east and will be at home to their friends In .Sioux City, where the groom is engaged ls business, sfier September L " v A Cot never Barns. After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at Lbs same Urn. For man or beast. Price, Sac. ADVOCATES A REFORMATORY Warden Hunter Urges tb Separation of F.rst-Termers and Old Offenders. PAROLE SYSTEM IS FOUND TO WORK WELL Superintendent of Boys' Industrial School Wishes State to Pot In a Printing Office and Bindery. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, Aug. II (Special.) The plnn for. a reformatory for the state of Iowa to partially relieve the state prisons and to put the penal system of the state on a more modern basis will probably be more strongly urged before the legislature next winter than before the last legislature. Warden Hunter of the state penitentiary st Anamnsa, In his biennial report Just made, makes a strong recommendation In favor of a reformatory. He would have this institution for first offenders. He rails attention to the fact that a great mnjorlty of those who are committed to the penitentiary for tho first time are of a class distinctly different from the old offenders, nnd that they should be treated not as confirmed or hardened criminals. but as persons subject to reformatory In fluences. The plan Is to establish a re formatory for persons who are not. In fact, confirmed criminals and not to send them to the penitentiaries. Warden Hunter makes a strong plea for this In his report. During the biennial period Just closed he reports fifty-seven paroles, and of these only tpxir have been returned as unworthy of the paroles Issued. Six others pre viously paroled had been returned during the period. But the discipline of the penitentiary has been excellent, not one making an attempt to escape, though one who had previously escaped was returned. There was a decrease of 80 per cent during the period in the number of those who had to be punished by the solitary. There are 411 Inmates at the penitentiary, of which twenty are females. The increase in the period Is only thirty-one. The largest number from any one county In the northern district was from Linn county, 51; with Woodbury, 50; Dubuque, 81; Web star, 14; Fayette, 11; Benton, Blackhawk and Clayton, 10 each; Chickasaw and Plymouth, 9 each; Floyd and Jones, 8 each, and no other county more than 7. Of the lifers In the penitentiary sines the be ginning there were 64 for murder In the first degree, 17 for second degree, 4 for rape, 1 for assault to commit rape and 2 for rob bing the malls. Nine persons have been In the penitentiary under death sentence, and of two went back to the sheriffs under the old law for execution, three had their sentences commuted to life imprisonment, two rot new trials from the supreme court, and two are still awaiting action by court. During the last , year the warden has occupied the new and palatial administra tion building at the penitentiary which was constructed by convict labor. The warden asks for appropriations to . pro vide the steel for completing the north cell bouse, 137,650, and VlO.OOO for a new work shop. His ether requirements call for an appropriation of $73,960 for the biennial period. The expense of the penitentiary has been rapidly decreased. Tha biennial period ended June 80, . 1899, the tost for support and salaries was 8264.8S4.8S, the next biennial period only 8204,791.08, and the biennial period Just closed, 8177,075.12. The convicts during the last biennial period did work estimated as worth to the stats, 8141, 139.71. Print Sbop (or Incorrlglbles. The superintendent of the Stats Industrial School for Boys at Eldora, in his report, makes a strong recommendation in favor of a printing office and outfit for the boys at that school. He states: Your superintendent bas long thought that a printing office should be established here where a class of boys could learn the printers' trade. With the building of our new shop, which is now being ereuted. room will be provided for a printing and binding establishment In which not only the work of the Institution could be done, but the printing and binding of all state Institutions. The state owns one printing establish mentat Olenwood. The boys there have made good use of it and all the institution printing is done there. At Anamosa the prisoners have a print shop and a paper Is printed. But far more could be done at F.ldora than at cither of the other institu tions, and It Is believed the legislature will take kindly to the suggestion made in the report. Superintendent Miles asks for 83,000 with which to purchase material for the beginning of his printing establishment. Fit Vp President's Honse. The board of trustees of the State col lege has decided upon furnishing complete the home of the president ,of the college. The college owns the fine residence which the presidents occupy, but the late Dr. BeardBhear owned the furniture and out fit. The widow will take this away soon. The board has decided that In view of the Met that the president's residence is much used by the students for college work it will furnish the same practically complete and not require the new president to ex pend a large portion of his first year's sal ary In furnishing a house that Is so much a part of the college life. The board holds a meeting next Thursday to do this work and for other purposes. Interesting Mixed Law Bolt. A somewhat remarkable lawsuit Is sched uled for the next term of onrt In Indlan ola. W. II. Joiner has sued J. M. Hall, formerly mayor of Spring Hill, for damages for alleged alienation of Joiner's wife's affections. Joiner pleaded guilty to forgery last January and was sentenced to tho pen itentiary, 'but has since been released on parole. Hall was arrested about the same rime for compounding a felony In that he aided In passing the spurious note, and Joiner was a witness against Hall. The latter put up a bond of Jl.toO. In the mean time Joiner commenced the suit for dam ages against Hall for alienation of his wife's affections and attached the bonds or money put up as bonds. Hall fled to Canada and Joiner's wife has since been accused of Insanity, but Is supposed to have gone to Canada also. Assessed Tea Mack. The fact has Just been brought out that in making the assessment on the Waterloo Cedar Falls Interurban the executive coun ell did not have before it the report of the ; company and accepted the census report i as correct as to mileage, a mistake was I made In crediting the company with over forty miles of line when It possesses about ' half that extent of track. The company will ask that this be corrected by the coun ctl and the amended and revised report since filed will form the basis for thla Diarrhoea. When vnu want milclr nir. vltliAi, . .. unnecessary loss of time take Chamberlain's to ic, ino:era ana j-uarrr.oea remedy. It never fn!:. When reduced with cold water and sweetened It !s pleasant to taks. It Is standsrd throughout the U. 8. and la many foreign countries. Cronlix Tobacco la Dakota. MITCHELL, B. D., Aug. 14-Bpe- clal.) Harris ft Blacker, cigar manu facturers, of this city, are experimenting on growing tobacco this year, and their efforts, so far, have met with success. They have about 200 plants that have grown nearly three feet high and they have sot forth a large numtier of leaves that will give them a better crop than anticipated. FL0CKMASTERS ARE STUBBORN Charged with Kvadlns; Regulations for the Eradication of Scabies. CHETENNE. Wyo.. Aug., 16.-(Spe-clal.) The state board of sheep com missioners held an Important meeting in the office of the secretary here yesterday. There were present President J. M. Wilson of Douglas; Tim. Kinney, of Rock Springs; J. A. Delfelder, of Lander, and Secretary O. S. Walker, of Cheyenne. Among those who met with the board were Dr. A. O. Melvln, assistant chief of the bureau of animal Industry, and George S. Hickox, agent In chnrge, of Salt Lake; State Inspec tor W. F. Hamilton of Douglas; A. E. Up ton, livestock agent of the Burlington, and, a number of leading flockmaatcrs' of tho state. A number of Important matters were dis cussed, and steps were taken to cover sev eral contingencies that have arisen In the work of eradicating scabies from the flocks of the stato. New mlcs covering wesk points in the regulations already in force were also promulgated. It has developed that a number of Albany county sheepmen are doing everything they can to escape the dipping of their sheep. A protest was filed with Governor Chatter ton a few days ago by some of the flock- masters of that section who charged that the government Inspectors have been work ing hardships upon the fiockmasters of Albany county; that they Insist on dipping flocks that are free from scab end which ha-e never be?n exposed to scabhies, that the Inspectors Invade fenced tracts where scabies have not existed for years, etc. Governor Chattcrton communicated with the Interior department, and was advised that the matter would be Investigated. Mr. Hickox, the agent In charge, says he has Investigated the matter and finds that the charges of the Albany county fiockmas ters are not founded on fact and are simply made In order to escape dipping. It Is the Intention to clean up scabies In this state if possible nnd while there Is no Intention to work a hardship upon anyone, the government agents do Intend to dip all flocks that have been exposed. . In this way, and in no other, can they hope to rid the ranges of Wyoming of the disease. Kerr's Selection Gratifying. HURON, 8. D., Aug. 16.-(Speclal.) The election of George Kerr, of this city to the vloe-presldency of the Interstate Sheriff's association, at the Omaha meeting, is very gratifying to his many South Dakota friends. Mr. Kerr is a Scotchman and has resided In Beadle county since the early '80s, and Is now serving his second term as sheriff of Beadle county. He is one of the best known and most efficient sheriffs in the state, and a terror to evil doers. CABINET LOSES A LEADER (Continued from First Page.) tng the decade spoken of show a marked reduction, as well as from Ireland, Eng land, Scotland, Norway and Sweden, and a marked increase in the number of ar rivals from Italy, Austria-Hungary and Russia. Comparing the Immigration Into the United States with emigration from Europe, and considering the period from 1870 to the present time. It may be said, speaking in round terms, that Europe has lost about 20,000,000 people by emigration since 1870 and that nearly 14,000,000, or practically two-thirds of that number, have ultimately become residents of the United States. It is this condition that is giving the statesmen and writers upon economlo questions much food for thought. Grand Army Finds Fault with War. There are indications that Eugene F. Ware will prove as unpopular a commis sioner of pensions as was II. Clay Evans. The Grand Army fought Evans until Pres ident Roosevelt transferred him from the pension bureau to the consular service, and now It would seem that veterans are pre paring to bring about the removal of Ware. For some time Grand Army men have been finding fault with the commissioner for his policy of barring old soldiers from the pen sion rolls by strict construction of the pen sion laws. They have also objected to his course in reducing the salaries of veterans who hold positions in the pension service. The commissioner recently received a hint to the effect that the Grand Army encamp ment In San Francisco would probably take action looking to an Investigation of his methods and that he should be on hand when the encampment met and anBwer any questions that might be asked. Accord ingly he left a few days ago for San Fran cisco In order to be on the ground early. Ware has also caused criticism from the Grand Army by his statement that veterans In the pension service who can not perform the work assigned to them should resign and give way to younger men, and that he Intended to get rid of the "dead wood," meaning old employes, at the pension bu reau, as soon as possible. As a matter of fact-there are few employes In the pension service who are older than the commis sioner, and probnly none who show their age as plainly as he does. Therefore the veterans say the commissioner's disparaging remarks about old men In the government service come with poor grace. Ware Heads No Papers. The newspapers are also saying things that displease the commissioner. Just be for he left for the encampment Mr. Ware declared that he had stopped reading news papers because since he entered the pen sion bureau he had found that they printed so many things about him that were not true that he had reached the point where he was not prepared to place confidence in anything they contained. As a matter of fact there are people who think the'eom missioner himself should be more certain of his facts than he is at times. Recently a man named Martin was removed from a clerkship at the pension agency In Topeka, Kan. He protested against his removal upon he ground that It was not legal and charged that Commissioner Ware had vio lated the civil service regulations. Mr. Ware replied that he had really had noth ing to do with Martin's removal except In the most perfunctory way, as he had re moved the clerk upon the recommendation of the pension agent at Topeka, Mr. Met calf. The latter replied In a newspaper Interview that he had never requested Ware to remove Martin and that the commis sioner had removed him entirely on his own responsibility. An examination of the records of the pension bureau shows that Ware removed Martin because the clerk had written the commissioner a letter which Ware regarded as insulting and abusive. Martin, In this letter, charged Ware with having his salary and the salaries of other clerks reduced to make a place fur a poli tician. His language was not parllamen- Famous the World Order frons H. 'G L "T?nn Not to satiate one's self with food is the science of health. Choose such food as agrees with the stomach, taking only such quantity as it could easily digest. Never fear that your life will be shortened by the reason of not taking much food. The result depends not upon how much we eat, but how much of it is digested'and assimilated. (TP S vvill sustain life is suited to the most delicate PalatablQ Nutritious Easy of Digestion Jsfy ttgnmtmr en ry ncs-age. Dr. Price, the creator of A oook book containing 78 excellent receipts for using the Feed mailed free f e any address. pnpind by PRICE CEBEAL FOOD CO., Food Mills, BATTLE CREEK, MICH., Main Officii, CHICAGO, l.iry, and Ware removed him on the charge of "Insubordination." The newspapers printed the facts In the case and Ware has been sore on them ever since. Sherman's Drome Charger. It was a sight for the gods to see the enormous bronze charger that will support the heroic figure of General Sherman mov ing up Pennsylvania avenue the other aft ernoon. The equestrian statue of General Sherman, which Is to be erected Just south of the treasury building, Is to be unveiled In the autumn, and the pieces that make up the statue as well as the outriders, so called, are being taken to the spot selected by the commission for purposes of being as sembled together for the dedication. Carl Rolf Smith, the sculptor, who won the honor of making the Sherman statue, died In Copenhagen a year or more ago. The widow, also an artist, undertook to work out her husband's designs with the aid of one of the best known sculptors In Europe, and as a result of her efforts the statue will be erected by the Army of the Ten nessee and unquestionably will be one of the commanding statues in a city which Is destined to be known as the statuesque city of America. It Is surprising how the Washlngtonlan runs to "the man on horseback" In statues. Quite 90 per cent of the historic figures that ornament the squares and esplanades of Washington are mounted on fiery steeds, that "scent the battle from afar." Grant Is to be on horseback, Thomas Is on horse back, Jackson Is on a rocking-horse, Han cock Is on a steady-stepping farm horse, Scott Is on horseback, McFherson Is on a Kentucky thoroughbred, and the father of his country Is mounted upon a splendid Virginian. Logan has a composite horse to support him, while the other hors?s throughout Washington carrying major generals and other heroes of the civil war are of varied pedigree. They do not show much breeding, but are useful for the pur poses Intended. Chicago a Centenarian. CHICAGO, Aug. 15. Tomorrow la the 100th anniversary of the permanent settle ment of Chicago, August 17, 1A03. Lieuten ant Bwnarengen, U. S. A., landed with a company of troops on the lake front and begun the construction of Fort Dearborn. Chicago will celebrate the anniversary in a small way tomorrow, but the real Jubilee will take place on September 26 to October 1. The citizens' committee has progressed well in perfecting plans for a celebration. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Monday and Warmer In the Sontnern Portion of Nebraska. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. The forecast: For Nebraska Fair Monday; warmer In southern portion; Tuesday fair except showers in north portion. For Iowa Warmer Monday; Tuesday fair except showers and cooler In extreme northwest portion. For Illinois Fair Monday; warmer In north and central portions; Tuesday fair, light to fresh northeast to southeast winds. For Kansas Fair and warmer Monday; Tuesday fair. For Indiana Fair Monday; warmer In northwest portion; Tuesday fair; light to fresh easterly winds. For North and South Dakota Fair; con tinued warm Monday; showers and cooler at night or Tuesday. For Missouri Fair Monday and warmer; Tuesday warmer. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Monday and warmer In eastern portion; Tuesday fair. Local Becord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Aug. lt. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900 Maximum temperature.... 77 77 91 7S Minimum temperature.... 61 '65 68 r.i Mean temperature 69 71 SO 73 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 1.01 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, 1903: Normnl temperature 73 Deficiency l it the day 4 Total excf i s'ice March 1 26 Normal irijltatlon 11 Inch Deficiency n- the day 11 inch Precipitation since March 1 17. 7S inches Deficiency since March 1 3.46 Incites Deficiency for cor. period, 1 H 2 . . 1.39 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lSul. . 7.25 lnchoa Heports from Stations at T I. M. I Si CONDITION OF THE " : a WEATHER. : c : a C i : c s : : a Omaha, cloudy Valentine, part cloudy North Platte, clear t'heyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear Kapld t'lty. clear Huron, clear WilliMton, clear Chicago, clear St. IxhiIb, part cloudy Bt. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kaunas City, part cloudy. Havre, clear ; Helena, clear Bismarck, clear Galveston, part cloudy 74 sol 76 6)1 X2 .oo .0o .00 .24 .Ul .oo .ri .( .00 .00 .00 Ml 71 Ml HI 861 f6 M! 70: 761 Nil'' 74; W Ttil 741 76' SOI Ml Ml 761 .0(1 fc'H .(! Ml .00 IWl .U Kk! .00 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. 'BEERS Over Fully Matured. May A Company ti mil! Ih 1711EAT FLAKE CELEEIV Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and VMM A MAGAXIKX OF (XEVER FICTION SEPTEMBER. OUT TO-DAY 15c 160 EVERT &e BLUE MOON By LUCIA AND ESTHER CHAXBERlVAIff Till the End of Time, Cosmo Hamilton Dance Music, Jailer Gordon The Blind Madonna, Harold MacCrath The Cruise of the Dora Bassett, Joseph C Lincoln The American Husband, Gertrude Atherton First Love, J. J. Bell The Lonesome Road, " O.Henry Dick, Tom and Harry, E. Nesbit Jf Cottage In Matsushlma, Onoto Watanna And Others This number contains d fl m4 Prizes to readers mamiEER 1 1 ill IV : 051 Touristsj and Fishermen Low rates all CHICAGO & HORTH-WESTERH RY. To St. Paul, Minneapolis.Dulutb and the Fishing and Hunt- in? resorts ot Minnesota ana v isconsin. i wo irams uauy . i I C. D....I i;.... .n.lia riiJ. Art I between cmaiia aiiu access to Worthington, Lake, St. James, Lake tonka, lute liear ana Tf)0 Best of Everything. For ralci, tickets and lull iolormatloo, address H. C CHEYNEY, General Afcal. OMAHA, NEB. mMJQ stomach. and Rcady'liT Eat Dellclooi Flavoring Extracts.' Om Novel . Twmt3lVxr Stories, Ksssixs sand Poems . . STORY COMPLETE of pjrsuvjp y iHlfflsTMiT iTMlif I FEW PEOPLE REALIZE what the mechanical department of a great office building la. The Bee Building Is one of the few la Omaha, which maintains Its own power and lighting plant. Like everything else connected with its service, it Is In every way efficient, which la a great sat isfaction to the tenant, who has but to torn the button for his electric light at anyt time of the day or night; where the elevators run without Interruption and with perfect safety. There Is no additional charge for electric light in the Bee Building, neither are the rents higher because It offers all day, all night and all Sunday elevator service to its tenants. Good slsed, pleasant room, burglar proof vault, for U8.00. This Is one of the choicest rooms la tlje building. wUaU Is vacant. R. G. PETERS & CO., Rental Arentt. Ground Floor, lie Building1. Surtjmer via the iu'iuuiwawia 5"v .. Mayton, vvinaom, ningnara Washington, waseca, wiunc- oiner resort 01 tue norm. J