THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FUTAY. AUGUST lfi, 1001. ( 4 r PATS 02ABA SPECIAL VISIT Couat ra Xaal-Eie1, Uider Scrfvry f Finance of Aaitnaa Lrcpirar, HA3 HEARD REQUtSTLY OF THti OTY Partlealarly letereetwd la SLalgbta mt ll.fw-Br'a mm Will Be Special (rat mt Hooor mt I ait law Tfinn Sight, Count Ton Maul-Eel. under secretary of finance of the Ajiinan empire, and Ma private secretary. P. X- Radxiwill. arrived Id Omth yesterday aft -moon In m prlrit car, and will remain in Omaha mm the g-.irts of Mr. Luther L. Kountxe until Tuesday. Count von Maul-Esel Is making a trip a-cross the continent, and his passing through Omaha is therefore not aa unuaual drrumstance. It being on the great trara oontinental highway, but his sr; over brrn several days, and particularly his reason for doing an. are unusual and of txcportancs to Omaha. "It la the only one of the cities In the central part of your great country wtth which my country has always hewn on the aooet friendly terma. and of which my countrymen have the highest regard, of which I had heard extensively a number af tlroee Id Austria, and In a manner pe culiar to Omiiv" aaid Count Ton Maul Esel last night, "Almost every year far nearly tea years," ha continued. "I have heard one or more prominent travelers In tny country, or la the countiiea )n which Z have traveled, apeak of Omaha and of tta Ak-Sar-Ben. Haa Beea a Graaa XaftL. I must admit that after the first time Z Inquired; about your Knlirhts of Ak-8ar Ben. for I confess that I aa Interested la such thinsrs. and have been the chief officer of a aomewhax similar organisaxlan. j It la the same office that I learned aciun this evenins what yon cari taa 'grand mufti." But our aoclety ia purely for pleas ant and amusement, while your society la ao for the promotion of bumnesa. I am not surprised at that, for we know how much business progress all your country haa bean makinr: but I azn not talking business, or any parliamentary subjects on this trio, which is also only far piaaaure and to gain some knowledge. Last week, when I stopped with some friends at New port, I was asked by representatives of the v Tnrk papers to speak on finances and to- say something; on the new enrreary measure which your houses of congress are to pass at the request of yvur presi dent this winter. But that would not be rlsjbt. even If my trip were not one simply fir pleasure, and purely private." It was from Mr. W. T. TV 11 son of Kw York. Count von MauJ-Ksel recalled, that ha first heard of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Bsn, and from Mr. Wilson and the mem bers of his family, aa well as from others, he also beard personally of the Traasmla sisalppl expTunQoa. Ha regretted, ha said, that he could not visit the fnlted State next year on account of the exposition at St. Looia. But circumstances were such that ha could come this year, something ha had been long desiring" to do. having always taken a great interest In the TTnited States, and he fnared that If he did not else the opportunity this year his trip might be Indefinitely postponed. Ceases Craaa Dlplaaaaria Llaa. Count) von Maul-Else! is a targe and hand some man with suave manners, and speaks English with very little accent. "Ha has been in the Austrian diplomatic sarrica since shortly after attaining his majority, as were his father and grandfather betora him. and oomea of a family which has been distinguished for several centuries la his native land. All arrangements have been made by the board of governors to sv Count von Mani-Ssei at the Initiation tomorrow even ing, and while he has not yet consented to be there, the members of tha baard are eonndent that after becoming a knight an Invitation which he enthusiastically ac cepted he will make a brk-f speech and perhaps take part la sums of the cere monies. Ha will be asked, if not against tha rules of his society, to tell of soma of Its games and frolics. Ail knights who caa conveniently do so. are requested to appear in proper drees and assist tha reception committee, bat doing so ta not obligatory, and not ex pected of those who do not wish to be on the committee. Special music and refreah men'Ji will be provided, but further than this the games and lessons will be the same I as oa any other night. There will be a larpe class af candidates, and every knight -Is urged to be present and make tha oc sa inn ana long to be remembered. CUN-NA-6AEL PICNIC PLANS gveeytataa; Arramatwal mm Jolly Party Will Leave dry for Aarwt Crave Teeuay. h every detail arranged according ta 'tfia announced progrant. the fourth annual excursion and picnic of the danHta-Gael societies of Omaha and South Omaha win ' be given at Ascot Grove. Ia.. today. The trains bearing the Jolly crowds will leave the TTnian depot at iM a. m. and 12 X p. bl. and wU gr via tha minoia Central railway to the pirnlc grminda A meaaage was ra ceilved by the local commlttae yeaus-day from the grounds to the effect Uu.t e-erything was la flrat-elaaa eoadi tloa. and that there could not possibly be any danger of diss ppomrment. 3od speakers have been naod fur ths occa sion, and a general good time may be an ticipated by all who board the train for the grounds. A large crowd ia expected. Sat let a Millie A rTxrt that Omaha had anuired an other millionaire in the person cf It A J Cm. !lir.g at Isrt Vend Tweniy-flfri, H"-et- vaa rcrstfwll v denied by Dr Coo hirnee1? at his residence last mjsht. It pr-tih'y ot-gtnated, he said, from the fact t-t his nevoew J K. i"ihic f Carthage. M-x. 'ho vuftit-i1 him several dys ago. hns recently sold iM-me s:ne proorty m M.ssoon. and that he and his wife also own auine stne r-rperry m that suit H a neonew. Ex. Cina save, wee also nego tiating for the H.e of -Mid acres of mineral land, hut aa developments on it have snown the existenre of natural gaa, ml. lead and etral. aa well aa atno, it will be further Ay ers Hair Vigor This is what Ayer's Hair Vigor does: Re stores color to gray hair, makes the hair grow, stops falling, cures dandruff. Isn't that enough? rMrrt1 before being put on tne market. Dr Crwg will move 10 l(."irl. at e-ist impcnrlr ri dev.-pp mining pri-r-e-y. nil w-iile he lias n it ret male a a-xie, hopes to do en at enme future use. THE TWil lEUHEH. Plealcs Galore. I sttraetloae arc Pi waited Tax Seek la a tee feattna mad Aasaaeaneat. Those tin pretty and attractive plao-". Lake Kiuva and Couniand Beach, did rlenii!l business 1.-st "t At Lake Manawa he enra -rrrnert of the uniformed rank. Kmghts af Prthina. was a big draw-fr-g mse-net.. T-te armi-mil'tary urafinni and camp was a big aliraoticn. Courtland Eeach s big exodus of picnldti-rs wlihin its fadiis boundaries was on a par with the Knights aa a crowd-gathering factor. The Red M?n, numbering, with their viva, relatives and friends, up into the thousands, started the wes oft at Court ier, d Beach, an i then came the real estate dealers several hundred .trong. the Omaha Freight Agents' association ar.d yesterday Tr. Pujyal KighlsndTS' local lodges. Picnics billed for the comlna week at both resorts are: Ancient order of filled Workmen. T'egree of Honor and another lodge of the same order. Independent Order of Bed Men. Ladies of the Maccabees. Laurel hive and another hive of the same order, a big associated Catholic order. St, Mark's Sunday school and a big political association, details of which will be given later A dnsen or mor miner picnics will be hekL Today, as cm every pleasant Sun day, a hundred or more families will enjoy a picnic ia the shady nuoks both resorts possess. Jfever before has the habit of early mon lug bathing been so widespread as it has this aeaaon probably due to ths spread cf the teaching of physical culture, A bg list of attracttona has been ar ranged for Courtiand Beach. In the first place the famous cometist, Bellstedt, will open an engagement Monday which runs indefinitely. Programs especially selected fi this resort win be given. Mr. Eeilstedt will have as accompanists Ernest Norlin a superb orchestra. Mr. Nordin wt;i as usual give his excellent program at the pavUicn. Tha Imu miubc wiil be furnished by Dod son a Military band, r'aredevj Murphy, the champion of champion a-ranauts, will give a death-defying act in midair the first ume anytiung of ihe kind was ever at tempted here. He will ascend to a great baia-nt seated aatnoe a bicycle to the handle bar of his parachute. As the balloon goes up he will run the unsupported wheel back and forth on the narrow handle. He will descend la the same manner. The Pierre troupe of glass blowers wul give exhibitions of glass blowing, weaving and spinning. Glass souvenirs will be given to all visitors. It ia educational and instruc tive, while amusing. The celebrated Elckett family will do their wonderful stunts at the top of their lofty rigging Today refreshments will be served in the pavilion. Nordin's orchestra will render tha following program: Mar-h. -King Carl." Eilenberg; overture, riueen s Lace Handkerchief. ' Strauss; ba.let music fr"Tn "La "iioconda." Poncm eiu. selection. 'The dinging tiirl." Herbert . patrol Cormque. " Hinaiey , waitx. "Return of Spring." Waidteurel. intermeaao. "i'ream Alter the BaiL" Chiouika. seiecuoa. "Prince of Ptleen.'" Luders; march, "Tannhauser. Wagner; ov-rture, "Maritana. ' Waiiace; ""The Forge in the Porest," Michaelis; ba. let music from "'Faust ." Gounod, comet eolo. fan"1', "Tramp. Tramp. Tramp, bv Mr. ti. Lota; seiecuon rrom Lohen grin, Wagner-, wmta. "A Bummer Even ing." Waioieufeli overt-ore, 'Semiramide. n,.aomi- f.nnierT niece ior guib auu 1 - net, "Elves at Play.'.' Bendlx. by (X. Peder- sen and r jonnsen. gavotte. auette. ' t'hibuika, selection from "Sling LMxto." Ludera At Lake Manawa tha Don C Hall stock company will open Its second week la tha Tama honored drama. "Tea Nights la a Barroom." The bill for Thuraday night win be "Old Farmer Hopkins.- The usual balloon races will be held In the afternoon. On the ball grounds two semi-professional games will be played. At the Kursaal ThielejB orchestra .will be in attendance afternoon and evening. Covalt a ever popu lar band will charm all with the following delightful program: March. "Beau Ideal." Sousa : overture. "Summer Nigat's Dream. ' Suppei waits. "Circa.'' Lambert; seiecuon. "ivius Dodo ibv requests. Luders : Morceau character istic. Pan-Amrncana. ' lieroert, Gyvy dance. "Lnut!,'' earnard ; Intermexxo, "Iran." Junson; aelectiow. "The Explorers. Lewie; a novaity. "Humpty Dumpty.' Lal bv marrn. "Brtuto Chicago Marine Band." beua; march. "From Mexico to Buf fa.o. ' Wttjunn: overture. "laampa. Heroid, selection. "Lucia dl Lmmermuor, ' !nl aetta; waits. "Columlian Eipositjiin. Her mann characTenhtfc, 'BHiiillage.'' Gillet; gix Mexican Lances." Ctxuna, lnterrnegxo, "Isia'" Morse. A a other Hawk-eye la tie Taila The verdant fielda of Iowa ame near pouring mure of their bounty into the yawning maw of the Omaha eonridnce man yesterday afternoon. If Officer ai-nox had not arrived upon) the scene at the op portune moment the dal would probabiy have been consummated. E- C. Hunting ton of Clarlnda was the man who accom panied the goods In this particular instance. He had gotten as far up u wn as the Lnion depot whoa be met two aflame gentlemen, who woiosneered to carry hia grt( and as aist him in other waya. Wr H.irtmgton was weary from his long Journey and made haste to ait upon the euggoeilcn of hla new found fnonoa. Every maicauun pointed towards his willingness to turn his pm-ket-book over ia the same free-hearted wav. but the game was blocked by a policeman. When the oftV-er arrtved the confidence men put up a strong argument to the effect that tbev were friends of long standing of the Iowa man, but it was no go. They were gathered in and charged w ih being . oaraciorm. The names th-y gave are James Harkms of Council Bluffs and 1. i. Hogaat of Twelfth and Douglas streets. Sleaabera ( the Poker Party. Jack Hardlway. who gives hia place of residence aa Chicago, and Mike Pettier, living at ITJTl Jaoaaon sir t. were arrest ed j are veeterday Irene Marun was a. so taken into cuniody at the same time. The nuiire briieve tliat a,l t them were tmer estcd in the dual which was pulled off re-e-nt 'v m this city bv w ich Martin Ceavere of Millard. Neo.. lost KT 1n a poker game at a room on South Thirteentn street. Ceavers will be ten-graphed to come to Omaha at once, for tne purpose of identify ing Uta pnaonura The two men unoer ar rHt answer the dewription givea the pe ine by reavers, and tbev feel certain that trie have the ngnt oartive At present they are charged with being saspxaous characters. Sarakialrf laamai. A colored man entered the Jewelry store of Albert E-uhoim atviut o clock yemv day af'.emoon and aehed to see eome goid walfh chaina. Several chains were pia-ed noon the aOowcaae f"r his lr.soection. and wnen tne wav to the dixr cl.-ar he graorked ore of the beet In the lot and made a run for it. His description was given to the police, but up to a lata hour last night he hud not been locaieu. Hel as laaaae. Mrs Moore, who resides at Twenty-fire and rwcas streeTs. was taken to the city Jail yesterday evening charged with being Insane. She waa laier removed to tue county hospital urn an insanity warrant. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs Phil Aarone and daughter leave to- dav f TV Chicago and the lanes. P. C. Hvafey and Mra iiafey have ra t .rned from aa extended vuHt in Europe. Miaa Sear"oke and Miss Thorn berg left last evening fur New Tors, in tue Interest of Hayuen Broa' millinerv deparunrat- Mr E Ganster. buyer for the dreaa gooda aVt.JTmer.t ai J. I Bnniwi A . has gone east for tha purchase of extreme nov eitiea. , I Ttanr W ' 1 r w?T rinuin mt ee't la uiin 1 crutches thse d tMKuua ri ateooed on a rostv nail, wmcii iwmetrataa nia k-lt foot. Ha will be la.fl up for several daya LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. Charles A- Larson of Kansas City will sing "The Lrd is My 9hei nord" at Calvary EApust enurca bull day evening. Ivy lorge No. XL Independent Order ef OiUi Feuuww. has rautsa ue aadge eoena in the rwttereta bitM-ft Sevenree'tr and Lobgias atrooia, end wlil autva la Wedtiee GUI V. FURAY WfiS MEDAL Best rrlllad Gu&rdiTiian is 5ebmk it Omaia. Boy. CLEA1 SWEEP FOR GATE OTY ENTRIES First. 9eeaa4 a a 4 Third Prlsre(iBi the CaaapetlUaa ta Xeaken mt Oaaaa Gauaraa. Taarnea Klflaa mm Mtllaj-a BtSe-a. A large crowd was present at Krug's park last night to witnesa the individual competitive drill bv eight picked men front aa many crack companies of the Nebraska state militia. Guy V. Furay of the Omaha Guards was the successful contestant for tlie first prie the Jacobeon trophy, which a g-oid medai. Joseph L- LllUe of the Thurston Rifles, company L. First Nebras ka regiment, won Becr.nd. and Arthur Har- dv cf the Millard Rifl"e, company L Second regiment, was winner of the thlt-1 Both the second and third prises were silver cups, the second donated by Brown A Bors heira and the third by Mawhtnney ft Ryan. The eight contestants lined up at t o'clock. The enmmanda were given by Ma jor Oliver 3. O'bnme of the Second rg1 m!t, Aa eah individual failed he dropped out of tha race and stepped back, until there was but one left, and he was de clared winner of the first prize. The board of Judges consisted of Colonel Talbot of the First regiment. Major C. M. Richards of the First regiment. Captain J. B. Hun gate of Wering Water, assistant surgeon In the hospital department, and Captain Mather of the Dodge Liffht Guards. Coun cil Bluffs, Ia. Calver iaareue the Gears a. Brgadier General Culver came up from Lincoln to witnesa the ccntest. and he pre sented tha medals to the winners. In his presentation sp'ch the general aakad tha recipient of the first pnsa to wear tha trophy wl;h honor to himself and his com pany, and he told him that by so doing he would reflect honor upon the whole state org-aniiar!on. He further stated that the recent maneuvers of the various companies in Omaha has shown unity of action and purpose which will rdound to ths credit of the state militia. He thought the effort exhlhitd proved that the members bad an interest in the work which could not help but lead t remits anrf Ha , . , . ex preened tns hope uwt luv minor, w not lag at any atage. He said: "If you hold together and work toward the making of a perfect organisation of the state militia your efforts will be rewarded within a short time by seeing the erection at our state capital of a magnificent armory. The general thanked the members for tha example set tor the state by those who engaged ia the drill and hoped that every member would do his best ta gain perfec tion in the manual of arms. Governor Mickey was not presenf at the drill, as hs was called away to Denver at tha last moment. Ha aaatgned General Culver to represent him. Other Exhibition reataiea. Prior to the competitive drill the Omaha Guards gave tha bar bell drill. Thurston Rifles the bayonet drill. Millard Rifles tha skirmish drill exhibition under Lieutenant McMahill and Sergeant Hcrdy and his aouave squad of the Millard Rifles gave the silent drill. The entries la the competitive drill were composed of a representative from Stanton. Kearney, Lincoln. Albion. South Omaha and from each of the three Omaha com panies. The program arranged for today la a "spell down," open to any member af the stats militia. The priae will be a salver cup. and It Is thought there wta be a large number of entries. During tha aven- lmr several company drills will hold tha . . lunuuuu .... At the conclusion of tha exercises last night Prof. Mynster do Monrterey gave a fine exhibition of sworlF-nanshlp. assisted by two of his pupils, Mr. Cathrow and Mr. Hendricks. DEATH RECORD. Ploae-er Joba Sippler. HTMEOLTT, Neb;, Aug. IS. (SpedsJ.) John Eippley. one of the pioneers of south eastern Nebraska, died st his home a few i nf this drr vesterdav The old gentiemaa had teen an lad fcr last two years, 'not the death of hia wife, and a considerable part of the time had been spent to a sanitarium at Lincoln. Ho waa , t . , . la his eixty-eighth year and .eaves four grown children, one of whom la unmarried and lived with him. The other three live an farms adjoining him. The funeral service will be heid Bun day at the Evan geacal church in Dawson, conducted by Rev. Mr. Mass of Dawsoa and Rev. Hr. Meyer of the German Methodist Episcopal church at this aty. Mrs. Dera Caaba, BEATRICE. Neh.. Auj- It Special, i Mrs. Dora Cxuba of this dry died yester day, after a brief illness, sged 35 years. Shs leaves a husband and eight children. Mr. Cxuba was at Lincoln at tha time of hia wife a death and did not reach home for several hours after she had passed away. The funeral will be held Sunday at I o'clock from St. Joseph s Catholic church. Mrs. M. A. Uywaaux. STTTON. Neb.. Aug. IS. (Special.) Mrs. jtaggie Alley Moilyneux died here suddenly today She was the landlady for many years of ths Oakland hotel, and its success was largely due to her individual efforts. Since the burning of tha hold aver a year ago she hss never been weil. the laaa and shock shattering her nervous a;1 stem. She waa born In Canada and came ta Nebraska la 170. Was haiaeHag rati P-tro Monico. wHo resides at Twentieth street and Pippluin avenue, said he thought the weatner was Too cold during the iaat few cava to do without a fire, so he sx-ured a sack and repaired to tne railroad yards for the purpose cf replenish ing his exhausted suryiy of fuel. He was bimilv erucagod in fining his when an officer cir.e upon the scene. Monico now languishes behind tne bara and as there is no tire In Uie city jail, be is as chilly as ever. Trlr WlTiaowt Lleraae. J W. King of Twelfth and William waa allm iMinia en ftie etreeta w-ri4.T- vttK.Mii hnni first avui-ed a ! license He was ar-s-Med and will tea wny he overliKiaed the matter Mtetday morning. CMAHA SUBURBS. yisresec J f Bareus of The Florence-Osaaha sc!- Tarium mads a business tnp to LincoiS Saturday. M'.as Anna Arnoldi of Omaha is here 'ir a lew di.ys visiting her aiatr. Mra Wil liam Pulte. Dr Rosa ef Oenalia made daily tnpa to the saniianum tins weea. using his new Cidsmubiia Miss and Beile Murae f Omaha were the guests of Mra W H WaH Tuxs 1m r ei-enir.g- J. H. Holiir.gvwortri of the firm of An derson Kou.tigswurth. maUe a bustneaa U-p tj Bla.r. Mr and Mrs. Wrvlck svm the g-tes of Mr and Mrs. William kllndrea TlMtoday and Wednesday Mra F. F Gordon, from Fremont. Veb., wa tue snoot ef Mr. and Mra Wiley kUng eeveria daya this vera. V J. 8 O Neul of Cn&aiia is apesdirg a few weeks here. The fiaot of Rer. r"ftiLip A Sou in of 6c Mark a cuarcn. Mr. and Mxa U . Um at WoodiMna, Ta.. are here fnr a few davs visiting with Mr and Mrs. E. D. Benryireswer Mr and Mrs. Fd L Kare of Omihs v-s-ltel with the-r rarivea. Mrs. Reran Trcy and da irhtera M cniisy after-non. Mlsa Palmer. SauriT -f Mr and Mrs W G. Fi.mer "f huncpifl. Neb. is 'he g-ies of Mr- and Mrs. i. G. Hunt lor a few u vs. Mr aid Mrs finmr.s Ritchie, who live five mile ri"r.hw"et ef town. "terajned a hmise PHrty ot eighteen Tueenay and W-onesciav There wi;i be a ri, of pert of the Barker estate, recent. y suld at the execu tor a a. on account of some of the prices bid being too low. M- and Mrs. Swansr-n and Mr. ar.d Mra Jnhnson entertjuned a number cf treir menus at a basket picnic in the grove near Uieir homes oundar. Mra Ja-oH Wer. sr. and grand da ugr.t- Millie Gffnn. who have been vis iting relatives at Wayne and Teaamaa. re turned home Friday Paul W. Eairl of Omaha, a former clerk In the ri'wei stor of J 3. Paul, but nw with an Omaha Arm. was calling on wd friends here Thursday The public school rrnunds hae been cleaned and the custooian of the grounds. Elmer Guy. ia getting in ahape '. r the fall term of school. The picnic of the r-:rVi mall est lera of t'ouariss county was held at Pries Lake iraturaay afternoon, arid ail of them with their friends wra present. Miss Mabel Morfey. a resident of thia city several years ago. but now of Minne apolis, is the guest of Miss Olive Ft-i deuce Tracy, the postmistress, ior a few days. The Ladles' Aid society of ths FresbyTe rtnn chur-h met at the home of Mrs. James Kindred Thursday afernoon. transacting reguiar business. The society meeta at toe home of Mrs. iergstresaer August UCi. after noon. The city pare has had a thorough clean ing up the past weea. The work was superintended by Manual Wilson. It no has a fine arpenrance. as the trees are ting large enough to make enaoe. famous Biigham Young tree stands ia ths center ol uia para. The rains the past week have not done any good, on account of keeping the corn growing which nelj dry hot weather to get it matured before the frosts. Consid erable gram is in the snoc-k yet, it being too wet to thresh or stack it, and consid erable damage has been done to It Mr and Mrs- Heni Taylor, old and re spected ell liens cf tnia place, ceienra'.ed t-ieir gulden weeding Th-irsday. A-:gjit 13. at their hcrre tin r"iurrs street. 1 ney have rared a large family of children, who have families of tueir own. Several of their children and grandchildren were pres ent. StiMa Mr. Clifford Brown of Omaha spent two days of last wea visiur.g with friends ia Benson. The Ladles' Aid socief will meet at the home of the pres.dent. Mrs J A Morgan, on Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. James Wuh returned last week to their hi'tne after a three weeKa' Pleasure trip in the west and on the coast Miss Miller of Glen wood. Ia., returned to her home .n Saturday, after a wees, a visit ! at the home of her friend. Miss Agnes i i TlndelL Miss Francia Evana left last Saturday with a party cf young people for a ten days' trip through Salt Lue City and points la the west There will be an ice cream social on the church lawn Tuesday evening. Augtist IS. given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society. Mr. Fred Olmsted of Lrgan. Ia.. who has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mra. J. A. Keiler. during the past ten days. returned to his home tne latter part of last week. Berviore will be heid at the Methodist FniscnnnJ church todav at 111:33. aunday nool luilowir.g. tpaurtn league at .. ana evening services at t p. m. Junior leugue at I p. m. Miss Grace Roup, who has been visiting st the home of her aunt. Mra Ed E. Hoff man and family during the past two weeks, returned to her home in the east on Satur day a week. Miss Ada E. f? tiger returned from Lin coin on last Weanesday evening from a few days' visit with friends. She a.o at tended the State Epworth assembly while la that city. E. A. Btetger and C. Steiger left last Tuesday to attend a Grand Army of the Republic reunion he'd at Niobrara. Neb., and also visited a few days at Crelghton, which was once their home town. They returned from their tnp oa Saturday evening. The regnlar mid-week prayer meeting at tha Methodist Episcopal church was carried on in a new way last week, a topic having been chosen for discussion. Cunaiditraoie interest was taken in the new form of services, which will be continued at tha next meeting. Mr. Alfred IT. dell left the city last Thursday for San Francisco. Cal., where ! be will attend the state unive erslty. making a etieciaity of forestry, tie was eerorwo to tiie station by a party of his numerous young fnenda who will greatly regret his departure from their circle. The new pesve for the Methodist Eplsco- pal church, wmch were presented by Mrs. J. J. Dickey, formerly a resident in Ben- son. have arrived, and will be placed in the church as a me-norial of the .ate Jay r,i.-kev . Kinhdnv. Two beautiful at.ver coin plates have iuso been presented by the memuers of the A. and O. club. Miaa Bee Hoffman, organist of the. Ben son Methodist Epiecopaj ftunoay school, and Alfred Tlndeil. secretary, were the re cipients of two handsome bibles. by the teachers in oenair or tne teacners ! and offkirra and trienoa. in appreciation of j TW.: former wt 1 attend State Normal at Peru and the iiuter at San Francisco, The social event of the week among the young people waa a surprise tendered to Miae ailiis of Oxford. Mo., at the home of her aunt, Mra. Harvey J. Grove, wit a whom she ia visitir.g. About tw-nty young people passed a pleasant evening in music and parlor amusements, after wiilch dainty Mrfrsahmania were served. Among those present wre: Misaee Roup. Hoffman. Lowe, Keller Morgan and S tiger; Masters Nevlns snd Belas. and Messrs. Eame.cie. Freeman. Peterson, Tlndeil, jrll!a. Grove and Morgan. West Assbler. Mrs. Charliis Syaa was taken eriously 111 Thursday morning. Mrs. Kidd has built a new bam on her premises in Ackerman. Mrs. Pitman and sons will occupy their new bursa here nrxt week. Lincoln avenue from Fortieth street west is almost impassable on account of weeaa Mr. and Mra John Faverty of West Side were sellers In tha neighborhood on Tues day evening. Mrs. Clay Peterson ar.d daughter left tor tn-dr new home at FairneiA, la., on Thursday of this week John Cunningham removed his family I fr'im this virmuy Ui their Dome on Frt- etghth and Muson. wmu na oeen newiy painted and repaired. Congratulations are being extended to Mr. and Mra Clayton Mann over tne ad vent til a eon anu neir at their home un Parker street last Monday. Mrs. Guy M'.stn left Wednesday for i n extended visit to relatives in Iuwl She was jointed mere oa Saturday by her hus band and lltt.e alilcr. Amelia. Mr. Gactx and wife of Ohio who have been the guests of ti.elr brother. Jonn, and family left Thursday lor western Nenraaka to visit a son uelure leaving ior tne Pa cific cuast. The Syaa families and their sister Mra D. Todd and family, gave a picnic in Hans oum park Thursday alicmuon In huouf of tiieir gueaia. Mra 3. tu veils ol ljes Mames. and aged uncie. L Hvgabuue. of Kanaaa llutar Walter Campbell had the mia- fori aii lu faj from his sbrtiand pury Monoay and oreaa h.a arm below the e:iow tr Chnstie was hastily sura m mad and est the fractured arm and the buy is iiouig nicety and a; he will ua rid ing agxm before king. J E. Aughe and wife, with the rest of Phil Kearney Grand Army of the Republic pnot and Women s Reilef cxirpa. went to tue in a U1y un F'-ulay to bid ths Nenrcaaa Grana Army of tne Reputuic offl nul tram gudereed to the tniunrnnrat. wmch 0ens neat week at MO Fl n. iaou. Daa4n. Mies Craft of Hannibal. Mo . is tha guest of her untie. Judge oiita'jgh. Mr and Jirs J N H. Patrri are visit ing the ranch ef Mr. and Mra John raima. Mra M M. Thompson of Nev Turk and Mr Covey of Jl Pul. Neu . are vuuiing their eister. Mra. E L Johnson. Mr E- V. Hea f'rd snd son. Elwln. see at nome aan Mna Heaford will remain at iiuperior. Wis., fur tns rest, uf the sum mer. Rev Thomas K. Hunter. D D . of Vl liaea. Ia . wno has accepted tile call to the Dundee Prtwoytenao cnurcn. wUl taa up tua work hrra iiuiuer Miaa Mi.ler libranaa of Purdue univer sity at Lafavette. I nil. and Mae Cramoton uie Chicago Bcnil of Dramatic Art, were the g-eata taunt week of Mra J. S. Paa A apMdal aseeting of tha Dundee Woman'a cluo was held on Fnoay at tue borne of tna peesHtont, Mra I aV Leavtrt, to mar-use tha oourse of stiay tar ant year. . awveraj aaw aue&Mra war present. OPPOSE LIGHTING MONOPOLY Grand Via w LxproTSTTja-nt Cab Goeg an Irfxrrd Arvian Proporation. WILL NOT IQH THE CINTRAL FtStnATlCI PTuaaa aa Preeeateal Tlat Likra by the Seaiasn, mm Dei Faaey Oet alda tiiseaera la tha Ceetral ar. Tha Grand View Improvement club went on record last night as being opposed to the pr-posmon of the Omsha Electric Light and Power company f.T a ten-year monopoly of at : set lighting. It also de cided that it would not Itself with the Central Federation of Improvement clubs until the objects of the central body are more clearly atated and it is made plain that outside organisariona are not to be admitted to membership. The meeting was held at Fourth and Center streets and was largely attended. The special committee on street car ex tension reported that it had held a con ference with President Murphy of the street railway company and that assur ances were given by him thst the desired extension of the line down Sixth street to Bancroft is only delayed by the difficulty in getting suitable rails and ties, and that there ia an early prospect of this trouble being removed. Eleven members of the dub were present at the conference and tha assurances received from the com pany were very encouraging. The definite decision of the proposed extension will be arrived at by the next meeting of the directory, which is booked for September or In. A communication waa read from Mr. Xash of the Omaha Electric and Power company, addressed to President Sunblad of the club, in reference to the new com pany s proposition to light tha city under tha proposed ten-year franchise asked, and requested the club to not permit itself ta be influenced by reports and statements of interested parties, and thst the club refrain from taking any action on the matter until the company can be heard before the club through one of its representatives. The proposition is to place a light on every street intersection, thereby adding 30t or mora electric lights to the city than is now enjoyed by Denver, for ths same ag gregate amount that the city is now pay ing for its lights. The communication was placed on flia. WU1 Sot Jola reaeratlea. Tha committee appointed to confer with the Central Federation cf Improvement Clubs submitted a verbal report, which was in a measure adverse to the club taking part la the federation until the purposes of tha federation were better known. Ed F. Morearity. who waa present by Invitation, spoke adversely upon the proposition of the club joining the federated club, if out side associations and organizations are to ne aamitlea to fellowship. Ernest Sruht. another invited guest, de livered a long address on municipal corrup tion, and the indifference of the street rail way company toward Its agreement when South Sixth street was graded down with the special understanding that tha SU net car line would be extended southward to Center or Bancroft street, and how subse quently the communication and agreement of the street car company was spirited away from the flies ta the dry clerk's office, and have never since been reerrvered. He said he Is ready to contribute toward the employment of counsel to compel tha street railway to fulfill its agmenient- The communication frosn the Central Improvement club was laid on the table and its consideration indefinitely postponed. Mr. Morearity then addressed ths dub on the proposition af the Electric Light and Power company, and advised the dub to go on record as opposed to the granting i - . ATter soma discussion on tna proposition ; the communication was taken from tha J taw. and a resolution waa adopted that ft - t. .,.," ; " mrnme of the Grand View Improve. ment club that it la opposed to granting lne franchise to the electric eompaay for . 1 '. '" '"v ihhhiii.heh rom ! the First ward ia requested ta vote against j the proposition. Aft-r some further dlarusaion on tha light cniestlon the club adjourned for two weeks. BANK CASHIER IS ARRESTED C realtors Likely ta TLaaa Heavily mm Resalt ( Alleaed E alesaeat. RED BANK. N. J.. Aug. TS Enoch W. Co wart, cashier of the defunct Xavealnk National bank, was arrested today on the charge of embezzling He.OT of the bank'a funds. The complaint was made by Special Examiner W. A. Mason. Cowart surrendered himself to TTnited States Marshal Garsards here and furnished CD.OPR ball to await the action of the United States grand jury. Mr. Mason saya he hss not been able up to tonight to gala asy definite knowledge ef the Institution finances, but from what he learned today there was no assurance of depositors bene paid in full. Phi 111 Basablew Bark, Thomas Phillips, giving his address as t'li? iKMit street, received oraers last wepa to ahaatt the dust of Omaha from his feet, 1 He snook t acoorning to tne orders given, but has gathered up a new supply Ke now occupies a cell, and will pruuably be chased acroaa the bridge again Monday mumlrg. FORECAST CF THE WEATHER Fair Tiair la Iowa gad Scsraaka, bat Showers la West. WABHTNGTOTf . Aug. Zi Forecast Nebraska and Kansas Fair la showers and eooier tn western portion Bun da y; Monday probably fair. Iowa. Fair Sunday, warmer In northeast portion; Monday partly cloudy, probably IS- , l.MVaM ..J M,.ltf -n t ,, Illinois: Generally fair Sunday and Mon day, warmer Sunday in northeast portVm, fresh, becoming vena M a Mlaaourt: "howers Sunday, partly eioudy, probably showers and cooler m west per-don-Colorado; Fair, warmer in western, show ers in east portion Sunday; Monday show ers and cooler. Wyoming' Fair la west, showers in east portion Sunday; Monday showers and cooler South Dakota; Showers and cooler Sun day; Monday fair. 1 OFmr-E OF THE Wf tTHIR BT'H EAL". OjlAHA. Aagut IS. orAuai record of urn. pesature ana precipitation enmnared with the corresponding day of tha past three years i lira "JKJ liee mm Maximum tempera rare. . . 77 74 aj ki M.nimum temperature.... -3 t a Mean temperature 7 7 7g 7 PrecipiLaiion At .a .ia .2! Retird of temperature and prwripttaflua at Onvaita tor Uus oay and sines March 1. :s: Normal temperature 74 Deficiency for the day 4 T ilal excess sine Mara 1.. 10 Normal precipitation ...... It iocs r-efificnry lor the day f.7 trw-ti PrecipiiaUon since March 1 IT T lni noa Donraency sinoe Mar-a 1... .IS Incnea rfiriney for cor aonrtd. !1.... 1 a inches Deficiency tor cor perioA, IS 1 . Indies THIRD WEEK OF OUR Great August Clearing Sale Ths last week has added thre rar!tids of New Fa.-ga.ns to our lu.lMMTH STOCK. We are showing new in Pr.ncess d-es?er. ttunVts, Pir'or. E-d and Dining Rcom suites also a big line of odd chairs in a.l the latest deiiins in wood on the market Below you will find a list of L""S APPROACHABLE VALi.ES that m .11 crowd our floors Monday , FURNITURE TEISPTATIOI.S t solid oak sideboard, serr-entlrie front. one drawer lined. bvd mirror, hand- soroely carved trimmings IT fir solid brass tshtJ j band quarter sawed venrer- CS5 solid oak dlnmg chairs, braced I Hfl 1 wish stand to match arms, cane seat, nicely finished .... JU jd mahogany rocker, line mar ts. quarter sawed, oak extension tabie. ketry back, piano finished round top. 4X4. has pedestal center ' nicely carved and good finish ... 13.00 D if piano finished, quar-sr sawed. e,j combination bookcase and desk, with sweil front glass. French plats mirror, shelve moveable ....... B.50 Iron beds In d f dJferent colon K C iron beds at . . . . . m ..... .. 16.50 I.S5 -450 Curtains and Rugs THE VALCTa OFFERED THIS WEEK I P.T'GS ANT CLHTAIN3 ARE NOT THE FREAK. HP THE AD WRITERS' IMAGINATION. ETT AN ACTUAL AY ING OF 3 PER CENT FROM THE CLOSEST CAfH PRICES. Curtains on Sale Monday. Tour choice ef one lot of high grade por tieres in plain reps with woven tapestry border, mercerised tapestry cloth ef gold. porieres made to sell at CO f ff to fci. for. pair C7.UU One let of new curtains. In cluny, Irish point and bmssels that should interest Tou. LOT ONE Ail new freah gooda, sild for less than bargain square prices on odd pairs left over from last season a busi ness brusseis. Irish points, ciunys and Arabe curtains worth eS.ito for a" af LOT TWO Tour choice of all our 110 its Lace curtains, all new patterns 7r not reiica -for v v Tour choice of If 30, S and M-tnch dawn illows. worth T&c, Cf and fu.JW for ...... BAKER fllRNITURE CO., UI5-I7-19 Farnam Street. UNION $17.50 COLORADO AND RETURN Daily ta Soot JOthw , DAILY TOURIST CARS betwcHtrt Omaha, and Denver VIA UNION PACIFIC Double Berths, SI.50 Aicermm-odatutns ef passengers. Writ far "The Kacklae. Great Cliy Ticket Ot Tourists and Fishermen Low rates ail Summer via tie CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY. To Sl Paui. Minneapolis. Iu!ut3 and the Fihinri and Hunting-resorts of Minnesota and Wisrrnism. Two traina dauy between Omaha and it- access to V ortlungton, - . . it Lake, bL James. Lake w tonka, V. lute Eear and Th Hst af Everything. For rates, ockett and lull laionsatioa, address H. C CHFTTtrr. Caaar pises m umm mm ; IT," m quarter sawed bcdr-iom sui'e dr hns pia'.e oval mirnr ;:xtf 'well front . d."eseer. bed doubie O G. top. with cttss 27.50 10.00 ,1.95 C T5 Boston rocker large h gh back . CSa.'W genuine mshogany dining room suits of nine pieces cmna calnnela. rnund cor- ners. bent glass In door and pilaster on each sideeidehoerd very nandome In design, two small drawe-s. one large drawer, wine drawer, and ivi cupiwa'-da pedlaai cemar table. U2xiT cn-ra solid mahogany with leather seats five small, one arm SI55 AT HALF PRICE Tour choice of our full line of -jaiioistery prois on sale Monday at Just ha.t ut rgtiiar prices. RUGS xI3 two-piece bcissei ruga, all new patterns, wrui li. ior 15.00 9x12 and s-Kxlft- BirIow axminster rugs worth K5 (f on sa,e Monday, for JV7VJ ' Tour choice of our full line of Wilton rugs. slaes a-snfMi and ::- on sale Monday, a: ... .32.75 axminster 3.50 ' We will sell Monday. Eiglow rugs, size nx2. all new pat- terns, worth In M. f or .. We have about S pair of cur rope portieres which we will close Of out Monday forenoon at PACIFIC TO proridtd fjr all classes ' mt booh let. Salt . I TauowMena" 1.1S4 Fa mmmm St, Phone SIR. A. rw Jfaul - aiinneapoiig give aircti i Slarwn, v maom, isiunm . i . It..u. T 1 , , asiungum, aa-a, .uut otner resorts oi uie aurui. OMAHA, HI. war 1 4 (. flats -a., ' .-.a. i I