20 TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY." AUOURT IB, 100,1. ENG1NEMEN GET INCREASE MILES AND ROOSEVELT firemen and Engineer! of Union Pacifio Oonoluie Oonurence with Officials. LEAST RAISE GIVEN TO SALARIED CLASS Begotlatlons C'OTer retrod of Oftr a , Month and All Matters Are Finally and Batnfartor. Ily Settled. Th ITnlon Pacific firemen and engineer! re to secure an Increase of from 3 to I per cent in their wages a the result of a conference between Superintendent or Transportation Buckingham and Superin tendent of Motive Power MoKeen with the Joint committee of the two bodies of work-Ingmen. Taken as a whole the engineers will re ceive an average Increase of about 3',4 per cent and the firemen 44 per cent In their wages. The lowest Increase was given to tha salaried class, such as hostlers and local freight men. whose Increase amounts to 2Vi per cent. The Increase In engineers and firemen runs from 10 to 20 cents hundred miles for the engineers, with proportionate Increase for firemen In tha same class. The general committee of adjustment of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the general protective board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, which composed the Joint committee, have been In the city since July 6 and havo been meet ing with the Union Paclflo officials during the time since then to adjust various dif ferences and disputes, of which the wage schedule was one of the most Important. Everything was carried on very pleasantly and the work Is practically finished now. The members of the committees are: Personnel of Committers. Tha committee of adjustment of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Is composed of: George W. Vroman, chair man. North Platte; Wllllnm Hockenberger, H OA ithalrmnn Tnirr' fV V TmfV. Bec- retary and treasurer. North Platte; Thomat Ogden, Rawlins, Wyo.; William Murphy, Kansas City; A. L. Konald, Laramie, Wyo.; W. 8. McOuire, Cheyenne; O. M. Baker, Evanston, Wyo.; John McMahon, Ellis, Kan.; I. N.. Wright, Omaha; D. 8. Patton, Beatrice, Neb. v The .firemen's general committee Is com posed of: C. E. Engle, chairman, Ellis, Kan.; O. II. Updegraff, secretary-treasurer, Omaha; U. O. Applegate,' vice chairman. Cheyenne, Wyo.; F. A. Richards, North Platte; II. Epp, Kansas City, Kan.; F. Nanke, Beatrice; J. Kelly, Omaha; F. Hol- leran, Denver; C. Brown, Rawlins, Wyo.; C. McLaughlin, Laramie, Wyo.; O. Rheln, Evanston, Wyo. Are Warrior Constructed Upon Differ' enr Lines But no One Questions the Bravery of Lit her. RUNNING AGAINST EACH OTHER For Prealdeal of tha United States They TVoald Cosy! net a Remark ably Pletoreaqae Campaign.' Tha presidential campaign Is scarcely a year off. The candidates who are to be the standard bearers are not yet selected, though Roosevelt seems certain of the re publican nomination. On the democratic side Gorman, Parker, Bryan, Cleveland, Hearst, Hill and Miles are "mentioned." Just at this particular moment General Miles Is the cynosure of all eyes, and that politic military chieftain Is far from averse to THE PRESIDENTIAL BOS SET. In fact It is no secret that his friends have more than once whispered into his willing ears the fact that he Is available timber for chief executive. A military chieftain In America Is usually a good cam paigner. The general is handsome, able and fairly popular. He Is one of the very few general officers of the war of the rebellion living. The old soldiers of the country would favor their former comrade and Nelson A. Miles might prove a dangerous rival of Theodore Roosevelt. TUB BACKERS RESERVE LIFE likes both Roosevelt and Miles among other reasons because they are typical of Ameri can health. Strenuous, both of them, they have taken care of their physical condition and unite with healthy bralns robust bod ies. In other words, they are first-class Insur ance risks and a life Insurance company cannot fail to be Interested In men who, throughout an active business cAreer main tain those conditions which make for the full expectancy of life. B. H. RODISON, PRESIDENT, of the Bankers Reserve Life Company In vites attention In this connection to the fact that the Bankers Reserve Life Com pany has experienced the lowest death rate of any American company. This Is largely due to the care of Its Medical Board In the selection of risks. With over 16,000,000 at risk this excellent young company had but two death losses In the first seven months of the present year. Mr. Roblson has Just returned to Omaha after a week's absence, during which time the Bankers Reserve Life Com pany was admitted Into three new states. BSO.OO Prlae for a Hotel Name. The management of the Lexington hotel, Chicago, offer" a 150 prize for the most ap propriate name for their new 200-room ho tel, located at Thirteenth Btreet and Michi gan boulevard, Chicago, which will be opened to the public about September IS, 1903. What Is your best suggestion? Addresa Alex Dryburgh, manager, Lex ington hotel, Chicago. The lawn social to have been given by Degree of Honor, No. 102, on July 28, but deferred on account of rain, will take place Tuesday evening, August 18, at 4609 North Twenty-fourth street Northern Michigan Excursion. Only $5.00 from Chicago to Ludlngton, Frankfort, Traveroo City, Northport, Charlevoix, Bay View and Petoskey and return, via Michigan Central; $6.00 to Mack inaw City and $7.00 to Macklnao Island and return. Get tickets and berths now. Good going August a, regular trains, re- turnlng"Mp to September 1. Michigan Cen tral city ticket office, 119 Adams street. Chicago. . Why Waste Your Lloncyi By keeping on trading with high-priced stores when you can come to us and buy the aume article cheaper. We handle re liable goods only,' everything we sell Is guaranteed to be all right. We want your trade, all wa ask Is an opportunity to show you, Its up to you at present, for Instance, we sell as good a Black Sateen Shirt for BOo, as you can buy anywhere for 76c. Regent $2.60 shoes are but $1.60 here. Pure Fur hats, which sell at hat stores tor $1.60, our price 96a Another big money saver are those Kohn Bros, suits, 'which we sell' at $7.60, compare them with suits that some of our high-priced neighbors ask you $12.60. Fancy . socks, which wa sell for 10c cost elsewhere 16c, and so it Is with almost everything. If you need Boy's clothes attend our sale, we want to open up this fall with an entire new stock, everything on hand now Is being slaugh tered. Boys' regulation 60o knee pants 26o; Children's suits, 60c, 98c and $1.48. Also Boys' long pants suits way down. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1621 Douglas Street.- Wilcox Illrea a Cook. Bert Cook, probably one of the very best known retail shoe salesmen In the state, and whose friends, If bunched together, would look like an Ak-Sar-Ben parade, has Joined the force of the Decatur shoe store. which la to open Its doors to the publto next Saturday, August 22. Frank Wilcox, the manager, proposes not only to carry the shoe the men want, but will have a finely appointed store In the way of con veniences and beauty, manned by a crew of men experienced In giving men fits. A Mother'. Sons. Bcrfctedt will play this beautiful song of the late Wllllnm Llghton at Courtland Beach, beginning Monday. It will make hit. Watch It. On sale at all music stores. Published by A. Hospe company. Minnehaha council. Degree of Pocahon tas, will give a watermelon social at Myrtle hall Saturday evening, August 22. HON. PETER JANSEN TALKS. Mr. Peter Jansen, of Jansen, Neb., Is "a very frequent visitor In Omaha and Is well known in the city, both in a social and business way. He is an extensive sheep grower. He Is also the owner of a good pair of driving horses, and makes the re mark that tho last Concord buggy which he bought from Drummond Is the best rig he ever used, and that the last hand made phaeton, which he bought for his wife only a few weeks ago, pleases him more than-the first vehicle. Mr. Jansen is an honorable man and does not hesitate to sneak a good word for the Drummond Carriuae Company vehicles, as well as the treatment at their hands. At the present closing out sale of the Drummond Com pany there are very many bargains In high-priced beautiful vehicles and harness, which can never be duplicated at the price asked. . . Not ire 1 The public Is hereby notified that Mr. C. O. Cromble, formerly vice president and manager of the Sunderland-Cromble com pany. Is no longer connected with thla com pany. Mr. George C. Edgorly has been appoint ed acting manager. . . Sunderland-Cromble Company. 1308 Farnam street. L. T. Sunderland, Omaha, August 15, 1903. Pres. Aecased of Selling; Imitation Crentos. Tha arrest of Henry SUberstone, a clgai dealer at No. 283 Bowery, charged with hav ing refilled cigar boxes, marked the be ginning of a war that will be waged by the united states Internal Revenue agents against dealers all over the city who have been engaged In similar practices. For Some months past a large cigar concern has been greatly annoyed by complaints that Inferior cigara were being sold under Its label, and notified the revenue agents. Bilberstone Is alleged to have bought sev eral boxes of "Cremo" cigars, and after .selling the genuine article at the regular price (five cents), refilled the boxes with a cheaper article, which he sold at eight for to cents, explaining to his customers . that tha only difference In the cigars was in the matter of the bands. , The cheap cigar was sold without a label while the real "Cremoa" have bands about them. Id this manner SUberstone is al leged U have made a profit of considerably more Than 100 per cent. He was arraigned . before Commissioner Shields and held tor examination before tho Federal Grand Jury. A cigar manufacturer Interested In the case said: "Bubstltutlon of cigars or refilling of . boxes has been going on for some time. We have spent thousands of dollars advertising one particular brand of cigara. and It is the name of thla cigar that has been ille gally used. "The bands were placed upon our goods to protect our customer against just such . a fraud. The Federal authorities, expect a number more of arresta shortly. There are Federal and Stato penalties." N. Y. American. 147 E WILL, at small cost take your old skirt, clean it up, press It, put on new band and binding:, and you will be surprised at the change. THE PAfJTORIUM CUAHA. 407 Bo 15U) St Tel. 0C3 J Jill Mill II II Li I Embroidery Sale Monday. 0 The Best Is what we do at all times end by having your teeth extracted prooerlv vour work win last permanently. SET TEETH..., 3.0O p TEETH CI. EASED TC Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Modern Woodmen of America Picnic, Papllllon, Neb.. Thursday, August 20th. $0 cents fur the round trip, via UNION PACIFIC. Special train leaves Union Btation 1:00 A. M. For tickets and full Information Call at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Jfol LOU t"T Embroidery i to II, HlW :P--cV.6Ud4i3 Monday. Great Sale Tomorrow Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum The two carlvads of damaged Moor Oilcloth and Linoleum of which we have been tilling you for the past week well be placed on sale tomorrow in our third floor Carpet Department. There are two solid carloads of these goods. They are all stangard makes and were consigned to a well known carpet home, but were damaged in transit in the recent Kansas City floods. Most of these goods are wet only on the extreme edges, and when they arrived at their destination, on account of their slightly damaged condition they were refused by the consignee and sold to us by the oweers at less than one fourth their regular price. We bog to call your attention, to the fact thnt none of these goods are badly damaged, as they stood endtvnya in the car, and while some of thorn-are slightly dumaged, the greater portlou of them are sound and perfect. 5Qc Oilcloth at 15c Square Yard. We are going sell the Moor Oilcloth, in all widths, at 15c per square yard. 2 here are all grades in this lot, but most of the goods are regular Quality 10c 75c Linoleum at 39c Square Yard All the Linoleum that generally sells for 75c yard many of the patterns are the newest just out we will sell all at per sauare yard SI. 25 Linoleum at 49c Square Yard All the extra heavy best grade Linoleum, regular price $1.25 per square yara, goes at 4c per square yard Nona of these goods 'are badly damaged and most of tbem are absolutely sound ana psriect, ana as we bought them cheap, we ar "goluff to sell thom cheap, namelysquare yard All of these goods are in full pieces and not remnants,, and they are all of the best standard makes, This sale begins at 8 o'clock. The quantity of goods to be offered is very large arfd while there may be enough to last all day, the best will go first, and we recommend an early call. ' Full line of Clear Havana cigara Complete line of Pipes, all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSB Main Office, 1404 Douglas Street Est 18S4. ' Tel. DR. WILKINSON'S EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS. CREIGHTOIN BLOCK.' 15TH AND DOUGLAS. OMAHA. Treatment and operations dallv for Ca tarrh, Catarrhal Dafiis, Adenoids often cause of mouth breathing, listlessness and deafness In children, Illshaped Noses, Chronic Bore Throat, Enlarged Tonsils, Growths In Nostrils. Polypi, etc.. Cleft Palate, Harelip, Running Ears, Crona Eyes straightened by operation. Headache, due to eye or nasal causes., Atrectlons ot tha voice. Irritable coughs, nay fever, etc. THESE) CLINICS ARE FREE TO THB rWlU I TU B O L'UK,K. Open evenlnr I to I d. m.. No eharvea for examination of patients. 0 "Strongest In tne World." the Equitable l.u Asaurance society, its policies are Signt drarts at millurny. br it J. Nooly, manager. Merchant National Bank bid.. m FayeteCole, (teteopath. 6t Paxton block. Large reductiona in prtre on silk and wash walaia. uhlrt wal.o auita. skirts, mtl Hnerv, smnmxr dr-ea th r credit. People's Store, Sixteenth and Farnam. Have Root print li. Dr. r. W. Ianaa ntlst, 611 N. T. Ufa. CUcajo Laundry-Best work. Tel X. Henueaeekera aai Coloalats, Tha Missouri Pacific will sell homeseek ers' round trip and one way colonist tick ets to certain, points In Kansas, southwest Missouri. Oklahoma. Arkansas, Texaa. etc.. at very low rates Tuesday, August 18th. Tickets limited to twenty-one days. Stop overs allowed oa going journey. For fur ther Information call on or addreas Thomas F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent,, southeaat corner Fourteenth and Douglas, or Union station. Tenth and Ma son streets, Omaha. Neb. A Special In Men's Low Shoes. Monday mornlna- we are going to make a radical cut on every man's Ixw Oxford in tho slur. Imliiaing llannnns, Clopp and Uoyden makes. 25 Remember, that this sale Includes all Oxfords In all leathers for men's wear; the $3. US!', 14, 14.50. $5, Ji 50 and 6 Oxfords all go at ;i per cent dis count Monday. No broken lots or Unue. All slai-t, all widths at all prices at 2o per cent discount. DREXEt SHOE CO., No middle man's profit In the orimoD Direct from the maker to wearer and when Entire satisfaction Is aaanred. A fS welt sole shoe for f3.5G an other arade sold elsewhere at 4 price f2SO. laS "VUaW Rogent Shoe Go. 205 So. ISth St. Omaha's Up-to-Data Sbos House, 1419 Farnam Street. IT11 " 'PawaajaaBaasjaTaajWil 1 H if JUST THE WORD U SURE DEATH for our bug killer. Don't be fooled by the past few cool days, In tninking tne uugs are gone ior tne season, 'cause i hey will be here ucHin noon h It warms up, that Is we mean they will be after vnu BffiLin nntoKa vmt flrA.uftDr lh.m first with sure death, which comes in pintd at lac; quarts at 2c; H Kaiinns at bUc or pultuns at voc. A iint oil cati Tree with 50c or 80c size. DELIVERED any plaee In city at these prices. A FEW LOW CUTS WHICH CAN'T BE HI rUL'ATtll IN OMAHA. tl.00 Peruna ull you need at $1.00 Pierce's Medicines at file Doan's Kidney 1'llls at Uc Cuticura Salve at 36c Genuine Caatorla at Perhaps you can huy these goods for LITTLE MOHR MONEY-HUT WHY? i ramers Kidney Cure guaranteed tc Hur Ben In Lixative Bromo Qulnle 25o Qulnacetol guaranteed Cold Cure .. OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICE DRUC1 STORE Twe Thoaca 74T and TOT. 10th an Cbloaaru Street. Omaha. SCllAEFcti'S THE BENNETT- COMPANY The Leading Piano lloase of the MH. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Heat Asjrlrnlteral Weekly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write lor Sample Copy. Re-No-May Care yoar feet to stay cared. Sold Everywhere. MAMKACTIRKD BY A. MAYER Perf leld's Cuco. Be Bidf., Room 7. Telephone 701 Wcear. S tery Clark Lndw lg Scatlar. OUR BUYER HAS RETURNED! B!G FALL STOCKS ARE A-C0MIN6!! AND WE MUST HAVE ROOM!!! CTiana-e is the order of life. Style? In pianos are as whimsical as nny. We find we hnve over THIRTY BTYLKS In our catalogue thnt will be obsolete In the new. THESE PIA.SOS MI ST fiO KTKItV ONE OF Til KM HERE'S GAME! One More Grand Combi nation Offer. A 81 PER II PIAXO AD A Sl PERO PLAYER. Their marked value in one flKure amounts to $r75 we make the W price ror tins 1 grand outfit i ne price is orrereoi on n very easy payment plan fis.fln dnwn and l2.no a month. TAKE IT, MAN! TAKE IT! 350 MORE GAME. Three high grade mahogany ftOCC JManos. each valued at ZUu Four high prade walnut AOOft pianoa, each valued at $125, Ahll Five high grade onk pianos, 411 an wutiflH, $225 le onk pianos, COilC THncrfrifir In vul. I IH Ues from tX2a to 4!0. rholee 6 samplo pianos. In all woods, ranging in values from $a25 to $160, choice for Four high grade French mot- COOfl tied walnut pianos, each .Tlllil valued at $3iO, for VfcUU ALL SOLl OX KASY PAYMENTS. P1AXOS FROM 11ENTALS. Sllulitly. aaed.lint Intact tn ev ery rrupcct, oud most of them Kood aa new. A-nlce $350 mahogany $J38 Apretty up-to-date $300 oak J J 58 A lovely fine-toned $350 wal- t( o r.ut for JO0 ALL ?OLD OX EASY PAYMENTS We'd like yon to see our PAR LOR GRA.DS they are divine in struments, "ion may fed the accent in them." YOURS OS EASY PAYMENTS. ORGANS l.on, $75.00, $65.00, $o0.0i cown to iu.wu. ON EASY PAYMENTS, TOO. Call at Once. Write at Once I.et'e Get Together. IMPORTANT We want every music leaener,. nana master ana cnoir leader within three hundred miles of Omahn to give us their address. We will send each a sheet of music FP.KJ3. nr ill THE 1IELIAIILE STORE. Great Clearing jJlIS Sale of OdtL. Goats and Vests. HirtSckaflfncr Vjjt J fir Marx TfC 4 fllr f-Y I b" 'i jf Mf SMlMk,lUttai About 126 odd coats and vests to be closed tut at 60c on thn dollar. These coats and vests are som thnt arc left ?rom cur $7.50 and $10.00 suits, where pants did not match them. In order to close them out wo have marked them down, to bo closed cut Mon- da y at $2.75. - 1 T About 150 odd coats and vests. In sins,ia k nd double breasted styles, In bluo serges, 1 cneviots, cassimcrcs ana worstens, an wru -j tailored, none worth less than $10.00 and $12.50 for coat and vent, our special sale Trice for Monday only, $3.75. 1IAYHEVS GREAT MONEY SaYINO SALE OF HOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. People who buy carefully are always on the watch for just such occasions as this. An opportunity to save conlderable on the finest suit of clothing. We want to close out our light and medium weight suits quickly, and the ptices we have quoted below will bring: crowds of people who want to save money on boys' and children's clothing. REGULAR 2 VALVES FOR l.1c. In very desirable pit terns. In gray and brown mixtures. In light, medium and dark colors, mado up In Norfolk ad double treasted styles, regular $2.00 values, for only 95c. REGULAR : VALUES FOIt fl.CO In very handsome patterns, In light nnd dark colors, pants made with ('.tension waistbands, reinforced taped scams, triad up In Norfolk sailor-blouse, and two-plooa styles, regulur $3 values, for $160. OMAHA'S FAVORITE K70 We in rv REGULAR 5 VALUES FOR Made up In sailor-blouse, sailor Norfolk, Norfolk and two piece styles, the nob blest and sweMest things of Imported arid domestic fabrics, light, medium and dark colors, In fancy cheviots, cassimcrcs, tweeds and homespuns, suits worth up to $3.00 special sale price, only $2.50. ' i Boys' all wool knee rants, ages 3 to 10 years choice of 5"o to 75o-values, on sa Monday, at 25c. . Children's washnblo knee pnnts, regiila r 23c values, go on sah) Monday at 10c. mm RELIABLE f Eitablithed for em. t n. I S. NO A IlELIARI.E DENTISTRY SAVES PAIN AND MONEY. r-"rtwi KmHOurPiATE B DENTISTRY BY OLD HELIAI1LE, ACCURATE, PAINLESS, EXPERT DENTIST STUDENTS. SKILLED SPECIALISTS IN EACH DEPARTMENT. Beware of Jet.lous, Idle, sorehead dentists nnd dental Scc's, who have lost their business Hnd have tried to run ouri". They tried to bluff us out, passed around and took up a collection, and with all their working, blowing, lying and bluffing we beat them. We have stood the test. Our record ! acknowledged to be the cleanest and greatest In the west-10,000 PATIENTS IN THE LAST TWENTY MONTHS. We Have Got the Business and Here to Stay Its a Com plete Victory for the Union. Until Sept. 15- 80LD CROWNS, from $2.85 SET OF' TEETH, pair.... V-....S2.00 ALUMINUM, from... '......$8,00 FILLINGS,-from 25c TFFTH FlTRoCTED l-Rfct. . . - . . . . i"i n 7 . ,ln(i, .lata law Consult the WORK GUAxtAIN l lcjU x 1 in - - professors free. Graduate dentists will be admitted to our fall course. Our methods make the crowning, filling and extracting of teeth a pleasure. . - . We make loose teeth tight, atop blecdln aronis and treat all'dlseaaes of the month, If you have heavy plates or plates that don't fit, get one of our non-breakable, . iou ble suction, patented non-Irritant plates. Call early and avoid the rush. We are al ways crowded. The people are for the Union and against combine or trust den tisUJ. He sure you are In the right place. The Celebrated DR. WORSTER, TERROR TO THE DENTISTS, IS HERE. nion Dental College OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY, OPEN DAILY TILL S. SUNADYS-W TO 4. 1522 DOUglaS. WHEN WE SELL YOU A WATCH vii can relv on it being Just as represented, and one that will keep perfect time. We sel" ,T kind cl watches, high aiul low grades, but all good timekeepers. We are showing a .beautiful stock of Kings. JOHN RUDD, ' Buckeye and Woodhull Bikes Stanhopes Rockaways Must Bo Closed Out in Fifteen Days. ,e Pretty Stanhope and 20 others of latest deal "NS tC. and If taken at once. We want more room. liAl. GAINS, t.oine ana c Repository IOth and tar nam sirens. Kingman Implement Company The above factory cot, WIS ,o extract the most difficult tooth without th. slightest pain to the patient. Examination of the teeth and advice given free. BAILEY, The Dentist, , Teipnhnni (085. 3rd Floor Pixloa Bloc. L5D1 Kiienuam. ,...r rAa . ',iww iaf " -firif aes'- ' anui.i.JMl.11 mi. lM1UJKM GOLD CROWNS FROM $2.00 Filling OCa From a-WM BRIDQB Work from Our easy payment plan may In terest you. Work guaranteed 15 years. Graduate dentists. New -management. $2 'j'''''ZiK ftt.Y. i ir frrZ. & r. -A New York Dental Co. Established nearly 10 year. here. Oppoalto Hayden's and Doston Stores, 11S boulh ISth street. s.