16 TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES Will be taken til 12 tm. far Trnlsf edltloa an antll :0 p, far morals- aad Sunday edltloa. tba Rates, 1 1-Ue ward Sr laaert la a word thereafter. Kothtac ta laa, kaa far less taaa BSo far the Aral la tloa. Tint advertleesaeats amaat raa eeaseeatlvely. Advertisers, by reqeestlac a fcered eheek, raa have answer 4resse4t (a a inhered letter la a rara will taa Its delivered oa praeeatatloa keeat air. WANTED SITlAflON. POSITION as stenographer for young lady; office experience. Address "A," Bee of fice, Council Bluffs. A M378 17x WANTED MALE HELP. x FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 1. DAY AND NIGHT. Boyles College NE. YOR1C LIKE HLjjJ. BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRIT 1NU, ENUL1SH. Apply (or Catalogue. B 14S .WANTED For United States army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ansa of 1 and 86, citizens of United Stales, of foot character and temperate habit, who can epeak, read and write English, For Information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge . Su., Omaha, and Hastings, Neb. B M476 WILL give a worthy young man or woman a paid-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business college, to be paid for when course la finished and position secured. Address, B , Bee. B 610 WANTED At once, a registered druggist; married man preferred. Schaefere cut price drug store, ltith and Chicago sts, if-MWI .WANTED Experienced window trimmer. i. L. Brandels Suns, Omaha, B Mi33 WANTED, young men not belonging to unions to register for sUeet-car work; no strike. Inclose stump to The Western Register Bureau, Portland, Oregon. B-M395 18 ONE) SOLICITOR nd collector, t'ole to furnlnh surety bond; good salary and ex pense allowance; give three references. Address K 68, Bee ortlce. B M416 16x WANTED, a small Job of grading done at 10th and Arbor sts. Arply at 607 N. Y. Life building. B M4M 18 FOR TRADE, merchandise, clean, staple stock of goods; one particularly deslrawe deal $11,(XM; another $6,500; another 115,000; food landH and reasonable amount oash o pay bills will take these; have large exchange list and can get you fair, square deals; list your wants with us; stocks of all kinds In different localities; Mercantile Exchnnge, 204 lally News nulla., AUV. U., WUICHKO, 13 A44P loX WANTED Experienced salesman to handle our line exclusively In Nebraska on a commission oasis, w. JJ. i VV. O. Jor dan Co., Shoe Manufacturers, St. Paul, WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeDer. one with business ability and experience in omco wora, capaDie or aolng some out side rustling when necessary. is 477 16 WANTED A first-class sadd'.ery salesman ana siock Keeper ror wholesale house; only those having experience need apply. wiin reierences, u s. wee. B 47' 16x HOW A ROT TT VOTTtt Blt.lDTt I It large enough? If not, we can Increase It. We have a system for obtaining em ployment for capable people that cannot be excelled. Write for our plan and book let: It's free for the asklnar. American Employment Exchnnge, head office 431-433 water at., j-utsDurg, fa. u. B. A. B 475 16x WANTED Good men to represent the best financial proposition ever presented to tho American people; send references. Green, vroi cvans, ci. ouis. IS 13 JBX WANTED Traveling salesman to carry our sine line to general stores and kindred I trades; new samples weigh five ounces, fit coat pocket and easily earns $500 to tl.000 a year commission; write for par ticulars. Standard Ring Co., ,108 Dearborn viroei, uiuagu, in, 134 1HX BRIGHT, active young men wanted to call on wholesale business houses In Omaha and other large cities; progressive sal arte and permanent positions "The Man- aex, rew xorK, . x. B 474 16x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few Weeks completes; splendid wages paid graduates; tools given, diplomas granted; board provided; can earn netrly all ex penses before cornuletina: cataloaua ex plains how, mailed free. Moler Barber college, muz Douglas su B M471 21x TOUNG man, 115 weekly; permanent art lstlo emplovment at home: no exnerlnnn needed; material furnished; enclose st am pen addressed envelope. Ticket Co 131 Weet 23d St., N. Y. B-470 16x MANAGER wanted In every lame countv "Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, clgara or money, takes place of forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful everywnere; rented or som on easy pay, tnents: sixty thousand now In use. Cun nlngham Furniture Co., department Ml, cnicago, in. a vat lex HUSTLER, to distribute samples and col lect, salary 118 weekly: exDenaes ad vanced; old house, good route; chnnce for advancement. Enclose addressed envel ope, Advertising Dept., Star Bldg., Chi cago, u 4 lox FINANCIAL corporation offers excellent opportunity to a man of character and aollity who can sell bonds and high grade securities. Address National Se curities and Finance Co., 1034 National Lire liiiig., Chicago. B 4Su 16x GOOD pay taking orders for watches stamped envelope. Royal Watch Co.. 140 Maaaau St., new xoric. B isx TRAVELING SALESMEN 5 We want five men to sell our sonde who have brains, pluck and stlcktoltttvenesa; big commissions, liberal inducements; agen cles established In every town: alve ex perlence and references. Columbian Stock Food Co., 67 Bates St., Detroit, Mien. 16 WANTED Experienced solicitor for city mate or female. Glover, 1st floor, room 8, IS. X. L.UO. xl 060 IB DETECTIVES, every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary. Interna tional uetecuve Agency, Milwaukee, wis. b aa ux EARN tlR week'y proof -adlng; employers supplied. Moms correspondence school, hlladelpnia. B WANTED, an office boy. reople' Store. B 610 It FLA9TERER for rental department, who can rem a smnn, good nouse; repair work all year around st good pay; work at once. Address L, 10, lice. is Wl It WANTEI Machinists, boiler makers and blacksmiths fur nllroad service in ' the south, also stenographer and office men atandard waaes; union men preferred Apply room i. Arcade Hotel. 11 814 16x WANTED, clerk, ni'od penm.-n, qu'k at flsrurps. not afraid of work. Address. with rfernces and salary expected P o, BOX 414, Cliy. B Co6 16X BKOK SALESMEN tw experienced men wanted at once. Fry Shoe Co. B 670 lfix RELIABLE general ag-nt wanted In every county to sell our popMlar aeeldnt and sickness policies: new plen: death bene. Bt; weeklv Indemnity; ep-clfle Ind-miltv for loss of limbs or eyelgn'; rre medic U a'tendince; many otner ormnai ma uoo ular features. Annual premiums 81 to $1 no aseeem"nts or dues; lisued to either sex without resard to enlor nationally or occupation. All claims promptly and liber&llv settled More policies Issued and more claims paid under our system than bv any othee company In the world, be cause we slve the most popular and cheapest lnura"c- wrl'ten. Kxceutlonal opportunity to ob'u'n s ile control of ter ritory br applying Immediately; nrevtout experience no' r"ilrei1. but Hnanclnl re sponsibility sbeolutelv essential A4rire The iMerpr'lonii! Company, 3l Broad way. New Tork. B 524 Ux WANTFTD. boys and girls to make money; pee cent nroflt: easy work. Samnle end terms V cene. R. Specially '"o , Box 83, Noraulk, O. -43) 1G( WAITED MALK HELP. AFTER ALL, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Ask any student, or ex-student, of BOYLES COLLEGE, what he thinks of it. Ask any Omaha business man the same question. THE FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 1. DAT AND Omaha Business University, Corner 17th and Farnam Sts,, Omaha, Nebraska. Fall term opens September 1. NMGHT SCHOOL, Octqber, 5. You may attend this school one month before you pay any tuition. ' If you are then satisfied you may pay the regular rates from the time of entrance. If not satisfied the month costs you nothing. All students who finished the work during the past year were placed in good positions. Our calls for competent help far exceeded our ability to supply them. We make no charge for securing positions for our students. If you intend taking up Commercial or Stenographic work, visit the OMAHA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. We invite the most careful comparison with other commercial schools. All students during the past year, who made personal Investigation of the work of all the com mercial schools In Omaha before taking up their work, enrolled In the OMAHA BUSI NESS UNIVERSITY. Do not enter any commercial school un til you have first made a personal investi gation ot the merits of the OMAHA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. Call, write or phone for free catalogue. B-460-16 NICE rooms, day or week. 1126 Howard. a moob oiox MEN of no experience who desire to enter rauroaa service as orakemen, nremen, eto., address II. L Metzger, General Man ager, ttox A2Yi, n.asi el lvouis, in. en close 36o for particulars, scale of wages, application Diana, etc. no striae. B 621 Hx WAHTED gAJSSMBN. WANTED, salesmen, up to date, active, to sell first-class groceries direct to con sumers at wholesale; tlrst-class territory and liberal Inducements. George Mel- arum 6k jLO., W XM. ureen St., Chicago, 111. BOOK SALESMEN, sttentlon. we have an entirely new proposition for men of a unity ; territory is Deing rapidly assigned; coupon ana cara leaas. i. u. Mayer, uroauway ana jocust sis., at. lxmis, mo, M4 17x SALESMEN Specialty for hard, but good paying line, results count, season just opening; year's contract; quick. Address Jj l, tsee. 4M itx 1 WANTED, two salesmen, from factory to merchant; regular and special line; per manent position; no scheme; good pay to the right man. Address u z, tsee. 48( ISx WANTED Agents to sail a successful $5.00 typewriter; forty per cent commission. A. Coffman Mfg. Co., bM Spruce st., St, IXK11S, mo. 3f ix WANTED, by large patent medicine house. two capable salesmoii' for Nebraska to see druggists and general mtrchanu: ref erences ana Dona witn application. Man agar, 112 Fine St., St. Louis. Mo. 618 ltix 1 i - WANTED, capable traveling salesman for Nebraska, maple line to country mer chants. References snd bond required, nox sue, st. louis, mo. ou lax SALESMEN WANTED, two experienced traveling grocery talesmen ; li2o per month ana expenses, wen Known house. Keierences. personal interview ir satis factory. Address K W, Bee. M 611 lex CIGAR salesman In your locality for city ana country traae; experience unneces' sary; fcf tier month and exuenaei: sam pies free; eaclose stamp for particulars. fluneer i-igar un., icpi. i, luieu , u. 610 lx SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen calling on clothiers and general stores to sell an attractive, easy-sailing premium proposi tion as aide line. iiampUs free. Liberal commission. Address. with references, Hegent Mfg. Co., Chicago. 609 18x WANTED, at once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska. Only high-grade men need apply. Bond required. Anuress Drawer b, Chicago. 619 lx CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. bmllh Co., Detroit, illch. 618 16x A COMMISSION big enough to produce heart fullure. for traveling men with golden tongues and estnbllshad routes. Address, Side Line, Box (63, Cincinnati. O. 617 ISx WANTED, salesmen; $60 monthly and ex penses; permanent. First National Nut series, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN Automatic copying book, new, needed by every business man; bonanza for agents.- Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, lnd. SALESMEN, traveling or local; aide line: 6 per cent commission; goods new; sell to every business, city or village. Sample case free. Address L. N. Co., 24$ E, UUh St.. New York. 'Ii. ". '-' ' - 1 -' '- L.-S WANTED FEMALE HELP. iM Glrla. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge. tJ WANTED, girl for light housework: family of two. Address J to. Bee. C Mw J WANTtD. competent girl for general houswcrk; three In faiuUy. Mrs. Harry Woodward. i)7 Paclflo. C y WANTED Experienced salesladies in un derwear and hosiery dvpkrtmooia. J. L. Brandeis A Sons, Orosha. C M633 WANT D. head dining room girl, 8S a week; chambermaid. $4; laundress, $4; none but competent need apply. J. C Webb, Valentino, Neb. C M366 16 WANTED, a washerwoman. Call at onc t U N. Ut St. C MW2 U1HL for sacral bousevork. )7SS South Ulh. C-461 WAJITEIV-MALB HELP. ARE THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT." NIGHT. The 50 page illustrated catalogue Is furn ished free upon application. Call, write or phone for It. Address, ' II. B. Boyles, President, New York Ufa Bldg., Omaha. WASTED-FEMALE HELP. WANTED, a lady to operate shirt ma chine; steady job. Address creston steam Laundry, Creston, la. C M30 lttx GIRL for general housework. (122 Burt. t nnio i WANTED A good girl for general house work. Mrs. A. r, Tukey, IM1 Chicago st. C 168 17 WANTED, girl for general housework; 1911 cnicago street. c ml ii TWO young women to take a course of training In Omaha-Florence Sanitarium. Address Dr. W, L, Ross, 2121 Lake St., Omaha. C 488 Gx LADIES to do piecework at their homes. we furnish an materials and pay from 17 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 81 Monroe St., Chicago. C 487 16X MOLER College, 1302 Douglas St., opens run term in nairaressing, manicuring ana facial massage September 1. Special In ducements to first ten students. Pew weeks completes. Make application now. C-M486 21x LADY wanted, $16 weekly; permanent, ar usiio employment at noma no expert ence needed; material furnished: enclose stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co, 131 W. 23d St. C 486 16x LADIES, plain sewing at home, hand or macnine; materials turnisnea; no aeposit. Particulars, addressed envelope. Woman's Remedy Co., uesK A 7, cnicago, C-481 16x $20.00 a hundred writing letters home. Ad dressed envelope for particulars, Klectno Remedy Co., Dept. 10, 235 So. Michigan, South Bend, Ind. C 482 16x HOME work, good pay. Introducing our Lykesllk skirts; new plan; send stamped envelope. Gebert Importing Co 142 Nas sau St., New Tork, C 629 16x SHIRT makers wanted; steady work, good wages; living expenses low. Lincoln Overall1 & Shirt Co Lincoln, Neb. C M528 17X GOOD GIRL for general housework, Ger man or Dane preferred; good wages. Ap ply 833 n. Xbtn St. O-MDU 18 EARN $18 weekly proofreading; employers supplied. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. C WANTED, a bright girl about 17 years of age for office work. Apply People s Store. C-09 16 WANTED, In a small family, a girl that Is discreet; good pay for good girl, Address L 13, Bee. C-613 16x WANTED, girl, at 8C10 Farnam St. C-697 16X WANTED Housekeeper In family of four anuits one capable of taking complete charge of house desired. Address L 18, Bee. C M629 16x WANTED, young woman housekeeper In family of three adults. Address L 17. Bee. , C WANTED, housekeeper, 8723 North Eight eenth street. C M 624 18x A WIDOW of culture and refinement de- sires management of widower's home, where servant Is kept: best references. Address B, Bee office, Council Bluffs, la. C-M652 17 MORS ladies to do fancy work; $18 weekly. Address 616 N. l!th St. C 653 16x FOn RENT Fl'KNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. IiOfAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago E 70u $1.00 to $-' 00 per week, 422 So, 18th St., one block south of court house. E 701 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preferred. ICS N. 17th. E 703 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone Gil. . E T03 NICELY furnlshid rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundry. 750 Leavenworth. Phone A-1783. E-" AETNA HOUSE. European, fath & Dodge. l!-704 ROOMS, $1.60 to $8.00 per week; board, $3.00. Thurnton Hotel, 16th and Jackson Sts. ll Moll 24 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam: 'phone 67. E M371 seplO LARGE dining room and kitchen, at 411 N. 19th st. E M407 16x ROOMS. $1 60 per week and up. ".J,'"1, 1318 Douglas st. E-M486 811 ONE ROOM, private family. MM Webster It, E M450 lix NICE furnished room; two gentlemen: all modern, close In; references required. 251 Jones at. E 463 17x FOR RENT To a young man. nicely fur nished room In family of two. 2706 How ard st. Telephone $9. E 631 16x SEVERAL large, light and cool, newly fur nished rooms; good neighborhood, near car; young men preferred. Inquire 124 N. $4th St. E-aoo 16 $ NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping." 1112 Bo. 11th. mm u BEAUTIFUL furnished and unfurnished rooms, striotly modern In every way. well ventilated, in new brick building, close to- cuslnese ana posiomce. ituo v rusier st, E 665 14 FOR RENT, rocims, either furnished or unfurnished. 116 Douglas st. E 660 16x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep. Ing. 26ll Dodge. E M664 18x LARGE south room end alcove, suitable for four gentlemen; slso two large front rooms; telephone l9l Dodge St. E 5I 16 FURBISHED ROOMS AKU HOARD. 60S 8. 8TH AVE.; private family. F-M ROOMS, with or without board. 2oM Har ney. F MJ.4-1JX FOR RENT A very d'slrab'.e front room with alcove. The Pratt, 212 S 2.'. in st. IT W ISM eV 4- t GENTLEMAN and wife, with baby, desire flrst-class board end room or rooms within twelve blwks of postofflie' state price. Aaaresa u s, wee. et ias WA1TKD-MALR HELP. REASONS WHY A Thousand Youri People Each Year Attend The Omaha , Commercial College at 17th & Douglas Sts. 1. Because It Is the most tiroareaslvs state. 2. Because Its graduates are thoroughly constantly sought by business men. t. Because it Is operated upon a broader school, It being the only school In Omaha school of the kind In the state having a Course, Literary Society, Board of Trade, a foot ball team. 4. Because It has a modern and up-to-date system of shorthand, unencumbered with many shades, many slants and many positions. 6. Because we have the best equipped, best lighted and most commodious quarters of any school to be found. The teachers of our Shorthand Department have had more experience In teaching and have tra Ined more successful stenographers than any other teachers to be found In this western country. As an evidence of this send for "Rod of Positions," . The Fall Term opens Tuesday morning September 1. Catalogue and specimens of pemanship free. , Address: ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb. .'"''' ii i i ii FURNISHED ROOMS MJSD BOARD. AGENTS IV ANTED. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. Ad- EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few dress L 14, Bee. F Mail 1$ men are offered by the Union Central Life Insurance Co. Correspondence ln- ROOM8, .with or without board. 2580 Har. vlted. J. M. Edmtston at Sons, general ney. ' F M627 22x agents, Omaha and Lincoln. J M325 Sep. S CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 210 N. 17th. F-M680 816 IMPORTANT TO AGENTS. . . A ", - Wa can furnish you with either Bernard LARGH) comfortable rooms and excellent O'Reilly s or Father James McOovern a board; fine well shaded lajvn. 3l Farnam Life of Pope Leo XIII, both endorsed by t. F 667 16x Cardinal Gibbons: give complete history, ' ' ; i i ' " i contain all encyclical letters, poems, anec dotes, etc.: not only published in English, FOR RENT 4INFIWNI9HRD ROOMS. but can be had In several languages; . . beautifully Illustrated; premium with each FOR RENT, t modern unfurnished rooms, book; state which wanted; best terms; 1428 N. 20th. References exchanged. outfit free. Address American Publishing G M6ff7 18x Co., Omaha, Neb. J 440 u " ' ! AGENTS! Our new mall box for city use FURNITURE PACKING, sells quick. Only one endorsed by post- , M master general for houae collections. PETERSON ft LUNDBERG, 116 So. 17th. Write. Liberal term. Signal Mail Box Tel. L-2368. H 708 Co., Jollet, III. J FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES, FOR RENT STORES AND pFFICBS. FOR RENT HALL On 7th floor of FORMERLY LODGE ROOM $5 per SPECIAL To lodges and societies for regular iiignts.' All night elevator service electric ilghted. Large room well ventilated Piano splendid floor. Platforms and pedestals for lodge purpose Apply R. C. Peter & Co., Rental FOR RENT The bul'dlng formerly ocou- ?ted by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It baa our stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably'. If Interested apply at omue. of C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1861 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purpose at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and flrst-claas cemented basement, elevator, fir and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. I M567 STORE ROOM. 1616 Howard St., with good basement, $60. GEORGE - CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. I-M604 30 DESK room for rent 634 Faxton block. I-M640 We have a four-tory and basement, brick building, $3x120 ft., with' light and ven tilation on three sides and alley trackage, well located In the Omaha jobbing dis trict. For particular call on or address. 1-686-16 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601-J N Y. LIFE BLDG. 1909 CUMING ST., splendid store room, KttttiO ft., with city water, closol snd gas, well suited for hardware, harness, drug or millinery and notion business, at only $4) per month. Will be decorated nicely to suit tenant. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601-J N- Y. LIFE BLDG, 1-686 1 AGENTS WANTED. WANT ED Canvassing agents in every county to soUull subscriptions to THE TWKNT11TH CENTURY FABM-U. bteady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horse aud buggy especially desired. , Canvassers make vaally Its) to $luu per mouth. Ad dress Century Farmer Bull tors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha, J $ WE have all six of the different Pop Leo XIII books; best larnia; freight paid; outfit free. Call or write W. A. Hlxen baugh sV Co., 600 Ware blk,, Omaha. J-MS61 AGENTS WANTED $76 00 weekly easily made selling our Double indemnity Combination health and accident policies. Liberal commission; strong company; experlnce unnecessary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion, 6uS Crocker Bldg, De Moines, la. Jfru A FIG money now while new; the "Electric i'lnwheel;" sells for 10c; costs $7.90 gross; sample mailed 12c; active men sell gross daily. Elettrio Novelty Co., Station O, Philadelphia, Pa. J-4 16x AGENTS wanted everywhere; medical at teadancs by local doctors for entire fsm ily; 5o0 Insurance policy: al! benents; $150 year. Union Meckel Society, Bible House, N. Y. jm wx WANTED Agents to handle our celebrated yoke at the country fair In Nebraska. Automatie Yoke Co., Indianapolis. Ind J 633 l&X FREE To Introduce our euperlor Vanilla extracts we will send free sample on re ceipt of ceuta. Box 11 Milwaukee, Wis. J-ftW 16 WAHTED-MALE BR LP. and beat enulnned mercantile school In th prepared for responsible position and are foundation than the average commercial employing an expert penman and the only College Band, College Orchestra, Lecture public entertainments, a gymnasium and The Bee Building OF THE HO TAX ARCANUM. single night. RATES Agent, Ground floor Bee B'.dg. T5 M-814 AGENTS WANTED. THE ONLY authorised life of Pope Leo XIII.; written with the enoouragement. approbation and blessing of his holiness, by Mgr. Bernard O'Reilly, D. D., LL. D., who for eight years lived In the Vatican aa domestic prelate to the pope. Thia dis tinguished American author was sum moned to Rom and appointed by the pope as his official biographer. Approved and recognized by Cardinal Gibbons and all church authorities as the only official biography of the pope; over 800 pages, magnificently illustrated; unparalleled opportunity for agents; best commission: elegant outfit free. The John C. Winston Co., 328 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. J-M100 20g WANTED Manager In every city, county t to handle best-paying business known; legitimate, new, exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 15 W. 98th St.. N. Y. J-490-16X AGENTS making big money selling new suiuiiiauc uurxiar alarm lor doors and windows; retail 60c. Ramona Novelty Mfg. Co., 207 Eighth Ave., New Tork. J 491-lSx $30 A WEEK to sell our OIL BURNER. cheaper than coal heat stoves and furnaces: burns crude oil. Sample free Write, National Mfg. Co.. Station E. New York, N. Y. J-49M6X AGENT8 wanted everywhere to handle "Novelty Sign Cards' every merchant buys from 10 to 100 on sight, 800 varieties, catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1138 Maple wood Ave , Chicago, 111. J 494-16x MAN reared $1.12. lady $020 last months introducing Hol'aday Black Marvel Water proof Self-Shining Shoe Polish; why not you i uemonsiraiea samples free. Holla' day Co., Chicago. J 496-16x WANTED 6 -men of ability and push for fine staple line yielding salesmen from $200.00 to $500.00 per month net. Here Is your opportunity to double or treble your Income, as others have done. Particulars to hutfcrs for the asking. The Harrina-ton-Monnett Co., Decatur, III. J-496-16x WE INSURE UP TO 14. Good side line for Insurance s rents American Life Ins. Co., Box 24. Elkhart, Ind. J- AGENT8 Smith's Scrap Book of the Bible at $1 a copy can be sold to every Intelli gent man. One agent eold 87 In five days another M In six daye. W. P. Smith Co.. Bos 16S8. Providence. R. I. J- BEOIN business for yourself; stop work ing for others. We start you In profit able mail-order business at your home. Pleasant work: immense profits; unlim ited possibilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver Colo. j IF YOU want steady work on salary guar teed, write or call on G. W. Btirk. t Spruce St.. Omaha. . J M60$ 18x WANTEDTO RENT. WANTED TO RENT List your vacant property with us; we have a steady de mand" for bouse and flats. N. P. Dodge at Co., 114 Farnam sL Ku 14 COMFORTABLE cottage home, walking distance, for lady employed. 614 North Sun su K-M7 17s WANTED or g-room modern- houss t.r cottage with furnaee; slate price Ad drees L U, Bee. - K-W 16 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, room and board by lady In Council Bluffs, not too far out; privets tn:iiy preierred; terms must be reason able. Address Mrs. E. Wilson. Fullerlon, Neb. K-M444 lx IN private house, I or more partly fur nished modern rooms, with er convenient to first-class tsble board. Addtess L 7. K-6T8 16x WANTED Three or four gentlemen. Want a real nrst class nome. and are wining to pay for It. What have you to offer. Address L4. Bee. K 498-16X WANTED, board and room, with private family In Cspltol school district, for lady and daughter nine years old. Send full particulars about location, terms and cc commodatlons. Mrs. Hebb, Beatrice. Neh. K 628 ltix FOUR unfurnished rooms, steam heat, all modern; within walking distance; two In family. Address 8343 Harney street. K 634 lx WANTED By September 1 two rooms and board In private family; references exchanged. Address L 21, Bee. K 62 lfix WANTED TO BUT. WANTED to buy, some good dental chairs. Union Dental College. N M674 WILL PAY cash for 40 to 60 acres within 15 miles of Omaha. Address K 62. Bee office. N M3S1 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FULL line of hard coal stoves itow on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St O 70 FOR SALE Furniture for a four-room cottage complete at a good bargain. In quire 618 North 21st street; must be sold immediately. O 437 18x FOR SALE. Household furniture, Including sewing ma chine In good condition. Call this week. 243(1 Bristol street. 0-677 lx FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, TOP BUGGY at half price, also nearly new, 8'4 wagon gear, cheap. See A. W. John son, with John Deere Plow Co. P-M700 28 ) TIRES set while you wait: first-class re ps ir wcrk. ll. f rost, I4tn and Leaven worth. P-710 MONROE sell pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16th St. P-711 FOR SALE, 2 first-class buggies; War ranted; a snap for somebody. Call at 26Z0 Leavenworth. P M393 FOR SALE, new delivery wagon, hand made, flrst-claas in every respect; very cheap. Address L 16, Bee. P 615 lfix FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. In flrst-class shape, at one-half price. Call or address, 1621 Farnam St. Q 713 FOR SALE, empty Ink barrels, 86 cents each; large, well made barrels; make flrst-class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foremen, Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M431 INDIAN good and relic. U19 Farnam. Q-714 FOR SALE, a new 800-ampere, double-pole witch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee , Building, Omaha." Q M767 TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timbers; chicken tmct; oak piling. 901 Douglas. I Q-716 IRON and wire fences, tree guard, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 205 N. 17th St. Q-716 CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 718 FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either paasenger or freight; com plete, iron guide poets, cage and wire en closure. J, L. Brandels Sons. Q 698 FOR BALE Two boilers, six wooden tanks, bricks, lumber, coal and spring wsgons, buggy harness and one horse. Mrs. A. - Bockman, Bensop; end, of motor line. t Q 463 17X. FOR SALE Apple barrels In any quantity. Address Omaha Cooperage Co., South Omaha. Neb. Q $1 FOR SALE, thirty-fwree thousand, four hundred and ninety-seven shares Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten cent a shat If taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn. n.erd of Trade building. Q-M4S7 FOR SALE Coal business. Capital re tulred, $2.000 00. J $1, Bee. Q 4-8 NEW and Sdhand typewriters. lll Farnam. , Q ilS ZDIIAND safe cheap. Derlght, Ul Farnam. Q 71 TO REDUCE stock. The biggest automo bile bargain ever offered. A handsome full slse Tonneau touring ear, this year's model, association guarantee; regularly old for $1,360, can now be bought for $750. Addres Cash Automobile Co., 886 Breckinridge St., Buffalo, N. Y. Q 636 ISx SHETLAND ponies and fine cow 4Sd and Center t.. Tel. Black 1123. Q 497-16 x PEERLESS printing press 14x20. with Ink fountain, steam fixtures, good a new, for sale cheap If taken quick. Adddresa room t, Crounse block, opp. postoffloe. Q M628 1X WILL SELL AT your own price to reduce stock of second hand bicycles; over 60 to select from $3 up; repairing sundries, tires, $160 up. Louis Flescher, 16) Capitol ave. Q-M681 22 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8720 MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1709 Califor nia. 880 8Sx FREE your fortune told. The truth and nothing but the truth. Send three 1-cent stamps and blrthdate. Dr. Best, W6, Chicago. 8 4M-16X YOU SHOULD consult the reliable busi ness medium and get satisfaction. 1708 Webster St. 8666 16x ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, bath, US M. 18, 2d floor, r.l t rai GRACE O'BRYAN, Bath. 720 B. Uth. T-M696 MRS DAVIS. 1621 Howard St.. front rooms, tub bath; flrst-class attendant. TM 3 8 PERSONAL. VIAVI. a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorder of women, tree booklet. Vlavl Co., MS Bee Bldg. U 788 DR. ROY, chiropodist; oorns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. $ and 8. 1606 Farnam sL U 788 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CUBKS. At druggists, $1. XJ-VM PRIVATE home ' during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 788 1st ave., Counoli Bluffs, is. vm PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Oardela, ZZH Lake. Tel. Htil-lU U-7JS PRIVATH hospital before and during eon flnement; beet medical care and cursing Mrs. L. FWher. livl Vinton. Tel. 16s9. U J2S PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during conhnement. Dr. snd Mrs. Oerlsth, $6Ji California St. Terms reasonable. U-62 SB SURGEON-CHIROPODIST. 612 Bee bldg. U m GENTLEMAN, merchant, refined and wealthy, would marry; description free. Address Mrs. Chase, 26u Euclid. Room 'Jfl, Cleveland. O. U Ms lfix FREE annual membership In organisation giving expert treatment for complexion, hair, scalp and figure to those who write at once for full partleutare. Personal Improvement Club, L Broadway. N. Y. v-ixi 16 PERSONAL. 1 SA cure any disease known today. At l"th and Jones Is where I stav Prof Johnson. f.ag lB ' HOW b'g Is your bust? Dr. Conway- Bust 'labloltfs la the only rrmofly on earth which enlarges the bust 4 t to Inohes; no Injury, no appliances, no pois ons; home treatment; $l.ono If wi run t. Sealed facts, 4c stamps. Conwav flpeclflo Co., 16 Temple Place, Boston, Miios. U-"i lfix UNMARRIED gentlemen, or ladles enclose stamp for sealed Information. United Alliance, Box 143, Indianapolis, Ind U 600-lfix WANTED Immediately. One lady and one gentleman to travel with respectable Dramatic Co. Address quirk with photo snd full particulars M. H. turts, Dumont, la. U 601-lox CORRESPOND or Marry Sample Illus trated paper, ( cents, paper and private list, 10 cents; describe yourself. National Alliance. Grand Rapids, Mich. U SUPERFLUOUS hair warts and mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 4- N. Y, L. U- MME. PERCY Is the most famous astrolo ger In America; her predictions come true. Bend 10c and birthday for trial reading. 1007 First Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. UN WANTED, board and room with widow lady that has no other roomers, for a man of good habit that will be in the city for the next eighteen months. Ad drees L 24, Bee. ' U-612 lfix SGHMOLLER & MUELLER. PIANO SPECIALS. Wa also find our big July isles brought in a large variety of used Instruments which were taken In trade most of them are uprights four ' are grands a dozen squares and a few organs all kinds of makes Stelnway Emerson Steger Chlckerlng Vose Moftityre Kimball Es ley story Clark Gramer Bradbury--Gilbert Hardnian and other too numer ous to mention here all have been put In flrst-class shape at our Piano factory and can now be seen at our Omaha store, Third ficor-Prtcee start at $18, $26, $34, $44, $53, $69, $88, $96, $115 to $175. Schmoller & Mueller, Payments 2.00 to $4.00 a month. Largest dealers In the west, 1812 Farnam St.. Omaha. U-667-16. E. Xj. LOVEJOY will repair your sewing machine and warrant it. Address 'An 6 Spruce St. U 619 ltix THE REGENT ladles toilet parlors and ladles' baths (also annex for gentlemen) Just opened; finest In west, at joo iUingu blilg. 'Phone ?79, U-4 16 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-729 FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164S. W 731 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937.N. Y. Life. 4 TO I P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton block. W 732 FIVE PER CENT loan. Oarvln Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-7J4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W 786 WANTED Real estate loan and war rant. R. C. Peter 4 Co.. Bee bldg. W 7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY ' - ..... .a - 1 Best expaiino our nnwuu. V loan on furniture, piano, warehouse receipts, eto. Or If you have a permanent "WrVSoan without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ssk Is that you give us a call h. nr. you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) 806 S. 16th St. X 737 1 ARGEST BUSINESS. IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etC;, without se-rliritv- easiest terms. 40 offices In prin cipal ClUes. Tolman. 440 Board of : Trad Bldg. 7W MONEY To salaried employe and wage earner: Get Jur system ot loans thai gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer., etc.. hav ng reliable emuioymeut can get. Just on his not. Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 1100-Return to us... $26.64 or $133 or $6fc 160-Retuin tc ue... 1$ 33 or .b6 or $ 84 i at Return to us... 6.WI or 8 or i.m I uS M u..:. 4.00 or Easiest terms, loweet rates, confidential. No inquiries. Quick service. Courteous THE STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. ' SALARIES. ETC. Low rate and eoy term. Business Confidential. Try us If you wsnt to save money. W PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 632 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sta CASH IN ANY AMOUNT-$10tn$iA) loaned or? furniture, pianos, etc.. and to people holding a ateady position, without secur Uy o? publicity, af the very lowest rut.s; paymtSts can'be made to an It your cou- Room 807-808 Paxlon Block. vonrY loaned on, plain not to salaried MopTZ business confidential; lowest .rate, hi Wxton block. The J. A. HuttonCo. r-vr iTTFT. salary and Jewelry loans. Folty Ctan Co. uc WD. Green, R. 8, Barker blc MONEY loaned on piano. ". i' elry, horses, cows. etc. C F. Reed. 3ifi iSV IS. ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. 74 ATTORNEYS. HERBERT 8. CRANE. $17 N.U Bldg. BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bel Tie Co.. 811 Northjfith. B RUMPEL BON, only tie factory In B.tfte Try us. 14th Nicholas Sts Tel. w ,j r a lo M - vv. BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS nd aluminum easting. P'J: "ing and finishing. SP'7 U"' C" N. Main St., Council bluffs. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. and Lake streets. DAKCNiQ ACADEMY. MORAND S, Crelghton hall; private lesson daily; wait and two-tep, V fj1 DETECTIVES. CAPT CORMACK. 617 Karbacb block. TL A-2832. DRESSMAKING, IN families. Mis Sturdy. 124 NJ